1'uhllHhod Second Class Poatago Paid WESTFIELD, NMV JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1963 Kvtry Thursday 32 i*&ge%—10 Cent* 3VENTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 20 nt Westflelrt, N. J. Read and Obey Property Owners To Get Point Of Contention On page 8 of this issue ichool Board Asks of the Leader there is a long legal notice covering an amendment to the town's traf- Additional Hearings fic ordinance providing for 6-3 Vote Defeats 2nd Try parking restrictions, through 14,998,297 Sum streets and the installation of On Assessments "Stop" and "Yield" street Building tomorrow from 7 p.m. to signs. Town Council has instructed As- sociated Surveys to hold addi- 9 p.m. and on Saturday from lu To Defer New Assessments The ordinance was intro- tional hearings tomorrow and tout- a.m. to H p.m. duced on first reading at urday for Westficld residents who His statement follows: n New Budget council's meeting Tuesday "In connection with the recently wish to appeal or confer on the night and a public hearing on revaluations placed on their prop- expressed concern over the re- Going Up! Divergent Views Cited $4,283,826 To Be Raised by Local the measure is set for Jan. 22. erties. valuation program, 1 would like, With today the deadline Taxes Up $214,016 Over 1962; Officials explained the main Acknowledging that concern at this time, to try to clarify, for municipalities to file their purpose is to legalize the reg- still exists over the program, again, certain phases of the mat- 1963 aliened valuation! with In Revaluation Airing New Salary Guide Is Offered ulations most of which are ter. the County Board of Taxation already in effect. Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr., read a fetutement at the opening of coun- "Associated Surveys has been in Elizabeth it il expected A new move to delay implementing the revaluation program in "The town Board of Education instructed to pay personal visits that Weitfield, under iti re- introduced its tentative operating cil's session Tuesday night setting Wcstfiold for one year got quick supporjt in two quarters, ran into Here Too! forth instructions to Associateu to all those who have written to valuation program will report determined opposition and WHS defeated Puesday night. At the Nov. Diiget for the school year 1UC3- or telephonecd Associated Sur- an aliened valuation figure 6A today calling for a total out- United Fund Votes Surveys to make their personnel 27 meeting ol Town Council, Councilman Herbert K. Welch had offered The New Frontier hat no available for consultations and to veys, the Council or individual lomewhere between $93 anil a motion to delay the program but failed to win a second from his toy of $4,998,2117. This is $251,- $95 million. The new total monopoly on culture. follow through on all complaints members of council and to report Councilman faamud M. Kin- S(B1 higher than the current Agencies' Shares back to council, the completion of would be an increaie of ap- colleagues. Hie new attempt came lrum budget. Tuesday evening; at pre- brought to the attention of the r., «ui quieKiy seconded by firm or any member ol the town's these cnlls, day by day. Further, proximately $31 million over tan Coimcilmun Jonn U. Fife, A summary of. the proposed ciaely the hour President Ken- ollicial family. Associated has made available the 1962 property anoiiment no Democrat on the council, bpdget ,d published on page 32 of On 96 PC Basis their personnel for consultations total. :ie u nedy introduced the Louvre'* Representatives of the firm will 'Won't Get iid us buttressed by additional tills issue of the Leader. Mona Lisa to a glittering be available in the Municipal (Continued on page 2) On the new balli the total upport from uoimcaliiiun vveicn. ,,A public hearing on the tenta- Pay Out Predicated valuation of all property in A fall of opposition to the plan ye proposal will be held in the Waihington, D.C. group, a A Dime' copy, imported from Paru, On $214,550 Total town would be roughly $232 uuieiy tuosu wneii Uouncil- lior high school cafeteria, TueB- million. \. Turney tjuvage, Anhur D. wai unveiled at Atwood Real- fcy. Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. Follow- For Distribution Fife Fails Try To Shift Included in theie figure! Councilman Arthur Homer in a r, Kaipn b. ouuurt anu T. ijjg the hearing the board will ty, 2 Elm St. It will be on will be the new buiinen in- discussion ut Tuesday nignt's coun- rViinJnn Koues tooK issue with ike final action on the budget display, spotlighted at night, The board of trustees of the ventory totali. There have cil meeting on tlie town's revalua- hd it will be submitted to the United Fund of Westfield has voted colleague's position, after a for two or three weeks. Yard, Gains Full Review been rumori out of Trenton tion progri'in revealed that the cngi ly uiscusston thti proposal '(•hool district voters Feb. 13. to distribute to member agencies that the State Legislature town has withheld tlie lnst three allocations representing BO per cent us tunica uown by a ti-i) vote, | Although the tentative outlay An attempt by Democratic Coun- may delay the implementing payments due Associated Surveys otfering bis resolution to de- "Jrovicks for a $341,102 increase of the sums for which they were cilman Jonn D. Fife to have coun- of thii bracket of taxation. for their revaluation utudies. in budgeted in lust fall's campaign. jounciuiian Kinney acKnowl- to the "snlary" classification, re- Band to Present cil drop its plans to relocate the ^-Candidate Race Should thi« occur Weilfield'l He added "they won't get a that he euruer had felt This pay out is predicated upon a total will drop—how much ductions in "other costs" and Town Xard ln Lamberts Mill ltd. dime" until we have some positive iUlticient time was being pro- total of $214,550 pledged to ciuto, will not be known until the "fixed charges" have brought and take steps to acquire a C-acre evidence of correction of at least me( for property owners to ap- plus a savings in campaign expen- final buiinen diviiion figure! pb°ut the lower total increase. Winter Concert industrial tract on .boutn Ave. was For School Posts "one ridiculous error." icul any dnterences with tne 1 ditures of $2,300 and a conserva- are arrived at. Board members pointed out lamed at Tuesday nignt's meeting 3 JCC Choices Lead . Under fire by the councilman o: Assessors Dclore today's that the total ol $4,998,207 repre. tive estimate of $1,000 more to lor luck of a second. was the "clerical" mistuke in :i Saturday Night cOijie. ueaulme for iiiing tne town's new Mints an increase of 5.3 per cent His proposed move, however, did In Ballot Position second letter sent to n number of aiuiLuon toUil witn the County over the current operation costs Henry M. Mereness, general residents which incorrectly indicat- The Westfield Senior High Win- result in an agreement by council With the passing Friday of the Rau Cites Illness uourkl of Taxation. tnd termed it the smallest increase, chairman of the campaign, in his ed Hint the taxpuycr hud compinin .er band Concert will bo present- to refer tne entiro matter back to deadline for filing petitions na putting tne program into ef- both in dollars and per cent in a report to thu trustees, stated, "chaeferResidence bone and Band" by Rimsky-Kor- luctant to single out any one or ed is HKeiy to be unresolved lor a ing elected to his present post. He peeled to be .summoned before Som- jiod 01 more than a year and u. In second place will be Dr. took office as mayor Jan. 1, 1902. erset County Judge Leon Gerofsky ) n >yotu tlieir new v«.,ui.tic.ns, sakov. two individuals for special praise, Ciuncilman Kinney said, "I null. He muled it will create an Robert Miner Jr., and Mrs. Au- Council voted to discuss the res- to show cause why they should not ihe high school band will play the job done by the residential di- feel tho revaluation job ;iimply is undue financial burden on tne town gustus Klaiber gained the third ignation at an executive session at 1'ms Christmas the following numbers on its vision cannot be ignored. For the be held in contempt in connection not Inished. We huvv no assurance ana citizens directly involved in a slot. Both ure incumbents. Dr. which timo a successor is expected with alleged irregularities in him program: (Continued on page 2) Jones will be in tho fourth spot thut tho valuations tor tax pur- Jinightsbridge March (from the :ourt suit to prevent the lacmty to be selected. The announcement dling of traffic tickets in 1968 utu: Lighting Title on the ballot. probably will be made known at the J)O»CB ure fair und reasonable and 'London" Suito) by Coates; If Ironi being erected in tno residwv 1953 in Westfield Municipal Court ve we should tuKc timo to governing body's next regular belM Thou Be Near, Bnch; The After- Essex Detective Listed tial area. Voters will go to the polls Feb. it hus been learned. confidence in them." * , The residence of Mr. and Mrs noon of a Faun, Debussy. For Address at Film In proposing the South Ave. 13. meeting Tuesday night. They are expected to appear be gunJ &mll Schaefer Jr. at 881 Doriar Also, Concerto for Trombone tract as a more suitable locution, In a statement Mayor Ruu said fore Judge Gerofsky who will si fit. Kinnoy pomteo out that tho Jld. was selected as this year's win and Bund, Kimsky-Korsukov, with Showing Thursday UouncUman File uuKed Dhut couiv he advised members of council lust stat); legislature had been defer- Glee Club Rehearsals uu u magistrate in Westfiold .Mil the program since 11)58 and er of thu Westficld Junior Cham Mr. Hubard 113 guest soloist; en suoimt it to the rianning Board full he would bo unable to run as nicipal Court. of Commerce Christmas light John I'. Walsh, chairman of the a candidate for re-election in this and :d, "I!iis ennirman of council's Chorale and Alleluia, Hanson; lor a recommendation at the lut- For Spring Concert Tho Somerset County Judge wn: ng contest, Romance et Scherzo, Grovlez, with Westfield Citizen's Committee for wr agency's; next regular meeting, year's primary "due to the pres- imn ommittee 1 believe we, '• The final results of the judgin Decent Literature today an- To Start Jan. 21 sure of business." assigned last summer by Chle should instruct the Board of Aa- Carole Vunderbilt, flutist nnd Ue suggested use 01 condemna- Justice Wrintraub to review state * were made known by Jnmos F Sharon La Koeca, accompanist, and nounced that Det. Arthur Magnus- Ho continued: "Since thut deci- essprs to continue using the pres- son of Essex County will be the tion proceedings Ior obtaining the The Westfield Glee Club will be- ments and evidence in connection . f&pemer, general chairman for th Symphony No. 1 in G minor: south Ave. property "if it cannot sion, the hcputitls condition which ent vuluations und assessment guest speuker at the showing of gin rehearsals for its spring con- with the Westfield ticket case. ^e for this yeur." project. Finale, Kalinnikov, by the studio DO acquired through negotiation." cert Monduy evening, Jan. 21, ut bus plagued mo for months has i strul 1 A plaquo was presented to 'Mr bund. the film "Pages of Death" at 8 (lured und medical tests show that Justice Wtintraub insti ucte< ouncilmun Fife lost no time in p.m. Thursday at the First Meth- Councilman Herbert 11. Welch 8 p.m. in the parish house of the 0 »jid Mrs. Schaefer by Sydney G After an intermission, the band First Congregational Church at I will be unable to continue to cfe- Judge ttcrofsky to review data ob tiding Mr. Kinney'a motion odist Church, proposed that the site problem be staling thut he too felt there fjknith, Jaycee president, last nigh will continue with Montmartre reopened and that the matter bo 125 Elmer St. voto the time necessary for the titinud by Union County I'rosmtto at the Junior Chamber of Com March (from the "Paris" Suite) Mr. Mngnusson has been active The club is a community project job. II. Douglas Stine during the inves |e many inequities. reviewed by council'^ public works tigution. The judge also waw di Diincilmun llorner injected tho morce meeting in the Scotch Plain by Wood; Trumpet in the Night, in the prosecution of cases involv- committee. open to all men of Westfield and "My doctor has advised ine to Country Club. Rimeone, with Dan Ilanke, soloist; ing printed obscenities and por- surrounding towns who wish to remove, myself from all outside ac- rected to study transcripts of tin poiijt that residents could make He offered the opinion the opera grand jury proceed ings in connec thoi|r uppculs to the town assessors Honorable mention awards wer Ode, Hermann; Fantasia on "Lady nography. He will bring to his au- tion of a temporary Town yard sing under competent, professional tivities including my activity us to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Rebe tion with tlie cases of the Stut and follow up with uppeuls to the of Spain," nrr. Hunsberger; Sea- dience a weulth of experience on in .the National Guard area is "no' leadership in 11 congenial atmos- mayor. of 35 Gallowao and Mr. and Mr: scape, Osser, and Selections from the problem and explain the as- phere. "It is with deej) regret that I versus Albert rfirmiann, retire 'Ufity board ut any time between satisfactory" and that litigution in' Westfiold police, chief, and Ib and Aug. 15. Jeis I). Smith of 800 Coolidgo Av Carnival," HIT. Hawkins, by the pects of law enforcement, Mr, volving the Taniaques tract "may There are several opening in all must notify you that I no longer Mr. Schacfe-r, a registered pha Walsh said. v-ili bo able to serve, and I request State versus Alfred M. Kromm, re l|i response Councilman Kinney concert band. continue for quite some time." four parts. Rehcarsuls are held tired Wuslficld police sergeant, i (Continued on page 4) that you accept Lhia as my official "We arc only transferring (Continued on page S) Monday evenings from 8 to 10. (Continued on page 2) resignation." the Union County Court. Pupils' Science Seminar Launches New Edition A new edition of the popular ter livinp; through chemistry." Dr. Saturday Science I'rogrum began Miner's lecture was followed by hist week at Westfield High School additional examples, demonstra- with presentations by Dr. Hobcrt tions, nnd 11 discussion period. Miner, Dr. Ashton Cuckler, and Dr. Cuckler, assisted by Dr. Dr. William Campbell. This co- Cimipbell, lectured on Ihe subject cun'iciilar pprograg m g the of "Pai-asitolo^y." After defining talents of mitstiindintd g scientists terms which lie planned to use, from the fn-lds of business, nz- Dr. Cuckler went on to trace the .seai'cli, and education to bring llu historical development, of parauit- latest scientific information to se- isni, explaining early ideas and re- lected students who have high cent knowledge of parasites. The academic records in science am. lecture continued with an ex- show keen inton'sl. in the subject. planation of host-parasite relation- Dr. Miner's topic was "From ships. This area included discus- Tube to Tank Car (or Trail- sion of tin; adaptation of parasites, <|uilizer Tablet!." In his introduc- their biological principles, the ef- tion he pointed out that the bene- fects of parasites, and the general fits of chemistry ure realized ell'eet of parasitism on humun through practical applications of welfare. theoretical and lulmriitfiry-r.csilc (Continued on page 1) discoveries. Dr. Miner went on to discuss the: evolution of a new compound Index — its research, (level'.;''!'.: nt, iiiul !) production. His explanation of the Around T< >v,'n developmental process as seali>U]> Husiin:::» !>irectory . . . 'Si included information on the ri-ac- Chiirch Nc U'S, -10, ••I j tor, I'lmrging of ingredients, con- Cla.-.-iilieil li , 7 j trol of the cheniieal reaction, tso- ('"llT.IltS I'Events .10 1 lat.ion of the product, particle siit lv!it(iri;:ls IH reduction, control ami classifica- garden . . .2-1 Mountain:: ide iNfew.-i ... .'Jo TO THE WINNERS GO THE PLAQUE—Sydnc y Smith, .rcond from risht, prc.enN award to tion, and testing tlie product for (Jbiiuarie-. . 7 Emil Schncfer af B81 Dorian Rd. for f.r.l place in ihc Junior Chambor of Commerce Chrl.lma. identity and puril.y. TEST TUBE TO TANK CAK—Dr. Robert Miner, director of ch«!inii|nl manufacturini: diviiion of Swciiil !t, i<; In conclusion he presented Ciln Pli.irni.icuuticiil Co. cxriliiins o.lo of the dtniolietration* to illustrate ht& lecture "Tfst lijhling conto.1. The Schaef.r home- wn, -elected by the judge, and the formal award w«. made Hp'-.rt, ... JU, ::i iii'oci/s:, S'.'alc-llp ;i:i a li. 1 hlio!o;vini] - Tubr. io Tank'Car." Dr. Miner was one of tile ecie»ti»t» who particip. ted ia the opening tiusioD ai J Ib. J«,cM meeting l..t niBht in the Scotch Plain. Country Club. Other happy member, of the achievement and an »«« in a discussion witb represents- i Additional the Administrative Assistant to year 1962. tives of Associated Surveys, while, oordinnte the review activities of 85 Million in 1962 Mr. Hoer also announced 6-3 Vote appealing his assessment, he i (Continued from pace 1) Associated Surveys as well as the Herbert I. Hoer, president of the bank's lejra] IendinK ij^, (Contiinu'd from pace 1) leiuued what yardsticks were used j in the Municipal Building on Fri- been inci eased to $250 otw , to evaluate his property. Howc-vot, | Board of Assessors and. to assist the Suburban Trust Co. has an- the burden of proof on cur citi- day, Jan. 11 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. was previously $200,000. The| he ;idded, lie had since learned I property owners in every way pos- nounced that the bank's totul re- lending limit is that amount! zens, iranfferriric n burden when j and Saturday, Jan. IS, from 10 sources hnd increased to more thnt at least 30 per cent of the 'a.m. to 'A p.m., in order that any- sible." New Jersey law permits we oursrlvc.* have not vt'i ilieil ihe ;town's residential properties hfiil ! than $C7,^uu,000 as of Dec. 31,mercial banks to lend to anr facts." I been done hy others previous to jone who may have any question will be afforded the opportunity As every thread of (Told is val- 1!)C2 compared with $02,4 35,000 tomer unsecured. It is an aI Couneilimtn Wc-'ch. sicknowlodi;-: the Associated Survey study and j as of Dec. 31, 1931. This repre- equal to 10 per cent of were Hot restuiiieii in Ihe current ! of a personal conference with a uable, so is every moment of time. a WK that (he new Democratic LIHIII-. sents nn increase of almost ?!>,- capital and surplus. rilman li:ui beutpn liim to the | prnKKim. He asked if the sunie i representative of the firm. 1 wish —John Mason putu-ii in seconding ill* motion ' yardsticks hnti been used for the to assure everyone in Weslfield said, "\\V will simply be passim:; '•'.{) !«•!• cent, and pointed out if that it is council's decision that over the responsibility for Inkinirl they had not 4>een the same tlien these mutters must be satisfac- the initiative in determining tin' jtlipre were inequities in the re- torily cleared up by Associated. correctness of the study. It is 'sults. "1 would also like to reiterate unworthy of council to expect ] the previously announced time The AU-Mediterraneun Cruise citizens of Wextfield to rxpcnil ; ".Money has beer, wasted here schedule: their own money to protect them- ' before,*' Mr. Woods t»«id, in sup- 1 porting the move to deluy and of- "1. Until Associated has com- pelves in this program.' t fered the suggestion that the pleted these reviews, all matters Councilman Savage took issue | "school vote quite possibly re- should be brought to their atten- with the thriM1 proponents of the flected the feelings of those tax- tion and reviewed by them; delay move and was joined by jpayers whu did not appear to up "2. From completion until Au- WEATHER OR NO—Weather forcc.tin* will be the aubject Councilman Gilbert find Rodes. peal their assessment figures. gust, anyone has the ritfht to ask of a new courar being offered in tk* «pring lerm of iha Wtitfiuld Councilimin (Gilbert stroked for and receive a review of any Adult School and will be conducted under the »bl« tutelage of that citizens do linvi redress, nve- assessment by our local Board of Charles G. Knudt«n, seated above, meteorologist In charge of nuc3 for ~eli<'f "re nvailnble and United Fund Assessors; tbt U.S. Weather Bureau In New York. that if their appeals, particularly "3. Until AMU. 16 appeals may to the county board wore to be (Continued from pace 1) be made to the Union County successful the adjustments would first time in a number of years, Board of Taxation if the foregoing Everybody Talks About the Weather- be retroflctivo. this division exceeded its quota. procedures fail to produce satis- Mr. Gilbert also felt that crili- This K n particular tribute to its factory adjustments. Adult School Offers Course on It ci.vr> '•' .i .ociated Survey's work clminmm, Arthur C. Fried, his vice "In order to provide the mem- was unjust, ami added that in his chairmen .and other workers." bers of council with current in- opinion it would be u serious mis- formation as to progress in all of Weather forecasting, of inter- take to delay even for a day the Current standings for six solic- est to everyone, but especially im- western world. The instructor, Dr. itinjc divisions of the- campaign are Maher Kernel, wan formerly chair- implementation of the survey re- portant to flyers, boat operator*, sults. He nlno pointed out that at; follows; Advunce frlfts, i>3.4 per sportsmen and people in certain man of the social science depart- cent; major tfifts, 88.9 per cent; ment of the Coptic Institute, complaints totaled less than 5 per industries, will lie the subject of B cent of the properties covered. business division, 90.2 per cent; new course being offered In the Cairo, Egypt He is now associate siH'eial buuiue»», 04.9 per cent; pro- Consult tpHng term of the Westflcld Adult professor of social science und di- ''When it is all over," he dd fessional, 95. L per cent and resi- rector of the Middle East Insti- "Wo will have a program to spread School. Clurles O. Kimdsen, me- dential, 100.5 por cent. Greet Spring aboard Cunard's 35,600-ton, air-conditioned teorologist III charge of the V. 3, tute, Jersey City flute Oollvge. the tax load more equitbaly und Weather Bureau, Now York, will Forty-ol|rht courses arc dp. which should eliminate tax inequi- All who concrluutcn to tho recent 1>e the Instructor. Mrlbed In the brochures which ties wo know to exist." campaign were reminded by Gor- were mailed this week to residents Councilmnn Rpdcs siding with don G, OriswcM, prcsldnnt of tho Information on the operations of Westfleld and nearby towns. Ilorncr, Savage and Gilbert said *»onrd of trustees, that thoy flr« of the weather bureau, and assist- The brochures contain forms for he felt "a preponderance of the elicible to pnrtleipatc rin the annual Mauretaniu ance in obtaining and interpret- mall registrations which will bo people" were satisfied with the re- "leetinir of the organization, which in* weather reports will be pro- accepted until Jan. 21. (Registra- valuation program results niiii will lx_> held Thursday at 6 p.m. in LARGEST SHIP CRUISING THE MEDITERRANEAN vided for the students. An option- tion by mail in BU£K«Hled if tho stressed that council all nlong has tho municipal building. On the al feature of the course will be a, course is one in which the clans offered all our resources to makii business agenda will bo the selec- Feb. 5 FROM N. Y. . 41 DAYS • 15 PORTS • $1,075 UP trip to the Weather Bureau head- size is specified.) Copies of the any justifiable adjustment* or cor- tion of three public members to Jock Bill quarters at Rockefeller Center In brochure may be obtained from rections in assessment figures." H<- serve on tl''. board of the Uniterl Parker Eshbaugh Combine in one luxury vacation the glories of antiquity with modern New York where class members the Wcstfleid public library or admitted that some iniustiecH ami Fund for the next three years. Dr. glamor. You'll cruise the entire length of the blue Mediterranean in one may visit radar forecast climate Westflcld banks. inequities still exist, but said he Kdward (,. Bourns, INathuriel M. 1-oonu and NBC-TV weather pro- could not condone any further de- Cohen and Mrs. Charley P. Eddy about this question! of the world's great floating resort hotels, the Mauretania. You'll enjoy grams. RcfriRtratlon nlirhl is Monday, lay which might produce a waste Jr. arc tho nominees. Jan. SB at Edison Junior High of taxpayers money. "I know that a 'local Indepen visits to such exciting lands as the Near East, Egypt, Greece, Italy, the "Angles of, Vision," another School where all classes ore held. dent agent' is not a 'captive new course, takes Uu name from Following the vote, Councilmnn French Riviera, Spain, and Portugal. Shore excursions arc expertly ar- The spring term opens Feb. 4 ami Kinney Btntcd that he wanted to Benefit Bridge Tickets agent' of any one insurance a literary anthology which will bo continues for 10 consecutive Mon- company and can better repre- ranged by American Express. used as a text. Given by three assure all residents tho Finance MM. I'.ichnrd W. Miller, chnir- day evenlnc*. Tho Westfleld Adult Committee would do uverything in sent his insured In getting full members of tho English depart- School, third largest in the state, miui of the lilG.'i Senior Auxilinrv All passengers have full use of the ship's magnificent facilities—with ment at Rutgers University in its power U> clear up nil com-luncheon bridge parties in April settlement on claims. Does the is open to all adults regardless of plaints. Councilman Savage offer- personal comfort as only an experienced staff can provide it. Deck sports, Newark, the course will Include place of residence or previous for the benoflt of the Children's independent Barrett & Parker discussion of a variety of short ed a suggestion to include coun- Agency also offer more complete swimming, parties, dancing, films, professional entertainment—yours for schooling. cil as supporting that position mid Specialized Hospital announced stories, novels, essays, plnys and that tickets have been distributed auto insurance and still beat the poems. Writers to be discussed in- Councilman Kinney immediately the fun of it! And Cunard oflers, as always, famous international cuisine ngreoil. to members •nnd ftio now available. competition on price?" clude D. H. Lawrence, Conrad Power Output Up Those 'interested In tickets are ad- and flawless. British service to make your trip even more memorable. Alken, Stephen Vincent Bcnct, Audience participation came vised U> contact iMra. William Me^- Output of electricity by Public Your cruise fare includes First Class return passage from Europe in Bertram! Russell, Harold Laskl, when JamcB P. Woods of Luillow lauirhlin of 420 Kimball Turn. BARRETT & PARKER, Inc. W. n. Yeats, Archibald MacLeiah Service Electric and Gas Co. for PI. told council that despite the any Cunarder, including the Queen Elizabeth or Queen Mary. Now's and William Ineo. tlio week ended Jan. 3, was 291),- loss of the Kinney motion to delay INSURORS 983,100 kilowatt-hours compared "my conscience would not sleep Look upon every day ns the the time to book. "Asia and Africa, in Turmoil" with 270,829,500 kilowatt-hours in whole of life, not merely ns u sec- well if I dl<4 not speak on this tion; and enjoy and improve the 5s another new course. This Reries the corresponding week a year ago, matter and indicate my support 43 Elm Street For descriptive literature see your travel agent of lectures will cover topicn from an Increnso of 20,153,000, or 7 .'2 per present without wishing, through of Councilmnn Kinney. hnste, to rush on to another. Weitfleld AP 1-1801 the social, economic, and political wnt. Mr. Woods sniil, "Council can't milieu of the Arab world with —Jcnn I'aul Itichter Altlllntrrt nllh Cunard Line or Amci'iean Express escape the responsibility thnt the. 25 Broadway & 441 Park Ave., N.Y 65 Broadway, 649 Fifth Ave. & !50 E. 42nd St., N.Y. emphasis on their relation to the LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY u&seHsmeut work he done in a:i LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY Barrett * Orntn. [Irnltor*

WMumimM^ John franks mKMIllllJMHM^^


f-V- SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Now's the time to replenish the Family wardrobe. There are savings for the women in our Country Clothes Shop, for the young men in our Boys' Dept. . . . and the men will find treasures aalore in our Clothing, Furnishing and Shoe de- partments. No Charge for Altera- tions. Does not include our entire stock.



20%-40% OFF SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS OPEN MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS TILL 9 20% AND MORE OFF NUNN-BUSH AND EDGERTON SHOES 207 E. BROAD ST., WE5TFIELD THE WESTFIELD <*•/) LEADER, THURSDAY, MMUARV In making the presentation to Mr. Stapp, Mr. Westcott cited the while u dwision hau twen delayed Income taxes introduced during New Jersey store as an outstand- Community Youth Assembly Slated Wilson Tract Use until March to see whether u com- the Civil War expired in 1872. ing exponent of progressive retail promise could bu reached between Tariffs were the main source of cr.rpet merchandising. Singled out By Fellowship Groups Feb. 3rd the owners and the borough. for praise was the store's modern Moot Question revenue until 1913. display methods that make shop- In cemmomeration of National Imn meeting since June liwt year ping for carpet easier for the con- Youth Week 1963 the Westfield Hi- MOUNTAINSIDE-—Future plans sumer. in preparation for the onc-ly assisted over the past .erveil decision after li.sU'ning to selling methods and consumer serv- six months by Bruce Ehrnmann, ices which have contributed to bet- The assembly, which will be o)>en unanimous protests from neighbors to all high school young people of moderator of the OPresbyterian of the land, which Mr. urn] Mrs. ter homes and tetter living in their Church Fellowship; James Raba, community." Westfield, will have as its theme Arthur Wilson of Knst Orunge ''Moral and Ethical Values in Our Congregational Church Youth Fel- have been trying to develop for Contemporary Teenage Society." lowship president; frank 'Mitchell seven years. The Wil.sons' pres- of the'Methodist Youth Fellowship; ently operate a furniture store Fife The conference program will be Judy Abrahamson, president of Y under tho direction of Dr. Paul which was mi the property when Teens; Jas Gross, youth president, they bought it in 105f>, but Mr. Wil- Maves, professor of Teligious edu- Temple EniRnu-EI; Harry Bean, (Continued from page. 1) cation at Drew University. Dr. son suiil it loses money every year. Councilman Fife questioned May- Maves has been working closely past president and Emory Johnson, The rest of the area in in a resi- or Burr A. Towl Jr. about the New with the assembly planning com- president of the Community Center dence A zone. CHARLES D. STAPP Year's Day appointment of Mi- youth group and Jnmes Pusach, ARTHUR C. FRIED too* executive who received mittee in developing the format The Wilsons have sought to have chael V. Creed in to the sub-stand- of the conference program. youth leader of the St. Paul's Epis- the property lezoned so they could retail Award for store copal Fellowship group. ard housing board. The council- iThe planning committee, Which YMCA Board Adds build a new furniture store, a bank Altaian's man noted the appointee moved out is comprised of the president of The committee lield its final plan- and restaurant. 'They have also irpet Institute's of town about u year and a half oach of the church and community ning session prior to exams last proposed a small shopping center. ago and therefore was not eligible youth fellowship organizations has Tuesday at the local Y. Arthur C. Fried This plan was rejected by the for reappointment. Board of Adjustment but is pres- in Short Hills joy a healthy and relaxing activity mal Award Mayor Towl said he would look Arthur C. Fried of 02H Ken- ently in the Appellate Division, into the matter. together said Mr. Chrone. The Square Dancing wild swinging and high kicking of sington Dr., former Democratic In other matters, the council ap- candidate for mayor, hus been >es to Koos the old fashion burn danco has been elected as « member of the board open every Thursday proved a temporary budget of eliminated, Mr. Chrone said. $447,600; designated the National Course Listed of directors of the Westfiold YM- MOVING? Charles D. Rtapp, executive vice Bank of Westfield, the Suburban The course is open to all inter- CA, according to nn announce- sident of Kdos Bros., Rahway, Trust Co. and the National State ByYM-YWCA ested lulult aoaptoi and. registra* ment by H. Emerson Thomas, Y To an Unfamiliar Area? -until 9 P.M. ne furnishings store, vim, honor- Bank (Westfield office) as official tion forms are availnble fit the Y. president. i carpet industry Tuesday depositories for various town ac- Couples are urged to register early let us help you find the right ght in Chicago as hia store re- The Weslfield Y.MCA and YW us space in the course will be limit- Mr. Fried will complete the :ounts; appointed Patrolman El- CA will sponsor a course in mud- term of Donald Rimlell who served home in the right community pved the American Carpet's In- 'iott Keegan of 214 Elmer St. a ed to the number of persons that as a director for eight years. jtute's annual award for retail em western style dancing begin- can be comfortably programmed in at thi right price. As the local regular police officer and granted ning Friday, Jan. 25 ut 8:30 p.m., The new director, long active in ellence. new. hack driver's licsense to Rich- the gymnasium, according to Mr. representative of Homerica, Charles of the Ritx according to Al Chrone of the local Chrone. civic affairs, is an ngency repre- iocs Bros, also has branches in ard Moffett of 515 Central Ave. sentative for the Metropolitan Inc., the national homefindlng Y staff. The Y staff is In liopes that a i Girt, Freehold and Parsippany. and James Ellison of 440 Downer Life Insurance Co. He has been service in over 150 ma|or |llr. St'.pp received the award in St. The course will be conducted square dancing club may be form- associated with tho firm for 25 Salon also open until 9 P.M. form of a bronze plaque from A resolution was passed accept- with tho cooperation of the (North- ed to meet regularly as part of the years. cities and their suburbs, we R. Westcott, chairman of the ing the resignation of Grace L. ern New JtM'sey Dancery Associa- Y program. Before this enn be will furnish you with detailed tion and will be held for 10 consec- Mr. Fried most recently served drd of the American Carpet In- Oiompson aftef nine years of out- done it is necessary to have enough information on choice com- an2 United Fund iin Crafts, Inc., «t the annual sistance Board. gym. and buckground. This is one of munities and areas even be- Charleston Garden the purposes according to Mr. Drive. The division surpassed its .idjiiner of the Chicago Floor Cover- The council a)«o concurred in a Mr. Chrone said the course will gonl in the campaign. fore your first visit to the new ing. Association held at the Conrnd Hoard of Adjustment recommenda- be given under the leudcrahip of Chrone in conducting the course. area. jHBJton Hotel. A native, of Klizuhcth, Mr. tion changing a zoning code re- Robert Kellogg of Westfield who The new addition to tho Y build Fried, a veteran of World War open until 8:00 P.M. on Thursday '"V^JKoos Bros, was elected for this quirement to permit the Nomahe- will serve us instructor. Mr. Kel- ing will make the program possi- II, is n member of the 83rd In- NO COST ffljitional award from the carpet in- gan Swim Club to enlarge its mem- logg is active in tho NN.ISDA and ble spnc« wiue, according to Mr.fantry division association and '^^try on tho basis of the firm's bership from 300 to 400, to have n member of several squuie danc- Chrone. Anyone interested in ob- holds the rnnk of captain in tho PEARSAil & FRANKENBACH, cial services to consumers, com- a crushed stone parking area in- ing clubs, including the Westfield taining further information or reg- United States Army Reserve. His INC. iinity service^ creative newspaper stead of paved and to have a black- iSquarc set. He hus also served as istration forms, may do so by con- son, John W., is nn active mem- Realtor* ^vertiuinR, display techniques, top private driveway. caller for the past three o|)en tacting

3 GREAT DAYS Miss Out On These Great Bargains! Thursday — Friday — Saturday We're Giving You The Savings!

Boys', Girls' and Infants' GIRLS' BOYS' FITTED PERCALE Winter Weight BETTER DRESSES POLOS and SPORT SHIRTS CRIB SHEETS 1 to 3X, 3 to 6X, 7 to 14 White or Pastel KNIT PAJAMAS Cottons, Velvets, Corduroys, etc. Long Sleeves Infants' — 1 to 4 Closed Foot Sizes 8 to 18 Boys'-6 to 12 Ski Model Reg. $1.25 Girls'-6 to 12 Ski Model $1 .99 87c Reg. $2.98 $1 .87 Reg. $7.98 to $13.98 1 INFANTS' FLANNELETTE Reg. $2.98 Boys' SLEEPING BAGS 1 LITTLE BOYS' CORDUROY SLACKS Birth to 3 Years Girls' Sizes 6 to 12 SPORT SHIRTS and POLOS 3 to 7 — Long Sleoves $1.87 SACONY Lined and Unlined Reg. $2.98 $O.87 $1.39 WAIST-BAND SKIRTS Reg. $4.98 Reg. $1.98 Solids and Plaids i CRIB BLANKETS GIRLS' Satin Bound 3 to 6X 7 to 14 BOYS' White aand Pastel BLOUSES Inner or Outer $3.37 $4.87 Sport and Dressy $1 .99 Reg. to $5.98 Reg. to $7.98 3 to 6X, 7 to 14 JAC SHIRTS Reg. $2.98 MATCHING ORION MATCHING ORION 50% Wool - 50% Nylon POIOS POLOS $0.0$ 0 2 FOR 3' Sizes 10 to 18 - Washable INFANTS' $1.99 2 for $5.00 Some irr s Reg, to $2.98 eg. Reg. to $3.50 Reg. to $3.98 PLAY PAJAMAS $O.99 2-Pioce with Feet — Terry GIRLS' Reg. $7.98 BOYS', GIRLS' AND TODDLERS' SLIP-ON SWEATERS 3 FOR WINTER $ •OO 100% Orion Boys' 7 to 14 2 3 $1.99 Best Soiling JACKETS, SNOW SUITS, Reg. $1.98 ea. 1 Reg. $3.98 ZIP-OUT RAINCOATS COATS and COAT SETS BOYS' BOYS' Orion Pile lin-H Toddler 2 to 3X Boys' 3 to 20 Girls' 3 to 14 FLANNEL LINED CHINOS Lined Sleeves SPORT JACKETS & SUITS Sizes 8 to 1C 6 to 20 With Matching Flannel Shirts off Sizes 4 to 12 OFF Reg. $5.98 Reg. $14.98 to $39.98 Reg. to $34.98

233-5-7 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD Open This Friday Evening 'Til 9 P.M. AD 3-111! THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, fMUftStJAY, JANUARY 10, 1963 ^ j .(he U,!.-,.n ] m, -,;,=; r.iu...'Youth, Family Counseling Service OBITUARIES University <-f Kii.iiviiu'. ; i " J O

engineer j " H/?**-*•» :\ Aids in Many Diverse Problems Miss Roberta Hurten J for tin: New York Hallways, lived ;>LI1M' ..f It- Malictt.i.-

om page 1) I the Children's Specialized inaeist, is owner of -Schiiefcr'x The Rev. Frederick E. Christian! ,.,(_ Xf-Jlt-work Guild, Woman's! Mr o\\\ ill v.-;;.: •, r-,m>Miuiiic:iiil Drug Stoic in Westficid. The •Dl) of (he First Prf.sbyU-rii.n , CIlll) am( tMwr tivic K,.ou,,.,. Lf ||,,|v Trinit v Chun-h and « mem-

Mr. nml Mrs. Young wcro jn Madison. Funpial services will be held to- Jeseph McCafiVily and Mrs. Cha.;. [ cnl points which captured the judg- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for nt 11 i\.v\. in Oray's Fu Noomm, nil of Wilmington, '•'el- their twenties. They lmd been rrren received here of Cemetery, Wilniingt Del. <$he w-as immature and demand- lish at the college level. Slie ivus the dentil Jan. 2 of Mi-s. Hnllie ed more attention than he could tive adorned front door. a member of Sigma Phi, tscholasti Criiy, widow of the late Dr. Arthur Joseph J. Singer provide. He wn3 busy with liis Judges for the contest were May- •honor society. W. Gray. The ciniplo formerly lived profession, resented the advice of or Burr A. Towl Jr., Harry A. Dcv- p lin, Julian \V. Couwns anil Alun ut 51a Colonial Ave. Mrs. Cray Jo:.e|>li ,1. of 40." iii-r pinvnts. He teasoil her and AJisa HarWn had been driven to died in St. Luke'.--. Hospital. New | J, Hoekmore. Mad-ison l)y her mother every school .Mciutltnin Avr. died Saturday ut was .surprif.ed at h«r loam. York City. day for four years, traveling mure his hmne after a l»nj: illness. •Tliroujrh the Youth tind Family than 40,000 miles in twire-H-dny Mrs. (iruy, who wns formerly ac- liujn in Wvstfii'ld, lie was theCounseling Service John's parents round trips. Schoolmates, teach- tive in the Wtlstfteld Women's Re- son of the 1»U' Joseph I), nnd Su learned more about their teenag- AAA Club Opens ers and others, first in Wcstfield publican C!ui>, is survived by twosail lleii) Singer. He resided er's wants and needs. He was j;iv- •High School, from which she grud brothers, T. O. Wdlmore l.efell here all his life. en a small nllowance until he could uatad fn 1958, and then at Drew, und Frederick N. (Well, both of He operated llie Sinj;er Taxi for find a part-time job. Headquarters In had assisted her in gelling from Iloanoke, Vn. ninny yenri) and Inter was employ- The Youngs now spend tnorn PARASITOLOGY—Dr. WlllJam Campbell, rmordi aoociate for Merck Initltute, and W«it6tlJ classroom to classroom. Funeral service* were hebl Sun- ed by Mclntyrc's Lawn Mower lime with oacli other. After coun- Westfield HJ^d School tcienco *tu<(0nt« «L^xm2n« »p«cimeAc utad to iljuttrata the subject of "Parasltology" 4nh day nt tho Dcbevoise, Plinton, Ly- Shop here until he retired in 1001. seling she has como to demand less ing tbs firtt of a »crk> of uiantifio presentation* planned lor tbls year's Satorday leienee progratt ft Born in Orange, she had lived The New Jer.-,ey Automobile ons and Gctes Funeral Homo in Mr. Slncer is survived by twoattention. He bins learned to avoid Club (A;AA) ofHclally opened thc here slnco 1050. •.Vow York City. brothers, Fred B. Singer of West- teasinff and the resulting tears. oiricra »f ita now Union County She Is survived by her parents, fidld and Stanley W. Singer of Their marriu(;« and family arc headquarters Saturday r.t C Elm Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Weaver, ut iVoi-th Plainfield, and a suter, Mrs. more mennijifful and their hours St. home; a irother, Ronald M. Har- John F. O'NclU Helen E. Snyder of Westflcld. together much happier. ton, at home; and a sister, Mrs. A high moos of requiem will b« Services were held Monday aft- The Youth and Fumily Counsel- F. Kenneth SchulWc, general Andrew Williams at San Bernar- sung- tomorrow at 10 a.m. in Holy ernoon in Oiay's Funeral Home ln£ Service provides ijnmodifttQ manager of the club, said that the dino, Cal. Trinity Church for John F. O'Neill, with the- Rev. William K. Cober, niid professional counseling for the headquarters w ere transferred G4, retired administrative assistant minister of the Kirst Baptist more than HO0.OO0 menibers of thn from f'luinfie.ld because of "the for the UrJon Carbide Co. MrChurc. h ofiiciatinjr. communltler, of Clark, .Cranford, growth pattern of our Union Coun- Mrs. Charles H. Jewell O'NeUI was stricken with a heart Ciurwood, Kenihvorth, Mountain- ty membership find so that wo Mrs. Catherine G. Jowett, a for-attack Tuesday at bis home, 37 Interment was in Faiiview Com- would k- centrnlly-locnted. It will et*ry. side, Knliwujr, lloselle, Scotch mer WestJlelder who would liave Uallowae, Bnd died shortly after Plains, Union und Westflcld, as bo more convenient now for the ibeon 100 in .March, dietf yesterday arrival at St Peter's Onoral Hos- well u.-i EHznbeth and 'i'lainfleld. majority of our 10,000 members in her gle«p at the Iteedor (Nursing pital, Now Brunswick. v/lio livo in tho county to avnil Jn<:ol> C. Sears Tn recent yi-ai-s the oervlcu has Home, Anciover. Horn in Philadelphia, Mr. D'Noill Word has been received here of llnMrtselvo.) of our personal «erv- extended to Middlesex ami SoaK-.r- iees." Mrs. Jewett, widow of Charles ived In Woatflold for 10 years. A thc death DPC. l!0 of Jacob C. set cuunties as well as northern Rears, forj'-.erly of We.slficld. Mr. Mimmouth County. The iiiterchurcli On bund for the. opening were Hears, who died in •MublenborR npency is r,upporli>d by Hie Huri- Mnyor lliirr A. Towl, Chief of .Po- Hospital after a Ion),' illness, had tnn Bay United Fund and tunny lice Jmne.i F. Moran, T. David ANNUAL JANUARY SALE been a resident of Green nniok private donor* as well as the Kpis- iabb and Albert W. Stondcr, pres- to reduce Inventory Township. copiil Diocese «f New Jersey and ident and Union County director of A nutivu «f Frnnklin Park, he muny nren ProU'slant churches. (ho club, respectively. Heceivini: Coll for appointment. a synilwlic colden key to thu now utlended Trcntun schools and the Clients cimie from every relig- office from Mr. Stonder, Mayor University of I'eiiiisylvunia. He ious dt'iioiiiinntion nnd arc referred Towl weh-tiine.d the club nnd pnid The LINCOLN MONUMENT Co. rotirod several years UKO from In- by doctors, social iiKOtH'ie.s, schools tribute U; its "0!) years of serving Uo*a, Moa. and courts, us v.ell as churches. l (Mli|>l«HO0,000 IIKMIIIIITS. Elijah N. iUibln.wn, r»2, of '127Thursday nijrlil in the muiiirijKi] schools in 1920 and "has brou*i ' .leirerson Ave., Newark, it former building' Ml'. Parry has Ix-cn n Schultze said tli'.t in addition to Pupils WHS Graduates to her work a keenness of ma Westfield resident, died l-'ridny in member of the bo:ud i 11150. the main services, of the club, there and u knowledge of nuithciiiRU • the Martliind .Medical Center, New- l)r. I .yean of 'Hi Fair is alsu a special service for the (Continued from puge 1) thai 'have established her repul ark. Hill Kd. was mi mod vice pit'siileiil- commuter. The Wcstlield rnilroad Dr. Cueklcr went on to describe Of 1961 Setting tion not simply in Westfielil. t< Mr. Hobinson was Ixirn in Kini: The board p.|;-..s.-d u resolution • anliuii is opposite llic new ollices. various parasitic diseases of man throughout the State of New Jfj and Queen, Vn., and mis n mem-citing tho contributions of MmTb<. > euinmuter enn dro]) reiiuesls. sey," said Dr. June N. Spuil for infiiriimtiou into the club mail and of livestock. In summarizing ber of the Union Ilnptisl Churi-h (icorgo Iturhnnnn I:iines Kefalonitis. graduating class bns established ft member of Mnrine tind Shipbuild- on the, miy home. th(, fiph)s (|f hu|)|iu) m)() V(.u,,.inni tailing $<15,-t-15.50 were npprore. ing Workers of America, l.oi'iil If), At n meeting, preceding the re- Club services include: ravel , . | . , , „,„, . the best college, record since thc ll0 € it ine> vuMic 1C1|U u local school begun follow-up studios for Wilson School and $H88.201 AFly-CIO, and Centennial Lodge i-niiiKtiUcm, ibe board ratified all emergency road service, bail lionil cultnro. His lecture supple- Bppel &. Seaman, landscape .ircl> •100, lltP'OK of W. in l'JDO, -Superintendent of Schuols ordinance establishing salaries us protection ".nd persrmnl accident mcnte assisted by W. Clif- 1!M7 lie completed bis under- graduates >»'V attending college, Mr.Mo'tlle.v also fills tbe oliices graduate work nt thc University of and Mrs. John Mo?kri>h; teller top?, both of Newnrk. ford Cook, domestic travel counsel- Dr. Kwnn said, and the certifiod M of secretary and registrar, :ind Mrs. Alice Mat'Laughlin'iiml Jf" or, linth MissJtahn und Mr. Cook Chicago and received his PhLl group (those vvilh an average of The I'linlon Kunei :il Home was Mrs. l!:ii:oitese is deputy regisli-nr. F. Hurke at Klin St. -and to 1 have traveiled extensively on AAAfrom Princeton University. Uc-85 or better) had 03 )ier cent As in elinrnt of services. Appointments were-: Medical in- Bruce Kimball nnd Mrs. R. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS lours within nnd without tbe con- fore joining Ciba, he wns a re-and Us in their freshman year. spector, Dr. Witlmiii lldllslein, and search and development chemist Rrunncr -it Lincoln. Mrs. J. i Plumbers' F.xnmining Hoard, Join* tinental United S'-taU-s. AAA also •Dr. Kwnn also reported on the F. H. Gray, Sr. F. H. Gray, Jr. !\lr.H. Alvin II. Wsiaj»« has trained personnel whose *;ole for Merck nnd Co. nnd chief re- Zinimei'iiinn will declare open-tl Miirvu.-u, Henry Suite and Mr. search chemist for Tung-Sol Lamp joint curriculum workshop of Edi- mutual district meeting heM c* Mnnnjtcr Mrs. Helena A. Wnngc, 77, wife (ilynn. duty it is to inspect roads, dining son and Roosevelt Junior Highs, of Alvin 11. Waage of Ferguson Works. Dr. Miller presently serves currently with tbe election at E' A food and drink license w.'is and lodging facilities that AAA held yesterday afternoon. This CRANFORD Kd., Warren Township, died at her recommend:-, for travellers. ns a member of tbe Westfield St. and Mrs. H. E. Hinebnuch r. WESTFIELD griinlpd the Colonial Pastry Shnpiu" Hoard of Education. program helps to insure that in- perform the same duty at Lincot home Thursday. She was a resi- Miss Halm and Mr. Cook will lie struction in both schools iu identi- 318 E. BROAD ST. 12 SPRINGFIELD AVE. dent of WesllU'ld friini ln~i toof 107 South Ave. and i!K master plumbers' licenses were rent-wed. available to give advice on travel, Dr. Ashton Cuckler is Research cal so far as physically possible, bo Resignations were accepted fr<* Phone AD 3-0143 Phone BR 6-0092 llMfi. inako reservations and provid.' Associate for Merck Institute for said. Mrs. Helen K. Dimitiy, Kilisoe She is survived by tv.-o dnugb- Hollywood, C.-il., 10 grandchildren "triptiks" — ruslom-niiidt: rond Therapeutic Research. He received Mm. Susan M. O'.Vcil, Frankli' tem, Mis. C. Uo ei- Williams of The board also appointed seven !; ami three rreal-grandcbildren. guides for the motorist. bis PhD in Pnrasitology from the new teachers, subject to satisfac- and Mrs. Roxie Rein, Washii:(rt« Warren Township: Mrs. Curtis W. Funeral services were held Sat- •Mr. Si-huUzo s:iid that at no ad- University of Minnesota. He was New teachers appointed wrn Fran!/, of Watehung; n sou, Clark tory medical reports, accepted res- urday ill the T:iggart-Ch:in:beil:iin ditional cost to members, AA.A na- a professor nt the University of ignations from three, approved Mrs. Joan I). Caliardo, Wa.'hin A. of Martinsvillv; a sister, Mrs. Funeral Home, hound Hrook. lu- tionwide has s. rvice stations un- Hawaii for several years and wns ton; Miss Jane Ann Ilor.-elicl Kdilb Tudball of Wjirreii Town- payment of billu, appointed ollicials terment was in Church of Christ der contract for emergency road li Markle Foundation Fellow nt for the Feb. 1.'! election and an-Washinglon; Mrs. Anna M. J"'"': ship; a brother, .1 ack Tildhall of ( (.'i-mi'tery. Warren the Army Medical School with an nounced formal regrvts yon. Franklin; Miss Barbara- assignment in Central America. over tin resignation of Miss Mary C. Hol-Kale, Wilson; :Mrs. Carol Ar* He wns also laboratory director Shei-inan, Senior High; Miss f>3 for the Italian Medical Mission, nil ers, chairman of the mathematics ; Prepared Foods Featured at New First National Market department nt Kdisnn Junior High II. W'eijcle, Jeircrson; Mi'-. Care- UNIMSA project. Dr. Cuckler is W. Williams, Franklin. also the author of numerous School and of Richard .11. Taylor, papers dealing with his subject. a school custodian. Miss Rogers joined the Westfield Rotaiy to Present Established 1R08 School Board New Jersey, but it will put us in , competitive position in obt.-iiniug 'Tamburitzans' (( oiitimi-d from page 1) lJlm|ilicd teaching personnal." r n l the ,-ir.rt of llie proposed budget j . , , .. . , . . Friday, Jan. 2. i at S p.:n. > ' Mr C H Sllill i Wl lmv t| im ir ; on Ihe: towns t,,\ rate at this time;•' „,„,!• , c()^.«*t, |in<•«•!*<, ]mm| (|)j. ,.,,.,„., Westlield Hi::b Scl-.o-.! tin- r.o'-1 *'> One <0 peiforir-0- . . . . , $5.10(i-?8.f.0(•.-'.r.M'ii^in.iiiM;; i]|1n IIK r- s!,-,,.Si ril-i: , C'ltli- 1 iiu-n lh i s 1 fresh from their third Kin' '!".'" '.'•... ;:. ::::r,. i: ''":li™: wi "> «i»- »w w* or M.S.,O. li: j from the ]>rcM-iit daily average n( sprenps. concert will ]ir«'.-:rnt .'tn <-"-'i ' I S..';">(• pupils to S.riOfi during TeacbiM-h s witih fivfe yenrs' train- folklore prorram of dances a' •it I 1'.M;:I.(!.I. 1 j inir woulil advaiuH' fi-(,m ,-?r>, 1 HO to song.-. Ihnidv<-,|.: ,jf :be iiio.-l '"'- S:il:>.ri( < :md related items com- jfc.liin, compared to the pn-vioii" lifnl :ind i lire handmade co--!""* per cent of the ti>t.-il : t:ui,|i- ,,f ?r.,l 111).AS,CIIO to l>e found in KUJ-.IJ'C are ii--i-il ^f ONE YEAU DKFKRRED PAYMF.NT 11 I an.I are up !>.T pt-r ci-nl. : [-'or wiib six yi-ars' trniti- every production. Dame-, li* ;';. PLAN, INTKIIKST-FIIKE, AVAIU niiens.- is centered priiu-i- ' i nc. ;h>' |ir<.povd cal jSOlig::, cu>loin>, folklore, all "<<}•' ABLE FOU I'RK-NF.KD BUYERS. i (.ally i in-ii-iictiiniiiin-ii-uctioiiiil l sal.-n-ii'' ' s j Jii.niiu. ci.inp.'ired to $f>,:ifi(i-$S,8.ri0 ''ill» .'11•'"1' .'iri'M-'irraCy of ,-nlitcolorr . 'I'iiTbe"'e " ': '": I which r<•fleet a S];ir,..112 tahny i in tb,. present guide. ' | buritzans"' are eousislt'iiiiy W 1 • • fr,- lily l.:it;,'.| pi,..-, will 1,, ^ or i5.!'-l i.ei cent for the ! Instructors holding ductnrate = p'andrd and runimeiub-d and l^ " •-•It I-:. Tii,..-ia.--. ••\-. ill ••ll.-i;.|i:,r" d .Liily, ready :o take hona ; lire i-nt -:|:iil'. I.-ui'.-ly normal in- .leirn-s would be on n scab. .,f $i", . |-.'d llie ".-ib-i.liK.. fim--1" by :»»'• I>1' 111'- W • tti-M .\r. :i ! :•. .-i-l-i, jcremeni- but :il ;o iii<-ludiiii: all in- j ::OH-Sl(i.l(lft. The exi.slint' i-iite i- .-i-i'.i.-s llie w..'-ld over. : « '..M.:•«-: - •• and I h..;i I IK, :)I.I: in:.!;,- lithi-r tor- f.'.-iiin-,.; will i-i.-l ''"•-' "'• '•'•• •'fary irlti.l... 11II.1T'.-!. ; i;,.:i:-,(|.j;i..|.'-,(i. Tick.-; • ::n- :-.v.iil:,lde at- > ' .-I1 '•' I i-d ill lit,- • :ie.-_..linl :ib-.. i-: a . l-:<-,.|ll:-ive ,,f ^lari.-s, all nth.-i A "- Supt's Office Executive Oflloe N'ali. '• .'I, .1.1 »!•-. w. II lii.hl.-d ,-ii !.-., a ,-iii.' 11 : piov: -i..n of l.'.i'-'i for 17 .-ulili- i opni'.-itini: mid m.',iiit.'iii,ii<-i- t-ust- ticii, N'::::..iiiil liaidi «f W.-!-llii'.-'- ;.!,-:.,- v.i: !• .b-p., N'alii.nal S'lai.. lianl:, Siibin"*' ••' • alrra-lyv :erviin: h.-r.-ur •• of l:.ri-.-r ?rid!i, 1 nil. a drop ,,f ijr.7 "(ir, ,,,- AD. 2-0781 AD. 3-0130 •ov-,l.d I...,-. • -..-hi-:--' !:•. ,.|v-i.i- .-i v :i:'.h i Trii-a ('••-. and W.-Ilii-I.l l-V'l>-f- , Tb- I-I .;!.-! .'••Ill b- - li. h.i... - .-iir.dhiK-iil Ibi:-- year thai: aniici- 1 1.7 ].,-.- cenl. Fixed cli:irgi-rg i are Kuvinj.'s S: I.oan A '..-ialioli, ..r 1 per ('"lit | llt'll-u-serve wi>l r of tho pleasiin |\.r t f s - • •-.- 1-ric.-,. S. ,fc II. ;• j-. .-11 ".lam .''"' j ,i point of h.iinr ni-ir.' rumprtilire. from ?7r.7,1.'17 to 571',,171, n de-that roncealed it. 'be, -n iiii'liidt-il in : hu I'.'.'IW) .-'piar- , ;b'ie will !»- A lar^e pio oven givon with every poi <:b:iso. '" -'on't feel it Is tbo best ono In crenso of ?12,0Gfl or 0.6 per cent. —Knlnb Kmcrsc- fttft in the state, according to the New Jersey .Savings and Loan League. First Federal's These associations collectively 3iave asspis of 3fi billion dollars and Assets Now Top rcpiesent 1.0 million savers. They have made loans of $730 million for the purpose of home financing,$3 2 $20 Million million ubove the figure for Jast year. CONVERT YOUR PLAID STAMPS INTO FINE GIFTS-AND... 'Assets of our association have passed the "20 million dollar mari<," Henry C. Parsons, president of First Federal Savings and Loan Underwater Saga Association reported today. "This represents an increase of more than To Feature Talk YOUR CASH RESERVE IlVi per oont over the assets of oar 55 year old association tabu- lated one year ago," he added. By Waterman 'First Federal .Savings accorded trains in all phases of its operation "Water World," a color motion WITH during 1962," Mr. Parsons pointed picture of life imd adventure un- out. "The earnings of our saveru der the t>ea, will be shown Jan. 18 aie at the highest point in the his- at 8:15 p.m. at Westfield High toiy of the association, with the School. This film will be person- urrcnt dividend rate being 4 per ally narrated by its producer, div- cent. This means thousands of in- er and underwater explorer Stan- dividuals in the'Westneld area are ton Waterman, accorpolatlne funds at First Pe/I- Subject of this film is the fas- eral Savings. Our savings now to- cinating world of tropical r&ef3 and tal almost 18 million dollars." wrecks. Fast-moving and e'xeiting, "Jt's important to note," said Mr. it represents four years of explor- Parsons, "that more and more fam- ing, hunting and underwater pho- ilies are beginning to rocognize the tography in the Bahamas. 'Super-Right" ttATUXAUY benefits offered to them by savings Through the medium of the cam- and loan associations. Here sav- era lense, Mr. Waterman has cap- :<*: Quality ings are insured by a permanent tured for his audience the infinite AGED agency of tho federal government. variety of life in the sea: e battle Thia insurance is, of course, extra with a fjiant moray eel; the rhyth- protection. Stability is assured at mic beauty of the tsubmarino jun- First Federal Savings through gle; the attack patterns of preda- STEAKS sound business practices and thetory fish; and divers raising a can- maintenance of substantial re- non from the wreck of a Spanish c NMnin- serves at all times. For instance, ship. SIRLOIN the reserve fund at the present Above water, the Bahamas are Ib. HOUSE time comes close to one and a half pictured In all their glorious col- USE THESE BONUS COUPONS! million dollars." or: conch fishermen, the Governor's 79 "There is still a heavy trend to- Cup ltace, Abaro, iBimlni and Cat F ward installment 'buying," the pres- Cay, One MgWIfjht of the film is TOP «r BOTTOM—lonfllMt—No Put (•»»» Mr* PUN titmit with Esoh Rout) ident of First Federal Savings an astonishing sequenco that fol- |COUPONj commented, "but prudent wage- lows the course of a monstrous earners are finding it most profit- water upout as at tears through able to switch to installment sav- Nassau Harbor. IOO Extra Plaid Stampn~ niJT instead. They accumulate An original music score was money gradually dn a savings ac- written for th,ls film, based on Ba- ROUND ROAST count before they mako a major hamian foil; music and the calyp- With The Purchase of "Suptr.Rlght" Quafity Batf purchase. While they save, they so rhythm of the islands. $ RumpRooft lon#l«n 99f Beef Liver earn dividends on the moncv they Mr. Waterman's interest in div- 7.50 or More BOMUII .iii! accumulating. With this sys- inj; has taken him on expeditions tem thoy have more money to spend Redeemable •» A&P Stars) Giving Plild Slimy*. Top Sirloin Roast 99; Fancy Cod Fillet to the Mediterranean, Caribbean ! Coupon Expires Saturday, Jan. 12th, 1963 for the things their families need Canal Zone, Pacific, the Bahamas and want." and the Atlantic Coast from Maine Limit One Coupon Per Adult Customer "Super Right" Quality - TMtk * Thin "America has always boon R na-to the Florida lteys. He wais a pro Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk »nd Alcoholic LOIN PORK CHOPS (In New Jersey Sttrts Only) tion of homeowners," Mr. Parsons fessional underwater guide cial Savings' continuance in pro-from all members of the Y's Men Coupon Expires Sat., Jan. 12th, 1963 Progresso 6 Tomato Juice viding the facilities for safe and nnd will also ha sold at the dooT. Limit one per Adult Customer WHOU OR SLICED I*. tout Brand—Cling i allot d or Halvaf i piofltnMe savings, while meeting Ruth Wcntz of the Westfield Phar- Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Potatoes 5 Peaches the demand for practical home" macy'and a member of tho AVost- Beverage) exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. Homaipun Brand Colonial Brand financing in 19(13. finsiSCUHA Club, has an interest- Luncheon—An't. Colon Koid.rDill "For our savers," he said, "we ing displny in the window. Mrs. Napkins. Pickle Spears I" pledge the highest pousiblc returns Wentz iinnouncos she has tickets Nabitco iib-jgi commensurate with safety and available and that a training pe- Bit-o-Honey Candy Premium Crackers boi"" sound business mana^cinent. For Hod of SCtTRA niul skin diving wil home buyers, our aim is to arrange start Feb. 1 at tho YMOA of West- Chunky Duties 2 Tomato Soup cam COTJPON Pw Vj 31b. financing at tho lowest possible field. GriSOO * »**«W» Shortariln j cosit, on terms to fit the individual Burry Scooter Pie Cookies 87° requirements of ench family." If you are a married women, be »>4|o Pure Strawberry I Ik I Ann Pflgt 2lb - Pope Tomatoes 0«. ••!> River Brand White Rice '£1* ?2.09 Preserves i. t 0. Take a minute lo read these interesting highlights Libby's Ripe Olives Florient Aerosol Deodorant 1 Redeemable at A&P itorai giving Plaid Stampi. J Pig* — then get full details by calling Coupon Expires Sat., Jan 12th, 1963 Star-Kist Tuna Fish *»$£» 3 Little Kittens \t; l*t?W 2 '<;ean: w25l ° Limit one per Adult Customer ADams 3-2222 Tobacco Product!, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Dairy Center Buys!- Beverages exompr from Plaid Stamp offer, Sunnybrook Brand—large tirade A Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! ttn. Fm c e FRESH WHITE EGGS Idol. Iceberg Lettuce ' -V-19 SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE w.VJ C COUPON iib.-ec Fresh Green Peas 19 COTTAGE CHEESE "%££. 45* e CREAM CHEESE ZlZ* 2 oi. •% I c • «i. Fresh Carrots "1' 2 !, 25 C 50 Extra Plaid Stamps Frozen Food Buys! With this Coupon and Purchase of Grapefruit .:: 2 29 Crettmont Brand EQIIIT DICC Morton Brand A I Ib. 6 C i« Of I/, ,.t. rnuil TIM Cocoanut.AppltorCharry * ot pkgi. Fresh Mushrooms ^ 49 e Ice Cream avon toll. BANQUET PIES •", 5 «~89 lb 2 Redeemable at A&P itoioi giving Plaid Stamps. 5| c Oat so Extra Plaid Stamps with purchase at Coupon Expires Sat., Jan. 1 2th, 1963 CUT GREEN BEANS "-- Limit one per Adult Customer BLUEBERRY PIE Jant Parlor Tobacco Products, fresh Milk and Alcoholic A&P SPINACH « 69* Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. Oat 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purohaii of Qat 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purchau of Premium—Regular • IL _ ^^ C SWIFT FRANKFURTERS P,69C DANISH PECAN RING 49 WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS Get 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purohata ef 0*1 50 Extra Plaid Stamps with purohase ol Cap'n |ohn'»—Quick-Frozen j IL — ^ _ Pur. V.gotabla Shortanlnj . 'J^ Top-notch planning made this home one of the most livable C our judges have seen. Convenience in every form Is stressed. BREADED COD FILLET P,99 Qit 25 Extra Plaid Stamps with purchase ol The laundry, for instance, is "one-step" from the kitchen in 50 Extra Plaitl Stamps Qet 25 Extra Plaid Stampt with purohase ol a separate first floor utility room. The kitchen w!th ample Qnlck-Frojon— Huat n' Servo In Mtat II 01. M t^r Whito Houw Brand— Handy 6 Pack m 13 fluid «**».» With this Coupon and Purchase of C C eating space, includes electric Whirlpool dishwasher, Hotpoirtt 7R8ED FISH CAKES ^- * 49 EVAPORATED MILK 6 .. 83 wall oven and table-top range, exhaust fan and a convenient U.S. # I Grade "A" Slia "necessary" room. Copper HL hinges on birch cabinets stress Easfen e Mueller's modern Colonial design. Potatoes 10£47 Dixie Cups Ajax Vei Reddomablo at A&P Storci Giving Plaid Stamps DISPENSER REFILLS Coupon Expires Sat., Jan. 12th, 1963 Elbow Macaroni Liquid Cleaner Liquid Detergent Limit one per Adult Customer llb The jalousied porch with awning is "one-step" from the formal 2 - fl7o lpt.l2fl.CQo Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic U lpl.6l1.g20 dinincj room and used eight months of the year. Wood-burnina ' ox. pf< fireplace, multi-panod Colonial box window all add to tho Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. modern American charm. Upstairs, 3 big bedrooms, tiled bath and "pull-down" stairs to storage. Full basemont, very deep Colgate's Fab Colgate's Ad Orleans lot, walk to all schools. This is a house to tdll your friend? Ajax Cleanser about or consider for yourselves. You may drive by #594 For laundry and di*h»t For Automatic Wdihtri With Chlorine Bl.ach West Court, Scotch Plains, then call us. You will see the differ- Dog Food Regularly Priced at 79c—Economy Site Speolal This Week ence, once you step inside. Asking price $24,900.00. C pftctag* 2 15 oz. -""EM J& J Baby Powder 63 Prices effective through Sat., Jan. 12 in Super Markets and Self-Service stores only. OFFERED THROUGH All Tobacco Products, Ircsh Milk and Alcoholic Bcverngea exempt from Plaid Stomp Offer. ATWOOD REALTY (Corner of North Ave.) — Opposite Station — 2 ELM STREET 155 ELM ST., WESTFIELD. N. J. 105 SOUTH AVE., FANWOOD 1060 RARITAN RD., CLARK Eves.: AD 3-2172 - AD 30544 - AD 2-7742 - 889-5073 LARGE FREE PARKING AREA BETWEEN MARTINE AVE. & TERRIll RD. BETWEEN CENTRAL & WESTFIEID AVES. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 10 P.M. OPEN TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Till 9 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 10 P.M. THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY TO, J963» REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE

