NEH Application Cover Sheet (CHA-261978) Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants PROJECT DIRECTOR Ms. Sandra Phoenix E-mail:
[email protected] Executive Director Phone: 404-978-2118 111 James P. Brawley Drive SW Fax: Atlanta, GA 30314-4207 USA Field of expertise: Library Science INSTITUTION HBCU Library Alliance Atlanta, GA 30314-4207 APPLICATION INFORMATION Title: Building Capacity for Humanities Special Collections at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Grant period: From 2018-10-01 to 2023-09-30 Project field(s): African American History Description of project: “Building Capacity for Humanities Special Collections at Historically Black Colleges and Universities” (“Building Capacity – HBCU”) is a five-year program designed to build capacity for the long-term preservation and conservation of collections at each of the 71 member libraries and to strengthen their staffs in collection stewardship and fundraising for collections care initiatives. Through this program, the HBCU Library Alliance will offer a menu of preservation planning documents, collection surveys, treatment and rehousing services, and educational programs to the member libraries. By helping them to move forward in achieving collection care goals, the HBCU Library Alliance will assist the libraries in building capacity for fundraising for special collection initiatives, documenting cultural heritage materials, increasing accessibility of special collection items, and promoting the humanities significance of their collections. BUDGET Fiscal Year #1 65,000.00 Total from NEH 365,000.00 Fiscal Year #2 75,000.00 Non-Federal 365,000.00 Fiscal Year #3 75,000.00 Total 730,000.00 Fiscal Year #4 150,000.00 Matching Ratio 1 to 1 GRANT ADMINISTRATOR Ms.