DecemberVolume60 CENTS 22 21, No. 1974 18

;.: COLUMBIA HOSTS DINNER CAPITOL'S KING'S SINGERS TourToronto,and culminated numbers Kingston were with and madeperformances Ottawa. up of a variety in of RPM 21112174 - - - 3 O'JaysalongbuffetTorontoColumbiaIN HONOUR withat show press The Records complimentary atUnderground representatives the of O'KeefeOF Canada O'JAYS tickets RailroadCentre treatedto a tosoul the the(3) food showTAPETheGeorgepopularGlobal featuring special CDN. TV andpersonalities, has Primethreewill CHRISTMAS scheduled also of Minister Canada'sinclude Paul the Anka,Pierre abroadcast mostBritish SHOW ChiefTrudeau. import Dan of a fromPartsponsecapella,sacred their of fromand whichtheir recent secularaudiences concerts received debut pieces, whereveralso Angelan enthusiasticallincluded completelyrelease they cuts played. "The res- a ThedinnerMikesameJohnny O'Jays Watson night. and Nashintroduce showPromo were (also was onreps the handona Terry tightly O'Jaysthe to bill) McGeehost knit and to thedemon- the and media. duringHall".fromsingoncalled Christmas a their Theconcert Thea North EnglishsextetKing's Eve.of American seasonal Singerstaped TheEMI King'salbum,part musicandtour of Singerswillwhich their"Deckselected be showaired willthe (5-37025)King's Singers Sing Of Courtly Pleasures". "Celebrateand"Backstabbers"thatstrationMoney". performedincluded of contemporary Life".Johnny their cuts and He Nashhitstaken "Forfinished "Love opened rhythmTheoff histhe LoveTrain", newandsetthe of withconcertalbumblues POLYDORincluded dates inREADIES Sackville, New Brunswick ThehisninetyAhoy" best-known latest days.which hitwas for "I theCancertified O'Jays See goldClearly." is "Shipin just "RollannouncedforAin't BachmanNEWCanadian SeenOn Down NothingplansBTO -Turner Gold The to at SINGLEYet", shipHighway".Overdrive's the theirsamethis weeknew timeShipping charter, single, certified Polydor "You promotionPeterQUALITYPETER Graham managerGRAHAM hasPROMO been for Qualityappointed TO Records. country forMercuryupdate one-nightersthe has newHoliday group,been year set nausea currentlyonfor as thethe Dec U.S.tohighly 24settingsubside west- justsuccessful records coast. inand time fire theMacdonaldThe group's King's Singersperformance(I) and Grahamwith Capitol's at theThorpe Eaton Jim (r) after throughQualityThe appointment stepped a patting up came for its distribution country at a time involvement when rights to - singlesalbumbasedwithtradeRecord theirand magazine, grouplistings World, popyear-end tookalbum theythe recently top highlyawards. placedcategories. male respectedhonoured no.Thegroup 2InVancouver with thein BTOU.S. both "BTOtop pop - Auditorium (), BTOTheII" and year having were 1974 walked rated was no. extremelyaway 5 for with "Not gooda pair Fragile". for of AA._ /446-44 LIIPIN In DON MLIS CANADA NA38 2591 416 445 9240 AA -*_42J44 alltheOverdrive")poraryJunos three Platinum forAlbum of Most their and andof Promising album Thea Goldfirst Year releases.for Leaf Group a("Bachman Canadian certification and Contem- -Turnergroup for - TOGRTthisGRT yearTAKES received that Lighthouse information LEGAL product inACTION the summer manufac- of PROTECT LIGHTHOUSE Quality'shousethe Broadland newheaded country uplabel, by man Garya country Peter Buck. Graham. production notifiedPartiesnormalintured Canada in trade offeringtheby at bothU.S. costs.prices the Lighthousewas productsubstantially being forput and saleup lowertheir for were salelegal than Quality'senthusiasmtorStr,uth,In making of Quality, Vice role the and-President abovein stated: countrystate announcement my "I'dand music strong like Managing toand support express Georgeits Direc- com- for my However,orthemostcounsel ceased infraction companies of bothselling the made infringement.Record who the a Lighthousehad financial Wherehouse been Following settlementinvolved product. Ltd. this,in of and/ inofGrahamcountrymitment regardssales musicplans towill to the saleswork as insuccess Canada.well ofclosely key as and withalbum in development thedistributors and formulating tape of iesActionacontinuedOntario consistently asking was and amongto then Caravan offer abnormally taken other the Stereo productagainstthings, low Ltd. damagesdiscount bothin of question Quebeccompan- at businessGrahamingproduct. manager. haswas Priorfor somebeenQuality's to this involvedtime, new national working appointment in the merchandis- behindrecord noticeCaravan'ssettledtheLegal amount in with actionits agreement catalogueaof financial $250,000.00. against to whichsettlementCaravan publish is widelyStereothe and following cir- Ltd. was * Entertainment topbooking! Canadian From concert and Happy Ho -Ho -Ho groundpromotioninesswiththe scenes a generally. sound lends man at workingitselfQuality is Although new more andknowledge to to Graham, finallythe this role fieldemerging of ofhis the thancountry back- bus- othersaledianingculated with discontinuedMusic Canadian throughoutour Industry,policy artists records of the supportingwe distributed industry. willof Lighthouse not the offer"In by Cana- keep-GRT for and lounge acts to a fullBritish roster stars. We bring of American and friends at Initialwasmusicany other.a feet countryin his -getting He native wassinger -wet broughtIndia of choresome where up fornote. on his Graham country mother is andWherehousecompletedExaminations which are in still the Ltd.for current action discoveryand trial againstin Canada."is have expected Record now been to Canadafinest the's from your the overwhelming single release from Broad - a member of 'El and ©133FNOSS.6 PutSeeingland The including: YouBlame"Knock Someday"), OnPatti On Me"), MyMacDonnellBurnett Door").Wayne Bob MurphyRoad") Rostad ("I'll Beand("Don't Darlene Madill The17withtimebegin legal (4) thein in ofactionsFebruary theCanadian that Federal Act.were of Copyright 1975.Courttaken ofin keepingCanada Act, section some- anIZZOMAN

4 - - - RPM 27172174 act that will sell. Just keep filling the BANDCOLUMBIA TO EXCLUSIVE SIGNS TORONTO CONTRACT SIGNMIKE & WITH MACK WARDAIRPRODUCTIONS StationMacktion contact Productions "F", Toronto,Michael Ltd., R.M4Y P.O. Byford, 1TO. Box Mike 569, &Postal RPM 21/12/74---5 againsalesindustryLet'sIn the arebe continues midstaat very an allof popularnot talk timeat a of highgood Christmasrecession, be and clip. records Seasonal storekeepers giftthe item.record will TheamidEven industry the the talk concert couldn'tof short business bemoney healthier, is and holding inflation. according its own work.justlostbiggieTo an andby That's outsider willmagic, many tell the youa goodit saved recordlooks that promotion dollareasy,manybusiness createdbuta buckand anyand hard wasarecordthat's star Stick"rockcedColumbia the to'n' ansigning blues" Records exclusive ofband aof well-known recordingCanadaknown asrecently contract. TorontoLick 'n' announ- MackEdmonton.agreementTorontoMike &Productions Mackhas withEffective announced Productions Wardair, will immediately be the Canadaproducing Limited signing Limited Mikeof ofthe an & of LondonWITHLONDON Records' KIM/MOODI HOT west IN coast WEST ES branch reports COMMENT watt grealis factorPromotionestablishment.Theto many fight in ofestablishing for theand hits recordof publicity bestcontinues the heads.selling becomestars and album who witha majorwillartists. it the Now'smarket.andallthe this. music better the In business, 1975timetry to toyou'll take start but beyour thinkingof making courseshare abdut a ofyou bigger the know receivingcleantheysomeThe groupattracted styleof Toronto's more has of music. manyspent exposure raunchier theLatelyadmirers last in theythe fewbars to city's haveyears theirwhere better beentight,in fromselectionsWardair'stheinflight passenger classical audio Boeing will entertainment cover toentertainment country.747 musical carriers. A majortastes programssystem Seven program-ranging channelaboard for representativeingMoodycompany'sstrong wide activityBlues. open", top Kim's Mikeonacts, according product Hertslet,albumAndy Kimby tois due promotoinnowtwo and to of"break- the the suc- attractivePackaging to and the product record havebuyer. never Tape been is at so I Therecordingofclimb excitement musicbiz the chartsact. is that Thethe in isclimbformula 1975. (or shouldto tostardom success be) part of has a - whetherways.Thecreator doors youThat's of moneymakingwant to whatthe to music bemakes a store world stars. it an keeper swing exciting orboth a themmassclubsA Columbia foracceptanceand so are long. finally spokesman that beginning has been noted: toowing gain "The to the acquisi- andofcycleselectionming approximately both featureprovides theof Canadian countryis a the Canadian 35% inclusion and domesticproduct. French content of aThe productlanguagesubstantial factor first Thefourteentakencess Moody of from the of Blues,"Firerockerit. "Fire" Baby, alwaysCKLG's is currentlyI'm a Onchart.strong Fire" number catalogue single biggerto buildbigrecordslast star.dollarscoming a better have for into becomemousetrap anyone its own bigwho and or entertainment hasrecord music the aandinitiative and disingpromotionwherenever takes beenin thecare and perfected, grooves, of starbuilding. itself, or butonce somewhere it's youThe either havemerchan- some- in a the nowfeaturedpletedNote:business. until There oninthe fairnessthe Juno willfront Awardsbe to page noall recordingthe ofvoting RPMartists is from artistscom-who are goinganothermusicians".tion search of step Lick forforward 'n' Canada's Stick in tothe Columbiamost company's talented marks