F. REYNOLDS! RANDOLPH- DANKER & OANKER, BARRETT & CRAIN C B JR HARRY H. MALLETT ASSOCIATES I PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDS WIEGMAN CO. ' ' ' Inc. i ltK.4l.TOU I & Realtors H«altora — Uanrora Realtor 112 Elm St. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD f AD 2-5050 Mrmbrn «I Multiple i FRANKENBACH Westfield Mountainside AD 3-5555 1 ' 15a Mountain Aviuur, WrNtUrltl could pay off a h Utliy , i )\C. AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 nMiK I WILLIAM A. CLARK nt . !H-..VC: do n-nl | EXCHANGE $36,900 149 ELMER STREET HKAI/TOilS 1VSIIIOIH | ADams 2-6609 rix-m I BEAtTOB _ IN81HOB 302 East Brood St. 115 Elm St., AD 2-4700 i(h lii-plac. . (i ..h!t_-;i-', . o„. tin- .-, jilt-iiHUn- of Invely i IM [i :ir<.tiin. l>;il h on MI- t(t otviiriHtiiji of itn« :irclut*.•(•- •M Sooth A »«. Weat AO 2-J8(( HIGH IDEALS - LOW PRICE ml: nil! I'ii^ n. ut. nai iti:t-. . , lir;ii iJt.;Ujty — tlif v>Uitur\.avU- ,.-.•!, -l.-.-^rul.••'I. liuilti- nvwiK uf thiH well «trni NEW LISTING WINDOW $18700 - YOUR LARGEST ruit'h l*lnla«—.Mouutiiluuld* orth '" than uiijiily dininu ana, kil- COLONIAL HUME WITH MINIATURES Hit MI in- :LI. ilK.7«"i I ,.„« n. hvu iii-iiniouiH uml two TRANSACTION , ..ail.* on oin- Door plus ;i tliiru TWO bAY WINDOWS liitli wi- havi- just A PLACE TO HANG , In ... I....VI.I U'lllllllUK " l > (III. It |M II) p«'l- ; For motrt fi»mfil»H ilu- in LOW DOWN PAYMENT : J 'iziil living riii mill lias a KV.MI PLUS VALUE YOUR HEART I clmee ot a homo in thy bli;n« LOW TAXES run. ?: ;' it li:m MM ilispl : .ull r.iiuib il n wiih lirt-placfMII- . tnvewtmi-tit <>t ii liirtime. i:*v llh-l.-ly lurhislM't .lulj I I EXCHANGE $31,900 .lili-li.-n mill -IIH pi h 1,1, . III :i"'l l-"nnu,, In tills lnvflj- Culonla! hume 1 for lin>»e wlin buy two ur me ; , ,,,,.. honu-H durinK Luf >\ <:i 1'JS iitid iwi> inlHiaIui"«- ,,l Ho hi ! r i'fli-i Is tli. vlnii .v'l'Nllifltl! J'n-lty Ha a pk-turfc. C'.jii.ll Iii 1 11 . Mi II, 111 ,, li, i-ry 1,, anil Uml ha I., l ii j Ki.r t-ijUiilly nlt't.' m-lKhtiuis In JC'iiti-r fciitriiiii'U — churmms trammel.on IB u mighty imju I'l'i^'xafr'rfVdli-i/'oi :< j Tl.«- I1HIIB I'. if. fi/.,Y; I lli.i'llv,. i ti;nh l.lvltii^ llri'j.lsL '•. illni ! ^u Sli;ukMin»xon iin-u. i-:uioy ..v-ing room wnli ct-lllnp lo rt»u tnnt one involving it siiuMum jxilii! J li'ttin- in l>i-nt a ini'ilcni 1 i rut.iu. l n.liy mum Hllli j ii i .un ! iit-II I in UM' LI u tlMitanyhlp n n*» .uy wlnilwo uml lln-jilftco—<1- outlay mid u «.-i'intiii(ini-iil tt u|ll[t |i- Iht otlit r. • •ntlllvl uiui. k l»»-» ilnwn.-n.l.ti; t1ii'<-<- line miUwork of thin |»rvw.« ^ l-'> ilinliiK room with ba^ obi.nation for ninny j curs ,,,,. y |.A' -••>«l.-iii. It Now is the tlmo that all r..»i il li.-il i. I,. .In.-.ins. :u..l Lull. ,,iii4- wtiich IIHM livmn rown. .vltulow—iBi^e mudcrn kltchel 1 in--cur estttte activity pick,, up |iH m". Yi it. i".\N lil; Hl'VJN- y p . As ,, !,..,,„« ih Full li.-iKiiiH-nt iitni.-h imiiLj: i-utjm kitchen and i»urc- A'IUI lirt'iikfRsl nook! 1'owJti : mentum and carries through tu iitltfi|UC |i - l.- E IIK I)*.' almi.Kl ti.u- u :tl ^.- Pl:iKli'i uiills and .>u ditti k-vel, two bi-dioon.H am ui.m — uasemejit recrt-'fttlot We ulu'ny.s liojir tit Jit yt>u autumn. The niorticaK,' I.I, • Irn-linliim lu II i-iti'imlliiK. ruiliii This hi.UUP will mini'si" nth or. tin- Hccand level ami ; "ur.m CO' x 11') — Jaliiusled an, invcHtmeiU will bo u ln*i m, are is the brlKhteat It him n'll ItiilM'M ami SI>IIM' (iirlnlns. 'J\. il.-HirlliK C'uli.lllal Kia- ,riiK«- third bedrouin and Imii. -.•recited purt-lt — three Jin l>i*H«tuiv Ao yuii . . - wi- iikv t eelt. 1'ho Htocltf market roflcci. ' IliKS. A-ill'uonlH and btllh on ticcon. 'bulllBh" trendy ana tin- Fed Juive you uak all the itiH-Htinn l.-I W iiujr — nice HundecU also — \ »ur < lilliln-n. A j>:ui rill Kvvcrnment ln enUi-av.iriiu- \ tliul imiTii' (o yi»ur iii.ji4l , . FANWOOD COLONIAL .ttuclK'il KitraKi! — well jiUniiL' u> i-iiHC tho lux burden. All if, I CVCry I>ei llm-tll i|Ui.-Mi"|j mc-lir U: in t l I nf ilvhm in Hit- nfist uL — lop n<:liool lot.'nlloii. A. : i-tilt-i t; .11, liiC3 Malt-H forecnwl HIIOUID 10 UM tv lit; an IMJ'UKTANT CII i 1I;LI of the prt'si-tit ;i ml FOR A BIG FAMILY WHITE RANCH EXCHANGE $27,900 HIM fur $27.»O0. How Clin 50' >e t'licouraglne to everyone ... HO we rccomnuccomnumjj tuai > ini:tfiil;tti* I'JST I'idoiiljil I'IIM hl.'.y. Allr.u liv iM-iiil'x you'll iiKi'f" Hint Un- .rat It? • • ni.iMly Inuiu-il r..r MI in.1.1 n>' a fciv . ..ii con suit with UH flfulll y til I.KickH fr Wui*H worth si •eliitf. A un NevrrtheleriH. there art> K.-lier. I if mi.iii- nml fframi ram ! i-oiistrm- Fur it miU-l nelKhlmrhood and ling; UM youyr llkc«, uriNpMi tati'Mi. A(lr;ii tlvi- h\ on .Si h ol. K'".!'00. 'il 5 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS lint n«i>,l another home to com « iomu \Mtli Un-IIIJU—. f;u»il' linn, liullt hi i:'SS. mi n vvl'l- ii u«-ll ki'pt li""U' lJ» WtHtfU-ld i*Meni)i*Merences and t<|it.-ci ullfiil enwate for their family uiljum Mini; r n inmh-rn klli lx-ti. li.l In a milt-li K.iuKht-aft.-r n.-r- 1'oHniHHt-d «f • t- II i- A BRIGHT AND SHINY l $23,500 ( row ei'Kt oil htiit modi'rrj worlt nore popular ln our uri-a and N en. rp'-lttlrn iiri- thivr *»«-«l - HUVIUK Ullehi-n with LrfukfiiH Plot provides «• picturesque v\-e will be pleaai-d to trlvu you MIIH uml ill.--! Imth plus 111'^. RANCH HOUSE ii.aUlni: nl An oldnur 111 a print.' lnri> ; ''uriilni llrcnlaci' In llvlnK room loom, Inr^e living rooiu u n our method of trading Tn tlc-taji r ftKlrM I" StfiTltK'-. Oil ll'iil. ,O"(1IMI Hetllne (or. Ih|H .well ini'if I hit ^00 Hr»'i»liUf*', 1 '*• iiulhB ft ltd tliriM kept 3 boUroom rancher. Oryj it you will give UH a cull. lailir-it muiiK., Kuinmi- jusi UM rm- Bali. pr i*prcllv A5ERDEEN RD. . . . .il nun nt. an.l two-liciirodfiiM, May wv tell you .i hop, Sk1i» nml jump tt>-Wr».f BI- • % liath«, pfinellcd den, llv- K»«1II mil fiiH-c. I'rtt-fil -.i-«i" tlii» :t .uin. inur MIIK -- whiDiiT II In- riii.d.'lti. fii-Kt. Then I ui» ".Sw JMS' j ri.iiN.nilii.rary, motU-in Colon M'VliC illld II IWo ...^ room with l\rep\tu:nr dlnlll*. COLONIAL »*-|iiili t.sitli I •Hi arta and kitchen. $39,900 l l.i'Sl .li- , in- .iirlv Aliicrlciui (ri-lTuiliH <ll- i' I- EXCHANGE $38,500 c iinriiacul.'tli' Inli-iiiir. i ur atnMi'iitU). , schoo_-- l. it In ii 2-on.r attached Karftpe. BRICK A FRAME NEAR ALL SCHOOLS vinil'iws in llK' llvlnt; : ,tlu: family with COLONIAL CHARM ! Tor this lint- imini- built in 1 PEftKCT IN-LAW SUITE I illnliiK riiiiin I — and now, U'r It ft-w <'f "r||,,B fumlly. l it.'i' Hi.rti'iM-r. A Inn ! mom. M[iiiir« fllnhiK room, mod- nn-pluee, dlnliiK )jor», lnr(jrer than averimtt prop. RADIO INTERCOM. ELECTRIC KITCHEN lK >in u'ltli buy IIVI B year olldd dwelling IHIH jUMjuntt w linLliiK nL J-^ SPACIOUS MODERN HOME AND PICTURESQUE crn klteheii wllh ndd«-d brf-filt- , kltel n wiih dlnli.K t*i*«cp, three jk new. i*rty (7& x 170), handy to trHntu ATTACHED GARAGE I (irHl lloor la vit- luvvly ti*-IIHi iiml Hundet-k on HUCHIHI altaptteti ilace, full dining room, bn-uk- ruact Tho exterior wax painted In Tiist room and aorpuuud norch. VERY CHOICE - Will) :i linlrnnitlH ami '1 l>atlit< $41,0u0 ..••(li-i ini, v halli home with i< r..nin uml atllieiic-rl euruf:i*. W'r OWNER WANTS OFFERS panelled family room ami nrofllcl IMTP toda>'— t-'onv to- !9t;i. Irvine room, illninK room. Condition — t*xcellent. \V« In- nn lite lii-Bl Hour, und - l»!fl- i morrow with ULIH IIOUHC at hail ami gt&lrway carpel la in vite you to Inspect thla QrchU lutirnH a ml lutth on I li e MTuii Tit it* itrtu'EuiiK littm** WIN llttuehi.'d KiiviiKO. i'liuttiK'-nltiilly HARRY H. MAUETT MOUNTAINSIDE $22,500 527,OOn t-ludca. tccturully modern homo now, llonr, ih |K liornt; will jmrlhti- hiult Jn^t ;. >**nrn HK» '»'- .sitmited on a beautiful tri-u 'otmeutilon can bo arrnnKid to Huly ,«ull I In* fumlly wimlhiK ciM-ponitlUK !«»«>- fu«(o"» slwidud lot in un excellent 1'M;U- 1'rtced ut $3C,S0n. thin rninMInK ilon id(t(il for children. Raohvr your Hatiafftctloii, JNetory with a lumtiy room, aii • llU" l'j\ttt* tutit luMirt«u« holh 3 tHJdrooma and • Dathu un llu illK. Tlll.4 lifllll*) WDM fUMtdlt) Wratfleld Multiple LIMIac flrnt iioor in add it iun tu tin >uilt in l!ir»'J fur tlxr i»ri-i«-nl Indoom and uut. The Hv- C. B. SMITH, JR. f.'usli»ni hunt I" 19SS for uroodit hiK rtHHil IN rotufor(ntti) Member utiuul living room, dining rouii. iwniT by (fi'in* Nnvtlln, und i« CHARM CHARM CHARM Reciter Salrx Hrotala DANKER & DANKER, ovvniT. Onlcr mill. 'I-' llviir •itv.-ly luriiltd mil fur frpm V\" Ui.Uf «illi "MfHlilatur" Jtrt— "WE" ARE WAITING ant* especially uo»>l kiu-huii, biw Vrwnhrr K.nlllplf Matin* tho added i«Hiurt' v( i in^r o Appralaula MnrtsaB«a bedrooms and Another bad. f>n •mii'Hril don. Hrlenef kllchf ti«li> in id HcriMMicd IH>I i.h, an Mrlfftril "LriiH*^*!**!!*^" wlillr AT $31,900 ill Irntral A»«. AD A-9 ltt the necond floor . . . miikln*, vllli (*ntlnK uri'U, thrfrii twin < 3* foot piutelled Riim"1 room thr curved im-liirr wludiiw Inc. FOR YOU b bedroom it and 3 batlis in nil.•*lx»' l)i-tlro%crlookK nn ni'ri« ot luwii, '.orated on bountiful Khacki.- III F.lrarr 8«. AU Z-SOA0 (looil 8(urKt»<> spHCf, loo. At utliH. Hori.i'tmd porch, HUH hfltl i,v«-H IHKI Mliriilin. Tlir «Uu- -uuiiti Drive IN thlH bimitifnl .lvrrll AH 2RJ t, louhlo Kfiraife. Hwri'iitlnn room ItiK rtxtui I* NUilnttlc lur *'ii- Kvr. IN SCOTCH PLAINS trartfvely large lui . . . ](ivcb 'olniiiilt tspltt Wllh filler twin llulli Pi' iiiin ««I).1(tthor* •i hlixi-nicnt. Uouatod in hi-itu- l^rtnlrituK mill (In* ftlt'liiu- .7.od bod ro<> 111 N, I biilllK, d<-n litK Uttclifn IIUN II cltrvrliil <•. i). sm \VK" uro a pretty honic and school OUR. lltul Wytliw I on Invi-ly plot nd rtMTt'diloii room. The Ntinc ii, Jr. AI> :I-:MO:I ADaau J-484S 'i' x Many ten- EDWIN O. EDWARDS hr«-iikl«Ml ill'**!!. 'I'lit-rv iir«- 1 pientilully truuil iin.t trim ihiM hume was fovhiKly ti tlirrr nlfrly ilt*i"»r«(t*il Iwiii- llvliiK room IUIH a Un-plaee and pRnded HH Hit family nn-w and turt'K uml unurtuul a]>l>"intinfntH uy window and tln-i <> Is nlnu vi'rtttto plot M'l-liHli'd hcret'ited pon-h. .A Oulj f 112 Elm St. -.1) CHtaMlHlifd tot xvlth low 1-MKWOOI) .itlt pretty living iu.*ni, inmily the larBPr tamlly. The owner. rtmm -ivflh il'ljD.Mhm MIIWI- Jmve b«tn transferred out *»f tlu •rluK Khiuli* Li-t-tH mill .H'inilir-.ll 3 Hliill- limits. XKALTOU would not bo for nMo,u« the.. of (|ut«l hhurtcil Btri'iit. I^lvhiK laclelle Jk.. O«krlela AD 2-TMM »tulrn "Wt;" lmvt' twin HIZI: Hvefltnira «>nll>' tMintroll**') luiitvrt. ;V room, llrciibtet.', rilnlnK room, Hunter bedroom uml two others tnv«!«lment In fur In execKM t Homerlca, Inc. Wlnlrreil II. UdwariU AI> 2-IMTII roiurvrtnlflr »«inl> «r iMtt*- ,»r the i'ii»lilri-n, with utlk thft ouotcd price. Ultelwn, tlltMt bath. '2 bodroaniK tlbert O. Da»k«r ...AD I-lMi Inlrr llnrker All 2-ZHlW HinU- foiirlh IMMIMIOIH CIIIII- MOVE UP TO SPACE or I lifdninin nnd fatuity room 5 BEDROOMS itoruKi'. Our iiwntTB havi- «i-l An 'or commuting . . . Men)) k natlnnn! homrflndlnic arr- :l.l- Chiuiln A I) »-»Xll» |ilvtf-i !)•«' ln(<>rlnr plilli. L reuiiHtlc price on UH .-*O W« convenient ror me citlt In Wi-m- 'Z hu^r upHluli-H bt-droninis nnil INDIAN FOKEST llanr T. Daaktr .. .Pll §-S9" Ire nvnllolilr ihnrK' . l*ee*l«»ll. I.OIM rl. 5-SIM* Si|>ci>lnl fi'iitiir**M liu-lllilc TV hmh. Level out. thru oversize-1 vill no dulcfcly coliblvil up. w« field ur 1>U&W from HummM. n lh« prUMproMvp hume bnjrrr l-.lli.ol.-lh 1-lTiin ..,.»!> :I-R:II- $36,500 ;uow you wilt enjoy our ),,v. l> Ml, #C7C6 —your ll.HpL'cLlun It. IMllll'tN III T» rOIIIIIM, r>-Mttltll»lt Kiimne |o ha ne me nl. Many lea- )o luarsblne Ullrlrh .... AI) 3-1US" ttirt*K. lOxiru fiit'liuli-d. i;.\i»'lN-nt I'II Is newly list I'd est-(;ullv< iviKlili"rt" ", no plcaNc hurry invited. ttlllT.-Hlla, N t^U'pllOIH* illl'kt, ..inch h;iH throe, l^odrooin.s, t\v» flee «ur Ad no |ifive 2 '£ ilir(»tn)*lirrnm for c\u«'tiiiK Knur hwlro'iiiiH. '2% l.ntliH. phu- b-iutloii, i on vrttlt-nt lo tvijy- ,. cull WILLIAM A. CLARK'S aiiellcd den, reereallon I'IKKII, .'inns and u lar*;*) pan<>lii'd dt*i nice. < n(i ititi tl.hiK fnr -M i ti<- family, l' .it ine main HCCII'MI. 'I'nv np.i' (ctiTinil pi>|ch Hint tun-citr ;il- minlnjit,'!' t«i (IUIIIIIIIMI hu>«-r. "i'lf"" «'** IUIIIMI Kunim-, All tli is Kpillw j ciuiiH ttayiiKtU Mwi-nivnl hut In II I ""'He I Jill la r.nly. J^J.illlO. ,ss u-liooU In a l*.-« lit li'itl Sfiiifb I ! JAMES J. DAVIDSON TENNIS ANYONE? DESIRABLE & Henltor — l niii-r Innn Ihf liniiHrt Trul> n MithiM "loeritlnn. Outfit pi.MSt-H- j i here are- thmu llreiilaci-si: llv- ; tHMtr-'HTlVe* Mt'lHlll'K **f *lmt tin In- iiMMiircd. I P. CAMILIO & SON ink' rooiii, .luu and family room. ( MBAL I:STATK « If yuu'vc (ln-umi'iJ oi" builiiniK Kriicr mid mttdrmil? Juwt ! I1KA1. KSTA'liO — 1VSUI1AN0IC your own leiiuiH court cr ]"">• We uro vury proud tu nil t-ltiH ami t Ihrwu i'xcfiillm.u. itrupiTlu-ti tun inllrM fr<»H» \V4'Htll«'l<1 In 421 Mill I II AVi;., W. AU Z.TS9O «inly luivlnK u HwiininiiiK (•••"! H--Htrh I'lHln". TliIN IN » unv llrttr I.. Wlei ,i laij;i- "iiunti-UiruuifIt'' Ut llli | —or even both—UHH ^10' pr»ii- that will ui>|H'Ui Lo dimmcri Inc. aro you riddled An i-oiMii .itl-vlcctrii: KiiL'M*:)!. 'i'tio lu U ll • I peek I lit* lovely homt'H, wo 11 lo- vva. llc». AU Blultlplr l.l.tlnK Mrmlier L-rty b'ivf« y«u jileniy oi Kjuir--. by real estate my iw UKTIICII lo tlio rcur oi i ,\. nioHi nttractivi- jiiijcU-rn -«i>ui cated und nuittihle for (-nmlur- 110 El.M 8TREBT —AD 2-4T00 uf Ihr Wmtllllli Uunrd tho lutciivn. level home with three i>c'irie living ytt rluht for m- or Itenltnrn 1 torUlnlnK . . • riddles? 3nlnirai und i *- hiithH and a family RvenlftCM onTyt 1962 SPLIT Allifrtll.C. Ulrmnan AI.1:1M1 r*uintf ot tho Important extra .'' ruum. Laocuted in the>ii EDWARD A CAMILIO tfiitiirvH liu-iuilc; cariJituiK. ecu- j 1|l|lVl llmel K. Crime A nrlllo down! ,11 r«. Lillian I'nuldlnjc. AI) i-Ulr. I rtt-huol area unJ d m»>tu < '; C. Illalr Iti.Kl-ra AU 2-4IUVII du HH hilinlrcilH of 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS Li al tiir i-onclUioaiiiK. - uuuniv ' ment to ihe l iirkwuy. 1» ^-'"i Mn, Alon llruce Ownlln I', two car uiLauiU'd yaiayt- I romlitlun und ready for liuim* EARLY AFRICAN hapiiy hoini'iniiUi-rM In Th BATHS a-s-t< un n-i 4IM tin- WI.'HUICM urva w itn t'lucljic O|jer;tti-tl iluurp, f dmtv oeeuimncy. $;JJ,!K)O. On n plut wllh a fronlHK" (>f Inmea A. rinrpnnlr NMli-Tout hnvo donu for inuuy yt'iira RECREATION ROOM hard tup diivu iua-u with ttcl- ., "ROXIE" v. >;;, 108' and it Oupth of well ovvr Mr.. AllhllJ W. Mlrhelm.B pliunu M.A.M.I T Kum DiucK, ti|dii rail fenco. ^00' . . . beautifully lamim-api-d All '2-IT.n MOUNTAINSIDE We Have Rentals uouulc wail oven, lari;o tliHti- \%.irtiier, tiu n. coiu-rtne. palm HATES TO LEAVE . . , irVCK, t'KJ. A llluHl ]ll)H|>lt- U«raoa IF. Penriall. .All i-8788 JUST - $28,900 IL lil o cantor hull nprnK lu tfiu Homei For Sale wit n iMirbcfiuo and up en poreit. 4 BEDROOMS riKnt intu tlio liVitiK room wiih M. A. MERCNER And Will Build n imy uml A flrcjihwc; lo the The lot IH 200 feet deep ami tHe IJIIUIVIMK for .1 .ipllt IOVPI VlLh It-fi tn the 15' dluliiK room, ulm» member location IH excellent. MS.Tuu. DUTCH COLONIAL with u nay; the panellet. rivn IM WeMtflrltl-Knnwoori- A HORSE - VILLANE & SONS, Inc. ii ba.tornt-nt??? i^.-olt no futllicr uff l»y Itsolf UmurlnK maximum KIIAMCMN NCIIOOI. nrcn. New flriHi-h rinliiM-ftlnuntMlnRlde $29,500 privacy; tho break...HI j. ul-lovol ranch. -4 l.t.tiroomfi, 1 Mi Dlulllnlc I.luting 87>fera IN THE COUNTRY AD 2-4850 AD 2-0779 AD 2-9047 for IhiM oxt-'faU'itt k'veler locat- HfTinrut?, Just a hivp front tln- 'HttliM, lurKo faiully room, liiun* LOVELY STREET kili-lKiL There's tin \H' jmtlo *m li-y room. 2-viu- KiiniKC Si-i-lu.)- l.tmirlonx, n I t r n - moMcm WONutKrUl NcluHBORS \-t\ in tho TamuciucH School urea Thin home hubhlew with charia Ihu dun. & tH-dnictnH uml J luitlih ;d lot US' X I?*'. l'rl.-<. J20.U00. Intuit* In uimimllrtt Wittrtumn i-viUi HH picturi'Hquo overuiiiiK , . . mid of course R luvutury <>i. JO UN HO N MHOS. in ".imiiiWn! wlili a la* li\ tut. (tnil lLnvcr IleltiMi.iim i-.tteruT. Itltln . . . «n two »« .far terrace, in add it ion lo Un Two h Tudnr lu«nn ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor (tlirrv on IIrut) mid (lir»v "CUSTOM BUILT IN THE HEART III.; lli;tlii level hus ii lurKi- )lv- attached garugi'. Tho owni-rii 1 .hedroutna and 2 full txitiin, a imujnllli-i-titly Incutt-d. t-u ili IHIIIIN. Ii Itch in mitt ItvltiMI un; wiih Mri'iiliii:.-. u. fam- v-th bedroom on ihu third li»or u *»-*y lur^o plcco IIf preipen [Mrmbrr «.f the Multlptr LlNttuur H>N(<-IH, nuMit tiro Illif "(I r film'' OF STONEHENGE" ily i*lz.'il ilhitilK nxilli. a hi-:iu- mul "Itox.I*>." tln-ir pooch, wil. Kor coDip'eio comfort, and i-n* and iiru quoted at $til!.!MUi und piiKi-M from "lloilMr llrmitl- l.iul :ill-i-k'<-tili: Ititi-hfii win, joynn-nt theru IM n lar^rc IJJIII* $tiG,500 rt-hpcctlvtly. One \n idrul fnl," W«rnIiiK—tlnniKh thv .HniiiK ur.;i; llir.-o bttlroom. Im out of ytalo by Murcl) 1. I'lfed rco room. Top location for the (julte lur^i' family wiui prUo IM I.luh («U7.OIHH. you .mil two iiu-u kutliK. with nutny extras. Including nuurtt'r« fNt> your lieurt UM Sn **iop In and iimpoct tliin ut* j^O-vult Mervlce and low tu.wi tho other i« well planned r<> ; (| we il 111 t Sliiy «•?• trmpt ymif 'i'. l Imtlis: many l.iiilt.i,1B; ,!„.„,> llr .' ily IG32. May wo tell >"M u not fjitlto tfo htrKc fainll- IA lion t tO tuluiitc* front I'lie lower level lmn :i liirKi Kuch hi a moot imprcfHlvu MHI- •n-ilrdcin. an aUriK-Uve fiunllj im.tlvo Haling: today. J23,00u more? d MOTHER 11 .1,1,111 iin.l a half Imth with th. ..ri.vlalitii In for a .stall pliowi'r. I li* ri) Iw a l\tn> laundry roon. ARE YOU TIRED OF RUNNING A FREE TAXI? .iti.l an ovoralzcd two-cur Ka- BARN RED "ON ECHO IAKE nt fi'. %Vc urh'.' tliiil > »>» l'l- "^ itr- lie in anil l'-t us ^|nnv you this iiltiiict ivc lionn-. ROBERT E. NEWMAN, INC. ran^.- tin' upiu.liuiiH-nt ut yuuv tn itll Mio M-hooln mul In wnlKlim dl^nuii-<' >>i' tin- IILMIO GOIF COURSE" lli'iihnr .„.. . ih.;rt. In alk-j'j.lor Mtairu'uy t. $2640 DOWN .•oiivt'iiU'nr.. MO I hit I niiiy iiU-i) on Sliiii'KiUiiiiM'ii l>iiv^-, I It IH |tn'- war Icinv Mt't! for yaurKflf \vhat irvntilm CUSTOM BUILT "ll:Vi!'"i IN ll"; T» ""-IN Vlt-i.1)" lorat'.', a laundry finite, all. OVERLOOKING vuluo In r»'Pr.'f..*ut.'il ttl them cotnl.iMatlonti. inlly i-'m.m unit -i iviM-i-:ii|iui moin.'Tli.Hm. Tlx ' itiv thl«' 3 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS 101 Central Ave., Westfield ..I n in Ilium 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS drooliiK. \WK\ liiitli 1'nr Joy ..f Tlit» IM truly a »n,: lionn- In a FROG HOLLOW 'f*ysti.'in tu i'P lit*; yard prelty all 23' x 18' LIVING ROOM AD 2-5800 tin..- locution un.l r.alistli'all uiiiuni-r IH-UcO lu ;,ctl. J3O.0O0. hiifl. Umu'ln Wenlllclil IH W*! GRACEFUL PICTURE luirl-ON X. foliitvl Owm-rs trnnBti'rrcii mill Miall iillriu-llvi1. IlnuHi! IH only 7 yc:,M YOU NEED A RENTAL? WINDOW OVERLOOKS Wlllljim A. HtimiiKc . \I) i-IWW ,.1(1 mill ii OO'.'i lnorti;H£C flioiil'l .AII :t.o:uii tu lotiv,! tlii'tr KraclouH home to he fiinlly nbtatllnbli' by a. ((iiiili" Itiilli liciul . . • CHEERFUL tn W(! art* rtiiivhici'il Hull holm- FAIRWAYS \1> ^ llcil purchiiMi-r. Peluxo kH.'l' Hull. II. Tnylnr .".".'.*.*.".*.*.".*.*.*. B>> you in al.nut 00 ilti>'M from now. with Ulnliwunhvr nwl illnlns ownclrtllllt In tin- l(k-jil iit-r:MIK"- JUST OVER THE LINE iiV».Vi,i' '"'' °~'" Will In. iho f.-.MiiK you will nicnl. uml thill II t'-lv.-K V(»l' ELSIE BETZ, Inc. Mtinljpr \>i(j .Muitiiilr ]jittitt^ ar.'ii. IMnhiK room — r.-croutlun upon In.siu-i'llni; tlilH hi-wly l.nt h.-vol }iua a ."lulcioUH living room uml l.iiMt'in.'nt. l*ropcrt> a Kf<*iit ninny a'lvantiiKi'H Ihat ItHAl.TOH IN MOUNTAINSIDE t niilu l.-vi-l |ocm,.,| near nuvir ciimr wllh riiitliiK. Imi t'rm.-1-n about 'JO x 118. «'llll 202 Mountain Avenue $40,900 111.: in w Tanwuiit.-H Tilt, willt :i plcluro uinilow,r. ll«- ii few Ireet. Cu.ll for more wi: rfi-'CKnlsts Ion. Iln ri' tr;iii.if,'rii>il mvntiH c;in v-lvc life cuc'M wluri I'-niliu: i an In d Telephone ADamt 3-1422 FRIEDRICHS, Inc., Realtor lmin * * * A * >tni- of inpiiraic (Jlnliib' room, ;nni mud- tu-M. So. if yttii v.iim to tin- diatt; a lic.i:n-. ill. i.l.i..-.- i-lu-.-K wlili iit t IMM.I. Our 35th Year FANWOOD 111.- liniw.rta us: Ihc liHtlni::' ilnm^ii tmi- pUi.nal lot mid tlu- npl.- i em klt.ln-ll. 1'j. a fuw ;.tvl>H arv i:uir 11,1. .AD n- TAMAQUES "SPLIT" sUinlly . . . uml «.- will UIVVUVJ and Hpan rt.nilllli.n nri-: .-arp.-t- ! COZY COTTAGE l'uulliiv <'liu .Ai) i-; mi:. '••'<" itltlc fan. ,1 i.sliw'ilMhi-r .3 I W. Imnp.v li> K" f'Vir tin- ;iv,nl- $21,900 INVESTMENT OR HOME '" lih i I inn ami ii l.ath. On alillllii!. witli y"ii. Wiil.-r !«>f<|.|i.-r. Ki-ailo li:vi-l fiun- ! LOTS OF TREES $11,900 •llv ami l.,'in. rrlciil ; craiiv I, tl i* i, ri'iTi-illliiii rot.iu. Si-wil room M'llt ••» 'M't't v. ry rraliMt.-ally a I ^^I.LIiin. Cull tlniiliir ntrt't-t In i>ur i»o|»- 11 1 ,':.' 'i.v;- '.-. "..- >•>••"•".-.... (, ., ,i,,,.i.M „.„„., '; u^ t.-r an apiu.lmim nl tn :.,.c '-j t'.illi. itnj l.iumlry roi'tti. PLOT 84 x 148 I llils liiu- Imin,, loilav. OFFICE SPACE THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. • a. I kll.-li.- . TaN.- i ml l.ll.H Ili M:iiiy tiu.ri, ftalur.-H Im-luiltni-' REALTORS INSURORS ; p $18,000 • tin r.' U' lllll.' kidtictt ulth lirl,lltliiU< I.UtluK Mriulirr InUy :is :L piHin — not l IKIUII niul laniMlr* on u iii>;.- iiu.J .t lovi-ly lot. Call — — Mi-ill fur n.;wly -.'.l» <>r • rliiu.^i' t roili. I'llt t'JK I.' IS l\ Mroinl St. AI) i'-7J(K( h p $23,900 IIIK ti-lksi — limy nil'" ' it..- w.-ll iiiiiiiil...n. IIA\«'II "Id 1'IM- Uus rl|:.n I'vrn'nK I'lionrm «.- .ail ^ll.'W It In ynll ... itml low KVCI-IK'IKII : i-iitt I l.llil'l- :i 111: i. • I IliK I" W. -.1111-1.1 Ti-ll , llnrrj llri.v n. Jr All 2-8551 has i..,r,-li with . Ut; HI,pi.,,. < ill",I,in •! III. ilnrlun IllN^-liutT A|> «*|U1Q il.-i'tlK. I..' i.-iii... l*iti Iriui.'ia to ImHi llvliik- room UI C.' .l \i.r i • .iiiii.l.. I'llill-lllS ! iViillc-r UcklMirt AI) i-7l)34 111.- I..I i Ii... Tin-... i.. M.'I.IIr:it*j illni'Ui'. 'I'll*TO ii l :111 I',,|| |».I a I i.i r. T.ill In t.eilniotllH (IIIIIHIIT Will t I l,\in Ix'iliO; Hlnlrs ti, t*t rv j- t rivt: « TRUE COLONIAL iil.ii; full l.aM, in. ill iiu.l ,v' ilv '. .1 11 .1 IU* HOMES FOR RENT I.IK- ililv..' Ii. 1,'i.mi;.'; trul MOVE-IN CONDITION ii n n $27,900 HENRY A. WEST « SON en.- .'..tliiK,- II.BII.'.I MIIUIIII: |- !•- .1I...-IU \ - IIHUIII. ivt- IurM- ii ri-iihu tr.'.-ii: lni'iilt'.)it .*U|>|.1> i.i lion •!'«., lull I Certified Builders oimlur ('r,'^tu'<,i,il iii't.'ii, $23,900 I.IK .1. - i- , l..r til.I It) \\ |M1th-l> Wl'Stlli'ld UlK'. 1 JAMES J. DAVIDSON « h'l'*ll>. 1'llCi-. •tlllUI- I'll nll.i.-, 1'I.II'TON ''••I,.111..] xiitn UL. ,lu«l vnll, wv'H .•I. I I., .im,ini. .unlly i-n. IIKAI.TOH AM) ••trtiMt-il h. lulp. W.II.IHI I 1,1 Hi: ' 437 8OLTII AVIS, . :' II. I li ,:. 1,1.,,1. I'l'l. f:i.-. iii:nitiiii\i ] . FOUR BEDROOMS W1SSTI-IEH) TWO BATHS "••I al.'l'l., I AD S-7K5O $29,900 I:, un. |lr;.' : ll.ill'i.l I--.IMV.- ...Ml I , ,„„ IJvc». Oulyi BUY, TRADE, SELL THRU ,„,., Nancy F. Reynolds Associates i 'I.II ih nriTRe l». Hall A I) Z- ' Ml, •••»•• lil.,I I, AD ::-nn«K> <'iir.nni\i:i: r.,,j. , Juuila J. Duvl - ll\HI WILL'AM A. CLARK n'llMi ||, tin,I, ( in ur "" ' "I"'- mr .11:..'. [ ii in, L I,,,;, ,. HenKnr < I I I., 1, Ml! C..l..|,|.,l BARRETT & CRAIN ', l.illllly 430 Smith Avr, 1Vra 5-n M,ilf.,r.l Mr:.:«r, '.•'•I" i,. ..„. a,,.I .•,„. mil i,,;!.. H. CLAY FRPEDRICHS, Inc. H HI rnl.ll.,,. l'urdy ill ;l-(Ki:l" t VI.IIIT \ fI ri-OVSI l.r,,;.... [.. Innlirll 11, r~.- . U) ".li iiiiAir !••;•;:.•' •:,.•:;:,::"-• '" • .lrr ...ITV. .Ir VII ;.71177 ,,,,. ,,i, ,,t I ixliiuir Illlihlt. . .All :i-IKIl."> I" >l I • i'!nt|M|i m .•,.M> IIIIIMIII N!' AVi:., .-h.,,1,. • Mi.-PI'tiii THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. It. It. 11 nrrtti . Jr,. . .All sill,.1,1 AVIIIIII.U A. c-lnrli ...AU S-TIM' ' l',..||.. »r,n «,,„,,, •' 1.11. I,. SCOTCH PIAINS I:I. IM.I: r * n ii vriir.rv l; II. .l(lll\MI\ ,. i,i; . •v 1. llvln;-. 1 .-1.111. lilt, 'ulcr ( lly Itt-f.-ritil M-II IC VV AD ^-1800 :i. 1.1 !-=.-_.- 1.1,, hit!' III.I.IIII- Itll II C. T.ITi: \l> 'J-tl All :i-:in-.n Mlii. . Vli !• Afck tor Uroi'hun III:I.I:\ iitiiiii.ii _ ssi .-li'iil.l- I,. •11, t). >l .AH '">- r.HI im, Mtubtra ol Uulll»li IJUiUut r n .1.1 III. « lie-' y .... Ul .I.1ITII All .UIH.-.U IX 7-02X1 u. I.. WATCHUNG AGENCY

