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Applications available NOW at the Off Campus Center and Residence Life. Application deadline Mav 6. April 17. 1987 CONTENTS Volume 63, Number 21

Reportage 6 Reproview 21 Departments Two iheives break into Wallace A battle between morals and ethics Letters 4 Memorial Library and attempt to is fought in Room with A View Zodiac 9 steal a safe. Destined to be this year's comedy Tab Ads 28 An electrical fire in Racquet Club film hit. Raising Arizona is a movie Bloom County 29 causes some excitement for the not to be missed. What's Happening 30 residents of apartment 451. Showcasing innovative music, The Sd plans an open forum and letter Pyramid offers the abstracted Cover: writing campaign to fight Reagan's explorative listener a memorable educational budget cuts. Lacrosse weekend. team goes Some Kind of Wonderful is only for the goal Feature 11, 13, & 16 of being the The War Memorial's drab stadium "wonderful" if you are still passing through puberty. best. is lit up by a festival of flaming fanfare. "Moonlighting" star Bruce Willis Photo By: gets a date he doesn't plan on in Tired of pizza and burgers? Try Steve Blind Date. something different, affordable and Freeman tasty at Olga's.

Scoreboard 26 Numerous mishaps create a tragedy of errors for the season opening baseball games. Lacrosse takes to the road, enjoying upstate New York. Opponents trounce softball to an 0-4 start. Mens tennis continues to struggle, but they are beginning to snow signs of hope.


To quote a popular right-winger. or hotelie on a battlefield? Maybe, Just cross the North Pole and ruin North "There you go again. . .". attacking our maybe, too many of us is getting America. Before you know it the of wonderful president soley because he educated anyway. What'r we gonna do hammer and sickle will be flying in the wants to instill in our private if our president calls us to fight with the adminstration circle, then what would educational institutions a sense of heroic Contras? Throw calculators and happen to education? We have to fiscal responsibility. recijje Ixxjks? This country is going too prepared, and that means spending It's budget time again, and all the high-tech, we need to get back to some billions on defense, and millions colleges are screaming about acouple basics, teaching the youth of this defending our friends in the Middle million dollar cuts. I say it's time to stop country how to make an honest buck East and South/Central America the gravy train. Hell, everyone knows with their muscles. This country is too Colleges have got to understand what teachers are overpayed. $28,000 to smart and too soft for its own good, and is more important. For my buck, that's teach a bunch of wasteful, ungrateful its all because of the free ride the gone. Star Wars, nuclear subs and $800 urchins Calculus. Accounting and Democrats give our colleges. hammers, not fancy dorms and Management. If that ain't overpayed I Oh sure, I know what comes next, overpayed editors. don't know who else is —k:ept maybe something about comparing the nurses. The Secretary of Education is proportional size of the defense budget right, giving more money to educators to the education percentage Which do just lets ther students buy stereos and we need more? Let's face it. we need take trips to Florida. protection; after all. we never know Besides, what good is an engineer when the commie horde is going to

REPORTER MAGAZINE a puWi»hed weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Institute of Technotogy. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. New York 14623 Editorial and pro duction facilities are located in Room A 283 of the College Alumni Union, telephone 716 475 22 12 Subscription $4 00 per quarter The opinions expressed in REPORTER do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve the contents of REPORTER and does not accept responsibility for matters contained in REPORTER • Letters must t>e sub mitted to the REPORTER office by 4 p m Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced Please limit letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity No letters will be printed unless signed and accompanied by a phorre number REPORTER will withhold names upon request AH letters received are the properly of REPORTER Magazine • REPORTER takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and the American Civil Liberties Union • (c 1987 REPORTER MAGAZINE All rights reserved No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permisston from REPORTER. REPORTER LETTERS

Magazine Grade System Stats 1 don't know who to trust. 1 just keep Editor-in-Chief putting faith in the Lord and pray that The Student Directorate proposal to some day people will judge others hy Kevin Minnick change the grading system at RIT has, hy character, not color. Managing Editor now, heen widely discussed. One of the I thought racism would decrease when Steve Waterlcxj benefits of the new system, it is claimed, I came to college. I thought I was around is that it is easier to avoid suspension and intelligent people. Only blacks can ever Senior Writer probation. I have completed an analysis of know how I felt when I returned to my Bill Amstutz the new scheme using percentages for dorm room (NRH7), one day freshman News Editor assigning letter grades that do not result year, and saw "NIGGER" written on my in grade inflation, and I am sure that all door. I don't enjoy going into stores to James Ferme RIT students will he interested in the shop and being watched hy security just Copy Editor results. because I'm black. Sometimes I play with AAaroo Abundo I analyzed a hypothetical student them. I run up to them, say "BOO!" and taking four-credit courses. All giggle my ass off watching them run from News Writers combinations of scores for the four me. Maxine Isaacson courses from 0 to 100 in increments of I asked a friend and fellow crony Mark Tiffany 0.001 were generated. Each combination Ozhourne McKay (one of the only two Brian Demjpsey Adan Derti was then assigned letter grades and CPA's black male Criminal justice students) how using the current system, and the seven- he felt about once being a store detective Entertainment Editor letter system with non-inflating "Customers didn't believe it. it was a real Jim Winiarski percentages. experience!" He told me of one customer Entertainment Writers The seven-letter grading scheme, with apprehension when Gates (Roch.) police non-inflating percentages, results in were called in and the officer didn't know Kris Argento Craig VeconI 5384% more probations and 9.241% more who the offender was! "It was a real John White Tom Mineo suspensions than the current grade degrading situation and I put the officer Paul Cocuzzi Suzanne Shade system. in his place!" McKay adds. Sports Editor I repeat from my previous letter: My intentions behind this letter are Robert A. Salzer Before you decide whether you are for or not to label anyone a racist, hut to bring Sports Writers against the SD projxrsal, he sure you know your attention to a situation that, I feel, is what the proposal really means. detrimental to the future peaceable Chris Martin existence of this country. How can we Greg House confidently defend our country when we Mamie Salisbury Kenneth Reek John Lolars Associate Professor can't even trust each other? School of Computer Science Anyway, I hope I have not offended Photo Editor and Technology anyone with this letter; if I have, tough Steven Q Freeman crap! I've heen offended since I was horn! Cartoonist When our people got to this country, we were on the bottom of the boat looking upi Mike Kerwin Speaking Out Where was the sign that reads. "Give us Production Manager your tired, poor, and huddled masses. . . ?" Black Week was last week. What was Black Annamarie Daane Being horn on the day Martin Luther King Week? It's a week long series of program- led the march on Washington DC. and Production Staff ming, at R.I.T.. focusing on blacks, our delivered his famous speech in late August Ellis J. Canal Beth Ploeger culture, past and present. It climaxes with 1963.1 somehow feel a part of his "Dream." Delrdre Campbell Linda Crankshaw a fashion and talent show, that's a hit with To sum up my feelings in a single Jill Clause Karen Zagorski everyone associated with R.I.T This year. sentence I can only say. "Blacks don't want Scott Traylor Jeff Reichert BACC has outdone itself with this year's a hand-out. hut just a helping hand!" You George Daniels Jordan Neuringer events. I hope you checked some of them know. "Life. Liberty, and the Pursuit of Advertisinfl Manager out. Happiness?" and all the rest of that Victoria Vavrinec You know, when I think of the word American crap! 'Black". I think of the beauty of its people, Advertising Representative and its color. Far too often I encounter the Scott Edmonds Robert Williams people who think of blacks as being Senior, Printing Business Manager inferior and low class. Our history proves that we are just as smart, beautiful, and Brad Pietras talented as any other race on the face of Stripped Down Stickers Collections the earth. Kathy Salerrx) I haven't spent much time in "the Once a swampland, founded in 1829, Distribution Staff South ". hut I've heard that racism isn't all Rochester Institute of Technology that had. At least you know who your recognized for its co-op program and Arxiy Minnick enemies are. Here in the north, you can't unbelievable weather, still is lacking one Mark Contirro tell if it's your "friend", neighbor, teacher, crucial item. Did you ever wonder why the Advisor whoever! Ive encountered so much racism new bookstore, amidst its lavish interior Elaine Spaull in my short lifetime, so far, that sometimes. and glittery surroundings, does not have April 17, 1987 'HEADQUARTERS a so called "normal window collegiate My first mistake was a misconception Unise\SAloi|, sticker' for your car? Well, we have of the DiSTDRTF-R S accuracy. I also fell prey wondered. The fact is that RIT only sells to the rumors that the mouse had been 2775 W. Henrietta Road car window stickers that have rainbows, fat shot, and a picture of a bullet exiting the Rochester, NY 14623 letters with bricks inside them, slanted hack of its head had heen taken. I spoke (Next to Instant Photo) letters with ugly typefaces, and several with professor David Hazey, in charge of other tacky types of stickers. high speed photography. He assured me. Once again RIT has tried to do and I quote. "We don't shoot mice here. 427-2490 something unusual that they thought The picture is not associated with this lab." would prove successful. However, without He seemed a hit insulted hy my question, MIKE CORDELLO shocking avail this has not at all come true. a reaction for which I could not blame owner stylist If Campus Connections would just him. My next step was to go directly to the purchase the normal car window sticker, horse's mouth; RKPORTER itself. I was told NOREEN CORDELLO we believe that this would outsell all the that the mouse had heen killed before the stylist other car stickers which they presently picture was taken. I was not informed how. Our everyday low price on a haircut is only $9.00. have on display. When we say "normal," we Feeling a hit unsatisfied with my Tanning Bed Available mean a traditional typeface with either bundle of facts convinced me to speak Rochester Institute of Technology or RIT with Dr. Elaine Spaull. the assistant vice printed across it in black or burnt umber, president of Student Affairs, who is also $5.00 off without any brick or rainbow variations. REPORTER'S advisor. I have known her for Perm $3.00 Off This is the type of sticker which you will a year now. and her honesty and openess find at any of the various universities is quite compelling. She collaborated with Shampoo, cut around the country! Why do we have to he REPORI ER S response, and added that she and blow dry. so different? How about those wonderful received a call from the A.S.PC.A. I was not sweatshirts and accessories? responsible for that call informing the Ask for your free Nexxus sample A.S.PC.A. of the situation. I would like to Discounts with Student I.D. for SunUn Lance J. Kessler thank the person who did. 5 minutes from RIT fourth-year Packaging Science What was presented in this letter over the mouses death. I believe to he true. If Tu««.. Wed , Thurs : 10-9 Michael Rimland Fri la? Sat 9-4 Third-year Electrical Engineering anyone knows of any additional information, I can he reached through the Student Directorate office. Please don't let Mistreated Rodent R.I.T. he associated with the merciless exploitation of animals. Not all of you can His eyes are open hut he cannot see. That he that cold. SUMMER JOB can he said about a blind man. It can also he said for the mouse on the hack cover of Dana Hicks Crew for 55' motorsailer, late this year's DisromKR. Frequently, life can Assistant Rep at Large end while the eyes remain open. And this May through Labor Day. Student Directorate is precisely what happened to this Must know how to raise, defenseless little mouse. lower and trim sails, anchor- To my unwary suprise, the mouse was For accuracy's sake, it should be noted that the dead when the picture was taken; the cause said animal was a rat, not a mouse. —Ed. ing, diesel engine fundamen- of, I cannot he certain. Perhaps it was tals, steer by compass. Some nonchalantly dropped to a snake for the galley work. Available for ehoulish amusement of the owner and friends. Then, stripped away, exploiting two June weekend both animals' weaknesses. But I assure you shakedown cruises, six week that this is pure speculation. There is more cruise to Georgian Bay (July than one way to kill a mouse - August), weekends day sail- Who is to say that we deserve the right to the more than any other ing while in Rochester. Ex- creature, he he big or small? Who has cellent summer opportunity acquired this God given right to he the for mature, strong, and determinant of what lives and what dies? And who can he so morbidly insane as to seasoned sailor. Salary string up this mouse's carcass, insinuating negotiable depending on as if it were to he you? Quite frankly, the credentials. whole business makes me sick! Admittedly. I am lending myself to criticism. Call me a bleeding heart, or a Apply to: fool for presenting such a seemingly small Kim Joseph issue. Possibly that is the case, hut my love Student Employment Services for animals is not superficial. I commenced to do some investigating to get to the bottom of this. Compiled by: Adnan Derti Kevin Minnick REPORTAGE Dana Hicks Renovation Of SD And Bylaws Discussed Doreen Djavaheri, former Vice Chairman Other events at the weekly meeting Finance Director Barbara Fallon's for Student Directorate, made an included a motion put forward by Student report included approval of appropria- impassioned plea to those attending the Directorate Vice Chairman Thaddeus tions to: RIT Community for Nuclear Student Directorate meeting on Tuesday. Pruss to suspend bylaws. According to Awareness. Rugby club. Phi Sigma Kappa. Djavaheri is organizing a open forum and parliamentarian Jeff Leyser, SD is in New York State Restaurant Association, letter-writing campaign to counter the violation of a "number of them." and Cays. Lesbians and Friends Student Reagan administration's proposed budget specifically having to deal with replacing Organization. Rl.PORl ER later questioned cuts in Higher Education. According to past directors and coordinators. After a Fallon on how much the new SD office Djahaveri. if the cut goes through, it will question from REPOKIKR. SD chairman renovations were costing and where the spell doom for many students now Larry Masle admitted they could not money to pay for them came from. attending RI T. She has organized an open "operate [while in violation] which is why According to Fallon, the renovations cost Forum on Tuesday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 we are rescinding them." The roughly 5300 dollars, all of which came p.m. in the RITreat featuring Financial Aid parliamentarian admitted after the from SD's 'rollover fund' (a pool of money Director Parvesh Singh. He will he meeting that they were all representing left over - unspent - after each fiscal year). discussing the implications these new leadership, and were left with the No money was spent using the student proposed budget cuts will mean for RIT. problem from the previous hoard. Masle activities fee collected from students this Singh will he supplying paper, pens, and noted that SD could still function under year. No explanation of why this is not in envelopes for a letter-writing campaign, as provisions in their charter. The motion SD's minutes was given. The meeting well as supplying addresses of appropriate was passed, and is now tabled for one week adjourned at 6:30 p.m. • members of congress. to he voted upon again next week. Electrical Fire In Racquet Club! On Friday night. April 10. the residents of It was the only initial source of heat Investigator never determined the exact room 451 of the Racquet Club Apartment produced. The fan in question had heen cause of the fire. • Complex were evacuated from their serviced five weeks prior because the apartment hecauses of a minor electrical blades were hitting a loose metal plate. fire. The fire was started due to some faulty That plate is located between the fan Library Theft?? wiring in the hathrcxim ceiling fan. Louise blades and the motor. No electrical work Falvo. one of the student residents, called was done. A week prior to the fire, the fan At 4:00 a.m. on Friday morning, a robbery the Henrietta Fire Department. Other ceased to function. The fan made no was attempted at the Wallace Memorial neighboring apartment residents were apparent noises to indicate that it was in Library. According to Campus Safety also evacuated for about an hour until fire working order, and the residents assumed investigator Stan Perry, the foiled theft officals considered it to he safe. "It was that the power to it had heen shut off. involved the safe stored behind the determined that they (residents of Derrick commented that there was no way circulation desk. apartment 451) needed another place to of knowing if this metal plate had once The thieves were thwarted hy a stay." said John Weas of Residence Life. more become Uxisened. causing the motor member of RIT's custodial staff, who F.dward Ingerick. manager of the RIT to sieze up. A woman at the Racquet Club noted some suspicious behavior while he apartments, made arrangements for them rental office also confirmed that the fan was cleaning the library. Reportedly, he to stay at the Hilton Friday night. They had heen serviced approximately five followed the two would-he thieves, and were then housed at the Holiday Inn for weeks before the fire. She added that it was chased them out of the building after he the remainder of the weekend (Residence negligent on the part of the residents at realized what they were up to. The two Life paid for the accomodations). 451 for not immediately reporting any men had placed the safe on a rolling chair Maintenence crews had the apartment problems with their bathroom fan. and were moving it toward an exit when ready for the students to move back into The damage to the apartment the custodian began to actively pursue. hy Monday. consisted of some burned studs in the roof Perry was not sure how the thieves had According to the residents of 451, the and a ruined ceiling and charred entered the building, hut noted they had smoke alarm did not activate properly. insulation. A new ceiling was installed hy broken a hole in a block wall, and may They were having a small party when maintenence crews, along with a new fan have entered through a crawl space. He someone smelled a burning plastic odor. and light fixture. There was no damage to reported that the case had heen turned It turned out to he a small fire in the any other apartments. The residents of over to the State Police, who were bathroom. Mark C:avanaugh, the fire 451 did report some slight inconveniences matching fingerprints with the ones left hy protection engineer for Campus Safety, due to the fire. All of their clothing had to the alleged thieves. "It was not a said the smoke alarm worked properly he cleaned due to the smoke, hut did not professional job," said Perry." and we have when tested. Cavanaugh wants students to apf>ear to he ruined. No water damage was a very good description." call him about any electrical problems reported. The theft involved only a minor they may experience. Cavanaugh can he This has heen the second electrical fire disruption of library activities. Anyone reached in his office at x2()40. at Racquet Club in less than one year. Both with information concerning the theft is According to Boh Derrick, the Deputy fires have occurred in a single row of urged to call Campus Safety at 475-2853. Chief Fire Inspector of Henrietta, the townhouses; 448. 449. and 451. Last or the State Police D motor in the hathnxim ceiling exhaust fan summer's fire originated in apartment siezed up (was stuck) and started the fire. 448. and spread to 449. The Arson

