See Center Pullout '81-82 DUNKIN' DONS PREVIEW san ppancisco foqho&n NOVEMBER 20. 1981 UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA VOLUME 77 NUMBER 9 Uproar over term paper sales

by Valerie Rice The controversy over plagiarism a student newspaper. needed to, I wouldn't hesitate to use relieved from my load is most at USF was sparked recently by the Nancy Vogeley, head of the Ad- it again." "I personally would not welcome. Depending on how the In a two-part series on the buying presence of an advertisement in the Hoc Committee on Academic turn in a purchased term paper, per prof is decides on the extent of the of term papers at USF, the Foghorn Foghorn for a research catalogue. Standards, wrote a letter to the se," Student B commented, "but I copying." examines student attitudes and. in Letters of complaint were received editor complaining that "they are would really have no compunctions Other students interviewed also the upcoming issue, the views of concerning the inclusion of "an undercutting the efforts of fellow against paraphrasing it if it indeed fit see it as a conditional thing. They faculty and administration. academically heinous enterprise" in students who worked hard on the the bill. In my own case, the high would use them for research Academic Standards Committee to cost would preclude any use of said catalogues only, and then contingent create a climate of morality at catalogue. In the same way as one on the subject. USF...." would not patronize a prostitute, Student C is a case in point. "If 1 The Foghorn responded, saying why pay for something you can get had the money, were faced with a that the presence of the for free?" Other students agreed ridiculous topic like the mating advertisement in no way constituted saying, "Yes, I would definitely buy process of aphids and their relevance an endorsement of the product. a term paper. Any work that can be to society, and a too soondeadline. I Kelly Harp, Editor-in-Chief of the Continued on page 15 Foghorn, pointed out that, "the ad was accepted iii good faith for a company which advertised research USF joins space program assistance. We still feel that this catalogue need not be necessarily by MM. Showalter The instrument worn by the crew i«»»'. ete*««»K linked to plagiarism, besides, by was called a CPD, or crew passive ACADEMIC running the ad, we are actually A radiation-measuring device called dosimeter. The "passive" term is ASSISTANTS making teachers and students aware the dosimeter links the Phyics Re­ because it is of a collective nature of the existence of these catalogues search Laboratory at USF to NASA rather than an electronic machine of »p>ng • luioniQ • research « writing and their possible uses." space-shuttle project launched Nov­ moving parts. le.m paper dissert-rtton antllinw Research Assistance, a Los ember 12. The cargo dosimeter was similarly Angeles based company, is The dosimeter, developed by Pro­ titled an area passive dosimeter, or R advertising a research catalogue in fessors Eugene V. Benton, and APD, because of its function to the Foghorn this semester for one Richard P. Henke, along with other cover a much wider area of space in dollar. The Foghorn staff ordered USF physicists Ron Cassou, Allen the shuttle. one of these catalogues, and the Frank, Charlie Johnson, and My- The USF team is the first and only breadth and scope of the possible dung Tran, measures the quantity of developer of the instrument. Dr. topic areas were tremendous, radiation intake within a designated Benton started working with the according to one staff writer. space. National Aeronautics nad Space While research was being done on The space-shuttle Columbia. Administration while he was this story, K RON, Channel 4, called launched last week, carried eight of employed by the Navy. When the the Foghorn to determine if they these devices throughout the space­ Navy closed its lab in 1969, he came were aware of anything occurring on craft. to USF. Other scientists now campus in this area. When Editor Astronauts Joe Engle and teaching here, are former students of Harp informed Wayne Freedman Richard Truly each wore a 4{A x 2V* his. Purchasing papers: Ethically wrong, or valid research? from Channel 4 that the Foghorn inch dosimeter attached by a piece of The project is about twelve years was investigating this, he asked to velcro in the chest pocket of their old. USF first used dosimeters in interview her and thestaff about the spacesuits. 1969 on Apollo 11, the first manned advertising and the attitudes of USF In addition, dosimeters were spacecraft to the moon. Three small students towards this in general. placed by the astronauts within key- dosimeters were worn by each It was a dark After filming at the Foghorn on locations in the spacecraft after lift­ member of the crew at that time. Friday the 13th, the crew from off. And, on the Apollo 14, launched Channel 4 along with Freedman Two dosimeters of larger and in 1971, the effects of cosmic rays on and stormy night.. filmed Ms. Vogeley and interviewed more complex nature were also withi the brains of mice were also studied different students around campus. through the use of the dosimeter. KRON was unsuccessful in more complex nature were also adminstration. Little did Public Here, the dosimeters were interviewing a San Francisco based within the cargo section of the By David A. Dobbs Safety know that Friday the 13th designed specifically for the space- research company which specializes Columbia. Continued on page 4 It was a dark and stormy night last was only starting. in products much similar to those Friday, when torrential rains It was at about this time (5:00 offered by Research Assistance. knocked out power for the p.m.) that the wind storm starting The Foghorn interviewed a university, complicating efforts to downing trees. One of the first to fall number of students on their views of control flooding throughout the was a sixty foot cedar tree, which using a research catalogue and Inside: area and hampering damage missed Lone Mountain's Public buying a term paper. Some have control. Safety booth by a matter of inches, bought term papers in the past and The trouble on "Friday the 13th" blocking traffic to the upper lot for would consider doing so again. started about 3:30 in the afternoon four hours. "The tree was enormous! Others would order them only as after the monsoon winds tore the The storm was so loud that I didn't catalogues, which others would roof off of the construction shack at even hear the tree crack," said M. M. never have considered it at all. In News - pages 1, 4, 14-16 Kendrick Hall. Public Safety Showalter, the public safety student order to protect the innocent, no responded to a call concerning the officer on duty in the booth. "The names will be used, and the students accident, to find the roof draped first I knew that the tree was falling, interviewed will be referred to in Opinion - pages 2, 3 over a blue VW Rabbit. The owner was the explosion of branches and terms of letters. of the vehicle was informed by Ken leaves around the booth." The cedar The first group are those who have Goss, Director of Plant Services, the was soon followed by a thirt-flve used them in the past or haven't but procedure he should follow to make foot pine tree. Sports - pages 7 - 10 would have if they had had the his insurance claim against the While plant was struggling with opportunity. Student A said, "At university. thc trees upon the mountain, further times in the past I have sent to the trees were felled by the breeze on Feeling that the construction site address for a catalogue and once Escapades - pages 5, 6, 11, 12 Turk Street between Stanyan and was a serious hazard, Goss used a term paper. But the professor Parker. Other trees fell between recommended that the building said that the paper looked "too Gleason Library and Xavier Hall, (Kendrick Hall) be evacuated. professional" for my usual work and Features - page 13 obstructing the access to Golden Public Safety evacuated the building he refused to accept the term paper. Gate Avenue from the inner campus. and secured it at 5:30 p.m., despite That was the only time, but if 1 opposition from the Law School's Continued on page 14 ••*•••—- —-'1 P.*<2 OPINION . November 20, 1981 The Pen is Correspondence