yi^fe«»iai^ "I, r THE WESTFIEUJ

H'KST1:'IF.I.I> 'cmtr, furnlslHMl ytu-| WALTER KOSTER, INC ilio ;i|>iu*tm<>tit. comjihtf ly iiunjern | DON MAXWELL REAL ESTATE SALESMAN! homes REALTORS PETERSON-RINGLE SSS MOIXTAIN AVE. I I UMSHIll uuurtim'iit. i.l.-al fur J'Jscellcnt opportunity for hlKh carninpK with our prOKrensiv* firm. AGENCY liusiiH'S:^ i^t nt lt-l!i:m. " 1-in'liis. prl- vntc l.nlli, in uulel. r.-Iintd I|"IU". * I'nri MuliOKnny 'I'nl.le Rcquisitey oro that you be ftRe ^r, lo 3C, uiarrlod, and a rosldeut • Cprra p i \ (elortiin S»'*li-»' rentals • IntlUHtrluI ljfawliKi f>f!'-strii t piLikhii;, lifnr '1'.' i:.'l'- l • UUMIIU-KM lfrokfr» (iri.ti'S r.\( hanu-0.1. AIJ L'-19UV. y of the Scutch. Plalna-I'lalnflold arrsa. Full thno basis unly. Wo 2 CHOICE 1-S-L'l <'urriltue Sent • Motel iuv^NtiiiPtittt 'l'nln Utd« train anil you Hie IUKI estuCc buslrifjis. Intnrvletr by appoint-. FANWOOD USTINGS CHARLES G. investment MOVE IN NOW infeiit only, CONNECTICUT COLONIAL Also 1 $22,900 BIG - BIG -r BIG : AI)VAM'A«« in- A spF.nvr. UPHOLSTERING MEIERDIERCK, JR. PATRICK L. HEDDEN IIOI.II1A1 HUM s FURNITURE REPAIRS (>vr-r in I In* Crept wi«"tl Rfrti'i(.lt-i.l Kr«»viinls. S*t (or your- C«*nt«>r luill Mini'li vrltli t.iv >bIe a.VI I'nilt Arr,, Kcotili Ploinn *"A 2-8103 Kplf tlif spoih-ss c'tniUtiDn of thi.i «-ri»i>in hoitu* with jalousie rottiUN. I.itlni; ruum lZ'xTl', dln- JEFFERSON HOUSE APARTMENTS pori'h, purliitl (hilsJwil basonw-ni, ALTENBURG'S, ELIZABETH, N. J. Multiple Luting Member «f the l liiu- nnd kltc-bra. Tltrcv AIN *VH r MI.OI'U DITIOXIN'U AVAIL.Mil.10 IDEALLY Tremendoua lleduetluna men In our IJanihorKi-r's l.'urol- WANTED—Mutual 'und ««leini«i, On n sliiitlod ptr<-*»t in Pan wood titluuui romblnNllon Ktunn« nnd SITt'ATICI) 1'XJJ! Al.I. THAVKL. ture Clearance Htore at itouto i-xiHii-u-nc« neocBsary. For Intvtritp on u Wu' x 17y l«»t. 8U *;xiiii LIX'AL AND DIHTANi'H. Sin U'l'LN'i I Ma ••II li & Hinultii Punip Oritun..* 4S 22, .HinillKttclil. .llal 2H3-C0C1- ll-tt-it iiirm- luotiiii, Jln-pliUH', tiled kH- MI'HT I IK 1» YEAKS 1>K AOH clH'ii. AlioWjiiK't'S hnvc been M'n^H". W liloir offlTrrM thlx com- AUKArt, (.'IIL'lti'HKW, SCHOOLS. |.;Nlr) lolfi-iric t'Lonl UrKnu .... if* m:itlt' on llio nrlt'p bfcausi* of Ilnimuoml Solovux 1*'" Kxcellont Working ConJltlons WANTBn—Life Insurance nlumti, ATWOOD REALTY tho noc*! for ilecuriitioii. furlnlile lium« lit ffce lotv, lutv. UENTAlji— 1 llli'llHOilM SHU. llnllet & lloilN (ii-tind l*ln»o.... JIW ••xtii-ri.-ucn noceesary. For lntefvlfW 'J IIKDUOOMS >1';5, l.euo* l\ 1'. toimole IManu »I>J LlPoral Kinployce Hem-fltB illal '233-C0(il. n-lC-tt prloe of rlioiHBK -SliiKle Manual llmu., 2W> Apply rt'iHOliiiel Offli:i- Real Estate I'MI! CJHAt'IotTS LlVlNl! IX A • inllet * Iliivla Spinet I'lnnu JJJ V eonifi>rtftl)h' rooms I Si.lnet Ill-Run tlNl'dl HJO wllh lli-i'i'lnfi- In this elmrmliiK RUSSELL ROAD INPIillMATlON lUIOK room, flrrplnfr. «ereeuf-d ,\ .. I""' • AUTOS FOR SAIE • nieiit n> loeul shoiiphiK mm With IIN liir»e t«U (inkM rwer brakea, SllrltU I'l.Al^ti l'.\ •J-IWIIM f«rt«Me. older (\tlonlnl on nl- tnmHliortmt.jn. (.ivMtloninn prrfi'i'M-U. »0- ad uo Page 61 inoxt an aero, fottr !i**dro<>u»M. v l.-I-iindem 1-2000 Wcslunlii Li-HiliT. Hiuiri- — innKler liedronm, Imth Al r. .\\' A ll.A Ill.l'l ll!IIIH.'.tl,ltHl> ; hot IIMVSI.l'.lt. ISM, 4-door MdMi i% 1>HOIK, plUN tlmt much (!••- w;iti-r ,'in.l fuinlsh.'.i. ('..n\i'lii- ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE, INC. •lean; excellent muchatllctll COttftl- nud Holnrlum, all on Ike first I'lil I" Bhn|>|.lnh' :iml ^.II-I.II.H. liusl- Uftl» IS. JfTN»-> St., Mllnnbrlh, N. J. IIOI'SIDWOIIKIUI—Ono ilny a week, BRICK AND FRAME HCMS rimpli' unly. AD 2-:i«92. pcrinutu-ht, i'<.fi'ri-nct'H M-quliTd. (-all lon. s:ioo AD 2-«(in«. HlrtMl TV room on (he fli-Ht floor. - „ .in :.,' ,'fr. floor] in Addition ID (Kllta Im COLONIAL At> X-77UI1 ovenlliKB. APAUTVKXT I'm1 ru. AH ;;-7r.Ga. illi.kni m-MIG. liolroum, kltetien and potvder unit trHnmiortntlon. I.lvlnR room cent ri*fort-ncoM wanted lo bahy-Hfl. wllh llroplnui1, alnitiK lomn with •nil 233-O28S. bow ruoiu for (be «rowtn»c fnm- 12-PO. miihoKany nunnnii Phyfi- dlu- ill-.ll l-*ord autoinatle, RAFi, 4 rt*|f room. On *hp Mrrnnil floor, three e-hnlr rail, kitchen bt-^akfnrtt lire", KOoil comlltlon. Boat offer. AD arrrt, mljiflnliiw powUpf roi,m. 1II"SI\I-"HS (wniplis 4 room.i iinJ butli. IIIK room net--tillili'. il oxtm leaves, PAHT-TIMB onlci" worker for Hinall a Ittrjjo bt'tlrooniH, jilftnly of i\y hiJ«»or« nuil ouldoorM. Ur- SIT SI-1T3J. iuitl, 2 arm cbulr.i. (i side chilli's, Inner bedroom* nnd one find Inilfot, bieakfrmit, norvor. Kxuelliml iiHUianco ulTlcn. experlenci' nt-cv"- 2 RL« STREET rlom*lK. A Hei'f'IMHMl JlDI'eh OVCI- 1 iil- -oiiilltloll. *3CII. AH 1!-O22T. lira Ktudi-hiker. nood runnlnit con- onr-iinlr l>nlhH. TlilrlT 'not |«11. lnol(s .simile.1 yuril. Attuohwl i(n-> |.\.|i. I. Apply Ivory Ijnnnry, •hutid ABOllny. 40» Park Ave.. Hcoti'll dition. Must sell iiiimotllatQly, flftv onnunlte litlltlon) nme. I'rlnclpsls only. AD !- I'laltm. or tali for appointment 1'A nr heat oO'ei. A I) 2-11)4 J elled recrentlon room with flre- u;;;;. l-iii-tr $25,900 HI Pi-iwpiu't si- I'AlK of chalrn with ullpcovers. *!f.: ADamt 3-2222 .UcssliiK table with 1! tdclrls. fC. KM mi Plymouth, 4-door sodan, .1-IIO4I>IS :iml li;ith, limit aipl ln»t AH 2-tuir.o. plnrr, oil heat, (no rat cnrnttc n.r uupiilli'il. ijnrwiioii ML1 a-ooTs. IIOI SUWOHKRn. pe.rrnancut, nn.> Kon.l opcratlUM' eondltlon, A Tor tlu'flc nud otlirr cliolc*' HKI- day u week- HeferencoH reiiulred. *7f.. I'or uiuiointment AD «-i'in iipiumii-nl, .ill lllll-'.AKI''IU>!V'r, mahOKany. excellent Ml 2-78111!. Imlli millt lovpl on benutlf liiffji In Wi'Mtili'lil. Fnnn'iind, on.lltlon, a buiKaln nl f6U- At) -- r,'i Hul •!< Hupor, 4-door hard topi Clint Turner HHI>-r.«7:l u'unili-d Int. Unlit by Cene N nlilllli-a;' K.-b. 1. I!II.IIMIMS tnnt |>o«Mr«»lon, A-l 4-ondltlon. ttrorite Pnkenhnfn .-Al> A-154-1 cnunlf incft"' fl: first Hour. prJv:it(« .'3113. 11 hotlHoworker, lli^hl I owner; truraKo kopt; HIIOW rootn vell" In 1950.. Tile Imilm. furiii rlnlna and MnunlnlnHldr 1 anil care of chllilreti. AH Mnrr ••tllioer .Ml:l--il7't (I i ii I n « room wllh buUl- li'i-'ii : priviti' eiitlHtiru; Kur:igi.. UK OIKIIHOM; real I; full power, »a*i» ITIcr »:IH,(HM>. 1. \ It•; 10 marble top lealtwood tahlo. 1174. 1-10-21 lines. Jlih'i (Inn. nn 8-60C8. (illen Alwouil AI> 2-TTIi: breiikfront. lnniloni kllch il«2i r uilli table mure, <1-H illshwasl CALL FA 2-5800 Si; i- llanlsh nlodern wulnut Hvtlii: neflllor memhera of the er ami wall oven. I'am'lleil fni Cl|lv Illx \THIN 1)1!.1 ri).,111 nnil llvlnff room set SCO; U'xlG' limy llornl CHRISTMAS BILLS MIST Plymouth Wagon aUnailM n'ratfleld Mllltlplr I.I.IIIIK and lly niiiiii cnmnlHte with 11n rii DIIIH lilli'lii'ii "nil iu'lviili- liallu iienvy wool I'lllf, Slid; 4-plece llvlim bin; ll cyllndor rebuilt snUfe: nhiee. Tbe»o plun iniuiv oth room set wicker. Hi: uprlliht con- PILED UP? icrlllco to bent olter. AD S-4ITC Chnnther of Commerce I ni-nlHliciJ; prlinti.' utiti :ini'.>, m .-.11 ttrnii'd oia-io, fxr,; Vleiorliin ciinn Her U P M. >-H»ll Nutnrr l*nl»lk> rxliiis. JiiO.'.iOO. AIJ 2-1SS0. Wi'Stlli'lil. N'l-'ir srli-mls ami irans- ,.ll TODAY for the AVON oppor- PANELLED FIREPLACE WALL seat cbnlis, *;i each; school .leaks. tunity to earn Kowl money in you-' 1-10- liiii'lntliin. AD 3-07;!).; rocltliuv chairs, $;! null up; III I)H. 19S0, 2-i|oor, 8! h: i old album:,, ?1; olTli'K desk. %\* time near home, rustomers arc Anil l>nj- window, ton — In thin n-nltllifr for service from an A\(^ hvdromatlc; 1 owner; "crean AGENCY loilern extra heavy maple t:h!!•' licm-.-suiitntlve. Cull MlK. Alex. Ml I'on.lltlon. J1II0 AD !-(i»l".-l.l own hours, rut (i-"2il2, uiet'illh: blue paint; Karatfe kepi. kitchen lvltli blrrh enlilncU mid (WOTKTHIt "T"l leh'i>h NO BUSY STREETS TO CROSS IM-lOI'l.l'l IlKSIHM to have Kiinil li hour dny, salary. UK ii- room. Thrt'e wedi-ont"* — thr tiniesi I" travel and enjoy the INSTRUCTION This attractive stone front Colonial is in Iho Wychwnnd School • FOR SALE • -ic'tshore Huslncssmen desire new mnxler l» over HI' IOIIKI Tlleil district anil your children will huve no beuvy traffic streets loisiness Hull will he iippcallnt,'. ill- ,.,t'N(i woman eKi-cicnced nt .. It. IIKNftRT'l'. I cachet ill OlftSO. Oppn For . wntcr blocks from the Mountainside KIIOIII.IIIK center. The '."-' ft. llvlnit Sunday 1-5 P.M. n future, Vainly have they HIIUKM • IICCS. Must have own transporta- ilar. LoMiina In jour horn*. tU room has Urenlitcc; tin re's a full iliuliif; ro(>m and modern I.eBt "'^K|N p|ANO CO conelu.liiii; that as old IIIU-H I'm-tion. All 2-^512, 6 illiceil evervlllllIK to meet the IK-eils lorlan Ud- We«tHeld. Call AD '- J'A ,,,11,-i.rr. illIniliod KfirnKe. I.'nul 1 a bedroom on third Moor'.' iti-n call, m room' iii basement; htiili-ln In Exclusive Wychwood (formerly Cranford I'lnno '"»•> of I he penile and they have no \' l'^l> woman, or Htuilcnl |iu»Ke»Nloii—only KEO.IKK)...... r inonev, such a btlninesn coubl mil" K-nriiBe. Lot has I :il) ft. frunuiKc. Price S2U.. i0u. 1ST Nnrtl. Av*. W. »n a-SSl 1 IIUIHO Oil 'IfiyH OH' WlBlllllK tO Illll.V- uiir.AN — LOBHOBB In lotir horn* Timing mil l»rDuUdln« i.e secured by ib-velonlnu an I.lea. •M H.'i'k.lnvH. Must know how t Modern methoii- All inakM »•« Ha.l they considered Hie deH'res himdlii Infant. Own tiniiMoortatloli 'no-iolp texoetit chord ortfan) 931 KIMBALL AVE. their eonchlsloliu would be dl^er. LIKE TO RESTORE AN ANTIQUE? lleceut rofcrclices. Al) 2-4l)0ii.( ( THRO. B. AUIIANO VKMOVIMIONIl — H. connoliiti cut. If you have HometlllllK Kl-elillv srpiMtm.Y niiu.T TIIUI-K- .1,-sll ill and they have no money- ,1S ir.trl. IM. *••«**•« Tills old farmhouse 1B lncaled in U'estliebl in n seltinii well baek KiiBranteeftf , rrtoonrtHlmmc, all tlf 2-71*44 — »-D *^J FOUR PLUS A NURSERY KNlil.lSIl Tl'Wm KIOKlliKN'-i:. .rnnilH. »2'. up. Stall.,n Uuilln ft T' . o present a way lo secure without from the street on nearly one acre l'"or thoM- intciewt.-d in l.'imi- lii-ili'i>iinin. B ImlliM, SKNK- 133 Knutli Avi... Monday nnil Frlila> llnanclal worry. • HELP WANTFD - • rcslorinir an old bnme, this o«i'in meat possibilities. The I'N' LIVINI! ROOM. WUM h'iim- A rrnlrr linll, v l.t)ll; In HiOl T had an Idea — Hint If ihmli.n H (Ii-Biior. 1SI1 Hoynton Is a modern Path.- Tbi-re iiru seven rooms plus a suntiorch ;i'nl itntNINIi PlllKIM.ACl'). '••"• rOTrrcKV ^lOI'OMlJl—nt tho^otiers an ii'iviineed pnvmcot svstem be 111- MALE OR FEMALE llvliiK room, thirteen li>' four- lltrue one iinmch. The llvimr room cMcnds the full wOllh of the Iro.luee.l lutii travel It wollbl pi.'line Ave.. Wentneld notlrert W. Br. HlKh bouse. There's "-.irk to be .li.i.e. of. ci.uiuo, hut mostly duoorul inw. ilinlnK ri. "in, Hcli'in'i' Ull vlii" •l»iop dlnnerwiire, ovrnwure, urt 1 -icliool toacller. AD 2-1669. »•!*•« 1 1 1 1 wllli iil.-nly "f •••ililii-tK. "i-fiili- vare, utoniMviiro. u' 1«'»» th»i •"•" iravelel'H anil Intro.luce llllo seli- ^lA'rl'lU' .. enerffetlc"«nleB retire*ie.n teen fnnt lllnlnic r""" ' k" ' ' '" Taves only $410. Price $-21,!H10. ctall. At the- file orv—fiinlpmtii. .lime woibl Incrcase.l nutnbers m mtlve ilcslrouB of eafnlnu n five nry OorimliiB. 32 Wi.i.-hiinir \vi- visU'-rs. I Incoroorale'l nu.l Intfo. ilintre Income. Pleasant f^olonhil of Raymond Young - Piano Sludlt nnd lirenkfnxt room, llrepllirr, TKIM. llr-uullfully llnlslii'il ri'iv •hnlluin. OpBH 9-6 Monday """•'•'K1 .lu.e.i it Into both with a special HCI-H. lOKpcrlencc di-Hlnilile Mil noi ftllth llotr*rT ToaDM, A«»t. SHE'LL LOVE A HOM? LIKE THIS iitnin l.u !'-'"ir UJiruc- Sliih- slfilf s.he.Mile of paviuenli. Tho'ra-.ii iieccsHiiry Send resume to H P (in»«lcnl Popalar llnnli nnil powder room. In nil- I-Oiove.l faVCl Oil Hie I'l'llllll * ftl'lld-•larrclt, Jr.. care, of Knrrott ft f'ruli- r,,,il ' HKAtiTIFlll.l.V .SlllU'r,- nnil or Write for l«forin««lo» U2uu iiiii inc an.l (Inivlioiind lllls Lines, win lletiHni'H. 43 Rim St.. Wfmllleid. »• l"llnn to the four pliin »eil- \ liitercsliiiv iiml well pbinm-.l four yen- obi split level MOW IMAVOS, with liPlii'h, 10 ycili -il.t II wus enjovable to ti'tvel with- •all AD 3-1K00 for aiipnlotmeot. »l No. Koelld »».* *D S-w>) home In a very dcsirnhlo |.\ni\\ I m-lulibo-hood. There :n-e four eiinrnnlco. *4HS; Lnwry rli-i-trlc Or out 'i.oiiicial 'vorrv More than :l.'"u 1 "Him frinn fndB: n-linlll (Ira.iili- 1 (1-4 -fl 6-B-U roiimx ni'd two lintlm ~ u tlflli hcilronms, two and one-hall baths. The hull biilM IK h a-ul (.•iin^I.e "'"'''''•'Fi ',,, . families vl-iMcl Hie ..liore fvo' could I inverted into n third hath veiy ini'MionsI vel> . Tin. m | rrom |,; HIIIHS, ncivlri' ntwl rental" .vi.ooi I collect.',1 more than * inn.'inn Ti'T«HII\'« — lllKh Sehnol »ni! Ool- Thi- TMaim Simp. Kl!l Ti-rrlll lloidl l'llill'i;ssio\.vi, ncKiitlve retouehe" bedroom on the third flo«ir. In- 25 It. llvl-ur room lias lit la I he l<'t"l.en bus ."itlnu » , tbev said it was like flu'tini-' i> 1 leife mihjrrta. CnrdlUB T. Clark, B- A. (). K. "all oven with rot isHi'i-lc and talilc fop ra-n:o. A very ^i-otch I'lnlnB PL D-37OR: TA 2-230? Hiitnnlii of work re<|lilri'il. ''all A 'Ynlel LL. II, I5d. M. .130 MounUlB Onrn ovelilnKH '111 9 -•'i,".l'oll llllil liei'cr missed the •j.itriu. t-iii-i We- WcHtflold, 'phone AD *-J4'*i bulnted — exterior reeently accessible i-ecieat inn room with maho'sa-iv pa-ieHim:. Llvlinr inonei-. ronln iiml dhiiiii: rmiin eiiriieOnir Is ineln.le,!. This home is in THE LINDEN AGENCY Your AuthorUpd f.otvrr OrKHn nnlntrd — two rnr wirnlte — perfect condition. Iluilt-ln Karaite. Price $31,!iO(>. 407 \. Wood Ave., l.l-"deM Drnlrr Tteferences: Penn & nciidlnfr 7,(iwiM.i7s~~inriric gTimio, uoi Itinller "U II-'H to-2n-t' • EMPLOY. WANTED • It It 'K-. Cr.'ivhomid Hun Lines - -I'litrii, Ave.. Wonlfleld. AP l-wnftl. Immediate nowil-wdon. Prlre Sea Shore f'hambei-s of I'oin- THE JOY OF A FAMILY ROOM (;ooi>, UBI-II Ice Bknti-B I'xolmnKi'il. li.ei'ee Alllllltll! ('My, Oceitll (Mly. ITAVIiVMAW will i-lPfln ftttlrH. e«l Instruction on All Instruments jUK.MXI. it; iiUnwiiiic'i'H nf 12 t" jr. mi >-our Wil.lwooil. inrn. traraifpn tvill cut lnwns Onrdo1i ilit Iri- Hknti'B towaril pnri'naHi' of n work nnd (reneral hotiftfcli-anlnff nl All icsBons private. This Iminneulale liome lust nroiind the corner from tVnshltmtmi • LOTS FOR SALE • new pair. Wo BP, (Inlt HlilKO, nnil Coun- tot alzii. Shoo Ilk-iiri" li'i' akriti-s IIH and luonev lir.iiii'illiii: a hiislueis ..."lOI.VN W. MO'l-T AIIT OLASflBfl A* 'vei-v d'c'iilriildo .'-"liiie In Ill's hr'ime is till l.ivelv Illlliellcd small an nir.v S. AII-IIIC'H Ili'tmlc slum fnn-Uv room with Hie'ilace, the llvliii: room also l.ns .1 o-e-.l'ie.., try Club Lime, nil utllltlKH. Anproxl- ooeratlili-' bill il few Weeks of the- Instruction In olla, wnter color, 8to. Full 'I'litntr l.inm, kMc'iei, has brojiltraM ba'- an-l ilMi-i-nsher. mntolv 12(lxH0. 1/iiMt lut iivRllnlilP Movi'l'HVIll! Opi'll 10-H P.M. fX«'i'|H vear. finler the charter, we will "DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS f'lilldren's elasses Tuesdny-Ttiurtl- A DEEP LOT : on Kc'lm Lnlii- Ci.unlry l.'luh. 1' T,,;.B,,,,y. Phono MI l-'"'-^^, ooe.ate I lines Vacations—Travel luy. nduim Monday mornings aBU Kti-I tloor pow.lcr re, .1-1. Three verv nice hedronins a'"i t l" '-'Hi. • Investment- Aid to Small Ilual- Cull A.M.. All n-tr.MI Screened unroll: all'" bed un r.'ii.:.-; tool she.l: nato, ulth 111 I' lo Inillil — Hnmplo plnnn. ?.i>.000. Wednesday evonlliBH. Studio 447 \t Illi snm-lnim front Mini Net* Inin't intss seeing MliM home as soon as possible. Pi let- fjs.loi.l llrnk •iiBrai-lPCil. nonnmmlii? Snowder "lia'cs wllh a value of Jinn -*l - MMillani'OB, 431 North Avo. W. Al> ^nli lifio. \viioi" Is the proi:re' .live lilts anil carpentry. In-itallntlmiB nn.l IIIHM.ll I.OT---Jill Ililliriivi-nii.nlH. repnlrH. Porchen, pntlos walkH mi'1 GLTI?AR «,,lll level liiime I" \Vii«lilnc4iin ALAN ;r>uMCTOM Realtor I'riii. »l,.'i(Hi. Apply— ..0410. 4-20-tf l.oslmsM man lookhic,- for an oppor- tuiilty'.1 •urliliiB. AH 2-4I-.II-I. K-23-1' I'rlvntr I.rnMini — Hodrrn MfiliotffJ FnlTI .I 1(1 yi-tim profeHHtonnl nnd trnrhlnf* fVllTR TIIR .<1"-> STATE TRAVEL AGENCY fToll l.ln«> of Mllllnr»T It eo'its lltlle to conic 111, but after U'dMAN C^ ilitVH work Tue.'i etlierlenee. Cull Al) 11-2HRO tor pr«- I ys or Tliiirw.layH Iliiifnnry nptltude IntrrvWvr. •me nnd une-iinlf hntln. rei-ren- •127 Snillli An'., \V. nnd CliMtnnn J«-wilrr von a-" 111 von take "lit niu.'h w.-ll-' .lavs, U' Member Mnlllolc T.UOnic «i>li-m Wl'Mtlll'llI %»"1V .llTHt'J- • t>ril ovrmlre MM. limn llimii.n SM-IK'IS MlflltH ll-li- In'li l-l-l Inn. I'.ill v 111 in.-ilii- n l.i'iiiillfnl Iruno for v.m cm rcferclici-B. PL 7-fiMll. WnltiT KIIMIIT, Inr ,. Hi'ilnnv, Idii •IKIIIIV CMIVI'.I.I. .' H. 11|,'.\ M'VIT. t.-aclier f nlali |.;\ ttllV tTKIM'i a'lild — do you Kiirnu;e nnd reei-nned lint wnler Mm. .Innrt Menrlck ... '.'. An H-lTr.n |»:il-k Av.'., H.-oli-l> I'liilli.H, i"A 2-C3C3. MMI-1OU ('cotrnl Avp. All 'J-1'^-" .al.'Sl iii.-th'..lB. OaH^.-al i ii-l no" i:\IM'-.Hll-:\«"HII liousekccpcr. Wll' nee.I help In .Ir. TIlKh School 8UD- Parking arroHH tlio Htrr.'t lnr. I .'M.u.'ii'. In voiii- h altcinl M'iiil-liiviill.1, preimi" ic.'ts or Senior lltKh .School history? oil Itenl. nre the tiliehlluM". Vie** .uhiii Hit., Westllelil. ("all A noon meiil, will iln elcnnlmr or Iron- 'Kvpcrleii I tutor; n. of E. rates. Inc h.v the day. l!l I-IIM Tra li!i|i..rtn AH :i-:m:i','. pnm. Must l-i- In pnnly FULL LENGTH BAYS! Icrt- farm rli'h tnn BOIP :I!BO 1111 illrt i-v. r. in..'.! wii-i'ia,.... li'.H, 6-S-tE VE°Y nwcAnic prio am ri'Klilrntlitl nri'li In WiiHl.liik-1 "n. Wil- tr> il.'llvi'ri'i! '"111'Btiiut Farm. Mil s. •,,..,.I coii'Mlloti. Phone AD IM.liT.S OVERSEAS Due In the illnliiK room nnd one h-un rlriinl. "r l-ViinKllii Ki-lim.' 'II*- ISS8 15-14-lf -iff .-•- r. I.'I-locli. I'tflll I--11H MIIVS CI.OTIIINO, rtd- FIR" ei<->«p. I/MINDRY, FAMILY ROOM, 3 BEDROOMS Irli-t In W.Mitlli-lil. Muxiimini t::!..V .n-:iiKr.r C(ll.l.l( T(IU WISIIHK TO III1V AN- (III (IV r.-« lull VIMV YOllK ROOM • REAL ESTATE-RENT* '...-linps. alinniiiuin noles, fair con- IKH i: IIII-I.I:S, NiloTniiKN. Ma- fiiNl i-notn. Jntoii*leil perch mid VAN A(;i'.\('V is. lll;t(ll,Vi;il«. KNIVKH ANH •litlon. J'Ja. AH ^-T7sr,. i:t wiwr -rj\fi si', (.'.'ill tvi: mills. il'I'A'fl! tMlVHIlli-.HAI.I.Y *!'•."•,! lin'ii-tli il" j-i-niril. pinr|-\vii- SCHMIEDE TR« EXPERT CO. IH.v>ilrr minn eomprlwe the umi Akin A TIIen OATU ^M f->A ei.OOR I,Mill .'! IMMII-'II-III li'ilin- In Si'ntcli i-iii- I'.NSi:i>. WILLIAMS, I'A 3-SSS7. l'A 2-UIIIII IIAN'S ll::ure Mkate'i. j:l/e S. In i:oi,,l "I . i»>... Ci.M>; .-vo.-iil IV4--.J nil- ...11.11- $1. II3» Kllilh.'ill AV-. io-6-tr Iliii.r. Three »< nil Hour liiil- trOCATIlM P1>M/| : |.;VIM;llli:>Ci:il I'iil wains 'la t ,,n,.,l s n, nin-li. l"-ill VV-.)|>'T- .> ork Moii'hivs nud Tbui-alavs. I'" K"'-r In'-.. Ki-.ilt"'-. I"'1 I'u.'l: CASH Immediately for alitli|lie» — TAP ATTACUCr) f;ADA'~-i: Tllll.i:, elisloitl IIKl'le. '.Villlllt f'.|- in:: or i: nil cleaiilnl:. Al' 2-"u' roinns riM TMC l Ihi l \ ;I:;:I::) -i.i.a, ^.' 2 pe.l'"tala: also ': ea.. -lainici I'all \'ht;inla Itrown attor I.'r.-.i.i. Provincial. .'h-'ilr.i r. II tY*. .- It. or .:!....p hi l-Ivp „,„! tlleil hnlli. I.""' heiilliiK inn- ri-.'lich Provln.'lal liiTi.ll.iiiinl I"' i; I'M.. PL c.-(i7'js. ;.8i-tf MOUNTAIN IM MI lu-ln two l''i-.'iich "Hk iinh'.l- , lo ii flvt me !' l\" I. All cxc.llcilt • ielo e.l I'all AH 2-(;i;M. •«i«f». nttnelied eiirnui-. n HIFU .it.'l-.'.l .-Iiiilt-K K.llt:il,li- for linll. lii'il- OLD JEWEIRY WANTED Q[vv POSSESSION 9 ROOMS FOR RENT • i i, ilii.h.K room. sSI.-IMs IIIV home. Iteniioiiable. I'all •!•.".!•-.": •j'llcKPIN^. lOM'.IUNOH I1HA0K- I., WiiihliiBlim School nnil fn«« 1"-V7 -I ' HI" ,:.\s it \\I;I:, t.'oo.i e..ii.mi...i, I.I-.TS, IIIN'',:!. CHAINS lllinOCIIKS. $36,500. l\ I'.S'I rif.l.ll — f(.nifi.rl.ibli' r.i'.m • •''• All :i-r.:i7n. tflMI < ". will l,-il.v..:l( lili-bts. .la Ill')A I IS, WATCHKK pi.HHrioilon keynote n line home .i-lvnl- l.nlli. r.' sci'll'iii M\TI\^1IO >IVItV will '.,.lv.- :,11 \ •ill t-ln-.-, el,Ina, silver. 1-YlrnlturP, ^n Mr»\'ciY . . . WOOi'O . . . SCOTCH PLAINS) .nsin.-.iB iiK.n. All r.-r.lis r.'-n-if i.ri.l.l,.|n!i. iiii.n 7 .l:iv!i p.-r v-fU '• » N'l'lll I K* I n Anne Iwlu l"'l' .,,- -.,.!;, nil-, Will ,|eeo i" 1'V ' o,latin-". coins olt-'.r old Items. Inr ^^'.IKHI. \ \l I.. II. P M I.-M:II..| :.t TT Mull;. I •-,. -loi la.i |.i an.l c-n-,1 li LI I I nnr\9 IIX/IMG AT ITS BEST • . . !• \ va liable at any time f': \|i ::-:.Hl i 9-13-4t rlltMHIIi:i) i-niim In (.'rn n f n r il. *t Wooiii.riiiri'. Dial I:;;I-:"-:"I •bai- e .lit!; oak earv.,.1 , I'ln. Ml' !i-i:i|if. i-l"' -li.-.-i-fiil il.-iiii I. .•.!.••". in, slltlnt' -c~.- l.r. aklronl. I'Y.-iiol, .-h.-.i - i FULl RASFMFNT i"-:'7- it 1VIIM t V « i-di.-ii work liiUlm: "a IIINS IA i-lean. forclira. BOM); I., .im. nrlvriti- l.nth. prlv:il.' .-titi-ii n<-.- ] i an-1 chiil".'-. full slxc uai.l.'.l.e | C A v ,,l Invalid i.r ilio'" -crk. ||av t-'.o. - ai; hooks; palnt- )h |l l:n "lI^KI.VV w. Miirc AIIT *f •!. »•*•!•:-• ] I. ni.i. AH :I..".:.I;7. . LIVING RO^M WITH FIR "1 C? .-.-fci-i-in-i-i. AH !!-ll7f,r. I i".l rn. 11'.n In "11". >•••..!• r .-..p.r .•!" int.. ,'„„ KA .:-7U,l'. ^^ DIN'^- POOM . . . IARGE MODERN KITCHEN '•lillil'.'li'-: . IM—:.-.: Til-i.'lav-Tliiiri-- •••'II a...I while ColKa-'l 1.1"- "I" .« nil % N M .t,,l-< Iron In.' !-. -I,. MUCK I" l!;ir«-ii"il I •-" II..,.,I i; months, e.....1 !ir.. fall PINE PAMCIIFD ncN •'•IV ;,.|.|lt'. .Mi.O.I.IV III"VI :: a" ' ' Will pick "1. an.l d-livr. I t^t\'l'|-:il I.I-l f:..-dibit,ed itollH. Miy f..r l.ii.'.ln. :••* in;.M, i.riv:it- \i"U\>- •V.-.Ini - lav'f. .-'in.IP. 117 |-.'..'".|7 after:.. .- nil,.,, (• i' P.ii. llox 4'J7. Munt- (MACTCIJ K is R x is /,) •i..|ill-)irlv:ili- l.iith. SP !I-I2.".t i-v.-- i..mi-r.-11'.i.v Av.'. AII :'-ii.'i7. . lair. N. .1. t'J-6-llt ''' ' i "\ % N'l-ll t 1,1, maole .llehic lo TILFD RATH *N0 POV^n^R P^'iM I . .1,1... i; eliaii". huriYt >:••.. AH L'- ^'li:l\\vtv or olln-r piano wanted -T|IM"IIKI> liln PATIO 9-CAR ^ARA"P ATTACHED i; r.,, mlvate r.inilly. Plmimi cull Mr. i „• lit'.I ki.::; • rr.-.l- l.:,tli: ! '•'•••• . . HAR^T^P DRP'P. TREES ir:ii;,'. .M> ::-lvi-, : ,„• AP 2 :••••.'.'.. I'rliuK- t,.'~«..llK MoiliTIl 11.11.0'l- 11. Ill,:, M A ':-!..',:»',. ! -3-3t CHARLES G. to >.or» |iror>.«>loinil ii'i't fi'iii'hliu: IHIU'I P..riii-1'rlb. •-: lure.. ' hlbl'" -,.,lv :•'] i-'- I,! iv u-:i .1 > • 1 < 1" ioi-1 • ii. ;'. • '-mail<.I.e ti unk, :^ s'll" l.-.-l l.-n-t wanted, fair LOT 120 x 185 ... $31,900. -ti.iTlriirr. Cull Ml M-Sssii |,,r pi'.'- , ... ,<:v ..I i le.I ci.i.ui-r b.'i';l;. '.!'-'i" '">• I' nplllnili' Inli-rvlov. | \ i> ::-l ti?. . i i - I r."- P. H a ml forolcn ,.,,1-e ii,,i,i |.;.t .i, .-uioulations. Pt. MEIERDIERCK, JR. • STORE FOR RENT • .,.• ,-] looiM-d h.-ai. v' "»ri.iii:lii j THOMAS JUDSON. RFAITOR-INSUROR Raymoiul Yonno —Pinno Studio 'I't lll.l-IM Mai. him:. :: end, I . ',''.'• 7.C77I. l-10-4t ton vmiTii tvnvii: \T i i-vov. M> :UHI70 1TIIIIB, 17 I U-IWI18 Fonwood, cheerful 19"?' x 13' livinp room with fircnl'jce, I •.-,-.. >A' 1 I -i '. ••'••• i j \, ;,i, • . I;. • ,!•• -''...I-. Meveriuille. Ml^l Vl> 1 HnKh I), llnrk full dining room, modern kitchon. nllnchod qaroqo, hard- Instruct'in on All Instruments ; i . ,.,,.•: i.. \ '.! • I M • •.- epi T:ii".d:ty niifm-i'.iV'.i'.l .1...I- .1 M:i I'. Ml 7-. ti:. •.:• '.ill'.!' IIFD 1. 1 i' ill ihiy... 111. l.|:'.-;n, 1.1- "••.<• . Dllrxel O-IIS1B top drivowny. Upstair? am 3 twin-sizo bndrooms, tho All |."i' 'Hi'i priv.'it-. ! I iiiii-ii-. :• .1. l-io-tf V 1 .. • 1 ", v, ill, t ill,.-. :,,.,) 'I1..T|.! mnster is 19' x 13', ceramic tiln bnlli, oil stenm ti^at. '. 7- 1 !' : THP PIANO SHOP ••". ,.f I read lefl SI", for all Al' '.til 'I'crrlll |i-l. ••(eli Plain '-I IWIKIXC; io Pi'-ml. ;...•' M.M. I, I 130' deep, shaded lot. Convenient lo shopping, school, ll mM;^ iip.-ii i-;v.- II 'I r-.i..|i -.i.-iriin.-nt In U'.'l'i. 1,1 l(.-r.T- :•,.,[..„ I- (',< .;-,,•,• ! '- I 1 . •,-.,.I,,., 1 • 1II. -11 iriin, and bus. 4!J% G.I. mortgage can be assumed, ,.,-...... f ,1[ M-.-.-I: .1 iv-- c-;i p in. Mi MORE CLASSIFIED ADS i:.hi,ol livelier. AD I 1 "." • el, I $20,800. 'i-:'": i; <.r A I > ::-'<::.: I ..f i, r '.> i- i.i. li:1 TD Rtiv ON PAGE 8 Call 889-6678 PIII.IlM lil'iittM,).!. L' .I'inlU; :.;l'l 1 1-1 -.11 le 1, , r!.1I'|- !li-'ll .-il.'l li"l '.vil'T .'••..II.nlii'^. 111. !", I .lailv ev.ent <;.in,lay ;Hi I |-:. ADC: W.'th.l.l or r.r.i tif.-rit. ('II '-~-12. fillilli'v Avo,, All 2-1^7:.. LEADER Page 8 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 196J« LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE HS Cagers Regain MacBean to Teach I.KNKHAI. ORDINANCE No. ... N'AMK OK STILKKT LOCATION AN Oil DIN A NCI-: TO AMKMI THK COI>K OF THE TOWN OK WB»TFIKM> Cai't Broad Strccl Southeast Central Avtnui.1 on th(v south Jl\ HKVlMMi SUCTION 13-5. "TMHOtOU STREETS" A.VU SfciCTIO.N andd KlineKl r SlretS t oiv the northh- Winning Ways To In Nyasaland For l:i-2n. -I'AIIKl.M; IMtO(lllirJKI) AT ALL Tl.MBS." t JlHt. J;r: IT "Hl'A!Ni-:i) hy (iu- T"wn of iht Town of Wenflelfl in J.-ieg:lnn1nf? ut a point _.,,_ j "11.t- i •••.• ut 1'niuii us full,.-\* K: Summit Avonue und extendtne t» i .S,-i inn ;>;>, • "JUr.-ii^li Slrttts" ami Scxttoli 13-20. -'i'urkinfc Fruliibiud hundred fu-tl (a00') «outhwcst- feet f liO') west. v Nip Johnson Peace Corps ill ..(1 TIMKI-." os follows: t rly luTL-froni- diBtunee of one hundred feet South Kuclid Avenue- Northeast Fur a distance of one hundrpri / Sou th C-aet For „ _ _ .. _„ U00'•"••"•)• southeasl.....—t. o~f* th.•-e. southeas— .. *•«t n*it*1 &a By STEV._E __ATWO0_ .. _ D James Ii. MacBeun of WfrstfW'M, y.i.i-INiVloNS: ,.V<'I."^'1j. "v", j^ '.'Jj"™,,'' '?.?; xned in ti-m ordinance il..- 1 Southwest For a distance of fifty f ,.„, *% I •wist iiroai Street SoutheoHt For t\ f'lRtance of fifty feet (fit Soutli Kutlid Avenuo 6tt ] f fourth quarter pnvcV|!< ,'uui," °i'(!." ,'V,'..,i '("'I'nlm "in nub-tnlr 1 "in Titii tv of tii< northfiiHl of the norUicast curb H:H- voutheaat of the southeas t curtba J|ii \ M 1 l! i ! iy, Mijill L.0 tiiHmvii 10 apply lo wucil u'urja of isast Uroad Stret-t. V \j& Westfleld's 02-51 victory over John- j wi!d Aiijiurt Ti-i-sS gym. curb line of North Euclid Avenue. dint ant three hundred f .i ffM ^r-B Devils (G-l) trailed ip ^dn c<>rPa- •1. Ati nil- itiiiio»)iig fl litr.i' limit on rurHInc wli.'ill et l30[l1 The Bluo ,jt II III t "I th.- duty loiwuilt* ullu-r and more nnlrii. It-tl j)ut*t Uroad Street North wcfcl For a ,>hu i1,0' ^ losing an initial 6-0 lead on lnyups iit-i i jiiiiltrr pr"\ jil of >Jorth Euclid Avenue, ^lm Ktrovt tant three hundred feet (300') i3h p a^ by Bob King and Mike Cowlcs and cuse University. Mr. MacBe;m, Si^1 "rli >N -•_'— -I'.'i 1 iT'.liluitt-il at all times on certain tared*, Ktift liotwten North Avenue and Qulmby westerly therefrom. " - - " l rk .i vtinilr iu liny time upon any of Hit- Htrt-clH r • jump shot by Bob Whitaker. whose studies its an Knfflish major i ilm Street Ktreet. Si>rink floll While at Syracuse, Mr. Macltcan i •'errl» Place Northwest thtrty-thrttKnttit- ; fuel (33'). t-rty side of South Avenue*nVnet'y fi\i'^ BUI Prish and Tony Bakum col- i K p K Street), lyrtle Avenue and Windsor Vernon l'lriro Northwest For ito entire length. ^'§ f in. .us" .-ir.if itliiHT Of WAY signs ure AVi'llUc In the second period, each scoring i'"™. economy ar . government of v u Wt-Btfleld Avenue East From ita Intersection with Jyasnland. The training proiiraui " "" Lenox Avuiiue Northwest Hetwi'en Central Avenuo and Norlli erlv s'de of South Av,«: six points. included African affairs in of U.S. av:t—HO, the intersections describe Avenue. diKUnro of one hundred distance of fifty ft-et (50') Houtherly. King, high scorer of the frame general and specifically as related S. lu.lii.i- j. in.iiie u part of llm orillnHncc. urc hureb Lenox AvenuQ Northwest For with 2' aided the Blue Devils' ef- ions"'. STOP BiKiit* sliull b« Installed un northeasterly from the northousterly PAI1KIVG LOTS) .o Nyasalttnd. ,.•. i.u-.l llur* curb line of Central Avenue. In all jiortlons of Municipal parking lota marked, designated or i-ltorh fort iu the third period by sinking tiona Dtslpnate!. Southwest Uetwfcen Sast Uroad Street on the tntt-ndfd to be used for drivewaya, entrancee, «xlt»t thorou&hfure« «t ' 8 of the team's 18 points scored Mr. Mucisean, ^on of Mr. and I p »f U.S. 31*:* — M0. tho Inlt racctlonn dfHuiv. ctiialty la cxiir^fsly provided by New Jvmey Statutes, tral Avenue. ' - .-.,.. Hiutr-i* for narkliiR vehicles. King finally tied.the score 47-47 Duke University and Union Jun- suu o'NYicif't »-f » viuiatiun ut the {.irovision or this oriilnance, Ixty-flve IH>U niviu Utt-rtiu. xhull be llatilft to a penalty of not more than North Avenuf-' South Ffoin* A' point four hundred sixty HCHEDUI-K: ii. on two foul shots early in theior College. He graduated in 1938 Ai*t ur itni>n«unntejit for a lorm not exceeding fifteen UayB, or fuut (4Cf)'.. ), .eas^ t „of eantcriy lilinen , of In a<<;ordance with Se he fllowing described Ktrpt Avenue to the Intersection of pnrtHIn oa<<;ordancf «tre.etn aem wit herebh Seey l Ion 3-1, thane "Througfollowingh Strt-etH"describe.d ST<>1 Ktrptt> R iT fourth period, starting the drive rom Weslfield High School where-! ,-utii. tituto Mhaiihll H' hebo f "iViBVaiii-d'on'th«treetitllnd amon hereb thee y near nilouJffimte" f'lKht dKld davn o"Througf eachh h Htree tStrtetHt t Iimertiectiii" ST<>1>K l th! MTICU2 V. for 9 points that put the Devils ic was shortstop and captain of the "Through Ktreft" .-xc«pt where Y1EU> rtlQUT OP WAY afgtiti Hrv nro 1 .J-'Ki.O OK, AM» SHOUT TITUS OK ORDINANCE North Avenue North Wet ween Prospect Street and Eawt vid«d for in tills df«lenation. « in command of the game, laseball team and tailback in West- j Jc-CTJCiN &-1 — l-Jflcti oi urUlniuic^ liroatf Street. Doug Carver's two foul shots ield's single-wing football attack, JI an> iJdri or jmi IM oi HUH ordinance are (or any reason, held to b(-North Avenue Houth Krnm the center lino of Kim Street! lJetween the Town of WrstiU'ld-Clurk Town»hlp lino and Houih i valid, hti^ ii dc*isii.n hiiuii not autfct Km vnixdity ut tho remaining i>< nnd its extension in an easterly ilircc* A vt'iiui*. that followed put Westfleld ahead, lo was also treasurer of the West- KUIK tif this urdlnam*•. lictwfcn N. J. Itouto *28 and East Droad Street. and a foul shot by Bob FelUr with Kt'TlON &-S—Iteja-al tigii lor u distanco uf one hundred '.M High School student council St't-iuiii it-b u*iti SL-cilon I3--0 of tho Town Code are he ruby r**pen' ninety.aix feet <19C). iiM Avenue two jumji shou by Whitaker se- ml nil virJin.tiucrt ur JJUIIH of onllnanccs In conflict with ur irn'onmHt* North Avenuo North From center line of Elm Street l uidtu ut* li 18 ri'iX'Ju slin I i nut nil f-ct or pri'Vi-til I lie pruned! t ion ur jjuniKliinciit 01 for a Ulstanrc of two liundrrd eighty WAI vwn nuvuig mut-a ou" in leutstn unall be installed on {Dt Whitaker scored on a jump shot, ny piTHun for Hiiy tivt dtirte or committed in violation of any ordinance *iBht ft-et tiurmcrjy at<|iiuiit:n oi Mountain Avenue tucing soutauotiiKt Iran it and Carver dropped in a layup for LWV Units Slate 4-rt*iiy ri-jiiult-a pifor to thv Hiking eiiect o( tills ordinance. «.nd un Ltitv-'ivrniK Avtmuo. KCT1O.V i-;(—Short Titlo bt-t^een iti^niunU AVUMUU und Mountninaide Uoroueh-Toun or two more that helped the Westfield Thin ufdmunftr may la: known an cltad &u the Truffle Ordinance. Wenlfield line. >orttt Avruue five maintain the 11-polnt margin CUKDCIJ-: i. i>einrvit nit' Scotch IMuinH Towi)«hip-Town of Westfleld line ami East that gave them the game. UN Discussion nt u.iiiiunct' with tiic Drovlnloiia of Heulinn 2-2, no purNun Khali park urwiul Mri'et, A i XtiLU J{iGIiT Ol1' WAX Bitfn having aides 36" in kngtii iAMH OKut STltBt;miy I linT o up»n any of tliLOCATIOo folio winN s dontTlbtd »treet*i; »nail DO niHtallt'd on Clark street and on buuloy Avenue. LuinberU Milt lloud 'i-innir Place NorthweBt i.ft.wMi fvummit Avenue on tin:* Houth- For Meetings wrjft und Uoulovard on tho nottlicHHl. uetAvfit »eHt i; Streoi and Rahway Avenue. loulevard Soutlnvcat Jitjtween Ayllffe Avenuo on llio Boulh- Hpriugnelii A\rnat Y Building Project euM und Cluvur Htrect on the north- i>etwt-iiii tno f»iiiiny;flold Townnhin-Town of WoHttteld lino and the To we The topic for discussion at the wf Wtwtnclii-Cianturd Townehlp line. Wcwt Urond Strr«t January unit meetings of the ixjtween mo ut»ubii ivuniMi j*^uurtb bvoteh I'laiita Avenue /aeillticj, consisting primarily of « £>«i..«*ii utM «JI-«*U ut.t-ut und N. J. Route #^8. conditions. ltaiitrny Aveuuc conventional the gymnasium nmlj The UN resource committee, un- ijutit«.-t-n tld Avrnue - . .• ier the direction of Mre. Frank i.etMiM-n urovu .Street nnd Houth Avenuo. plete, according to Edward C. ilutrg, chairman, will present buck- IJoultrvurd ' Ewen, Y general secretary. H If u. t»i;lwi'fii Wyoming Avpnue and Orovo Street, ground material on the changing u. ijtiivkten liiovb street and South Avenuo. hoped that the Wcstflold Higr scene at the UN, peacekeeping op- Willow (irovc lload School swimming meet against Pin i>etn<>uii j^unufitd Mill lloud und Kuhway Avenue. (try may launch the 75 ft. x 42 ft. erations and financing:. Any resi- (•rove Street Icnt of the Westfield area who is a. bvtween Italiway Avenue ami Central Avenue. lix lone pool Into service for YJ b, i.«-i., t-«- EI t.,* innu Avi'itub and tnc uurouyn of Gar wood-Town ol Hid YW swim programs. nterestod in the topic is invited to WctJtfU'ld line. . • ' . • attend one of the following units: Wr»( Dudlry Avenue According to Mr. Ewen the larp btLnci'ii i^ui-ia yw»i-n«v and Kirn Street. Hostesses, discussion leaders and Unmt I>inllt> A venae lltration system servicing the poo secretarial are: Monday, Jan. 1-1, 4Ji!t«i-eii "<<« nnd Mountain Avenue. was placed in operation Momla\ i p.m., Mrs. N. It. Wickersham Jr. Lunrruvf Av«*noe »nd Is currently being tested. Th tt. j.ntvM'fu .»iutintaln Avoniio and Knat Dudley A.Venut-. , 19 Birch Ave., Mrs R. S. Wood- p. Litnween Ka»t uuiiley Avenue and the ±iorough of .MoiinlulnHl(le< I pool, which holds 160,000 gallons o /art! Ill, Mrs. Raymond W. Smith; 'Jnwn of Wfc.stiieJd ltnr, water, was filled lust week upo i'uesdny, the 15th, 1 p.m., Mrs. N. Kim »«rit .^uHt Hruitd Sirt'i't and N«\vton I'laco. '\ Blcki-1,' G Thomas Ct., Mrs. 1. North ChfRtnui Ntr<-t-t quires u bank of four sand ftlU {ewton lk'ckcr, Mrs. II. C. Rogers; ut,L.. trii LUBI *.M ^.t« otroct and Mountain Avonue. tanks for it* proper operation. / aouih CtteMtnui Street voning unit 8:15 p.m., Mis. Mark t>iii>uii i»<: of ftarwood-Town of Woatliold lino and Kust Uroa4 gallery seating 250 persons Is pal' .cheror, Z'M Hyslip Ave., Mrs, Er- •street. A i Uii-Li KiUilT OK WAI* fc)£n, having BIUUB Jii" in l«..c>.ti tmaJ of tho pool equipment. est Wolf, Mrs. Ulchard Newman; va iiiotaik'u on UoiiHoh' 1'lnco. I»ro»|ieut Htrtrt Other facilities for the pool it A'ednesdny, tho l(!th, 9:30 u.m. a. L.*<-)) f;a«t llrouri «troei unr TTfiRt Pudley Avenue. eluding both ono meter and thn Ira. Ernest Daman, 180 Lincoln b. lu'lwue1 n Wt-nt ijudloy Avunuo *na Munttce Way. A lflKLU ItlOHT Oi' \\J\.Y W.KII, ii.iv.un Hiuuti •«" in length tmall be in«tfilled o| meter diving boards, arc expocti d., Mrs. Horace Rundell, Mrs. brlKlttwood Avenue. . to bo ready by tho end of the wee! icrard iMcGrath. Clark Street u, tjuintten North Avenuo and WeHt Dudley Avenue. j All equipment for th«j swimmii Thursday, the 17th, 9:30 a.m. It. lictweeit Wt'at Dudley Avenuo and Uri£htwood Avi'nue. ' pool was made possible und pu Irs. John Luffcrty, 130 Eflingham HenNwn IMnrc '1., Mrs. LntTcrty, .Mrs. Samuel Isctween i-uupth Avcnur and South Chestnut Street. YIELD HKiHT OP chased from a special pool cqul WAV HiKiiH, htivlMg1 Bldvn 3C" In length Mialt Do inotalled on Lenox Avonul ment fund raised by patentu ar (ilstein; ffhursday evening, 8:15, ami on Kult»-r 1'luco. friends of the Y swimming teni> Irs. Oeorgo -McBride, f>23 Clark Leuox Avenue ... ^...vcn Otmtrul Avenue and South Kuclid Avenue, «hd apart from the. regular buil< t., Mrs. 11. Suchomel, Mrs. Nor- h. L>etwi«Mi South ICuclid Av».*nuo and South Chestnut Street. Ing fund. inn liftdol; Friduy, the 18tli, 0:30 WiMMllttiid Avenue t.u, **...... *ain Avenue und E«al flroad Street. .m., Mrs. h. h. DciU Jr., 5i)l lirnd- Kourtli Avcane Other areas in tho new buildin ord Ave., Mrs. Gerson Hcnnann, i>ut^*-ftj JMIUIII C*ho»tnut Street niwl tho Tiorounh of flarwood-Town " llso need the ilnal finishing touc! Mrs. William Klnast. Wt'Mtiieid line.. A vli!,L,Lj Jtiulil1 OK WAY sign, having ttldos JG" 111 lengtl H before being ready for use. Th tinuli ou IriHLulIed on Ucneon 1' HbadonlawB Ltrive new gymnasium, 86 ft x 01 It. i Bnby Bitting will bo provided i^u.iL,. ^aui^ Mill Uoud and llaltway Avenue, site and capable of having tw Ubut'kumuxon Urlv« luring the Thursday morning unit i.einv.1,1 i^incertH Mill Iload and Italiway Avonuc. separate classes at one time, rt .n Mrs] W. C. Osborne's playroom, Huuuult Avenue quires the Installation of croa iitiitvcn huiiiiiiit Court and Grove Street. YIKLD HIG1IT OP WAY fllffM ;28 Kinbrcc Cres. 'Mrs. A. W. huvinti Hlwtn ab" In leiiKth *tui\l lm innUilled nn Sandy Hill H"»ad, Kiinlhiifl court basketball backstops and U Jrivcr is to bu contactetl in ud- i-Tivi*. liclmnr itoud. Clover Ktrect, S. Otteco Drive, l'oo Avunuv und -Siunl- anchor plates for volleyball am ^ince of thu meeting for care of ford Avenue. badminton nets. The locker are llurlnn Iload hildren 'J to 5 years old. Those w- i.u.,t'fn I*untK'rttt .Mill Houd anfl Itahway Avenue, is complete, with the change ove ho are- interested, in an in-depth li. iletwi'vn ll«liwuy Avcituu and Wttitliirld Avfiiui*. of somo lockers from the preser South .Ivonue lisctission nf the topic are urged between WcHtlleld Avenue and thu Uorout'H ot Curwood-Town of Wt-Htlicld dressing rooms now taking place. o attend the Thursday night unit, line. KCHEDtTbl-; HI. .Registration of Y-MCA member .vhieh will have a tu'coiul meeting in ;u-..>iMitm-<: with Sc»tinn 3-'J, the t'ullowlim lntvrHCCCions nro ULTCW for the first classes usinjr the m* an. ;il and will devote more time tl.-^lKHiit"1'! "M "Stoii lnternc-<;Hons:"* I'urk Street und C'urleton Itoud facilities will tnko place Wednes ovacli |ilnise of UN nctivitios than STOP H'KIIH Hhnll i»*; installed cm Cnrh-ton HoaO. day and Jan. U3 for non-Westful .s poisible at one meeting. HI. MnrkH Avenue uud South Kurliri Avrnuv HTO1* tilKnn fhiill l>v ln»lallcd on Houth Kutlid Avvnue. residents. fittulh t^urllil Avfouf tintl L«>ti(tx A venae Accorilinn to Mr. HUTU, a seric BLIND CHILDREN STOI' sfi?n« HIIUII b»> instiUled on Lenox Avfiim-. of "open house" proprunis to a< Mouth i:u«l' *1KI»» HIUIM ho IntttdUud mi Tu-mont Avemio. quaint the people in tilt commui There are today 34,000 blind ehil- South liuclld Avenue nml Kitlmiotil Avenue STtM' HIKIIH whull l>c Installed on Fairmont Avenuo. ity with the conipleto new antl r* iren and youths in tho United Kliulmll Avfiiut* und North Kut'llu AVCDHC modeled building will take )>luc lates according to the American iSTOt' HIKIIK shaH tie lnmuHtid on North Euclid Avenuo. when renovations to the preset tmndation for the Blind. |( nit ball Awnnr no it Limit-n Avenue STOP HIKU* shall l«; liiHtallfd on IJii'lon Avenue. building lire nunrcr completioi i:oitt Urond Street uud TrnHp^t't Mrret Tho Y public rrlutions coinmiltc (n obodicnev to the divine nn- STOH wtk'UH .shall he Installed on Prospect Street. chaired by Itotwrt C. Fuller, is pit ire, man's individuality rcH ClUtoQ .sirret uiut Vicv IMnro paring for the events to penni ho divine law und order of hei WTOP.Hlenit Hh»ll be Inatailt-d on Tico Plaeo. In iu*<-»rdiinrt: with Sect Inn 3-?. ihu followins duMcrlbud intersections public tours of tho new Iniildln. —Mary Hukcr Edily o.v h'Teby de^lKiiuted im "Yield InUTsoetJonu:" antl dedication ceremonies. I'urk Slrerl Mild Siinimlt Avenue The additions »ml renovationw 1 Y1I-:U> fOCUT OJ-* WAV Pltfirn having »U\vtt 3'i" in lunt'th MIIUII bu liwlulM tho Y buildint:, with :i!l ftirnishin: PETS FOR SALE on Summit Avenue. and riJatwl ecwlt, will bo m-iirl 1-10-lt vei'H U'-U^ ;<>i.i>r.\ K.-lih | ono million dollars. To datv, ove .It.-lllu-nt. uitlfiil, ,lil|.lr.n ;.r.t; n; l-'roni <' 11' I'tlS ir :i $810,000 of the ncedcl funds ha SouUiwe^l Krnin Ihv. init r^t <•! hm "f ill. null- s'.Till Av.'lill. North lurk .<(r*'i-t o 11 II ( 1' 1 .list lino II lilt |i.' fe.'l :< .n, in v ui,«t .- o-1 :••» rii i l"n lliirrfroni. ni.-ido liy ii mi>rt(tafw on the 1 I ri-n:s. . If «t (•'<»'). inc- Mi"- Kwen, notvd, Iniwcwr II,I !• ,.!.!. 1 Nm-tli AVMIII.' S).| .l.-t:. \\:iu li;i>l >-li.'t IMIIML diftunt l».» In, sin-Li. Ml". 1 f.'l ,i :.,"••) i Jl:'l, |)t['<-t , !-.,(! I I 1^. IMhl.T li-n ff't trill ) |i..i)ini'HM (if Noi t h A v> n in' Xtirth l-' ;i pdnl liny v tinuitiK, and the:-e with i)r(>inji Mil.- . Nil- ORGANIZATION :j-.'-l.r.iU>"li, . M •-, I li.n.illv urii'.i .Wriiin: II tin: oi/UltM '»M. lliv «••••- h . Ii ilihvi i ;..,,,! if l.i .l-'f. \'y Intl Avi.inir nml i:iiiu •r SI payments <^i pledges will help niee I i l',,r > ii'.rili tiviiiu --in.I...., -i. i';-i-".- *:.'» AM .1 Norlln'iint linn liiiiiMri.) nln.'iy fv I'or a illst;in.'i' of lw,, hni t.iri'.t litV U i Pi M[ l.i ll".\ ,\V. Ill),' S.iulll REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE the obliK»tioiis rfpre-H'titiMl in th. , |<|..\|0'i| 111-, m In . • H\ v.'iin'l.';. may i.l..|i ;. t I llvr f.'.'l CJS.'t' 1 ;IH uifiisur cost of tli*' structure. OMI. r ]ln .ur. L I'lily li.r I In- i nn l-:tin Slri'.'l 11 I'Mciiil.'.l. H is antiei|ialeil that I lie nrv i|,-p,,Mil in.'ill in Hi. I 'n il .^1,111 i' l>uiMii1 " t. • mil. .. • •f III" the ove)."-iTuwtliit^ thul the Y.M aiii! , ,.,,,•... I I,, ,,nr ..III.-.-, ll-iii-: .l.illv C:'.'J N'.,i :li Ku.-llil Avnimi Siiulhw,.-»t Viir ii i liMn;... .'f ,,,11.- 1liiimlrii'ii if." YW have had to endurr in recum \ M I., '.• I'M l.v :n.I,,,IHIIII.-HI •I'lill-iil Aviinlf .N'orlln r-T ,1 ISt.IF ,,r ..ti Viil. h.nii: Xr.rii.'V, i:^ 1 'ii I 1-. Av- l IIJIV i <.[ Hi iilrli lln.' HI' KilM l!r, •il 11 Slri',-1 years, IIIKI provide a much broader .-i.ii'li ri,.iii'. I'iill r.\m> -•-••.":• 1 ll.-lM .,ii I ; iiniT' I-:;- IM I'I mriil A vtiui. All >•! < happy )>i'0Krnm for youth mid adult par- sill I- III,' U'l'Kl 1.1 111,' mm. 'III in: i'l |M Ililtr Ni.rlli Av, Mil.' wllh i ,tit' ticipanl^. «.'. IMuliuiiy •;>. iil^'i K !!•• li n ;i :• 1;.wii • LOST AND FOUND • ,\ V . l| Urcail SI r. . I. years afterward Oorlan Hou^J l-"l'"lll .1 l.l.ll, • .i r. • r .11,1. rly mi ihi- • ! .Mi frMin i )n ii'.MI iii-l- li ( K.ili- l'ri':-l"«'l SI rr.'l Nurllnu .-nUlhr: SI illl.l :i J.'.li,it ,hf.t;mi ill iriy «uy Av. I.I;I . I OsT—- t. m th- you buy today? iu,l l i. .i. i I-1 .1. . iiwi I'IOIII :t I'.iJri. IMI" ii luirtliiv. .-1. rly i-riini.'IV.IIU .11 IV rii: :. nil I'ruMn'i.'t Siri.'i't :( [i"lllt I'fV Isllll'Jli.j :3\l>-llir Iimllt-y Aviiin- You probably will, if you buy il through a Realtor'- — • Ml||.,'(| (ti;3"> IKil 111* -HI' I'lv IM-lii Hi.. tlTUl- l»T—' l;*ht ^iirt> lln. r.I li.iliv. ,i.v ,\v. l:,'iliu-;iy Avemji.' Suutliwt•wl From :i I.Milll ,.11. 1,1n,It', . .1 !. . 1 r t Htr' member of the Notional Association of Real Estate Boards I. ^-1 •• •• ]l il.I., "f ut'ft \\\\'i-^li-rly III>III I In- u..i \i\w vf-l AM .'- I-:.: 1-IM-21 l•:^^t Itroitd I'runi Mi..uiit.>ii- Av. mi. ..II Hi. rurb litw- "t p'-il.ui Kt-.t'l I-. ,'i |M>t!ii i and his local board who subscribes lo the professional 11*1.1 In U J.Mlnl rip)..,; H, t llf 111 li.trih- I w» h unctri'l 1 <•> I i J' ' i >•• fiiMli-rly uiil.- "I IMiin-r sin-.-l • M. mi- • rly tri'iti th<- s-"in ii.,.; i t u 11. lln. .-r standards of an established code of ethics. Bo hoppyl Sec us! t(l (>t| tll>: li'Tlhi .IM. \\> .'-'••. II Uroud htrc«l Kroni Mnunt:(iii ,\v. nil. i>n (li'. • utit tor a illi t.ui-'' i« . I N'urtlU'iiut ]-*r« lilrly-ll\.' r." i (-'.1..') JI. in. :i« lmrtuwt-Kti• rly u«>m i h>- IHTIIIIV. ,S{ i Ihi ttirti line "I I>i'ii.m lt<-n't t<» .1 m»l'i*t WESTFIEtD OFFICE PERSONALS Kl'il' 1 1II i,| D.i.'l l:r,, ,| X U'n InilHll'-il I'll t^nii'J MI tit hi ;rM- '• -rlv tli- i'Miith.:i-M "lit. HIM- n/1 Cor. North Ave. and Elmer St. 1'i.r n illslaii. " »l "ii" -.1 IM.-IV- iJorliui W.<;nL | LI V* il li" I ( 1 IV"' I :i'< . .1 \n\\ nth Avt-mio North I'ri.m a point oiip*1^'"1' H'*1 ifftiu-rlvi I .-'• I . . in. U'ill II il- IKirllK-.iHl'TlV lllr.'iU' • M.-ni.1.HI »| tin* ,-A*.I i.hh> -.1 Jlu*{ Our own Parking Area ADams 3-0065 • nl'.. i. c.iii :••••'• •il.K- In,- li""l II.-, l:il lii'Ul.'Viinl on Hi.- wv.-l t>. ;t i-i-iMt i Mi.- ii'.l'lh , url' 11M.- , of thi-i>o Iiujiiired i c dally. Cull XI) S-OUJ ll)L /I00') want, ot t-hu v/t^t vitiu 4jt Ct. M;M Social and Club News of the Week in the Westfield Area

Bride-Elect Former Resident, Engaged Affianced Louann Schaefer, Womans Club Schedules Around Town Scholarship Bridges Sally Ann Giggey, J. F. Noll Engaged For January 29, 30, 31 luncheon honoring Mrs. Cur- Laurel Twig- N'o. 4 will meet iLea, who with her family is tomorrow at the home of Mi» Wed in Colorado The engagement of Miss Lou- The (scholarship committee of | ring this weekend to Raleigh, Bruce Malcom of 434 Sanford iinn Schaefcr to Joseph F. Noll, I the Woman's Club of Westfield ! , will be given by Mrs. C.Ave. at 1 p.m. son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. held a meeting Tuesday morning at ighton Birdsall Jr. at her home -•» Word has been received here of Noll of Bloomneld, has been itvade the club house to make plans for .20 N. Chestnut St. tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Church the marriage of a former West- known by her parents, Mr. andthe scholarship bridge parties to :sts at the luncheon will be of Pittsburgh, Pa. spent the recent fielder, Miss Sally Ann Giggey, to Mrs. Milo L. Svhatfer of 819 Stan- be held Jan. 29, 30 and 31 at 1:15 lent and former members of holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Douglas Lane Lowery, in the War- dish Ave. p.m. at the club house. The pro- American Field Service Com- R. Byam of 856 Rahway Aye. Mrs. ren Methodist Church of Denver, Miss Schacfer is a gradual* of ceeds from these dessert parties, J tee, of which Mrs. Lea is a Church is the former Nancy Byam. Colo., Dec. 23. Miss Giggey and Drexe! Institute of Technology in which are an annual event provide t president. Also home was Clark Byam, who's her purents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Philadelphia. funds for a high school senior who . -•» now back at classes at Wesleyan Ernest Giggey, now of Arcadia, iMr. ;Noll, also a Drexel Institute intends to cnUJr the teaching pro- he Grand Sla.iimers will hold a University, Middletown, Conn., Cal., lived in Westfield from 1950 graduate, is a metallurgical engi- fession. luck supper Saturday evening where he's a member of the fresh- to 1956. neer witli the International Nickel man swim team. Mrs. I/ore»tz G. Wade, chairman lie home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- The bride, who was given in Co. of the scholarship committee, is be- id Jacobi of 765 Norman PI. The Pasquale Camillos of Dun- marriage by ner father, wore a A September wedding it; planned. ing assisted by Mrs. Ethan A. Hes- Entertaining at a family dinner can Hil) left recently for a motor floor-length semi-sheath gown of ' i~ cock and Mrs. Harrison K. Cory. ;y Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.trip to Hollywood, Fla., where white silk taffeta trimmed in Ven- Recent Graduates Group Mrs_ C. Minot Fogg is treasurer lam Thorn at their home at they will spend the winter. etian lace. The same lace adorned and Mrs. John II. Wachter is han- E. Broad St. the tiny pillbox which held her The Recent Graduates Group of dling the publicity. i! Mrs. Francis Ellsworth of Orr- elbow-length silk illusion veil, and the Westfield College Woman's [ome from a voyage to the Far .she carried phalaenopsis orchids On Jan. 29, Mrs. Frederick C. ville, Ohio, is visiting her son MISS KAIREN THOMSE/N MISS ELEANOR A. WILLIAMS Club will meet this evening at ia Ensign James Kingston, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and stephanotis. MISS SUE AlNN 1AZZETTI 8:15 at the home of Mrs. George Ilohnbaum will serve as hostess; k of Mr. and Mrs. Robert King- Robert E. Ellsworth of 27 Ply- Phillips of 414 Longfellow Ave. Jan. 30, Mrs. Anthony L. Tcdesco Her sister, Miss Nancy Sue Gig-Eleanor A. Williams will be in charge of arrangements, of 800 Forest Ave. mouth Rd. Thomsen-Oldfield gey, was her maid of honor and Sue Ann lazzetti Mru. Donald Moore, director of «•» —•» Wesley .Halt Nursery School, will and Jan. 31, Mrs. Guy L. Qulnn Mrs. Stewart Golden of Fort Col- will be chairman of the day. Each he Teen-Time Dance Group Honor guests at two holiday lins, Colo., was the bridesmaid. epenk 011 "Why 'Nursey School?" Saturday evening at the Ten galas were ntiwly tngatrtfd Kl<*f ti"r Engagement Told Prospective Bride Engaged to Marry member of the club will be urged Both wore red brocade made with to support this effort in the field Club, with William Pearson as Anne Williams and Wallace C. bateau necklines, long sleeves and IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE rman. Pringle Jr. Mr. and Mra. Alex- A summer wedding is planned Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Iazzetti of education. by Miss Karen A. Thomsen and bell skirts. They carried white fur of 2063 Arrowwood Dr., announce IN THE LEADER ander W. Williams had an open muffs trimmed in holly. liams of 6 Rodman Lane, an- lsiting at the home of Mr. and house the Saturday after • Christ- Joseph R. Oldfield, son of Mr, and nouncs the engagement of their the engagement of their daughter, $ J- B. Butler of 431 Birch mas at which many guests were Mrs. Sidney W. Oldfield of Leech- Donald Specht of Longmont, daughter, Eleanor Anne, to Wal-Sue Ann, to Roland J. Minimi, . is Mra. Butler's mother, Mrs. burg, Pa. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Min- friends of the younger Williams' Col. was best man. Ushers in- lace Cathcart Pringlo Jr., son of 1 ekan of Auburndale, Mass. who arc at college. A house guest Their engagement has been an- cluded James Cooley of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Pringle of Lancas- ard of South Aniboy. #»|the Roundtowners will meet was Dr. Leah Ewbank, who is as- nounced by the bride-elect's par- William Weir of • Arcadia, Cal. ter, Pa. The hride-elect is a graduate of Saturday evening at the Masonic sociated with Hahnemann School ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. and Martyn Caldwell of Denver. Miss Williams Is a graduate of Holy Trinity High School und at- T«Biple with Mr. and Mra. Arnold of Medicine in Philadelphia. Thomsen of 884 Winyah Ave, After a wedding trip, the cou-Middlebury College, Middlebury, tended Union Junior College. She H«hley as chairman. More than 200 guest attended ,Mlss Thomson, a graduate of ple is at home in Columbia, Mo. Vt. und is presently attending is a secretary in the research de- the party Dec. 30 which Mr. andWestfield High School, attended The bride is a graduate of Colo- Tufts University School of Medi- partment at Boyle-Midway, C»an- the Robert Denklewalters of Mrs. Pringle held to introduce Carnegie Institute of Technology rado State University, where she cine, Boston, Mass. At Middlebury ford. 6?0 Standish Ave. have returned *heir son's fiancee to their Lan- and its now a student at the Kath- belonged to Delta Delta Delta, Miss Williams was president of her Her fiance is un alumnuH of from a winter vacation at Kil- caster, Pa., friends. arine Gibhs School, Montclair. Omicron Nu, home economics hon- sorority, Kappu Kappa Gamma. Marietta College and, is now at- linfton, Vt. + Her fiance is an alumnus of Car- orary, and was elected "Miss Serv- tending Graduate Business School + negie Tech and is now taking grad- ice" and to Who's Who Among Mr. Pringle attends Middlebury at Seton Hull University. Mr. A recent visitor at the home of uate work at Purdue University. Students in American Universities College where he Is a member of Minard is associated with Delco- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Blisui of and Colleges. Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity Rcniy Division of General Motors, 135 N. Euclid Ave. was former and is secretary-treasurer of the New Brunswick. Westflelder Mrs. Roy McCullough Bonsai to Be Topic at Mr. Lowery, the son of Mr. undsenior class. He will do graduate Pltmu are being made for a WEEKLY of Larchmont, N.Y. Mis. Frank O. Lowery of Aurora, work at MIT in the fall. June wedding. •-+-• Garden Club Meeting Colo., was also graduated from A June wedding is planned. If you're • proud owntrof on* of FLOWER ORDER The Welcome Wagon dessert "Bonsai," the Japanese art of Colorado State, where he was these famous Sterling patterns and bridge was held yesterday at the president of Phi Kappa Tau fra- Centennial year 1902 shows In- Gray Ladles Needed at want more pieces to complete your ft $2.00 per week home of Mrs. Richard Norton of growing dwarfed trees, will be the topic of James 'Pcllcnger when he ternity, treasurer of the inter- ternal Revenue Service to be theThree Area Hospitals; previous collection, now's the UlM sQvarnHteed • do»ea tower* 238 Delaware St. On Monday the fraternity council and treasurer world's biggest bookkeeper and to do something about lt> board of the Welcome Wagon will addresses members of the Moun- "utnet tor 10 «*«*• or more. tainside Garden Club Tuesday at 2 of Omicron Delta Kappa, senior forms processor, readily handling Red Cross Slates Course meet at the home of Mrs. Frank men's honorary. nearly 100 million tax returns. ORDER NOW FOR Waehler of 11 Amy Dr. p.m. at the home of -Mrs, James A sure cure for the January dol- -•* Graybnrd, G40 Lenox Ave. drums could lie nent the recent holidays skiing at Saridaki. at Lyons and En«t Orange and also forks, teaspoons or serving pieces. White Face, N.Y. at Kr.nnells Hospital. A few hours — and order nowl A wonderful gift one day a week would greatly help Idea, too, for someone whose pat- -•- of 20(i Roger Ave. recently enter- Fur Purchases 7 the patient*; anil the hospital, ac- tern is here. The leaders of the Junior High tained Mr. Hentivepna's brother cording to the lied Cross. '"Jirl Scouts held a meeting yester- and their families from Brooklyn. Can Be ''Blind' day morning at the Presbyterian A course for prospective Cray If you are ordering more luncheon Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Kloss of It isn't necessary to learn this Ladies will lie given at headquar- or dinner knives, we suggest that Lynn Lane hosled u party for U'l-s of the Wuslfiuld-Mountainside you bring a sample knife with you -*r their neighbors prior to their move lesson the EXPENSIVE way. Chapter of the American Hed to Insure a perfect match. Also not* Completing a visit this week tit to Lewiston, N.Y. this pust week- •Cross Jan. 19 from 9:30 11.111. to II whether your blade has a bright or the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jnck end. p.m. McDonald of 1003 Grandview For Finest Quality and Best Value dull finish. Ave. were Mr. McDonald's par- Entertaining ut a post-holldny Courses in first aiil me also ents, Mr, and Mrs, James McDon- Orion house Sunday for their Buy,with Confidence scheduled. ORD|R BEFORE MARCH 1ST th« ild of Eldorado. Kan. neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Any residents interested in cith pieces you need most... It will b* The Holy TrlnRy, Mothers.GuiH bert List of 834 Fairacrcs Ave. at er of the proposed courses should a year before we can takt your will he' h«ld Tuesday eveniner at cnll the chapter office to enroll. order again I 'he Holy Trinity Grammar School. Mr. untl Mrs. Sam B. McWhor- ~*~ ter of 50!) Mountain Ave. «;ntcr- A housegueat'-thift wuek nt the tnjncd their friends and neighbors How does your skin home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Arthur at u party Saturday evening. aamou'ta rUk) feel when you wear Erickson of Creek H«d Rd., Moun- tainside, is Mrs. Sylvia Iliigcn of WESTFIELD IS TALKING "Westfield's Fur Shop of Distinction" Revenescence Cream? MetuchenThe Marti. s Club held its month- ABOUT . . . ly luncheon Tuesday at Dan Everyone being exhausted from Made To Order Ready To Wear Dowd's Steak House. the holidays.... Remodels Repairs -+- How- nice it is to have thnt quiet Mrs. Richard Benjnmin of 2G7 second cup of cofl'ee now that 249 E. BROAD ST. ADams 2-3423 Woodland Ave. will be hostess the kids are back in school . . . Opp. Rialto Theatre Open Mon. 'til 9 P.M. to the meeting of the Planned And the high fuel bills due to our Parenthood Committee of West- long cold spell. field tomorrow. -•- Hostess for the Newcomers Club afternoon bridge group Tues- day afternoon will he Mrs. O. B. Schneider of 447 Dorian Rch Don't Put Off 'Til Tomorrow -4— ioerrers • Daisy-Buds inet Monday at the home of Beverly Hill of 10 Gen- What You Wanted To Do Today! -fi/ou/ers essee Tr. The W. R. Eberaols of 723 Cas- TEL. AO 2-2400 tlernnn Dr. moved lust weekend to th»ir new home in Los Angeles, Don't Delay Your Shopping at 167 ELM ST. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. James Bentivegna CORSET SHOP 'Til Tomorrow! ODDS and ENDS The merchandise which is placed on Sale is limited. . . . We SALE cannot replace this merchandise to sell at Sale Prices.

