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Vol. Il Number 20 Next Deadline: October 19 — Next Issue: October 26 October 12,1983

Roberti AIDS Bill Signed By Governor O ktoberfest ’83

SacrancBto Senate President Governor has signed this l^isla- pro Tempore David Roberti’s tion into law. In doing so. he has measure which will initiate a state- demonstrated the state’s concern financed Scientific Research Com­ and dedication to finding a cure mittee on AIDS and provide for for these diseases.” public education about the life- AIDS, Acquired Immune threatening diseases has been Deficiency Syndrome, is a term signed by Governor George used to describe a constellation of Deukmejian. life-threatening immuno-defi-

Governor has signed this legislation,., he has demonstrated the state*s concern and dedication,,, ”

The bill signed into law will ad­ ciency diseases. In persons suf­ dress the long-term implications fering form AIDS, the disease of this public health problem fighting mechanisms fail to through: education regarding pri­ respond in a normal way to infec­ mary prevention for high risk tions. groups; public education to ‘‘AIDS is a public health reduce panic and lessen unneces­ problem that merits the highest sary anidety on the part of Cali­ levd of concern,” Roberti said. fornia residents and provide inter­ ‘‘Researchers in many m ajor- disciplinary or educational work­ medical institutions are working shops to facilitate interchange of to identify the cause of AIDS and knowledge among investigators to develop effective treatments regarding AIDS and related dis­ and preventive measures. orders. ‘‘But the battle against AIDS Popular entertainer Sharon McKnight was the hit of the Oktoberfest '83. See report and pictures in Conunented Roberti, D-HoUy- must be waged on several fronts Lifestyle, page 13. wood: “ I am pleased that the and on many levels.” •

teaching ‘‘in search of a Lesbian promoted challenging career in a field not traditionally open to women. ” Mayor of Stockton Strip In her work for the sheriffs See Lifcttylc, page 13 in Sheriff’s Dept. department, O’Connor developed a work furlough program for women and later, one for bothe San FraadKo (IG NA) — A lesbian assigned to administration in the men and women. activist has been promoted to department, in 1976. A year later As a political activist, O’Con­ Lieutenant and will become Sec­ she made sergeant and became nor has served as president of the tion Commander of the City facility commander for the Alice B. toklas Lesbian/Oay Courts of San Francisco. Women’s Section at the Hall of Democratic Club and 1982 Connie O’Connor will take Justice. She had left a career in Continued on back page charge of security for the courts, the Hall of Justice and City Hall, a job that entails overseeing 7S deputies, sergeants, and transpor­ Officials urge federal tation officers. ‘‘Today we recognize the specific achievements of prosecution of White Lieutenant O’Connor, whose leadership in the department, and Saa Francisco (ICNA) San Fran­ have sent letters to the U.S. At­ in the community, has been truly cisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein has torney General asking him to remarkable and an inspiration to joined Governor prosecute White under the her peers throughout the gay George Deukmejian in urging provisions of federal law for community. O’Connor’s U.S. Attorney General William violating the civil rights of the two promotion is indicative of the French Smith to prosecute Dan assassinated city officials. tremendous talents and resources White under federal law. The Mayor and Governor con­ lesbians and gays have brought to White, the former San Fran­ tend that White’s actions our community, said Sheriff cisco supervisor who murdered ‘‘naturally interfered” with the Michael Hennessey at a ceremony the city’s mayor George Moscone ability of Moscone and Milk ‘‘to marking the “ most extensive ad­ and first openly gay supervisor qualify and campaign as can­ vancement for women in the Harvey Milk in November 1978, is didates for re-election.” history of California law enfor­ scheduled for release from prison As such. White is punishable cement.” next January. O’Connor was the first woman Both Feinstein and Deukmejian Continued on back page ! . I I I Oar Papef*October 1 2 ,1983«Page 3

then leave... SEEQ responds to lawsuit “ Demonstrations took place House votes $41.1 million GRNL director accepts L a d y F a ir around the clock - some legal (no An attorney for SEEQ Inc., a “We have investigated the arrests were planned) then after­ RICH KING M a rk e t Silicon Valley electronics firm allegations that have been made wards the women would return to for AIDS in 1984 Oregon award. which is being sued for by Mr. Ghilzai and from every­ camp.” MO >. WMta M , M l JOM at W aahlagtoB, DC On Septem­ ing the Appropriations Commit­ alleged harassment of a gay male thing we know, they are complete­ I asked Jane if there were any Washiagtoa, DC Gay Rights Human Righu Campaign Fund. tee to increase AIDS research ex-employee, has denied the ly without foundation. We believe problems at the camp. She ber 13, 1983 the House of Repre­ National Lobby (GRNL) Deputy The featured speakers at the din­ sentatives Appropriations Com­ funding and to adopt recommen­ M a rq u e ta charges set forth in the S30 million that the appropriate place to con­ described: “ some citizens came to Director, Jerry Weller, will return ner are Midge Constanza and Jean mittee voted $41.1 million for dations. The recommendations lawsuit, according to the San Jose test these allegations is in court. the peace camp and brought sacks to Portland, Oregon to accept ^e O’Leary. THE BARKING LOT AIDS activities in fiscal year 1984. which the Committee adopted in­ D el V a lle Mercury News. We intend to defend the case of potatos or zuccini. Others just Right to Privacy PAC’s Lucille “ The dinner will again be quite Later in the same day, ^n ate Ap­ clude a directive to the Secretary The suit, filed by Wahcied vigorously and are confident that came to the sitting area at the Hart Award on Saturday, October successful and we are very excited 921S.1tttt,SonJoee “ Larry” Ghilzai, 22, of Fremont Mr. Ghilzai’s claims will be found propriations Subcoininittee Chair­ of Health and Human Services 8, 1983. The award is being given that Jerry is returning for this front gate...once in a while a car Expert All Breed Grooming (HHS) to carry out a public health in July alleges that the cor­ to be without merit.” would come by and yell out a person Lowell Weicker agreed to jointly to Weller along with thir­ event,” said Right to Privacy Prices effective: poration did nothing to stop a Ghilzai wiU be the guest speaker approve “ whatever is needed” for education program and a directive teen Oregon State Senators who PAC Treasurer Keeston Lowery. Wed. Oct 12-Tues. Oct 18 name “ Commie” or “ Dyke.” On Dogs & Cats to HHS to request more money in slander campaign against him, at the October 16 meeting of the the other hand, there were FY 1984 AIDS research. voted in favor of the Oregon GRNL Executive Director Steve which included circulation of a Lesbian & Gay Associated Engin­ ” We are pleased that the House 1984 if needed. Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights Bill Endean praised Weller for his meetings with ministers at one Monday - Saturday 7:30 - 5 p.m. GRNL also addressed the U.S. flyer saying, “ Larry Ghilzai — eers A Scientists (LGAES) in San point.” voted to increase AIDS funding in the 1983 L^jslative Session. years of service to the Lesbian and Stop Spreading AIDS — Quit Francisco. The Sunday afternoon Also By Special Appointment above the FY 1983 level and above Conference of Local Health Of­ Senator Jim Gardner (D- Gay community and stated, Now.” meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. at Noe the President’s budget requests,” ficers and the Association of State Portland) will accept the award on “ Jerry’s already contributed and Territorial Health Offices Attorney William Freeman, Valley Ministry, 1021 Sanchez St. Birds & Bird Supplies commented Steve Endean, Exec­ behalf of the thirteen Senators. much to GRNL, I’m pleased that PEPSI C O L A representing SEEQ, gave the near 24th. Phone (41S) S86-23I6. ■ utive Director of the Gay Rights which held a one day seminar on Weller left Oregon in July to the Oregon Lesbian and Oay following statement to the Mer­ Special Orders Welcome National Lobby (GRNL). “ But aids IN Washington, DC. ORNL’s assume the GRNL Deputy Direc­ community is showing much sup­ “...a lot o f dyke bait­ the amounts are still inadequate to Bart Church stressed the need for 16oz. 6-pack cury News: Many Birds Are Hand-Tamed tor position aftCT serving 2Vi years port for his work there.’’ ing went on,,,one cope with the epidemic our nation greater educational efforts on as GRNL’s Co-Chair. Weller Additionally, Weller received a • 1 .* ’ plus d e p 401 f in t Street is facing.” AlDS-and asked the officials for worked full-time for the Lesbian Newsmaker’s Award for Outstan­ man spit in my LoeAHoe,CA 94022 The Gay Rights National Lobby immediate support of HR 3702 and Oay community in Oregon ding Community Involvement Women protest weapons had been pushing for an appropri­ which would establish a $60 for seven years. He was founder from the Pacific Northwest face,,. ation of at least $32.6 million million fund in Health and and Chairperson of the Right to Lesbian and Oay newspaper. Human Services to promote treat­ B yT edSaU Base in Berkshire England, where directly for AIDS, $30 million for Privacy PAC which sponsors the Cascade Voice. The award was ment and prevention activities by On NATO’s 3rd anniversary they linked hands to form a the Public Health Emergency annual Lucille Hart Diimer, the one of four Publisher’s Commen­ CHICKENS federal agencies dealing with this past December, 30,000 human chain completely around Fund, and $1.3 million for psy­ organization’s major fundraising dations for special contributions KiGC presents: “public health emergencies.” women protested against the U.S. the basé. chological research on AIDS by event. Last year the $50 per per­ to the community and was an­ 49* lb. I asked if she had personally the National Institute of Mental Church also criticized the Reagan nounced in Portland on Sunday, plan to base Pershing and Cruise The next day, 2,000 women experienced any harassment from gala Masquerade Ball son dinner raised $17,0()0. This Health. Administration for its lack of year the proceeds will be split with September 18 by Cascade Voice Missiles in Europe. blocked the entrance around the “ locals.” Miller replied: “ The support for public health educa­ On December 12th, women clock-they threw themselves in GRNL credits RepresenUtive the national Lesbian and Oay publisher, Neal Hutchins. • only time I actually saw real Saturday, October 29th / 8 pm — 1:30 am Edward Roybal (D-CA) for push­ tion. • from all over Europe converged front of buses carrying G.I.’s as harassment take place in political action committee, the AVOCADO on Oreenham Common Air Force well as working civilians who are town-two women went to town Entertainment • Dancing • Raffle • hors d’ ouvres constructing silos to house the for an appointment with someone up more frequently among AIDS often cultured from urine and 3 f o r * 1 * « missiles. who had agreed to dig a well.- cases than controls. However, throat swabs in cases. Throughout West Ger­ When they went to the cafe a Donation; $13 advance $15 at door Oar Bodiss, Oar Minds known lifetim e exposure (days of 5.) Antibody to Hepatitis-A Aoar piIDQf many-American, Canadian and group of men surrounded the use) for nitrites was greater for was more commonly seen in cases Gernuui Army Bases, the story protesters and threatened to “AIDS Update 99 cases than controls. than controk. This was not true your ptapor was the same. damage their car. Word got back 6. ) Strongly associated with for Hepatitk-B. LEMONS Roads leading to the U.S. Army Houn: 10-6 Monday-Saturday to the camp and two cars filled 3113 Alum Rock Ave. (at White Rd) By Harvey Thompson, M.D cases of AIDS were higher headquarters at Stuttgart, with women drove into town. We proportions of sex partners from The UCLA Conference 12tor *1"“ protesters were arrested, dragged PaMIsbcr then surrounded the women and One-third of the pages in the (healthy Gay men). bathhouses. away and fined. 2. ) Cases were more likely to The second “ main feature” in Our Projects, Inc. edged them out of harm’s way. August issue .of the Annals of In­ 7. ) No differences among cases In the U.S. the first major at­ The men were yelling and a lot of .cosmetics have exposure to feces during sex or controls were found in levels of the Annals o f Internal Medicine ternal Medicine were concerned was an excellent, up-to-date, AdaUaltirallae tempt by and for women to Dyke baiting went on. One man o s s i, Sr'Skin Care with AIDS coverage. (via anal-oral, ano-genital, or fist­ income or education; one-third of Winn Crannell duplicate a mass demonstration spit in my face...we all left The first of two main portions ing). In fact, it was astounding to AIDS cases were earning more complete discussion of AIDS by LAMBBREASTSi the UCLA faculty departments of Ncwt/Polllicid Editor took place in New York. together for the camp. presented the long-awaited Health find that 52% of cases had inser­ than $20,000 per year, and the Outside Syracuse, a base camp SpnclaUzIng lit: gastroenterology, immunology, 89* lb. Rosalie Nichols “ When we left the peace camp Seutpiured nails, manicures, Department’s case-control study ted their hand into a partner’s rec­ median educational level of both was set up on July 1st, where three there was talk about returning Coming out... tum sometime during the year cases and controls was 16 years! epidemiology, and oncology. Eatertaimaent Editor qualky manicures, quality cosmetics of Kaposi’s sarcoma and This gem is a concise, well- thousand women gathered to plan next year, some women wanted to pneiunocystis carinii pneumonia prior to interview. 