Affiliated to the , HeritageSUITE and Wilts RFU Members of (Level 6)

Colours: Emerald and White Available for Function Hire Change: Royal Blue and Gold Ideal for: • Conferences • Meetings Registered Office: • Weddings Castle Road, Salisbury, SP1 3SA • Birthdays On the northern edge of Salisbury on the • Anniversaries A345 (Amesbury) Road • Other events Full In-House Catering Service Telephone: 01722 325317 • Buffets e-mail: [email protected] • Light Hot Meals • Banquets A company limited by guarantee. • Large FREE Car Park Registered in Number 5520915 • Overhead Projection • Wi-Fi+.

FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US AT: 01722 325317 [email protected] Printed by SOCIAL EVENTS CALENDAR 2019/20 Salisbury Rugby Football Club

OFFICERSVision OF THE CLUB VPWelcome LUNCHES: to 2019/20 Season To be one of the top two rugby clubs in Dorset & Wiltshire measured by the end of season league position of the first team. 14 Sept 12.30 Home to 9As Nov another new season12.00 begins,Home we all to Wimbornelook forward to many Mission Statement President The vision will be achievedRichard by: Larcombe 14opportunities Dec to celebrate12.00 successesHome but to Chippenhamrealise there will be Captain of the Club Neil Tonge 1challenges Feb along the 12.00way. Not least,Home the fulfilment to Windsor of our many fixtures · Increasing the number and the quality of our players and coaches and enabling them to fulfil their potential at Senior, Colts, Junior and Mini levels 7and Mar all the lettings and12:30 events whilstHome we complete to the building of our Managing Board 18new Apr changing rooms.12.30 Home to Marlborough Chairman · Improving membership numbers and Nicola the facilities Rawnson at our club

