Frontiers on Matter Wave Optics Book of Abstracts

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Frontiers on Matter Wave Optics Book of Abstracts Frontiers on Matter Wave Optics Crete, April 6-11 Book of Abstracts Organizing Committee: Markus Arndt Wolf von Klitzing Hanns-Christoph N¨agerl Ernst M. Rasel Table Of Contents H. Abele Page 1 Test of gravitation with quantum objects Vasiliki Bolpasi Page 2 A simplified fiber-based high-power diode laser system T. Bourdel Page 3 Diffusion of ultra-cold atoms in an disordered pancake potential A.D. Cronin Page 4 Dispersive phase shifts due to atom-surface interactions A.D. Cronin Page 5 New applications for nano-gratings F. Deuretzbacher Page 6 Parametric amplification of matter waves in dipolar spinor Bose-Einstein con- densates K. Durstberger-Rennhofer Page 7 Entanglement and decoherence within neutron interferometry S. Eibenberger Page 8 Molecular Dynamics and Structure in Interferometry W. Ertmer Page 9 Towards a lattice based neutral magnesium optical frequency standard S. Gerlich Page 10 Matter wave interferometry as a tool for molecule metrology Kurt Gibble Page 11 Decoherence and Collisional Frequency Shifts Elmar Haller Page 12 Quantum phase transitions in 1D systems M. Hamamda Page 13 Atomic Fresnel Biprism M. Hamamda Page 14 Negative refraction of matter waves Yuji Hasegawa Page 15 Optical studies of entanglements in a single-neutron system W. F. Holmgren Page 16 Absolute and ratio measurements of the polarizability of Na, K, and Rb with an atom interferometer B. Holst Page 17 Neutral helium atom microscopy S.A. Hopkins Page 18 Bright matter-wave solitons: formation, dynamics and quantum reflection K. Hornberger Page 19 Probing decoherence and entanglement with molecular systems A. Joyet Page 20 Intermodulation noise in cold atom interferometers C. Klempt Page 21 A parametric amplifier of matter waves Grigoris Konstantinidis Page 22 Imaging of trapped single Rb atoms M. Krutzik Page 23 Towards atom interferometry in microgravity i V.E. Lembessis Page 24 Coherent population trapping and the control of light-induced torque on three- level atoms Pierre Lemonde Page 25 Recent progress towards the quantum limit of optical lattice clocks S. Lepoutre Page 26 Detection of the He-McKellar-Wilkens phase shift by atom interferometry W. Lewoczko-Adamczyk Page 27 Advanced laser systems for coherent manipulation of matter waves in micro- gravity V.P.A. Lonij Page 28 Ratio measurements of atom-surface potentials reveal effect of core electrons M. J. Mark Page 29 Rovibronic ground state molecules in an optical lattice S. McEndoo Page 30 Quantum phase engineering for angular momentum states S. Middelkamp Page 31 Stability and dynamics of matter-wave vortices in the presence of collisional inhomogeneities and dissipative perturbations G. Modugno Page 32 Exploring the physics of disorder with a Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interaction Michael Morrissey Page 33 A novel Ioffe Pritchard magnetic trap for BEC in tuneable elongated traps F. Pereira Dos Santos Page 34 Accuracy of a cold atom gravimeter A. Perrin Page 35 One-dimensional Bose gases in and out of equilibrium J.M. Raimond Page 36 Superconducting atom chips Mark G. Raizen Page 37 Comprehensive Control of Atomic Motion J. Reichel Page 38 Splitting a condensate on an atom chip: effect of temperature and interactions T. Reisinger Page 39 Poissons spot with molecules N.P. Robins Page 40 The application of atom lasers to precision measurement L. Rutherford Page 41 Towards simulation of impurity movement through a Tonks-Girardeau gas Daniel Sahagun Sanchez Page 42 An Apparatus for Bose-Einstein Condensates in Novel Traps by Time Averaged Adiabatic Potentials M. Schmidt Page 43 Mobile accelerometers based on atom interferometry for high-precision mea- surements of local gravity C. Schubert Page 44 High precision cold atom gyroscope A. I. Sidorov Page 45 Spatial evolution of the phase and spin-echo rephasing in a two-component BEC S. Slama Page 46 Surface Quantum Optics: from Casimir-Polder forces to tailored optical near- fields ii Augusto Smerzi Page 47 Entanglement and Distinguishability of Quantum States U. Sterr Page 48 Precision Measurements with Ultracold Earth Alkaline Atoms P. Treutlein Page 49 Atom chip based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology H. Ulbricht Page 50 Towards the Southampton molecule interferometer S. Whitlock Page 51 Sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations by three-body loss in mesoscopic en- sembles P. Wicke Page 52 Controlling spin dynamics in a one-dimensional quantum gas B. S. Zhao Page 53 Emerging beam resonances in atom diffraction from a reflection grating B. S. Zhao Page 54 Quantum reflection of helium atom beams from solid surfaces iii Test of gravitation with quantum objects H. Abele Atominstitut Technische Universit¨atWien Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna, Austria e-mail: [email protected] Abstract This talk is about a test of gravitation at small distances by