6 April 17. 1987 World Record, Luau And Dance Planned For Bash Challenge A group of students are organizing the directed only toward the students' part of and Staff team will organize and students' part of the Big Bash, an event the day-long event. The Administration is participate in a variety show, from 7:30 which resulted in a challenge made to Dr. working on its own. ).m. to 8:30 p.m. The student team will Rose at an Open Forum on January 21. Djavaheri explains. "The student follow with its own variety show. Students The contest will determine whether the planning committee is currently putting with various talents who are interested in administration or whether the students together a lot of events to happen during participating on the students' team are can organize a better event. The event is the day. such as a luiuh-time luau." A encouraged to apply at Student to occur on Friday, April 24. number of RIT Students will he wearing Directorate. Djavaheri comments, "We Doreen Djavaheri, former vice- Hawaiian-style clothes and serving coffee don't want the administration to shov\' us chairman of Student Directorate, Joined and mints to anyone eating in the up." The variety shows will he held either a group of students determined to resolve cafeteria. The Administration/Faculty and in Fireside lounge or in the Ritz. An the problem of "student apathy' at RIT. Staff team will he holding a similar event awards ceremony is to follow. A panel of Djavaheri recalls the efforts of the Student for students in the Ritzkeller at the same judges (five students and five members of Unified Network (SUN) which, last year, time, hut the theme is unknown. Both administration/faculty and staff) will made RIT's administration aware of teams are keeping the details of their attend every esent throughout the day and students' problems and needs. SUN events secret. Djavaheri says. "They don't determine who can organize the biggest kidnapped Dr. Rose to discuss some issues. tell us. we don't tell them." The students are hash. After the contest, there will he a Djavaheri says, (SUN) was an eye opener. also making a balloon sculpture outside dance for all those who participated. It generated a lot of enthusiasm." of the CAU. near the Administration circle. The student planning committee has According to Djavaheri, students The group contacted the (iuinness Book heen busy organizing the events for the Big eventually became disinterested with SUN of World Records, and found that there is Bash. But because of the small number of due to lack of leadership and planning for no current record for the number of people working on the e\ent. they have not any future events. This year. Djavaheri and balloons used in a sculpture, and that this heen able to concentrate on public some other students formed a group. She one will therefore set the record if it is relations and publicity. They encourage says. "We tried to figure out what we could approved hy (iuinness. This would place RI T students to reward their efforts hy do to get p>eople's attention and to get a lot RJT in the Book of World Records. During participating in the Big Bash. Depending of people involved. What we came up with the early afternoon, a few students from on its success, the Big Bash could become was a challenge. There was going to he an the planning committee will he an annual event. • Open Forum held with Dr. Rose at that conducting tours of the seventh floor of time... We formulated a propxisal. and one the Administration Building. Dr. Rose may of the students, who was not really he present to speak with students. Around Geneseo Cofnceiis affiliated with any organization hut was in 4:00 p.m.. there will he a balloon release. proudly presents our little group, was going to make a This event is separate from the balloon challenge to Dr. Rose, challenging the sculpture and is intended as a fundraiser HOWARD JONES Administration, from the students' end to for the Ronald MacDonald House. It will throw the biggest hash on campus. He he held between the bookstore and the one to one accepted it... We have heen working ever library. In addition to the Big Bash, the Saturday, May 2, 1987 since." More people have helped join the College Activities Board will he holding a 8:00 pm original group in its efforts, which are Happy Hour. The Administration/Faculty Wilson Ice Arena