Many Items at Drastically Reduced Prices The corset and brassiere manufacturers have in- creased their prices. Displayed on Separate Tables

Even the Regular Prices Tomorrow CASH AND CARRY ONLY That's because Revenescence re • All Patterns are Available at Marcus Jewelers Are a Bargain Today ptenishes the moisture that nature robs from your skin. Low Prices. No Gift Wrapping on Sale Items Wear Revenescence all day lor>B . .. under makeup, il you like . .. • Charge Your Purchase at No Extra Cost WE HAVE A GARMENT FOR EVERY FIGURE flnd feel jus! marvelous as you do. Revenescence Cream. $3.50 • Free Gift Wrapping Our guarantee for 42 years to Westfield shoppers to $45. Liquid Revenescence, $6 stands good for all times: Any garment in our stock lo $17.50. All plus ta« • Free Delivery Anywhere in the United States CHRISTMAS ITEMS at at regular or sale price which can be bought for less elsewhere — we will refund the difference. Vi Original Price SHOP TODAY AND SAVE AT aheuA Jeannette's Gift Shop The CORSET SHOP JEWELERS 227 EAST BROAD STREET The foundation of our business is 206 E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-0529 Open Monday and Friday Evenings the right garment for your figure. AD 2-1072 WESTFIELD • N. J. I June smi ALSO RUTHERFORD . RIDGEWOOU • HACKENSACK Roar Entrance to Municipal Parking lot 148 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD 129-139 Control Avo. AO 2-4800 Two Members $peaj< at FanWobd Garden Club; COUEGlANS At Dinner Meetir Holiday Work Reviewed Secretaries Assoc._, Walter Brossort, 302|Lnnsdowne FA'N'WOOD—A', tho nicotine of Ave., lias been initiatedd into DDelta The Union County Oh tho Fiinwood Cflnlen Club last •Sijrma Pi, international commerce tlie National Secretarie-' JANUARY 1963 week in the home of .Mrs. Arnold fraternity, »l MarqiieLte Univer- tion International sawa Trcjjtow, Mrs. John Pitcher, pro- sily in Milwaukee, \Vi:j., where he glass blower in action ,, >• arance $ M T w T f $ Krutii chairman, .-=poke on Chinese is a student in the college of lib-monthly dinner aieetihir )!' ^ > • 1 2 3 4 5 Cods and Mrs. Alexander Riff, em! arti. 11 president, .«pohe a" "Prosttd Fi .' First St., was nmonjf J89 Mary- 31—Travel Club of the COIICRC Mrs. John Hackney. '.Mrs, John taay" at the Scotcli iPluins&j-^ Woman's Club, 8:1G p.m. at Oonley and ..Mrs. Anfflomnn presid- wood College sophomores, juniors try Club Saturday, Jan. 20 f. A 5 Huwlhorriv Or. Program of ed at the tea table. and eeniow introduced to the as-10 p.m. to 2 a.m. 1* slides. sembled faculty and student body Co-chairmen are Mrs. Fredd •* at honors convocation iis students nd Mrs. Frank Ec-kort, wi. -W °aper Mill Comedy Is whose high scholastic attainments committee consists of Mrs. Ri(- 9f FEBRUARY 1963 Sisterhood Fund Choice Inst year ranked them among the Jeff, ticket chairman; Mrs. M ;-vi to upper fifth of their classes. Miss Harker, decorations, and S Jti COATS M T T f s w s "Come Blow Your Horn," a mod- Wells, a graduate of Holy Trinity John Nainwrijjht, door prizes. E - - - - - 1 2 ern comedy, starring 'Menasha Hijjh School, is a candidate for the 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Iculniek at the Paper Mill Play- bachelor of arts with n major in Sociables Hold Buffet, .?< 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 house in Millburn has been select -.•d for the annunl theater party of brary sclenco at th? Scranton, [Pa., Bowling Party Saturdoj £? 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 college. » SLACKS, Savings 1 / 'he Sisterhood of Temple Emanu- The Sociables held a bowj :;* 24 25 26 17 28 • - El. party and buffet supper at fc'^'H Throughout the nation's history, Lanes Saturday. 'Members oft "~,i The date of this fund-raising alcoholic beverages, aijd tobacco committee were Jean Clinc, cbi •;"- iffnir Is Wednesday, Atarch 13 at have been a major source of tax man; Sue Battia, Giiil Miiitin.Pc •: 4—Lunchi'un, fashion show and S.'SO p.m. On the ticket commit- rovenue, reports Internal licvenue. RetslaiT, Mank Bartolf, Richr v' card party of the Women of tee are the Mesclamcn S. P. Corwin, Kuna and Don Jlciim. St. Paul's, Kvcnintr Brunch, * * * Harold Siegcl and Oscar Pluznick. Prizes for hijtfh pnme wore« : " St. Paul's Parish House, 12:.'iO The Internal Kcvenue| Service is by Richnnl Kuna, Jenn Uctt- i p.m. aiding Latin American nations and Allison Smith. Charlotte Xi ; J with tax administration, problems, tin and Richard Kuhn won pri J 20—Breakfast fashion-show of the 21—Luncheon fashion-show of the in connection with the Alliance for 1 Mountainside AAUW, R. Alt- for throe-game average ln'jrh sa ' J Mountainside AAUW, B. Alt-•Progress aid program. Jcfl" Meserve won low score pr; * HANDBAGS ninn'.s, !l:30 a.m. man's, 12 I'M) p.m. BE AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT! Combino your high school diploma or college background with superior to secretarial training for a preferred position in fashion, advertising, gov- ernment, TV, retailing, dozens of fas- JARVIS JEWELRY cinating fields. One- and two-year DRUG STORE coursed. Personalized guidance, placement service. Enjoy the pleasant classrooms, colonnade 1 and roof garden of Berkeley School's picturesque East Oranga Jarvis Colonial Dining Room 54 ELM ST. WESTFIELD 40% Private Bus Serv/ce Provided J1' II Treiptct S»., *«i» Ortf. N. i. T«>cM O»J.«« Enjoy Dinner v'ith us 420 l«l»aton AM.. N.w York 17 • 123 Mopl. A«.. WMt. fl.lM,. M. T. in our BERKELEY SCHOOL Air Conditioned Dining Room SECRETARIAL Complete Dinners Teen; Children's Clothing {0«* 42^ From $1.40 to $1.75 SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY IJ-'d ion COMPLETE DINNER . . . $1.45 CHILDREN'S DINNER ... 75s 7 HAND IN to HAND NO SHRINKING >., .99 Life 44 FIRST-ST6PP6RS Values to 69.98 gtylinf* you'll lite for your clapper, diapered little man anil winsome little miri . . . plus ipecial conelruetion fcaturcB to C toJJlinfJ ft-ot comforl-iMc and confident. Se» FIRST NO SAGGING f!/T Corduroys and Dresses to 50% off lTI-RS soun — expertly fitted, of course. "JUST RIGHT" Gifts, China, Linen, etc. SWEATER DRYC LEANING SPECIAL i r ANY 2 SWEATERS n C Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE $1.0Q r TABLE LINENS to 60% off is required wo give it gladly and courteously o Thru Jan. 19th r itC.nth nn(f Carry - Cnil & D°livry $1.25 Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoes ! Av Crystal to DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FRIED PHONI PI 6-0100—OTHER TOWNS WX-2100 (No To'.l> nit Ha Plo all 25 Boate/itf, CJ.O. KELLERS n 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 Limited Quantities — Not Every Size and Color N. J—CO* tOUTM i. UL*NB-CO«. w. r,* 4 ctlMIOH Open Monday Evenings ClilL (ANDOl/M 4 MUNOION-10* tOMt*i*t or, /,) »h Alumnae Open tielrotlied Rrlde-To-Be Expert on Plants Troth It Told Hostesses for Club Mary Whalen and p.01. Jan. 11; Mrs. Fr*»k J. Watt tussion Series; Coffees Announced of 38 Gtneuee Tr. at 10 ajn. Jan. iomics First Topic John Guilloux Wed To Be Speaker for 18; Mrs. Herbert Sc-hultz of 763 K'lioilwood Ter. at 10 a.m. Jan. 21; first of tln'CB discussion Rake and Hoe Club j By College Women Mrs. James P. Mitchell of 826 .•.jmnsuri'd by ihe Piuin- In Catholic Rites Woodland Ave. at 10 a.m. Jan. 22; •Mr.i. H. Haul Rutter Jr. of 810 ostficId ?initli Collect' Club i The annunl morning and evening |-be UtU'il "AeliiMi Smith to the A home in East Orange will be Tlie Rake and Hoe Gsrden Club Dartmoor and Mrs. Joseph Engcl established by Mr. und Mrs. John of Weslfield (a YWCA-sponsored coffees of the College Woman's of 1011 Boulevard, both at 10 a.m. f[are Htaru." It will bo held Club of Westfield will b* held dur- r vsiluy "t S):15 a.m. at the Guilloux, whose wedding took organization) will meet at the Jan. 2. i; Mrs. G. W. Pusack of place Dec. "J9 in St. Mary's YWCA Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. ing the thinl and fourth weeks of 505 Dori;m Rd. at 8 p.m. Jan. 23; ^ of Mrs, George Cj. Bierwirth [ Donald B. Laoey, associate exten- lunuary. The colTet" provide a 40 W. Dudley Avt-., iliairuian Church, Plainfield. The bride i Mrs. A. D. Bauer of 5 Hawthorn the former Miss Mary Bridget sion specialist in home grounds, way the mure than 000 nie-nibers Dr HI 10 a.m. Jan. 24, and Mrs. he project. All alumnae are Rutgers University, will speak on may come to know one another ed. Whalen, daughter of Mr. and Mit John V. Lonpvell of 940 Kunball Walter J. WhuWn of 83G O'Don- Grow and Show Your House better. The 16 parties planned are Ave. at 10 a.m. Jan, 25. fee lecture by Kenneth Mo- riants." under the chairmanship of Mrs. ney, associate professor of eco- nell Ave., Scotch Plains. If a inemlxjr has not been called The couple was married at a Mr. Lacey received his bachelor Hubert W. Scott and Mrs. Ashton und would likf to uttend one of the ics ut Smith, was taped for yse C. Ouckler. iraduate groups ut the recent nuptial mass performed by the of science decree in horticulture colt'evs, she should contact • Mrs. Rev. Raymond Waldron of St. from 1'cnn State and his muster of >nU's and hostesses are as fol- Scott or Mrs. Cucklcr. hnae College held on the science degree in floriculture from hampton, .Mass., campus. Mod- Michael's Church, Union. A re- lows: .Mrs. Robert K. Hrouillurd of ception followed at the Stage 'orncll. Ho served as i-ounty agent —yrs for the discussion will be of Westchester County, N.Y., for 10(i liarchester Woy at 10 a.m. The second Commissioner of In- g Hubert Creason of Westfield House Inn, Scotch Plains, and .Tan. 14; 'Mrs. David K. Clare of Ihc Guillouxs left for a honeymoon five years, and for the *ix ternal Revenue, nttorney Joseph J. Mrs. Merlon Griswold of years has been home ground* spe- 7»1 Knolhvood Ter. at JO a.m. I.owis of Pennsylvania, in 1863 an- nfield. n the Catskill Mountains. Jan. IB; Mrs. Robert h. Tiemumi swered tax queries personally us- The bride wore a candlelight cialist at Rutgers University. He .^gestcd reading books arc: MISS -ELEANOR A. HAHN I —Normandy KUnilo has worked with both the adult IMIS'S KATE WEST CUTLER of 817 Mountain Ave. and a quill pen. ( New Society," by E. H. Carr; satin ankle-length sheath with a MISS CHARLEuNE BARKER Ralph Rraun of 319 Dudley Ave., ' . * * train extending from the shoul- und the 4-H program in home i Wordly 'Philosophers," by R. gardening covering ;ill phases of both at 10 a.m. Jan. 1G; Airs. Nor- The United Status this year cel- Eleanor Anne Hahn ders. Her shoulder-length veil was Kate West Cutler man .Morush of 200 Wntchung ebrnU« Ihc centennial of the Inter- fleilbroner and "Revolution, attached to a pill box of matching tree, shrub and flower gardening ution and Economic Order," by Charlene E. Barker nnd hus written many urticles in Fork at * p.m. Jan. 1G; .Mrs.nal Revenue Service, created July atin, and she carried a prayer- Ralph Uusso of 30 Scuddur Rd. at 1, 18«2. . Sievers. To Wed in August book ornamented with whit* enr- New Jersey papers, has appeared To Marry in May nations. To Be June Bride on television in both the New York and Philadelphia areas and jbi Grishman Slated Mr. and Mrs. Pa»l R. T. Hahn Miss Patricia Whalen, her sis- on garden radio programs. Mr. und Mrs. J. Westford Cut- rBook Review at of 516 Sherwood Pkwy. announce ter's only attendant, wore a dress Mr. and Mia. Kenneth R. Bark- ler of 27 Canterbury Lane an- of rose-red velvet und chiflTon nnd er of 417 Highland Ave., have For the Rake and Hoc program nounce the engagement of their the engagement of their daugh- he will specifically discuss the Ichung Section, NCJW ter, Eleanor Anne, to Richard carried pink carnations. nnounced the engagement of daughter, Kate West, to David ttwir-- jnuxhtor, Cltailein; Eliza- proper care of house plants, and Caldwell Bottle of New York und |hday afternoon at 1 p.m., Monroe I.owery, son of Mr. and Mr/ Guilloux,- son "of MathuxiTi the technique of getting plants IRMA RANKIN TAYLOR Mrs. Herbert Lowory of Painted Guilloux of Noyal Pontivy, Morbi- beth, to Kenneth William Cabarle: Hay Head. Mr. liotrle is the son hung Section, National Coun- Post, N.Y. son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius A. into the be»t condition nnd bloom of the Idle Mr. nnd Mrs. William Jewish Women, will high- han, France, and the late Mine. at a particular time, with Hpccinl Guilloux, asked Henry Turpin of Cabnrle of Linden. Yate.s BORIO Jr. of Montclnir und its meeting with a book re-. Miss Hahn is a graduate of Miss Barker la n graduate of nttention to African Violet plants. Haverford, I'n. DANCING CLASSES Westfield High School and ia Paterson to serve us best man. There will be an exhibit to illus- Rabbi Azrid S. Grishman Ushers were Roger Cadon of Lodi Wostflcld High School and Sul- Miss Cutler is an alumna of the .jpfcple Emanu-El, it was au- presently a senior at Alfred Uni- lins College, Bristol, Va. She is trate problems in growing and ex- and Henry Castcl of West New hibiting house plants. This pro- Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mn»8. Mtijiced by Mrs. Lewis Goldberg of ersity School of Nursing, Alfred, York. employed l>y Wilcolator Co. in and of Brinrcliff College. BALLET FOR GIRLS (Jljiiiford, president, and Mrs. B. V.Y. Elizabeth. gram has been planned in antici- The bride, a graduate of West- pation of the show the club Is Mr. Botrle was (rinduated from Bfriiard Genzer und Mr«. Bernard Mr. Lowery is a graduate of Mr. Cabarle Was graduated Blair Academy nnd served in the RoMns of Westfield, program ftcld High School, is a certified from Linden High School and is planning in May, Spring Term of Twelve Woek* 'ointed Post High School and is dental a»sistunt. armed forces during the Korean Bh»)rmoii. T!ie nicotine will take attending: school al Willard State attending Rutgers University. He War. He is mi account executive plMe at 'Mrs. Robins' home at 1009 Hospital, Willard, N.Y. Mr. Guilloux is associated with is employed as an accountant with Beauty Expert Slated with D'Aicy Advertising Co., New Wednesday afternoons, beginning Jon. 16th WcJB.'Pl. Electrical Industries, Murray Hill. Chemsol Inc. in Elizabeth. An August wedding is planned. By Fortnightly Group York. Knight* of Columbus, 2400 North Ave., Westflold >Rabbi Grishman will review the A June wedding is planned. The bride-elect is the grand- book, "The Bluve" by Jsuac Singer. daughter of Mrs. Ciuy II. Noble of A..discussion period will follow. Melissa A. Badeau The regular meeting of the Fort- itate Chapter of DFPA Show Preparations ightly group will be held Wed- I'ilUfleld, Mass., formerly of !%(• event is sponsored by council Westfield, und the late Mr. Noble, M^Mrt of its program to foster ed- Will Meet Here Tuesday esday evening at 8:15 p.m. jit the Is Sea Girt Bride To Be Discussed at ome of Mrs. H. C. Rogers. 857 and of the late Mr. and Mrs. iicrtion on all levels including that James K. Cutler of Westfield. BALLROOM FOR ADULTS OX iw immediate group, .Mis. iMalcom McBride Ponton African Violet Society inyah Ave. will be hostess to the members of At u ceremony Saturduy in St. Following the business meeting Mr. Iio£le is it grandson of thr i^netesses will bo 'Mesdumes the New Jemey Stiite Chapter, •Preparation of plants for BIIOWS lntu William Yntes Uoptle, founder including Boua Nova, Cha-Cha, and other rhythms tffrifk Soberer, Jnclc Blodinuer, Uriel's Episcopal Church, Sea program entitled "How to 'Make Daughters of Founders and Patri- Girt, a former Westfield resident, will be diK-ussed ut the meeting he iMost of What \V« Have" will of the American Cnn Co., and the En* Gross uu

We're the host once again at PERFECT tfllt dramatic annual Silver , fjvent . . . timed to start your FINAL TRIBUTE New Year right — and bright! , That's why more people shop Our floral blankets, floral pieces and arrangements , With confidence at Martin are beautiful expressions of love and respect, J»welers, where dependabi- BUY FLOWERS WHERE THEY ARE GROWN lity is a tradition and your £ |HJrchase is satiifattion-guar- SALE! fj. onteed I Yes . . . we're the WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP •; fcjost — be our guest t 250 SPRINGFIELD AVE., Just off Broad SPORT • DRESSY • SILK • WOOL • COTTON WE DEMVER TEL. AD 3-3650

STERLING- DRESSES Sob-Teen — Juniors — Petites — Misses — Half Sizes y JANUARY SILVER SALE! 25% off i ' • .:" •"'-.!& 'ul Twelve Famous Designs

At XIIU/() Savings Coats Suits

Dress • Sport Solids • Tweeds Motor Coats Many fur trimmed 25% to 33% 25% off off weight, \ /walk... Sub-Teen • Juniors • Misses Over 300

THE FAMOUS Sweaters ENCORE DESIGN GROUP English Gadroon • Theme 25% off Lily of the Valley • Decor SHOE | Madam Jumcl > Louis XV Wools • Banlon • O rlon THE SHOE THAT WDtftSTANDS CHILDREN Etruscan • King Albert Nocturne • Hunt Club Bulkies • Dressmaker • Classic Versailles • Willow. We take everything .Now,through January30thonly t — you can save 30% over regu- into consideration, lar open slock prices on twelve beautiful sterling designs in the Shirts • Blouses and nothing special Gorham Encore collec All Robes (Ion .. . available year-round at for panted. SAVE IMPORTANT DOLLARS NOW tegular prices. The selection of designs Is Our Stride Rites have Fine Quality complete;from delicately simple every good feature to richly ornate . . . and the CANADIAN BEAVER . Gorham hallmark is your guar- of fit built right in. You can antee of Ihc finest qunlity. Niiluriil liniwn . . . Oysicr While Uyvil Tim offer applies to alt pieces trust them completely—us, too. C:ir:inicl Oyoil . . Black Dycil . . Sup:ira Dycil in all designs. A complete selec- tion of place and serving pieces JANUARY SALE PRICED regularly $3.75 to $27.50 arc now priced al $2.63 to SI9.:5. Reduced in our Little Girls Dept. . . . Doctors' Proscriptions Carefully Filled o»1245 Complete 32 pc. services for 8 Full Lino of Orthopedic Shoos regularly S2-I2 to $338 arc now Dresses "| / Shirts only S1W.40 to $2.16.00. All FINAL CLEARANCE Coats IAL Oil Sweaters We Keep ACCURATE RECORDS of All Fittings prices include I'cdcnl Tax. Mall REMINDER CARDS CLOTH COATS & FUR HATS Our Ri-c'il.n I inc (.)n,ilii\ Provido FREE SIZE CHECKUPS Robes / TC Blouses Coals (.• ll.ii-. ill Spfiul. (irio: Available For Your Conve- A, ( k'.n,iiit.v I'IK> . nience: Charge, Budget, Club, Horn S5H in !Sti Handi-Chorge nnd loy-A-Way Plans Open daily to 9 p.m. Sat. & Sun. to 6 p.m. STR flemifigton Official Girl Scout Equipment Agoncy 121 QuimbySt. Westfield 82 KIM ST. HMflMM ADAMS 2-3680 fur company : Open til 9 o'clock Moruloy and Friday Evening •^s^jjipgy H.liMiNGTON. NI.W Ji. RSliV Opsn Moiwlciy fcvonmjjj "i mi. Wcmi.i/:. I Aiidl.M Mi-i-.i i.M i:»n> K* J-'lMlJ-'URS Cold well College Club I Westf i eld J u n iojs Lincoln Speaker i Scotch Plains Women future flride Junior Leaguers JHear Decoration Talk, To Hold Benefit Bridge, Hold Discussions i\Tl(|i:n Fashion Show Jan. 19 ji-rt I-'ahcrty i.f Hear Russia Talk, 'Set Benefit Breakfast A RARE COLLECTION o, The Union County Chapter of bridge, hiivp tii-lectt'd \hv following I .SCOTCH*-PLAINS—Interior Juli }I<>IK<> on KiuliJ A\e .•Impel of tli" SioUli Plain-; Baptist Among the items on yvsterday's GLASS - FURNITURE Doiuild CuniMiiiics, u Wc.lfii'lJ Ms Chun h. agenda were: The 19G3-B4 budget, Cartoonist Kay Kato idont, spoke on Russia. Mrs. •Charles \V. English, first discussion of a new arts project, WALL DECORATIONS ' To Address M'side Club At ,i ri'fftit imvtuif.' of lh<* CKC<- vice president ;ind program ohair- reports from the public affairs and p.tivv Ixj.-ml uf the WV.stfiiM Jun- nan, was in charge of tlie pro- public relations committees and a ior Woman',-; CIulj, hclci in thr gram. discussion on the procedures of the •UMMIT-MAPLEWOOD MOUNTAINSIDE —Kay Kain, the nominating committee. AHO VICINITY TO cartoonist «nd lecturer, will be the home of Mrs. flownni Wolf, Tii At the board meeting Thursday speaker «u the nieolin^ of th of Madison, ha? for their donations of food, cloth- p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. son, a club member and former been made known by her parents, ing and toys •which were prosented Alfred II. Schroeder, past presi- teacher, will display and talk on Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kunzenbacher to the club's "family" for their dent, will be chairman of the her collection of rare old books, of 2450 Allwood Kd. 5 Wonderful Christmas. Altogether, four boxes meeting'. some of which were found on the battlefields of the Civil War. The bride-elect is a graduate of of clothing, thru* boxes of jtrocer- "Lincoln Speaks Today" is the Scotch Plains Hifrh School find the BED PILLOW BUYS approximately CO toys and result of 20 years of research and Overlook Hospital School of Prac- At Wright's Dress Shop books, a large turkey, donated by is proving especially timely during M'side Newcomers Plan tical NuralnR. Ilou's Quality 'Meats, four gift there is a • Kapok Filled • Foam Rubber the Civil War Centennial years. Theater Parly, Classes, Mr. Colosimo was graduated toys donated by the Playfair, The tall lanky actor, who happens from Madison High School and Wonderful Bargain Rack • Acrillac Fiber Christmas tree, from the Y's Men's to be the name height and weight Pennant Bridge Monday New York University. Mub and a money donation from a as Lincoln, requires no costume to Both nre employed by Overlook of Dresses reduced to • 50-50 Down and Water Fowl Feathers club member Avert -presented to project the voice and manner of MOUNTAINSIDE —The boar. Hospital. the family. In addition, 150 rc-the beloved Emancipator. of directors of tho Mountninsid $3 up to $9 100% Goose Down (imported) oemablo coupons were sent to Newcomers Club met Thursday a Volues to $19.98 reystonc State Hospital and 121G For 15 years, Joe Cnllaway has Westfield GOP Women been one of America's favorite the home of Mrs. II. It. Houifhtnl ;radinf? stamps were iscnt to Vine- ing, 1480 Deer Path. Mrs. Kan All Winter Stock, including land Stato .School. Thirty-five ecturi-ra on tho theater, and h»s To Hear Miss Ruth Hagy Savings By the Pair alno been applauded in 14 Euro- [lot Masters was co-hostess. ,Mrs. Christmas g-lfts were donated by Cloorifc .Schwclker, president, pre The Weslfield Women's Republi- Maternities, $2 off lub members and sont to the New pean countries. He has appeared in Extra $1,00 Bonus for this event over 7,000 performances of both ild sheet;; for the cancer dressing! "Stop the World, 1 Wnnt to Get Miss Ruth IFaity, vice president, Sizes 7 to 24VJ MEN'S SPECIALS >ein(j made for the American Cati- kill and versatility aa un actor the scholarship which characterizes OfT." Dancing lessons will re- United 'Shareholders of America. $6.98 to $24.98 :cr Society. him as a professor in loading uni- sume Tuesday at tlic Elks Clul Presiding will be Mm. Gordon iMrs. Charles Young, nrt depart- versities. 'or the couples who started class- K. Greenfield, president of the SPORT SHIRTS ment chairman, will 'hold a meet- The literature and drama de- 's in October. Plans are in prog- Westlield W o m o n 's Republican ing of her ffroup in her home, 18 to start a?i additional senc Clut>. Mrs. Hied C. Zink, hospi- WRSGHT'S DRESS SHOP ! ummit Ct., Tuesday at 8 p.m. partment of th<; Woman's Club tality chairman, will assist the $1.99 $2.99 sponsor this presentation of f classes in ballroom dancing for 55 ELM ST. Open Mon. eves 'til 8:30 P.M. only The group will make Valentine fav- now £roup of Newcomers. Bridge hostess. Reg. to $5.00 (teg. to $6.95 rs for the 'Children's Specialized Lincoln as n literary artist, hu- lospitnl In Mountainside. morist, and humanitarian. Mr, ournaments and legions wiH also 40% OFF - ALL LEATHER BELTS Mrs. Harold Ust, chairman of Ciillaway will hi: introduced by resume with the new year. -ho A'merlcan home and garden dc- Mrs. John It. Danhiell, program •Mrs, Henry J. Lutz announced artment, has announced that her :lininmin. that the donations given by the roup will meet Tuesday at 10 members at the traditional Christ- Tie Specials NOW $1.99 .m. in the homo of Mrs. R. G. mas tea were converted into use- Reg. $2.50-$3.50 lehmitz, 123 Ayllffe Ave. The Habitual orderliness of ideas la ful gifts for the Childrens' Spe- •our sole road to happiness, and to cialized Hospital. Mrs. LuU has ;roup will watch a demonstration each it, orderliness in all else, From Famoui Maker* if practical home nursinp preaent- also programmed pennant bridge iven the, most casual things, is for the January meeting. d by three club members who are luudcd,—Eugene Delacroix d nurses, Mrs. Bradford The next regular meeting will FINE CALF OR SETON Mrs. James Moran and •be Monday at the Mountainside Irs. Schmitz, A discussion will Inn at 12:30 p.m. employment opportunities ollow. LEATHER HANDBAGS The next meeting of ihe general handling jynii displaying the Anier- lean flag. AJuo, members will make Reg. $15.95 to $18.95 uembership will be Tuesday, Jan. Lincoln's Revenue Act of.Jii[v 1, 2 at 8:15 p.m. at the club house. osters nnd decorations for the up- 1802 is tho basis of tho present in- in our Westfield store Eagle Scout Jan Wouters will •oming bridge-fashion show sched- ternal revenue sjMtom; it provided Special $13.99 emonstrate the correct way of )ed for March 21. tho first use of tax withholding in All from Regular Stock — Inducting New Holldoy Bag*

FAMOUS BODY FORM spend your time in an interesting

ENGLANDER BEDDING job at Hahne & Company! ' Single or Double Size, $59.75-$6475 Moat of us will agree thnt some things nre different . . . AT ONE GREAT SALE PRICE including Pan American's "personalized" table linen service. Whether it's your everyday tablecloth or your finest $39.95 each banquet cloth, it receives our special care and attention. They nre laundered with the finest cleaning agents in Tuft last Mattrets — Box Spring "soft water, under carefully controlled temperatures. They Ortho Equalizer ComtructSon are also upot-ckwuuul where necessary. Special equipment Our Employment Office (temporary location) iron the cloths better than you could possibly do nt home. They are then draped on clothes hangers (to mini- at 634 North Avenue, Westfield FAMOUS COAT MAKER mize wrinkling) and protected by a plastic cover. There (right across from the new store) is a difference in the quality of our service . . . but very will be open on Monday, January 14 little difference in price. WINTER SALE PRICES and Friday, January 18 $20.90 $24.90 $29.90 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and Higher Priced Coat* Proportionately Reduced 6.30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Car Coat* - V* Length - Full — All Weather - Rain Proofed There IS a difference! We will interview those who would like to make COSTUME JEWELRY application for selling, non-selling 1. Sale 2 for 99c in our new Westfield store. Selling at Hahne & Company is a stimulating and 2. Sale 2 for $1.99 rewarding way to spend your time. Working in the pjeasant, Does Not Include Advertised National Price lines refreshingly air-conditioned atmosphere of "the store with the friondly spirit", you'll enjoy serving our customers, who are New Jersey's 20% Off nicest people! , ALL FALL, WINTER AND TRANSITIONAL DRESSES

ALSO SWEATERS, SKIRTS EXECUTIVE OPPORTUNITY We are also accepting applications for supervisory and department MILLINERY 30% Off manager positions. GIFTWARES 40% Off Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday through Snturday For further informalion, coll ML). 6-1700 exf. 124, ROBES 20% Off No Extra Charge for Seme Day Drycleaning and Shirt Laundering or Pt. 4-9350, ext. 12-1. Expert Alterations and Tailoring Service PLAJD STAMPS TOO

<=>n "theS- circle

158 ElM ST. AO 3-0U00 avenue. Between ASP ami Mutual Markets USE OUR FREE PARKING (DimSCA.M.A t . 1 'I XL S, 3 . $46,642,000

n unvii i it vi $39^13,000


IN ONE YEAR... Ma 0 $34,053,00C ••• ^ I ' ».....-- — .

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Cash on Hand and in Banks.. . .$3,166,509.08 'f£ Savings Accounts ...... $40,580,626.46 U. S. Government Bonds ' j \l n 1 Advances Federal Home Loan Bank 2,000,000.00 ^and Investments 1,085,850.00 i;" ;'"'" Loans in Process . 452,100.00 $ 4,252,359.08 Tax Escrow Funds. 382,383.98 First Mortgage Loans 39,943,573.99 1 Passbook Loans 819,686.96 Other Liabilities . .r:. , IV.';'*. . < 51,811.43 Other Loans .100,105.08 Specific Reserves : $ 148>359.19 Federal Home Loan Bank Stock. . . . 600,400.00 General Reserves 2,660,276.24 Office Building and Equipment, less depreciation 744,036.63 Surplus ." 367,110.50 Other Real EstcfW 63,098.37 r Total Reserves and Surplus 3,175,745.93 Deferred Charges and Other Assets. 119,407.69

$46,642,667.80 $46,642,667.80







r;:''v;7^^-^'c^:v>-•Vi!;^;^vV:f\^/ ,.... fIt-Um 14 THE WIESTF/EU) CN. I.) LEADER, THURSDAY, 1AHUA*Y tO, >W i i i Music Department Sets Stud/ of Tosca" Tuesday . Piano Pupils Present 'Annual Benefir Doubled I Wed The music department of l!u • ui-ia:- v.ill in. ii.-m-ti and discusseJ ! Reciial in Place Studio ;By Mountainside AAUVV, Pa nhellenfc homo of Mrs. Woman's Out) of Wcsifii-M wi!' fiu.d ;1»- .-"••ry i-f i;n- OJJIT.-I »:!! in-: 1 Short Hill.. ! n: .!•:•.•• I f'hn Dates Are Feb. 20,21 jneet in the club houi' 1 u<-«!a;.- a: j r>-aJ l>y Me. Han.!.; I.. !ii-n-:!,i-mi- alumnae groups entertain^! Yl*'' : News attv 12:30 p.m. There v,-:ll be tin- ivjr- : IT. Tin- I!'.- <.f liir- r ; -r will: j ' • Jlor.VTAlNSiHK -Tin- M.,un- ..•.embers of Chi Ome^a. " ulsj- luncheon hoar v.-isli t>cc<>a>:s : :«• i'M'1 llii)-H/::t- K. \V.(- "'.' 1 lain.- -It- I'.t-ain-li i.f ilu- A inci'ii'iii: ! The worpshipptr of eru-T. served by Mrs. Kdwnnl (.'. Ma>.,r j {;•-•!.! :u;ci a juai.n nur; will !>.- ' : .-\ssJ !>y M:,*. !;.:>!,!••:..I .-U-};-,i: \ j aii:u.;im i-s tlial tukits me no\^ - ln.:,-i:iy . cannot explore certain Thl! OJH-m tu bl- .Uuilu-il lili.: ' :tlrl .Ml-. .-• .;I:]!I-;.- \\';, :;'f; ; available fur thv Uiir.l animal J The January i-it-ctinj: of th Tii- | !..^r;i:n fields until he is li ! tnonth will IK" "THS>-U" l>y '. fa-ihiuii .-inn-.-. Hi'i-auso <.f the i-u-at ] Westfield Club of Kappa Alpha » »--ci.i^ > wi-re: Puccini, •m-cujjing.'* frum LEADER CLASS1FIKDS I'/iY ' (Iv.'na.'Hl lor iii-kot.* in the- pasl. liu I Theta was helt- Plains. A desscrt-brid^y for the !'fi'. C:inly M..:,j^:«-. Sluil.i Ki-miy, members folio-wed the 1 o'clock M;HII.-OM Ktr.nv, H.-mv t'^hi-n, IC1 - fiishioii ,-hi.w Feb. ^0 at 9:.')0 a.m. and the M.-con«i a luiH-Jicoii-fii.sli- U-i! W..1,.-.;:. l.i-,!iv \\\.|f.-..,n, Emily MATERNITY ion flmw l-'i-!). 2\ lit 12:-15 |l.m. Mrs. Rois was assisted by Mrs. lJ.t]/kus, Marilyn iJajjku.-, Su>;in Glen Dusc-h of Cranford and Mrs.\Likethe waring AP P AR E L SjiiriMiij. IV:*-!- Salouin, iHlwiah iioth urTiiirs will take pl.-u-i- at 15. KliKK>'>i'iy. Karen Lewis, Kllen AltfiKin and Co., Short Hills. Robert Flath of Westfield. l.e«-i>, Susan \\v.«i, IMame Kotf, Tickets may l>u j)un-hasoil fn»>! The next meeting of the club of Spring Mrs. Sam .St'ajri-r, Mrs. Joha Har- will be held Feb. Vi at S:15 p.m. Dresses • Slips Htcvi-n Crystal :in.| IMmruli Jura, . . . are homt decorations IHK (•ami's ami rcfrr.-him-nts fullow- ry or hum any AAUW incmlwr. at the home of Mrs. Arthur Griner, 815 Roulevard, st which time fra- Mahogany House. Sec Jupaut Skirts • Bra's Pr1 I'ri«r l.ane, chairnian nf hoyany and brass~pr. (MI Qtr'' Sweaters '• Panties, etc. Gimber-Benz Troth the ways anil means conunittee, is The "N'iifht Owls" of Chi Omega amic plaques of fruits und fiou\ Mr un (All Christmas items, half, Hobcrt ami Daniel McAulifr and of Chi Ometja. The discussion will price.) Linda ami Diane Anderson. field Avc. the Wateunk Room of the William I'orter. be led by Mrs. A. R. Went© who field Memorial l.ibrury. BROAD AT ELM ST. - WESTFIELD Miss Uimber is a gradunu? of Miss Lauver is a gjaduate o will be assisted by -Mrs. Warren Kiuhlne around smartly is noWeslficld Senior Higli School, a A costumed professional made Wcstficlil Ilifch .School and Glas Smith, both of Wcstfleld. The pro- Open Mon., Frt. Evenings — AD 3-0020 proof of nccompli.shinjc much. tended Drake Busincns Colleg will pose and members are invited boro State College. She is prosen gram will later be repeated for Mory Bnker Kddy umj is currently employed )>y th lo come prejmred to paint, [sketch ly un elementary teacher i the afternoon gToup of the North- Western Electric Co., Kearny. or just enjoy looking on. After Watchunp. ern 'New Jersey AJumnae Associa- INTERNATIONAL GIFT? Mr. Uenz Is also a »rroduate o: the workshop session refreshments Her fiance will graduate ) tion of Chi Ome»;a. Westfield Senior High School, ami will be served by Mesdomes L. KJune from Glaaaboro, having pre 57 Elm $». W.irfltM Store Howrt 9i30 to 5:30 is employed ns a salesman in Htciner, l.ylc Keynolds, Koymond viously served tliree years wit Westfield. Grunt and John E. Soudcr. the U.S. Aimy. JEWELERS An April wedding is planned. Mrs. Richard Shueffer, WAA An August wedding is planned and president, hus announced that the COMPLETE meeting will l>e open to the pub SILVERSMITHS Westfield Newcomers' lie. of the .Miltburn Kuitroud station e SERVICE Groups Schedule Events 10 a.m. and will return by noon. DEPARTMENT BEST a CO. Beginning Tomorrow Herb Hiller of Verona will lea Choice of Hikes seven-mile hike through the The hons« and garden gToup of Citmpqaw Reservation Sunday. The the Wcstfleld Newcomers Club, a hikers will meet at the Administra Rings Sired YWCA - sponsored organization For Weekend tion Building of the Union County Pearls Restrurtg Park Commission, Wjirinanc will meet at tho Y next Thursday The members of the Union Coun- Hand Engraving at 1 p.m. Robert Reay of North y Hiking Club will have a choice Park, Elizabeth, at 8:16. Plainfluld, designed and decorator of two hikes over the coining week- Those interested in participating Machine Engraving of interiors, will speak. Mm. V.end. on the hikes with the members of Stones Replaced The Union County lliklng Club P. Grimm, Mrs. Warren Swenson On Saturday, Miss Irma Hcycr Silvarploling and Mrs. 'Donald Kneteh will serve of Elizabeth will lend n five-milo nay do so and uftcr making three as hostesses. Child ciu-c will be ramble In the South Mountain Kes- cheiiuled hikes nre eligible for Gold Plating provided. rvHtion with a visit at WashinK- iiembership in the club. Silver Repairs For further information contact Split feve/ thinking Mrs, David Henderson of 721ton Hock and Hemlock Fall*. The Jewelry Restyled Stevens Ave. will be hostess to the group will meet at the north side he recreation department of the 'urk Commission. Wafch Crystals is'fashionable this spring social committee Tuesday eveninp at 8:30 p.m. The committee will Watch Repairs and Young Cosmopolitans®, be iimkinu jilans for their benefit Lighter Repairs. . . bridge to be held tho evening of casuals Pen Repairs especially, approve Feb. 8 at.the Y. 'Mrs. Gerard 90 GiKUf'ie will serve -us co-hostess. from 5 this version in rayon, 'The hoard will meet Wednesday cotton and silk tweed. I'vonlinj at the hoinr of Mrs. Ch:is. vol. to li" WATCHMAKER Shelton, 231 Coif Eving« poiitively Mr. and 'Mrs. William Heim of 8IIG umlistic. ilipii/jcent buys) Houlcvaisl, Mr. and Mrs. Kobcrt WATCHUNG~Stc«»e Hlghw«vr Route 22 7-0500 Howes of 402 S. liuclid Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Niclterson of 925 brood it. 119 ctnUelovt. 30G Harrison Avc. NEWARK WESTFIELD 2vcl!eyil SOUTH ORANGE SUN-WAY CRUISES Tfit only theft of ttitir iind, .. tnjuhra

How can way to I overcome false Believable Styles NASSAU £ BAHAMAS appetites? BLANKETS DRAPES Unbelievable Prices! , Vacation fun baglns th« moment you board (he ITALIA or beautifully beautifully THE TRUTH QUEEN FREDERICA. Thl* take* nothing away from your cleaned cleaned IN THIS Vs to ME off good tlms In Nassau-BUT when Mendi ask you, "How was your vacation?'' chance* are you'll spend all your word* ax- and and GREATBOOK lolling your ship's fabulous food, (un and facililias. Choos* fluffed finished the cruise that (its In with your winter vacation plans. Makf CAN RELEASE YOU almost every item in the store! your reservations now lo avoid disappointment. You cin be freed from any AIR-CONDITIONED LINERS false appetite if you will turn wilh a rccfjitivo, unpreju- Don't miss this *m«x*. s.s. QUEEN SLIPCOVERS diced thought to tfio trutli amazing clearance! CHAIR 79c SOFA 1.09 iriiit.'tirii'd in lliu> £>•<"' hook. ITALIA FREDERICA .Sticncc :mcl Health with Key 26,900 TONS Beautifully Cleaned and Finished HI the Scriptures by Mary erot The "Hostess ol the Ba- newt Two tiled lido swimming H;ikcr Kiicly. hamas" is the biggest truist ship pools on the Sun Deck and Prom- You may rent or borrow In regular weekly service to enade Deck. Nassau. Big in size! Big in pleas- NEW) Enlarged Colonial lounge, NCLCIH'C and Htiilili free i>l But of course everything offered ure! The Italia boasts the largest renamed Aegean lounge, witn FEATURES GARMENTS c lianrc at any Cliristi.'in Set- Indoor swimming pool afloat. large picture windows overlook- There are three other swimming • BROUGHT. t-m:u Rradinj; Room. Tin: is from our regular stock, so ing the Promenade Deck pool. pools to enjoy . . . acres ol tun NEW! 300-ieot cinema. and Promenade Decks. .. night IN'BEFORE hook can \K pin chafed in red. there are only so many of each itom, NEWI Additional cabins witn clubs . . . three orchestras . . . | j;ivi-ii, w him- binding at .S.'> private shower. .'.12 NOON and . . . well, you know about attractive public rooms ., spec- | and will hi" >t-nt po^ipaid on tacular midnight builds . . . parties. . . movies. k SATURDAY ! icccipl ol (lu-»k or inoney corlybirds. ; tudt-r. 7 DAYS from «170 7 DAYS .0**170 All C1SIHS WITH SERVICES PRIVMC SKOWifl OR BATH i Christian Science Iron NW YORK Saturdays 4 P.M. from Ntff YORK Fridays 9 P.M. or* DRY CIE AN ING 4 SHIRT, LAUNDERING READINC Open Mon. & FEBRUARY 2, 9,16, 23 JANUARY IB, 25 BOOM Fri. eves 'til MARCH 2,0,16,23,30 FEBRUARY 1, 8 NO IE*tR4* CHARGE 9 P.M. O/i/y 4 days away from builntssl Wcetily cruises Hie year 'round. nsrfn CRUISE • •,.--. .-•:•,•.' ;.'•' '• /' '••'AT KOUlAU'WlCtSiONlY'. "••/'• '//'' Inm Tucidar, APml t 110 QUIMBY aTREKT ; : : ; EASTER CRUISE • ••:'.. .•...'••-•-;_• •". • '-;-: ••'.; - v ; /. .'-..•.* -. <,.'.-'•.;'. • •'• '••'.} -'-...' •'•' -"-' "„• "'•••' from BOSTON Saturdays S P.M. WKSTK1EL.D 1O DAYS b »245 rtBRUABY ID, 23-MARCH 2* leaves Mew Yoik April 1? 4 tij/ cruise lo Ui%uo DRIVE IN 10(]f K0RTH Jl¥Er dXRWpip Hours: 10 to 4:30 f Nftisat/ and one otl)#r port. >nd one other poit, S22O up Alto Mondoy, 7 to • Ship Your Hotel • 2 Dnys, 1 Night In Nassau STORE-.-I. -/.•.v: ;o.:.:-:-:^V'''.--r- '••: J.-,^.^^11Z^-::%1*Z:-: ?•:;'<:.• ^.-'-. :• : - 1 SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT NOW! •-'.kLi*£ur'?:, ^ST6RE fHOURS ,• -7:3O A;M;:'TO»6 P.M:• '.-•.QN ROUTERS, ! t,ti» .in//;/ )i-rr ii" ""' --, ,-/.'.•;/,•/.' :i i !(ri.-.- cud' I 'TOWNfABOUTS HOME LINES AGENCY INC. Genoml Agonia 7i)i-:r,NsrRi:KT.wi:sirin.iig!ivi:i.Mcii:A AVI:Nt'K.KI.IZAHf"ry, 42Broadway, NewYotk 4,N.Y.-DiEl>V 4-6363 • OIMII m pi Mrs; Dwjrer Favofs Enlarged House Rules Gfrrap $3 | Bruniutf Finisfe New Traveldgue Rep. Florence I*. Dwyer said mine what legislation the House "I hope my pally will not com- Clarence A. Roininger and Jacob ! Prank Bruimer of Westfu-l<1, a land, India and Egypt. It os a riday night she plans to vote for will or will net be permitted to mit itsc'f to a negative course but j Kcrwald, both Cr«nford, were wel- member of the Vailsburg Camera two hour film depicting many of :ontinuation of the enlarged I consider, no matter how well-in- retain its freedom, instead, to comed as mcinb«, It was report- Club of N'cwaj'k, also ;i lecturer the loss common features of the ouse Rules Committee, if the is-tentioned the members may be." oppose or support legislation as ed the jvroup'.s roster, which in- and judge for the .NVw Jersey Fed- countries visited.' oe is brought to a vote. "1 do noi bslieve the people of the welfare of the country may rludi-s men from several Union eration of Camera Club? and the Frank, who was accompanied by In 19C1, she was one of 22 Union County elected me to Con-demand." County communities, now iiuniU'is .Metropolitan Camera Council of his wife, Florence, liaii made a oose Republicans who voted to gress to abdicate my responsibil- 378 Active incmbciu. iNew York, announces completion number of 10mm color fi)in3 in re- crease the membership of the ity for studying important issues Men celebrating birthday anni- of the lateot vf his H>mm trave- cent years which have boon shown onunittee from 12 to 15 in an and voting on those i.ssui-s on their versaries were honored. They are: logues, "Ulobul Adventure." Two extensively in Northern New Jer- (fort to permit the full House to merits," she asserted. Picture Featured John Carboy and Paul Rackmyer, years of research and planning sey. For Die past seven years onsider legislation reported by Mi's. Dwyer said a vote to, re- both Cranford; Roy Winkeplcek, have gone into the pmdurtion of Frank has been instructing photog- tndins committees. lain a 15-man Rules Committee Westfield: John Moore, Eoselle this two hour color film -which was raphy classes in the Westfield For Old Guard filmed recently on a 27,000 mile trip Adult School nnd for two years in Mrs. Dwyer made her present won't be a vote for President Park; Philip Elmer, Mountainside around the world 'by jet airliner. losition known in a talk before John F. Kennedy's proKram. One hundred «nd forty-seven and Edwin Funk, Scotch Plains. the Columbin High School of the e Men's Club of the First Bap- "But a vote to return to the 12-members of the Old Guard of West- The list also includes two out- The new film, a portion of which Maplewood-Soulh Orange School ist Church. member committee will most as- field isaw a film, "Autumn in fXew of-county members, George Miller, will be premiered at the annual system. "It will make no sense to me,"suredly be seen as a vote against Hampshire" during a session on Masking Ridge, and Samuel Buck- banquet of the New Jersey Federa- One can always trust to Jcp. Dwyer siid, "to give a hand- his program—against all of it Thursday in the YMCA. neJl, West (tort, Conn., who pgid his tion of Camera Clubs Feb. 9 at Insert *i wedge of time, and nearly blindly and in advance even of The movie was provided by John annual visit during a stay with rel- Graulioh's in East <)ran$c, was Mr. and Mm> 4*t*t>i-irtf> II. KrllYrt bavo recrnU)* imrcliiMt4 ful of members, who do' not repre- the opportunity to look it over," everything straightens itself out. S3SSS Ai-work Arr* Hcoli'U Plain*. >itilch th«y rerealljr no nt the leadership of either party H. Rath; vice director, who also atives here. filmed in Japan, Hong Kong, Thai- ] Norman Douglas Mr. mid Mr*, Hal* C. V> i>i«rn»lein througrogh Pen null S Congress, the power to deter- she added. Inc.I , JlMtlt 'J*hU W»H o mltiu l l£»t»l£t44 t open Mondays and Thursdays *til 9 January clearance

I, •• It^retfalarn . . . mwAy first quality ...»

awl sice, Mdiject It*. rrl«6 sale. All sales ntal. S*irry, M m*U «t> flioae order., pt«u*

Pontniann, wornmbd, Stroock, Jtillllard and many more beautiful fabrics. Fur fibre blends, worsted falll«e, domeitlo and imported tweeds, Wonted LouCle and plush velour*. Juniors, Petitei, J/luset, Briefs and Iialf-ekea.


reg. 39.95 to S9.9S 28.00 to 38.00

reg. S9.9S to 89.95 18.00 to 68.00

reg. 99.95 to 110.00 88.00 annual suit sale

Cedarbrooke fur-trlinmccl

reg. 69.95 and 75.0d Black, Autnmn Haze, Lutetin, Pastel and Ranch mink collar* 58.00 Also sheared Canndinn Boaver and Fox. reg. 110.00 to 139.93 Fine worsted, flannels,. gharkskina, twists! 88.00 to 118.00 • 2 and 3 button models, tingle breasted, center vent! reg. 149.95 to 169.93 Regulars, longs, extra longs, shorts, stouts, short at outs I 128.00 to 148.00

men's annual topcoat women's car coats women's all wool skirts Parkas and carcoata reduced from regular better dresses stock . . . aome with attached hoods ... Slim, flare and wrap styles in solid colors Juniors, misses and Half-sizes in dressy-and clearance quilted or pile lined, and mixed tweeds. Sizes 8 to 18, tailored styles. • ->* rep. 19.98 to 69.98 reg. 8.98 to 17.98 rep. 74.98 to 49.98 All wool twecde, worsted cheviots, ahctlunds and llama tweeds. Single 14.90 to 44.90 6.90 to 12.90 breasted box coats, split and raglan 6.90 to 32.90 sleeves, Regulars, shorts, longs and extra longs. v reg. 59.50 and 65.00 famous surprise bras girls' car coats girls' winter coats Soft warin |iil<: with hoods or cuddle Fitted mid full siviup styles, single or double Once a year pale . . . famous bras and girdles, cups . .. quilted linings nylon rcvcreiblcs .. . breasted. (Jnillitd, lined njid interlined. 3-fix, poplins. .'(•6x and7-14. 7-14, Sublccn 8-14. 48.00 rep. 2.00 to 13.95 rep. 13.00 to 30.00 re(!. 20.00 to 45.00 .50 to 10.99 {>.9O to 24.90 14.90 to 35.90 entire stock topcoats and overcoats famous brand sport shirts boys' outerwear iiH'u's stihui'lian coals Hi'liiiliir mill liiitlon-down models in cotton Siirconls. [laikji. siiliiirbiins, (;<>a 1 ami I(I,M'IC Hupped wool tweeds mid hr.rrinj'Iiniir weaves .ind darron Mini rotlon blends. Mirny uttinc- . . . some with full orlon pili.' liiiitij;^. C.limisc livr (MiMci-lie and colors S. M, L, XL. roots . . . quilled. pile. i>hcrpn or wool plulil lined. 8-20. from prey or brown . . . loilrn colored 20% off woolens. Size? 36 to 46. n^. 5.00 to 6.95 rrp. 15.00 to H5.00 Hickcy Freeman, 3.99 11.25 to 26.25 r.% 39.95 Kuppenheimer and 29.90 H. Freeman infants" sii«n\siiils res. 75.00 io 175.00 fashion SiUH • clearance famous fabric sport shirts M.'lrliill- w.i::|i:il.|,. t v.-.i-p- v.-it l> h:,| l';mioin 55'; iwiul anil I."',' ,,,11,,n Kn^ltflt B0.00 to 140.00 "rl"» I'11" <•> "'.ii.l. linn-:,, hi,,,, |,j,,| p. n).'»."i Io LMI.T. ( fabric, in iiltrai'livi- l:iil;m |,l.ii,l-. l.iiniti'il HI- navy. IJ I,, i! | ,„.,. ijinmlily in size* S. \l, I., \\..

