







"UJ.! Rutborilll: JOHN l<'ERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, :!lfELBOU~NE. No. 46. " "




Oost of l'reparatlon, abont 25£I·· . 0 d.0 Printing, (I,OliO copies) 120· i ll 0

£ --:-1~~ o ------~~------~--~


DEPARTMENT OF VICTORIAN RAILWAYS, Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868.



I have the honor to present t9 Your Excellency the Report of the Board of Land and Works upon the Department of Victorian Railways for 1867.

DEBENTURE CAPITAL. DEB!!NTIJ!lll CAJ.'ITAL. 2., The Debentures issued, taken' at par, amounted at 31st December, 1867, to £8,618,100, Return No. 3. being the total amount of the several loans authorised for the construction of Victorian Railways, aod the net premiums amounted at the same· date to £256,652 2s. 9d., making a total of £8,874,752 2s. 9d., the whole of which has been expended.

The net revenue for the year ending 31st December, 1867, is £284,960 14s. ·4a, or 3·31 perneturn No, s. cent. upon the Debenture Capital.

3. Since the lst July, 1864, when traffic was closed on the Essendon Railway, proposals for the sale of that line to the Government have at different times formed the subject of negociations with this. Depa.,rtment; and during· the. past year terms for the transfer of the line were so far agreed to, that the purchase was r,ecommended for the consideration of the Legislature. On the 23rd July, 1867, an. offer from the Directors. of the Essen don Railway Company to sell their line to the .Government for.£25,000 was.submitted on their. behalf. to the Legislative As8embly, who, on an adjourned debate, approved .of its being .considered in .Committee. On the 2nd August the House affirmed the expediency.of the.line being .purchased and opened for traffic, .the purchase-money being fi~ed at.a.sum not exceeding £22;500 •.. These resolutions were finally reported to and adopted by the Legislative Assembly on the Sth.. August.· ·

4. As the racecourse traffic

· 5. Repairs and additions'ind.ispensable to the safety and acCommodation of this traffic were thereupon cru:ried out by . the Department, the cost of vv:hich, amounting, 'at 31st December, to £10,970 4s., forms a portion of .the expenditure on capital account, and has been charged against l!.etumNo.4. the votes for the Rervice of the year. 4


Leaving an amount of ...£205,919 8 11 claimed by the petitioners, in regard. to which issue was joined at the trial.

, 8. The verdict of the jury, as corrected by the Supreme Court on certain legal points raised, and after deducting a sum of £1,000 awarded to the Governme~t for waste of plant by the con- 1,t., IS6G. tractors, amounted to £155,261 lls. lld., and this verdict carried with it the petitioners' costs, taxed ;cJlt,! ISGG. at £11,658 ]]s. 9d., making a total Of £166,920. 3S. 8d. j but ultimately, and after ail the necessary .. · documents had be~~ prepared for a~· appeal to the Privy Council, the contractorS agreed to accept rar.,1so7. £107,519 12s:; with interest from the date of agreement, in full of _their claims under this verdict, and to pay their own costs in the action.

liar., 1ss1. 9. The contractors further agreed to allow a set-off of £9,441 14s. against the sum of £27,000 held by the Government as the balance of retained percentages and cash deposit,· and to refer to arbitration a claim for 'an alleged overpayment to them on ballast of No: 1 section. The July, 1867. award of the arbitrators on the. question submitted to th_em was to the effect that there had been an overpayment of £9,654 Ss. on this section in April, 1859.

10. To sum' up these results, it may be stated that the amended cla).ms of the contractors at the trial and the subsequent. arbitrati9n amounted in the aggregate to £232,919 8s. lld., and of this sum th~ Government admitted that, apart from the question of fines for non-completion. within the contract time; deductions for overpayment on nietal on No. 1 section, and amounts due to it for engine-hire, £59,777 12s. ld. was due for works, and £27,000 for balance of retained percentages and cash deposit, making a total amount admitted of £86,777 12s. ·ld. The claims of the con­ tractors were settled in full by the payment of £>118,491 15s., which. includes sundry charges for · interest, arbitration expenses, and other items of minor importance. . mional Est!- 11. The unexpended· balance of the Loan being insufficient to liquidate this claim, a supple­ ,:1: ~~:7~: mentary vote of £35,000 was placed upon the Estimates of ] 867, "to be repaid out of a loan to be raised for railway works," and at 31st December this ,_ote had been drawn upon to the extent of £27,941 18s. in liquidation of this claim. · · dit!onn1 Esti- 12. Owing also to th!'l position of. the Loan, it has been necessary, during_ the past year, to :~i~~· ~:~ 78~~~ provide on the Estimates for that proportion of the cost of the engineering branch chargeable to 3 vision ' construction, as also for some additionai works at stations, and 'this expenditure during 1867 is , included in the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure on Capital Account.

13. No final settlement. has yet been arrived at with the contractors. for the and . Railway. --- 5

GENERAL REVENUE AcCOUNT. COUNT- 'H. The gross revenue for the past year is £552,031 18s. 4d., and the working expenses ne::;~:':'::'." amount to £267,071 4s., or 48·38 per cent. upon the gross receipts, leaving a net revenue of £284,960 14s .. 4d., or a decrease of £35,076 4s. 5d. compared with the net revenue of 1866, the details of which are thus shown :- Decrease of gross revenue from- .£ s. d. £ s. d. Passengers ... 10,306 18 7 Parcels 298 15 5 Horses, &c. 856 11 7 Rents 574 6 3 Gold escort 151411 Miscellaneous ... 94 15 J1 Goods ...... 27,345 4 6 £39,492 7 2 Less increase from live stock 1,886 17' 5 Total decrease of gross revenue 37,605 9 9 Deduct decrease of expenditure on- Locomotive charges 584 .15 9 Traffic charges .:. 5,876 16 4 General charges ... 50 8 0 £6,512- 0 1 Less increase of maintenance ------3,982 14 9 Total· decrease of expenditure 2,529 5 4

Decrease of net revenue £35,076 4 5

15. The following is a statement of the amount and percentage decrease of passenger and goods traffic in 1867, compared with 1866 :-

Percentage VteTORlAN RAILWAY84 Amount of Decrease. of ··- 1866. 1867 .• Decrease All Lines. l upon 1866.

Number of Passengers ...... 1,132,275 1,1 03,583i ' 30,6901 2•71

Tons cwt. qra. lbs. Tons ewt. qrs. lba. Tons ewt. qrs, lbs. Number of Tons ...... 399,559 li I 13 384,438 0 1 2 15,121 11 0 11 3"78

£ 8, d. £ I. a. £ .. d. Revenue from Passengers, &c. ... 248,721 11 5 236,574 s 9 12,147 2 s 4•88 ·- Hevenue from Goods ··.· ... 340,915 16 8 315,457 9 7 25,458 7 1 7 47

16. With a few ·exceptions, to be hereafter mentioned, a decrease of passenger revenue has taken p\ace at all stations; and there has also been a considerable decrease in the average mileage travelled per passenger, as is shown by the following summary:-

1 ALL LJNEa.· •· Each conveyed Making At an Average Number a.n Average Distance a Total Mileage Revenue per Mile Gross Revenue from Passenger of Passenge;s. ol- travelled of- of-· P ...aengers. Trall\c.

d. £ 11. d. 1866 ... 1,132,275 27"201 miles 30,799,857 1"698 217,913 10 3 IB67 . 1,101,583! 24•102 26,551,089 . 1"876 207,606 u 8 ... "

17. There has been no material alteration of the passenger rates during the past year, and the ncrease shown by this table in the revenue per mile travelled may therefore be .ascribed to the less 186 'requent occurrence of indirect reductio~ of fares, such as were referred to in my last Report. No.a.~ ReiJ<>rt, 18-U.. P· s. RlWENUE AC· 18. As regards the falling off· in the gross revenue from goods traffic, I deel!l it important to COUN'f­ .AJ:.L LINES. bringro•under Your Excellency's notice that the decrease· of 15,121 tons, shown in the following summary,· has arisen in the tonnage from , the average rate upon which is considerably higher than upon tonnage arriving at that station :i-

ALL L!NF.S. I Each 1\faklng At an - Number of Tons. conveyed an n Total Mileage AYerage Revenue Gross Revenue from Goods Traffic. Average Distance travelled - per l'rlile · Goods. ' of- of- of------Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. d. £ s. d. 1866 ...... 399,559 ll 1 13 51'142 20,434,493 4'004 3;10,915 16 8

~ 1867 ...... 384,438 0 1 ~ so·a24 19,346,606 3•913 315,457 9 ..

19. It should ·also be observed that, in the case of flour, grain, and bread~tuffs, the rates per mile are higher upon tonnage dispatched from ~elbourne than are charged upon the same class of goods arriving in Melbourne from up-country distr.icts. I • ' 20. 'Previous to 1866 produce of this cla;ss, with a variety of ill,lported goods, was forwarded from Melbourne ~y railway for the supply of the chief towns in the interior, but since 1866 much or this traffic has fallen off, and as goods of this class gave the greatest return, a larger decrease of revenue has resulted- than would have arisen from an equal decrease of tonnage in any other class of 'traffic.

This is shown in the following table :-:-



JII!Ies Revenue .. ~Revenue Tons. per Mileage. per Revenue. per Ton. Ton. lllilc. I ' i 1866. d. £ s, d. $, d •. Cast1emaipe, Sandhurst, Echuca, Gee- Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. long,ll.Ild Ballarat · ...... 57,301''" 9 1' 15 n·oo· 4,412,483 3'48 64,028 12 7 22 1'1!! Melbourne, via ~chum\ ll.Ild Ballarat .•• 113,695 18 l . 2 89'43" 10,168,278 4'86 ' . 206,082 15 ll 36 3•02 .All other stations-;.: ... - . ... ,. 228,562 3 2 24 25•61 5,853,732 2'90 70,804 8 2 6. 2•34 I Total ... ,...... 399,559 ll 1 13 51'14 . 20,434,493 4•00 340,915 16 8 I~-;;; ------1867. . . Cas~lemaine, Sandhuxst, Echuca, Gee- long, and Ballarat . ·' ...... 64,800 18 0 14 80•97 5,245,675 3'41 74,449 I ·3 22 11•73 Melbourne, .via E~huca and Ballara't ... 96,805 11 0 23 85•82 8,308,171 4'93 170,616 ll 4 35 2'99 - All other stations ...... 222,831 10 3 2.1 26'00 5,792,760 2•92 70,391 17 0 6 1'82 ------To'tar ...... 384,438 0 1 2 50'32 19,346;606 3'91 315,457 9 7 16 4'93


1866, I .. Tomf cwt. qrs. itis. " d. £ s . d. s. d. Castlemaine, Sandhurst, Echuca, Gee- i )ong, and Ballarat ... •.. 147,903 12 0 4 77'01 11,391,117 4'73 224,664 10 3 30 4'56 Melbourne; 'via Echuca and ·Ballarat ; :. 86,264" 18-·o·· t4 "72•76. 6,276,841 1'78 46,591'18 6 10 9'62 16•73 2,766,5~5 6'04 '69,659 7 11 8 5·08 .All other stations ... 165,391 1 1 •, 5 ...... I

, .-399,559.11 ' } .. 13 . 51:14 20,434,493 . - 4'00 340,915 ]6. 8 17 o·77 Total ...... ''" ... ' --- 1867. . -. ~ l Castlemaine, Sandhuxst, Echuca, Ge.e- long, anil Ballarat ...... 134,818 3 0 24. 71•5!! 9,642,557 4•82 193,602 15 6 28 8•65 Melbourne,,via Echuca and Ballarat ... 97,177 3 2 25 72•97 7,090,840 1'97 ey8,189 0 5 11 11'71

All other stations ·•• ;•, ;' •. , •...... : ... (" ..... l d.5lM42,.13• I• ,9. -17;1.4• ··.·2,6.13,209. .. ·5·84'. 63,665 _.13, '8. 8 4'23 .. 384,438 0 1 50'32 19,346,606 3•91 315,457 9 7 16 4'93 Total ~ .. " ...... (' ' ~I . 7

21. Except during the wool season, a very large proportion of the through· traffic between Melbourne, Ballarat, and Echuca, is in one direction-that is, from Melbourne. · The proportion. of tonnage to Melbourne at the up-country terminal stations is still comparatively small; but it has improved during the last three years, as is shown by the following summary:-


Tonnage from-

Castlemaine, Sandhurst, Echuca, I Geelong, o.nd Ballo.rat. Melbourne. All. other Stations. TotaL

Per Tons. Per Tons. Per Tons. Tons. Per Cent. Cent. Cent. Cent. ---I_,...... ,_ ------Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs.

1863 .•• 36,038 14 2 27 18· 82,150 11 2 18 42· 80,516 13 2 11 40• 198,706 0 0 0 lOO·

18ti4.:. 42,611 3 1 9 17• 103,013 12 0 27 42' 100,405 18 0 11 41• 246,030 13 2 19 lOO·

1865 ••• 49,857 19 2 18 IS• 106,816 5 I 10 40• 113,429 12 I 13 42' 270;103 17 I 13 lOO•

1866 ... 57,301 9 I 15 20· 112,299 19 2 14 -40' 113,695 IS 1 2 40• 288,297 1 1 3 lOO·

1867 ... 64,800 18 0 14 23· lll7,051 4 0 6 42' 96,805 11 0 23 35• 278,657 13 1 15 lOO• ' .

22. With a view to extending t)le traffic from districts in and the Upper Murray, the attention of the Departmtmt is being directed to a modification of the rates upon certain classes of goods. ·

23. Although the .train mileage has been reduced by 72,641 train miles, the decrease in the expenses has not been proportionate, owing to the increased cost of stores and repairs, as explained in the Engineer-in-Chief's 'report. Under the head of Locomotive charges there is a decrease of J?584 15s. 9d., but the cost of repairs to carriages and waggons, shown under the head of Traffic Return No. s. Charges, is increased, so that upon the .total of the Locomotive expenses the~e is ~ decrease of £291 12s. 1ld., as compared with the previous year. Return No, 13.

24. The decrease of .£5,876 16s. 4d. in the traffic charges includes a reduction of £3,754 in the total expenses at stations. These bear the same proportion to the total station receipt~ as in 1866, namely, 12 per cent. Nearly all the stations show a decrease of expenses, with the important Return No.1s. exception of ~Ielbourne, ,where the economical management of the goods traffic is greatly hindered 1866 Report, p. 4, l:..y the want of the necessary accommodation to which I referred in my last Report. Nos.!H2.

25. The condition of the permanent. way and rolling stock is satisfactory, and the whole of the expenditure necessary to maintain them has been charged against the revenue account for the past year. The report of the Engineer-in-Chief upon these works is given in the Appendix. Return No. 1.

26. The expediency of .forming a depreciation fund for the renewal of the rolling stock and 1866 Report, p. s, · b' h 1' ad · 1 Re h b d . . Nos.31and32. permanent way, to w lC re1erence was m e m my ast port, as een un er cons1deration during t~e past year, and the views of the Engineer-in-Chief upon this qu~stion are stated ih the Appendix. ueturn No. 21.

27. A perusal of this officer's report, and a car!3ful consideration of the subject; lead me to the ~on cl usion that the safer course is to establish such a fund ; . but I need scarcely add, that the sanction )f the Legislature will be required to give effect to any steps that may be taken to·tbis end.


. 28. The gross revenue of the Murray Line for 1867 is £306,563 2s. 6d.~ ·or a decrease efReturnNo. 9• ?32,218 12s. 2d., as compared with the previous year. The working expenses, which amounted in 866 to £143,644 4s. lld., are reduced to £139,828 14s. 7d;, being 45·61 per cent; upon the gross 8

:REVJWCE Ac· receipts. In 1866 the proportion was 42·38 per 'cent. The net revenue is £166,73~ 7s. lid., or a COUNT- . I xuruuY Loo;.· decrease of £28,403 Is: lOd. as compared with 1866; the details of which are as follow:- Decrease of gross revenue from- £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Passengers .... 9,044 10 11 Parcels 418 16 10

Horses, &c. , .. ~ ... 405· 9 6 Mails 501 ·o 0

Rents ••• ! 488 3 4 Gold escort 7 ·7 5 Miscellaneous 47 8 0

Goods ' ... 24,142 10 0 ---- £35,055 6 0 Less increase from live stock' 2,836 13 10 ------Total decrease of gross revenue 32,218 12 2 Deduct decrease of expenses on­ Locomotive charges 1,910 17 2 Traffic charges 2,76618 6 General charges 317 17 6 ------£4,995 13 2 Less increase on maintenance ],180 . 2 10 ---- Total decrease of working expenses ... 3,815 10 4 ------Decrease of net reve~ue £:l8,403 J. 10 ----. 29. The decrease in the number of pass(mgers is 31 ,189~, being equal to J 0 per cent. upon the number carried in 1866, and the decrease has been greater with passengers for a through than for a short distance, as appears by the following summary, in which each passenger of the total number carried is shown to have travelled on an average about 4k miles less distance in 1867 than in the previous year:-

. 1. I I :XUR!!AY LIN!l. Number Each conveyed ~faking At an an Average ·Distance a Total :\lilcnge I A verngc ttevcnue Gross H.evcnue from - of ra.sscngers: rassengers. Passenger Traffic. o1'"""7 travelletl of- I JlCr Mile of- ·---·· I I d. £ s .• d. 1866 309,7i0 44•43 13,764,397 I 1•875 107,571 17 7 ...... I 1867 ...... ; ... 278,580 40"10 11,172,358 2•117 I 937527 6 8 : I neturn No. la. 30. The only station showing !1 material inc~ease of passenger traffic is Harcourt, ~here th, revenue is nearly doubled. Footscray, Lancefield, Elphinstone, and Rochester !).lso show a sligh increase, but at all the other stations there is a reduced revenue, the largest decrease being a Sandhurst, Melbourne, and Castlemaine. ·

31. For some years past it had been the practice during the ·summer season to issue retur excursion tickets at single fares, av~ilable from the Saturday to the Monday. On the 1st Novembe 1867, an addition ~f 10 per cent. was made to this rate, in order to deter persons from taking excursio tickets ~bo desired to make use of them only for the single journey, and who disposed of them 1: sale or gift to persons who used them on .the r!'Jturn journey, by which the Department was defraude, This additio!l to the price has been attended with ,satisfactory results: ·

32. Owing to this alteration, and to the less frequent occurrence of indirect reductions qHan the revenue per mile travelled on this line has been increased from 1 '875d. i'Q. 1866, to 2·11.7d. 1867, a diffe~ence of 0·242d., or nearly one farthing per mile. Computed on the aggregate milea of passengers in 1867, this difference .would rep~esent a revenue of £11,300 in round numbers.

·, 33: There il.re ~o''means: of estimating lio\v far' the mileage-ra~ for passengers- on the. M~~ay REVENUE A.c­ COGNT-- line in 1866 would, if continued in 1867, 'have" i~cleasecf-'the rev~nue by increasing' the m~mber of M Uilli.!.Y LINE. passengers; but as a 'falling off in the revenue hail not adsen solely in connexion. with the passenger traffi~, but has been felt to a still greater extent in the goods traffic, ~nd as ~ similar falling off of revenue has been experienced on the lines of the Melbourne and Hobson's Bay "United Railway Company, there does not appear to be any good ground for believing that the lower rate charged in 1866" would h~ve increased the number of passengers to such aii extent as to comp~n~te for the reduced revenue ~er passenger.

1 ·34. The decrease of £21",B05 16s. 2d. in the goods revenue is ca~sed by a falling off in the aggregate tonnage of 10,539. tons. The mileage of .the· goods traffic is here given:-·

1\fURBA'f LlNE. Eac~1 conveyed Making i .At an· 'j. an Average Distance a Total.Milcage Gross Revenue from - Number o! Tons. .A:verage Revenue Goods. Goods Tr~t!lc. of- travelled of- per llltle of- .. ' . ' .. - Tons cwt.

35. The revenue per mile travelled, which in 1866. was 3·817d.,. is reduced to 3·653d. in 1867, being a difference of 0·1 64d.,.caused solely by the greq,t. decrease of ton~age from Melbourne to the country districts. This is. shown in the following summary :-


MUIUUY LrnE. 1\liles Revenue Revenue Tons. Revenue. Goods Traffic, per Ton. · Mil~age. ;>er Mile. :per Ton. t ~.

...... : 1{!66 •... : .· .. , .... . : •Tons .. -·cWt. qrs. Jbs; d;·. £ &. d. s. d.

Castlemaine, SaJ:!dhurst, and Echuca. l4 2 20 104"25 '2,~80,504 3'26 32,400 18 1 < 28 4'57 Melbourne · ·;;·; ••• .• : ·... 73;640 ·4 3 27 . · 91'36 . 6,7-28;0 15 4'99· 1'39,844 4. 9 37 11·76 A11 ot~er stations ··; .. .., _ : ~5,863 , 9 . f5,! , 44 ·86 '.--.4,301,0~7-,, '2'29 ;,41,015 2 4 8 6"68

5 8 I 22 2·11 -.-.'.. T<;~tal ,,. .L ;-·:~ • ~.92,336 .. 9. 1. 6 69·.72 J 3,4p9,536_ ,. 3'817 .. .. 1867 . . .. ::. .. . 1: ·' f·· Castlema1ne, Sii.ndhll:~st, and,Ech~ca 28,674 • 18 l 17 ,110'68 3,173,864. 3"18 41,095 17 1 28. 7•96 Melbourne· '· ·,.. ,, ... .. :•• l.-57,243 18 2 5 89'52 5,124,562 . 5"07· 108,243 16 7 37 '9·82 .All other stations ... • 95,87~ .9 0 21' 44'97 ~,311,356 2'37. i 42,614 15 10 8 I 0'67 . :. . " Total ... 181,797 5 . 3 24 69'36 12,609,782 21 1•41

T.O THE UNDERMENTION.ED STATIONS• .. 1866. \'; Tons · ;· cwt. qrs. lbs .. .. d.' .. £''' s:· d. 1! • d. Castlemaine, Sandhurst, and Echuca 78,440. 2 0 4 82"98 6,508,956 4'88 132,304 19 5 33 8•81 Melbourne ...... ' 72,958 13 2 17• 62•)!6 4,542,570 2'04 .. 38,724 19 1 10 7·38 .All other stations ...... • 40,937 13 2 13 57'60 2,358,010 4'30 42,2:30. 7• 2 20 i·5s .. 1-~~- T~tal ...... 192,336 9 I 6 69'72 13,409,536 3'817 2.13,2_60 5 8 22 2•11

1867. ~ "_. ... Castlemaine, Sandhurst, and Echuca 5i-6~o 6 2 19. 85'21 .. 4,911,532 5'06 i03,541 16 6 35 11·12 Melbourne ...... ·: ss;3~0.' 10 ·a 17 64,-26 5,483,1,39 2"17 49,558 2·' 1 11 7"40 .All other stations .. ... 38,83!J 8 1 16 57-04 2,215, Ill 4'21 38,8.';4 10 11 20 0•11 .. • c " ··-- Total-;;:· ... 181,797 5 3 24 69"36 12,609,782 3"653 )91,?54 9 6 21 1'41 . . '- .