chose to complete and return the Mightier.. • survey probably have strong feelings Epilepsy Errors Thank You about abortion (pro or con), thus leaving untapped those who do not As three concerned students an Marcella Farragher's article in "There are only two forces in the world, the sword feel strongly about abortion. There with epilepsy, we were more than a last week's Foghorn "The Lone and the pen; and in the end, the former is always are other, non-random, more cross- little shocked at the article "Football Mountain Story" was well done sectional methods of avoiding conquered by the latter." —Napoleon Player Saves a Life," in the issue of indeed, and gave a satisfactory sampling bias, but I will not get into by Kelly Marie Harp October 30. overview of an interesting topic. them here. Editor in Chief This very kind of yellow Perhaps a slight addendum might be journalism has in the past and still allowed: it concerns the original Second, I feel that the wording of What a pleasure it is to be able to write something positive about this the survey was strongly biased in a place for a change. Who would have guessed that faith in the people of continues to instill fear in those who name given to the Mountain by are ignorant of the facts concerning Spanish explorers. way that might influence the results, the USF community could be restored by such a thing as last Friday one sentence-completion question evening's power failure? epilepsy and even in those who know In March 1776, Juan Bautista de read: "If right now, while in school, I To the best of my knowledge, the whole university fared quite well us. The fact of the matter is that Anza, soldier for Spain, visited our epileptics do not die from one peninsula and after designating a site was responsible for an unplanned for five hours during a crisis situation, with some significant absences pregnancy, I would want...." One of in addition to the lack of power. convulsion, a grande mal seizure. for the Presidio on September 17 Epileptics do not even always have and for a Mission to be called the multiple choice answers Nevertheless, adequate emergency measures were taken to alleviate the form of epilepsy which is grande Dolores on October 9, he and some available to the respondent was, the problems the storm might otherwise have brought, and with the mal. It is only in those rare instances of his cohorts spent some days " fulfill my responsibility and help of returnees from the plant and public safety offices, as well as off of status epilepticus when the exploring the area we now call San raise the child." The way in which and on duty members of the Housing and Public Safety study staff, convulsions do not stop that a Francisco. One of them (whom, it is this multiple choice was worded order was maintained. The Foghorn office was set up as one of the person's life is in danger. impossible to say) climbed the hill strongly implies that it is the communications centers used during the blackout, presumably for its responsibility of the person to raise Of course we are grateful to Mr. we now call Lone Mountain and central location and the providential availability of its working phone the child. Therefore, if I chose to Holton for the help that was gave it a significant name; he called it lines. terminate the pregnancy, or give the received, that is not the problem. "El Divisadero"—which is Spanish The fact of the Foghorn's involvement in the blackout and the infant up for adoption, I would be Our main upset is the light in which for "a point from which one can see exemplary way in which the above mentioned groups dealt with the irresponsible. Some people may feel this article was presented. Why far"—i.e., a vantage point. Put situation brings me to some interesting reflections on a more general that, being a student, without the should such an article even be yourself on the present day Fell plane. resources it takes to really raise a written when the author, Mr. Street three blocks below USF and Human beings often claim superiority over members of the animal child, it would be more responsible McNaughton, obviously didn't care imagine a gradually ascending hill kingdom by their faculty of reason. Conceivably they thereby enjoy all the way to the present Lone to have an abortion or give the child enough to get the facts straight? And the capacity to respond calmly and rationally in the face of frightening Mountain. Nothing in between but up. .Rigorous research has why should he make a hero out of circumstances as well as simply instinctively and emotionally. sand—no USF, no Turk Street, consistently shown that the wording Mr. Holton at our expense just so the Certainly the storm which brought flooding and darkness last nothing. Arriving at the highest of questions and potential responses Grey Fog football team can get some Friday presented a great challenge to us all. However, most people point in the climb, imagine how has a large effect on the results of good publicity for a change? It is not showed themselves worthy of William Faulkner's belief that man is fitting it was for the Spanish to call it research. only demeaning but humiliating as capable not simply of enduring adversity, but of prevailing over it. "El Divisadero"—with a splendid well. As a matter of fact, Mr. Holton I want to stress that this is not a view of the Gate later called Golden In joining the Foghorn staff last spring, and in titling my weekly put her life in more danger than if he letter supporting or criticizing column as I have, I meant to carry out the view expressed in the by John Charles Fremont in June, abortion. Rather, I want to clarify had just left her alone, contrary to 1848. quotation above. Moreover, despite any claims made about the the theme ofthe article. But perhaps the great importance of accurate power of the purse, and recurring evidence that significant he didn't know what to do. So, as faculty and students truage research and reporting. communication problems do remain here at USF. I still maintain that lt is this very attitude concerning up those 105 steps leading to Lone Jonathan Kopp, M.A. position. epilepsy and epileptics which is the Mountain, they may find strength in As a history student, my faith in the power of communication as a most difficult to fight. How many the fact that they are going to a progressive force for civilization has been constantly re-enforced. A times we have lost friends, or been vantage point—unless occasional look at thc development of societies, both eastern and western, shows treated as less than capable human fog finds it hard for them to keep on Reply to Neary that freedom of the press has been one of the crucial first steps in the beings, even by college professors, course! Happy climbing to El achievement of individual liberties, not to mention cultural and Both Ms. Harp and Mr. just because we are different than Divisadero! economic development. McNicholas have valid points ot everybody else. And for no reason at John B. McGloin. S.J. view, and both are in my opinion Now the fact that men throughout history have recognized the all! History Department-USF intelligent and reasonable people crucial role of journalism and literature in furthering the march of In order to avert further who have the potential to attain a civilization, seems to me to confirm something quite comforting. Man misunderstandings, we have compromise. must be truly unique as a creature in his capacity for reason and compiled a lit of what to do in case reflection. Why else would he be so determined to preserve Non Random What is needed from the student someone has a grande mal seizure. body in order to facilitate this communicative freedom as the channel through which the fruit of his 1) Don't be afraid. It looks worse Survey reflections might pass? compromise are constructive than it really is. I am writing to comment on the While those acquainted with current studies involving linguistic opinions and suggestions about how 2) Cushion their head to prevent a "Abortion Debate" article in the patterns among animals might disagree, the fact remains that even the situation should be improved. concussion. November 6 issue of The Foghorn. chimps or dolphins do not write books, or essays, nor are such What is not needed is to open up 3) Do not 'place anything in First, I would like to commend the publications as the Encyclopedia Brittanica or the New York Times old wounds by going into the details their mouth. This is one of the most U.S.F. community for facilitating a found among them. of last year's budget. What is dangerous things a person can do. debate on such a sensitive and certainly not needed (or Not only then should we define civilization among a species by the They may chip their teeth, break the important issue. Only through appreciated) are sarcastic, cynical fact that itsmembersptwjiessliterary skills, but also by the fact that its object and choke on it, or the helper public debate and deliberation can and abusive opinions that attempt to societies develop and preserve records, both oral and literary, of their may receive a bitten finger for his such a complex issue be given the perpetuate a healthy and own failures and achievements. efforts. It is a myth that epileptics consideration it deserves. constructive debate into a campus So let this week's Foghorn then stand as a record of achievement. swallow their tongues. I have some criticism ofthe survey vendetta. The USF community deserves credit for the way in which it responded <4) Do nol restrain their reported in the same artaicle. First, I to Friday night's blackout. In recalling the breakdown in the social I am referring, of course, to Mr. movements. People who are having take exception to Mr. Salladay's fabric which occurred a few years ago during the well-known New Walter Neary's "censorship' is a convulsion are very strong, and assertion that "All the students in the York City power failure, we deserve, even more than credit, the foolish" (November 6, 1981). Mr. because the muscles are in a state of survey were selected totally at priviledgeof feeling proud of ourselves. Neary's obsession with sewers and contracture you may break a bone. random." Having had more contact animals conveys nothing more than So. to all the student staff in Housing and those department 5) Turn their head to the side and with statistics than I care to his own bamyard upbringing. I find professionals who stayed around, to the Public Safety staff, the Plant loosen any tight clothing. This remember, I can assure Mr. Salladay it most annoying that Mr. Neary has Services staff and its Director, as well as those on the Conference staff makes it easier to breathe. Having a that his method was not statistically the audacity to pollute the pages of and all the others who simply helped out, the Foghorn wishes you the convulsion will not stop breathing. random. Devising a random sample the Foghorn from his observer's post happiest of Thanksgivings. With the thanks you deserve, this should 6) Clear away any objects on of a population involves assigning across the Atlantic. be a sure thing. which they may hurt themselves. each member of the target I don't blame Walter personally; Other than that, just let them goat population a number, and selecting anyone who cannot present an it. There is nothing anyone can do to those to be sample by use of a argument in an intelligent manner stop a seizure; if you try you may do random numbers chart. The but must constantly resort to hitting STAFF BOX more harm than good. After the sampling method used by Mr. below the belt to get his point across Editor-in-Chief Kelly Marie Harp convulsion has stopped, they will be Sallady does not take into account is born at a substantial mental News Editors David A. Dobbs, Valerie Rice unconscious for a while and when several inherent types of sampling advantage. Opinion Editor Van Ault they wake up they will be disoriented bias: I.) He was not sampling the Walter, kindly don't impose your Sports Editor Mike McNaughton and want to sleep. Then everything entire student body. Instead he was animal instincts upon the student Escapades Editor Susie Leon will return to normal. If ihese polling the group of people who pass Features Editor Erie Pearson body, the last thing we want is your guidelines are followed, there sfiould through Harney Plaza at a certain mess on a clean carpet. Photo Editor Marie Gutterud time on a certain day. This group be nothing to fear. We are as normal — Karim Ajania Copy Editor |ane Ceraci as everybody else is. Unfortunately, may have several unique Advertising Manager Mary Wrin people are afraid of what they don't characteristics, different from those We feel that Mr. Assistant Manager Matthew Pearson know, so please, take our invitation, of the general population (e.g., Neary's comments are every bit as Business Manager Leona Ching know us and be our friend. residential students, science students important as Mr. Ajania's. Circulation Manager Christina M. Capurro Sincerely. taking classes in Harney, etc.). 2.) considering that last year, he was Distribution Manager Trevor Gunn Fariba Sheikholeslami The factor of self-selection is attending another school across the Contributing Editors Victor Unse-Ukeje, David Keepnevn Christina M. Capurro important here. While 75% is a good Atlantic. Advisor John Arthur/S.f. Examiner Rita Paratoic return rate, it is likely that those who —Opinion Editor November 20, 1981 OPINION Page 3 Healthy Sense of Humor Staff Editorial: too seriously anyway. Laughter has also been shown to by Van Ault Humor is, and always has been, an have a beneficial effect on our integral part of all societies. The physical well being. A hearty Research Papers "Smile though your heart is monarchs had their court jesters, chuckle causes the brain to produce breaking, you'll see the sun come and story-telling, satire, and parody hormones called catecholamines, Recently, the Foghorn received shining through..." These old song have been health influences in nearly that in turn trigger the release of integrated into an original term, corespondence from some readers lyrics convey something vitally every kind of community. Leave it to endorphines, which are natural pain paper. calling attention to a particular important about facing adversity. our great United States to turn killers. In his book, Anatomy of An Yet the opportunity remains foi advertisement we've been running And that is that the ability to see the humor into a highly commercial, Illness, Norman Cousins described those who are not scrupulous anc this semester. The advertised lighthearted and the humorous, and important, product. Through how he incorporated humor into the honestly motivated to use th< product was a research catalog that when weighed down with sadness, is the media of film and television, treatment of a terminal illness. research service for the purpose oui boasted of "10,278" topics. Our a real gift. masters of the craft have been able to Cousins took massive doses of correspondents mentioned critics accused the Foghorn of Life's burdens would be too heavy parley their comedic skills into a vitamin C and spent hours watching The situation, then, with this encouraging student cheating in the to bear if it were not for the healing lucrative living. old Marx Brothers movies. Today, classified advertisement, is rathei writing of term papers, and asked us power of humor. We take everything Comedians have worked the Cousins is alive and well, and ambiguous as it relates to oui to cease running the ad. We replied so seriously that we really lose subtleties of joke-telling into a true strongly endorses the use of humor journalistic ethics in allowing it that a closer inspection of the perspective on reality. In that state art. If you'll look at some ofthe most in the treatment of such disease. space. The editorial staff has catalog was in order, as the ad itself discussed the problem in depth, with of awareness, it's not hard to feel influential comics, you'll notice how Eventually, with the encouragement said little. no solid agreement across the board completely defeated and beaten skillfully they give ventilation to our of the holistic health movement, Indeed, the catalogdoes list many, on whether we can conscientiously down. Humor is the greatest frustrations and problems. humor will probably be more many different topics on which support the presence of the ad. Due medicine in the world for this kind of Lenny Bruce flouted convention consciously brought into action in research writing has been to this fact and the belief that it is malaise. and made fun of everything and hospitals, nursing homes, and completed. The Los Angeles based better to err on the side of academic You've probably noticed how everyone. Phyllis Diller's doctor's offices. firm sells the research papers in integrity than observe the often very troubled people have delightfully unkempt stage persona Laugher provides a "cosmic whole or in part, even by the page. prerogative of a single advertiser, we marvelous sense of humor. And lampoons our preoccupation with perspective" on our problems, says We do not agree that the have opted to discontinue the ad at those that have had to cope with youth and beauty. Richard Pryor's Dr. Raymond Moody, the author of advertisement of this business is the end of this semester. We felt this great tragedy, personal loss, and ethnic humor defuses some of the Laugh After l.unch. As a necessarily an encouragement of would be the fairest response to our unhappiness seem to rally their understandable anger that black psychiatrist who specializes in the plagiarism. The research service client, who contracte dwith us some forces by the use of wit. They've people have. Then there are the use of humor. Moody points out could, theoretically, be employed for months ago for advertising found humor to be a skill that, at clever characterizations of Lily that "ultimately, and in the deepest various reasons, only one of which throughout this and next semester. least momentarily, maneuvers them Tomlin, which represent facets of sense, humor works by rallying and might be for dishonest academic into a more helpful path. our national character with hilarity. by being a manifestation ofthe will The Foghorn editors express work. This skill is something we can all And who can forget Erma Bombeck to live." appreciation for the concern for our Some of the topics are so obscure, cultivate if we're willing to good- whose warm-hearted satire has Obviously, a good sense of humor University that led to the that to know there is a possibility of correspondence we received on the naturedly experience this absurdities poked a lot of fun at the traditional is vital to a healthy, happy life. It is finding researched material, issue. We agree that just as every of life. This means, sometimes, being family unit. an indispensible survival tool, and a properly documented, might be effort must be made to safeguard able to laugh at ourselves. Not in the All of these artists have been great personal gift. We must cherish information of real assistance. We student rights and freedoms, we sense of self-depracation (we do that healers in a sense. By opening up and nurture the ability to see the could easily imagine a student must work with equal diligence to enough as it is), but in the spirit of many different kinds of tension to whimsical side of life. For humor, ethically using this service as a assure that the educational process is self-acceptance. We have to be able comical scrutiny, they have lessened which lifts the spirit and soothes the means of tracking down sources, fulfilled with the highest degree of to look at our own silly traits and the pain and anger that accompanies soul, will bring us through our and references to facts that could be responsibility and fairness. appreciate the uniqueness of them. them. It's a lot harder to feel personal tribulations intact. It will This injects a bit of levity into our aggravation about something if it move us forward in clarity and lives, which we probably take much can be shown to be funny. greater peace of mind. Christianity in Africa JgPOKS Fin-de-Siecle Vienna Carl E. Schorske ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by Victor Uke-Umeje Vintage Books, $7.95 Christianity has been gaining reach God. African names were that went to Africa lived all their life ground rapidly in Africa over the considered devilish since no one with there and amongst them at least 30% past decade. Today the African Fin-de-Siecle Vienna, a collection of essays discussing the an African name was a saint. died of malaria and fever. The early "interaction between politics and culture" in turn-of-the-century continent is Christianity's hottest I can still remember the period in missionaries were ill-equipped for Viennese society, received the Pulitzer Prize last spring. The reception of growing area. 1965 when my dad almost wrote to the hazards of AFrican life and this such an award is in itself an acknowledgement of the book's merit; my When the first Europeans (mainly the Pope and protested to the led to their consequent deaths in lowly words on its behalf are hardly necessary. Iwish only that this be Portuguese)) arrived at the West archbishop in order to have one of large numbers. understood: to suppose that this wcrk is primarily for experts and Coast of Africa during the early his sons baptized with a local name. Furthermore, the missionaries dilettantes in Austrian history, and therewith to forego reading it, would twelfth century, they were met by The case was resolved by my father were credited for the putting to be a sad miscalculation. Anyone interested in the ways and means of very inquisitive, astonished and and the priest compromising on death of twins. Africans in those history or the phenomenon of modern culture has a stake in this book. hospitable chiefs of the African giving the baby two names, one days regarded twins as evil. Professor Schorske explains in his Introduction how he came to write kingdom. In later years as the English, one native. Africans know No group of missionaries left their Fin-de-Siecle Vienna. In designing a course in "Modern European British, French and Germans that God exists and this is marks on the Africans like the Irish. Intellectual History," he ran into complications with post-Nietzschean scrambled for territory in the discernible from their names, which Having suffered terribly in their own culture; he had a variety of categories with which he could work, i.e., African continent, more and more although long, have a meaning. The country, the Irish missionaries irrationalism, subjectivism, etc., but he could not put these together into missions and missionaries came name "Ebubechukwu" for example understood the psychological a framework from which to view European society as a whole. As he along. The simple African who had means God's Glory. confusion of the simple Africans at explains it, "European high culture entered a whirl of infinite never heard anything about Christians were prohibited from the barrage of Christian teachings innovation, with each field proclaiming independence ofthe whole, each Christianity was suddenly swamped all type of village activities. Thus they had received. Through part in turn falling into parts." Schorske realized that he must approach by about four different religious while the missionaries were rejecting sacrifice, love and understanding the each branch of culture separately, avoiding the temptation of broad bodies, all proclaiming the ministry the African culture as evil, they were missionaries converted many to the categories. At the same time, however, "the political and intellectual life of Jesus Christ, but also attacking also busy parading themselves at the Christian fold. They suffered of post-war America suggested the crisis of a liberal polity as a unifying and contradicting each other or even corridors of power in Vatican City immensely. Disease wiped out the context for simultaneous transformation in the separate branches of claiming to be the one true church of and using their tremendous first group of missionaries to arrive, culture." With ihis context in mind, he chose fin-de-siecle Vienna as his Christ. Africans suffered heavily by unchallenged influence to while subsequent groups were subject; as a society it was relatively well-circumscribed, and some of its this onslaught of claims. Tribes went incorporate their own pagan beliefs fought off by annoyed tribes. members had become figures of great interest to Americans besides. to war against other tribes in order into Christianity. The feast of All Today the African church is The book is composed of seven essays dealing with different aspects of to establish that their church was the Soul's Day and All Saint's Day for showing tremendous growth. Their Viennese culture, from politics to literature and art. Each is a carefully "real church." Furthermore, not example were said to be Irish pagan past history is still fresh in mind. researched and artfully written whole and so may stand alone, but the knowing how to communicate with festivals. More and more people are now brilliance of Schorske's effort is inextricably tied to the way in which the the Africans and also lacking any After this initial period, Africa being baptized with native and local essays come together through the context, the "crisis of a liberal polity." type of knowledge about the African was never the same again. names. The appeal of Christian faith which runs through each one. culture except the prejudiced racial But one must not overlook the today can be traced to adoption of Though 1 found each essay fascinating, there were several which theories existing in Europe at the sacrifice made by the early popular African ideas that white time, these missionaries declared all particularly impressed me. The third piece, entitled "Politics in a New missionaries. They were really missionaries fought sometimes with Key: An Austrian Trio," detailed the various forces which led to the types of African tradition and soldier's of Christ. They defied all their blood, as pagan abominations culture, existing in any form to be development of anti-Semitism in turn-of-the-century Vienna. Schorske odds, in order to teach the people. a few generations ago. African shows how the interplay between individual politicians, their against Christian doctrine, and The missionaries didn't know any drums are now used in churches personalities and backgrounds, and the claims of society brought aboul therefore unacceptable to God. African language before their instead of organs. Wine and bread the emergence of such a sentiment. In "Explosion in the Garden Their rejection of the African arrival, yet they communicated their made in Europe are being replaced Kokoschka and Schoenberg" the dawn of a new culture arising out of cultures was very fatal to African mission to the Africans. They were by what the Africans regard as a the ashes ofthe liberal polity is illustrated through an examination ofthe pride. The missionaries refused to able to convert some, and then used simple communal meal. radically new orientations in the art (Expressionism) and music baptize any of the natives with their some of the converts as local The African church has come a (Schoenberg's twelve-tone system) of the time native names. It was either you were advocates of their cause. They long way and it will continue to In fine. I cannot think ot a reason why anyone should not read this baptized with an English name or educated the first corps of modern move on. Their story serves as a book. Buy it. read it. linger over each essay and see for yourself what a not baptized at all. Taking an African leaders and clergy. reminder to all about the triumph of rewarding work it is You will be glad you did. English name was one of the ways to Almost 90% of all the missionaries endurance. Reviewed oy Jane Uana P.f t 4 newa November 20, 1981 Debate team retains ranking Examination Debate Association. both finalists—Meskell in Prose Philhistorians attended prior to the State University, Northridge this The USF Philhistorians Debating Assistant Director Melan Jaich Interpretation and Stein in Notre Dame was at Sacramento weekend. The squad is also Society won the Sweepstakes Award remains confident, however, that Persuasion. State. The Philhistorians sent two preparing to host the 1981-82 at the Notre Dame Irish Invitational USFs standing will rise after its On October 30th and 31st the teams while the rest ofthe squad was National Forensic League High last weekend. The Sweepstakes success at Notre Dame. Philhistorians traveled across the hosting the USF High School School Championships this June. Award is given tothe school with the "According to tabulations I bay to Berkeley. UC Berkeley was Invitational. Once again the team of This is a very prestigious event that most wins. The debate team of Mark received today, the win this weekend the largest tournament attended by Lane and Heer reached elimination USF can be proud to host. The top Hcerand Kevin l.anetook first place will boost us into first or second the squad so far this season. The rounds and ended up taking home a high school debaters and speakers at the tournament after beating place nationwide," explained Jaich. debate team of Ann O'Regan and third place award. Valerie Rice and from all over the nation will be Ferris State University in the final "It really shows you how hard the Lisa Hedges reached quarter-finals Dave Dobbs won fourth place. exposed to the University of San round. Prior to that they had beaten squad is competing this year." in open division and Kevin Lane and The Philhistorians are hoping to Francisco. It certainly appears that Wheaton in semi-finals and Central Lisa Hedges, president of the James Halpin did the same in junior continue their success at California USF Debate has arrived. Michigan in quarter-finals. The team, was also pleased with the division. Bernard Udo and Vivian team of Lisa Hedges and Ann Philhistorians' success. "We're off to Ramos both reached finals in O'Regan took third place Heer and a fast start this year. Everyone on the individual events. Udo in l.ane were awarded second and third Extemporaneous speaking and Space Shuttle. varsity team has contributed to the speakers in the tournament good showing." said Hedges. Ramos in Expository speaking. Continued from front When a neutron enters the field, respectively and Hedges and The Philhistorians have had quite The last tournament the shuttle in order to determine the boron has an especially high "cross- O'Regan were awarded sixth and a successful season so far both in amount of neutron, electron and section" or probability of capturing seventh speakers respectively. Prior debate and individual events. At We Have a proton particle radiation, as well as this cosmic ray neutron, breaking it to the Irish Invitational the Occidental, the first tournament of x-ray and cosmic-ray penetration up and recording the line or track Philhistorians were ranked sixth the season, the debate team of Dave from outer space to the shuttle and left by the action, in the polymer nationally in CED.A— The Cross Yearbook Again! Dobbs and Len Bertocchinni took crew. The experiment will furnish plastic. third place. That same weekend at For the first time since 1975, USF data for further space operations the Los Rios Invitational will be putting out a yearbook for such as determining the radiation This plastic is later magnified and (Sacramento) Laurie Campbell the benefit of outgoing seniors. "The content of space stations to be built analyzed through a microscope, received first place in novice Poetry yearbook should be between 110- for the shuttle in years to come. which is connected to an image Interpretation and Vicki Harnagel 150 pages," stated Pat McNicholas, Said Benton, "The amount of analyzing system, a rather huge and Vivian Ramos were awarded ASUSF President. "The contract we radiation collected now is small, switchboard-like device. The data first place in novice debate. signed sets a maximum price of particularly since the early landing then is put into an adjoining At the Redwood Invitational $15.95." of the shuttle on Saturay. But in computer which additionally (Humbold State), October 23rd and Because of the late date the future space stations the amount controls the microscope. 24th, the Philhistorians had three contract was signed with Insti­ collected will be quite high. The teams in quarter-finals of debate: tutional Services Publishing for the purpose of this is to design Although the plates may also be Dobbs and O'Regan and Hedges yearbook, the program is on a tight instruments to function well in a examined individually, this process and Lane in open division and James time-table. future space environment." is faster and more efficient. Halpin and Vicki Harnagel in novice Senior photos will be taken On improving instruments, he division. Lisa Hedges, the November 30 through December4th noted that with small instruments, The same detector developed here Philhistorian president, was in the quiet room, 3rd floor the measured acuracy could only is utilized for medical radiography at awarded second speaker in open University Center, by company come to a certain level, hence the USF and the University of division. USF also had several photographers. McNicholas went importance of the instrument's California at Berkeley. finalists in individual events. Laurie on to stress that in order to get the development. "To do a complete "We are developing, in collabor­ Campbell was awarded second place yearbook out, all seniors should job, you'd need a shuttle full of ation with the University of Trophies are stacking up in in Prose Interpretation. Katie make an effort to be at the photo instruments," he said. California at Berkeley, another form of radiography using charged the debate office. Meskell and Victoria Stein were sessions. Asked how a dosimeter worked. Dr. Benton explained that within a panicles instead of x-rays with sheet of polymer plastic, energetic plastic track detectors, instead of Now There's No Excuse. charged particles form latent tracks photographic film. We hope that which are chemically processed and this will be safer than x-rays, and analyzed in the USF lab after the complement x-ray radiography. flight. This would furnish additional Call or write Dr. John Right now all interested The other part or section of the information in, for example, USF students can avail them­ Iglesias (Program Director) dosimeter is composed of several detecting small tumors not shown by selves of many courses on for further information: other means, said Benton. the Academy's curriculum — different types of detectors inlcuding either as an Art Major, or 540 Powell Street, San lithium fluoride crystals and Boron- A photograph in Harney Science as an elective, or as a yet Francisco, Ca. 94108. Tele­ 10 detectors. There are several types Center between rooms 140 and 141 undeclared major. phone: (415)673-4200. of lithium flouride crystals including demonstrates this. And to further simplify The best of both worlds- Lithium-6 isotope which measures In industry, applications of your life, many of the art and liberal arts, together the low energy neutrons, while dosimeters are being developed in to make your life more re­ courses are now being Lithium-7 measures the X-rays and measurement of radiation exposure taught on the Lone Moun­ warding gamma rays. The function of the to mineral miners, also. tain campus. Whether you are inter­ boron detector is to measure very ested in Advertising, Graphic low-energy neutrons. Design, Illustration, Interior Design, Photography, Fine *••••••••••••••••••••• Art (Drawing, Painting, Academy of Art College Sculpture and Printmakirig); you'll find something spe­ 540 Powell St. San Francisco cifically suited to your CA 941008 A 6673-4207 0 needs. TEST A WISENESS WORKSHOP