Tickets for Howard Jones are available at the College Union Ticket Office, College Union Room 1113. SUNY (;eneseo or hy calling (716) 245-5873. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Tickets also available at all Record Theatre locations and House of (mitars. Funded by mandatory student fees. ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO GET AN APPLE TO MARKET WITHOUT A BRUSE? It takes more than a wcxxl crate. A lot more. Solid packaging can make or break any company, whether it sells Apple Maclntoshs" or Macintosh apples. That's why American business needs talented men and women to create new ways to package their pRxlucts effectively and economically. And that's why a Packaging major leads to an interesting, creative and secure career. Salaries start at around $25,000. And what's better, there are fewer qualified applicants than there are jobs. So w hen you graduate with a Packaging major, chances are you'll also graduate with a job. Contact the Packaging department and find out just how rewarding a Packaging education can he. Protect your future. Become a Packaging major. Contact: Packaging Science, Room 3155 Eastman BIdg., 475-2278 ZODIAC

employees went to Las Vegas on the com- which neither denies nor exaggerates pany. Ten years ago they went to the medical problem; (3) plenty of social Golden Comedy Bahamas. contact; (4) a supportive, caring (WF) Comedy and beer make good brew. environment; and (5) satisfaction with who At least that seems to he the opinion of you've heen, what you've done and who such major brewing outfits as Coors, Python Curse you are. The studies' conclusions: To Budweiser and Molson Golden Ale Those (WF) Running over a snake is no big deal increase longevity and well being, take beer manufacturers are sponsoring in most parts of the world. Running over control of your life where you have hundreds of comedy shows this year in a snake in India, however, can scar you control, and stay active physically, hopes of increasing sales. A spokesman for for life. According to the United News of intellectually and emotionally. Coors, says the comedy audience is seen India, an Indian woman has heen hearing as a positive alternative to the rowdy rock children with snakelike scales on their music market. That's because comedy bodies. All this because her husband Baby Barter events are more controlled and the drove over and killed a python snake in (WF) A woman in Fdmonton, Alberta, is sponsorship message is more clearly 1969. The news agency quotes Abdul Jah- getting psychiatric care after she sold her conveyed. But Coors is not the only one har, who says he say the five foot-long two chi dren to buy a Corvette for her counting on comedy to sell suds. python lying across the road and tried to boyfriend. Twenty-five year old Twyla Representatives at Molson believe comedy scare it away. When it refused to budge, Kronenhurg says she had planned to caters to a more sophisticated group of jahhar says he ran over it in his truck. A leave her husband, Kevin, and was quoted drinkers who enjoy golden ale. few months later his wife gave birth to the as saying "since I had no use for the kids couple's first child, and it had mysterious anymore. . .1 sold'em " Police are sear- pythonlike scales on its body. Three ching for the lawyer who bought the 5 Year Field Trip hiiths and three sons later, the same thing children. It might he tough, since this (WF) Who needs a gold watch? A New happened. UNI reports that the boys can't despicable description fits most lawyers. Jersey-based trucking company is sending go to school, they can't go out in the hot its 1,800 employees and their guests on sun and doctors don't know what to do an all-expenses paid weekend trip to about it. The Wild East Puerto Rico. It's part of A-P-A Transport (WF) 'The Maniac' pulled the ears off Corp's 40th anniversary celebration. The 'The Cowboy' in a Hong Kong wrestling employees, who selected the getaway, Real Sex match, recently, and is being held in lieu don't have to pay for their meals and (WF) It's not only good health that's key to of 350,000 dollar hail. 'The Maniac.' Sung hotel accommodations. A-P-A Chairman a longer, happier life— it's also good sex! Hee, pinned Fong Pak, 'The Cowboy,' Arthur Imperatore says it's the company's according to SFLF Magazine, reporting on and sp>ent two minutes biting his ears and way of making employees feel like a pro- the work from 25 years of studies by tearing Pong's ear off in a televised ductive family unit. He says the trip to researchers at Duke University. Successful match. When asked what sparked the Puerto Rico isn't a promotional gimmick. aging, they say, depends on a number of unusual violence in the ring, the earless Imperatore says A-P-A plans trips for its factors: (1) a positive sexual history and an Cowboy was quoted as saying, "I beg you employees every five years. Five years ago ongoing sex life; (2) a realistic attitude pardon?"

^^^f^f^V't^AYfrn WEVf 86e;^1 ^/A/AFRAlP -T^'AS<... ^OFMY SiiTTH C0HV?0L- 1 nsiNG-"STyZ/HG- RWM V POMS AMPGTE*-'-'^ " "




he Ringling Brothers and Bamum & Bailey Circus beautiful white Burmese tigers, but taking that aside the act was recently brought their show to town, and what a show a disappointment. The tigers mixed it up amongst themselves it was! The circus dazzled the mostly sold out War quite a Dit, refusing to do the tricks that Wade Burck, the tamer, rMemorial audiences with its festivals of flaming fanfare. The cir- tried to make them do. The act was saved, however, by the cus stayed in town four days. The eight peformances enabled patented jump-through-the-flaming-hoop trick. The stage then most people to attend at least one show. It was an experience shifted once again to the hightop as two groups. The Polo from equally entertaining for a child, the parents, and even an in- Spain and Duo Resto from America, took to the air. Their acts terested colleee student. The turnout was high enough that it were good, but being late in the show and not particularly ex- encouraged tne producer to begin arranging for next year's citing, the audience was not very attentive. return engagement. This is the 116th edition of the Ringling After another rambunctious romp of clown humor, the Brothers ana Bamuin & Bailey Circus and featured The Shanghai headline act from China came out filling all three rings. Ring one Acrobatic Troupie, who were allowed to perform for American contained two Chinese ladies who contorted their bodies in ab- audiences through a special arrangement with the People's solutely astounding positions. Center ring was an exhibition of Republic of China. The producer of this visual sensation is iCen- unbelievable balancing proficiency as a pair of gymnasts kept a neth Feld, president of the circus. Each year, Feld has the task stack of plates balanced evenly on their female partner's head of trying yearly to astound millions of "children of all ages" with no matter what stunt the pair pmled. Ring three contained a body the new and unexpected. He welcomes the challenge with manipulator who shrugged and wheedled his body through a pleasure and states m the circus brochure that he feels this is the ring and barrel the size of large pizza. The act was interesting ?est circus they have ever put together. and talented but didn't deserve the billing it received. The show REPORTER attended was at 1:30 p. m. on Sunday. The Chinese entourage then presented a splendid pagean- The clowns came out about a half hour before the show to keep try of native costumes and decorations, parading around the ring the little ones from getting restless and amuse all with their comic with the elephants also dressed in this resplendent regalia. The frolics and mayhem. The frowns of the impatient vanished when most frightening act came next. The tightrope-bike riding- the capricious clowns took the floor. Lighting each other's shoes daredevil Quiros family took the stage walkmg up the side ropes on fire and being chased by a vacuum cleaner — as clowns are to their hightop. They proceeded to walk, bike and jump over prone to do. each other all on the tightrope. Although they had a net for safe- The ringmaster, Jim Ragona, announced promptlyat 1:30 ty, you could feel the crowd wince every time a Quiros almost p.m. that it was time to enter the world of the circus.This an- lost their balance. The show finished witn two solamauts being nouncement was followed by a sing-song chant describing all the shot out of a rocket into a net across the floor. The announcer visual wonders the audience would see. His boasts were realiz- warned that a miscalculation could cause serious injury. ed as the crowd saw the grand entrance parade of the circus's All in all, the show was a huge success and great family enter- animal troupe with elephants leading tne vvay. Almost im- tainment. The tickets were reasonably priced although the con- mediately cifter the parade came a salute to the Statue of Liber- cession stands took mom and dad to the cleaners in a big way. ty, with a giant model of "the lady" being hoisted up in the As the ringmaster said when he closed out the show, "May aU center ring for all to see. your days be circus days!!!" The first act of the performance, the King Charles Troupe, dazzled the crowd with their agility on the wobbling one- wheeled unicycle. Thev took an old children's game titled "double-dutch' and added jump rope to it. "Double-dutching" is a form of basketball where the players pass the baU around and concentrate on slick ball-handlingtalents much like the famous Harlem Globetrotters. Following The King Chcirles Troupe were two sets of acrobats. The floor nad three rings; rings one and three were given to the Ali Hassani Troupe wnile ring two was given to the Rodogels. The Rodogels are teeter-board experts from Mexico who specialize in flipping each other in the air off of a teeter-board. Tnen they did this on stilts! First on two stilts, and then one daredevil accomplished a double somersault while landing on only one stilt. The spotlights now shift to center stage as the Peters brothers attempt to walk the wheel of death. The "Wheel of Death" — a giant baton with a ring at each end large enough for a man to stand in. The bar is suspended at its midpoint and spins. The wheel starts to revolve as the two brothers start it spinning much like a hamster moves its little wheel. The brothers start out on the inside of the wheel but, unlike the hamster, end up on the outside of the wheel as it spins dangerously high and fast in its terrifying arc. The act was Highlighted when one brother walk- ed around it blindfolded and almost fell off. He didn't, of course, and the crowd sighed with relief. With show horses in ring three, camels, zebras and a buffalo in ring two, and a group of bears in ring one, the floor was a chaotic but controlled multitude of animaJs. The bears stole the show with their performances on the paraUel bars and rings. The first part of the circus closed out with a pierfect pachyderm per- formance. These large mastadons climaxed the first part of^ the circus as they leanedon each other's backs and rollea their long trunks back, giving them the appearance of smiling at the crowd. The tiger act was one of the highlights in that it included nine 11 Y S T VIRGIN PROUH D ANNOUNCE E THEWDRLiy S MOS . Unfortunately, you music videos, comedy can't go onEXPENSIV that flight. E programsAN, etc. All coming That privilege is at you through a pair of reserved for Richard serious electronic headsets. Branson, founder of Virgin Can you believe it? AtlanticUNCOMFDRIABL. This summer, And while Richard is he 11 actually be living it up on re-hydrated attempting to cross the whatever-it-is and yummy ocean in a hot air balloon. ^ vitamin supplements, you'll FUGHTTAnd you? If you want O LONDONhave to make do with a to fly from Newark to hot meal, and a snack London, you'll just have to besides. settle for our very inexpensive and And get this. To top it off, Richard comfortable Virgin 747's. Branson gets to pay over a million dollars Sorry. But while Mr. Branson gets to more than you do. spend three fun-filled days (maybe even That's right! 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McFarlane noted that we need a way to defend against the Suidde Attempts Aren't Painless OHe spoke twice on Wednesday: once in the morning, again possibilty of "Nuclear Blackmail' by the Soviets, saying, "SDI Depression has affected many people. Many times dispirited individuals in the evening, and also a third lecture Thursday morning. is not a new concept to the Soviets. Even though we might are not willing to admit to others that there exists a problem. Their reality The Wednesday morning lecture was held in room A-205 be able to build a better missile, they can steal the technology, may become further distorted by agonizing in self-condemnation. A of the College of Liberal Arts, with McFarlane speaking on make one that is not quite as good, and make many more suicide attempt is sometimes made. In Robert McFarlane's most recent the topic of the Tower Commission Rep>ort. The rep>ort, than we have." visit to RTF he spoke candidly about his suicide, and the depression which which has been recently made available to the public, is an In March of 1983, the idea of SDI was proposed by the led up to it. expose of the Iran-Contra affair scandal. McFarlane discussed Reagan Administration. McFarlane said, "The Soviets were Robert Mcfarlane's recent suicide attempt exemplifies an individual's the history of the affair briefly, and had a question-and- against it, because they claimed that having an SDI system struggle in dealing with elements of his surrounding enviroment which answer period during which McFarlane's suicide attempt was would militarize the heavens." Also, if we have an SDI he has little if any control over. Many newspaper publications around the country depicted the events surrounding McFarlane's attempt to take discussed. system, they would obviously need one as well, and this was his own life as an admission of guilt. Two weeks after again testifying Wednesday evening McFarlane spoke in the Ingle not feasible to them, as McFarlane explained, because, "It in front of a Congressional board concerning his involvement in the Iran- Auditorium on the topic "How does SDI (Strategic Defense would require an enormous amount of money for them. It Contra affair, Robert McFarlane was speaking to RIT students concer- Initiative) fit into the U.S. defense plan?" Ingle Auditorium would stress-their economy beyond the ability to cope." The ning his attempt to end his life. In response to a students question, "How was completely filled, and closed-circuit televisions were set Soviets already devote a large part of the economy towards do you feel about the media's portrayal of your overdose as an up in various locations around campus including the Fireside the military, and McFarlane said, "Democratic societies are acknowledgement of your guilt in the Iranian episode?" McFarlane calmly Lounge, the 1829 Room, and Webb Auditorium. KLTW also vulnerable to fear, so the Soviets frightened us." responded; "... I don't feel abused to the extent that, over time, the ex- broadcast the lecture, pre-empting their regularly schedul- Discussing the Geneva Summit, McFarlane described the posure of the reasons that 1 came to believe the series of failures that had ed programs. American dilemma: "We're at a threshold, which way should occured in 1986 were ones that had 1 stayed in government, I might have been able to prevent (The Iran-Contra affair). Because 1 left I have fail- McFarlane began his lecture by saying, "I don't come as we go? Should we try to stay stabilized, or should we look ed the country in not stepping up to the responsibilty of staying in the an advocate; I may be expressing opinions that you don't for ways to disarm? Americans have become more anxious government and preventing this contra episode from going on, and arms agree with..." He then explained that he would be discuss- about nuclear weapons, and we have to deal with the ex- control from not going on. I felt that because this was a very precious ing four fundamental reasons to explore defense: Military istence of them." moment in history, the opportunities like arms control, like peace in the necessity (to combat the Soviet threat), an assured way of The SDI system, McFarlane pointed out, would provide Middle East, would be lost for ten years. When you put it in these terms, dealing with the Soviet defense, to reorient our miltary a step towards disarmament. "The point of reduction must the enormity of the failure becomes quite high and these are the kinds of things that are recorded in the history book. For the rest of my life I would have to live with this as a consequence of my having left govern- ment and then because of the burden of responsibility and guilt I would be for my family and everyone else around me. I would be a permenent impendance that would spread gloom and doom over whomever I would "associate with, well 1 thought that way. It did not have anything to STAR WARRIOR DEFENDS SDI do with my sense of having created the faliure but had not been there BY MARK TIFFANY to prevent it." McFarlane continued by stating that he does not feel suicide was the strategy so that we have the advantage, and lastly, to reduce be to have systems that would reduce the possibility of a first build." He was also asked how much the system would cost, answer. However, he pointed out that an attempt at suicide does not nuclear weapons on both sides. strike. We should want to reduce to a level at which a disar- to which he replied, "An enormous expense! I would say the automatically imply guilt. "I think 1 was wrong. I don't say that to imp- SDI, as McFarlane explained, is something we need to ming first strike is not possible. This would be somewhere estimated cost of SDI would be 100 billion to a trillion ly that I'm some kind of hero. I allowed these judgements of f>ersonal failure to not be rationally considered and didn't share them with anyone consider, because, "There is a mutual threat that exists..." in the range of 3000-3500 warheads." By this, McFarlane said dollars." who could have, if they had heard me go off like this say, 'Well, they're He said that in a war situation, both sides need ways of sur- that this is an estimated number at which either side could Several questions from the audience focused on opposi- a lot of others in the government who could have prevented it. No one not present the threat of a first strike that would leave the viving attacks and giving a retaliatory response. He tion to such a system, and of the threat of nuclear war oc- should be expected to serve forever in the government.' Had I shared elaborated, "Early in the I970's, the Soviets had sufficient other side devastated. When questioned about the possibility curring because of the existence of the nuclear weapons these things and been open to sensible advice I don't think I would have quantities (of nuclear weapons) to deter a first strike on our of arms reduction to absolutely no nuclear weapons, available. McFarlane commented, "If they (the Soviets) build done that. That's my p>oint." Dart." If the Soviets were to do this, the United States would McFarlane replied, "Quite honestly, the possibilty of going a vastly superior number, and everbody knows it, then they Mr. McFarlane then urged the RIT students to speak out and inform DC left with only submarine-based missiles and bombers with down to zero nuclear weapons is just not feasible." have the war, but they'll use other kinds of leverage." About the people around us of the accumulation of problems that might possibly which to strike back. Tbat, he said, would leave us with two Further elaborating on SDI, McFarlane explained the reducing nuclear arms outright, he said, "People who are well- cause one to become seriously depressed, '...unless you speak out about options: One, use the subs to attack their cities and annihilate concept of how SDI would bring about arms reduction. He meaning about reducing nuclear arms must be sober about such problems, you are creating a personel climate in which your own the Soviet people, inviting a mutual response from them, thus said, "With SDI, we would use the leverage approach. As you the social implications of such a notion. Taxes will go up." tendancy toward self criticism can lead you to a state of depression that destroying life on this planet, or, two, for the President to go down from 3000 we would stop SDI, but if you deploy, Besides SDI, a couple of current topics arose during the ques- truly destroys your chemical balance and you reach a point where you perhaps cannot control it. That's a long way of saying that it isn't and surrender to the Soviets. To avoid this narrow decision land- then we'd have to use it." By this, he said that the presence tions. The American embassy scandal was brought up, and shouldn't be for you a way of judging people who you know or may know of an American SDI system would help us to bargain with McFarlane said, "I think it was a poor policy. You can't send based missiles were developed. McFarlane elaborated by say- in the future who may be involved with trying to take their lives necessari- ing, "Land-based missiles did not go over well with the the Soviets, with a mutual arms level of 3000, with an agree- young people over there and tell them that they must not ly a judgement because he did something wrong." American people." Of course, stationary missies can be ment of continued reduction. He said, "SDI achieves for the interact with other human beings." He also quipp>ed, "How In response to Mr. McFarlane's description of his bout with depres- detected. Tberefore the Soviets made mobile missiles, which first time, a political consensus. It would also give us a pro- dumb can you get to let Russians build YOUR embassy?" sion, one concerned student inquired, "If a person keeps inside self criticism makes it impossible for the opponent to know where they are mise of a five percent reduction annually." He explained that Another questioner asked McFarlane to comment on Col. to the point of exploding, that you will explode and that you can avoid at any given time. the figures are merely estimates, and was using them to il- Khadaffi's threat to join the Warsaw Pact. McFarlane simp- it by communicating and reaching out. Isn't that transferable to the na- Elaborating on the idea of missiles, McFarlane said that lustrate his point. ly said, "Make my day!" tional level and that the United States should reach out and communicate its problems and disagreements with others?" McFarlane then respond- a commission had suggested that we also have mobile After having spoken about SDI, McFarlane allowed a The lecture concluded without incident. There were a ed by stating," That is certainly true. When you have a disagreement, missiles, and that we are in the process of doing that. From question-and-answer period. One student asked, "Do we number of protesters carrying picket signs emblazoned with whether it's with Russians, Chinese, Mexicans, or with the French, you have the technology for an SDI system?" McFarlane replied, a military standpoint, this is a valuable strategy. The MX various slogans outside of the CU. However, no violent ac- must consider the other persorts point of view before taking action." missile deployment issue has been argued for twelve years "No, we don't. What we want to know is, 'Is it feasible to tions occurred and no one was removed. BY BRIAN DEMPSEY now, but the defense budget is continually dropping. build?' It would take us approximately four to six years to GREAT COPIES ' GREAT LOCATION GREAT PRICES