Company· Encouraging Secretary members, non-members, volunteersChris and all Metson stakeholders to support our TheApart 1st XV from continuing VP lunch in days, South every West 1st 1 XV(East), home welcome game will a number have a of Finance Directorteams, to help to create a winning attitude,Richard and to Bathurstraise funds newMatch players Day and Meal coaches Deal before to the squad the match and consisting2nd, 3rd & 4th of a Men's hot meal, teams Director of Rugby (Seniors & Womens) Richard Lloyd · Creating a financially sound and sustainable business model for our club continueglass in of their wine D&W and entry leagues. to the The game, Women's open to team all supporters. step up their Director of Youth Rugby Steve Allen aspirations this season, entering the RFY NC3 League. Player Director· Raising of Facilities the profile and reputation of our club within WiltshireJim Mason and the surrounding counties availability is a significant factorEVENTS: in all our senior team's successes and with a continuing professional marketing campaign the whole Club is committed to producing a positive culture across all Chairman of Selectors Barry White Minithe teams Festival to encourage and sustain Sundayplayer engagement. 20th October Team. & Developing Fixture Secretary throughout our club a culture that reflectsNeil the Bowditch core values of 2018 Xmas Draw Thursday 19th December Head Coach teamwork, respect, enjoyment, disciplineJohn and sportsmanship Kimberley The Youth section is buoyant and with World Cup fixtures about to start Referees Liaison Adrian Wood Clubin Japan Captain's we expect Dinner to be welcomingSaturday many new 24th young January players to the Chief SafeguardingSalisbury Officer RFC Core Values CodeLeah Redding of Conduct game. Last season saw a significant investment of time and funds into Coaching Co-ordinator (VACANT) Player'sYouth Coach end qualifications of Season Dinners and we lookApril forward to the children reaping TEAMWORK-RESPECT-ENJOYMENT-DISCIPLINE-SPORTSMANSHIP Salisbury RFC is committed to upholding these five Rugby Union core values and to promoting, the rewards of the high-quality coaching Salisbury RFC provides this President's Walk May VP Membership communicating Secretary and embedding them throughoutSteve Coady our club. season and beyond. This Code of Conduct applies to all players, coaches, managers, employees, volunteers, Seniorparents Player and visitors, Membership who will be Secretary expected to behave at allGraham times according Hillier to these core value Beer Festival Fri 1st & Sat 2nd May Youth Membership Secretary expectations: Nicola Rawnson Walking Rugby continues to grow and has now established a Press Officer Neil Tonge 7s Rugby Festival Saturday 2nd May committee to help with the arrangements of training and festivals. Charity Co-ordinator TEAMWORK Neil Tonge Having watched the July Festival, their sportsmanship and enthusiasm Rugby is a team game and all players will do their best to win for the team without seeking Salisbury Live @ SRFC Friday 15th May Webmasterpersonal glory. & email Players will always try to attend and beRussell attentive Jugg at training and coaching is to be applauded. sessions and to work hard for each other. Developing skills, getting fit, and practising together May Ball Saturday 23rd May brings satisfaction, success and enjoyment. Project All Change, the redevelopment of our changing facilities has For Hiring's and events please contact Vince Hayward, Men's Group Quiz Friday 29th May RESPECT finally begun, following several seasons of fundraising efforts. Thanks Players will recogniseSRFC and Houseappreciate Manager the efforts on made 01722 by coaches, 325317 match officials, and to all those who have given so much time, effort, and funds to this administrators in providing them with the opportunity to play and enjoy rugby union in a safe and Mid-Summer Madness Friday 19th June enjoyable environment.or email Similarly, [email protected] players will always have the opportunity to discuss with project and we hope everyone who visits Salisbury RFC will be able to coaches and managers if they consider they are being treated in an unacceptable manner. appreciate what has been achieved for the long-term benefit of the Natwest RugbyForce Saturday 20th June For Sponsorship please contact Kathy Cleary, Club. The opportunity to 'Buy a Brick' which will be displayed on the ENJOYMENT SRFC Sponsorship Relations on 07753 928 088 front of the building for future generations, continues this season. Our players play because they want to and they understand that rugby is for fun and friendships. They will applaudor email the opposition [email protected] and the match officials at the end of the game and Please show your support.Normal Details Opening are on the Hours website and in the Club. socialise with them afterwards. 1st September to 30th April For general enquiries please call on 01722 325317 Finally I remind you of the many social events that take place at the DISCIPLINE Tues to Fri 7.00pm to 11.00pm Verbal or physical abuse by players,or email opponents, [email protected] coaches, officials, parents, or spectators is not Clubhouse, including aSat return 12.00pm of the Club to 11.00pm Captain's Dinner this season. acceptable. Our players and members will control emotions and behave according to the laws I look forward to seeing you at the Club to enjoy all the successes and and the spirit of rugby union. In particular, players will accept all the match officials' decisions, Sun 10.00am to 3.00pm; 8.00pm to 11.00pm challenges the season has to offer. even if they appear wrong. For summer hours please see the notice displayed SPORTSMANSHIP Nicola Rawnson We believe that everyone's involvement in rugby union should be safe and free from all forms of Hon Chairman in the Clubhouse and on the website. abuse. We will recognise good play by Salisbury and our opponents and we aim to win with Sponsorsdignity and of lose Salisbury with grace. RFC AUTUMNHON LIFEINTERNATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS 2019 FIXTURES Date Fixture UK Time 22Mr September RR Baker Ireland v ScotlandMr A Bowden 08:45 Mr EJ Olsen England v Tonga Wg Cdr BD Weatherley11:15 23 September Wales v Georgia 11:15 26 September England v USA 11:45 28Richard September J Hill (England)Japan v Ireland David Egerton (England)08:15 ROLL OF HONOUR 2018/19 29Richard September A Hill MBE (EnglandAustralia and v Lions) Wales Matt Evans (Canada)08:45 30Mike September Brown (England) Scotland v SamoaTom Heathcote (Scotland)11:15 PLAYER OF THE YEAR 03 October Ireland v Russia 11:15 NEW SPONSORSJosh Green WELCOME 05 October LIFE England VICE-PRESIDENTS v Argentina 09:00 09 October Scotland v Russia 08:15 PRICES START FROM AS LITTLE AS £150 Mr N Adams Mr P Jamieson Mr P Sample PLAYERS’ PLAYER OF THE YEAR 09 October Wales v Fiji 10:45 Mr12 GFOctober Banham EnglandMrs P Jamieson v France Mr DK Sargent09:15 Joe Goldsmith Mr CP Barnwell Mr DT Jugg Mr C Saunby Wide range of tax-efficient options available 12 October Ireland v Samoa 11:45 Mr13 AOctober Barr WalesMr L Kail v Uraguay Mr C Sexton09:15 Mr F Baverstock Mr HD Keatinge Mr R Shipsey Sponsorship of2ND shirts, XV shorts, PLAYER polo shirts for all squads; 13 October Japan v Scotland 11:45 Lagi Lagi Mr19 JCOctober Bell QF1Dr H Knight Mr C Silo 07:15 Sir CJ Benson Mr RJ Larcombe Mr I Smith Sponsored Match Balls; 19 October QF2 10:15 Mr20 PDOctober Birch QF3Mr M Learnihan Mr TH Spreadbury07:15 3RD XV PLAYER Mr A Lever Mr R Stanton Scott Nicol Mrs20 October D Blum QF4 10:15 Player Sponsorship; Mr26 RWOctober Blum SemiMr DJ 1 Lloyd Mr C Steele08:00 Mr27 NROctober Bowditch SemiMr R 2 Lloyd Mr NR Tonge09:00 Advertising in the4TH