36. The flnct1:1ations .of the revenue per top per mjle carried,. as also of the mileage per ton, are very great at the several stations ?oth on the :Nlurray and Ballarat lines, and as these particulars are of COnsiderable interest in relation itQ ·~the nature and direction Of the traffic at each station a Returns Nos. 28 · · · · ' and29. complete return for either line is' given m· the .Appendix.... \. .f'' ..' " •' ·..... _ -W·ILLiilfSTOWN LINE.

37. The rec~ipts from the traffi~ .?n the Essend~~ line, opened for five days during the races;Retum No. 10. and amounting. to £1,569 ·l4s., are included, for convenience of account, in the revenue account of' tlie Williattisio\vn line, as are also the" working e:ipe.iises,·. which are estimated at £50 per diem ' or !;o. 4C, a. t 10

REvENUE Ao­ £250 for the five days; leaving a net revenue on the racecourse .traffic of £1,319 14s. The number cour-~T-· WtLLlAMSTOWN LINE. of passengers.and reJ;eipts for each day .a:re here giyen.:~ . ~IJ,l.S~ CLASS. '

Single. I Return. Single nnd Return. )':ll.•ENDON LINE, ! ' " Racecourse Traffic. No. Revenue. .No. Rcv.enue~ No. Revenue.

- 1867. £ s. d. £ s. .d. £ s. d. 31 st October ...... 120 15 0 0 3,676 275 14 0 3,7-96 290 14 0 1st November ...... 930 69 15 0 930 69 15 0 2nd· No:v,muber ...... 2,224 166 16 0 2,224 166 16 0 30th November ...... 3,488 . 250 9 6 3,488 250 9 6 26th December ...... 129 9 13 6 1,404 105 6 0 ·1,533 114'19 .(; Total ...... , 249 24 13 6 ll,722 868 0 6 11,971 892 14 0 \ I

SECOND CLASS. J 1867. £ s. d. £ s. d. . . £ s. d. .31st October ...... 260 19 10 0 4,710 235 10 0 4,970 255 0 0 1st November ...... ·. ... ' 1,292 64 12 0 1,292 64 12 0 2nd Nov\!mber ...... 2,508 125 8 0 2,508 125 8 0 30th ·November - ...... 3,3~8 168 8 0 3,368 168 8 .0 · 26th December ...... 14 0 14 0 2,516 62 18 0 2,530. 63 12 0 Total ...... ;74, 20, 4 0 14,394 656 16 0 14,668 677 0 (i


1867. :£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 31st Oct<> bcr ...... 380 34 10 0 8,386 5ll 4 0 8,766 545 14 0 ·1st November ...... 2,222 134 7 0 2,222 134 7 0 2nd November ...... 4,732 292 4 0 4,732 292 4 0 ;30th November ...... 6,856 418 17 6 6,856 418 17 6 26th December ...... 143. Hf 7 6 ' 3,920 168 4 0 4,063 178 11 6 Total ...... 523 44 17 6 26,116 1,524 16 6 26,639 1,569 14 0

~8. Inclusive of these receipts, the gross revenue of the WilliamstO'I:;n line for the past year is £37,569 ls. 1 li:l., or an inarease of £949 9s. IOd. upon the revenue of 1866. The working expenses.; w?ich amounted in 1866 to £36,471 5s. 7d., are reduced in 1867 to £36,333 7s. 1d., or 96·71 per cent. upon the gross receipts. The net revenue for 1867 is 'therefore £1,235 l 4s. or an increase of ~Od., ' £] ,087 Ss. 4d. upon the net revenue of .the previous year, of which the details are here·given .; but it must be borne in mind that this inorease arises solely from the Essendon traffic, and tha.t apart from this the net revenue of the Williamstown line fo;r 1867, as compared with 1866, would show a falling off of £83 19s. 2d. ::.__ · Increase of gross revenue from­ R 8. d. £' 8. 'd. £ 8.. d. Passengers 2,194 5 10' Parcels 26 3 2 Horses, &e. \ 0 6 8 '\ Rents 0 $ 4 Live Stock 9 0 0 2,230. 4 0 . Less decrease from­ Miscellaneous 15 16 0 ·Goods 1,:!64 18 2 \ 1,280 l4 2

Total increase of gross revenue 949 9 10 Add decrease of expenses Jn- · Traffic charges ···.· 1,624 2 9 Less increase on- Maintenance.... 295 11 0 Locomotive charges 1,120 I 5. General 70 11 10 ' --·.----;:-: 1,486 4 8

Total decrease of expenses 137'18 6 Increase,of net revenu,e &1,087 8 4- ' t --- &-- 11

39. There is an increase of £635 14s. in the passenger revenue of the Williamstown line REVENUE A COUNT- ·proper, corresponding ·to 'an· increase of 2,125 passengers. The· average revenue per passenger to the· WILL~~~, ,racecourse ·being ls.'2·12d., as compared·with 6·65d. 'for a greater distance on the Williamstown line, ,there is an inc:ease of 0·087d. in the average receipt ·per mile travelled, as shown in the following statement:-

WtLLUMSTOWN Lt!!E. Number I Ench conveyed Making At an Gross Revenue from - nn A vernge Distance a Total .ll!ileage •. Average Revenue Passenger Trul!lc. of Passengers. of- travelled of- per llfile of- Passengers.

d. £ B. d. 1866 ...... 570,478 6·75 miles 3,851,618 0•854 13,707 0 4 1867 ••• ... 599,241l 6•76 4,054,698 0'941 15,901 6 2 "

40. The decrease of £1,260 14s. in the goods. revenue is due to a falling off in the tonnage of 10,4182 tons, which is chiefly in the stone traffic from Footscray, to which I referred in my last report. ISG6Report,p. No.45. The mileage of the goods traffic is here given :-

Ench :Making At an WILLUMSTOWN LINE. conveyed an Oross Revenue from - Nnmber of Tons. Avemge Distance a Totn!:Mileage Average Revenue Goods. Goods Trnmc. of- travelled of- per Mile of- . Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. d. £ s. d. 8'46. miles 983,271 5,'482 22,459 17 1866 ...... 116,262 4 0 10 •. 6 1867 ...... 105,780 6 3 15 8·88 939,598 5'416 21,203 19 4' " ..

41. The decrease in the revenue per mile travelled has taken place chiefly in the tonnage from the pier to Melbourne, as is shown by the following statement :-


WILLlAMSTOWN LINE. - Tons. I Miles Mileage. Revenue Revenue. Revenue Goods Trallle. I pe_r Mile. . .. per Ton. ~~. ~ ---- ! 1866. Tons cwt. qrs. !bs. s. d. £ s. ,d. s. d. Melbourne ... .. - ...... l'l ... 11,797. 14 ·3 24 . 9'23 . 109,007 0·· 3'264 1,482 '8 7 2 6'15 North Melbourne ...... 2'10 0 0 8:00 20 4 o·ooo 4 0 0 32 o·oo Footscra.y ...... - ... 16,242 17 3 11 4'54 73,798 0. 5'785 1,778 Hi 8 2 2•28 Geelong' Junction ...... 783 8 1 8. 6'50 5,089 0 8•518 180 12 5 4 7•33 The Pier ...... 87,435 12 3 23 9'10 795,357 0 5•737 19,013 19 10 4 4'19 --- Total ...... 116,262 4 0 !'0 8'46 .983,271 0 5'482 22,459 17 6 3 10'36 .. " --- 1867. Melbourne ...... 15,371 7 1 7 9:12 140,218 . 0 3"982 2,326 6 6 3 0•32 North Melbourne ...... 25 0 0 0 8·oo 200 1 o·ooo 10 0 0 8 o·oo Footscray ...... 5,50t 6 3 24 3•94 21,678 0 6'468 584 4 7 2 1'47 Geelong Junction ...... 404 1 2 15 5•92 2,392 0 3•277 32 13 2 1 7•33 The Pier ...... 84,475 10 3 25 9'17 775,110 _o~~~~~~ Total ...... 105,780 6 3 15 8·88 939,598 0 ~·.4161 21,203 19 4 4 0'11 l., ' .. .. ,


1866. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. s. d. £ s. d. s. d. Melbourne ...... ' 95,701 13 1 17·· 8'70 832,820 0 5•75 19,950 14 8 4 2•03 North Melbourne ...... Footscray ...... 42 18 0 0 2'66 114 1 6•16 8 12 6 4 0•25 Geelong Junction ...... :44 19 2 7 6'59 296 0 5•84 7 '4 1 3 2•47 The Pier ...... 20,472 13 0 14 7'32 150,041 0 3·9!i 2,493 6 3 2 5•22 ------Total ...... 116,262 4 0 10 8•46 983,271 0 5'482 22,459 17 6 3 10•36 ·------1867. ------Melbourne ...... 88,939 8 1 26 8•94 794!997 0 5"64 18,685 18 10 4 2··i2 North Melbourne ...... Footscray ...... 64 9 1 0 5"26 339 0 4'72 6 13 4 2 0'82 Geelong Junction ...... 252 1 0 7 o·9o 228 1 5·23 16 7 4 1 3•58 The .Pier · ...... 16,524 8 0 10 8•71 144,034 0 4'16 2,494 19 10 3 0'24

Total ...... 105,780 .6 3 15 s·ss· 939,5;;;-1 0 5'4161 21,203 19 41-4-~ .12

REVENUE AC• BALLA.RA.T LINE. <:OU'to!"T­ . . lLLARAT Lnil: • 'turnNo. 11. 42;;The gross· revenue of the Ballaiat line for 1867 is £207,899 13s. lld., or a decrease_ of £6,336 7s. 5d. as compared with that of 1866. .The working expenses amount. to £90,909 2s. 4d., being 43·72 per cent; upon the gross receipts; and the net revenue is 'therefore £116,990 lls. 7d., or a decrease of £7,760 l Os. lid: on that of l ?566, the details of whic~ are thus shown :-

Decreas~ of revenue ·from­ £ 8. d. £. 8. d. Passengers 3,456 13 6 Horses, &c. '451, 8 9 Rents 86 11 8 Gold escort .••• .... 8 7 6 M.iscellaneous 31 11 ]] Goods 1,937 16 4 Live stock 958 16 5

6,931 5 \ 8 Less increase on­ £ 8. d. Parcels 98 18 3 Mails 501 0 0 594 18 8

Total decrease of gross revenue 6,386 7 5 Add increase of· expenses on- ' .Maintenance 2,507 0 11 Locomotive power •.. 206 0 0 General charges 196 17 8 2,909 't8 7 Less decrease of expenses on traffic charges --1,485 15 1 _Total increase of expenses 1,424 8 6 Decrease of net revenue __,..._£7,760 ____ 10 11 43. The decrease in the number of passengers is 28,265i, or llt per cent. upon the number carried in 1866. The revenue per mile travelled has increased from I·759d. in 1866 to I·975d. -in 1867, being a difference of 0·2I6d., or nearly one farthi~g p~r mile, as shown in the following :summary, and this increase has arisen from the less frequent occurrence of indirect reductions of fares, as explained in ··dealing with the revenue account of. the Murray line. :-:- o

BALLARAT LrYE •. l\[aking At an , Number I, Each conveyed Gross Revenue from an Average Distance a. To !:a l l\1 ilengc - of _Passengers. Average Revenue ra.ascngcr Traffic. I of- travelled of- per Mile of- Passengers.

---~-~- d. £ s. d. 1866 ...... 252,027 52'31 miles 13,183,842 1"759 96,634 12 4 •1867 ...... 223,761! 50'61 " 11,324,033 1"975 ?3;177 18 10

4-:1<. The falling off 'in the number of passengers and of .the revenue per mile travelled is nearly the same on the Ballarat as on the Murra'y line. ·The average length of each journey in 1867 on the Murray ~ine was shown to -be nearly 4! miles less than in 1866. On the Ballarat line the decrease in the average. length of each journey is about I! miles. The through traffic has therefore-been better maintained on the Ballarat th~n on the Murray line.

45. The· decrease of £2,896 12s. 9d. in _the revenue from_ goods traffic, accompanied by an increase in the tonnage of 5;899 tons, is caused by a decrease of 6-k miles in the mileage that each ton was cari:ied, as here sho~n :- ' I BALLAUAT LINE. Edch conveyed l\faking At·an Average I Yumber of Tons. an Average Dlstnnce a Total :IIilenge Uevenue per· dross Revenue - from Goods. Goods Tramc. of- travelled of- ~llleof-

Tons cwt. qrs, lbs. d. ,£ s. d. 1866 ...-' ...... 90,960 17 3 25 66'42 miles 6,041,686 4'179 105,195 13 6 d867 ...... 96,860 7 1 '19 ' 59•85 5,797,226 4•235 ' 102,299 0 9 " . 13

46. Thiw large decrease arises almost entirely at the Melbourne station, and is caused by a nEvENus A• COUNT- greater. proportion of the total tonnage being carried for intermediate distances. In 1867 much of B.u.unn Lll the ton.nage from this station consisted of pipes for the works of the Geelong water supply, and but for this additional traffic the decrease in the tonnage from Melbourne, as shown in the following summa,ry, would have been greater :-


BALLARAT LINE. Tons. llflles Revenue Revenue.· Revenue per Ton. I l!ileage. per MUe. per Ton. Goods Trafllc. -·------~--·~·~·-~·------:--+~---'------1--- 1 1866. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. I d. I £ s. d. a, d. G eelong and Ballara.t ...... 34,468 14 2 231 58'95 2,031,979 3•73 31,627 14 0 18 4'22 Melbourne .•...... 40,055 13 1 3 85•88 3,440,263 4'62 66,238 11 2 33' 0'87 A ll other stations ...... 16,436 9 3 27 34'64 569,444 3'08 7,329 8 4 8 11'02 Total ...... 90,960 17 3 25 r 66•42.1. 6,041,686 -.;rn---;-;;,~-6 -;--1-;; I 1867. Geelong and Ba.lhirat ...... 36,125 19 2 25·1' 5_7'34. 2,071~ 3•86 33,353 4 2 18 . 5•58 'M elbourne ...... 39,561 12' 2 18 I 80'47 3,183,609 I 4'70 62,372 14 9 31 6'38 All other stations ...... 21,172 15 o 4 I . 25·59 541,806 2'91 6,573 1 10 6 2"50 Tota.l ...... 96,860 7 1 191 59·85 5,797,226 j-.;235 ~299 "'09 7m . INWARDS.

1866. Tons cwt. qrs. lbs: d. £ 8, d. s. d. Geelong and Ballara.t ...... 69,463 10 0 0 70•28 4,882,161 4•54 92,359 10 10 26 7•10 Melbourne ...... 13,306 4 1 15 67'75 901,451 2'09 7,866 19 5 ll 9"89 All other stations ...... 8,191 3 2 10 81"51 258,074 4'62 4,969 3 3 12 1'59 Total ...... 90,960 17 8 25 66'42 6,041,686 4"179 105,195 13 6 23 1'56 1867. Geelong and Ballarat ...... 77,177 16 2 5 61•30 4,731,025 4•56 90,060 19 0 23 4'06 Melbourne ...... 11,856 '12 3 8 68'55 812,704 2•55 8,630 18 4 14 6"70 All other stations ...... 7,825 IS 0 6 : 32•39 253,497 3"41 3,607 3 5 9 2"62 T~tal ...... 9'6,860 7 1 19 59"85 5,79i,226 4•2(!5 102,299 0 9 21 1'47 'I

TABULAR STATE• TABULAR STATEMENTS OF YEARLY TRAFFic.-PASSENGERS. !fENTS­ PA.SSENGERS. 47. There is a decrease· in the number both of first and second class passengers carried, but ueturn No.lts. the proportion of first to second class passengers has undergone no material change.

48. The percentage of receipts from first class passengers is ;educed, owing to the g'l,'eater use Return No.l7. of return tickets by second class passengers. It is further shown that the decrease of numbers Return No. 1s. carried has been entirely in passengers by single tickets.


49. These returns present no features calling for special notice other than has been given in r.etums Nos. 21 22 dealing with the revenue account of each line. There is an increase of £3,073 14s. 6d. from wool !llld • carried in 1867, representing an increase of 16,843 bales in that year as·compared with 1866. IMurnNo. 26·

MISCELLANEOUS. !iiSCELX.ANEOUS.. 50. The few· casualties during 'the past year have occurred to servants of the .department while engaged in the performance of their duties. The usual return is given in the Appendix. Return No. 25.

I have the honor to be; Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, GEO. B. KERFERD, Acting. Commissioner of Railways, and Vice-President of the Board of Land and Works. .- APPENDIX.


APPENDIX to the Annual Report of the Board of Land and Works on the Department of Victorian Railways fo~ 1867.

1. Report of the Engineer-in-Chief upon works of construction, and upon the maintenance and repair of permanent way and rolling stock. 2. Statement showing the contracts in progress at 31st December,' 1866, for stations, rolling stock, and other works, also the contracts entered into·during 1867. 3. Statement of the funds authorised to be obtained on loan for the construction of Victorian Railways, and of the expenditure charged against the same, to 31st December, 1867. ~. Statement of the receipts and expenditure on capital account at 31st December, 1867, with Appendices A, B, C, .and.D. . 5. Statement of the receipts and expenditure on account of the consolidated revenue a:t 31st December, 1867. 6. Summary of general balance sheet at 31st December, 1867. 7. Statement showing the debenture capital raised for the construction of Victorian Railways, also the debenture capital raised per mile open, together with the revenue from passengers and from goods per mile per annum for the years 1863 to 1867. 8. Statement of revenue and expenditure on Victorian Railways for the year ending 31st December, 1867, with Appendix. 9. Statement of revenue and expenditure on Murray Line, for the year ending 31st December, 1867, with Appendix. 10. Ditto ditto Williamstown Line ditto , ditto. 11. Ditto ditto Ballarat Line ditto ditto. 12. Return ofrolling stock on the Victorian Railways at 31st December, 1867, and of the rolling stock then ordered and in course of construction. · 13. Detail oflocomotive charges per train mile for 1867. 14. Traffic revenue at each station for 1867. 15. Comparative statement of revenue and expenses at each station for 1866 and 1867. 16. Number and percentage proportion of first and second class passengers respectively, also the average number of each class of passengers conveyed per mile per annum, for the years 1863 to 1867. '17. Amount and percentage proportion of receipts from first and second class passengers, also the average receipts , per mile per annum from each class of passengers, for the years 1863 to 1867. 18. Number and percentage proportion of passengers by ~ingle and return tickets for the years 1863 to 1867. 19. Average receipts per passenger of each class for the years 1863 to 1867. 20. Average receipts per mile travelled per passenger of each class for the years 1863 to 1867. 21. Actual tonnage and goods revenue, also tonnage and revenue per mile per annum, for the years 1863 to 1867. 22 .. Average receipts per mile carried per ton for the y'ears 1864 to 1867. 23. Monthly statement of revenue for 1867. 24. Summary of revenue at stations from 1864 to 1867. 25. Return of casualJ.ies for the year 1867 •. 26. Return, of wool consigned to Melbourne, the Williamstown Pier, and Geelong, during 1866 and 18'67. 27. Rep.ort of the Engineer upon the establishment of !!- depreciation fund. 28. Murray Line-Mileage of the goods traffic at stations for 1866-1867. 29. llallarat Line-Ditto ditto ditto. 0 17

No. 1.

Engineer-in-Chiefs Office, Railway Department, Melbourne, 30th May, 1868.