on- sourcesTherentlyucations.channels company fornegotiating possibleareMike invites 100% & Mack inclusionmaterialits Canadian,in service Productions from in with future Cana'clian their other isprod- content. cur- firstseller,andotedrecord new are biosby album "greatest nowLondon in retail hittingin three viahits" outlets. theheader years.package stores Initial cards, The withis ordersdoublebeing posters their prom- for " . . . the prophets of doom, the messengers of RPM MUSICon WEEK Rogers Cable contenders for Juno Awards. RENO TEAMS UP WITH CBC major carriers. For more detailed informa- the set were described as "staggering". talentalreadybytionmediocrity, all of and thosecompetent, demonstrated their will of be capacitypreceding overwhelmed creative, their for inspiredgenerationsfreshness confident by theleadership." of artisansnew mind,who genera- have their and SHA NA NA DRAWS GRT'sBRITISHDOWNCHILD Downchild COLUMBIA Blues TOURING Band is winding up WithhostedMontrealFOR Love" VARIETYa CBCsinger (13) special Ginettecomplete SHOWCASE titled Reno with "Ginette recently a backing Reno - .1 1 A y - Pierre Juneau TheBritishtheiroverFifties3000 audience threeperformance -styleColumbia TO thousand was rock UBC caught inkings at paying the Sha up University in Nacustomers the Nalast spirit pulled week. of ofto verbyinprovince.a December three Kelowna'sa week-long The 2-7. Communitygroup stintThe province'sopenedat the Centre, Zodiac, December capital followed Vancou- 1st city, tour of Canada's western -most CanadianHumourist-singerduceddirectorof Canadian by Rick star,Ray music Wilkins. McConnell.was Gordie makersspecial The Tapp, guestshowled by another Onwas musical the pro- show. RPM MUSIC PUBLICATIONS LTD. February 24th,published 1964, weekly by since .6 Brentcliffe Road r Thejeans,tainmentthe concert fistevening fights bywas wayand and promoted provided ofmoons. greased via additional hair,CKLG riveted FM enter- Vancouveraresoncity, currently Playhouse,Victoria, nitery underwayhosts December later the in groupfbr the 8th.a stay Negotiations the at McPher-another ietyasHe Renoahas series regular been demonstrated "Hee on making the Haw"., syndicated his her mark musical in country the versatility U.S. var- Toronto,(416) Ontario 425-0257 M4G 3Y2 ofsayand Sha ofCITR, Taylor,Na NaUBC's Pearson,product, campus arrangedCarson, outlet. distributors forRay radio Ram- Vancouver'sThe tour was Concerts set up by Caravan. Doug Pigget CKLG of FM chrome",country,as she ran including "Help the gamut Me in Make herfrom repertoire It rock Through to blues "Koda- the to ' Telex - 06-22756 - ofcurrentspots product on "Hot 'LG over Sox"FM both promoting album CKLG and theFM for group'sand giveaways CITR. appearances.Sales,and print distributors ads Monica were Netupsicyofused GRT to productpromote of Emerson through-the "MyNight)", Man", "Countryand "Rock Girl", 'n' Roll"Last Lullaby". Blues Song", Assistant to Publisher Editor & PtIblisherGeneral Manager - StanS.I.RobWalt Romanoff Klees MearnsGrealis ance.grammingThe campus special station to also tie in put with together the appear- a pro- "Dancin'"albumoutDownchild's British giveaways overColumbia CKIQcurrent of the and and single,group's Alberta, CKOV, "Tell current setKelowna. Your up LP, MAI R APPOINTED TO Programmer Research Retailer ResearchSpecial Projects SubscriptionsArt & Design - JackieMusicAd&KateBett Valasek Rogerson Elliott Art Straight.resentativesinterviewedWhile in Vancouver, byof theZoo media, Worldgroup andincludingmembers the Georgia rep-were CHUMIinisMother", nowthe country, being CHED, drawn aired including CKY from over and the most CF CKXL. "Dancin'" UN, major CFTR, stations album, AlexanderOFBOARDprestigiousBoard MASSEY of Mair OFGovernors 2755 has GOVERNORS seatbeen HALL of concert Masseyappointed hall, Hall. to known theThe RPM WEST - johnWest6447 Watts Vancouver, Nelson Avenue B.C. V7W 2A5 theperfectthroughout HallTorontoworld's sound has finest the Symphonybeen quality, world symphonythe naturalforis Orchestra. the its acousticallyhome orchestrassetting ofAs forone well - of The following codes are used throughout RPM'S Telex - 04 54358(604) 921-9123 manytheincludingCanadian driving others. Gordon androck international sounds Lightfoot, of Steppenwolf folkand artists Valdy andand charts as a key to record distributors: CMSAMPEXARCA&M EDVW PINPHONODISCMUSIMART DOFF heindustryMair Presidentformed is one executives. and of of Canada's headsMusic During upConsultants busiest Attic this Records, young past Limited, year music is COLUMBIACARAVANCAPITOL '- HGF TRANSRCAQUALITYPOLYDOR WORLD tionsGeneral and Manager is a Director of Early of the Morning Composers', Produc- MARATHONMCALONDONGRT CJKT WORLDWEAUA RECORDS andtionsCanadaAuthors' varied that aspects (CAPAC).and he has Publishers' of become theIt is popthrough Associationinvolved music these business in manyassocia- of CanadianMAPL logos content areM used on-- Music discs: throughout composed RPM by ato Canadian define manArnoldMasseyat home (CBC-TV), Edinborough Halland Boardabroad. Carole of (writer),Governors Taylor Eugene (CTV-TV), comprise: Hall- LPA - Lyrics written by a Canadian ProductionArtist featured wholly is a recordedCanadian in Canada Ed Ingram Murray(ChairmantheontoJ. Alan business Mayor WoodB. Koffler ofDavid communitythe(Musicians' Board, (ChairmanCrombie. are:IBM Union), Representing JohnofCanada the and E. Board, Brent Tor-Ltd), Second Class Mail Registration Number 1351 SINGLE COPY - 60Advertising CENTS Rates On RequestPRINTED IN CANADA GeneralGerry Prochaska Manager P ASHOREWOOD C K A G I N G Marketing TELEPHONE.SCARBOROUGH,CORPORATIONOF1160 CANADABELLAMY 416/491-0841 ROAD LIMITED ONTARIO NORTH Manager PaulineingPresident(Director,Koffler with Stores McGibbon,Ontario's Communityof the Ltd.), Board Lieutenant as and patron. Relations,is FrankEdward -Governor, McEachren Eaton's).A. Picker-

6 - - - RPM 27112174 RPM 21112174 - -- 7 CHARLEBOIS RPM Top 100 A&M W MOTOWN :4 ;;JA ALBUM REVIEWS aWhileBarclay rock Charleboissinger, 80200-0 he is ingenerally fact the thoughtpossessor of asof ALPHABETICALLY CAPITOLAMCARCAMPEX FV MUSIMART PINDOFFPHONODISC S L L likea clear, many rangy French voice language which sounds balladeers. much What ABY Foot ARTIST in Coldwater (68) (73) LONDONGRTCOLUMBIACARAVAN JKTHG RCAUAPOLVDOR RECORDS U ITY M A&MFamilyVALDY SPare Gathering -9013-W getting their rocks off with this statementalbum,interestingfidenceCharlebois isforwhich "Can doescutwhich shows onBlues" have nothis, Englishthroughout. is anCharlebois' incredible emphatic translation Theself tenthmusical con-most B.T.AverageAprilAnka,AmericaAllman, ExpressWine Paul White(37) Greg(44)(30) (77) Band (61) Albums Compiled from CANADA'Srecord store, radio ONLY station NATIONALand record company ALBUM SURVEY MARATHONMCA C WORLD. WEA reports awaitedValdypowerful follow-uptries outing his hand to from his"Landscape" at Valdyproducing - a longthis album. corn - ChristmasPETEis supplied. SCHOFIELD Is Love & THE CANADIANS Bowie,Barrie,Bachman KeathDavid -Turner (7)(85) Overdrive (3) 1 1 14) MCAGreatestELTON -2128-J JOHN Hits (MCA) 11 Top 38 141 SPRCaughtMILLIE -6703-0 UpJACKSON (Spring) P.S.Just Records in time PS for -1002 Christmas and hopefully Chapin,Carlin,Browne, Harry George Jackson (10) (95) (191 2 2 (101 JIM PhotographsCROCE & Memories -His Greatest Hits (ABC) PCButterflyBARBARASTREISAND -33005-H (Columbia) easyobviouslytakeout on advantagelistening the receive market format. of from thein sufficient Aairplay stations nice departure the quantitieswith album an will to Croce,Cooper,Cockburn,CheechChicago Jim &Alice Chong Bruce(2)(49) (52) (41)(59) 3 3 (15) QV SRM-1-1004-0NotBACHMAN-TURNER ABCD-835-NFragile (Mercury) OVERDRIVE MC ABCD5-835-NR4-1.1004-0 MC8-1-1004.0ABCDB-B35-N 0 .20 48 (51 30 (191 STEVIET6Fullfillingness' -33251-Y WONDER First Finale (Motown) from the usual trite Christmas music. Selec- CrusadersCrosby, Stills, (62) Nash & Young (48) (101 WallsJOHN and LENNON Bridges (Apple) 29 22 112) 17L, ICERockANDY -100-K Me KIM Gently (Ice) ' IC8-100-K as tions,"Sleightionscontemporary of "Christmas Ride","Rudolph as"Jingle you TheIs Love" can Bells"Red get. writtenNose etc. Two areReindeer", selec-by aboutPete DownchildDiamond,Denver,Deep Purple John NeilBlues (70) (11) (5) Band (12) (50) 5 4 (81 SW PCSerenadeNEIL3416-F 32919-H DIAMOND (Columbia) 30 25 (15) 178, PAULJAVika -LAANKA (United 314G -U Artists) TerrySchofield Quinn penningand "Winter are -Time",beautifully a Schofield/ put FleetwoodEmerson,Electric Light Lake Mac Orchestra and(75) Palmer (8) (72) 6 10 (7) JETHROCHRWar Child 1067-P TULL (Chrysalis) (51 GLADYSBDS-5612-MI KNIGHTFeel &A SongTHE PIPS(Buddah) BDS4-5612-M BDS8-5612-M Canadianpopyou'retogether Christmas looking big by band foralbumvocalist a influencecontemporary and Tammy you try want Rafferty.Schofield rock the and If GrahamGentleFoghat Giant Central (76) (96) Station (86) 7 5 (7) CPL2-0771LiveDAVID At TheBOWIE -N Tower Philadelphia (RCA) 49 (6) MSWaitressMARIA 2194-P MULDAUR In The Donut Shop -(Reprise) [AMU CIA11111-121N6 Canada.ciansand The is 18.Canadians. Album was Average produced age ofat theSound musi- Horn,Harrison,Hancock,Hall,Green, Daryl Paul Al GeorgeHerbie(35) &(34) John (47)(94) Oates (100) 8 7 (81 UA-LA339-UEldoradoELECTRICROLLING (United LIGHT STONES Artists) ORCHESTRA 52"33 31 161 PAULPCDaveDAVE 33135-H Mason HORNMASON (Columbia) thatcomesbination will up carry"in with concert" himan entertainment through and "studio" into packagethe set new and HotDawnAfterPRELUDE on The DNLS the Gold heels 3052-L Rush of their