Matchday XV PLAYER Programme; Mr P Brewer Mr CE Macey Mr P Vokes Will Penton Mr01 MNovember Brookbanks ThirdMr RB Place Mackie Final Mr C Wade09:00 Mr02 NWNovember Butler FinalMr MC Maidment Mr M Wade09:00 AdvertisingMOST in Club IMPROVED Fixture Book; PLAYER Mr A Capon Lord JP Marland Mr C Ward Mr PJAll Cardus International GamesMr will B McGinity be shown live in theMr Clubhouse A Weatherley Bars Pitch Side BannerRory advertising; MacTaggart Mr R Chalk Mr J Mears Mrs E Weatherley Mr MJ Combes SIX NATIONSMr W Moulding 2020 FIXTURESMr W Weeks ClubhouseTHE ALEXAdvertising; EDWARDS TROPHY Mr1 February CH Cook WalesMr DP v Murley Italy Mr CR Whalley14:15 YOUNG PLAYER OF THE YEAR Mr CW Davies IrelandMr J Mussell v Scotland Mrs L Whalley16:45 Mrs2 February SJ Davies FranceMr C Oliver v England Mr BJ White15:00 Website Advertising;Joe Tully Mr G Dear Mrs N Oliver Mr JK Woodford WOMEN'S PLAYER Mr8 February DA Dolding IrelandMr J Palmer v Wales Mr M Woodhouse14:15 Onsite matchday product displays; Mrs B Dutfield ScotlandM W Parfitt v England Mr D Wookey16:45 Tess Fitz Mr9 February R Dutfield FranceMr J Pater v Italy Mrs JM Wookey15:00 Mr C Evans Mr N Perry Corporate hospitality. 22 February Italy v Scotland 14:15 THE PETER RUDORF TROPHY Mr B Forrest Mr WR Perry Wales v France 16:45 MOST IMPROVED JUNIOR PLAYER Mr23 JFebruary Gloag EnglandMr M Piper v Ireland 15:00 Odeon Knight Mr WS Gourlay Mr M Plimsoll Get in touch! Mrs7 March JH Gray IrelandMr DM vPratt Italy 14:15 CLUB CAPTAIN 2019/2020 Mr B Gray EnglandMr R Pritchard v Wales 16:45 CONTACT KATHY CLEARY Mr8 March D Griffiths MBE ScotlandMr S Radford v France 15:00 Neil Tonge Mr S Hart Mr M Ricketts 07753 928088 Mr14 JHMarch Holt-Keene WalesMr J Rooney v Scotland 14:15 [email protected] MEMBERS OF THE YEAR 2019/2020 Mr GW Jack ItalyMrs v R England Rowland 16:45 Neil Jones & Nik Mould France v Ireland 20:00 MINI SECTIONVICE-PRESIDENTS FIXTURES 2019-2020 SUBSCRIPTIONSVICE-PRESIDENTS Mr NF Abbott [email protected] G Cuthbert Mr AJ Howden Mr C Miskelly Mr M Presley Mrs T Tyrrell Mr MP Airey Mrs R Cuthbert-Brown Mr P Hrachovec Senior Players £144* (or £15 by monthly DD) MrSenior J Moore Players in Full TimeMr Education AM Prior £ 72* Mr S Underwood Mr SJ Allen Mr JR de Meo Mr GJ Hughes Mr WR Moss Mr J Puzio Mr S Ward Mr R Bailey Mr W Dickson Mr DJ Humphreys Vets £ 60* Date Opponents H/A MrSenior J Mullin Ladies Mr PJ Rattue £72* (or £7.50Mr by BJ monthly Watts DD) MrSep H Baird08 Training Mr GW Dimmer H Mr N Igglesden MrColts J Murley Ms N Rawnson£ 60* Mr J Webb Mr R Barclay15 Training Mr N Donnelly H Mr J Jagoe MrsJunior S MurleyBoys & Mini PlayersMr (first A child) Reynolds£100* (additionalMrs SA child Welling £60) Mr JK Barlow22 Training Mr I Downie H Mr BA James MrJunior WL Girls Nelson Mr T Rice £ 60* Mr MJ Westall Mr N Barnes Mr S Dowse Mr JS Jamieson VPs (Due 1st May) £ 60 + donation at discretion 29 RWB FESTIVAL U10-U11s A Mr SR Nikopoulos Ms A Robertson Mr SH Whaley Mr A Barrett Mr P Dunbar Mr A Jenkins Oct 06 RWB FESTIVAL U7-U9s A Mr*no match B Nolan fees Mr S Roderick Mr D White Mr M Bartlett Mr R Dunworth Mr D Jones Mr H Offer Mr C Whiteley 13 Training H Mr SF Rogers Mr R Barwick Mr A Dutfield Mr RD Jugg MrRights MJ Olsenand privileges uponMr paying AG Rogers annual subscription.Mr R. Whitford 20 SALISBURY FESTIVAL H Mr R Bathurst Mr J East Mr TH Kay Dame L Packer Mr BK Rundle Mr N Whittick Mr A Bellinger27 NEW MILTONMr FESTIVAL M Finlay A Mr D Keech VPs all categories — full membership of Salisbury RFC Ltd - voting Sirrights R Packer eligibility to stand asMr an EP officer Russell - access to internationalMr J Wigg tickets MrNov SA 03 Best Training Mr EC Flower H Mr J Kelly Mr MR Palmer Mr SS Scarr Mr S Williams Mrs A Best Mr P Ford Mr D Kemp discount on function room hire - loyalty card with 10% discount on bar 10 Training H Mrand C shop. Panes Mr BM Sharpe Mr SJ Wilson Mr DJ 17 BevanTraining Ms AM Foster H Mr I Kemp Mr E Parsons Mr R Small Mr WH Wilson Mr JR Blake 24 Andover Mr AS Frener A Mr S Keyes MrSenior S Parsons — full membershipMr JCof Salisbury Smith RFC LtdMr - Hvoting Wiltshire rights - Mr P Blenkinship Mr TC Gault Mr R Kilner Dec 01 Training H Mreligibility CJ Pawson to stand as an officerMr J - Spalding coaching - changingMr facilities N Wood - fitness Mr RJ Blundy Mr KH Gibson Mr PD King and physiotherapy - match food - team strip and laundry - travel to 08 A Mr D Pawson Mr M Stephens Mr C Woollin Mr DJ Bright Mr G Gilbert Mrs Z Kite Mraway A Pelopidagames as agreed withMr Tmanagement Symes - accessMr to C Wrightinternational 15 H Mr S Brookbanks Mr L Gilbert Mr CG Kuhle Mrtickets R Penny - discount on functionMr room S Taylor hire - loyalty card Mrwith CJ 10% Wright discount Mr M Brown Mr A Gollop Mr I Landon Mron bar N Phillips and shop. Mr P Thomlinson Mr SA Wright MrJan D Bryan05 Training Mr W Grant H Mr R Lanyon Mr D Phillips Mr N Throp Mr W Wyatt Junior and Colts — membership of youth section - coaching - Dr J Buckee12 Wimborne Mr PB Gray A Mr D Lewis Mr P Pickford Mrs N Tonge Mr J Yarwood changing facilities - match food - team strip including laundry - discount Mr M Bugden12 Chippenham Dr M Green A Mr TJ Line Mr M Potter MR J Tryhorn Mr N Burton Mr M Green Mr J Little on function room hire - loyalty card with 10% discount on bar and shop. 19 Fordingbridge H (One membership card per family). Mr JD Bustin Ms J Gregory Mr M Little 26 Oakmedians & New Milton H Mr RGH Carr Mr P Hancock Mr K Littlewood Mini & Midi — membership of the youth section - coaching - changing 02 Training H MrFeb C Campbell-Jones Mr PA Harding Mr A Lomax facilities - match food - discountNotes on function room hire - loyalty card with Mr DE 09 ClarkeWinchester Mr DJ Harkin H/AMr M Macdonagh 10% discount on bar and shop. (One membership card per family). Mrs C 16 ClarkeTraining Mr JC Harrington H Mr P MacLean The Board shall have absolute discretion in deciding who qualifies for membership. Mr P Clash23 FordingbridgeMr D Hart A Mr A Manning MrMar MC01 ClementsCHIPPENHAM FESTIVALMr J Harwood (U8 & U10) A Lord A Margadale Mr GC08 Clifton-MooreCHIPPENHAM FESTIVALMr JC Hastings (U7, U9 & U11) A Mr S Martin Senior and Colts training sessions are Tuesday and Thursday Mr TS 15 CoadyDevizes Mr TH Hayward H Mr ST Martin evenings. Mr RP 22 Cole Training Mr S Healey H Mr J Mason Mr K Coleman Mr SC Hedges Juniors training Wednesday evenings. 29 NEWBURY FESTIVAL TBC H Mr G Massey Mr MI Constable Mr A Hedges Mr NR McCall 05 Oakmedians & New Milton A MrsApr E Cooper Mr MK Hill Mr K McKeown Please check notice boards/website for change of days. It is essential Mr J Cooper19 Training Mr RC Hill H Mr D McKillop that senior players inform the team secretary if they are unable to play Mr P Corbin26 Training Mr GT Hillier H Mr B McTeare after their selection. Mr E Cosway26 LAND ROVERMr CUP R Hills (U11s only) A Mr A Mercer MrMay M Coulshed03 Fun Day Mr D Hobbs H Mr C Metson The Club holds a limited insurance against serious injury on the field, Mr JW Coveney Mr AJ Hodder Mr H Miller but all players should take out their own accident policy. Mr I Cow Mr PS Hogg Mr JS Miller Mr DR Cox Mr P Holford Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayedMr JN on Miller the club When representing the Club, all players will be required to wear the Mr R Cromie Mr CP Hose Mr J Miller specified Team kit and colours and no variation thereof. website. UNDER1st XV 13 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER1st XV 12 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 Ed Paden SouthHead West Coach: 1 East (Level 6) HeadSouth Coach: West 1 St. East John (Level Coley 6) Manager: Nikki Dorman - [email protected] Manager: Faith Martin - [email protected] Date Opponents H/A KO Date Opponents H/A KO