8. ) The conclusion was that and skin care. written, and sympathetic sum­ David A. DeLong their strategy. They came from all leave it open with a skeleton for Halloween? in homosexual men: both their 3. ) Drug use (marijuana, AIDS as manifested by Kaposi’s Advcrttalag Saks over this land and called their thing is certain - we epidemiology and laboratory cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, sarcoma and pneiunocystis carinii mary which can be obtained by Let us help with a professional make-up writing the chief author: Dr. Pofk Becky O’Bryan place a “ Peace Camp.” will be back.” barbiturates, LSD, Quaaludes, or pneumonia was associated with results. Michael Gottlieb, Department of A major demonstration by One of the arrested protesters MDA) was also more commonly certain aspects of lifestyle seen in Pabik Rdatloas Here are some of the key points: Medicine, UCLA School of SPARE RIBS those women took place the first said it clearly, “ We came to make Professional Facial & Makeover seen among cases, although it was a subgroup of the male Teri Espy Medicine, , CA week of August — they held a rally sure that Cruise and Pershing all fo r not isolated to any one particular homosexual population. Prodactioa Departnaent at Sampson State Park. A crowd $25, Nattoaal Case Control Study; 900I2A. For a complete, state-of- M»* lb. Missiles, which are first strike drug. Laboratory: Johnie Staggs of 2,0()0 then marched for three weapons, never leave this country. bring a friend fo r Epidemiology: 4. ) There was NO difference the-art presentotion, it can’t be hours to the U.S. Army Depot at 1. ) Cases had lower numbers of beat. - Al Bonvouloir We will keep coming back and FREE (w / c o « p o u ) 1.) PWA’s (People With AIDS) between cases and controls in ter­ Seneca N.Y. The protesters claim lymphocytes, and specifically, the Some of the significant dau Graphics back, as long as we have to!” said had a median of 61 partners per ms of frequency of the receptive nuclear weapons are stored at the Nancy Alach. ■ Call for an appointment role. helper type of T-lymphocytes. are: Ms Atlas Press year, more than twice the average More than 75% of cases had Recj, Butter, G reen Leof] depot. • of 26 per year for the controls 5. ) Amyl nitrite did NOT show Typesetting Townspeople gathered along ratios of helper to suppressor (the Kaposi’s Sarcoma: the route of the march, jeering the well-known T-cell ratio) lower LEHUCE Ms Atlas Press CO 1. ) KS k more often multi-focal Alwin Enterprises women - yelling at them, “ go than the lowest of healthy homo­ than a single lesion presentation. home commies,” and “ traitors to sexual controls (0.6 vs. 1.4 for 39* ea. Member/Sabscriber 2. ) KS accounts for up to 10% American womanhood.” è' Whafs On Your Agenda? controls). of all cancers in Uganda and Gay Press Association Men also blocked their way; CO 2. ) The lymphocytes of cases Kenya. OPA Wire Service each carrying an American Flag, a were less Ukely to respond to 3. ) KS can occur in virtually International Oay News Service clash took place at the Waterloo 4 known stimulators of lym­ any organ of the body. 50% of POTATOES Stonewall Features Syndicate Bridge, where three demon­ phocytes. cases have large and small in­ strators and S3 townspeople were 3. ) Epstein-Barr virus an­ 1 0 lb . Natioaal Ad Representative testinal involvement when they are 99* allegedly arrested. tibodies (the cause of examined for KS lesions. Joe DiSabato Once the marching women mononucleosis) were significantly 4. ) Interferon k achieving com­ NYC.NY reached the Army Depot, some more often present among cases. plete or partial responses in up to (212)242-6863 released balloons, others tied 4. ) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 50% of cases. These are NOT titers were higher in cases than A Bi-Weekly Publication crepe paper and banners to the 6 cures, but instead, responses of BA CO N ENDS foot fence. controls. Also, the virus was more Continued on page 18 973 Park Avenne Hundreds of state and military San Jose, CA 95126 police watched as the protesters in 79* lb (408) 289-9231 \ lines of three and four climbed over the fence to be arrested by the police for trespassing. I 8oz. One of the women who spent a week at that peace camp is from Sweet M ay Ow Paper is published by OUR Santa Cruz. Her name is Jane PROJECTS. Inc., 973 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 93126. Reproduction of Miller, and she graciously agreed I TOMATO SAI to an interview for OUR PAPER. , E editorial or advertising content in any S form requires written permission of the Jane Miller is not a newcomer 6for*1"“ publisher in advance. The publisher to demonstrations - a straight assumes no rtsponsibOity for the claims lady who’s daughter is a lesbian. & of advertisers. Opinions expressed in R any article, or column are not Both have been arrested at Diablo I 'C Nuclear Reactor and Lawrence necessarily those o f OUR PAPER, its 3 staff or the publisher. Publication of the Livermore Laboratory. name, photograph or likeness of any She said she just recently got 1% person, persons or organization in ar­ I-Ì3 ticles or advertising in OUR PAPER back from the women’s “ Peace shall not be construed as any indication Camp” at Seneca Falls, N.Y. of the social, political or sexual orien­ Local Santa Cruz women did tation of such persons or organizations. fundraising —“ my friend, my Unsolicited manuscripu or photographs 2nds ONLY mutt be accompanied by a self- daughter and her friend left in two addressed, stfciped envelope. PleaM autos. We stopped at the camp for POTTERY SALES OUTLET allow four to six weeks for processing. a week. The camp opened in July OUR PAPER will not assume respon­ and at one point over 2000 women SAVE 20% & MORE ON OUR HUGE sibility for unsolicited manuscripu or photographs. Subscription rate for one were in camp. They came from SELECTION OF POTS & PLANTS. year is $20.00. All rights in letters to everywhere - living, working and W© Gladly Accept Food MTM ANO«rCMATlOHCINTI« MOtOTMl AlAMIOA/SAN lOSC CA Í 4O0-27S-1242 NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 9-5 OUR PAPER shall be assigned to the blockading. I M W * n » C A « O iN coupons, Wicks Coupons A publication, including the right to print C^ll (408) 984-0467 or 1400 (Also sold tor Resale) and the right to comment on editorially. “ Because of family and per­ W© Will Cash Checks With sonal comittments some affinity 1793 Lattayette SI.. Santa O ara ^og©yd©ntjjjcatjonj^^^^ groups would do an action and OCTOBERFEST SHAM? County? If so, shame on them for put­ ting their petty resentments ahead Before I get into the real reason of the welfare of the Gay com­ for this letter, I would like to d p inions munity! Sounds pretty je//- recognize all the people I saw out at the fairgrounds reaUy on- centered to me. Please withhold my name from purpose about raising money to publication because I don|t want help right AIDS. (SELF)CENTERED? to end up being maligned in I would also like to recognize the organizers of the farce. I put Whats On Your Agenda? . . . not grief, but gratitude Dear Editor; B.A.R. out $20.00 and within rive minutes I am not one of the "insiders” Sincerely, it was clear to me that the people By Bill Hoycr at the Billy DeFrank Lesbian/Gay NAME WITHHELD who planned that affair had no Community Center and, in fact, [Editors Note: While it is true real intention of making money. am writing tKis from b unique perspective. I was the lover for six have attended only a few of their that the Community Center was The number of booths was not years, of a man wKo recently died from A IDS. events. So perhaps lam speaking I preparing in August to enclose over ten; some of which were not TKe experience of JoKn's illness and deatK has led me to new out of turn. with their newsletter some 750 even manned full-time. There was awareness of the meaning of life, of health, and of love. But 1 keep reading items in Tom no imagination used, the amount Rogers column in B.A.R. and a brochures soliciting doruitions for Rather than to become aware of our generally homophobic of space available was not little information in your paper to the San Francisco AIDS Chapter, culture, 1 instead became aware of the support for John as a person utilized, there was not even the effect that certain folks at the the mailing actuaUy went out with and for us as a couple. Community Center apparently re­ labels covering the San Francisco organization in the way the booths Homophobia is not a universal disease. The kindness extended were set up. sented the fact that the local address and referring people to to us at the V A Hospital in Palo Alto included the constant support of AIDS/KS organization did not the San Jose Chapter. This was I got the impression that the social worker, Louis Lefevre, and the emotional as well as medical choose to locate at their Center. done at the personal request o f the beyond getting my money at the support of the treatment staff (who, the night John died, would not Is it true that the Community National AIDS/KS Foundation gate, there was no interest in having me there, or seeing that I leave although their shift had ended and who respected the need of Center undertook to send out director, Phil Conway, to the director o f the Community Center had a good time. I felt an insult in John and me to be together alone from time to time). some literature undercutting the AIDS effort in Santa Clara on the eve o f the malUngJ. what I saw. O n the negative side, 1 sense a great deal of denial in the Santa I feel as though I have been Q ara County gay community that there is a need to protect oneself shafted. from A ID S . looking for. As a member of one of the high There is widespread belief that there are ‘ 'only two cases" of PUBLIC Heaven knows, we all do our risk groups for AIDS, I feel like AIDS in Santa O ara County. The local AIDS/KS Foundation has share of innocent cruising over the this is serious business. repeatedly pointed out that the "official” count is far from reality. Dear Community, tie counter at Macys, or the frozen I am amazed at the reflected ex­ M any people with AIDS are being treated in the City, using I am writing this letter in re­ foods at the supermarket, but this pression of disregard, even kind of meeting does not end in false San Francisco addresses. While this does help them get treatment sponse to Mr. Robert B. Kopel- disdain, for the homosexual son’s letter that appeared in your public sex on the produce counter. from a resource very familiar with the treatment of AIDS and the en­ community that I saw. As long as paper September 28,1983, regar­ The individuals committing gays treat each other in this man­ suing opportunistic infections, it creates a false impression that AIDS ding cruising, solicitation, sex and these acts should not be embraced is a "San Francisco” problem. ner, we can expect no better from lewd acts in public restrooms and or protected by the gay com­ the rest of the world. A t times, John seems physically present with me. parks. munity, as this is not what gay I have participated in fund­ 1 am reminded of something written by Thornton Wilder: I have read, in many gay freedom is about. As long as there raisers. I know that money can be "A ll we can know about those whom we have loved and lost is that publications, warnings of this are these incidents for anti-gay made. I have seen as much as they would wish us to remember them with a more intensified type, issued by attorneys, news­ legislators and religious fun­ $S000.(X) made in rive hours; and realization of their essence. W hit is essential does not die, but clarifies.. paper editors, and so-called con­ damentalists to point to, there will we didn’t have the facilities, the The proper tribute to the dead is not grief, but gratitude. B cerned citizens. I would like to be no gay freedom. entertainment, or the backing that issue my own statement to the To these people I say, get out of the Octoberfest had. people doing this type of cruising, the bus stations and into the bars Let’s face it: The Octoberfest STOP IT! or baths. The cost of a drink or a was a sham. I find the cruising in public locker is a lot less than the cost of In closing, I want to say that Gay-Community restrooms and having "sex” in legal defense or registration as a I’ve been to the businesses that these places disgusting. sex offender. backed this affair, and I had a lot Between San Jose and San Gay-Power Do the rest of the community a of fun. And I won’t go back. I, Francisco, there are any number favor, and knock it off. personally, will not support a dis­ of gay bars, social organizations, With sincerest hope for us all, question of baths and newspaper classifieds respectful attitude toward gays where one can meet people for JEFF SANTAY from anyone. community: Part II” whatever type of sex you might be San Jose RICH WILLIAMS San Francisco by Dan SIminoskI, Ph.D. To distinguish ourselves from the rest of the world because of Want to sound o ff about something? Your Opinions are In my last column, I suggested how we love is to turn ourselves welcome in Our Paper! Name will be withheld on request, but that Gay people would bencHt Lady Eleanor Butler and Sarah from human beings into sexual each letter must contain the writer’s true name, address, and Ponsonby, "The Ladies of from some thought about what we objects - to become in expression, mean when we speak of the "Gay telephone number for verification. Letters may be subject Llangollen," never separated, if-not in fact, the “sexual to editing fo r good taste and elimination o f any material which sleeping together every night for Community" or of its needs and outlaws” our opponenu want us might be libelous or an invasion o f privacy. Send your letters demands. Are we united by com­ to be. More important, the belief over fifty years. mon understandings, or are we as that our sensuality make us to Our Paper, 973 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126. divided as other communities by unique encourages us to see the questions of class, race or world from an “ us -vs- them” lifestyle? perspective which harms us per­ I suggested that those divisions sonally and limits our ability to do exist among us, that they need unite with others who share our to be addressed, and that our criticisms of society and our goals The Savoy failure to do so places the for meaningful change. movement in great jeopardy. Gay cultural separatism en­ There is also a related question courages us to think of ourselves that affects our ability to move in as “ different.” But many of us to the mainstream of the civil differ more with one another than rights movement in this country: with non-gays. And the belief in that is the question of how Gay our differences divides us from Live Music people fit into the patchwork of ourselves and hinders our ability American society as a whole. to join with allies to work toward by 4 - Play Are we a special community common goals. with unique political and cultural It should be clear that I am in- needs? Or, on the other hand, are credibily proud to be a gay man, we simply American citizens and overjoyed by the progress we seeking the same rights and are making as a community and a - 1983- responsibilities that other movement. It is wonderful to hear Friday, Oct. 28 Wednesday Thursday Americans enjoy and uphold? Is real Gay pieople speak to theatre Sunday | Monday | Tuesday \ our uniqueness a result of who we and film audiences in recent works are, or of the ways in which we like The Fifth o f July, Torch Song have been treated or mistreated? Trilogy, Lianna, Personal Best, the the In the history of the civil rights and Making Love. But my Watergarden Watergarden movement, there have been pleasure comes from seeing people is playing periods in which a particular portrayed honestly, not from AFTER 11;00 SPECIAL Party community pulled back from in­ seeing “ my” people on stage. It is teraction with others to celebrate our humanity that moves me, for Games! p . q "Black Pride,” "Chicano Pride,” those characters teach those who HAWAIIAN PUNCH Beauty "Women’s Culture” and other did not know that we are as varied expressions of group worthiness. and as complex as anyone else. to be Conte^ Yet, however proud we are of our- ^ The old stereotypes are harder to Buddy Night selves, no community exists in $1.00 per shot at the believe, now that they have been 2 for 1 isolation from others, and cer­ exposed to the depth and variety Watergarden tainly not the Gay Community. of real lives. Gay people cross the boundaries So, let us celebrate our culture^ WATERGARDEN BATH AND RECREATION CENTER /1010 THE ALAMEDA / SAN jOSE CA. / 408-275-1242 of class, color, race, sex and and take every opportunity to COSTUME PARTY THE culture throughout our society as share it with our non-gay neigh­ a whole. bors. And, let’s take the We live everywhere, work in celebration one step further by every occupation, worship every acknowledging the contributions prizes for best costunries God, and express ourselves in of Americans who arc righting every art form or medium. If there discrimination of any form. COVER CHARGE $4 PER PERSON is a ‘'Gay” culture, it does not Let’s support the efforts of exist apart from American history Continued on page 6 20469 Silverado Ave • Cupertino • 446-0948 or culture. If “ community” is a hard con­ cept to define, it’s even harder to Xebec to sponsor Our Story realize. Its creation requires Continued from page 4 patience, tolerance, and honesty. Blacks and Híspanles who came It does not come easily, and its together in March in Dallas, construction can be subverted **Run for the Rep” Texas, to reinvigorate the civil from within even more readily rights movement of the 1980’s. than from without. Xebec Corporatloa and Haasll- shirt. Let’s support the renewed at­ We are making progress at toa/Avnetof Sunnyvab are co­ Registration forms are avaibble tempt to get Congress and the building a sense of community sponsoring the first “ Run for the from San Jose Rep, P.O. Box states to adopt the Equal Rights among Gay Americans, and we Rep,” a 10 Kilometer Race to be 9584, San Jose, CA 95157, or by Amendment: Women’s rights are must continue that struggle. But held October 16 at 8:30 a.m. in phoning (408) 294-7572. often gay rights, too. our community will not be secure Downtown San Jose. The “ Run Volunteers are also needed to This sununer, a coalition of until all Americans are secure, and for the Rep” will begin at Market help orgamize the race. All volun­ rights groups will march on our victories must not be won at Street and Park Avenue and wind teers will receive a special “ stadP* Washington to conunemorate the the expense of others. In a sense, down Park Avenue past the Rosi- T-shirt. 