international hit, JacksonJ. GeilsJacksonIsley BandBros. Five Five (24)(39)(65) (26) 9 13 8 (71 VeritiesHARRYCOCIt's Only 79109-P & CHAPINRock Balderdash and Roll (Elektra) (Rolling Stones) 34 6137 110) (3) ExploresALMRSA Special GREEN 5502 Your Edition Mind (Mushroom) (Hi) andthewithyear. female revealingthe The embellishment simplicity vocal the -qualities all is done still of instrumentsthat thereto a earned subtle - even Valdyturnand pellaish"After trio capabilities, The reveal Gold they Rush", which have morebroughtthis talented than them a cap- Brit-and KikiJohn,Joel,Jefferson Dee Billy Elton Band Starship(58) (1) (25) (20) (21) 15 (24) 7E -1012-PJOHNCPLBack DENVER 1-0548 Home -N Again (RCA) CPK1-0548-N CPS1-0548-N 36 28 (121 SPWrapCAROLE -77024-WHSL Around 32087-K KING Joy (Ode) ononesance"a Juno this of aalbum.lastas package Valdy's year. The A&Mof next "live" strong have single, session, singles picked but recordedit'spotential "Renais- only talentunusuallyIanCanadian Vardy, richly soft NeilIrene treated andYoung's and communicative with Brian name acoustic Hume into have prominence.guitarsvocal an Kottke,Knight,King,Kim, CaroleB.B. GladysLeoAndy & (54)(36)Bobby (29) & the Blue Pips Band (31) (82) 12 9 (52) CPL1-0374-NGREATESTJOHN DENVER'S HITS (RCA) CPK1-0374-N CPS1-0374-N 37 29 (22) TRAFFICWHolidayAMERICA -2808-P (Warner Bros.) 8WM-2808-P bestmondat Toronto's in Joe country White Massey from group Hall,Valdy. which features Don't brings theoverlook out Dia- the andparticularlyurecontemporary harmonica this genuine the backing. rock "Paris package programmers Country, Morning" of entertainment, pop and will and Howtreas- LogginsLoggins,LighthouseLennon, &JohnDave Messina (60) (4)(81) (13) 13 16 (61 PCMotherLOGGINS 33175-HHELEN Lode & REDDY MESSINA(Columbia) 38 4032 (12) 17) J.7EWhen GEILS -1020-P The BAND Eagle Flies (Island) "Johnny"writtenValdy's by"Ode with Joe To arrangementWhite Wilf andCarter" the and whichtraditional interesting was G100JOHNLong Gold DIEFENBAKER Is Forever"Records cuts. Mason,Love Dave Unlimited (33) Orchestra(87) (64) 14 17 (81(7) PHOEBESTFree 11348-F AndSNOW Easy (Capitol) 39 33 (9) LOUSDNightmares 18107-P REED And Other Tales From the Vinyl Jungle (Atlantic) lyrical adaptation by Valdy. in thisDiefenbaker recording is made surprisingly during clearlya testimonial spoken Mitchell,MiraclesMayfield, (78)Joni Curtis (90) (93) 26 (71 SR -2109-JPhoebeSANTANA Snow (Shelter) 40 24 (91 CPL1-0611-NSally Can'tNeddingCHEECH Dance Album & (RCA) CHONG (A&M) andwitticismsdinner this in set honour should is chock offind Senator full favour of them. Art with Laing. Althoughhis fans Dief's Morrison,MottMoodyMontrose the Blues Hoople (80)Van (46) (92) (89) 16 1118 (7) THEOddsPCBorboletta WHO 33135-H & Sods (Columbia) (MCA) 41 $P 77075-WLoudNAZARETH 'n' Proud (A&M) SEASON'S twistRecords.radionational could stations getdistribution copies interested directly is not in ayet from programming set Gold up, NektarNazarethMurray,Muldaur, (53) Anne Maria(42) (79) (32) 17 18 12 (81 SRM-1-1017-HSmilerRODMCA -2126-JSTEWART (Mercury) MCAC-2126-J MCAT -2126-J *50 (5143 47 (6) ,t' M3GLoveOSMONDSSP -3509-W 4939-QMe For A Reason (MGM) GREETINGS VanguardContemporaryJOAN BAEZ VSDB Ballad 29 Book Phillips,OsmondsOhioNewman, Players Shawn (43)Randy (561 (97) (74) 19 14 181 7EJACKSON -1017-PLate For BROWNE The Sky (Asylum) 44 36 (14) AQR-505KAPRILLive WINE (Aquarius) GCH-505-K 8M -505-K. likesFor of those Richard of us Farina, who lived Woody and Guthrie died for the ReturnReed,Reddy, Lou toHelen Forever (40) (14) Featuring (57) 20 20 (24) MCACaribouELTON -2116-J JOHN(MCA) MCAC-2116-J MCAT -2116-J al 53 151 TODDBRUtopia -6954-PRUNDGREN (Warner Bros.) TO ALL Veil",andDarkness",to the have. "North early They're BobCountry "Lady Dylan, all Came here:Blues", this From "Long is "Childrenthe Baltimore" Blackalbum of SantanaRundgrenRonstadt,RollingRiperton,Rich, (16) Charlie Stones Minnie LindaTodd (88) (9) (71)(45) (67) 27 17) BEL1-0717-NDragonJEFFERSON Fly (Grunt) STARSHIP 065- (41 HERBIE2THS-12113-KThisMOODY Is The HANCOCKBLUES Moody Blues (Threshold) all.realand Fantastic' sixteeninterest moreto collection. those on awho double lived record through set itof SplinterSparksSnow,Sinatra Phoebe(84) Frank(98) (91)(15) 22 19 (11) STAMPEDERSTCan'tBARRY -444-T Get WHITE Enough (20th Century) 47 4134 (131(10) CROSBY,32965-HThrust (Columbia) STILLS, NASH & YOUNG DaffodilAllA FOOT Around DAF-10048-W IN Us COLDWATER StylisticsStreisand,Stewart,Starr,Stampeders Ringo Rod(55) Barbra (23)(51) (18) (27) 23 2123 (12) (9) MWC-706-MNewDancingJACKSON Day (MWC) Machine FIVE (Motown) C -706-M S8 -706-M 48 44 (371 SDSo Far18100-PChicagoCHICAGO (Atlantic) VII (Columbia) MUSICALLY YOURS couldratedColdwatersolidCombining andbebands the powerful remains unusually onein the to oneinstrumentation,country.get stylist themof the vocals "Allthe most Aroundexposure withunder- Foot Us" in . Vannelli,Tull,TrafficTomitaSwan, Jethro Billy(38)(691 Gino (99)(6) (66) 24 35 (5) M6 -780S1MCAKIKII've DEE-458-J -Y Got BAND The Music In Me (MCA) MCAC-458-J MCAT -458-J 5049 55 (7) 9230-1049-TDancingDOWNCHILDC2 32810-H (Special) BLUES BAND Yea/ Yo-divne "Parasheerthey deserve. forceDice". of It'sthe atitler set andhighlighted the re -make by the of Zappa,Wonder,Who,White,Vinton, The Barry Bobby Stevie (17) (22) (63)(28) F rank/The Mothers (83)

8 --- RPM 21112174 RPM 21112174 --- 9 RPM 100 Top Albums (51-100) RINGO STARR FOGHAT 39 (14) GreatestALICESWGoodnight -3417-F COOPER Hits Vienna (Warner Bros.) (Apple) 76 8268 (3)(4) DoB.T.BRRock -6956-PIt EXPRESS (Till& Roll Your Outlaws Satisfied) (Bearsville) (Scepter) 5352 43 (9) 9167-98002-TNEKTARW2803Remember -P The Future (Sire) 7877 77 (7) SPS-5117-0MIRACLEST6Do -334S1 It Baby -Y (Motown) A WEEKLYMAIL, FEATURE PHONE, OF ORRPM TELEX YOUR DESIGNED FOR CANADIAN RADIOINFORMATION PROGRAMMERS. TO REACH US BY 5PM TUESDAY. 54 54 (5) ST 11335-FDreamsLEO KOTTKE And All That Stuff (Capitol) 79 96 (2) %NY ST-11HighlyANNE 354-F PrizedMURRAY Possession (Capitol) CKOB/REN FREW COMMENCES ger,the most who votesin turn was selected Jay Silver, Kathy Station Utronki Mana- of CBC SCORES HIGH 72 (4) OHIOAVHeavySTYLISTICS -69004-N PLAYERS (Avco) 80 81 13) DAVEBSPaperMONTROSE -2823-P MoneyLOGGINS (Warner Bros.) CKOB/Renfrew1974.castingBROADCASTING The activities station, commenced the 1400 beginning on ACTIVITIEStheir the ofdial,broad- September, services onewasJarvisRenfrew nighta return Street,at asthe trip winner Four home by airSeasons of of tothe the Toronto, contest. CRC Sheraton TV with Prize show on ingcoveredscheduledCBCWITH to TV the byclaims FALL mosttelevision CBC recenteight and BBM programs CTVof BBM the networks, topBureau seen ten in regularlyofaccord- Canada 57 4576 (8)(3) SRM1-1013-0FirePDWhereRETURN (Mercury) 6509-0 Have TO I FOREVER Featuring Chick Corea Known You Before (Polydor) 182 81 8388 (3)(5) TogetherB.B.ApprenticeKE KING -32833-H Fur &(In BOBBYThe A Musical First BLUE Time Wcirkshop) BAND(ABC) (Epic) Thesix athetowns tremendous Quebec in the side. area, response, Their including open with housesome approximately onreceived "Luncheon Date", hosted by Elwood TheofMeasure. October top -rated The 28th currentprograms to November ratings are first,cover 10th, World a 1974.period of DSY-50190-2-N Programmers Disney (CBC), followed by M.A.S.H. (CBC), 73 (4) StreetBILLY LifeJOEL Serenade (Columbia) FRANK ZAPPA/THE MOTHERS All in the Family (CBC), The Waltons (CBC), 69 (5) 016 TNSalt,BRUCEPC 16-H-33146-H Sun COCKBURN And Time (True North) TNA-16-H 183 8785 (5)(s) KiminoSPARKS2D2Roxy -2202-P My & HouseElsewhere (Island) (DiscReet ) combers(CTV),NI -ILMary Hockey Irish Tyler(CBC). Rovers (CBC),Moore (CBC), (CBC)Streets andRookies of San The Francisco Beach-(CTV), 51 LIGHTHOUSE 1841 KEATHILPS-9272-M BARRIE CBCdian also produced claimed programsseven of theseen top in ten the Cana- common 6160 74 (14) (4) 2D AverageAVERAGE9230-1046-TGood White Day WHITE IGR Band BAND (Atlantic) 5230-1046-T 8230-1046-T 85 86 (7)(1) g2D ReleaseGRAHAMUALA-350-G-USings Of Yourself Love CENTRAL & Places(Warner STATION (United Bros..) Artists) followed(CBC)CBC and rates by CTV asIrish coveragethe Rovers most -viewed regions.