19-20 SEPTEMBER 2017 IN ,

THANK YOU, for participating in our second network meeting in Varberg, Sweden. Your participation made it an enjoyable, learning and not at least, very inspiring conference.

Now an intense period of wrapping up and preparing for our next network meeting starts for the members in the steering group of IIRA. We will analyze the material and documentations to find the most productive topics to continue working with during our next network meeting in Germany! We will also analyze your answers from the evaluation that you will receive in next week so we´ll be sure to have all of your inputs while planning.

In this folder you will find all documentation from our two days together and contacts to all participants and speakers so that you can keep and get in touch with each other. You will also find the presentations from our keynote speakers from day one.

Don´t forget to visit our facebookpage: Immigrant Integration to Rural Areas, and welcome to apply for membership in the FB-group with the same name.

See you all soon!

Emma, Emma, Marion & Elinor

CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE CONFERENCE'S LECTURERS The conference was organized by: Marion Eckardt: [email protected] Elinor Forsberg: [email protected] Emma Gröndahl: [email protected] Emma Thor: [email protected]

Here you will find the film about Sweden:

Here you will find Gapminders presentation:

Olof Granström:[email protected] Mikael Arevius: [email protected]

Scroll down to find the presentation about “Why do non-profit organisations involve in integration?” You can also click here. Josefin Heed: [email protected]

Scroll down to find the presentation about “How can we introduce new comers to the labourmarket and include work with equality?” You can also click here. Engella Ameri: John Willhelmsson: [email protected]

Private and non-profit inititatives in Hylte Ingemar Lund: [email protected] Pär Petersson: [email protected] Mohammed Abazeed: [email protected]

Integration of the young Kastriot Morina: [email protected]

Hylte municipality Christer Grähs: [email protected] Emma Saarenpää: [email protected]

Varberg municipality and business Azizah Degez: [email protected] Ingemar Andersson: [email protected] Malin Sinanaj: [email protected]

Welcoming refugees and migrants to rural Europe – Why do non-profits get involved?

• Self-determination theory *

• Humans’s three basic needs: competence, relatedness and autonomy.

• When these needs are met motivation can happen

• When the needs are not met motivation disappears

*Developed by Ewdard L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan • the volunteer believes in his/her ability to contribute

• the volunteer feel support and a sense of community with the others who are involved

• the volunteer can make her/his own choices and have influence on the work based in the own engagement.

Government/authorities Practical/economical


Other citizens Knowledge Government/authorities Practical/economical  Organisation  Communication


Other citizens Knowledge   Meetings, good examples Education/training What can you do to create better conditions for people who want to get involved in integration on a voluntary basis?


Coherence and Personal Development at the Right Time (SPURT) – Your future track!

Utbildning- och arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen Projekt goals

• Helping new arrival refugees to find their place in the Swedish society. • Shortening the way to Swedish labor market and/or further studies.

Objectives • To meet, identify needs and implement supportive efforts for new arrival refugees, who are currently in their establishment phase, registered at the Swedish Public Employment Service in .

Desired effects

• Positive socio-economic gain,

• New arrival refugees experience a sense of coherence, comprehensibility and meaningfulness in their new country,

• Become self-sufficient through work or further studies.

Horizontal principles

Gender equality

Focus on gender issues in the society, at the workplace - and perspectives on girl and boy, man and woman, rights and obligations, democracy and human rights.

Equal opportunities

• Focus on rights and inclusion of all kinds of people, • Understanding and removing barriers that may prevent individuals from receiving an equal opportunity, • Access to information in easy-read Swedish, different languages, sounds, videos etc.

Non –diskrimination

• Ensuring that everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, age, disability and religion is offered equal opportunities.

Implementation Our aim is to...

• Facilitate a faster step toward employment or further studies.

• Help the participants to find a context in their private and professional lives by using the methods ” Sense of Conherence” and Building Bridges.

Part 1: Me/Who am I?

Focus on the individual

• Identifying personal goals and needs, group exsercises and discussions about finding a contex in a new country,

• Ensuring the group members feel confident, trust and respect each other. Part 2: Me and Sweden

Focus on the individual and the Swedish society

To understand the Swedish norms and values, cultural similarities and differences, rules and laws.

Part 3: Me and gender equality

Focus on individual and gender equality

• Equal rights and different grounds of discrimination, • Gender equality and its ëffects on the integration of refugees and more deeply on the individual persons, • Focus on employment equality and risks for cultural clashes and misunderstanding

Swedish gender equality policy

Economic equality between women and men

Women and men shall have the same opportunities and conditions with regard to education and paid work that provide them with the means to achieve life-long economic independence.

Equal distribution of unpaid care and household work

Women and men shall take the same responsibility for household work and shall have the same opportunities to give and receive care on equal terms.

Part 4: Me and my future Focus on individual, employment and studies

• Information about the Swedish labour market,

• Write CV and personal letter,

• Job search and prepare for job interviews,

• Help the individuals to create their own personalized future plan,

• Discus possible cultural crashes at the work. SPURT participants

Target: 40 new arrival refugees

SPURT 1 • 27 Participants (17 male och 10 female)

SPURT 2 • 26 Participants (21 male och 5 female)

SPURT 3 • 39 Participants (33 male and 6 female)

SPURT 4 • 48 Participants (35 male and 13 female)

Contact information:

John Wilhelmsson [email protected] 0738505173

Engella Ameri [email protected] 0766111526

Facebook: SPURT-ditt framtidsspår!

