THE SYMPOSIUM AND THE PHAEDRUS PLATOS EROTIC DIALOGUES 1ST EDITION PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Plato | 9780791416181 | | | | | The Symposium and the Phaedrus Platos Erotic Dialogues 1st edition PDF Book Jacques Derrida makes an extensive study on the untranslatable concept of what is at once a "'remedy, 'recipe,' 'drug,' 'philter,' etc. Hippothales, like Socrates, loves beautiful boys and philosophical discussions b6—a3. This is much like the person who claims to have mastered harmony after learning the highest and lowest notes of the lyre. Love is expressed through propagation and reproduction: either physical love or the exchanging and reproducing of ideas. Heath, M. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. When this soul looks upon the beautiful boy it experiences the utmost joy; when separated from the boy, intense pain and longing occur, and the wings begin to harden. In his speech, Alcibiades goes on to describe Socrates' virtues, his incomparable valor in battle, his immunity to cold or fear. Socrates and Athenian Paiderastia 3. Another is more subtle. Sections 2—4 primarily with the Symposium alone. They might speak more frankly, or take more risks, or else be prone to hubris —they might even be inspired to make speeches that are particularly heartfelt and noble. When a soul sheds its wings, it comes to earth and takes on an earthly body that then seems to move itself. The story of Platonic love is, one might say, the story of the Platonizing of Socrates. Socrates first objects that an orator who does not know bad from good will, in Phaedrus's words, harvest "a crop of really poor quality". The words of Socrates are the only ones to have ever upset him so deeply that his soul started to realize that his aristocratic life was no better than a slave's e. The familiar Socratic tri-unity—good, beautiful, wise—are all now in play. Those that can remember are startled when they see a reminder, and are overcome with the memory of beauty. Oxford University Press, Sheffield, Frisbee C. Socrates then admits that he thought both of the preceding speeches were terrible, saying Lysias' repeated itself numerous times, seemed uninterested in its subject, and seemed to be showing off. On one occasion he even saved Alcibiades' life and then refused to accept honors for it ec. While he is not very good at it, he is good enough for his purposes, and he recognizes what his offense has been: if love is a god or something divine, as he and Phaedrus both agree he is, he cannot be bad, as the previous speeches have portrayed him. The Symposium and the Phaedrus Platos Erotic Dialogues 1st edition Writer They see some things and miss others, having to deal with their horses; they rise and fall at varying times. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Phaedrus dialogue. This dialogue is one of Plato's major works, and is appreciated for both its philosophical content and its literary qualities. He begins by explaining that people must understand human nature before they can interpret the origins of love and how it affects their own times. A special feature is a discussion on the importance of the dramatic and literary aspects of the dialogues for interpreting their philosophical content. Kindle Edition. Read preview Overview. Halcyon Socratic Letters. In conclusion, Diotima gives Socrates a guide on how a man of this class should be brought up from a young age. The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach even the heights of religious ecstasy. If a man works with the god of Love, they will escape this fate and instead find wholeness. This is the best form that possession by a god can take, for all those connected to it. Thus the comedic craft and the tragic craft would have to be one and the same; just as one and the same craft, medicine, deals with both sickness and health. Writing, examined separately but ultimately equated with philosophy and rhetoric, is somewhat deprecated; it is stated that writing can do little but remind those who already know. Those who are already wise no longer love wisdom philosophein , whether they are gods or men. Beginning with "You understand, then, my situation: I've told you how good it would be for us in my opinion, if this worked out", [Note 3] the speech proceeds to explain all the reasons why it is better to give your favor to a non-lover rather than a true lover. Book by. This is much like the person who claims to have mastered harmony after learning the highest and lowest notes of the lyre. In heaven, he explains, there is a procession led by Zeus , who looks after everything and puts things in order. Select Bibliography. On one occasion he even saved Alcibiades' life and then refused to accept honors for it ec. On Plato's Symposium. They are therefore tailor-made, in one way at least, to satisfy the Socratic sincerity condition, the demand that you say what you believe Crito 49cd2, Protagoras c4-d1. A soul, says Socrates, is like the "natural union of a team of winged horses and their charioteer". It is also important to notice that cognitive and conative change are going hand-in- hand. This suggests that the characters speak, as in a play, not as the author, but as themselves. Related Entries feminist philosophy, interventions: history of philosophy friendship love Plato Plato: rhetoric and poetry Socrates. Even such awareness of conflict as is manifested here, however, is no guarantee of a satisfactory resolution. This reflection is carried out explicitly in the speeches and conversations in the dialogues, and implicitly in the dramatic depiction of actions and characters. