

The 3 Experience

A search for the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands” propels fortune hunter on a daring trek into the heart of the Arabian Desert, a journey that puts him and his mentor Victor Sullivan against the occult treachery of a shadowy clandestine organization and its ruthless leader. When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake’s quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears.

As a modern-day fortune-hunter, Drake operates within a rough, lawless world occupied by treasure- seekers, antiquities smugglers, con men and thieves. Unlike his associates, Drake is driven more by the historical intrigue and thrill of the hunt, than the promise of the treasure itself. He may or may not be a descendant of Sir Francis Drake, the great 16th-century explorer and privateer—but regardless of his lineage, Drake is gifted with a remarkable historical imagination and an uncanny ability to unravel mysteries from only the barest clues.

Although he's smart and self-educated, Drake tends to conceal his intellectual side when dealing with the rogues gallery of dangerous individuals who haunt the gray- market underworld of the illegal antiquities trade. In his dubious line of work, Drake finds himself confronting everything from guerillas to drug traffickers, modern- day pirates, rival salvage companies, and frequently the law—so he's had to learn how to handle himself in tight situations, whether it means guns, fists, charm, or the occasional hasty exit. In the end, Drake survives.

Drake next to plane with gun in his hand

Kate with her henchman

Drake in the desert

Katherine Marlowe

Victor Sullivan


Kate holding Drake’s ring


Video http://www.naughtydog.com/games/uncharted_videos/

| Penny Arcade Uncharted 3 poster - GameStop exclusive pre-order bonus

By arne Sep 07

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Penny Arcade and have been mutual fans for quite a while -- we compiled their II and not one, but two, Uncharted 2 related comics in a post here on NaughtyDog.com way back in 2009. We couldn't be more thrilled to find a way to work with them as closely and as often as possible -- we try to have some sort of presence at every PAX and we sent over an Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter Edition for the Child's Play Charity Dinner Auction in 2009, among other thing. They're all just a really good crew at Penny Arcade . We've never been able to team up in any sort of official capacity, but that time has now come. As revealed on PlayStation.Blog and by Gabe on Penny- Arcade.com , Gabe put his signature artistic style of a selection of the Uncharted 3 cast for a poster.

The ONLY way to grab this poster is to pre-order the Uncharted 3 standard edition or Uncharted 3 Collector's Edition from GameStop - either online or in-person. Check out the full poster artwork below.

I can't tell you how excited we were to premiere a new Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception gameplay demo (and reveal) at the PlayStation press conference at 2011. We had shown this very demo to a very select group of press back at 2011,

• Uncharted 3 cartoon Poster

• See the UNCHARTED 3 Poster Powered by Penny Arcade

• Penny Arcade and Naughty Dog have been mutual fans for quite a while -- we compiled their Jak II and not one, but two, Uncharted 2 related comics in a post here on NaughtyDog.com way back in 2009. We couldn't be more thrilled to find a way to ...

Uncharted 3 poster - GameStop exclusive pre-order bonus

I can't tell you how excited we were to premiere a new Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception gameplay demo (and reveal) at the PlayStation press conference at Gamescom 2011. We had shown this very demo to a very select group of press back at , ...

Uncharted 3 Cargo Plane gameplay

The first 2 games for 40 We’re under two months away from the release of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception and what better way to get caught up with the series than to play Nathan Drake’s first two adventures – UNCHARTED: Drake’s ...

First 2 Games for 40 bucks

Here's some brand new screenshots from the upcoming Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, due for release on 1nd November for PS3.

The third in the series sees Nathan Drake and his mentor Victor Sullivan travel the globe in search of the legendary lost city, the Iram of the Pillars. Drawing on the archaeology days of T.E. Lawrence, players can expect the same ducking, covering, shooting and looting from the previous games, along with some majestic multiplayer modes.

Here are the game's key features:

* Diving back into the story of Nathan Drake, players will learn more about the events that brought him and his longtime friend and mentor Victor Sullivan together, as they undertake a perilous quest that tests the bonds of their partnership. and Richard McGonagle reprise their performance capture roles of Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan.

* Explore memorable new locations from around the world—from a derelict chateau deep in the forests in to the merciless Rub’ al-Khali desert in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula.

* Bigger set pieces and more explosive adventure, driven by Naughty Dog’s signature storytelling and cinematic presentation.

* Competitive and co-operative multiplayer return with brand new experiences and massively expanded feature sets. The UNCHARTED universe provides online players with a unique Action Adventure multiplayer experience, bringing the cinematic elements of the single-player campaign into multiplayer.

* Nathan Drake can now take on opponents in more ways than before: hand-to-hand combat with multiple opponents, contextual melee attacks, and new stealth options. UNCHARTED 3 also features expanded and diverse traversal moves with deep gunplay, and constant problem solving scenarios that encourage player exploration throughout the environments.

* Naughty Dog introduces new physics, visuals, and environmental effects. The harsh desert environment of Arabia’s “Empty Quarter” is faithfully created with distant mirages, heat distortion effects and sand that drifts, displaces and flows realistically. The developer has also revisited nearly every visual effect in their repertoire, such as fire, smoke, and water.

* UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception will be playable in Stereoscopic 3D.

Read more:

Uncharted 3 questions

1. Who is the Main Character? 2. Why is the ring so important to Kate? 3. Whats the old man’s Name? 4.Who Developed the game? 5.What desert the game was taken place? 6.What is the plot of the story?

Anesors for Uncharted 3 questions

1. Drake

2. Kate feels that its hers

3. Victor Sullivan

4. Naughty Dog

5. Arabian Desert,

6 When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake’s quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears.
