VOLUME XXXVI, No. 2 Round Robin March-April 1980 he sw! e>f BsuMedewdl 1? eseareh


THE ANCIENT LEGEND OF THE LOST PLEIAD From DK’s “Treatise On Cosmic Fire” With CQC by the Editor...... 1 - 5 THEIR GOAL IS TO BECOME MEN From Hisey’s “Keys To Inner Space". . 6-14 A GODFATHER FROM THE LOST PLEIAD From Bender’s "Flying Saucers and the Three Men", with CQC...... 15 - 21 CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTS . Yup Them Vampire Humanoids Is Here, Warning From the.Rosicrucians, Warning To BSRAsso- ciates, Fully Conscious But Paralyzed, Wam- ing To Trevor James Constable From Ashtar, Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space and The Great Solar Constant, The Esoteric Inter­ vention Theory, Solution To Pollution and Oil Shortage: The Nitrogen-Powered Car!, A Threat To the Auto Engine Industry, A Previous Model Was Blown Up, House Of Lords Now Has A UFO Resech Committee, ELF Waves and EEG Entrainment, President Carter’s- Aura and His 7° Libra Symbolized, Another Libran Margaret Thatcher, 1979 Annual Report, Careful You*re Headed For The "Great Awaken­ ing"!, Francie Steiger's Channeled Predic- tions, James Moseley*s Amazing Revelation, and BSRF Literature...... 22-36 I , -URNA1 OF BORDERLARD JBSEOXH

BSRF No. 1 Published by B:^. ■ , } i , : 2083 USA. Edited by the Director, Riley Harm t l < It •» t Metaphys; io the Society of St. Luke the Pli i The Journal is published isu; 1 7-.„i r *1 tin u-5...u.ince ot the Associates, at the Director’s home, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista It Ls printed, 36 pages an issue. The . . I on is incorporated under California law, May 21, 1951, #254263, and has been in contin- uous existence since then. Add'urt 4! correspondence to the PO Box. The Journal is included in the Foundation membership of $10'.00 a year. Single copies and back issues of the Journal are now $2.50 each. If you dont care to join you may ‘tcjn'-e ehe Journal by don- at ing $10^00 a year or more to the Foundation. The Director’s wite, Ms. Judith Crabb, is office managen and Secretary-Treasurer. PURPOSES 0F BSRF: This is a non-pio^i' Organisation of people who take an active Interest in unusual Happenings along the borderland between the visible and invisible worlds. In the words of the late , founder and director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959: MBSRA publications are scientlfic in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not investigate. For example: The Fortean falls t > t • t ■ the sky. Telepor- tation, Radiesthesia, PK Effects, id-ig.jund Races, Mysterious Disappearances, Occult and Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the Invisible, Nature of the Ethers et . - 0 ft '-n of the Aeroforms (Flying Saucers). In the year 1946 BSRA obtained an Interpretation of the phenomena which since has come to be known as the Etheric or 4-D Interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only expLanation which makes good science, sound metaphysics and common sense.” The chief present concern of the Foundation is to make this kind of unusual Information available as a public Service at reasonable cost. Headquarters acts as a receiving, coordinating and distributing center. An important part of the Director’s work is to give recog- nition, understanding and encouragement to people who are having unusual experiences of the borderland type and/or are conducting research in any of the above fields. For consultation on borderland Problems or for Spiritual healing through prayer, write or phone 714-724-2043 for help or for an appointment. Donations and bequests toward Foundation research programs and expenses are welcome. The 35-page list of BSRF publications is availao" ftxn Headquarters for $1.00 in money, check or stamps. This in-. . brochures on bor­ derland subjects, tape recordings o£ Mr. Crabb’s lectures and of mem­ bers of the Inner Circle, talking through trance-medium Mark Probert. Write to BSRF, PO Box 549, ' ’ . f : „a 92083 USA. f


From DK’s "Treatise On Cosmic Fire” With CQC by the Editor

Come, iet us eat the f'ruit of the Tree, that our eyes be opened and we be as the Elohim, knowing good and evil; and with the power of that knowing we shall choose the good; and the good shall make us free to understand what the Master D.K. calls "the heart of the Solar Mystery".

He writes, through Alice Bailey, that if we wish to become Masters of our own fate and destiny, we must learn to distinguish between the Solar Angels of a planetary scheine, our Higher Selves; the Solar Angels of a solar system, the Masters or the Occult Hierarchy; and the lunar lords of the scheine and system, "The moon or moons in any scheme are systemic effects, and are not causes, In certain planetary relationships, they are considered causes."

They sure are, Deke! The Lunar Mafia are the cause of a hell of a lot of trouble here on this planet that's for sure! And behind and above the Lunar Mafia are the Solar Mafia. Be­ hind and above the Solar Mafia are the Zodiacal Mafia Then comes the Galactic Mafia to which we must add Professional trouble-makers from other Galaxies. These Lunar Pitris are on the Involutionary Path, descending into Matter we Solar Pitris are on the Evolutlonary Path ascending out of Matter. Because in effect, we are travelling in opposite directions this counter movement generates a hell of a lot of friction. I ^Zc^Absolute n \ n v / All Worlds(Galaxies) X o Pre-human ° /AU Suns (Zodiac) \ Human and

Elemental uf Sun (Solar System) A » Super human, t \ AU Planets / o an(j Angelic 1 \ Earth / . v ° \\ / E n csk Moon

Ouspensky illustrates the Involution idea in Chapter Five of his book "In Search of the Miraculous". There he summarizes Gurdjieff’s teachings on the Ray of Creation; but the cycle- completing, Evolutiouary aspect of Creation is not emphasized as we show it above; nevertheless, that chapter is well worth

March-April 1980 RR, Page 1 thorough study at this end of an Age.

Dont be deceived by our exploded diagram of the Cycle, rather than the Ray, of Creation Both the Involutionary and the Evolutionary processes are going on within us all the time, at the same time This is true of the Earth, the Solar System and the rest of Creation also.

THE UNKNOWN AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE WAR "In connection with a system," writes D.K., "there exist cosmically certain bodies in space which have as definite an effect upon the solar system as the moon has upon the earth. This is something as yet unknown and incomprehensible to meta- physicians scientists and astronomers. War wages cosmically as yet between the systemic 'lunar' lords, and those Entities who are analogous to the solar Lords on cosmic levels. "Until our students extend their concept to include in their calculations the logoic astral and mental bodies as the Logos* seeks to express emotion and mind on the physical plane (through His physical body, a Solar System) they will not progress far towards the heart of .the solar mystery."

We might paraphrase D.K. here and add that no researcher will progress far in his search for the solution of the UFO mystery until this War in Space becomes both known and comprehensible to him.

"Until the force of the cosmic Lunar Lords is sought for, the fact of there being entire constellations beyond our solar system in process of dis Integration in time and space in a männer similar to the disIntegration of our moon will not be known nor the effects of this be traced Eventually our solar system will pass into a similar state. The true mystery of evil,, lies here, and the true reality of the War in Heaven must here be sought.

"Similarly it must be remembered that planetary schemes pass into obscuration and 'die out', through the withdrawal in all cases of the positive life and energy and ®f the electric fire which is the animating principle of every system, scheine, gfobe, kingdom in'nature, and human unit. This produces in every case the dying out of the 'solar radiance', or of the light produced by the commingling of the negative and positive energy. All that is left in every case again is the habitual energy of the substance upon which, and through which, the positive energy has had such a remarkable effect."

Solar Gods get old and tired just as we do. They also aban- don their wom out bodies. In such a case the abandoned planet or satellite is called a Sidereal Idiot because the indwelling consciousness has been withdrawn. Consider our Moon.

March April 1980 RR, Page 2 f'This negative type force gradually dissipates, or disperses itself, and seeks the central reservoir of energy,’’ continues D.K.

And that dispersal, at our level o£ being, results in the Flying Saucer phenomenon! These elementary invaders want to take over our planet in their Mafia style and continue their Involution and evolution here because their original home is breaking up.

"The spheroidal form is thus disintegrated," as D.K. puts it. "This can be seen working out now in the case of the moon, and the same rule holds good for all bodies.-We might word it other- wise: The Solar Devas (or radiant energy) return to the central Heart or the Source which breathed them out. This leaves the lesser deva substance dependent upon its own internal heat, as it involves the withdrawal of that which built substance into form. This deva substance is of many kinds and perhaps the consequent procedure can be more clearly understood if we say that as the form breaks up the lesser builders and the devas return to their group soul.

TO BECOME MEN (AND WOMEN) IN SOME FUTURE CYCLE "Certain of theup those who form the bodies of the Fourth Kingdom in nature, and who are therefore the highest kind of sub­ stance through which consciousness can manifest in the three worlds, are on the road towards Individualisation -- they are nearer the human stage than the substance of the three other kingdoms. They occupy a place in the deva evolution analogous to that which man holds in the human kingdom (note that I say kingdom, not evolution) who is Hearing the Path. The goal for the devas (below the rank of Solar Pitris) is Individualisation, and their objective is to become men in some future cycle."