20th anniversary of Martin Luther we might think of our situation as crucian Museum and through the There will be medads for the fir­ King’s I Have A Dream speech. being a crew cast adrift in a scenic Rose Garden, looping back st 100 rmishers, complimentary The first professional-format passes to a Rep production for aO The “Nifia.** the “Santa Maria.” and the “Pinta." Let’s come to Washington for this rowboat, tossed in a dangerous In Touch Celebrates down Park Avenue. gay magazine. In Touch for Men Xebec and Hamilton/Avnet are runners, plaques for the top three occasion, and let’s help fill the sea and yet close enough to land to (I.T.), celebrates ten years of streets with thousands of Gay in­ see lights. All around us are other donating the $15,000 cost of in each caUegory, and a spedad that would protect the kingdom’s improving his beloved city of Tenth Anniversary publishing with its November prize drawing for adl runners “The Last King” western frontier. dividuals, or even with an rowboats, too. each made up of staging the race. AU revenues Segovia. 1983 issue. As an extra treat, the following the race. Henry had earlier (at age 12) But from earliest years, this organized contingent of Gays and other communities. If we struggle from race contestants will go to By Patrick Franklin anniversary edition will reprint the benefit San Jose Repertory Com­ The race u being organized by been married to Bianca of giant — a man over six feet tall their supporters. alone towards shore, the stronger covers of every past issue from 01 Last year, the National Gay may prevail while others perish. pany. The Winning Team, the same Navarre. That alliance had ended with huge hands and limbs — to the present, in a special feature organization responsible for the with an embarrassing divorce, in surrounded himself with Task Force (NGTF) was invited to Yet, if we lash all the boau There are several categories for October means Columbus Day titled “An My Children.” entrants, who will pay a $6 fee in highly-amclaimed Bay-to-Breakers which Blanca’s virginity was stableboys and wrestlers. He join the Leadership Conference together to make a raft that is Abo to be found: a history of and all the stories about that on Civil Rights, an important stonger than its parts, all of us will advance, or an $8 fee on race day. race in San Framcisco. examined, to prove the marriage seemed drawn to masculine com­ gays in comics, an interview with For further detaib, phone (406) sailor’s trials and tribulations. had never been consununated. To pany of the lowest kind, and national association of progressive reach land. The fee includes a Xebec-Hamil- Schoolchildren all over America regular contributor Tom of ton/Avnet “ Run for the Rep” T- 294-7572. • even out the embarrassment for rtunors abounded about what his groups. Let’s conunit ourselves to The “ mainstream” is made up Finland, a collection of true sex are hearing about how the Queen all concerned, Henry’s genitals attraction to them was. assuring a meaningful role for our of countless small rivuleU, and we of Spain. Isabella, pawned her experiences, the American debut were also examined and described. When he became king, Henry’s representatives there by joining must begin by joining in at some of Japanese erotic artist Sadao jewels to afford the money for a The divorce was granted, on the tastes became more obvious. He and giving financial aid to NGTF point. This is the time. visionary voyage to the fabulous Haaegawa, recent work by Bruce grounds that Henry had suffered made a pretty choirboy the Bishop and the Gay Rights National Lob­ “Dare to struggle, dare to win.’’ Weber. Steven Arnold and Don Robin Tyler Indies, and how Columbus repaid from being hexed, put under a of Avila, and ennobled the trans­ by. Let’s communicate our sup­ 1 welcome your conunents and Badiardy, along with an extraor­ her with — not a new trade route, spell that prevented his perfor­ vestite son Of a laundress. A han­ port of their efforts to organize suggestions, and will respond to but a whole New World. dinary line up of men worth pop­ mance with his wife. dsome bullfighter caught his eye, beyond the gay community. Let’s them periodically in this colunm. ping a diampagne cork over. at the Rose The story really is that At this point, the truth is easier and that man was named “ Master increase their ability to network Write to me at Stonewall Features dramatic. It’s even more dramatic During the past decade, I.T. has to understand. Henry was a shy, of Alcantara.” for us by agreeing to work as field Syndicate, P.O.Box 222976, Robin Tyler, familiar to Bay when all the surrounding facts are presented contributions by vir­ cultured man whose great en­ Fdn and games with stableboys representatives or as members of Carmel. CA 93922. ■ tually everyone of importance to Area audiences through ap- gathered. thusiasms were music, art, and NGTPs grassroots lobby. ©Stonewall Features Syndteate, 1983 peaurances at local clubs and Columbus had traveled CoHtìntàtd on pate ¡7 the gay community (including Tennessee Williams, Gore Vidal. through her long involvement throughout Europe, tr^ng to with the Women’s and Lesbian/ convince rulers of his beliefs. He David Hockney, Wm. S. Burroughs, Christopher Isher- Gay Movements, b a brilliamt pol­ had even petitioned Ferdintmd itical satirist. and Isabella before his final suc­ wood and even Mae West) along with travd information, fiction, As part of the feminbt comedy cess. And that final success came team, Harrison and Tyler, in the at the last possible moment of the gay history, interviews-plus the humorous coverage of movies, early 1970’s, Tyler helped make last possible pilgrimage. show business history by perform­ But behind all this there exists a rock, and pop cultiire whidi gives I.T. its unkpie personality. ing stand-up comedy whidi was shadowy figure who’s almost not idf-deprecating, and in which totally forgotten today, a man Vi The tenth anniversary edition (issue 85) goes on sale November women were the subject rather without whom the whole story than the object of humor. might have been different. 1, 1963. It b truly destined to become a collector’s item. In the Tyler has appeared in colleges, As with so much of historical - clu)^ and concerts across the drama, it was a Oay man. one words of the editor, it represents “A decade of decadence.” ■ United Suites and Canada. She without whom the e^c scope of has also performed on national New World exploration might Covarman: Joe Kool, November 1903, bate 85. Photo by Nabas tdevbion. Her first solo comedy have been quite different. album. Always a Bridesmaid, He was Enrique IV of Castile, Never a Groom, was rdeased by whom we know in English as Olivia Records in 1978. Tyler pro­ OPhotobyTedSM Henry, the last king of that tiny duces the annual West Coast dsco on Friday and Saturday, Oc­ country that was assimilated into CLO Season Opens With Women’s and Comedy Festival. tober 21 and 22 at 8 p.m. For greater Spain. Tyler will perform at Valencia reservations and information call When he is mentioned today, it BUCK’S Rose, 766 Valencia in San Fran- (415) 863-3863. • is with contempt. Histories call Sweet Charity him “ the Impotent.’’ Vv 301 Stockton Ave [comer ot Julian! Historians, in the rare cases that they consider him at all, choose Patti Colombo will star as even worse words. Charity Hope Valentine in San For in those days, barely past 28G-U76 Jose Civic Light Opera’s Svreet In th« the Christianization of Spain, Charity, the opening production strength was needed, and the im­ of their 49th season, October 14- portance of male heirs was 23, at the Center for the Perform­ foremost in all eyes. And Henry ing Arts in Downtown San Jose. Groov« was Gay, undoubtedly charming Patti Colombo has waited all of and cultured, but too “ soft,” too her performing years for the part of Charity Hope Valentine. “ I “effeminate” to be the warrior Thu colunm b about two artists Other writers on the project in­ am akin to thsu woman; perhaps king the times demanded. who I’m certain we all know very clude Gino Vanelli and Edwin the Fellini storyline relates to my Henry was bom on a porten­ well, but really haven’t had a Hawkins. Hawkiiu contributed a tous day. But January S, 1425, the Italian heritage. There are so few chance to sample much of their Lord’s Prayer-like anthem that Feast of Kings, seems in retrospect good roles in musical theatre for last their debut albunu chilled me. Excellent touch. dancer/actresses, and thb b one to be one of Fate’s ironies, not the Saturday, October 29th, 1983 are on the streets. Jennifer Holliday’s Feel M y happy prediction it seemnl at the of the best...coming home to the Soul is a perfect solo debut for Icaalfer HoBlday/Feef M y Soul— time. Bay Area for a role thi:s sensa­ this 21 year old artbt. Her dream Even being bom heir presum­ tional b right out of a show Oeffen Records finally begins with thb album, and ptive in a line that joined the business CindereUa story.” DreamOirl 01, Jcaatfer HoBhby she’s going to be with us for a daughter of John of Gaunt, “the Colombo was bom and raised steps into her own spotlight with long, long time. Kingmaker.” to the royal house in Marin County and amended Feel My Soul. Her debut for Oef­ San Rafael High School. She fen Records is a lively and Michael Scmbello/Bossa N ova of Castile meant little at that time. H otel— Brothers. The Iberian Peninsula was not studied dance with Anne Garvin beautiful assortment of R&B the easy division of Spain and (Dance Synectics), Bea Blum (tap) tracks built around that dynamic The last album I got that was Portugal that we know; Henry’s and at NYU and JuDiard. A voice of hers. (Is there anyone this crammed with talent was Castile bickered its territory with Chorus Line replacement ^ who hasn’t heard this woman Quincy Jone’s The Dude. Up until the kingdoms of Aragon, auditions was her first “big sing?) then practically no one was at all Navarre, and Portugal, while the break.” She works steadily as Earth, Wind & Fire’s Maurice familiar with Patti Austin, hated Moors still ruled over a both an actress amd m a dancer- White brought a groove to the although she’d been recording for Moslem Granada. choreogiaplict'. “ I love both op­ Patti Cobunbo stars tn Sweet Charity for the San Jose CLO at the record as its producer. Some of over 15 years, and James Ingram Ambitious princes and younger portunities ats a profession, but Center fo r Performing Arts, Oct. 14 - 23. ■ the tracks, especially “ Just Let was only the voice on those Ken­ performing b my life.” Me Wait” and "Shine A Light” tucky Fried jingles. brothers made the Peninsula a and starred Owen Verdón. Ms Colombo was Val in A the role of Oscar will be Paul sound like Jennifer fronting for h ^ h a d Sembeilo and hb wife battleground, each seeking The libretto was written by Neil Chortts Line tor the international Myrvold who appeared on E.W.F. But, a groove b a groove, Cruz, along with brother Danny, territorial supremacy. Broadway and in the national tour Simon, with music by Cy However, several decisive mili­ tour amd amended the ultimate and it works! You’ll be funking to haven’t exactly been bying low ITTTN • of Shenandoah in the role of Coleman and lyrics by Dorothy these songs on a dance floor soon. for the past few years.* tary victories by Heruy’s father medb event to odebrate its 3,389th Field. The concept of Sweet and some shrewd political performamce, making it the lon­ James. Nkk Ashford and Valerie Sim­ Phil Ramone, who was music Sweet Charily is direrted by Charity was based on a Frederico maneuvering at the time of gest running show on Broaulway, pson have rewritten “ Bang, Bang, supervisor for the Flash Dance Dianna Schuster, choreographed Fellini movie. N ight o f Cabirla. Henry’s succession brought the September 29, 1983. She was the You’re Dead” that Bette Midler movie project, asked Michael for by Damara Reilly, with sets by For additional information and situation to a tense moment of speciad guest of Micluel Bennett, did on her live album, and Jen­ a tape of hb work. Michael turned Ken Holamon, and costumes by tickets, call the San Jose Civic in the wrong tape. He realized in balance. Joseph Papp, The New York nifer makes it bump as “ Thb Peter David Heth. Light Opera Box Office at (408) Game Of Love.” I think it sits only qfter Phil had heard the basic Henry’s reign started quite Shakespeare Festival and the 286-6841 between 10 a.m. and 5 Shubert Organization and was Sweet Charity opened on right up there with Ashford and tracks for what became the securely. Broadway on January 29, 1966, p.m., Monday through Friday. Part of that security came from featured on staige in her original Simpson’s other classics, “ The movie’s hit “Maniac.” Phil and ran for 18 months at The There are special discounts for Boss” and “Ain’t No Mountain an arranged marriage with Isabel, role along with 350 other Chorus seniors and students, and group Palace Theater. It was directed High Enough.” Continued next page Princess of Portugal, an alliance Line alumni. rates for theatre parties. • Co-stauring with Colombo in and choreographed by Bob Fosse 111 The Groove continued from page 7 agreed to produce Bossa Nova San Jose Opera Théâtre, 1983-84 Season H otel after that experience. Sembello’s history includes a tour duty with Stevie Wonder’s band. (He started when he was 171) He’s written for Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Donna Sum­ mer, Seals & Crofts, Cheryl Lynn, and Randy Crawford. Not too shabby a resume. Pick up a popular album from the recent past and you’re likely to find Cruz Sembello dmng backup vocals. Daimy Sembello is doing the lead vocal on the Ser^o Men- des hit, “ Rainbows End.” At last, an album all their own. It’s really Michael’s album, but everybody helps out. Something about Michael’s voice on the slow songs makes me think of Christopher Cross. Listen to "Fir­ st Time” and see if you agree. "It’s Over,” about the end of a romance, sounds like Gino Vanelli or Andrew Gold. Then there’s "Maniac,” a smart move to in­ clude this on the album, and “Automatic Man,” the Flash Dance follow-up. Bravo to PhU Ramone and his 0 to r) Rebecca Basiilo as Mimi and RandaU Cooper as Rodolfo in Puccini's La Boheme, San Jose Opera Theatre's 1983-84 Season opening, team. This is one to recommend. October IS. FOOTNOTE: 5 The DJ’s at Desperados get my CN O tunities for making new acquain- vote for music programmers of I tences, and renewing old friend­ the month! Good work, guys! No one is coming close. • CO ships.’’ 06 Noh Show —The Leopard o All Dressed Up Warren further noted, “The dates of November 7 and Decem­ ber 6 had been especiaUy set up to The Noh Oratorio Society 5 Lee’s Maitli Gras Eaterprtoea in 1984. accommodate the budnessman. presents Sitwell & Stein: Gertrude has announced a series of social The TV parties will be held at a They may wish to coordinate their A Edith; Rhythm A Rhyme. This á events to coincide with the select East Side location in N. Y.C. trips to the ‘Big Apple’, nnce is a reading, staged and directed Metropolitian £ celebration of the organization’s Teri Warren, a Mardi Gras VP, many of our customers have indi­ by Claude Duvall, of "Patriarchal explained the criterion for Com m unity fifteenth year of business. cated they have weekend con- Poetry” by Gertrude Stein, and Ü As previously announced, two locating the parties. "We needed flirts.” "Gold Coast Customs” by Edith Church weekend tours to Provincetown, a place which was clean, comfor­ Lee O. Brevrster, president of Sitwell. Cape Cod were planned. The first table and safe. Yet, at the same Lee’s Mardi Gras, explains, "We "Patriarchal Poetry” will be Welcomes You tour took place on Columbus Day time, it had to be conducive to are back in the social scene again. performed as a progress (a tradi­ Worship - 6:00 p.m. Sunday weekend. The second tour is fun, and not be so expensive Our boutique has taken much of tional court or state journey): a (miGraaBtpdMlCkmtkt scheduled for the weekend of Oc­ as to make costs prohibitive.’’ our energies for the past IS years. parade of twelve voices, with CORNER OF lOth a SAN FERNANDO s tober 21 through 23. Now, we are free to return to our bells, drums, banners and flags, Transvestite parties, scheduled "Since practicing "W’s have programs which hath proven so and dressed in neo-suffragette (408) 279-2711 for November 7, december 6, and few places to which to go out shifts painted by Jim CampbeU. 24 hr. CoantcUBf A InfonutloB successful. We originated TV par­ CN January 1, will form the second dressed, and little opportunity to ties. We have picked dates that “ Gold Coast Customs” will be phase. The third program will be a make new contacts with other will not interfere with other read antiphonaUy by Yusuf Spires fax o ff ** spectacular Halloween Drag Ball TV’s, the parties represent oppor- groups’ activities scheduled in and Claude Duvall. New York. For times and performance For additional information, call dates at Valencia Rose call (41S) CROSSWORD NUMBER 20 by Joan Gold (212) 947-7773, noon to 6, Mon­ SS2-144S. • Q_ day through Saturday. • CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 FORTUNES 15 16 1 By Tycho