SIR, I have the honor to report that the way and works of the Victorian Railways, and also the engines and rolling stock, were maintained in efficient condition during the year 1867. There was an increase in the charge for the maintenance of way and works of the whole of the lines in 1867, as compared with 1866, of £3,982 Hs. 9d. The increased charge arose from the increased quantity of "stort:s" consumed, under which head sleepers are included. The value of the stores consumed in 1867, as compared with 1866, shows an increase of £5,661 4s. lld. In 1866the number of sleepers used in renewals was fifteen thousand five hundred and fifty, and in 1867 the number used was thirty-four thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine. In the item for labor employed in maintaining the way and works there was a saving in 1867, I as compared with 1866, of £1,678 10s. 2d. The new sleepers are very superior in every respect to those which they are used to replace, being either of red or blue gum timb~r, and sawn square to given dimensions, so that both an equal bearing is insured for the rails and sa]lwood is got rid of. In the locomotive branch the item "working expenses" shows a decrease in 1867, as netum No. 1:1.. compared with 1866, of £291 12s. 11d. ; but as the number of train miles run in 1867 was seventy-two thousand six hundred and forty-one, less than in 1866, the decrease ought to have been greater . if the expense per train mile had remained the same. The working expenses were, in fact, increased from Is. 11·7d. per train mile in 1866 to 2s. 1·2d. in 1867, and the increased cost arose mainly in repairs of engines and rolling stock-which of course become heavier as the stock grows older-and partly in cons~quence of expenses arising out of the visit of H.RH. the Duke of Edinburgh. 1'he price of some of the principal stores consumed was also higher in 1867 than in 1866. The repairs to engines during 1867 were heavy, in consequence of the failure of several of the crank axles of goods engines. The axles that failed were of wrought iron, and experience both here and in England proves that this material will not bear the strain to which it is subjected in the crank axles of powerful e11gines. Crank axles of steel have been ordered to replace those of wrought iron that have failed. The permanent way and works, the engines and rolling stock generally, were maintained as nearly to their original value in 1867 as was possible by all ordinary repairs and renewals; but in another report, addressed to the secretary, I have pointed out that it is not possible, at least till a netul'Il so. 27_ railway has arrived at a.cArtain age, to provide by current repairs for the depreciation in value in the rails, engines, and rolling stock generally tliat takes place from the time that these begin to be used ; and I have suggested in the report referred to that, in order ·to meet the. annual depreciation in these parts of the railways, a renewal fund should be established from the revenue of the lines. The renewal fund that I have proposed is calculated on the number of train miles run, and, with the present train mileage, would be a charge on the present gross annual revenue of the Government' railways of about three and a quarter per cent. j I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, T. HIGINBOTHAM, Engineer-in-Chief. The Jlonorable Geo. B. Kerferd, · Commissioner of Railways and Roads.


No. z. STATEMENT showing the Contracts in progress at 31st December, '1866, for Stations, Rolling Stock, and other 'Works; also the Contracts entered into dui·ing the Year 1867.

I Dare Expenditure of No. of I <.:on tract. Desctiption of Contract. Line of Contract Amount. Balnnce Remarks. . Contract. Railway. • Ujl to Unexpended. Contract. I 31st Dec., 1867. I i 1865. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Aug. 29 1069, '65 J. J?wyer and Co. ... Erection' of a wharf on the River Murray and Sandhurst to Echuca. ... 9,694 8 0 8,256 11 9 1,437 16 3 Completed. J);chuca. · ·iI 1866. I . ' .Aug. 10 988, 'G6 I '.fhos. Glaister m1d Co. Forming ground, laying .lines of way, ballasting, Melbourne to Sandhurst ... 6,174 8 0 5,976 5 10 ... Not completed at 31st Deoomber, 1867 • i &c., New Goods Station, Melbourne terminus Nov. 6 1164, '66 I Robt. Barbour ... I 1,500 red gum sleepers ...... All the lines ...... 353 2 6 353 2 6 ... Completed. 6i 1165, '66 ' Anderson and 1-Vright ... 1,500 blue gum sleepers ...... All the lines ...... 391 15 0 391 15 0 ... Completed. " 14 1173, '66 1 J ulius 8~hestedt , ... Erection of sheep races, platform, &c., .at Ech uca SanrJhurst to Echuca ... 407 14 8 407 14 8 ... Completed. Dec" .. 4 . 1233, '66 i Geo. Wr1gbt and Co. ... Removing the goods shed from the Diggers' Rest Melbourne to Sandhurst ... 407 11 6 377 j(J 0 I 30 1 6 Completed. I and re-erecting same at Sun bury . ' 1867. I .r Jan. 12 315, '67 I Robt. Barbour ... 10,000 red gum sleepers ...... All the lines ... ~ ... 2,437 10 0 2,417 10 0 ... Completed. A pen:Uty of £20 was ·en- I I forced for uon~completion within the contract time. Feb. 19 i 789, '67 I William Ferguson ... Repairing and regulating 100 watches for guatds All the lines ...... 32 10 ·0 32 10 0 ... Completed; and engine-drivers ·during the year .1867 _ " 261 796, '67 I J ulius Schcstedt ... Extra on contract for erection of sheep races, &c., Sandhurst to Echuca ... 85 4 2 85 4 2 ... Completed. " at li:chuca I B . . S 26 797, '67 enJ~mm ... Supplying and fixing 2,350 rods of post and rail Geclong to Ballarat ... 1,942 17 1 ...... :B. Spargo havlng failed to ca:rry out I pargo this contract; it was cancelled by the " fencing on the Geclong and Ballarat railway Board of Land and Works on the 17th May, 1867, a.nd re·let to R. lu Harbour on the llth July, 1867. Mar. 26 •872, '67 1 Rob~. J~arbonr ... 10,07 5 red gnm sleepers ...... All the lines ...... 2,481 11 3 2,481 11 3 ... Completed. May 17 9a4, '67 ' James Hughes . ... 5,000 red gum fence posts ...... J<'ootscray to Sandhurst ... 375 0 0 66 0 0 ... Not completed at 31st December, 1867. June 24 1005, '67 I R. Turnl.>ull and Co. ... Construction of n corrugated· iron shed, &c., at Melbourne and Williamstown 2,022 14 11 2,018 11 a 4 3 8 Completed. Williamstown July 9 1022, '67 James Sealy ...... 15,000 red gum sleepers ...... All the lines ...... 4,031 5 0 332 10 5 ... ·\~~;{";.il,!.ng.,!'~.. "lfe1 g~\~~~~ of Land and Works on the 26th &po I ,.··~-- tember, 1867. 9 1024, '67 i· Robt. Barbour ... Erecting a four-rail post and rail fence in the Geelong to Ballarat ... 1,816 10 4 477 0 0 ... Not completed at 31stDoocmber,1867• " i parish of Cool Bargurk .I 9 1025, '67 l''v. w: Moore ... Alterations to sheep yards at Echuca, erecting new Sandhurst to'Echuca ... '159 16 7 139 14 0 20 2 7 Completed. " I fencing, &c. · Oct. 18 1109 I James Nicholas ... 1,ooo red gum sleepers ...... Essendon line ...... 291 13 4 291 i3 4 ... Completed. 18 1110, '67 i Roht. Barbour 2,000 red gum sleepers Essendon line 576 7 I 576 I . i ...... Completed. " 18 1111,'67 Henry Tucker . 3,000 split boxwood fence posts Essendon line 150 0 0 t " I ...... Not completed at 31st December, 1867. 18 1112, '67 John Sharp ...... 3,080 blne gum sleepers ...... Essendon line ...... 753 15 0 753 15 0 ... Completed. " lll3, '67 I 8,000 cuhic yards blues tone ballast I Enoch Chambers ...... Essendon line ...... I 1,935 8 4 354 16 11 ... Not completed at 31st December, 1867 . I Construction erection of wrought-iron i lll4, '671 Enoch Cham bcrs ... and two Essendon line ...... ·I 219 4 4 !53 o·o ... Not 00mpletod at 31st December, 1861, i. semaphores, &c., at the Essendon Junction I I I VICTORIAN l~AIL WAYS.

No. 2.-STATEMENT of Contracts-continued.


No. of Con tractor. Description of Contract. Contract Date ?f Coatra.ct. Contract. Line of Railway. Amount.

1866. November 2 ... 28 J ames McEwan and Co. General ironmongery for the year 1867 ... For all the lines .Rates 29 Iron and steel , ,," 30 George :M:i;ftn .. , Lamps, &c. , ,," ,," 31 J ames McE,van and Co. Oils , ,, " 32 Carriage furniture , " " 33 'Ticket cases , " " " 34 Moubray, Lush, and Co. IAnendrapery , " " " 35 Henry Brooks ... Painters', &c., materials , " " " 36 Henry Goldsmith ... Glass and earthenware , " " " 37 H. B. Donaldson ' Ship chandlery, &c. , " " " 38 Sands and :>VlcDougall ... Stationery , " " " 39 James lfcEwan and Co. Gas fittings , .." ' " " 40 John Sharp ... •.. Timber , " " 41 Brake blocks , " " " 42 John 'horns~~· ::: Carpenters' and joiners' work , " " " 43 W. H. Warren ... Smiths' work " ",, " 44 John Sharp ... Bricks, lime, and cement " " " 45 H. B. Donaldson and Co. Copper, brass, &c. " ",. " " 46 Copper, tin, zinc, &c. " ll" " 47 " J,ead, tin, zinc, &c. " " " 48 " Indiarubber " " " " 49 Heath and 'cordell Printing and binding " " " " " " CoAL AND CoKE._ December ll ... 110 J. L. and C. Burke Smiths' coal for the year 1867 ...... ,, .... Ill Pigott Brothers Coal at Melbourne station for the year 1867 " " " .... 112 James Huddart Coal at Geelong station- ., " " ,, .. ,.. 113 J ames Paterson Coke for fuundry use , " " " " FIREWOOD. December 14 '·· 114 Louis Caspar... At Kyneton pumping engine for the year 1867 Melbourne to Sandhurst ... 115 Wm. Cobb and Co. At Echuca pumping engine , Sandhurst to Echuca ·•· " " 116 At· Runnymede pumping engine , ,, ,, .. . " " 117 Haworth'~nd Kerr At Woodend Melbourne to Sandhurst .. . " " 118 At W oodend pumping engine " " " 119 John E~ ... At Middle Gully pumping engine " " " " " ,, " -" 120 W. and A. C. l{night .•• At I.al-I,al pumping engine Geelong to Ballarat " 121 At Lal-Lal station ", " 122 Haworth and" Kerr At Woodend " Meibourne to S~dhurst ::: " 123 G. W. Mayo •.• At Buninyong ,," Geclong to Ballarat .. . " " 124 R Barbour ... At Ravcnswood Melbourne to Sandhurst.. . " " " " CASTINGS. December 14 ... I 125 . I Fulton and Shaw Iron castings, as per schedule of prices, for the year 1867 For all the lines VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No: 2.-STATEliiENT of Contracts..:.._contintted. CoNTRACTS l!'OR FuEL, STOREs, ETc.

' I No. of Contractor. Description of Contract. Contract Date of Contract. Contract. Line of. Railway. Amount. 1867. September 20 ... 1 Wbitney, Chamber~, and Co...... Ironmongery for the year !868 ... .'...... For all the lines ...... Rates ... 2 Jas. McEwan and Co ...... Iron and steel , ...... " 3 ...... Oils ... . " . " " ...... " ...... " ... 4 ," ...... Carriage furniture, &c...... ' " ...... " ... 5 ...... Ticket cases, &c. ",, ...... " ...... " - ," ... 6 Moubmy, "Lush, and Co...... Drapery ...... " ...... " ... 7 R. A. Fitch ...... Painters' materials " ...... " ...... " " ... 8 H. Goldsmith ...... Glass and earthenware " ...... " ...... " " ... 9 H. B. Donaldson and Co...... Ship chandlery " ...... " ... - ... " " ... 10 Hood and Co...... Drysaltcries " ...... " ...... " " ... J1 Sands and McDougall ...... Statioi;tery " ...... ~ ...... " ...... " " ... 12 J. and S. Danks ...... Gas fittings " ...... " ...... " " ... 13 John Sharp ...... Timber " ...... ,," ...... " " 14 ... Brake blocks " ... " ...... " ...... " 15 " ...... ~. ... Carpenters' work " ...... ,, ... " ... " " ...... " " ... 16 Walker and Bertram ...... Smiths' work ...... ~ ~ ,...... " -··· 17 John Sharp ...... Bricks, lime, &c. " ...... " " ... 18 J'as. McEwan and Co ...... Copper and brass work " ...... ",, ...... " " ... 19 H. B. Donaldson and Co...... Copper, tin, and zinc " ...... " .." ... 20. Jas. McEwan and Co ...... Lead, tin, and zinc " ...... " ...... ," ... 21 Robinson Brothers and Co...... Indiarubber, &c. " ...... " ...... " ... 22 Moubray, Lush, and Co...... Uniform clothing, caps,_and" bands, for the year 1868 ...... ' " ...... " " ' " " CoAL AND COKE, December 17 ... 49 J. L. and C. Burkc ...... Coal at 1\[elbourne ...... All the lines ...... 50 Jamcs Paterson ...... Coal a:t Geelong ...... ,., ...... " " ... 51 J. L. and C. Rurke ...... Smithy coal ...... December" 20 ... 58 James Paterson ...... English coke ...... " ...... " " ... " FIREWOOD. December 17 ... 52 John Egnn ...... At Woodend for traffic purposes ...... Melbourne to Sandhurst...... 53 G. W. Mayo ...... At Buninyong , ...... Geelong to Ballarat ...... 54 Wm. Cobb and Co...... At Echucn for pumping engine ...... Sandhurst to Eghuca ...... " 55' ...... At Runnymede ...... " " " " " "£ s. d. December 20· ... 59 Luttrell and Harper ...... 3,000 tons of white gum at Woodend, and lOO tons at the same place, for Melbourne to Sandhurst ...... 7~4 7 6 the pumping engine CASTINGS. .• December 17 ... 56 Drysdale and Fraser ...... Iron castings ...... All the lines ...... Rates • PRINTING, &c...... 57 Heath and Cordell ...... Printing and binding ...... ,, ...... I ! " Engineer-in-Chief's Office, 15th June, 1868. T. HIG INBOTFI AM, Engineer-in-Chief. VICTOR.IAN HAlLWAYS.

STATEMENT of the Funds obtained on Loans for the Construction of Victorian Railways, and of the Expenditure charged against the same, to the 31st December, 1867.

FUNDS OBTAIJ.\'"ED ON LOAN. EXPENDIT"(JRE ON CONSTRUCTION, CHARGED AGAINST LOANS. \ I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8, d. 11 Loan, 19 , 15 ...... 68,100 0 0 Expenditure on Construction, charged against the Railway Loans, to 31st I December, 1867, including payments on account of the purchase of the 21 Victoria, 36 . s,ooo,ooo 0 0 ...... Geelong and Melbourne Railway, rolling stock, stores, plant, and material, " I ' 25 Victoria, 150 ... ~ ... 300,000 0 0 , and'remittances to the Colonial Agent-General (vide No. 4) 8,874,752 2 9 " ...... " 29 Yictoria, 287 ...... 250,000 0 0 I 8,618,100 0 0 / .

Net premiums on £8,550,000 ...... 25,6,652 2 9

£8,874,752 2 9 I £8,874,752 2 9

Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIQHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868, ANTHONY MATHISON, Account~t. V I C T 0 RI AN RAILWAYS.

No. "91:a STATEJI!ENT of the Receipts and Expenditu~c on Capital Account at 31st December, 1867.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. ----~----~--~------~------.------.-~1------~------~------£ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. £ s. d. To Loan of £68,100 (Debentures at par), 19 Vie., 15 68,100 0 0 By Sundries, General Construction (see Statement A) ...... 910,988 5 ~I , Construction Murray line ( , B) .•• I ,, H' £8,ooo,ooo , 21 Vie., 36 s,ooo,ooo 0 0 ... 5,183,735 7 .25 ,_ -- n H £300,000 , 25 Vie., 150 ... 300,000 0 0 ,, , Williamstown line( , C) ...... 365,919 lO ,, " £250,000 , 29 Vie., 287 250,000 0 0 , , Ballarat line ( , D) .•. ... 2,618,660 10 0 , Repairs of Essendon line ...... 10,970 4 0 £ s. d4 ,. 8,618,100 0 0 I 9,090,278 17 4 Premiums on Debentures, 21 Vie., 36 ...... 362,643 12 " 25 Vie., 150 ... 7,713 16 0 , Stores, plant, and materials on hand and in transit ... 147,169 11 6 " " " 29 Vie., 287 ... 1,123 4 3 - , Balance, Colonial Agent's Account ••. ••• ...... I 5,589 17. 3 " " " 152,759 8 9 371,480 12 9 Less Exchange l)n Drafts ... £18,689 !14,828 9 1 , Sundry debtors ...... 3,925 5 10 Expenses on Sale ... 96,139 0 :} 1~ - 256,652 2 9 ... 9,246,958 1111 , ConsolidatedRevenueadvance, \ 8,874,752 2 9 Deduct for sundry creditors ...... 11,676 15 1 in anticipation of Fresh Loan £27,941 18 0 15,046 11 0 ~ Deduct balance of Loan unex- Total Expenditure on Construction Account ...... 9,235,281 Hi 10 ~ pended ...... 12,895 .7 0 8,889,798 13 9 J!alance of Interest, per contra ...... 1,620,477 11 8 , Consolidated Hevenue applied to Construction 345,483 3 1

9,235,281 16 10 , Special Appropriations for payment of Interest- £ -8. d. . On Loan 19 Vie., 15 ••...... • 37,464 10 6 ,, . , 21 Vie., 36 ••• ... •.. 3,075,121 11 11 , , 25 Vie., 150 ...... 32,187 0 0 , , 29 Vie., 287 •. • ... . •. 15,000 0 0 ,, Interest on Deposits and Retained Percentages 46,425 6 5 Liabilities on Interest Account ..• .. . 216,29l 7 0

3,422,489 15 10 £ s. d. Deduct Accrued Interest ...... 84,871 17 1 , Interest on Deposits ...... •.. 61,790 11 7 -I ., Net Revenue derived from working the lines ...... 1,655,349 15 6 1,802,012 4 '------12 1,620,477 11 8 11

£ 10,855,759 .8 6 . £ 10,855,759 8 6

Department of Railways, W. H. WRIGHT; Secretary. - Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY .MATHISON, Accountant. 23



DETAILED STATEMENT of General Constructio~ to the 31st December, 1867.

£ s. d.

Printing Debentures 3,995 15 0

Preliii\inary and Permanent Surveys 74,32(1 2 3

Sundries 14,812 411

Sheds and Workshops-Melbourne Station 10,696 13 8

Williamstown 54,007 14 " Guaranteed interest, Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway Company 4,342 4 10

London Agency 11,123 16 10

Engineer-in-Chief's Offices 10,999 9 11

Machinery and Tools 53,255 12

Platelaying Tools 4,068 0 8

Engines 302,944 10 2

Carriages, Waggons, Vans, &c. 312,186 12 6

Exchange and Discount Accoun~ ••• 1,845 6 9

£ $. d. Charges on Plant 64,748 15 10

Less Collections in London 12,358 13 9 ------52,390 2

£910,988 5 9

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary, ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant.

Department of Railways, Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. I 24



DETAILED STATEMENT of the Construction of the Murray Line from Melbourne to Echuca to the 31st December, 1867.


Land, &c .••• 81,814 4 a Land, &c. 6,413 12 5 Earthwork 1,I29,610 B ll Earthwork 94,714 7 2

Permanent Way I,I62,636 8 4 Permanent Way. 252,706 13 H} ;------1 Works- Works- £ s. d. £ s. d. General Account ... 102,593 4 11 .. Culverts ... 10,101 12 10 Culverts and Drains 303,894 11 8 Fencing ••. .. . 36;955 II I Bridges, &c. .. . 326,350 2 6 Level Crossings .. . 2,356 15 11 Viaducts .. . . 497,736 16 8 Bridges ... . •• 32,745 17 0 Uoad Deviations ... 18,581 8 11 Telegraph •.• 69 0 0 Fencing...... 92,348 12 3 Viaducts ...... ' 6,650 18 2 Tunnels... ••• 175,179 13 3 Wharf ...... 12,210 5 5 · Reservoirs, &c. . .. 29,969 7 6 Temporary Roads ... 63 0 0 Retaining Walls ... 7,015 11 2 Sundries ...... 2,077 6 8 Mile Posts ... 250 10 1 Maintenance •••.. I0,287 2 10 J,evel Crossings .•• 21,238 11 1 '------1 113,517 9 11 Telegraph ... 58 9 .o Maintenance 30,267 17 7 o I 1 ,605,484 I6 7 Stations­ Huntly ... 133 IO 0 Stations- Runnymede 7,356 6 4 Goornong .. . 1,698 I8 7 Melbourne ... 107,897 4 ll Rochester .. . 153 17 3 Ditto {new) ... 33,492 8 10 Echuca .. . 3s',o95 I1 9 North Melbourne .. . 3,431 7 10 Fittings, &c. 43 0 2 :Fo:)tscray .. . 5,21l4 3 10 Lodges ... 308 4 0 I Keilor ...... 4,496 9 7 Signals ... 766 I9 1 Diggers' Rest .. . 9,922 14 10 48,556 7 2 Sunbury...... 27,768 12 9 Lancefield ... . 7,236 17 6 Riddell's Creek ... 4,329 I9 5 ·Engineering, &c.­ I Gisborne .. . 7,790 8 10 Middle Gully .. . . 4,858 4 ,3 Salaries, Wages, &c. l 30,262 s 9 I. Woodend ... 24,204 7 2' Field Offices .. : 1,083 8 9 Carlsruhe ... 3,036 10 7 -·~----1 31,345 17 6 Kyneton...... 16,089 13 2 Malrosbury ... 11,723 0 11 Taradale ..• 5,196 5 4 Printing, &c. 44 11 8 Elphinstone .. . 6,288 15 7 Castlemaine .. . 35,852 I 5 Contracts in Progress Harcourt , ... 5,028 15 10 Ravenswood . ... 898 9 I Kangaroo Flat ... 6,281 4 I ~undhurst ... 41,5SO 18 10 Total from Sandhurst to Eehuca ... 547,298 19 8 Fittings, &c. .. . 29,143 5 7 Total from Melbourne to Sandhurst,} , Lodges ...... 7,601 3 9 7 9 l:Signals ... •.. 6,614 18 5 as before ...... , :______4,636,436 _ 4I5,978 2 4 Total amount expended on Con- } 'struction from Melbourne to £5,183,735 7 5 Echuea ...... Abandoned Stations- Holden ... 1,958 17 1 Albion ••• 4,586 I 2 Chewton .•• 1,817 5 ll ·------8,362 4 2

Engineering ...... 225,5IO 15 9 I I.aw Charges ...... 2,042 3 I Printing ...... 4,997 4 4 I .