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Please send me your catalog TUESDAY, DEC. 1 Name * 3-5 PM - UC 421 * Address * Zip City State Call Counseling Services 666-6352, and sign up now! * ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Volume Four November 20, 1981 Number 9 Viva 'II Papa Sarducci!' by Patty Haze Don Novello didn't stay still for ax, but it's kinda messy, you know What about your "Life is a Job" ong after leaving his claim to fame, what I mean. And believe me, after theory and "paying for sins?" Saturday Night Live, as the wise the bomb, one can opener is gonna Fr. G: What it is is that people get talian prriest, "Fr. Guido be worth three kruggerrands, and payed $ 14.50 a day for living—life is Sarducci." Or after his recent much you cannot open a can of soup with a job, is what it comes down to, and publicized trip to the Vatican where kruggerrands. I hope the No Nuke that's the salary. When you die, you he was arrested for impersonating a people can do something about it. go before God and he totals up how priest. He's back in his homeland, What I think they should is—the long you lived times $14.50 a day, the Bay Area, on a new crusade: only thing they really can do cuz it's and He gives you all this cash. And Save-a the Busses. Fr. Guido says so late in the game—we should have then he starts going over your sins that a lot of people are going all out a 'No Nuke Nuclear Bomb.' We and you have to pay for your sins: to raise money for the cable cars— could trick the U.S. and Russia to lying is $10.00, murder is $100,000, Jefferson Starship, Robin Williams, get together for like a 'bomb show' whatever. If you have enough money Howard Hesseman—but where are and bring all the weapons together to pay off your sins, you get to go to the people who have made so much to see who's got the biggest pile. heaven. If not, you have to go back money from San Francisco and its Then, we could drop this 'No Nuke to be born again, and start over as a cable cars? Nuclear Bomb' on all of those and baby. Some people, like really bad "Where's Tony Bennet?" asks blow up all the bombs one time. people, like mafioso types, they Father, "Where's Rice-a-Roni? After twenty, thirty years we all might have to spend time three, four Where's-a the Inglenook people?" come out and there will be no nukes. lifetimes like as nuns just to make up Fr. Guido chose to support the Q: When is the Church gonna do for what they owe. I keep having this busses because the cable cars have something about the bland taste of terrible nightmare that I'm before enough people already and because the Communion wafer? God, I'm an old man, paying off my the busses are in such sad shape that Fr. G: Well, you know, what's bland sins, and I'm just 35c short. "we're borrowing busses from Los for you is tasty for someone else; it's Q: Do you have your own system for Angeles of all places." His plan is all just a matter of opinion. I'm not confessions? simple: don't take the busses. "If less into the pastoral side of the Church Fr. G: I do have some special things people go on the busses they won't too much; I'm more in the that I do, in fact, for a while I was wear out as fast. So I tell people not communications side. But I'll check hearing the confessions of nuns. For to take-a the busses—save-a the on it. them all the time I would give them a busses—and at the same time yuou Q: Will you be becoming a penance like say 3 Our Fathers, 3 could spend your money on-a the monsignor? Hail Marys, and do 20 push-ups. cable cars." Fr. G: I don't think so, it doesn't You have to get out that sexual At a pre-opening affair at the look that way. I was very close to energy some way. Also, it takes too Boarding House (where he getting promoted a couple of times, much time of a priest to hear performed for two rainy nights, but they found out about this tattoo. confessions, one on one all the time, Nov. llth and 12th), he laid bare his Where does it say you can't be a so what we're doing is something soul to the press and answered some monsignor and have a tattoo? I don't called "mass confessions": people in questions: know. It's a maple leaf. I got it in church just holler up their sins at Q: What happened to the Giants? Canada, and it looks like a birth once and then the priest just absolves (You predicted) they were going to mark, you know, you can hardly tell. them in unison. That's the coming win 95% of their games. I thought it was gonna be okay but I thing, cuz it's hot in that box and it's Fr. G.: (in his Italian accent) They let did something I think I shouldn't not like we could charge. me down. Also they were supposed have. I met this girl and one thing led Q: Since so many Americans are to give me a jacket, which they never to another thing and we ended up in being "born again," speaking of did. So I'm seriously thinking of this tattoo parlor. Anyway, I charging, has the Church found any going over to thc A's next year. thought that because I was on way to make any money from that They're a little unhappy with Billy Church business, they should pay potential market? Martin, from what I understand, not for the tattoo. I put it on my expense Fr. G: Born again? Well. I don't as a coach or manager or whatever account, cuz if I wasn't on Church know if many Catholics are being he does, but as a spokesman. He's business in Canada 1 wouldn't have born again, you know, they're not doing pipe tobacco and beer and too gotten it. It's kinda my own fault, coming back. We should know cuz much stuff. I'm not gonna do myself otherwise who would see it, it's on we count the change. But the for four days but I'm gonna play the Fr. Guido Sarducci contemplates whether or not to charge for my arm. Catholic Church is trying to get not part of Billy Martin. Q: Can you tell us about your arrest new people necessarily, but trying to confession. Q: Any inside Vatican gossip? in the Vatican? get the dropaways to come back. In mjm*mmpmvmmmim*mmmTmmJam*r**ysmm^0symmsmMmmmmmmmm^0mmmm4symmammn0yssi*mmm, Fr' . G: Well, one thing very Fr G.: I've had this thing going on fact, they have an advertising interesting I noticed is that lately for a year, two years now, with the campaign that they just started and —Inside— they've been cleaning out the Swiss Guards and it was them who the line is "Come on back, you're as catacombs, taking out these bodies, did this to me. When the Pope was welcome as cash in the Catholic and what they're gonna to is to use Jazz issue w/Pat elected, this Polish pope it was the Church." them for fallout shelters cuz it does first time for a non-Italian in 450 Q: Do you think the Vatican needs a look pretty serious. The bomb is Metheny Hue 6 years. I wrote this article that said vice-Pope? coming, we do have the inside word, we're breaking tradition, we have a Fr. G: Yes, of course! I had (his idea and it looks very, very serious. They non-Italian pope, how about some once that you would have two and record revues 6 say 'when times get back, buy non-Swiss guards? It doesn't make people as Pope, and one would be gold'—those times are passed. What sense to me that there's Pope like Monday, Wednesday and Lusty Classes 11 you should do is buy shovels, really, Knday. and another one Tuesday. dig in; it's too late. And buy canned unemployment in Italy and here's Thursday and Saturday, then every goods. Can openers- very the Vatican bringing Swiss people io D.B. Cooper 11 other Sunday they could switch lis important. I don't know if you ever work in Rome. This Swiss guy took too big a job for just one man alone tried to open a can of soup with an it personal, ended up picking on me Calendar 12 all thc time, and that's what it was. AMEN. page 6 November 20, 1981 The Metheny Magic