(1 io 17.99 nT. 21.% 10.90 10.99 19 THE WISTFIZUD LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, IS63" a commibnion to consider separate Pic Mahler Completes Craft Treasurer assessment projects, such as for j Trailside Film Lacombe Given Plains Mayor Role sanitary sewer installations. Special Course hi The vestry of St. Paul's has A member of tfce Vesti-y ^ . 1 STORK CORNER] Members of the committee arc elected J. U'O Craft treasurer of aul's from 1952 to l'jw , ? the church, arcordiiiK to an an- Craft previously served us A ri At Organization; Boards Named Philip (i. C'obb, chairman; Kussell European Laws W«i J, To Depiet Alaska Doeringer and Franklin Spoum-r. nouncement by Uev. Richard J. treasurer for a three year Mr. and Mrs. John H. Culver oi j SCOTCH PLAINS—Army Ffc. Hardman. Mr. Craft succeeds the prior to 1957. 821 Eherbrook Dr. arc the parents } "Alaska und II." Natural IU-snun- licappointed to lucal boards and .SCOTCH PLAIN'S ••- Ti.wii.-hiii | PcleiSiMl for serving six years on 1 KobiTt E. Mahler, son of Mr. and late Charles Schmidt of Westfield Mr. Craft resides at lOB2su %' of their fourth child, Carol Lev, I CSj» „ CM\Wt 3olim| fih,,, w;n I,,.. Commit! ivimin Noiuiiin K. I.a- ! the Township Coniniittee "con- committees were: j Checchio, 3-yeiir-U'ini, and Wil- Mrs, John J. MnhU-r of 221 Wil- jin this post. SIlope Dr., Mountainside. 'vi born Dec 29 in Overlook Hospital. ] sj,own ut the Union County Park coinl.e was ununirnoy.-ly elected | scientiously, effectively and unself- liiim St., recently i-omiilHi'd the U. Their other children are Karen, j Commission's Tr.iikinc-hu!f hour nature Bernstein; Alex Milton, supervisor Bonnie and Martha. talks for children. The topic se- of public property; Ernest T. lected for the three dayis is* "Larg- Lawrence, engineer and building * * * er Animal Homes." Dr. Alolclenkc's inspector; Court Clerk Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Haren talks will 'be illustrated with color Terry; Municipal Auditor Benja- of 1326 Boynton Ave. have wel- slides. . SPECIAL PURCHASE min Bateraan, and Dr. Sampson as TER^tKO comed the arrival of their third executive secretary. child, Martha Rose, Dec. 28 in Ov- erlook Hospital. Their other chil- As if you could kill time without FINE LADIES Ileappointed to the Fire Depart- dren are Maureen Elizabeth, 2, and injuring eternity 1—Henry David ment were Chief Charles Meyer, Thoreau Captains Firman Arrowsmith and 19 PROSPECT STREET, EAST ORANG6, N. J. Patrick Joseph, I. Peter Kostic, Lieutenants Albert Their fourth child, *K«thlcen Ma- * * * TWEED SKIRTS ORang* 5-1313 Open Thursday Evsnlngi | rie, was born Dec. 31 in Overlook In truth, • people can generally Delnoro and Edward Sehaffernoth, Hospital to iMr. and Mr a. John make time for what they choose to and 42 volunteer firemen. Keenan of 311 Indian Trail, Moun- do; it is not really the time but the Twenty-six special police officers All Kin lab.W to ih«w tounlry of origin tainside. Her .sinters arc Patricia will that Is lacking.—Sir John Lvib- and 11 school crossing guards also and Mary Alice and her •brother is bock * Wrap Around* with Suede were reappointed. named John. Pockett * * * 7, and Beverly, 3 Grandparents, Their third daughter, Jennifer all former Wcstfielders, are Mr. Lynn, was born Doc. 31 in Runway and Mrs. Edward A. llolden of Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cherry Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- F. HoWen of Linden, former Weet- liam J. Mehlc of Basking Kidgc. flalderc. Her sisters are Deborah, were $14.95 to $26.95 Now $8.95 to $15.95 Maybe She Slzei 8-16

Many Other Slieable Reductions on our Fine Ladies Clothing and Sportswear AUTO REPAIRS

• . *• ft I •• • m .• • '

Mr. nad Mr* l>nlon K. < opiirnmll. forntrrlt of INu.h.un. .->. > . „ * 264 E. Broad St., Westfield SJ"7 '!?" .'" 'IVTlr. "'w hon>* Iwnicit nt :«t I'nrk Vlnv l>r.. H.ol.ti IMnlnn. llrrhrr W. \mtrr nrnatlnled Ilir «ul<- fur llnrrrll & Crnlii, AD 2-2900 ^Taxpayer's Cotillion' Sfct by Wilson PTA Plans for « '^Taxpuyer'a Cotil- lion," a danco to IK; held Friday, •Feb. 16 by the Wilson School PTA have bocn announced by Mr. and Mrs. Doupha Campbell, chairman of the dance. •Bud iLaird's orchestru will pro- vide music for the dunce to be held at the Wilson School uuditorium. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS Since so many parents have lived In Wostfleld for only a short time this dance hat, once again, sparked DURING considerable interest to "get to- gether" for an evening of fun. Tickets may be purchuscd from OUR CLEARANCE SALE When that even purr turns into a rough, angry roar in Mrs. Thomas Richcy. your automobile engine, in many cases it would cost you less Week Needed For Addres* Change to buy a new car than to repair the old. Don't let the lack of On* waek't notice I* r«* il*..< quoted of read»r» of the funds hold you back. Just ask your dealer to arrange a low-cost "Leader" who ar« changing thslr addriitot. Addreti llata MEN'S DEPARTMENT AUTO LOAN through The National Bank of Westfield or stop are made up on* week ID ad* Tance, and while it ia poxibla Sized and Stretch by the bank yourself. FINE HOSIERY Anklets and Garter length l •stra paper to a. new addrei*. • I it U not poialble to prevent worel0 the already addretted paper ° Now 79c — 3 pair for $2.25 from ffoin| to the old addre«» without the week't notice. The "Leader" will be happy Now 1.10 — 3 pair for 3.00 to Forward papers without extra charge anywhere ID — Fine wale the United Statet (or ibou CORDUROY SLACKS •ubftcriberi who are planning Pre-Cuffed to be away for temporary were $5.95 k I efc m r\F period*. •ubftcriber* who are planning 695 Now $4.95 to We away for temporary pertodt Now 5.95

FAST SERVICE BOYY AND STUDENTS' DEPARTMENT \< ON COLOR PROCESSING — Large variety of sizes, colors and styles were $695 Now $5.50 , r 598 Now 4.50 498 Now 3.50

Many other Outstanding Reductions on Items "WESTFIELD, N.J. of the Finest Taste and Make

fldures Delivered testi with Drug Order*


Member of FecknJ Raictva Syftcm 264 E. Broad St., Westfield mt, Uaalxt g*ka& Dcporfc Iniun&c* CotpondoB '5d Elm Si AD 2-2900 ••••:? :;~:.W&p.

fcrred tto the company's New York the American (Society for offices as staff metallurgist. Be- Ajner^t'Sn Ordnance A.cJ»o;^atio Mental Aid Unit Parley Tomorrow 1 Scout Council ACF Picks Howard For RR Sales Post fore joining ACF he was associated and the National Defense Trans The iixU) CK"i'(f.«Mi»i)'s i• j'iieir I.'if!uenrc« on His Family County clergymen ot «H with the U. S. Steel Corp. itvirlation A.-:.-:o. i:i1ion. rifcreiu-<. of tin will be from faith** have been invited to attend okie Sale Aides Donald B. Howard of 857 Shad- F. Venricb, division director o A );I;UUKIU' of Coltratj Univer- •wiiilkm ft.r Mcntiil wiil S' ;i.m. ta 2 :i'M p.m. The planning committee for the uwluwn Dr. has been appointed marketing. sity with a dcjrri'P in chemistry. Tax wiihhoiilinir was first used "l' '"'''' toniorriAv •'' !l ;m's i llie ilis/u-t-ions will lw led by program includes clergymen from manager of cushion umlerframt' 'Mr. Howard joined ACF in I1M' Mr. Howard i* u member ami im.-i in Amerk-a early in 1!>« Civil War, chl!> of W^Hi.-ld, :il! Kui-liil !j»'v. Arllnir M. several county communities. ientcd at Lunch tales for the American Car and as senior metallurgist at the divi oliicer of the American WeldiilK So reports the Internal Revenue Serv- "v0" uf the American Founda- The program is one of the broad Foundry division "of ACF Indus- sion's former Berwick, Pa., genera tion of Religion and Psychiatry, educational activities sponsored by ciety. He is a member as well oi' et!m Topir will be ••Kolc sales orientation and Iuneh- • and Behavior of l*he i: i nnd Rev. Thomas C. McCinis, ex- the county mental health group. or all vulumeer cnairuien wiio be working m the lyus (jirl X cookiu &aie in this area was Friday. ihn Levy, general merehandise er of Levy brothers aepart- store, will again serve as luct Bales coordinator of the lal cookie sale. Mrs. A. M. er of Cranford, chairman of Washington Hock (Jirl Scout ,cil cookie committee, will act nural sales manager, organu- ne sales aeuviues in the 12 ll districts. j meeting and luncheon, orcU by mirry rJiscuit Corp., held at the Kingston Restau- Union. Koben lckes, field •seiUative of Hurry Biscuit , ewnuueted the orientation, was followed by a short ,ng presided over by Air. V Council president Mrs. John ir oi Mountainside and Mrs. er also addressed the group, lokie sale chairmen of the 12 is within the Washington Council area and neighbor- cookie sale chairmen from district attenued the orien- and luncheon. SLASHES KOOS FAMOUS LOW PRICES EVEN LOWER! •1 Scouts, including Brownies, ediates and Seniors in the ^communities served by the Vtohington Hock Girl Scout Council, will take oruers from J«n. 20 to Feb. 2. The profits de- WE'VE CUT FLOOR SAMPLES! BOUGHT CLOSEOUTS! lived from the sale will be used {(ik redevelopment of Girl Scout Camp Lou Henry Hoover anu council operating expenses. '.'Neighborhood cookie sale chair- men from this community who will THOUSANDS OF PIECES! MOSTLY FEW-OF-A-KIND! coordinate sales acuvitiea for all tha;.Girl Scout Troops in their neighborhoods include: Mrs. U. C. Morjrison of 748 Crescent Pkwy., JBS-R, Thiele of 650 Alden Ave., ALL FABULOUS BUYS! SOME BELOW COST! HM'il. W. Kichter of 871 Carle- tfifcE'I'i M''s- Htiymond Blair of 66ft Dorian Rd., Mrs. Dudley GrtJff of 023 Fairmont Ave., Mrs. Nellie Anspach of 1113 Irving J?l&and Mrs. Frank J. Uhrin of ISpVCotlage PI. Mrs. L. J. Marino pffjl6 Mountain Avo., Westfield, wiU; act as over-all cookie sales chiirnian for District IX and Mrs. J,';|; Bnrkie of 216 Benson PI. is oh»irman in District X. Both dia- trlcts include Westfield in the Wrthington Hock Girl Scout Council. Policeman Sues; tiirt in Tunnel Minm McMurray of GOT :eh Plains Ave., a patrolman AS YOU'VE NEVER SAVED BEFORE •the Port, of New York Author- a •T filed Superior Court suit last Ik against the Greyhound Corp. pne of its drivers, charging 'a bus ran into the rear of olie car Nov. 27 in the Lin. Tunnel. T. McMurray contends that •J police car was stopped law- in ii tube on the New Jersey jldf of the tunnel when a New Y

•.OA-y-^M^y^ fifVJH"". ILLYO Bedrooms and dining rooms... suites or byUhe-pieee! MAMONDS Modern, traditional, colonial, elegant provincial! Have Fun! —or ony aiher BreaUfasfs Budget best-sellers to magnificent decorator pieces! £ t On Us! We' wtll *h«w you how to Get on early Hart and dispose a\ diamonds or O Tables, lumps, dinettes, matresses, summer furniture! map up iho bcst.ol-bur'l othor jewelry fiW flu our giicsl oi conti- nenlal brcahlast served 9 to 10:30 tomorrow and O Hundreds of accent pieces from Koos two gift shops! Come in and consult with Saturday at Kaoi Rahway our »laff of gwn oufharfHei and I'arsinpany stores. who will give you expert odyic* on ihft votw« «nd Open (i Ntghts Even famous nationally advertised broadlooms, rugs! &ale« potential of your jowalry. They will accept Easy jowslry for sqlo on a diract —or conjignmanf >J«I»I*. Terms Should wo act as o broker tor you, iho foo wllf bo mo«t r«o(ont

y Rahway, Rt. 27 and Parstpptmy, Rt. 4B Stores Also In Cmnford Smashing clearances at both stores and Piainfiold :, THURSDAY. fo, birn 'jf t])e Jtule.- Cummin** l<> do THE WESTFIELD LEADER ^ }.\A M.AM. F^itLvini'.'M', ro j>u-a^- iifc <;{*: iii- **b->u:c«j up" :.s \ul\)t U<

:i MJ:».'"! ity w*;ii:( t<> \ i.(.i- yi; il. }f Editors Corner itUiiv '.}';;it f.(t j>cr t oil <'f tlic Jlyusc nicmbcis si^n n jK-titit-n fov a voto, iiu* biii ino.-t bt voted on, vvkiml !(.-.-> of iho fiulf.*: Cumin it* Second ClftiiK postage paid at WoptfleM, N, j. denr bos* . , . r, usuflily a major- The Publicity Chairman's Code., vacation from worl* . . . but tli'-n aiivt-i i i>injr. uiiliny l)u- S)KH!S. ity of tin* Houst* ineiiibeis aro Official Paper tor the Town of Wentfleld and Borough of Iciidinjr jtroof.-, sc-itrliiit out the (juile happy tliat they didn't have Mountainside. they say tin- K«H>.| l-f'i'l Jin? hi* Subicrtptlon: 14.00 & year In advance. own ways -yo tlie time <'»rds, »ritii:;: the p:iy J bo|*e yi-u \vi)l ciimb back to O«Ic#: 60 Elm SU<-*t, W.stfipM. N. J, anil live a little longer so lie niust. Tel. AD 2-UO7—AL» 2-4(08 have limned :i tumble on thf ii-r checks, niakini: Ihe deposits act our siit»- of the aisle this term. Member anil maybe a lit lit- sprain nr some- jus1, pbiiii IfuifuiK (;ihd wlien, |')ay YoU* Hcpiiblifitn. Vote for the Space for Your Organization jl Quality Weeklies <"f New Jersey thing mii'ht do the jolt in your tell, ilid that ever jisippen) lalk rif:litj= of tl'.t- itnlividual and for New Jersey l*ro«-8 A * so- In I lull Each year organizations, church- Hemember, others will be read- n separate paragraph „, H,, ?jj Nfll'nnjil I-Milorlal A*nf<"tat Jon case . . . thf' message inu.^t have aliuut .'i one-man cewspiipf-r. \'<-u tin- rc'tcniioii of power in the(•s, civic i;rouj>s, bowlint; Icn^ucs, IJIK your stories beside* your for each one. ' •\*{g notion mixvej up :i little on tin- i< tlu; epitome . - . what's th;it van IIMIHIS of Itis (•it'L-tt'd representn- and clubs appoint publicity chair- friends and member.-; of your i«n Do not try to cover a »• *SJ NATIONAL €DIT'O«IAL way down, don't think hi- fiirurcd said, nurse. What hoppen? 1 not tivi'S in Conpress, arid vole iijrwiiiPl IAS^ hit by ;i chunk of y»la>ler of psiri* )nen whose job it is to submit mn- xrouji. Stories must be written so by writing soniethinj; tliat'vv-ff (juite so bnd rt"curt- " I vr you. tin- concentration of power in the terial for publication in this news- that even a slranirur can under- like minutes. '^^! Well anyway . . . there you are . . . "from the eeiliny" . . . heck hands of the executive branch of no, from the Riiy in the next bed. paper. Generally, these chairmen stand facts. Try to include foinethir- =? . . . nnd all those pretty nurses government, lest we both, some* arc not trained in journalism and These rules may seem harsh at what the speaker said. ^ii Robert too and here we are usinu waste Incidentally, 1 told Miss Pinky d;iv, lose nil power. Aft S. Everett . . . Edltoi have not a very clear idea of how times—especially thc deadlines— he is thc main feature of % paper, glue, paper dips and what what happened and sui^re.slec! to JOHN D. LcLONG to prepare their copy. Quite often, but each and everyone lias an im- programs. V< < have you to hold the paper ti>- her that perhaps she ;ind I had jcood stories must be rejected be- portnnt monninff. In order to avoid Lists of food and price, of.'A gethor until you get back on your better take up residence in the Anothrr Roost cause the jiubliclty chairman miss- misunderstanding and to make ets are not included. *3 feel (probably four for awhile) shop for a few weeks and do you od a deadline or because the copy sure publicity chairmen are aware COMPLETE names mm-i THURSDAY, •JANUARV 10, 196:; . . . Itichie can't find thc piippr know what that bmp-haired mop- ; Editor, Leader: was improperly prepared. of requirements, we publish the Riven, including full fim .'.' ' stretcher, Shorty is chasing typr pet asked . . . how':; the hunting? Herewith is n copy of a letter The editorial desk of this news- following summary of denillines, or TWO first initials. Do noi"* • Looking Behind and Ahead lice all over the place, Krmik just ITunlfiiL' what, says I. and she swil to Mayor !!urr A. Towl Jr., vc paper is jammed each week with tips on reporting and niiscellan- nicknames or abbreviation;' looks at the linns (ogres) and (lives me a >rreen-cye'l stare and Ihe rcvahialion survey. copy—some. £ood, some bad—but eous information: forVor a married womawonttmn theJ- In Mayor Burr A. Towl's message on New Year's darns 'cm to Inenk down, an'd says "mice, irlicit" nnd did I die Hon. [SUIT A. Towl Jr., Mayor all of it news about local hap- Ple««* Typn band's first name und mitldu Day he looked back over the past two years and re- Ack, well Ack's not that press lnuchinc. Methinks that if she Sir: peninps. Leave two inches space at the tial is the only correct form ''••• sweet talking again ... so you ever saw n mouse she'd roll ov^'r Unfortunately there is not al- top of a story and one inch mar- Pictu called times when controversy had beon very evident see all we need is for the adver- on her buck :md (rooney-puss, I am one of the property owners win) received a second letter cov- ways time to patch up the copy pins. and acknowledged that some still remains. tisers to keep advertising, the hoping it was one of thnBe little Pictures should IK. |,|WJ I machines to keep hutnming, the pt'cmb* from out in space I keep (rinir the revaluntion of my prop- and mould it into presentable Typewrite, usin(r double white prints with a •-' ' ~ erly nl the alxive addre.-is. The fushiou for publication—feelings cinjr. Controversies did swirl about the heads of the news lo keep coining ami you can telling her will take over one of The more contrast )>Ktwe, mayor and council involving the office research zone concentrate on the '•little trills in these days. Aiivbow, when I ex- first lctlcr was rocoiveil in jVovem- are hurt and the paper loses a Write on one side of paper and white there is in thc white caps v--illi blue bands" plained that there weren't any ber :ind showed $!H00 less than the story. only. the better it will print. classification, the installation of sidewalks, Nwim- second letter loccived Dec. 21. What It Newi Write your name, address and . . . move over, friend, I just rugs to claw, nor chairs to climb Size and position of pictut9 •: mintr pools, the 'panhandle tract' in the Brightwood slipped a cog myself. on, no curtains to yank apart and Ill cmlenvorini? to explain the Tha'hat immediately suRPests the telephone number at top of the t))e ' WtWa 9 Park proposal, Ihe relocation of the town yard and nnd by the. w.-iy (keeping you no comforters to lollycatr on. she reaioii for the second lotter sent to ques•stiont , "What is Newa?" story, so we may check further 01. .ejection of a picture w? w you 'V • the revaluation survey, to mention some. informed of what's goinir on) . _ . stalked of!" and I haven't located property owners the Leader this Th:he simples, t answer is, "What ' necessary. t(,J| a|.c cnt|,.cjy at t))erf . •' Dill Heard has been battling laryn- her yet . . . hut Ihe food di*h is week said "unofficially" nnd 1 quote peopl. e arc'intcrestc'. ..d in. 'reading...." . StorieOtnblAAs wil..'.IlI t hIne. accepten/.niinlnfdl of th.1 e editors«.. " '-v.( Each of the above lent themselves to controversy gitis, heck of n tiling for n police emiity every ni"ht. One of these from column four pajjo 1: A story Increases in news value after deadlines. . Pictures MUST be in the i days somebody" is poinc: to shut a because they were controversial by nature . . . they court magistrate to have . . . the "Unofficially the story is that in direct proportion to the number Very stale newa of events will 110 ]ator than Tuesday noo bnienn drawer on her and that effected in varying degrees the lives, hnbits and ChrMmas decorntions :>re still up someone else complaining about the of persons interested in reading be cut extensively or completely fol(> publication. ' pocketbooks of'residents. at thia writing ... I will have will ho Ihn end of Miss Pinky or fair market value placed on their il- rejected. Photographs may be catleii been healing about the school the end of the bureau. home looked nt the records Tor ad- A distinct difference should be No news item will be taken over after using, But this is only natural. No municipality can be budget and be OH confused us over Well, ns it's now past wid- jacent or nenrhy properties and recognized between "publicity" the telephone unless of an einer- TTh,,en newspape„„„ r reserves j governed, no municipality can grow and develop its . . . export that the council ses- niorht and seeinir i have to be registered complaints that the fig-and "news." gent latft-breakintr type. sions will perk up n bit this year hack on the job in a counle of Thc right to edit, as the staff se* ures ai.^i^ned wore too low. Ap- When n person says, "How can opening part of the story, any copy submitted, in areas without running into opposition from various what with II voice from the other hours. [ truess I better eel this pniTnlly on the basis of such com- "™" " 1X.-1W" oup, nun van -— • , " •— : • any copy submitted, in orde quarters. side being in evidence . . . vcry- out to Rnv so be can pul "crini plaint the firm representatives then we get more publicity for our «"«"' Uiejend. ought to contain KjVe greater variety and eff-, club," thc answer is, "By publish- the most significant or interesting n , stories In a nation which .sets great store by the right of botly has been expressing concern fioi'v tn!"" at the end . . . and he did an office review of the prop- ing leaflets and brochures, dis- statements. o"»i- your "accident" (inm«'inc ii:.l I,., .iM. erty lieintf complained about and tributing posters, circulating let- A report of a meeting ought not National Law the Individual to think as he pleases it is to be ex- deciileil an inereiise was warranted ters, buying advertising space." <° 1)pKin with the fact that the National postal laws pected thut criticism of existing government and its and is.suod the second letter." We should recognize " that a meeting was held. This is the loast our publishinblihi g the word "biti operations will be heard. This in only right and If this is whnt happened I can newspaper in not a publicity or- interesting opening. "lottery,y, " "drawing,g, "m and ». proper and the Leader would be the last to object. only say that it is the most nslnino gan. A newspaper is just what it State instead what plans w as well as lists of lotter piece of business I have ever hoavd ays ii ;s ft NKWS paper and niade for future events. What the of liny kind. Thus, we donol; We too have assumed the critic's role, yet if the of. The Town of Westfleld em- whevhen there ia a NEWS story, the niain theme of tlic speaker was, dark horse "prizes, door pr'nu. "• critic's role in to be productive it be construc- ployed Associated Survcyy in pood pape>aperr prints it. ' whether there was an unuvually winners of merchandise clubs. tive, must rise above that of the common scold. faith nnd a lot of expensive time Every group regardteas of po- law atlendnncf or nny other out- PaperPaperss usinusingg sucsuchh iinform!n : •was spent by1 the latter's engineers liticaiticall or religious ties, is welcome slnmlstnml"'F H'aturfeature on tnthe program, may be taken from DiDiee trails A great deal has been said and is still being an id in personally survey! np oach pieco in OUT newa columns, the only re- We're Formal Now tl10 government, about the power of positive thinking. It is in this vein of properly both inside and out quircment being—Is it News? Newspapers no longer use the Information given must bete "... that we coutd wish a bit more application of positive BY RALPH tOWr and upstairs nnd downstairs And I For obvious reasons, however, informal style of many years ago. Items will not be re-run, or li- thinking might be applied to citizen attitudes on defy any "ollice review" that would the editors must screen out ob- Comments on how delicious the repeated (when planning advK '•: THE GOOD AND THE BAD quarter of lilfi:), and business in- accurately reflect the true value of jcctionable or libelous material refreshments were, how charm- publicity for an event, it i.« b. ' municipal problems. OF 1982 ventories no lonccr are heinir ac- jt piece of properly. not only for the paper's protection ing and informative the speaker to start about three wi-pks M: Criticism is easy, therefore many persons resort Thore wore many developments cumulated at a Ntimulatini; rate. My house is small with only two but for the protection of its read- was, and appeals to "come one. the date, carefully dividinj: It;: to it, yet how many at the time they are criticizing of a cheerful character in lD(i2, The international balance of bedrooms, no attic, no recreation crs and interested groups. come all" nru definitely out of formation on hand fin a serif.- and there also were quite n few payments will show a larger defi- room in the cellar und only a very Most newspapers huvc estab- date and no IOIIKVI' acceptable. stories.) the existing order offer a substitute program. that were, and arc, disturbing. On cit this year than had heen antici- ".mill dininjr-room which la hurdly lished certain rules which hnvc Learn to summarize.- and con- Talk over your publicity pit If a certain street is experiencing a traffic over- the Kood side the following were pated a few months UKO. It is ex- hip enough to scut four people. So been set up to help publicity chnir- dense your fncts. List persons or any other news problems *: load it i.s one thing to berate the municipal officials out8tanilii)K: pected to he about $2 billion, us if someone in my neighborhood who men present their stories in the who gave report", greetings or ihe editor, who will bo fhi The tot.;! value of (foods and n">iinst a hoped for total of $l.t> most attractive manner. brief speeches, rather than make assist. but quite something different to offer or be willing services produced in the* nation, billion. to consider a solution with a coat attached which or (jruss national product, in- Kederal KovcrmnonL expendi- may be required to cam; the travel load. creaRed quarter by quarter. For tures continue to rive nnd rise. I'or the year as a whole the fiirure is the fiscal year endinjr next June The destructive critic plnys oji, easy role. It is not estimated to he about $f»!i4 bil- :IO if is cillicially cstimiiled they bard to learn how to say "nyet" loudly and often. lidii, us compared with $51!) bil- will lie S:i:l.7 billion, with n deficit But progress is made in any municipality in spite lion in HKil. of !>7.8 billion. Until of lll"se fi(.'- Personal income rose month by ures are reirarded as the minimum. of controversy, in spite of destructive criticism. It month throuichout the year. In No- I n Washington it is witb'ly ex- is accomplished through the efforts of dedicated vember, the last period fur which pected thut for the fnllirH'inir fis- f: citizens who strive to advance their community, data are available, the total was cal year, Ihe President will sub- who, when they oppose a course, offer n valid reason $447 billion; in 1!)i!|, tiie com- mit a budget of about $0!) billion parable fwurc was $I2K hillinn. expenditures. FIRST in friendly service! and an alternative whet) possible. Thus comes into The total of new construction— There are, of course, many play the power of thinking positively. They do not private nnd (?overnmeal cimihjnecl other i:ood and manv oilier dis- exhaust their strength and mental thought processes —tniule a new annual hiirh of $(U turbum factors which miirhl be billion, us 'imalnst a ybacln above nietitioned. Hut the above should nn saying "no" or "it won't work." $57 billion in ISlfil. Private non- be sullicient to pruve that 1!Hi2 And so ns the mayor and council face the future farm housing starts did remark- war* a diU'ieult and trould<'«o!ne with confidence in the support of town employees ably well. In November the sea- year, and that l'.ni^i is certiiin to sonally adjusted annual rail! was have innny trri'iit problcMns that and in the help and interest of the numerous town l,6:!S,00(). A year earlier the com- must he met in some nuinner. boards and commissions let us all hope thut thu parable fiuure wns l.IMfi.OOO. Ketnil sales also did well for problems mid controversies which exist and those the yenr as a whole and apparent- LETTFRS m THF. 1 which are bound to conic, will be resolved in an ly the Christmas trade was a little atmosphere of positive thinking on both sides of above that of lflfll. However, the EDITOR I picture wns rather spotty, both the table. by lin*1 of iroods nnd by regions. te» R» sa • • - All 1etf«*r« to th«* editor muit One significant coninlic-atinir fact benc n »it*nntnrr nnH n ft rent The Worth of Paper was the newspaper strike in New nxl^rf •«, Itottt of which will oe York just at the crucial Christmas filithenficntid prior* lo puhlicn- How much is a pound of paper worth? shonniiur period. (inn Thia, obviously, is one of those idle, unanswerable The IHiiU automobile model RPFVITY IS F.SSFNT1AL. yenr has started oil' at a terrific NO I FJTFR EVrFFDINr. ?OO questions. For a pound of wnstepaper would bo pace—and the industry is widely WORDS WU.L BE ACCEPTED. forecasting a total volume nf sides worth nothing, while a pound of $1,000 bills would If requested, for A valid have u value almost beyond the dreams of human for 1!lfi:t of nl>out 7 million. If this turn* out t<> he true it would reason, nnmra may be omit ted avarice. lie the first time in hiMnry that except tn rrnlip* to letter! that However, if. you're interested in the worth of we hnd two e.rctit autonioliile years hftvr l>^rn p*iMi«h«*cl. back to hack. No nnonymoua letter* will htt paper, there's probably none in the world which, Wholesale prices have contin- comiH<«rfrd. pound for pound, carries as much weight behind it ued their staliilitv. The index has Letter* mitat he ^vr'itten only ARE YOU TIED IN not varied as much a< :i point lor on OTIC «i- As of the end of last year those shares represent- waril creeo. The increase iluvim; FINANCIAL KNOTS? the year ha* been aliont 1 ' !• per ed the ownership of 1,111 companies whoso worth 1 V\vi\ to totaled the unini.-ti'innbli1 figure of ?;>71 billion. Ami cent, lint that h:w i-nnti on tup of a similar l'i^e for each of the Untangle yourself gradually by saving regularly even that tells hut a pavl of the .story. The companies pn^l five yours. I ;un I'Mi-Io- imr a Ictti-i" \vliit-)i I employed 1-1.5 million |>cMipl<\ whose earning ami Tlx- inonev •JIIOHIV hn-; ti*ni!iiii"d wr^S* t>> ("iMi'rr*----\viin»;iD K)itr>>ni-o and profitably at First Federal Saving*. Also spending power is ;\ mighty element in keeping the plentiful t!irmi"hoiil thf v--ar :jiul I*. ihw.'T-. If yon Iriink it will W illterc-l r:ili's have triitb-d t" tle- • if int.-u-.-l tt» your ivn.U'is, plo;is,- prepare for the expense of next Cliri.MiiiHH by U.S. economy going. They turned out goods and eltH" ^lii'hily in manv cal''!'"Vii-<. print il. l-'arni income in ihe thinl services worth more than $:>()7 billion—a figure i'.ir (\in«rn*-;-:\vtii«:in Owyi joining our Christmas Club now and havo your which, in itself is it measure of U.K. living standard*. tei was :it an annual rate ul-'utieal with Hint I'm- I in: I •!•• a They earned profit•< m' $:',2.-| liiiion of which dose tn V..'l |io| I,, vi.!.. |" ,-N flu family do likewise. In the *'nli:ui vri- i-- !?n' K'"iin>-iK" Kid.-. iVrnmill...- a y.m ,li.l in half—SI 1.1 billion—weul to the federal government Ad"iim>ir:ili»n rev"':i|.'d m.-itnritv 1 !'•••!. I MIII ii-KiiM- yon to vi.l. and coin a-1".'. Tlli- mav for,--h-i>l--w in income (axes, where it was used Tor evorylhinji Ii. iml,li,ao. ii..I Ili'in... i ..I as : a I'-ii'i-.llv lie'tiT fio.-ien n.ili.y. from meeting the post oll'ire deficit to buying mili- li.lp.v,- Ilii- l.i I,,, tin- in...-I cr.u-ial On U,- di.lurl.ini- i'l- lh.-le :nv voli- of III.- yi-.'ir. tary hardware. til.- C.I!..'.viiH-: \\'\iy ,h..'!l.| Vi.|c t>. in- T.'l-il IM "'lit.-* i"ii. -i-a- Who owns nil these enterprises and I lie paper .rtai' Hi,- li-ilr. I'.niitiiiil.'i' I,. 1.".. ..IIK.IIV a.lMi.l.'.l. l.M- l,..t. •..,:.-. 1 .]•- .Ill'l. Will-, r.ivi' il^ I'-Hltl"! tn III.' which ropn scnts owtU'i'ship? to ni"\" i'ir il . nlal.-'oi -in. i- la-l l.ilnral !'• ;. tn.:iiriii'r th.-tn Answer; Some lf> million Americans, wh" amount .1M1\- l-"-it llti-. Mt-;.i ilii- M :-a nil- Open an account i't' a II.MI i- v..!.' on .A ilmini-1 ».i- Save by mail, ll-ii-.llv li'lll- I" I •'"! of I :iliil:tv. lo a human cross-section nf (his country. The luilk of ti.'ii.....l, ...t...| I,ill-, while |p:ikiiur 1 'Ill'- Illti- «.f urn oinl-\in<-l!t !r- in just a few any rlay, thorn arc in the middle-iuronn brackets, more Iliiin ili- .'lv hi-li. III \o I., rmiu-n-al1' Wbv li"l III.' il" minutes! half of them are women. Kverv cueeivabli' luml "I" iillu'V way iir.iiin.C1 \ I .• voll il>I.• ••- any time!

job and prefession w Jimml ;ini>i]ij: Ihein. IVii they .- li-.! in tti,.,.i)ir- .I.•••it'll.'.I • •)-. < • :u>"r- -itt'l-- mips ov.iiu-n all haw one Iliinjr in i-oiimiiui- -an :iliiiliii-: I'ailli in in i !;•• i i.i-iiiw nn'tii !i-. to ilu'i .'a- .- III.- i.ow.'t- in Hi" haO'l . Iho American >yslem :tn

Nalion';t lit: illr: : I ii ill t-11 ',?'.'-"> Ir.'ttl i»H.' 1>I1-11H'^ ;ilwl .Jill .,.- I...«....- .1,- thai lli.'i',. i !•:• ;iiM..' l.'i-i'- 'ly industry eNeniliws on pi-":-.peel:- 11>r l'.M'i.l. Si\ly p.-r wriili-.- an.I unfair IIIM.KI III" 1:M|.-'. cent, of them yjiy they iwpicl bu-'ine :- lo ronliiiile cm r.imilljlli'i'': n..l>'.T I.. "I.'.Ml.' HI'.." A-' 1 »iiili>l"'(;ili'l il. iiftc-n linn", a u Hoinewhal slui'i'isli phi|c;iu. will] Ihe year's over- ••I td FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS all performance .'i|>pro\imatiiiK that of J!H>2; i'l per :i l«'l). Inn for tui!irii-;il r<':i'on; cent forcea-l ;i jieneral business decline, and 18 per r:mii"f C"': loly vol.- ;iL';iint( il. 1 lll'l'dir-t I'll 11 ThiT'-fiirr. In* wiuil-i tin hill ISO ELM S'A'HEET. WESTFIEI-JD. NEW JJEJRSEY cunt predict improvement. iii lln» Iii -^t "liotllvtl up" ;itnl i\y\i\> I In- muni- THK the most popular project. The I | Trunk B*nU| rnc. at ifi*mi, VU-, boys measure worn radio tubes t tOO V BARS AGO I owner of the trattor-troiler; Mur- for quality on a tube tester. Tele- i Route 1 Collision Results in Suit | ray Jji.euit Co. of Augusta, Ga., Both vehicles were trayeling : WHS vision st'ts have also been donated . A Westfield motorist, injured , in Superior Court, which had leased it, and Hubert when they collided. t*.i the shop. The parts from those ; ; when a tractor-trailer jitckfcnifet. I itrvs for his injuries and c.xiJ'.'iui'.-. K. ytone of IU-aeh Island, S.C., the that riuinnt he repaired are used I EWS - VIEWS ; and pinned his cur against u Koutv 1 '••"- J. Sar'o (if 7-il CoU'til.ui IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE to build other projects. i I 1 abutment, filed suit last wci-l; '. PI. filed the suit airain.-l Kyeturn. the Federals by surprise; the Fed- Keturns or schedules repro- erals had expected to (to the at-duced by copying machines and tiickintr, and many were fixing other devices .should meet the breakfast when four brigades of standards of paper quality and Confederates came hurtling at legibility uf the official forms. them through the underbrush and Taxpayers receiving p r e - a d - cottonficlds. dressed forms should use these The assault was a resounding .'onus where possible to minimize success. The Federal line crum- chance of error in' identification. pled, and the Confederates rushed Mr. Turbett also reminded tux- through, taking prisoners and cap- payers that their tax account turing supplies • and weapons. numbers are required by law on Other Confederate brigades fol- all returns filed in 1 «(>;!. This is Man is often told: "As far as religion it con- lowed all along the front, and thethe social security number of the cerned, stop thinkingl Out church has all the Federal line bent backward into individual, or a similar, assigned answers. There is no need for you to think, just the i hape of a "V." account number for persons not believe!' But gradually, the Federal re- covered by social security. Failure Unitarians broke this nian*mnde command sistance stiffened. Artillery was to show account number may de- over four hundred years ago. In the middle of the sixteenth brought forward against the lay issuuuee of any refund due century, Michael Scrvctus challenged the trinitarian concept .Southerners. (Jen. (ieorge 11. the taxpayer. MEETING PROGRESS of God in three persons. As a result, Calvin ordered him to Thomas, the Virginia-born Federal Persons who do not already be burned at the stake. general who would become known have numbers should apply at Persecution, mental or physical, did not stop mankind as the "Rock of Chickamauga," once to the District Director of from questioning; these Unitarians—Francis David, Joseph brought up reinforcements and Internal Revenue, or to the Dis- WITH PROGRESS Priestley, Thomas Jefferson, Charles Darwin, William tilery hold his line as his men blasted trict Director of the Social Secur- Channing, Theodore Parker, Ralph Waldo Emerson, all suc- into the charging Confederates. ity Administration. Or they may cessfully challenged the orthodox position. Unitarians are That night, as the new year write to the Internal Revenue the scientists of religion—the questioners, the examiners, the came, a bright moon shone down Service, Hox 211, Baltimore, Md. in Union County seekers of truth. If you have "lost futth" in religion because on thousands of dvjng soldiery Business taxpayers will enter their 1 you insist on thinking for yoursclf-you should know about and Hrngg, thinki.ig his victory regulnr Employer Identification Companies on the grow . .. communities planning for progress . . . people providing for their' Uoitarianism. complete, sent off a telegram to Number on their returns and re- family's future... need a bank to match their outlook and enthusiasm. The National State Bank Richmond: "God has granted us a luted documents. happy New Year." has been meeting this challenge for a century and a half. . . seiving the dynamically growing But it was not to be so. New needs of Union County with the best of modern banking. If you're looking fox' a bank to help The Unitarian Fellowship of Westfield Year's day, Rosencrans, instead of 4 Muggers Snatch retreating, readied his men for with your financial progress, make National State your bank in 1963. Meeting at the Westfield Community Center another fight, and Jan. 2, late in Sunday 10:30 the afternoon, he took his re-$5 From Boy, 14 venge, It came with another Confeder- Police are seeking four youths STATEMENT OF CONDITION who reportedly assaulted a 14- year-old boy New Year's night DECEMBER 31, 1962 and took a $6 bill from his pocket. Howe v e. r , a departmental spokesman snid clues to the iden- tity of the quartet are "skimpy." RESOURCES LIABILITIES Mark Waiter of Ml E. Broad St., tin; victim, has supplied police Cash and on Deposit with Common Stock with n sketchy description of each of his assailants, hut was unable Other Banks $ 31,731,443.5? (400,000 Shares) $ 4,000,000.0'' to note the license number of the U. S. Government Securities 53,523,889.47 Surplus 4,000,000.00 auto they were driving. The youth, son of Dr. and Mrs. Obligations of Federal Agencies 484,234.37 Undivided Profits 132,117,73 •1. Penniiigtiin Waiter, told au- State, Counly and Municipal Bonds 19,366,510.60 Reserve for Contingencies, etc 146,038.83 thorities he was walking his dog along Harrison Ave. when the as- Other Bonds and Securities 335,020.75 Reserve for Bad Debts as sault and robbery occurred. Mortgage Loans 21,645,127.89 Permitted by Law 5,210,217.94 Mark said his attackers "jump- ed him, punched him on top of Loans and Discounts 68,338,579.35 Total Capital Funds the head, and then turned bis , and Reserves 13,488,374.50 pockets inside out," according to Banking Houses 1,867,020.78 the police report. The boy told Furniture and Fixturos :... 561,440.46 Reserve for Interest 98,505.05 investigators that three of his as- Demand Deposits 121,303,518.96 sailants had long, black hair, and Cash Surrender Valuo Life , the fourth, u blonde-haired youth, Insurance Policies Owned 36,737.40 Time Deposits 54,639,321.83 had ii "flat-lop haircut." They were Other Assets 269,089.81 Other Liabilities 8,629,374.13 riding, he said, in a black 1068 Talk about growth potential... you're looking at it I Chevrolet. The victim added that he had Total $198,159,094.47 Total $198,159,094.47 never seen any of the quartet before the incident. He said that he thinks he cut the mouth of one of the youths when he man- aged to land a punch himself. DIRECTORS Tools Worth $20 Stolen J. KKNNT11 BOYLES RAYMOND II. HAR'l'LAULi JAMES A. ONEII, VI l'ri-.-i.J>-nl Iliiuln-.'., I I.I rll ml. .iii,l Tlnrrii«Mli:. Sim lor Vlfu-I'ri-Hlclvni. At Echo Lake Garage WAYNE T. Kit A NO M Stimuli, X. ,1. .IOSKI'11 II. HU.MIIKRSTONK K. L. KKYNOI.US Siip,-.- I'r.'slil.iH pane in a Knr:tn"t< door. c*t t KKT Kii 'M'.'K ki-'i .f«;<; '.'""'• |>.,. Mill' V|. .-l'i'..s|.|..,i| CHESTER F. .SMITH A second thrl't reported to po- ROLAND 'V.'I.'HAKD .Ufivil M II. -I. '••!,,,,,.,,,v, |.|- It.Mir.-.1 r,.rni. -I'I.V VI -,".<.«liluiil£> lice involved an auto battery. Mrs. X- v- ',.,, I, >, y. I'll, -lor, stuiiil.ii"! (ill c. i.\. J.) \'i<-.'- I'. .-*|.|. n: -i IM! ' '.i- (in ! DONALD M. I.IDDKI.I,, .MI. FRHDKHICK S. TIPSON Roy Cross said the battery, worth I 'I,.Ill III.Ill ,.| III.' I'....II.I THOMAS K. COLLETON I'II..i Hi.- I!'- i.,i •'?-'{0, was taktn from her car parked T. \V. .« I'. II. Ci.. l'r.-sl- 'IVni|i!.'l."i |i .1.1.1..iv .'.- V inn-, In. . N..iv link. X. V. ouUide her home, SO.') C'arleton Kd. I Nr-.v V.M K X V DON C. MITCIIKLI, JAMES M. WADE IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE i.llt. lllK'l'Hl.,1.. I,, v, | V 'I... 11 II...II.I '•••.. 111-, .;• T. l--|.h..i.. .v |-:l. ,''.. IN THE LEADER llillsi.l,-. N. .1. CEOIUJF.V'WKUBER Weeds ... (ox fails . . . (here ore plenty of Thus, diversified growth continues in New '•JOHN II. FIJI DEN '.'"'•''' .. i •.im ri'l:il M:III:IKI'I' them in the "Jersey Meadows"! But they arc Jersey. This kind of farsighteci, planned KOSWKLL H.NicilOLH, JR. I'llblli- S.-rvh-i- i;|.-.-li'|[- & C.i.i I'll. M.'h'.h-, Tin.Mi,.,II * |..-i.|i,,\iiv.-. disappearing . . . and Jis they disappear in- );io',v!h has become a philosophy in our state. W. .-lll.'l.l, X. ,1. G. IIAiri'KAM WOODKUFF dustry is bursting forth here into full bloom. It is also the philosophy of Public Service A Itiirmy Located right in the middle of the world's Electric and Gas Company. It colls for ever Open 24 Hours a Day richest market, just a bird's eye view from increasing expansion of our services — one New York City, and adjacent to deep water billion dollars' worth in the last ten years — ports, ovorlnnd tmnsportalion ;ind several to stay ahead of the demand. major airports, this former wasteland is des- THE NATIONAL STATE BANK With Iho responsibility of serving moro 611 Park Ave., Plainfiold tined to become one of America's great in- than 80% of New Jersey's population, ELIZABETH • SPRINGFIELD • ROSELLE PARK • SUMMIT dustrial conccnticitions. The shaded areas PL 6-0008 Public Service sees no reason why the KENILWORTH • WESTFIELD • RAHWAY • HILLSIDE in the photo indicate where industrial parks state's remarkable growth trend should are completed, or aie in the planning stage. change in 1963. Registered Pharmacist in MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION attendance cit store PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY; Day and Night 26 /e... wttw CVU/IZ/.J c/e<«6'H€3 ' • •• — • • -•: , 'mm ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND VICINITY] I International Christian University Sermon of the Week St. Paul's to Offer CHURCH SERVICES "UTTLE ARTS OF LIFE" ; 6-Week School I Aide to Address Church Women Rev. Richird L. Smith, AIIOC. MiniUcr HOLY TRIM IV R. C. CHURCH both serves; !>:1!> a.m., church THE BIBLE Presbyterian Church , The executive socrei:;ry c.f tho I Of Religion Joint WSCS ci j Japan Inu-rnalK'iial Cbrisliiiii Utii- Augmented schedule: school for nursery through .sixth | vi-rsity Foundaiion, Inc., will be the Sunday Masses: In church: 7, grade: 10:4H p.m., church school SPEAKS for nursery through 12th grade. Text: Ephesians 4:32: "Bo ye Icinc! mw to another, tcmltrhMited, ' A .-i-'nool of religion f..r adult < I Scheduled Tuesday i featured speaker at the annual i, 9, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon: • will hi- i-lfi-i-f-d in St. l':iniV Kjiisry- j meeting o! the Wesilield Council «.f:'? a.m., children's Mass: in chapel, •1:30 p.m., junior high "Pilgrim*; by forgiving one another." : A jijint meetinjr of IIK- day and Life for most of us most of the time is niado up of little thinu.s j pal Chinch f..r -;.\ oi.-ei-uii-.v rnited Church Women. | D, 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15. ! Kcllcw.'bip; 7 p.m., senior high 1'il ! WVdlH'siliiy f v e n i n x - !>i-j'.iiin:iiK j evciiii.;: ^'! ;:ml civnti.'u:i!i^' through i,i, ' his message. "The Kcvolu-: B:<5. 7:45, 8:45, 9:45 and 10:31 Monday: 10 a.m., antiques *hov j Feb. 20. Five ruursiv- will be of- [ l'ii.-i Mi'thodisl Chuich will be held committee. Little things make people happy, ami little thing? make us miser- | Tuci'flay at 8:15 p.m. in the fel- itiou of Kir-ing- Human Kxpo-cu- ] «.m,; m the evening, 7 p.m. able. "That best portion of a ninn's life, the little mum-less, unre- ! fered twice cirili cvi-iiinir -o that | runs." lm..rosti.d church w..m.-n I Weekday Masses: In church Tuesday: 8 p.m., Bradford circle i registrants may t;tki- ;it:y two of | h^wship room. meeting at the home of Mrs. Har- membered acts of kindness and of love," is how n trri-ut poet put it. i Thi' speaker will be Dr. John H. of this area are cordially invited to "i^O. 7:15 and 8 a.m., unless oth- Th.s is the beginnin, Big things show what a mnn can do; little things fhow what the five couivtv. attend the annual meeting to bo rwise announced. ris Elwcll, 2252 Newark Ave. The Rev. Dr. John C. W. !.in=- Lennoii and at.-io members of the First Friday Masses: 6:30, 7:15 Scotch Plains. Mrs. Clarke will weekly visit the Chure he is. There are certain little arts of life which, if n muster them | held in the fellowship room at First Christ in Westfield add to our own joy in living and to the happiness of others. lcy, associate director of the over- t MVF. Their topic will be "At ' Methodist Church Tuesday at ;i:-15 and 8. speak on child placement in Union seas department of the National ; Hoim»— Away From Home." County. Springfield Avenue, willm a We must learn to forgive people for whut they are, as well a Musu- will be provided by The a. m. for what they do. What they do KIOWS out of what they are. Wi Council of the Protestant Episcopal The meeting will be presided OUR LADY OF U3URDES Wednesday: 1 p.m., pastor's with the people of this % cannot make them over, much as we should like to try—»s they would Church, will be the ituc-t lecturer. Twelve, a girls ensemble fron R. C. CHURCH class. through the columns Wesificld High School. over by Mrs. Lcland Beach who love to make us over. His topic will he "I>oral Church will distribute copies of the annual Central Ave., Mountainride Thursday: 1 p.m., afternoon cir- Westfield Leader. We „„„ and World Mission," with .specific Devotions will be lead by Mrs Rev. Gerard J. McGarry, Faator Some people are one, some another—we must tnke them as they report. Installation of new oHicer.s cles; Aldeu and Mayflower to be above heading to i j •;# reference to the role of the Episco- William R. Gibson and members of Rev. Francis F. McDermitt n nre, and forgive them, else we cannot live. Our business is to be better will be conducted by Mrs. Dwight announced; Plymouth, Mrs. R. hat our aim will be to ^-'J^ than ourselves, not to remake other people to suit ourselves. pal Churi'h and the Anglican Com- circle 4 will servo (is hostesses. Faust from Union, former Union i Rectory—1221 Wyoming Drive (Jlonn Bauer, ho'tess, 345 Wych- Save your worry until the thins Imppen3. There will be plenty to munion. County director of United Church ADarm 2-4607 wood Rd. ;ent Bible truths which irJK worry about—never fear. But if we wait until a thing happens, we Dr. I-inslcy, a resident of Moun- Women, Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9, 10:30. Thursday: 8 p.m., annual meet- je the meahs of helping rtM shall worry about a reality, not a mere fonr. Besides, it may not tainside, was graduated from St. Women's Meeting, International Christian Univer- 12. ing of the church; an organiza- -rs to a clearer understg *? happen. Stephen's College, now Hard Col- sity was founded in 1849 by Chris- Daily Masses: 7:00, 8:00 a.m. tional meeting of the board of ng of what the Book of (uvS But if it does happen, as it decs once in a blue room, other things lege, in N'ow York in l!)2fi and re- tian educators—buth Japanese and Confessions: Saturdays and eve* trustees will immediately follow saches as you read it fa « ceived the de-gree of bachelor of ot Holydays, 4 to 5:30 p.m. and will happen too, modifying tho setting and the result. It will be differ- Luncheon Slated missionary. Il is an interdenomi- the annual meeting. veek to week. It is nn'% ent from what it was in the moving picture put on by our imagination. acred theology from General The- national Protestant institution with 7:30 to 9 p.m. Learfi to throw off things—y the Rev. Richard J. ing the period of its establishment school; Dr. K. M. Staub wilt speak them for what they cannot do—nnd perhaps did not try to do. A real lardman, rector of St. Pnul's. This Tuesday morning. There will be senior young people will meet at subject stand together I; critic is not a fault-Under but a star-finder, as wn.i said of Emerson. baby sitter service avAilable for and served as chnirman of Ihu the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'ink- to the Moil's Triangle Bible class ludy will compare the londerahip finance committee of the founda- mi the theme "The Strong and the- truth does not contradict i Also we must learn to live by the deep springs of life, not by its mining account in St. John's CJoa- tin- luncheon and afternoon pro- hiim at 7:ir>. self. We believe the Bible: surface rain water. Rain water splashes the street anil makes it dirty ped, rhnpters l.'i to 10, with modern gram. tion. He has hade more than three Weak" at 8:30 a.m. in Westmins- decades of inlimato contact with Sunday: 11 :i.m., George Wise- ter Hall; the Elizabeth Norton be truth as it was revealed! and slippery, but it la soon gone and forgotten. practices of group dynamics. A film entitled "Hunger" will ho man of Angola, Portugese West God to guide man in his re': Just so It is with the little tiits and angry moments in the home, Japan a< a missionary and admin- riiblo class will meet at 10 o'clock A course on "The Uniqueness of shown at the afternoon program. istrator nnd has both written nnd Africa, will bring the message at tionship to his Maker than! : or between friends. They soon pass, but the abiding sentiments of love the family Bible hour. The Sun- in the lounge; the 'senior depart- Christ" to he conducted by the Rev. Mrs. Onkcl P. Hall will conduct the spoken extensively about thai coun- ment of the church school meets at purpose of God toward m: ;• nnd loyalty remain. When the rain water haa dried up, tho spring I. Paul Mussehnan, associate min- worship service and Mrs. Koy II. try and its people. A year ago he day school will be in session at the >.till flows. same time. 10 a.m, only. may finally be attained. vX ister at St. Paul'?, will IK- required Workman will be chairman of the joined tho staff of the Foundation 7:45 p.m., Spires young; adull Years ago a well-known poet wrote four lines which the world "or all teachers in the church day. A special feature of the nft- us executive .secretary. This past 7:'1O p.m., -Mr. Wiseman will also contend that God cannot l';V remembers. They do not tell tho whole truth, but they do tell us of school in preparation for teaching 'crnoon pr<>i;rain will be MIVI. Mau- be the spea'ker at the evening serv- group will meet; installation of ofli- '•nown outside and separtf « summer he was again in Japan cers. something we sorely need in a world full of cruelty: during Lent. It is, however, open rice -M muled as soloist. and had consultations not only at ind apart from a knowled:^ "So many gods, so many creeds, Ui nil registrants. Today: 9:30 a.m., circle of pray- -f his Book — the Bible, i•-• At this meeting pledges toward the International Christian Uni- Tucsday: 8 p.m., after n season er in thp chapel; all women arc in- So many paths that wind and wind, The liev. John A. iSmnrt, asso- versity, but oilier universities and of prayer, there will be a message now that this is true, oneKr When just the art of being kind association work will be received vited to participate; circles will iale minister at St. Paul's, will •ollc-gcy in the country. by Lyndon Hem of the Sakeji but to observe those wf Is all tho sad world needs." •onduct a course on "The Way of and dedicated. meet in the various homes; 8 p.m., Mrs. Herbert Frapwell's mission School in Xorthcni lihudesiii. adult communicants class. Save not come into conic No, kindness is not all the sad world needs. Kindness cunnot cure :hp l'rophe-ts"of bibical Israel and Thursday: 8 p.m., the ladies' study class will resume meetings FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH •vith its truths. Where the r unemployment any more than it can cure cancer. Yet at a time when n contemporary society. "An In- •MUisonary meeting will be held at Tomorrow: 3:45 p.m., young there is more brutality in the world at any time not actually barbaric, .roductionto the Philosophy of Ko- at 10:30 a.m. in the lounge. This 170 Elm Street, Weitftetd peoples communicants class; 3:30 fluence of the Bible has n meeting will have Mrs. Lorimer the chapel with Mrs. Conrad Haehr we need to be kind. Igion" will be presented by Mrs. Rev. William K. Cober of Formosa as the speaker. p.m., Primary Club. gone, superstition and igrr In the Burric play, "Little White Bird," a young husband Is wait- . Minton, who ha:; served for more Arir«trolig as guest and she will Minuter Saturday: 0:30 a.m., Communi- 'ance practically control tl show pictures which «he and Dr. ing at the hospital for his child to be born. He has never been unkind him 'JH years in the Christian F.du- Today: 1 p.m., Woman's Mission COMMUNITY PKE5BYTERIAN cants Club. ives of men. Where the Bit to his wife, but he wonders if he has been as kind us -he might •ation department of .St. PaulVi. Armstrong tool: in Taiwan. All •Soniety circle meetings; 8 p.m., rir- Monday: 3:30 p.m.,' ungraded members are invited, whether or Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. is not known, men bow do* . have been. •le meetiiiK; eliildren'.^ committee; CHURCH children's recreation in the assem- in worship before thecreatv Kai-h course, comprising n U'C- not they are regular attendants at 3()I>!0 committee. bly hall; 8 p.m., annual meeting "Let us mnkc a new rule from tonight," lie says, "always to be uic and a .short question and un- Meeting Homo Lane - animals, gods of stone or. the mission study class. Tomorrow: l'J noon, Hahwny- of congregation and corporation in a little kinder than is nvcossnry." If all men practiced such a role, this ;wer session, will be given from S Mountnimide wood, the streams, sun, mof tad world would he a fairylnnd tomorrow—not the hideous place it is. .<> H:50 and from 9:10 to 1(1 p.m., jnden area businessmen's lunch- Today: 8 p.m., deacons' meeting assembly hall. < %on. •nd stars — instead of 1* : The Cood'Snmurllati did it. The ncxUiiiornin(cf'afUt 'rtwi:uing the .vith a eotTcc break between thv two in pastor's study. Tuesday: 8 p.m., Elizabeth Nor- I*ol Liifk Supper ton Bible class meets in lounge. Veator who made them o i wounded mam'nnd taking care of h>m ajfilu' inn, he XooU out money icriods. A repl.iU-atlon fee will he. Sundav: 1) and II a.m., worship Tomorrow: '.' to ll:H0 a.m., day : and asked the innkeeper tp, use m»re tf^evded. That eolden extra ? for each course. Franklin The Connie-: Club of the Presby- and children's division of church nursery school. Wednesday: 11:30 a.m., church ods of wood, stone m i made hla act a work of art. W. lleliim Jr., 127 Kiis.ell IM., terian Church will nici-t at 7 p.m. school; sermon by the pastor, the staff meets for. devotions and dis Sunday; !>:15 a.m., church .school, are gods of wralh o" "Somehow, I never thought it pnid," Raid Abraham Lincoln, when iworal, is the registrar. Further .Ian. 1« in Ihc pnrish house. The liev. Wtlliuin K. Cobcr, oil the sub- rimnry and junior Ki'aikw 1-li; eiission; -1:30 p.m., eighth grade his friends urged him to make n stinging reply to n hitter, untrue nfwinution may lie obtained from meeting will be n put kicli supper ject, "How (im! iSpeaks." Musir boys, grade 7-8, :it Willielms; 10:30 fellowship; 7 p.m., the Wednusdny ngeanee while the God i word spoken about him. In the end, kindness, even to those who Inve im or from the church. followed bv the installation of offi- under the direction of lioVrt J. n., worship, liaptism; nursery evening Forum meets in the paiv?! 'he Bible is the God of lo' been unkind to us, is never regretted. Tho school ii.i open to all interost- cers feu- the new year. The cve- lienniston, minister of music and kindergarten da*s;-s; nursery i louse. "•nd lender mercies, call:- Being n little kinder than is neceasury, is the finest of the little d adults in the area. ning's iiroirrani will feature Rev, 10 a.m. nnd 12 noon, church for infants; 11:45 a.m.. girls, to the right woy of I' nrts of life, if not its finiil joy. John Naksiiimn r.penkinrr on "I!ai- school; youth and adult divisions jrrades 7-S, church school; confir- MOUNTAINSIDE 1->st he perish. J •nn D'tre p.m., junior and senior high school; adult cla.-s on contempor- Guest Pastor Due ary theology with William Smith; Rev. Badon H. Brown, Pastor Christ Jesus, the S"n i fellowship; 8 p.m., Sunday evening stud y book "UmlcnUiiiiiliiig tin.- Sunday: !l:.'i0 a.m., Bible schoo' prayer group at the home of Mr. r ^od, said, "And ye shall ki» Author to Review Book for Society jil I IT Christian Faith" 7 |i.m., Weslinin- teachers prayer meeting; O:-t s •3 truth, and the truth sV ' At Calvary (LCA) and Mrs. William \V. Austin, !M(i stcr fellowship. a.m., Sunday school classes for all Tin1 second Istmily Life Aposto- Second St., Fanwoud. •ake you free." (John 8:3: llnrvoy Kvcrctt, administrative age groups from nursery through c r assistant in the Division of Church Tho Nov. Kt-nnelh .1. Dnlo will litte Conference will lie bold in Uolv Monday: 112 noon, mid-lmvn Man- Monday: "I to 11:^0 p.m., day rror and falsehood will ' Travelogue Scheduled iitfr tlu* w»»r.ilii)» imv.saKo nl ilic nursery school. adull; 11 a.m., worship service. Missions for trie American Baptist Trinity High School at K p.m. Fri- hattan area lilnini-ssnien'.s lunch- b:nl, Sinuliiv. 1'nslnr Pair in pros- Carnil will sjieak on niarringe and Wednesday: II to 11 :.'!0 a.m., day ntlv vi\ furlough nnd v/urkin^c i»n ing of united cluu-ch women .it the ; „„,. ,„,,„-„,. „ 1M inl,,,.csso,.v Monday: 7 p.m., Pilgrim anil Col- *hose who espouse it. An"' 'Mm. R.. oniiimfy in NVw Yorli Cily. quested to contact Mi", and Mrs. ission* committee meeting. Mr. Tulcotl. 'Tuesday: H p.m., Women's Mis- Drayer to his Father, "!' Holy Trinity, has r.chrcluleil a Eur- ymniK people will im>et and tho Wednesday: il:!fi a.m., study sionary Society meeting. kind of church ihnL will meet this Itcv. Palo received his HA frinn David l.ovell. Thursday: family night supper. -"ord is truth." (John 17:" opean trfivel<»jru« in color to !>o pre- i group; 8 p.m., deacons' prayer T sented l>y the Atlas Trawl Aucncy kind of world. lethany C«lU jr*\ Lindslmvc, Kan., Wednesdny: 10 a.m., women's hat is why we propose', HP from Aumistnnn Si"«iiinvv, MADISON AVENUE CHAPEL group. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Bible class; 7:15 p.m., Explorer '-t the Bible speak in I1 at the Guild's meeting Tuesday. Cancer dri'.syhij^s and overseas l'ioneer (lirls meeting; 8 p.m., lnid- At n recent board inec?tinK at the White Cross surgeon (towns will he M Island, UK, i\nd OK- ThM 1 lie went Iti Japan undor ! Dudley Ave., Mrs. Francos Adams, in the children's building un- Sunday: !>:ir> a.m., Ilihle school; Rev. L. R. Stanford, Minister n conflict with whcit men iw tho Hoard of World Missions of r 257 Midwny Avenue ehnirnuin, announced plans for the der tho direction of 'Mrs. Knheil 10:l. i a.m., family Ilihle study hour Fanwood Rev. E. M. Odden, Asst. Minister **ach and practice in reliQ'5* annual pro-Lenten Valentine dance Seila nnd Mrs. John (Jodfrey. -Miss *hf A.ufins(ann .Lutheran Cinnvli. Inughl by linger I'lijr-iley! li a.m., Sunday: !):30 and 1] a.m., wor- lie served in rvauKcli:-m uud |KW- Sunday Sorvice«, 11 a.m. to be held Kcb. If; at Chi Am Cha- (Irave Thon'p^Mi v/ill have charge Mr. -Pu^sley, student minister, will Sunday School and Nursery, ship in tlic sanctuary; liev. 1.. K. j More Church Newt teau arc nearly completed. of the Hihh> dinem'sinn jit noon. The i'ili work ill tho City nf V\w for six coniliirt worship service.-: and speak Stanford will preach on the topic, | years. In l!).r)H he lipjran iciicluntr II a.m. We invite your careful re»' "The Society of St. Andrew." :>1 Assisting tho chairman for the Kilili* Imnl; of the mouth is .l:\nies. on the subject "Iteyond Our Wild- Wednesday evening testimony next page q, your comments and f i in the Japan Lutheran Seminary, est Dreams." N'ur.-Mi>.-dumes A. Uinnro, will l)i starved in I«V1- Tokvo, In which h" will return in meetings, 8:15 p.m. -'iticisms by letter or phor' C. Coojran, I,. Kitzhnrrix, I1'.