Total Construction to Sandhurst ... £4,636,436 7 9

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. ANTHONY MA THISON, Accountant. Department of Railways, Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. 25


(c.) DETAILED STATEJ\r'ENT of the Construction of the Williamstowu Line, from Footscray to Williamstown, to 31st pecember, 1867.

£ s. d. Land, &c. ll,!:l44 14 11 Permanent Way 114,104 10. 4 Works 71,512 14 2 Jetty and Breakwater 129,133 18 7 Stations- Williamstown ••• £18,761 s 7 All other Stations, Fittings, &c. ' 7,148 16 0 25,910 4 7 Engineering 12,094 17 0 Law Charges 1,205 7 0 Printing, &c. 613 3 7

Total £365,919 10 2

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Railways, ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868.


(D.) DETAILED STATEMENT of the Construction of the Ballarat Railway, from Geelong Junction to Ballarat, at 31st December, 1867 .

. GEELONG JUNCTION TO GEELONG. '£ s. d. WEs:r GEELONG :ro B.ULARAT­ ·£ s. d. Purchase Account ...... •• 739,649 18 1 continued. Land, &c...... • ••. 3,388 2 10 Repairs, Permanent Way, Stations, &c. 135,578 17 11 Geelong Jetty ...... •• 17,444 5 I Brought forward 1,381,089 12 8 Engineering ...... •.. 33,418 13 3 Printing, &c. .•• ...... 668 5 ll Grant-in-Aid to Geelong and l\Ielbourne Stations- £ 8. d.• Railway Company ...... 1,000 0 0 :Moorabool ... 3,510 10 8 Guaranteed interest to ditto ...... 88,762 16 4 Leigh ...... 5,760 10 10 Lethbridge .•. 6,455 10 ll To~al Construction, GeelongJunc-} £ ... 1019910 19 5 :Meredith ...... 4,174 10 7 t10n to Geelong . . • ' ' 1 Lal-Lal ...... 6,536 6 7 ---1 Buninyong ... 4,178 11 I' I WEST GEELONG TO BALLARAT. Ballarat East Land, &c...... 18,795 18 2 23,402 14 3 : Ballarat West ... 61,254 3 3 Earthwork ...... 325,757 1 4 I Fittings, &c. 4,588 4 Permanent Way ...... 10 704,242 4 I! I Lodges ...... 221 3 7 Signals ...... 1,079 0 4 Works- £ s. d. 116,554 11 8 Culverts, &c. . .. 33,379 17 8 ~ Bridges, &c. . .. 36,687 14 9 Engineering ...... 98,260 10 10 Viaducts ...... 187,257 18 3 I..aw Charges Fencing ...... 50,314 2 1 ...... 449 10 10 Pri~ting, &c. 2,395 Roads ...... 2,732 5 9 ...... 4 7 Reservoirs. &c. . .. 1,754 4 3 Total Construction, We·s·t· Gee-} .r Level Crossings ..• 2,433 17 4 long to Ballarat "'- 1,598,749 10 7 Mile Posts ..• . .. 43 12 0 Advances on :Materials 10,022 I 10 Total Constructjon, Geelong} £ Maintenance 3,061 18 3 Junction to Geelong, as before 1,019,910 19 5 327,687 12 2 Total Construction,Ballarat Rail- } Carried forward ...... £ 1,381,089 12 8 way ...... £ 2,618,660 10 0·

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Railways, ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. No. 46, c. V I C T 0 RI AN RAILWAYS.

:No. s ..

STATEMENT of the Receipts and Expenditure on Account of the Consolidated Revenue at 31st December, 1867.



£ s. d.!j £ s. d. To Net Revenue of the 'Murray River line ... - 1,034,791 1 7 !i By Loss on working Williamstown line 25,033 14 6 Ballarat line ... 641,666. 15 8 I , Balance availa~le towards payment of interest on debentures 1,655,349 15 6 " " " Misccllaneous traffic s,925 12 9 1 " " " ----~· i £1,68o,s8s 10 o rl £1,680,383 10 0

Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRtGRT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

,, ..··- SUM.M:A.RY of General Balance Sheet to 31st December, 1867.

' -£ 8. d. £ 8, d.

To Amount received from loans for construction ... ~ ...... 8,889,798 13 9 By Total expenditure on Construction account, stores, piant, &c., &c. ... 9,235,281 16 10 ,. Amount received from votes, special appropriations, Government Printer's , Payments to consolidated revenue ;-accrued interest, railway income, &c. &c. 3,488,371 14 3 account, &c...... 5,445,896 14 a , Interest on loans, 19 Vie. 151 21 Vie. 36, 25 Vie. 150, and 29 Vie. 287 ... 3,422,489 15 10 , Accrued interest on debentures, and interest on deposits ...... 146,662 8 8 , Stores on hand ; Loc9motive department ...... 24,599 13 2 , Aggregate of net revenue derived froi:n working the lines 6 ' a~ount ...... 1,655,349 15 , Sundry debtors on Revenue account ...... 32,230 14 3 ' , Liabilitie..'l on Revenue account ...... - ... 83,562 17 8 , Advahcc, account ...... 17,705 10 0 , Stores, Suspense account ...... 591 5 6 .

£16,221,270 9 10 £16,221,270 9 10 ..

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Railways, ANTHONY MATHISON, ·Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. VICTO-RIAN nAILWAYS.

:No. 7.

STATEMENT showing the Debenture Capital raised for the .C01.1struction of Victorian Railways, also the Debenture Capital raised per mile open, together·with the Revenue from Passengers ~nd from Goods per mile per annum, for the Years ending December, 1863, to December, 1867.

Revenue per mile per annum. Pereeniage proportion. Percentage of Debenture Capiial Passengers Mean length Debenture Capital Gross nevenue I Year ending· raised por mile - of raised at to Debenture -- Sist December. per mile open. open. Line open. 31st December. Passengers, &c. Goods. Total. . Passengers, &c. 'Goods. Toial. Capiial.

£ £ £ £ £ 1863 97 4,880,046 50,309 ' 3,624 1,029 1,459 2,488 41'36 58'64 lOO 4•94 fi 1864 '115 5,040,800 43,833 3,484 880 1,691 2,571 34•22 65•78 lOO 5'86 866 1,351 2,217 39'04 60'9!3 ioo 6'66 Murra.y Line ...... 1865 156 5,194,773 33,293 1,931 156 5,210,974 33,405 1,986 805 1,367 2,172 . 37•06 62'94 lOO 6'50' , I 1866 ··ll 1,230 1,965 37'38 62•62 lOO ' 1867 156 5,463,875 35,025 . 1,786 735 5'61 - I--;;I- 1863 5! 387,305 70,428 49,243 1,600 3,505 5,105 31'34 68•66 lOO 400,064 . 72,739 65,830 1,830 8,318 . 5,148 35'55 64•45 lOO 7'07 1864 5i ' - 48'35 5f•65 Williamstown Line ... J . 1865 6 368,134 • 61,356 90,016 . 2,290 2,446 4,736 lOO 7•73 2,360 3,743 6,103 38'67 6!•33 100 9'71 ... l . 1866 ~ 376,894' 62,815 95,079 - 387,815 64,636 99,873 2,727 3,534 6,261 43'56 ·56•44 lOO 9'69 1867 6 " ------1863 90 2,478,754 27,541 2,150 1,033 1,137 2;170 . 47'69 52•40 100 7•84 1864 90 2,560,406 28,449 . 2,235 953 1,163 2,116 45•04 54•96 lOO 7•44 Balla.rat Line ...... :{ 1865 92 2,617,838 28,455 2,444 1,160 1,135 2,295 50• 52 49'48 100 8•07 1866 92 2,605,487 28,320 • 2,739 1,185 1,143. ·2,328 50•90 49•10 lOO 8•22 1867 92 2,766,410 ~30,070 2,432 1,148 1,112 2,260 50'79 49•21 100 7'51 ------1863 192! 7,746,105 40,250 4,238 '1,047 1,367 2,414 43•37 56'63 lOO 5'99 1864 210!! 8,001,270 38,034 4,578 936 1,508 2,444 38•29 61'71 100 6'42 Totals ...... 1865 254 8,180,745 32,208 4,198 1,006 1,299 2,305 43'64 56'36 lOO 7'16 { 4,458 979 1,342 2,321 42'18 57'82 100 7•19 1866 254 8;193,355 32,257 I 1867 254 8,618,100 33,930 4,337 I 931 1,242 2,173 I 42•86 57'14 lOO 6'40

Department of Victorian Railways, • W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

:rro. a.

STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on Victorian Railways for the· Year end~ng 31st December, 1867.

MILEAGE.-Passenger and Goods Trains, Mixed ToTAL MILEAGE, 1,109,654 miles.

Dr. - EXPENDITURE. C<>st per · Per Cent. REVENUE, Cr. Revenue per - Train Mile. to Revenue. Traln)lfile.

£ ·s. d. 8. d. I £ IJ. d. £ IJ. d. 11. d. To Maintenance, permanent way and works ... (a) ... 54,419 16 10 0 11'77 9•86 By' TRAFFIO : , Locomotive charges (b) . 98,687 7 1 1 9"33 17·87 Passengers, 1,1 o1 ,583i 207,606 11 8 ...... " ...... I ! ,. Pa.ssenger·traffi~ charges ...... (c) , Parcels ...... 12,106 8 5 101,727 18 6 1 10"00 18'43 , Goods traffic charges ...... (d) } , Horses, carriages, and dogs ...... 4,840 1 8 General charges ...... (e) 12,286 '1 7 0 2•66 2•22 , Mails . 6,150 0 0 " ...... ---- Rents ...... 4,571 7 0 267,071 4 0 4 9"76 48"38 " I , Gold escort ...... I 1,800 0 0 Balance ••• ...... 284,960 14 4 236,574 8 9 4 3•17 . Tons cwt. qr, lbs. , Goods ...... 375,235 17 1 2 300,249 16 0 .. Live stock ...... 9,202 3 0 0 ' 15,207 13 7 315,45.7 9 7 5 8'23 Total tonnage ... 384,438 0 1 2 £552,031 IS 4 £1!52,;-;-:-1 9 11'40

·Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIGBT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTBONY MATHISON. Accountant. VIC1 ORIAN UAILW AY S. ·

DETAILED STATEMENT of Expenditure on Revenue Account on the Victorian Railways for the Year enqing Sist December, 1867.


(a) MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND, £ s. d. I/ (c) PASSENGER TRAFFIC £, s. d. £ s. d. £, 8. d., I (d) """"' TUn'" """""· PASSENGER AND GooDs· TRAFFIC WoRKs. rr CIU.RGES. I I Melbourne goods station expenses 21,151 11 5 I CHARGES. Wages ...... 40,038 7 9 .11 Melbourne station expenses ... 8,144 17 0 Goods clerks ...... 2,874 10 10 Footscray station expenses I,674 8 9 Stores ...... I4,38l 9 I I North Melbourp.e station , ... 629 8 0 porters and laborers ... 7,907 8 l1 ... " Geelong Junction 902 3 4 ------~~ Station masters ... •.. 4,995 I2 7 Guards ...... 2,224 13 0 " ... Pointsmen ...... 2,745 i1 9 £54,419 16 10 1 Booking and telegraph clerks 1;944 2 0 Clothing ...... 95 3 8 Gatekeepers ... 6,616 9 2 ------Porters, laborers, &c. ... 7,389 8 lO Station stores and fuel ... 549 0 6 ... Ad:vertising and printing 523 15 3 Guards ...... 2,132 5 6 gas and water ••• · ... 83 4 9 ... " Travelling expenses ..• ... 632 12 11 ' (b1 LOCO!WTIVE CHARGES. ' Supply of tickets ...... 129 17 7 I Compensation ...... 279 9 9· Incidental 357 6 8 Clothing ...... 304 6 5 Pier expenses...... 4,858 2 7 ...... Superintendents and clerks ... 3,817 9' 3 " Station stores and fuel 2,535 15 3 Towage and lighterage 1,073 12 0 1,721 13 0 ...... Foremen ...... £13,452 7 10 gas and water ... 786 3 8 J{ages, repairs waggons ... 4,192 9 8 Drivers and firemen ...... I7 ,7~ l lO 0 I " ' Wages, repairs carriages ... 3,979 4 5 Stores ,. ; ... 3,(}64 19 6 Cleaners ...... 4,471 8 4 " Stores ... 2,006 1 3 Wages, waggon greasers ... 1,916 14 6 Coalmen and laborers ...... 2,665 0 7 " " Wages, carriage greasers ... 899 19 7 Grease and oil for ... 1,45~ 19 4 Sundries...... 8,656 2 7 " Grease and oil for ... 667 8 2 ·• 1------(e) GENERAL CHARGES. Coal ...... 21,967 5 7 " £51,731 0 5 Wood ...... 918 12 1 ------I Secretary's office ... 4,749 5 4 I £36,5~-3- Water ...... 1,035 6 I • I Traffic Audit office· ... 2,396 16 11 , ···. Oil, tallow, and waste ... 4,508 5 0 Superintendent's offic? 3,599 18 10 ... " Sundry stores for engines ... 1,098 7 5 I Sundries ...... 1,540 0 6 Wages, repairs engines ...... 18,626 14 7 I ' I Stores, ...... 8,229 2 4 £12,286 1 7 " " Wages, repairs tools and shops ... 1,781 I2 10 Stores, ... 937 9 I " " Premiums to drivers ...... 411 8 4

£,98,637. 7 I I i r VICTORIAN RAILW A Y.S~.

STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on the· Murray River Railway for the Year ending 31st December, 1867.

MILEAGE.-Passcngcr and Goods Trains, Mixed TOTAL MILEAGE, 621,968 miles.

Cost per Per Cent. REVENUE. -Revenue per Dr. EXPENDITURE. Train Mile. to Revenue. Cr. Train Mile. : I I £ 8. d. 8, d. By TRAFFIC: £ s. d. £ 8, d. 8, d. To Maintenance, permanent way and works ... (a) ... 30;133 17 2 0 11•63 9•83 Passengers, 278,580i ...... 98,527 6 8 " .. I , Locomotive charges (b) 51,874 0 3 I s·o1 16•92 Parcels . 6,193 12 4 I ...... " ...... Passenger traffic charges ...... (c) Horses, carriages, and dogs ...... 2,657 7 0 ·" 51,057 11 9 l 7•70 16'66 " Goods traffic charges ... (d) } Mails ...... 3,000 o .·o " ...... " ... .. 6,763 5 5 . 0 2"61 2•20 3,580 0 ., general charges ...... (e) ... " Rents ...... 7 650 0 0 '! Gold escort ...... - 139,828 14 7 4 5•95 45'61 ------114,608 13 0 3 8'22 Balance ...... 166,734 7 ll Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. Goods ...... 173,040 17 3 24 177,300 17 4 " Live stock ...... 8,756 8 0 0 14,653 12 2 " 191,954 9 6 6 2•07 Total ...... 181,797 5 8 24

£306,563 2 6 £306,563 2 6 9 10'29

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Victorian Railways, ANTHONY MATBISON, Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS,

DETAILED STATEMENT of Expenditure on Revenue Account or" the Murray River Line for the Year ending Slst December, 1867.

. I I , (a) MAINTENANCE, WAY AND £ $, d. . (c) p ASSENG~ TBA.li'FIO £ 8. d. 11 (d) GooDs Tlunxo CHARGES. £ 8, d. (c and d) PASSlt.lS"GER AND £ B, d. WORKS, CHARGES. I Proportion of Melbourne goods GooDs T:aA.li'FIO CHARGEs. · station expenses •• • . ... 10,089 6 0 I Wages ...... 24,003 ll 9 Proportion of Melbourne pas- Proportion ' of Footscray senger station expenses ... 4,561 2 4 Good"\""' ...... 1,867 4 3 . ·station expenses . 359 18 1 Stores ...... 6,130 5 5 ...... Proportion of North Melbourne I· . , porters and laborers ... 4,918 13 0 I Pointsmen ...... 1,009 9 9 passenger station expenses .•• 1311 6 5 I 1 Guards · .... • .. 1,301 5 6 Gatekeepers 3,825 19 17 2 1 ...... 5 Station masters ... . 3,202 17 4 I .. i1 Clothing ...... 48 14 6 Advertising and printing ... 188 4 6 (b) LocoMoTIVE CHARGES. Booking and telegraph clerks ... 999 4 5 Station stores and fuel· ... 279 11 6 I Travelling expenses ...... 363 19 9 Porters, laborers, &c. 4,177 7 1 Superintendent and clerks ... 2,206 8 9 ... ·compensation ...... 90 0 2 Incidental ...... 75 0 3 Guards ...... 988 10 9 ! " Foremen ...... 687 17 0 ... 11 Gas and water ...... 59 13 9 Supply of tickets ...... 37 10 !) ·Drivers and firemen ...... 9,275 2 7 Wages, repairs waggons ... I 2,648 18 8 £11,822 11 9 Clothing ...... 1·60 16• 0 (e) G~:NERAL CHARG'!J'S, Cleaners ...... 2,353 8 6 Stores, .. ... 1,896 1 3 Station stores and fuel 1,518 4 9 " 1,458 4 6 ... Wages, waggon greasers 1,219 4 4 Proportion of Secretary's Coalmen and laborers ...... !i 0 ... gas and water ... 386 7 6 I .. office expenses ...... 2,635 16 9 Sundries ...... 4,965 15 4 " Grease and oil for ditto ... 931 3 3 I Wages, repairs carriages ... 1,9&7 8 2 , Traffic Audit office expenses 1,274 15 0 Coal ...... 12,192 0 10 Stores, 997 6 1 Superintendent's office 502 18 2 ... £25,349 16 2 .. Wood ...... " " " expenses 1,997 19 4 Wages, carriage greasers 432 7 1 ... 563 13 a· ... ! Wate~ ...... , Sundries 854 4 Grease and oil for ditto 320 15 2 - ...... H Oil, tallow, and waste ...... 2,544 0 6 ... I - Sundry stores for engines ... 614 9 11 £19,885 3 10 £6,763 5 5 Wages, repairs engines, &c. 8,709 12 3 ... i Stores, ... 4,008 12 6 . .. " I Wages, repairs tools and shops ... 1,027 11 8 Stores, , ... 549 5 6 " " il Premiums to drivers ...... 214 19 0 ! . . I !

£51,874 0 3 I )I. I I "


0 STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on the Williamstown Railway for the Year· ending 31st December, 1867.

MILEA.GE.-P_assenger and Goods Trains, Mixed TOTAL MILEAGE, 102,67 4 miles.

Cost per Per Cent Revenue per Dr. EXPENDITURE. Train Mlle. to Revenue. REVENUE. Cr. Train Mile.

8, 8, 11. a £ d. d. ' £ s. d. £ d. 8. d. To Maintenance, permanent way and works ... (a) ... 4,944 13 2 0 11'56 13•16 By TRAFFIC : , Locomotive charges ' ...... (b) ... 9,921 5 4 1 11"19 26•41 .. Passengers, 599,241 i ...... 15,901 6 2 , Passenger traffic charges ...... (c) Parcels ...... 281 9 1 20,631 19 6 4 0"22 54"92 " ,, Goods traffic charges ... (d) } Horses, carriages, and dogs ...... 27 7 4 ...... " ... ., General charges ...... (e). ... 835 9 1 0 1·95 2"22 , Mails ...... 150 0 0 -·------Rents ...... 5 0 0 ~ 36,333 7 1 I o·92 96·71 " 16,365 2 7 3 2•25 Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. ------Balance 1,235 14 10 ...... , Goods •.. 105,752 6 3 15 21,188 19 4 ...... Live stock 0 0· 15 " ...... 28.0 0 0 21,203 19 4 4 1•56 Total ... • •• 105,780 6 3 15 . ------£37,569 1 11 £37,569 I ll 7 3·s1

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Victorian Railways, ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 186 VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

DETAILED STATEMENT of Expenditure on Revenue .Account of the Willia.mstown Line for the Year e~ding ?1st December, 1867.

(a) MAIN~ENANCE, WAY AND £ s. d. (c) PASSENGER TRAFFIC CIIAIWES. £ s. d. (d) GooDS TRAFFIC CHARGES. £ s. d. PASSENGER AND GooDS Tl!.AFFIC £ 9. d. Wo:Rm!. Proportion of Melbourne station Proportion of Melbourne station . CnARGES. . 2,711 10 6. expenses ...... 749 6 6 expenses 7,381 18 0 Wages ...... Proportion of Footscray station 2,233 2 8 Ditto North Melbourne dj.tto 285 14 9 959 9 l Stores ...... 360 '12 ll Laborers ...... expenses ...... - Station masters ...... 577 0 10 Guards ...... 144 5 9 Ditto Gcelong Junction ditto ... 661 5 lO £4;944 13 2 Porters and laborers ...... 412 9 0 Pier expenses ...... 4,858 2 7 I Pointsmen ...... 273 7 0 Guards ...... 367 13 3 I Clothing ... • •• ... 17 4 2 Gatekeepers .•• ...... 229 I2 5 (b) LoooMo~IVE CJIARGES. Supply of tickets ...... 59 17 1 Station stores and fuel ... 56 I 2 Advertising and printing ... 157 5 7 Superintendent and clerks ... 290 2 6 Clothing · ...... 30 16 4 Compensation ...... 77 5 9 Travelling 'expenses ...... 45 7 8 Foremen ...... 116 0 0 Station stores and fuel ... 179 0 4 Towage and lighterage ... 1,073 12 0 Incidental ...... 233 7 ll

Drivers and firemen ... ~ ... 2,339 17 3 Gas and water ...... 39 12 0 Wages, repairs of waggons ... 113 0 2 ----- Cleaners ...... 419 11 3 Wages, repairs carriages ... 506 15 4 Stores, . ' .. . 129 16 0 £2,559 15 6 " " Coalmen and laborcrs ... 2t'7 10 0 Stores, 252 17 ll Wages, waggon greasers 77 4 3 ... " " ...... Sundries ...... 568 0 2 Wages, carriage greasers . .... 116 16 6 Stores, ... 58 19 9 (e) GENERAL CHARGES. " "· Coal ...... 1,855 0 4 Grease and oil for ditto ... 86 1 8 Proportion of Secretary's office £14,333 4 4 w ood ...... 72 13 8 ------expenses ...... 322 19 0 w ater- ...... 84 0 0 £3,738 19 8 . Ditto Traffic Audit office ditto ... 162 19 9 Oil, tallow, and waste ...... 371 2 4 Ditto Traffic Superintendent's office ditto 244 15 11 Sundry stores for engines ... 69 411 ...... Ditto Sundries 104 14 5 w ages, repairs engines ...... 2,052 16 6 ...... s tores...... 1,206 1 11 .· w ages, repairs tools and shops ... 133 5 3 £835 9 1 s tores ...... 69 9, .3 • ' Premiuma to drivers ...... 56 10 0 -

£9,921 5 4 ' .· VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure on the Ball.arat Railway for the Year ending 31st December, 186'7.