by Sue Sponge incredible show, "...that song's which is quite offbeat. Lyle's Last Sunday night the kind of our traditional synthesizer work approached the Berkeley Zellerbach Auditorium opener...we can't play it without bizarre, but Pat's fusion guitar was witness to the fact that Pat knowing what comes next. . . work was quite amazing. Metheny's initials stand so we're kind of stuck play­ How can something be undeniably for Pure Magic. Pure ing it," said Pat by way of unusually unusual? Pat magic with his music and introduction. The piece is a very Metheney's is not average, either especially with his guitar. The melodic, danceable one and set musically or technically. His use five-man band delighted the the show's pace. of the 12-string and 6-string enthusiastic crowd with two solid "Windup." a Keith Jarrett- acoustic and electric guitars lends hours ofthe very special Metheny inspired tune, followed fast on his music a distinctive, bright sound. the heels of "Face Dance." Its quality that fits in surprisingly Pat hails from Missouri, a state upbeat, catchy melody had the well with the jazzy, airy which generally leads one to audience tapping their feet drumming of Gottlieb and conjure up images of airy, open simultaneously. Vasconcelos' innovative spaces, clear skies, warmth and After that came a song percussion. And Lyle Mays' lots of nature; images that that...we don't have a name for keyboards are also definitely Metheny's music also evokes yet...since it sounds sorts like unique; ranging from beautiful, through his bright, clean guitar James Taylor...we call it our melodic to bizarre, work and the added effects of the James-Taylor-type-tune," offer­ eerie synthesizer riffs. Much of unusual percussion duo of Dan ed Metheny as an explanation. the group's music, albeit unusual, (iottlieb and Nana Vasconcelos After which he promptly is very accessible. and the rather dramatic unplugged his guitar, to the The group did a definitely keyboards of Lyle Mays. amusement of many. spacey version of "As Falls One of the band's best songs, An unusually unusual number Wichita..." Somehow a "Face Dance," opened up the followed, entitled "Offrarnj* helicopter seems to fly in there and there is very powerful, Lyle & Pat: two magicai dramatic synthesizer and guitar Rodby. This guy cruises equally would have been on their feet, work. Is Wichita Falls in the well on both the electric bass and dancing and cheering. In the 'Outer Limits'? especially on the acoustic bss, a confines of Zellerbach, people A hot live number was "It's For fave instrument of mine. Rodby danced in their minds but stood You." While very innovative in did an excellent job of providing up as one to give the guys a well- terms of percussion and melody, a strong bass line that carried the deserved ovation. it was tightly executed and fun. band through rhythmically and Missouri is known as the Following that was a lovely, otherwise. On several occasions "Show Me" state. Well, the Pat rather Latin-beat-type tune that he really cooked with some Metheny group definitely is featured incredible piano and incredible solo jamming. something that state cannot be guitar. I was dying to know the The encore included two skept ical about and neither can name of the song so as to rush out superb numbers, the final one the rest of the country. For sheer and buy the it was one, but unfortunately remaining un­ talent, musical delight and unfortunately, Pat neglected to named. It had all the elements enjoyable audio experience, Pat mention the name. that make a song great; killer Metheny and his pals can't be "Wizard" was a cool, upbeat, beat, driving rhythm, great beat. Take the time to hear some decidedly danceable jazz song melody and generally incredibly of their ; I guarantee you, that featured more expert bass skilled musicianship. In a small as Falls Wichita, you will fall for work by Chicago-ite Steve club, the audience probably the Pat Metheny Group. Missouri's own boy, Pat Metheny. Downbeat Disc Review "La Habana Sol" (The Havana favorites is "Unicorn," a fairly Sun). Bobby Hutcherson on Sign of the upbeat piece that starts out with a vibraphone really gives this cut a soft, gentle introduction, that's lot of its Caribbean flavor. So Times soon followed by a driving " does Ignacio Berroa's drums and groove bridge in which James Daniel Ponce's percussion, which Bob James plays an intense, almost feverish combine magically. McCoy Columbia piano solo. Jay Beckenstein cruises on the keyboards with a accompanies the melody with salsa-like rhythm that is hard to Records some excellent sax work. resist. Even more irresistible is The title track, "Sign of the by Jose Leon master flutist Huber Laws who Times," gets back to good ole La Leyenda could charm the most restless I heard some very impressive funk. Spacey synthesizer riffs and reasons that many felt he might native with his playing. cuts from Bob James, and some special vocal effects, however, never be able to play again. But rather slow tunes as well; still, I De La Hora A hooking bass riff catches you typify James' version of the 'sign on his latest release, Davis proves approached Sign of the Times, in "Walk Spirit, Talk Spirit." No of the times.' that he truly is just about the only his latest work, with some McCoy Tyner way you can sit still to this one. A lovely love ballad closes out Man With The Horn. After all, hesitation. Fortunately, I was The here is superb. the album. The song is full of he has virtually defined jazz horn Columbia happily surprised with a strong, Bobb Hutcherson shines on this beautiful vocal harmonies. Mr. playing over the years (decades solid album containing several one, and the energy of the Grover Washington, Jr. even), and he makes a helluva Records genuine gems. by Sylvia Sangria musicians gives the song true definitely graces the song with his comeback in this record. spirit. Marcus Belgrave's "Hypnotique" lives up to its appearance, throwing in some "Fat Time" opens up the McCoy Tyner can certainly fluegelhorn is featured in a name with some spacey vocal characteristically classic sax roles album with a funky, yet sinister play the piano and if that isn't the Mangione-like solo that gives a chanting opening the song. The which lend much spice; you know intro bass line laid down by understatement of the year, I big band sound that fits right in. rhythm section falls into an how good oI* Grover can jam. Marcus Miller. Davis adds a don't know what is. His magic almost monotonous, yet An African jungle quality While most of Bob James* sleazy, urbane sound and there is fingers create a delectable pie on approxpriately stedy groove opens "La Busca" (The Search). work may seem rather mellow to an intense guitar solo by Mike his first Columbia release. La (hypnotizing) and James Decidedly Caribbean, this you more radical folks, there is a Stern. One can easily imagine Leyenda De La Hora (The interjects his beautiful acoustic number employs the violin hidden energy on most of his street life wheeling, dealing and legend of the Hour). solos throughout this number. section for dramatic effect. One songs which is quite apparent if making Fat Time till suddenly- As is hinted by its title, this gets the feeling of being One of the strongest tunes on you listen real closely. Mellow, busted. album steams with Latin underwater looking for mystery the record is "Steamin* Feelin*." fast, energetic—Sign of the Barry Finnerty plays a loud influence. The first cut, "La Vida or adventure. Huber Laws The song highlights James' Times has pretty much guitar on "Back Seat Betty" that Fcliz" (Happy Life) has great performs a lovely, flowing solo synthesizer abilities and the everything you would expect in a leads up to Davis' horn. A I .inn rhythms with a contempo­ that adds to the exotic feel of deliberate rhythm section is good Bob James album. spacey, rather mysterious tune, it rary flair. Paquito D'Rivera "The Search." Small wonder accompanied by some superb is perhaps too backseat in that it . really cooks on the sax and Avery Laws is considered one ofthe best vocals from Patti Austin. The Man With is quite offbeat and a trifle odd. Scharpc's acoustic bass makes flutists around. One of the more enchanting Still, Sammy Figueroa's for a very happy tune. numbers is, appropriately, The Horn percussion is interesting. Perhaps A beautiful piano solo oegins The only problem with this "Enchanted Forest." James plays Miles Davis Betty has been in the city jungle "Ja'cara" (A Serenade). Enter a record is that there's not enough. the piano with a flowing touch, too long. waltzy violin section along with All good things must come to an and along with the slow, melodi Betty decides to can the jungle some maracas and ole, you've got end; hence, this album is not long Columbia rhythm section, the song and go for some dancing in yourself a Spanish beauty of a enough. McCoy Tyner and his manages to evoke a feeling of Records "Shout." Nice brassy horns here; serenade Tyner's playing is music ranks up there alongisde shimmering ponds and graceful, Davis really cooks up a clean, moving, yet light and happy at with Chick Corea's, John by Sue Sponge swirling trees. The ringing cool melody and Finnerty lays the same time A serenade to win Coltrane's and Santana's. The keyboards also seem to tinge the Miles Davis has lain low for so down some quick, interesting any senonta's heart man is definitely a legend of our air with magical sounds. long because of the accident he guitar riffs, but it's Felton Crews' times. The music gets really hot in Definitely on my list of was in and for various other Continued on page 11 1981-82 DUNKIN'DON PREVIEW USF: A NATIONAL POWER