A Funeral Home of homelike atmosphere, completely modern air conditioned, IVORY DRY CLEANERS WNBC 660 k.c. off-itrect Porkinc) Focililiei

Sunday Morning —7:30 licensed Staff A| AND LAUNDERERS CHURCH of CHRIS* OPPOSITE FIRE HEADQUARTERS WNTA X 600 Springfield Avenuo 218 North Ave. W., Cranfoid 16 PROSPECT ST. AD 2-5020 Sunday Evening, 10:3C Cprolyn M. Dooloy Joseph F. Oooley BR 6.0255 Westfield, New Jersey 66-Foot Right Of Way Urged Fire Prevention Group to Meet Activities In The Churches The first evening mooting of the proximately 800 fire department newly organized State Fire Pie- officials.. jMRST METHODIST CHURCH league meeting; film, "Rim of the TEMPLE EMANU-EL for Union County's Roads vention Association will be held to- Guest speaker lor the meeting AT WESTFIELD Wheel." OF WESTFIELD night at 8:15 in the (Municipal will be G. M. Watson of the Nft- Ministers Tuesday: 10 a.m., Altar Guild; 756 E. Broad Street A complete overhaul of regula- 10,000 linear feet of curbing was a costly proposition for theBuilding. tional Board of Pire Underwriters. Rev. CUrk W. Hunt C:30 p.m., confirmation classes; Rabbi Alriel S. Grisbman tions controlling Union County's should be constructed efleb year; county, costs totaling $88,481.47, He will discuss the problem of ex- roads is recommended by James as soon as the. curbing is in place, but it was far from the record es- Lieut. John Flaherty of 'Bloom- Rev. Jimn C. Whitaker 7:30 p.m., department leaders; 8 Today: 7:15 p.m., senior post field, president of the association, acting and enforcing up-to-date ReT. John R. Lennon - p.m.,"Sunday school teachers. confirmation class; 8:]5 p.m., coral C. Tomasulo, county supervisor the road department could con- tablished in the winter of 1PC0-G1 fire prevention codes. Mr. Watwa of roads, in a o4-page annual re- struct shoulders thereby widening when expenditures were nearly said he hopes for a greater attend- Rev. Philip R. Diellei-ich Wednesday: 10 a.m., midweek tfroup; 8:30 p.m., bep-inners Adult ance by lire chiefs-and fire preven- is considered an expert in this field Hebrew education ela?.;. port to the Board of Freeholders. the roads; and building a new $150,000. and haw helped, many New Jersey |Sunday: 9:15 a.m., all depart- Bible study; 11 a.m., Christian day housing development aK>ng county There were 32.7 inches of snow tion officers from volunteer depart- ^tnts of the church school meet; school chapel. Tomorrow: H:15 p.m., board of The board slirfuld initiate a pol- nU communities with their fire preven- icy whereby building lines along roads should be supervised by which accumulated in 14 different \™ - Flaherty «.ul "We realize tion code problems. |l5 and 11 a.m., cradle and crib; trustees and temple officers sab- county repriwntaiives ivlio would afternoon meetings are difficult for ibrship .services in the sanctuary, WILL1OW CROVE bath service. An. Oneg Shabbath county roads be fixed, wherever storms from Dec. 1,1961, to! necessary, ti) provide space for insist on proper drainage, curbs, March 10 last year. I volunteer fire ddepartment official** jfev. Clark \V. Hunt, minister, will PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH nnd reception will follow. March 10 last year. w.»,,^...... ^....,,,r,^ „,.„,„,= Americana fought a revolution future widening, especially in po-gutter-j and shoulders. On four occasions the road staff'? fltt™1;. ^V"*?1"^1 \\* ?nvlta: «ach. ' Old Raritan Road Saturday: 9 a.m., sabbath re- tential business areas, the report of C llc over unjust taxes. By last year, |B:45 p.m., eighth and ninth Rev. Julian Alexander ligious school; 0:15 a.m., sabbath Hauling should also be con- worked around the clock to make! V"" T ' J_'^arUn 1). Burke and reports Internal Bcvenue, 97 per recommends. No right of way for trolled on county roads to protect roads ppassablea . Cnpl. John Dries to meet in West- ade MYFs; 6:45 p.m., senior Mr. Richard Lovelace religious morning devotions; 10:30 a county road should be less than field in the evening because of its cent of the nearly $100 billion col- Kh MYF; 8 p.m., young adult Assistant a.m., the Bar Mitzvah of George the surface. Over 18(>,000 square yards of lected came through voluntary self- CG feet, it adds. The start of a road widening existing pavements wore surfaced central location. Notices of the Jllowship. Today: G:30 a.m., prayer meet- \V. Salzman. meeting have been mailed to ap-assessment by taxpayers. |Today: 8:15 p.m., circle 4 of the Sunday: 9:45 and 11 a.m., re- Parking should be restricted program also is suggested because with bituminous concrete. Uoad ing; 7 p.m., youth prayer meeting; OUIIWHV; ^;ij anu 11 a.m., ic- . . , ,. % . some of the ronds are too narrow crews nlso set a record during the group of the WiSCS will 8 p.m., primary teachers' meeting ligious school; 11 a.m., Men's Club f°'!ncg COUntmorninv g!ond anfd' earlPfrlicularly eveninyg to carry the traffic that is now us-year when they laid over 20,000 et at the home of Mrs. C. Peter- at the home of Mrs. Kdward Danks. Bible brunch; 7:30 p.m., senior rush hours to permit, in many in- ing them. tons of nsphaltic concrete, Mr. IIUPORT OP CONDITION Of n, 2010 W. Broad St. The WSCS (Sunday: fl:30 a.m., worship youth group indoor Maecabean. stances, two lanes of traffic in Mr. Tumnsulo recommends that Tomasulo reported. THE NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD [ll not tiVeet this week. Instead service; Sunday school grades 4-9; Tuesday: 7:15 p.m., junior post OP \\ F.NTIir.I.K, IN TlltC STATK OF MIW . AT THE CI.OSR each direction to speed movement this program be started with First Union County received $399,- or in SI.NKSS ON m:t i;> UN, ims. prm I*IIKI> I.V nNSPo\»F. To ere will be a combined meeting 11 a.m., worship service; Sunday confirmation class. of traffic, Mr. Tomasulo said. This Ave., Hosello; W. Grand St., Eliz- 980 in state aid for road work this (.•AM11, 1MADi :S IIVN TllOl.l.l:i m KMiirit l UNo rims TH EPIU CL'HIlKMjyI , IVUMIH itKSPOMiR SBCTIOB TNo jth the evening proup next Tues- school age 3-3rd grade. Wednesday: 9:45 a.m., Sister- would greatly relieve highway tie- abeth; W. Seventh St., Plainfield; year. .vm, i. N. ni:vi»ici> STATUTES. iy at 8:16 p.m. hood Bible class; 7:15 p.m., con- ASSETS 6:30 p.m., junior fellowship; ups and reduce hazard throughout Bonnie Burn I'd., Berkeley On Sept. 1 the county started Cash, balance with other banks, and caflh items In process ITomorrow: 0:46 p.m., family 6:30 p.m., middlcr fellowship; 7 firmation class. the county. Heights and Salem Rd., Union. enforcement of n new policy • >f i'ulli-1'lluii f 3,034,40r..Cl jfht; 8 p.m., the public relations Thursday: 7:15 p.m., senior post United Stalcti Government obliRntlorm, Ulroct nnd guaranteed p.m., senior church school and fel- Also recommended is complete The county spent $1G8,75G this which requires that all transverse (Not of nny refti'rvi'S) S.S32.284.OI mittce meets. lowship. confirmation class; 8:15 p.m., coral replacement of all obsolete direc- year in resurfacing some roads installations of sewer, gas, power, OblifViulanv of Hlntes nnd political Bubilivl.tlons (Net of any (onday: 8 p.m., the finance com- group; 8:30 p.m., beginner and ad- rrsrrri'x) 1,1«2,325.R9 iMonday: 8 p.m., congregational tional signs with reflectorized ma- with one course of blncktopping telephone or other utility lines be Ollipr bondn. tioti-s. nrul drbentureji (N>1 or any mflervwil).... 21S,6Bl.f>7 psion meota. meeting; daytime women's associa- vanced Hebrew adult education terials mounting letters nt least materiul and $71,25G.3G for twodriven or bored. ,'orporato stocks (lncludliiR t33.O00.0O stock of Federal Re- Tuesday: 9:45 a.m.,annual meet- tion circles will meet; evening cir- class. Berve bunk) 38,000.00 four inches high. Some of the courses on five roads. The section of roadway carry- Uinim nml dlm-nunlH (Including fMiT.79 (iViTdrnftu) (Net of jr,, United Church Women; 9:45 cles, will meet Jan. 21. Friday: Jan. 18, 8:15 p.m., sab- county's signs are 25 to 35 years Freeholder ICdward H. Tiller, ing vehicular traffic is not to be in)' riwrvi's) 12,027,775.73 ii., second session; WiSCS's spir- bath service. nnnk nrotnlsoM ovviu-ii Jlif»,U'1.5S. furnllurf1 anO fixtures Tuesday: fl:30 a.m., prayer old, with letters too small to be public works chairman, has started disturbedb , and, only after proof SS3.471.50 US,823.48 al life study course; leading the meting; 8 p .m., intermediate Rabbi Azriel S. Grishman ond seen by drivers traveling at mod-a move to standardize speed limits that a bore is not possible, does U»'!il t'Hlnte (»\VIHM1 IIUHT limn bnnk premines S7.040..83 arse is tho iliev. Theodore C. Sea- teachers* meeting. Cantor Don Decker officiate at al!ern traffic speeds. on county ronds. He also will rec-I he county allow a pavement cut. Oilier n»sr.(H 4S.715.13 Ins. Child care will be provided Wednesday: 8:15 p.m., adult services with the participation of Studies on motor vehicle vol- ommend elimination of dangerous TOT A I, ASSKT.S $21,173,863.76 the temple choir and Robert Nel- pie-school children, Bible stduy class. ume, speed and curb parking arc intersection conditions. Tbe bulk of tax collection oper- MAfllMTIRPI p.m., education commission; iNursery school daily, 9:30 a.m. son, organist. recommended. Mr. Toinnsulo also recommends ations, in 1802 IM in 1002, was in Demand deposit* of Individuals, partnerships, and corpora- J5 p.m., combined meeting of the to 12 noon. We welcome your inquiries re- There also should be a renum- purchase of a two-way radio com- "ie field.l ff°r greater taxpayer con tions J10.I3C.lC0.lfi frardinir temple membership and. Time, nnd savings deposits of Individuals, pnrtnerBhlps, and SCS and evening group. bering of county ronds for better munication system installed in 27 vonionee and accuracy in matters corporations 7,714.918.53 ^Wednesday: 8 p.m., the missions CALVARY EVANCELICAL the total religions program for continuity, ho adds. pieces in his department's equip- ranging from appeals to punish- Deposits of United States Government (incluillitff postal sav- children and adults. Information g ItlRS) 280.070.SC fJiWjminission meets; the Goodwill LUTHERAN CHURCH (LCA) Other recommendations in the ment. 'He also asks for n county nt for fraud. IVpoHim nf Stales anil political mibdlvlalons Irjgjiel: will be in Westfield today. Craoford may be obtained by calling the road control program include: All;dumping ground for county Certified ami olTlct.'i's' ciiecka, eti- m'.ods'xis 'tfffyou have anything to contrib- The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist temple office. county rondda shoulhld b e curbebd sweepings nnd other refuse. TOTAL DEPOSITS m,124,S!!7.!i8 ute, please cAlliMrs. Henriques, AD The Rev. Walter Wagner to protect the roadway; at least Snow removal in 10(>!2 aguin (a) Total demand depAslls 11 l,S74,30(i.0r> Pastors FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, (b) Total tftne and savings deposits..! 7.619,918.'.'3 iTornorvow: 8 p.m., intermediate SCIENTIST 3G7,940.21 VANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN department staff. 422 East Broad Street Jarvis i, Oilier liabilities CHURCH Saturday: 9:30 n.m., catechetical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Authorized TOTAL tilAlm.ITIKS 51'.MS2,UIU9 and La. Grand Avei. instruction. Nursery: 11 a.m. CAPITA I. ACCOUNTS Fanwood Kodak Dealer Capital Stock: Sunday: 8:15, ,!!62.1li ip service:; with the -Rev. Charles er the Rev. Kenneth J. Dale, mis- ence branch churches and societies deserves (and retirement account for preferred stock) 142,443.40 sSorg preaching. 'Nursery care sionary on fucloujth from Japan, throughout the world. The church both movies and stills provided for children one andIn recognition of Foreign Missions tenets will be rend, and the con- TOTAI, ('AI'ITAI. ACCOUNTS % l,GM,(l95.8lj years of aso; !>:30 and 11 a.m., Month; 0:30 and 11 a.m., identical gregation will be invited to kneel Bring Your Film* To Us TOTAL UAlllMTIICS AND fAl'ITAl, ACCOUNTS.,. »21,173,SC3.TB school for nursery through sessions of all department's of the in silent communion. for the MFIMOKANDA JjiijShior hifrli. Sunday school; 11 a.m., children The lesson-sermon is on "Sacra- Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening Finest Reproductions Assets nleriued to secure IliihllltieH anil for other ft§*7 P.m., junior higg h UPY; senior under three years will be cared for ment," and Bible readings will in- purposes 320,000.00 ; 8 p.m., congregational in the church house; Ii to 9 p.m., clude this verse from Matthew C: • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING I, IIRNIIV W. nHHnlOliniNO, Vice President-Pasbler of the abovo- Sfh UP mimml banlt do hereby declare that this report at condition la true anil senior Luther League "cook-in" at "Blessed are they which do hun- GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING correct to the hest of my knowledge, nnd belief. 1:30 p.m., stall Echo Lake boathouse. ger mid thirst after righteousness: iinNnr w. oi9Rni3iinmo, cashier srcuvicr: — < AUIIUHICTOU A IGNITION we. the undersigned directors, attest tho correctness of this report ; 8 p.m., trustees meet. Monday: 7:30 p.m., church coun- for they shall be filled." of condition and declare timt it has been examinod by us and to tna 10:30 a.m., women's cil. From "Science and Health with nt-st at our l;(^ Lee's Summit, Mo. . •.-•^ Believers in the Trinity ' every sort of weather JUMBO THICK >'';:Meetings: Every Mondiiy, 8-9 when you store it with SHiPliice: Woman's Club of West- us. Inspect our modern !\ field, 'MS South Euclid Ave. at warehouse at your con- Tremont. ."'Sermon lesson: Jan. 14, "There venience. • .;' Is iFunshinc in .My Soul." PADS v i.Healing meditation included in every service. Spiritual consultation with the ., loader available by appointment HENRY K TOWNSEND >froni G:30-7:.'!0 p.m. ;;;iSoci:il hour: The last Monday of 814x11 NEWSPRINT e&ch month, directly following the _ TA(,CH Service. : LOCAL 6t LONG DISTANCE / a.m. to suniluwn. IV- CLEMENTS BROS., Inc. 5 lbs. 50c • voticinal lilfrnture available fl'.v. many others do, any time Today: 7::i0 p.m., otlii-i' appoint- 450 NORTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD ment:;. • Tomiirruw: K::iO p.m., Couples' of the day or night. Cluli. AT THE Saturday: il, eonfirmut.i'»M ciasM:-; 7:.'!0 p.m., WalUi'T l,!-:igno This heating oil supply company will jiiMiliiirec iit Illiioiiificlil Junii'r ••High Scliool. assure you of the finest service avail- Sunday: K:l."i and 10:-!"» a.m., nioniinir ••-•.•rviefs; l():ir> a.m., llol.v OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY able plus quality oil for your burner. WESTFIELD LEADER • Cniniminiuit; Pastor WalttT A. ' lii'Hiiiiic.; VMM di.divcr the ."i-nnon in lit,th -t'l-vic •• and hi'". Inpi.' will li»" ' "Wli.-n Y,.n I!.. !'.>• to ill.' IInil.-..' 50 ELM STREET .if the 1.1,1 d"'; !i::lii in lii::ui a.m.. : Si'inlay -,i-lii.ul and Iliiilc rlri-'i'S. .'> |I.MI., Y.itpaiv. iyn (Juild inrf't- A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMERS TO WESTFIELD -. ing «l SI. hulic's l.ulhcran Church,

; Kliziili.'lh; Wiilllii'i- League nvjei- : iitK at Ito'lt-t'incr. Monday: 8 j).nt., piiri'iil-ti'iiclier Page 22 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY !0, 1963 iCrampton Named Sales Manager NEW lv- lll Ir:

u hie >U| J;IV :IIM h.illKt Lill^' ; :'.• ..;.- ;:;,:.:.n !\;:,;.;. !k j..::.,,! LIBRARY ,:ti- of M:;!:.!:;li! <>,.' ( •. (N..I.I ,tii!i-»U!:r,i! ; in- ;i|>jn':;.tn,r::' «> H. (/;,:. :|'i.-i; III' 7'^ N-1 :i;.ll: i'i. "!.i ! : >• :;::.;;! >vl \i. r (i.\ ;-:^!i •.;!.- BOOKS as :!.. :.i '.I :IN 1% ; l i?:^ '.•• :ii;;n!:c /rtir-.

.Ml. I'.'.'i:' .i MASON AusW-r Navy Kiiliste • AUTO BODY REPAIRS j • AUTO DEALERS • FLOOR COVERINGS_ KITCHEN CABINETS The following new liuoks have iint ireiifi-iil ii:;iii:i>rcr .•)' iiurir.i- CONTRACTORS been added to the shelves of the.-ales fur Ks.-n lr.:en.alk>iial, will Hs.roM W. Auster Jr., 2J. son stu-u-ed John .1. Mta, Jr.. «!iv :.- i uf J|:llo!,| \\\ Aus,li-r Sr. of t>3G KABINET KRAFT WCbtficld Memorial Library: I'ic- AUGUS 0T0 W. R. DOLBIER & CO. tion: The Man Who Hayed God,: also a vii-f |neMi!i-ni an.l is to ri'- ! »lli-ii>n I'.il., li:i.- enlisti-d in the "" ^SEVELL'S | ^.^ ^ 'Jr.- in Ki-liniiiry after -I.'I yi-ar.- .\ . f (•„„,. yean-, lie will un- I'crsonallzQd Kitchens St. John; Dawn, Wiescl. I ; vv llr AUTO BODY CO., INC. ! '"I'M^UA;. ^VAUANV" Linoleum — Formica JAMES SEILER Non-fiction: Thorcau's Guide to wilh tin' Jer.-iy i.ri'ani/aii.m. h :- ,i,.rK.,, hu^k- truininKiit I". K. .Naval cX|icrli'il tlu-.t Mi. i r:ii!-.p:..!! will l.i- J , ai,, i, c\i, -i. (Ju-iit Lakes, III. Sink ond Counter Tops MASON CONTRACTOR Cape Cod, Adams; Studies of War,: l>r u S.tlt:' .11..1 SirVl.V Complete Cabinet Service c-k->-nd a vii-f jir.'.-i.lii.i at Ilia! Ik-fur,- i-nU-iiiifc the Navy, he was AND BUILDER Blackett; The World of Opera,' liKAU KI.IIIH- * Wli.,1 .M I~S]. Inside Plastering Bullock; The Pleasures of ('hinoej Mr. liain|''.Mii j.iiin-.l Hi. . lit-imv.s! ati'il fium Westtii-M llis;h .Selioui. AD 2-5958 i Cooking, Cliu; The Setrrvxutiun-j Brick Work l>., m..v a l-arl ..f tw 111 ..• tlii . „•,,,.„ ,,,., (.;vj] w-_(|. ,m>kl, f)Ul i LAUNDRIES jats, Cook; New York on the] AD 2 8887 !« AUTO GLASS 01 Central Ave. Westfield House, DenholU; CarolinKian i'ot-j & lii'liiiii.).' . Hi''ran.- .,,.,, f-,,),.,.,.,) ,,,>.,...|:. ,i,| 1 i>l»'ii ^Vi-.-kilayn I I'M. to C P.M. traits, Duckett; Enjoy Europe l»y j ijr vvi.. afr-i.r.liiii; u. Inti-rnnl Ufv-j AUTO GLASS CO., INC. LAUNUKY — 1>HY CLEANIN'O Frankel: A Dictionary of Art t'Mouuh variou "Drlve-ln Strvlce" Terms, Haggar; Kun and Profit in AUTO DEALERS AUTO GLASS Cush and Carry • FORMAL WEAR SOZ Nurth A If. PlnlnDrl Stamp Collecting, Hcrst; The Des- _ Storm Windows perate Years, Horan; Book of In- WIUIAM JAY CLARK Cull 1'Lnlndtld 0-2M0 OPTICIANS teriors, Hogsc & Garden. Exclusive Furniture Tops — Mirrors AUo, Standard Encyclopedia of • votvo Complete Trim Shop the World's Mountains, Huxley; Mayfair Kill and Overkill, Lupp; The Atru Swedish Import Pi-nler Upholstery and Trim Shop VAN DORFN, INC. ROBERT F. DAY Suit's — Service — Tartu of Overkill, Lerner; Changim; {'at- PI. e-22:to AD 2-1700 TAILORS 608 Nor>h Ave. E. Prescription Optician terns of Prejudice, Marrow; The MS HoiurraM 8t. Nurlh 1'1«IB American Politico! Dictionary, 424 South Ave. E. Weslfield "FORMAL WEAR RENTALS" Westfield, N. J. call A Duma 3-3288 Piano; The Golden Road, Reiten- Wo Have Our Own Stock berg; The. Autobiography of Up- "We Do Everything" 8 Iilui St. CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS ton Sinclair, Sinclair; Ten Keys MILLER RAMBLER, INC. • DRY CLEANING • SHIRTS , to Latin America, Tanncnbaum; DItY CLEANING • FLATWORK • SPREADS : The State Parks, Their Meaning Authorized » AUTO REPAIRS EX'S & WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS in American Life, Tilden; A Guide Rugs • Pillows • Blankets to Old Americun Houses, Williams. RAMBLER AD 3-1538 PHOTOGRAPHERS Additions to French lan|ruagc MICHAEL'S Sales and Service 11 Quimby St. Westfield AD 3-4884 collection: La Force de L'uge, AUTO ELECTRIC Bcauvoir; Les Bles; Roman, Bor- Parts — Repairs The Symbol for dier; La Pitie dc Dieu, Cau; Sou- GENERAL REPAIRS Fine Portrait and is, les Autrcs et Mois, Duninos; USED CARS Wedding Photography BEAR Wheel Alignment La Promesse de L'tiube, recit., AD 2-2456 Gary; Oeuvre Poetique, Lecvr; and Balancing FUEL OIL • LAMPS L'empire Celeste, Roman, Mullet- 420 South Ave. W. Westfiel Wrecker Service — 24 Hours COMPLETE LAMP & ELECTRICAL Joria; Le Planetarium, Roman, REPAIR DEPARTMENT Sarroutc; Le Promontoire, Thin multiple llNtfd huin<* warn \t\trvhntri\ hy Mr. nnd Mrw. IMvtnrd J. AD 3-4830 REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. Wu repair lump Btiadttt; also Thomas. HrnnlnKrr trntii Mr. itiul >lr«. II. K, rirlxliiHiitt. It U locnlrd nt 4*0 "Dependable, Friendly Service re-cover any typo lump Mhade. K. l>utllr> Avr., iui«l Hit* mile v*UP* nrKuilalftl tlimuicli I he (tlTlcr uf 862 Mountain Ave. Since 1926" (JlaHH drilling anil cunvcrtlng cut PORTRAITS BY PIETRO WMUIIHI A. ("lurk. Itcoltor, h> ChtirlrM W. lt(>k<»»n?. (Corner Shore Kd. Parkway) Klauu unft ctllna vut(f», JUKH, bottlutl, WESTFIELD MOUILHEAT coffeo mlllH, ate., Into Imupt*. 228 E. Broad St. Westfielc Mountainside oal 1IBAT1NO OILS Coki E. T. WILLIAMS AD 3-4666 The Driver's MOTOR BRIdge 6-0900 7.1S Central Ave. No iiK prolilt-m Cloucd Weclnemlaj'.s (neiir (irove St.) AD 2-21B8 Automatic Record Changers SALES CO. Nortb Avr. 13. t rnnrori Seat d«rvin;. I^'ord Owners /or Over 36 Ycurs [.AMI'S MOUM'^U AMI High Fidelity —F.M. • AUTO WASH We ilo cliiim repair, £lnvn. tlrllllni,'. J Indiana recently conducted a Authorized untltiue whlto or any article. IMat- • SERVICE STATIONS * survey to tout me tttucuvunesB oi FORD intf, etc. All ty]>c8 ut a hades mftde Stereo • INSURANCE lo or ^- * that I he license pium curiiuu ttio CONSULT I'nrklnt; ncruMH Ihr tilrrft C slogan, lhu biogun win nu longer 333 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD 319 North Ave. E. Westfielc • Mot-l MocUrn Kquipmoiit €sso JACK PARKER S15UV1CJ3 J be bnvn on- inuiunu piutus. AD 2-4660 £:mor.tiiitt; — l'olluhlntf * Not tnat were u ii.u»t sufety or Wu Spc-chillze In K AD 3-4050 » sloguiia, uut we cun i. n^iji gi.i BILL ESHBAUGtf BEAR 2 B oj|^ nurrun lor inuiuiui. L.IOVI for Electrical — Brakes — Carburetor ^ pluvvn urv no pmcu lot* U(OK..Ilii NORRIS 1216 South Ave. W. Westfiel. LAWN MOWERS (Ni\i to I'nion County AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE and Complete Auto Servicing ' * 1'lates snoum nu no IIIOIU man Koud l>ept. Vnrd) * ideniiiicuitoit -i>t tne cur» vuai, \v< CHEVROLET, INC. Casualty • Life • Fire Wo Pick Up and Deliver •> them. A si.uuy by tne o»mr>nj ROBB1NS & ALLISON, Inc. POWER MOWERS AD 2-1800 1 Prospect St. ADams 2-P721 2 ot Illinois in I'.'U-J huowa t.un. pu »«. »»12 WM. O. MUUIR, Pr* GARDEN TRACTORS ^> lice anu motor venicte MOiuiniahiu J Elm St. Westfield 2 tora also agree vviin the iui-a u Local and Long Distance Moving Affiliated witu ROTARY TILLERS * geiung riu ot uloguns lrom pi a tea BOOKS Barrett & Crnin, JUnUors SNOW PLOWS * Law J >eem3, also would preicr tim Household Goods Exclusively" THE TOWN BOOK STORE CHAIN SAWS • SHOES * plates have less compncatcU nuin ADams 3-0220 liOOKM l'OIl ALL m berin^ syatcms, bigger nuinDer I'iipcrbatks ORTHOPEDIC North ond Centrol Aves. NANCY F. REYNOLDS J and be generally -easier to sec • Itcitiul Library STORR TRACTOR CO. SHOE PRESCRIPTIONS ) . • Ihey recommend, HIIIUIIK othv STORAGE SHIPPING Westfield All 3-3S35 Realtor AD 2-780O Filled Uy ii nnuings in the iliinoiK stuoy, tnu ;r,5 i:. llrond SI. Wr.ldrl J plates DO covtrcu witn u rvneciivt (Ufur ciitrunco from Town 469 South Ave. E. We$»f!elc' CR IS A NT I 1'arklnic Lot) INSURANCE * maierinl thut shines in otnur cars Orthopedic'£jpcclull tit :••• £ headlights and tun Lie seen bright' Of All Kinds CK/t.NKOHD 0-IiU- PACKING ROTCHFORD PONTIAC • ly at nignt. 213 South Av«. East f*t!mat«r :0l CmfcL.nln! Ave. C'rnnJoH • » They invor two jilatca, not jusl IVC. • BRIDAL SHOPS Call AD 2-6300 ! one on ihe back, why.' 'lho wu Canford, N. J. Giv*tt »n Ajry >t: t.riK i I'OSTIAC-TEMHEST • LIQUOR STORES • police check license pluiea tu Call BRldg* 6-O89S IVIU VIMQ rTOCHMl 302 E. Broad St. * stolen cars is by reading the nun Silir (t Srrvlce JO LYNN Westfield BL1WISE LIQUORS STORAGE J bers on the curs thai come to llr.fc-l.fti i'ord lino BRIDAL SHOPPE ¥ wards them. Then tliey cun cheel Our *7til Vcur S|ivclallzliiK In All Klzi-8 Where Service & Quality Meet J many plates. If they me lorccd to T.i will I'ml C:ir HENRY P. TOWNSEND fi read only rear plutes, they can see ."Vorlh Ave. CUSTOM MADE One of the P only the jilntc of the enr they haji- BRIDAL GOWNS Largest Selections of Spirits STORAGE •j pen to be following. RKADV MIXKD Formals ALAN JOHNSTON in New Jersey MOVING & PACKING ? Another story, rc-lutuil to license (Noto tho "T") { plates, concerns the fttct that one 4 i Cocktail Dresses GLASSWARE - ICE CUBES AD i'-HO-l " of every nix people buying a li- BERSE BROTHERS 241 North Avr. W. w»«tn»H AD 2-6519 Over 50 Years Experience) COOLERS | cense plate in Illinois wants a sjtc- Auiho.-iixl Sinv Location: Kri-o Di-llvery * cial numht'i-, one that inuylic has ri.YMOl-TII — VALIANT Call AD 3-1133 or AD 3-1136 •> their street midies.s, their tele- .«.il.-.i iH'1 .-ii-rvlci: 22 E. Brood St. (opp. Frank' EVERY INSURANCE NEED J phone numbiM- or maybe even i A Duma 3-1020 Ou Trunrie circle nt Westfield • USED CARS <• their girl friend's phone numbi-r. i 111 .\vrcb Avr. \v. IVrntfleid AD 2-5664 Rt. 22 & Mountain Ave. J The demand for spccinl plates, 13 Elm Westfield Mountainside J apparently, is getting to be a fi- CONCRETE B&TAUTO SALES If No AnBwor, H nancinl problem for tin.' states, so | i • DRUG STORES Call AD 3-1340 Fine Quality J they have begun tn solve it in a may •«»!••••• #!»•# LAING MOTOR CAR CO. USED CARS j sensible way: They just charge i i-:*t. IS04 • LOANS j extra for special plates, lfs « nice i Dunu-Htlc ond Korrifn DARBY'S DRUG STORE All Ciuiirantocil ^ source of extra revciuu' for the Authorized NEED MONEY? AD a-ntKitf e stnte, and the s|«'cial-iuiiiilii'i' fad- f WBLSOM CONCRETB CORP. Phone: ADams 2-1198 WM. H. ESTWICK, JR. * ist is happy, albeit slightly poorer. i •in Norlh Ave. K. Yt>«l> A tSOKM.WtLMIKOINO OOEIS CADILLAC $20 to $500 * » • 39 South Ave. W. Westfiel INSURANCE c Since HtftD, when the tubcless W •n'mgw w WMLOOI WTniMi, M«. Sales and Service OF AIL KINDS Just Call ^ tire wua introduced, tint, tires have i -. dropped to nn ull-timo low as the A twTct FUIRS to. ruiitnELB toioa 1'j.rt* — i'aint nnj llcwly Shop Fire • Surety FRIENDLY FINANCE WASHING MACHINES J: caMse of auto breakdowns, uccord- f FJm*2-<3M PUfld 5-2200 DitrMi22 PLainfield 6-2241 Casualty • Life John E. Pitcher '••• Ing to the Ainericun Automobile i EXTERMINATORS Lie. No. VI fl SNOWDEN APPLIANCES •" Association. d OTrtU WEUOOH PtODUaii Crvihtd StoiM. U+tk T«^ 1 19 E. Fifth St. Plainfield AD 3-4800 AD 3-3515 Authorized Denier ,; Y ftrav»(, taad and Majaa Meftiait Auto Iguana • Cars R*/Hn;wiced Three out of fuur fatal tr:>.'\: ASSOCIATED 5 Elm St. Westfield IIAVTAO • I3ASY • U1.ACKST0N- r. accidents occur on rural r'-.-!•. Lotiim On Your Slllt-H illlll SiTVlf • and most of them at night. EXTERMINATING If No Answer, V'i'Huntil Note, Salary ur Furniture On All Appll'-tnc GOODWIN MOTOR Cull AD i-001'3 AD S-M10 & TERMITE CONTROL 235 E. Broad St. Westfield l!l» North Ave. CORP. COMPANY AdTIIOltlX.Kn VOLKSWAGEN Sin-Mini ll.irwiu, 1'rn DAVIDSON & MARTIN IM.nlnIll-Id U-7IOII LUMBER 1IS-17 1% r.lti M. I'minfirlc AD 3-4600 All Forms of Insurance HOME - AUTO - LIFE Local Service in Your Area J. S. IRVING COMPANY REILLY AN ADVERTISEMENT IN Insures Low Rates MARINE i.r.Miuii: & Mii.i/Woiuc Of I'.vcry UtHcrlptJou OldsmobileCo Personalized Service Aulh.irlj.-.l Kupl'^rs Coltc — l-'ut-l Oil Oldsmobile ADnmn 3-1102 THIS SPACE WILL KEEP AD 2-7550 ^iil.-:i Ji S.-rvicn 11110 South Ave. W. Wcatflrld .\..rtl. Avr. i:. Al> 2-7IVT, FENCES 37 South Ave. W. Wostfield 1TOUR NAME BEFORE THE I. BARTELl l-Vno.'s A. J. ORBACH CO. V'.irni .mil (Jurilen Suppllt'n READERS OF THIS PAP** l-M. I'Jill Ju-'tlt'ti Lawn Care I'rotiuolH INTERIOR A Kll 8-l5«l — = 54 Elm Street • DODGE • DAR 110 Lislril Avr. Clm DECORATORS - EVER READY FO& • RENAULT • PEUGEO IS PARKING A PROBLEM? EMIL MUELLER 1II lln f |l|i,l:ili|,i Interior l)fi'it:iu;r NSTANT REFERENCE. CALL fs-il l'.in< .mil *1*I lli-i^:l mil AD :l-Hi:i.t Plainfield 7-2323 }*'->r Ail ApPDlritmriit MEMBER, N.S.I.D. ADams 3-0662 — 3 — 4 W. 61I1 St. ot Arlington Ave. Plainfiold *, /,)44U0W», THUMP A*,/

We Swing -', '.*"' '""' '••> '••' >•>•• lam tmmi lam I»II nki lum IUII iga INHI tia. I«K; First Registration Preparation Classes • I I««I ;••; lam iaai taai %um\ I««I •••! •••! iaat IBMI •••• i For YM Boy's Life saving preparation classe: for girls nt tin- Westfield YWCA • i !••• •••• •••• •••• iam iaai iaai IBBI ian laai •••! IBII iBai iaai •••i iaii began Tuesday and will meet for • I !••• •••! !••! !••• •••! • I •••• •••• !••) IBSI !••! >••! Classes Jan. 16 10 weeks at 0 o'clock for one hour. The minimum age is 12 and all Robert Ohaus, chairman of the girls must be Red Cross Swim- THRIFTY FAMILIES IN THE WESTFIELD AREA Westfield YMCA physical educa- mers or the equivalent. Registra- tion committee, announced today tion will be held at the Y di?3k that the.first boys registration for upon presentation of a swimmer's ARE SAVING MORE... EARNING MORE cUfjit's to be held in tho new physi- card or by testing during plunge cal education plant at the Y.M will This course is recommended for be held Wednesday, Jan. 1G for res- all girls who are planning to take idents of Westfleld. senior life saving in the spring. AT FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS Mr. Ohaua noted that the new Openings in other girls' classes swimming and gymnasium facili- are: Tumbling on Tuesday and ties will allow the program in the Thursday afternoon, trampoline The figures ltelow show the enthusiasm with which fami- physical education department to for elementary school girls who be greatly expanded for this term. are experienced tumblers, and1 lies in the Westiield areu are slacking up Havings MO they Registration will start at 9:15 trampoline for Junior high .school a.m. for all instruction gym and girls. can enjoy more of the good things in life. swim classes for boyw on the ICtli. The mid-winter ten week term will Resolve to put your family in a belter financial position start Jan. 28. Davison Accepted Swimming lessons will he avail- (luring the New Year, anil in the years that follow, by able for boys of all levels of ability in grades 1 to 12. In Million Club saving and earning regularly at friendly First Federal Gy)n classes in various sport3 Arthur W. Davison of The Penn will be held for hoys (Trades 4 and Mutual Life Insurance Co., East Savings. up. Orange, has been accepted in The COOKING IS A MAN'S JOB—John Birchfi.ld, the 6r.t male Youngsters enrolling in the YM Penn Mutual Million Dollar Club graduate itudent in home economic, at Douglass Colleje, pour» swimming program for the first for the year of 1902. He was the a batch of flour into the miner to t*«t a r«dpe he ii developlnf. time or who have not been in in- first .Million Dollar qualifier for Looking on it Mr«. Donald Hardwick, anistant profettor of home struction classes for several terms the East Orange agency and has economic! at the women') college of the State Univeriit-. should take an ability classification been a member of this club for the test prior to registration. Appoint- past seven years. .Mr. Davison has ment times can be made by contact- also been selected as "Man of the .Douglass College ing the Y. Year" for the paat nine years. CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE Society Visits Theater Additional information on pro- 'Mr. Davison will be honored at a The Robert French Society of grams for the term may be tsecured testimonial diner to be held at the -Home Ec Study he Children of the American by contacting the Y. Suburban Hotel, East Orange, this devolution held its annual theater month as well as attending a spe- ;arty Dee. 27 when they attended cial meeting to be held at tho Bilt- ^Attracts Male he show "How to Succeed in more Hotel, Phoenix, Aim., early in .March. If Princeton University dininr iusineas Without Really Trying." i buffet dinner was served at the Mr. Davison is a member of the halls are solving flakier Dnnisl New Jersey Life Underwriters, the pnstry these days, the Douglas lome of Mr. and Mra. W. M. Peck •receding the show. Now Jersey Estate Planning Coun- Colloso home economics depari cil and other local organizations. merit can claim part of the credit He has offices in East Orange, Soni- John Birehfiekl, assistant mar LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY erville and 'Mountainside. SCer of undergraduate dining hall and riianager of the faculty din ins hall at iPrinceton, is enrolled «• tjjr fust male graduate student ii Foino economics at the women': NOW! Trade 'n' Save at your Buick dealer's ' college of the state university. STATEMENT OF CONDITION AS OF DECEMBER 31,1962 "I hope to make a life-time cs rcer of food service in the a Muse ho could study parl-tir Office Building and Equip- Loans in Process 386,807.00 there while maintaining full-ti Job responsibilities and because You're probably paying tlie ment Less Depreciation. 171,437.36 Other Liabilities 194,080.29 offered him a graduate program price of a LeSabre by nutrition specially tailored to 1 Deferred Charges ami Other professional interests. Biikk—whu not own one? Reserves and Surplus 1,483,238.92 "Besides," Birchfield notes, (Fact: 7 out of 10 full-sire cars sold-lnctudmg tho Assets 30,154.74 really don't feel out of place •low price names"--nrp in Hie LeSabre price Douulass. Even Ihoutrh I'm 1 range or above.) Model shown below, $2869* first man to work toward a $jr TOTAL $20,286,435.11 $20,286,435.11 . uate degree in home cconon"' •B.U*d Of M*n,ifjcluier-» S««i".ied «ehtl Piitl (or this leSAe 2 rfw «,!*n..ofUdei ieiinb»ittincnl lor Mrul£«!*•!>« aMSug- •;> there are in my classes, seve ltti(*J DfMc DeitvefY and Hardline Ctuife) (iinifuimnonehaigtV '•;-. other male students from the C Stile and local luci. accessories anj opUoijl tqulpminl iijrjltioo)). -••. logo of Agriculture." Birchfield, who began taV • courses ut Douglass last Kcbruii . expoct'3 to take a total of three y one-luilf years to complete the w- "If I don't win a scholar' •.> toward the decree. Since he 1 "Let's buy a nrw home!" . to support a wife and two dm" ship, will you send me to 1 vters, full-time return to cradi .: studies just wouldn't work ou' CELEBRATING BUICK'S SMASHING "Could I have a new college ?" ;i At Princeton, Birclifield sui ; j vises the preparation of •) SUCCESS. YOUR CAR IS bieycle?" •f meals daily. A irrnduate of < WORTH MORE NOW IN TRADE THAN "'Mow's the time to build •i-^nell University's School of H liiiill,l^iiti^iuLliilill< i ..:? and Food Administration, he is IT EVER WILL BE AGAIN. "Can we afford to buy a a little retirement fund." v^isponsible for purchasing all of 'food eaten in Princeton dini DON'T DELAY! second family r«r?" 4 ha I IK. BE MONEY AHEAD! TRADE NOW! ID IIP THE VALUES "'Can we' buy a summer •','. The magnitude of the job can ' Luxufious interiors 15* wheels stretch tire life Douglass training is giving him Finned aluminum front brakes—linings . new knowledge of nutrition nnd methods of quantity food prepara- last longest <5> Buick's quality engineer- " tion. ing cuts upkeep costs <•> Long-life alumi- "In one course 'I'm in now,—spe- nized muffler. OFFICERS DIRECTORS cial problems in home economics— < X have been learning to develop Iienry C. Parsons President Robert E. Dawson Irvine B. Johnstone, Jr. and standardize new recipes for Parley S. Kctchnm Vice-President bulk baking. Princeton recently Fred R. Doerrer Parley S. Ketcham Installed a new bake shop, so if J Alfred C. Stover Secretary can work out a better recipe to Albert 0. Fot/.cr Treasurer Richard C. Doerrer Alfred H. Meyer quickly turn out thousands of Dan- Dorothy Weisbecker .... Asst. Treasurer ish pastries, there's a direct appli- Albert M.Falcone Henry C. Parsons cation for it." Buick resale Uofjer I/. Conrad Asst. Secretary Albert C. Fetzer W. Arthur Staub Rirchfield often tries to chooue value flying high Eloise II. Kiirch Asst. Secretary graduate projects which can be rc- DiiKtii and Johnstone . . Counsel William A. Heine, Jr. Arthur Venneri Inti'd to hi:; professional work. Lost Example: a 1960 LeSabre 4-door hardtop retains semester, for example, he was in u an average of $256 more of Us original cost today nutrition course which dealt with than ^id a comparable 1958 modol sold in I960*. human energy use. and caloric ro- <•• Today's quality Buick stays new longer! quirements. As iv project, he stud j TO HAVE MORE, SAVE MORE AT H't\ the energy requirements of tlu' "typical" Princeton student and at tempted to evaluate how well tho: - 1 requirements were being met I- :• the rood oaten in the college dit ing hall. Birchfield licliuvcw th;\t, thouir' FIRST ' he is studying in a woman's world cooking for large numbers can h. a mini-sized jub. "Cooking in the home has tradi- ', tiotially been tin- wife's job, hut I FEDERAL SAVINGS restaurant and hotel cuoking has j just as traditionally been in the ] hands iif male chefs. New, either iiH-ii or women c:m have smvr>sfu! career.- in the fields of institu- tional fund service, if they have lliu 150 ELM STREET WESTFIELD, N. J. required knowledge," he says.


CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRING Finest | precision work all fully ; Extra values in Double ^Check used cars, too! gucranfeed ; Plainfield I See your authorized quality Buick Dealer today! Only ; 24 THE WESTFIELO Vl p.'U^ binii.ll>.-.- <'!• cuny nowi-ring kinti; lur mere !a mid wmti-r day by iillinn il in is very largely an insect diet, so j By ALEXANDER SPRUNT, JR. the kinglets arc decidedly beni-fi- w — piTlVlt blossom;,. thi' i!ri\ < way or at an ojifii ^ai.i^c The red bicycle that Santa n '-' Acm • dciir i^ ^uml jM'uctieir. jinl it can M cient in insect control. brought Tom Hall, 5, is ,,,ja. «;:i Notional Audubon Society l This Week . hau- lunniful ell'i-els on nearby • ! Practically the same size as its The George Halls, who Lu M 1 in balls i,( s.iil inic ganirii ~\mi..- ld to rejjliire .-j.jfiit ;ilsliu:i!> ut leli- { relative, the ^olden-t-rown not on- bicycle was taken I)lH.. ,^ «£. By Your Rutgers Garden Reporter | der bull*;. Cimimlu- Ji-huil-Jini: ' Pr. l'inlip 1.. Uusucn uf the ly differs from it in plumage but the front porch at 170 ij, • • l!:irilvtt Trot Kcsearch Laboratur- The Interesting Kinglets four and one-quarter inches from in habits and behavior as well. In Ave., delayed calling police"**-.;' WINTER THEE DAMAGE end" Ktubs. Again, lo save your- i for IIIJ;1I <|uulily Muoin*. l'min'i 1 ic- *t-.ys that txhuust fumes poui- Miniatures of one sort or an- tip of beak to end of tail. winter territory it is usually a after they combed the neiehkf ' The grale winds that snapped tree self from injury, first cut the darii- I bloujn.-* lroiM Jtu-t anil rain. Muw Their names are indicative but hood thoroughly themselves - limbs in the closing days of 19G2 nsed limb from beneath and then ' clumps of chrysiiiiilHitiuiM- U' u:£ v'lito ihe shrubs have been other attract many people. Wheth- high ranger, feeding near the tops gave us n pretty pood sample of saw from above. strategic places in garden, (.'h.^'.^t' ' k"«»-n to kill luedles and entire er in art, ship models, toys or | the crown markings are difficult of trees, and is therefore harder "We thought perhaps' £ choicest specimen* f<• r tOiuus ni . I'.jiivhts of evergreens. Some- what-not, small reproductions of I to see in the field. The Ruby- to find and watch. The call note, a children in the neighborhood I • the damage winter weather can do the real thing arc frequently ad- crown is usually a low ranger, fre- means of locating it, is a high, ; to shade trees. CLEAN WOUNDS your vicinity. Kxliibit, \o U.u:; tna« the action is delayed until have taken it just to n!ay * i Use your sharp chisel or knifo to . ^:TI:IJ;. The fumes are absorbed mired and sought for. So it is in quenting bushes, tangles of vines thin, thread-like sound which some and neglected to return it " vJ-' How's your first-aid skill in such from judges' rumim-ms. nature. In the world of birds the i and thickets. It has the habit of : an emergency? remove splintered, rough or loose through lenticvls, or breathing ears fail to hear. It is all but iden- Hall explained. ' *' wood from all parts of any wound. pt-rfs. on the bark of both ever- very small, not to say tiny spc-i almost constantly flitting the tical with the note of the Brown If you're not sure what to do d 1 wings as it moves about and gives Because Santa was inte in t i until the tree surgt-on arrives, you l.e>ave a surface from which water Bark "Wrinkles" •K'-tiii and deciduous yhrubs. Then cics, hold the interest and pleas- Creeper, with which it often asso- livering an identical bicycl *"' neod the Rutgers College of Afcri- will erfcupe completely and rapidly. ! months latfr scorch-likt- injury ! lire of many observers. Such bird | thho i: i>ressioi n of eternal nervous- fiates. The sony is rarely heard Tom's twin, Tim, Tim still'i'^ cuiturc Leal let 172, "Storm In- Jf the break damujjed the inside ^ows up. sinlihir to the aingcinj,' are the wrens, hummingbirdsd , ! ness. There is a conspicuous white except on the nesting grounds as his Christmas gift cominir f, •• jured Trees." of the trunk, hollow out the ho.e Will Tell-Tale : vi l«itv<'« of ovtrhanging branches t gnatrutchers, and others. Among eye-ring and two whitish wing- it does not sing to any extent the North Pole. Otherwise^ iHundreds of Now Jersey home so that it will tiruin at its lowest aion^ streets during the summer I the "others," the two species of bars which, when combined with while on migration. Halls figure there might wT"S owners have requested and received point. Ihe Aged Tree tl\m\ the fumes of diesel trucks. • kinglets are known to a great '. its constant movements, will help The orange crown is bordered two bikes missing. Toni rem: '• Carefully slice off bark thnl Again, heut from auto exhausts many over the country and are al- j to identify it. with Mack and white and at rea- hopeful that the special cift «!*•? this leaflet in other years. They lllluniMr, .. u.e.- l»y ih.'tr ! have used the information it con- not. solidly iiUnehed to the wood be- may break dormancy of shrubs ways weleume additions to n day's i.>w |,jr(js are ,„,,,.P active. The sonable ranjres makes a good field Santa Claus will be returned ••• neath it. Around large wounds on Uiii-K urn (in' a >i):iiinvaiit •.•iiie: liiiintr u driveway. '1'hen when tem- list wherever it may be taken, j Ruby-crown never seems to sit mark. Both kinglets use coniferous him. kV tains to save trees that might oth- tu meir hraiih! er wise lx> loot. the trunk or main tranches trim peratures drop, killing injury re- Also, they are prized as visitors ! S'j]| or U(!rch for a minute, it is tree sutOi as spruce ami fir as nest- the bark in a broad canoe shupc. 1-ur tun iv patterns lulp u il ;he sults. to feeding ytatiyns nnd birtl-buths. forever on the #o. Its call note ing sites, building (,'loln'lar nests To get u copy, just «sk your story <>!' a uvr :- i £ur Mi't gru^ui^ is more northerly but wim,/ Injured Trees" on u card and send wound until the bark urows over sikh damage- by idling the car sure, hardly larger than hummers, its presence which would other- speckled with brown dots. further south. The generic na* • it. Orange shellac mukes a quick, rupuiiy hii>c a MikuniuT o.u K man away from such plantings. but real individuals themselves. wise be overlooked. The song, The Golden-crown breeds as far it to the Garden Reporter, College uliKtrs ol lln- >aiue spi-eies grow- for both species is Regulus, whu.. of Agriculture, llutgers University, tig-ht seal against drying of bark Both measure only from /our to which is heard on migration as south as the high Blue Ridge of means "a little king." "' edges. Tree asphalt paint lasts ing in less luvuruult- luciiiions. How to Prevent Snow April. Lsile April, very late April ur preferably Muy Why New Jersey Bell is spending uveover Th= New Jrr,«r A.tomobil. Club, |oc»l affdi,le of the Americn Automobile A..o«i«tion, ha. moved it. Union best time to tnke cutting. Use only County he.dqu.rter. to We.tfi.ld to follow the growth trend of our mcmb.r.hip and to b. cntrallyioealed clean, healthy new growth. Cut % 100 million for construction during-1963 for personally .erving the more than 10,000 member, who live in the County. with a sharp knifi: or snap i>[T new

growth. Vf.: nf a rooting hormone OtiiII ii"' cslat( fi ( n e• • ii:ini il liviluiti'. nation': r.iiin-11-s IVMI;1 • L 1.1U, • 1/1... ,f »•,..-.'.,. C ',i,,*.-,,l f\i\\.... I.. .--,'.— .. . is helpful. Clean suml, nut too Klrcti'onic Ci'iitial Ollict" is goinj; up fine, is M poiul nutting nuwjium. growth—-and |>if>misinj.: ftiuiri'- :irc Iliat will make new telephone services cn/ating ;m uiiprccirrlciiicil demand looting Mat mailo i»f i-uat hang- available 1•>* »tup* two doors «ICOJ/J. hasti'nii rooting. Sine baits in Huts mei't till; need, \Y\v ,!ITSCV l!ell i* Ion. And a nuijor addition is being Telephone: JJJ-eioj (j: l ,,,s for emergencies)^ that problem. Take cut pushing :tl)i':nl with lunv cnnMnictioii made to the Telephone Central Office t w tings by trimming nil" •) im-lu's of Jimjrc-ts in many pai Is uf (lit1 Mali1. ii .strong Ki'»wiug tip. licimive on Willi.Ltn Street iti Newark. llowcr third of leaves. Dip in hor Suino uf llicM' jirtijt'fis will rn.-i. aro just a few of the many projects on mune nnd in.Hit I'litting ';i it. inoro than a million ilollar.-;. Olheis whirl) thai. £H)l> millic n will bo spent, ESPECIALLY FOR AAA WESTFIELD COMMUTERS: length in sani!. invnlvt! (inly a few tlimi.-aml. Hut II take.-; a Int. uf money to bring May - ,1nnc: Continue mnkini uvory oiu' uf thtm U a part, of i.lic feltphonu n/rvii'L1 (o people—especi- Drop-off and Pick-up Service . . . cuttings 'ii- divi^ion.s fnun gartlt- lii'viT-ciulinj; jnJiof l>rinKi]iK von more ally when il's I he lie.>l. phone service 1 ilrop information re< -«t« ... travel nr other AAA services in mail .lot .,„ y to work; pick up information or plants. St-t out new plants \'Z ;ind bcticr u.lcphuiii .-iTvicc. |Ul WH in tin' wi.irlJ. We're building to keep anirwcr on way home. The total i-o.-.! will 1'c over N!I.'!) 11 iluu v,.:\. Wiillion—;t 1'if; stimulus tu ihf ocon- INCOME TAX nmj' of New Ji'i.-ey. It. nifans innn: jobs— and more busino.s -in many All types returns prepared. New Jewry Automobile Club ;u'c;is. In fa^-t, iilinti-l I'vt'iT M'ctinn o[ Local affilialc of tho only ^nationwide motor chib AAA Hours daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. the state tan IH; expert i-(l u> hcnclil. By appointment. J'"or fXiiinpk', ill hiiicca.-.uiinu u Morri. County hcidquarter.: WATCHUNG AGENCY Eliex Count; headquarters: Florhnm Pnrk 458 Park A\>c, Scotch Plains Newark Hanover Rand NEW JERSEY BELL ^ t 156 Clinton Ave. JE 9-07O4 FAnwood 2-5602 BI 2-1400 im wtarnw) en, t) WEAPM, Tmsw>AY,)MnjMvWmf New Plains Mayor Outlines Top ?63 Projects I Camping Director MOUNTAINSIDE NEWS PAGE SCOTCH PLAIN'S — Nine ma- ! depending on favorable action by Refurbishing of the old Post To Address Boy jor township projects fur 1UG8I the State Legislature on a pending Otlice building for municipal of- were outlined by the new mayor | bill to iniike miimr changes in the! fices and new equipment and ma* last wuek. Fanwood-Seoteh Plains boundary terial storage facilities for the Mayor Norman R. I,;ir>oml>c said in thut urea. Hoad Department. The latter Scout Leaders rard of Education Candidates Get although the total budget cannot "Logical, orderly, specific plans would eliminate the: Forest Rd. fa- Ernest Schmidt, director of News and Views From Boro Hall be estimated because county taxi's for a badly needed municipal li- cility which is "undesirable." camping for the Boy Scouts of have not yet been determined "we brary," unspecified pending recom- Updating of the building anil America at SchifF Reservation, will {ear Sailing With No Opposition By Councilmen Al Daniels and Tom Ricciardt hopo to accomplish our entire pro- mendations "shortly" by a library plumbing vodes. lio the featured speaker at the gram with no significant changes consultant. Mayor Lncombc announced he Scout leaders Roundtable Wednes- > MOUNTAINSIDE — It will be "no contest" in the Board of in our tax rate." More sidewalks in areas recom- will be at the Municipal liuildinf! day at Grant School in Weatfield. cation election Feb. 13. Two aspirants have filed for the two This is the beginning of what we of conflict of interest legislation. He listed the nine "important mended by local groups and pav-"most Friday mornings" and will e-year posts available, and one filed for the one-year unexpired hope will be a regular column in Another of our election cam- itema in our plan" for 1963 as: ing of some of the four miles of welcome "questions or comments" Mr. Schmidt has been a member £. Dr. Edward J. Nolan of Park Slope, who is completing a por- wnich we will keep 'Mountainside paign pledges was to devise means Construction of about 20 miles the township's 70 miles of streets from citizens. of scouting for over 35 years hav- residents posted on matters of in to allow the majority of people in of sanitary sewers, to complete which are still unpaved. ing achieved the rank of Eagle as L of a year on the term of James C. Noste, resigned, is seeking a terest that affect all of us. a boy and is considered one of e-year term. Jack It. Hilde- our town to decide whether or not sewering of the North Side. Acquisition of additional rights- First of all, wo would like to there would be high rise or garden srouting's real experts on the sub- i of 1 Whippoorw.'ll Way also Coral Sea. He is a member of the Construction of a new 1-aoro of-way to widen Westfield Ave. New B'nai B'rith ject of camping. His article "Lite piled for a three-year spot, thank the many many kind people apartments in Mountainside. We playground, including four ten- between St. Bartholomew's School First Baptist Church of Westfield who came to borough hall or called interpret the mnyor's New Year's Pack Camping Gear" first written urnuel N. Seager of CC3 Long- and a past president and vice nis courts, off Westfield Ave., near and Park Ave. for seouting's "Boy Life Maga- • Dr. filed Friday for the one- or wrote to extend tneir good wish- speech in which he indicated that St. Bartholomew's School. Lodge to Meet, president of its men's club. es to us on the occasion of our tak- everyone in town would be given zine" has become the largest sell- unexpired portion of Mr. Possible start of the Kramer ing reprint in the history of the e's term. Mr. Hildebrand is also a past ing oliicc Jan. 1 as borough coun- an opportunity to present their Manor Urban Renewal program, treasurer of the Men's Garden cilmen. It is indeed heartening to point of view on this subject, as a Nine in Troop 77 Earn Organize magazine. Mr. Schmidt is nlso con- jr. Nolan is manager of Merck see the renewed interest <*f so many significant move towards allowing sidered one of America's leading o.'s Hahway plant, chairman Club of Westfield, a past mem- Jockey Hollow Meduls The proposed WestlU'lcl-Moun- ber of the lay committee for trans- people in our borough government the voters not only to speak but tainsule lodge of B-nai H'rith will authorities on white water canoe- Union County Citizens portation of the Board of Educa- and we plan to do all we can in the to decide whether or not multiple Retarded Children Unit LNine members of Troop 77 of St. ing and i'.$ presently engaged in jret Committee, a member of Paul's Episcopal Church completed hold its third area-wide meeting tion and a present member of the months ahead to encourage more unit dwellings will be allowed to Wednesday at the Temple ICmanu- writing a hook on the subject which Union County College Survey board's public relations commit- and more of you to participate in change the face of our town. Will Convene Tonight requirements for the Jockey Hol- will soon he published. mittee and a member of many low Historic Trails -Modal last Ivl, it was announced fod.'iy by act- tee. He is also a member of the oorougn alfaira which are after all, The regular meeting of the Un- ing chairman, David l/uvy. Mr. Schmidt will conduct ses- Sessional and industrial organi- Society of Automotive Engineers. your affairs. We would like to extend our best week when they hiked t.ho 17 milo pns. wishes for a happy and prosperous ion County Unit, New Jersey Asso- historic trail from Gladstone to The meeting will bo highlighted sions on both camping and canoe- Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand and Secondly, we are. very pleased ciation for Retarded Children, will by the selection of permanent name ing and the public is invited to take and his wife, Irene, have New Year to. all of you and webe held at 8:30 tonight in St. .vlorristown. in Mountainside since li)50, their two daughters, Carol Ann that we can report to the voters, hope that you will foel free to call for the lodjve, tho signing of thy part in these sessions. and Nancy Lou, have lived in the uiat on our very first day in of- Luke's parish hall, Fourth nnd Following the trail set by Wash- charter application by nil the rig moved here from Scotch upon us for any matters on which ington iiiui Jiis army the seouta borough four years. Both children fice we took a major step towards we can be of assistance. Walnut St., Roselle. charter members, and the appoint- ls. They have four children, Guetit speaker will be Lee J. .Ma- tourwl SeliilT Scout reservation in Guinbnrg Furs Given , Nancy, Robert and Amy. attend local schools. fulfilling one of our most impor- ment of a nominating committee Mr. Seager is employed by the tant campaign promises. We in- rino, chairman of the board of Mendhnm and the Jockey Hollow for the selection of charter officers. Guild Certification the youngest, is in the sev- troduced a motion which we are trustees of the National Associa- Park at Morimtown, Scouts mak- grade at Decrfield School. Kimberly-Clark Co. in Spotswood. Secretary Named ing the trip included Jamie Cald- Charter mend>ei*s of this newly- He is a graduate of Harvard Uni- nappy to say the entire council tion for Retarded Children Re- formed lodge nro still being ac- Gamburg Furs, E. Broad St., has the past Dr. Nolan has work- tarded Children Itesoarch Fund. well, Alex l'VIilman, .Steve Smock, ith the committee developing versity in 1960 and received his unanimously supported. This mo- MOUNTAINSIDE—Mrs. James cepted, Herbert Ross of ll!0(i Ris- received n certificate of member- tion called for the rapid enactment May of 300 Bridle Path has been Mr. Marino will speak on; "Ue-Richard Hearn, Hal Smock, James ship in the Master Furriers Guild Beechwood School proposal master's degree from the Harvard Virgin, Hill McDonald, Mike Ur- ing Way, Mountainside and Melvin Business School in 1962. He and appointed a secretary by the mu-*earch in Mental Retardation,"— Intriligator of 850 Nancy Way, of America Inc. 'Certificates are was a candidate for the and "The President's Panel on ban and Bill Wulb. of Education several years his wife, Kuth, have three chil- nicipality. The announcement was Westfield, are in eliurge of mem- issueil only after careful examina- dren—Joanne and Robert, who Post-Party Crash made during the borough organi- Mental Retardation," Troop 77 meets at St. Paul's bership. Those interested in bu- tion as to qualifications of high are students in local schools, ant zation meeting last week. Mrs. Robert C. Allen of 728 Embree Church Monday evenings and ail coming charter members are ail-integrity, specialization, knowledge Hildebrand is head of the Elizabeth, who is a preschooler. ^fay recently moved here from El- Cres., will preside. The meeting is boys of scout ago are invited to vised to contact Mr. Ross or Mr.of fura and adherence to tho Na- Chemicals Coordination Division They have lived in the borough Grounds Driver mlra Heights, N.Y. public. attend. Intriligator. tioni'.l Code of Ethics. Expire* Sat.,Jan. 12 Public Works, replacing former IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE California Roast <* • Limit 1 coupon time left for poor planning or * per family poor politics and there isn't any Borough Engineer Grant Lennox. IN THE LEADER Rib Roast Style 69c Chuck Steak 59 1st Cuts Slightly Higher }S FRZE! 30 S«H Green Stamps S * with pufcbcu of on» doz. any slzt Shoulder Steak »>69< * IDEAL EGGS Cross-Rib Roast 89 t Name . ... • Address "Shopping is just a bowl Lancaster Brand-Top or Bottom I Explrei Sal. Jan. 12 Do. > Limit 1 coupon Steak ' per family of cherries" bs|09 09 Round Roast Top-Round Steak I FR£E! 30 S&H Green Stamps PLATE SOUP BEEF with purchase of 4-lb. bag of STAYMAN WINESAP APPLES GROUND BEEF M9^ LEAN SHORT RIBS >b. 55c Name |O Ad<.r.« «,. 79c Expiret Sat.,Jan. 12 LEAN GROUND CHUCK * 69*STEWING BEEF Limit 1 coupon GROUND ROUND BEEF TRIPElb 29c OX TAILS b 29c twmsmmum BEEF LIVER SMOKED BEEF TONGUES '"• 53c FREE ' 30 S&H Green Stamps ; witti puicficjo of >lx "YOU NEVER HAD IT SO FRESH" IDEAL PORK & BEANS HEINZ BEANS *. Andy Boy large bunch NofflO . Addrets . . . . 10 OZ $ Expires Sat. Jon. 12 CAMPBELL'S limit 1 coupon 6 «M ' I p«r family HEINZ KETCHUP 5 1 Broccoli 29< KRAFT MAYONNAISE FREE. 30 S&H Green Stamps Carrots ^<**°«°™ 2^ 9c with piMthoie of Three 16-ai. cans D R G E T IDEAL FRUIT COCKTAIL ??B L TS giant pack .. .when you shop SALVO E Name Mushrooms ^^-« n, 49c Addros. ™ RED CHEEK APPLE b Expires Sat.Jan. 12 , Apples **»** *id««oA 3 ba 29c limit 1 coupon The LEADER first! f ORANGE DRINK or g per family m -%t CRAPE DRINK BAKERY FEATURES T2oz. can HORMEL'S SPAM Virginia Lee Peach or Lemon FREE! 30 S&H Green Stamps You can breeze through shopping chores in a jiffy when you 39 wilh puichoic ol Iwo 16or. F)V9I. ' SUNSHINE COOKIES ptgs. S $ IDEAL MARGARINE ; know exactly where to go to get the best values in exactly Chocolate Chip Cookie* 73/i-oz., Toy Cookie*, IViot. ChtPr-ll, JO-ox Nome ... . „_ t Kriipy Croeke/i Ifa. pkg. Addruis Pies 2' ExpiretScit.Jun. 12 what you want. This comprehensive buying information is Afl odvertiserf price* effective Wed. ihrough Sot., Jan. 9 (o .2. W* r«i«rve Ihe fight 1o limit quontilie,. Not reipomiblo for typographical liiniT 1 coupat yours for the looking . . . through the advertising columns of Danish Pecan Ring 59 par family The LEADER. Saves time, steps, money? FROZEN FOODS fe FREE! 30 S&H Green Stamps FREE.' 30 S&H Green Stamps 30 S&H Green Stamps • with purchci}'! of four 16-oz. cans (2 '"'^ purthaia ol Throo 16 or. com with purtlicia of 4 pkrjj. of ' ROMAN RA¥1OL1 CREAM 5TYIE IDEAL TOMATOES PRINCESS FACIAL TISSUE! IDEAL CORN Nome „.„.. t Namts „ Norfla - Addroit _ Addrcu „ I THE WESTFIELD LEADER Expirei 5a!. Jan. T2 Expire! SoT.Jon. 12 Expire, S°t.Jon. 12 Limit 1 tau fir U«il 1 coupon > tlrnlf 1 coupon per family per family e Pies Morion's ptrromll/