And Individualisation means’ acquiring a soul or Higher Self, the vehicle of an Evolution, which we humans have. So these In­ vaders with their gangster-like tactics despise us, habe us, and yet envy us because W1 are ahead of them in evolution -- yet ■ way behind them in the mental Sciences and the science of space travel. "The goal for a man (or a woman) is Initiation, or to become a conscious Dhyan Chohan, and in some distant cycle to do for the humanity of that stage what the Solar Pitris have done for him, and make their seif-conscious ex- pression a possibility. The goal for a Solar Pitri is, as said earlier, to become a Logoic Ray. ALICE A. BAILEY, as pic- tured on the dust jacket "To return to the matter which of an English edition of we were considering: Just as the moon "Esoteric Healing". is a deterrent or malefic force where


DTAORAM HI. The above diagram is fron Besant and iMdteater's ”Man! Whence, How and Whither’*, Theosophleal fr««, W13» It llluetrates the successive Life Warta pawißf through the Kiogdosw of Nature of a planet and solar System« out concern if the third Elemental wäre of the 7th Chain (extreme right), Their Logos has quit for the day -- cosmic dayt but they haven*t flniihed their evolution« ary scneollng! So the nor® advanced ©f then mutt look for a young« solar System contalning & planet or planets with an en« vironment sultaol® to their need«s and th« larth is it! Marth-April WBO Hs tage 4 the Earth is concerned, and productive of evil 'influen e', so all such disintegrating bodies are equally destructive. *'

This is why we use the general, term Lunar Mafia to identify, to the Western mind, these evil Harur'i * r,'*ds Onm the Moon; and thus it is logical so -vi ; .i^t-:mn back up the scale of Iii”oiuti-hi Lo y,i t, : • . . diacal Mafia and Galactic System Mafia. To the Eastern mlnd there are the Thugs of India, the Tonga of China, the Assassins of the Islamic Middle East, and their counterparts in Japan, wbu=c name escapes me at the moment, II we are to understand the enduring quality of evil in our nations, we ntust be aware of the cösraic Connections which guide and sustam it. (Japanese Mafia: "Yakuza”)

THE UNRECOGNISED DISINTEGRATING CONSTELLATIONS "Such bodies exist within the solar ring-pass-not, unrecog­ nised as yet, and disintegrating constellations (of which there are many in the universe, unknown and unrecognised by scientists) have an equally malefic effect upon our solar system, and upon all that passes into their sphere of influence. "There is one such constellation, situated between the lesser Dipper and our systern, and another, interrelated with the Pleiades and our 'system which still have a profound effect upon the phys­ ical body of the solar Logos. "The above paragraph is specifically worded thus because the effects are.feit.in... the...lowest.. sheath...df.. all, and are responsible for much that is ignorantly termed 'black magic'," continues D.K.

Part of that Sheath is the planet Earth, and the most obvious effect right now is the threat of total nuclear destruction of the earth and everything on it. That raust be the penultimate goal of the Zodiacal Mafia, wIf we cant control the earth let’s deströy it!" The ultimate goal would be the total destruction of a Solar System. The occasional Novas : . by astronomers may be the work of Zodiacal or Galactic Mafia.

D.K. says the above-named "two constellations have run their cycle and are dissolving. Some of their life force and energy have been transferred to our solar system, just as the lunar life- force was transferred to the earth, and this it is that is the cause of much cyclic evil. The process of decay and the evil emanations induced still have power to influence the forms which are responsive to what was for them an earlier Vibration. The. substance of these forms is magnetically linked with the decaying body, much as the etheric double is connected with the dense sheath, and the effects are therefore manifested. Purificatory fire is the only eure for this magnetic corruption“, and this is being utilised freely by the planetary Logoi in*Their schemes, and by the Solar Logos of our system. . . "

March-April 1980 RR, Page 5 THEIR GOAL IS TO BECOME MEN

What Says the Yada di Shi1ite About These Elemental Invaders? Here Are Some Answers Given To Associate Lehmann Hisey, In His Book, "Keys To Inner Space”.

As there appear to be so many dimensions or planes of con­ sciousness, it is not clear in just what männer E Yada di Shi* ite would be able to consort with an outer-space being, say from another galaxy. If it is only a matter of Controlling his frequency and raising or lowering it at will, this might be pos­ sible. But other factors may be involved. Be that as it may, let us take a look at some of the fragmen- ted quotes I have culled from documented tapes and transcripts (1967-1968).

Yada: "So, what do we talk about and feel emotional about? Do we think of beings from outer space as beautiful, as intelligent? Do they have your interest at heart? Do you think they come into your atmosphere for your benefit? Many of these races of people have been drifting through space for millions of years, visiting all kinds of bodies throughout your galactic system as well as many other galactic Systems, some that are millions and billions of light- years away. Time means nothing to them. Time is only a measurement of earth man. I know'of no other system, no other solar system, that has measuring of time. "These beings are going to come here more Lehmann Hisey often now; and some may prove a danger to you, a threat. They have been coming quietly now for many, many years -- several thousand years. They can afford to do it; their plan is a long- range plan. Many of them come from a great distance, millions of light-years away from your galactic system and beyond that."

Question: "How would one approach one of these space beings if he or she ever came close enough for contact?"

Yada: "Simply to accept them. Your invitations are by your attitudes toward them. They are not mysteries that need to be solved. They are beings from other States of consciousness,

March-April 1980 RR, Page 6 other ü»fflensi.o’js of time. And they would be very intet' * in making some direct communication with some of your peop.o. and even­ tually with all they they can reach. "But that can happen if you people here on earth stop playing with these things, stop making believe that they are your saviours; stop giving them useless credit. They do not like it, so they will not do anything to come closer. "They Paar two things. They fear your violent nature and they fear your general attitude of friendliness because they see through it. It is not friendly; it is seif-seeking; it is 'something for me'. This means that almost any person who has any direct contact with beings auto- matically tries to make himself the vicar of flying-saucer people. The man Adamski tried that and he ended up with nothing. He proved nothing; and none of the others will either, if your attitudes among yourselves and toward them does not change. They are afraid. I would be too, but with me, I have a very easy extt that I can run fast. "But you see, there are many, many Levels of consciousness different from mine that beings come from. You can call them 'planes’ in which they move through dif­ Mark Probert, the Yada’s ferent stages to leam -- as you leam medium, in trance and in your way -- to experiment and to re­ under control. cord; so that in the event your civili- zation falls, as almost every civilization has in due time, they will have the recordings for those who come later.

THE OUTER-SPACE ORIGIN OF OCCULT SCIENCE "Much of the mystical teachings of life, much of the inner truth, come from beings are not of the earth, but descended to the earth. Some came of their own accord with willingness and love, to bring man some brigher knowledge of their existence, from which have come the Orders of Masonry, the stories of the Druids, and the stories of the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians. "The story has come quite clear in some writings called 'Isis Un- veiled*. Then there are what are called the Upanishads, out of which has come much understanding of our individual nature and what our struggle of life is about."

Question: "Yada, may I ask, do you have any comment about the al- leged UFO sighting that we came upon last Wednesday evening?"

Yada: "You know, you made a comment which you possibly do know of,

March-April 1980 RR, Page 7 or do not realize how true it was. Whenever there is a cer­ tain physical phenomena taking place in the skies -- such as the eclipsing of the moon or the sun, or other forces of nacure acting out their work -- these space dwellers come and do what you may call 'geo-physical work'. "They study the moon and its passage between planetary bodies, or between the sun and a planet, from all sides. They can use the energies in space, to make pictures, vast pictures of what is going on, on the earth or off the earth, anywhere in space. And this is what you saw last evening. These beings are making pictures of the earth, of the moon, of the sun, at the time when the sun was beyond your vision. "Also, they photograph, by a kind of X-raying, the inferior of the earth -- over certain sections of it, so as to know when possibly there is likely to be a very big quaking of the earth that may displace vast lands into the water or somewhere eise.

Question: "What did they find out?"

Yada: "Now, if I knew, how could I teil you? I couldn’t. It is very complex." Was this Mayan Question: "Were they using any of the TV electri­ God really a cal Systems for recharging?" helmeted, pres­ sure suited Yada: "Yes, of course." spaceman with a life-support Question: "Is that whey there were over Mt. Sole­ pack on his dad specifically?" ehest? Could be. Tourists Yada: "Yes, often these beings use forces of the now worider at planet they are on to do their work, whatever it these stone fi­ may be." gures at Tulum, Mexico. Question: "You said once before that they came into our visual spectrum when they were at their lowest point of energy, when they are just about to tun out of power. So' is that when they become visible and are being recharged?"

Yada: "Yes, because they begin to absorb it then. They are now out of it and begin absorbing it; because when t-hey are out of it they begin to look three-dimensional. They begin to look solid."

THE "INCIDENT AT EXETER", NEW HAMPSHIRE Flying Saucer researcher John G. Fuller ran into some spec- tacular cases of Electric Vampirism in New Hampshire in October 1965, the Jalberts, for instance, whose home in Fremont was near

March-April 1980 RR, Page 8 It highpower lines. We quote from s- rx jk and from • _°bb lecture, "Spacecraft From Beyond the Sun” (BSRF 2-K, 5); "The entire family reported continuec •?> i. <-1” of l’ . Early in November 1965, before the great blackout of Nov 9th, ehe Loy Joseph had an especially signifcant sighting.

"Joseph had recently noticed a reddish, cigar-shaped object high in the sky, high over the power lines. It hovered there motionless for several minutes -- exaetly how many he did not know because he was so absorbed in watching it. After a con­ siderable length of time a reddish-orange disc emerged appar­ ently from inside the object and began a slow, erratic descent down toward the power lines. As it reached a point within a quarter of a tnile of them, it leveled off, then moved over the wires until it reached a point several hundred feet away. It then descended slowly until it reached a few feet above the lines. Then a siivery, pipe-ll^e ödjöcü taite down irom ehe base of the disc and actually touched the lines, remaining there for a minute or so. "The protuberance then slowly retrccicd into the body of the object, and it took off at considerable speed and rejoined the reddish, cigar-shaped object and disappeared inside it. "Joseph’ s r। b-.o not - *r. this but had observed a similar occurrence some 20 miles away, near Manchester. The only differ- ence in their descriptions was that the protrusion extending down from the object she observed was reddish rather than silver colored. Joseph was very reluctant to bring this sighting up. His younger brother had prodded him into telling about it, and when we asked him why he was hesitant, he told us that the whole thing looked too scary and he did not like to talk about it. ‘It’s the first time I’ve seen one of these things touch anything,’ he said, 'and it happened so near to me I really tried to put it out of my mind."

Can you blame the boy? He had wibfVD1 an example of inter­ planetary thievery, by gangsters from outside the solar system. He should have been profoundly disturbed, and was. Fuller was not, until the great blackout of Nov. 9th forced him to recognize the significance of the over 200 pages of notes he had by that time accumulated, enough for the book "Incident At Exeter" to be published by G.P. Putnam & Sons in 1966.