John Hegewood in his favorite pose.

by Mike McNaughton with the National powerhouses?" Quintin Dailey, , depth. Though still untested, (he only be realized if: Quintin Dailey The USF Mens team is "Do they deserve a top-twenty Ken McAllister, and John Dons have a number of players that can be as explosive as he is expected going into the new season with some ranking?' Hegwood. On a team, with little help can give this years team the bench to be. Wallace Bryant can mature impressive credentials: ten con­ You se, a twenty-win season and a from the bench, these four players strength it needs. into the domineering ballplayer lhat secutive winning seasons, six con­ WCAC title doesn't mean much to a participated in practically all the Eric Slaymaker. who provided the is inside him, the new recruits secutive 20-win seasons and five national pollster when your team is action for the Dons in 1980-81. team with some depth last year is perform well in there first year, and consecutive WCAC titles. And if playing in a poor league against More importantly, they've played now more experienced and should John Hegwood and Ken McAllister you're wondering how this year's mediocre opponents, lt is these together. They know how to play a bigger role thi syear. be as consisted as they've shown team will fare you can start by teams that usually do poorly in the function as a unit. Slaymaker's ability to control the themselves to be. adding one to each of these figures. first rounds of the NCAA The starting lineup also provides pace of the game with his ball A pre-season poll recognizes However, this year's Dons have tournament. versitility. Having a seven foot giant control makes the Don's a more potential, but it doesn't decide the potential to do much more than But this year is different for the collection rebounds can be very disciplined team. whether or not a tearrt will live up to that. In fact Sports Illustrated, Dons. A toughened team with a effective, especially when you also Dave Hadfield, who, bothered by it. Sport Magazine, Sporting News. toughened schedule has somehow have one of the best guards in the injuries in past season's is ready to and Playboy have all agreed that the won the respect of the country. ocuntry helping him. Opponents will play along with new recruits, John 1981-82 Dons are among the top The basis for the Dons potential find it very difficult to defend against Martins (who will probably be the twenty college basketball tarns in the lies in its experience, versitility and a team that is both domineering in fifth starter) ERic Booker, Farley country. depth. the inside and dazzling on the Gates. ****** ******* One begins to wonder, "Are the Experience can be found in the outside. No question about it (he Dons Dons for Real?" "Can they compete Don's four returning starters: Unlike last year, USF has found have potential But this potential can PagelU SPORTS. .November 20, 1981 Do New Names Offer New Hope?

New recruits (left to right) Farley Gates, John Martens and Eric Booker add dimension to this year's team.

by Mikr Rmnr task for Coach Barry will be action, and will almost certainly see long range plans seems certain, it ottensive attack. still came as a surprise to some Although playing time could be With the return of four starters develcpingthereserve strength along playing time in the season opener observers that Coach Barry did not scarce for him this season the and the top three reserves from last the entire front line that even last against Georgia on November 28. utilize Matheson in the exhibition addition of 6-3 freshman Rob Lowry year's WCAC co-championship year's squad lacked. The names most' Farley Gates, a 6-9 Converse All- game against Victoria. must also be counted as a definite team, the prospect of a new face often mentioned in fulfilling this American from Nashua, New Also available to supply the Dons plus for the Dons. Given his superb emerging to assume a major role in need are those of senior Dave Hampshire, will serve as a back-up with depth at the center and forward leaping ability, Lowry will bring the fortunes of the 198-1982 USF Hadfield. and freshmen John to Wallace Bryant in the pivot. As positions is 6-6 Vladimir Jacimovic. additional rebounding strength to Dons might appear slim. Martens, Farley Gates and Mike evidenced in the Victoria game, Without question, the Dons' main the Dons' backcourt. Nevertheless, seven new players will Matheson. rebounding and defense will be this concentration of talent lies in its Freshman Jim Giron comes from be in uniform for the Dons this An honorable mention All- freshman's strengths. backcourt with the return of Ken St. Joseph's High in Alameda to season, and it is the opinion of many American, John Martens enjoyed a East High School in Salt Lake McAlister, Quintin Dailey, Eric offer the Dons even further depth at observers that the success of this successful high school career at City, Utah has supplied the Dons Slaymaker and Crosetti Speight. In the guard position. >ear's squad will depend a greal deal Newbury Park in Thousand Oaks, with 6-7 Mike Matheson. Mike has spite of all the talent surrounding upon the immediate contribution of California. Due to a minor injury already displayed in practice the Since the Dons will graduate six him, it did not take sophomore at least afew of these individuals. suffered in practice, John was talent and dedication that earned members of their current roster at transfer Eric Booker long to make The graduation of power forward unable to play in the Dons' him honorable mention All- the conclusion of this season, the his presence known. A consensus Bart Bowers leaves Coach Pete exhibition victory over the America honors in basketball, and seven players mentioned here could High School All-American at Barry with an obvious gap to fill. University of Victoria, B.C. The 6-8 All-American recognition in track. be the framework upon which Pete Balboa High in San Francisco, the 6- However, an even more important forward has since then returned to While Matheson's place in the Dons' Barry will build for the next three 5 Booker averaged sixteen points years. However, if the Dons are and seven rebounds a game for City going to realize their full potential as College of San Francisco last a team this year and rival for post­ season. The addition of Eric to an season honors, the names of already explosive backcourt should Martens, Gates, Matheson and provide Coach Barry with even more Booker will have to be much more Want to win $100 to spend at opportunity to diversify the Dons' than optimistic hopes for the future. the USF Bookstore? and watch Lady Dons9 Basketball? OTTER A RAFFLE WHERE YOG ARE SURE TO WIN You can't lose!! When you purchase a season ticket for the 1981-82 LADY DONS' HOME BASKETBALL GAMES, you will be eligible for the rafflean d a... $ 100 GIFT CERTIFICATE AT THE USF BOOKSTORE The price of a season ticket not only enters you in the raffle, but gets you in to see 12 exciting women's basketball home games to see the LADY DONS as they begin another winning season. Season Ticket Prices: STUDENTS $10.00 USF FACULTY & STAFF $25.00 General Admission ***35.00

For further information write or call: Kenny McAllister throw-- up a prayer. SANDEE L. HILL •*•••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••• J STAFF BOX J Al 11 MEMORIAL GYM - ATHLETIC + Dunkin' Don Preview is a special supplement to the * J San Francisco Foghorn of the University of San * DEPARTMENT * Francisco. * * EDITOR Mike McNaughton 4 USF — San Francisco, CA 94117 * STAFF WRITERS Mike Pinne * *r Steve Vivien and Stephen P. Mullin J (415)666-6623 J PHOTOS Courtesy of the •+ »r USF Athletic Department * * * *••*•••••••••••••••*•*•••*•••••* November 20, 1981 SPORTS.Page* ) QUINTIN DAILEY ALL-AMERICAN A WORD FROM by Steve Vivien belief in taking life one day at a time, averaged 22.4 points per game, was THE COACH and enjoying them all. the leading scorer in thc WCAC, the What makes thc Dailey express Only a junior with this new season Most Valuable Player in the WCAC, run! before him and all of his senior year first team All-West Coast, first team One of America's finer to look forward to, I endeavored to all WCAC, led the Dons in socring songwriters has penned the line, 'The find out what makes Quintin such a and assists He also was the second secret of life is enjoying the passage sought after commodity by the pro highest scorer in a single season at of time." Upon meeting Quintin scouts. U.S.F. with 693 points, Cartwright Dear USF Student Body, Dailey one is immediately impressed The answer is found in part by had 710 in 1978-79. I commented to On behalf of the USF basketball team and thc coaching suit. with his mature and relaxed manner. checking his statistics from last one of the guys who works with the I would like to lake this opportunity to invite you and the Certainly part of this is due to his season. As a sophomore, he team how laudable it would be for University Community to the greatest Saturday afternoon event him to break Cartwright's record in the history of USF Athletics. At 1:00 p.m. on November 2Klh. and the guy said that wouldn't be the Dons will take on the Universal) ol Georgia live from I si easy because of Quintin's unselfish on CBS-TV. This would be a greal uay to spend an afternoon play. during your Thanksgiving vacation. Quintin certainly is not letting the Your support and spirit before, during, and after thc game pressure ofthe pro scouts crowd him will help start off a great season for starting seniors Wallace in, nor the media attention crowd Bryant. John Hegwood. and Captain Ken McAlister, along out the child in him. Beyond that, he with the junior. All American guard. Quintin Dailev Rail) isn't your regular jock. Anyone who behind newcomers John Martens. Eric Booker, Farlcv Gates, plays with such grace and and Mike Matheson (live your support to Eric Slavmakcr. intelligence obviously wouldn't be. Dave Hadfield, Bob Giron. and Crosetti Speight to help make "Q" as his friends call him has taken thc Dons Number I this season! Show CBS and the country an athletic event and turned it into a what it means to be a fan of USF Basketball' Join us in this form of art. and an expression of his history-making event. Be a part of CBS-1 V live Irom USF! very soul. "Quality is collaboration" collaborate with us' Born and raised in Baltimore. USF - US forever Maryland with his three brothers, I thought I'd do some scouting for Coach Barry and inquire if they had Quintin's talent. He responded that they were good but didn't have his Pete Barry opportunities. Head Basketball Coach Opportunities is an understate­ ment when one considers what this man's future holds. He could easily turn pro after this year but has a personal commitment to finish Support USF Athletics college. That means he'll turn pro in two years. In the meantime, he will loin the receive more honors, including a possible first team All-America this USF DONS-CENTURY CLUB year and or next. U.S.F. basketball fans are in for a "GREY FOG" STUDENTS SECTION real treat this season and next. We'll have the chance to watch one of America's best players as he plays And You Get: Quintin Dailey s the man to watch. with three other returning starters. • Season tickets to the home games for: One can only wonder at how much Photos courtesy of USF Athletic Department. • Basketball • Soccer • Baseball • Volleyball better he can get, although we are And Club Football content to enjoy his talents now. • Court level seating in Memorial Cym Off the court, 1 wonder how much • Monthly copies of USF SPORTS DATELINE happiness he can share—since this is • All sport pocket schedules his number one goal in life. Just • Free bus ride to men's basketball games at Santa Clara FOGHORN talking to him in the gym he was joking with five or six people in a few and the Oakland Coliseum CLASSIFIED minutes, trying to make them all smile. AU THIS AND MUCH, MUCH MORE You can see him now or you can FOR ONLY $25.00 SURFERS, GYMNASTS, WRESTLERS, SWIMMERS, Extras catch him as a pro, but either way, 1 needed for major studio film to be shot soon in Santa Cruz area. Make suggest you catch the Quintin Dailey Contact: Brian McSweeney or )oe Cleary up to $200! Call 408-722-7661. express! in the USF Athletic Department — 6.4-4OT1

