89ingear TECH & NET timesonline.co.uk/ingear 04.10.09 GORGEOUS GIZMOS FROM THE STABLE OF STAID

flash new media player ability to automatically update itself home of ’s “skunkworks” — a ergonomists and engineers have helped introducing to the internet E&D,” says Buchanan. “There’s a feeling Microsoft’s unexciting computer A range of cool selling out across America, over wi-fi with any new tracks you’ve shadowy research and development redesign the software of the 360 and creating the Xbox, Allard is at Microsoft that with him in charge, software range funds Allard’s team of high-tech phones being downloaded to your PC — something division far removed from the drones games console and finalise the design Microsoft’s answer to Jonathan Ive, they’ve turned the corner.” hip “experience designers”, but it isn’t hyped months before their no Apple product can do. working on the next version of Word. for the HD. Now they are Apple’s British-born superstar designer Allard still faces tough challenges. at all clear for how long it can afford to new gadgets is release and a jaw-dropping As stores were selling out of Zune Called Pioneer Studios, it has been preparing for Microsoft’s imminent responsible for the iMac, iPod and currently account for less than continue doing so, and that in itself A given the task of making Microsoft cool. assault on the mobile-phone market. iPhone. Allard’s division recently one in 50 of all music players sold. suggests we can expect to see some of tablet computer. HDs, news broke of some equally helping Microsoft We’re talking about Apple, right? glamorous Microsoft gizmos: a pair of Inside its exposed-brick warehouse Pioneer Studios is the brainchild of swallowed the unit Windows-based mobile phones are these hardware protypes sooner rather Wrong. Microsoft — usually regarded phones called Pure and Turtle, and walls, graphic J Allard, chief technology officer of whole and is still digesting Microsoft’s struggling and sales are than later. as one of the most boring technology Courier, a unique double-touchscreen artists, Microsoft’s entertainment and devices acquisition of , a handset maker. suffering with the advent of Sony’s new Only time will tell whether they are to shed its image companies on the planet — has tablet computer (see panel). “It’s like animators, (E&D) division. Credited with “Allard is considered the wizard of PlayStation 3. For the moment, enough to give Microsoft back its mojo. stunned technophiles in recent days Microsoft has just woken up,” says Matt with a string of gadgets that could not Buchanan of Gizmodo, the technology as a fuddy-duddy be further from its roots in the world of blog that unearthed the prototypes. workaday business software. Last week “They’ve obviously put a lot of effort THEMAGICOFMICROSOFT producer of saw the release of its latest Zune, the into the Zune, and it’s going to get Zune HD, a music and player that better still.” makes Apple’s latest versions of its iPod If true, and Microsoft declined to Zune HD software and take Classic and Nano look old-fashioned. comment last week, the reason for its If the Zune HD, which launched in the US The Zune HD, which could be new-found enthusiasm for cutting-edge last week, priced from $220 (£137), is Microsoft available in the UK next year, costs hardware is obvious: the slow decline of typical of the hardware that Microsoft mobiles? on the might of from $220 (£137) and is the first its core software business. Google has has in the pipeline, then 2010 is set to be Images were mainstream portable player to handle already muscled in on the company’s a vintage year for the company. The leaked last week Apple, writes HD video. Its wide 3.3in touchscreen, word-processing and presentation Zune’s powerful graphical processor of two new handsets Courier tablet computer which incorporates new, bright and territory with a range of free, online can handle high-definition video and — a fi rst for Microsoft. Further off is a dual-screen tablet computer, codenamed sharp OLED (organic light-emitting programs, and next year will launch send it via a cradle to an HD TV. Its Rumoured to be arriving next Courier. It’s like a folding laptop with two screens and no Mark Harris diode) technology, might not be Android OS, its challenger to Windows. own visuals are displayed on a class- year, the Pure and Turtle mobile phones will have a sliding keyboard, on which you write notes with a digital stylus but high-definition, but it outperforms any Perhaps that is why the team leading, widescreen OLED screen and qwerty keyboard and, with its social networking copy and drag-and-drop items by fi nger-swipe. Courier is Apple player. Add a special cradle for an responsible for Microsoft’s hardware touchscreen, and it also features the features, will be targeted at the always connected youth said to be at the late prototype stage, and might include extra $80 (£50) and it will stream HD resurgence is not to be found on its innovative wi-fi updating function that market. Expect access to Zune services such as mobile Microsoft’s new virtual keyboard software, which cleverly television shows and films stored on it sprawling suburban campus at debuted in the fi rst-generation Zune apps, music sharing and video streaming to come as detects where your fi ngers come to rest and repositions the onto a big-screen TV. The new Zune Redmond, Washington state, but in the launched in 2006. standard — but also slightly clunky styling. keyboard so that the home keys lie directly under them. also puts pressure on its rivals with its heart of downtown Seattle. This is the
