Oktoberfest '83

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Oktoberfest '83 Register To Vote! See Back Page Vol. Il Number 20 Next Deadline: October 19 — Next Issue: October 26 October 12,1983 Roberti AIDS Bill Signed By Governor O ktoberfest ’83 SacrancBto Senate President Governor has signed this l^isla- pro Tempore David Roberti’s tion into law. In doing so. he has measure which will initiate a state- demonstrated the state’s concern financed Scientific Research Com­ and dedication to finding a cure mittee on AIDS and provide for for these diseases.” public education about the life- AIDS, Acquired Immune threatening diseases has been Deficiency Syndrome, is a term signed by Governor George used to describe a constellation of Deukmejian. life-threatening immuno-defi- Governor has signed this legislation,., he has demonstrated the state*s concern and dedication,,, ” The bill signed into law will ad­ ciency diseases. In persons suf­ dress the long-term implications fering form AIDS, the disease of this public health problem fighting mechanisms fail to through: education regarding pri­ respond in a normal way to infec­ mary prevention for high risk tions. groups; public education to ‘‘AIDS is a public health reduce panic and lessen unneces­ problem that merits the highest sary anidety on the part of Cali­ levd of concern,” Roberti said. fornia residents and provide inter­ ‘‘Researchers in many m ajor- disciplinary or educational work­ medical institutions are working shops to facilitate interchange of to identify the cause of AIDS and knowledge among investigators to develop effective treatments regarding AIDS and related dis­ and preventive measures. orders. ‘‘But the battle against AIDS Popular entertainer Sharon McKnight was the hit of the Oktoberfest '83. See report and pictures in Conunented Roberti, D-HoUy- must be waged on several fronts Lifestyle, page 13. wood: “ I am pleased that the and on many levels.” • teaching ‘‘in search of a Lesbian promoted challenging career in a field not traditionally open to women. ” Mayor of Stockton Strip In her work for the sheriffs See Lifcttylc, page 13 in Sheriff’s Dept. department, O’Connor developed a work furlough program for women and later, one for bothe San FraadKo (IG NA) — A lesbian assigned to administration in the men and women. activist has been promoted to department, in 1976. A year later As a political activist, O’Con­ Lieutenant and will become Sec­ she made sergeant and became nor has served as president of the tion Commander of the City facility commander for the Alice B. toklas Lesbian/Oay Courts of San Francisco. Women’s Section at the Hall of Democratic Club and 1982 Connie O’Connor will take Justice. She had left a career in Continued on back page charge of security for the courts, the Hall of Justice and City Hall, a job that entails overseeing 7S deputies, sergeants, and transpor­ Officials urge federal tation officers. ‘‘Today we recognize the specific achievements of prosecution of White Lieutenant O’Connor, whose leadership in the department, and Saa Francisco (ICNA) San Fran­ have sent letters to the U.S. At­ in the community, has been truly cisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein has torney General asking him to remarkable and an inspiration to joined California Governor prosecute White under the her peers throughout the gay George Deukmejian in urging provisions of federal law for community. O’Connor’s U.S. Attorney General William violating the civil rights of the two promotion is indicative of the French Smith to prosecute Dan assassinated city officials. tremendous talents and resources White under federal law. The Mayor and Governor con­ lesbians and gays have brought to White, the former San Fran­ tend that White’s actions our community, said Sheriff cisco supervisor who murdered ‘‘naturally interfered” with the Michael Hennessey at a ceremony the city’s mayor George Moscone ability of Moscone and Milk ‘‘to marking the “ most extensive ad­ and first openly gay supervisor qualify and campaign as can­ vancement for women in the Harvey Milk in November 1978, is didates for re-election.” history of California law enfor­ scheduled for release from prison As such. White is punishable cement.” next January. O’Connor was the first woman Both Feinstein and Deukmejian Continued on back page ! . I I I Oar Papef*October 1 2 ,1983«Page 3 then leave... SEEQ responds to lawsuit “ Demonstrations took place House votes $41.1 million GRNL director accepts L a d y F a ir around the clock - some legal (no An attorney for SEEQ Inc., a “We have investigated the arrests were planned) then after­ RICH KING M a rk e t Silicon Valley electronics firm allegations that have been made wards the women would return to for AIDS in 1984 Oregon award. which is