Fuller went back over his notes. "The words ’power lines' or 'transmission lines' appeared on an alarming number of pages. I began making a notation in the margin of the transcripts wherever a reference like this was made. There were 73 mentions in various locations by various people. . . "

After reading Fuller’s book another Flying Saucer researcher in the San Francisco Bay area asked a power Company official if they were aware of this electric vampirism by Flying Saucers and

March-April 1980 RR, Page 9 he was shocked to receiw an emphatic yes! The bay area power Company was well aware of this unwelcome drain on their System by Invaders from outer space. And we, the consumers, are paying for it in higher electric bills! Electricity is not the only thing the Zodiacal i Let* s get back to the Yada"s conversation with Lehmann Hisey.

TH1 PCM1FUL, DENSE ATMOSPHISI OF EAB.TH Question: "Of what use is o ,tk . ie i p’ to them?”

Yada: "The word ‘mental’ is not naderstood by you. If one has any kind of body, it must be-put together by lines ©f force called electrical, or the energy by that name; you have plenty of it here on your earth. ”1 go back again to space people and you will see how all these things go together. These- beings are everywhere present. They just do not come now, and then go away. They live in your atmos­ phere. They can comraunicate with you mentally, as well as physi- cally. They can make themselves look human, or- not so human. They have cotnmand of energy. "You will do it in due course. You will be masters of many things, but first you must learn to master yourself -- especially the emo­ tional seif. "These beings are coming here for one purpose only, and saving the human race has nothing to do with that purpose. It all has to do with gathering energy and they can get more energy from an at­ mosphere as heavy as yours than anywhere eise where 'there is no such atmosphere -- your physical atmosphere. Most of these beings do not care mach about you. If it were possible for them to do it, they would come here and get what they want without ever letting you see them. But in loaing energy, they show themselves, for they have no protecting sh'ield of invisibility." Question: "Are they mostly coming here because their world of energy is in a state of decline?" Yada: "Yes.- Your energy here is more alive, more active, more powerful because it is created in a dense atmosphere. The vast part of the universe is sleeping energy.” Question: "Which needs revitalizing?" Yada: "That is right." Question: "These people come here -- if you couid explain what they look like, how would they differ f

March-April 1980 RR, Page 10 Yada: "No, they -- The. Invaders -- are humanlike. These beings are much more not so." Comment: "They disguised themselves as our type.”

THE SEARCH FOR CONTINUITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS -- AN IMMORTAL SOUL Yada: "What is being shown there on The Invaders is teiling a story with a great deal of truth in it. They are energy beings. The beings we call UFOs are energy beings. Sone of. them, the men, are trying to mate with women here so as to produce a more continuous being, so that when their body dies there is an intelligence that survives. They do not now have that." Question: "Is that because on their Level there is no continuity?" Yada: "There is no continuity of feeling with these people."

And we hazard the opinion the Yada is talking about the advanced elemental types indicated in the D.K. material and in the Theoso- phical chart on page .four. In spite of all their power they still have not evolved to the point where they have an immortal soul as we do. They have no Individuality, no Vehicle of an Evolution. Thus they both envy us and hate us while they kick us down the road of evolution, using our vices against us, serving the Good by opposing It; and the Yada chooses an interesting term out of psychic research for "labeling the:- type as we know it .

Yada: "Nowwe go again to something that looks entirely different Poltergeists. These beings are pure energy and when energy wears out they are no more. Many of these poltergeist beings appear in your atmosphere to gain and keep more energy, to exist longer." Question: "Is there such a plan involved?" Yada: "In your America it is called ’everbody doing their thing’. Nature‘s laws do not hinge on emotional attitudes. If that were true, the lions would.stop killing for eating, all things would stop killing for energy. We’re all energy-absorbing bodies.,I could have no form at all if I did not have the ability absorb energy. I could not come here unless I knew how to absorb energy from you. So we all, living things and all not living, are absorbing energy from one another. Everything is living off the vital forces of everything eise." Comment: "It is not acceptable to us that these people have no con­ tinuity when their bodies disintegrate. Is that what you are saying?" Yada: "Yes, because their minds are pure energy also." Question: "The same as a poltergeist?" Yada: "That is right." Question: "We are not of that nature?" Yada: "Yes, you are, in a way, because your brain is an energy

March-April 1970 RR, Page 11 center gatherer and the whole body is of the same order, an energy gatherer." Question: "What form to they take in order io cohabit with our females to create what you say they are trying to do?” Yada: "These beings can change form, and make a human-like body, do what they wish."

MATING GOING ON BETWEEN THE PLANES Question: "Have there been any successful offspring yet? For in my way of thinking they could produce an advanced being." Yada: "Is so. There is a mating going on between the planes. There are people in the astral that have sexual association with those in the physical world and they can produce the proper kind of sperma-protozoa to produce living beings."

That fount of occult wisdom, Paracelsus, made reference to this between-planes mating in his writings. Dr. Franz Hartmann quotes from "Lib. Philos. II" in his book on Paracelus, first published in 1891: . Nymphs have been known to adopt the human shape, clothing and männer, and to enter into union with man. There are certain localities where large numbers of Elemen­ tais .live together, and it has occurred that a man has been ad- mitted into their communities and lived with them for awhile, and that they have become visible and tangible to him."

The most obvious example of this in modern times is the late Richard Shaver. He claimed to have spent seven years in the Cavern World hobnobbing with its inhabitants. I believe him, but I dont believe his Elemental playmates were 3-D solid as he always claimed they were.

"The angels are invisible to us," wrote Paracelsus, "but nev- ertheless an angel may appear to our spiritual sight, and likewise man is invisible to the spirits of nature, and what the Undines (water spirits) know of us is to them merely what fairy tales are to us. The Undines appear to man, but not man to them. Man is gross in the body and subtle in the Chaos; therefore they may enter his Chaos (astral plane) and appear to him and remain with him, marry and bear children with him. Thus an Undine may marry a man and keep house with him, and her children will be human beings and not Undines, because they receive a human soul from the man; and moreover, the Undine herseif receives the germ of immortality. "Man is bound to God by means of his spiritual soul, and if an Undine becomes united to man she will thereby become bound to God. As an Undine without her union with man dies like animal likewise man is like an animal if he severs his union with God." And there are thousands of selfish, soul-less humans on earth today. We "rub elbows with them" in our work and play, as H.P. Blavatsky pointed out in her writings. They also serve the Good by opposing It.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 12 TO BECOME. IMMORTAL THIOIJGH MAN Thus the Observation of the Yada that the Invaders, the Zodiacal Mafia, hope to gain immortality by interbreeding with humans here on earth is not so far-fetcheci after all. Crossing over from Elemental linfes of evolution has been on for a long, long time. Paracelsus, writing in the 1530s, continues; "Therefore the Nymphs are anxious to become uuited with man; they seek to become iwnortal through him« They have a mind and intellect like man; but not the inaoortal soul, such as we have obtained through the death of Christ. But the spirits of the earth, the air, and fire, seldom marxy a. human being. They may, however, become attacked to him and enter his Service. It must not be supposed that they are airy nothirigs or merely ghosts of appearances; they are of flesh and blood, only subtler than man. . If any man has a Nymph for a wife, let him take care not to offend her while she is near the water, as in such a case she will return to her element. . . "

Too bad the Zodiacal Mafia cant be forced to return to their "element” in the Pleiades, in the second sign of the Zodiac, Tau­ rus; but they are stuck with us, just as we are stuck with the^. Back to the Yada’s discourse on the Pleiads. Question: "Then the- woman does not have to be with a so-called man to produce a child?” Yada: "To reproduce, a woman must be with a male of a kind. Go back to what I said before. It is nothing so complicated because you are also an , an electrical being. You see, you are thinking in a limited way, according to your conditioning of these things. How many of the greater nasses have any thoughts at all about what is called ’spirits, spooks, astral beings and other-world beings?’ None. The whole vast universe is a living organism, living by energy and the movement of energy. "So you see, when you think ot if, when you get the picture, you will realize that everything is a transplant of energy from one point to another. There are some races of people here, some that live in the jungles of the Amazon, who brought here from other space times. The Maoris of New Zealand were not"originally earth- bom people. They came from a very arid existence. People and things have been moved back and forth across vast spaces." Question: "Just like a giant, experimental zoo!" Yada: "To sustain their world and their life, these beings may have to use your power sources. But again, electricity can be made from atoms, for that is their basic nature. So why do they pick a spot in your solar System to take energy from? It is more vital, that’s why. . . That which is called Space Beings are electrical beings, their basic nature is just that. There is a difference between them and you, and that' difference is that they have no survival unit -- which you call the spirit, or the soul.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 13 A ;GODFATHE1;. F1PM JHg LOSTJLEIAD 1 • ’ ! • •! ■ i■ "Flying '-V i •-<■■■ I <•« '■■.•-e Men1*, with CQC by the Editor

'«■ iv. . ] ,f / . । the Flying Sau. . library is Bender’s d- t, .p- . » t the Godfather runn )• , .,»•© Flying Saucer base mostly under the ice on the Antarctic continent. This egg-born dragon, this Invader from ou." «rt»- the Seh- »■ ■ n-uja was indeed horrible to look upon. Whe:- < Lehmann Hisey asked the Yada di Shi’ite what the Elemental Invaders looked like, the Yada replied^ "You wouldn’t want to know!" And Bender*s personal ex- \ perience with such a creature confirmed the obser- *■' it occurred to us that this. dra­ gon Illustration from the "Spit- ■. fire" album of the Jefferson 1 aip rock music group is as apt an Illustration as any. .arship, a name which would be .ficant to a Flying Saucer re- ’ « t ! Have we identified the source .ist's Inspiration?

Albert Bender’s seventh contact ' .i in Black. By this time it was for his three elemental escorts ,ves visible to him in their pseudo- ; took their metal talisman in his . the magic word; and his temples began to throb. As the power of their concentrated thought put -him in trance he staggered to his bed and feil on it.