17 18 LIBRA (September 23-October 22) The pot of ARIES (March 21-April 20) The autumn leaves 21 22 gold at the end of the rainbow may appear to you fly pass your window. It’s time to withdraw from in a rather unusual disguise. Someone whose in­ the flurry of activity and do some serious soul 27 2 8 ]29 23 24 2 5 ] ^ ■ 2 6 tentions may not seem all that wonderful could searching. What’s important and who’s kipor- turn into your fairy godparent. Kick back and let tant? And what do they all mean to you. 30 31 32 the strange bring and enjoyable time for you. Memories can haunt you or instruct you at this SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) The time. 33 34 35 36 ability to stick to it and with it is yours. When the TAURUS (April 21-May 20) You’re going to learn something very important about love and 37 38 going gets tough, the tough get going, or some­ thing to that effect. You’re also able to be serious romance. Passion and commitment could com­ bine for a very passioimte commitment. Along the 39 40 when that’s called for and have fun when you want to. Steady as you go, Scorpio. way, you’ll be doing some exploration about roles and the need to define them. And redefine them. © .Stunewall Features .Syndicate. I98.t SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) It’s frenzy time. Too much, too soon, too bad, And then? ACROSS 32. Final, last too often. Whoa, there! You’re going to bum out GEMINI (M ay 21-June 21) If fantasies from the 1. Biblical city of 18. Fruit drinks (abbr.) on this trip before you barely get started! Take it past didn’t overwhelm you and leave you stran­ ded, wondering about the future; the present Iho plain 19. Of the nose 33. ___Cane” all a day (and a night) at a time, and see if that 6. Sweat stuff 23. Joint or “with (movie) doesn’t work a little better. could be a fine and lovely place. Your are 11. Open, yawning ir or part 35. Norse god right there and very supportive, but you’re lost in of a cheer CAPRICORN (December 22-January ¡9) Un­ 12. Smell or room 37. Garlic relative expected vistors could be and ah, so welcome fantasyland. Come hornet odorizer 26. Writing Implement 38. Bowel cleanser relief from your nose-to-the-grindstone routine. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Gaining from 13. Roughneck, 27. "Honest------39. Methods, losing is one of life’s important lessons. If you animal Your work requires a lot of you, and you’ve got a (name) techniques lot to give it. But a break in your day-to-day will don’t get lost in a bout of depression, that’s just 14. Wine grape 30. Raw metal (abbr.) help you get all your priorities in order. what you can learn. What’s most important now 15. Nipped again 31. Prescriptions 40 . Messrs. Clair, AQUARIUS (January 20-February ¡8) What is getting over the hump. Say goodbye to all that, 16. Net, trap (abbr.) Descartes, et. al. and get on with your life. 17. Exxon's maiden great fun life can be when the right friends are name along! Aren’t you the lucky one right now, LEO (July 23-August 22) If you take your Aquarius! Friends—new ones and old ones—are friend’s wild and crazy ideas and your wild and 24. Humor through DOWN 9. Italian love twisted meanings all around you. You’re likely to get inspired along crazy ideas, is it possible to put them together and 1. Duelling eword 10. Scores, grades 25. Male member the way. Do something with that inspiration. come out sane and happy? Yes, if each of you 2. Nasty giants 20. Cooks' protective 27. English poet PISCES (February 19-March 20) Just when you shows some consideration and thoughtfulness. 3. Spatters garb (Beware the 28. Fault, guilt thought it was spfe to go back in the water! Some­ (But don’t be afraid to be wild and crazy!) 4. Choice stringst) VIRGO (August 23-September 22) You’ve got a 21. PasUme or gender 29. Italian volcanoes one or something is causing a problem and you’re allamattve feeling a bit helpless. Turning to one of your lot of love and a lot of energy; the choice is yours 5. Come together 22. Response 34. Dash's partner 36. Singleton fellow water signs could help. Seek out Scorpios as to what to do with them. You can blow a lot of 6. Juices or oafs 23. Fruits, faggoU and Cancers for advice and relief. They can help! money or you can concentrate on a future goal 7. Place to pee SOLUTION TO that will be sure to bring some great reward. Well, 8. Testicle or ovary CROSSWORD ©Stonewall Features Syndicate, 1983 Virgo, what’ll it be? ON PAGE O w PmpefOctober 1 2 ,1983^PageJjO^ 0«r Papcr«October 1 2 ,1983«P

THE WOMEN’S CLUB A lASEH LK'.Ul FANTASY 641 CL,u b( BUCK’S t • Saloon S Ice t DESPEIIAIMÌS HOME OF TÍ IE Cream Parlor 5(Xr DRAF THE AC i ION C fU liSL BAI^ E Oft ME N U2S HACIENDA AVE f CAMPBELL ( SAN K>SE ) C A t 9S00B / 406-374^260 Western Bar” (415) 348-4046 641 STOCKTON Ai 236 So. B Street, Downtown San Mateo SAN JOSE 998-n 301 Stockton Ave. 28B-U7B 23() S E' Sliftit 0'.'. Ill S.m'‘u 3-T8 404b

Svnrint yoa ar«: OUR CALENDAR Music & Dance DISCO M R PI6N O BKR S«th. Bill. Karan Oct 14-31: San Joic Civic Light cia, San Francisco. hairport Opera: Sweet Charity. 8 pm. plus 2 pm Lesbian/Gay Community Center Oct 28: THE WORDS AND MUSIC OF D |: Kalth matinees Sat A Sun. Tickets: 284-6481. THE M Kcye* Street, San lose, CA 95112 tyiing for Men & Women STEVEN GROSSMAN: Gaysii«cr- Info: 297-8811. Center for the Performirig (40S) 2934S2»293-ACAY songwritcr Steven Grossman with Mimi Arts, 255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose. Fox on guitar and Barry HochiMn on Oct 12,19,24 Lesbian Oct 14,23,30: Alcoholics )8) 269-0273 Oct 15,16,22,23: Community Opera piano. 8 A 10 pm. Reservations. (415)043- POOL TABLE VIDEO QAMES s a n s u i c R Rap: Discussion/support group for Lesbi­ Anonymous: Open to men and women. Theater: La Boheme, by Puccini. 8 pm, 3843. ValencU Rote, 744 Valencia, San ans of all ages. 7 pm. 10;30am 1(V15,22; 2 pm. 10/16.23. 277-2028. Mont­ 1640 Maia S litti Rtéwotd Cily/Ctliftrait Francisco. Oct 13,20,27: Men's Support Oct 14,23,30: CaylLesbian Young ANNA FR \NKLIN, Owner gomery Theater, S. Market A W San Oct 28,29,30: San Jose Carlos, San Jose. 415-361-944 4 Group: An informal support and social Adults: Informal support group for 25 1568 Meridian Aven je G San Jose, CA 95125 SympJmny: Maestro George Cleve with INTERLUDE group. and under. 1-3:30 pm. Oct 23: PRIMAVERA; The Early Music {'/t Block Ir m Homilton Avo.) French horn soloist Hermann Baumann 4942 St«v«ntCr««li Blvd. San Jot« 244-2129 COCKTIIILSand DISCO Oct 14,21,20: Womyn's Oct 17,24,31: Slightly Older Consort plays Medieval music, 3 pm; as guest artist. 8 pm. 289-23CIO. Center for CoHcebouse: A social hour for women Lesbians: Social/discussion group for MARY WATKINS TRIO; In a concert of the Performing Arts. 255 Almaden Bldv, of all ages. Movie, Bilitis, 10/14; Musical women over 30. 7 pm. chamber Jazz, 8:30 pm. Reservations. San Jose, 10/28 A 29; Flint Center, group. Sisters of Fate. 10/21; Halloween For further information regarding these (415)843-3843. Valencia Rote, 766 Valen­ DeAnza College, Cupertino. Party, 10/24. and other events call the Center. II “A MAN’S BAR” III ^ Gay and Feminist Radio/TV GEORGE PEABILL, M.S., M.F.T. DAY OR NKIHT (408) 73S-2919 A FULLY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL WHO IS ALSO CAY Oct 12,19,24: Fruit Punch: 10-11 pm. Voices, report on Lesbians of Color (415)483-7794 I I O O T ^ KPFA 94.1 FM. Conference—1:30 pm, 10/29. Noon, KPFA, 94 1 FM poopfa haiping pGopia Oct 13,20,27: KPFA Ma|ority SAN JOSE PALO ALTO Report: Part l-lll of an 8 part series, Oct 14,23,30: The David Lamble Talk T. MACK, JR. Grandma Was An Activist, origins, activ­ Show: Pat Bond reads The Songs of ROBERT (408) 246-4422 (415) 494-3363 l R A C K ; LIFE ■ HE/ LTH ■ RETIREMENT ities & achievements of radical women Bilitis, 10/16.9 pm, K C O , 104 FM. FIREHOMECN NERS AUTO-LIABILITY III SAN JOSE, CA II J in te '30's. 8 pm. KPFA, 94.1 FM. Oct 14,23,30: The Gay Life: Discussion INDIVIDUAL F* 4ILV • BU SIN ESS GROUP A COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND CAFE Oct 15,22,29: KPFA Women's Magaz­ of social-support networks among aged coot ;EN TER AGENT c^umaji

QIasa - China - Pottary - Furnitura - Collaclablas Sunday Brunch — 11 am - 3 pm Ms Atlas Press Complete Service; From Concept to completion IIMS A i\jtlque G a lle rie 5 L o c a te d In »MAMA'S The Lost Flea Market, Building 51 22615 MISSION BLVD. Typ«settin8/Ln]rout/Design/Mailtn8 Lehsls HAYWARD. CALIF. 94M1 Open Wodrwsday thru Sunday/10 am - 5 pm 415/881-^10 ^^ffset Pruituig: from business cards to books women together men are welcome 1940 Monterey Road Free Parking 973 P uk Ave., San Josa, CA 95126 Jim Houghton San Jose, CA95112 Bus: 279-0303 THE S A V O Y Manager (408)289-1088 1660 S. BASCOM A V E ., C A M P B ELL 20469 Silverado Ave Cupertino • (408) 446-0948 Scallops of veal filet, floured then within a year. Reformation for sauteed in lemon butter and Monty means giving up his Restaurant Review sprinkled with capers comprises pleasiues and losing forty pounds. the traditional, perhaps His bar buddies lay wagers on his ubiquitous veal piccata. Broad­ projected date of demise from a Broadway a Restaurant way’s version was adequate but constant barrage of temptation. 1205 The Alameda not outstanding. The sauce was Complicating affairs is the management is working on securing tapes of show tunes that enjoyable although not outstan­ U f e s t y l « return of virgin bride Allison to San Jose, CA 95126 ding. the famUy nest, after continually will replace the current auditory (408) 286‘9422 drivel. For the budget conscious. refusing to consummate her Broadway offers a Roast Beef on marriage to Julio. Some of the When I arrived, the Toyon (bar) offering happy hour weU french bread entree at $4.S0 and a ByTedSahl nim’s funnier moments involve By Davyd was drinks at SI, as well as hot and Sirloin Steak Sandwich at SS.SO. A dark skinned sexy dude with the subplot of Julio’s futile at­ Broadway and the As this reviewer didn’t sample On The Strip Oktoberfest ‘83 tempts to convince Allison to theatre cold hors d’oeuvres. Happy hour big brown eyes won the title provide the theme for a newly ¡j from 4 to 7 and, while the hors these items, no comments will be return to him. By Rtchard Calmbacher “ Mayor of Stockton Street.” opened restaurant located on The d’oeuvres vary from day to day; made. Oktoberfest ’83 came and left, The remainder of the film deals Alameda in San Jose. Encore — Just Desserts-Vleese Evidence of the new “ gay center” that is emerging on Stockton with Monty’s resisting a multitude the offering was crackers and but the memory lingers on. The Broadway is divided into three cheese and hot Swedish meatballs save room for the chocolate dwese Strip, again was displayed Sunday, October 2nd. The combined wonderful Sharon McNight and On Film of vices. Easy M o n ty fails as a sections called, you guessed it. cake. Made fresh for Broadway energies of many people were pulled together to present Oktoberfest film because it does not capitalize in barbecue sauce. her all western band were a hit! The Ochestra, The Mezzanine A ct / - The Curtain Raiser. by a couple of guys transplanted ‘dJr-The 2nd aimual Oktol^fest Party was sponsored by the The crowd loved her as she auc­ on Dangerfield’s successful brand and The Balcony. Choose the from New York. I’ll say no more, Bootrack and Main Street Saloon in association with the AIDS/KS RodDey DsBgerlleld has built a of self-deprecating humor. The - Soon after being seated tioned off her black garter for kind of food and atmosphere you the waiter arrived, smiling and at­ as the proof of the pudding lies, as Foundation of Santa Clara County. AIDS-they gave her a standing career around the catchphrase, “ I plot is vapid and the Hlm’s con­ we all know in the eating. want in one of the three sections. tentive. I selected the fre sh It was a celebration in the sun, a day of partying...partying with ovation... don’t get no respect.” Ten clusion offers no real resolution. Supporting Cast — Veggies- For informal dining. The mushrooms as an appetizer from a serious overtones. A party called to raise funds to fight a new threat Stockton Street, to everyone’s minutes into this film, it’s ap­ This film marks the feature film Balcony or The Mezzanine (open While the vegetables vary from to the gay community - and party they didl parent that the screenwriters have quintet of offerings. They arrived delight moved to the Santa Clara debut of director James 24 hours. Friday and Saturday). day to day, todays choice was Music has always been an integral part of the gay community, so no respect for its story or plot. Signorelli. He’s the veteran direc­ in a silver boat, piping hot with a County Fairgrounds for a Perfect for “after bar” or after carrots — sliced a bit too thick, there was musk and dance...Sounds were spun by D.J.’s Jimmy the day...tents were used for games of Many comedians are finding tor of five years on Saturday crispy texture and resting nicely in Watergarden (just 2 blocks away) a butter-garlic sauce. Being one veering towards the mushy “ K” from the Bootrack and Glen, Larry and Bob from “ Ander- chance - barkers could be heard side - redeemed however, by the repasts. With its booths and coun­ that likes garlic flavor, 1 thought sounds.” Dance was abundant and high in energy from the Barbary yelling their wares...