[email protected] 647-868-6013 JULY 20, 2020 A. Report Overview This Greenfield Capital ( report on the Biotechnology industry is written by a registered investment consultant & portfolio manager, not by a scientist. Our objective is to provide education and information to investors who lack the tools to trade successfully in an industry made vitally important to the world by the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. If we want to live through this pandemic -- and future ones -- where it is possible that hundreds of millions of us could perish because of the lack of diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics, then as investors we should be keenly interested in the Biotech industry. News reports state that in just six and a half months, COVID-19, initially called SARS- CoV-2, has killed more people than the number of Americans who die each year from opioid overdose (46,000), traffic accidents (36,500), and gun violence (40,000) combined. But, currently, there is no vaccine for COVID-19, and the treatment options for patients with severe or life-threatening symptoms are limited. As the world struggles to contain the deadly virus, there are, fortunately, over 140 coronavirus vaccines in development. News is breaking every day. At the same time, however, many individuals who are trading in Biotech stocks remain woefully uninformed and are speculating wildly. Some Biotech stocks that have appreciated 100% or more in a few months on hopefulness may have trouble sustaining gains beyond the news peak. Still, for investors who study this industry, there are opportunities right now to buy Biotech stocks that will grow in price well into the future.