Argyle Pillow By Premier Design Team Level: Intermediate

SIZES One size


MATERIALS Premier Yarns® Pom Pom Party (100% acrylic; 50g/132 yds) • 52-03 Fruit Punch (MC) – 2 skeins • 52-01 Jelly Bean (CC1) – 1 skein • 52-04 Cupcake (CC2) – 1 skein • 52-05 Toy Boat (CC3) – 1 skein Needles: US Size 6 (4 mm) 24” circular or size needed to obtain Notions:tapestry needle, 16” pillow form, ½ yard of fabric for pillow back, needle and thread

GAUGE 20 sts x 32 rows = 4” in St st and Striped Argyle patt Save time, your gauge.


STITCH GUIDE Striped Argyle Pattern (worked over a multiple of 8 sts) Row 1: With MC, knit. Row 2: With MC, purl. Row 3: With CC1, * sl 2 sts as if to purl wyib, k6; from * to end. Rows 4, 8, 20 & 24: With CC1, purl the knit sts of previous row, and sl the slipped sts of previous row wyif. Rows 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29: With MC, knit. Rows 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 & 30: With MC, purl. Row 7: With CC1, sl 3 sts wyib, * k4, sl 4 sts; rep from *, to last 5 sts, k5. Row 11: With CC2, * k2, sl 2 sts wyib; rep from * to end. Rows 12 & 28: With CC2, purl the knit sts of previous row, and sl the slipped sts of previous row wyif. Row 15: With CC3, k3, * sl 4 sts wyib, k4; rep from * to last 5 sts, sl 4 sts, k1. Row 16: With CC3, purl the knit sts of previous row, and sl the slipped sts of previous row wyif. Row 19: With CC1, k4, * sl 2 sts wyib, k6; rep from * to last 4 sts, sl 2 sts wyib, k2. Row 23: With CC1, rep Row 15. ©Premier Yarns 2013, All Rights Reserved Row 27: With CC2, rep Row 11. Row 31: With CC3, rep Row 7. Row 32: With CC3, purl the knit sts of previous row, and sl the slipped sts of previous row wyif. Rep Rows 1 – 32 for patt.

PATTERN NOTES Pillow front is knitted in one piece, fabric is applied to back and sewn with pillow front over pre-made pillow.

PILLOW FRONT With MC, cast on 84 sts. Purl 1 row. Row 1 (RS): K2, beg Striped Argyle patt, work in patt to last 2 sts, k2. Row 2 (WS): P2, worked Striped Argyle patt on Row 2, work in patt to last 2 sts, p2. Cont to work in Striped Argyle patt, (maint 2 St st border sts) until you have completed 4 reps of patt (128) rows, or until work meas 16”. Knit 1 row. Bind off all sts p-wise.

FINISHING Weave in all ends. Cut fabric into a 16” x 16” square. Using needle and thread, sew to fabric backing along 3 sides. Insert pillow form. Sew rem side closed.

Abbreviations cont continue k knit maint maintain(ing) meas measures p purl patt pattern p-wise purlwise rem remain(ning) rep(s) repeat(s) sl slip st(s) stitch(es) St st stockinette st wyib with in back wyif with yarn in front

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