“ hit the cow honey butter sauce. As the veggies ter, The Balcony is perfect for that there could have been more garlic. Coast Ooggers. Musk again filled the air when Michale took over the with a wet sponge” raise last cruise and a g < ^ meal at the A ct //, Scene I-Soup du Jour- are always fresh, so shut up, eat stage. A finale hsurd to top anywhere came from Sharon McNight. money to fight AIDS. same time. The soup was cream of celery, not them, and get your vitamins. How do you describe this woman? At best, you could call her a Dolly I swear it looked like everyone Management wants an at­ one of my favorites. The texture 5/arcAfer-Baked potato served Parton-Bett Middler duet. was running for Mayor of mosphere of friendliness, af­ was creamy, not too thin, not too with butter and sour cream (bacon Special thanks to Jack Britton for putting on Oktoberfest *83, and Stockton Street...sorry folks, only fability, good service and com­ floury, containing slightly al dente bits on request) or rice pilaf was an Alka Seltzer to Sandy Johnson for many hours of work and one winner to a customerl fort; the staff provides it. chunks of celery. The soups vary the choice. I had the Rice Pilaf headaches while pulling it all together. Special thanks to the ...and the winner! Joe Maestas, Soon after I sat down in The from day to day and are served and, while satisfied with the taste, AIDS/KS volunteen, who handled tkket sales, prepared the food with runner-up and vice-mayor Balcony, a smiling, energetic with garlic bread sticks and was dissatisfied with the glutinious and tried to understand how “ bar people” put on a party. Hats off Joe Lofranco. Also a medal was waitress arrived with menu in crackers. lumpy consistency. to volunteer bartenders from the 641, HMS, TD’s, Broadway, presented to Richard of Main - hand. Act II, Scene II-La Salade- The Grqpr-The wine list is in­ Toyon and Buck’s (especially Neal). And last but not least, the on- Street fame for his marathon The food items served in The The salad was prepared for me by teresting, offering a variety of ployees of Main Street and Brotrack who worked extra hard to make work (and a teddy bear tool). Mezzanine and Balcony are the waiter from items at the salad whites, but only two reds and no the day special for others. Michale (always a favorite) sang In the midst of Oktoberfest, the candidates for Mayor of Stockton creatively named after Brotulway bar. The ingedients, while not rose. Two champagnes are also for the crowd as dancers joined Strip, continued to campaign, vying for the honor of being the first plays. Selections vary from exotic, were fresh, chilled and available, as is house wine by the him on the stage...The Barbary “Evita” a hamburger with pleasantly arranged. I was also glass. official mayor. Six of the candidates set up booths; each with his or Coast Cloggers danced up a storm her own special flare to win over votes. Votes were 2SC a piece and delicate acocado spread and presented with a chilled .salad fork, Broadway offers a luncheon as they always d o -th e audience sprouts to sandwich fare such as buffet for S6.S0 in The Orchestra they sure raised a lot of quarters. The grand total brought in by the danced on the chairsi an amenity especially enjoy­ candidates was $4,907. As co-cordinator of the Mayor contest. I’m “ Ain’t Misbehavin’,” a vege­ which includes cold items, two hot Richard o f Main Street. The unsung hero o f the Mayor o f Stock- Lucky winner for the “ Grab for able. proud to have worked with these people. And I’m proud to announ­ table combination se r\^ in pocket Act III—The Cfimox-All en­ items, salad and soup bar. A Sun­ ton Strip Contest and Oktoberfest '83. Cash” was Raphael who won the ce in print the new and official Mayor of Stockton Strip, Joe bread. trees are served with soup, salad, day champagne brunch is in the chance to reach into the money jar Maestas. This man set out to win and win he did. He was able to win In all, you have eight different rice pilaf or baked potato, fresh offing as are excursions to local and keep all the money he could the support of many people and he hopes to continue the concept of hamburgers and six sandwiches to vegetables, rolls and butter. I theatres for groups interested in grab. the Mayor throughout the coming yesf to benefit the gay com­ The beer and booze ran like choose from; all are served with sampled four of the eleven en­ dinner/theatre packages. munity. The new vice-mayor, John Lafranco, has pledged his sup­ water...or something like that! some of the best macaroni salad trees. First, BBQ Pork Ribs All in all. I’d have to “ give my I stuck with the orange juice I’ve ever tasted. (S8.00). They were lean and meaty regards to Broadway.” port as have the other Council members. For those larger appetites, there I propose that the new Mayor and Council call a meeting as soon and that wonderful barbecued and while charcoal broiled on the Ratlag (SA’s being best) are eight entrees for youf delec­ as possible to discuss their future. Congratulations again to all of chicken... outside, were juicy and succulent. Ambience AAA Vi What can I say folks-you tation. Next was one of Broadway’s them, on a job well done. Rodney Dangsrfleld gets respect for Easy Money. See Jack Sturdy’s FoodAAAVi should’ve been there! ■ The entrees are served with best selling items —Stuffed "O n FUm” cobunn. Photo by HoUy Bower soup or salad, french fries (Baked Wine List AA Vi Final TaDy/Stockton Strip Contest Shrimp ($9.00). Four large prawns Service AAAA Potato after S pm), fresh are served in a silver boat; stuffed Joe Maestas Mac’s Chib $1,554.25 themselves manacled in the Night Live — no little feat — but vegetables and roUs and butter. with a generous portion of crab- John Lafranco 641 Onb 883.25 shackles of poorly written vehicles that expertise is based on short Reading the menu at Broadway meat and monterey jack cheese; Christopher Flowers Boot Rack 807.25 is entertainment in itself: “ Cats” that suffocate, rather than vignettes. That, unfortunately, is nicely supported by a sauce com­ Darlene Lutz Toyon 309.00 IS an entree of large stuffed showcase their talent. Dangerfield how Easy M oney looks: like a posed of white wine, onion and SEE AMERICA. FINDAFRIEND. Margaret David’s at Main St. 360.50 is merely the newest victim of this badly strung necklace of short shrimp. Baby beef liver with butter. onions or bacon is “Oemeni” (I BiU Miller Renegade’s 349.50 disturbing trend. The few clever comic vignettes. Ronald Roose The New York Steak (SlO.SO) is 274.25 then edited with a hacksaw; he guess if you wanted both onions WITH BOB DAMRON’S R.C. Back’s moments in this film, Dangerfield the most expensive item on the 127,75 wrote. Of all the four screen­ cannot comprehend the meaning and bacon they’d call it “Tryp- Jack PhiUips Independent menu. A 10 ounce cut b served. It 113.00 writers, he alone seems to know of the word “ continuity.” tych). The New York Steak San­ is flavorful, juicy and te n l^ with fiiniimiiiiiiKfici Dr. Bob Watergarden what works for him. Even hardened Dangerfield dwich is called “The Broadway.” just a little fat. No sauce was ser­ BARS BAIHS RESTAURANTS DISCO S HOmS Susan Levitz Independent 25.75 fans will have trouble with this A point of irritation was the BEACHES PUBIICATIDNS POINTS QE INTEREST Mkhael Graden Broadway 18.25 Dangerfield plays Monty ved; a side of Béarnaise would USA PUIRTORICO VIRGIN ISLANDS GUAM CANADA Capuletti, a Staten Island baby one. Rates -k ■ music, which was in my opinion, have been perfect (A-1 is available AI Swanson Broadway 3.25 photographer who is a man of ex­ too loud, consisting of popular 806DAMRONHOUPRIStS PDBOXUon $ 4 1 1 Total $4,907.00 (i to r) Mayor o f Stockton Strip, Joe Maestas, and Vice-Mayor, Joe ©Jack Sturdy, ¡983. Distributed by for those who like it). SANIRANCISCO CALIFORNIA94IVI I I I cessive excesses. He eats too juke box fare. However, there Last, the Veal Piccata ($9.00). LaFranco. Stonewttil Features Syndicate is hope—I was assured that I41SIBE45DA0 much, smokes too much, does too Once again, I invite those who have not been to Stockton Strip, much dope, plays around, and has come and visit us. A new spirit is emerging as San Jose continues to a penchant for all-night poker grow and new “ gay center” is developing. • marathons with the boys. He is a man of few virtues, but he loves his wife Rose (Candy Azarra), his Grab for cash winner, Raphael. two daughters, a saintly family who laugh off his many faults. But continued shenanigans with friend Nicky (Joe Pesci) earn him top spot in the family dog house. He verbally spars with wealthy mother-in-law Mrs. Monahan (Geraldine Fitzgerald); “ You were TITLE PRODUCERS (Pictured left) Jack Britton. The the inspiration for twin beds,’’ he mover d shaker behind Main , snarb. And he will not speak to SILVER SCREAH Street, Boot Rack, and Oktober­ daughter Allison’s (Jennifer Jason AMSVdER. fe s t ’83. Leigh) Puerto Rican fiance, Julio A A t L a v / C i N (Taylor Negron). This situation is drastically altered when Mrs. Monahan dies ^ LOCATION and leaves her hated son-in-law SHOOTING DATE SIO million is he can “ reform” l6 A O ^%AIM E T .

CALVARY aCOWOOD CITY Metropolitan Community STARRING 1^ AWARDS Church Worship — 5:00 pm Sunday ‘ISO- Mid-week — 7:30 pm Thursday V o o n Corner of Brewster Ave and Lowell St., Redwood City \ 75“ DOO Telephone: (415) 368-0188 Pastor: Rev. Bruce A. Hill Nevera door charge!! AN ECUMENICAL CHRISTIAN I CHURCH FOR ALL PEOPLE BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS th« Covors the pelvises of Myrtle and Travis ce, either. grind away to their inevitable Such criticism begs the larger Say Jesus and climaxes. question, however: why do Fall reading from Com^ to Me There is nothing believable women, gay or straight, waste By Ann Shockley about this book. their time reading romance escape NAIAD PRESS... The characters are cardboard; fiction? New York: Avon Books soon to be a feature lengdi motion 1982, Paper, 283 pp, $2.95 the locale a a flat stage backdrop; It is totally unsatisfying as What better way to spend these the dialogue is phony; the plot is either literature or as eroticism. cool, brisk autiunn evenings than picture by Donna Deitch. Among the contemporary Reviewed by Dot Janies not credible; and the love scenes And I think it even fails as with an entertaining book (and...) are, at best, elliptical, at worst, escapism. Naiad Press offers a broad novek, Vicki P. McCoimell’s Reading romance escape fiction laughable. By definition, escape fiction is a range of entertaining books: from Mrs. Porter's Letter stands out. A is like eating Big Macs: those em­ Say Jesus and Come to Me is in remove from reality. But, while it contemporary writers to reprints lesbian mystery that holds your at­ pty calories are palatable enough the tradition of the pulps written requires suspension of disbelief, it of the “ oldies but goodies” of tention. touches your emotions going down, perhaps, but leave in the late 19S0’s, early 1960’s by should not demand expansion of Lesbian Literature-more than 40 and leaves you hoping McCon­ you hungry and wanting Ann Bannon (Ann Holmquist). credulity. titles available. nell’s heroine Nyla Wade will have something more substantial. In fact, there is a weird echo in Further, good escape fiction For pure fun and a look at many mote adventures for us to So it is with Ann Shockley’s Say Jesus that causes me to specu­ tells a ripping good yam; the plots lesbians in the fifty’s, try the Ann share. late that “Ann Shockley” is of romance fiction creak along the Bannon Bebo Brinker Anna's Country by Elizabeth Photo by TodSahl recent potboiler Say Jesus and Come to Me, the story of Myrtle Holquist’s pseudonym for the same old, worn, predictable rut. series...there are five books in this Lang is a love story-pure and One o f the largest Class and antique Shows o f Its kind In Cadfomla. Black, ambitious black ’80s. (Where, for example, does Books like the “ Bannon” collection: Odd Girl Out, I A m a simple. Anna going from subur­ Joe FUts told me he had to put this ^o w on by popular demand. evangdical preacher, getting it the epithet bulldagger have much novels can be read thirty years Woman, Women in the Shadows, ban housewife to loving lesbian is Heavenly Productions has held two shows a year but three shows together with Travis Lee, famous currency, except in those early later with a sense of nostalgic Journey to a Woman and Bebo a story many of us have lived; but wUI be the order from nowon. black RftB chanteuse. “ Bannon” novek and in Say horror — “ Omigod, was it really Brinker. nonetheless is rewarding reading. Over SO dealers participate from up and down the coast. Myrtle and Travis have made J e su ^ ) like that in the Vill^e then?” — Valerie Taylor wrote three Katherine W. Forrest gives us Pictured Is Joe standing In the Arminvettes Booth admiring a glass their separate ways to Nashville. Whoever Ann Shockley is, one giving them the extra dimension lesbian novels in the early sixties; Curious Wine. A cabin at Lake vase by Steuben. StiU tn existance, the company designs decorative While conducting a revival. thing seems sure: she smeared of historical perspective to Journey to FuHflUment, A World tahoe, a strange assortment of pieces and denumds very high prices. Myrtle hits on a great personal burnt cork on her face to write provide substance. Without Men and R eturn to women, and a long ff you enfoy antique collectibles, don’t miss this giant o f shows publicity stunt: she will lead a this book. Maybe the gay reader of A.D. Lesbos. They follow the trials and weekend-these are the circum­ featuring Glass - China • Pottery. ■ women’s march to “ Get the Bad Or, put another way, I don’t 2010 will read Say Jesus in that tribulations of Taylor’s character, stances that bring Diana and Chris Notes Out of Musk Oty.” believe one word about the black manner. Erika Frohmann. together. A modem day love story The women’s march soon experience described in Say Jesus. Until then, if I were you, I Desert o f the Heart by Jane for the romantic at heart. But then Shockley doesn’t tell me wouldn’t waste my time with this Rule is another of their reprints. Valerie Taylor’s Prism is a loves becomes The Women’s March, Continued on page ¡6 MCC’s Masquerade Ball capitalized — and capitalized on much about the lesbian experien­ .book. Originally published in 1964. it is — by the white women of the peror and Empress of San Jose, National Organization of Women Metropolitian Community and Jack St. John at the piano. United for Action. (Yes, a thinly Church is sponsoring a gala In addition to the entertain­ disguised reference to N.O.W.) Masquerade Ball on Halloween ment, there will be lots of time for Travis is in Nashville to cut a T D’s presents: weekend at the downtown dancing with a live D.J. at the means necessary to obtain money record. Holiday Inn (Park Center Plaza). controls. needed to drink. Anytime, chemical. to support the disease. Individuals After being beaten by her un­ This special event will udce Tickets are S13 in advance and anyplace, or any occasion is Stopping drinking, the faithful male lover, Rudolph place Saturday, October 29th SIS at the door. Admisión in­ reason enough. Eating habits have that had always been known for alcoholic will experience periods having a calm and tender temper- Valentino Jones, Travis has a re­ from 8 till 1:30 am. Everyone is cludes hot and cold hors d’ouvres now almost completely disap­ of extreme dizziness, nausea, and ligious experience and is “ bom invited to wear their favorite and a free raffle ticket for 2 nights peared; and, when eating does oc­ ment will resort to extreme violen­ shakes. Blackouts now are not ce to obtain money for alcohol. again.” costumes and join in the com­ at the Russian River at the Triple cur, it turns into a gorging feast. only the rule, rather than the ex­ Of course, she determines to petition for best costume in four “ R** Resort and Lodge. You may Lying is now a compulsive Concern for family members ception, but also will last for days has become nil. The alcoholics lend her support to the reverend’s categories: most outstan- purchase additional tickets at the necessity. Alcoholics must bdieve at a time.' Sleep now occurs Women’s Mveh; and, of course, ding/beautiful; ugliest/scariest; ball. The winner will be announ­ their lies or they believe they will watch their families slide into sporadically, and when it does oc­ total poverty, or even have them she is welcomed by Myrtle with best couple; and funniest. ced at the end of the evening. surely will die. J > cur it is usually in a passed out leave, and show no apparent con­ open arms. There will be prizes for the win­ Please join us for this gala An entire body odor ^ now state. Open arms, literally, for Myrtle ners and the evening will be filled evening. For more information or been acquired that is faintly, cern. To myself, the saddest of all the Time also is of no importance, has been a closet lesbiim since she "ivith entertainment—Ti^any and tickets, please call anyone at reminiscent of alcohol. late symptoms is that alcoholics was brought out by another black Friends; Michael, Nova Spears MCC. or vou mav purchase your Drinking bouts now occur,i as the alcoholic rarely knows what begin to loathe themselves because hotn or day it is. female minister at the tender age and Company; the reigning Em- ticket at your favorite bar. ■ regardless of time, lasting from as of their bondage to alcohol, and of sixteen. little as a day to as much as several The morning hangover has despise themselves for being ceased to exist as around-the- Forty now, it has long been weeks. unable to break it. Frequently the Myrtle’s practice, as she travels The alcoholic continues to oc­ clock drinking is now the rule. inability to break this bondage October 28,29, 30 31 Alcohol m u st be consumed from town to town, to find a Tiffany and casionally go “on the wagon,” results in the death of the sweet young thing whose religious Alcoholism but the duration of abstinence is around the clock. The alcoholic alcoholic: has convinced him/herself that ecstasy can be converted into The Prisoners at Friends short. Drinking has become a In my next column, Ron, a sexual ecstasy: “ As though a Late Stage necessity in order to stop the he/she will not feel well or enjoy recovering alcoholic, will be a life without drinking. signal had been given, the girl My last two columiu have