MILEAGE.-Passcnger and Goods Trains, Mixed ToTAL MILEAGE, 385,012.miles.. - ' I Cost per PerCent. - Revenue per Dr. EXJ?ENDITURE. Tmln Mlle. to Revenue • REVENUE. Cr. TmlnMlle; . £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s; d. 11. d. To Maintenance, permanent way and works ... (a) ... 19,341 6 6 1 o·o6 9'30 ByT~AFFIO: . , Locomotive charges ...... (b) ... 36,842 1 6 l 1,0'96 17'72 ' Passengers, 223,7611 ' ...... 93,177 18 10 0 " , Passenger traffic charges ...... (c) Parcels ...... 5,631 7 0 30,038 7 3 1 6'72 14'45 " , Goods traffic charges ...... (d) } Horses, c.arriagcs, and dogs ...... 2,155 7 4 . . ... " . .. , qeneral charges ...... (e) - ••• 4,687 7 I 0 2•92 2'25 ,. Mails ...... 3,000 0 0 - Rents ...... 986 0 0 90,909 2 4 4 8'66 43'72 " Gold escort ...... 650 0 0 Balance ... " ...... 116,990 11 7 105,600 13 2 5 s·8s a Tons cwt. qr. lbs. ------Goods ...... 96,442 12 I 19 l01,759 19 . 4 " " Live stock ...... 417 15 0 0 539 1 ' 5 " 102,299 0 9 5 3"77 Total ...... 96,860 7 I 19 .. . £207,899 13 11 .£207,899 IS 11 10 9'60

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary•. Department of Victorian Railways, ANTHONY MATHISO'N, Accountant • •Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. VICTORIAN. RA-ILWAYS.

DETAILED S~ATEMENT of Expenditure on Revenue Account of Melbourne and Ballarat Line for the Year ending 31st December, 1867. I I 0 (c) PASSENGER TRAFFIC £ s. d. (c £ s. d. (a) MAINTEN-'\.NCE OF WAY AND £ s. d. I s. d., 1 (d) GOODS TRAFFIC CHARGES. and d) P ASS"!lNGER AND GooDs CliAIIGES. Tn.I.FFW WoRxs. Proportion of Melbourne station Cn~RGES. expenses ...... ••• 3,680 7 5 Wages 13,323 5' 6 I Proportion of Melbourne sta· Proportion of Footscray station , tion !Jxpenses ...... 2,834 8 2 Clerks .•• .,. ... 1,007 6 7 expenses .•• ..: 355 I 7. Stores. 6 018 1 0 I , I Proportion of North Melbourne 1 Porters and laborers ••• 2,703 1 2 Proportion of Geelong Junction 1 ------.~ station expenses ...... 133 8 8 24017 6 il Guards· 779 I 9 station .expense:s . . . . •. 19 3 1 6 6 '"a £ • ~ Station masters :" · .. . 1,215 14 5 il Pointsmcn ... 1,462 15 0 1 1l Clothing 29 5 0 ------l Booking and telegraph clerks .. . 944 17 7 Gatekeepers 2,560 17 4 ~~~ Station stores and fuel 213 7 10 Porters, laborers, &c. 2,799 12 9 178 5 ~ 1 , gas and water ... 23 11 0 Advertising and printing Guards ...... 776 1 6 '!'ravelling expenses ... 223 5 ·6 (b) Loco~IOTIVE CruaoEs. Compensation ... 112 3 10 Supply tickets .. . 32 9 9 •48 18 6 of Wages, repajrs waggons 1,370 10 10 Incidental ••• •.. Supcrintende11t and clerks 1,32018 0 Clothing 'll2 14 1 Stores; !.' , i,039 2 3 Foremen ... 91.7 16 0 Station stores and fuel 2 £5,070 0 7 838 10 W age_s, waggon greasers 620 5 ll Drivers and firemen '6,176 10 2 gas and water . 360 4' 2 Grease and oil for ditto 469· 16 4 Cleaners 1,698 8 7 Wages," repairs carriages 1,505 0 11 I Coalmen and laborers .•. ' 989 6 ·1 Stores, " " 755 17 3 £12,047 .19 11 (e) GENERAL CHARGES. Sundries 3,122 7 l Wages, ~carriage greasers ... I 350 16 0 ·Proportion of Secr.etary's office Coal ... 7,920 4 5 Grease and oil for ditto expenses...... 1,790 9 7 I ... --260 ~~~ 1 Wood 343 0 3 .. . Proportion of Traffic Audit 959 2 2 Water 387 12 10 £12,920, 6 9 office expenses .. • .. . !______Oil, tallow, and waste ... 1,593 2 2 Proportion of Traffic Superin­ tendent's office expenses ..• 1,357 3 7 Sundry stores for engines 414 12 7 !.Ditto Sundries ••• ... 580 ll 9 Wages, repairs engines ..: 7,86~ . 5 ~0 _.______, Stores, , , ... 3,014 7 11 j £4,687 i I Wages, tools and shops ... " 620 15 11 -----. Stores, " 318 14 4 Premiums to drivers 139 19 4

£36,842 I 6 VICTORIA.~ ·I~AILW AYS.

LIST of Rolling Stock on the Victorian Railways, 31st December, 1.867 . . I LOCOMOTIVES. CARRIAGES. WAGGONS. VANS. > Cl .,;

. ··~ - ,- "'~ ~ HORS~~ '"'"'l>l l:l 2nd Class ROXI1:S. ::1 ~ Goods. Pnssengcrs. State. 1st Class. 2nd Class. and Rreok ·arit Class. Composite. Low-sided: Ballast. Hlgh·sideil. llfedium.· Cattle. Sheep. I Break. Mail. Prison. Bullion. ·Powder. 1\feat. o« Vans. ------

33 44 1 50 65 6 2 19 186 26 529 298 50 54 54 4 4 1 5 I 16 23 ' - '

RoLLING ·STOCK, Ordered and in course of Construction.

T. IJIGINBOTHAM, Engineer-in-Chief. Engineer-in-Chief's Office, 30th M:ay, 1868. 38'


' . . lfo. 13. DETAIL of Locomotiv~ Charges per Train Mile for the Year ending 31st December, 1867.'

P A.SSENGER AND GooDs TRAINs-Number of Train Miles run 1,109,654

I Cost per Train MUe.

' LOCOMOTIVE POWER. £ s. d. £ 8, d.' s. ·d. Wages of forema~ ...... 1,721 13 0 ... 0 0'372 drivers and firemen 17,791 10 0 ... 0 3•848 " ...... cleaners and fire-lighters ...... 5,590 '13 10 ... 0· 1•209 " ' , coalmen and·laborers ...... 2,665 0 7 ... 0 0•577 ' Cost of coal ...... 21,967 5 7 ... 0 4~751 , :firewood ...... 918 12 1 ... 0 0'199 , water, pumpers, &c;...... 2,085 2 4 ... 0 0'451- ., Qil, tallow, and waste ...... 4,508 5 0 ... o, 0'975 sundries for cleaning ~ngines ...... 1,098 7 5 ... .o 0•238 " Board and lodging expenses of men away from home ...... 508 2 3 ... 0 O•llO Cost of gas ...... 186 10 4 ... 0 0'040 small stores, and hose. pipe for washing out engines. ... ; 609 7 7 ... 0 0•132 " 59,650 10 0 1 '0•902 ~ - LocoMo.:riVE REP AIRs; .. Wage~~ ...... 18,626 14 '7 Materials ...... 8,229 2' 4 . 26,855 16 11 o· 5'808

TooLs, M'A.CHINERt, A.ND BmLD:i:Nos. ' Wages ...... 1,781 12 10 9 1 Materials ...... ' ...... 937 2,719 1 11 0 0•588 I - ; . CA.RRUGE REPAIRS. Wages ...... 3,979 4 5 .Materials ...... 2,006 1 3 ------5,985 5 8 0 1•295 ' ., . - . ' WAGGON REPAIRS. . 4,192 9 8 .' Wages ...... Materials ...... 3,064 19 6 ~ 7,257 9 2 0 1•57\1

GBNERA.L.. Cru.:RGES. ' (G_arriage and Truck Greasers, ·watchmen, Grease, Oil, \tc.) Wages ...... 5,342 12' 8: .Materials .. ; . ... 2,650 5 4 ...... 0 1•729 ' 7,992 18 0

I \ ·g 3 0 0•825 SUPERVISION, including all salaries.and office charges ... , ...... 3,817

/ S:ronE CHA.RGEs-(Proportion of Loco.·Branch) ...... 1,991 19 1 .Mate.rials ...... 142 5 2 ' " '. 2,l84 4 3 0 0'461

4 0 0•089 PREMIUMS.:...... 411.. 8 ' £116,824 '3 6 2 1'267 ·- T. IDGINBOTHAM, ·Engineer-in-Chief's Office . 1 Engineer-in-Chief. 30th May, 1868. ' 39



TRAFFIC REVENUE at each Station for the Year ending 31st .December,. 1867.

PASSENGER TRAFFIC. OOODS TRAFFIC. !'ota! Passenger and Moiety of Total • STATIONS. OUTWARDS. ' INWAIUJS. TOTAL, OUTWARDS •. INWARDS, Goods Traffic, or Outwards and Station Tral!lc. Inwards.

Number. Amount. Number. Amount. Number~ :. "Amount. Tonnage.· Amount.

Melbourne­ ., £ s; d. £ s. d. ., £ s. d. ·Tons cwt. qr. ·lb. £ s. d. Tons cwt. qr, lb. · £ s. d. .lb. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Williamstown 232,647! 7,410 16 9 332,691! 7,876 1. o 565,339 t5,287 3 9 15,371 .7 1 7 2,326 6 6 88,939 8 1 26 I8,685 18 10 1~o~;~ 15 a 5 4 36,299 9 1 18,149 14 6! Murray River ... 58,5351 39,474 2 7 . 82,615! 50,401 11 7 14I,I51 89,875 14 2 57,243 18 2 5 108,243 16 7 85,320 10 3 17 49;558 2 1 1142, 9·1 22 1: 8 247,677 12 10 123,838 16 ..5 "Ballarat ... 51,910! a1,ss1 10 6 78,871~ 38,659 14 9 130,782 70,3.41 5 a 39,561 12 2 18 62,372 14 9 11,856 12 a I 8 8,630 18. 4 n;418 5 1 26 1;ooa 1 141,344 18 4 70,672 9 2 l------l------l------~l------l------l------l---·--~------l------l------l~----·----~--l--~---·----l------1------343,093! 78,566 9 10 494,1781 96,937 13 4 837,272 175,504 3 2 112,176 1s 2 2 1172,942 17 10 186,ll6 12 o 23 76,874 19 31298,293 10 2 25 249, 1 425,322 o 3 212,661 o i! North Melbourne­ --.--'-~- Williamstown ' ••• 19,033 503 ·o 4 821! 19 12 o .19,854~ 522 12 4 25 o o o 10 o o ... . 25 o o o to o 532 12 4 266 6 2 Murray River 914! 427 19 6 ·98! 66'18 9 . 1,013 494 IS 3 41 0 0 0 121 9 10 5,210' 0 0· 0 9,581 4 4 5,251 0 0 0 9,702 2 10,197 12· 5 ~,098 16 2~ Ballarat 590 288 ·2 o 2iq 26 2 10 615! 314 4 10 33 5 ·o o 57 6 .IJ 234 o o .o 253 s s 267 5 o o 310 7 624 18 5 312 9 2!

20,53il 1',219·'· 1 10 9451 112 13 7 21,483 I ,331 1.5 5 99 5 0 0 188 16 9 5,444 ·0 0 0 9,834 11 0 5,543 5 0 0 10,023 9 u;as5 a 2 5,677 11 7 Footscray­ Williamstown 119,468 2,093 4 10 121,222 3,535 19 1 240,690 5,629 3 11 5,504 6 3 24 584 4 7 64 9' 1 0 6 13 4 . 5,568 16 ;0 24 590121 6,220 1 •10 .. 3,ll0 0 11 Murray River 495 272 4 4 . 441 198 0 4' 936 470 4 8 421 0 3 25 '981 2 9 2,146 11 0 23 419 5 5 '2,567 12 0 20 ·-1,400 1,870 12 10 935 6 5 Balla rat 299! 136. 10 11 153 73 9 1 452! 210 o,. o 206 7 1 12 427 I5 ·3 20 1 3 17 24.12 8 . 226 9 1 I 452 .n 662 7 1l 33I 3 Ill ------·I------I~~----~I·------I-C------II------I------1------I------~ ------~~1------1 120;262! 2,502 o 1 121,816 3,807 8 6 242,078! 6,309 8 7 6,131 15 1 5 1,993 2 7 _,_2,_2__ 3_I __2__ 1_::_ 450 11 5 :-8_,_as_2__ 1_7,_2 __ 1_7·l--2--=,4-4_3 ____,_o ____8_,7_5_3 __ 2___ 7-I---4,_3_7.6 __ I_1 __3_! Geelong .Junetion­ 1 1 Williamstown 12,638 363' 4 4 6,062~ 165 I4 5 18,700~ 528 18 9 404~ 1 2 15 I 32 13 '2 252 1 0 7 16 7 4 656~ 2 2 '22 49' 6 577 19 3 288 I9 7§ Ballarat 1;303! 445 I7 8 6.41! I9,6 6 I 1,945 642 3 9 170 10 0 20 , '7 7 3 3 I7 0 ~ 4 I7 4 I74, 7 .0•24 .. 12 7 654 8 4 327 4 2 l------l----,,--~-----l------l------1------~--l-:------l------l------l-'------'--l---·-----:------,------1------1----·------13,9411 809 2 0 6,704 36'2 0 6 20,645! 1,171 2 6 574 11 3 7 40 0 5 255 18 0 II 2I 4 8 830 9 3 I8 61 1 1,232 7 7 616 3 9! 1------1------~-1------·--- North Williamstown ... . 66,772 1,836• 4 0 ~561 28 12 ,'8 67,428! 1,864 16 8 ...... , ...... I ... 1,864 16 8 932' 8 4 Williamstown .. . 148,683 4,158 12 .4 137,787! . 4,738 17, 5 286,4701 8,897 9 9 ...... ::: ... 8,897 9 9 4,448 14 10! Pier ...... ' 84,475 10 3 25 18,250 15 I 16,524 8 0 IO. 2,494 19 10 1100,9~ 19 0 7 20,7.45 .I I 20,745 14 u I0,372 17 5! l------l------·1------l~------l------l------l------l------l------~-1------·------~-1------1------215,455 .. 5,994 16 4 4,767 10 1 353,899 10,762 6 5 84,4,75 10 3 25 18,250 15 I 16,524 8 0 10 2,4~4 19 10 19 0 7 20,745 .1 31,508 1 4 15,754 0 8 1------l------l·------l------Keiior ... 7,445 1,195 5 10 3,542! il4 2 7 10,987! 1,909 8 5 1,823 0 0 21 966 8 11 2,169 15 2 I. 712 () 11' 3,992 15 2 22 .. 1,678 9. 10· 3,587 I8 3 .1,793 19 1! Diggers' Rest 3,I30~ 572 I I 0 1,29I 257 11 7 4,421~ 829.I3 5 , 784 12 I 19 279 I 6 5 954 IO 0 2 ll3 17 4 1,739 2 1 21 393 13 9 1,223 7 2 611 I3 7 Sunbury ... 7,9.041 1,62I 3 8 23,850 3,638 9 lO 31,754! 5,259 is 6 1,071 0 I 5 617 4 1 6,103 II 2 2 4,284 5 9 7,174 11 a· 1 .. 4,901 9 10 10,161 3 . 4 5,Q80 11 8 Lancefield 5,780! I,53.8 16 '9 2,;!79 745 11. 10 8,059! '2,284 8 7 5,486 19 2 13 2,843 ·5 6 ·.1,287 '15 1 2 8I5 3 5 6,774 14 3 15 ..3,658., 8 11 5,942 17 6 2,971 8 9 Riddell's Creek 3,449 732. 18 6 2,140~ 42I 9 8 5,589! I,l.H 8 2 13,292 13 2 6 3,655 15 5 . 715 18 2 19 439 1 5 14,008 12 0 25 .. 4,094 16 10 5,249 5 0 2,624' 12 6 Gisborne ... 4,264 .. I,155 6 7 3,209~ 876 8 2 7;473¥ 2,031 14' 9 5,002 13 0 17 I,867 11 6 444• 6.3 17 377. 12 .7 5,447 0 0 6 2,245 4 I 4,276 18 10 2,138·9 5 Middle Gully ...... _ 669 169 9 8 477' 121 19 '6 1,146 291 ·9 2 IS,!O!J 7 I I 4;181 6 4 349 9 0 6 215 2 2 18,458 I6 1 7 4,396 8 6 4,687 17 8 2,343 18 IO Woodend ...... 7,257 1,678 3 10. 4,492 J,I40 4 1:1 ll,749 .2,818 8 9 20,424 12 0 21 5,87,5 9 6 2,853 5.3 2 I,I45.10 0 23,277 17. 3 23 7,020 19 6 9,839 . 8 3 4,919 14 1! Tylden or Carlsruhe .. . 1,725 136 4 8 696! '103,1710 2,421! 240 2 .6 1,035 14 3 24 553 5 7 37 17 2 26 21 I5 3 1,073 12 2 22 575 o io 8I5 3 4 407 11 8 Kyneton ...... 20,ll4 7,037 5 0 18,494l 5,308 4 0 ,38,608! 12,345 9 0 9,405 17 1 5 7,570 13 6 3,897 10 I 9 4,653 3 ..9 13,303 7 2 14 12,223 17 3 24,569 6 3 12,284 13 Il

Malmsbury .•. •.. 18,542! . 4,516 17 0 11,412! 3,I08 8 7 29,955 7,625 5 7 5,751 12 1 16 31652 0 I 3;727 18 0 3 4,668 10 6 9,479 10 .I 19 ·. 8,320. 10 7 15,945 I6 2 7,972 18 1 Taradale ... •.. ll,250 1,805 0 4 ' 7,689 1,199 5 8 18,939 3,00-! 6 0 167 I5 0 4 126 16 4 908 12 0 25' 1,269 I9 3 1,076 7 1 1 1,396 15 7 4,401 I 7 2,200 10 9l Elphinstone •.. 6,639! 1,165 3 10 4,152 790 3 '5 10,791! 1,955 7 3 1,884 I I I 3' 1,396 12 2 I,331 19 I 18 I,026 I 6 3,216 o ·a a 2,422 I3 8 4,378 0 Il 2,189 0 5! Castlemaine ... 46,739! 15,321 0 8 42,395~ 12,548 12 3 89,135 27,869 12 11 8,235 5 0 0 7,193 3 6 20,163 2 2 15 32,248 0 6 28,398 7 2 15 39,441· 4 0 67,310 16 11 33,655 8 5! Hareourt ...... 12,907 I,082 12 10 11,685! 728 I8 1 2·4,592! · 1;8ti 10 11 3,414 1 I 27 585 . I o· 774 5 3 26 617 12 ll 4,1.88 7 J 25 1·,202 .13 11 3,0I4 4 10 1,507 2 5 Ravenswood ... 3,266! 513 1 8. 8,770;\ 568 1 9 I2,037 1,081 3 ·5 2,787 I9 1 18 1,810 I6 7 4.33 15 2 I 501 19 ~ 5 3,221 14 3 19 2,312 16' 0 3,393 19 5 1,696 I9 Sl Kangaroo Flat ... ·3,873 I,148 8 4 2,497! 741 8 6. 6,370~ 1,889 16 10 279 9 3 21 237 6 10 3,765 4 3 I8 5,261 16 11 4,044 14 3 ll 5,499 3 9 7,389 0 7 3,694 10 3!! Sandhurst ... • .. 39,200!' '21,579 12 8 ·34,755! 20,087 4 8 7:3,956 41,666 17 . 4 5,950 11 1 9 7,073 4 4 26.illo 6 1 9 37,392. 11 1 31,960 17 2 18 44,465 15 5 86,132 12 9 43,066 6 4!! Goornong .... 2,069 437 18 8 . 798! 204 19 2 . 2,867! . 642 17 10 1,314 10 0 0 454 16 9 .317 I7 2 20 I74 10 0 I ,632 7 2 20 629 6 9 1,272 4 '7 636 2 3~ R!Jnnymede .. . , .. . 3,417 1,379 3 6 2,153 1,119 8 10 5,570 2,49812 4 2,944 I 2 2 21 4,101 9 0 881 12-3 26 1,606 0 3 3,826 5 2 19 5,707 9 ' 3 8,206 1 7 4,I03 0 9l! Rochester ... •.. 1,855 701 12 IO. 1,014! 634 0 0• ·2,869! 1,335 12 10 43.3 14 a 5 ,- 736 7 9 524 9 2 22 949 17 'lO 960 4 '1 27 1,686 5 7 3,021 I8 5 1,510 19 2l Echuca ...... V37i 8,.946 11· ll 7,629 8,883, 11 6 14,7661 17,830 9 5 14,489 2 0 8 26,829 9 3 11,466 17 2 23 33,90I 4 11 25,955 I9 3 3 60,730 14 2 78,561 3 '7 39,280 11 9!