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Andrew Dalby considers the opening pages of the Symposium the best depiction in any ancient Greek source of the way texts are transmitted by oral tradition without writing. The Symposium and the Phaedrus Platos Erotic Dialogues 1st edition Reviews Then in the late 20th century, another interpretation began to challenge that idea. Read more Commentary on the Symposium. When these fail him, it is to the crowd in the form of the Bacchic revelers we meet at the end of the Symposium he will regressively return, having never really succeeded in turning away. Socrates turns politely to Agathon and, after expressing admiration for his speech, asks whether he could examine his positions further. Hamilton remarks that Plato takes care to portray Alcibiades and Socrates and their relationship in a way that makes it clear that Socrates had not been a bad influence on Alcibiades. About William S. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. William S. Philosophy Today, Vol. The Symposium and the Phaedrus are combined here because of their shared theme: a reflection on the nature of erotic love, the love that begins with sexual desire but can transcend that origin and reach even the heights of religious ecstasy. The Phaedms. After this exchange, Socrates switches to storytelling, a departure from the earlier dialogues where he is mostly heard refuting his opponent's arguments through rational debating. Diotima first explains that Love is neither a god, as was previously claimed by the other guests, nor a mortal but a daemon , a spirit halfway between god and man, who was born during a banquet thrown by the gods to celebrate the birth of Aphrodite. The love that expressed itself in his love story meets then another love: his rational desire for consistency and intelligibility; his desire to be able to tell and live a coherent story; his desire—to put it the other way around—not to be endlessly frustrated and conflicted, because he is repetitively trying to live out an incoherent love story. Cory Cottingham marked it as to-read May 10, He explains that it is best to give your favor to one who can best return it, rather than one who needs it most. Shalini Sharma rated it it was amazing Nov 28, While the chariots of the gods are balanced and easier to control, other charioteers must struggle with their bad horse, which will drag them down to earth if it has not been properly trained. Though other participants comply with this challenge, Socrates notably refuses to participate in such an act of praise and instead takes a very different approach to the topic. Socrates does not have the answer and so Diotima reveals it: Beauty is not the end but the means to something greater, the achievement of a certain reproduction and birth c , the only claim that mortals can have on immortality. Barefoot in Athens film Socrates film. Jan 11, Michel Avenali rated it really liked it. What is outside of heaven, says Socrates, is quite difficult to describe, lacking color, shape, or solidity, as it is the subject of all true knowledge, visible only to intelligence. For if love affects everyone indiscriminately, then why is it that only some appear to pursue beauty throughout their lives? Alcibiades spent the night sleeping beside Socrates yet, in his deep humiliation, Alcibiades made no sexual attempt b-d. All these men who ought to be chasing boys are presented as so besotted with Socrates and his conversations that one of them— Apollodorus—makes it his business to know exactly what Socrates does and says each day c4—6 , while another—Aristodemus—is so far gone in his passion for Socrates that he walks barefoot like his beloved b1—4.
EUTHYPHRO 1ST EDITION DOWNLOAD FREE Plato | 9781605977409 | | | | | Euthyphro dilemma Tsedeq is something that happens here, and can be seen, and recognized, and known. Practical Ethics 3d ed. Related topics Criticism of religion Ethics in religion Exegesis Faith and rationality History of religions Religion and science Religious philosophy Theology. Roughly, it is the view that there are independent moral standards: some actions are right or wrong in themselves, independent of God's commands. Euthyphro's final suggestion is that holiness is a kind of trading with Euthyphro 1st edition gods, where we give them sacrifices and they grant our prayers. Socrates points out that if both options were true, they together would yield a vicious circle, with the gods loving the pious because it is the Euthyphro 1st edition, and the pious being the pious because the gods love it. Positions Aesthetics Formalism Institutionalism Aesthetic response. At this point the dilemma surfaces. Early life. Euthyphro's first definition of piety is what he is doing now, that is, prosecuting his father for manslaughter 5d. Clearly, the answer is again the latter, something becomes beloved when it is loved. Something is a meter long inasmuch as it is the same length as the standard meter bar, and likewise, something is good inasmuch as it approximates God. Essentialists apply labels to things because they possess certain essential qualities that make them what they are. Is something "beloved" in and of itself like being big or redor does it become beloved when it is loved by someone? Emrys Westacott is a professor Euthyphro 1st edition philosophy at Alfred University.