been shakes and bring the nervous guest columnist. He will discuss leaped out of her seat to fling her devoted to the early and middle system back into balance, so that Physically there has now his battle with the disease of evolved a need to have a certain arms about Myrtle. ‘Lovel I got stages of alcoholism. In this simple daily tasks, such as shaving alcoholism. foveinmyheartr__ column I will discuss the severest. or putting on make-up, can be amount of alcohol in the system at If you have questions concer­ all times. The alcoholic will resort “ [The girl] was crying and ®®DDfeD®(g[l3 ID ’S As Marty Maun in the New performed. ning alcoholism, address them to trembling, wrapped inside the bat­ Primer on Alcoholism so simply The behavior becomes ex­ to drinking rubbing alcohol, per­ Mark, c/o OUR PAPER, 973 fumes, mouthwashes, anti-freeze, like cape of Myrtle’s robe. Myrtle puts it, “ The alcoholic now drinks tremely emotional and the normal Park Avenue, San Jose, CA felt the youthful body pressing to live and lives to drink.” condition is total drunkeness. or any other substance that con­ 9S126. • tains the so desperately needed against her and swallowed hard. No specific reason is now “ Using the fullness of the robe to camouflage her movements, she tightened her arms around the tantalizing form and ground her Working towards bringing a hips into the girl, rotating them as community together through good $50 CASH PRIZE Best Law Enforcer she pretended to sway with her entertainment and yet raising fun­ holy utterances to the worship­ ds for various non-profit pers: ‘Jesus-s-s is lovel’ Best Prisoner organizations. Tiffany and Frien­ HAPPY "God, the girl sure felt good, ds are once again proud to an­ good, good fastened to her like OctoJicJi 3 0 & 3 fd t Most Original Costume nounce their second of a series of that. Was she imagining it, or shows for the purpose of bringing were [the girl’s] hips answering both local and out of town per­ back, gyrating bone against bone, formers together. HALLOWEEN 4 t c i i leg to leg, pelvis rubbing pelvis? Bringing forth various groups --S'.: of people working towards a “ What a glorious feelingl It was so magnificent that a slight common goal - raising money, the yj I enjoyable way, is the quest of wetness began to ooze down bet­ Empress Tiffany. from the ween her legs as the ache there - On Saturday October 22nd, grew sharper. She sucked in her starting at 9 pm, Pat the owner of breath with a hiss, reminding her­ “ 12 ” the Savoy will graciously open her self that she was supposed to be *' establishnient for a fundraising preaching, not dry-fucking.” show which will benefit the Myrtle is immediately attracted AIDS/KS Foundation of San Jose ( S i l v e r to Travis, who, however, has not and CASA. Admission is $3 for only never been to bed with a an evening of fine entertainment. A FRIENDLY PLACE TO DRINK woman, but also is something of a Hope you will be with us at the homophobe, given to such Alcatraz —iMasquerade Ball sponsored by pronouncements as “ dykes turn me off, trying to imitate men !i.v r MCC at the Holiday Inn, Park 3 passes for 2 to be drawn Center Plaza on October 29. We when they know they don’t have '.•! ii; will be entertaining at the Ball what men have down there. Won­ each night at midnight der why some women go that where MCC is raising funds for e e e t their “Benovelence Fund” -a 10(395 SAICH WAY. CUPERTINO. CA 95014 route?” fund designed to help brothers (408) 725-9662 • OPEN 2 PM - 2 AM Her question is answered soon and sisters in nMl. enough, of course, as the plot of 46 N. Saratoga Avenue • Santa Ciara • (408) 243-4595 '*/ Be sure to attend these two Say Jesus and Come to Me and, special.evcots.. • • • P . 0«r Pap«r*October 12, 1983*Page 16 Little, believe that it is unfair for charge of $10 per title after the fir­ will indicate whether the author is Out-of-prínts to be made good books to be out of the reach st. willing, at no extra charge, to Books of buyers for reasons beyond the At the retail end, when a autograph the books. How Do You Do? available directly from authors authors’ control. request for an out-of-print book Authors will have to store their Continued from page ¡3 The BackIcy-LIttIc Book comes to a bookstore, the books in a closet or elsewhere, and << New York (IGNA) Believing that at the mercy of publishers who Catalognc plan will enable writers bookseller can consult Books they should not expect to noake How Do You Do At Dancing?” book distribution as it exists today have removed entire stocks that whose books have been remain­ AvallaMc from Authors. more than a small proflt on any From Violent Men sales, but at least they will not fed By Roe Ashley works an “ intolerable hardship on were not selling in sufficient quan­ dered to purchase all or part of Hnding it there, the bookseller By Daniel Curzon most authors,” two writers have tities to please the publishers. any overstock (usually at a tenth will accept cash with the order, fill ‘‘an overwhelming sense of IONA, 511 Capp, SF 94110 started a plan whereby authors of out a standard order form, deduct powerlessness,” as many do at Are you a wallflower or a star? b) The costumes The Internal Revenue Service or less of the list price) and include Are you cultural, or do you sleep 1983, Paper, 2 ^ pp, $9.95 books that have gone out of print has ruled that publishers are not them in the catalogue. the bookstore’s 405^ commission, present, because they must stand c) The legs may list their titles in a catalogue and then forward the order and by and watch thdr creative efforts at the ballet? Is dancing the per- 9) How do you like “The entitled to tax deductions for Authors will be chsu'ged a Reviewed by L. Stevan Leonard and sell copies to interested par­ check for 609b to the author, who made unavailable even for those soniflcation of beauty for you? Nutcracker”? books kept in their warehouses; moderate fee for catalogue en­ Do you thrill to tlie controlled ties. tries. Depending on the number of will ship the book to the pur­ wishing to buy them. a) “ Is that the dance they Doing in people we hate, pon­ consequently, it is to the economic elegance of the Aurora pas de Gay authors and others will subscribers, it is anticipated that chaser. For more information: P.O. do at ChrisUnas? ” dering the iniquities of our judi­ advantage of publishers not to deux, or the shimmy of late-night now be able to extend the lives of retain titles that are slow-moving. the cost to each subscriber will be Books will be offered at full Box 312, Canal Street Station, b) “ I love it — especially cial system, striving for acceptan­ New York, NY 10013. ■ abandon?* Do you thrill to the ’Waltz of the their out-of-print books, whereas But the devisers of the plan, between $33 and $60. with a sur­ retail price. The catalogue entry ce as human beings, looking for in the recent past, they have been anything? Flowers’.” balance between work and per­ William F. Buckley and Stuart W. Whether you And titillation in c) “ Super! But tit clamps sonal pursuits — these are issues (I to r) Daniel Curzon and John Getty, htslover. tutus or tapshoes, let’s find out are better.” most of us have thought about Photo by; D. Travert National Gay Archives how you really relate to dancing. 10) What does disco dancing do and the substance of Daniel Cur- Take the following quiz, score it, to you? zon’s latest novel From Violent himself to Short’s murder, a move emphasized through the contrast fattens women’s collection and get your Dance Relationship a) “ It makes me high.” M en. Rating. whkh he construes to be in sup­ of characters in the story. The b) “ It makes me unin­ Curzon portrays at once the outspoken Rhodes, the irrespon­ Put a checkmark next to the an­ port of gay rights: “ I won’t be like Hollywood (IGNA) The National Individual women included in hibited.” futility of politics and the inability swer that best completes each the rest of you, afraid to act.” sible reporter and his lover who Gay Archives has increased the the collection range from Sappho c) “ It makes me nervous.” of his characters to extricate them­ Rick Jessup is a reporter for the lives only for having a good time overall proportion of women’s numbered paragraph. Then tally 11) Vfliat movements are impor­ to Virginia Woolf, from Anita selves from its influence. Gay Associated Press who is each express a personalized self- titles in its collection by 4509o in Bryant and Billie Jean King to up your totid with the scores given tant parts of the Bdly Daro? Rather than confront them after the final question. Will you manipulated by Rhodes into inter­ image and lifestyle within the con­ the last four years. Such volumes Elaine Noble. a) The Hip Thrust directly, issues are played out viewing Brad Short. text of gays living in San Fran­ now comprise one-seventh of its lead, or shall 1? b) The Camel Walk The archives is looking for a HALLOWEEN WEEKEND throu^i the events which involve Jessup’s tape recorder has been cisco. Each character suits himself total collection. qualified volunteer person to take 1) What kind of dancing do you c) Leaning over for a tip key figures in a murder plot. rigged with a bomb that will ex­ rather than adapting to norms. like to do? Curator Jim Kepner started the charge of the women’s 12) How do you feel about ball­ Desmond Rhodes, a gay super­ plode four minutes into the inter­ In between many scenes in the collection in 1942 with the pur­ a) Disco room dancing? acquisitions in order to avoid visor of San Francisco, is the in­ view. It is this tape recorder which book, Curzon uses paragraph- chase of Radclyffe Hall’s classic repetition of the previous loss and b) Close a) “There’s no place to go stigator, aided by two bumbling provides the main element of long breathers that he entitles c) Slam for it.” 1928 lesbian novel. The Well of damage that occurred in 1975 assistants. suspense throughout the book as “ MeanwhUe...” Loneliness, but up until 1980 the 2) Do you do the Hustle or the b) “ I enjoy the physical during a move from Torrance, Their aim: to cause the death of the reader anticipates either the As a whole, these short descrip­ Archives had only 600 books by or California to Hollywood, when a California Bus Stop? contact.” Brad Short, who is nearing the explosion or the discovery of the tions form a mosaic of life in San a) “ 1 hate disco.” c) “ It’s clumsy.” about women. A large portion of number of Daughters of Bilitis completion of a four-year jail bomb. Francisco that interplay with the their books come from donors, newsletters and early lesbian «y, b) “Too hard for me.” 13) What do you expect from a term for the double assassination Jessup’s failure to gain an inter­ story in sometimes effective and c) “I’d rather drive.” male-oriented volumes being paperback novels were aedden- dance partner? of the Mayor and a gay Supervisor view with Brad Short at Soledad other times distracting ways. reedved by a nuugin of eight to tally discarded. 3) What do you like best about a) “Keep time to the musk!” (a story that should sound leads to his association with the It is refreshing to find a book baUet? one. It is the intention of the b) Don’t ditch me in the familiar to many). murderer’s wife, Debra Ellen. She like From Violent Men that makes The entire collection at present Natioiul Gay Archives to compile a) The spectacle middle of a number!” Rhodes has secretly committed is the female character in the story you think. But in grappling with b) The grandes jetes consists of 18,0(X) volumes, 2600 a collection comparable to, or for c) “ SUy off my feet!” and provides the only tangible link such heavy concerns, Curzon of which are devoted to women’s surpassing that of, Magnus Hir- c) Intermission " 14) What’s your preference in with the heterosexual world. failed to balance the weight with 4) What’s your favorite dance subjects, such as Feminist schfdd in Germany, which was ballet? 12) a - 5 b ~ 5 c= 3 Debra Ellen’s eventual “ under­ enough material to laugh at. ■ Publishers, Lesbian Mothers, destroyed during the Nazi regime movement? a) “ LaSylphide” 13) a - 5 b ’^5 c= 5 standing” of gay concerns could a) The dip in the tango Women in Sports, and Women of the 1930s. ■ b) “ Afternoon of a Faun” 14) a = 5 b ^ S c= 0 be shifted to any person un­ and the Militai7- b ) The swish of the slow c) “ Not having to go.” IS) <1 = 5 b = 0 c= 0 familiar with gay habits: Curzon Naiad waltz 15) What do you think of a pas has not assumed that this readers Continued from page 13 A>; JAL c) The beeline for the bar dedeux? Score Rating have a gay male mentality. tory about lesbians in the 5) How do you feel about Prisoners denied gay publications Of a) "Lovdy when wdl done.” 22 - 39 You’re a clod. You won’t Though I don’t expect insight 60’s...for baby dykes it is a f i . OOi modem dance? b) “ I prefer a menage a or new perspectives from a book, promise of life after the 20’s...for a) “ It makes me feel sexy” dance, and we won’t ask LaGraage, KY (IGNA) A Kentuc­ the Luther Luckett Correctional •m. trois.” you. You don’t know I hoped for more than a highly many others, a promise that as ky correctional institution has Complex in l^aOrange, Kentucky, b) “ I adore the Paul c) “Is that like a faux pas?” graphic representation of events long as there is life, love is Taylor Company” Gene Kelly from Nijinski, been threatened with a lawsuit by at their request. and you don’t care. that are controversial from Cur­ possible. Gay Rights Advocates if it does On August 25, Morris received c) “Confused” Now, add up the points below for zon in touching on such vital and Sarah Aldridge brightens our 6) Who’s your favorite dancer? 40-37 Your lack of appreciation not reverse its present policy of a notice that the institution would the aiuwers you have given: could make Midsummer personal issues. evenings and lives with four refusing its imnates the right to not permit the two inmates to a) Rudolf Nureyev novels: All True Lovers, Tottie, J) a= 5 b= 5 c=5 Night’s Dream g night­ Most of the book is written in a receive gay publications. receive the newsletter. b) Mikhail Barishnikov The Latecomer and best of all (in 2) a=3 b = 5 c=0 mare. But at least you strong dialogue, which is the nudn In August, Robert Morris, the Morris then wrote to Warden c) John Travolta vehicle for character development my opinion) Cytherea’s Breath. 7) Tap dancing began with 3) a - 5 b = S c = 0 know what tutus are for. associate editor of The Gaycon William Seabold to ask what the and the story line. Her books will surely become a) Irish jigs 4) a-5 b^5 c = 0 58 - 75 We’re impressed! You Press, a publication containing prison’s objection was. a ^ 5 b= 5 In his narrative, Curzon tends classics. b) African tribal dances 6) <^=3_ know all about Balan­ gay news, addresses of potential On September 6, Steven T. c = 0 to over-describe in an attempt to For a complete list of all the c) Fred Astaire 7) b= 5 chine, the Bolshoi, and pen pals, and usually one nude Adwell, Procedures Officer of the a = 5 b = 0 c - 3 get across a complete picture of a Naiad Books, send an S.A.S.E. 8) What do you like best about S) Fonteyn. You’re also male photograph per issue, sent prison, wrote back saying; “ Pub- a= 3 b<^5 person or place. The effect can be TO: Alwin enterprises, P.O.Box a chorus line? 9) c^O smart enough to realize the publication to two inmates at Continued on page 18 Anniversary Party 10) a= 3 6 - 5 c ^ 3 antiseptic, which often left this 70185, Suimyvale, CA 94086 or a) The precision this quiz means absolutely II) <1*5 6 - 5 c = 0 reader without a clear feeling for write to Naiad Press, P.O.Box nothing. what was described. 