CampustownRedefining Champaign, Green Street (0.7 mi)

MacArthur Boulevard (1.7 mi)

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois

Land Area Population Density City Population (square miles) (Per square mile)

Champaign 75,254 17 3,975

Champaign/Urbana 114,738 29 3,956

Normal 52,056 14 3,687

Urbana 39,484 12 3,468

Bloomington/Normal 127,031 37 3,433

Bloomington 74,975 23 2,880

Peoria 112,936 44 2,543

Springfield 116,482 54 2,064

Decatur 81,860 46 1,970 CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois Park Place Tower Green St. Tower Skylight Court Illini Media Dominos Post Office Railway Tracks Railway

Walgreens University Freestar Refinery Center Urban Bank Outfitters

309 Tower

CG Commercial General District CB Central Business District

More than 60% paved for automobiles

Residential Commercial Surface Parking Other (Setbacks, Driveways) Ra ilway Tracks

Locust St

First St CG

Second St

Third St Campustown Redefining

Fourth St CB Champaign, Illinois Fifth St Springfield Ave. Springfield Chalmers St.

Sixth St Healey St. Daniel St. Daniel Green St.Green John St. John

Wright St

Green Street Statistics

Phase 1 - Completed 2002 Cost - $8.4 million Included - new sidewalks, street lights, landscape, street furniture, storm and storm sewers Primary Funding – Food and Beverage Tax and Campustown Special Service Area

Phase 2 – Scheduled for 2016 Estimated Cost - $9 million) Primary Funding – Food and Beverage Tax and New Campustown Special Service Area

Population Density within 1.5 mile of Green Street ~ 24,000/ square mile CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois

NeedNeed forfor ChangeChange

• Deferred Maintenance led to crumbling sidewalks and curbs • Major streetscape upgrades had not occurred since 1960’s.

• Streets Designed for Maximum Traffic Capacity

• Drive Through Businesses Destroyed Urban Fabric

• Pedestrians took a back seat to cars. NeedNeed forfor ChangeChange

• Flooding was a regular occurrence and a major barrier to Campustown redevelopment and economic growth.

• Boneyard Storm water Detention project was an element of this streetscape work.

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois NeedNeed forfor ChangeChange

• A partnership between the City of Champaign, Business Owners, the University of Illinois and the City of Urbana was forged to transform Green Street in 2001 • Campus Area Transportation Study recommended transportation enhancement throughout Campustown including Green Street • Goal was to redefine Campustown into a viable commercial area for students and a gateway to the University of Illinois’ Flagship Campus.

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois GoalsGoals forfor RedevelopmentRedevelopment

• Higher pedestrian activity • Safe environment for all modes of traffic • Minimize cross town thru traffic • Create a thriving business environment • Define a look and feel • CREATE A PLACE PEOPLE WANT TO BE

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois DesignDesign

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois ChangingChanging aa CultureCulture

Old Model New Model

Automobile Pedestrian

Bus Bicycle

Pedestrian Bus

Bicycle Automobile CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois ChangingChanging aa CultureCulture The RRoadoad Diet

Narrowing Green Street From Four lanes to Three

Benefits Cons • Center turn lane reduces • Travel times will increase (slightly) dangerous lane shifts • Hard to sell - Public perception says • Wider sidewalks to buffer more lanes equals better roads pedestrians from cars and increase • Business believe fewer cars equals pedestrian counts less business • Slower traffic creates safer feeling • Slower speeds discourage cut thru traffic CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois

DesignDesign SSidewalksidewalks

• Wider design to create two corridors (protection and travel) • Curb Bump outs to shorten crossing distances • Countdown crosswalks/all walk crossing cycle • High visibility crosswalks

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois

DesignDesign AAmenitiesmenities

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois EconomicEconomic ImpactsImpacts Building Construction

1997 – 5 Fast Food Suburban Models (McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Steak n’ Shake, and Arby’s) 2007 – Over 25 restaurants and only one CampustownRedefining Suburban Fast Food Structure (Pizza Hut) Champaign, Illinois EconomicEconomic ImpactsImpacts New Food/Entertainment

New restaurants since 2002. Five new restaurants opening this summer. CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois EconomicEconomic ImpactsImpacts New Housing

• Over 600 new residential units • Over $400 million in new construction has occurred in the University District since 2007. • Addition of “necessary” services such as grocery and retail puts the needs of residents within walking distance.

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois EconomicEconomic ImpactsImpacts New Retail – The Next Wave

• Mixture of Local and National Fashion Retail/Restaurants

• Expected increase in national fashion retail with the entrance of Urban Outfitters

• Pedestrian Traffic outweighs lack of abundant parking. CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois QQuestions?uestions?

T.J. Blakeman, AICP City of Champaign Planning Department 102 North Neil Street Champaign, IL. 61820 (217) 403-8800 [email protected]

CampustownRedefining Champaign, Illinois