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21 BRIMSDOWN CIRCLE FAIRPORT, N.Y 14450 SES (716) 223-7553 Student Employment Services of N. Y. (716) 223-4522 Evenings REPROVIEW Stick With Cybil And TV Sitcoms, Bruce FILIVl When "Moonlighting" first aired I really an actor. It seems that he is just never really paid much attention. For heing himself, like if you dropped hy some reason, it just didn't look like his house one Sunday afternoon he it was going to he that good. Sure, it would he hungover with a lampshade starred Cyhil Sheppard hut other still on his head and a mariachi hand than that it seemed like it was destin- passed out in his living room. Mayhe ed to he pretty average. One day a Bruce Willis is a natural. In Blind friend of mine told me that the guy Date, like "Moonlighting", Willis is so who played opposite Cyhil was the at ease and true to form that from hest part of the show. My friend said the minute he hits the screen its near "If you think of something ahusive ly impossihie not to like him. Bas- to say he (Willis) will say it." Now inger's character is not well acted Bruce Willis, whom nohody had ever and it is hecause of this that their heard of hefore "Moonlighting", has relationship seems a little haseless. It the clout to get alhums made if he is quite hard to understand why wants to and has launched a movie Walter is so head over heels for her. career (His alhum isn't good hut at It could he that Kim Basinger is least it's hetter than Don Johnson's). miscast against Bruce Willis or that Willis' movie is called Blind Date. Cyhil Sheppard is so great with him In it he co-stars with Kim Basinger that anyone else dopsn't seem quite who plays "Nadia", a single southern as good. helle with a very low tolerance for Some of the higgest laughs in alcohol. Willis plays David Addison Blind Date dire from the sound effects. hut his name is "Walter" in Blind Without getting too involved let us Date. People who have seen just say that they have to do with "Moonlighting" shouldn't expect Willis coming in contact with golf anything new from Bruce Willis in halls. Sometimes the laughs are kind his first hig screen release. Willis' of cheap, like Willis throwing up in role in "Moonlighting" made heing his hrother's new car, hut there are ohnoxious really cool and made he- also moments of higher humor. ing hungover look fun. This is part There is no douht though that it is of the reason he is a hig star. One Bruce Willis himself that makes this movie work. drawhack, though, is that you can't Only Bruce Willis could look this good looking bad. help feeling that Bruce Willis isn't —CRAIG VECONI

"Down Home" Humor At Its Best FILIVi!

'Don't you come hack here without way up the ladder, through the win honey," tosses her Dr. Spock's im- a hahy, hell they got more than they dow and into the Arizona's nursery. mortal book on child care, and says, can handle. They're not gonna miss Like picking the best puppy from the "1 got the instruction manual too." one of the little critters anyway." litter, handling each baby for con- Raising Arizona is by far the best Raising Arizona is the story of Edwina sistency, prop>ortion and disposition. comedy to come out in a long time. (Ed) and H.l. (Hi), a young couple It is a comic strip in action, a fast pac- whose philosophy on life includes ed raucous adventure into the land the adage "Why should some have so " 'Why should some of stomach-cramping humor. This many and others have so few?" film is Joel and Ethan Coens' second Especially when it comes to hahies. have so many and (their first was Blood Simple), which It just so happens that Nathan others have so few.* will leave you gasping for air and Arizona, owner of the largest chain clutching your side between the of unpainted furniture and Especially when it onslaught of comedy, action and hathroom fixtures in Arizona, is the hillbilly typ>e hijinx. It will also bring • proud father of quintuplets. Mister comes to babies.'* the Coen brothers instant fame and Arizona explains that "through the recognition as a bankable pro- use of fer-tile pills, medical science Hi frantically tries to decide which ducer/director team (Joel directs and caught up with my wife, caught up critter will be his new son. His short Ethan produces). What follows little with a vengeance." Ed and Hi, in- but utterly hilarious bout with all five Nathan Jr.'s abduction is a journey capable of having children youngsters is pure cinematic genius into side-splitting comedy superbly themselves, feel that there's "too containing non-stop laughs and handled by the Coen brothers. The much love in this world not to share slapstick at its best. Hi returns to the movie is filled with fast-paced editing it, let's get us one of them babies." car where Ed is impatiently waiting. and camera angles that will dazzle Ed waits in the car as Hi makes his He says, "1 think I got the best one your senses and scramble your 21 equilibrium. It even has madcap loveable and destined to appeal to ing Arizona is so different and dialogue that would challenge Robin every walk of life. There is absolute charismatic it's sure to be followed Williams' best material with all of it ly no doubt that if you see this film by countless ripoffs, each trying to coming from perfectly cast you are going to enjoy it. The style cash in on the enormous success this characters who p>ersonify the goofiest is bold and brash, fresh and in film is bound to become. and strangest parts in us. Raising novative. The characters are as —TOM MINED Arizona is innocently likeable if not wonderful as they are pathetic. Rais- Experimental Music Artists