2I8,635i 74;434 6 7 195,4251 63,942 2 4 4I4,06I 138,37G 8 11 124,091 6 I 2:l. 82,6,08 0 4 89,120 3 3 I2 I32,395 17 8 213,2 10 t '61215,003 18 0 353,380 6 ll I76,69CI 3 5! I------J------I------~-I-~------c-l-----~---l------~c---l------·----- 1 Werribee ... 4,396! 1,114 8 3 2,440! 787 12 I 1,902 0 4 958 12 2 7 392 13 '5 1~020 8 3 22 307 9 9 1,979 ''71· 22 2' 61 700 3 2 2,602 3 6 1,301 1 9 Little River ... 3,535t '641 18 3 '1,949k 368 17 7 . 1;010 15 10 632 19 2 2cl 206 6 6 620 8 0 3 196 I8 7 1,253 403 5 1 ·1,4I4 0 11 707 0 5~ Duck Ponds 2,302! 485 0 6 1,48811 344 6 ll 829 7 5 2;018 17 1 10 lii6 14 8 299 11 0 I5 90 2 11, 2,3I8· 8 1 25 .846 .17 1 1,676 s· o 838 2 6 Co,vie's Creek 1,216! 93 8 7 679 48 15 .0 142 3 7 140 11 0 10 59 1I 5 44 16 3 20 • 6 i6 9 1_85, 8 0 2 66 8 2 208 11 9 104 5 10~ Geelong ... .. 69,968 27,963 11 11 7 4,344 27,855 1 2 55,818 .13 ·1 23,168 0 1 2 22,437 10 10 20,883 8 1 . 0 8,69s 7 5 44·,053 8 2 2 3I,I35 18 3 86,954 11 4 43,477 5 8 Moorabool ..:· 2,218! 270 7 0 '1,304 187 11 2 457 18 2· 4~0 3 2 27 289 14 4 596 16 2 16 87 6 8 1,047 0 1 I5 377 1 0 834 19 2 417· 9 7 Leigh •.•• 6,459! 1,403 13 6 3,386! _861 8' 4 2,265 I IO 2,()97 .9 1· 12 1,226 I 5 4 I ;523 12- 1 22 531 14 9 3,621 1 3 6 1,758 10, '1 4,023 11 11 2,011 15 11§ Lethbridge ... . 2,967 583 -15 2 1,209 280 I5' 7 864_ 10 9 314 18 .1 22 194 I2 I 840 l 0 2 23 24I 1 6 1,155 9 0 17 435 13 7 1,300 4 4 650 2 2 Meredith ... 7,397! 1,921 11 1 4,144! 1,367 '14 2 . 3,289 5 3 586 15 I 7 297 13 4 1,207 17 2 21 791 11 3 .1,794 13 0 0 1,089 4' 7 . ' 4,378 9 10 2,189 4 11 LaJ-I,al ••• 4,386 580 9 10 2,376! 357 16 9 938 6 7 7;668 3 3 20 1,296 17 1 543 9 I I8 151 18 ll 8,21 r 13 I 10 I,448 16 0 2,387 2 7 I,193 11 3! Buninyong ' ll,937i 1,096 16 9 2,4721 584 14 5 1,681·11 2 5,894 1 0 2 1,359 14 3 870 7 0 2I 919 5 8 6,764 8 0 23 2,278 19 11 3,960 11 'I 1,980 5 6~ Ballarat East 9,916 4,953 13 2 676 1,092 I4 0 6,046 7 2 ' 673 . 8 3 I 2 '476' i 5 14,055 0 0 15 I9,181 1 9 14,728 8 3 27 19,657 ·9 2 25,703 Hi 4 I2,85!' I8 2 Ballarat· ... 47,957 31,939 I8 1 47,599!, 32,507 I3' 3 64,447.11 4 12,284 ·w 2 11 I 0,439 5 II 42,237 8 0 18 62,18I 9 lO 54,521 18 3 1 72,620 15 9 137,068 · 7 I . 68,534 3 6!

Total:.. I69,658 73,048 12 f. I44,()70 66,645 0 5 . 313,728 139,693 12 6. 56,888 12 0.25 39,433 16 £ 8-!,745 15 2 18 93,385 5 9 !I· l,634 7 3 15 13:~;819 2 4 272,512 I4 lO 136,256 7 5 ----~~·~------1---·------l------Grand Totals ...... I,101,583! . 236,574 8 9 1,101,5831 236,574 9\ 9 4 73, 148 17 6 384,438 0 1 2 3: 9 7 38 0 1 2 315,457 0 2 4 630,! 19 2 I,· 16 8 552,031 18 4

N_o. 46, d.•

I 40


I No. l4.:_ThAFFIC REVENUE for the Year ending 31st December, .'1867.


PASSENGER TRAFFIC GOODS TRAFFIC. Tota.l Passenger '':Moiety or"' and ... Tota.l, ... STATIONS, INWARDS: ! OUTWARDS, l.Nwu:ris. 'TOTAL. G<>ods Traffic, TOTAL. Outwards and or Inwards. Station Traffic.

Number,, Amount. ·Number, .Amount. .Amoun,t. Tonnage. I .Amount. Tonnage. Amount, Tonnage. .Amount . -----l-----:--··l----·-i------c-,.----··--t·-----1-'----·l------ll-'-.~,--~:·"':

Mi.rrrayLine­ £ $, d. £ s. d. Tons c. q, lb. ;~ S. d. Tons c. f;l· lb. •£ $. d. , Tons _c, q. lb. £ s. d. £ •. d. £ $, d. 1 Melb~e:., , .. --58,535& 39,414 2 1 82,615c\ I 50,401 11 7 : 57,243 18 2 5 108,243 16 1 85,320 10 3 17 49,558 2 1 1142,564 9 1 22 157,80118 8 247,677 12 10 . 123,838 16 5 '· N ort.h :Melbourne .. 9I4k '427 i9 6 ~ 66 18 9 [41 0 0 0 121 9 10 5,210 0 0 0 9,581 !4 4 5,251 0 0 0 9,702.14 2 10,197 12 5 "' 5,098 16 • ~- 495 212 4 4 441 198 0 4 981 2 9 I 2,146 11 0 23 419 '5 5 .2,58712 0 20' 1,400 8 2 1,870 12 10 935 6 '.5"

/ .All.other stations· •. 218,635~ 74,434 ~· 7 195,~ 63,942 2 4 82,608 0 4 ! .·~9,120 '3 3 12 132,395 11 8, 213,211 .1o 1 6 I 21s,oo3 18 o 353,380 6 11 176,690 3 5c\

I Williamstown Line- Melooume .. 232,647~ 7,4Io 16 9 I N ort.h Melbourne· . , 19,033 393041 Footseray .. 119,468 ! ~,093 4 10 .• Geelong Junction .. 12,588 All oth

Melbourne .. 51,910~ 31,681 10 6 38,659 14 9 '130,78~ 70,341 5 3 . 39,561 12 2 -18 62,372 14 9 11,856 12 3 8 8,63018 .4 51,418 5 ·1 26 71,003 13 1 : 141,344 18 4 •. '70,612 9 ·2 Noifu Melb~urn~ .. 590 288 2 0 7M:~: I 26 ,2 10 314 4 10 33 5 0 0 57 611 234 0 0 253 6'8 2675!10 310 13 7 I ·624 is 5 .. · • 312 9.. ~ 61~ :o Footscray ·e .. ~ !36 10 11 158 73 9 1 I 452-j, 210 0 0 2067112 427 15 3 20 1 ~·3 17 24 12 8 226911 452 ·711 662 711 331 3.11~ Geelbng JunCtion .. 1,3~ ~ 17 8 6fi~ 196 6 1 ~245 642 3'9 170 10 0 20 1 7.3 3 17 0 4 411 4 174 1 0 24 12 4 1 •654 8 4 ..• 327 4'2 AJi other stations , , 169,658 n,o48 12 1 144,0'10 66,1)45 OJ 5 728 139,693 12 6 56,888 12. 0 25 39,433 16 7 84,745 15 2 18 93,888 5 9 141,534 1 3 15 132,819 2 4 272.'512 14 10 • J36,256 7 5 ---1--__:-_;__ ----l----l--31)l-'-.-' - -1--'-----.1---,------:--·-·-1'------1------' 2:l3,y61~ 105,600 13 2 . 2:l3,76l~ 105,600 13 2 447,523 211,201 6 4 96,860 1 ~ 19 .102,299 0 9 96,860 7 119 102,299 0 9 193,720 14 3 10 204,598 1 6 i 415,799 7 10 .207,899 13,11 ------,---;-l-'----1------::·---1------:-1·------1----·--1·---·------1------' Grand Tota.l 1,101,583~ 23!J.5i4' 8 9 1,101,~ 2:l6,574 8 9 2,203,167 ~73,148 17 6 384,438 0 1 2 i 315,457 9 7 384,438 0 1 2 ·315,457 9 7 768,876 0 .2 4 630,914 19 2 : '1,104,063-16 8 .. 552,031 18 4

Dep:irtme~t of Victorian Railways, W. H. WR~GHT, Secretary.

Secretary's Office, 15tL June; 1868. ANTHONY J.\:IATHISON, Accountant...... V .... V .n. ~A .L'i .1:(, ..11).1 L w A y s.

No. :il.!i\o ColfPARATIVE STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenses at each Station for 1866 and 186!J'. 1866. - -1867.

STATION!", REVENUE, Percentage REVENUE. ' EXPENSES. .· Percentage Remarks. lh··-·· of Expenses of Expenses Pnssengers, &c. Goods. Total. 'Vages. Stores. Total. to Revenue. Total. ·Wages. to Revenue. --- l'a.sscngers, &c., Good:.__ Stores. "I:otnl. ·- I £. .£ £ £ £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ £ Ballarat East ... 3,105 9,392 12,497 1,237 84 1,321 ' lOt 3,023 I 9,829 12,852 954 82 1,036 8 Ticket collecting station Ballarat ... 35,209 I 37,356 72,565 3,425 456 3,881 5! 32,224 I 36,310 68,534 3;118 561 3,679 5J Buniuyong ::: ... 907 859 1,766 318 44 362 20~ 841 1,139 1,980 287 41 328 17 Carlsruhe .. , ... 190 365 ,,555 170 26 196 35! 120 287 407 147 13 160 39t Castlemaine.,. ... 15,261 20,459 35,720 2,692 271 I 2,963 Si 13,935 19,720 33,655 • 2,506 410 2,916 Sf Cowic's Creek ... 83 I 81 164 81 21 102 62 71 33 104 80 18 98 94 Diggers' Rest ... 548 320 868 310 28 338 39 415 197 612 206 ·36 242 40 Duck Ponds...... 518 508 1,026 285 30 315 sot 414 424 I 838 186 222 ' 36 26! ·' Eehuca. ... 9,898 33,097 42,995 2,345 185 2,530 6 8,915 30,366 39,281 2,611 198 • 2,809 7t Elphinstonc: :: ... 742 995 1,737 429 64 493 28.1.. a 978 1,2_11 2,189 300 44 344 15t Epsom and Runtly ... 8 ... 8 ...... I· ...... Footscray ...... 2,528 1,894 4,422 1,465 147 1,612 36~ 3,155 1,222 4,377 1,528 128 1,656 38 Ticket collecting station Geelong .•• ... 24,018 15,246 39,264 3,365 236 3,601 9! 27,909 ' 15,568 43,477 3,341 312 3,653 Sl Geelong Junction ... 545 185 730 1,003 61 1,064 146 585 31 616 832 73 905 47 Geclong West ...... 303 ... . 303 ...... 288 .. . 288 ... Gisborne ...... 1,14ll 983 2,132' 427 51 478 22! 1,016 1,123 2,139 409 39 448 21 Goornong ...... 330 161 491 207 28 235 48 321 315 636 148 31 179 28 Harcourt ... 454 382 836 293 37 330 40 906 601 1,507 170 43 213 14 Kangaroo Fi~t ... 1,209 3,710 4,919 521 56 577 ll! 945 2,750 3,695 518 47 . 565 15! Ticket collecting station Keilor Hoad .•. ... 1,058 442 ·1,5CO 380 71 451 30 955 839 1,794 325 48 373 Kyneton 20! ...... 6,632 7,153 13,785 1,663 150 1,813 13! 6,173 6,112. 12,285 1,412 130 1,542 12! Lal-Lal ...... 519 446 965 310' 35 345 •. 35! 470 724 1,194 188 44' 232 19t Lancefield ... 1,031 I, 121 2,152 442 44 486 221 1,142 1,829 2,971 372 36 408 14 T.eigh Hoad ::: ... 1,156 1,723 2,879 438 68 506 17! 1,133 879 2,012 \ 399 69 468 23t Lethbridge .•. ... 529 281 810 313 53 366 45 432 218 650 162 32 194 29!: Little River .•. ... 566 239 805 520 32 552 68! 505 202 707 337 29 366 - 51J :M:almsbur.y ...... 3,955 5,145 9,100 730 93 823 9 3,813 4,160 7,973 I 702 83 785 9!: Melbourne ...... 93,850 137,054 230,904 25,522 1,667 27,189 lli 87,752 124,909 212,661 25,488 1,910 27,!l98 12! Melbourne North ... 745 4,999 5,744 561 90 651 ll;i' 666 5,012 5,678 509 114 623 11 Meredith ... 1,871 541 2,412 332 44 376 15~ 1,645 544 2,189 265 65 330 15 Middle Gully ... 150 . 2,571 2,721 535 42 577 21i 146 2,198 2,344 450 36 486 20! Moorabool ...... 295 201 496 292 32 324 65! 229 188 417 222 31 253 60! Pier ...... 10,754 10,754 5,132 1,005 6,137 57 ... 10,373 10,373 4,944 239 5,183 50 Ra.vcns\vood::: ... 599 1,234 1,833 360 38 398 21! 541 1,156 1,697 213 . 56 269 16 Riddell's Creek ... 607 823 1,430 320 . 65 385 27 577 " 2,048 2,625 405 46 451 17 Rochestcr ... 579 605 1,184 101 58 159 13! 668 843 1,511 !56 23 179 lit Runnymede ...... 1,491 3,352 4,843 596 50 646 13! 1,249 2,854 4,103 609 5·~ 663 16 Sandhurst ...... 24,131 28,798 52,929 3;095 500 3,595 6! 20,833 22,233 43,066 2,850 555 3,405 8 Sun bury ...... 2,736 2,087 4,823 614 52 666 13! 2,630 2,451 5,081 641 77 718 14. Taradale ...... 1,659 665 2,324 323 57 380 16~ 1,502 699 - 2,201 180 42 222 10 Werribee ...... 1,257 392 1,649 798 72 870 52!· 951 350 1,301 644 56 700 54 Williamstown ... 3,920 ... 3,920 974 257 1,231 31~ 4,449 ~ .... 4,449 771 212 983 22 Willia.mstown North ... 923 ... 923 294 48 342 37 932 ... 932 289 51 340 36! Woodend ...... t,n7 4,300 6,057 1,043 77 1,120 18! 1,409 3,510 4,919 957 66 1,023 20! ------I ---- 248,718 340,919 589,637 64,564 I 6,525 71,089 12 236,575 I 315,457 ' 552,032 16;,1;9 6,216 67,335 12 Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No. JLG,.· AcTUAL NuMBEll. and Percentage Proportion of First and Second Class Passengers respectively conveyed on each of the several Lines, also the Average Number of each Class of Passengers conveyed, per Mile per Annum, for the Years ending December, 1863, to December, 1867.


plJ!SENGlillS CO,VEYED. P lJ!S'!JNGEllll CONVEYED. p A.SSENGEI!S CONVEYED. P lJ!SENG'ERS CoNVEYED. Miles 1-----:------:------1 Miles llflles 1-----,-----,.---­ Mil~s open. I open. open. open. First Class. Second CJ.a.ss. Total. First Class.. SeCO!Jd Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total.

" 1863. - ...-:- •.• -Ii-... -:-1-... -~-. 11 Miles open ... •.. 97 90 192~ Passengers conveyed 60,023 291,540 351,563 ... 121,062 149,776 270,838 49,472 144,030 193,502 230,557 585,346 815,903 Number per mile per annum ... 6l9 3,oos· 3,624 ... 22,011 27,232 1 49,243 550 1,600 2;150 1,197 3,041 4,238 Percentage proportion 17•07 82'93 lOO· •.• 44'69 55•31 : I 100' 25'56 74'44 lOO· 28'26 71•74 , 1_oo· ·

• 1864. Miles open ...... 210/t Passengers ~onveyed 68,784 331,836! 400,62~ 156,337 205,729/t 362,066! 53,260 147,883 201,143 278,381 685,449 963,830. Number per mile per annum 598 2,885 3,484 28,425 37,405 I 65,830 592 1,643 2,235 1,322 3,256 4,578 Pcrce~tage proportion H·2o 82'80 100" 43"18 56•82 lOO· 26'49 73•51 lOO· 28•88. 71"!2 lOO·

1865. ';I Miles open ...... 156. 6 92 ... .1254 Passengers conveyed ... 55,262 245,963 301,225 190,274 349,824 540,098 59,213 165,642 224,855 1 ... 304,749 761,429 1,066,178 Number per mile per annum .. . 354 1,577 1,931 31,712 58,304 90,016 644 1,800 2,444 ... 1,200 2,997 4,197 Percentage proportion . .. . 18'34 81•66 lOO• 35"23 64•77 lOO· 26'33' 73•67 lOO· I ; •• 28"58 71•42 lOO· I 1866. Miles open ...... 15G 6 92 ... •. ••• i1254 Passengers conveyed ...... 52,774 256,996 • 309,770 ... I 206,935 363,542! 570,477! 62,097 189,930?. 252,027! ... . 321,806 810,469 1,132,275 Number per mile per annum .. . 338 1,648 1,986 34;482 60,590 95,072 675 2,os4 2,739 I .. . 1,267 3,151 4,418 Percentage proportion .. . ·17·02 82·98 1 100' 36:27 63•73 lOO· 24'65 75'35 • lOO· I ... 28'42 71•58 lOO•

I 1867. l 1 .. • .. • 156 6 I Miles open .-~ I - ...... lli 254 47,806 230,775 278,5,81 217,348 . 38!,894 599,242 56,700 321,854. Passengers conveyed ... 167,061 223,761 ' .. . 779,730 1,101,584 306 1,479 1,785 ... 36,225 63,649 99,874 1,816 2,432 .. . 1,267 3,070 I Number per mile per annum ,~ I ::: 616 ,4,337 Percentage proportion 17•14 82'86 lOO· ... 36'27 63"73 100' I .... 25'_33 I 74:67 lOO· I • .. . 29•21 70'79 lOO· I I

Department of Victo~·ian Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, .15th June, 1868. · ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. V I C T 0 R I AN RA I LW AY S.

:No. :!!.'1o ACTUAL AMOUNT and Percentage- Proportion of Receipts, from First and Second Class Passengers respectively, on each. of the several Lines, also the average Passenger. Receipts, per Mile per Annum, from each Class of Passengers, for the Years ending December, 1863, to December, 1867.

MUURAY. WILLIAlllSTOWN. . 'BALLARAT. TOTAL. - -- P ABSENGER' RECEIJ:V.'£S, PAssENGER RECErns. PASSENGER REcEIPTS, P ASSENOER RECEIPTS, llfi!es ll!lles Miles ------~ Miles open~ open. open~ open~ First Clnss. Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total. J<'irst Class. Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total.

' 1863. £ £ £ '£ £ £ -. £ £ £ £ £ £ Miles open ...... 97 ...... 5! ...... 90 ...... 192! ...... 'Passenger ...... ·28,806 71,010 . 99,816 ... 4,304 4,497 8,801 .. . 30,800 62,203 93,003 ... 63,910 137,710 201,620 Receipts per per annum ...... 297 732 1,029 ... 782 818 1,600 .. . 342 691 1,033 ... 332 715 1,047 Percentage proportion ...... 28•86 17•14 lOO· ... 48•90 51•10 lOO· ... 33'12 66'88 lOO· ... 31•70 68'30 lOO·

1864; . Miles open ...... 115 ...... 5! ...... 90 ...... 210~ ...... Passenger receipts ...... 31,350. 69,817 101,167 .. . 4,870 5,194 10,064 ... 31,448 54,351 85,799 .. . 67,668 129,762 197,430 Receipts per mile per annum ...... 273 607 880 ... 541 577 1,118 ... 321 559 880 .. . 322 618 940 'Percentage proportion ...... 31•02 68·~8 lOO· ... 48'39 51'61 100· ... 36•48 63'52 too· ... 34•25 65'75 lOO·

1865. Miles open ...... 156 ...... 6 ...... 92 ...... 254 ...... Passenger receipts ...... 37,244 78,281 115,525 .. . 5,723 7,522 13,245 ... 36,424 57,905 94,329 ... 79,391 143,708 '223,096 Receipts per mile per annum ...... 238 502 740 ... 954 1,253 2,207 ... 396 629 1,025 .. . 312 566 878 Percentage proportion ...... 32'24 67•76 lOO· ... 43•20 56·80 . 100' ... 38"61 61"39 lOO· .. . ' 35"56 64'44 lOO·.

1866. Miles open ...... 156 ...... 6 ...... 9~ ...... 254 ...... Passenger receipts ...... 33,353 7;4,219 107,572 ... 6,141 7,566 13,707 .. . 35,916 60,719 96,635 .. . '75,410 142,504 217,914 Receipts per mile per annum ...... 214 476 690 ... 1,023 1,261 2,284 ... 390 660 1,050 ... 297 561 858 Percentage proportion ... 31•01 68•99 lOO• 44•79 55'21 100• ... -37·14 62'86 100' . 34'61 65'39 lOO· ...... ' ... ..