SepSept 0807 TrainingMarlborough HA 15:00 JanSep 08 04 OLDTraining PATESIANS H 14:15 15 Training H 14/15 Training - Perham Weekend H 14 OLD CENTRALIANS H 15:00 11 Harlequins A 14:15 22 D&W 1 - Bradford on Avon H 22 Training H 2921 D&WOld Patesians 2 - Frome HA 15:00 2918 ROYALD&W 2 - WOOTTON Melksham BASSETT H 14:15 Oct 0628 TrainingOXFORD HARLEQUINS AH 15:00 2925 ReserveRWB FESTIVAL A 14:15 13 BASINGSTOKE H Oct 06 Training H 20 Winchester A 13 Training H Oct 2705 TrainingRoyal Wootton Bassett HA 15:00 Feb 2001 WINDSORTBC HA 14:30 Nov 0312 WimborneWindsor AA 15:00 2708 SherborneTraining AH 14:30 10 SUPERMARINE () TBC H Nov 03 Training H 19 H 15:00 15 H 14:30 17 Chippenham (Dev Team) A 10 Training H 2426 DORCHESTERTrowbridge HA 15:00 1722 ReserveTraining H 14:30 01 Fordingbridge A Dec 2429 WimborneAndover A 14:30 08 Farnham RFC A Dec 01 Training H Nov 1502 D&WReserve 4 - RWB A 14:30 08 Bournemouth A 09 WIMBORNE H 14:30 Mar 1507 BANBURYD&W 4 - Trowbridge HA 15:00 Jan 05 Devizes H 16 Banbury A 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 12 D&W 5 A Jan 05 Training H 1223 ChippenhamBUCKINGHAM AH 14:30 21 A 15:00 12 D&W 5 - Bradford on Avon H 1930 WIMBORNEReserve H 14:30 28 H 15:00 19 Training H 26 D&W 6 A 26 D&W 6 - Corsham A Feb 02 D&W 7 H Dec 0907 D&WBeaconsfield 8 AA 14:15 AprFeb 0204 ChippenhamTraining AH 15:00 09 D&W 7 1614 DEVIZESCHIPPENHAM H 14:15 18 MARLBOROUGH H 15:00 23 North Dorset A 16 Training H 21 Old Centralians A 14:15 25 Play Off 15:00 Mar 01 MARLBOROUGH H 23 Fordingbridge A 08 Dorchester A Mar 01 Chippenham Festival A 15 D&W 9 H 08 Training H 22 Hungerford A 15 D&W 8 29 Bournemouth A 22 Training H Apr 05 D&W Reserve A 29 Training H 19 Training A Apr 05 D&W Reserve 26 D&W 10 H 19 Training H 27 D&W R A 26 NOTE:Land Blank Rover dates Cup may be used shouldA matches May 03 Fun Day H May 03 Fun Daybe postponed due to bad weatherH Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. UNDER2nd XV 15 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER2nd XV 14 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 Head Coach: Alaistair Aitken Head Coach: Murray McLeod-Jones League: Dorset & Wilts 1 South League: Dorset & Wilts 1 South Manager: [email protected] Manager: Ian Kemp - [email protected]

