United Nations A/75/592/Add.7 General Assembly Distr.: General Seventy-fifth session 13 January 2021 Original: English Seventy-fifth session Agenda item 8 General debate Note by the President of the General Assembly I have the honour to circulate, pursuant to decision 74/562 of 22 July 2020, the present compilation document of the statements delivered by Heads of State or other dignitaries by means of pre-recorded statements during the general debate and submitted to the President no later than the day on which the pre-recorded statement is played in the Assembly Hall. The statements contained in the present document were delivered on the afternoon of Friday, 25 September 2020, at the 11th meeting of the General Assembly (see A/75/PV.11). Document A/75/592 and its addenda 1 through 11 contain the statements delivered in the 4th through the 15th meetings of the General Assembly (A/75/PV.4-A/75/PV.15). In accordance with decision 74/562, and without setting a precedent for mandated high-level meetings planned for future high-level weeks, the official records of the General Assembly will be supplemented by annexes containing pre-recorded statements submitted by Heads of State or other dignitaries, submitted to the President no later than the day on which such statements are delivered in the Assembly Hall. Submissions in this regard should be made to
[email protected].. 21-00393 (E) *2100393* A/75/592/Add.7 13/01/2021 Kiribati (see also A/75/PV.11, annex I) Address by Mr.