83 bus time schedule & line map

83 Lakeside - Grays - Chadwell St Mary View In Website Mode

The 83 bus line (Lakeside - Grays - Chadwell St Mary) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chadwell St Mary: 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM (2) Lakeside: 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 83 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 83 bus arriving.

Direction: Chadwell St Mary 83 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Chadwell St Mary Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM Bus Station, Lakeside Tuesday 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM Ikea, West Wednesday 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM The Ship, Thursday 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM

The Shant, South Friday 5:35 AM - 5:05 PM

Mill Lane, South Stifford Saturday 7:39 AM - 5:35 PM London Road, Grays

Moore Avenue, South Stifford

Roseberry Road, Grays 83 bus Info Direction: Chadwell St Mary Aldi, Grays Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 40 min Bus Station, Grays Line Summary: Bus Station, Lakeside, Ikea, West Thurrock, The Ship, West Thurrock, The Shant, South Stifford, Mill Lane, South Stifford, Moore Avenue, Stanley Road, Grays South Stifford, Roseberry Road, Grays, Aldi, Grays, Stanley Road, Grays Bus Station, Grays, Stanley Road, Grays, Bradleigh Avenue, Grays, Turps Corner, Grays, Whitehall Road, Bradleigh Avenue, Grays Grays, Tennyson Avenue, Grays, Piggs Corner, Grays, The Oak, Socketts Heath, Parkside, Socketts Heath, Turps Corner, Grays Wood View, Grays, Heathland Way, Grays, The Highgrove Mews, Grays Haven, Chadwell St Mary, River View, Chadwell St Mary, River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary, Rigby Whitehall Road, Grays Gardens, Chadwell St Mary, Cherry Walk, Chadwell St Mary, Loewen Road, Chadwell St Mary, Cedar Road, Tennyson Avenue, Grays Chadwell St Mary, Godman Road, Chadwell St Mary, Nicholas Walk, Chadwell St Mary, Sleepers Farm Piggs Corner, Grays Road, Chadwell St Mary, Morant Road, Chadwell St Lodge Lane, Grays Mary, Defoe Parade, Chadwell St Mary

The Oak, Socketts Heath

Parkside, Socketts Heath Wood View, Grays Wood View, Grays

Heathland Way, Grays

The Haven, Chadwell St Mary The Haven,

River View, Chadwell St Mary 101 River View, England

River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary 1 Brentwood Road, England

Rigby Gardens, Chadwell St Mary Rigby Gardens, England

Cherry Walk, Chadwell St Mary

Loewen Road, Chadwell St Mary

Cedar Road, Chadwell St Mary Errington Close, England

Godman Road, Chadwell St Mary Godman Road, England

Nicholas Walk, Chadwell St Mary

Sleepers Farm Road, Chadwell St Mary Sleepers Farm Road, England

Morant Road, Chadwell St Mary

Defoe Parade, Chadwell St Mary Direction: Lakeside 83 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Lakeside Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM Defoe Parade, Chadwell St Mary Tuesday 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM Claudian Way, Chadwell St Mary Wednesday 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM Seaborough Road, Chadwell St Mary Thursday 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM St Patrick's Place, England Friday 6:17 AM - 5:47 PM Vigerons Way, Chadwell St Mary Saturday 7:47 AM - 6:17 PM Aluric Close, Chadwell St Mary Aluric Close, England

River View Cross Keys, Chadwell St Mary 22 River View, England 83 bus Info Direction: Lakeside River View, Chadwell St Mary Stops: 26 101 River View, England Trip Duration: 37 min Line Summary: Defoe Parade, Chadwell St Mary, The Haven, Chadwell St Mary Claudian Way, Chadwell St Mary, Seaborough Road, The Haven, England Chadwell St Mary, Vigerons Way, Chadwell St Mary, Aluric Close, Chadwell St Mary, River View Cross Palmers College, Grays Keys, Chadwell St Mary, River View, Chadwell St Chadwell Road, England Mary, The Haven, Chadwell St Mary, Palmers College, Grays, Ridgeway, , The Oak, Socketts Ridgeway, Little Thurrock Heath, Tennyson Avenue, Grays, Whitehall Road, Wood View, Grays Grays, Turps Corner, Grays, Bradleigh Avenue, Grays, Stanley Road, Grays, Bus Station, Grays, Aldi, Grays, The Oak, Socketts Heath Meesons Lane, Grays, Roseberry Road, Grays, Moore 1 Lodge Lane, Grays Avenue, South Stifford, The Shant, South Stifford, The Ship, West Thurrock, West Thurrock Way, West Tennyson Avenue, Grays Thurrock, Ikea, West Thurrock, Bus Station, Lakeside

Whitehall Road, Grays Southend Road, Grays

Turps Corner, Grays Highgrove Mews, Grays

Bradleigh Avenue, Grays

Stanley Road, Grays Stanley Road, Grays

Bus Station, Grays

Aldi, Grays

Meesons Lane, Grays

Roseberry Road, Grays Florence Close, Grays

Moore Avenue, South Stifford The Shant, South Stifford

The Ship, West Thurrock

West Thurrock Way, West Thurrock

Ikea, West Thurrock

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