TIMAEUS AND CRITIAS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Plato,Desmond Lee,Thomas Kjeller Johansen | 176 pages | 25 Nov 2008 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780140455045 | English | London, United Kingdom Timaeus and Critias PDF Book But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. About the Series: For over years Oxford World's Classics has made available the broadest spectrum of literature from around the globe. Particular characteristics of matter, such as water's capacity to extinguish fire, was then related to shape and size of the constituent triangles. Though each function individually, the ultimate design is one of interconnectivity. And this is reason why the names of the ancients have been preserved to us and not their actions. Now a large family of distinguished sons sprang from Atlas; d but it was the eldest, who, as king, always passed on the scepter to the eldest of his sons, and thus they preserved the sovereignty for many generations; and the wealth they possessed was so immense that the like had never been seen before in any royal house nor will ever easily be seen again; and they were provided with everything of which provision was needed either in the city or throughout the rest of the country. We must endeavor next to repeat the account of the rest of the country, a what its natural character was, and in what fashion it was ordered. But I should like to make my meaning clearer, if Timaeus, you will follow me. Welliver, Warman Timaeus and Critias by Plato ,. Barefoot in Athens film Socrates film.
Course Syllabus World Civilizations 1 Fall, 2001 Course HIST 151 O'~ Day/Time/Place : TTH 9.30-10.50 Henry 221 Instructor: Dr. Lilia Castle Office Hours : M 1-3 a. m. Phone : 739-4628 off. Course Description : This course will introduce students to the history, philosophy, religion, literature, and fine arts of the greatest World Civilizations. The course is designed to help students to understand the spirit of ancient cultures, the meaning and mode of life of our predecessors . Their attitude toward sex, love, marriage, war, and peace will be given in comparison with contemporary views. Exams and Creative Project : 1 .There will be a mid-term exam, a final exam, a test, and a creative project . 2. Students will also make short presentations for extra credit, take pop-quizzes and write analytical essays in class. 3 . Attendance : Students are expected to attend all classes, to be prepared, and participate if they wish to receive full credit for the course. Course Grading : All students will take mid-term and final exams on the dates scheduled . The exams will be given specific letter and number grades, and will count for a percentage of the total grade, as follows : 90-100 A Mid-term - 15% 80-89 B Final exam-15% 70-79 C Test-8% 60-69 D In class participation -10% Below 60 F Group discussign§- 19% Essays-12% Short quizzes-23% Creative project -5% Course Texts: Philip J .Adler, World Civilizations, 2nd edition Additional reading and handouts will be provided . COURSE SCHEDULE Aug.28 Introduction to the course .
The Individual and the State, English, Social Studies: 5113.72
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 071 936 80 005 073 AUTHOR Xnappe, Shirley; Hall, Peggy TITLE The Individual and the State, EnOtsh, Social Studies: 5113.72. INSTITUTION Dade County Public Schools, Miami, Fla. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 82p.; An authorized Course of Instruction for the Quinmester Program EDRS PRICE MF -$O.65 HC -$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Citizenship; Civics; Civil Disobe'ience; Civil Liberties; Curriculum Guides; *Dissent; Ethical Values; Fine Arts; Humanities Instruction; Individualism; *Language Arts; *Laws; Literature; *Moral Issues; Philosophy; Political Issues; Responsibility; Secondary Grades; *Social Studies IDENTIFIERS huthority; Justice; *Quinmester Program ABSTRACT This secondary-level, language arts/social studies curriculum guide focuses on the princip2es of law and justice relating to the individual and the state; attitudes about justiceund injustice; methods of accepting or rejecting the authorities'concept of justice; the effects of these methods; and the relationship. of the arts to these issues. The guide contains a brief rationale for the course; performance objectives; an outline of the course content; detailed descriptions of teaching strategies; andan extensive bibliography of student and teacher resources. A variety of human, .media, and written resources drawn from both the social sciences and the arts and humanities are suggested, .0U0 Nr a. CY" INTEREST NOTICE SC APE OF has assigned LJ The ERIC Facility for processing trim document to Inourudgementth'sserest to the d"mi clea nnt9- also °notedto t ne ,ghtIndex. houses uld reflect thesP 4c al points of view AUTHORIZED COURSE OF INSTRUCTION FORTHE U i r.4-) Mr G) Q ':) 0 V) CI CI2:10 rn O LANGUAGE ARTS SOCIAL STUDIES -1 The Individual and the State -< 5113.72 -17 5114.70 5115.70 1153 5116.70 6448.56 6416.52 C") CD DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION1971 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE OF ICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED r ROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG INATiNG IT POINTS Or VIEVI.
