Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Thursday, 24 November 2011] p9828e-9828e Dr Kim Hames

PERTH INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIX Statement by Minister for Tourism DR K.D. HAMES (Dawesville — Minister for Tourism) [9.09 am]: On Tuesday I was pleased to announce that in March next year we will be able to see some of the world’s best cyclists in action during the Perth International Track Cycling Grand Prix. The state government, through Eventscorp, is proud to support the Chevron Australia 2012 Perth International Track Cycling Grand Prix. This cycling grand prix event, to be held on 24 March next year—a most auspicious date—promises to attract some of the biggest names in track cycling in the lead-up to the 2012 UCI Track Cycling World Championships in Melbourne and the London Olympics. More than 170 elite level riders from around the world are expected to compete, including two current world champions from Western Australia—Cameron Meyer and . To be staged at the Midvale SpeedDome, this will be the first UCI category 1 event held in Perth since the 1997 world championships. The Midvale SpeedDome opened in 1989 and is Perth’s only combined indoor cycling velodrome and roller sports complex. Local riders will pit themselves against world champions on the 250-metre track, which is recognised as one of the fastest velodromes in the world. Furthermore, the event will feature the SBS TV program Cycling Central. This high-level competition will be track cycling at its very best, offering local audiences a truly international event in a world-class venue.