being sued for by Mr. Ghilzai and from every­ camp.” MO >. WMta M , M l JOM at W aahlagtoB, DC On Septem­ ing the Appropriations Commit­ alleged harassment of a gay male thing we know, they are complete­ I asked Jane if there were any Washiagtoa, DC Gay Rights Human Righu Campaign Fund. tee to increase AIDS research ex-employee, has denied the ly without foundation. We believe problems at the camp. She ber 13, 1983 the House of Repre­ National Lobby (GRNL) Deputy The featured speakers at the din­ sentatives Appropriations Com­ funding and to adopt recommen­ M a rq u e ta charges set forth in the S30 million that the appropriate place to con­ described: “ some citizens came to Director, Jerry Weller, will return ner are Midge Constanza and Jean mittee voted $41.1 million for dations. The recommendations lawsuit, according to the San Jose test these allegations is in court. the peace camp and brought sacks to Portland, Oregon to accept ^e O’Leary. THE BARKING LOT AIDS activities in fiscal year 1984. which the Committee adopted in­ D el V a lle Mercury News. We intend to defend the case of potatos or zuccini. Others just Right to Privacy PAC’s Lucille “ The dinner will again be quite Later in the same day, ^n ate Ap­ clude a directive to the Secretary The suit, filed by Wahcied vigorously and are confident that came to the sitting area at the Hart Award on Saturday, October successful and we are very excited 921S.1tttt,SonJoee “ Larry” Ghilzai, 22, of Fremont Mr. Ghilzai’s claims will be found propriations Subcoininittee Chair­ of Health and Human Services 8, 1983. The award is being given that Jerry is returning for this front gate...once in a while a car Expert All Breed Grooming (HHS) to carry out a public health in July alleges that the cor­ to be without merit.” would come by and yell out a person Lowell Weicker agreed to jointly to Weller along with thir­ event,” said Right to Privacy Prices effective: poration did nothing to stop a Ghilzai wiU be the guest speaker approve “ whatever is needed” for education program and a directive teen Oregon State Senators who PAC Treasurer Keeston Lowery. Wed. Oct 12-Tues. Oct 18 name “ Commie” or “ Dyke.” On Dogs & Cats to HHS to request more money in slander campaign against him, at the October 16 meeting of the the other hand, there were FY 1984 AIDS research. voted in favor of the Oregon GRNL Executive Director Steve which included circulation of a Lesbian & Gay Associated Engin­ ” We are pleased that the House 1984 if needed. Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights Bill Endean praised Weller for his meetings with ministers at one Monday - Saturday 7:30 - 5 p.m. GRNL also addressed the U.S. flyer saying, “ Larry Ghilzai — eers A Scientists (LGAES) in San point.” voted to increase AIDS funding in the 1983 L^jslative Session. years of service to the Lesbian and Stop Spreading AIDS — Quit Francisco. The Sunday afternoon Also By Special Appointment above the FY 1983 level and above Conference of Local Health Of­ Senator Jim Gardner (D- Gay community and stated, Now.” meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. at Noe the President’s budget requests,” ficers and the Association of State Portland) will accept the award on “ Jerry’s already contributed and Territorial Health Offices Attorney William Freeman, Valley Ministry, 1021 Sanchez St. Birds & Bird Supplies commented Steve Endean, Exec­ behalf of the thirteen Senators. much to GRNL, I’m pleased that PEPSI C O L A representing SEEQ, gave the near 24th. Phone (41S) S86-23I6. ■ utive Director of the Gay Rights which held a one day seminar on Weller left Oregon in July to the Oregon Lesbian and Oay following statement to the Mer­ Special Orders Welcome National Lobby (GRNL). “ But aids IN Washington, DC. ORNL’s assume the GRNL Deputy Direc­ community is showing much sup­ “...a lot o f dyke bait­ the amounts are still inadequate to Bart Church stressed the need for 16oz. 6-pack cury News: Many Birds Are Hand-Tamed tor position aftCT serving 2Vi years port for his work there.’’ ing went on,,,one cope with the epidemic our nation greater educational efforts on as GRNL’s Co-Chair. Weller Additionally, Weller received a • 1 .* ’ plus d e p 401 f in t Street is facing.” AlDS-and asked the officials for worked full-time for the Lesbian Newsmaker’s Award for Outstan­ man spit in my LoeAHoe,CA 94022 The Gay Rights National Lobby immediate support of HR 3702 and Oay community in Oregon ding Community Involvement Women protest weapons had been pushing for an appropri­ which would establish a $60 for seven years. He was founder from the Pacific Northwest face,,. ation of at least $32.6 million million fund in Health and and Chairperson of the Right to Lesbian and Oay newspaper.
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