1867. Miles open ...... 156 ...... 6 ...... 92 ...... 254 ...... rassenger receipts ...... 29,066 69,461 98,527 ... 7,248 8,653 15,901 '"" 33,806 59,372 93,178 ... 70,120 137,486 207,606 Receipts per mile per annum ...... 186 445 631 ... 1,208 1,442 2,650 .. . 367 645 1,012 .. . 276 541 817 rerccntage proportion ...... 29'48 70'52 lOO• ... 45'59 54'41 I lOO· ... 36'26 63'74 lOO· .. . 33•78 66'22 lOO·

Depart.ment of Victorian Railways, ,W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountanl VICTORIAN R.AILW.A:YS.

No. 18;

.AcTUAL NUMBER and ~ercentage Proportion of Passengers conveyed by Single and Return Tickets on each of the several Line~, for the Years ending December, 18,63, tc December, 1867. J

- ' ' I MURRAY. WILLIAllfSTOWN. BALLARAT. TOTAL. - Single. Return. Total. Single. Return. Total. Single Return. Totru. Single. Return. Total.

-1863. - Passengers ...... 151,748 199,815. 351,56~ 98,508 1"72,330 270,838 91,354 102,148 193,502 '341,610 474,293 815,903 Proportion ...... 43•16 56•84/ lOO· 36•37 63·63 lOO· 47'21 52'79 lOO· 41•86 58•14 lOO'

1864. .. .. Passengers ...... 199,038 201,582 400,620 113,182 248,884 362,066 114,042 87,101 201,143 426,263 537,567 963,830 ' Proportion ...... - ... 49'68 50"32 lOO· 3!•24 68•76 lOO· 56'69 43•31 100' 44•22 . 55·7.8 lOO• 1865. . '

Passengers ...... ~ • t" ... 168,247- 132,978 301,225 141,772 398,326 540,098 130,599 94,256 224"855 440,618 625,560 1,066,178 Proportion ...... 55;85 44'15 ·1oo· 26·25 73•75 100· 58"08 41•92 lOO· 41•30 58•70 lOO· .. .

I 1866. . Passengers ...... 178,~054- 131,564! 309,770 144,885! 425,592 s10,41n 153,581i 98"446 252,027§ 476,672~ 655,602-!i 1,1~2,2~5 I Proportion ...... ·s7;52 42'48 lOO· 25•39 74•61 lOO· 60•94 39'06 lOO· 42·09 57•91 lOO·

1867. I Passengers ...... 130,360 148,221 278,581 109,966 489,276 599,242 116,554 107,207 223,761 '356,880 744,704 1,101,584 Proportion ...... 46•79 53•2! 100' 18"35 8!•65 lOO· 52"08. 47•92 lOO· 32•39 67•6! lOO• I ' Department.of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIGII'r, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY.MATHISON, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

No. 19. AVERAGE RECEIPTS per Passenger of each Class for the Years ending December, 1863, to December, 186'7.

lliURRAY. WILLIAJIISTOWN. B.A.LLARAT. TOTAL. -- ' First Class. Second Class. -----Total. -----First ClfiSs. Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total. First C!o.ss. Second Class. Total. s. d. s. d. s. d. 8, d. 8. d. s. d. I s, . d•. s. d. s. d. s. d. 8, d. s. d. 1863 ...... 9 7•1 4 10"4 5 8·1 0 8'5 0 7•2 0 7•8 12 5•4 8 7•6 9 7•3 5 6'5 4 8'4 4 u·3 1864 ...... 9 1'4 4 2•5 5 0•6 0 7-5 0 6·0 0 6•6 ll 9'7 7 4'8 8 6·8 4 to·3 3 9•4 4 1'1 1865...... 13 5•3 6 4'4 7 8·o. 0 7•2 0 5•2 0 5'9 I 12 3'6 I 6 11•8 8 4'7 5 2'5 3 9•3 4 2'2 1866 ...... 12 7•7 5 9'3 6 ll•3 0 7•1 0 5•0 ·0 5'8 11 6•8 6 4•7 7 8·o 4 8•2 3 6•2 3 10·2 - 1867 ...... 12 1•9 6 O·"! 7 0•9 I 0 8·o 0 5'4 ·o 6•4 I 11 11'1 7 1•3 8 3•9 4 4•3 3 6'4 3 9'2 Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's ·Office, 15th June~ 1868. ANTHO,NY MATHISON, Accountant.


No. ZO. AvERAGE RECEIPTS per Mile Travelled per Passenger of each 'Class for the Yea~s ending December, 1863, to December, 1867.

MURRAY. WILLIAMSTOWN. BALLARAT. TOTAL. -- . ,-----First Class. Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Total. First ClfiSs, Second Class. Total. First Class. Second Class. Totnl. d. d. d. d. d. d .. d. d. d. d. d. d. 1863 ...... 3•055 2'335 2'506 0'983 0'842 0'906 2•748 2'191 2'349 2'555 2•154 2'267 1864 ...... 2•931 2•019 2'234 o·870 0'723 0•787. 2•596 1'947 2•132 2•363 1•857 2•004 1865 ...... 2'587 1'898 2'076 o·939 0"797 0'852 2'560 1'715 1"965 2•287 1•701 1'872 1866 ...... 2•688 1'651 1'875 0'943 0•793 o·854. 2"454 1'506 1•759 2•247 1•501 1'698 1867 ...... 2"860 1:908 2'116 1'059 o·860 0;941 2"601 1'748 1'974 2'338 1•704 1•877 l ' Department of Victorian Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. ~ecretary's Office, 15th June, I 868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. V I C T 0 R I AN R A I L W A Y S.

No. 2'.1. AcTUAL. ToNNAGE and Goods Revenue on each of the several Lines, also the Tonnage and Revenue per Mile per Annum, for the Years ending December, l'S63, to December, 1867. liiURRAY. WILLIAMSTOWN. BALLARAT. TOTAL.

!lfean ~- .. . I Revenue, . Mean ' R"evenue :Menn I Mean Revenue Reveriue. Length Tounnge. ! Revenue. pel' ton. Length Tonnage. Revenue. per ton. Length Tonnage. ReV'enue. ~;~~~~ Length Tonnage. . per ton. ------+.-----·-r------1-----·1----open. 1 • open. open. open: • j 'lltll,es: • r·- £ s. d. MileS. - £ 's. d. llfiles. "£ s. d •• 1\I!Ies • £ s. d. \ Tonna.ge and revenue ... 1 94 121,847 i 124,177 20 4·589 .. 6 76,791 18,653 4 10·291 92 76,859 88,423 23 0'109 192 275,497 :?31,253 16 9'021 1863 Eer m1le per annum ... ~ ... 1,296 I 1,321 ...... 12,798 3;1o9 835 961 1,435 1,204 { Tonna.ge and revenue .... 132 161,486 177,766 22 0'195 6 ·67,551 17,690 5 2'850 92 84,545 92,495 21 1'567 230 1313,582 287,951 18 4'383 1864 Per uule per ,annum ...... 1,223 1,339 ...... 11,258 2,948 919 1,005 .•• . 1,363 l ,252 • j Tonnage _and i·evenue ...... 1 156 183,176 210,821 23 .0·220 6 69,709 14,706 4 2'631 92 . 86,927 104,470 1 24 .;;.435 254 1339,812 329,997 19 5'067 186" I Per mile per annum ... ••. I ... 1,174 1,351 ... .•. 11,s18 1 2,451 945 1,135 ... I 1,3:l3 . 1,299 I 1 Tonnage and revenue ... 156 192,336 1213,26o 22 2·109 6 1116,262 1 22,460 3 10'364 92 90,961. 105,196 23 1'559 254 1 399,559 1 340,916 1 17 0'7.75 1866 I I'er mile per annum ...... 1,233 ~ 1,367 ... • .. 19,377 - 3,743 989 1,143 1 .5.. 4 I 1,5731 I ,3421 . {Tonnage and revenue ... 1s6 181,797 191,954. 21 1·4o8 6 1o5,78o. I 21,2o4 4 Q'109 92 96,86i 102,299 2 )384,438 815,457 16 4'936 1867 1 ·l'(!r mile per nn,num ...... • 1,165 I 1,230 ••• ••. 17,630 I, 3,536 1,053 1,112· ... ! 1,513 1,:!42 I I 1 Department of Victorian J¥tilways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, .Accountant.


. Noa. ZZ. AVERAGE RECEIPTS per Mile carried per Ton for the Yel!-rs. ending December, 1864, to December, 1~~7.


d. d. d. d. 1864 ...... 3'663 7•203 4•324 3•977. 1865 ...... 3'909 5'789. 4'344 4'103 1866 ...... 3"817 5'482 4'179 4'004 1867 ...... 3'653 5•416 4'235 3'913 I . Department of Victorian. Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. · Secretary's Office, 15tb June, 1868. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant.

'.If 47


No. Z3.

STATEMENT'showing the Monthly Revenue derived from Passengers and Goods Traffic respectively on each of the Lines, and on the whole of the Lines collectively, for the Year 1867. ·

Passengers, &c. Line. Month. Total. Number. Amount. Tonlll':ge. Amount. ----1------1-~------£' s. d. 'Tons cwt. qrs. lbs. £ s. d. £ s. d. January 30,349! 10,97S 17 1 12,!331 I4 1 IS 13,641 17 7 24,620 14 8 February 19,506 8,323 12 1 13,402 I5 0 3 I2,816 13 10 21,I40 5 11 March 23,458 9,469 1 8 I6,798 I5 2' 6 14,747 15 7 24,2I6 I7 3 April 48,485 13,000 4 7 I4,957 9 2 18 13,733 19 0 26,734 ~ 7 May JS,733 8,S89 9 1 I5,491 17 1 IS 14,032 10 9 22,921 19 10 .Tune 15,SJ4 7,791 s 3 13,225 19 3 . 2 11,984 12 9 19,776 1 0 July 11),061 8,212 1 10 I5,28I 15 3 22 15,262 0 4 23,474 2 2 August 16,114~ S,559 0 10 I6,272 11 2 0 I6,343 6 11 24,902 7 9 September ••• 13,90S 7,3S2 11 2 I3,924 17 2 26 I6,487 15 8 23,870 6 IO October 14,506! 7,600 12 10 15,694 17 1 10 17,S73 6 9 25,473 19 7 November 22,067 11,400 2 s 17,340 6 0 6 23,274 9 0 34,674 11 8 December 39,57S 13,001 10 ll 17,074 5 2 7 21,756 1 4 34,757 12 3 1------1·---- Total ••• 27S,580t 1114,608 13 0 181,797 5 3 24 191,954 9 6 1 306,563 2 6

January 65,018! 1,476 6 6 16,159 9 3 17 3,250 14 7 4,727 1 1 February 43,887! 1,002 5 1 10,611 6 1 17 1,751 a. s 2,753 8 6 March 51,509 1,180 6 7 3,727 8 3 16 670 o· 6 I,850 7 I April 51,002 1,I58 IO 10 i,741 2 1 19 1,390 13 9 2,549 4 7 May 43,069! 1,150 6 9 8,808 17 1 16 1,715 7 3 2,865 I4 0 June 39,708 1,078 6 9 8,489 19 1 7 1,758 12 7 2,836 19 4 July 39,659~ 1,074 2 5 10,032 13 0 1 2,052 4 0 3,I26 6 5 August ..• , '40,080 1,070 1 9 8,320 9 2 17 1,695 7 2 ·2,765 8 11 •· September .•• 37,74?! 1,011 14 3 9,0I2 15 0 10 1,987 10 8 2,999 4 I1 October 5I,863! I,687 I2 8 6,287 2 1 21 1,245 8 2 2,933 0 10 November 79,I29! 2,759 I6 8 9,144 8 0 22 1,913 3 0 4,672 19 8 December 56,569 1,715 12 4 7,444 14 0 20 1,773 14 3 3,489 6 7 l------·---l------l-~------Total .•• 599,241! 16,365 2 7 105,i80 6 3 I5 21,203 19 4 3?,569 I 11 '

January 25,437 10,728 7 1 7,966 4 1 7 9,285 I9 2 20,014 6 3 February 17,457 I 8,246 0 0 6,098 8 3 12 7,369 10 1 15,615 10 1 March 18,713l 8,456 3- 0 7,288 12 3 16 8,764 4 0 I? ,220 7 0 April 28,468 10,716 1 9 7,367 8 1 18 8,133 5 4 18,849 7 I May I4,077 ,7 1460 15 I 7,909 0 1 5 8,39I IO 6 15,852 5 7 June I3,206 7,210 18 10 6,561 6 2 16 7,204 IO 8 14,415 9 6 July 13,407! 7,300 4 4 8,703 14 2 7 9,252 3 4 16,552 7 8 August .12,724 7,088 11 ' 5 7,510 I9 3 14 7,38I 9 1 14,470 0 6 September ••• 12,283! 6,880 19 7 6,300 6 3 21 7,161 10 3 14,042 9 IO October 14,265 . 7,668 6 6 8,6I6 14 0 I3 8,4I8 5 8 16,086 12 2 November 20,428~ I0,521 2 9 10,951 9 1 19 10,641 9 10 21,162 12 7 December 33,294:l 13,323 2 IO 11,586 1 0 11 10,295 2 IO 23,6I8 5 8 ------l------1------1----·------Total ••• 223,761! 105,600 I3 2 96,860 7 1 19 102,299 0 9 207,899 13 11

January 120,805 23,I83 IO 8 36,457 8 2 14 February 80,850t I7,57l 17 2 30,112. 10 1 4 iV1arch 93,680! 19,105 11 3 27,814 17 1 10 r April 127,955 24,874 17 2 30,066 0 1 27 May 75,879! I7 ,500 10 11, 32,209 I5 0 11 June ·68,728 16,080 13 10 -

W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Victorian Railways, ANTHONY MATHISO.N, Accountant Se?retary's Office,, 15th June, 1868. 48


:No. 2.4:.

SuMMARY of Revenue at Stations from 1864 to 1867.

1864. 1865, 1866, 1867. I I. STATIONS. -:." - " ~ ·I E ··t"' ..., .,; .. ., '"' .. ·~ ., I "' "~ ~ 0 3 0 3 "~· 0 1! 0 ""0 0 ~Q "' 0 "'. "'0 .. . "' 3 !& d<> 0 •P,..:;J 0 !-< P.."8 442 1,500 955 839 1,794 Kyneton ...... 6,103 6,012 12,115 6,349 6,193 12,542 6,632 7,153 13,785 6,173 6,112 12,285 Lal-Lal ...... 590 820 1,410 541 581 1,122 519 446 965 470 724 1,194 Lancefield ...... 1,039 1,659 2,698 1,135 1,287 2,422 1,031 I ,121 2,152 1,142 1,829 2,971 Leigh ...... 1,127 1,065 2,192 1,120 1,233 2,353 1,156 .1,723 2,879 1,133 879 2,012 . Lethbridge ...... 474 371 845 .524 369 893 529 281 810 432 218 650 Little River ... 818 721 1,539 560 288 848 566 239 ·. 805 505 202 707 Maims bury ... 2,778 4,404 7,182 4,050 3,739 7,789 3,954 5,146 9,100 3,813' 4,160 7,973 Melbourne ...... 86,972 118,675 205,647 96,494 134,444 230,938 93,851 137,053 230,904 87,752 124,909 212,661 .\lelbourne North ... 728 435 1,163 778 4,996 5,774 745 4,999 5,744 666 5,012 5,678 l\Ieredith ... 1,413 473 1,886 2,142 ,827 2,969 !,871 541 2,412 1,645 544 2,189 Middle Gully ... 71 3,142 3,213 170 3,2~5 3,·155 150 2,571 2,721 146 2,198 2,344 Moorabool ...... 270 208 478 266 369 635 295• 201 496 229 188 417 Pier ...... 8,966 R,966 ... 7,255 7,255 ... 10,754 10,754 ... 10,373 10,373 Ravenswood ... 501 779 1,280 531 1,652 2,183 599 1,234 1,833 541 1,156 1,697 Hiddell's Creek ... 597 888 1,485 535 791 1,326 607 823 1,430 577 2,048 2,625 Rochester ... 86 ... .1'16 436 ... 436 579 605 1,184 668 843 1,511 Runnymede ... 331 14 345 1.271 2,306 3,577 1,491 3,35~ 4,843 ·1,249 2,854 4,103 Sandhurst ...... 27,935 40,754 68,689 28;192 29,856 58,04,8 24,131 28,798 52,929 20,833 22,233 43,066 Sun bury ...... 1,982 Gl5 2,497 1,675 1,120 2,795 2,736 2,087 4,823 2,630 2,451 '5,081 Taradale ...... 1,385 495 1,880 2,312 961 3,:173 1,659 665 2,324 1,502 699 2,201 ·werribee ...... 1,856 837 2,693 1,472 594 2,066 1,257 392 1,649 951 350 1,301 Williamstown '4,113 ... 4,113 4,016 ... 4,016 3,920 ... 3,920 4,449: ... 4,449 Williamstown North 891 ... s91 1 9o7 ... 9o7 923 ... 923 932 .. . 932 Wood end ...... 2,175 4,120 6,295 ~ 1,998 5,106 7,104 1,757 4,300 I 6,05_7 • I ,409 3,5 I 0 ' 4,919 1 Totals ... 226,47; ;;1-,514,4261255,47; ;29,9~7 585,476- 248;721 340,9161589,6371236,5751315,:;;1552,032 . .

• Closed 1st July, 186ii. W.H. WRIGHT, Secretary. ANTHONY · MATHISON, Accountant.

Department of ·,·~ctorian Railways, · . . . Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868 . . -

. . . I


:No. z5. R~<:TURNo of the ~umbet;· and Nature of the Accidents and Injuries to Life and Limb which have-occurred ou each of the several Lines of Victorian Railways from the lst January to the 31st December, 1867.

Servants of the Dcpnrtment1 or of ~~ Passengers Killed or Injured. Contractors, Killed or Injured. Pen

1867. ! I I I I lOth January Melbourne Goods Station 1 ... •.• ...... I ... I ... 1 Laborer, crushed between buffers of truck and goods I · van 22nd ... Ditto ...... I • ':Laborer, arm slightly crushed while shunting a truck " . 4th April ...... Ditto ...... : 1 .:: Laborer, dislocated his elbow, by a fall from the plnt- 1 form on to the rails · lOth , ..• ... Ballarat line ...... • 1 ... • ~ 1 1 Trespasser on the line, knocked down by engin~, had 1 11th ,, ...... Murray line ... ' 12th , ...... Ditto ...... :::11,1 ::: ::: ::: I ::: ::. I ·~ ::: :.: :·: ,. ::: ::: ::: ::: I ::: ~~~;~~€f':,:~.. ;,:~:'.=~~:::";: 1 injured, by the gear giving way whilst lifting a 1 boiler at the Echuca wharf 12th ... Melbourne Goods Station 1 1 ..... 1 •••••• ...... ·.. ·.· ...... ·.·. ·. ..· ·.· " • •. ~. •••·.·- ! .·.·•· ·•·.. · ...... ·..... I ·..· .· Laborer, had his leg broken whilst loading pig iro.n

• 1 30th September Ballarat line 1 1 Fireman, killed whilst shunting a carriage at Leigh· 1 ~-...- --... -~-·- ...- ·-.-•• - --...- __,_ _ _ _ _ --...-:- ...- --...- ___ --...-~- ••• - road Station 3 1 5 1 1 1

Department of Vic.torian Railways, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868.. ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

·xo. 2.6. .• RETURN of Wool, for 1866 and 1867, consigned at the undermentioned Statio.t:lS to Melbourne, the Williamstown Pier, and Geelong.

1866. 1867.

