ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ISSN 1392 – 1215 2012. No. 6(122) ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA HIGH FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGY, MICROWAVES T 191 AUKŠTŲJŲ DAŽNIŲ TECHNOLOGIJA, MIKROBANGOS The Investigation of Gyroelectric n-InAs Phase Shifters Characteristics V. Malisauskas, D. Plonis Department of Electronic Systems, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Naugarduko St., 41-425, LT-03227, Vilnius, Lithuania, phone: +370 5 2744766, e-mail:
[email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eee.122.6.1836 Introduction 0 1.ems , s j j r r B 0 The microwave phase shifters can be manufactured d1 d1 2.1 emr , r 1 using microstrip lines and open cylindrical waveguides [1]. d2 d2 21 The propagation and attenuation of phase wave’s cha- 2.2 emr , r 22 racteristics may vary in ferrite and semiconductor aa z r 3 3.emrr , waveguides by changing longitudinal magnetic flux den- s sity, external dielectric layer width and permittivity of r R1 dielectric layer, semiconductor temperature, the concentra- d1 tion of the free charge carriers. R 2 Nowadays the investigation of the semiconductor and d2 semiconductor-dielectric waveguides is very relevant and important for the sake of science. The usage and possibili- Fig. 1. Structure of the gyroelectric open cylindrical phase shifter ties of latter mentioned waveguides in gyroelectric phase with two dielectric layers: 1 – semiconductor core, 21 and 22 – external non-magnetic dielectric layers, 3 – air shifters are not known [2–4]. n-InAs semiconductor has been selected for the pur- The structure area 2, consists of two (area 2 and 2 ) pose of investigation. The super high frequency transistors 1 2 external non-magnetic dielectric layers complex relative are manufactured using n-InAs semiconductors, which eedd12, d1,2 =.1m have the higher concentration of electrons.