WESTFIKin — 'J7I> South Ave. CI.AHK TOWN'Slftf* — Ontntl Avr. nnif finrllnn Ud. tFIU]*a£Ii9JU> — Boat* S3 awl tte&aUUm AT*. THE WK«TW««> „ v INEW Meanwhile, between !<;.*& and *y, Mw.Division, lii- j.i.t nioro than ir.dt the mine mad from Ksupus njii Cuiiilv. ]«.c)i(!l K"- J-Sl'lf-O-. iliaujff IT • tu Pbiu(Vinvr.v t,i cw evt-r more use- ;KXI::KAI.' JNVI-:ST.MKXT coin'., a 'uruui-aliiin ot New Jtr.ii-y, I'laliitinr. ful. Undoubtedly this w;is tlio fust ,s. Al.unP.T IIKKMAN i-l «l., I"1 • major improved mad of any 'ifidnnts. Clvl! Action Exi'futlon. Hans: and rtecllm-S^to'iJtU [Iv virlui- or llio atiuvir-mmoil ilie trrantliKr of tin" "*«*<" loiKth in North Ameiica; the. Preview Jan. 31 Will, to me tllri-ct(-O, I ftliall i-xiH-Ri- of ii,.. Club tor ncmL.VW«T& for iale Iiy I'ubllt Wnduc »i Ihc- load, not the copper, would ptove "To <<)) \Yi!:>o:i School mothers: I'uurt House, In-111* City ot Ellzn- to be. tin- liistinK contribution of You and your friends are invited lit'tli N\ J. en WodiH-mlny, tlu> till ilny of I'Vlji-uary, A. l>.. ldo:i. nt those fits! Dutchmen who venW- a I'jjrinjr fn.-;liiuii preview and iw'o o'clock In llio afternoon oc snid tured into tbe "howliiiK wilder- brunch Thur-sdny, Jan. 31 «t 'J-itt iity. nil Ihf rlplit. title nnd inliT(-«t The "Howling Wilderness" Road ,t tlic aboi'i.'-imtm-il ilofwidiiii!* AJ.- mvs." ;;.ni." Tin* invitation is bcintf ex- IIGliT IIKU.MAN ami l.Ol.'ISK !•:. By JOHN T. CUNNINGHAM All of this, mind you, in the Down thnt r*>nd came English tended by tin- Woodrow Wil.>on lll:H.MA.N •• "I to tlie fulluwliiK settlers in the enrly ]8lb cen- toiu-rly, lo will Mystery and isolation still lie ififlOs—some 10 years before ihi- School VTA for the show mid All tuni i...>.iln tract or jiurcel heavily on Pahaquarry Township, Knuli^h controlled Now Jersey, tury. lJown Oial road in Deeein- brunch to b.- heM in Charleston least settled of all New Jersey some 2f> years liefore I'liilftdi'lphiii bi-r, I77ii, cairn' {leneml Horatio (iardens of Ii. Alimun and Co., tirliculaily OeKcrlbPU. situate, ly- (i.itcs on his way from Ksiialo^n Slliort Hills. Ins am) Ijelnp In Hie Town of Wesi- I'ursunnl lo tho order municipalities. Hare is tho visitor, was founded. Kvcry foot of stone llc'ld. ill tin- I'nuiity of Union :<-of January. A. n., I'm pound of copper was extracted by lorlhf-rly Klili.- of AVInunui- Avenui- ai>i>llcntluii of the u,'m, cd Pahaqtiany as their homo in raw manpower. Ili-laware. I.-'iU-r, President -lohn ure all i*TA membcr.-i: Mmen. Cbas. vhlcli Is tbr soulliwoHtpi-ly coniir lOxecutor of tlit owtali- , t ' "1*rrje 1 of Uyt #3S im Hhown on n mfti> IMI- the 19C0 Census. Hut copper in Pahnquarry nil' Adam* used the road ns n fine Darby Suipp, J. B. Montgomery, lillcii '1'lot i'laii ul J'orllon of Mnnor ivnsofl, notice IR h."-ii,v "-v? vborteut bi..Uve-en his Mavsacliu- I'nrk Annex, Wcstflblil. N. J.,'1 Duvl- HID creilllorn ot 8alU ,loj.* " - Pahaquarry nestles in a lone "opi'er in IfoHJind wore two vnst- Walter llinlon, George Darsiv, exhibit lo tho Ruu8crlli<-i- unH' setts home find Philadelphia. Daniel Semets and John Festfl. KON ;inU HOKS, I'rol. KliB. «r L.. ».. Ul'- •>r afrirmalion tholr claim, , strip between the Kitttttinny ly different things. Uy the bank> ma mis AKcUrmt the OSIRIC . Mountains and tho Dclswnro River of tho iJelawiire, the ore was so Toriuy both road and the Dutch Mrs. liii-linril I). Bravennnn is Ut.ased within six mines remain, j,lus other niunltu • in Warren County. Northwnni much atone; in the market-place-' a ssi Uunt obnirinmi of the show and >>e forever barrta from prou, J ^through Sussex County a narrow beside Holland's canals it wns ensy holes duu in the lflth and early Mrs. I.eo J. Sobell, PTA treasurer or^recovorlim I lie same- "«"?.•;:'; 20th centuries by johimy-iOnie- Nortli 4! di-crcfs '.>" inlnuKm Wi»l roid winds casually along the to trnde for told. and cbairman of room mothers, 133,tl fi'i-l ID n. jiohit on Ihc rcti- Tlio National stni river bank to Port Jervls. Then Up the valley toward Esopu* latoly copper hunters. The copper is in charge of tickets. llne of said lot: thl-ni-e (") Soulli 45 Newark, ot "• the road cuts sharply ncros.i.coun- went the ore-burdened Dutch, wid- is still there, loo, but is novel Her ticket c-ommittoo Includes: {lrjir(-i.« 20 niliiotcs 43 m:conil« WPSII Kxccutor ZC.SI ft-«-t to llii> Weslorly KltU- »>' Rmnnucl Mnr(jul[CB, try northeastward to Kingston. eninpr and levelinK their road u*» likely to prove commercial, al- Mines Robert C. Morrison, John sad! lot; llu'lice (4) Souih i'i ile- •'<( N'orlll Wood Ave though cooloKists won't say no icr(-(-K, f>7 inlnuto.s I-^ftRt 132-S2 fii-l tv 1 '•••len. N. J. N.Y., on the Hudson liivi'r 70 they went. Their "mine road" bv F. Hr'ookwell, James W. Si'hmidt, tli.. iiurlhrrly xlilo "t Wlml»t,r Alp. miles north of New York City. 1 0C9 stretched opon point ami plni .• of I1U ~- Even today a journey from Pa- full 104 miles from Pahaqunrry So Pnhaqunrry settles back in Hughes, H.irry E. Everotsen, C. OINN'INil. haquarry to New York, via Port the mystery of three centuries. It? This denoi-l;»tlon i« In accfirJnncn to Bsopus. Burton KCIIOKC, William Cant, S. with n Kury*.y mndn l>y Davlson ^ NOTICE OF AKKUAT, MPi-> Jervia and Kingston, would pro- Some questions will always re- 03 steady residents arc not much M. Kinney Jr., Frederic B. Allen, HUSH, I'rof. KllK. & 1» S.. Linden voke comment—yet move than more than the number of Dutch- N. .1., ihitcil Jnnunry 22. 19f.3. main concerning the copper difr- John II. -Montgomery, Keith Eddy, RETURN OF THE MEDICINE. MAN—Dr. John L. V«l«», Jit-M- IIKINII nlon known n« #309 Wlnrt- The Aniiunl Nf«tlniJ!rK 800 years ago Dutch adventurer? ffinc;, but there >a undeniable evi- men there in 1000; there must Wnrven J. iMoyer, William Kraft, Mur Avt'OUO ^VOHtflelil, New Ji-rj*fv lioldoi-s of Suhurhan Trust !•„; hacked a road through a "howling hnve been many diggers then, for tor of the Rutgsra Univeriily Ptarmiceutlcil Ekteniion Service, Tli'Te. la due iiji|irox!iiiatoly $1.- '••r llic election of illr.'r", J~ c,< dence that the mountains were William R. Irwin, Hugh Long, Ed- checks publication! of the U.S. Fo6cT *D'J Drug A^mtfttitratloR 03^.54 nnd contH. lt k wilderness" from Kingston (then mined extensively before New a 100-foot-doep tunnel is not n i 'Rich, Robert W. Ileffcrman, Tlio aiiorlff rcfl(^rvr« the riplit to I'.insertion of »iiy othfr fc lisopus) to reach Pahaquarry. while holding a product of the m6d«rB da^ "medicine* man/' a adloori) tills ealc. I hat may properly come IK.?,,, : Amsterdam fell to the English in niBtler for few hands, even ambi- Bernard L. Rciter, Dudley Roberts, "ittrtiiiic, will IIP htM nt (hl'. jug of water 1 Dr. Voijl clalmt that ftian* pertoni (till are being HALPH ortisr:nr.T.o. of unlit Suhurban Trust p«V Tha lure was the copper ore 1G64. Tho mine openings remain, tious Dutch hands. John <^>ogan, George Mapaek, John >J0 East Itr ad Street w5 Pahaquarry knows of Philadel- taken in by pe of fraudulent "cure-all" product! who were Ofrnld W. KOlbR. Atty. Blcl ? thit Alternated sandstone In theand records dated i>3 early ns 172!) E. Wilder, John L. Ewing, John thought to have left theae parti on the !a»t wagon train to O.l ft.WL CI.-28 0-2 N. J.. on Monilny fttlcrnoon Ji^ Wilt of Pahaquarry. Indians tell of the mining, even then be- phia, of course, and there in a road P. Longwell, Paul V. -Smith, Chas. l-)0-«t 21, isr.s nt three o'o)ock " to (and from) New York. Never- Ike W«l. EUOENK L. l'AUKRrt y. bttilght copper, or at least word ing envelopod by mystery and Schmit and John W. Grcve. pintic NOTicn of copper, to Eeopus in about time. theless, when visitors come, they Tho Wilson library committ&o, Pulillc Kotlro Is hereby Klvon mat 1660. Through tho river valleys seek mainly to renew contacts an ordhmiico entitled an follow* u-n- The Dutch miners kept thnir headed by Mrs. Joseph Klningham, Old Time 'Medicine Man' Continues nnf*M-d nni) ailontoil by tlte Hoard o' pt'm.ic NOTICE from Esopus went the Dutchmen, ore secrets to themselves, for rec- with 300 and more years ago— unnounecd that there would bo a Health of tho Town of WcslllHii n' SRAf.PTi pnnpoR* I ^ will ij following old Indian trails or hew- ords indicate that thoy took their and they como to travel "Th" ibrary U'.blo cot uj> nt tho fashion n mectluK thoroof hrlil January 3 eMvecl by tho Mayor ami Tnivno-: ing their own way. Here, for the Old Mino Road" northward 1DC3. .-'I of Iho Town of \\v^ni(ii copper to Holland In lfiG9 with- show-brunch where members and To Offer 'Cures,' Troubles Too. JOBRPH J. MOTTt."- TncHilny. Jftnu^rv 22, Vif;i jt'i picking, was tho wealth that hnd out telline Gov. Peter Stuyvesnnt. throuch the beauty of the Warren guests mny leave children'.-! booloi r.F.vr.nAi. oniHNAXo: N<^ 10 °.M. In the Council Cliainbi,' brought tSem to A new world! and Sussex mountaintand. AX OnOIVANCB 11V THE nOAItr the Mnnlcltiitl Kii'l-ll.,1.- Directors of the Dutch West In- which they would like, to donate to The old time "medicine man" in drug sales i$ the door to door OK IIHAI.TII OF THE TOW.N <> ^ma't Strt-M. •W'i»Btflp|'l N',.«- i,^ Those Dutchmen attacked the dia Company promptly wrote ConyrlRht 1Sf>3~Sl of N'n the new Wilson School library. Wf.STFIBI.H TO AHEM) <:K» for the furnishIIIK of Furl on, Jor- who sold snnke oil and other nos- peddler. i:n*l. '««I AMI BMPI.OVIOBS <)'•• TI>' nlcinal T'ulMIni;. fool-high tunnel to a length of that he was not ignorant of it" •Charier. D. iStapp, executive vice Relate Experiences more, thoy frequently price thei' 1IOA1II) or IIPIAI.TK. TOWV <• Oftrtoll»r- ,1(.NlKiiated a« Pri-v- T nearly 100 feet into the mountain, According to Dr. John L. VoiRt, WK.iTPiK.l.n.roirxTv nw I:\IOX lo bo ilcllvcreil to tin. [v and suggested that the governor presldont of Koos Brxn., Rahwnv, Rutfrers University pliarmnceutlcrtl nostrums at highly inflated prices "•TATK Ol' KRW JBRSBV." and then exploring from this at Investigate. For College Men M.-.^u 7>...,,-(,„„„, ||..,.| has been elected u director of the Extension service director, quacks for the value of what they sell. I-lo-u F«OH jr. r,n HID FORM1 S anil Snorliii-v"l . right angles for.another 60 feet Stuyvosant . investigated and may he o^tM' *!"! f«-^m t i>- n-irri Delaware Financial Corp., it wns Three current College Mon'a and dispensers of nostrums do half "Should they be caught misrep- irni.ic NOTiru 1 ''ie Acent. Milnlclnnl Hii'Mlne i on either side. They sank nt least learned only that there was indeed announced last week by Joseph M. Club scholarship recipients describ- '•"ast llronil Street. \Ventiiolil >. two other inclined shafts \o depths n billion dollars a year businws resenting the efficacy of their prod- Xotlre IH lirreliy «lvcn Hint the Jerfipy. a copper mine in some vaguo area McDsniol Jr., chairman of theed their college experiences at the nnd mny - of 40 to 60 feet. uetu, the door to door drug so-Dors ni-als he.iiil Iiy tho lli>anl "f ••' JOY c. VTti:r.i,«v along the South (Delaware) River, board. recent annual social meeting of the JiK'tmonl .it tlio moelliiu lie.ld Do- persons who should see a doctor. face a relatively light penalty, only ct nK Tl '<•> board of trustee, held nt tho home (MMiiluT 17, I9O3: l-IO-Ii It was common practico nt thea $600 fine." AiMieM of Itlrech M. Urown. 2' of Robert. Ellsworth of 27 Ply Molmwk Trail—(Jmntod. H. 0. PftUner Elected turn of tho eentury, Dr. Voitrt says. "In the meantime, thoy may have v mouth Rd. Apnedl of Edward Fj. Oiill .The election of lljirry O. Palmer for advertisers to promote near deluded pcrsorU Who could have Jr.. 1071 Reward Avenue—Decision of 2l2 Avon ltd. to membership in Don Howr.rd, scholarship chair- magic potions such as "Kont lymph" undiagnoscd blood, liver, kidney renervt»il. man, welcomed hark and intro AppiTil of Nomnliopnn Ru'tm the jNV>v York Rlatu Society of and claim them to be "rovitalizers" heart or othor diseases, and nre Cluli, f.flf; Snrlnclli:lil Av*-nue—Hnr- Certified Public Accountants has ducud Kichnrd Koppo, civil ongi- and "roinvicoranta" of d taking the nostrum because thoy onwni'iiilc-il nii|> to Itio Town 1963 Ciium-ll Hie KmnthiK of Uifl a«»»il<- neroing junior at I'urdue, Alfred been ahriouiiccd at society head mentnl and physical powem. fear a visit to a doctor. The false e.ition of the Club tltat Ihf nrrlnll- quarters. • Wnldcheii, .pro-mod sophomore, at claim that nostrum will relieve the leil u«i' of tlio promlfleH be (-nlnrccl Duke, and Loo Kiryleiiko, freshman People arc not surprised today to sickness may further delay a trip LEGAL NOTICES nt MutKcrs. read about those outlandish claims, to a. physician and make eventua The trustees also welcomed back tho RutRcrs professor points out, treatment and euro even mon- dif- jvtni« o( COI.I.II: i.rci:. iii-epA* surprised, he says, when they fall l'urwunnt to tlio order of KI'OIV president, and former president Dr. Voigt has been conducting The J. KIRK. SurroKnie '•' tlm Cnuiity Williird .Majjalhiios. victim to the modern medicine man. •it Union, mnile on the tivolfth ilnv "Claims of quacks have changed seminar* for pharmacists through- of December. A.l>., 10fi2. lllmn Ihc The following enndidates were out the state this fall And winter uppllcixtlon of tlio unilerAlKniMl. n accepted for membership In theonly to include newly discovered 2 DOOR—6 PASS. SEDAN fclxpoutrlx mill Kxeculor nf lh' diseases," Dr. Voiirt said. "Their in order to alert them to the dan- Peoples Restaurant eslntft of nalil ilroisipert. ntitlco I College Men's Club: Howard Tom- gers of nostrum cures. horrby Klvon lo lh«> rroilU'irH nf NIIII linson, Dr. Joseph I. Roylan Jr.,advertising and selling techniques (IOCOMHM) tn CKlilltH to tlu> Htittxrrlti have become modern, however." He, Michael Iunnarohc, Rutgers Ei». 1939 •• H itiuler onlli or ufTlrmnlloti tlli'l Charles (i. Meicrdicrck Jr., Kmil profcasor of pharmaceutical mic- cln(m3 anil ilciiiiitiOti itKAlupt II* ...irtii- of Ktilrt ili-<-onfte,l ivlllitn Hlx liner, <;. I'aul Testa, Lclh'nd Biach, He cites the many cases covered robiology, ami' a' physician have immtllR frnm tlio (Into of Knld oril(>r, Jaek Wviknrt. in publications of the ,\}.S. fpod or l|H">" will Ijp fornvor linr^-d frnlii been detailing . the public health f>rn«eoiJtltii^ or rccnvdrluir tlm Htiinc The triuilees n|Vprovod acco and Drug Administration, which implications of quackery so tha Featuring,the Fitie&t Food in Westfield on a anco yf a gift of $100, given by nlist judgments npninst fraudulent pharmacists may alovt their cus HfrlhR Mny KiiOft Nil-lcl<-s products, to suppoi't lii.^ char^u*. DflllvofM lo you—no oxtrftH—nrleo included. ' William A. I.e<\ formur college men's scliolarship t outers. bountiful Ala Carte or Dinner Menu Krclllht. TAJeK ftml Di'llvnry ICxecutrlx anil FCrecutor recipient. "Kor cxamplo," Dr. Voijrt point- "Many people boing fooled by G-VEMl Oh (0,0D0-MltK- Wralllrlil, N. i. listed a judgement against ordi- bo succumbing to the same game ' Breakfast, Businessmen's Luncheon $1.00 FWWTKri. - RI.KCT111C WI.N'PHIIIUI.II WITKIta. (Ill- K'H.TKH, n-20-41 • rv-c-s tsi.i: IN THE LEADER nary sea water which falsely ciiiim- UIltKCTIOKAI. SIUNAI-K. . they laugh at when they see an old ed it was a 'chemical smorgasbord' time snake oil peddler in a TV Dinners I and a 'fountain of youth1 with ther- AUTHORIZED PLYMOUTH, VAUANT DEAIER western. apeutic value in treatment of cun- "If you have a health problem Orders to Take Out cer, diulietes, tirny hair, baldness, CO to a physician, don't accept the BERSE BROS. dentnl caries and sterility unions word of a doorstep diagnostician Choice of our entire menu from other problems." \ with a 'miracle' cure," Dr. Voi^t 443 North Ave. W. • Our relatively recent innovation emphasized. entree to desert. Westfield, N. J. LEGAL NOTICES Having a Party? Phone 233-1020 IM III.If \HTlti: . I. I--..I'IIIIT Treasurer. .'.;' MilUlilii- l>IKtir«knl loin "TlirniiBli Srrvlii- Wr <:r«n" 1 T:i In- Si.tic.. l-"lrM>l son itnad. Arlington MHXM .: l.>, Sl'-r' fc. lui-.. li:tM iilitilli-il lw th.- M;iy..r .... !• j, IIIIIIIUK. i-u.ini-r Yl<-t- I'ri-^l- - TRY OUR - :uul C^uiiril ,i( tin- Town >,i Wi MI. . .{int. '..;'. i*;tlllii Avi-nur. Kmil r..r*l Ililil f..r U.-niiviil of l.lnill.-.| K.-iiil l'.lii.,l>- Ixlnnil: Ki-ul.i-u Kunlnn' lilnlrll.ntli.n Llcrlilii' No. HI.-; f"i Tn-.i-suri-r. 31) Hiiniiiioinl I'mul l";irk- Tea Sandwiches Canapes l.r.mi.-.f filiinli-'l ^t !::•> (.' iviiy. C'tifnlmil Mill, M«»sai'lni»i Us- Av.mi.-. WiMli.lil. X-. J. .I.'IIII I.. MnvVi-ll. Vli-r- ;,-.j Assorted Cold Cut Platters Tli.- n»m>-K ;mil ail.lri'KH'H t.f tin' [-*r:inl;lhi Slrcit. NVwlrm. .\l:i.«Km liii-

riiniiili'.l— ii:i«x»r)iusi-i(«. AIIK- I.I. in'. :i l-'ullon ' i'late. " Wist Ilart- .n.1 jr.. liilti arc :i» fulloivK- A r. i> !<->-ffr. I'li-Kidriit. I4ir, t?,,mi>,.>n- l-'wriii.-i Siilm l;%. .uilv.-. Id: Milin All food prepared by chefs in our kitchen; set op CLOSE OUT iM.illh An-.. W.-st N*i-%vt"n. M:IJ»H ; Slr«-.-t. I'.tsl llarir"K,-.-fi.-. I'urcliiiHlnR Kxccullvo. 1C1 K'lil-'ii K.'ii>la>i. Tii;»wnrtr. .1<> Ham- I >.i: m.Milli Str»-it, Wi-nl NV\vtf,u inon.l I'-ml I'lin-y.. Chi-stniil Mill. M:'s*m-luisi-tt»; Itlrlmnl C. Kvmts Muss; William A. Hyan. Snr.-t:u). .\u..rii.-y. no l^tlcevlow Avi»mn-. AD 2-9732 233-2578

I". M.-T.-rii:in, Ani-t. Tn-aMiri-r. l:'!i m;ulv l-'ariHM.a.l 1 ir . Sn. Win.Is..r. i-i,iiii. limuiillalely In WrlllllK to Joy (-. 14 ElWf STREET, WESTFIELD between 4-7 Tlio n.inx.K :in-> aililirn,.i. ••< Hi. Vi.-. l:,.i,l. Acllni; Town Clerk <.r .llri'i'lniv <>f KlrM Natli.iial Sl-.r.->. Wi-M lii-W, N". .1. SALE lin-., nr. a.i r..tloivs: t:al|.|i r. Hurl;- !-l'»-';t FCCH $2S r.« All Current Stock of WE'LL WATCH THE WEATHER ARISTOEILT FOR OUR CUSTOMERS! UNPA1NTED Our automatic weather-controlled deliv- eries assure you of an adequate fuel supply always. We adjust deliveries to fit FURNITURE weather conditions.

nnil ( i-iifrni mil..!. ...lir.i I It.>l. Hiir.l'. I'rnlrn rri> I., rnlr*. ,,r II,. ,.|II,r ! III..lal'lir* .1. UiiilOo Our service is always prompt — ^r ^* ^r ^ ^J y3 our deliveries are always clean I 24 HOUR SERVICE BUY NOW AND SAVE! t i for Drives, Walks, Roads, etc. f 8 ^ __ for prices one) dc'iCRUSHED STONE CO. 450 North Ave. East Westfield, N. J. A R DWA R E 4 OIVISIOK OF WELDOM MAirniAl-«. INC. 12ii5« eELi LM* C:STT . uUWESTFIELf CTrriCt Dn A*H7.KnO 2150n0 .. ' OtVISJOM w nn.uu.. ™«. ..w^. IfEl CXUVIRY MOK*.*W.UKIIt » P.M. I Phone AD 2-2200 - THE WESTFIEtO W.V) LlAOtU.rHVMDAr, LEGAL NOTICES Roosevelt Reveals f Over 'at Liberty Masonic Trustees Rename Buclian I.tXiAL NOTICE; NoTICK IS HEIiKBV GIYii.N to the le-tal voters of the School District Ihi! l«»n ol Uestneld in ttio County of Union, New Jersey, that the At tho annual meet in K »f Ult' HAM and E. Falkenberg-, D. M. Iliial Puulic Hearing tor the proposed budget tor lytiU-64 will ue held ot. Honor Roll Muuy evi-ninir, January HZ, 1 t>U3 at elKM o'clock P.M. In tut Weslneld board of trustees of the Masonic Weaver, A E. Neumann and F. IX "or j1K •Sc"°°l Caletcnu, lull way Avenue and Dorian Road, Wcst- Association of WciUflcliI Mumlny, Rappold, all of Westfield; R. F. The results of the second mark- = 'me ..udBtt will be on file in the office of the Secretary of YheTlonrd CeorKc II. HuclKiii of :!41 Ackur- Unrliy of'Mountainside, W. E. Dey- NOW - Winner of 4 Academy fcuucation, 3Uf> Kim Street, Tor examination by the public between ing period show a total of 124 stu- Dian Avc, MouiUnihside, ^as re-erle of Scotch I'lains, (5. F. Wein- hours of S:30 A..M. and 4:30 P.M. each school day or by appointment. dents at Roosevolt Junior Hijrli .'lectcd provident for tlie year U)ii;i. heinlt'r Jr. of Railway and G. H. Awards 1 SCHOOL. UISTUllVr IILUUKT STATSTATKMKNT School on the honor roll or honor- t M( 11OUL YEAll IU4M-V4 Other oli'u-ors it'-t'l^ctod wcro: Scliatz of Summit. able •mention academic lists. Tc OK EOtCATION Of «Bslyii>l,U, COINTY OF IS1OS, N. J. Vici! presiik'iit, Fnilci'ifk W. Tal- "SPARTACUS" (1) U) (3> wake the honor roll, a student must rott; secretary, Kdwavd 'T. Pear- Kirk Douglas KilrolliueutN (Actual) (Knlimutrd) receive a grade of "A" in all ma ProffRveivc Federal taxation ( son and treasurer, itichard 1*. Jldtfitt Av. Daily Enrol] 7,368.4 8,342 jor subjects and a grade of "B" tame to America wlJ.h outbreak of at 8 P.M. jl>: ADE-Tuitlon Pupil* Heed .. 10 8 Kupp, nil of Wostficld. 6 or better in all other subjects. To tho Civil War, reports Internal Other members of the board are al Averaee Dally Enroll " 7,378.4 8 350 make the honorable mention list, Revenue, when both North and SOl'KCES Of IIKVKM.K 8 505 . L Mejia, niastcr of Atlas L«dt;e FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY a student must meet tho require- South put progressive income tax- (1) No. 125, K4A.M; W. B, House, iras- 11W1-UI 1B02-4J3 1UU3-O4 ments for the honor roll except es ujwii the statute books. Jerry lewis lurrrnt liM'ennr (Actual) (Uatuuated) tor of Seotclnvood Lodge No. 295, (Ualimated) that he is allowed c"her one "B" |?roprlation Balance •$ 184.406.91 K&AiM; W. Heiijninin, high priest "IT'S ONLY MONEY" } 136,oW.OO 5 17,000.00 in a major subject or one "C" in LEADER CLASSIFIEDS PAY ailve Appropriated of Corinthian Chapter No. 57, 3.5U1.7S1.00 3.S5O.476.OO a minor subject, al Tax L*vy 3.332.830.00 443.5Sti.0O also . Aid 464,140.00 45i,4S».0U 9,000.00 11,000.00 ""•* HONOR ROLL bcral Aid 5,tluu.nO Doris Day — Jack lemmon Btion 7,SSI.34 6,u0\).0u 26,000,00 32,000.00 Seventh grade: Louis Holschuh eljaneous Uevenue. 2,yotM6 TOTAL, CURRENT iSusan iNclson, Diane Pearson, "TWINKLE AND SHINE' STUNNED BY THE ELOPEMENT of her youngeit daughter, »3,S92.:24.7l J4.1S1,367.00 »4,427,904.00 Ewell Clarke, Diane Wood, Susan • tar of her children's troupe, Romlind Ruitell at Rote, the re- Cnpltal Outlar Match, Audrey Wershaw, Kristi sourceful and relcntlesi mother determined to make her two WALTER RIADi STARTS FRIDAY, JAN. 18 proprlat.uu balance 1,607.99 ... Riddle, Nancy Fey, Patricia Mc- ftnee Appropriated . daughters stars, ignores the pleas of Natalie Wood, the daughter } 5,000.00 Ginnis, Jeannette Stern, Cathleen I'l.AIMllSl.l) 33.726.00 02.730.00 who is destined to become Gypsy Rote Lee, and Karl Maiden, as "Period of Adjustment" 9,172.34 Cake, Anita Mndea, Anne Beadle, VI. U-II1UHI the agent-manager who wants to marry her, to abandon show John Markos, David Tandy, James TOTAL, CAPITAL business and settle down in this scene from "Gypsy," the exu- "No Man Is An Island" * 44,605.33 S E2.730.00 * 28,120,00 Ohaus, Linda Harvvard, Joanna berant Warner Bros. Musical held over at the Liberty Theater, Parsons, John Lucy, Wendy Smith, Debt Hervlct STRRI1D Plainneld. propriation ualanco . • $ 19,323.93 ...... Virginia Wallace, Elizabeth Her- mice wii]jrtipriated .. S 19,000.09 t 11,000.00 berich, INiuney Van Voorhis, al Tax L,evy 394,466.00 433,268.00 410.2J1.00 ite Aid 118,059.00 116.561.00 120.U8J.00 Biphth grade: Eobert Sinsheim- veUancoiiH Revenue 31,480.83 5.0OU.0O .... LEGAL NOTICES er, John Scott, Sarah Potter, Ellen ORDER NOW BY MAIL FOR TOTAL, DEBT Wildman, Catherine Farley, Cimlu rf.n^UIFK'8 SAI-E — Superior Ooun .Mr. Itobi-rt Scllltlall. 148-45 8!>th % 6CI.829.76 $ 67S.819.0O t 642,213.00 XNJU Cl pllt Avenue, Jatnalcu, l,oijij Inland, New Obencliain, Lynn Shine, " I^uaTwi- Union County. Docket #P IH5O-6I. Vnrk. BROADWAY'S BEST TOTAL REVENUE Pack, IKoKer Luckmann, Pamela OltKSTMONT SAVINGS AN1> ]*OAN Mrs. Mchvvnrtf, c/o Mm. ,1. Tiger, BEGINS WHERE ''. **sinK-"si'i.iril?«c;T"-Ji:VrV, fur. rut, ASSOCIATION, a corporation of the i'W OlarUige I'lacii Cnlonla, New Jer- AL.L ACCOUNTS (4,600,059.80 »4,746,916.00 J4,998,297.00 .Schoenewaldt,. Kristin .M agon i, THE OTHER ritjuu ot New Jersey Plaintiff, vs. sey. BEYONDTHEFRINGE John Aiello, David Wight, Kobin OAK1* MAHOUB Ol aln., Defynciahtd. Mr. Jone Seenrra, 1459 Main Street, Civil Action Writ of Kxecutlon—For BIG ONES f, M»«i)o» lhtt»»h Sol«cii>» » Mi »7.M, rlteUccts Actual Aliproprlatlon Balance July 1, 1961 Ackerson, Dorothy Donahue, Can- ttalivvny. New .IcrKey, ».?0. 5.7!, 4.90, 3.40. W«*«i.J=v Mo«»«« "I APPKOl'HIATION S dull- of Mortsatfed Premise**, Mr. Konnelh Shllay, 232 Mld\va> LEAVE OFF I J FMi Ji.80, *.3O, 3.40, J.TC. SalufdaK (2) (3) dace Lerman, Jack Hanriksen, Uy virtue of tho nbove-ptated writ Avi'iuie, Kanwood, New Jeraey. Mdir... ol 1 PM, 15.40, 4.10. 4.30, 3.60, J.TO. iiHii-aa 1MU-04 Keith Monlay, Linda Wallace. of execution to mo cttiectc-d I HUHII Mr. A. 1!. Stavllnky. 1231 Houle- «0UtH ll«>l«t »ll Kill 4! I"«« »•» 1«* 01 Appro- Appro- t'XjjoKtt for sale by public vundtie. In ail-it, WcstheUI, New Jersey. Current me I->ipcndltureM priation* priation* Ninth grade: John Farley, Jack th« Court UOUBP, In tho Oity of Mr. and Mm. A. B. Stavltuky. 102 Yduft WI'IKI ONLY THKOUOH rii. 3)RB i'Jllznbeth, N. J., on Wednesday, the lirouk Avenue, PaHBair, New Jemey. Ministration: Jones, William Pnden, Sara Jano -MAURICE t 103,140.29 ( 104.475.00 > 107,300.00 liitli dny of Jannnry A.l>., lyna, ui Mr. W. ThelK 147 Klmora Avenue, COIUi acted ServiceH 2,000.00 2,000.00 2.500.00 Braun, Trudy Kaehlcr, Susnn An- two o'clock in the afternoon of Ht\U\ KHzahclh, New Jersey. CHEVALIER 14.S00.0O 14.C35.OO duy. Mr*. Alma Trimly, 141 Myrtlt „'.: Other lixpenm-H 14,990.37 derson, Susan Criffin, Thomas Rod- 1 i i u Ihafln t,arcol of la ml Wemie. Wentlleld, New Jersey. J3.34S.9H8.OO dy, JKobert iScigle, 'Diane Oban- Mr. John A. Wilson. I'ual Office RSS: 1" j»;? 4 A" 4.» »"a •ia.'VK Sam I ii, 2,740,818.00 $3,021,741.00 •nut premlHOH, herelimtt^r t» Sol. c'j S»". E.i.lng., iS.10, 9.73. 4.10, 48,700.00 53,600.00 liuiy dt'HcrUied, «Huat« lit th*i Town Textbook.i 43,1(5.53 chain, Marsha Smith, Richard LV> 4 30. 3 <0. ?.«>. ONE MATINEE ONI", [M., 31,165.00 34.500.00 ot WoMLlitild, .n t)io Ouiincy uf Unlut.'t' " " ' Fec^ WBraiieo & Audio VlBual Jlat... 26,848.84 Phillips, Elizabeth Kahn, Roxanne r«brUff 311 I4.I0, 4.30, 4.01. 1.10, 3.TO. T#a< Ml E KupnlleH KU.928.ti9 81.400.00 110,790.00 am! Slal« of New Jur&i'y: lUtMLt THE«1» <«. il »»tiliu « 31 11. WTC All Other txp.Miues 24,778.3!) 28,200.00 .27,620.00 Ackerman, Kathy Blanken, Har- t>uuiH Known tin (I uu«iKim.toil nh Lot 1! HI Uloclt ubtj on nuin untittoii Opens Thursday, Feb. 14 Attondiincu ana Health Services: riett Griejccr, Owen Peterson, 1,816.00 1,940.00 "l.'iunljriflijc tiHtrtteHi Bed ion H"t TO BUY OR SELL, USE H»llirieH — Attendance 7,595.00 luwn ther ExpeimeM—Attlindanec 2.60 200.00 ' 200.00 Gary Evans, Bradford Cullison, _ ALFRED DRAKE.» 46,7411.00 51,166.00 .'Jew Jortuiy, TruUiiuon Ab UuirlUM", .iBWurien—Health 30,180.93 Susan Anderson, 'Rebecca Hill and n-riKru. & iSurv., Union, N. J., iltitt^i LORENZO All other 1-Jxpcnaeu—Health . - 0,231.05 9, 300.00 8,915.00 LEADER CLASSIFIED AD5 Rachacl Sherbourne. March 8, M'bti. a ml tWt-d in tho Union mriMd h ADTHUI nun ' Transportation: Onunty UogtHtcr'u tJitlco un June 7, '• i Contracted HorvlceB and • IVbti a a Map 44^-F. 1IKMC0UI' TtMIMIMM MM. Ikru Thun. E>li.i l»»0, 3 ". '.tt>, 24,500.00 HONORABLE MENTION 3.K). 3.SO. r.l. > Sol. Evtl.l 17.50, in, 3.73, • j'i^yui,uc Curriers 34,963.00 21,600.00 TIIO rori'K«JH»? (U'Hcr.t»tlon Is in i "BARABBAS" 4.80, 3.60. Wsd. Mat.l $4.80, 4.30, 3.A0t 214,828.48 247,930.00 25S.028.00 Seventh grade: Charles Howell, iu tonlnii(.-o witli u Murvuy made b> 3.50. Sat. Mal.t >5.4O, 4.80, 4.30, 3.40, 3.30. 370.08 .... 200.00 Donald Pepper, Andrea Lambri- Tt'ounstui & Hacker, Lltilon. N. J,, XUAII > Dm ot IMHWW, PHOCUCIIOK ntWWTH 1H»1»I 116 '• 41 II. ».. 1'ii Cilf Jnti-tl June 27, I'Jhti und cuntlnuutl to 32,007.60 44,300.00 40,000.00 ,,,»N ANTHONY QUINNHI>«W 1IMITID IHOAOIHINt IHHOUOH MAUCH I* (i6.765.43 78,800.00 77.200.00 nides, 'Patricia Bobul, Allison Bar- July «, iitfiO. 15,373.09 18,400.00 18.10U.00 ber, Sura 'Beth Overbuy, Luuru LTvmiHtH cuinmonty known an 234 SILVIA NWtlOAHO. ARTHUR KtlWEDY. KAIY JIMMQ RALPH JOHN Othvr KxpeiiHeri 902.69 1,600.00 1.600.00 I'Hon I'luco, WcHttielu, Nvw Jt-rHt-y. Bishop, Robert Dcllo Ruaso, Wil- HARRY ANDREWS • VITTORIO BAS8MM RICHARDSON GIELGUD ti tenance: •rher«s in auo ui>iu'i>K.inuu*iy ?^a,- Now Thru Tuesdayl 37,915.94 45,490.00 48,040.00 liam AndL-rson,.Susan Heesch, Wil- aoi.7H with int^ruul from Nuvrniliei JACK PAIANCE* ERNEST BORBNINE '•, XConlracti'd HervleUH 24JUU.00 1, l IMJli und couta, THE SCHOOL 10S,ti74.24 U4.XSb.0U liam C. Little, James Nelson, Chas. The Hhisrllt rt'sorvca tho rlKbt to TOW «:i;iri'IN :>^Keplaccinent (l'urchaRe) o£ 18.G51.3S 23,000.00 17.200.00 McCluski, .Mark Iteddy, Sally Bot- adjourn this Bale. Yl.I. IIHVKNKM FOR SCANDAL UAU'H \"£All ^.'iner l-;xpermeH 22,311.48 i 25,900.00 23,000.00 torff, Maureen Wildmon, David M..ti M... IK.u hi. tvtl. 8,10 f«i »7.3», •'.Plied Charges: i ClIIMSl 1M-. KAVFMANN 4.90. 1.73, 4.80, 3.60, 3.W, W«J. »tall»»« Tipson, Victoria Vorhos, Carolyn 3 fM |.,,. I nbflnir 30|i S'«0, 4.30, 3.60. • s^/t,miiiuyee ivetlrenient Contrl. .. 30,910.33 36,470.00 311.570.00 lUchard H, Tlilele. Atty. tn 13itNJ & Wt, CX-7 0-2 2.90. MollnMi Sail, and fil. rsbiuafy 32 ' VJlciital of l.und ami liulldlimu. . 12-20--lt KUOH 144.00 •I 3.30 PMi 13.40, 4.80, 4.10, 3.60, 3.99. 3,318.39 3.400.00 3,100.00 WEEKDAYS WUtltlC THI»T« 141 W. 44 1I..H »iu 1-i Ply i^'Othcr Fixed ChiirgeB 21,228.00 21,228.00 21,228.00 Kghth grade: Stephen Hender- *|Qxt>enilltui-en to Other UlHtrlctH: NOrK ART HNEMA sen, Richard Parmentier, Frank Taras Bulba' 7:30 ~ 9:45 ^Tuition 938.70 1.000.00 1,000.00 December 14, lflOZ PL 6-1873 Rugif, Suzanne Smith, Aladeline Notlco Is hereoy BIV^M that Hit* -',fe KUH-TOTAI- *3,724,9il9.75 $4,059,0117.00 $4,361,3K9.OO .Wiest, David Calvert, Philip ReeSON 8»laru» 20,0Cl.r.0 $ 21,100.00 $ 18.300.00 Peter Jensen, Douglas Anderson, VVenLlU'ld, Now Jornoy, will ho Bold BfLLY BUBO •;Other J'jXpellHes 56.61 200.00 in HiitlHfy morale an'es 3,561.25 Williams und played important TOTAL RBVBNirEK 83,5S2.2.'i roK's in Williams' initial and sut'- I ci'.-wful oanipaisrn for the House of >TA1. IIBVKNITEK AM) UECilNNl.Vft 11. .Representatives. JMPHOVKMlvNT Al:TJK»l:IZATl""N EXrKNIUTL'HES: Gov. Richard J. Hujchcs has also SAT. MAT., JAN. 12 • •• Si It*?* * 1&,*9 1.1" indicated hia intention of being 3 ••-: 1 •HUIKUIIKI. '""•I"-? present. "Tammy Tell Me True" •'; - J-:<|iil|>n>.-nt 51.903.29 Toustmnstei- for the alfuir will HMtGAHITA UVlRAKI) LMl'ROVKMKNT AUT1IOI!1/.ATK>M *t Scvnif 9 by MAROARITA LIBCRAXI S< nnplty *y JULU 0A3SIN "Fronds In The » 9UU.93S.10 be Philip J. Levin of Warren CMTRIIUUO aV LOPIRT PKTURCS GOKP0KA!iOf4 NnlTl'UBBS Haunted House" IMI'IIOVKJIEST Township. NS JUNIi 30. 1002 J 31.&2!>.13 AmonK the entertainers of the TOTAL KXl'BNniTlIllEH evening will he Roosc.v('lt( Jtosin) BRING •AND BNpl.Nli IIALA.NCK Greer, star line man of thu Now THE IIOWAKD TOMLINSON York Kootbtill Giants who, in adtlf- Secretary Hoard of Education tion to his grid prowess, trainctl WcsUlcld, N. J. FAMILY... bitt-il: January 1", 19'j;l some fame for his singing and gui- ••-.-(•a »!"4.Hi t-JO-lt tar playing. SKATE SERVICES YOU NEED * Occnibr 21. 1!2 eatntc of ^ald deceuHt-d within fix More than d00 persons arc ex- SOTH'H <>r A.VST'AL MKBTIXi inonthM from the date of PILIII order, The uiiiiuiil ni.-er. • BLDG. CONTRACTING ' MISCELLANEOUS • MOVING ANU be'HcM en "Wrdncsdjiy, Junuary lr.tli. ltodertck S. rowlcs, 1983 at *evcn thirty o'clock in the Admlnintrator c.t.a. -MODERNIZING TRENCHING GENERAL TRUCKING <* evening, (Kastcrn Standard Time) Duvidnon, Uuttcrmorc & Lynch, nil A INS KOOTINO at tin: oKico of tho Afpociiitloii. ir.O AUornoyn HENtlT I". TOWNBEND ' Him Sin-it, IVi-sllU-lil. New J'-rsey ;;l E. Mroad (U.. nNTllY Jobs: uttlo roomn, olo«- W. O. HEBLER ' to elect ItirectorH ami to triinHiict WetuticM. New Jersey PLAINFIELD (jorchyfi, coninKB, baflomejat Al> 1-U2Z ALLIED VAN LINES ; any other tiunlnina that may prop- 1-j-lt I'eva Kl.l! •^tonifl, i-tc. HeaBouablo. I-OOI.S OaADINt. 141 NOItTIi AVB. AD X-4444 ;'erly eotnc heforc the meeting. Vot- ICE UND I. V. Dtranil A I) 2-oxnn 7-27-11 a-6-tj JnET miky be In peruon or hy proxy Hamilton Blvd. (Near Hsdley Airport) South Plainfield, N. J. 6-6-tf Blank proxies will hi furnished upon NOTIOB TO CHBUITOHS SOUTH HIM, KXDAVATINfi—Hturm IIOI.MAN * CO. HOVINti * STOB-. • rcfiucet. Eutat.! ot CHAItLUS O. I1KOKAW, 1 ROOFING S SIDING HI-W'.TH. Hiinltury HiiwurH, rouil wurlt. 1<;I7. Nnw loadlne household guoda WEDNESDAY THRU SUNDAY* ui all 48 KtiitcH antl Canada, ppoclal- •:. FlttKT FBDKllAL SAVINr'.s 1 laiiilHfaplnK, drlvi'WiiyH, buUiloZ'.M / v AND LOAN AKHOTIATIOS rurKtiant to the order of El'OEN SALE MORNINGS 10:00 • 12:30 CONTRACTOR ri-iitaln, trui:k r«ntaln, Hhovol rt-tit zln^ In Nuw ISnKlaml, Florida, and J. K1UK Surroeat« of the County •nUrornla Hhlpmentii. Kivmu van to : OI-' WKSTKIELI), N". .' AFTERNOONS 3:00- 5:30 flooflnic, Klfllrif;, Out tern, I.cudorB ;ihi. 'Iiii'-riil rcpulrii, rrnovatlnn. of l.'nlon, mad« on tlin twenty-tlrst 'Ioof Repairs. John <"ivcrcd by In- iimtlnntlon. I/Ct un cstlmaty your A. C. STOVJJI1, Secretary EVENINGS 8:30-11:00 piivi>m»'iit:t rmd heavy contracting day of December. A.D., !^t','J, upon wriu-ltlMi;. dumullHhlAc CI1 l-;r,4i ii-xt movn. United Van Llm-s AH ; I-3-Ut FvfK 51(1.10 the application of the undersigned a selection of .-_3(K13. i.-6-tj •No morninf M*s)mi Sunday. MPMSAN noonxn A SIDINB ro. 7-1-tl MS Executrix of the. cHtatc of Hjld «123 I'ronpcct Nt, "\V«*>• t««*Irt .\OT1[rr!ij>lilMK- I'riittlin .oca) ruto :t nutn ami tnilltir, iii hr. held on \VifhM^d;iy. Jannury It!. niatidH against tiic uatate of nalo reach by car. For additional information phone: 754-3555. MASON \-l lirslM'l.SN AMI KM I". SI.IIVK'l •ruvv WuruhguBO, l-'Ultoii b-3'Jli < lliilo. at . i^hl o'clock in th-'. eveninc;. .uceitfcd within Hlx months fron. All tyix-fl million ivurk. Ufliifiilnn ISi-.-ll Si-i il SI. 6-24-tt .ttt UK- r.llii-, of tile Ai-^ucliitlon, lo- me uatc of nald order, or tiicy wn. RECORDS M'llll'll I'llllllK. \. J. N'alln, walltH, and HU'I'K a n|M"'lliUy. !; •'calcd at 3D Baat Uronii Slrccl. Wi-st- ,,c forever lutrrcd from pro«ecutiiif '•illly Innnred. AD 2-2.i:iO. 5-10-if HcKi. New Jersey. ,ir ri.cuvering thu same uyainal tin :•-. Thlt. mcctut; ia called (or the pur- rfubscrltier. I'l.AS'l'K.HIMi li'Uchen a iiperlalty. . poyu of: C llcltin Ii. Iimhitw, • LANDSCAPING The Newly Decorated All lypen ina.'itin 1-ipalrn, pf»irlii'!i, Election of Directors of thu Executrix walUH, patltui, fl'-pst. Self-* inpl'iycit. • REPAIRS A^.^oelittlon for tile eiKHUtns ytiir, Daviil^nii, Uultormoro &• Lyncli, Insured. AD n-:!i37. 7-12-tf *riiiiipt Ki-rvlcr t^HtliiutfCH Turnlshcd ' ree-'lvitic, reports of thi: f.ffiotr:* Attonu'y.i 69 i'f A(*^ijchutoti UH to itjs proton SM J'JI I'J. Itrond Ht. UPHOLSTERY J. SCUDERI f"^r the ye;tr l!lti-. :md the pn.poM.l CHI-AM CHATEAU Inc. IIANIIN IVOIIK AMI HIvl'AIIIS. Wi-Hilicid. N'. J. Tti;pn, walks, pall'jM, ilr.ituH. No Job (if-nt-rnl l.iimlni-ui>lnK nnd program for tin: year 1MJ. i;-uv-lt l'-cvo V-t-l: FURNITURE REPAIRS All member;* of the An:*oci:itlon (Values to $4.98) U. S. HIGHWAY 22 MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. .,»., umall. lirtldui. 'J-iwill. Afli' r, Ciltrd^nlnMr Cimtraftor v.artj cordially Invited to attend and P.M. call Mltlilh'u B-ssvi). :--:i-ir DON MAXWEU .A\S'N MAIN'i-KNANCH & KIIRUB3 Ull lll'nil.':r:. :tl(; entitled tr, vote in l'mnaii'-nl OrivowayM IVOTICI; TO fii-EUiTons Complete Chinese and American Restaurant and Supper Club AD 2-0226 *vjMTHon t»r by proxy in nctvirdatiee rii:\i:iiAi, f\iipi:\ in v !!• ni'i'i.-i- ! Curhi ami Coni-rolo Work '.•Witli the Charier of tho Ai'tH>el;ilion. Estate of WALTER J. l'Al/1'2, IIO O I'lliftiant to Uic order of (;t.'';E.Vi. — a limited offer — FINEST FOOD IN TOWN •••llnrii. «"•! iiori-ln'i.: •|..rtin-r: . (• i«co of thu Afnoi-I;i.tlnn, or will be IIOMII lltHIIll 11) S-firill .Iluunlnlnslilr. .V. ->. ^^lKd to any member on r.'iucht. J. KlltK, Hurrogat^ of the. Count> IClpprt ri-palrn Jind ciinutructlo KUIT1I 1'. .STEVENSON, ,.r Int.MI, piudo on ttie. twttftti rcaMOnatilo. Ca LANDSCAPING T».tf.-mbcr ^7. tjxecutrlx of the cMtatu of raid (J«: No jacket required during lunch hour. /» 1,. Kmllli. Mllrrlouk 8-H770. ?3; 1-VCH SI Trn-^ Trlnitiu-il natl Itnimvr'1 cejjaeil. nuLicu ib t-.e.r«uy i;lvtjti to th* «f \I> S-VKO AI> 3-8071 crcdltom of i-iild ilwi'in'M u, exhibit DANCING FRIDAYS • SATURDAYS • SUNDAYS KRAUTTER TREE EXPERTS NOTIf!U TO ; or :it- MUSIC STAFF DON,Mi) r. KIIAI i ri:ii. JIM LOVELAND Our newly docoratod Banquet Room Estate of HIVTN E. CAKVEIt l>- nrniall»n tlieir clalniH and'ls OrnillinlF hiltMiT © ROOFING He;. .iL-:llnHt thu CHt.-ito of fald ii(.-i'Ji: Barbara Ryan is now open for your inspection, Nrir Jrr»rr frrllllcil Trci- l.jn.-rt I'lirxuatit to the order (.1' ElViKNI-: tvltlnn six monttiH from tiio date 01 fomiilMi- iMllllrain'i! ''••"I'"" in..(loin isc; _ siato iiiul Tllu roo . KIRK. SurroKiit,! of tlic County .-<:ilit order, or thoy >vill be for.vei 'Jim SIIIIII, \>.-. i A ri'PiilrlnM t,f-iulPrH atut ^uttnrn. np\ 27 Elm St., Westfield Special facilities for private wedding receptions and * SNOW PLOWING .p\ lluloii. iiuidc on the twenty- barred from proMeciHIni: or rerov, r- 11-' -II .-mil n-palrKil. W. Hi-liuhnrl. AB :' SiJourth day of I te.-.inln r A.ll.. I'.";., lllii til" eatno aKalnxt the HUbf.'rlber. other social functions. Capacity up «o 300. r.iill. HurliiKlloM Aroiiuu. Mimnlntt yj'poii Hie application of'the und.-r- SNOW PLOWING"~ Craco n. I'M?., ADams 3-1448 SCHMtEDF TREE EXPERT CO. uldn i-r.-. jBliini'd. uti Administrator .•.l.n. ,,f Executrix. Off Premises Catering Orderi to Take Home liuhinlrlill — Ul>tilil<'llil,'l1 •'VJIH- of naid .ler.-.ih. i], iiiilli-e i,. lluylit:. Iiurtluuh, Thorn CNllliriletc- >luilt-rit Tr«-r Scrvli-r- I'jirkliiK l.utM tlrht-mon ..-;Jher.-l,y I-IV.-H to >|ie. cri:dl!«rM of s.ui.l ,v. i.:i.urle, Attorrtcyu Open Monday '»il 9 P.M. Bldlu Orddcil Trff I[!HI«T< TO BUY OR SELL, USE !«"•'-UBi.ii to eiliililt t/i tile liubucrilHir f.7 Union 1'lrjcu FOR INFORMATION CALL AD 2-3873 llimirrO nl OLIVER HOWARTH, JR. vllmier 0at.I1 or affirmutlon p;iinimtt, N. J. 2 All il-l'lij Ai> a-cms.'! -elJim-j jud (Jtmandj auilniit thuIiiO4 K j:ili LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 11-3-tC TOR'WTTJEI W-»TF»EIP <«*.*,)-«/««*P <*». l.rW&trVIHWifoAY,, THtfftS&AY, MtfUARMWARY 10V, 180 10,3 • " • •—— -i

• Highlights in Women's Fashions -:- Menus -;- Other Events KITCHEN NOTES I Easy-Care Feature \ Planned Family Spending By MARIAN KEMP, Home Economist, Acmt Markets I For Furnishings ! A Good Resolve In 1963

.'!/ MAliV IV. ARMSTROS'C I ping practices are justified even in In New Year L'niitn Comity Hoim Agent spending a fifth of one'.-* total in- come. If there'll h>' now fui-nishinjrs in A new start for a new year wise- Buying flt season of good «up. your future, you'll find iminy casy- ly include;: thoughts about money ply and lower price is one practical cm<- features availHlili* in 100.1. management and food shopping. A food shopping rule, if economy Not only do eaay-lu-cari-fw fur- jcnla party to tee the old year out ivith siitijfaction is ine goal. shin^s save your em-ijcy 'i»d your not likely to do as much for in- W« arc told all can look forward linn-. They also wear well out) dividual and family happiness as a to another year of abundant food keep their nllritclivcncro with n little ucrious thinking about plan- supplies. Food will continue to be minimum of maintenance. ning for family needs in the New a real bargain in 1903. Hiss (iena Thames, Rutgers ex- Year. The biggeitt Item in the family tension specialist in home furnish- With tho same income some fam- food 'bilj ii usually for the red intr. describus some f! income with family needs nnd long time goal.i in mind. will be maikoted in 18U3, but egg And wood finishes, such an oil production may be down somewhat finish and sealer finishes, combine Two and two still makes four until the uecond half of 18G3. CANNED PUBP1.E PLUMS are PLUM ROVAL PDFF beauty with durability. Oil ondand no amount of hiding one's head Tho supply and price of dairy U *i>un(l«nc« becausA of th» 1 1b. U oa. caa purple plum* In aeftlcr finishes will withstand down- from realities wif) over make it any bountiful hirveat of the fresh heavy syrup right abuse, and what's more, they different. 'Middle income familias products is expected to be similar fruit. ThU tengy canned fruit baa U cupmift-ar never need woxinf?. have more chance than low income to 1902 in spite of all tho contro- Mtfr «y- and »ppetit« appeal, J Ublejpoou qukk-cookioc Some upholstered ehaira and so- families to provide the greatest sat- versy over milk costs. chiliad aa a deawrt or tapioca 1 aa an accompaniment to fas Imve removable cushions with isfactions from their resources. Fruits ond vegetables will con- 2 teaapooos (reah iraoojutc* Often, however, they spend more tinue in good supply. To offset the . Try a hot fnilt compote by 2 eggs. *epanted zlppcred covers that are easy to «o*iblnla( canned purple plums remove and launder. Those with without having anymore to show reduction in Florida fruit ship- Dub of salt THIS NATURAL South American Spotted Cat Jacket tingi out frith two or three other carried simple lines and exposed wood arms for it. ments duo 1o tho freeze, increased tr«rta, Layer tbe fruit* attrao- M teaspoon emaisf tartar with flawlen grace, vibrancy and oh-io-lovely echoet in the deep, Vt cup sugar arc- easy to slipcover and designed Planning ahead, practicing aensl shipments are expected from other tt**fr In a akJllet. baking dlth. or •elf cuffs and the collar of natural ranch mink from the Flem- •btARt *»h. Se«*on wljh au-ar, 6 tablaepoons alfttd oake 0o«r for long wear. blc oconomies, aniold. Chill until firm nnd ready to thun a passing problem. Children finish, protect it from possible in- and molded fresh gTapo and avo- •eive. Unmolil on n serving plate, Today'a families are different. cado salad can be either a rcfrcuh- should be helped to deal with Their whole world is dlfTcrent- sect damage. nnd irarnmh with salad Ricenn ami those naUirnl foellnus so thnt they Cashmere sweaters can be wash- ipbavers ? in? accompaniment io dinner or an I'luatera of Emperor (Trapes. Serve Thc-ir strengths must come from enjoyable fonture of a snap, salad. become le»s Intense. within themselves, rnther than ed satisfactorily. Use cool to warm with mayonnnlso, if desired. Yield: water, mild or cold-water soap nnd dessert, luncheon, (ilazed fresh «ii- 8 lo 10 ?ervi»R3. Parents should begin well In ml- from the security of the settled plo* end pears Is a delicious cooked vnnce to prcpnre an older child community. New problems are a minimum of agitation. 3Unse fruit dessert. Gl(>2cd Frcnh Apples for the birth of a Dew baby. brought nlxmt by cultural change* thorouxhlyxy,, layy the sweater flat and k Allow to dry ut Winter Fruit Av)bronifc cups suttnr room temperature. 8 frosh medium ripe penrs relatives bathe, fetnl and dress come oiily from the realisation that •J '-6 cups water 2 large firm ripe bananas thoir bnbicn. The birth of the new the rigidity of tradition is a hin- 1 tablespoon sugar or sugar to ,1 slices fresh lojnon baby also gives parents an ex-drance and from using the taste 2 sticks whole cinnumon cellent opportunity to explain to strength-- found in our changing 2 tablespoons fresh lemon Juki their older child that ho is nowfamily life. H. E. GOSLING Grated fresh coconut II pears growing up ami must "help Mom- Green food coloring, optional 2-1 whole cloves my and Daddy with his new broth- FLORIST •Red maraschino cherry iPlnce first •! inprcdients in a 2- er or sister." ijuart sinh'cpun. Hrinj^ to tailing Caslunere Quality Peel and section ornngrs into Parents should carefully explain Flower* For All Occasions mixing bowl. Feel nnd dice peara point nnd boil ,'! minute.*. In theto an older child just what to cx- und add. I*i>el bannnns ntul cut in meantime, peel apples penrii uect from the new baby—what Varies—Check eHoes % inch thick and *uld. Add lonvinp whole with HtviiM attached. he can do, what he can't do. Hy call ADamt 2-8465 sugar nhd lemon juice. Mix care- Stick whole clove* into each Drop emphasising the baby's helpless- fully. Serve in 3herbol glasses or one-hnlf of the fruit nt a time into ness in contrast to the older Garment Tag 1050 Springfield Ave. frnk dishes, topped with a flurry boilinc ayr«i>. -Cook 20 to 2!> min- child's abilities, they can build Wettfield of grated coconut. If desii-od, color v.tos or until tender, spoonint: the up self-confidence and proMtote t\ 111, CAItOLYX YVKXVS coconut green by mixinir U to ?.syrup over fruit at intvrviils. Kc- protective attitude towards tin- Shop-at-Home iii«v« from syrup. HvpoM.usini: the drops of green food coloring wiO: new baby. j Om,o f (lu,su) o -tom3 fontHrml j. 2 to 3 drops water and mix wit!• remaitiini: pears ntul apples. Chill After returning from the lio^pi- I ,| ,,f .:, |,|..,. . sweaters or coats, during Slipcover Special! tho coconut. Top with n v>-d ••hi-rry. n1"1 wvw wltl> <"' without whipped Klt ( s ri Yield: C to S -erviniM. cream :u dvsscrt. Yield: II scrvmirs. till, great care must. !«• taken nut j r:,shim.ri. is om.-.idcrod an item Mr. Suburban to make loo much fuss over th" e j i nf Ir.xury I'e.'ause tlie linoU is not- new bnhy at tin* < xpcnst> of thr i"l fin- i!s ; :.n ;n : U'tl ii->llai> while another is cttmpenMite for the nnnniil neir- >-r:*e.| livn er three limes as much. ACCOUNT TO-DAY! both for an unbelicvnble U-ct i>f the ol.ltr chil-l. l'erh:i|>s he Ill- :i e:nhmere e..:it may W adver- eiui opi-n l>:ihy"s i:ift<. oi share in tised fni- oMe-'.hiril the pru-c *,f an- j the eveileinent by rcccivinc soim*, It's truel You get K003 beautiful S9B custom I SIIIMII present hiin-elf. TRUST COMPANY 1 Ki! !i.-r item ir.a;•' »e made of, ami •lipcovcT] . for both sofa AND chair . . | At tin same time. |i:iie»ts ; ill;. •'1 :is "pure C.-v • hineie." How- for only S6BI An unbelievably low price for I shi'iiMn't co ovi-s t'.t:n .1 :i:'.'l iici'.oi e ] 111.- .lilFer-.-IH is that tl'e ),«« custom slipcovers like these! Choosi your | tin- new lmliy :ilt-r. Its l«-t. ' 1 l-ei; •MY' .-:\shl!iire ll-.l.-illv o.,:-.- fabric from fresh new prints right out of You cr.n pul your lingci' ter to have th" olilei" child leain! on most everything Vou t"^ lu'Ct'pt the k'lby as a purt i»f , Koos own stock! We'll pin-fit and cut your the family from the very hei'in- •lipcovcrs right on jour furniture, finish need in the Y-_'!!o\v Pones. niinr, evi^n tlicujrh at times In' wil! them with Koos finest workmanship, from Docoi;'.li:ins. C;i!oreiT.. i feel jeal"US atlil aii^rv l"*c:uise he heavy-duty zippers right down to deep, full Cnh?s nm! concilca. Cvci • has In '-hare nltcnlitms with nri ikirts. Even deliver and Install them to "intrinler." usure you of Koos famous fit . . the next- sonieor.o to wi'.f'h up I'lDhlems of joaluu-y in the el'l- . best thing to brand new upholstery Glva c!lc-r-.v;>.rcil er child nee.l ii'it he serious ami you all this nt o S32 savin);! And what could ARGONAUT SERVICES ... find everything you j run ea>ily he all'viati-J with un- be easier than choosing your fabric right in . ili'r-tai.dim:, ;-;.:i. :u-i- and iiitelh- ncutf io put iho p:i'!y ! Kence. Home Cleaning Specialists your own home . . . with your own walls, rugs and draperies all nround you? So save over. C/:jck the — time, save money, save rrmtakesl Phone HAVE A HOME CIEANING PROBIEM? FU 8-3700 for Koo.i Shop-at Home slipcover ipecial... nowl (No obligation, of coursel) Let ui design