Date Opponents H/A KO Date Opponents H/A KO

SeptSep 0807 TROWBRIDGETraining II H 15:00 SepJan 08 04 WEYMOUTHTraining & PORTLAND H 14:15 15 Training H 15 Training H 14 BLANDFORD H 15:00 11 Swanage & Wareham II A 14:15 22 Training H 22 D&W 1 - Corsham H 21 Weymouth & Portland A 15:00 29 D & W - Frome H 2918 D&WOAKMEADIANS 2 - Frome AH 14:15 Oct 0628 SWANAGETraining & WAREHAM II H 15:00 Oct 0625 WarminsterReserve / Cup Semi (Bournemouth II) HA 14:15 13 Fordingbridge A 13 Training H 20 Trowbridge A 20 Winchester A Oct 05 Oakmeadians A 15:00 Feb 01 Wimborne II A 14:30 27 Basingstoke H 27 Training H Nov 0312 Reserve/CupD & W - Amesbury 1/4 Swanage & Wareham II A 15:00 Nov 0308 TrainingSherborne II HA 14:30 1019 WIMBORNETraining II H 15:00 1015 TrainingDorset Dockers HA 14:30 17 D & W - West Wilts H 17 D&W 3 - Marlborough H 26 DORSET DOCKERS H 15:00 22 Reserve / Cup Final A 14:30 24 Training H 24 Newbury A 29 LYTCHETT MINSTER H 14:30 Dec 01 Training H Dec 01 New Milton A Nov 0802 ReserveTraining H 14:30 08 Training H 1509 LytchettD & W Minster A 14:30 Mar 1507 Training HA 15:00 16 SHERBORNE II H 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 Jan 05 Training H Jan 05 D&W 4 - Chippenham TBC A 1223 PuddletownD & W A 14:30 1221 D&WPUDDLETOWN 5 - Chippenham TBC H 15:00 1930 ReserveFordingbridge H 14:30 1928 TrainingBournemouth III HA 15:00 26 Training H 26 D&W 6 H Feb 02 D & W Feb 02 Training H Dec 07 BOURNEMOUTH III H 14:15 04 DORCHESTER H 15:00 09 Training H Apr 09 D&W 8 H 1614 Dorchester AH 14:15 1618 TrainingBlandford HA 15:00 2321 ReserveNorth Dorset (TBC) A 14:15 2325 Training H 15:00 Mar 01 Andover H Mar 01 D&W A 08 Dorchester A 08 Newbury H 15 North Dorset (TBC) H 15 D&W 9 A 22 North Dorset (TBC) A 22 New Milton H 29 East Dorset H 29 Warminster A Apr 05 D & W Apr 05 D&W H 19 Training H 19 Training H 26 D & W 26 D&W Reserve A NOTE: Blank dates may be used should matches May 03 Fun Day H May 03 Fun Day H be postponed due to bad weather Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. UNDER3rd 17 XV AND FIXTURES 18 FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER3rd 16 FIXTURES XV FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020Head Coach: Gareth Ivory League:Head Coach: Dorset & Wilts 2 South League:Head Coach: Dorset Hans & Wilts Dobson 2 South Manager: Sean Oliver - [email protected] Manager: Julia Doig - [email protected] DateDate OpponentsOpponents H/AH/A KOKO DateDate OpponentsOpponents H/AH/A KO

SeptSept 0807 DorchesterTrowbridge III AH 14:0015:00 SepJan 08 04 Wimborne Ellingham & Ringwood II HA 14:15 15 Training H 2914 WimborneEast Dorset AA 14:0015:00 11 WIMBORNE III 14:15 22 Weymouth & Portland A 21 ELLINGHAM & RINGWOOD II H 15:00 18 Poole A 14:15 Oct 06 Chippenham H 14:00 29 Bridport A 1328 CobrasWimborne III AA 14:0015:00 Oct 0625 TrainingReserve / Cup Semi RWB or Trowbridge HA 14:15 13 Marlborough H Nov 24 Wimborne H 14:00 20 Training A Oct 05 POOLE H 15:00 Feb 2701 TrainingOAKMEADIANS II HH 14:30 Dec 0112 EllinghamReserve & Ringwood H 14:0015:00 Nov 0307 WimborneNORTH DORSET II (FRI) AH 14:30 0819 ChippenhamOakmeadians II AA 14:0015:00 1015 Swanage & Wareham H 14:30 15 North Dorset H 14:00 17 Sherborne A 25 North Dorset II (Fri) A 15:00 2422 TrainingReserve / Cup Final HA 14:30 Dec 0129 MinetySwanage & Wareham III AA 14:30 Jan 05 Cobras H 14:00 08 Training H Nov 1902 MarlboroughReserve RFC H 14:0014:30 15 Druid Cup at Saracens A 2609 DorchesterSWANAGE & WAREHAM III HA 14:0014:30 07 WHEATSHEAF CABIN CREW H 15:00 Mar 22 D&W TBC 16 Wheatsheaf Cabin Crew A 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 Feb 09 D&W Competition Q/F TBA 14:00 23 BRIDPORT H 14:30 Jan 0521 WalcotBridport HA 15:00 12 D&W TBC Mar 0130 EllinghamReserve / & Cup Ringwood Bye A 14:0014:30 28 DINTON H 15:00 19 Training H 08 D&W Competition S/F TBA 14:00 26 D&W TBC 22 D&W Competition Final TBA 14:00 Dec 07 Dinton A 14:15 FebApr 0204 WeymouthDORCHESTER & Portland II HH 15:00 29 Marlborough RFC A 14:00 09 D&W TBC 14 Dorchester II A 14:15 18 EAST DORSET H 15:00 16 Wimborne TBC 21 Reserve 14:15 2325 Oaks A 15:00 Mar 01 D&W TBC 08 Training H 15 D&W TBC 22 Training H 29 Marlborough A Apr 05 N. Dorset A 19 Fordingbridge A 26 NOTE:D&W Blank dates may be used shouldTBC matches May 03 Fun Daybe postponed due to bad weatherH Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. website. 4th XV FIXTURES 2019-2020 WOMEN’S FIXTURES 2019-2020 League: Dorset & Wilts 3 South League: RFY NC3

Date Opponents H/A KO Date Opponents H/A

Sept 21 CHRISTCHURCH H 15:00 Jan 26 Aretians, Bridgwater & Albion A 28 Poole II A 15:00 Feb 23 Crewkerne H Oct 12 ELLINGHAM & RINGWOOD III H 15:00 26 Bournemouth IV A 15:00 Mar 01 Winscombe A 15 Teignmouth, Clevedon A Nov 02 POOLE II H 14:30 16 Ellingham & Ringwood III A 14:30 Women’s Training: Dec 07 BOURNEMOUTH IV H 14:15 Tuesday Evenings 19:00-20:30 14 Christchurch A 14:15 Contact: [email protected]