The Pyramid Arts Center will be en- ding the month of April with a music festival featuring non-stop events from various new music artists. On Thursday. April 23rd at 8:00 p.m.. Jack Wright and Andreas Stehle will be playing the new music which has gained them respect in the new music scene. With Stehle on the sax- ophone and Wright on both sax- ophone and piano, the sound is wild ly abstract and non-commercial. The two musicians adeptly master their instruments which produce strange, shrill sounds. Following Stehle's and Wright's performance will be contra bassist J. Arthur Booth. Booth has played around the world with many outstanding artists: Chuck Mangione. Freddy Hubbard, Chick Corea. On Friday, April 24th at 8:00 p.m., Ellen Pullman will be playing her 50 foot instrument consisting of brass and iron wires attached to a giant plywood resonating box. Ellen is known for her clarity of concep- tion and her fine rendering of con structions. Her interest in sound developed in the last months she spent at the Kansas City Art Institute when she built an amplified metal skirt, of which she wore on occasion. It will be a double bill on Satur- day evening, April 25th, with David Mahler at 7:30 p.m. and Gordon Monohan at 9:30 p.m. Mahler's com- positions are eclectic in media and form and include pieces from audio tape, electronics, voice, solo in struments and ensembles. He will perform a variety of pieces which use words as raw sound materials. Multi-percussionist David Moss will be performing at the Pyramid Arts Center Mahler uses tape recorders to create on April 26, 1987. a scenario that reveals the assets of physical possibilities of keyboard struments with his unmistakable tape technology. At 9:30 p.m., Gor sound. voice. With musicians Arto Lindsay, don Monohan will be swinging his To finish Pyramid's Music Moss has collaborated on such works speakers around his head in 20 foot Festival '87. there will be multi- as "Ambitious Lovers" and "The circles while sustaining tones that are percussionist David Moss on Sunday, Golden Palominos." Tickets are being electronically pumped April 26th at 8:00p.m. He is perhaps available for purchase at the Record through them. Monohan is trained in the most widely recognized and in Archive, Bop Shop, Record Time, physics as well as music and his com- novative musicians to emerge in the Parkleigh Pharmacy, R.l.T. Candy positions for the prepared piano in last decade. His unique music mak- Counter and the Pyramid. They are addition to the pre-recorded tape ex ing method results from combining $5 in advance and $6 at the door. plore in meticulous detail the layers of drums and percussion in- —SUZANNE SHADE

22 April 17, 1987 Another "Bubble Gum And Braces" Film Plot Being "labeled" in high school as a be ostracized from her friends. The hausted theme. Keith is coming to hood, jock or misfit marked you for plot builds until the big date. Will grips with adulthood. He is a the duration of four years. Either it love and truth win Amanda's heart? talented artist continuously bothered lifted you to the ranks of popularity Watching over the entire scenario is by his father to find a college to go or brought you to the edge of exile. Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson), to. He is quiet and shy, but slowly he Nonetheless, high school remains a Keith's best friend. Watt's loves gains self-confidence. Stolz gives his trying time of coming to grips with Keith, but he is too overwhelmed character additional depth as he por- emotions, family, friendship and the with his fascination for Amanda and trays a young man frustrated with his future. fails to realize that a more attentive life yet sincere in his relationships Some Kind of Wonderful is yet love exists. with others. Masterson fits the tom- another look at high school days boy image of Watts. She adds a street- where outcasts battle against the con- wise charm and captivating wit which formists for truth, honor and iden- . .high school compliments Stolz. Watts acts tough tity. Director John Hughes has a remains a trying time on the outside but silently yearns for Keith's affection. Thompson brings knack for capturing the adolescent of coming to grips with spirit in his films {Sixteen Candles, sensitivity and charm to Amanda. Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink). emotions, family, Amanda is confused and at the end However, his ability to twist old friendship and the of her rope with her relationship to themes in similar settings are grow- the most popular guy in school who ing tiresome. In his latest film, he future." tries to control her life. simply rehashes the Pretty In Pink Some Kind of Wonderful is not as screenplay by changing the sexes of Unfortunately. Hughes failed to endearing as its title suggests. It falls the lead characters. The story centers supply the edge, surprise and short of being great because it only around Keith (Eric Stolz) and his in romance needed to make Some Kind rehashes what has been captured on fatuation for Amanda Jones (Lea of Wonderful truly wonderful. What film before. Maybe now Hughes can Thompson), the most popular and saves this film is the captivating per graduate from high school portraits beautiful girl in high school. But formances by Stolz, Masterson and and concentrate on some real time- there is a problem involved: if Aman- Thompson. The three work together ly drama-life of the college student. da returns his affections then she will bringing color and energy to an ex- —KRIS ARGENTO Choosing Between Rules And Feelings

A Room With a View, based on the young lady brought up to follow the of the Pancione don't live beyond novel by E.M. Forster, has been en- rules of decorum her society has dic- their own narrow existences. When joying extensive engagements in tated for centuries. This practice of touring the Florentine countryside, small, progressive theaters across the what some would call sham aesthetics they proceed to picnic with a full set country since early 1986. This has had an obvious effect on the Vic- of silver and china (for tea, of romantic comedy set during the turn torian attitudes of a culture obsess course). George Emerson and his of the century is a curiously in- father seem to possess a candor sightful account of Victorian pro- which, at this time, was quite priety. It is the story of the covertly unheard of. The uninhibited at- tempestuous Lucy Honeychurch, "... timeless titudes that are so common in our played by Helen Bonham-Carter, society were considered tactless and who is ardently pursued by the quality is what will ungenteel in the late 1800's. The zealous George Emerson (Julian make this film a presentation of these characters pro- Sands). They meet in a Pancione in vided an important insight into the Florence while traveling with resf)cc- classic in years to counter-culture of Victorian tive chaperones: he with his eccen- come." England. Julian Sands, an English ac- tric but endearing father and she tor, plays George with a skillful with her prudish Aunt Gharlotte. representation of assured innocence They collide quite fatefully when that is sure to capture the hearts of Gharlotte insists on having a "room e^wTtT^Tppea^n^^n^Tac^Tfie viewers. A Room With a View has many with a view", of which the Emersons most refreshing thing about A Room messages that hold true in modern so conveniently had. They switch With a View is that the illustration of relationships because it lacks the rooms and from that point, the in- this point is done with a surprising pretentious sentimentality of similar terest is apparent. As with many of sense of irony and wit. The Italians, period pieces. This timeless quality the better films of the genre, the in in all their "simplicity and charm" is what will make this film a classic itial romantic encounter is subtle: a quipped one Englishman, provide in years to come. This movie can be glance of acknowledgement and the the contrast that puts the English in viewed until April 21 at Little scene is set. an utterly ridiculous light. As with Theatre located on 240 East Ave. Lucy is an appropriately prim the fault of most tourists, the guests —SUZANNE SHADE STUDENT COUPON HENRIETTA COIN LAUNDRY d 2085 E. Henrietta Rd., Phone 334-6506 (Hmils south o4 Jm4*mr»on Rd. batMMO HcOonald'a k Taco Ball) Summer Well pay you to try our equlpmentll Never •LOWEST prices In town - everyday, all day Ends > Singles $.50 Triples $2.00 Doubles $1.25 Giants $3.00 with this coupon •ALL NEW state of the art washers 10 sun visits r •Computerized dryers for maximum efficiency $34." O •Complete drop off laundry service < Unlimited Tanning H«nrl«tta Coin Laundry Coupon $55." WASH FREE!!! •with student I.D. only THIS COUPON IS WORTH $2.50 OF h FREE WASHERS ANY MONDAY - FRIDAY We will beat any DURIN6 THE MONTH OF APRIL (NOT tanning salon prices VALID SATURDAYS OR SUNDAYS). LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER. by 5% < 2069 E. Hanrlatta Rd. aaaMiMMaaNaaaM 473-8139 Hourt: 7 a.m. • 10 p.m., 7 days a waak 1775 Mt. Hope Ave. Attandant always on duty. Rochester, N.Y. * MQNRQg CQUNTY'8 NEVrEST AND MOST MODERN COIN LAUNDRY a


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RYDER THE BEST TRUCK MONEY CAN RENT For Rates and Information CALL 232-4700 SAVE $25.00 ^TYIfODAMA ON ANY ~ ONE-WAY MOVE Coupon muM b* prtaarMd « ttw 1775 Mt. Hope Avenue Mno of ranul md may not b* oombinad with any (Mtiar oUaf. 473-7360 Oood thru Juna 30. 1987 Minutes from Campus Convenient location at 190 Jefferson Rd. NEW—Tanning Center MUkl "BEYOND THERAPY "BEYOND THERAPY hits the screen with aban• arrives with proof that don ... delightfully reckless seeking mental health is For fast growing ... giddy comedy. There's sheer insanity. Jackson and great fun to be had.** Conti are inspired zanies. lawn company. -William Wolf Altman makes lunar|r Good phone Gannett Newspapers seem almost lyrical. voice and —Bruce Williamson Playt>oy Magazine outgoing personality a plus. Five dollars per hour plus "a wacky, off-beat... very " It's SO good that I'm sure funny movie... sly, droll it won't be forgotten when commissions. good humor.** Academy Award time rolls Three shifts -Richard Freedman around in 1988.** Available. Call Newhouse Newspapers —Norma McClain Stoop Manhattan Arts Kay at ArborLawn.