(CBC), program, TheNHL Beach- Hockey 62 75 (31 SouthernSD -7308-PBTSY-9002CRUSADERS Comfort 2-V (Blue Thumb) !186 87 89 (4) TInLOVEBS -443-T Heat 2814-P UNLIMITED (20th Century) Huntercombers(CBC),Headline (CBC), (CBC), The Hunters FrontCollaborators NHL Page(CTV), Hockey Challenge This(CBC), (CTV), is the and (CBC), Tommy Law 63 79 (3) ABCD-851MelodiesBOBBYLOVE -N VINTON Of UNLIMITED Love (ABC) ORCHESTRA 88 ... (1) PETheCHARLIE -33250-H Silver RICHFox (Epic) CKOB/Renfrew President, Martin Burns. aofTheFunny millionthe Irish CBC Farm newRovers, in (CTV).viewersVancouver produced in the has byshow's added Ken Gibsonnew almost 7846 (13) (3) LiveISLEYTWhite -458-T It GoldUpBROS. (T (20th -Neck) Century) ;89 .... (1) JONIPCLiveMOTT -33250-H (Columbia) MITCHELL THE HOOPLE Theforhalf the offledgling event.the town's station's population first contest, turning "The out BillprizeCKOB Weiss. to Station winner Manager, of "The Missing lay Silver, B" contest,awarding seenSunday on the 7:30PM full CBC time network. slot. The series is now (1) Miles of Aisles IASylum) Missing B" Contest, proved to be very suc- Two new programs which were introduced on 6566 63 (6) 42P SPPowerfulGINO 3630-WPZ VANNELLI33070-P People (A&M) 9190 ... (1) 12F FSTheFRANK7E -202-P2207 Main PSINATRA Event - Live (Reprise) theascessful, to station's the with whereabouts call$1,000 letters, in prizesof were the missingawarded.given every B Cluesin theCKOBonGlover. the station, showline-up: Both 6-10AM; airedSilver Martin December and Gail Burns, Ms. Griffiths Utronki 11.President and guested of withCanada,CBCBoth Charles this shows have year, Reynolds been areCeilidh, musical attracting ofand CBC variety Stompin' large Halifax features,audiences. Tom's pro- 67 56 (101 A FOOT32561-HPerfectMINNIE IN Angel COLDWATERRIPERTON (Epic) 92 91 (5) CURTISVANBSVeedon MORRISON 2$14-P MAYFIELD Fleece (Warner Bros.) verScottNoonNoon; 4-6PM; Richards -1 News PM;News ProgramScott"Say with RichardsIt Paul With with Robinson Music",Paul 1-4PM; Robinson 10AM-6-7PM;Jay Sil- ducingCanada.Edmonton Ceilidh producingand Don McRae Stompin' of CBCTom's 80 (3) TOMITADAF-10048-WAll Around Us (Daffodil) 1 93 (1) CRSGotGEORGE To 8604-M Find A HARRISON Way (Curtom) alternateSammon,Jay Silver with Jim "Top theDonahue 40 10 Rock" -MN and shift7-10PM; Maureen weekdays. Terry Legris TPC CONTINUES SUZI 69 9557 (2)(6) PRStormbringerDEEP 2832-PARL1-0488-NSnowflakes PURPLE (Purple) Are Dancing (RCA) 94 (1)(1) ToledoGEORGE3418-FDark Window Horse CARLIN (Apple) Box (Little David) CHAM/HAMILTON QUATROcoastTaylor, continue Pearson PROMOTION theirand Carsonefforts toon promote the west 1,951 LD-3003-P HAPPENINGS androcker television Suzi spots. Quatro Ray with Ramsay radio promotions of TPC 97 (2) HeartLINDA Like RONSTADT A Wheel (Capitol) 93 (3) TheGENTLE Power GIANT & The Glory (Capitol) includedRecent their features "Beat at The CHAM/Hamilton Bomb" Contest, have arranged for Quatro to appear on the CHNL, 72 42 (13) MC3-2001298-PWelcomeEMERSON,ST Back, -11358-F MyLAKE Friends,Ladies AND ToPALMER and The Gentlemen Show That (Manticore) Never Ends - 07 I 96 (1) SPSHAWNST -11337-F3662-WFurthermore PHILLIPS (A&M) Withlowedwhichwould the receivedby firm bethe a conviction"Eltonmajor tremendous Johnstar, that before Album response, Elton all Giveaway". Johnthe fol- hoopla rentlyQuatro'salbumKamloops chartedgiveaway "Devil chart on Gate programrecently, CHNL. Drive" The overtied single station thein with cur- isan 99 (2) 2CTHE -0141-PRANDY(Capricorn) GREG NEWMANALLMAN TOUR 98 .... (1) SPTheSPLINTER 22001-W Place I Love (Dark Horse) Nextpurchasedbegan,would on Programme the seem hundreds promo time Manager,list has of athis proven the albums, Bobstation him Wood, and right.was it TPCsecondalsopromote playingpurchased album. sales a variety a ofweek the of Quatroofcuts spots from album on Quatro's CjIB in to the 74 58so (8)(7) MSGood HeroesFLEETWOOD21594 Old Piivs Are Hard(Reprise) MAC To Find (Reprise) 99 .... (1)(1) BILLYDARYLKZI Can -33279-HSWAN Help HALL (Monument) & JOHN OATES thethewhich CHAM "CHAM was "Lottery highly Burger successful,Ticket Giveaway", Giveaway", then with came listen- insingleVernon an album and area. album give The away. cuts station as wellis playing as participating both the 75 Enter my subscription to RPM Weekly MS 2196-P SUBSCRIPTIONS 100 NAME SDWar -18110-P Babies (Atlantic) CKOB Station Manager, lay Silver. representedCHAMofers good who was-for phoned -a thein -dollar that only in becomingcity's coupons.Hamilton annual the radio Christmas recipients station alsobeingA seriesMainland preparing put of together television area tee of shirtsfor British spots airing and areColumbia. inbuttons currentlythe Lower for TPC is (as indicated) and find enclosed $ w 6 BrentclilfeToronto, RoadOntario ThreeTwoOne YearsYear Years (Canada & USA) - $50.00$25.00- $40.00 ADDRESS promotion,correctguesseshour, with guess as listeners to"Fly was its Awaylocation. Bill calling Weiss. With Winner in TheirYour with withsecond Favouritetheir the banner.toredParade. the El crowds,Dorado The CHAMstation andCadillac preceded peoplestaffers Convertible, were rode by a very instreet a waving bigpleas- -wide giveawaya "team", to radio,and the press station and retailis proud personnel. of them. VA ,V4G 3Y2 First Class - One Year) - $40.00 CITY POSTAL ZONE PROV. favouritethatlisteneraDJ", peoplewinner recentlyresponse. DJ, sentfrom the concluded, inwinninghis The letters letters. idea DJ voting alsoof then the received for promoselecting their wasgood DJ receiving onthem.fromantly waytheir thesurprised The ofmall folk showingstation -window, who by hastheobviously their manyandput "team" upfeels nice knewphoto thisthat comments and blow-upsis they a likedgood are staffweeklyWoodmunication at also newspaper,CHAM. feels channels that Do-Dah, the open station's helps between internalkeep all com- the

"THE10 - MUSIC DIRECTOR" MAKES - - RPM 27112174 CKOV KELOWNA families.CHNR/Simcoe On Monday, staff December were on hand 16, the at the able'74HITSYear'saBecause specialby DecemberSUPPLEMENT series Eve, ofrecap the theof oldie many30th.of1974 1974's publications broadcastersThesupplement MOR17 AVAILABLE hits will toplanning on thebe New avail-MOR ingFrankMichaelKelowna'sJUGGLES the Robertson's 10:00-11 Gordon CKOV LINE-UP Pool:30AM has open handlesreadjusted slot.line showMichael mornings its lineup. P. with occupy- Thisclinic.alsostation'sSimcoe Christmas phoned Jayceesannouncers seasonin live Blood reports CFCY/Charlottetowngave Donor away throughout Clinic. LPs and The the willpatchedthelisting receiveTop approximately 100Air themMail, during inSpecial thetime. 275 Delivery,hits that wereso stations in year, will be dis- -page guide, CharlesThefollowedMurpheyWally all nightMason. Pachesonbychecks Donnie shift Don in is from fromKhandledDaniels at 11 7:00PM3:00-7:00PM :30-3:OOPM, is by swing. Louis to midnight. and Club,withoperationperformis giving CFCY children theirtheir obtainedwith under ownlisteners the ChristmasCharlottetown a12 list yearsan pf opportunityneedy ofMiracle. age, familiesKinsmen and, Into co- YOU MAY NEVER HAVE BEEN TO SPAIN withthepossessionmingDirectorAccording history the service, idea of of"Theof of tomany MORthe broadcastingHerb Music Oldie stationsmusic Jackson, publicationsDirector", back are a special Client alreadyto tracing Relations5 in 1970,program- runningtheRobertson.New music operations a endpersonality Mike of manager Poolthings. orientedand The for Donnie CKOVstation hit format.K isishandle Franknow thenhim/hertellingiswhile broadcasting call keepingwhat for the Christmas.he station the hopesrecordings family's and Santa The pledge ofidentity listener Claus a needy a present willa can secret, child bring for BUT YOU SURE WILL LIKE THE MUSIC Chestnutmingflash service -back. Hill, can Massachusetts, "The be contactedMusic Director" U.S.A. at Box 02167. 177, program- -year ProgrammersThe TRIBAL DRUM shortlyAtbybroughta child aCFCY beforemedia he to andwill theChristmas.reception neverThe station, Kinsmen meet. held will for Thebe one Donovandistributed gifts, night then to SHOWDOWNALWAYSShowdownwinnersRPM ofrecently radio were PLAYLISTED station reported automaticallyWINNERS CF erroneously UN's addedNOT Superstar tothat Paul8x10,onlyreproductionDue blackKennedy be to sent difficultiesand of to ofwhite colour usCKDH/Amherst for experiencedphotos, photos,use in preferrably our we feels publication.withask that'the CHRISTMASRCA'Spromote GARY his DAD concert BUCK DI at ES the COTELETHON Place -HOSTS des Arts, WALDO DE LOS RIOS /OPERAS nights.outlet'sGateregardthe Drive", station's daily to theshowdownwhich playlist. Suzi won Quatro The onthe five VancouverRPM record, consecutive "Devil story was in CHMR/Mohawk,shouldBuffalo,the newgo a single"Don'tlong way.Hamilton, byPut Bob the Murphy Blame recently On& Bigran Me", a 10thcountry,ingcurrentRCA gains annual single recordingmade on "Christmascountry "What'llhis secondartist, charts I Do"Daddies"Gary appearance across has Buck, been show,the whose onmak- the WALDO DE LOS RIOS OPERAS Includes:Aida Rlgoletto OPERAS IS WALDO DE LOS RIOS' suitabilityplaylist,ningAccording records in but much to are areCFUN's theassessed not same necessarily Chuck wayfor programmingMcCoy, as added records win- to the Newtionalbums.week-longthe was line-up George Responsetremendous. contest, for Harrison CFFM-FM/Kamloops: toprizes the concert, phone-in being ticketsplus registra- twenty forAl lessmakingStaffSunday,thon fortunate Association Christmasis December sponsored children. inhappier 15, Halifax,by EntireNoon-7PM. CJCH for with theproceeds Radio region'sthe The and aim tele- TV of Madame Butterfly La Tray lata INFIRST ADDITION ALBUM TO FOR ADAPTING WARNER BROS.THE severalhavewhich"SuperstarMcCoy won are winners havenot statedShowdown" played beenhave that not.addedonalthough has the been toshowdown. the records runningplaylist, which on TomArnish6Saville, -LOAM; Bolin Noon-2PM; the Perry MN-6AM.station's Rosehill Frank new 10AM-Noon;GrisdaleMusic Director, 2-6PM; Rick thement,BrunswickScotiafrom needy pledges whichChildren's childrenand in were P.E.I.turn Aid inturned were SocialtheSociety, areas distributedover Services and fromto the the where Depart- toNova New help VERDI,MUSIC OFPUCCINI, SUCH COMPOSERSDONIZETTI AND AS thewithreleases,creatingCFUN station's reports usedsince interest ownof as activityJanuary assessmenta programmingin the in and otherstation is, of markets in potential. tooland addition along in newand to Comes"Let'sStone;theSarnia,Dave following: Love" "Ride IntoJennings, requests Theby 'Em "Carrie's Peggy Room", Cowboy", Musicrecord Lee; Gone" Librarian bycompany "WhenbyRay by Paul Conniff; servicingMabel Davis;CHOK/ on MB/Sydney,network,showit wasFo'r wasoriginally the which telecastfirst and time, includescontributed. CKCW/Moncton, in thecolor CJCH/Halifax,"Christmas over the fullDaddies"thus ATV WAGNERRIOS ALSO TO AHAS POP