10543, Tallahassee, Fla. 32302. ■ Ledesma, Master of Santiago, pree c h a m p a g n e ©1983, Stonewall Features Syndicate Gay image is a theme that is Duke of Albuquerque, the noto­ More about books, page 17 The Last King rious Beltran. Continued From Page 6 In finally furnishing an heir, Whate On Your Agenda? and grooms would have been Henry put the finishing touches h o r s DGEUVRES ance. dCa±ee± quietly ignored, even in such a on the decline of his reign. In the conservative coimtry. But Henry, twelve years following, the a t after eight years of marriage, had kingdom was splintered by plots not fulfilled one primary duty of and counterplots, assassinations 4:00 piT* til' kingship. and rebellions. iSun S uHCroom & ^J^uncE, (¿EnixE His marriage with Isabel of Por­ Henry vacillated about naming tugal was childless; he had not his successor; yet he always came All Styles of Touch Dancing Taught provided the kingdom with an back to his “ daughter” Juana, heir. — whom no one respected and every­ (Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Disco) And now enters the real scoun­ one refused to accept as the next drel of the piece, Henry’s cousin, ruler of Castile. Want to learn to lead or follow? Beltran de la Cueva. Beltran was After an agonizing illness, loud, showy, and as sexually Henry died in 1474, refusing to You Choose! fascinating to Henry as any of his the last to confirm or deny that lower-class pickups had been. Juana was truly his daughter. Within a short time, the hand­ Only a brief quarrel followed; Classes begin Monday, October 17th some nobleman was boasting of Juana was ignored, and Henry his sexual exploits with the king; was succeeded by his half-sister, Session I worse, he insinuated that the Isabel, called the Catholic. queen was finding satisfaction Her marriage to Ferdinand of with him, too. Aragon began the process of 7 pm. — 8:15 pm. — Swing & Foxtrot The chronicles of that time arc uniting Spain as we know it today. remarkably frank. Henry attem­ So there is Henry IV of Castile, You are cordially invited every $35.00 per person, 5 consecutive Mondays pted a kind of artificial in­ a Gay man who is no more than Wednesday between 4 & 8 pm, Session II semination with his wife; he was an interesting historical sidelight. to join us for fun, frolic & masturbated (probably by But had he not been Gay, what complimentary refreshments 8:30 pm. —10 pm. —Cha cha and Rumba Beltran) into a golden tube, which would have been the conse­ R.S.V.P. not necessary. Hack tie optional was then inserted into her vagina. quences? How long would Spain That didn’t work. have waited to be united? And $35.00 per person, 5 consecutive Mondays He was excited to the point of who would have responded to the -1983- climax by young men, then rushed great dreams of Columbus in his Register by phone or at the door to her bedchamber. That wasn’t final attempt to convince a patron Ike Ik* I of the importance of his voyage? W8tef(8nl*n LEARN TO REACH OUT •partner not necessary successful, either. ligiaTMB But Isabel did finally bear an The love life of a sad and G a m e s! AND TOUCH SOMEONE offer is limited to one session per enrollment heir, a princess christened Juana. forgotten man may seem unim­ N a lS p o l geauty B.B.Q. lobe 1 Contest From the moment of her birth, portant. w áí¿iiL BmMv Nqi^l however, no one accepted Henry But it influenced the lives, 349 South First Street • Son Jose, CA I*! 1040 Park Avenue • San Jose, CA 95126 culture, and the very language TM WATttCAROfNBATH ANORECRCATtONCINTMl /lOIOTMf AlAMfOA/SAN |OSf CA l 40B-275- l242 as her father. She was to become known as “Juana la Beltraneja,” that millions of people on two (408] 998-9-535 a nickname that indicated she was continents share today. (408) 289-9807 Gay Owned and Operated the daughter of the Count of ©1983, Stonewall Features Syndicate it refuses to let prisoners receive Prisoner them it is violating the prisoners’ New Publications About AIDS Continued from page 17 civil rights. (IGNA) Several publishers are disease. Mount Sinai’s Immunology CLASSIFIEDS Oar Dlractory Leonard Graff, the director of These authors will discuss the Laboratory. Gay Rights Advocates, wrote that bringing out books about AIDS in an effort to inform the public. traumatic impact of AIDS upon The AIDS Fact Book by Dr. lications which advocate or the legal organization is its victims and their friends and 64TChib*...... Stockton Avenue, San jote 95126 (406)9961144 "prepared to go to court” if the Holt, Rinehart and Winston has Kenneth Mayer, Assistant M assage for men. Sensual, legitimize homosexuality are re­ family. Professor of Medicine at Brown EmploymBnt OffBTBd A Clean WeikileMe«l lor Books*...... 21271 Stevens Creek, Cupertino 95014 (406) 255-7600 anti-gay procedures remain in ef­ hired two authors to conduct a nonsexual bodywork by Jim. In A TMwf's Danes* (Vldeo/DiscolLounge)...... 46 N. Saratoga Avenue, Santa Clara 95050 (406) 243-4595 jected, as homosexuality is a major study of AIDS and intend The book will provide such data University, and Hank Piser, documented threat to institutional fect. Distributors Nsodsd: OUR only. $25.280-1803. ix A I ^ F ^ t h e ...... 715N. 1»tStNo.ip, San lo - 9 « 1 2 The two prisoners who to publish their findings in Spring, as prevention guidelines, infor­ medical writer, will also be fiUmadi BeuH Hsarmacy...... 1071 The Alameda, San lose 95126 (406) 294-8911 order and security. All censorship mation about the recognition of PAPER needs distributors for requested The Gaycon Press, Rick 1984. published. Aharin Inletpriaes (Mail-Order Book Service)...... P.O. Box 70185, Sunnyvale 94066 is based solely upon security con­ the Peninsula route. Must have Relatlonship-confliets? Try to Ttw Aneirer*...... 1040 Main Street Redwood City 94063 (415)361-9444 Espinosa and Bruce Roller, wrote The authors are William A. symptoms, and the names of sym­ AIDS: Everything Yon Mast siderations.” pathetic physicians treating the Know About Acquired Immnne reliable car and be avalable on resolve your conflicts with a Ttie fintiqirt GaHeriM...... 1940 Monterey Road. San Jose 95112 (406) 2790303 to Editor Morris that they were Check, a doctor of microbiology (415)3464045 Gay Rights Advocates, the disease. Dcfldeacy Syndronse: The KBIcr the Wednesdays the paper m ediator. For more Infor­ B Street* (Men's Dance Bai/Kestaurant)...... 236 South B Street San M a^ 944W not notified that the publication and former editor of the Journal Bachalnr Qeartere* (Baths)...... 1934 University Ave, Palo Alto 94303 (415) 325-7575 organization that successfully o f the American Medical Associa­ For the medical community, it Epidemic of the 80s by Janet comes out. Pay is $20 per mation or appointment call worked to change the anti-gay was denied them, which they con­ Bilha Lior Bender, M.A. at Bay Brkk Inn* (Women's Lodgin^Bar/Disco)...... 1190 Foisom S t San Francisco 94103 (415)431-8334 tion, and Ann C. Feltner, for­ will include appendices listing Baker appeared in July. Issue. Cal (408)209-0231. (415)861-9310 discrimination policies of the sidered “ a double violation of the Delta. (408)288-7744. aoas Big ManM'a* (Bar)...... 22615 Mission S t Hayward 94541 merly an advisor to the Ministry references to AIDKS research. St. Martin’s Press has brought BWv Defrank rowiiinnltr Center*...... 66 Keyes Street San lose 95112 (406) 2934525 Department of Immigration and institution’s own regulations.” of Health in Kenya. Other books are AIDS: Our out The AIDS Epidemic, edited BE YOUR OWN B088I OUR BUaAMriteMnnT ^ ^ ( S o c i a l Croup)...... P.O. Box 1192, Los Catos95031 (406) 3566932 The two prisoners currently are (406)993-1628 Naturalization of the U.S. gover­ Check and Feltner intend to Nation’s #1 Health Threat, to be PAPER needs advertising Rich tnnhar fflectrolysfs)...... 1213 Lincoln, Suite 201, San lose in federal court fighting the cen­ by Kevin Cahill. Housing (406) 2944552 nment, wrote to the prison and detail the history of AIDS and published in October. It is co­ Similarly, Pinnacle is plaiming a salespeople to work as nlTBMrilUck Saloon*...... 415 Stockton Avenue, San lose 95126 requested a statement of its policy sorship of gay publications at Broad A Roeea* (Marxist Bookstore)...... 950 So. First Street San lose 95112 (406) 2942930 examine the many aspects of the authored by Dr. Frederick Siegal, book to entitled AIDS, to be independent contractors. Your (406) 2649422 on gay publications, saying that if Luther Luckett. ■ Qay Female Roommate wan­ Broadwray (Restaurant)...... 1205 The Alameda, San lose M1M mystery surrountUng the disease. Chief of Immunology at Mount released sometime this fall. ■ ambition determines your in­ Bitch's* (SateorV/ce Croam Parlor)...... 301 Stockton Avenue, San lose 95126 (406)286-1176 This study also hopes to propose Sinai Medical Center, and his come. Bring resume to office ted to share 3 bdrm/2ba East Cafe U Came Anx FoHes (Drnners/Sunday Bntnch)...... 4942 Stevens Creek, Sari lose 95129 (406) 2442829 possible treatments for the wife, Martha Siegal, Director of at 973 Park Ave., San Jose Foothi house. Approx $490 Calvary Metropolitan Connsiiinlty Chorch*...... P.O. Box 70, Redwood City 94064 (415)3660186 between 10 & 6, M-F, or mal including utilities. Available Camera OnefMovIe Theatre)...... 366 So. First Street San lose 95112 (406)2943000 10/1 /83. Cal 729-5078 after 7 Center for New BaglnningB*...... 255 N. Market San lose (406)2860060 RIP-OFFS AND ROSES How much would it cost to buy the to same address. pm. 1»«« Coast to Coast Realty (Steven Urson)...... 9 9 6 9 W car without one and have a name Our Bodies have had a return to normal im­ ...... (40B) 257*4327 munity. (415)657-1221 I could’ve brand installed at a stereo store? In Continued from page 3 H E L P WANTED: Private Paul Coho, D.C. (Chiropractor)...... 4117 El Camino Real, Palo Alto 94306 this last case, you may come out House to Share Saratoga. CompoHr htarhst (Wholesale/ReUil Hardware A Software)...... M t View (415)969-3097 yet undetermined duration. men's dub. The Watergsrde, (406)293-5805 liadVS with a better quality system at Epidemiology: has ful and part-time positions Need W/M to share Ig house Croats Yonr W el¿d(/oan HItlln)...... 292 So. 18th Street San lo se95116 w/pod. w/estabished couple. The Cniiaor* (Restaurant A Bar)...... 2651 El Camino Real. Redwood City 94061 (415)366-4955 lower cost. 1. ) No cases of AIDS existed avaiable. Apply at 1010 The (415)%1-9953 Gastroenterology: $400 mo -i-V^ utWtles. No The Daybroah* (Women's Bar)...... 1711 W. El Camino Real. M t View 94040 How do gas mileages stack up before 1979; furthermore, com­ Alameda. George Doabill (Human Sexuality Counseling).'...... San 1cm (406)246-4422 against one another? If you drive 1. ) Of gastrointestinal plete recovery has not yet oc­ ferns, fats, freaks. 374- ...... V ...... Palo Alto (415)4943363 pathogens (disease-causing agen­ 2515. 1« (408) 2867744 1000 miles a month, a car with 20 curred in an AIDS person. ParMIme Help Wanted: Assist DELTA: A Center for Interperimnal C r o « ^ .. 2444 Moorpark Ave., Suite 112, San lose 95128 miles-per-gallon rating will cost ts), the cryptosporidiosis parasite 2. ) There are cases of females Democratic Information Center*...... \...... 463 Auzerals Avenim, San lose 9 5 ^ (406) 2846500 is the most serious and ominous, with house cleaning weekday Domerados* (Dlsco/Bar)...... 1425 Hacienda Ave, Campbell (San lose) 95006 (406) 3740260 you S12 more to run than a car that apparently getting AIDS from a mornings. Must have car, be (415)581-2050 because it has no treatment. Condo Sh are. Driftwood* (Women's Bar)...... 22170 Mission, Hayward M541 gives 25 mpg. At 30 mpg, you partner who is not a drug abuser, boTKlable. 280-1003. u to Looking for Dost Busters (Housekeeping Service)...... P.O. Box 307, San lose 9 5^ 3 (406)280-1603 would save $250 every year, 2. ) Weight loss is the most suggesting that transmission can third person to share 3 br/3 be ...... P.O. Box 1077, Palo Alto 94302 (415)323-1003 The bigger the price of a pur­ press someone, that’s OK, too. But enough to pay for the insurance. striking early clinical feature with occur through heterosexual con­ coTKlo in Mountain View with The Garden* (Bar i Restaurant)...... I960 University Ave., Palo Alto 94303 (415)6530921 That’s another factm. Check AIDS cases in the infectious type ______For S a le ______/^K , washer/dryer, fireplace, Gln>M A Snickers, The Magical Clowns...... J4W) chase, the bigger the potential rip- list your real reasons. tact...... (40B) 2o485, 20,000 persons will th indudes utilities. 1st and Main Street* (Bar  Restaurant)...... ^737 Stockton Avenue, San lose 95126 (406) 293-1293 federal government started the type of car that suits you best, History.” This table gives you a whereas all patients with the infec­ have AIDS. 730-3842 or 559-0142. Manpieta Del Valle(Croceries/Sundries)...... 921 S. First St San Jose $2700/offer. is-zo last, cal betwn 8-3 only. M-F. MetropollUn Community Chorch*...... 10th A San Fernando Streets, San Jose (4OT 2 ^ 2 ^ 1 requiring a “ sticker price” on consult the Consumer Reports Usting by make and model of tious presentation of AIDS had « Bill. 354-6446. ix reported repairs (not for accidents) Ms. Adas Prem* (Printers/Typesetters)...... 973 Park Avenue, San Jose 9S12| 4M 2 8 ^ 1 ^ each vehicle, many consumers Guide to Car Buying. There, you’ll reduced numbers. God bless Dr. Gottlieb for his Our Paper* (News Office)...... 973 Park Avenue. San Jose 95126 (408) 289-9231 have been lulled into believing that the owners have given to Con­ 3. ) Either helper T-cell 71 Cougar XR-7 Convertible. find a listing of almost all models closing statement: “ Given the ex­ Housemate Need mature em­ that purchasing a car has become sumer Reports. It’s no fun to buy a decreases or suppressor T-cell in­ Beautiful Cream with tan top, of all cars, with their suggested ponential rise in the number of ployed adult, n/smoker, to The Party House (Cards, Decorations, Gifts & Invitations). .1308 Lincoln Ave, San Jose 95125 (408) 292-6310 car that has to be in the shop every leather interior. Auto, PS. PB. Plowshare* (Bookstore)...... 162 University Av. Palo Alto (415) 321-4748 as cut and dried as buying a steak retail price. You’ll also see a listing creases can make a T-cell ratio cases, and the cruel nature of the share 3 bedroom home near month; even if the repairs are done low. Susceptibility to AIDS may PW, Tilt-steering. $4100/of- Pottery Sales...... 1793 Lafayette St., Santa Clara 95050 (408) 984-0467 at a grocery. of the cost of most options. Those disease, we hope that efforts will San Tomas & Stevens Creek in That’s simply not so. In the first will have to be added to the base under warranty, you’re suffering depend on which is present, rather soon yield important information fer. Mike, 559-0142 evenings. . Raxvhide* (Western Bar)...... 280 Seventh St. San Francisco (415) 621-1197 quiet area. Call Dal at (406)248- Recycle Bookstore*...... 138E. Santaclara St (bet. 3rd A 4th), San Jose 95113 (406) 286-6275 inconvenience. Steer clear of cars than merely the ratio of the two. 739-3842 days. la-zo place, that sticker price is only the price to come up with the figure on causes, therapy, and preven­ 8586. 20-21 ...... 230 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto 94301 (415) 321-2846 “ manufacturer’s suggested list.” you’ll be dealing with. that have shown repeated problems 4. ) Persistence of im­ tion.” ■ The Renegades* (Bar A Restaurant)...... 393 Stockton Ave, San Jose 95126 (406) 275-9902 Your local dealer can add a wealth Dealers love options. They offer with mechanical or electrical munodeficiency is a major feature 74 Kaw asaki 900 Z-1. Looks Sm fom KlIroom a Dance Center...... 1040 Park Ave, San Jose 95126 (408)289-9807 of charges to it for “preparations” a higher profit margin than the cars systems. of AIDS; only 2 of 21 patients ©1983, Stonewall Features Syndicate hot. runs great. Ferring, w/s. San |oM City Hall...... Mission Streets, San Jose 95110 and for extras that you may not themselves, so you’ll be pushed to Remember, even if it’s “ pretty” rack. Excellent condition, rare­ Personals Santa Clara County Government Center...... 70 W. Hedding St, San Jose 95110 add things you may not need. Are or “impressive” that you’re after, San lose State University Women's Center*...... San Jose 95192 (408) 277-2777 need. Those charges may con­ ly out of bedroom. Seriously SastiTcbsrnrt/cVSk/n Care)...... 3113 Alum Rock Av, San Jose (408) 9266700 tribute as much as 25 percent to the the summers really hot enough to your car can’t be appreciated for for sale. $1900/offer. Mike VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Local AIDS/KS Chapter needs Sassy's* (Women's Dance Bar/Restaurant)...... 236 S. B St, San Mateo 94401 (415) 348-4046 overall cost of the car. warrent air-conditioning? How either unless you can drive it. 739-3842 or 559-0142. The Savoy* (Women's Bar and Restaurant)...... 20469 Silverado Ave, Cupertino 95014 (408) 446D948 More important, many people many days would you use it? Is a ^ this time, you should have a volunteers for afternoon and Sex Shop Arcade A Books* (Adult Bookstore)...... 