"Once again I could see my body lying on the bed as I drifted away from it. . . I feit myself as if Floating on a cloud. . . I sensed that the living part of myself was being transported to some other vu'*-place. . . A sudden jolt ended my Floating and all movement ceased. the darkness cleared away and I was $/.‘ddenly surrounded by a brilliant . glow. . . I was in a huge, circular room with a glass dome. The walls me the Impression of stainless

March-April 1980 RR, Page 15 but they seemed to give off light, accounting for their unusual glitter. I was seated in a chair made of the same metal, while directly before me I noted a sort of dais, where a large tubulär object about eight feet in diaaetcr was rrrritsd in the wall. Other similar chairs sttrrounded me, reminding me of a theater or a lecture room. I looked for a door, but the walls appeared smooth and unbroken all the way around."

A MEMBER OF THE CLUB You may wonder why Al Bender was accorded conscious experiences of this kind, but other UFO researchers have not. At this time in ■1952 his International Flying Saucer Bureau was beginning to crack part of the secret of the origin of some of them, from a Flying Saucer base on the desolate Antarctic continent. Seine of the mem­ bers of his IFSB in New Zealand and Auweh p ed the courses of UFO seen in their areas and those courses converged on the icy wilderness of the South Pole! So the Godfathers ©f the UFOnauts at the Polar base were faced with a decision, either destroy Albert Bender or initiate him into the "club” and force him t© destroy his Organization himself. They chose the latter. "The ceiling was made of glass or some transparent substance, for I could see what .resembled a night sky with twinkling Stars above. My first Impression was that of being inside a flying sau­ cer which had landed in some secluded place. The chair was of simple design, modernistic with Straight lines. It was made en- tirely of the shiny metal. It tilted backward slightly, so that I had a full view of the area in front of me where the dais was located. "Once again I was thrown into complete darkness. I tried to rise from the chair but found that, although I could move my arms and my head, I could not raise my body to a Standing position. A bluish light began.to make itself present on the dais directly behind the tubulär object; then out of nowhere a wall panel slid open and someone stepped onto the dais. The panel closed, the person .walked to the edge of the dais. and spoke to me (his lips did not move). "'Welcome to our domain. We now meet under 'different condi­ tions. You are where no other Earth creature has ever set foot. In this domain you will witness things that will be astounding to you, things that you did not know of your planet, things that will make you disbelieve what your eyes are witnessing.’”

True, perhaps, but this is the Standard appeal to the re­ searcher* s ego; "Of all earth’s inhabitants you are the chosen one!" How many dozens of times have we read that same sales pitch made to dozens of would-be researchers who, without discrimination, willingly accepted everything that was channeled to them or through them, and then set themselves up as the chosen saviors of mankind, while the Zodiacal Mafia laugh at despised mortals.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 16 THE EXPANDED AWARENESS OF THE ASTRAL-ETHESIC WORLD "As he conveyeci this message, he seemed to be using words I could speak myself, somewhat as if I were g to myself -- this is the very L . • way I can clescribc it., I could understand everything well. I assume th ; < • .her conraunications were carried out by means of telepathy. Whether it was augmented mech- anically or electronically, I do not know. (At 7.8 Hertz?) Behind me you will see a large circular object, and if you will focus your eyes upon it I will endeavor to you sometning about ourselves and'why we are here.' "He made a motion with his hand and the large circle immedi­ ately came to life, in some way similar to a television screen. ‘The first pictures you will see will show you, the part of the universe from which we come. We are far from the reaches of your Earthly telscopes.’ "With this he motioned again and a spectacular view appeared. It seemed that the tube had come to life and that I was actually there. It had a fluorescent appearance, yet was in full color. I could see a group of glowing objects on a dark background that appeared to be blue, yet at times seemed to be a velvety black. I can best describe the picture by comparing it to a 3-D movie, but this will not do It justice. Added to the Stereo effect was a peculiar Identity I associated with it -- almost as if I were a part of the picture itself! "He continued: ’The view you now have on. the tube is our home. It is many, many light years from your small System of planets. We are rauch older than your System, for we were created long be­ fore the Earth or any of the planets revolving about your central body. ’’

This is in agreernent with the general evolutionary principles stated by D.K« and the Yada di Shi’ite that Zodiacal and inter- galactic troublemakers from much older, decaying solar Systems are here trying to make a new home for themselves at our expense, like rats deserting a sinking ship.

"‘All of these Systems of planets and their central bodies have been formed from a central source so powerful that you could not even approach it by light years, for if you did you would im­ mediately be destroyed. It is the creator of all of us, and more families of planets are constantly being formed and thrown off into orbits. Such Systems are not always perfect and some disin- tegrate after a few years. !"We do not all revolve at the same rate of speed, and even­ tually some of us overtake others after billions of your years on Earth. We have overtaken your systeni many times before, but of the years that have passed between you could never begin to con- ceive. Your planet was not always inhabited, although others in

March-April 1980 RR, Page 17 your system have been before yours; but the years have made changes and many civilizations have died on other bodies in your family of plane rs are yet to be created. THE EA1TB UNDE1 CONSTANT SIJlfEIIJJfflCE "‘Most of the «aller bodies revolving about your planets were at one time parts of the planets themselves, but were thrown clear when the bodies took their ultimate shape and cocled down. The nearest planet to Earth at one time (Maldek?) nurtured a great civilization, which was destroyed by marauders from another system of planets in an orbit beyound ours. They will once again make their appearance in the future when they reach this same spot in their trip about the central body. (And fight with the Pleiad Mafia for control of the Earth?) Almost every system of planets that has an orbit about the central body cc me sort of intelligent inhabitanta, but not all the same in body structure, being adapted to the various con­ ditions that exist in their particular worlds. Because many of these are far advanced in their ways of life, your planet Earth will constantly be under surveillance by these Systems as they overtake you and pass you by« Your planet is yet an infant as far as progress is concerned, and you have far to go to accomplish what many others in your neighboring Systems have achieved. ."’Your planet has been dispropo lately cursed in some matters, which so many others do not suffer and which slows your progress. (Yeah, and this Godfather from the Pleiades and his evil crew are an obvious part of that curse!) For instance, our planet has but one race and one people. Because of your many races and national groups, there may always be conflict which may result in the cornpj destruction of your world. "’We have been within reach of your system for a number of years, but will soon pass beyond the point of no retum. So we have found it necessary to accomplish our task speedily. "’We have been taking a valuable Chemical from your seas. This substance is vital to our existence, so whenever we come within reach of a planet that contains such sea water we go there and take the material without hanning anyone who lives there. '(The Godfather is the Prince of Liars.) We process the sea water to remove this substiance. A sticky residue that remains floats back to your planet in the form of long strings. In the past we have been careless and allowed some of this to fall upon land areas, (Mrs. Crabb and I saw miles of the stuff fallen on the beach, over bushes, trees and telephone wires when driving between Galveston and Beaumont, Texas in 1963.) but now we are more cau- tious and make certain that it returns to the sea from which it comes. (Another lie) As the sea water is broken down and the vital product extracted, it is shipped immediately to our own planet by a spacecraft capable of speed you could harly imagine possible.* "He then paused in this discourse and with a motion of his

March-April 1980 RR, Page 18 hand changed the p:.cture on the tube. I saw a landmark familiär to every American: the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the sur- rounding area. ”’You wish to know why I am showing you this view. It is only to inform you that we have some of our people stationed in your so-called Pentagon while we are visiting your planet. (Now we know the source of the guidance of our military raaniacs in Washington, during the Vietnam war, for instance.) We have them stationed in numerous places about your planet, to keep us informed of all that is taking place. ‘

INSTANT DETONATION OF OUR ATOMIC BOMBS "The next scene showed a vital spot in the United States, but unidentified as to locale. It was one of our atomic stock« piles. Then continued changes of scene exhibited similar storage places in the United States and other countries, including the Soviet Union. I asked him why he was showing me this, and he startled me with his blunt answer. I sensed he wished to appear friendly, but his reply led me to doubt. "‘With the push of a small button in our space laboratory we can detonate every bomb you have in your stockpiles all over the globe, causing almost total destruction to your planet.'(And destroy.the source of the vital energy the Invaders so desperately need? Hardly likely!) "*Why would you want to do something so horrible?' ”‘Only if we were discovered and your people tried to stop us with whatever means they had at their disposal. But having looked over your planet thoroughly we have nothing to fear in this respect, for nothing you have on Earth could harm us. Our weapons for self-defense against marauders in space are far superior to anything you have.' "Then he switched to a horrifying picture that made me shud- der. It depicted a hideous monster more horrifying than any I have ever seen depicted in the work of science fiction or fantasy artists. The monster was alive. As I reacted in repugnance to this scene, I did not see the Speaker leave the. dais and started again when I noted his absence. "He then seemed to be speaking from the screen itself, and from the mind of the monster itself. It was as if he had instantly changed himself from the form of a man to a creature which ap­ peared to be similar to that pictured by the West Virginia wit- nesses who described the Flatwoods monster! '“You view me here on the screen in my normal appearance. I note you find me horrible to look upon, yet the people of our planet do not find me horrible. We looked upon your people as odd when we first saw them evolve. We watched your people develop from small sea creatures into what you are today, but if your

March-April 1980 RR, Page 19 , ’ • ' . exist without j• 1 struction, your people will change in appearance over the ns of years ahead. For your atmosphere will change. It will become thirmer. Your supply of oxygen will diminish, and you will find it necessary to exist on whatever type of air mixture you may have at that time. This and other environmental changes will lead to necessary ad ns in body st/ructure. Continued experi- mentations with radioactive material will undoubt- iave effects upon future generations. This even lead to loss of reproductive capabili- which couid eventually leave your planet devoid of human life. These things are ahead of you and you must face them and solve these pro- blems if you can. To us your progress is of aca- demic Interest, but little more. (Another lie!)