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DATE DAY OPPONENT SITE Nov. 28 Fri. GRAND CANYON COLLEGE USF ^ Nov. 29 Sat. WISCONSIN - SUPERIOR USF Dec. Mon. at Dayton Dayton, Ohio Dec. Fri. at BYU—Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. Sat. at Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. Sun. at Chaminade College Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. Tue. at Hawaii—Hilo Hilo, Hawaii Dec. 13 Sat. CAL STATE LOS ANGELES USF Dec. 16 Tue. GEORGIA SOUTHERN USF Dec. 19 Fri. FOURTH ANNUAL GOLDEN GATE INVITATIONAL ^^^^^USF ^ (USF, UC-Irvine, Duquesne, Northwestern) Dec. 20 Sat. FOURTH ANNUAL GOLDEN GATE INVITATIONAL USF Dec. 23 Tue. NEW MEXICO STATE USF Dec. 28 Sun. at Sun Bowl Classic El Paso, Texas (USF, Vmanoya, Miami of Ohio, UTEP) Dec. 29 Mon. at Sun Bowl Classic El Paso, Texas Jan. 13 Tue. NOTRE DAME Oakland Coliseum Jan. 16 Fri. GONZAGA USF Jan. 17 Sat. PORTLAND USF Jan. 21 Wed. at Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana Jan. 23 Fri. at Santa Clara Santa Clara, CA Jan. 24 Sat. at San Diego San Diego, CA Jan. 30 Fri. LOYOLA MARYMOUNT USF Jan. 31 Sat. PEPPERDINE USF Feb. 7 Sat. at St. Mary's Moraga, CA Feb. 13 Fri. at Pepperdine Malibu, CA Feb. 14 Sat. at Loyola Marymount Los Angeles, CA Wallace Bryant stomps over opponent. Feb. 20 Fri. SAN DIEGO USF Feb. 21 Sat. SANTA CLARA USF Feb. 26 Thu. at Portland Portland, Oregon NATIONAL TV FOR DONS Feb. 28 Sat. at Gonzaga Spokane, Washington Mar. 7 Sat. ST. MARY'S USF by Stephen P. Mullin Georgia game will test the true strength of our veteran team. On Saturday, November 28, The U.S.F. community, at the U.S.F. will host the opening of the same time, is preparing to welcome KUSF AIRS THE DONS national basketball season on CBS the national television audience to television. Our nationally ranked its campus. The Green and Gold Dons will kick-off the 1981-82 colors will be flying high starting KUSF 880AM will be broadcast­ sophomore standing, will be the season against fourth ranked Monday the 23rd with a rally ing each of the home basketball broadcast team for KUSF this Georgia. As CBS has determined sponsored by the Grey Fog Boosters games for the University of San season. Artie and Mike will share the this promises to be one of the most Club and the always spirited Francisco Dons this season, duties of play-by-play and color exciting basketball games of the Hammered Slammers. The pre- beginning with the season opener commentary, as well as providing year, lt pits two of the most game festivities will culminate on against the University of Georgia their audience with live interviews of spectacular and explosive players in Saturday the 28th as student tail­ Bulldogs on Saturday, November 28 players and coaches. They would the country, our own Junior gate parties arc scheduled to begin at at I p.m. like to urge all USF students to sensation Quintin Dailey, and their 11 a.m. The alumni, too, will be Artie Chaney, a senior who is support the Dons at home this All American . involved in the celebrations by majoring in Sports Administration, season, and welcome any comments With four starters returning from sponsoring a pre-game party at 11 and Michael Rinne, an English and or suggestions regarding their last year's championship ball club, a.m. in the University Center—all Communication Arts student of coverage of the games. the Dons are lookingtobeoneof the are welcome. The big event begins at top teams in the country. So far this 1:30 in the Memorial Gym—Come ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• year, San Francisco has been listed back to school early and cheer the in all pre-season polls, and the Dons on to victory.

« Eric Staymaker: The playmaker. November 20, 1981 page 11 Revealing 'PrivateLessons' by Susie Leon Kristel). out onadatetogetherand there is At fifteen, the biology class Nicole is by no means an old a comical scene where Philly most kids take (took) covers maid and naturally, Philly finds begins to get his self-confidence nowhere near the depth and himself quite attracted to her. up with the snotty waiter. The detail "Private Lessons" does. Surprise Number One come two wind up the night with the The film is a rather bizarre and about when Nicole catches Philly Final Lesson. Unfortunately, romantic comedy that explores a gazing where he shouldn't school takes a decidedly negative young boy's wild romantic and teases him about it. Philly turn and at the climax of the fantasies and how suddenly those takes off, but at night she catches "lesson," Nicole suffers a massive fantasies become all too real. him peeking through her window heart attack and dies. Philly Fillmore (Eric Brown) is when she is undressing and. to his Enter evil Lester, who has the young rich kid whose father delightful surprises, invites him masterminded the whole goes off on a business trip, in for Lesson Number One. dastardly plot in order to leaving him in the dubious care of Lesson Number Two includes blackmail Philly. Philly is forced slimy chauffeur Lester (Howard a hilarious bubble bath where to turn to him for advice; they Hesseman) and the newly hired Philly can only go so far and then hide Nicole's body in the maid Nicole Mallow (Sylvia runs off again. Eventually, they go basement freezer first ("Your * i father wouldn't like it if he found Nicole in there rather than a nice lamb chop") and then in a grave in the garden. But the next hrisics and Brown: off campus lesson. morning the grave is empty.... amazement of Philly as he really A note about the soundtrack. Howard Hesseman displays gets to know Nicole with much While there is too much Rod his diverse acting abilities here as credibility. One can't help but Stewart (Tonight's the Night," the chauffeur who's great fun to wonder what the parents had to 'You're In My Heart,' etc.) the hate. His portrayal of the rather say about Brown's role (what did lyrics add a hilarous touch to perverse Lester is well done. you learn in class today, dear?). certain scenes. There are other to Lester is fairly dumb, yet he is Sylvia Kristel, of 'Emmanuelle' stars like Eric Clapton, Earth, conniving enough to plan this fame, brings all her European Wind & Lire and John Cougar, situation and have Nicole and sophistication and sensuality to so it isn't too bad. Philly under his thumb. He is this movie, and poor Philly "Private Lessons" is not your almost psychotic and so slimy doesn't stand a chance with her average romantic comedy; thre you want to run him down with seductive lessons. While her role are some T & A scenes, but his own limo. is not the most dramatic one, she generally appropriate editing. gives Nicole a warm, caring The emphasis is mostly on Eric Brown is quite adept in his personality. Nicole's fondness for comedy; the effects of this love handling of the role of Philly. Philly is what stops her from on a kid on the verge of adulthood He's quite convincing, going through with her part and really are funny. The film completely omitting any phony she reappears to Philly, and helps combines suspense, sex and kidstuff that might arise from the turn the tables on Lester to get humor well and achieves a very "Lesson Number One Philly. tough part. He brings across the Philly out of his problem. enjoyable result.

one a "Montego Bay" feeling. provides the contemporary became Orchestral manoeurvers Downbeat Roundup Getting back to fusion basics, sound on the breaks and also in the Dark. When McClusky Continued from page 6 Sadao's clean sax work cruises displays his talent considerably in played with the band "Equinox," bass that carries the song's and flowing, all in the right through on "Ride On." Once this song. he was starting to get into danceable rhythm, along with places. An unusual song with a again, the horn section does an Dave Grusin, one of the electronics. He wrote a piece Vincent Wilburn's drumming. very urbane, lounging quality. excellent support job. A nifty album's consistently steady called "Orchestral Manoeuvers Time to m-o-o-o-v-e. Well, there you have it. Miles chord solo by guitarist Bobby performers, goes "Straight to the in the Dark," which consisted of 3 The dancing continues on really goes "miles" in this record. Broom adds so much more to this Top," coming up with another radios interfering with one "Aida," with a decidedly Latin I can't resist the pun; Miles really busy number. solid fusion number. The horn another, war noises, off a TV and rhythm provided by Miller's blows you away on this record. Dave Grusin appears on "Call section provides a strong rhythm, random drumming. Paul definitive bass. Al Foster gives Me," a slow, romantic song that but Grusin dominates here with Humphreys studied electronics the number its light, airy quality. Orange Express features Grusin's melodic some very tasty keyboard work. for three years in college before A 'muffling' tight technique gives keyboard talents. It's a love Sadao Watanabe may not be a he paired up with VCL XL Finnerty's guitar an almost Sadao Watanabe ballad that would probably turn household word either in the jazz O.M.D. contains such avant-garde feel. even your parents on. world or in the popular music coutstanding cuts as "Enola The title track has a neat, Columbia A beautiful fusion solo scene, yet. But his previous live Gay," "Electricity," "Almost,", spacey intro. Randy Hall wrote sandwiched between two album received considerable and "Messages." "Enola Gay," the song, as well as playing guitar Records characteristic Watanabe sax alto airplay in this country and which has been very successful on and synthesizer. His voice is by Jose Leon solos are the highlights of "Good around the world. The Japanese the charts, is a song about the reminiscent of Smokey Robinson Sadao Watanabe, virtually For All Night." This is a happy legend is making an impression aeroplane which dropped the but not nearly as smooth. Still, unknown in America, is a jazz tune that would have no problem quite indelibly in the American atom bomb on Hiroshima; it was it's appropriate for this song. legend in Japan, but has jammed lasting all night long and still fusion/jazz scene. He has the named after the pilot's mother. Davis doesn't do much here, but with the best of jazz musicians sounding great. versatility and talent to do it all The words to this single with this when he does appear, it subtly around. With this album, I got "Bagamoyo Zanzibar" is and Orange Express is a upbeat pop melody go: underlines the soft, gentle really enthusiastic about this Watanabe's version of an African testimonial to that fact. melody. Very pretty; a nice truly great saxophonist. folk song. Sadao displays his Enola Gay tribute to Miles. On "Orange Express," the versatility by playing both six O.M.D. Is mother proud of her little boy today Davis comes to the forefront in marimba highlights this catchy, and flute, producing a haunting Aha the kiss you give "Ursula," a song that has a classic festive tune. Watanabe's flowing quality that gives you the feeling Orchestral It's never going to fade jazz beat and melody. The horn yet sharp saxophone, together of being somewhere in rain forest Manoeuvres in breaks are sharp and soft, sudden with a superb horn section, gives land. Marcus Miller's bass away Enola Gay the Dark It should ever have lo end Virgin/Epic this way Aha Enola Gay Not Worth Pursuing Records It shouldn't fade our dream awav by Rene Gamboa by Marcella Farragher In 1971 D.B. Cooper jumped turns out the Gruen is an in a truck as they are travelling Men of mystery and "Messages," another success­ from a 727 with $200,000 and investigator for the insurance down the road. They eat, they imagination, that's Paul ful cut off this album, is a moody vanished without a trace. Ten company responsible for the sleep, and you guessed it, they Humphreys and Andy McClus- pop song. The cut "Electricity" is years later, in 1981, some people $200,000 D.B. stole even do you know what together key of England's Orchestral focused on the futuristic sound of have put out a film about it. The D.B. rushes back home to pick in the truck...While D.B. is Manoeuvres in the Dark. Both music. The "Misunderstanding" plot vanished without a trace. up his estranged wife. Together driving. Humphreys and McCluskey, age is an excellent cut which features The new movie. In Pursuit of with his wife, he decides to go off 21, like to think of themselves as a Poe-esque mood. D. B. Cooper, is based on the to some island in the South The film seemed like it had "modern," although their music Orchestral Manouvres in the novel by J. D. Reed, "Free Fall," Pacific. This time, however, it is some promise (while the credits and style of dress all hint of a Dark play a well mixed brand of published by Dell Books, for not only Gruen who is after him, were shown). With actors like touch of the past. synthesizer songs. Their music those of you dying to get your but also a burned-out Vietnam Robert Duvall (Godfather I and Their new album, O.M.D.. is captures many moods such as hands on this "great work of veteran who smuggles drugs //, The Great Santini) as Gruen, their first American release and is depression as well as a sense of literature." The film has a across the Mexican border and and Treat Williams (Hair, Prince a compilation of songs from their liveliness. Although Humphreys ridiculous plot. After his jump, used to be D.B.'s "pal." The of the City) as D.B. Cooper, it British releases. Orchestral and McClusky like to avoid the D.B. is pursued by his old whole movie is one long chase. looked as if it was going to be an Manoeuvres in the Dark and electronic tag on their music, still sergeant from Vietnam. This They chase each other by boat, interesting film. But as it turned Organization. their music does represent a new sergeant, Gruen, was the man car and airplane. They start off in out, it wasjust another Southern- Humphreys and McCluskey sound of Electronic Pop. One responsible for teaching D.B. Wyoming and end up in Arizona. car-chase movie complete with had been playing together for five could label them as thc Pink how to jump from airplanes, lt D.B. and his wife do everything Waylon Jennings songs. years until 1978 when they finally Floyd of the '80's. page 12 CALENDARNovember 20, 1981 C.A.L. Frank Zappa, 7 p.m., 12/10 THEATRE Berkeley Community Theater. Allston Way & Grove. Bass, etc. •yj:v-) i Irish Theatre Co. Old Waldorf S^VJ/ Gill Theatre, USF ART 444 Battery, 397-3884 "Living Quarters", 11/20-21, 27- USF Glass Lounge, McLaren 11/21-22 Gil Scott Heron/Ray 28, 12/4-5, 12/11-12, 8 p.m. Center Booker (jazz) Matinee, 12/5 at 2:30 p.m. 40 paintings by S.F. artist Grace MUSIC 11/24-25 Iggy Pop; Dirty Looks Reservations, info. 564-7542. Fitzgerald, 11/14-12/4 from 10 11/27-28 King Crimson Discipline Savoy Tivoli am-2 pm. The exhibit "gift of Berkeley Square 11/29 Chris Hillman/ Rick 1438 Upper Grant, S.F. "By grace" represents unusual religious 1333 University Avenue Roberts: An evening of Acoustic George" musical revue of George expressions done in acrylics and 11/20 Punts/Rhythm Riot/ Music & Ira Gershwin's works. Thru oils. Ironies 11/30 Garland Jeffreys 11/29, 8 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 4 & 8 Fine Arts Museum 12/1 Reggae w, it's "godfather- p.m. on Sun. 362-7024. MH de Young Museum in the 11/21 X/LA Dreamers 11/19,20,21, "Impressions of a Joe Higgs Les Nickelettes Park. Search for Alexander. 11/13 I World Stepping Stone." A senior 12/2-3 Steve Hackett People's Theatre, 776-8999. Ft. Tickets are on sale now, for this 11/27 Los Microwaves/ thesis project by Kaianna Mason Bldg. B, Thru 12/6. A exhibit running 2/20/82-5/16/82. Mindsweeper The Stone Johnson and other dance zany production "I'd Rather Be 175 works of art and artifacts 11 28 Rank V File 412 Broadway, 391-8282 students. All performances 8:30 Doing Something Else," from the age of Alexander the 11/30 Rim Obeng & Kasa 11/20 Leroy Sibbles (reggae) p.m. in the Lone Mountain cartoon/imagery, satire & Great. Boarding House 11/21 Roy Buchanan Campus ballroom. rock'n'roll. 901 Columbus at Lombard 11/22 Edith Massey Sutro Library Walkabout Studio Lorraine Hansberry Theatre 11 20 Pickle Family Circus, 8 and Paul Hern 2495 Golden Gate. 3-part exhibit of 626-0756. 2325 Third St., at 20th. "A 2940 16th St. at Mission. West 10 p.m. Solo and w/his jazz quintet great architectural material from the Woman's Choice." by Keriac & Co., Coast premiere of "Nevis Mtn. 11/21 Saturday Night Hoe Down "Inside Davies Hall" 11/28 8:30 Sutro Collection, on display 8:30 p.m., 11/20-21, $4 donation. Dew" about a man entrapped in a w the Prairie Dogs p.m. Davies Hall Performing Arts through 12/15. Sutro Library is Oberlin Dance Collective respirator and his loving but long I I 27-28 Rick & Ruby Show. It's Center. BASS for tix. open to the public M-F, 10 am-5 pm. at performance Gallery, 3153 17th suffering family. Previews 11/25 at Ruby's Birthday Party Sound of Music St., 863-1002. ODC Winter season 8:30 p.m. thru 1/3/82. 869-5500. Mercy High School 12 4-5 Etta James 162 Turk, 885-9616 and 10th anniversary celebration. Julia Morgan Theater 3250 19th Avenue, 334-0525. High Bill Graham Presents 11/20 Translator,' Lifers/Guest Thurs-Sat eves. 12/3-5, 10-12 and 2640 College Ave., Berkerley 548- School Harvest Festival Preview U-2/Garland Jeffreys 11/21 Misfits/ VKTMS 17-19. 8:30 p.m. 2687. Delta Carnival, a theater- Champagne Party 7 p.m. 11/20 11 29, 8 p.m., Warfield Theatre San Francisco Symphony Leslie Watanabe Dance Co. dance co. in "Ruins," their original with lovely hors doeuvres and The Tubes Davies Symphony Hall, 431-5400 Dancentral Studio, 3315 24th St. multi-media theater production. lovely gifts for the holidays. II 30, 8 p.m.. Warfield II/25& 11/27, 8:30 p.m.. Bay at Mission, 282-4020. "Waves" 8 11/27-28 at 8:30 p.m. Open to public 10 am to 1pm. 12 3 Stevie Nicks/John Stewart, Area pianist Mack McCray. Piano p.m., $4. 11/20-22 & 27-29, 12/4- ••••••••••••••••A* ••••••••••••••••••••J. Oakland Coliseum Concerto No. 2 (Andrew Imbrie) 6. 12/4 DEVO, S.F. Civic, 8 p.m. ! ARE YOU CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE, 12/4 Steve Hackett, 8 p.m., San Jose Civic Auditorium + RESPONSIBLE? Fab Mab Here's your chance to get * * 443 Broadway * 11 20 Black Flag Flipper Meat Practical, Hands on Experience * Puppets In Advertising and Marketing * 1121 Eye Protection Peter Bilt fFtrM©3® ^Dac^fe 0QrBi}Jip@QQ2aag? Sur Music Young Republicans * Techniques Needed— A person with the above listed qualities * Le Disque * 1840 Haight Escapades is a weekly supplement to the San Francisco to help the market and manage advertising accounts Foghorn of the University of San Francisco. Escapades is * 11 20 Verbs Rakes, $3.50 * to a monthly city-wide newspaper with distribution * 1121 Last 1981 show of run and produced exclusively by students. Freelance * submissions are welcome. * over 6,000. * Symptoms. Also * Editor Swte Leon UNIVERSITY CREDIT AND MONETARY Wanderlust Barry Beam * Staff Writers Eric Pearson, Marcella Farragher, COMPENSATION AVAILABLE Keystone Berkeley Rich Scaife, Rene Gamboa, John Sirk J 2119 University Staff Artist Evtlyn Garcia Call: 666-6206 11 20 Suicide Misfits II 21 Leroy Sibbles of Heptones **••••••••••••••••••••*•**••••••••••£ (reggae) 11/22 Roy Buchanan