25 SCOREBOARD RIT Starts New Season

On Saturday afternoon, a tired RIT men's Neither team scored in the third game into sudden death overtime. lacrosse team faced an impressive quarter which was dominated by heavy Another crucial Clarkson penalty helped (Uarkson squad (4 1). The Knights struck checking. Both defensive units played the Tigers, as Tim Turner scored the game first at the 2:39 mark with an unassisted hard, preventing either offense from winning goal in the resulting man-up goal by Randy Swigor. Jim Connell tied the settling in and executing plays. Clarkson situation at the 1:52 mark of overtime. score with a man up goal, assisted by fellow only took two shots on goal to RIT's six, After five games, the Tigers have a 4 1 middie Tim Turner. The game remained but both sides came up empty-handed. record overall, 2-0 in the ICA(^. Dan Stehn tied until Connell fired in his second man Early in the fourth quarter, Clarkson leads the team with 17 points (5 goals, 12 up goal with 19 seconds left in the quarter. knotted the score at 3-3 on an unassisted assists). Leading goal scorer Tom Kraft has Ted Diehl scored for the Tigers midway goal by defensive middie Scott Towbin. 11 goals and 1 assist. Neil Mullane leads through the second quarter with an assist The Knights took the lead for the second the defensive unit with 19 groundhalls. from Dan Stehn. RIT was dragging in the time in the game midway through the Cioalie Doughty's save percentage is 64.6 warm weather, but the defense denied the quarter. The Tigers now trailed with just and his goals per game average is 6.18. The Clarkson offense. The Knights took five under eight minutes remaining. Working Tigers attempt to maintain their ICAC shots on goal while the Tigers managed against the clock, the RIT offense tried to unbeaten record when they host RPI only three. Clarkson could only capitalize mount a rally. Aided by a (Clarkson penalty, tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. once, when Andy Cummings cut the Tom Kraft fired in a man-up goal, assisted — MARNIE SAUSBURY margin to 3 2 at the 11:05 mark. by Ted Diehl with 1:07 left to send the Still Swinging The RIT men's tennis team continued to ended up losing in two sets of 6-7, 1-6. over the 300 mark for the season so tar. take a heating last week, as they dropped Two days later against Saint Lawrence, His dual meet singles record presently matches to Independent (College Athletic the Tigers had a stronger showing, but the stands at 3-2. (k)nference (ICAC) foes Ithaca College, Saints prevailed, 7 2. Winning singles RIT's main problem in this match Saint Lawrence and Clarkson University. matches for RIT were Delmarsh in sets of typifies their problem with winning any The had news is that their record stands 6-3, 7-6 and sophomore Michael Pflazer in matches this year: they cannot seem to put at a dissapointing 0-5, hut the good news sets of 6-2, 4 6, 7 5. Other close matches together any doubles that can win with any is that they are improving with every game included junior Jon Reichelt's fourth consistancy. So far this season they have In their first game last week, the Tigers singles loss in sets of 5-7, 3-6. won only one doubles match. On the were blanked by the Bombers. Ithaca has The racquet wielders had their positive side, this team has a lot of talent a very strong team for which the Tigers strongest showing of the season against and should start to gel together during the proved to be no match. None of the Clarkson as they fell 6 3. Winning singles second part of this season. Tuesday the matches went past the second set, but sets were Pflazer in 6-3, 6-4 sets, Delmarsh Tigers travel to Utica. some of the Tigers still had a promising with a turn the tables win in 16, 6 2, 6-1 — CHRISTOPHER MARTIN showing. Sophomore Terry Delmarsh sets, and freshman Eric Aulbach in 6 3,3-6, came out fighting in fifth singles, but 6-1 sets. Delmarsh's singles win put him Successful Road Trip fhe RIT baseball team starts the season with newly constructed chain-link fence in left in the first and second innings, before 14 games packed into 11 days, which began field. Colgate was shut out the rest of the way. RIT last Saturday with a split at home against Despite being down 7-0 in the second had a three-run third inning but could not Division I opjxjnent St Bonaventure, losing game, RIT buckled down behind the push across the tying run. Colgate pitchers the first game 7-4 and winning 8-7 in the pitching of Bill Spath and John Loiars and struck out 11 RIT hitters, but Tom Reed second. rallied for an 8-7 win. With two outs and two continued his torrid hitting streak by going Craig Brunner got the start on the strikes, sophomore centerfielder Dave 2 for 3 with two RBIs. Loiars registered five mound against a hard hitting Bonnie team. Rogers hit a Bonnie hurler's fastball over strikeouts in a losing cause The sophomore hurler battled the Bonnie leftfield fence for the game-winning run. In the second game RIT jumped out to hitters, getting out of several jams, but the Spath threw five innings and l^>iars came a 60 lead, but Ck)lgate rallied to tie the score relentless pressure was too much as the on for the sixth and seventh innings to on six unearned runs and won the game major damage was due in part by a couple throw no-hit ball and register the save Tom with two runs in the bottom of the sixth of two run homers by the Bonnie batters. Reed went 2 for 2 with a double and two inning. Adam Dworkin went 2 for 4 with a RIT tried to battle back, but the deficit RBIs. double and two RBIs, Rob Cirow was 2 for proved to be tcx) much. Major contributions Sunday. RIT traveled to Hamilton, N.Y. 4, and Bill Spath was 2 for 4 with an RBI. were made by RITs Rob Grow, who was 2 to face the (x)lgate Raiders, and they lost, 4-3 RTF continues its 14 games in 11 days by for 4 with a double; Gary Jerris: 2 for 3 with and 9-7. Sophomore pitcher John l^)iars traveling to Clarkson today, Saint Lawrence a double; Tom Reed: 2 for 4 with two received his first loss of his career with RIT, tomorrow, and University of RcKhester on doubles and two RBIs, and Adam Dworkin, as he was a victim of four unearned runs by Tuesday. Next home game is April 25 against who ripped a two-run home run over the (xjigate All four unearned runs were scored Hamilton. — JOHN LOIARS

26 April 17, 1987 Tough Times To Softball The RIT women's softball team (0-4) began respectable loss. RH s leading batter for Korrie (2 for 4), Leach (1 for 2), and regular season play last week with double the game was senior Johanne Korrie, a freshman Accounting major Kris Coon, headers against St. John Fisher and Computer Science major, who had two the Lady Tigers tied the game at 6-6 at the LeMoyne Although they lost both pairs of base hits. top of the seventh inning. LeMoyne, games, the Lady Tigers came on strong in LeMoyne was the host for last however, came right hack to edge out the each of their second games, just to be Saturday's road trip double header. Just Tigers in their half of the final inning, 7-6, edged out in the final innings. like their previous game at Fisher, it took to take both games of th double header. Because of the area's recent miserable the Lady Tigers one game to warm up. In Becky Martin (19.64 ERA) and Gretchen weather, RIT's home opener against the first game, LeMoyne started things up Sarstedt (11.08 ERA) shared the pitching Brockport and second game against the with two quick runs in the first inning. RIT duties. University of Buffalo were postponed. So retaliated wit the team's first home run of Despite their losses in the first four last Thursday, RIT traveled across town to the year by sophomore centerfielder games, the RIT women's softball team is St. John Fisher, where they met a strong Karen Leach, a Food Management major, improving and looking to record their opponent in their season debut. In the who transferred from the University of first win of the season at Geneseo on first of two games. Fisher came out strong Dayton last year. The two run homer tied Wednesday. Then they return home to and did not let up as they easily the game 2-2, but unfortunately for the play St. Bonaventure next Saturday at 1:00 overpowered the Lady Tigers 25 1. In the Tigers that was all the scoring. LeMoyne p.m. — GREGORY HOUSE second game, RIT struck first with a three- continued to roll as they finished off the run second inning. Fisher came back in ligers, 18-2. Mary Beth Kuryak, a the fourth inning to take a 4-3 lead and sophomore Packaging Science major and exploded with a five-run sixth inning to right fielder went 3 for 3. In the second Tigers Sports make the score 9-3. Going into the top of game, RIT got their play together with HOTLINE! the seventh and final inning, RIT needed good defense and consistent pitching. (Scores, schedules; call six runs to tie the game up, but only came After four innings, the Tigers were right day or night) up with two, as they dropped the second in the thick of it, with LeMoyne leading by half of the pair, 9-5, in a much more a score of just 6-4. With solid hitting from

Athletes of the Week

Dave Doughty mmKaren Leach lom Reed Two solid netminding performances by junior Sophomore Karen Leach is making her pre- l<)m Reed's bat was booming last week, despite oalie Dave Doughty (Manlius, NY) shut the scence felt on the RIT softball team. From baseball's three losses in four starts. The Tigers Soor and led the Tiger lacrosse team to road Spencerport, NY, Leach assumed the starting opened the season at home splitting with St. victories over St. Lawrence on Friday with a role in centcrfield. l^t week RIT lost double- Bonaventure (7-4 loss, 8-7 win). Two losses 13-7 decision. The Tigers took an early 4-0 lead headers to St. John Fisher (25 1 and 9 5) and followed against Colgate (4 3,9 7). Reed, a and never were headed. Doughty stopped 17 L^eMoyne (18-2 and 7-6). In the Fisher contests. southpaw first baseman from West Henrietta, of 24 shots in the victory. The following day Leach scored for one run. Against LeMoyne, NY, collected seven hits and seven runs batted Doughty equaled the task as RIT topped l-each accounted for two runs and three runs in (RBIs) in the first four contests. Against St. Clarkson in overtime, 5-4. Doughty stopped batted in. At LeMoyne, Leach recorded RIT's Bonaventure he accounted for four hits in six 10 shots and allowed four goals. The wins put first home run of the season, driving in two plate apF>earances. Three of the hits were RIT's record at 4 1 with a 2 0 mark in the runs. In the second game, she singled in one doubles. At Colgate last Sunday, Reed had Independent College .Athletic Conference. run and scored another. I>each leads the team three hits in seven at bats and drove in another Doughty improved his record to 41 with 6.18 with three RBIs and is ties for the lead in runs three runs. Following the four games. Reed led goals against mark. He is saving 64.6 percent scored (three). Defensively, Leach successfully the team with a 338 hatting average, three of shots on goal. An Electrical Engineering handled six chances in the outfield and boasts doubles, 10 total bases and a .769 slugging major at RIT, Doughty looks to equal or better a 1.000 fielding average A transfer from percent. The senior Criminal Justice major is last year's 10-3 record which earned him All- University of Dayton, Leach majors in Food already well ahead of last spring's average ICAC honors. Management at RIT. when he hit .227.