Conflicting Versions of Tragic Socrates—A Victim of Democracy or Anti-Democracy? Heba H. El-ABBADI Cairo University The aim of this paper is to investigate three dramatic presentations that treat the events of the trial and death of Socrates. With reference to Cultural Materialism, intertextuality, and to three tragic theories, the paper will show how the controversial character of Socrates is treated diversely through the ages in different societies. The paper first examines Plato's The Trial and Death of Socrates, which includes Euthyphro (c. 399 B.C), Apology (399 B.C), Crito (360 B.C.) and PhaedoRepository (360 B.C), as a tragic tetralogy written during the heyday of Greek Democracy, with special reference to Aristotle's Poetics (335 B.C.). Furthermore, it explores the cultural and politicalUniversity factors that led two modern dramatists to adapt Plato’s dialoguesCairo in their respective plays, namely, the British playwright Clifford Bax’s Socrates (1930) in connection to George Steiner’s The Death of Tragedy (1961), and the American dramatist Maxwell Anderson’s Barefoot in Athens (1951) against his tragic theory formulated in ‘The Essence of Tragedy’ (1931). Initiated in the 1970s in Britain and redefined in the 1980s, cultural materialism “stresses interaction between cultural creations such as literature and their historical context, including social, political and economic elements” (Nostbakken 2000, 21-25, esp. 21). The cultural materialist thus seeks “to expose the political unconscious of the text” (Sinfield 2006, 25+). Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield refer to the meaning of the term they promoted in their Political Shakespeare: Essays in Cultural Materialism (1985) as “a combination of historical context, theoretical method, political commitment and contextual analysis” (1985, vii).
ON THE AIR THE Elti4it•IC Washington, D. L. 1 • • • • Tuesday, Nor. 15, 1966 Barefoot in Athens' DIsappointing TV-Radio By BERNIE HARRISON union's four largest and most Commission report on eduea- Star TV Critic CHANNEL CHUCKLES important locals, Las Angeles, tional TV, due to be issued Jan. To tell 'er the truth, I never —By Bil Keane New York, Chicago and Wash- 4, won't recommend an excise 44 cared for Maxwell Anderson's ington, have given their leaders tax on TV sets or assessmentsii "Barefoot in Athens" in its the authority to call a strike in against commercial broadeaV entirety, on stage, and the "Hall the event negotiations fail. A ters, TV Digest reports . In of Fame's" abbreviated version spokesman for the union said fact, the report will skirt the 1:r of it last riday on NBC shot off that if such a strike were called, issue of ETV financing, contrary some sparks, but never enough the networks stations would be to the current rash of published •- to light up the trial scene that running nothing except old reports. made it worth all the intermin- movies or records. So what else , 4 - able talking and pasturing. is new? Listen to Bernie Harrison weekdays, Maybe I've seen too many 5:40 p.m., WQMR. plays lately that rake the ears Hockey Tonight with talk and no matter how Channel 20 undertakes its first brilliant the words, there de- "live" telecast of ice hockey yelps a craving for something to tonight (8 o'clock, Baltimore vs.