389 So. First Street. San Jose 95112 (408) 294-2135 Whate On Your Asen^? evening shifts. Call 298-AIDS. don’t realize the importance of the good stereo system a high priority? Dinning Room Sets Stac^(Bc^itore)...... 23 9 University Av, Palo Alto (415) 3260681 Continued on backpage 2 Antique Stanford Medical Center*...... Stanford University Campus, Stanford word “suggested.” Your dealer 5-piece Duncan Phyfe $600. (408) 448-4384 can deal. The “ suggested” list is 10-piece 1940 Art Deco. OUTDOOR WOMEN We want Stanton's Auto Service...... • ' ' : ’ ' ' ' ' to organize a network of South Tower Records* ...... San Antonio Rd A El Camino, Mt View only a starting point from which a $ 1400. (408)249-9206. it-zo Toyon* (Mixed Bar/Disco)...... 1205 The Alameda, San Jose 95126 (408) 286-9432 price can be negotiated. You still Bay women interested in Turi Club* (Bar)...... 22517 Mission, Hayward (415)881-9877 have to wheel and deal in buying a Halloween Dance cross-country skiing, camping, U-Haul (Campbell Moving Center)...... 1266 White Oaks, Campbell 95008 (408) 371-5183 car, and if you’re buying an un­ Services, hiking, etc. MEETING to plan Underground Records* (New and Used/Collectors'Albums)ì9 S. Third Street San Jose 95113 (408) 2868303 The Gay and Lesbian Alliance A smaU donation will be re­ (408) 371-5740 popular model, you can cut the events Thursday, October 20, Upstart Crow* (Cenerai Interest Bookstore)...... 740 The Pruneyard, Campbell 95008 at Stanford will be sponsoring a quested at the door to help cover Free Initial Consultation The Watergarden* (Baths/Recreation Cntr-Cay/Bi Men)... 1010 The Alameda, San Jose 95126 (408)275-1215 price tremendously by bargaining. 7 pm. 6284 Vegas Dr., San Halloween Dance on Saturday, expenses, and to benefit GLAS’s CRAIG FOSTER Whiskey Gukh Saloon*...... 3951 University Ave, Palo Alto 94303 (415)853-9747 Even on fast-moving autos, you Jose. Call 268-0930. October 29 beginning at 8:30 p.m. social and educational programs. Attorney at Law should pay less than list. •Our Paper is distributed free at places marked with asterisk. We appreciate this courtesy. Organizations It will be held at the Elliot GLAS has stated that everyone (408)257-1670 How can you do this? You have Program Center on the shores of Sperm Donor Needed-Les­ wishing copies to distribute to their members, please stop by the newspaper office. To correct any errors or to know what you’re buying and is welcome—regardless of sexual bian couple desires a child. No omissions in Our Directory, please call tlie newspaper office at (408) 289-9231. Lake Lagunita on the Stanford preference, gender, age, or Stan­ what it’s worth. As in any other sexual contact. Good health Campus. ford affiliation. Costumes are Professional Masseuse purchase, it’s stupid to go into a necessary. Anonymous. Cdl New Wave, Disco and Women’s welcome and encouraged. situation in which the seller has all women or men. Good rates. for an interview. (408)972- Music will featured, along with For information and directions, the information and you have Days and evenings. (415)493- 9935. i*-2o light refreshments. The Alliance call the Campus Gay Events Tape 4822. 1S-20 none. has promised a friendly at­ at (415) 497-1488. • Classified Coupon The critical consideration in this mosphere. transaction is your awareness of Appliance Repairs: Reason­ Publications IN$TRUCTK>N$: Type or neatly print your ad exactly as you wish it to appear. Regular type is 25C per yo u r needs. Automobiles are able rates. Washing machines, w ord, bold typ e Is 50c per word. /VJd up the total cost of your ad. If you wish your ad to appear more than one time, multiply the number of times you wish your ad to run times the cost of the ad . If you run the same heavily weighted with dryers, electric ranges, micro- I.ESBIAN/GAY BOOKS: Mail­ wave ovens, dishwashers, ad copy for six Issues consecutively, you can deduct a 10% discount from the total. Ad copy deadline is psychological overtones. Do you INSANJOSEI order book service. Send 37 noon Wednesday preceding publication. All ad copy must be In by that date - no exceptions. Ads can­ want a new car because it’s pretty? electric ovens, disposals, call cent SASE for Free Catalogue not be taken over the phone. All ads must be prepaid. You may bring your copy Into the office Monday Are you trying to impress others ELECTROLYSIS Tony 259-9480 after 5 p.m. ix to: ALWIN Enterpriaaa, P.O. through Friday. 10 am to 6 pm. OUR PAPER resenres the right to reject any ad It finds Inconsistent with our with the status of your car? Dealers Permanent Hair Removal Box 70185, Sunnyvale, CA advertising policies. Phone numbers and Post Office Boxes count as 2 words. an> very much aware of these fac­ sou TION TO 94086 * ca te g o ry : ______— AD COPY: ------Anywhere on Face or Body: CROSSWORD Nl!MBF.R 20 tors, and will use them to persuade Number o1 regular type w ords: ------— ------you to buy more than you need, or Penis & Scrotum, Rectal Area, Buttocks, ^ ^ Tuesday Buddy Night Number of Bold Type w o rd s:------to pay more for something you Chest, Stomach, Arms, Legs, Etc. Pat Bond reads Cost of a d :------don’t want. Have that smooth, sexy look you’ve always -1 9 8 3 - Don’t be used like that. If you’re wanted. Electrolysis is permanent, safe, The Songs o f Bitttis Number of lnsertlons;__ honest with yourself about the and affordable. Erotic Lesbian poems, $11 in­ Discount (6 times 110%) ■“< reason for your purchase, it’s har­ Wolefgord«ft cludes postage, to: Total enclosed:______der for a salesman to manipulate Call now for a r.rty Pat Bond your honest doubts about the deal No-Charge Courtesy ConsulUtion Ñirs^ii 211 Canal St. #11 Beauty N a m e ______he’s offering. ». il I * Contest San Rafael, CA 94901 Sit down and list exactly what it R i c k b o o h e r Clty/Zlp______is you’re looking for, and what will UCENSED ELECTROLOGIST TMlWATIBCAAOfM BATH AMO RCCtlATIONCINTIII MO10THI AlAAilf OA/SAN |OS( CA /408-27S-1242 A d d re ss:------satisfy those needs in the most Phone (for verification). _ basic maimer. If you want a pretty 1213 Lincoln Avenue. Suite 201 (408) 993-1828 ” ‘car, that’s OK. If you want to im- San Jose (Willow Glen)______by appointment orUy "The federal government, as a Federal separate sovereign, has as much of Lambda ImkpandantDtmocratacif Brooklyn, NY an interest in insuring that its laws **84 and C ounting” Lanppon Hubbaa-Bkanor Rooaavatt Damocratic Chib, Wo- are adequatdy enforced as the abIntMn, D.C. Prosecution MatropoUtan Community C hunk, Boka, ID Continued from page I State of California has in enfor­ cing state law. Oar Papar has joined the nationwide Gay Voter MatropoUtan Community Church, Columbia, MO MatropoUtan Community Church, SprlntflaU, MO under federal law. "While both sovereigns should drive announced by the National Gay Task Force. MInnaaoia Commtttaafor Oay d Laabten Rights Feinstein was head of San Fran­ of course consider the actions of Readers may obtain a Santa Clara County voter MIssltdpplOayAaianea cisco’s Board of Supervisors at the other, neither u precluded registration form by sending in the coupon National Oay Natwork, San fhandaeo, CA the time of the assassinations, and Our Papar, SanJoaa, CA from taking additional action. printed below or by stopping in the newspaper San DIato Damocratic Chib was automatically propelled into There is no doubt that had a office at 973 Park Avenue, San Jose. Unitad CovananI Mbskm Church, Columbia, MO the office of mayor by White’s ac­ federal prosecution been first Names of readers responding to Otir Paper’s Virginia Oay AUanea tions. commenced and resulted in a voter registration drive will be forwarded to the "Dan White’s crime remains an nominal prison senteoce, the San National Gay Task Force, on request, and will be open wound in this dty,’’ Fein­ Francisco District Attorney would maintained on the newspaper’s mailing list for □ Please send me a voter registration form and stein wrote in her letter to Smith. have still been able to proceed future information about elections and candi­ include me on your informational mailing list. "I sincerely believe Dan White with state charges. dates. damaged the credibility of our en­ "The same principle applies to Gay rights supporters are invited to participate, □ I am already registered to vote, but please put tire criminal justice system. He is the commencement of federal regar^ess of their sexual orientation. Gay rights is me on your mailing list for election information. perceived not only as getting away prosecution which follows suc­ a human rights issue which should concern us all. with murder, but as a public of­ cessful state prosecution.’’ □ Please ‘send my name and address to the ficial whose official status National Gay Task Force for their nuuling list. Thomas Horn, attorney for the Partial UH o f Partkipatlat Gtaapt somehow enabled him to get away late Mayor’s widow, said of the Arkansas 0 «y and LatbiaaStadml Association Name ______with murder.’’ governor’s letter. “Wdl, good for AkpaaOayCoaiaauiUy, Colorado The Governor was a friend of Bottofi LoMaa/Oay PoOtkalAOioHco the governor. 1 hope it works.’’ D.C. CoaUdoat^Black Oaya Address the murdered mayor before Mrs. Moscone would have no a tn U y , KanaatCUy. MO Moscone was elected to the city’s comment, he added. Ottnlty/lategrtty ofLordtrMa, KY C ity ___ highest office in 1975. Milk’s former lover and the Ftmlnltl Laabim Action CoaBtkm, Tampa, AZ In his letter, Deukmejian says, OayActMstaABIancapfWaaMIntlon, D.C. executor of his, esUte, Scott Opr BLaablaH Community O tnm ritf Colorado State & Zip "1 am mindful of the fact that Mr. Smith, said it was a "good sign to OvandLaabtanIndtpandantDamocraU, Naw York, NY White has already been tried in have the governor of the state, OvSandcaaofKanaaa Phone (optional). State court. However, there is no who belongs to the same political OayadLaablaHaofAmaa, Iowa legal impediment to federal OaytaUc,SprtntfUd,MO party as the president,’’ urging Oartruda Stain Damocratic dub, Waabbtflon, D.C. Mail this coupon to; prosecution based on the same White’s prosecution. ■ Halan DinarMamorlal Woman’s Cantar, EaatLanatnt, M l facts. Juat Womjm, Mankato, MN Oor Paper Lambda Oay AUanea, Boaamen, M T 973 Park Avenue Lambda, Inc., Bbrnkigbam, AL San Jose, CA 95126

in the past two years, in which the Rip-Offs auto manufacturers may actually offer you a loan at less interest National AIDS Study Sheriff’s Dept. Continued from page 18 than the banks can, and the dif­ fairly accurate picture of the car ference between at 9.9 percent San Francisco f/G N A) Over fif­ concentrations of gay men, areas Continued from page I you want to buy. Let’s say that loan from the dealer and a 13 - IS teen million dollars in government where most of the city’s 271 AIDS was elected to the San Francisco you’ve narrowed it down to a Walt cent loan at the bank can be a hef^ funds has been awarded for a cases have been reported so far. Democratic Central Committee. Whitman Six, w ith' air- chunk over three or four years. study involving thousands of Study subjects will range in age In a related story. Sheriff Hen­ conditioning, or the Toklas con­ While you’re there, ask your healthy homosexual men in a from 18 to 54. nessey has announced that he has vertible with bucket seats. Con­ banker to check the value of any long-term effort to discover the Two hundred non-gay men been endorsed for re-election this sumer Reports has another little car you may want to use as trade- causes of AIDS and to detect its selected from the same areas of November by all major gay feature that will help you. There’s in. He has a publication called earliest signs. the city will be given similar political clubs in San Francisco, a listing of the cost to the dealer for "The Blue Book,’’ which lists Of this, nearly $6 million has detailed studies. They are inten­ f^rom leftwing to conservative. each car, so that you can figure out wholesale and retail prices for used been awarded to researchers at the ded to serve as control subjects for Because of the efforts of Sheriff just how much proHt he’ll make cars. Remember the wholesale University of California campuses the study project. Hennessey, San Francisco now from your purchase, and whether price; you should get something in Berkeley and Los Angeles. The volunteer subjects will be has the largest percentage of or not the deal you intend to coun­ close to that amount when you Each of the California groups will questioned about their diet, drug openly gay deputy sheriffs of any ter with is a fair one. trade up to your new car. follow the lives of about 1000 gay and alcohol use, smoking, ex­ law enforcement agency in the You need three more bite of in­ Now, with those facts and men over the next four years to at­ posure to toxic chemicals and country. Hennessey said that he formation before you visit the figures handy, you’re rpady to do tempt to uncover clues to the radiation — as well as their pledges "to continue my efforts dealership. First, acquaint yourself some trading. We’ll look at how to deadly acquired immune deficien­ psychological status, their sexual for human rights and a sian Fran­ with any discounts or rebates that buy your car in the next in­ stallment. cy syndrome. activity, and history of contacts cisco Sheriff’s Department which are being offered on the car you The research epidemiologists with known AIDS patients. represents all of our city’s want, those should be subtracted if you have consumer problems will study the men’s lifestyles and If current statistics are accurate, people.’’ ■ from the list price of that model. or observations that you would like psychological makeup and collect up to sixty of the San Francisco Next, check out your bank ac­ to share with our readers, write to specimens of blood, semen, and study participants would be expec­ count or credit union for their Rip-Offs at Stonewall Features urine for critical studies of their ted to demonstrate the acquired current interest rate on car loans, if Syndicate, P.O.Box 222976, Car­ chemistry, their virus levels, and immune deficiency syndrome From Tolstoy’s diary: "I have you intend to finance your pur­ mel, CA 93924. We’U be glad to the status of the subjects’ bodies’ during the course of the study. never been in love with a woman; chase. A turnaround hits occured hear from you. ■ immune systems. By comparing the massive data / have fallen in love with men very Similar research will be conduc­ acquired on the men who develop o fte n ." ted at Johns Hopkins University AIDS with identical data on those in Baltimore, the University of who do not, the researchers hope Pittsburgh and Northwestern to be able to discover the major Annulment is the process by vriiidi married Roman University Medical School in risk factors and identify the early Homosexuality and Catholics can restore themselves to their original Chicago. markers that may signal the most position in the eyes of the diurch, just as if they had These cities were deliberately susceptible men. never been married. chosen because the incidence of AIDS has stricken more than church annulment An annulment allows two people to marry again in AIDS is extremely high in San 23(X) persons in this country in less the Catholic Church, which does not recognize divor- Francisco and Los Angeles, low in than three years, 80 percent of its Vatican CRy (7GAi4> —Latent homosexuality at the oe. Pittsburgh and Baltimore, and victims dying within two years of time of marriage does not constitute grounds for an­ The iNocedure has been mudi used in recent years, low but rising in Chicago, accor­ developing the disease as a result nulment, the Vatican’s court of appeak ruled recently. especially in the United States. ding to federal officials. of opportunistic infections such as The judges of the Sacred Roman Rota issued their This judgment fits in with recent Churdi pronoun­ In San Francisco participants Kaposi’s sarcoma and decision in a case in which they decided that the cements about the distinction between a gay orien­ will come from the 19 census tract Pneumocystis pneumonia. ■ husband’s homosexuality "does not exclude the tation, whidi is not a sin, and homosexual acts, which areas of the city with the heaviest possibility of a happy marriage.” are. ■

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