Name ______Date ______Class ______Period _____

Quaestio: ______Nunc Agenda: Examine the map on page 178-179 in your textbook. It shows the divided Eastern and Western Roman Empires. As you know, by 476 CE, the Western half had been reduced from what what you see on the map to only the territory of , and in that year was conquered by the , the final step in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. However, the Eastern half lived on, and by the (500s CE), what we know today as the had about the same territory you see on the map.

That changed during the reign of the Eastern Emperor Justinian, who hoped to retake from the Germanic kings the lands that once belong to the Roman Empire. The map on the screen shows with a red line how much he was actually able to take back. However, the conquests did not last for long, as soon fell to other Germanic rulers. Examine the map on the screen to see how much the Empire decreased by 1020.

Question: Do you think Justinian’s effort to regain the Roman Empire was a success or a failure? Explain.

Justinian and the Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire

• ______Empire- commonly used name for the ______Roman Empire which lasted until 1453 CE • Culture was a blend of Roman, ______, and Christian influences, people saw themselves as ______• Consisted originally of Greece, the Balkans (north of Greece), ______, the Levant, and ______• Centered around the capital city of ______, originally established by Emperor Constantine • located on the ______Strait between the Mediterranean and Black Seas, making it an ideal center of ______• Byzantine gold coins, known as ______, have been found from to The Reign of Justinian I

• ______wanted to revive the ______Empire by reconquering its lands in the West • Fought wars against the ______in North Africa and the ______in Italy and , as well as the ______Persian Empire, which cost a great deal of ______• Used high ______and trickery to gain funds • Ruled as an ______ruler, having total control over his Empire • One official wrote about him, “The emperor is ______to all men in the nature of his body, but in the authority of his rank he is similar to ______, Who rules all.” • Empress ______- smart, tough, beautiful, former dancer and ______(high-class prostitute), Justinian saw her perform and married her, she became ______• ______Riots o In 532, riots broke out in the ______, the chariot-racing arena o The fans of the two teams, the ______and the ______, who normally fought with each other, ______against the Emperor, unhappy with his rule o The rioters took to the streets yelling ______, meaning Conquer, and Justinian was about to flee the city until his ______convinced him to stay o He put down the rebellion, and rebuilt the parts of the city it had destroyed • ______- ______rebuilt by Justinian after the riots, the symbol of the Byzantine Empire • Justinian said when he saw it finished, “O Solomon, I have surpassed you!” in reference to the Jewish Holy ______• Successfully reconquered much of the Roman Empire, and reorganized and simplified the confusing Roman into the ______• Plague of Justinian (541)- ______Plague strikes the Empire and spreads throughout Europe, killing ______people a day in Constantinople, ultimately about 40% of its inhabitants • Over the next few centuries, the effects of the plague, combined with invasions by , Vikings, Arabs, ______, and ______caused the Empire to shrink until it fell in ______