THE GOOD MASTER PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Kate Seredy | 192 pages | 08 Feb 2002 | Penguin Books Australia | 9780140301335 | English | Hawthorn, Australia The Good Master PDF Book Accessed 21 Oct. Back Calendar List of Events Retreats. Save Word. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Webster's Bible Translation And behold, one came and said to him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? As news of peace comes over the radio, he already has his plans made. In a broad sense, The Master tells the story of a soulless drifter, Freddie Quell Joaquin Phoenix, constantly drunk and with no purpose in life, finding sanctuary in the company of The Cause, a cult-like group lead by a charismatic intellectual, Lancaster Dodd Philip Seymour Hoffman. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments. When we meet Dodd, he is middle-aged, jovial, not above singing jolly tunes and acting the cut-up at parties. Spontaneous Matt Zoller Seitz. Discover other films he has both written and directed. New International Version A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? We're intent on clearing it up 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? Darby Bible Translation And a certain ruler asked him saying, Good teacher, having done what, shall I inherit eternal life? He goes directly below deck and begins draining fuel from a torpedo. Patty McCormack as Mildred. Douay- Rheims Bible And behold one came and said to him: Good master, what good shall I do that I may have life everlasting? This Doctrine goes straight to the point, to concrete, clear and definite facts.
Course Syllabus HIST 151(7--L World Civilizations 1 Dr,Lilia Castle
Course Syllabus HIST 151(7--l World Civilizations 1 Course Day/Time/Place : Tuesday, Thursday 2.00-3 :20, Henry 221 Instructor: Dr,Lilia Castle bttice Hours: Wednesday 9.30-11.00 a.m. Phone : 739-4628 off. Course Description: This course will introduce students to history, philosophy, religion, literature, politics and fine arts of the greatest World Civilizations. The course is designed to give students an understanding of the world outlook and the meaning of life from the point of view of Ancient people . Their mode of life, their attitude toward love and marriage will be discussed in our workshops . Exams and Creative Pro-ect : l .There will be a mid-term exam in the form of a dialogue (with or without a partner), a final exam, a quiz, 10 minutes presentation and creative project (performance is a possibility) 2. Students will also write short tests, pop-quizzes and analytical essays in class. 3 . Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes, to be prepared, and participate if they wish to receive full credit for the course. Course Grading : All students will take a mid-term (dialogue due), and final exam on the dates scheduled. The exams will be given specific letter and number grades, and will count for a percentage of the total grade, as follows : 90-100 A Mid-term dialogue - 15% 80-89 B Final exam-15% 70-79 C Quiz-10% 60-69 D Student's presentation-5% Below 60 F Creative project- 10% Essays-15% Quizzes, tests-15°10 In class participation-10% Course Texts: McKay-Hill-Buckler, A History of World Societies Additional reading and handouts will be provided.
The Case of Socrates in North-American Popular Media, – S
Classical Receptions Journal Vol . Iss. () pp. – The making of a democratic symbol: the case of Socrates in North-American popular media, – S. Sara Monoson* How and why have particular figures from Greek antiquity occasionally become part of the modern popular vernacular? What is the role of the iconic figure as a means of remembering and remaking the classical past? This article considers these questions by way of one exemplary case study, the mobilizations of ‘Socrates’ for theatre and television audiences in North America in the early 1950s. I argue that Downloaded from during this period of acute political stress over issues of national security, Cold War orthodoxies and McCarthyism, creative artists developed distinctive interpretations of Socrates as oblique contributions to raging political controversies and in so doing helped inaugurate the widespread use of Socrates as a popular symbol of the ideals of democracy. at Northwestern University Library, Serials Department on May 17, 2011 How and why have particular figures from Greek antiquity occasionally become part of the modern popular vernacular? What is the role of the iconic figure ‘as a means of transmission and reinvention’ of the classical past, ‘especially when whole texts are not directly known by most audiences’. This article considers these questions by way of one exemplary case study, the mobilizations of ‘Socrates’ for theatre and television audiences in North America in the early s. I argue that during this period of acute political stress over issues of national security, Cold War ortho- doxies, and McCarthyism, creative artists developed distinctive interpretations of Socrates as oblique contributions to the raging political controversies, and in so doing helped inaugurate the widespread use of Socrates as a popular symbol of the ideals of democracy.