for dancers, * danC athletes , for everyone A • atone Monday through Friday 10-5:30, Saturday 10-5. Ask for free catalog. af Critics Choice - it # Cannes Pirn Festival \ 12 6 Post St. fiery ^BH^k^H. * Gold Medal- Brussels * (2nd Floor) ^Grand Pnx - Portugal $ funny WSft^^wti San Francisco, Ca. 94108. graceful KS*^^^^ Telephone: 415/421-5657. 1 charming ^^tf^p,^ Convenient downtown passionate ^^^^^^ location. mad • mystical V B tragc T*^^~^E$t> irresistible H FIRST MON-THURS sheis V 1 Slomng FLOOR Nijinsky's S 1 Bud Cort NOON-1I daughter V 1 Max von Sydow UNIV^ poeticFRIDAY S - and "she " 1 Patrick Dupond CENTER i \ ^/f) NOON-6 dances atone" ^K and introducing m Kyra Nijinsky cm•Qojfeehouc x <.eo Mais Daily til 5 sCtwrotCtaU CANNERY Leavenworth at Beacfi 441-6800 / i it P»rt*.K*-g HoMay Inn Fisherman s Wharl Cttf I November 20, 1981 F€fTrUR€S 1 Page 131 Cracked Sidewalks,

•>EN Liquor Chipped Paint llf ' CHILLED WINE

by Eric Pearson 3 Sleazy street corners have for there is a gas station that ir- years been part of the modern overcharges (going up Masonic) and American urban landscape. One of several aging apartments, the most the sleaziest in the city of San interesting of these being those Francisco is nearly in the shadow of above the billoards advertising Petrini's and Harrah's Casino. It is UlSC the majestic twin spires of Saint Ignatius church, at the bottom of not advisable to park your car under Fulton Street, cross-street of these apartments on weekend nights. Masonic. One would think that a corner this close to USF would get The intersection is not all that some good Roman Catholic morals large, and if you look due east down rubbed off on it. No such thing has Fulton, you can see the dome of City happened as of this date, and Hall. In other vistas, there are views hopefully it never will. of the Panhandle looking down Masonic, a view of nothing (maybe POLICE The idea that this street corner is the spire of Sears with the big "S") sleazy is only a statement of fact. looking up Masonic, and the view up There is no moral judgment involved Fulton has already been described in TELEPHONE in the statement, just an all its Roman Catholic glory. examination of the people who live, work and hang out around this type of corner. Stand around on this corner for about 15 minutes, and you are sure to see something happen. It is all The best thing about cities, or at around. At different (and sometimes • least the most romantic, is the rain- the same) times, very weired, albeit nEPARTMENT slicked street, reflecting the dull urban occurrences can be witnessed. glow of a broken neon light. The Such as: a guy wearing bowling paint on the buildings is chipped and shoes running and skidding on wet peeling, the windows are dirty, and crosswalk lines; a Lincoln drag the bus stops rights there at the racing an Oldsmobile east on corner. Between the buildings there Fulton, both driven by older people; are miniscule alleyways lined with a hit and run accident (common); garbage cans, the street is just a little huge dogs running around; Public too busy, and the sidewalks collect Safety turning on their red lights to all sorts of trash. In the country you a red signal and run into get grassy fields; in the city, messy "Filthy's"; and the most entertaining corners. show of all, the line of people inside "Filthy's" buying their goods. As for the places that occupy this intersection: on the northwest This is urban culture at its zenith, corner there is a nondescript with all its derelicts, broken bottles, apartment house and bus stops on and old newspapers blowing around the southwest corner there lies like leaves. It is life through a grainy Fulton Foods, affectionately known filter, and generally out of focus. But to USF students as "Filthy's." it is real, and for this part of town, it "Filthy's" is really a small store is right next door. selling some vegetables, convenience items, magazines, and of premium importance to the standing of this street corner, beer, wine, and liquor, wiiiiiiiiiiniiHniiiimiiiii at slightly inflated prices. As you stand at the telephone just outside the door, on a stained and cracked inner sidewalk, and gaze at the dull INTERNATIONALE neon light, realizing where you are and the urban beauty of the scene, 1 you should see that this is where it all EXPRESS rF -^ comes together for a city. Some lucky people actually live above the store, and get to take in the cityscape LOCATED ON THE FIRST FLOOR UC CENTER every day. KITTY KORNER FROM THE FOG N* GROG

On the southeast corner there is a donut store open 24 hours a day. It WE FEATURE: has dirty windows too. Going down NEW YORK TIMES* 65C Fulton from the donut store is Villa Romana, a local pizza stop, the Los ANGELES TIMES* 50c Papillon Bar and Grill (surprisingly WALL STREET JOURNAL 35c classy for the neighborhood it occupies), and a dry cleaner's. For CHRONICLE 20c the most part, this corner looks as EXAMINER 20C used and urban as the others. •SPECIAL STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION RATJ-f Across the street, on the northeast (FOR ONE MONTH) corner, and going some ways back into the block, is Petrini's NEW YORK TIMES $11.50 DAILY M-F WITHOUT SUNDAY ISSUE Supermarket. This is generally a nice 21.50 DAILY M-F WITH SUNDAY ISSUE place to shop, although it is a little crowded, and parking lot is a real mess. Some cars seem to have been Los ANGELES TIMES $8.50 DAILY M-F WITHOUT SUNDAY ISSUE there for months. Around Petrini's 18.50 DAILY M-F WITH SUNDAY ISSUE renews. .November 20, 1981 I thought we were on high ground? Water Water Everywhere Continued from front or three inches of water) and in the resident. Other floors, such as third situation that a dark stormy Friday pleasure and gratitude over the basement of Hayes Healy. and on thc west side of the Harney Gillson, borrowed candles from the the thirteenth had supplied them cooperation they received from their Nobody believes me, but I swear Science Center. Then the power food service and started hallway with. staff and the student body as a there was tour feet of water outside went off. study sessions. Many students Overall, the damage from the whole. "There wasn't any trouble at the mail room," exclaimed Ken Power was lost to the campus and brought out instruments and started storm was less than could be all with people prowling around in Goss, Director of Plant Services. surrounding area at 6:39 p.m. when playing for domitory neighbors. expected, with no injuries from loose the dark," said Yash. "The only "When the sewers backed up, the flooding shorted out the PG&E Throughout the dormitories, footing in the dark and no suspicious prowlers anyone reported place flooded in a matter of generator feeding the campus. students were rediscovering what life significant damage to the flooded turned out to be NOMs checking out minutes." Meanwhile in the front was like before television and stereo. The blackout shut down the buildings. Plant Services estimates their floors." entrance of Hayes Healy, thc boilers for the campus, and nullified that the deluge cost the university But neither Ken Goss nor Yash residents were further protected the fire alarm systems, which all run Over at Sigma Alpha Epsilon about $20,000 in clean-up expenss Yasinitsky will laugh about old from male encroachment by the on direct current. Mass Fraternity house, dart guns left over and foliage replacement. Both Ken wives' tales when they hear people sudden appearance of a moat. Then pandemonium erupted throughout from the "assassination" game were Goss and S. "Yash" Yasinitsky, talk about bad luck on Friday the the phone system went batty. the residence halls. Hayes-Healy broughout and their party soon Director of Public Safety, expressed 13th! While a few phones on campus dormitory made a quick change, dissolved into a massive shootout. **^/-AA*/Y were still operational for calling out, refusing to admit any male guests, "You have to do something when no phones would ring and no lights whether or not they were escorted by there's no music, and the dart guns would light up to indicate incoming Lowest Fare NURSING STUDENTS a resident. "It wouldn't be smart to seemed like a natural. It was one of calls. As the Foghorn's phone lines have a lot of guys wandering around the funnest parties I've ever had," Groves Nurses Registry, Inc. were still mysteriously (miracu­ the building with the lights out. said Bill Porter, one of the fraternity TO is hiring Hospital Attend­ lously?) working, plant and public You're just asking for trouble." members. ants for float positions in safety commandeered the Foghorn explained Maureen Parton. the In Phelan Hall, residents who had office and set up a command and Acute Staff Relief. Perfect Hayes Healy desk supervisor. collected in a stairwell hypothesized TOKYO communications center. for nursing students with six "Don'l sweat it, there isn't any of about maniacs running wild The power came back on at 11:27 CALL 981-5383 months or more of clinical those kind of guys around here." throughout the dormitory, wielding p.m.. and plant set about cleaning up retorted one frustrated but chainsaws and meat cleavers, in an experience. Work around the mess w ith w hich the now passing SHOGUN TRAVEL unidentified male visitor. effort to live up to the Hollywood your school schedule and storm had endowed the university. Public Safety closed the campus to gain valuable nursing Throughout the evening, students knowledge in various acute to outside traffic at 7:15 p.m. and set coped with and actually enjoyed the about helping plant control the blackout. Resourceful students care areas. In the past six bedlam. Then the floods started. discovered that they could enter years Groves Registry has The San Francisco sewer system, Hayes-Healy through the fire exits helped hundreds of students o\erloaded by the cloudburst, (with a little inside help, and so the through school and has started backing up. and in the truly persevering kept their long been a favorite of process of backing up, deposited rendezvous.) water into the university's buildings. motivated nursing students. Many floors, such as fourth Although there was flooding in Pay is union scale. Phone Gillson, evolved into large parties every building, the worst flooding with nobody to Keep people Irom today for an appointment. was in the basement of Campion drinking in the hallway. "You can't Hall (the public safety office and the stop what you can't see," 433-5950 debate office were swamped by two philosophized one intoxicated