INCORPORATED IDIOM, DE LOS rentlyadvanceofparticularlyAccording Canadian playlisted activity. tovaluable releases McCoy, by Of CF inthe forthe assessingUN, fortywhich showdown eight records there werethe meritis cur- no blitz.totallingTheValli's"Mandy" CHNR Money "My more by ChristmasEyes Barrycollected than Adored Manilow;$2,200 Clubgoes You". duringreceived to and the Frankie aSalvation 3pledges -hour THETO WORDSTHIS CONCEPT. OF FAVOURITE THE RESULT ARIAS IS winners of the Superstar Showdown. Army to provide food hampers for needy BS2801/8WM2801 A FRESHINGSYNTHESIS - SOTHAT'S LISTEN. TRULY RE- AppearingMaritimetakingingRCA on recording theRPM's provinces, asshow co "Big artist, -hostsinto Country" as homes Gary andwell Emcees asBuck,inShowcase. partall threeperform- ofalong Maine. with P.S. BY THE WAY, FRANCE HAS SOLD OVER 200,000 COPIES EXCLUSIVELY ON WARNER BROS. ALBUMS AND TAPES OF THIS ALBUM FancynationallytheirandFancy,Buck acquired"live" and were -syndicatedwho concertTommy athe have following popular appearances, Makem". gained TV through show,Irish a Thefine trio, "Ryan's andbothreputationgroup Ryan's their MANUFACTURED & DISTRIBUTED BY appearedMaritimetoalbumrecords Gary releaseson onBuck amateur the the show,and Audat to andRyan'stheir among label, professional credit. Fancy, andthem In have Broadadditionover acts several 30 - wea , LTD. favorablereleased,"Don'tMurphyland Record's Put and hasresponse. the Big been new Blame Buffalo, receivingrecording On whose Me", some act, recentlynew Bobvery single,

12 --- RPM 21112174 MDincludingvariouscomedMontreal, Chuck tonewspapers, CJAD'sthe Azzarello, December city Cathyby radiopersonnel and 1,Hahn, theLibrarianand star andTV from wasstations, CJ the FM'swel- The following singlesAction are projected to reach doingwondersSteve"Dominique's",Graham. the Woodruffvocal ifThe that on reception coulda Splinter'sof local CIVH/Vanderhoof be disco, wasGeorge "Costafine held November Harrison at 4. Sandy the top 25 of their respective charts, based Town". Does anyone know? stationson early inradio the RPMstation sample. action Wes among the Schools.rentaboutTheCompliments Music",attitudes, contemporary Ms. an Daleofwas audio-visual CJ presentedLebowitz BK/London, youth, extravaganzamusic of in Rick eight"Listen and Trow London cur- To LarryRockyCHCLIMedley's Evoy Lombard and members MD,and ShirleyJoyce of New Murphy, Easton, Potatoes. DI'swith WE BRING THE SUMMER WITH US Productions, and CJBK air personalities Jim TV show as their theme. The event netted SunTRYINGHorslipsMacArthurOUT (SGM) OF ALL CoNteistporary(RCA) EVERY (RCA)ALONE DARK SKY Connell and Wayne McAteer co -hosted the 'almostalldance thein $300,costumes, otherCNIB.participated which kids' Those bobbing games.was wholeheartedly, who then for turned donatedapples out anddressing tofor the playing ValdyRENAISSANCE (A&M) ASMIt Ontario.radioandafterresignedMark has being show(MarkHe now hiswas in with In position takenCanada partThe the upofMorning) station at theatresidence CKBC/Bathurst, CKBC. first for Taylor duo over in all-night has Hamilton, a year, JimYOURPierreEMMANUELLE Stafford Bachelet BULLDOG (MGM) (Warner SONG DRINKS Bros.) CHAMPAGNE andMedleyEdward his charming CommandingBear and wife, New lean. Officer Potatoes Col. with Gulyas CFB Programmers'The HELP! DarleneKNOCK Madill ON (Broadland) MY DOOR ofwherereceivedhighly the favourablesuccessfulthe from show some was shows. ofpresented the Subsequent school letters response to the venture. are indicative principals only.goodContactCJME/Regina Box forHart a1300, realKirch looking personalityRegina, - tapes for Saskatchewan.superand cooker. resumes jock - I WHATCHACostatryNewmanI'LLKris CARYKristofferson SistersGONNA YOUR (Condor) & DOPICTURE Rita Coolidge actingcapacityPotatoes.Medley,Recent as crowdchaperones, visitors Alberta, They of teenagers, toplayed werethe and Canadian Edward toin anthe and enthusiastic, parents BearForces and New process Base, over CFCOTapesafternoonCFCO/Chatham andRadio, run, resumes Boxon looking-air, 630, to legMichael Chatham, for work newsman LaPointe,and Ontario. for writing. (Monument) RPM'S DEADLINE theever"earnedpeople Novemberbase, performance the whoof gratitude the will18th base. long forconcert. and theThisretain affection marked the of the the "first young people of memory of Creativevoices.N.B.CHSJCHSJ/St. TapeNo copywriterRadio, phone andJohn, Crown resumecalls N.B.required. please. & lookingto Union Pat Resume forSt., MOR St. to John, Murphy, *GOD'S charcountry TUESDAYfor ad reservations NOON gen1 DIANE LEIGH groupstation'stheCKCM/Grand usinglocal air clubspersonalitiesthe characters Falls Halloween staged attending from Night,a dance the with M.A.S.H. at Theone of as a PhonematureCKOTOntario.Al Pascal, JohnAM/FM,experienced KIS CF Lamers 5A3.RA, Tillsonburg, 150 MORJr. Isabella (519) communicator. looking 842-4281. St., for Ottawa, PEOPLE .tz SEASON'TIS THE AREONE(JimGOD'S Hurley/Morning PEOPLE ARE Music/BMI) ONE - 45-1123A 2:10 Marathon Music HADTO BE STAMPEDERS

74- -- RPM 21172174 94 (HB-28) Free Bird/Lynyrd Skynyrd 37 Bungle in the Iunglellethro Tull MIKE GODIN/CFOM Quebec City RPM 21112174 -- -15 WeProgrammers predict that theThe Waltons will use slow- ( INSTANT LAFFS 90GREG4363 (HB-30)(Deb.(HB-29) STEWARTICKGM -29) NeverWouldn't Morning Can Want Side/MarieSayIGloria Montreal to LoselApril &Gaynor Donny Wine Osmond 3637KAREN6729 Mr.GoodYouBungle Postman/Carpenters Got LAFeelinglOctavian in KEYICKLGthe the Love/Rufus lunglellethro Vancouver Tull BOB909247 36DarkYouWouldn't WOODICHAMMr. BeatHorse/George Postman/Carpenters WontMe to to the HamiltonLoselApril HarrisonPunch/Charity Wine Brown O% FROM I'veGibraltarandmotion(show gotas a replaysfor result, isopener) you.solid, ofeach everythen ... showif listen youemotional will think to last all the crisis,thefour Rock rock days. of 41BOB 1933H.Dancin' GIBBONS/CKY HARTCrazyYou're FoollGuess TalkIChilliwackKIRCH/CJME the First/Barry Winnipeg Who Regina White BRUCE9278NEVIN Linda/RayYou DE GRABeat VINEICKSL NTICKOCMe/Charity Materick London Hamilton Brown 36423280 *Mr.LadyOnlyLucy Postman/Carpenters YoulRingoEllen/Jamesin the SkylElton Starr Leroy lohn Love Me the Way You Do/Michal Hasek *MI'SW MIN No,did(show youhe closer)didn't know have heStay used a tuned system. to follow for He (dj) thehad horses? a shovel. ... say, 32MIKE36 77Mr.Lucy HeartbreakGODINICFOM Postman/Carpenters in the SkylElton Kid/Bo Quebec Donaldson John City LEN8581 *Mandy/BarryMy THEUSEN/CHED Eyes Adored Manilow YoulFrankie Edmonton ValliLook In My Eyes/Tony OrlandolDawn ALEX3392 *YouYou're SHARPSTONEICFTR Beat the Me First/Barry to the Punch/Charity White TorontoShanghai'd/Nazareth Brown MOt0/11% datesdaffynitionWhenwarmings.graffiti: men a Firemen psychiatristofwith a vegetarian:plenty are givesofalways lettuce. a you woman going advice towho house-about JERRY35 *Rock STE & VENSICIBK RollITerry Jacks LondonGet Dancin'/Disco Tex & the Sex-O-Lettes 8128 TRUDY*PromisedMandylBarry CHAMBERLAIN/CFGO LandlElvis Manilow PresleyReady/CatDay Tripper/AnneOttawa Stevens Murray 81JACK80 68MandylBarryLady TheWINTERICKFH Ellenllames Entertainer/Billy Manilow Leroy Toronto JoelSad Sweet Dreamer/Sweet Sensation INTRODUCING yourselfI'm so ... unlucky it's called ... ifan it rained"ego -tip". soup, I'd be 24 42Laughter/Neil Only YoulRingo Sedaka Starr 2781 *BoogieMandylBarry On/Stevie Manilow WonderCalifornia lam1Klaatu 8243 Doctor'sNever Can OrderslCarol Say GoodbyelGloria Douglas Gaynor MANTICORE RECORDS studswho've(recordstanding who beenintro in turn the forturned outstreet "Freedom at out thewith to racetrack.. stud, athisFor fork. song The and is Stallion")to dedicated all to all racehorses 406733KEN *GoodRideYou're SEBASTIAN 'Em FeelinglOctavian the CowboylPaul First/Barry SINGER/CKCK White DavisMostly Regina New DayslRoss Holloway 39H. 18*HARTWoman I Feel KIRCHICIME to A Woman/ShirleySong/Gladys Regina KnightlPips BrownThis Town Ain't Big Enough/Sparks (LP) - JOHN6763 1619GoodMorning CLARKICKXL Sha-LCrazy FeelinglOctavian a-La/A Side/MarieTalkIChilliwack I CalgaryGreen & Donny Osmond song,Macthe(intro sung florists' Davis. for by "Stop thatand greatfuneralAnd SmellScottish directors' the singer, Roses") theme ... 678137BILLY GoodMandy/BarryBungle GORRIE/CKRC FeelinglOctavian in the ManilowI unglellethro Winnipeg Tull 6292*6357 DreamDanceMorningYou Beat Gypsy/FluddOn/Righteous Side/Marie Me/Charity & Bros. BrownDonnySunshineCalifornia Osmond Lady/BobJam/Klaatu Ruzicka BOB903637 *Mr.Wouldn'tBungle GIBBONS/CKY Postman/Carpenters in Want the Junglellethro to LoselAprilWinnipeg DayTull Wine Tripper/Anne Murray M5R301CourtesyEvelWhat's Davenport 1K5 Asparagus. ofgreen, Folio Road, limps Radio Toronto,and Service rides Ontario a motorcycle? (416) 961-0077 ProgrammersThe ( MAJOR MARKET ADDITIONSPLA YLIST 422557BILLY 40DreamOnlyAin't Ride GORRIEICKRC TooYoulRingo On/Righteous 'Em Proud/Rolling CowboylPciul Starr WinnipegBros. Stones Davis 5927 BoogieFairytalelPointer On/Stevie WatchSisters Wonder RPM MUSIC WEEK The MAJOR MARKET 4781 GREGDarkMandylBarry Horse/George STEWARTICKGM Manilow Harrison Montreal 4743 33DarkNever You're Horse/George Can the SayIGloria First/Barry Harrison Gaynor White on Rogers Cable network - in Toronto TuesdaySaturday - 5:00PM 7:30PM 81KAREN ProgrammersMandylBarry LA KEYICKLG Manilow Vancouver r ADDITIONSCHART * Day Tripper/Anne Murray 90 Wouldn't Want to LoselApril Wine Wednesday - 11:00PM 81NEVIN27 35BoogieMandylBarry Rock GRANTICKOC On/Stevie2 & (no. RollITerry Manilow 1) KungWonder Hamilton lacks Fu FightinglCarl Douglas *32BRUCE8237 Doctor'sBungleLucy DEVINE/CKSLin in theOrderslCarol the SkylElton I unglellethro London DouglasJohn Tull yearsProgram broadcast Director,Day experience marriedTripper/Anne man, would withMurray like six to PROGRAM DIRECTOR ta5on't go to work for you. Familiar with all strongtheasfacets well.realize play ofon by radio. theproduction, play value of several of thepromotion Sales sports Department andand amI I have a SOLID background in I have TV experience M4G6request.grammingworking Brentcliffe 3Y2. likeContact Dept. manRoad, Tape RPM, and Toronto, andwife Box. resume with no. Ontario, the7410, on Pro- trttin0 Manufactured & Distributed 2741 4736LENBoogieDancin' DarkMr. THEUSEN/CHED Postman/Carpenters On/StevieFoollGuessHorse/George Wonder Who Harrison Edmonton by Motown Records Canada Ltd. MOTOWN RECORD CANADA LNACr ED 88 TRUDY15(HB-26) Fire, 2Baby/AndyCHAMBERLAINICFGOIf/Telly (No.1) Savalas Kung Kim Fu FightinglCarl Ottawa Douglas 47 (HB-27) Dark HorselGeorge Harrison

