Postal History Journal NUMBER 156 OCTOBER 2013 P OSTAL H ISTORY J OURNAL, N O. 156, O CTOBER 2013 King George V Coronation Day Mail Quack Electro-Magnetic Medicine Southern Newspapers in the United States Mail, 1830s and in The Confederate States of America Now is the right time to consider selling your specialized collection. Kelleher is proud to have countless bidders and buyers in every conceivable philatelic specialty throughout the world—you name it. There’s no beer place to sell your specialized collection. Count on Kelleher to help you. Quite frankly, there is no beer source in the world for every form of worldwide postal history. And because of this—as one might expect— there is no beer venue in the world for you when it comes time to sell your cherished collection. Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 60 Newtown Road., PMB #44 Danbury, CT 06810 USA +203.297.6056 • Fax: +203.297.6059
[email protected] Postal History Journal Published by the Postal History Society APS Affiliate No. 44 issued February, June, October. Annual dues $35 U.S., $40 Canada and Mexico, $50 rest of world, P.O. Box 20387, Columbus OH 43220, U.S.A. For this journal, the editors have been awarded the American Philatelic Congress Diane D. Boehret Award 2004; gold medal & Prix d’Honneur, Canada’s 7th National Philatelic Literature Exhibition 2005; Grand Award Colopex 2005; gold medals Napex 2009, Colopex 2007, APS Stampshow 2009, Chicagopex 2011. NUMBER 156 ISSN 0032-5341 OCTOBER 2013 Editors: Diane DeBlois & Robert Dalton Harris, P.O.