[foghorn Fine tune your future. Send for our exciting new catalog. pecsoruls Then scale new artistic heights by selecting the Academy of Art College. m Study Advertising, Graphic Design, >£r^.*i^s. rm*s. •*3*-»v« Illustration, Interior Design, Photography, Dear Teddy Bear' — Every time I see you my day brightens up. For just looking at your gleaming eyes and Joyous smile make you "special" in Fine Art (drawing, paintings sculpture many ways. and printmaking. Fill out the handy coupon, Little One orcall us at (415)673-4200. Lolinda Walsh," I centerof the Lady Dons, here'sa "Double Dutch" birthday Academy of Art College Irom all the Hoy Pi Hoos on severdh floor. •540 Powell Street. San Francisco Ca 94108. P.: Even though you write phony notes, I still thank you for BEING YOU! love ya. K! R.R.P.O. atTA.CE, AS. at the H.R: Wishing you both a noble thanksgiving. KMH MTM: Your parties really aren't so bad!Sincerely Lou, Ted, Phyllis, Rhoda, Murray and Georgette! To Kathy Bell: As one who is still too shy to meet you, I say hello aga in to you and hope that everything is going your way all through each day. From Andrew The Barkley Bros, of the Circle A Ranch declare war on Red David. COOKIE" — You owe us one! Big D. V, and C JAMES: Are we still friends? "A Problem Child" WK: Please feed your SL Bernard before someone notifies the SPCA! (You know who you are!) Love ? To Ben You re a cutie. LL KIM — Making any friends with the Middle East hews? You'll be popular when the revolution comes. Spider. KMH: You're really doing a great job! Your fans s> Dear L Dante: You owe me one for last Friday and don t forget me in future dealings. Love "THE KID" Please send me your catalog. Even animals need love! V Hi Mr. Toot, from all your loyal sniffers. Name Beware the bloodless coup. Red David!

a\AAm*am SEND A MESSAGE TO YOUR HONEY IT WONT COST YOU ANY MONEY! X City State Zip FOGHORN "PERSONALS" PLACED FREE CONTACT AD DEPARTMENT 666-6122 November 20, 1981. N6UJS-P*t* 15 The Student Side on Cheating Continued from front

would have absolutely no qualms. I not only cheat themselves, but the held to an honor code and either think I would use the catalogue other people in the class. No, I failed or expelled." Another student RESEARCH ASS! exactly as it is named: for research, wouldn't buy a research paper. I elaborated, saying "As an English like an encyclopedia, etc." would rather fail on my own merits major, I prefer writing my own Several students voiced the (or lack thereof) than on someone papers, although if the research opinion that they were unaware of else's." group would offer suggestions and their existence, but when made Some students took very adamant references, it would be a better aware of it, didn't find it a bad idea positions on the matter. Student G source. I don't think it is a good idea for research or reference catalogues. emphasized that "I would never to write away for a complete term Student D said, "1 have never heard consider buying a paper, not even p^per that can be handed in as your of this kind of help. I think it selling. It is plagiarism and actions own work. That is dishonest! And depends on the subject." "1 didn't should be taken to correct it. And also not worthy of a good grade." UMANMUS realize (you) actually could do this those who do turn them in should be openly and publicly," commented Student E. "My own opinion about there being a catalogue which provides these types of information is great. Though I don't approve or USF Yearbook condone cheating, 1 don't see why there shouldn't be a catalogue." TELEPHONE ORDERS ASUSF is looking for USF in 1981-82, serves as a 1982-83 The final group of students photographers interested in putting calendar, and makes a great ACCEPTED interviewed felt "morally outraged" togethera 1981-82 USF Year Poster. memorabilia item in future years. by the use of phony term papers. "I People interested in marketing and If this sounds interesting to you, think the buying aspect is sick," promotion are also needed. contact Mark Gutterud or Claudia commented one student, "and it's The poster will be a full color Barr at the Office of Public Affairs obviously geared towards rich kids montage of events, people, and (666-6107). It's plagiarism!" Student F voiced places that captures the spirit of the opinion that "people who buy research papers should be shot. They Is this book in your research library?

WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, St. Louis Mo., will hold a general information session for all interested pre-law students on Monday, November 23rd at 1:30 p.m. at the Career Planning Center. Professor D. Kelly Weisberg who teaches Juvenile and Family Law will answer questions.


ASUSF has, and they installed Suggestion Boxes for your convenience at the • College of Business • College of Liberal Arts • College of Nursing and U.C. Desk ASUSF COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS ABOUT U.S.F. ACADEMIC SERVICES Fill out the following: 1. COLLEGE: 2. MAJOR: 3. CIRCLE THE FOLLOWING: FR SO JR SR 4. PLEASE WRITE ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING YOUR FUTURE ACADEMIC .SERVICE AT USF.


C General Foods Corporation 196 Pate 161 news- I November 20, 1981 ASUSF FORMS GREEK COUNCIL by Peter Gunn member at ZBT, both agree that it it comes to the national Greek letter they have worked their Greek what exactly is involved when was the pranks that provoked the societies such as ZBT or SAE, the Council s joining a social organization. Representatives of several USF administration into action by national chapter usually has strict "The constitution is now in the Meetings for the Greek Council social organizations have joined starting the Council. David Bush regulations already laid out. making and should be completed by are now regularly being held in UC hands to form the first Greek tends to disagree however. He insists The Greek Council has officially next semester," Lou Dumont said. 402. The meeting dates are every Council to come to this university. tha the purpose of the Council is been in the making at USF for about This will basically be an overall Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 Before coming to USF, the Greek sidestepping any University two weeks. Right now the council is package on how the fraternities and to 5:00. Any interested student is Council system was used at UC regulations that might be placed on in the process of formulating sororities will handle such activities invited to attend to check out the Berkeley, UOP in Stockton, Loyola the associations. He also thinks that different ideas that the organizations as pledging and rush. regular workings of the newly- Marymount in Los Angeles, and the Council is the first step of self have, while at the same time looking The new students at USF will formed Council. San Jose State. The best ideas have government of the organizations, closely at other schools and how therefore be better informed as to been extracted from these councils without having the administration and have been integrated into USFs step in and start imposing various system now under formation. guidelines. Representatives from USF's In response to whether or not the largest fraternites: Zeta Beta Tau and pranks have made the administra­ ASUSF election results Sigma Alpha Epsilon, have hooked tion move, Dave Bush denied it. up with various other social clubs Again he asserted that if the In an ASUSF primary election were joined by candidates for the been pretty good. Of course, with the and fraternities/ sororities in organizations are to sustain and last week, seven out of thirteen positions of Clubs Council and Non- main election in May, it cuts down cooperation with ASUSF and the survive, there must be some candidates for the position of Residents Commuter Council on the number of people voting." Clubs and Activities Chair, hoping organizing body among them to Senator-at-large advanced to this Chairman, as well as Freshman The final tabulation showed 435 to promote better understanding work things out. The pranks "just week's final elections. Karim Ajania Class President and Vice-president. students cast their ballots out of the within USF's social organizations. happened to occur at the same time was awarded a senatorial position Despite a seemingly low turnout 3,154 who were eligible to do so. David Bush, assistant for the the council was being formed." he after the primary election, as he (only fifteen percent of the student Furthermore, although each voter Clubs and Activities Council, says said. received over 50% of the popular body turned out for the election), could select seven out ofthe thirteen that the council is devoted to "The true purpose ofthe council is vote. Anne Parker, Chair ofthe Board of candidates for senator, many did not developing a system of guidelines to formulate guidelines by which The seven who received their Student Control (which supervises do so. which all the associations will be different social organizations can be majorities from the 375 students all AS elections) was pretty pleased The following is a list of the obligated to follow. run," Bush said. For example, who voted in the off-season election. with the turnout. "The turnout has complete slate for this week's final "The problem right now is procedures on running Rush week election, the results of which were distinguishing the clubs from the and certain facets of pledging will be ••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••*•••• unavailable at press time. (jreek letter organizations," said laid out by the Greek Council. Senator-at-large « Craig Perkins, the ZBT representa­ Fraternities and sororities are * Nora Abdullah tive to the council. "There are generally vulnerable to legal hassles. ** Karim Ajania different needs for all of the clubs By setting a reasonable guideline for •¥• Corrections Stephen Bowman and organizations," stated Dave the groups, the Greek Council hopes Rick Castaneda Bush to protect not only the school and Mark Chase the organizations, but also the * Anthony Franklin The qualifications for a fraternity * are that it must have a wholly male people involved. -* Mark McGovern M membership, even though it may Bush does not believe the students have come to St. Mary's for+ ^ Following are corrections on the have little sister members. The same autonomy ofthe various groups will health care, as the on campus health* ••t services offered by St. Mary's health NonResidents Commuter Council is true for sorority: it must have a be affected. There will be policies services last year were operated^ J clinic; which was discussed in the last Louis Bertram total female membership, but it may developed to represent the between the hours of 9am and 4pm + .*, issue; a) the health clinic is not free, Peter Spediacci also have little brothers. individuality of all the groups only, and closed on weekends. * •P there is a minimal charge for Determining the qualifications of an involved. "We want to maintain a For further clarifications, please ^ J services; b) The emergency services Clubs Council Chairperson organization such as a fraternity, is body bt which we can recognize the look for the article on the St. Mary's *jt -**• are not offered only between 5-5:30, Chris Tinely (unopposed) one of the integral functions of the similarities and differences of the student health care program in the * newly-created Greek Council. organizations," he said. • but are available after 5:00 on next issue of the Foghorn. + J weekdays, and all day on weekends. Freshman Class President In the past few years there has But what is the overall reason for -tr c) This is not the first semester that Frank Almada the creation of the Greek Council? been a general trend on American Anthony Bartenetti The opinions seem to differ. Craig campuses towards more member­ (with Carl Beck as Vice- Perkins and Lou Dumont, another ship in Greek letter societies. When Presidential Candidate) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^ | Holiday Clearance Sale


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