16 --- RPM 27172174 43 Never Can Say/Gloria Gaynor RPM 21112174 - -- 17 Prog ram mThe crs BREAKOUT ,* 5 Life is a Rock/ReunionLet's Put the Fun Back/Jason RPM Top 100 Singles AMPEXA&M W MOTOWN R - r ADDITIONS MARKET *CHNO Sudbury LadyIsn't Lay/Wayne It Lonely/Stark Newton & McBrien ALPHABETICALLY CARAVANCAPITOLCMSARC GE MUSIMART PHONODISCPOLYDOR PINDOFF MSL 36JOHN *Mr. KELLYPostman/Carpenters ICHY R LeamingtonNorma Jean/Cunningham * Don'tLoving Sell Arms/Petula Nova Scotia/Anne Clark Murray BY TITLE MARATHONMCAGRTCOLUMBIALONDON CJKTH RCAUAWORLDQUALITY RECORDS U WEA 3643 WALT*Mr.Never Postman/Carpenters CanEDWARDSICHEC SaylGloria Gaynor Judy/StompersLethbridge 439060 76NeverWouldn'tLost All in ThatCan ColoradolRon Want ISaylGloria Could to LoselApril Ever GaynorNigrini BelBob WineWon't Rapson You Marry MelApril Stevens BackAngieAllAin'tAfter That TootheHome Baby I GoldrushCouldProud (13)Again Everto (47) Beg(33) Be (20) is Me (70) WEEKS kFt Mil- Top Singles Compiled from CANADA'Srecord store, radio ONLY station NATIONALand record company SINGLE reports. SURVEY - - 33 You're the First/Barry White 80 *Lady Ellen/James Leroy BiackBest of Lassie My Love (75) (86) 2 181 PyeCarl KUNG7N45377Douglas FU -L FIGHTING 28 19) ElvisPROMISED Presley LAND (f/s) 10074-N 8728JAY PromisedMandy/Barry JEFFRIE/CHOW Land/Elvis Manilow Welland Presley KA16 YE Sha-La-LaIAI LAPPING/WBEN Green BuffaloDay Tripper/Anne Murray Can'tCanBungleBuildBoogie You AGet on inTower Give theReggaeIt Out Jungle (60)it Allof Woman Myto (37) Me Head (24)(81) (100) 3 191 I CANMonument HELPBilly Swan ZS88621 -H 2726 22 (11) MWCStampedersRAMONA 1016X -M *36 *Mr. Postman/Carpenters Everybody Needs A RainbowlRay Stevens 42 *Only YoulRingo Starr PickLook Up In theMy Pieces/AverageEyes/Tony OrlandolDawn White Band ChangesCat'sCarrie'sCarefree in(94) theGone Highway Cradle (35) (74) (12) 1 I (121 ABCMY BobbyMELODY 12022-N Vinton OF LOVE 28 29 (9) ABCRufusYOU 12032-NGOT featuring THE Chaka LOVE Khan * Great Old Song/George Fischoff TED BROWNEICHCM Marystown CrazyDance Talk Gypsy (16) Dance (61) 141 LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS Pp JUST ONE LOOK 81LOU *Mandy/Barry TURCOICJIC Manilow Sault Ste. MarieBaby Hang Up the Phone/Carl Graves 62* 75Dance You Gypsy/Fludd & I/Johnny BristolI'll Be Your EverythinglPercy Sledge DayDarkDancin' TripperHorse Fool (42) (84) (22) 32 6 1111 WHENMCAElton 40344-JJohn WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN 29 3620 (13) PLEASECapitolAnne Murray 72737-F MR. POSTMAN * EveryonePistolIt Is Easy Packin' NeedsTo Fall/Gloria Meloo'ylRandy A Rainbow/Ray Kaye Edelman Stevens CJON4743 NeverDark St. Horse/George ConJohn's Say1Gloria Harrison Gaynor DreamDoctor'sDoDirty It Work(Till On Orders Your (45) (69) Satisfied)(62) (11) 4 1131 HudsonSOPhila.Three YOU Degrees Brothers ARE A STAR I nt'I. 3550-H 31 17)(4) A&MCarpentersEricWILLIE 1646-W Clapton AND THE HAND JIVE Charted:GARY MERCER/CKWS KingstonThere'll Always Be Forever/Nancy Wilson 6341Charted: Dancin'Morning Fool/Guess Side/Marie Who& Donny Osmond FlyFire,FairytaleEntertainerEarly Away BabyMorning (48) (88) I'm(50) Loveon Fire (82) (49) 8 1111 NeilLONGFELLOWCasablanca Diamond N6801 SERENADE -M 31 35 (7) GoldfishTerryROCKRSO Jacks GS111-WSO AND 503-0 ROLL ( I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) 634382 NeverDoctor'sMorning Can Orders/PatsySide/Marie 1SaylGloria (no. 1) &Melody GaynorGallantDonny of Osmond LovelBobby Vinton 25 Playlisted:343142Ain't PassingWillie/EricOnly too YoulRingo Proud/Rolling Time/Bearfoot Clapton Starr Stones GoodGetHeavyHeartbreakHallelujah Dancin' Feeling Fallin' (92) Freedom (ToKid, Out Know) The (43) (79) (64) (63) 5 (141 ColumbiaRCAReunionLIFE 3-10043-H 10056-NIS A ROCK (BUT THE RADIO ROLLED ME) 3332 23 (13) PreludeAFTERDawn THE 1052-L GOLDRUSH Playlisted:*81 Mandy/Barry Manilow TIM TYLER/CFAR Flin Flon MayFeelCanBelong HelpNeverA Songto (2) You See in (93)MyYou Heart Again (17) (39) 21 (61 s, UnitedPaulONE Anka/OdiaMAN Artists WOMAN, UAXW569-U Coates ONE WOMAN MAN 43 (5) MGMGloriaNEVER M Gaynor -14748-QCAN SAY GOODBYE JIM COADY* ICKCM Grand FallsCaliforniaDay Tripper/Anne Jam/Klaatu Murray 34 1619Passing Sha-La-LalACrazy Time/Bearfoot Talk/Chilliwack I Green t's'II Be All GoneWouldn'tRight (98) (95) Want to Lose Your Love (83) 10 10 (6) AppleJUNIOR'SPaul P -1875-F McCartney FARM & Wings 35 30 (16) J.C.l...eoCARRIE'S SLIA°1n0e1- GONE K 42 Only YoulRingo Starr Names, Togs/Albert Hammond 5159 Rockin'Fairytale/Pointer Soul/Hues Sisters Corp. LaughterLadyKungJustJunior's One EllenFu Farm'ye FightinginLook (73) theGot (10) (29)Rain the (1) Music (18) In Me (46) CAT'SScepterB.T.DO ITExpress (TILLIN 12395-Q THE YOUR CRADLE SATISFIED) 36 40 16) PaulBUNGLEBangRIDE Davis 1011-712-T'EM INCOWBOY THE JUNGLE LongLindaLifeLet's is LiveStraightenGone Puta Rock Togetherthe (59) Coffee It Out (90) On (80) (65) ... (8) 12 1713 (1011111 HelenANGIEEHarry lek t raChapinReddy BABY45203-P 37 3739 18)(4) ShirleyWOMAN Brown TOChrysalis WOMANJethro 2101-P Tull MandyLucyLostLongfellow (55) inin Coloradothe SerenadeSky With (57) (7)Diamonds (4) 1413 33 161 BarryYOU'RECapitol White 3972-F THE FIRST MY LAST MY EVERYTHING 38 45 (91 ofTruth MAY 3206-0Gary NEVER & Dave SEE YOU AGAIN Christmas Eve with Peter FoldY you. NeverMyMustMorning EyesMelody of Can Got SideAdored Say of Lost ofLove Goodbye the You(44) (3)Mountain (68) (34) (40) 15 16 (121 SHA-LA-LA20thHiAl Century Green2274-K (MAKE 2133-T ME HAPPY) 39 63 (41 MGMDonnyMORNINGAxe 14765-0 & 19-T Marie SIDE Osmond OF THE MOUNTAIN OnlyOne ManYou Woman,(41) One Woman Man (9) 19 (8) ChiCRAZY I TALK I iwack 42 (5) RingoONLY Starr YOU PostcardPleasePlayPickPassing UpSomething Mr. theTime (77) Postman Pieces (53) Sweet (87) (30) ... (66) 1617 18 (101 BuddahGladysIGoldfish FEEL KnightA BDAGS110-W SONG 433-M & the IN MYPips HEART 4241 47 14) AppleDARKGeorgeApple 1877-FHORSE 1876-F Harrison PromisedRockRideReadyRamona 'Emand (85)Land (27) CowboyRoll (26) (32) (36) 18 24 (B) YOUPolydorNeil AIN'T LAUGHTERSedaka 2058494-0SEEN NOTHING IN THE RAIN YET 43 48 (7) AvcoTheHEAVYMUST Stylistics 4647-M FALLIN' OF GOT OUT LOST SoSha-La-LaShe's Rockin'You Gone Are Soul A(96) Star (52) (6) (15) 19 7 (141 6, Bachman -Turner Overdrive MercuryTheAIN'T Rolling 73622-0 TOO StonesPROUD TO BEG 44 5755 (4) TheDREAMAtlanticJ. Geils Righteous Band 3214-PON Brothers SweetSugarSomedaySome PieFeelin' Kind Guy (97) (67) of(76) Wonderful (99) 2120 25 9 (121 (5) AppleJohnWHATEVERAtlantic Lennon 1874-F RS GETS -19302-P YOU THROUGH THE NIGHT 4645 49 114) (4) I'VEMCATheHaven GOT Kiki 40293-J 7006-FTHE Dee MUSIC Band IN ME WhateverWhateverTouchTinTell ManYour MeYou (56) Mother Gets(58) Got, You I (54)Want Through (25) the Night (21) 22 41 (51 ÷ Guess Who WISHINGNimbusDANCIN' YOU 9 P810J75-NFOOL WERE HERE 47 14 1131 RCAJohnBACKFAIRYTALE PB-10065-NDenver HOME AGAIN WomanWithoutWishingWillieWhen andWill toYouLove theWoman Were (71)Hand Here(33) Jive (23) (31) I See You Again (5) 2423 2712 110) (6) ColumbiaChicagoStevieBOOGIE 3-10049-HWonder ON REGGAE WOMAN '48' 59 117) AndyFIRE, KimBABYBluePointer Thumb I'M Sisters ON 254-M FIRE ManufacturedRECORDS LIMITED and distributed in Canada (iv Quality Records Limited. You'reYou BeatGotAreAndAin't the Sothe ISeenMe First BeautifulLove to Nothing theMy (28) PunchLast (91) Yet .. (78) (19) (72) . (14) 25 26 (9) MotownTheWHATEVERMotown Jackson M1308F-Y 54254-Y Five YOU GOT, I WANT so 68 (3) ColumbiaBillyTHEIce IC2-K JoelENTERTAINER 3-10064-H