● ‘Men did not merely mistake their benefactor; they mistook him for the exact contrary of what he was, and treated him as the prodigy of impiety, which they themselves are now held to be, for their treatment of him.’ → comparison of Jesus Christ and Socrates → not that they were wrong, but their truth was hard to swallow → tells the truth about the troublesome voice ● Mill uses Socrates as an emblem, who carried a message which is vital for the modern day Visual art: A. Canova, ‘Apologia di Socrate davanti ai giudici’ (1790-2) ● One of a series ● Followed by ‘Socrates sends his family away’ ● Socrates drinking in the prison cell ● ‘Crito closes Socrates’s eyes’ There is a passion sequence ● There is a reference to a parallel between Socrates and Jesus Maxwell Anderson, Barefoot in Athens (1951, 1966) ● Big questions about the liberty of the individual voice and the ability of the community to impose censorship on an individual who shifts from the collective voice ● Democracy vs Communism ( ref. To Sparta) ● Al Hirschfeld (1903-2003) - cartoons Why does this matter? Preview from ● Freedom of thought and freedom of criticism are both emphasised ● In both versions we find Socrates passPageionately defend i2ng thofe extr em4e value of criticism and examination in a democratic context ● The first version of the film was produced after a visit to Athens during a Civil War; McCarthy was also on the rise in the US CBS Radio - You are There - 1947-50 ● Episode of March 1948 - the Death of Socrates The event continues to be important
THE SYMPOSIUM PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Plato | 128 pages | 25 Aug 2005 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780141023847 | English | London, United Kingdom The Symposium - IMDb From Coraline to ParaNorman check out some of our favorite family-friendly movie picks to watch this Halloween. See the full gallery. Two English stage actors, Hugo and Jago, have an artistic difference while rehearsing a radio play. This evolves rapidly into a huge fracas, and spills onto a West End side street. Naturally, this draws a horde or passersby, including an American bystander, who elects to be the peacemaker. Things soon deteriorate from the scholarly to the brutal, even physical, and long held personal and societal prejudices surface. Class, racial origins, and history are harshly debated. Then Hugo, the posh one, proclaims his African ancestry, which bombshell causes a puzzled Jago to accost an African Traffic warden for verification, thus opening a third front to his quarrel with Hugo. There is a reversal of roles, with the posh Hugo championing liberal causes, the working class Jago becoming more and more entrenched as a xenophobe, and the traffic warden boasting an exemplary academic and social pedigree, despite his job. Unbeknownst to Jago, however, this entire 'symposium' is meant either to be his Written by Ishmael Annobil. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. External Sites.
Conflicting Versions of Tragic Socrates—A Victim of Democracy Or Anti-Democracy?
Conflicting Versions of Tragic Socrates—A Victim of Democracy or Anti-Democracy? Heba H. El-ABBADI Cairo University The aim of this paper is to investigate three dramatic presentations that treat the events of the trial and death of Socrates. With reference to Cultural Materialism, intertextuality, and to three tragic theories, the paper will show how the controversial character of Socrates is treated diversely through the ages in different societies. The paper first examines Plato's The Trial and Death of Socrates, which includes Euthyphro (c. 399 B.C), Apology (399 B.C), Crito (360 B.C.) and Phaedo (360 B.C), as a tragic tetralogy written during the heyday of Greek Democracy, with special reference to Aristotle's Poetics (335 B.C.). Furthermore, it explores the cultural and political factors that led two modern dramatists to adapt Plato’s dialogues in their respective plays, namely, the British playwright Clifford Bax’s Socrates (1930) in connection to George Steiner’s The Death of Tragedy (1961), and the American dramatist Maxwell Anderson’s Barefoot in Athens (1951) against his tragic theory formulated in ‘The Essence of Tragedy’ (1931). Initiated in the 1970s in Britain and redefined in the 1980s, cultural materialism “stresses interaction between cultural creations such as literature and their historical context, including social, political and economic elements” (Nostbakken 2000, 21-25, esp. 21). The cultural materialist thus seeks “to expose the political unconscious of the text” (Sinfield 2006, 25+). Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield refer to the meaning of the term they promoted in their Political Shakespeare: Essays in Cultural Materialism (1985) as “a combination of historical context, theoretical method, political commitment and contextual analysis” (1985, vii).