Jan 11 Fixture TBA 14:15 Girl’s Training: 25 Fixture TBA 14:15 Sunday Morning 09:45 - noon Contact: [email protected] Feb 01 Fixture TBA 14:30 22 Fixture TBA 14:30 29 Fixture TBA 14:30 VETS FIXTURES 2019-2020 Manager: Tom Buckingham Mar 21 Fixture TBA 15:00 07870 802686 Apr 18 Fixture TBA 15:00 25 Merit Finals 15:00 Friendly Games are being planned. Please sign-up to NOTE: Blank dates may be used should matches [email protected] be postponed due to bad weather Visit the club website for updates and news. Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. UNDER3rd 17 XV AND FIXTURES 18 FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER3rd 16 FIXTURES XV FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020Head Coach: Gareth Ivory League:Head Coach: Dorset & Wilts 2 South League:Head Coach: Dorset Hans & Wilts Dobson 2 South Manager: Sean Oliver - [email protected] Manager: Julia Doig - [email protected] DateDate OpponentsOpponents H/AH/A KOKO DateDate OpponentsOpponents H/AH/A KO

SeptSept 0807 DorchesterTrowbridge III AH 14:0015:00 SepJan 08 04 Wimborne Ellingham & Ringwood II HA 14:15 15 Training H 2914 WimborneEast Dorset AA 14:0015:00 11 WIMBORNE III 14:15 22 Weymouth & Portland A 21 ELLINGHAM & RINGWOOD II H 15:00 18 Poole A 14:15 Oct 06 Chippenham H 14:00 29 Bridport A 1328 CobrasWimborne III AA 14:0015:00 Oct 0625 TrainingReserve / Cup Semi RWB or Trowbridge HA 14:15 13 Marlborough H Nov 24 Wimborne H 14:00 20 Training A Oct 05 POOLE H 15:00 Feb 2701 TrainingOAKMEADIANS II HH 14:30 Dec 0112 EllinghamReserve & Ringwood H 14:0015:00 Nov 0307 WimborneNORTH DORSET II (FRI) AH 14:30 0819 ChippenhamOakmeadians II AA 14:0015:00 1015 Swanage & Wareham H 14:30 15 North Dorset H 14:00 17 Sherborne A 25 North Dorset II (Fri) A 15:00 2422 TrainingReserve / Cup Final HA 14:30 Dec 0129 MinetySwanage & Wareham III AA 14:30 Jan 05 Cobras H 14:00 08 Training H Nov 1902 MarlboroughReserve RFC H 14:0014:30 15 Druid Cup at Saracens A 2609 DorchesterSWANAGE & WAREHAM III HA 14:0014:30 07 WHEATSHEAF CABIN CREW H 15:00 Mar 22 D&W TBC 16 Wheatsheaf Cabin Crew A 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 Feb 09 D&W Competition Q/F TBA 14:00 23 BRIDPORT H 14:30 Jan 0521 WalcotBridport HA 15:00 12 D&W TBC Mar 0130 EllinghamReserve / & Cup Ringwood Bye A 14:0014:30 28 DINTON H 15:00 19 Training H 08 D&W Competition S/F TBA 14:00 26 D&W TBC 22 D&W Competition Final TBA 14:00 Dec 07 Dinton A 14:15 FebApr 0204 WeymouthDORCHESTER & Portland II HH 15:00 29 Marlborough RFC A 14:00 09 D&W TBC 14 Dorchester II A 14:15 18 EAST DORSET H 15:00 16 Wimborne TBC 21 Reserve 14:15 2325 Oaks A 15:00 Mar 01 D&W TBC 08 Training H 15 D&W TBC 22 Training H 29 Marlborough A Apr 05 N. Dorset A 19 Fordingbridge A 26 NOTE:D&W Blank dates may be used shouldTBC matches May 03 Fun Daybe postponed due to bad weatherH Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. website. UNDER2nd XV 15 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER2nd XV 14 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 Head Coach: Alaistair Aitken Head Coach: Murray McLeod-Jones League: Dorset & Wilts 1 South League: Dorset & Wilts 1 South Manager: [email protected] Manager: Ian Kemp - [email protected]

Date Opponents H/A KO Date Opponents H/A KO

SeptSep 0807 TROWBRIDGETraining II H 15:00 SepJan 08 04 WEYMOUTHTraining & PORTLAND H 14:15 15 Training H 15 Training H 14 BLANDFORD H 15:00 11 Swanage & Wareham II A 14:15 22 Training H 22 D&W 1 - Corsham H 21 Weymouth & Portland A 15:00 29 D & W - Frome H 2918 D&WOAKMEADIANS 2 - Frome AH 14:15 Oct 0628 SWANAGETraining & WAREHAM II H 15:00 Oct 0625 WarminsterReserve / Cup Semi (Bournemouth II) HA 14:15 13 Fordingbridge A 13 Training H 20 Trowbridge A 20 Winchester A Oct 05 Oakmeadians A 15:00 Feb 01 Wimborne II A 14:30 27 Basingstoke H 27 Training H Nov 0312 Reserve/CupD & W - Amesbury 1/4 Swanage & Wareham II A 15:00 Nov 0308 TrainingSherborne II HA 14:30 1019 WIMBORNETraining II H 15:00 1015 TrainingDorset Dockers HA 14:30 17 D & W - West Wilts H 17 D&W 3 - Marlborough H 26 DORSET DOCKERS H 15:00 22 Reserve / Cup Final A 14:30 24 Training H 24 Newbury A 29 LYTCHETT MINSTER H 14:30 Dec 01 Training H Dec 01 New Milton A Nov 0802 ReserveTraining H 14:30 08 Training H 1509 LytchettD & W Minster A 14:30 Mar 1507 Training HA 15:00 16 SHERBORNE II H 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 Jan 05 Training H Jan 05 D&W 4 - Chippenham TBC A 1223 PuddletownD & W A 14:30 1221 D&WPUDDLETOWN 5 - Chippenham TBC H 15:00 1930 ReserveFordingbridge H 14:30 1928 TrainingBournemouth III HA 15:00 26 Training H 26 D&W 6 H Feb 02 D & W Feb 02 Training H Dec 07 BOURNEMOUTH III H 14:15 04 DORCHESTER H 15:00 09 Training H Apr 09 D&W 8 H 1614 Dorchester AH 14:15 1618 TrainingBlandford HA 15:00 2321 ReserveNorth Dorset (TBC) A 14:15 2325 Training H 15:00 Mar 01 Andover H Mar 01 D&W A 08 Dorchester A 08 Newbury H 15 North Dorset (TBC) H 15 D&W 9 A 22 North Dorset (TBC) A 22 New Milton H 29 East Dorset H 29 Warminster A Apr 05 D & W Apr 05 D&W H 19 Training H 19 Training H 26 D & W 26 D&W Reserve A NOTE: Blank dates may be used should matches May 03 Fun Day H May 03 Fun Day H be postponed due to bad weather Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. UNDER1st XV 13 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 UNDER1st XV 12 FIXTURES FIXTURES 2019-2020 2019-2020 Ed Paden SouthHead West Coach: 1 East (Level 6) HeadSouth Coach: West 1 St. East John (Level Coley 6) Manager: Nikki Dorman - [email protected] Manager: Faith Martin - [email protected] Date Opponents H/A KO Date Opponents H/A KO