18 --- RPM 21112174 RPM 100 Top Singles (51-100) EVERLASTING LOVE 37Playlisted: Bungle in the lunglellethro Tull RPM 21112174 - 19 51 .44 51 (9) ROCKIN'ABCCarl CarltonP827001 SOUL -N 84 (3) POSTCARDMercuryJonesesSUGAR PIE73614-Q GUY 41 *Dancin' Fool/Guess Who MostlyCan't Leave New Days/RossYou Alone/George Holloway McCrae 52 (11) HuesPASSINGRCA Corporation 10066-N TIME 87 (3) MCAThe Who 40330-J 2967 YouTell YourGot the MotherlDownchild Love/Rufus Blues Band 53 6134 (14) (7) EIDGO Downchild 3earfoot Blues Band TELLColumbia YOUR C4 -4065-HMOTHER 9592 (2) HALLELUJAHA&MCharityYOU BEATAM Brown -376M ME FREEDOM TO THE PUNCH 3341Charted:CKLC Dancin'You're Kingston theFoollGuess First/Barry Who White 81 (3) BellMANDYSpecial Barry4561 1230-82-T 3-MManilow 80 79 (8) A&MRCALatimoreLET'SKeith AM XB-02003-N-381-WHampshire STRAIGHTEN IT OUT CHEX63Playlisted:25 MorningAin't Peterborough Too Side/Marie ProudIRolling & Donny Stones Osmond We wish you a mer-ry Christ- mas, 6052 119) WarnerAmericaTINLOST MAN Bros. IN WBCOLORADO 7839-P 81 86 (3) EARLYColumbiaMylesCAN MORNING YOU And C4.4069 LennyGIVE LOVE IT -H ALL TO ME 4224 18Laughter/NeilOnly I Feel You/Ringo2 A Kung Song/Gladys Sedaka Fu Starr Fighting/Carl, KnightlPips Douglas 57 (2)(7) BigFancyTOUCHAtticRon Tree NigriniAT ME16026-P104-K 8382 9088 (2)(3) Eis April Wine GRCSammy 2021-F AquariusIJohns WOULDN'T AQ-5035-K WANT TO LOSE YOUR LOVE 32Playlisted: 3325Lucy You'reAin't in Toothe the SkylEltonProudIRolling First/Barry John White Stones 41159 94 46 (9) ch Debbie Fleming LONG GONE . . . . (1) op AnneDAY TRIPPERMurray LORNE63 Morning THOMAS/CKOM Side/Marie Saskatoon& Donny Osmond we wish 0 you Christ - rhaS, 60 56 (7) SusanBUILDAttic Jacks A AT102-KTOWER 84 .... (1) CatCapitol READYStevens 4000-F 3221Charted: OneLucy Man in the Woman/Anka/Coates Sky/Elton John Merl/ 61 62 (7) AtticFluddDANCEGoldfish AT GYPSY103-K GS109-W DANCE 8685 .... (1) AsylumA&MEaglesBEST 1645-W 45218-P OF MY LOVE 97 3690Get Mr,Wouldn't into Postman/Carpenters the WantWind/Steppenwolf to LoselApril Wine 82 (2) GOODMidlandCarolDOCTOR'S Douglas FEELING Intl. 10113-N ORDERS (TO KNOW) 87 .... (1) AtlanticAveragePICK UP 3229-PWhite THE PIECESBand Playlisted:35 *27Rock Boogie & Roll/Terry On/Stevie Jacks WonderMine for Mc/Rod Stewart :631 67 (6) GO Octavian MCA MCA -40319-J 88 .... 11) PD AmpexWednesdayFLY AWAY AC -1365-V 40 *Ride 'Em Cowboy/Paul DavisCostafineDreams Are Town/Splinter 10 A Penny/First Class 64 7877 (3)(4) ABCTHERayLINDABo 12039-NHEARTBREAK Donaldson Materick PUT THE & The COFFEEKID Heywoods ON 89 .... (1) ®LET'SCapricornPercyI'LL BELIVE Sledge YOUR 0209-PTOGETHER EVERYTHING ** LegendFrogmanBabyAfrican Hang Symphony/Vanin Bradley/Bill My Up Time/Ronniethe Phone/Carl Amesbury McCoy Milsap Graves we wish you a mer - ry Christ - Psts 166 54 (13) op ThreePLAYAsylumABC DogSOMETHING D -15013-NNightASC 5001 SWEET -P (BRICKYARD BLUES) 90 96 (2) A&MBillySTRUTTIAxeThundermug AXS-507-TPreston 1644-W N' *75 You & I/Johnny BristolStandingRain/Kristofferson/Coolidge Equation/Jay Dee Bryant 72 (7) SWEET FEELIN' GET DANCIN' 67 85 (3) PrivateFrankieMYUnitedCraig EYES Ruhnke Artists StockVali ADORED 45003-M UAXW567X-U YOU ChelseaDisco20thLoveI BELONG Tex CH CenturyUnlimited And -3004-N TheTO 2141-T YOUSex-O-Lettes ProgrammersThe ( PICKS & PLAYS and 41, a hap- ' new year. 69 50 (14) ALLMushroomSongbirdDIRTY THAT WORKI COULD M-7005 EVER BE IS ME CHANGESRCADavid 74-0605-N Bowie *3036DAVE Carrie'sMr. JENNINGS/CHOKPostman/Carpenters Gone/J.C. Stone Sarnia 70 76 (3)(5) TuesdayArethaWITHOUTBob Rapson TUE-23-T Franklin LOVE ,95 .... (1) IslandJim TavaresSHE'SIT'SCapaldi IS ALL-003X GONE RIGHT -M 81*85 Mandy/BarryMy Eyes Adored Manilow You/FrankieTryingThat Valli Great All Alone/Sun Old Song/George Ffschoff 72 75 (4) MGMJohnnyYOUAtlantic AND14762-Q Bristol I3224-P 9796 (1) SOMEDAYEpicDaveCapitol 50035-H Loggins 3957-F 81JIM *Mandy/Barry DUCE/CHATMake Hayllerry Manilow Medicine Wallace HatChristmas Eve With You/Peter Foldy 8, 36 Mr. Postman/Carpenters 80 (4) LADY ELLEN I'LL BE GONE 74 64 (17) GordonCAREFREEGJaRmre Lightfoot s1L2e3r01 HIGHWAY 6 -T 98 .... (1)(1) eHuggettGrandSOME FamilyDaffodil FunkKIND DI OF L -1055-M WONDERFUL 8637 78CanBungle LindalRay You in Give the Materick lunglellethroIt All/Myles & Tull Lenny 71 15) RepriseBLACK REP LASSIE 1309-P 99 Capitol 4002-F *CKIQ Kelowna I'll BeWatch Gone/Huggett Out Woman/Don Family Ho 75 OdeCheech 66104-W and Chong 100 .... (1) CAN'TUnitedElectric GET Artists Light IT OUT Orchestra,UAXW-573-U OF MY HEAD 3685 *Mr.My Baby Postman/CarpentersEyes Hang Adored Up theYoulFrankieI'll NeverValliWhat'cha Say Gonna Never/Sparky DolKristoffersonl PhonelCarl Graves who helped Thank you to all make this For further information phone Sammy Jo RomanoffDEADLINE at RPM FOR ADS - TUESDAY NOON THIS IMPORTANT AD SPACE IS AVAILABLE. (416) 425-0299. 81* Joanne/Drylanders Mandy/Barry Manilow BestLa La of Love My Love/Eagles You/Don McLean Coolidge one of our best years. 36 *WAYNEMr. Postman/Carpenters WA LDROFFICISS CanadianFlyCornwallTrying Away/Wednesday AllLady/Chambers Alone/Sun & Mathias RECORDS LIMITED

20 - -- RPM 21112174 RPM 21112174 - 21 92*68 *78YouThe Linda/Ray Entertainer/BillyBeat Me/Charity Materick JoelBrownOutWhen of YouEvery Find Dark Out/ Sky/MacArthur *78 Linda/Ray Materick PistolJoanne/DrylandersWillieLoving Packin' BurgundylTeresa Arms/Petula MelodylRandy Clark Brewer Edelman 482537Playlisted: 72Ain'tHeavyBungle Sweet Too Fallin' in Feelin'ICraigProudIRolling the Out/Stylisticslunglellethro Ruhnke Stones Tull 32RICK 16*Lucy Sha-La-LalDENNIS/CFVR in the SkylElton Al Green Abbotsford JohnIt'sLet's A' Put Sinlloe the Fun Cocker Back/Jason ChristChristmasBalladJUDY isforCASSELMAN/CKEY Born/Perry Carleen/Charles Eve With ComoYou/Peter Nussbaum Toronto Foldy Ork. Playlisted:Mr.TellAngieDark Postman/CarpentersYour Horse/George Baby/Helen Mother/Downchi/d Reddy Harrison Blues Band 25*57Charted: IOYCEDreamAin't Too On1Flip1RighteousMURPHYICHCL Proud/Rolling StonesMedley Bros.Country Side of Life/Wet Willie *36 *Mr. Postman/Carpenters ChristmasNorwegian Past/Tommy WoodlNew WorldAmbrose Electronic Chambre Ensemble 28/,P, *It's GA MidnightlElvis UDET1CFCY Presley CharlottetownOutLike of Hand/Gary Old Times/Ray Stewart Price CFORCharted:*36 Mr. Orillia Postman/Carpenters Salt, Sun & TimelBruce Cockburn (LP) LoveChristmasThatWildflowerlMelodieWhoever is theGreat AngellSean Answer/ Finds Old This/PattiSonglGeorge Van DunphyStolz/Nitelife McCoy Page (LP)Fischoff LaughterlNeilBoogieWhenWouldn't On/Stevie Will Want ISedaka See Wonder toYou/Three LoselApril Degrees Wine 39Playlisted:58 WomanTouch Me/Fancy to Woman/Shirley6 When Will I See Brown YoulThree Degrees 41Charted:PAUL 11Dancin' Do KENNEDYICKDH It/B. FoollGuess T. Express Who Amherst 47A RNA *Seems HALLORAN/CJCB Like/Guess Who SydneyCarouselLucky Arms/Lefty Man/Cher Frizzell 24 411732LaughterlNeil Dancin'Lucy in FoollGuessthe Sedaka SkylElton Who John BabylHelen Reddy ARTSagalAndreWhat'sRomantic COLLINS/CFRB Happening Gagnon MoodIFrank (LP) BabylStylistics Toronto Pleyer & His (LP) Ork, (LP) EverlastingRockBOB BROWN1CKDA& Roll1TerryRollITerry LovelCarl lacks CarltonVictoria *95 *Hallelujah FreedomIKeith HampshireCostafineLet'sNobody/DoobieWildflowerlKenny Put the Town/Splinter Fun Bros. Backllason Stolz 5824 7969LaughterlNeilTouch Diana/DonLet's Me/Fancy Straighten SedakaGoodwin It Out/Latimore 3685 *97Mr.My Get Postman/CarpentersEyes into Adored the WindISteppenwolf You/Frankie Valli Be Your Everything/Percy Sledge 8136Playlisted: 7867Mr.Mandy/Barry GoodLindalRay Postman/Carpenters FeelinglOctavian ManilowMaterick Charted:CKOVLaughterlNeilMaryThat Go Kelowna Great Lightly/Al SedakaOld SonglGeorge Martino Fischoff Evergreen/BookerSallyEverybodyWhen G./PaulCKWW A NeedsChild WindsorMcCartney is aT. Born/MichaelRainbow/Ray HolmStevens 47 *Dark HorselGeorge HarrisonOneOutWhenFly ofMore AwaylWednesdayEvery A Time/Redbone Child Dark is Sky/MacArthurBorn/Michael Holm 394757CKCW 18DarkDreamWoman I FeelMoncton Horse/George On/Righteous to A Woman/ShirleySong/Gladys Harrison Bros. KnightlPips Brown LucyPassingAin'tI'veWillielEric Got Tooin theTimelBearfootthe ProudIRolling SkylEltonMusic/Kiki Clapton John Dee Stones Band FourTryingCARLKittyMr. Postman/Carpenters orStarr/Ron WORTH/CJGXAll Five A lonelSunTimes/Peter Nigrini Yorkton Dean *Charted:PETE* STAIRS/CJCJ Woodstock,ExpresswayGive N.B. A Prayer/Christmas to Your Heart/Margo Past/ Thunder Tommy Ambrose A POP MUSIC PLAYLIST 3762Charted:DOUG32 DanceLucyBungle HA in Gypsy/Fludd theinRRISONICINB the SkylElton lunglellethro John North Tull Battleford LYNNNorwegianHallelujahWouldn't LATIMERICHML FreedomIKeith Wood/New Want to LoselApril World HamiltonHampshire Electronic Wine Chambre Ensemble Postcard/TheFrogmanOnlyEarlyLady You/RingoCameMorning Bradley/Bill Who From LovelSammy Starr Baltimorellohnny Amesbury john Cash 27 Boogie On/Stevie Wonder 1 1,1 ANGIE BABY 90 Wouldn't Want to LoselApril Wine Our Lovel Roger Miller La La Love You/Don McLean 2197 *OneGet intoMan the Woman/Anka/Coates Wind/SteppenwolfIt's A Sin/Joe Cocker 2 23 (10) (7) la I ThreeWHEN Degrees WILLCapitolHelen I ReddySEE 3972-F YOU AGAIN 26- 4738 (2)(31 MANDYMGMGloriaNEVER 14748-0Gaynor CAN SAY GOODBYE 42Playlisted: Only19 CrazyYoulRingo Talk1Chilliwack Starr LookWhoeverLady in MyCame Eyes/TonyFinds From This/Patti Baltimorellohnny OrlandolDawn Page Cash Mr,BARRY Postman/Carpenters P. SA RAZINICKLB Oshawa Phila. Intl ZS83550-H 27 BollBarry 45613.M Manilow 35 Rock & Roll1Terry lacks There'll Always Be ForeverlFliplNancy Wilson Best of My LovelEagles Charted:TED HOCKADA Y/CFTK Terrace 7 (5) ONE MAN WOMAN, ONE WOMAN MAN 26 LOST IN COLORADO 31 WillielEric Clapton I Wonder Whose Baby1Flipllerry Wallace Meet Me on the Corner/Peter Noone 34 3628Passing Mr.Promised Postman/Carpenters Time/Bearfoot Land/Elvis Presley 4 3 8 (10) a .." Paul Anka/Odia CoatesCAT'SUnitedElektraHarry ArtistsIN ChapinTHE 45203-P UAXW569-U CRADLE 2928 35 (3)(5' tyRon Nigrini PeterCHRISTMASAtticKawata AT Foldy -104-K KAN-1022X-M EVE WITH YOU Charted:CHNL2648 WhateverHeavy Kamloops Fallin' You Out/Stylistics Gotllackson Five CelebrateEverybodySHEILA CONNER/CKFM LifellohnnyNeeds a Rainbow/Ray Nash Toronto Stevens ARNOLDMissingIt'sMandylBarry A You/RobbieSin/Glen ANDERSON/CKPC Manilow Campbell Lane Brantford GARY* RICHARDS/CKBW BridgewaterEverybodyIt's All Rightllim Needs Capaldi A RainbowlRay 65 1512 (4)(4) ColumbiaChicagoWISHINGBillyI CAN 3-10049-HYOU Swan HELP WERE HERE 3130 2441 (7)(51 THERogerDaffodilHaggettI'LL LAST BE Whittaker FAREWELL GONEDIFamily L1055 -M 92 *You Beat Me/Charity BrownI'llCanada Be GonelHuggett SkylGreenfield Family LucyJERRYCharted: in SAMSON/CKBBthe SkylElton John Barrie GreatEverybodyMr. OldPostman/Carpenters