quantum interference deep into the theoretically interesting regime of 10000 times gravity [1]. The method allows a precise measurement of quantum me- chanical phase shifts of a Schr¨odingerwave packet bouncing off a hard surface in the gravitational field of the earth. The experiment is sensitive to gravity-like forces at a length scale below 10 µm, where we already place limits. Such forces can be mediated from gauge bosons propagat- ing in a higher dimensional space and this experiment can therefore test speculations on large extra dimensions of sub-millimetre size of space-time or the origin of the cosmological constant in the universe, where effects are predicted in the interesting range of this experiment and might give a signal in an improved setup. References [1] H. Abele, T. Jenke, H. Leeb, and J. Schmiedmayer, Phys. Rev. D 81, 065019 (2010). 1 A simplified fiber-based high-power diode laser system Vasiliki Bolpasi, Daniel Sahag´unS´anchez, and Wolf von Klitzing Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, P.O. Box 1527, GR-71110 Heraklion, Greece. and e-mail: [email protected] Abstract spectroscopy technique. Another important tech- nique employed is the rf modulation [3, 4, 5] of Since the advent of semiconductor lasers in the a slave laser diode at 6.8 GHz which stimulates 1960s, they have found many applications in var- the Rb-87 re-pumping transition necessary for laser ious fields of research. In the majority of experi- cooling. ments in this field, semiconductor diode lasers are This work is a ongoing endeavor and in are cur- used in an extended cavity diode laser (ECDL) rently investigating incorporating the rf modula- configuration [1, 2] which offers a large mode-hop tion described above, into a high power tapered free range, increased lasing power and decreased laser system. line-width. Due to the increasing complexity of laser cooling and BEC experiments, there is a need Keywords: diode laser, tapered amplifier, mi- to provide a substantial amount of optical power crowave generated repumper to the various aspect of the experiment, such as cooling, re-pumping, imaging and optical pumping References beams. Many ECDL lasers cannot provide ade- quate power to perform such tasks simultaneously. [1] C. E. Wieman and L. Hollberg, Rev. Sci. In- Therefore, an optical amplification system needs strum. 62,1 (1991) to be implemented in order to increase the optical power available for the experiment while maintain- [2] L. Ricci, M. Weidemuller, T. Esslinger, A. ing the optical properties such as line-width and Hemmerich, C. Zimmermann, V. Vuletic, W. beam quality. Konig, and T. W. Hansch, Optics Communi- The main focus of this poster will be on a novel cations, 117, 541 (1995) amplification system, which is based on operating a [3] C. J. Myatt, N. R. Newbury and C. E. Wie- semiconductor tapered amplifier in a novel double- man, Opt. Lett. 18, 649 (1993) pass configuration. This results in a 1 W semi- conductor tapered amplifier to output 600 mW of [4] P. N. Melentiev, M. V. Subbotin and V. I. Ba- usable power from a low power seed beam of 0.5 lykin, Laser Phys. 11, 891 (2001) mW while still maintaining the parameter of the injection light. [5] R. Kowalski, S. Root, S.D. Gensemer and P. L. Gould, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 2532 (2001) As well as this novel amplification technique, a complete laser system suitable for BEC exper- iments with Rb atoms will be described. This will include the locking of an ECDL Littrow con- figuration laser system to hyperfine atomic tran- sitions using a Doppler-free saturated absorption 2 Diffusion of ultra-cold atoms in an disordered pancake potential T. Bourdel, M. Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, B. Allard, T. Plisson, J.-P. Brantut, L. Pezze, L. Sanchez-Palencia, A. Aspect, P. Bouyer Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique, Universit Paris Sud, CNRS Campus Polytechnique RD 128, 91127 Palaiseau cedex, FRANCE e-mail: [email protected] Abstract [2] L. N. Smith and C. J. Lobb, Phys. Rev. B 20, 3653 (1979). When confined in two dimensions, numerous in- triguing disorder related phenomena affect the [3] P. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 109, 1492(1958). transport properties of electrons in solid state [4] T. P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J. L. Hanssen, C. systems. Recently, disorder-related phenomena -S. Chuu, and M. G. Raizen, Optics Express started to be experimentally explored in atomic 13, 2843 (2005). ultra-cold gases. Here, we present experimental re- sults on diffusive expansion of an initially trapped [5] N. L. Smith, W. H. Heathcote, G. Hechen- 87Rb ultra-cold gas, confined along the vertical di- blaikner, E. Nugent and C. J. Foot, J. Phys. rection, in presence of an anisotropic disordered po- B 38, 223 (2005) tential. Our experiment is a first step towards the study of other disorder effects in two dimensions, [6] D. Cl´ement, A. F. Varon, J. A. Retter, L.
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