Family Tree Maker

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Family Tree Maker Biblical Genealogy [God_the_Father] Abba <Adam> Eve c: 5315 BC? All men descended from one womans DNA Homo Sapians 200,000 BC, East Africa-(Adam first soul?) Cain Abel Mark of Cain and "other people"? Seth Enos Enosh Cainan bar-Enos Kenan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech <Noah> c: 3000 BC All written history starts here Shem Ham Japheth Araphaxad <Canaan> Arpachshad Tower of Babel Cainan Luke only Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah(Chaldea) <Abraham> Sarah Hagar(Egypt) Keturah [6] [7] Abram Sarai Nahor Haran c: 1850 BC [7] [5] <Midian> Haran <Ishmael> d: Jethro Father of the Arab nations Lot Lot's_wife [1] [2] Iscah Sodom and Gomorrah - 2nd link suspect Lots_older_daughter Lots_younger_daughter [1] [2] <Moab> <Ammon> Lots_older_daughter Lots_younger_daughter [6] Milcah Nahor Bethuel(Aram) Isaac Rebekah Laban [5] Ishmael's_wife(Egypt) [3] Rachel [4] [4] Bilah Zilpah <Ishmael> Leah <Jacob> <Jacob> Rachel's maid Leah's maid Father of the Arab nations Israel Israel <Esau> Mahalath Joseph Asenath(Egypt) <Benjamin> <Dan> <Naphtali> <Gad> <Asher> Edom See note on wives names d: Jerimiah,Ester,Saul,St. Paul d: Samson d: Tobit d: Elijah? d: Anna [4] [3] <Manasseh> <Ephraim> <Jacob> Leah d: Gideon d: Joshua,Samuel,Jeroboam Israel <Reuben> <Simeon> Levi <Issachar> <Zebulun> d: Judith d: Moses & Aaron,Ezra <Judah> [8] Shua(Canaan) [8] [9] [10] d: Isaiah,Daniel,Judas? Tamar(Canaan) Tamar(Canaan) Er Onan Zerah [9] [10] Shelah Er Onan Perez c: 1630 BC Hezron 215-430 yrs here to Amminadab Ram Arni Aram Admin Luke only Amminadab Nahshon Salmon Rahab(Canaan) Sala c: 1230 BC Reed Sea Elimelech(Judah) Naomi Mahlon Orphah(Moab) Boaz [11] [11] Chillon Boaz to Jesse covers 366 years (lacuna?) Ruth(Moab) Ruth(Moab) Obed Jesse David(Judah) [15] [15] Uriah(Hittite) King Bathsheba Bathsheba c: 1000 BC Davids_son_who_died Shimea Nathan Shobab Lineage by Law Solomon Mattatha c: 970 BC Lineage by Nature Rehoboam Menna c: 930-913 BC Abijah Melea Abijam c: 913-911 BC Asaph Eliakim_bar-Melea Asa c: 911-870 BC Jehoshaphat Jonam c: 870-849 BC Joram Athaliah Joseph_bar-Jonam Jehoram Queen Mother 843-838 BC c: 849-843 BC Ahaziah Judah_bar-Joseph c: 843 BC Matthew omits Joash Simeon_bar-Judah c: 838-800 BC Matthew omits Amaziah Levi_bar-Simeon c: 800-785 BC Matthew omits Uzziah Matthat Azariah c: 785-742 BC Jotham Jorim c: 742-735 BC Ahaz Eliezer c: 735-716 BC Hezikiah Joshua c: 716-687 BC Mannasseh Er c: 687 BC Amos_bar-Mannasseh Elmadam Amon c: 642-640 BC Josiah Cosam c: 640-609 BC Jechoniah Addi c: 597 BC Shealtiel_bar-Jechoniah Melchi_bar-Addi see Second Difficulty (used option b-easier) Zerubbabel{Solomon} Neri 9 links here to Joseph cover 530 years (50 year generations, 2x normal) Abiud Shealtiel_bar-Neri see Second Difficulty (used option b-easier) Eliakim_bar-Abiud Zerubbabel{Nathan} Azor Rhesa Zadok Joanan Achim Joda Eliud Josech Eleazar Semein Matthan_bar-Eleazar [12] Mattathias_bar-Semein Esta Jacob_bar-Matthan [13] Maath Lineage by Nature Josephs_mother Clopas(David) [16] [16] Alpheus(Levi) Naggai Cleophas Mary_mother_of_brethren Mary_mother_of_brethren Alphaeus Mary's sister Mary's sister Not father of St. Matthew? Simon Jude James_the_Less Joseph_bar-Alpheus Elsi Zealot Brethren,Cananean,Apostle Thaddeus Brethren,Apostle,Epistle Apostle Brethren,Just,Epistle Joses Brethren,Disciple? Is this Joseph Barsabbas? [14] [18] Nahum Joseph_the_Carpenter Blessed_Virgin_Mary Foster-Father of the Lord Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth see First Difficulty see Third Difficulty Joachim(David?) Anne(Aaron?) Elizabath(Aaron) Zechariah Amos_bar-Nahum [Holy_Spirit] [18] John_the_Baptist Mattathias_bar-Amos Spirit of God, Paraclete Blessed_Virgin_Mary Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth see Third Difficulty [17] [17] Joseph_bar-Mattathias [Jesus_of_Nazareth] [Jesus_of_Nazareth] Son of God,of Man,of David,Christ/Messiah,Lord Son of God,of Man,of David,Christ/Messiah,Lord c: 2 BC-33 AD c: 2 BC-33 AD–p13–p13 Jannai Melchi_bar-Jannai Levi_bar-Melchi Matthats_mother Matthat_bar-Levi [12] Esta Heli [13] Lineage by Law Josephs_mother [14] Joseph_the_Carpenter Foster-Father of the Lord see First Difficulty [] - Person of Most Holy Trinity, YHWH, God <> - First of a race, family, tribe or nation () - Member of a tribe {} - Member of a family.
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