SonglGeorge Needs A Rainbow/Ray Fischoff Stevens 28 *77Promised Heartbreak LandlElvis KidlBo Presley DonaldsonCanadian Lady/Chambers & Mathias Stevens 7 6 (9) RIDEMCANeilLAUGHTERMonument 'EM Sedaka 40313-J COWBOY 8-8621H IN THE RAIN 32 29 (13) RCAJohnBACKRCA TBDenver HOME -10065-N PB-50030-N AGAIN 95Playlisted: *Hallelujah FreedomIKeith HampshireDay Tripper/Anne Murray Ain't Too ProudIRolling Stones It's A SinIGIen Campbell 7557 DreamYou & On/Righteous//Johnny Bristol Bros. 8 17 5 (51(6) AllA ROCKBangPaul Davis 712-T AND ROLL (I GAVE YOU 33 2131 (6) AFTERCelebrationVic Franklyn THEALL CEL - ISGOLDRUSH SAID2102X AND -M DONE 3685 10Mr.My Sally Postman/CarpentersEyes G./Paul Adored McCartney YoulFrankie Valli 25374767 DarkGoodAin'tBungle TooHorse/George Feeling/Octavian in ProudIRolling the lunglellethro Harrison Stones Tull 10 9 20 (31 PrivateFrankMYTerry EYES Jacksie Stock Vali ADORED -Goldfish 45003-M GS111-WYOUTHE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE) 3534 42 (13) (5) WDougO. Prelude Steiger HELPDawn ME1052-L * Kissing in the Back Row/Drifters "WHERE THE HITS ARE MADE" CFBC Saint John IT'S MIDNIGHT NEWRCA JA WORDS -50021 -NFOR AN OLD SONG The 3257 DreamLucy in On/Righteous the SkylElton Bros. John 1211 2610 (4)(8) AppleONLYRingoRCAElvis 1876-FYOU Presley10074-N Starr 3736 3743 (5)(3): TonyBeeCHARADE Cooper Gees Programmers POP MUSIC ADDITIONS STUDIOS PHIL36 *Mr. SMITH/CFSX Postman/Carpenters StephenvilleLovingMine For Arms/Petula Me/Rod Stewart Clark 13 1 (7) 0 Andy Kim Ice IC2-KFIRE, BABY I'M ON FIRE 38 44 (3) BuddahPeterFOURRSO Dears 434-M S0501-0 OF FIVE TIMES MurderTONY LUCIANIICHFIon the Orient Toronto Roger Williams * CanadaNighttown Sky/Greenfield Boy/Horslips Be Your Everything/Percy Sledge 1514 32 9 (10) (31 NeilLONGFELLOWA&MThePLEASE CarpentersDiamond 1646-W MR. POSTMAN SERENADE 36 46 (1)(3) PetulaLOVINGHavenRighteousDREAM Clark 7006-F ONARMS Brothers PledgingEverybodyEarthquakellohn My Love/Tom Needs Williams A Rainbow'Jones Ray Stevens ROSS BURCHELL/CJLS Yarmouth LINDAColumbia PUT THE 10043-H COFFEE ON 40 ABC/DunhillLET'S LOVE 15019-N Baby Hang Up the PhonelCarl Graves ( * Stormy Eyes/Lisle I'll Be GonelHuggett Family 1716 1123 (9)(5) 0 Ray Materick ABCCarlEVERLASTINGAsylum Carlton27001-N ASC5001-P LOVE 4241 '"'45 11)(3) MichaelWHENAtlanticPeggy Lee AHoles3215-P CHILD IS BORN ToIt's theA SinIGIen Door of theCampbell Sun/A1 Martino hrn,1z "NEW BRUNSWICK AND MARY" b/w 18 25 (51 MEMORIESMGMMarieMORNING M-14765-0& Donny SIDE Osmond OF MOUNTAIN 43 13 (101 CHELSEACasablancaHudsonSO YOUMercury MORNING Brothers ARE 0108-M M-73642-0 A STAR JOHN DIE FENBAKER Rein "ZUKUSKA POLKA" by 2019 27 4 (10) (8) lapIv Michael Debbie FlemingTarry RepriseLONG CR4024-P GONE 4644 4948 (21(2) KrRAINEpicPaul istof 8-50037-Htlorn ferson/Coolidge "a speech at the testimonial ANOTHERSTOMPIN' CHARTBUSTER TOM CONNORS (Boot BT -117) 21 16 (101 SWEETABCBobbyMY MELODYAttic 12022-N Vinton FEELING AT102-K OF LOVE 46 5° (2) A&MCarlBABY MonumentGraves 1620-W HANG UP ZS8-8630-H THE PHONE dinnerAvailable in honour for of Senator Laing." geadan; Wileethi4 from 2322 1822 (101 (61 cp.tlie GaryCraig & Ruhnke Dave IUnited MAY NEVERArtists UAXW-567X-U SEE YOU AGAIN 47 .... (1)11) AtticTHATI'VEGeorge AT GREAT -105-KLOST Fischoff OLDMY PLACE SONG Billard contact:National Distribution 225 MUTUAL ST. MORNING MUSIC LTD. 171 BUILDAxe 19-T A TOWER 48 ®Doug UnitedTHE Artists GIFT UAXW-572X-F Bar X Enterprises 1343 Matheson Blvd.Mississauga, W. Ontario (416) 625-2676 2524 1914 (17) oStrongheart®Susan Jacks UBICCANDYGoldfish UA501-K BABY GS109-W 5049 .... (1)(1) BarnabyA&MRayEVERYBODYRosko 1640 Stevens 610-0 -S -W NEEDS A RAINBOW NewBox(604) 605Westminster, 581-0354 B.C. TORONTO, ONT. 363-3443

\ 22 --- RPM 21112174 LARRY KUNKEL/CFAC Calgary Angels Are Hard To FincilHank Williams Jr. ProgrammersThe ( COUNTRY ADDITIONS Everybody'sCityAnotherDevilRON Of In Tears/Marg TheFOSTERICKLW-FMYoulFaron BottleIT,G.SheppardGoing/Hank Osbourne Young Smith Windsor KnockChartedCHARLIELittleWhat'll Girl On FeelinglBarbara IRUSSELLICICIMy Do/Gary Door/Darlene Buck FairchildWoodstock, Madill N.B. Miljak JIMRaindrops1Narvel COADY1CKCM GrandFelts Falls OurLoves LovelRoger Away The Miller BlueslCanadian Zephyr ForThe A Minute Man It's There/Johnny Made Of Me/Blain Paycheck Henshaw IMAIIIMHOUR 211' At ,- 1111111Viiin uk I lok141 He Can't Fill My Shoesllerry Lee Lewis Rock iv: Roll/Mac Davis Make It Feel Like Love/Bobby G. Rice 17 I I I I I I CityLetMyDevil GreatestIt Of Shine/JeanIn Tears/Marg The Blessing//anBottleIT.G, Pardy Osbourne Sheppard Tyson DAVEDevilWrongTime In CHESNEYICIIC TheTo RoadlCrystal Pay Bottle/T,G.Sheppard The Fiddler/Cal Gayle Langley Smith Joanne/DrylandersChartedSPENCE CHERRIERICHCL Medley /ILWIlrf. frabriff.g. ;=ouvemain Alas '(.4f MyThenRiverPHIL Love WhoSMITH/CFSXOf SinII.TerryTrain/La Am //Charley Costa StephenvilleHynes Pride & Goodtime SusanCountryHereI'm Leavin' Comes When Girl/Jody Home/Harry SheThe Tried1StatlerMorning/Andy Miller Marks Bros Kim lustPlaylistedBackAllFairytalelPointerEvery Lost Time To MyMile/Louise SunshineDown Favourite East/George Sisters RockwoodWoman/Roy Girl/Don Hamilton Adams McAuley IV lustHELENRubyWhat'llThen A Little WhoBaby/Billy I MOULTONIC1Do/Gary Lovin/Hugh Am IICharley Crash Buck ScottCraddbck VIPride Victoria COUNTRY PLAYLIST CityEasyIDon'tKentuckyCharted Wonder Lights/Mickey ToTake Love/Hank WhoseGamblerlMerle My SunshinelBill Baby/Jerry GilleySnow Haggard Wallace Rice 12 4 2 (13)(10) 1011CharlieSHEJohnBACKRCA DenverCALLED HOMERich 10065-N AGAINME BABY 2726 1527 (5) 41111111MMIIIMMINMIO(*Bob Ruzicka JerryHE CAN'TRCASUNSHINE Lee PB-50016-NLewis FILL MYLADY SHOES . . PoorPlaylistedLegend Sweet In My Baby/Jean Time/Ronnie Sheppard Milsap 3 .J 5 (5) MelMEMORYRCA Tillis 10062-N MAKER 13 'on (4) JeannieHEMercury CAN Seeley 73618-HBE MINE Raindrops/NarvelCarolina Moonshiner/Porter Felts Wagoner 4 6 (5) JohnnyWE'REMercury OVERRodrigue/MGM 73621.0 14744.0 2928 29 (5) a Ron Nigrini MCAKITTY 40281-J STARR PAULGreatestI Can Help/Billy KENNEDYICKDH Blessingllan Swan Tyson Amherst 341AA3'111011T4P EVERY TIME I TURN THE GIVE MEAttic JUST AT -104.KA LITTLE LOVIN' Charted 65 98 (9)(4) WHATColumbiaLynnBill AAnderson AndersonMAN, 3-10041-H MY -MCA MAN 40304-JRADIO IS ON 3130 39 17 (11) (5) ....Melbourne&Hugh Scott GT-3370-K DotJoeTAKE Stampley17522-M ME HOME TO SOMEWHERE OutCan'tLuckMemory Of Arms/LeftyFill Hand/Gary Maker/Mel My Shoesllerry Frizzell Stewart Tillis Lee Lewis fiats uf the Ivor% 7 11 161 THEEpicGeorge DOOR 8-50038-H Jones 32 24 (5) CAN'TEpicDavid YOU 50009-H Houston FEEL IT KittyBig Red Starr/Ron Jimmy/Jerry Nigrini Warren thaup the 8 16 131 .RCAElvisIT'S 10074-N MIDNIGHTPresley 33 38 (3) A&MClifTHE f CarrollWAYAM380-W OF LIFE PlaylistedLike Old Times/Ray Price 9 1 (101 RUBYMonumentBillyI CAN BABY Swan HELPZS88621-H 34 36 (7) ®Douga ...HLPSteiger ME DOWNRCA TO JA THE -50021-N END OF THE WINE Rubyit's What'llMidnightlElvis Baby/Billy / Do/Gary Crash Presley Buck Craddock muff (2) Billy "Crash" Craddock (4) Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan My Woman's Man/Freddie Hart firvi fht filth 1110 45 41 (4) ABCApplePaulSALLY 12036-N McCartney 1875-F G. 3635 1926 (10) HickoryDonBRINGEpic Gibson8.50023-H BACK327-K 'YOUR LOVE TO ME Don'tKentucky Put GamblerlMerleThe Blame/Bob Haggard Murphy awn puma 12 12 (9) CapitolGETLaCosta ON 3945-F MV LOVE TRAIN 37 28 (18) MCAOliviaI HONESTLY 40280-JNewton -JohnLOVE YOU tirtrit of his' GOD'S PEOPLE ARE ONE WHAT'LL I DO 1413 1825 17)(8) MarathonJerryBIGDiane RED Warren 1123-CLeigh JIMMY 3938 4746 (2) JOANNEDryianderGaryRCA Buck P13 -50028-N .) Tito loot fili$' in ,prerfoi 15 10 (101 GaietyCarrollI'DUnited GO Baker756 ArtistsTHROUGH UAXW562X-U IT ALL AGAIN 40 14 (13) a(*Gordon Lightfoot RepriseCAREFREEQuality 2106X REP HIGHWAY1309-P -M !GROUPS!Sensational recording session offer 500 records! 4'6 16 22 18) ®Christenson Brothers GOODBYE OLD MAN (2) GaryOUT StewartOF HAND tontif OrionFLY 7401X RAVEN -M FLY 41 44 RCA 10061-N ToVt had }den 17 20 (6) pip Bruce Miller A&M AM373-W 42 48 (2) RCABrianHERE 10071-NShaw WE GO AGAIN 18 23 7 (71 421 Tommy Hunter TornCOUNTRYRCABORN T. Hall PB50031.N TO IS BE -A GYPSY 43 43 (2) FORUnitedDickTHE FellerCREDITA ArtistsMINUTE 535-UCARD THERE SONG buysTwo you: songs (your choice) 19 3 (11) SONMercury OF 73617-Q A ROTTEN GAMBLER 44 49 (2) JohnnyPOOREpic Paycheck 8.50040-H SWEET BABY 41. hiv htt 20 (15) CapitolAnne Murray 72737-F 45 50 (2) JeanUnited Shepard Artists 582-U $417F1A '8 track recording BACK TO DOWN EAST DON'T PUT THE BLAME ON ME Stereo master tape 2221 34 36 (3) (11(*George Linda BrownHamilton IV A&MROLLRCA PB-50027-NAM IT -378-WON HOMEWARD 4746 .... (1) ®Bob MurphyBroadland & RCARayLIKEBig BuffaloPrice MS OLDBR -146-N 2107X TIMES -M AGAIN A 500for Recordsmore information (45 - rpm) Write: Sound Canada 1262 Don Mills Road 676144%isfrnms Suite 34 23' 33 (3) git Ianei Tyson SHE'SRoyTHAT'S Payne MY WHY -RCAGREATEST I'M PB-50032-N IN LOVE BLESSINGWITH LIFE 4948 .... .(1) (1) RCARonnie(I'D ANGELSBE) PEI Milsap Hank-10112-NA LEGEND WilliamsARE HARD IN MY TO TIME FIND Or phone: Don Mills, Ontario 24 37 w A&M AM -379-W COUNTRY PRIDE CITYMGM OF TEARS14755-0 (416)445 0878 25 30 (3) **Rick Neufeld RCA P8 -50037-N 50 (1) a Marg Osburne Marathon 45 -1129A -C 0 GOWitanto

'1NOVN.]]11 VSSVH lAIVHDONOS noo .33nSZDE OZH'.017E ]no.d.0 SaSIEWHILNA .0T ovIZ-L6Zmeld 1e6Ped (9117)311IANOINIII 81 SCH03]El 9E170-E8L (1702) u0111!10 91E1 98dINNIM ST1VS NOSHAV\13 9Z9E-EEL (1709)El3A1103NVALI1171sGAA 6691 .400 tfir$ Olilt114 $1 I 0 LWCC)N-) OSCI MOM in oN.Soa UVU10.1 NN