For Sale— Credenza (Table), Very Gr Harry Dulak: I told you you were going This is my Tab Ad me! 8alM and Sarvlcaa own to Good Condition Asking $65 <» Ask tor Ravi to tail Tech Writing Bart>ara B Luck in your future relationships with 272-7843 Resumes PtxXo Typeset: $2000, tiy apt, 422: Does the little woman know you've women in Student Tialevision Netwxk, only While you wait (1 hour), $2500 A been baiting others with your cheese -PITA to Z TYPESETTING - 865-9631 (Ridge Announcements baif Mr. OUBRE: It you shave a goat, do you Road in Greece to Stone Road, then Gina. Sorry about Church The get bald cheese'' ''^ right on Alndge Dr, No 134) Gamma Epsilon Zeta Chapter Scammer Kelly— Welcome to the tlooh Keep up FREE LEGAL SERVICES to all R I T Weekly business meeting every Happy Birthday Liz, -ALF the good work Love, Colby F Day Students, Tues & Thurs mornings Thursday at 7 00 in the School ot Printing You milk that animal once, and you ve Good Luck TKE PC XLI' Student Directorate, Call x2204 Conference Room Everyone welcome It's Been A Week Or So Now, and I just Airlines Now Hiring— Flight AHendants, Students, Faculty and Staff Members got a friend tor lite' Tammy, Happy 19th Birthday, and a wanted to let all you H S M A ers know Agents, Mechanics. Customer Service are invited to play bridge together on that you done good m the Citv of Sin! Salaries to $50K Entry Level Positions Tuesday and Thursday noons Room Happy Anniversary Love ya. Jeff Happy Birthday, Especially you, Evan 4 Erin' Congrats Call 805-687-6000 Exi A1143 tor current 06-A285 (Liberal Arts Building) 12 00 Pirouz trom M JH •L'TW" listing 1 GO pm Hey Maggie! The circus was great ikjve Government Homes you Yudkin To Rick (photo) with the small red car, trom $1 (U-Repair) Photo Show in Union— Life Under who helped me get my car started on Delinquent tax properly Repossessions Microscope— To individuals who asked PAG— I love you One more time? What Tues 3-31-87 in lot FD Want to thank you' Call 805-687-6000, Ext GH1143 tor about sales ot prints, YES' Contact the heck' -ADO Sue C FADP current repo list Carolyn Dateo mailtolder PPHB-4, Nick— Thanks tor the wine cooler —Me Stove— Government Jobs located 2nd floor Photo Building Tap, Tap. Tap, Tap $16,040 $59,230 /yr GIN— R I T Theme song—Boom Boom Leslie— Welcome to my family Sweetie Now hiring Call 805-687-6000. Ext International Banquet '87, April 18 trom Boom, Let's go back to my room' R IT R-1143 tor current tederal list 6 pm • 2 am Reception in Fireside I'm so psyched that you're my little sister men ucit' They're sooo NOT' You're the greatest I love you lots, hon European Bound? Take advantage ot Lounge (RIT CU) Regular $12, Andrea— R I T Guys • YUCK' I need the Students $8 Sponsored by RITISA Your big sister discounts on air travel and turist and Loria Whopper (and a cold shower) I Luv travel attractions Purchase an Thinking of Law School? Not in the Pre Phi Sig Pledges (Steve, Dale, Steve)— International Student ID Card Contact Law Association'7 Good Luck' Our next U -LYS' Stay P^hed We love you You're doing International Student Attairs. GEM meeting is Monday, April 27th, trom What's Behind Door » 3? Is it a wild great Love, the little sisters 01-2320 x6943 tor more intormation 4 00 • 5 00 pm in 06-A230 Election ot 2 turkey suprise'' Put my hand in whaf7 Lynnie, Bug, Paul, Ray, 4 Freddy— Get louring Europe on a limited budget? new positions will be held All are How you catch m moose anywa/? Hep ready tor the second annual Limo ride, The American Youth Hostel Card welcome me. Hep me but this time please. No Scotch' —RICI provides inexpensive accomodations in Off-Monroe Players Children's Theatre Tee-Hee— Are you punking me off? If you haven't met Alpha Phi Omega's many cities See Helen, International presents "A Trip To Remember' April BILL— With all that's happened so tar, 61st Pledge Class, then how can you Student Attairs, GEM 01 2320, x6943 or 24th at 7 00 pm; April 25th and 26th at I get the distinct impression that nothing expect to "Catch The Wave'"' x6876 tor details 2 pm New Lite Prestiytenan Church, can affect us Kim or no Kim Paul B.— Sorry that you have to take the Bicycling through the USA? Buy the corner ot Rosedale and Monroe NOTICE Noisy Neighbors: I think you number two position in FINAGLE ING— American Ifouth Hostel Card and save on Admission tree, contributions welcome missed the point Ottw activities besides but at least you're not in the negative room and board See Helen, studying, that can't be done in the library, category as Raymond is —RIC International Student Attairs Ottce, GEM require peace 4 quiet PS Afternoon sex Anita, Phillys, Julia, Debbie, Donna, 01-2320 x6943 or x6876 tor details Housing can't be enjoyed with obnoxious music Sue, Miriam— What an av«some bunch M.C— we are We have the coolest family' Holy RIT - Painters, Roofers, Handymen Rooms For Rent— Just keep on Shnilm ' The time has Westbrook almost come' Only _ more days and political positions viie hold Welcome to needed tor local summer employment Commons 3-bedroom Townhouse. AC, Experience desired, txjt not manditory if you'll get the respect from me you will the newest addition Xi Love, Wammy Cable, Pool, Spacious, Fully Furnished, Michelle Orlando— you have aptitude, work well, and are Price Negotiable For Summer Call nave earned I can't wait to call you What, that isn't your selt motivated Call Fred 235-5397 334-5075 ma'am' Love ya' —Your PB at R IT real name''' Well, I think you should think Expert Typing Services DAN— The party was great' The 12 about changing it I'm so psyched that — Resumes, Summer Sublet: Halt house, Monroe / term papers, thesis, etc 18 years ot Horse was rppd, and you're right, "sex we get along so well What unlikely Park neighborhood, 2 baths, three friends Remember, only we know the experience Prootread and accurate bedrooms, oft street parking, fully IS boring hippie sh-'" Call me soon — Reasonable rates Call tor appointment, The puck? truth Love, Pammster furnished, washer / dryer Available june To the girt who called me a thiet m the 442-3414 - Donna 1 August 30 244-9416 Pauly-O, Here's another to add to your Financial Aid For College, Subletting For Summer— 3 bedroom colleclion' I LOVE VDU' (Here's to a great beginning ot the year— Why have you Call now toll bothered being nice to me all this time? tree 1-800-255 0068 A college townhouse, Westbrook Commons, pool, weekend') —Poo Bare education shouldn't have to be a laundry nice community. $520/month Hey Neighbor— I didn't know R IT —Steve s roommate privelege It should be a right' Call now plus utilities Call 359-3418 ottered a degree m Peeping Tom To The City Boy— Maybe someday we for more information (leave message) Roommate needed: Nice apartment, 5 Besides, my attitude only reflects that I will see the tails Always stay cool, DUDEI Professional Typing: Fast, accurate, minutes from RIT, male or female live next to inconsiderate, beer-gutted Love ya kid' —The Country Girl dependable Monday - Friday, 8 am • 7 ASAP or summer Call for a great place College BOYS' Fish B— You guys are the Greatest' I pm After hours please leave message 272 8342 Jane— We have a real problem - May could not ask tor a better floor* Love you 424 1231 Apartment Available— Highland / South 23rd • you can t graduate • who am I all* MCM Is it true you can buy Jeeps trom the Area, 2 bedrooms, laundry, off street going to discuss life, etc with"? I thought Christian: It's nice to have a t»g brother U S Gov t "7 Get the tacts today* Call parking, bus $370 plus utilities Call my p?ione bill was terrible rx>w • with you and friend like you* Love, Kel 1-312 742-1142 Exi 4165 223-6745 or 442 0343 in Atlanta, we're going to have to txjy a Scott C— I'm psyched you're my Big A Baby Is Our Dream, Roommates Needed for Fall— 2 or 3 phone company* —Laura Bro Love, Pamela Please give your Jane of the Jungle— You'd rather not tie white newborn, yourselt and us a tappier females to share a 3 bedroom, 2 bath Triangle Brothers, Little Sisters, 4 future Medical expenses paid Call condominium with me Located m Surrey in Rochester^' I think we should warn Pledgias— We're psyched to be your collect and m confidence after 6 pm Hill, 2 miles trom R IT on Jefferson Rd Atlanta' Remember • we had fun'" Get "new Little Sisters " We love you all! Toni, 718-591 1124 $80000 per month total includes all psyched tor taking the Rolls (or is it the Cris Kel. Pam, Big Nance 4 Little Nance Bently^ to the weekend' — Blondie* Canon Camera System For Sale utilities Call 473-5651 Jeff— :Al Female Ftoommate needed Nick— Had a great vieekend' I m so You're the best It s great to be m body, MA motor drive, 50mm t18, 24mm tor one Love, Your Little Sister month (May) m New Perkins Really nice glad the sun was out Hope we can have t20. 15mm 12 8, lens hoods, all Canon mat much tun again SOON" (You know 1b my MAINE Squeeze: Get psyched tor Vivitar 75-205mm 138, underwater apartment' Please call after 5 pm 2721215 what I mean) Easter Bunny Comes warm weather* Huh huh huh PS Have housing, etc Asking $1600 or best offer Sunday" That means coloring eggs 4 V you seen Rasputin'' He ran away We ll David Zokaites, 436-6309 Jello" Love Bethie have to go to Wegmans* Love, Donna D USA Discount Cards are available to P*r»onals PFD is Coming!! Don't vorry - my tnstjee Does Everyone at Alpha Xi know who R IT students (m the RITreat) Receive the Hottest Man on Campus is? DC discounts at 14 stores m the local area arm is getting better Gotta stooik up on This week's secret message: XIBU EP the best only 2 weeks to go" YA WANNA KNCW^ Get yours today (It's FREE") Faculty & W.— Have a nee relaxing time home, 4 Staff can use them too' ZPV UIJOL BCPVU UIFTF TFDSFU Cutie from ABX— I cant wait til NFTTBHFT7 XF E MJLF UP LOPX' Saturday night' (I hope it's still on') Are say HI' to the folks lor me I'll be thinking NIKON FM2 with Nikkor 50mm t1 4 lens UFMM VT BU UIF SFQPSUFS PGGJDF you psyched tor the semi tormal next about you Dig and Vivrtar Flash tor sale, excellent TPSSZ BCPVU MBTU XFFL, UIF FSSPS week'7 Here's to you — the light of my lite* lam Bam, Have a good birthday did wc'' condition. $285 Call Jules at 475-6238 TIPVME IBWF SFBE IB' IB' IB' " CZ UIF I miss you! Let's be number 6 soon' —J They say a picture is worth a thousand between 9 4 4 XBZ, IBOQZ FBTUFS (BOE QBTTPWFS) Guess What? l ll be making a guest words — Of a ttxxjsand dollars I have the UP FWFSZCPEZ' -Tab Ad Setter appearance on Student Television negatives — I'll be in touch The BALSAMS Hotel is seeking help tor 442 , , ? What area do I start wrth tor Network's newest program, "Brick CSCH— Let's get psyched* Letchviorth our '87 summer season For information your senior abuse'7 Your grades, your Rock " Keep your eyes on the boob in one week Time to stock up on and application, call or write Ed Wilson, haircut, there's just so much to say I tutje in the dorms, channel 7 trom supplies tor a weekend enjoying The BALSAMS. Dixville Notch. NH 03576, know, say HI to Nicole tor all ot us But 7:00 pm • 8 00 pm Watch our unique Great Cutdoors'* " —Pete the (603) 255-3400 [x2666] what will MH sap From HOOOAHHH' version ot MTV -PITA Programmer 28 April 17. 1987 BLOOM COUNTY by Beike Breathed

Kenny and Graham— Good Luck Pledges! Are you HUGE yel? And are the babes going wild yet? Love LS it's oltiaal Well Fidge, Here s your personal ad i told you I'd put one m tor you Bud-ee R.S.R — Robert, You are awe-mspinng in black* (I didn't say cute) Please play Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence again and I'll purr Carol— Thanks tor tieing my partner at Super Dance '87 I don't think we could have done it without each other It was tun Let's do it again next year Love, Michael Hey M.C., Do I kiss too hard? Smite, your bug might run someday Theresa, >bu are the hardest person to get a hold ot Sorry about the mix-up on Saturday Chuckles Craig says, "This Is Illness" BRET: Hang in there baby Chickens will come home to roost' YD Chuckles, See you at the Pam Grier Film Fest' T F B R.l.T. FEVER— Catch It And Sutter* Why Did S. D. Get A Bigger Ofice? So that Jose can run around in bigger circles lb The "BAD BOYS": We vs«re just used in your arms that night It must have been something you said, or maybe when your girttnend called We should ve drove away 32-24-32 (You know who you are>— I haven't stopped thinking about you all week I really hope that we can make it work* —Size 10 (shoes) Hey Bartender! Can I have a Genee in a wax cup —Admirer ot Alpha Xi Delta Bar Service CM— It you can bear to spend one more night with me, come and wake me. I'll be sleeping downstairs M.— The greatest date ot my lite I looked up at her with my one good eye as she stabbed me m the throat with her linger Let's do It again soon — D Telsa Girls, Teisa Girls, I'm m love with Telsa Girls What do J.G. and K.W. have m comrrxxi'' They txXh had somebody kicked out of school*

Throw any frisbees on the root latet/' Yo 185— Where's mine too'' —176 Yo Ellis— This issue is tietter than ever* Ellis— We'll have to do Thursday night again* I'm not that type of girl

