Video 15: Strategies for Better In collaboration with BrainMind, Dr. Isaacson reviews the importance of sleep for optimal brain health

A lack of sleep leads to higher stress levels, higher cortisol levels, and brain aging

Stages of Sleep 1. Light sleep: not restorative, a precursor to essential phases of later sleep 2. REM sleep (): dream phase of sleep, essential for memory consolidation a. Allows for peak performance of the brain b. Memory goes from short to long term 3. Deep sleep (Slow-wave sleep): essential for clearing amyloid buildup in the brain a. Glymphatic system: irrigation of the brain Both adequate sleep and lifestyle changes are necessary for optimal brain performance and to reduce brain aging

Sleep Tracking & Tips ● How many overall hours of sleep? ○ Using wearables, biosensors to get an objective sense of sleep ● Aim for 7.5-8 hours of sleep ○ How many hours of REM and deep sleep? ■ 20~22%, up to 25% of total sleep should be comprised of each REM and deep sleep, meaning 1.5 hours of REM and 1.5 hours of deep sleep to maintain a healthy brain ● How long does it take for someone to fall asleep? ● Why is a person having trouble falling asleep? Are they ruminating? ○ Interventions include: ■ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ■ Melatonin ■ Supplements and drugs

Ideal Sleep Hygiene ● Consistent sleep schedule ● Don’t eat too close to bedtime ● Use the primarily for sleeping ● Minimize distractions

Takeaways​: ● Sleep is one of the most critical aspects of brain health ● Try to make a better plan for sleep and talk to health care provider