SepSept 0807 TrainingMarlborough HA 15:00 JanSep 08 04 OLDTraining PATESIANS H 14:15 15 Training H 14/15 Training - Perham Weekend H 14 OLD CENTRALIANS H 15:00 11 Oxford Harlequins A 14:15 22 D&W 1 - Bradford on Avon H 22 Training H 2921 D&WOld Patesians 2 - Frome HA 15:00 2918 ROYALD&W 2 - WOOTTON Melksham BASSETT H 14:15 Oct 0628 TrainingOXFORD HARLEQUINS AH 15:00 2925 ReserveRWB FESTIVAL A 14:15 13 BASINGSTOKE H Oct 06 Training H 20 Winchester A 13 Training H Oct 2705 TrainingRoyal Wootton Bassett HA 15:00 Feb 2001 WINDSORTBC HA 14:30 Nov 0312 WimborneWindsor AA 15:00 2708 SherborneTraining AH 14:30 10 SUPERMARINE (Swindon) TBC H Nov 03 Training H 19 SHERBORNE H 15:00 15 TROWBRIDGE H 14:30 17 Chippenham (Dev Team) A 10 Training H 2426 DORCHESTERTrowbridge HA 15:00 1722 ReserveTraining H 14:30 01 Fordingbridge A Dec 2429 WimborneAndover A 14:30 08 Farnham RFC A Dec 01 Training H Nov 1502 D&WReserve 4 - RWB A 14:30 08 Bournemouth A 09 WIMBORNE H 14:30 Mar 1507 BANBURYD&W 4 - Trowbridge HA 15:00 Jan 05 Devizes H 16 Banbury A 14:30 14 Reserve 15:00 12 D&W 5 A Jan 05 Training H 1223 ChippenhamBUCKINGHAM AH 14:30 21 Buckingham A 15:00 12 D&W 5 - Bradford on Avon H 1930 WIMBORNEReserve H 14:30 28 BEACONSFIELD H 15:00 19 Training H 26 D&W 6 A 26 D&W 6 - Corsham A Feb 02 D&W 7 H Dec 0907 D&WBeaconsfield 8 AA 14:15 AprFeb 0204 ChippenhamTraining AH 15:00 09 D&W 7 1614 DEVIZESCHIPPENHAM H 14:15 18 MARLBOROUGH H 15:00 23 North Dorset A 16 Training H 21 Old Centralians A 14:15 25 Play Off 15:00 Mar 01 MARLBOROUGH H 23 Fordingbridge A 08 Dorchester A Mar 01 Chippenham Festival A 15 D&W 9 H 08 Training H 22 Hungerford A 15 D&W 8 29 Bournemouth A 22 Training H Apr 05 D&W Reserve A 29 Training H 19 Training A Apr 05 D&W Reserve 26 D&W 10 H 19 Training H 27 D&W R A 26 NOTE:Land Blank Rover dates Cup may be used shouldA matches May 03 Fun Day H May 03 Fun Daybe postponed due to bad weatherH Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayed on the club website. website. MINI SECTIONVICE-PRESIDENTS FIXTURES 2019-2020 SUBSCRIPTIONSVICE-PRESIDENTS Mr NF Abbott [email protected] G Cuthbert Mr AJ Howden Mr C Miskelly Mr M Presley Mrs T Tyrrell Mr MP Airey Mrs R Cuthbert-Brown Mr P Hrachovec Senior Players £144* (or £15 by monthly DD) MrSenior J Moore Players in Full TimeMr Education AM Prior £ 72* Mr S Underwood Mr SJ Allen Mr JR de Meo Mr GJ Hughes Mr WR Moss Mr J Puzio Mr S Ward Mr R Bailey Mr W Dickson Mr DJ Humphreys Vets £ 60* Date Opponents H/A MrSenior J Mullin Ladies Mr PJ Rattue £72* (or £7.50Mr by BJ monthly Watts DD) MrSep H Baird08 Training Mr GW Dimmer H Mr N Igglesden MrColts J Murley Ms N Rawnson£ 60* Mr J Webb Mr R Barclay15 Training Mr N Donnelly H Mr J Jagoe MrsJunior S MurleyBoys & Mini PlayersMr (first A child) Reynolds£100* (additionalMrs SA child Welling £60) Mr JK Barlow22 Training Mr I Downie H Mr BA James MrJunior WL Girls Nelson Mr T Rice £ 60* Mr MJ Westall Mr N Barnes Mr S Dowse Mr JS Jamieson VPs (Due 1st May) £ 60 + donation at discretion 29 RWB FESTIVAL U10-U11s A Mr SR Nikopoulos Ms A Robertson Mr SH Whaley Mr A Barrett Mr P Dunbar Mr A Jenkins Oct 06 RWB FESTIVAL U7-U9s A Mr*no match B Nolan fees Mr S Roderick Mr D White Mr M Bartlett Mr R Dunworth Mr D Jones Mr H Offer Mr C Whiteley 13 Training H Mr SF Rogers Mr R Barwick Mr A Dutfield Mr RD Jugg MrRights MJ Olsenand privileges uponMr paying AG Rogers annual subscription.Mr R. Whitford 20 SALISBURY FESTIVAL H Mr R Bathurst Mr J East Mr TH Kay Dame L Packer Mr BK Rundle Mr N Whittick Mr A Bellinger27 NEW MILTONMr FESTIVAL M Finlay A Mr D Keech VPs all categories — full membership of Salisbury RFC Ltd - voting Sirrights R Packer eligibility to stand asMr an EP officer Russell - access to internationalMr J Wigg tickets MrNov SA 03 Best Training Mr EC Flower H Mr J Kelly Mr MR Palmer Mr SS Scarr Mr S Williams Mrs A Best Mr P Ford Mr D Kemp discount on function room hire - loyalty card with 10% discount on bar 10 Training H Mrand C shop. Panes Mr BM Sharpe Mr SJ Wilson Mr DJ 17 BevanTraining Ms AM Foster H Mr I Kemp Mr E Parsons Mr R Small Mr WH Wilson Mr JR Blake 24 Andover Mr AS Frener A Mr S Keyes MrSenior S Parsons — full membershipMr JCof Salisbury Smith RFC LtdMr - Hvoting Wiltshire rights - Mr P Blenkinship Mr TC Gault Mr R Kilner Dec 01 Training H Mreligibility CJ Pawson to stand as an officerMr J - Spalding coaching - changingMr facilities N Wood - fitness Mr RJ Blundy Mr KH Gibson Mr PD King and physiotherapy - match food - team strip and laundry - travel to 08 Bournemouth A Mr D Pawson Mr M Stephens Mr C Woollin Mr DJ Bright Mr G Gilbert Mrs Z Kite Mraway A Pelopidagames as agreed withMr Tmanagement Symes - accessMr to C Wrightinternational 15 Chippenham H Mr S Brookbanks Mr L Gilbert Mr CG Kuhle Mrtickets R Penny - discount on functionMr room S Taylor hire - loyalty card Mrwith CJ 10% Wright discount Mr M Brown Mr A Gollop Mr I Landon Mron bar N Phillips and shop. Mr P Thomlinson Mr SA Wright MrJan D Bryan05 Training Mr W Grant H Mr R Lanyon Mr D Phillips Mr N Throp Mr W Wyatt Junior and Colts — membership of youth section - coaching - Dr J Buckee12 Wimborne Mr PB Gray A Mr D Lewis Mr P Pickford Mrs N Tonge Mr J Yarwood changing facilities - match food - team strip including laundry - discount Mr M Bugden12 Chippenham Dr M Green A Mr TJ Line Mr M Potter MR J Tryhorn Mr N Burton Mr M Green Mr J Little on function room hire - loyalty card with 10% discount on bar and shop. 19 Fordingbridge H (One membership card per family). Mr JD Bustin Ms J Gregory Mr M Little 26 Oakmedians & New Milton H Mr RGH Carr Mr P Hancock Mr K Littlewood Mini & Midi — membership of the youth section - coaching - changing 02 Training H MrFeb C Campbell-Jones Mr PA Harding Mr A Lomax facilities - match food - discountNotes on function room hire - loyalty card with Mr DE 09 ClarkeWinchester Mr DJ Harkin H/AMr M Macdonagh 10% discount on bar and shop. (One membership card per family). Mrs C 16 ClarkeTraining Mr JC Harrington H Mr P MacLean The Board shall have absolute discretion in deciding who qualifies for membership. Mr P Clash23 FordingbridgeMr D Hart A Mr A Manning MrMar MC01 ClementsCHIPPENHAM FESTIVALMr J Harwood (U8 & U10) A Lord A Margadale Mr GC08 Clifton-MooreCHIPPENHAM FESTIVALMr JC Hastings (U7, U9 & U11) A Mr S Martin Senior and Colts training sessions are Tuesday and Thursday Mr TS 15 CoadyDevizes Mr TH Hayward H Mr ST Martin evenings. Mr RP 22 Cole Training Mr S Healey H Mr J Mason Mr K Coleman Mr SC Hedges Juniors training Wednesday evenings. 29 NEWBURY FESTIVAL TBC H Mr G Massey Mr MI Constable Mr A Hedges Mr NR McCall 05 Oakmedians & New Milton A MrsApr E Cooper Mr MK Hill Mr K McKeown Please check notice boards/website for change of days. It is essential Mr J Cooper19 Training Mr RC Hill H Mr D McKillop that senior players inform the team secretary if they are unable to play Mr P Corbin26 Training Mr GT Hillier H Mr B McTeare after their selection. Mr E Cosway26 LAND ROVERMr CUP R Hills (U11s only) A Mr A Mercer MrMay M Coulshed03 Fun Day Mr D Hobbs H Mr C Metson The Club holds a limited insurance against serious injury on the field, Mr JW Coveney Mr AJ Hodder Mr H Miller but all players should take out their own accident policy. Mr I Cow Mr PS Hogg Mr JS Miller Mr DR Cox Mr P Holford Any changes/additions to the fixture list will be displayedMr JN on Miller the club When representing the Club, all players will be required to wear the Mr R Cromie Mr CP Hose Mr J Miller specified Team kit and colours and no variation thereof. website. AUTUMNHON LIFEINTERNATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS 2019 FIXTURES Date Fixture UK Time 22Mr September RR Baker Ireland v ScotlandMr A Bowden 08:45 Mr EJ Olsen England v Tonga Wg Cdr BD Weatherley11:15 23 September Wales v Georgia 11:15 26 September England v USA 11:45 28Richard September J Hill (England)Japan v Ireland David Egerton (England)08:15 ROLL OF HONOUR 2018/19 29Richard September A Hill MBE (EnglandAustralia and v Lions) Wales Matt Evans (Canada)08:45 30Mike September Brown (England) Scotland v SamoaTom Heathcote (Scotland)11:15 PLAYER OF THE YEAR 03 October Ireland v Russia 11:15 NEW SPONSORSJosh Green WELCOME 05 October LIFE England VICE-PRESIDENTS v Argentina 09:00 09 October Scotland v Russia 08:15 PRICES START FROM AS LITTLE AS £150 Mr N Adams Mr P Jamieson Mr P Sample PLAYERS’ PLAYER OF THE YEAR 09 October Wales v Fiji 10:45 Mr12 GFOctober Banham EnglandMrs P Jamieson v France Mr DK Sargent09:15 Joe Goldsmith Mr CP Barnwell Mr DT Jugg Mr C Saunby Wide range of tax-efficient options available 12 October Ireland v Samoa 11:45 Mr13 AOctober Barr WalesMr L Kail v Uraguay Mr C Sexton09:15 Mr F Baverstock Mr HD Keatinge Mr R Shipsey Sponsorship of2ND shirts, XV shorts, PLAYER polo shirts for all squads; 13 October Japan v Scotland 11:45 Lagi Lagi Mr19 JCOctober Bell QF1Dr H Knight Mr C Silo 07:15 Sir CJ Benson Mr RJ Larcombe Mr I Smith Sponsored Match Balls; 19 October QF2 10:15 Mr20 PDOctober Birch QF3Mr M Learnihan Mr TH Spreadbury07:15 3RD XV PLAYER Mr A Lever Mr R Stanton Scott Nicol Mrs20 October D Blum QF4 10:15 Player Sponsorship; Mr26 RWOctober Blum SemiMr DJ 1 Lloyd Mr C Steele08:00 Mr27 NROctober Bowditch SemiMr R 2 Lloyd Mr NR Tonge09:00 Advertising in the4TH Matchday XV PLAYER Programme; Mr P Brewer Mr CE Macey Mr P Vokes Will Penton Mr01 MNovember Brookbanks ThirdMr RB Place Mackie Final Mr C Wade09:00 Mr02 NWNovember Butler FinalMr MC Maidment Mr M Wade09:00 AdvertisingMOST in Club IMPROVED Fixture Book; PLAYER Mr A Capon Lord JP Marland Mr C Ward Mr PJAll Cardus International GamesMr will B McGinity be shown live in theMr Clubhouse A Weatherley Bars Pitch Side BannerRory advertising; MacTaggart Mr R Chalk Mr J Mears Mrs E Weatherley Mr MJ Combes SIX NATIONSMr W Moulding 2020 FIXTURESMr W Weeks ClubhouseTHE ALEXAdvertising; EDWARDS TROPHY Mr1 February CH Cook WalesMr DP v Murley Italy Mr CR Whalley14:15 YOUNG PLAYER OF THE YEAR Mr CW Davies IrelandMr J Mussell v Scotland Mrs L Whalley16:45 Mrs2 February SJ Davies FranceMr C Oliver v England Mr BJ White15:00 Website Advertising;Joe Tully Mr G Dear Mrs N Oliver Mr JK Woodford WOMEN'S PLAYER Mr8 February DA Dolding IrelandMr J Palmer v Wales Mr M Woodhouse14:15 Onsite matchday product displays; Mrs B Dutfield ScotlandM W Parfitt v England Mr D Wookey16:45 Tess Fitz Mr9 February R Dutfield FranceMr J Pater v Italy Mrs JM Wookey15:00 Mr C Evans Mr N Perry Corporate hospitality. 22 February Italy v Scotland 14:15 THE PETER RUDORF TROPHY Mr B Forrest Mr WR Perry Wales v France 16:45 MOST IMPROVED JUNIOR PLAYER Mr23 JFebruary Gloag EnglandMr M Piper v Ireland 15:00 Odeon Knight Mr WS Gourlay Mr M Plimsoll Get in touch! Mrs7 March JH Gray IrelandMr DM vPratt Italy 14:15 CLUB CAPTAIN 2019/2020 Mr B Gray EnglandMr R Pritchard v Wales 16:45 CONTACT KATHY CLEARY Mr8 March D Griffiths MBE ScotlandMr S Radford v France 15:00 Neil Tonge Mr S Hart Mr M Ricketts 07753 928088 Mr14 JHMarch Holt-Keene WalesMr J Rooney v Scotland 14:15 [email protected] MEMBERS OF THE YEAR 2019/2020 Mr GW Jack ItalyMrs v R England Rowland 16:45 Neil Jones & Nik Mould France v Ireland 20:00 SOCIAL EVENTS CALENDAR 2019/20 Salisbury Rugby Football Club