Just A Few Notes on Tab Ads— Any student, or member of faculty or staff can sutxnit Tab Ads. tree of charge Outsiders can also submit Tab Ads, but with a $3 <» per week, per ad tee Ads can go in any of our five sections (Sales and Services. Announcements. Housing, Lost and Found, or Personals), txjt some rules do apply Here are the technicalities Tab Ads must be submitted m person, before noon, on tt>e Friday poor to the issue tt>ey are to be pnnted in There is a limit ct h*o Tab Ads per person, organization, or event (any more will be cut) Free Tab Ads will be run tor no more than a maximum of two weeks (one week m ttie Personals' section) Tab Ads are published on a first come, first served basis, with space permitting REPORTER Magazine reserves ttie right to withdraw any Tab Ad tor libel, obscenity, or misrepresentation REPORTER Magazine assumes no responsibility tor the content of the Tab Ads At the discression of the Editor-m- Chief, names ot Tab Ad authors will be released


April 3-28 An art exhibit of Rchard Zakin's ceramc work at the Nazareth Arts Center Little Gallery, 8 30am 4 30pm weekdays Free For more mlo call THE MOVIE CLOCK 244 2708 SPORTS Llttl* ThMtr* for show times call 232 4699 April 4-26 Nazareth College Student Art Exhibition in ttie Sat. RIT Men's lacrosse team plays RPI Home Game Room with a view. El Amor Brujo. The Defense ot the Nazareth Arts Center Foyer Gallery, 9am-9pm Game time 2 00pm Realm weekdays, noon to 5pm weekends Free For more into Frl. RIT Baseball team plays Clarkson Away Game. Marfwtplac* Mall tor show times call 272-1470 call 586-2525, exi 521 Game time 1 00pm FrI.-Thura. Lethal Weapon. Burglar. Witchboard. Thurs. The Beastie Boys live at ttie Whr Memorial!' Sat. RIT Women's Track plays Alfred Away Game. Three tor the Road. Outrageous Fortune. An American Tcket info 546-5700 Game time 1 00pm Tale, Hunk, Hannah and Her Sisters. Policy Academy 4, Sat. RIT Men's Track plays Umon Relays. Aiivay Game The Aristocrats Game Time 1 00 noon Fri.- Sat. 98 PXY Midnight Movies at Marketplace, Top Frl. RIT Men s Tennis team plays Nazareth Home Gun, Little Shop of Horrors, Blood Sucking Freaks MEETINGS Game Game time 4 00pm Tha Nazareth Arta Cantartor into call 5% 2525, exi 340 April 22-23 Legal Eagles at 7pm and 10pm Tckets Mon. The Pre-Law Assoc will hold a meeting trom Sat. RIT Basetiall team plays St Lawrence Away $1.50. 5 6pm in room 06 A230 All students are invited Game Game time 1 00pm Mon. The Campus Crusade tor Christ meets at 8 00 Wad. fil^ Softball team plays Geneseo Away Game in the Alumni Room ol the CU Game time 3 00pm •Rios. Gays, Lesbians, and Friends meet in room Wad. RIT Men s Lacrose team plays Ithca Home M-2,7pm Game Game time 4 00pm Riss. Rochester Wargamers meetin the CAU cafeteria Wad. RIT Men's Track team plays Colgate Relays. Frl.- Sat. The GeVa Theatre presents The trom 711 Away Game Game time 2 00pm Misanthrope. For tickets call the Geva Box Office at TUos. Student Directorate Meeting, room 1829 in the Ibaa. RIT Men's tennis team plays Utx^a Away Game 2321363 CU, 6-7pm Game time 3 00pm Sat. Poetry pertormance ot STRATA, an "Urban TOss. RIT Aviation Club, RITreat Conference Ibaa. RIT Baseball team plays UR Away Game Landscape ot Words," tjy Laurence Champoux and Room,6-7pm Game time 1 OOpm David Ripton 2pm at the Village Gate Art Center, 274 Thurs. College Activities Meeting, RITreat Confererx:e N Goodman St Free and open to the putilic tor more Room, 5-6pm into call 271-6126 Thurs. RIT Community tor Nuclear Awareness, CAU ETC. Sat. Bevier Gallery features "Graduate Thesis I " Room M 2, 2 3 30pm artvsork ot graduate degree candidates trom the College Thurs. The RIT Toastmasters Club meets at 7-8 30pm Frl. Good Friday Services Catholc Mass, Allen ot Fine and Applied Arts, on display through April 26th in Room M-1 in the CU Chappel, 12 10pm, Episcopal Mass, Skalny Room, Hours M F 9am-4 30pm, MTh 7-9pm, Sat 12 10pm, Lutheran Service, Jones Chapel, 12 10 pm 10am 4 30pm, Sun 2-4 30pm Sat. The Annual International Banquet, starting Sat. Deep Purplelive at the War Memorial For ticket reception at 6pm in the Fireside Lounge, Tickets are into call 546-5700 $806 tor the first 130 RIT students, $12 00 tor staff and Sun. WITR sJazz Sunday... trom 6-8pm The Heart ot LECTURES/WORKSHOPS faculty Tickets are on sale in the International Student Jazz with Dennis, trom 8-9pm Laser Alternatives, an Tlist. RIT Women's Network annual buismess Affairs office, x6943 entire compact disc show with Rob. trom 9pm-12 meeting with election of board members, 1829 Room, Sat. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Sorority midnight Just Jazz (new releases) with Tony, and trom 12-1pm co-sponsofS "Blue and White Ball" tonight with dinner 12 midnight to 3am First Minute of the First Day with Jon lUss. The Placement Ottce sponsors an Interviewing in Clark Dining Room and dancing in the 1829 Room, Sun. The CU Display cases features an art exhibit tiy "fechniques Service tor students, 9-9 50am, sign up with tor more into call x2415 students m RIT's Medical Illustration program, on display the receptionist m the Placement Ottce Sat. Holy Saturday Service, Catholic Mass, Allen today through April 26th RMS. The Placement Ottce Sponsors an On-Site Chapel, 4;30pm Sun. The Village Gate Art Center presents two Interviews Seminar tor students today, 1-1 50pm, sign up Sun. Easter Schedule of Services Catholic Mass, photography shows by Douglas Rea and David Malone with the receptionist m the Placement Ottce Allen Chapel,9 30 and 11 30am, Episcopal Mass, Jones that will continue through April 26 Call 271-6126 tor into Wsd. The Placement Ottce sponsors a Racement Chapel, 9 30am, Lutheran Service, Jones Chapel, Sun. The CU display cases feature a photography Orientation Seminar tor students, 9 9 50pm, Sign up 9 30am, Interdenomination Gospel Worship Service, exhibit t)y student Sonya Sanchez (north side) and a with the receptionist m the Placement Ottce Allen Chapel, 4 30pm watercolor portraiture exhibit by art student Suzanne Frl. HEOP Ceremony, Fireside Lounge, afternoon Woods (south side) on display tVirough April 19 Thurs. The Racement Ottce sponsors a Resume Writing Servce tor students, 1-1:50pm, sign up with in Ibaa. Event Registration Training Session— tor •IVi««.G6Va Theatre -announces an exciting limited the receptionist in the Racement Ottce student groups who sponsor social activities, Clark engagement tor the week ot April 21 26. Geraldine Dining Room, 6 30-9 OOpm tor more into call x2224 Fitzgerald's one woman show, STREETSONGS Thurs. The Chemistry Department sponsors a Ibaa. Jewish Student Coalition presents a movie night Fitzgerald will perform in the Richard Pine Theatre. 75 seminar, title to be announced, BIdg 9-3139, 12 pm, at the Hillel House (under Colby D) 9pm Woodbury Blvd . at 8pm tues-Thurs , April 21-23 open to all Ibaaday Thuraday, 8 30pmFn and Sat, Apnl 24-25; and 2pm Sunday, Apnl Thurs. Lecture "The Constitution and Public Ftelicy: Every and trom noon to 1 00, m 26 For More into call 232 1366 The Welfare State and the State of Welfare."givin by BIdg 6, room A287, all students and faculty who are WMI. The Performance of Mendelssohn's Trio in D Dr Theodore J Lowi, Webb Auditorium, 7 30pxn, tree interested m playing contract bridge are invited to join minor Op 49, trom 12 15 to 12 45pm at the Hochstein and open to all in Beginners are welcome Music School. 50 North Rymouth Ave The pertormance Mon. Lunch n Learning series presents "Memory Wad. Hillel Foundation sponsors "Get Chai with will also be broadcasted live on WXXI Radio 915FM For Improvement' in CAU room M-2 at 12 pm BYO L open Chametz—Dinner with Rabtx Alan." Hillel House, more info call 454-4596 to all 6 00pm Frl. The Village Gate Art Center presents a 5 Person Ibes. Lunch n Learning series "Dealing with Test Wad. "Salute to Excellence 1987, " RIT's annual Exfilbltion of sculptural work that will continue through Anxiety " in CAU Room M-2 12 pm open to ail recognition reception tor RIT's Black and Hispanic April 19 Also showing until April 19 is a painting Thurs. Lunch n Learn serries presents "Studying students in the Fireside Lounge, 4 6pm, Call x2415 tor exhibition by E Jesse Sheftnn For more into can Lecture Notes" in CAU Room M-2 at 12pm. more info 271-6126 Thurs. CAB sponsors tckets tor the broadway show "Cats" at the Auditorium Theatre, 8 00pm tor more info call x2509 RADAR FUTURE EVENTS Thurs. Sat. April 23 and April 25 The RPO presents Frl. Lomb/Perkins Fri.,Apr1l 24 Delta Alpha Sigma and Delta Sigma Phi Theo Alcantara as conductor and Cho-Liang Lin playing present "The Barns Sisters " in concert trom 8 30pm to Sat. Andrews Dorm/Perkins violin performing Mozart's Lucia Silla Overture, 2 00am in the CU Tickets $800 Beethoven's Violin Concerto and Prokofiev's Symphony Sun. Fairwood/Andrews Acad No5 For tcket info call 454-2620 Mon. Andrews Acad/Andrews Dorm Starting Thursday April 23, the NTID Theatre will be Ibas. Andrews Dorm/Perkins performing a slapstck comedy by Jim Dale and Frank Dunlop caHed "Scapmoi" Students $2 00 For more info Wsd. Perkins/Fairwood call 475-6254 Thurs. Wiltsie/Loewnthal 30 Keynotes Study Guides 4,000 students asked for them! We asked 4,000 students what they wanted in literary study guides. Keynotes is the answer! Razor-sharp summaries of all the main ideas—condensed and listed on one sleeK fold-out card. Mew Keynotes. Available now (^RATIDOM HOUSE


General Reading Department MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SATURDAY 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SENIORS and Everyone else!!!! This is your last chance to order an '87 yearbook!

An important part of your life is spent at RIT. You'll want to remember wtiat it was like—Tfie people, the classes, and the ADVENTURE!!! The Techmila staff does the work for you in this annual graphic presentation, if the students will help preserve these memories for decades if you have a copy!

Bring your check or money order for only $15 to the Techmila Office (basement of CD., Room A-285) between 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. on April 21 (Tues.) April 22 (Wed.) or April 23 (Thurs.). If you forget to order one, you may forget the memories!! For more information, call the Techmila Hot Line at x2227. Here's a sure way to be in the '87 Techmila!!!