THE LOVE-LESS INVADERS FROM OUTER SPACE o,0n our planet we have three sexes: female similar in function to yours; male also similar to yours; and the third is neither male nor fe­ male. The latter indiv are the exalted ones who become our rulers. They are few, and when they are born there is great ceAebration. Our females bear eggs which are stored away. We con­ trol our population and these eggs are permitted to hatch only when the great blackness covers our planet and takes many lives.p (No wonder these invading monsters have no human feelings of love, warmth and affexti.on as we know them. They are born in an incubator, without knowledge of father or mother, and brought up by a state where ruth- less power is exalted over love and wisdom.) "The great blackness and many other things would be explained at a later date; but evidently he feit I had witnessed enough at this time, for the screen glowed bluish again and went black. s’Once again he stood on the dais in human form. He then went to the sliding wall panel and, as it opened, disappeared behind it. 'The room suddenly went into complete darkness, and I feit myself losing consciousness. -Then again Bender's drawing of the I had the feeling of being on a cloud and drif- look-alilce clones who ting off into space. As I held.tightly to the escorted him to the An™ piece-’of metal, the icy coldness enveloped my iarctic Base, mocked up body. My temples throbbed and the pain above in the black suit, Hom- my eyes returned with frightening sharp jabs, Hat "uniform” of as if needles were being thrust through my skin. e rna t i ona 1 d ip 1 oraacy. ething of a revela- ”Then all movement seemed to stop and my n on who may be run- head cleared. I opened my eyes and found myself the planet. lying upon my bed in my own room on Broad Street.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 20 I sat 1J, Muo l.e<' o.», ' >< ’ • y . > । <■ <' * b. . J ncutd only half an da > «31 uysod । «„ido'x - pf-'.^Lble that su mach could ne C^<äL !?*■>• €w-X"X 1 SL €ar € >- .an. Ck a. o* Ji , J u i . 1 hi j £ hrfd *- and I really u- v ■ 7 ।

1C >'' C -»• 1 ' ’ • v , ', (• ■ - i ~ Oft Lase on U । ■ > j Lr the Zod isC£lL • < h h i Douk une. of the c xa; s: c , • . i • ’ j u- X- -> > < > o j he was warned not lu /-(.mj «ij 7>< * < » . dun» When he did v.-$ to lt.id jutn’id >; / < ■> c < iitvijliance at all times. Bat H*-e G , ; (. o .»n& confident that no onc -an >3 1-elic.v^ fL t i eu ~ 1 he did get it into print e ’c . - V 3 Oi occult sci- ence like yoi- E < v. » - 1 i - büb.

When ßtiKim i •'•1 aci to «ot'ndt; > «i ’-i , r -o 'o-of m the Inter­ national Flying Saurer Bureau, they tho ehe/ -tbniy '»hey did not want to be associared w_rh a nut > i r< i ? u so. il _ purpose of the Godfather was served. One oi tne most proimsing of the early Flying Saucer research groups was completely broken up; and it was done by its founder, with the willing Cooperation of his staff of helpers. This is a coldhard fact which cannot be ex- plained away. Regardless of what the orthodox may think of Al Bender’s story, the sudden demise of his IFSB was a part of the cover-up of the early Fifties.

That house on Broad Street was occupied to two men, Al and his stepfather. In evaluating Bender ’s Obsession -- for indeed it could be called that -- one must consder the unpolarized con­ dition of the two males: no woman in the house. Thus their un- used sex force was available to the as a source of power, "of mana, of vital energy for carrying out the program. This is an outstanding example of the vampirism discussed by the Yada and Lehmann Hisey back on page 11, and of the scavenging activities which are the important function of those Elementals who work with God-the-Destroyer to clean up the garbage of the world.

"Flying Saucers and the Three Men” has been out of print for years now but , the original publisher, is now offering ^ood Xerox cooles at $25 each. He also has a complete file of the "Space Review" Journals of Bender’s International Flying Saucer Bu- and send a buck for his latest and prices and/or a copy of his "Newsletter", $6 & year. He is to be commended for making avail able this early, revealing and informative UFO material.

Page 21 Clips. Qjüüis & Comments —

YUP! THEM VAMPIRE HUMANOIDS IS HERE! "Joan O’Connell, editor of the New Atlantean Journals has for- warded you> ■' u c< ty nie and I really want to thank you for taking the time to write. I totally agree with your opinion, as my inves­ tigations into th« ' tle mutilations have convinced me that Vam- pirism is definitely at work» Within a two week period following my discovery of needle marks on my body, a greenish 6*2" humanoid appeared to my husband in our bedrootn on my side of the bed. The humanoid seemed quite surprised that my husband could see him and of course my husband was quite shocked. "He yellud for it to go away but to no avail until he did a banishing ritual. With that, the humanoid slowly started to fade away. We had out-of-town guests sleeping in the living room at the time and they heard my husband yell at It to go away. I work nights at the post office, so I was not home at the time the humanoid appeared. We later found out that It was seen by four other people in Santa Fe, two saw it on the Street and two saw it in one of our hotel dining rooms. -When the humanoid saw them (Saw that these humans were seeing him! Remember Castaneda’s teacher Don Juan, and the difference between looking and seeing? RHC) he walked through the wall of the dining room and disappeared. I have purified the house to the best of my knowledge and have since had no trouble, but would be grateful if you could send your book Retro Me on Psy­ chic Self-Defense. "I am also enclosing a check for $10 to hopefully cover a year’s subscription to your BSRF Newsletter and your manuscript ^The Secret City in the Valley of Mystery* (BSRF No. 18, $2.75) by Ted Illion, from his book ’Darkness Over Tibet’. I had this manuscript some time ago and lent it to someone who never returned it. I also used to get your newsletter some years ago in exchange for our ’Hollow Earth Hassle’ newsletter and I hope you are still putting it out. If I have not sent enough money, please let me know and I. will send the difference. Once again-let me thank you for taking the time to write and I will keep you posted if any- thing unusual happens in the future. My best to you and 'to your research. ’* Mary LeVesque, Santa Fe, New Mexico

If Mary and her husband didn’t fully believe in the reality of the Underground Cavern World and its Dracula elemental inhabi- tants before, when exchanging publications with us, they do now! They also know that the Complimentary principle enunciated by German physicist Heisenberg applies to Flying Saucer research. The Invasion from Outer Space is also an invasion of Inner Space -- of ourselves and of the inner earth; and to try to investigate these powerful Underworld forces without proper preparation is to

March-April 1980 RI,Page 22 invite disaster.

WARNING FROM THE ROSICRUCIANS In his book, “The Rosicrucian Cosme-Concept4on”, Max Heindel opens Chapter 18 on ”The Constitution of the Earth” this way: ”Even among occult scientists it is counted among the most diffi- cult problems to investigate the mysterious construction of the earth. . . To do that fully one must have passed through the Nine Lesser Mysteries and the first of the Great Initiations.” Max calls these obsessing, malevolent elementals Lucifer Spirits, who lagged behind in evolution and are half-way between men and angels. Their home is the moon but they move back and forth freely in their space ships between the moon and the earth and the Cavern world within.

WARNING TO BSRASSOCIATES Letter to our founder-director, Meade Layne, and published by him in ”Flying Roll Alpha I” in March 1946, while interest in the Shaver Mystery was at its height, and seven years before Al Bender had his experience with the Zodiacal Mafia: “The Cayce readings referred many times to the misbegotten subrace which was brought into existence (by cloning?) in Atlantis in de- fiance of the Creative Forces. , . One of the openings (to the ca- verns) is in the vicinity of the Great Pyramid and there is an Oc­ cult Order which contacts this center and has held initiations there. . . Petrie, the Egyptologist, was well aware of these' facts (about the Underground people) and his revelations (to his personal friends) were unbelievable. He died under suspicious circumstances, as did , immediately after an attempt to publish ma­ terial on this subject. . . I have seen hundreds of astral entities and have contacted their mentalities; they are not human, never were and never will be; their scientific knowledge and way of life is evil and allen to üs. They inhabit the so-called Dark Star, which is now very close to us (for the first time since the days of Atlantis), are practically in physical contact (with our plane) and are’ determined to take control. . . Their mentality is reversed and they take pleasure in cruelty. . . But the serious part of all this is their mental domination of the mindless physical creatures beneath the earth. . , I could give you 50 pages of actual know­ ledge of earth entrances. At San Diego you are within 60 miles of one of them. . . ”

FULLY CONSCIOUS BUT PARALYZED Another letter to BSRA headquarters on Adams avenue in San Diego about that time was from a Student, one who was well in to Heindel’s Nine Lesser Mysteries, apparently. "To summarize the first part of the letter, says Meade, the writer says that he has been a Student of occult matters since 1928, was

March-April 1980 RR, Page 23 for four years under the direct supervision of a teacher, and seemed to make satisfactory progress. He reads widely, including some fiction, and when the Shaver Mystery came to his attention, he decided to investigate for himself *as I have done innumerable times before in other cases. ”‘I was in a reclining position and breathing rhythmically, in an attempt to contact Shaver mentally; first of all, I got action fast. There was a bürst of orange flame and I was caught in the danmedest psychic force I have experienced in years. I was wholly conscious and in the body, but paralyzed. I could hear stränge sounds but could not locate or identify them. I fought the force but could not shake it off. . . This is the first time I 'have ever been caught in a force from which I could not extricate myself. . . If this condition does exist it should be investigated, but I have made my last private Investigation of it. . . If it is a hoax, what in the devil did I get mixed up with? . . I have been capably taught what pitfalls to avoid. . . but in this business, include me out.’ ’ "It was only the fortunate Intervention of the wife of this occultist which ended this demoniacal attack. We invite the thoughtful attention of all would-be amateur investigators of the Dero problem -- conceming which we have given warning before.” (From "Flying Roll, Alpha I and Beta I” March 1946 and June 1946, 61 pages, a BSRF.. publication, $3.50)

