#13 APRIL 2016 An independent, free monthly guide to Music, Art, Theatre, Comedy, Literature & Film in Stroud. goodonpaper.info #13 | APRIL 2016 EDITOR’S NOTE 3 EDITOR’S NOTE EDITOR Alex Hobbis WELCOME TO THE THIRTEENTH ISSUE OF GOOD ON PAPER Advertising/Editorial/Listings: – YOUR FREE MONTHLY GUIDE TO MUSIC CONCERTS, ART
[email protected] EXHIBITIONS, THEATRE PRODUCTIONS, COMEDY SHOWS, FILM SCREENINGS AND LITERATURE EVENTS IN STROUD... DESIGNER Adam Hinks Happy GOPday! Thirteen issues (21,900 copies!) have fl own by and Artwork and Design what better way to celebrate our anniversary than publishing our
[email protected] annual Stroud Festival Guide! There are sixteen listed taking place in and around Stroud, visit the festivals and venues websites for regular updates and line-up announcements. ONLINE We have also further embraced the festival spirit by teaming up with Goodonpaper.info the SVA to curate a series of events at the Goods Shed this month as part of this year’s SITE Festival (turn to p13 and visit our facebook page FACEBOOK for further info). /GoodOnPaperStroud Over the next few months we will be announcing more Good On Paper TWITTER events including our stage for this year’s Stroud Fringe Festival and hope to continue to promote the abundance of exceptional artists, @GoodOnPaper_ musicians, authors, actors, comedians and fi lm-makers who dwell in this town and the events which take place within it. Don’t forget to visit our website for extra content including our monthly PRINTED BY: SPONSORED BY: YouTube Playlist, reviews and to read our previous issues.