1 l>fELBOURNE, Tm: PlEil, GEELONG. '1 0T.AL. THE PIER, GEELONG. TOTAL, Revenue. --.:.----'---,-----!~ -·-Re_v,_en_u_•_· ~I-B-nl_cs_.,, __ne_v_e_nu_•,_· _ ~~-~v~nue.__ · ~~--~~·-- Bales. Bales. Revenue. BaleS, Revenue: Bales. Revenue.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d., 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a.·. £ s. d: £ 8. ·d. 'Balla.rat East ••• ... 49 12 14 8 ... ••• 55 7 II 3 I04 1 20 5 11 6 1 13 3 187 . 44 8 3 54 7 8 '6 247 53 10 0 Ba.llarat ::...... 5,245 1,257 13 7 270 64 2 6 14,012 I 1,939 18 4 119,527[ 3,261 14 5 6,448 1,509 5 6 1,042 245 14 6114,276 I,95I I8 6 21,7661 3,706 18 6 Buninyong ••• . ... 63 .. 12 I 6 ...... 225 28 2 61 2881 40 4 0 36 7 13 0 ... 129 16 2 6 165 i 23 15 6 Carlsruhe ...· ...... 6 0 16 6 ...... 6 0 16. 6 22 3 0 6 ... 22 i 3 0 6 Castleroaine ... , ... 2,846 580 12 0 1,195 238 IO 0 ... ••• 4,041 1· 819 2 0 3,654 687 12 7 I,749 318 19 10 .. . 5,403 1,006 I2 15 Diggers'Rest ...... 133 13 6 o 84 8 8 0 ...... 211 2114 o liO I7 ·6 0 43 4 6 0 .. . 2I3 2I 12 0. 1 Duck Ponds ••• ... 16 I 12 0 35 3 10 0 51 3 I6 6 102, 8 18 6 38 3 16 0 38 3 16 0 Echuca ...... •.. 21,133 8,080 18 0 13,98!) 5,482 15 0 ...... 1 35,1131 131563 13 0 24,978 9;III I6' 0 16,223 5,950 4 0 ... 41,201 I5,062 0 0 Elphinstone ...... 398 73 15 . 7 ...... 3981 73 15 7 394 67 0 2 39 6 I6 6 I ... 433 73 16 8 Gee long ••• .. • ...... • ...... [· .. • 1,341 .. 134 16 6 2,875 291 4 0 ... 4,266 426 0 6 Gisborne ••• ...... 9 1 2 · 6 ...... 91 I 2 6 31 3 I7 6 31 3 17 6 78 8 4 245 . 78. 8 4 g~~~~~~f::: ::: ::: ~:~ :~··~ g ::: I ::: ::: I ::: ~~! i~ ~~ ~ 2:~ 6 16 0 32 6 16 0 Kangaroo :Flat ••• ... 1,241 310 5 0, . 177 44 5 0 ... 1 •.. '1,418! 354 10 0 288 72 7 0 ... 288 72 7 0 Kcilor ... ••• ••. 464 34 19 9 409 30 13 6 ...... 8731 65 13 3 566 39 5 0 370 27 16 3 936 67 1 3 Kyneton ...... •.. 445 66-15 445 66 15 516 o ...... 1 .o 79 7 8 5I6 79 7 8 Lal-Lal ...... 44! 9 i o ...... •• ·44 1 9 7 o 46 9 15 6 7 0 I7 6 53 10 13 0· Lancefield ... ••• 421 52 12 6 400 50 0 0 ...... 821 1 102 12 6 1,028 128 Io ·o 937 117 2 6 1,965 245 12 6 Leigh ...... 131 18 15 5 ...... 2,081 158 5 9 2,212.[ 177 I 2 1 184 24. 0 9 2,094 159 6 6 2,278 183 7 3 Lethbridge ••...... 409 40 18 0 4091 40 18' ~ ••• 6i ·6 l 0 61 6 1 0 5 12 0 197 14 I3 3 252 .:.19 1?.!2 20 5 3 it!f~s~~:;r ... ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: I~.l2 3 .::9 ~: 4 18 0 28 4 Ill 0 Meredith ..• ...... 61 10 I3 6 ...... • 769 •. 76 IS 0 8301 87 1l 6 1 76 I3 8 1 976 98 1 4 1,052 lli 9 5 17I I 7 384 1,13I 253 8 7 ~f:J:r~~~!ek 73: 16; 1~ ~. .:~6 1 ::: 1,02~ 1 23~ ; ~ 74~ ::: ::: 6:.. 1 o ::: 0 5 0 2 0 5 0 Uochester ... ••• ••. 697 278 16 0 585 234 0 0 ...... 1,282 5I2 16 0 592 235 16 9 490 196 0 0 474 189 I2 0 I,556 621 8 9 Runnymede ••• ... 1, 785 582 1 II 280 9I o o ...... 2,065 67 3 1 1 I 1,690 535 2 5 I,341 348 12 6 3,03I 883 14 ll Sandhurst ... ••• 2,439 632 10 1 638 16I IO 0 ...... 3,077 794 0 1 2,963 733 10 1 I,300 323 2 2 4,263 1,056 I2 3 Sunbury ~...... HO ll 8 o ...... _ ... 110 11 8 0 ...

Tarada.le ...... ~ 7 1 6 ·7 1 6 3 Werribee .. . 6791 69 9 0 975; lOO 12 0 I,654 170 1 0 866 88 13 7·5 I2 6 49 5_ 0 0 1,921 I69 6 0 Woodend .. . ::: 58 ___8_a __ 9_ ... 58 8 3 9 '36 5 6 ~ 11:~~6 36 5 6 7 1 ------Total ... /9,4!0 I I2,343 ·4 6 19,314 6,573 13 0 -----1I7 ,82I 2,272 ~ 7 76,545 2I,189 0 I 47,085 13,781 7 6127,986 8,032 6 0 118,3I7 2,449 1 1 93,388 24,2&2 I4 . 7 1 1 W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary. Department of Victorian Railways, ANTHONY MATHISON, Accountant. Secretary's Office, 15th June, 1868. 51

No. 2.7.

Engineer-in-Chief's Office, Railway Department, Melbourne, 22nd May, 1868. SIR, Referring to •paragraphs 31 and 32: on the subject of a renewal fund, in the Report on Victorian- Railways for 1866, I have the honor to state that, since the date of that report, I have given considerable attention to the subject, and have also obtained some information as to the most recent practice of English railway companies, but not as to. that of Continental railways. I am anxious therefore, as the subject is one o.f great importance, that it should be again brought under the notice of the Minister of Railways. I feel convinced that the Victorian Railways are maintained as thoroughly as any lines can be, and the whole cost of maintaining both the works and the engines and rolling stock is charged against the revenue of the lines in the railway accounts. As sleepers decay and have to be removed they are replaced by others of a very superior kind, and the same may be said of the fencing, ballast, &c. In these instances maintenance becomes renewal, and the work .when renewed is far superior to the original work ; but in the case of rails, engines, and rolling stock generally, it is not possible by any maintenance, however complete, to provide that the value of the rails, engines, and rolling stock shall be as great at the end of any year as it was at the beginning. · To take the case of rails : the length of time that these will last depends, mainly, on the number qf trains that run over them, and . therefore a rail that has been used for a year is of less value at the end of that time than it was at the beginning, though it may at the end of the year be still perfectly serviceable and fit to remain in the road. The case of engines is similar ; a locomotive engine, however fully all ordinary repairs may be attended to, will, in all. her more important parts-as, for instance, the boiler and fire-box-be worn out when she has run four hundred thousand miles; but though an engine depreciates in value continually from the time that she begins to run, she will be kept by proper repairs in a perfectly serviceable condition, and it would be waste of money to make renewals while she continues serviceable and efficient for the work ~he has to do. · It cannot be right that the value of the Government railways should be depreciated by the gradual wearing out of such important parts of them as I have referred to ; but unless either a renewal fund be established, or so many tons of new rails are purchased each year as will represent a ~alue equivalent to the diminished value of the rails in use, and so many new engines, carriages, &c., as v.>ill ,he an equivalent for the reduction in value of these articles, a depreciation in value for which no possible repairs or maintenance can provide mu'st inevitably ,take place. To purchase rails, engines, &c., before they are wanted would evidently be a waste of moneY. ; and, in my opinion, the only alternative, if the Government lines are to be placed on a thoroughly sound basis, is .the establishment of a renewal fund, for rails, engines, and rolling stock generally, to accumulate at interest, and be drawn upon for renewing these parts of the railways as the necessity for renewais arises. · •. Some English railways have a renewal fund; others, as' the London and North Western, have had one, but have abandoned the plan ; other railways, as the Great Northern, established what was called a suspense~account to provide for renewals when they became so•heavy'that, if charged against revenue in any one year, they would have very seriously diminished the dividen,ds; the suspense account remained open for several years, an~ was gradually extinguished from the profits of the lines. On all the older lines large renewals have necessarily taken place, and on those that have been honestly managed the cost of the renewals has been charged to revenue, while in many cases the renewals have been made out of capital, no English railway company having yet succeeded in closing its capital account ; and this practice has been one of the principal causes of the enormous depre­ ciation in value of su~h lines ~s the London and Brighton, and North British, which for many years paid away in dividends portions of the revenue .of the lines that ought to have been applied to such renewals as would maintain the line at its origj.nal value. English railwa)' companies divide their profits half-yearly, and the revenue of the second half of the year is on allli?-es in England much larger than that of the first: In order to equalise the dividends, the best managed lines charge the revenue. of the second half of the year with the cost of renewals of the whole year, all· ordinary maintenance and repairs being charged in each half-year. .52

In the case of the Victorian Railways, unless a renewal fund is established, _the charge for · renewals must, after some years, become so heavy as either to reduce greatly. the net revenue of the lines or to make it necessary to establish a suspense account. · As to the amount that should be set aside annually as a renewal fund, to provide against the· depreciation mvalue of the lin~s that cannot be met by ordinary repairs ~nd maintenance, however complete these may be, I wish to repeat that, in my opinion, a renewal'fund is required only for rails,. engines, and rolling stock. In, all other parts than these railways may be, and the Victorian Railways. are, maintained !lt their full original value. · As the length of time that a given rail will last depends on the number of trains that rutll over it, and the length of time an engine will last on. the number of miles that she runs, the amount. to be set aside annually for renewing rails and engines should have ·reference to ,the number of miles run. 'A very high authority, Mr. Bidder, stated at a meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, on the 16th May, 1865, wheilthe subject of renewals on railways was discussed, and again iri •his evidence before the Royal Commission on Railways, on 30th May, 1865, that two pence half­ penny per train mile would on English railways fnrni,;h a renewal fund for· engines, carriages, and waggons, and five-eighths Ci) of a penny per train mile a renewal fund for rails, ·making three pence­ and ari. eighth of a penny (3kd.) per train mile t.o cover all rene~als not provided for in the annual outlay on repairs and maintenance. In this colony the rate per mile wo~ld be higher than in England, because freight, il).surance, and other charges on articles_imported must be provided for, and old rails would have to be sent to England to be re-rolled ; the sum to be appropriated for renewals: . here would, therefore, probably amount to fourpence and an eighth of a penny.(4kd.) per train ~ile.. The number of train miles run in 1. 867 was one million one hundred and nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four (1,109,654), which, at 4kd. per train mile, gives a sum of £19,072 to be' appropriated to :renew~ls out of the gross railway revenue of that year. · It would be out of my province to speak of the means. to be taken to form a renewal fund for the railways and to provide. that it slmll be applied exclusively to the objects for whl.ch it is formed. English railway companies have, as a rule, abandoned· the plan of renewal funds, though rather from fear of misappropriation of the fund than from any unsoundness in the principle; ·on. this subject I beg to give an e~tract from Mr. Brereton's letter to me, dated 26th March, 1867. The recent disclosures in the North British, the Lon~on and Brighton, and other railways, all go to prove that the appropriation out of revenue to maintenance and renewals has been insufficient in the case of many English lines, and the result has been an enormous fall in the value of railway property in England and profound distrust in the honesty of its management.

I have the honor _to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, T. HIGINBOTHA.M, W. H. Wright, Esq., E?-gineer-in.Chief. ~ecretary for R'1ilways.

E:dractfrom'Letter of Mr. B1·e?·eton to Engineer-in-Chief, dated 26th ~March, 1867. "I believe that the maintenance of a sinking fund for renewals of permanent way and rolling· stock has been ·abandoned by the English companies which adopted it, but this rather from experience. proving that such a fund was sO> easily and' inevitably diverted from its legitimate object, when the necessities of the company became pressing, than from a condemnation of the principle in the abstract. , , . "I should, howeYer, state that tlw mttnagcrs and engineers· of the London and North Western, and Great Western railways did, some years back, advise their respective companies that the annual repairs of permanent way and rolling stock amounted to a renewal, and that therefore a sinking fund was wrong in principle.'' . VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.

• ll'o. za.

MtlRRU Lt!fE,-Mi!eage or t.be Goo~b Tmffic at St&4iol'l~ ror 866 and 1867.


:1\fillboune , NocthMtlbl:tnrt~e Footun.y ... lhlhJr 1 • l;t,l33 116711 4 a 11·s9 Dl~n'Rut I 14 ll!·J>fi 9,!811 3. 11 Hi'll1 119 S:unb\lry ... 0 ~ 25'03 Ul,tso 41$ 11 8 18 o·t.s. 1,071 0 I 11 &H 4 11 e·.:n L&utclkld •.• s 17 33"20 tll,U! MOO l 11 lo 11'10 6,46i l9 2 l3 i,ll4:1 .5 10 4"36 R!ddel!'t Ccuk fll9 liNG lgtt,'Uf l,it9 4 ll 6 e·n 13,291 u 1i 11 3.,6~.5 15 11 .~, G!sbaiOe ... 40•llf gH,761 l,sto 1 11 6 1•97 i>,OG1 13 0 11 1,1161 ll 11 MlddleGully 8l3,'1n8 4,503 0 6 4 10'60 18,109 1 4,18! 6 4 "'7"t:l Woodeud 1 ~~ n·&t 1,3~7..,6! 7,561 fill 6 4"44 iO,U~ l~ 0 111 5,61.5 I} ' CllriQ'Ub\l 0 6 Wll!l 32,3?+ l,Olll 8 '24 ... u M~ 11 7 10 8·11 K1I!elDO .. : !I lUi 48'1.11 s~,oes 9,!5~7"' 18 8 "Ill 4"1H 9,Ul.l> 11 1 ll !6 I•H Matm'ablory ,., ~ Q 33"!\ i0li,Sl6 l,l)s 6 to s·:n 6,1111 l!.l I IS u·.1e " 111 8·n Tan.daJe ,, II,&H m: 1 u 4·63 1il7 u 0 • 4l"il1 • '110 " 96,Ui 8 3·~1 1,881 I Mi>l "U IHH 0 u 66"33 11.301 n Ill 0"0\ 8,~311 ' &!1111 n &·63 Hs.n::oul't 3 '1 ts·6!1 9 7"28 3,,U 1 I t7 ?J·H RillTellJWood '" t,.O&I .i 10 H s·St t,1n 19 1 18 41"110 IIAngarooP'lat 31911 1 llit o>&l tn 11 3 111 u·-ag Saudburn ••. 6,6~6 1.8 9 $,!t~ 11 1'1'1' Goornaug ... U\ 010 1 0 0 3-1;•20 6 11'04 _Runnymede .•. Rocl\utn ""' " " .,,_ J:!,41~"' 4 Total .•.

Foot~eTay ... KeiLor 119 0 11 1ns Dlggera' Rea~ .s ~·aJ n \1 113 i1 ~ 4·61 Sun bury a ~~~ atr3& 10 1·~5 6,Hl3 1! 9 9 .fQ•76 9~8,t" 4,26t 5 g 14 0•411 Laneclield ... 9&9 l1 l ll& S0'61 1~ :1-"64 l,U7 Ul u,~o1 Ill$ 3 11 111 nll Riddell'J Cruk MU! !4 0 l 3t-H U 6•66 11/S 18 2 IS ll0,~13 4311 l Ill 3·l1 Gl5boT06 319 8 I HI 311'92 344 u 18 !1•99 U4 6 3 17 U,U9 S11 111 11 O>lli Middle Gully tll'llll ' 338 u, 6 U. O"U 0 6 10.111\ lt 1'36 Woodend .,. 3,'KI5 11 ll $ i$•113 J,o:n 5 7 6 11"61 2,6, 5 w·61 H.f,4l8 I,H~ 10 o 9 f)'$6 Cotlttuho 63 Jl I 3 79 0 4 ~~ 8·~ 1n n 11 116 17"13 1,033 11115 3 11 ,.;·u 3,9111 I 4,H& 11 3,1191 10 I 9 ).6·3~ lliS,MS 4,45.3 3 9 ~3 1049 6,&H ll o 20 118·98 1,1l!l I ~~~ 0"8'1 ~11<1 18 0 3 Ml'OG 194,0!16 4,6GB 10 6 llS 0"5-' 'I'aradnlo I l8 6i"34 \,Ill$ HI 0 u 107 )7"3.5 5~,1311 1,1169 HI 26 10"10

lilpJ.!n&lm>o,.. l,OlS: 11 t 1 .5-HS l,$0$ 11 8 2~ 2 6'~ 11331 19 I 18 n·sr 1111,310 1,0116 l U UQ Cn&tlenulne.., 23,~05 1$ 3 .f 30 o-" ~0,163 2 11 u 69'1111 i 1,404,631 311,US 0 & 3! l!'S.f lhrwurt ... 13!1 li 18 3:"6§. ?H s 3 t4 .s·u il:t_lli6 617111ll l1j !l·M lt&Y~n~l'I'ODd.-. 2~8 Ill SI 1·93 11 I ss·o3 U,tae 50119 .5 113 l\~6 Knn!!RU.Kl Flal 4,83) 11 ll(l 1110 3,76~ 4 3 t8 6!1'1111 US~H J!i,i6116ll 2? 11"!14 &imllnlrlt .•. 96 .5-f'l 116,010 6 1 9 H·a 1,11~180 St,illl~ ll l Oimnoorr ,;, :m 11 34"68 IH 10 0 Runnyutedt., 71"16 ·Roellt'llfU ••• ' " Ecl'"~ Totn.l

Dl!'pAHmE'"llt of Vie!oJ•inn Rnl!wnr!", W. H. WRlGHT, Sccrt!lnty, Secrclal.,-'fl Offit>e, IStl1 Juw•1 186&. AN1'1f0NY MATHTSON, Acconulnnl. No, •a, g. VICTORIAN RAILWAYe,

1'lo. ZD. B.u.LAnAT LlMB.-Mileage of the Gooda-Traffic 1\t Stations for 1866 and 1867.



ll.!leo :Uilu11•· llennuo nnona• porToq, porTo,o. porTon. ------1------1------ToiLO twl,qro.lbl. J. £ I. J. I, J. TOIII U.t qn,lbl, J. £ '· d. •. J, Melbourne 40,055 I~ I S 3,H0,263 6&,23811 5I 33 0'87 39,06112 3,183,609 4'70 62,37214 9 NorthUe\hourne !,Bat s·u 66 16 0 37 33 ~ I,BH 7'45 57 611 34 9'06 Footscray ... s4·91 11,258 g·?s 44 1·6~ tos 1 13,004 4117 u 3 41 ·6·~o Gee\ougJuocotlon 149 16 79"51.1 11,889 0'67 020 8,050 010'33

Werribee 683 S 0 19 19'1~ IS,OHI 4'04 9 7 18,551 8 ll'll7

Little River,., 759 2 3 6 26"8\ 90,32~ 0 11 6 5'80 632 19 14,9~7 liQ6 6 6 Duck l'onds ... 1,981 4 73,217 8 ll"l5 2,018·17 77,8U 756 u 8 7 ~·gs Cow[e's.Creek 299 2 12,236 uo 11 40•30 5,681

Geelong 1131.'UB 16 1,163,738 93,171 7 2 23,Hl8 0 48·83 1,131,486 llli,43710IO Moo!'ll.bool. 363 u 16,410 4~0 3 llo,ogo Leigh 3,466 ll 117,180 6'32 1,59618 I 14 u·sll 2,097 g 1 u ~ 53,915 Lelhbridge. S50 9 213 18,817 4o42 351 53 31418 122 9,7&5 Meredith . ,- 1s;u~ 6'29 U6 0 I 58615 16,714 19713 4 Lrd-L11.l 4,~78 17 3 20 144,363 1'15 7,668 3 3 20 1\'1,371 1,2!1617 I

Buolnyong. 3,323 9 34•72 11~,423 1'68 BOlt 710 6,89~ I 0 'it 21·77 128,358 1,359 u 3 4 7'36 Ba\latatERit 588 3 66•011 38,820 6 &73 8 62'61 .42,199 4.16 7 5 Ba\\nnt 10,~31 \3 829,~21 7,42G 8 4 12,26,110 818,126 2'78 10,439 511 ------1----1------Total 90,16017 31!5 66'12 6,041,686 .103,19~ 13 6 102,299 0 9



Tonnoro. 00\'0ilUO neTenne )Ill eo li.Hoa;e. 0C\'OIIUO Re~onuo pe<:IIIIO, porTou. p&rToo. per:llllo. J•.rTun. ------1--·------. ,_ Melbourue .. 13,306 4 901,4~1 !l"(lll' 7,86619 6 1!,856 12 3 8 812,704 8,63018 4 14 6'70 NorthMelboumo 38,121 1,016 48'38 11,3111 253 6 8 21 7'82

Foot!cray 86 13 2 18 li,2H 7 10'92 20 I 3 17 8?·8o 1,7~6 2~ 12 24 7'60 GeelongJunetion li 3 2 25 g '9 o 129 go7 417 u Werrihee 1,283 4 013 30,221 4U 911 7 046 1,020 8 20,948 3·52 307 g 9. 6 Little River 880 8 3 g 10,350 7 7 0'37 620 8 118'53 16,~10 1•86 U618 7 8 4•23 Duck Pouda ... 491 ll H,633 24'77 7,4311 ~·g) 10 111 8 o·u Cowie'•Creelt to 7·78 t,ll26 o·e~ 616 9 Geelong U,IOO 19 l 17 669,980 11,7110 '2 4 810'80 20,885 8 1 0 41·86 8H,II78 8,698 7 8 3'94 Mooru.hool ... 238 4 40'81 9,685 67 ~ 9 ~ 7·70 ll 16 33•42 U,953 1·05 111•10 Leigh 2,05811 2400 41,418 8 3'08 1,~113 12 I 22 4&,885 2·77

Lethbridge .. 2 27 11,122 210 I 8 8 6·08 24'74 llO,H09 1•77 241 I 8 11 8·~3 Meredlth ... 1,071 7 319 33,177 3'64 7B8 18 I 1,11:07 17 36·00 43,517 4'35 79111 3 \3 1'18 28612 8,673 5•02 U9 13 11'27 543 9 I 18 19,110 1·90 1311811 5 7'11i

Buoinyong ... 760 2 I 2~ 37,966 s·o7 2310'78 870 7 o 21 H,Uo 3·oo 919 21 1'39

BallaratEnt U,403 5 0 ll 69•4? 1:161 11;51 18,353 610 19 7•1t 14,053 0 0 15 910.31:1 li'05 19,181 I 9 n~llnrt.t 41,959 5 n·9s 3,3~o,ull 67,286 I 8 32 0'86 42,237 8 0 IB 89•39 1,146,354 !108 81!,181 ll\0 12 5'33 ------1-----1------To in! 10.~,1 95 13 6 96,860 5,797,2U 4'23~ 102,299 0 g 21 1·47

W. H. WRIGHT, Sec1-elny. - DepBrtment ofVictorinn·RnilwnyB, ANTHONY MATHISON, AeeounLont, Secrelnl'y'B Office, 15th Jnne, 1868,

lly Authority' Joo" FEJLBEa, Goveromeot Printer, Melbourne.