WARNING TO TREVOR JAMES CONSTABLE FROM ASHTAR Trevor James got into the Shaver Mystery brief ly while inves­ tigating UFOs for his book, "The Live In The Sky", published in 1958 and now out-of-print. He asked his chief source of Information Ashtar, Guardian commander of many space ships, about the reality of Richard Shaver’s Deros -- the Abandandero: "At the core of your planet, there dwells a great degenerated race, an astral race, which* is degenerate not so much in.science, but in every moral respect as you know and understand it. They are cap- able of, space flight within the astral regions around the earth but are earth-bound. They are the forces of Eranus, whom you call Satan. They emerge at the South Pole. On your surface they have allies who are without morals and without mercy (the assassins of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, for instance). I give you this Information that you may be aware-of their exlstence. I en- join you to forever dose any researches into this astral activity in the interests of your own safety." (Quoted also from our talk on "The Reality Of The Cavern World", BSRF No. 2-E. $2.50) TJC of Ashtar: "Is there any broad general method by which the etheric or friendly craft can be distinguished from the astral machines .from the center of the earth?" Ashtar: "As a general rule, you may conclude that all cigar-shaped craft are potentially hostile to your people. These are craft from the center of the earth which have carried out and are carrying out

March-April 1980 RR, Page 24 acts. . . Our craft are for the most part heel-shaped, or disc- shaped. This is a rule of thumb as you term it, for distinguishing between them.” (Page 80) TJC: "Are there any basic tules, even if they are broad rules, by which the various craft can be identified when they appeac solelyas light manifestations?” Ashtar: "There is a broad general rule which may apply for purposes of Identification. It is not exact, but as a rule-of-thumb as you call it. The true interplanetary craft, the ventlas of our forces will appear to your optics with a manif©Station of colored lights, usually green, red and white. They will sometimes appear constantly red and green, other times they will appear 'to be flashing. Those of the satanic forces seldom exhibit color, but come with white or bluish white manifestations. This should aid you in selecting the ships with which you might have contact." (Page 81)

Last year, in the July-August Journal, we ran J.R. Jochman’s article on "The Clones of Enki . The message there was that an ancient Sumerian civilization was so advanced that their biologists deliberately created a race of sub-humans to work the mines of south Africa. I posed the question, were these humanoids able to reproduce themselves as do ordinary humans? And if so, what became of their. descendants?. I believe the answer to both these questions is in. Richard Shaver’ s Cavern World Deros. These are the descen­ dants of the slave workers of a great Atlantean civilization which were abandoned abandondero -- when an all-out atomic war of that time made the surface of the earth uninhabitable. The elite es- caped in space ships. The slaves had no choice but to adapt them­ selves to their Underground environment -- if they wished to live!

Their main source of food, is fungus growths which thrive in the dark. Some of these growths we call mushrooms. This gives them a common bond with the Zodiacal Mafia; for the Godfather made this revealing remark' to Al Bender: "We live mainly on a fungus kind of growth similar to your mushrooms. We grow many varieties of different food values. We also consume many types of she11-covered water creatures. . . " Charles Fort picked up many news items on sudden falls of water from the skies, containing fish and shell- fish. Evidently he came to realize this was the food of some of the Flying Saucer crews, who occasionally dumped the contents of their food tanks.

On page 124 of "Flying Saucers and the Three Men" Bender quotes the Godfather: "It will surprise you to learn that beneath the surface of your planet, far down in caverned eitles, live crea­ tures that are able to make themselves invisible when they come to the surface. They roarn the surface of your planet quite frequently and like to cause fright to cover their stealing of certain things which they take back with them." Here is a hint as to the origin of predators causing the cattle mutilations mystifying authorities.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 25 "OUR ANCESTORS CAME FROM OUTER SPACE" The title of this book makes it obvious that the author, a French-American scientist and engineer named Maurice Chatelain, isa.Flying Saucer believer. His credentials are impressive, he supervised the development of the equipment and the entire Com­ munications network which kept us in touch with the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft, working for North American. _ In chapter one on "The Constant of Nineveh", Chatelain gives us a date for the arrival of the earliest Sumerians on earth, "... the Nineveh Constant. .. . or' Great Solar System Constant found in the ruins of the royal library of King Assurbanipal had to be given to humanity 64,800 years ago, give or take a few years. . ."

He writes that astrologers and mathematicians have always been impressed with the regulär motions of stars, sun and planets and have always been looking for one number, one Constant, by which those motions could be expressed mathematically In even numbers, "this magic number has been found on an old clay tablet in Nineveh" in what is now Syria. Among the numbers found on clay tablets on mathematics in Assurbanipal*s library was one which Mstood out. It consisted of fifteen digits: 195, 995, 200, 000, 000. . . I made some calculations which showed that the Nin­ eveh number could also be expressed as 70 rnultiplied seven times by 60. .. . I remembered that the Sumerians used calculations based on multiples of 60 more than three thousand years ago. We still do not know who the Sumerians were and where they came from but we have found out that they were truly great astronomers who knew the revolution periods of all the planets of the solar system, including Uranus and Neptune. They were the ones who divided the day into 86,400 seconds with 24 hours of 60 minutes of 60 seconds each. Immediately it came to me that the number of Nin­ eveh represented a very, very long period of time expressed in seconds! . . What did this huge time span of more than six mil­ lion years stand for?"

Chatelain knew that the Sumerians would be familiär with the Precess’ion of the Equinoxes, "the turning of the terrestrial axis of rotation around the pole of the ecliptic. This movement has a cycle of 9.450 million days or about 26,000 years'. When I divided the Nineveh number by the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, also called the Big Year, I had the greatest surprise of my life! That sacred number from Nineveh divided exactly into 240 Big Years of 9.450 million days each. . , Then came my conclusion that this enormous number of Nineveh could be the long lost magic number called ‘The Great Constant of the Solar System’.' . . " He proved that he was right by using the Great Constant to calculate the Or­ bits of the planets, "which corresponded exactly down to several decimal points with the values given in the modern tables of United States astronomers," except for "one slight discrepancy in the sixth decimal place. . . giving us a marvelous opportunity to cal­ culate exactly when the Nineveh constant was created. . . because

March-April 1980 RR, Page 26 of an infinitesimal slowing down of the earth*s rotation,the tropical year is getting shorter by sixteen millionths of a second per years This helped me to calculate the true age of the Nineveh Constant and led to the discovery (that) It had tö bc given to humanity 64,800 years ago, give or take a few years. ■. . "

This places that ancient Sumerian civilization well within the cycle of Atlantean civilizatipns, which ended in 9564 B.C. "Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space1’ is loaded with Information of interest to borderlandets and was published in 1977 by Dell Publishing Cos, 1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York NY 10017 at $2.25 a copy. THE "ESOTERIC INTERVENTION" THEORY "Do you have any Info on the Stelle Group, Stelle, Illinois 60919 USA? They are building a community in Illinois. According to their literature the group is guided by one of the lesser brotherhoods on earth. These brotherhoods are said to have developed physical flying saucers 20,000 years ago and are still using them. Funny thing is the description of these saucers fits exactly the Adamski-type, saucer« These saucers are hidden in mountain retreats to which only brothers are admitted. Perhaps the Adamski contact was a test by these brotherhoods to see how we would react psychologically. As they didn’t want to reveal their hiding places here, Venus was mentioned as point of origin. This ’esoteric Intervention'theory’ has been popularized by Jac­ ques Vallee in his Tatest book ‘Messengers of Deception*. Corn- ments please!" Hakan Blomqvist, Sundyberg, Sweden

No, we dont have any Information on the Stelle Group, and as far as we are concerned, Jacques Vallee is himself a messenger of deception for the false Christ, Looeamong, consciously or un- consciously. Both he' and the Stelle Group, and J. Allen Hynek, and Stan Deyo, are pushing the second line of defense. For many yeasr MJRO’s first line of defense was that Flying Saucers are a myth and that anyore who believes in their reality is either a fraud or a dupe. Now the evidence for the reality of Flying Sau­ cers is so massive that anyone who ridicules the evidence only makes an ass of himself. So now we’re given the second line of defense: Some Flying Saucers are real bt t they can only have been made by some secret government or organization here on earth. This perpetuates the basic dogma of both orthodox religion and orthodox science that this is the only inhabited planet in the universe; so, there*s no place eise to gc! And there are no Extraterrestrials, from other planets or from deep space. The false gods of the reli- gions and of the market place want to keep you under control, and belief that the earth is under survei Hance and guidance by advan­ ced beings from elsewhere threatens to break that control.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 27 2-A' whr ©»festen IW» 3