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ITEM No. 1: ROUND CASSEROLE 1q t siz. 99c ITEM No. 2: ROUND CASSEROLE iViqt. »z» 1.39 IVORY LIQUID LUX SOAP VIM DETERGENT SWEETHEART SOAP Creme Cookies le SALE 5c Off Label Oft- ASSORTED COLORS TABLETS 4 REG. BARS 32c 12 oz. slzo UU** 32 5 ASSORTED 2 Ib. A€%. 10c Off Label ||A. c THRILL LIQUID «• 87<=«- -35< GOLDEN DUPLEX phg. "Wy 40to pkg. 7| C 4 Si 48* 22 oz. size 3Z.W

Plain or Peanut IMPERIAL AJAX HANDY ANDY TREND SALVO BEECH-NUT pkg- BABY FOOD FLOOR & WAU CLEANER WITH AMMONIA DETERGENT TABLETS MARGARINE 5c Off Label if»y|c DRY DETERGENT stfalned 28 OZ. SIZE 69c 23 OZ. PKG. 43< 10;°» 99<= Ready-To-Eal 12 or. can 16 oz. size A^f 13cOff/« 10c Off label AA. 4 llb.pko.42c ISoz.sizc^C A pkg . %»yc 48OZ. pkg.©© " Chopped 5 7«. ggc 54 oz. jize ©(5 5 TREMD DREFT LUX LIQUID LUX SOAP HAHDY AMDY CHEER LIQUID CLEANER LIQUID DETERGENT .22 oz. pkg. 32C GERMASEPT1C 8c OFF LABEL ASSORTED COLORS 28 OZ. SIZE 69c 32 oz. 64 oz. C size c size 15 oi. sizo39C 51 oz. pkg. JJc -35 22 oz. size KAC 3K,31<: 8 Elm Street Norih Ave. Page 30 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, !M3' Hillside Comets Hobble King HS Matmen Pin Loss On In Taming Blue Devils 50-36 Regional Wositicld Senior HIKII .School's | wri'StlniK team rcnmnied amuiifr Center Held I the ranks of the unlieattn Friday I when the niatmtn turned backed First Cage Win ! troublesome Springfield Regional To 12 Pts; In 3-Way Tie at hpnngfield 26-17. Take Two Holy Trinity Hiuh .School scored The win waa the- 52t»d against The Thalidimides, Trujuns and | its first basketball win of the sea- nine defeats in six seasons for Tornadoes continued their winning j .«©n here over the weekend, \yhi]i- head coach Gary Kchler. 1st Loss ways in the Wettiield YMCA high pinp; Our Lady of the Lake of It was nip and tuck with Re- Hillside High's Comets M-oied school basketball league und re- Sparta, G-pound classes The Cornels, utilizing a deadly by a 04-68 score. Chnrles Clark I'lainfielrl and all tho boys made from Sparta had crept to within gave the locals a 10-14 lead. They defense as their prune weapon, scored 21 points to pace the win- the best time in Y competition to 42-40. Lambert hit consistently on fell a point behind when Spring- boitled up WHS Cajit. Bob King, ners, lid Savage and Divight IM- date thus insuring a smashing vic- outside juni|> shots. Kiely scored field 'a Kurl Vigne edged Tom vk's chipped in w;th 17 and 10 some key field goals .from under- Venice 3-5£ but then took the huluing him to six Lmtkets, to taite turyJ over FlainAeli! by a score of their seventh victory, four in respectively for the Thaliditnides. J"' "* neath. match on falls by state champion Watohung play. Up to Kriday Cordon Diggory, Jiobert Schram n"i_ •• . . ... Holy Trinity (1-5) will play Duve Morash nnd Marty Howarth. night, Westtield had captured its and. Gerr.. y.. Uicluird,T:.i....j» c-acl.ii wer_.e .i n:.. l.'i Thane diverd undes toor kan secondd 14-1s in7 thageehost to Oratory School of Summit \>4-Mtlltlll VII. N|>rlliKHl-ld 17 first five contests marking up andouble figures for the losers. groups in the diving competition. todny in an afternoon contest. !•? |K>untl»—Jim I'liwew, W, (1. The Sheiks won their first game J<:1T li.irllli. n-3. average of 70.4 points a gat The swimmers took 12 firsts, Holy Trii n> Id;".— John l)ni'U>]|:i, ,Si>rlnKllflila The idue Devils now have a i!-lof the year defeating the ltundils ilrctf wuli Diilc iSili-rklii, i|-«. PLUNGING AHEAD—The new YM-YWCA •wimming pool U receiving Gnal .tep. m the t,|,t nine seconds, five thirds, and split n \2Z—lien l'uorro, s, il f!vi>rK0 procen. TKe workmen ihown above are applying the tile section! to the pool bottom The pod Watchung loop mark. by a 65-37 mark. Jiobert Smnll Kli-ly ... the relay*. Several pool records Uilrd, s-u, 42 feet wide by 75 feet long includet a gallery for spectator*. Hillside's hustling combine, paced the losers with 1G points were broken* . . Sliinli-y . .l;u—Km I'i.wcr«, W, |IIIIM ICrli-nkr, I'; l.iuly only 12 points. The Wcstfield giant •1. lirii,* .Mi:Uiy, W; i 11. Sulluii, I'. uf I lit- l.ukr lun, J-3 had entered the contest with a The Trojans thumped the Keb- .SwIinttilfiK: (; loC— I'tlll Hviidu-n, W, •i. Itich WellatPenn . AKI- Ht mid und,-r: -JO- yd. frpetityk-: Tllton . li:iHti., 5-1. Heavily in Ridgewood AAU Meet 29.8 average. el3 by a 76-20 score. Jeff Ingram 1. I'etii Miyr'n, Vt"; t II. WIIHUII, 1"; MorrlH 7 167 — I' Vi-nlce, K, ll. Barl Vlsnc, Ml s ]-'J In their strongest showing to Wcstfield area swimmers were Husky Bill Sehutsky, the chief topped the scorers with 29 points 3. !'. linxi'li. I'; 1 Clilji I-j-iiir, \v. Three Westfield YMCA dive. :. for the winners, while Rick Thiele I'll yd. ijuekwtruki:: I. Stcvn 3 177— H:IVI. Jlur.isli, W, piniu'd llar- date, Westfield Y hoys dominated equally successful in meets held defender, turned in a superb job Schinlll. W; 2 John I'vrknivflki. W; 1 .i-y ciolilln.Tt,'. r,:01. placed well in the annual jf 1 lust Saturday night's AAU swim- at Columbia and Rutgers Universi- on his foe, who Is over eight inch- and James Smith picked up 153. A. Kurt, I'; I. H. MILH'III, I . "\ Hi'«vy»'i.iKiil — M;iily Howurlli, group diving meet held at «, .. l''t yu \V, i>liin<.il .Mike IJIIIUIIKI, 3:0C, es taller. It was an exceptional polnU for the Trojans. "II yil. tin-MKtHlroko : 1. John i:h| YMCA. The Westfield natators tion, but heretAfove unreported. Philadelphia Saturday. Tho mir, " stantly deflected passes aimed ai again until Jan. 19. Standings: I. WlllliUllK, I" scored in each of the five events In these, the Greim and Gerber w !ii j-tl. iHKKirlly: 1. JrlT (Irelni. W; TnliilK '.'S 1.1 'it usually attracts the top divers-'* King, forced the Blue Devila into 2. (II-UK Hiii-l'iT, W| 3. Ii. Kiimiulen, ir Unly lit IvlKt! lli 15 16 10—07 Lions Nip Leopards held for men, sweeping the first families captured a total of 19 TrnJatiH 3 the East. 3 1': I .vl 10'Uy, V. ll»ly Trinity ... 16 21 Hi 17—'11 three plaee3 in one event, and cap- medals to add to their collections, miscues and even had an edge olt Tluilldliiil'lis J*(l yn, J' Earlier Trinity's record had In Boys League Lettdiiuj: the Wcstfield parade swimmers, including those repve- The game was so one-sided that Klll 1 Ann 11-12: 10 yil "fr«c«tyle: I. Pftc- turn from South Africa dove w Hillside boasted an eye-opening ll.llillllH (I .llti'lu'll. W; 2. ii. .MiniKitii, I'; :i It. slipped to 0-6 when they took n was Charles Uantner's victory in scnting"the Summit YMCA Girls to place third out of 22 divers: 50-26 bulge with five minutes leu Jti.hflK •.Illiai-lirr. I1; I. Juy IIult,i Iho Westfield sweep occurred in H..ys H :,n.l Mii'l.'i-: Tom Hull, oiiiun, W; ". TIMH Hfddeis, VV; :(. c. Illfki-rl « zb-'Zi victory over the Leopards We.inii'M Y: : i.".-y:inl inituilly; 'i. age group. and simply outhustlcd the defend- VVIllllluiN, l>; I. <; JlollllimUl, |>. * the 200-yard backstroke for Jun- 2i"i-yiir-I fri:«slyl.-. In the six diving events wfc ing loop champions. If) yil Imttrrfly": I. i:. lO.ilon, I'i 2, Kun*t~r]ii:iti in the opening game of the junioi ior Men with Mike Ketcham, John Itnya 111 anil lllnlrr: Jflt Crtllll, In Area Scoring miry IOi-ktdkam,i, IV; :. I'. Moirl- llMlli'll . . - division of the Westfield boy'h UVnillHil V: I. .".0-yanl; 1. were held. New Jersey divers i: Hillside failed in only one de- .tm, I"; 1 Hull Holm, W. Ketcham, and Harvey Gerber fin- li»i-yaiil li|illvlilllal lilt-illi-y; :. 31). eluding Westfield Y, Summit 1 partment, at the foul line where 100 yil. friifKtyii- rulny: I. J. Cor- llulliK. liauketball League Saturday. The ishing first, second and third in >\inl tjuUt-rlly. Despite the momentary clamp iii-it, i: isiiton, K. j;iHj,u:lirr, 11. Guru! Lions who had enjoyed a six poim lluvs 11-1L': 1'i-li-r Mllchull, Wesl- Princeton Y and shore area ci; ' ..UlllKlill, P. the finals in that order. The West- it missed 10 of 14 chances. But it put on his 26.8 per game point halftinio lead MIW the Leopurub IU-M v, :i. io-yaril rri'i-Miyiii tured 12 medals out of a possfc Ami la-ii: 100 yd rrvcHiylu: 1. flcld boya just missed n sweep in lluyn 13-11: ll.-uvi-y ilcibiir, H'Ml- meant little as the Comets tosseu average, Wcstfield High School's rl.-irvey Ocrbor, \V; J.'I), llohm-l, 1'; catch fire in the second half to 18 to record a fine showing. ' in 23 goals in S5 chances to only J. Julin .tlni-fcnn. W; I. S Ijiittln, I'. Holy Trllillj the 50-ynrd freestyle for 10 anil llrM V. 1. ."iV-yaril n i-cslyli'; I ;uo- basketball team pivot man. Bob 100 yil. huokstioki-: I ISmiK Me- send the some into overtime ai yuril Individual mullcy. 16 of 48 for Westfield. King falleu 1 undcrs, as Steve Schmidt v/ii$ (ilrlM s jinil iiniler: Clinly ltololo, King, hai taken an early lead in Jwc-n, W; 2. 1). luihurl, J ; il. John Kilry *Vashington School. r IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE on his first six shots before dunk- tho orca race for scoring laurels, iiirlinn, W; I. II. Kulton. I". - barely beaten out for third place. Suinmli V CII-IH 'ri-Jiiir. Z. ^, >.yarri ing six of his next seven chanced, Km yd liretmlulrokt;: 1.' John In other junior leugue action, The event was won by Jeff Greim, fii-.-slylc; lilrls ll-l:: Jo Ann Clr.-lni, IN THE LEADER The lanky senior presently .iivrlii'. \Vi 2. II. Hut ton, 1>; a. R. Hi-liiilrlckH Summit V Girls ti-.-un: '2. 50-yard two in the final minute. Stanley . .. the Panthers exhibited a well bal- with Greg Gerber taking second fm-slylt:: 1! ,,o-y;iri| tiutlcrily; -, heads the five-county district with lai-rtln, r; I. lilrk Vami.'H'Hen, W. lUll-.v.iKl iiii'illt-y. Bob Szalay led the victors with 100 yd. Imttt-rrty: 1 ,\1|io .s^nneter, ("lynn anced attack to down the Wildcat* place honors. a total of 1G1 points for six garnet W: -1. H. Ixillln, f; 3. JUrll VIID- lt 38-k- inc 1 igors -matched a strong de- 1. lull yaril hat-Kntnike: 3. .Ml-vill'tl liulti-rJIy. M:iri!yn W-ilki-v, Sum!': 60 per cent of his chances from JWCII, jnnti (i->-;it-(J liri-iiHt.strokr. t':ir«! lii-i>f tempts for 10 tallies. *iiiinl», u. . , . Over in the Bcnior league, the Mitchell barely managed to qual- yanl lirca.stMtrokc. Bob's towering height and 10(1 yd. Imokutmlir: 1. Julin Ki-ti'li- Nats came from behind in the Sniiiintt V Olrl." TI-;IIII, :i. :'i'li >a- Tho Comets never trailed after reach hiis enabled him to pull ify. In the finals, they surprised Opt-ii At;r nrinip: llarvt-y. (Jci-hcr, l.tltti-vlly; 1, 2llO-y;ird l>ri-:tBlsin anl UK-k^trokt:; Si-!i«-i-IU.T. Miiniiiiil 1" liir- down an average of bettor than ,i,ill, Vl\ (. II. Zillllllilll, IV J 3Cii)-yiir«l- Initti-rlly. TMIII, :i anii-yiirii fivi'Mtj-li-: c :i- a 2-2 deadlock. Hob Kelt or flipped 100 yil, Im'llnl^d'tiKi': 1. Clllirk ill with Buckena nnd (Jrecnljriai effort which yielded them third 20 rebounds a game, a telling fac- Janltitr, \V; '1 Dtn-c l'ivk'f\vnlil, W; KishlnB in the Metropolitan leading the fine team effort of the tJlllH 10 .'mil UIIIILT: Tun] CunlH-U, yjird H.ickHtl nkf. in a bii9kct for the Blue Devila. tor in the defending state cham- J, Ii Krltt, Pi I. il. Wtijiinr, I'. Miami Fisliing Tovirnament while place. Hillside then took command with I'm j-il. liullt'l-lly: I. i: llellcriKiu, Nata, while McCabo and Hello in Hie last event for men, Har- pions' play on trie boards. on a recent Florida vocation, Rusao led the Nicks hard fought a decisive burst of 14 consecutive .•; ; Hiirvi'yOurliir, W; 3. lull men- Dorn liachrach of 29 Summit Ct. vey Gerber, swimming hin second markers. Schutaky, driving past Second jilaeti In the scoring, Wi i. J. Furrell, l> attack. Other BOnigr leaguo action race, 82 points behind King, is too yd. incUicy ruiuy; 1.' John won angling; recognition for land- saw the' Lakers swamp tho Royals race of thu evening nnd obviously King, flipped in three goals nnd Ron Norelli of St. Bernard's Prep. Al't, •Until/' 'l>live. I'lTkUWjlKI. OlllK'k ing a 4D pound Hnilftnh in tho gen- tired from his 200-yard backstroke Szalay a pair of baskets In the .iaillliiT, lVle for a trip lo Scot- over the Celtics in what had been Curver 1 VVcstfield 8\vitnnicr» placing in n sce-suw battle for the first throe ht'ute. The Watchung Lakes Swim lliiiion I land for two and $1,000 in the Club team also won the -100-ynrd LlBrlltll U their events were: national Old Smuggler llule-in- periods of play. Lead to 'Devils' Ami 10 JlliilUlnllif: L'tJyd. fri'imlylu: One. Swvepstnkea, Mr. Sttinhach freestyle relay for Junior Women, Tolal. 10 1. lili'k Hiiiviyi i, I>,«vi- lluiir.v; :•» lloth Junior and Senior leagues with Miss Terry Council being the Hlllnlilr yd. UiultMlroUu: 1. lion rrlinuluinipi of 8G.| W. North Ave, scored Kis will resume action next Saturday o a I,my Wvllui I'd yd. lntuMMroki.-; qualifying holc-iu-one at the Me- lit Washington and Jefferson leud-oir Bwimtncr and capturing Kehulsky .. fi With 2 Wins 1. Jack WIIMIII; i Jim Wfti nut; zi> her first Junior championship Frleder ... ,1 yd. Imunrlly: 1. Hire llvniyi 3. Jim tuchen Golf and Country Club. Schools. Ktalny .. .. \VYt«i.-uul; all yd. fu>ti.-*tyic rcl.'ty; 2 award. Levy The Blue Devils won their sec- Itlnua; O"1', -UvV (Irccne, Kovlii Muililak'nu ond match in the Wcstfk-ld Boys' Jli-.Nully, 'Lilly Wi-llu, Mt'i'inun . .. Wrestling League Saturday by dc- AKU 11 lllid IS: HI y.L iri'ontylc: I. BOTH Uiwnn 11 Clllh-k Aruolil: 3. I'uliT WI'IHH; 4« Kraint'j' , - - fenting the Chargers .1(l-l!li at the yd. liui'lcmrolit': I (ivi.rui; Hull: :. FRONT WHEEL >\hr;irin»\vltz Hii'k M.ij.woll: In yd lin.wHimruk)': t'lk !! j Wcstflvld High gymnasium to Hike :. .11111 I lily; :i. I't-tor Weiss; 10 yd. undisputed possession of first hull, rllv: I. Hun Wcllv; :'.. lisivu FORD DEALER ALIGNMENT place. liini|,lMil; IliO yil frt'i'slylt- relay: I. FOR ct•••-Ii .Mixwull, |',.|c-r UVinn, Jim Returned to original ii >: io II- The Big Hod, who dropped their lli'ly, IIMVU v'..t. frwslyU-: manulacturers Knitinlo'l.-i .nifl I'ox, L1. IHi-k SlKi-iim; Kin yd. tu.'Jii|tri.>i<-; specification* Wilt! Devils, buunovd buck with it :t. I'rid riiiiickiimi'; I no yd. briMM- fi7-3ii win over the Kngineors to mriikv: 1. lvt<: Swiii-l; ;i IMU'lv I'l- SUPERMARKET SALE ONLY ftirce n second place tie. iiuinil; I ml \-«l t,utii't-lty: t. Huh .Sill- YM MAT Team mii-liin-r: lli" vd. rn-islyli- ii-l.iy: 1. Biggest choice, biggest values over! Supermarket Winning for the Blue Devils on inirlt Mli'ciim, mil -IMylnr. Iliiivh- savings on cars traded for our hot-selling '63 Fords. pins were Doug MUIICIMI, ('hiirles ttlinutiil, IVU- Snitttl. Smith, Bill Hartley, Hruce Otzinun, ,\Ki' 1.".-I7: I«n yd. lnv.~t.vl.-: 1 Fine A-1 USED CARS Inciudod . .. inspected, Wins Opener 1'riil W.irllidil; LV liii-ki-r ...H.-h.-ll; Bart Jan VuMl)iss<>l. Decisions lint y,i. MKi-: 1 Huviiion reconditionod when necessary, and road-tested! The Wcstneld YMCA opened wt-re taken hy Paul Kedlein, S^':irl: :! Itnily ,?ii|,,-^; inn yit. hut- Como In (or a generous appraisal on your present their wrestling: season by pinning IITIIV; ::. t!ii-K KhillM-i-; }i;n v• i-.-l:iy: I. ITi>.-li..r MILlu-lli car. Your guarantee of quality is the Ford Dealer a 35-21 defeat on the Bound Brook (•oetx, IVUT Fair, Julm Towers ll.ii'iiuill Sw-iit-l. Triit Wjirlti lil. llolii! wrestlers. The Wcstfluld team will aixl Bart I-'issel. John Wnuti'r and S111I1 h 1. who stands behind ovory car ho sells! F.D.A.F. travel to East Brunswick fur n Other Westflcld swimnit'is were: 1Peter Cober buttled to a dniw. meet this next Saturday. In tin (^hingt'rs winning on pins were Bert Holland, Dave Demurest, F'at Bound Brook meet Dougltis I-'ur- liiinvs, Turn Hull, Hoy Hull, Joel John Knugh, r'nink Juckson, ,962 T-Blrd, red vinyl trim, full power $3,695 Any rcll, David Wight, Peter Adi-lntir. Clunks (libney, Jnhn ^mj'the, Hob Farley, t'etu Klaibcr, John Kicker, und Douglas Whittakir scored pins Uick TreiuuT, Dave Kilf, and Oiiry American Kfkunlt and Ed O'Neil. Wall. 1961 Falcon 4-door Station Wagon, Fordomatic, deluxe trim, for the local team, licsulls: Individual mali'li ri-sulls in the 70—r.nrvlt, vv, piiiiuti .Miii.iiTiiif, Made I!. meet hetwei'ii the llig Heel and Both divisions will swim Satur- radio, hearer, black vinyl trim $1,595 Kngineers were: i ilny. The. Y division ho|H\s to 7->—O'llliuTU'H, |i, ^o to Aa- Hvni.-, Mil. [ilnni'd Kill', 1-1; ll.iiiiiii-t. if needed and torsion I,II h ilvf.nil!. Hit. PI,ill..I Hill. ••!•!, 10; Ni.u'iiviii, K. luiry Park for a meet with the on all fourwheola 111 — WI1U1 \V. 'lniicil 1'ui- 1961 Ford Fairlono 500— 4-door sedan, V-8, Fordomatic, radio, pmii.-.l I;I1MHI. Illl. Mi'iki-ll'iliil. Mil. Shore Artn swim team at 2:110 ..IV. Ii. fluid Included bar adjustment 121- M,ill,il I!, finlu-d 111 if needed n'nii lini.-ji'n.i! v.iii-ii. I'I H. i'lmii-d I I'- - heater. Two to choose from $1,695 not included 1 II, .1 t.i Sniyiln', i:. li-iiiiii.i-. 10 .1. .I.-UKK r.>». — I. --- Wi .-tin III ikl-i i ih UK. pimn-.l Ut.i. I i:. t:i:..—II i.-lti'j, \v. w. I'.-t-p I' l! iil.- lilt. II:,—Vct'llill, i:. 1 liiuiiiiiii. j:. inniii nil. lo Sponsor 1961 Renault Dauphlno 4-door sedan, great economy car $695 |-....illi-.- .vii. I-:, il. s ith. Itll: Cl.ipl'. I-:. -I iii-iit. 11 it. i, v im, pin. (,;IIIIC l.i mi.. I-;: I*.,™., mimi . p l Exliiliition !•;. T.ili-nlt. UK, flna.-il J960 Falcon 4-door sedan, deluxe trim, radio, hooter $1,095 sii.-i..-i. i:. I', i-p. r. i-:, piiiiuii MU-I-IK, The Wcitficld Junior Chum- New Record Set UK. bcr of Commerce wilt sponsor PLAID STAMPS an exhibition bntkctbnU f{l' Hit- Wcstlielil YM- plan* for the finme betweftt white interior CA Tlinii:.:ind Pnint Cunti-t. Mi-y- the PlulndclpKin E.-iglcs and $1,295 EXCEPT GASOLINE iTs' jump in the b:ir vault lirnk'- tl\c Eli>anclh Pals it 8 |>.m. JCevin Mo^lifi'.-; ti-i'ord M't lii:l Women's Rcc Lead 1959 Galaxy 2-door hard top, black with white top, Fordomotic, _ r The PtiiEadclphia ECn^lcs yt':if of l-. i. Mryi'i^ a!.--o lends tlu- c.tgi' tc.-«Tii ii a profe»sionnt power steering, radio, hooter ....$1,295 iifth grade in totn 1 point.-, nftir Taken hy Raiclile one dr,iwn from the Phila- ihri-c i-vi'ii!:- Kiib "Ii; jiniiit . Wil-j dc.tphia KR^FCI football tcntn. 1959 Ford 2-door Country Sedan, Cruiseomatic, power steering, _^ lisiin Kenny topped Hie Mxth j-.ratle ; wi||l .,,, (..,1|lll;i ;„ (lu, ,vjn (.,,,. The Elizabeth fall i* a jumpers wit!. ;i le;q. ..f -I-I. Hi.-h-, ,„„„ ,,,,. „.,(,.,,,,. ,,,,,„ ](,.1(|s „,„ ti am of profeaviona 1 iralilici- radio, heater, two-tone blue. A fine family car $1,095 ard leaped ..-a to top the 1 mirth , W.,,Ws Howling •ind is conipt-itrd of plnycrs from the Union County ,-irca. 1959 Chevrolet Impala 2-door hardtop, automatic, power steering,

Kichard 1'hillip li-.nlr: tin- f.iunli ! i|,is'wi.,-k.' TniilniK in't-e.-ond ti|;n-.- | The udntistion collected at rndio, heater, white with red interior $1,395 >;rade in tnlat vim. ivilh K1S | is Until with ;t letid of one illld the hi|;h acliool Kynitiittiuni join- hiilt'g:imi'^ <>!i CaldwcH. i will be used to support ionic Keny hold.- r. sln:)it leu tin1! .\jiilj;..- I'nvelei- hit the pill-- for ! of the tunny 1-ivic projrets WESTFIELD MOTOR SALES CO., INC. oni,,red by the Wc.lficlil 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J. of Westfield. Inc. points Ktnvc Hul lit- has ISii, I, Jayteel, whili- Tony Fitlijialdi ha:, JH-'i. i; i i.l- Tl;i- (n:::t- i-v-.-nt in tin- i-oiiti->t, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 1101 SOUTH AVE. W. AD 2-1300 1he rope clinih, will t»; huld lljit IN THE LEADER FORD DEALERXS/ USED CARS OPP MEEKEB'S GABDEM CENTER •j.y at tbo Y tyra. 1'cti -THE Phys Ed Program Qwax Hol«ls Oiilo I^ad Washday League's Seinels Drofw Off Pace fophs Sparkle As WHS Mermen Set In IVlatifnee Matches fu Noinahegan Evening Loop For Y Boys Set Qwnx who hud IKM'I\ tied with Lead to Lennox In the Komahcgan Bowling 1 Race Narrows Marks Toppling Columbia 57-31 the Twisters for tin lead in the Sweeps; by Titsworth, Littlefiehf League Shea again took two House of Cards and Jearmettts .Matinee pin league moved a half- and (jlns.-ey featured the matches games to maintain a load over swept for three in the 7 O'Clodk Iii New Area ganip ahead following last week's I in the Washday I.t'n^t.e Monday Siegel who moved up to second Bowling League. The losers were ^$7th Annual Event— Natators to Tackle matches. Twisters dropped oil tin-with Lennox moving up to take u place over Semels following Wed- Glenview and Mahogany House, Pingry Tomorrow The Westfield Y.MCA boys phys- pace to fifth spot with (Jams mov- half game lend. nesday's matches, Salomone was Jeannettes took high serios with a ical education program for the 10-ing up to take over the second high, hitting the maples for atotal'of 1823. I By BILL MacKAY week mid-winter period will be held bracket. 21!) game. |* Union County's 'Hot Stove League' a W I. III,-I u-iiii. is in sociation's "Hall of Fame" nom- the GO-second mark in the butter- for grade 4 to 0. Wlllielnis (Must. a discouraged yottngster of 16 inations spotlighting local baseball fly. Physical fitness clauses will be CIII-OIH-M Tuvi'rn ^1(4 231. '"•' U 1« -ii M.ilinliillKl.le Un IlKfiii.inn 10 :l! borrowed tuck including Ill- WHS Romps Over celebrities again will be an- iii-iii'iii'Ui 1:1:11 mi (14s The Blue Devils smashed four conducted for iboys grade 4 to 9. U K. nint». Ins. fitting boots and « saddle to nounced at the dinner,'and cer- l-::iM<:o.l.*t l-'qili|'t .I-<1INSI.II iljij (1(12 C51 ride his first winner (Hustler pool records in their debut last Gymnastic classes for boys grades inn (ioo tiiir, C24 tificates will be presented to theFriday against Columbia. Winning 5 to 12 wi. be held weekly. l!1l»'ini> l.l'iuom ~~l'i 2l'l Joe, at Billings, Montana), Bridgewater new members of the Union County Dl'.'WOtlen Xm-SK 'tiViw.i,';:::::;::::::; uU «-?« 'Hi John Longdeii has ridden more six Of the 10 events, Westfield out- William Kauor, fencing instruct- >lntinl ilnsl.le O,.| liiMilinliii 1; iv r.'.i:l l>S2 "Hall of Fame." WimUli-r IMuiiili i •! it :is v II. iin"ii 11 tut r,js «4:i than 5,700 winners, a urdrM Westfield High's defending state scored Columbia 67-31. or at tho Y, will conduct classes for 1 champion swim team completed Hiinford Oalcrern l :s " 36 I'crsoim 7(111 GlHI X011 This being tho time of year record. At about the ttma '»• The following awards will also Two niue Devil sophomores, beginners, intermediates and ad- ith'iM |)2» (17.I-, l',73 for productions, us well 83 became the first of eight rid- , preparations for its major duel be presented: The Chris Zusi Me- Gregg Smolenski and Dave Per- vanced students. K:lss lidl liGO 07S reviews, it ia almost Inevitable ers to win more than 3,009 with Pingry tomorrow '•>>• romping morial Award to the outstanding kowski, stole the show in a meet Methodist won two games nnd that a "Longden to Retire" rares. sturica of his imminent past Bridgewater, 63-23, Monday athlete in Union County, either that saw only one Westfleld letter- A basketball league will be held retirement began to circulate. for boys in grades 6 and 6. Thetotal pins from St. I'aul's for story will be appearing. It's at the YMCA. amateur or professional; the man triumph individually. Perkow- three points to move into second Two Teams Sweep more likely, however, that One story goes that the 'ab» Poach Walt Clarkson utilized awards to the winning teams in ski, anchor man in the victorious boys will receive instruction on John Longdon will seek to re- John D. Hertz, Longden'* skills and rules and participate in place. Congregational also took a friend and adviser on rn»t< his reserves) as the Blue Devila re- the Union County Baseball medley relay quartet, gained the three point sweep from Madison In Stonehenge gain his title as Santa Anita's a round robin league. winningest jockey. The ono-tors of Thoroughbred breeding corded their 12th straight dual League, the Union County Indus- officials' nod in a close breast- who dropped down to third place. (Iruy nnd Wyckoir took three and financial investment, one* triumph, second this season. West- trial Baseball League, the Intia- stroke finish against mate Smolen- tlmo coal mine mule driver Best score, was Oddon's 20'J each from Fleming aiul Ulshop had galloped, grinning into tho tried to persuade him to retlr* fi«td captured first places in eight County Baseball League, as well ski. opener. in the .Stonelk'iige Howling League Santa Anita winner's circle no and enjoy hl.i wealth. Longden of the 10 events. Bridgewater suf- as teams and industrial awards to lust week. Noonnii still nmintaills less than 853 timea prior to admitted he'd always had • fered its second loss in three Perkowski was timed at 1:10.0, Baptist Men Hold INiluls members of the Union County a new pool record. Smolenski a .slim lend in spite of fine bowling tho mooting that just opened, hankering to hunt bis game tneets. Summaries: Youth Baseball Leagues. The Most \v i by the teams. but tho "Miracle Mile" home- so Hertz Bent him on a safari sliced over four seconds off Dan 11.11.list Mi'll to Africa. On hia return, 40-V:inl IrifFlyle: I. Hill ICk-.ime, Valuable Player of the Union To League Lead Mi'tli'Mllst I'linrcli stretch can no longer be enllcd W, 2. MIU" Suiiilli-rK, Hi :!. l^m-j- Nichols' Columbia pool record in \v 1. County Baseball League will also .MIIIIIMIIU Avi. "Longdcn Luno". A young up- months later, Longden admit- Qrant. w. Time— x\. the individual medley, turning in lliipll.-l Clinri'l, .. . ted it wns good sport, 'nit 1110-yiii'i frt-cstylp: 1 I>fiti Tuibo- receive an award and the F. S. The Baptist Mon's Club bowlers start nnmod Willie Shoemaker vllln, W; " M. Wu'iHlhc-u', i(; ;:. stove a 2:24.1 clocking. v»> ion" . ... allowed as how race-ridlnip Mathcwson Trophy will be pre- •si i'liiir.s . X i; 24 took title last season pushing FroitiflT W. Time—:5S.9. held their two game lead in the Sll -ijollci . . . . was bettor. Hertz smiled, The medley relay sqund, con- .... SO?. 707 70.T his total of Santa Anita win- 200-yu.l frot'stylf: 1. Hob JonOM, sented to Amornlli's, Rahway, for Church Bowling League when they M:iptlHt Men Illalmp .. . shrugged and released Mm W : Urn i- Jolm.-on. W; 3. Tom ners to 861. Bo that us it may, their victory in the Union County sisting of backstroker Kurt Kauf- won two games and total pins Mctliiiillsl 7:0 K30 73.1 1-1 .rill 21 li '.CIV. BUM lb-rtr. It. Tlino—2:17 !i. slnco a day back in 1027 when from the agreement. M:ulli:0!l A VI' .... S33 7:11 7:il S'lillh 400->':LT-I1 frocptyle: 1. T. Sumlberi.-, Husebnll League. mann, breaftstroker Bruce Zim- from Baptist Church to drop that :\ 2i " B, .'. l>ciiMl» llviitni'in. \V; ::. Kil mermnnn, butterfly entry Chip aggregation to fourth place. Baptist .. . . Mil 731 71X H.ilnli'r'ini'l WaiKii, w "Thin r.:n:i- a Another feature of the evenine Dcmnrest and freestyler Perkow- J((i V;i|-.( hi k 1'M»-,. 1. Sti:V(i Mr- will bo the showing of the 1!)G2 t>"i \V; 2. diaries dirk, \V; :!. IMti ski, walked away with the. first W< ' '1. 11. Tinii—I:"7.i' World Series films. event. The quartet's 1:50.!> time lnu-y.iril I'lxvif istpikc: 1. Hive broke the pool standard. Shop Your Local Birr \V; ; 1 >:tii ih'ly. W; •:,. Hrui'c Vito Giglio. Linden, president Pul klU'l-, 11. Tinii—1 :1».s of tho Union County Ba«i>linll As- The Blue Devils set their fourth KHi-y.-inl Untidily: 1. ll'Ui di.-ini- sociation is general chairman of 856 MOUNTAIN AVi. bci'. \V; ;. Kli'oini', \V; 3. 11111 l.'nu- pool record of the day in the last gti 11. Tim.—1 :Ui J the dinner program. event of the meet, the freestyle Kil-yiiril Ili'livMnal mi'illi>y: 1. 1 ,oc Thousands Agree.. Opposite Branch of relay. Senior Hill Haney, juniors ZeN \V; L'. liill claini-r, W; 1. Wnoil, B. T'liiu- -2:01..1. Ted Connoll and Fred Warfield J & M Super Mkt. National Bank lin-yiinl IHIMII.-V ri'lny: 1 WYst- and sophomore Pete Heeseh fin- - 1:118.2 to scrape 2.1 seconds from Wlll.T Illlrhl.' .1. H, UaniU- W.ioil, the pool record. Post Office on Sherwood Parkway Murk Wood aiul Cllll" SlnKi-rl. Time- Holds Position Why Pay More Westfield missed a fifth recor<> Harm»r continued to hold a twowhen dophomove • Demnrest made rth«k tho tmly event in 1:04.3. lb ; In his last Columbia meet be- sweep mowing down Petovson Imt 39c PRIME RIBS BEEF 79c lb. Ideal's Lead still faik'd to gvt out of tho collar fore transferring to a private WHITE ROSE SPECIALS White Rose Sauerkraut, The leading teams in the Fa-in tho standings: CoII'mmi hit foschoolr , Bruce Alston canlured two with $10 Ordor or over SIRLOIN STEAKS, aged 99c lb. Cream Corn, yellow 3 for 50c IVi 2 for 35c bette- Women's Bowling League a 2;S2 hiKh tfirnu1. ovontK, tint 100-yard and 200-yim1 \ continue to hold their positions freestyle events. In the 100 h«' Swift's Bacon, sliced 49c lb. CHUCK POT ROAST, French Beans 3 for 50c S&W Spinach, No. 2 2 for39c ' after Friday's matches despite \V I. nippud Council and in tho 200 lloilll'l- .... II •!'•', Fresh White Eggs, Ig. 59c doz. all meat 79c lb. Kidney Beans 3 for 50c ' Ideal's 2-1 loss to Jarvis, while Miilii-mj . . . . Haney was ouUwum. I Clement's took over Edith Hats Kt-iMtim Competition between Wnstfiobl Canadian Bacon 59c pkg. STEWING BEEF-CHUCK White Meat Tuna 3 for 99c Hershey Kisses pkg. 25c ^ Mid Wright's swept Fugmanu. /.'•"•iii-riiiitn . . swimmers wns keen. In the iiO- CHOPPED 79c lb. Apple Sauce 6 for 99c ' Helen Thurn of Jarvis toppled Shin- :-i|i.. ;c: w. yanl freestyle, Hceseli hardy de- Taylor Ham 29c pkg. Kraft Peanut Brittle 39c lli.-s.i ::I'I a i " v' the maples for a 201 high game. sm»tz feated Union County chnmmon 99% All Lean Peaches — Plums 2 for 59c 1 Elm Liquor with a sweep over Warfield. In thn Hin-yanl back- Assorted Chocolates 98c lb. WHY PAY MORE The finest in stew or chopped ' 'Mahogany House climbed up a stroke, junior Mike Kotclmni out- Royal Ann Cherries, Mixed Nuts, Fishers 89c lUng in the standings. lasted county champion Kauf- Tomatoes, ripe 29c lb. SIRLOIN ROAST, 79c only 59c «• i. mann. Spanish Peanuts, Fishers 49r Mciil Miirkrl -HI. -'- . ... r.:u "..".7 r. 11 Sweet Potatoes 8c lb. all meat $1.19 Sianlim :.s I ;.i; i m; i The diving debuts of Steve Mc- Fruit Salad, 69c only 49c falted Peanuts, Fishers 69r ^t 111-1 ^ . ... r.iii lin.' :,v", K - r Coy and Terry (lass was postpone' Maine Potatoes 10 lbs. 49c Delicious oven or pot roast. \ .Ml,-!- .... iu i .'I'.I:I . if,:i Planters Peanuts 3 for 1.0^ larvis 1 iniK because of a broken Columbia div- !oq Cabin Syrup 49<" Kdlth lints invr board. Globe Onions, Klin l.tuuin- '.'.'.'. r.m'i i;.:7 iii'i Orange Slices — Chuckles 29> SI Tin- results, in order: AMERICA'S GREATEST LAMB HeinrCats'ip' 5for1.0f1 KUKliiuin l-'ii.-I nil. J7L. I" I* yellow . 3 lbs. 25c II \\.«|ll.'.l .-.T_('"l ••Ill HI Mllli'1'B Ui'.iuly .... ;:i ••". Mint Slices — Chuckles 29<- •''HI varil ei.-'Hey rcl:iy; 1 \W*t- Legs of Genuine v 'iiiiKimy lluii.-i- .. a; in Calif. Carrots 2 for29c Hawoiian Punch 3 for 89c Pin Up Girls Lead li.-lil i Kurt Kn"(''n inn. ll"il ••• 7.1"'- Spring Lamb 69c Swedish Ice Cream 75c pt. TVilulit? ' "'"7 :.'r!i ."•Tn H.C. Oanqe — Grape — l;..««l'iil'. Ti me l..",n.:.. Mushrooms, white 49c jv> r- n-ii < r.-jii i;:n r.;; Penn Supreme Ice Cream 1.29 •'im-v.-l'-il f'('slv|.: 1 lirin-i' Al- loin Lamb Chops 99c < 1V Pineaor.'e 3forfi ''- Mn'i"'-'i'.v Miiiis.'.'".'.'. ."'":: i-.ti r.i'i: ^!..n i'; " Illl] Hfilf\-. : :l. I'-'i' Artichokes 3 for 59c Held by Villa T',.vlll", W. Tinii' — :-•:• >T 'i. Penn Lady Ice Cream 95c qt. • Elm l.l:> •.."II 1)1 Villa, iwinner atrain Sllv.-i'in-iii. i . Thin. :'[.«. Sunkist Oranges, f>fruit Sections vjarvlx Pries in-.l 3)7 .'SItrames. luI-. nil I.r.-,u>!strii1v>-: 1 I'.iv.- FRESH POULTRY ONLY Morrprfl «vips 3 enns 1 Hi M.B.C. Choc Biq Dipper 29<- • i.-V" '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 17 ^ " '•second place. Schemers took the S -Im. I ! \V: '::'. I"l-.'.l I |.i*-!ii.i--ilni. i' Tlnii' Camembert Cheese 35c v .Ml fi *;':< <; i:; Fresh Killed Fryers, Ccmrtdian Cookies lg.3Q' "i l!.i .... j I • Mi.:' M°trPTil Flavor 6 rnn; 1.59 ;high scries with a U.5 total and :. ini :.', ] i; 1 ] i-y i nl fr.-.flyi.- i.-l iy: 1. W.-t- Edam Cheeses, imported 31/2 lbs. 29c lb. Cadbury Biscuits 39c • high game went to Lovey Dove? Mlhii'' '.'.'.' i Mill II y ' T.-.l .'..iin.-ll. I'I-I" Juit O>it — Mitt's Reducing K. tin- -it.- ;,;, s• :, ;. i . :i, l-'.vl TiiiH- — ; with a Tin. Woofly hit for 217.]»•]'[ , T- .|:; !• i :.; i Fleishmans Corn Oleo 39c Rreast 69c Legs & Thiqhs 59c 1 and Xippress nu-lu'd u[i a "02. r,"o Plot FOTIS — F^'iit; — 1 «• i, 'n .;' !, .'. 1 < Minute Maid Orange Thick Breast — M^aty leqs o : •; i • V<"[i tables — Juices COFFEE S • I...\.-IV :••' !_• ""i 1 '.'.'. :.'•! s • i:ii j,|. r '.71 Juice 4 for 79c :.'.>! Sportsmen Pinners Larqe Roasting Chickens M •ItilM,.;, .- i.!iin II.IV.T. ..'...'. •':" -'1 Sagarin — Holland Hcise Sara Lee Coffee Cakes 69c Roady to Bake only 5°clb. inQs 2 lbs. 59c [ -.1,1,- 1 • i •. •. White Rose — Maxwell House Lutt' Show's Rippers Led by Jaydee French Fries — Collards L. I. Ducks 49c lb. Sun M^«d Raisins, *Si\ .-.-I )i> 11 I SAW I .- -, ., - i\Iov<> Into \AIU\ ' Kcbro|i|i'<-'.-; lii'J, 172, r-il--I'.fll Chopped Spinach — Mustard Sw-Tly I'i- i si'or<- -.v;i!- hiuh iii I he Spurlsmeii's Fresh Killed Turkeys lb. At the conclu:-l(in of a liuni]i('r ; Howling League Kriday night a1 Turnip Greens — Cut Beans only 59c lb 3 cans 1.00 ^orit-y 'riuusthiy the Kippers nuivt'd ; Fiu;ni:nili Oil liiuk a sweep frum 0 into tin- lead in I hi; Lite Show ; I'I'I Slum' to earn u third plan1 Kale — Peas Main ,1n»rljn<»s R'/^•T; 1.00 Favci-in Coffee 7 lbs. 1.7° Wright on Top Mowliiii; I..<'agnc with the 1'iii-hiirdj. I tir will] Fanwuoil Harhi'i-s. Jayib'e GWATHNEY HAMS r 1 pk9S ROMZONI SP C'A'S 9rivcmn Instant Coffoe lg.90- tlifipjiing two ganu ^ lichinil. The| ciintinued t" lmld a one game lead 3 50c Fully Cooked — Virata's In Jr. League !''eni.H'n> iilso up (me sjiot ! (ivrr Franks by taking two out of 7i»i - Flbow Shells 2 for 39c Maxwell House Instant 99c nvi-r the 8tu])jH'rs. Lambrechts Clam Finest Peanut Fed Hams — muti'lics Saturday thri'i from Ma/.za. Del Monte Tomato morning Wright holds a Uvo-ganii' Tho Night Owls rolled a high ; Fiadino nf the Fugiiiann ti'imi Chowder 59c qt. Dubuaue — Cooked — Heat load in tho Junior Fin I.i'iurni' S(:ri(.;; of 21-J5 with a high g:inie : pounded the mapb^ for :i high Sauce 3for25c 1 of 777. Scoring well were Jim and Serve old fashioner! with Tank ntid Smith lii'd I'm j g;inu" of 2-1". and followed it up Lambrechts Pizza Pie Full Ime French's Sauces — 1 Stark wilh a 225 garni? whilo Hob' with ;i -07. (lllii'is hittinir »lic '.'0(1 79clb. second pln willi 2o win;" npitK-! . Schmidt and John Nanni both hit and Sausage 79c West was tho lone team to i bracket, wi.'re Mazur nt 222, Stor- Groceries 200. i nulli 2(10, Marvo.--a 20«, Alxlla Jones Sausage Links 8°' .".Wfi'p !;i!:iiu- tliic- fi'ini Urn"!:- GERMAN BOLOGNA DEPT. fiifint SoD^t" Suds 5°"* man. Jim Ptracnzzi bowled high • :>:i8. Bonii"tti -»^. Volpe 202 and Mnat 85c ciilos Quick lb.29r game hitting for an uven 200. Ilull'in.-in 201. Home Made Franks 79c lb T,Ar> 9 fnr 59c SOS ? *«r fr i \v i. Strodos Sausage Links 9K>' w r. : j .Vli , ,. ;; I :n / Wriillil ^-: ; I Bologna V 2lb.49c OldD-.tch 2*or97r WHITE POSF RA»T'CTT r i: t u -•: ' '- ; !: 11 !..•; . .':.' I1-1 Meat 09c < 1 ; |':.|-' ;|.|.ih.i . • . . . -i.' V.- Salami ]/2lb.49c Wrix Pnn^r 2for3 ' " Hii-i. • • —--1 ...... -'1 1- Swopt Breads $1.00 Ih. IN SYRUp one! APR'COT^ IM Will ...II •_':; I'.- ! \v,..V.'i..i,'i' li'iir ...!•: ::r Pressed Ham '/2lb.49c: Freezer Pnnor 49c r M:.i In ;n ;; Strorlos Scrapple <19cl!->. YRUP ntifl .P'CRO Liverwjrst '/2lb.49c CLOROX 59c Gal. I!"-'.- ...... IN :1 C'irnNh H'tns only 79c 1 M. joiifri College Mernum v.-.- in. 11 1..11.1 • '• 1 :i" Blood Pudding Vzlb.49c Ritrcr's . \v. -.! :•.•!,1 .:-11 r T'ifi '•'•"• • "; SUCED n - Ward .lor.cs i,f Wcitlicld, ii= ni M 1 -•'. c./ir ... ^i'.i ^:ifi >--':-'. Head Cheese '/2lb.49c WHY PAY Tomato J«iico, cjts. 9for5 ' ean 5-ojihomort.1 i-.u-Hihcr of the cIfttys- ' r .ir.v I 1: (I1-..-I- !CS !H I v'-1(. 1 Inirg (.'o!I''};i' ;in.vinmiimr tcim. Ho i IV,. i- .-!,! I.UHIIMT . .. Mil "iC VV< Kielbassy — delicious 89c lb. CHECK OUR AD AND SAVE M«x'cal Boons 2 for 49c 39c «•••-1 i .-i,,],li II,M-:I I'lin.lli. . 731 Ml "--'' .•••WHV. swiiiir: the hutti'rtly. i ih *i< ^h; i"i Tea Wurst — Met Wurst OTHERS DO! Asparagus Spears, glass 49c Save 10c on each can i y-:'.s llii* iit'oiiuhl Tipsy Penalty rij;111y i.f-\l. nanuv- iiitu thr ix>.-Ltr, I Starting Tuesday By Hut the "rniliiif; for IVare." T!;i\c tit lYtvk'.nls were resolution of .N'ov. H, ll'")0, ie- it b.a? lirouitlil i" new iiivas a.-; in I'liilty of drunken driving charge-; Circle meetings of the Women's) LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS coliied the failure of the cniidi-i! what th'- ii!o.-t ilii|-iii [ant political Th>ir.--!ay nijiht in Municipal Court. Fellowship of the First Congrega- to exel cis.e this !T>pul!-ifiiiky iii;'.l .-<'i:i;,l iiiobiinis facing tin* >i;:i.-i.-lrat'j William M. Heard tional Church will be held during v.->ild iiiu, and i;ew. thou^li ,-hift- BIGGER und ^tri-njrUu ric-d the a.-Mliibly ".- :!!^|io-.f?i the* mandatory two-year the coming week. On Tuesday The January Btudy unit meet- can dt'al with its prolih-ms. rule r, of I'.O:! Hip- rU- will meet at the home of Mrs. be considering one of our national US ratification of the UN Char- ciK1 li of tin-in intitiei! to an tiiUiil .Since W'bi, the assembly and ;ley I'l.; Alexander Tra|ip 111, IT, \V. Klv.ell, 22S2 'NVwark j current agenda, items; "Support of ter. Since then, the league has vote 7 the councils have mcreaMn^ly en- 1 lli^'hlundtr Dr., SioUh Plains, Ave., Scotch Plains. Members will thhe UniteUid NationNi s witih evalual - advocatedd d continuouslil y a foreigfi n trusted the secretary general with Less oliviuus, perhaps, has been i aii.i <;eurge Clevenger, 2-1, of 22 , hear a talk on child placement giv- tion of means to strengthen it un- policy based on support of tin- [ diplomatic and operational func- the K't'at increase in the work un- ' Hi'iidcr.-on ltd., Princeton. j en by Mrs. Gregory Clarke of the der present-day conditions." This UN and US leadership to tiuns, and the men holding the of- der the guidance of the economic BARGAINS I Each pa'r a $200 fine and $5 Xew Jersey State Board of Child item was adopted by un almost strengthen the UN. It hn.s .sup-1 f . (,avt n e ll the resources uf and social founeil of the general jcomt co.-its. In addition, Clevenger Unanimous vote of the delegates to ported increased use of the UN Welfare. the office in exercising independ-' assembly through the various ! v.a.s as.-e.s. cd $20 for an examining The other circle meetings are the league's national convention and the specialized agencies, with ent initiative to further the pur-! funds, the specialized agencies and last April. The delegates from adequate budgets, improved pro- : physician's fee. scheduled for Thursday ut 1 p.m. puses of the v barter. There eel-! related orgiinizalions. This has The three cases were heard after Westfield had prone t° the conven- cedures, and provision of adequate brouRhl about unforseen economic Alden circle will meet at the home lainly has been a shift in the: a seriiK of attorney's postpone- tion with the intention of voting power to keep the peace. Now thecharacter of the office of the see-an' d social chtin^e. Should the of Mrs. James M. Freeman, 775 ments, police said. only for a study of foreign eco- time has come to study the retury-tfeiH-ral which was not for- iUnited States encourage this ac- Knollwood Ter. Mi's, W. B. El- at BARON'S nomic policy, feeling that our an- changes that have occurred in the see." by the founders of the- UN'.tivity with its support? Harrison's violatkm dates to c-ome Jr. will give the program, a i nual series of seminars on the UN UN in the past 17 years of its ex- Is this to our advantage? Aug. 2o wlyjn he was apprehend- talk on collecting antique buttons, in New York kept us adequately istence, and how these changes The attempt to reach agree- j ed by police who observed him using illustrations fro,.; her own . up to date. However, they changed alfect our thinking about it. Various crises have raised ques- merit on disarmament has been I driving erratically in Cacciola PI. collection. ! their minds on hearing from other tions us to what sort of force •omplicated in recent years by the | Trapp was arrested on a complaint Mayflower circle will meet at Since 1114 6 there have been might be used by the l.'.V to han- 'ocusin^ of world power, and ;signed Sept. 2 by Anton Danco of leagues how citizens in other parts shifts in responsibility und in the home of Mrs. William C. Child, of the country had not been giv- dle threats to we an elfeclive negotiating body North Avcs. Kim of the East," will be given present charter. The supreme au- others have resulted in a variety ictween the two great forces? clear understanding of the thority within today's UN is exer- Clevenger was halted Sept. ii under the direction of Mrs. J. W. chan/res that have taken place, of of answers. Is a permanient force All these activities leud to the while heading the wrong way in cised by the general assembly. necessary to back-up peaceful set- Seay and Mrs. Stuart Smith. Mrs. the potentialities and limitations lasic problem of fnumeinK the Prospect St. Originally the Security Council tlement of disputes? K. Glenn Bauer of 345 Wychwood of the United Nations, and how it UN. Should the peacekeeping ac- In other motor vehicle cases, Kd. will be the hostess for Ply- was to exercise the primary re- ivitiea be included in the regular The most obvious change during George h. Dixon of 140 Windsor mouth circle which will have a pro- iiidget on a permanent basis? Is Avc., was fined $25 and $5 court BOARD OF EDUCATION, WESTFIELD, N. J. gram given by Mra. C. W. Wilcox. the United States paying too great costs for leaving the scune of an SUMMARY OF SCHOOL BUDGET 1962-1963 v». 1963-1964 I i share of the costs? Where enn accident; and Joseph A. Sefack, (Story on page 1) idditional sources of income be U. S. Internal Revenue Service 1583 Risintr Way, 'Mountainside, ound? received 100 million returns in Enroll as of Sept. 80th 8,226 8,505 received a similar penalty for driv- l'J(i2, and it anticipates 113 mil- TOOTH PASTE 279 3.4'/r Even though we may arrive at 1962-1 DC) 1963-19C4 Increase or Decrease ing with an expired registration. lion returns by 1970 and 135 mil- Budget Proposed Budget i solutions to these puzzling Prior to the court session, Mag- 19<;ri-(;-ioTerl9U2-G3 questions, we believe in the value lion by 1980. Dollars Per Cent Dollars Per Cent Dollars Per Cent istrate IJeard presided at the an- >f trying to understand the prob- nual swearing-in ceremonies for SALARIES lems and arrive at a consensus in the town's .special policemen, bank- TO BUY OR SELL, USE Administration „ t 104,476 107,300 $ 2,825 ;cneral terms that will allow u» to guards und school crossing guards. mpport legislation that will Instruction _ _ _ 2,874,028 3,191,903 317,277 A'bout 00 persons were involved. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Secretaries 147,116 152,095 chieve the goals we have agreed 4,980 ire desirable. Attendance and Hcnlth Services.. 66,063 60,095 4,032 Operation of Buildings 247,990 258,028 10,038 Maintenance of Buildings 45.4DO 48,040 2,550 Cafeterias, Student Body Activi- Ortho Board Elevates ties 35,325 34,725 —«00 W. V. Ahrahainson To Executive Vice Pres. GIANT TOTAL SALARIES $3,511,084 74.0% $3,862,186 77.094 % 341,102 9.7% OTBHHt COS11S W. Vincent Abrahamson of 1M SIZE Admin. Expenses, Supplies $ 16,800 17,166 356 Norman PI. has been elevated tc Instmc, Books, Supplies, Exp... 199,4(5 206,410 6,945 .he position of executive vice pres- AJAX Attendance and Health ServlceB.. 2,000 2,116 115 ident of Ortho Pharmaceutical Hair II HIT Transportation, Pupils 21,500 24,500 3,000 Corp. it was announced today. 2 FOR Operation of Buildings 143,100 187,000 , •Mr. Abrahamson is n 24-year Maintenance of Buildings 78,735 39,260 veteran with Orthu beginning as Furniture, Equipment {J&h) .... 87,730 53,820 —39,485 35c —33,910 a sales representative. His career Cafeterias, Student Body Activ... 17,076 18,160 leil into the positions of midewest- Community Service, Civic Act... 9,890 10,700 1,075 800 ern division sules manager, vice, president and general manager of TOTAL OTHER COSTS ....% 570.305 12.1% % 609,100 10.2% % —67,206 —11.7% FIXED CH/UIGBS Ortho-Canadn, and since January, State Retirement Funds, Social 1958, vice president and director Security, Liability for Veterans $ 67,698 if marketing of Orlho Phnrmnceu- % 60,708 U,lG0 ticul Corp., Karitan. Insurance and Judgments 24,610 29,600 •1,990 •Rental Buildings 3,400 3,400 Mr. Abrahamson majored ir. Tuition 1,000 1,000 business economics ;il Gustavus Adolphus College in his native Debt Service 572,819 542,213 —30.00(1 'I'hlM mull Ililr Ilxli'il l.ruliiTl; ill HIT llnrrlioii, Avi-. him IMTII «I.M <r of Alun j4,hiiHlo», llniltur. TOTAL FIXED CHARGES $ 659,527 13.0% $ 637,011 12.8',;. $ —22,510 —3.4',; TOTAL BUDGET $4,746,010 $4,998,297 100',;, % 251,381 6.30% SOURCES OF REVENUE AND CALCULATION FOR SCHOOL TAX RATE (Story on page 1) 1962-1963 10G3-19G-1 Per Cent Budget Proposed Budget TOTAL, BUDGET Decrease Chnngo $4,746,918 $4,098,297 $ 251,381 5.30% L«ss Estimated Revenues State Aid- This is it, Formula $339,090 $411,160 Transportation 13,624 14,668 Mr. Club. Atypical Pupils 30,002 26,771 Building Program 115,551' 120,982 Everything $559,137 $673,471 must go Rentals, Tuition, Misc $30,000 $ 37,000 Free Balance Approp. ..J 135,000 J 77,000 in our end of h 5,000 •S 19,000 S 11,000 Earned Interest 6,000 season sale! National Defense Education Act 9,000 767,137 11,000 714,471 —42,600 —5.03'/c 100% Wool Suits, assorted fab-

TOTAL SCHOOL ASSESSMENT ?3,989,779 $4,283,826 $ + 204,017 7.37 tf rics and colors, liftiited selec- tion $34.75 1007n Wool Suits, broken as- sortment of cheviots and wor- Our steds - $39.75 r Cheviot Suits, 100 ; Wool, her- Reg. $1.00 ringbones, several colors...$11.75 JERGEN'S LOTION banking 100% Wool Suits, worsted sharkskins, solid colors $-14.75 69c 100% Wool Suit, solid navy blue hours are unfinished worsted $44.75 100c;; Wool Suits, worsted her- Reg. $2.00 ringbones, etc $48.75 tailored Topcoats and Overcoats, wide COTY LIPSTICK assortment from $34.75 and NAIL POLISH to suit 100^ Wool Sport Jackets, spec- ial grouping $22.75 Sport Jackets, plaids, checks, .49 your needs... muted stripings, etc.- $26.75 i Slacks, 100^ Wool, large selec- Regular Afternoon Evenings tion in many shades all $12.25 Cranford Office lull Kinking .services S:(Hi AM — MUI I'M i,.S PM (Mon.) W.ilk up M-rvitv "VMI AM—H:.*UAM -l-o I'M f.-S I'M (Tliur>. Outerwear Coats, different USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN PARKING lOT Garwood Office l-'ull banking service- 8:011 AM-i:H(! I'M ii-S I'M i Mini. I styles and fabrics from $15.75 Plainfield Office Full KuikiiiK M SMIII AM — J:OU I'M (wS I'M (TluirO Sport Shirts, all long sleeve Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ,Sjiuril.i\ AM — IJ:0i> SWn sport shirts from $3.15 You'll be W.iIk in S>rsiic W>I'M OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE cifJii IVpi. 'Mm AM— i:uu I'M (,-S I'M (lluirs.) Sweaters, imported shctlands, the end o£ us, Scotch Plains Office lull Kinking smut- S:iill AM—Mm I'M (,-S I'M tMnn.) cardigans, etc from $7.25 Mr. Field. Diiu- m service, S.UO AM —.VIHI I'M W.ilk in MKM'H'S I-(> I'M

Wostfield Office lull Kinking «rMio ?: ill AM —.MW I'M c.-S I'M I Mini.) \\ .ilk in Service ,i-(, I'M


CiiANfORO • GAUWOOI) • PIAINIIILI) • SCOTCH PLAINS • WESIMtLD 243 E. BROAD ST. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FlKLnCLIIB. 307 South Avenue, Westfield, N. J., Phone: AD 3-0248 Phone ADams 9-6680