LOCAL AUTHOR 1B 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 7A SPORTS 2B PUZZLES 4B BOOKINGS 7B CLASSIFIEDS QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 143, No. 25 NTWO SECTIONS e• 16 PAGwES s&PreESTAs BLISHsED 1874 75¢ JUNE 21, 2017 Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET Darlington County School Board passes $82 million budget amount up to the 7.5. mills. for several years. Darlington County. compensate our employees; we places, the district is not scram - By Melissa Rollins Editor Smith said that not everyone “We haven’t done it for a “The board determined by would like to stick with the two bling to take care of their mon -
[email protected] would be affected by the number of years,” Smith said. the needs of our district that we percent raise. We want to con - etary responsibilities. The Darlington County increase the same. “A lot of districts raise millage would need to raise it 7.5,” tinue to compensate them so The 2017-2018 budget, with School District voted unani - “When you are looking at every year. We have a cap on Smith said. “That is for operat - we had to raise millage to pay pay increases for all employees mously during their June 12 millage you have to remember how much we can raise but we ing expenses. A lot of people, our employees.” and increases in retirement meeting to pass the 2017-2018 that homeowners are exempt were able to go back three not just school districts, are Smith cautioned anyone costs coming in at over a mil - budget, which includes a 7.5 from our operating millage, years and add up what we dealing with the two percent from thinking that the district lion dollars each, is $82 million millage increase.