Staff Photo By Laura Lambeth YOU WON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOIWUWUFS WITH A CRYÖGENIC CAR Fr©m Left, Clark & HaroM'Boese, Bob Leski, David & Fred Ewald Inventar has '6- r ftä nitrogen-püt^ered out of Detroit, Boese said, ByLAURALAMBETH called - a türbo expatider of designs created by that looks like air- Harold L..Boese, President because he was told it News Staff Writer would take at least 10 years He says nobody believes conditioner coils. You won’t ■of Cryogenics Unlimited. him. And when you look find a gas tank, either. Corporation. to bring it out on the And the car’s lubricant Boese, a cryogenics market. under the hood of the Boese went back to his automobile you can un­ isn’t Texas tea—it’s plaih expert in the science of old salad-oil. super-cold phenomena, work as an electrician, but derstand why. kept his ideas and theories There’s almost nothing It’s the super-cool cafof worked with a partner in there. No engine, no' the future that öfters more the early part of the 70’s to’ in his head. than a solution to the build. a nitrogen-eooled Now he’s back to work on radiator, no fan belts, no electricaily-powered his designs after receiving transmission or rnotor— energy shortage. just ä battery and a - The car is powered solely foreign compact. a request from government strange-looking device by Bitrogen, the “ultimate” But the car never drove officials to help find a -March-April 1980 RR, Page 28 solution to the energy plosions from the Beoese said he doesn’t ■ projectpössible, shortage, he said. automobile’s tanks, making plan to convert - cars to The automobile slts.in the The updated design the ear safer than anything . cryogenic power ‘because, yards at A4 Rentals, doesn’t require electrical being driven on today’s'- • w® ‘eonwrted, 'the car frießds,pf who power, and about the only highways. . would'lavee-lot-df useless provide security. part it needs is a small An added hucirfy 'is-air» spaee -Indertte'lwod. “I’d: Beese and ftvaM plan to cryogenic motor attaehed conditioning without a have-Ä,ttrow away-a löt < show the car at Expo ‘80 in underneath the rear-end of compressor, and a engin&s “l’esaid. St Louis this May. the vehicle. The motor refrigerator that can be His hopes are to design ( Boese holds 75 parents in costs about $20 to rebuild in installed for a bar or what he calls a’ “hybrid“ cryogenic deslgns. par- less 'than -45 minutes, and whatever, easily cooled by vebtele, imeonventional by ticipating iß the design öf it’s guaranteed to last at the liquid nitrogen flowing today's Standards, that the car that was driven on least 10 years,without through the tanks and would seil for about $4,000 the moon, as well as the sparkplugs, wirfagorother, tabtag. Boese said liquid oa the market. freeztog öf:the-ttröthuiÄn aceessories. -- ■ -- nitrogen is -'Wailabfe at', His ...dream 4s-tot .b-uild* >. «... a beings. Liquid nitrogen, which is- every major truck stop-in • raaoufactunng plant in the He virtually taught kept in the car’s special" the country, and it would öaiveston area ifhe can get himself the concepts of tanks at a cool 320 degrees ' only take five and a half euough ftoancial backing cryogenics when he read an below zero, enables the hours to set a tank up at a ttaöugh interested- parttes article on the subject 20 motor to be ther- or- 'the goyermaeat- . If all years- ago while working in mostatically operated at' gasoline Station. It costs about one cent a gallon to go« well with testing and the Frozen Right Products ; minus 220. The super- designs, a ear could be out Division of Burris Mills Inc. cooled gas, after it passes manufacture liquid nitrogen, and prdbabty on the roads in threeyears, in Dallas. through the motor castag, he said. He said he believes flows through a ■ “turbo would sell.at 14 eents a- galtoo befere taxes. “They’ll have an electric cryogenics, eurrently an expander,” to a master coil car available by 1985. It --‘-undeveloped .field,'may be with additional turbos, The co w er t g-d 1 goes 50 miles. at 40 miles per an up and coming area of' where it increases its automobile gete -aböut' io',: hour, or vice-versa,” he study as an alternative volurne 720 times into a „mies to the gälton, but 1 said. “Then it sits for 12 energy source in the future, volurae tank. 'after Boese*campletes HsA towsto «Charge. ' since atmospheric gases The finished gas is then - designs, he -expeetAa new ■ “So who : waats that?“ are easily accessible. passed harmlessly into the vehiele will drive-onat least-' > BoÄ-asked. ’ ■ ‘ ■ The cryogenic car is one atmosphere, which is three- 30 miles to the galten. B .' Boese,-bis son Clark and project Boese is excited to ' quarters comprised of w, he has- a^^-gailon ‘ David Ewald have been talk about, but he has other nitrogen, thus making the - tank hoofed up ffi the-baek ' Werktag oh Wmechanical ideas he’s keeping- quiet car totally pollution free. of a Pinto, but a rSieslgaSl1 , deslgns of the ear,-and Fred- -right -noM which he’ll be And liquid nitrogen. is /car simply would carry - C. Ewald, Boese’s partner, : showing in the near future, non-combustible, so there’s* tanks underneath the reare "-has provided the financial that he promises will be no danger.of fires or ex- end.' ' backing that has made the “real interesting.” ' ...... ■ . Take a ride in his super- coöi cryogenic car and ' DISASTER THREATENS THE AUTO ENGINE INDUSTRY! maybe you *11 believe him.

"Enclosed find the real solution to the energy problem, from our local paper. This Ford Pinto was stripped of its engine and the nitrdgen turbine was installed (just in front of the differ­ ential at the rear end). The turbine is just.a mite larger than a quarter-horsepower washing machine motor. It’s incredible! The pressured nitrogen is charmelled into the turbine and that’s all there is to it. I saw it and rode in it myself. "Liquid nitrogen can be produced in one’s own garage as 75% of our air is nitrogen. At the end of the power cycle the nitro­ gen gas is released back into the air where it came from, cleaner than when compressed. "The Federal-Energy Agency has offered the inventor $2. million this year, $2 million next year and $6 million the third year if they will design a car from scratch (This is really to keep it off the market until the FEA can scrub the whole idea). The Boese (pronounced Bay-zee) auto will be on the TV show 20/20 soon and

March-April 1980 RR, Page 29 will getillOjOOO for that appearance. 'Bardahl Lubricants wants to buy or Sponsor lubrication rights. The Big-3 Mfg. Co. wants the Nitrogen tied in to their manufacture and sponsorship of the car. Big Three also has a plant in Texas City^ 15 miles from Galveston. They gave Ewald*s son an engineering job in the plant at $3,000 a month. He was a two-year College dropout in engineering. "A man from Canada who has plants there to convert auto en­ gines from gasoline to Butane or Propane flew in the other night tö sign up Canadian rights and said the Invention should bring the partners $12 million the first year. Other Investors are coming in from England and from Puerto Rico. "Ewald and I went to school together as kids. He owns .40% of the Company and Boese 40%. The other 20% will probably go public. I know the auto and had a test ride, and saw the empty engine compartment. It’s incredible. It went 75 miles per hour. They are confused right now as to whether to manufacture a new auto themselves or just to make conversion kits. Boese wants to design a liquid nitrogen generator to fit on the car so it will manufacture its own fuel as it goes, a continuous, self-fueled auto I

A PREVIOUS MODEL WAS BLOWN UPI "Five years..ago Boese and others made a similar car conversion and sold the rights to three men in Houston, Texas for $3^ million. They revamped the car and blew it up. They probably represented some major oil Company. "Boese has 70 patents, but on the nitrogen-powered auto patent he says he has kept four items in his head so the patentcould not be copied or pirated from the patent office, When the auto was being assembled and tested, cars would move down their alley and by their garage with cameras taking pictures of everything, the FBI? the Men m Black? -- God know who or what ’spooks'! Who knows what the future holds for these inventors. You and I know just to what extent the powers-that-be will go to stop anyone who disturbs the Status quo. I told Ewald that he was-treading on dangerous ground for that little turbine would be an absolute dis- aster to the automotive and oil industry. ’You'11-either be boxed in or murdered, take your pick.' "The pictures of you in the December Journal, printing, assem- bling and mailing the Journal are very good and you look very well preserved. and much younger than your years. Are you 63 or 64 now? (Nope, 67) All our best to you in 1980. We send our love force to you to keep you in good health. and good cheer. W.D., Galveston, Texas So there is a -solution to pollution and the OPEC oil mono­ poly right there in Galveston,* but it will take a really major crisis, such as the shutting off of all Mideast oil and the desper­ ate need for an altenative power System, to break the deadly stranglehold of the major oil Companies on the U.S. economy.

March-April 1980 RR, Page 30 HOUSE OF LORDS NOW HAS A UFO RESEARCH COMMITTEE "I am leaving New York on January 27th to London, where on January 29th I will be the feettired später a.ddressing the House of Lord's UFO Committee on this great historical issue. "Enclosed please find a copy of our book on the WASA Project, the greatest 'UFO delicacy' ever published. It is time to teil the Truth! Both of our UFO Memoranda will be published in German, Spanish and Japanese languages. "Wishing you a successful and prosperous New Year and keep- ing you informed about the WASA Project." Colman Von Keviczky, ICUFON 35-40 79th St., Suite G Jackson Heights, New York 11372

The WASA Project Memorandum is a blue-covered book of 140 pages, cranmed with reproductions of secret and confidential gov­ ernment papers on various aspects of Flying Saucer research. It is well illustrated and with comment by Colman. Cost: $22.00 postpaid in U.S., Canada and Mexico, $27.00 postpaid overseas.

Also enclosed was a copy of the letter of Invitation to Major Von Keviczky to address the UFO Committee, from the Earl of Clancarty. He teils Colman that the Committee has already had Flying Saucer presentations from Antonio Ribera of Spain, Charles Bowen, editor of the British "Flying Saucer Review", Edwin SLade, head of the English brauch of ICUFON. Others to be invited are Aimee Michel and Claude Poher of France, as well as prominent and well known researchers from other countries. The committee meeting will give the Major a chance to present his ideas for WASA, World Authority for Spatial Affairs, to repräsentatives of the government of one of the major nations of the world. This could be one of the major world developments of the 1980s, diplomatic contact and establishment of relations with ope or more Extraterrestrial civilizations -- on an open and friendly basis -- not sneaking behind the barriers of some military base -- as in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

ELF WAVES AND EEG ENTRAINMENT Another point of view, from ZeLrun Karsleigh’s "Voice of Universarius", February 1979, as he channels Information from one who identifies himself as Kuthumi. "I have a question, Kuthumi. It brings to my mind Russia, with those Rays that they are bringing over here. (The ELF -- Extremely Low Frequency -- waves) I have understood that there is to be world government; that Russia, China and the United States are going to be the Leaders and l'm wondering if it's going to work out, That it was under the direction of Nelson Rockefeiler. The reason why Nixon went to China a few years

March*April 1980 RR, Page 31 ago and why Carter was pushed over there by Rockefeiler to bring China into the deal.” ”You must recognize, my Brother, that there are subtle Forces at work in the world and the instructions given to your government to recognize the mainland of China are part of a plan to thwart the combination or rather the vast expansion of the Russian Com­ munist etnpire which was spreading to all parts of the earth. How­ ever, this will check the Russian Infiltration into other coun­ tries . "There is so much to this that it would be impossible to del- ineate all of it, but I might add that this Russian broadcast (of the ELF waves) which has been mentioned by our Channel is not emin- ently successful at all times. It has a come-and-go characteristic so that very offen the broadcast will completely fall and other times it will intensif}/-. This is a cycle which is not computable by any known laws of physics or of the Earth*s magnetic field. They have not been able to determine the cause and it is not as dangerous as has been projected by some of your Scientists -~ although it is a very dangerous and insidious projection."