OFFICERSVision OF THE CLUB VPWelcome LUNCHES: to 2019/20 Season To be one of the top two rugby clubs in Dorset & Wiltshire measured by the end of season league position of the first team. 14 Sept 12.30 Home to Old Centralians 9As Nov another new season12.00 begins,Home we all to Wimbornelook forward to many Mission Statement President The vision will be achievedRichard by: Larcombe 14opportunities Dec to celebrate12.00 successesHome but to Chippenhamrealise there will be Captain of the Club Neil Tonge 1challenges Feb along the 12.00way. Not least,Home the fulfilment to Windsor of our many fixtures · Increasing the number and the quality of our players and coaches and enabling them to fulfil their potential at Senior, Colts, Junior and Mini levels 7and Mar all the lettings and12:30 events whilstHome we complete to Banbury the building of our Managing Board 18new Apr changing rooms.12.30 Home to Marlborough Chairman · Improving membership numbers and Nicola the facilities Rawnson at our club

Company· Encouraging Secretary members, non-members, volunteersChris and all Metson stakeholders to support our TheApart 1st XV from continuing VP lunch in days, South every West 1st 1 XV(East), home welcome game will a number have a of Finance Directorteams, to help to create a winning attitude,Richard and to Bathurstraise funds newMatch players Day and Meal coaches Deal before to the squad the match and consisting2nd, 3rd & 4th of a Men's hot meal, teams Director of Rugby (Seniors & Womens) Richard Lloyd · Creating a financially sound and sustainable business model for our club continueglass in of their wine D&W and entry leagues. to the The game, Women's open to team all supporters. step up their Director of Youth Rugby Steve Allen aspirations this season, entering the RFY NC3 League. Player Director· Raising of Facilities the profile and reputation of our club within WiltshireJim Mason and the surrounding counties availability is a significant factorEVENTS: in all our senior team's successes and with a continuing professional marketing campaign the whole Club is committed to producing a positive culture across all Chairman of Selectors Barry White Minithe teams Festival to encourage and sustain Sundayplayer engagement. 20th October Team. & Developing Fixture Secretary throughout our club a culture that reflectsNeil the Bowditch rugby union core values of 2018 Xmas Draw Thursday 19th December Head Coach teamwork, respect, enjoyment, disciplineJohn and sportsmanship Kimberley The Youth section is buoyant and with World Cup fixtures about to start Referees Liaison Adrian Wood Clubin Japan Captain's we expect Dinner to be welcomingSaturday many new 24th young January players to the Chief SafeguardingSalisbury Officer RFC Core Values CodeLeah Redding of Conduct game. Last season saw a significant investment of time and funds into Coaching Co-ordinator (VACANT) Player'sYouth Coach end qualifications of Season Dinners and we lookApril forward to the children reaping TEAMWORK-RESPECT-ENJOYMENT-DISCIPLINE-SPORTSMANSHIP Salisbury RFC is committed to upholding these five Rugby Union core values and to promoting, the rewards of the high-quality coaching Salisbury RFC provides this President's Walk May VP Membership communicating Secretary and embedding them throughoutSteve Coady our club. season and beyond. This Code of Conduct applies to all players, coaches, managers, employees, volunteers, Seniorparents Player and visitors, Membership who will be Secretary expected to behave at allGraham times according Hillier to these core value Beer Festival Fri 1st & Sat 2nd May Youth Membership Secretary expectations: Nicola Rawnson Walking Rugby continues to grow and has now established a Press Officer Neil Tonge 7s Rugby Festival Saturday 2nd May committee to help with the arrangements of training and festivals. Charity Co-ordinator TEAMWORK Neil Tonge Having watched the July Festival, their sportsmanship and enthusiasm Rugby is a team game and all players will do their best to win for the team without seeking Salisbury Live @ SRFC Friday 15th May Webmasterpersonal glory. & email Players will always try to attend and beRussell attentive Jugg at training and coaching is to be applauded. sessions and to work hard for each other. Developing skills, getting fit, and practising together May Ball Saturday 23rd May brings satisfaction, success and enjoyment. Project All Change, the redevelopment of our changing facilities has For Hiring's and events please contact Vince Hayward, Men's Group Quiz Friday 29th May RESPECT finally begun, following several seasons of fundraising efforts. Thanks Players will recogniseSRFC and Houseappreciate Manager the efforts on made 01722 by coaches, 325317 match officials, and to all those who have given so much time, effort, and funds to this administrators in providing them with the opportunity to play and enjoy rugby union in a safe and Mid-Summer Madness Friday 19th June enjoyable environment.or email Similarly, [email protected] players will always have the opportunity to discuss with project and we hope everyone who visits Salisbury RFC will be able to coaches and managers if they consider they are being treated in an unacceptable manner. appreciate what has been achieved for the long-term benefit of the Natwest RugbyForce Saturday 20th June For Sponsorship please contact Kathy Cleary, Club. The opportunity to 'Buy a Brick' which will be displayed on the ENJOYMENT SRFC Sponsorship Relations on 07753 928 088 front of the building for future generations, continues this season. Our players play because they want to and they understand that rugby is for fun and friendships. They will applaudor email the opposition [email protected] and the match officials at the end of the game and Please show your support.Normal Details Opening are on the Hours website and in the Club. socialise with them afterwards. 1st September to 30th April For general enquiries please call on 01722 325317 Finally I remind you of the many social events that take place at the DISCIPLINE Tues to Fri 7.00pm to 11.00pm Verbal or physical abuse by players,or email opponents, [email protected] coaches, officials, parents, or spectators is not Clubhouse, including aSat return 12.00pm of the Club to 11.00pm Captain's Dinner this season. acceptable. Our players and members will control emotions and behave according to the laws I look forward to seeing you at the Club to enjoy all the successes and and the spirit of rugby union. In particular, players will accept all the match officials' decisions, Sun 10.00am to 3.00pm; 8.00pm to 11.00pm challenges the season has to offer. even if they appear wrong. For summer hours please see the notice displayed SPORTSMANSHIP Nicola Rawnson We believe that everyone's involvement in rugby union should be safe and free from all forms of Hon Chairman in the Clubhouse and on the website. abuse. We will recognise good play by Salisbury and our opponents and we aim to win with Sponsorsdignity and of lose Salisbury with grace. RFC SALISBURY RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB LTD


Affiliated to the Rugby Football Union, HeritageSUITE Dorset and Wilts RFU Members of South West 1 East (Level 6)

Colours: Emerald and White Available for Function Hire Change: Royal Blue and Gold Ideal for: • Conferences • Meetings Registered Office: • Weddings Castle Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SA • Birthdays On the northern edge of Salisbury on the • Anniversaries A345 (Amesbury) Road • Other events Full In-House Catering Service Telephone: 01722 325317 • Buffets e-mail: [email protected] • Light Hot Meals • Banquets A company limited by guarantee. • Large FREE Car Park Registered in England Number 5520915 • Overhead Projection • Wi-Fi+.

FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US AT: 01722 325317 [email protected] Printed by