Recently an Associate told us that one of the unpredicted and unpredictable results of the Russian ELF wave broadcasts was the production of Standing Waves over certain places on the eaxth; and, to the dismay of the Russian technicians, the Standing Waves did not go away when their broadcast transmitters were shut off! As a result of this, he said, Russian authorities are asking that some international authority declare such ignorant tampering with human consciousness by experimental broadcasts be declared illegal. Hah, hah, hah. We!ll try to resume the transcribing of Bob Beck’s talk on "ELF Waves and EEG Entrainraent" in the next Journal.

PRESIDENT CARTER’S AURA From the March 1978 issue of "O-Mo-No", by Tom Anderson: "His aura has yellow, orange, blue, pink and white within it. This indicates to be that he is a very powerful man, who is fully aware of his power. t-ie also finds it difficult to be deceitful, but yet he is quite capable of lying and does it extremely well. A very self-confident man, he knows exactly what he wants (the power of office, and thus the lying! RHC) and goes after it. He is not a man to cross and get away with it. He will be a foe for life if you should lend a dissenting note. With all this he does have a difficult time making up his mind (a Libran characteristic) and tends to lean considerably on what others have to say, yet he IS his own man when it finally boils down to action. "He loves to be on center stage and enjoys everyone listening to him. He will listen to both sides of any argument (another Libra characteristic) then take the underdog side. He is a very smart man who is constantly learning and expanding his intellectual

March-April 1980 RR,S Page 32 boundaries. "He is a very reserved individual, guarded in his emotional areas« He is very spiritual and does try to do the will of God; but, being President, it is sometimes difficult for him to discern between God’s will and his own! He will always try to make good on all of his promises, and when you see him touched by something his re- sponse is real. I feel that in the first year of his presidency he has changed some and has lost a lot of the flow that used to come from him, but you oan always expect the unexpected from Jimmy Carter. In all I feel it will be interesting to see what' the next years bring.” (For aura readings■Anderson can be reached through O-Mo-No, 548 W. Steeles Crs Road, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223, phone 434-7943. CARTER’S 7° LIBRA SYMBOLIZED The President’sbirthdate, Oct. Ist, is about 7° of Libra. In Leo’s "Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized”, the Charubel Symbol for 7° is "An angel Standing in mid-air, with a long scroll in his hand, unfolded. This scroll is covered with writing. This degree has been pointed out to me as the Messianic degree. At the same time, it does not follow that those having this degree on their ascendant are all Messiahs. But, should the native have the favourable aspects of the superior planets at his birth, he must -be more than an'ordinary person.” At this writing in late January this “more than ordinary per­ son” appears to be on his way to re-election for a second term as President, with the determined support of his ambitious and tal- ented wife. Messiahs sometimes become Martyrs in their pursuit of a noble cause and we are mindful of the fact that presidents elected in Zero years have a way of not finishing their term in office. In this context the other symbol for 7° Libra in Leo’s book, in the Las Volasfera series, is of more than casual interest: ”A naked man in the act of falling from a rock into a lake. It indicates a person of susceptible and weak nature, easily Led away and liable to be drawn to the agency of his destruction by the op­ posite sex. The native may attain a high position in life, but whatever his position, he is in danger of an untimely fall. Let him take heed against the allurements of the world. It is a de­ gree of FALLING.” ANOTHER LIBRAN, MARGARET THATCHER According to the Las Volasfera series in Allen Leo’s book, "Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized”, Britain’s present Prime Minis­ ter is doing what she should be doing, ruling a nation. Her na­ tal sun, Oct. 13, 1925, is in 19° of Libra; ”A square block of marble, upon which is the regalia of sceptre and crown. It denotes a person of proud, ambitious nature; desiring to be held in esteem, and possessed of such force and firmness of character he will tri- umph over his rivals and opponents. In whatever Station of life

March-April 1980 RR, Page 33 he may be, the native will evince the characteristics of rulership and government, and will swav the decisions of others. This is a degree of RULERSHIP.”

1979 ANNUAL REPORT BALANCE SHEET, End of 1979 Receipts from Book Sales, Mem- Assets: berships, Donations..$13,834.63 Current Cash on Hand 1472.63 Cost of Goods Sold 5,284.48 Inventory 6396.50 7869.13 Gross Profit 8,550.15 Fixed Assets: EXPENSES: Salaries, Taxes, Rent, Equipment and Repairs, Supplies, Insurance, Frrniture 1433.8 2 Utilities, Depreciation, Car Ref. Library 3693.74 5127,56 $14,888.67 Total Assets 12,996.69 Net Operating Löss 6,338.52

Current Liabilities: Notes Payable 0 Accounts Payable Accrued Rent $12,200.00 Accrued Sal. 76,960.00 516 Unfulfilled Memberships 2t 580 ,00 ■ • Total Liabilities $91,740.00

Volume XXXVI of the Round Robin Journal of Borderland Research and we look forward to another year of gathering unusual information and Publishing or re-publishing it for those few people with the intellectual courage necessary to pull aside the Veil and to see life as it really is. Our motto: The Search for Truth, regardless of what that Truth might be, wherever that Search might lead.

In last year’s report we speculated that natural or man-made catas- trophieg might irterrupt production of the Journal here in 1979. There were no Interruptions, for which we are duly thankful. Hope- fully, life in peaceful Vista will continue to be just that in 1980, that and an uninterrupted supply of the necessary material and ener­ gy to carry on our program -- not to mention the money to pay the inflated prices of goods and Services!

War clouds gather on the eastern horizon again. The increased Je­ mand for munitions should stimulate the economy and continue the rate of Inflation. It is sad but true that capitalist economies need the sale of War Bonds to pump new capital into the economy, thus bringing the only prosperity many working people ever know. So the Communist threat will probably give employment to many of the idled Steel and auto plant workers and those of related Indus­ tries, making supplies and equipment for the armed Services. 1980 should be a busy and eventful year for all of us.

MarclHApril 1980 RR,, Page 34 CAREFUL NEIL, YOU’RE HEADED FOR THE "GREAT AWAKENING" l "I am a principal researcher/investigator of UFO phenomena in New Mexico. Since 1975 I have concentrated much of my jff towards th - <-a . v mutiiations, here in New Mexico and elsewhere. I first heard of BSRF through Trevor James Constable. As a result I am enclosing a U.S. Postal Money Order for $1.00 towards the purchase of your 35-page list of publications. If there is any info that BSRF has previously published on the animal mutiiations, please include those. Thank you and I am looking forward to the receipt of your Index. If you have any questions on my interest please do not h< s.* <,rd. to ? clude a personal note. Once again, may all be well with you.” Neil Bookman, 511 Apodaca Hill Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Glad to hear from you. In addition to the Pub List we’re sending a copy of the March-April 1978 Journal, $2.50, contain- ing the "National Enquirer” article, "UFOs and Animal Mutiiations" with pictures, and our private Information that the Lunar Mafia elementals, operating out. of Moon and Cavern World bases in the earth, are the predators and rnutilators. Also enclosed is a copy of "Retro Me, the Art of Psychic Self-Defense", $1.00. If you push your mutilation-research to its logical conclusion, you*11 be in desperate need of the protective rituals in Retro Me. The Lunar Mafia, and their Extraterrestrial Guides, the Zodiacal Ma­ fia, dont take kindly to anyone who threatens to expose their secret, world-wide operations.

"FRANCIE8S CHANNELED PREDICTIONS" Associate Ralph Wefel sends us a Xeroxed copy of "Starbirth", a column by Brad and Francie Steiger, the Jan. 21, 1980 issue in which she predicts: "It will be learned that a secret research team from-. Earth, not-Outer Space, is responsible for the wave of cattle and animal mutiiations." I* 1.1 buy that, Francie, if you* 11 just add one word, "inside** the earth. Brad and Francie are interested i ; t', ng in touch with any­ one who feels that they have "several of the Star People character- istics. . . The pattem profile includ.es such elements as the fol- lowing: unusual or compelling eyes, lower than normal body tempera­ ture, unusual blood type -- or even a combination of blood types, transitional or extra vertebrae, extra ribs, hypersensitivity to electricity or electromagnetic fields, unusually sharp eyes, power­ ful sense of smell, extraordinary Hearing, lower than normal blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, the ability to thrive on little sleep and do best work at night, feel your true auc.^ns : me from another world, another dimension and you yearn for your true home, had a vision around the age of five which involved a bright light, an angelic being, a smallish man, and have maintained contact with that guiding entity ever since. Animais and children are strongly attracted to you. . . " If you feel you have any or several of

March-April 1980 RR, Page 35 these characteristics and are interested in participating in their research program write to them, care of "Self-Help Update” PO Box 4276, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258. An important part of their program is the same as ours, helping people to have ”Close Encounters of the Angelic Kind!*'

"AMAZING AS IT MAY SEEM, A minor-league movie Company is seriously considering making a film based on Gray Barker*s classic UFO book,*They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers’. Production is scheduled to start in the fall (1979). We are told there will even be a part in it for your ’Saucer Wit Rides Again* editor, i.e., some lucky actor will be given the opportunity to play the part of your editor (James Mose­ ley). We told farkur that Robert Redford would be ideal for the part, but it seems much more likely that all the actors in the movie will be total unknowns. Disappointing, but that’s show biz!” James W. Moseley, PO Box 161, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024

BSRF No. 7-A - RETRO ME, The Practical Magick of Psychic Self“Defense The most important weapon in the mental ar- senal of the Student of the Mysteries, the Occultist, and of the dedicated Flying Saucer researcher -- who is a Student of the occult whether he or she knows it or not! This little brochure contains proven techniques for driving out, and holding out, obsessing enti­ ties and vampire elementals, human and non-human. Retro Me is con­ cerned chiefly with methods of sealing the aura and of the use of simple ritual which gives you the mental leverage for "throwing the rascals out”! -- not only for yourself but for others who need help because they have ignorantly attracted evil Forces which would use, abuse and even destroy them. Contains examples of their effective use by Associates. 18 pages, illustrated...... $1.00 ------CALIFORNIANS ADD 6% SALES TAX ------

Bulk Rate The JOURNAL of U.S.POSTAGE PAID Vista, Calif. Borderland Research Permit No. 42

A Publication of: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation PO Box 549, Vista, California USA 92083