Utbildning- och arbetsmarknadsförvaltningen


Name: Andrea Wieser Title: Caritas Organization: Caritas Name: Isolde Fürst Name: Barbara Loferer andrea.wieser@caritas Title: Leader-Manager Title: Leader-Manager [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Angelika Koidl Title: volunteers network Organization : Freiwilligenzentrum / Ekiz [email protected] Name: Johanna Maria Heumader-Schweigl

Title: Miteinand-Koordinatorin Name: Daniela Atzl Organization: Title: NGO [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Anna-Maria Pucher Title: NGO Organization: Excursion: 4

Name: Isabella Ortner Title: Volunteers network Organization: Freiwilligenzentrum Name: Jutta Binder

[email protected] Title: Evangelic church [email protected]

Name: Armin Brugger

Title: Organization: ZEMIT [email protected]


Name: Klaus Ritzer Name: Particia Kleibert Name: Karl Geier Title: NGO Title: NGO Title: Integration Commissioner Organization: Kommunity! Organization: Kommunity! Organization: Gemeinde Steinach [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Katharina Jörg Title: volunteers network Organization : [email protected] Name: Peter Wachter Name: Maria Elisabeth Trenkwalder Title: Chamber of commerce Title: Leader-Manager [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Kirsten Mayr Title: integration Commissioner Name: [email protected] Rosemarie Obojes Title: NGO Organization: Integrations Name: Melanie Steinbacher Initiative Matrei

Title: Leader-Manager [email protected] [email protected]


Name: Sarah Schwaiger Title: Integration Commissioner Organization: Tiroler Sozialer Dienste [email protected]

Name: Sevencan Meral Title: Integration Commissioner Organization : Stadt Kufstein [email protected]

Name: Stefan Niedermoser Title: Leader-Manager Organization: LAG [email protected]


Name: Hanna-Liisa Sutinen Title: Refugee tutor Name: Eeva Raukko Name: Anne Kivelö Organization: Title: Project advisor Title: Family welfare worker [email protected] Organization: Leader Joutsenten Organization: Urjala reitti LAG municipality [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Jatta Kurppa Title: Social coordinator Name: Eliisa Vesisenaho Organization: City of Rauma Title: LAG manager Organization: [email protected] Pirkan Helmi [email protected]

Name: Arja Heikkinen

Title: Teacher Organization: Raudaskylä institute [email protected]

Name: Hanna-Leena Pesonen Title: LAG manager Organization: Name: Jenni Koivumäki Leader Pohjoisin Lappi Title: Immigration co- [email protected] ordinator Organization: Kauhavan Town

[email protected]

Name: Eeva Arpala Title: Programme co-ordinator Organization: Finnish Institute for Enterprise Management [email protected]


Name: Leena Durand Title: Teacher Name: Jiuliano Prisada Organization: Adult Name: Matti Rusama Title: Promotion fo immigrant Education Center Winnova Title: Project manager, vice entrepreneurship - project [email protected] rector manager Organization: Karkku project Organization: [email protected] Entrrepreneurship-project Management jiuliano.prisada(at)

Name: Maisa Jutila Title: Project worker Organization: City of Ylivieska Name: Mikko Karenen Title: Tutor of assisted Name: Kari Salin residence Title: Project manager Organization: Urjala Organization: Akaan municipality setlementti ry [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Mari Pakarinen Title: Project worker Organization: Villages vegetable Name: Mirva Salonen Name: Leea Leppilampi garden project Title: Project coordinator

Title: City of Ylivieska [email protected] Organization: LEADER Organization: Immigration co- Ravakka

ordinator [email protected] [email protected]


Name: Tapio Rautiainen Name: Panu Kerttula Name: Rita Kovacs Title: Employment coordinator Title: Youth coordinator Title: Coordinator of Organization: Rieska Leader Organization: MLL Satakunta international activities [email protected] [email protected] Organization: Rieska Leader [email protected]

Name: Sanna Ijäs Title: Immigration co- ordinator Organization: Rieska Leader Name: Pauliina Hänninen [email protected] Name: Ulla Kallio Title: Project worker Title: LAG manager

Organization: Villages vegetable Organization: LEADER garden project Ravakka [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Sarianne Taipalus Title: Project coordinator Organization: MLL Satakunta [email protected]

Name: Riikka Lammi Title: MLL Satakunta Organization: Organization manager [email protected]


Name: Sarah Krämer Name: Caroline Wahle Name: Hannah Kath Title: Title: Teacher Title: Organization: Municipal Organization: Small open Organization: Leader-Region Integration Center Door of Kolping Hochsauerland (Oberbergisch County) [email protected] [email protected] Excursion: 3

Name: Heinrich Nolte Name: Christoph Hammerschmidt Title: Title: Organization: Citizenhelp Medebach Name: Stefan Pletziger Organization: Leader-Region [email protected] Title: Hochsauerland Organization: LEADER- [email protected] Region "4 Mitten im Sauerland"

Excursion: 1

Name: Isabel Schaumburg Name: Dorle Schmidt Title: Title: Organization: Kipepeo Winterberg Organization: Goldsmith atellier [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Lennard Schlöffel Title: Integration coordinator Organization: Employment agency [email protected]


Name: Azizah Degez Title: Steering member Name: Aferdita Gashi Organization: Open business Title: Project employee [email protected] Organization: Integration Halland Name: Anna-Maria Mårtensson [email protected] Title: Integration strategist Organization: municipality [email protected]

Name: Akram Hajjouz Name: Christer Grähs Title: Project employee, language Title: Director of work and support business administration Organization: Integration Halland Organization: [email protected]

Name: Annika Vannerberg Title: Integration strategist Organization: Halmstad municipality [email protected]

Name: Alfred Löfgren Title: Volunteer Organization: Together for Name: Cornelia Svensson [email protected] Title: Head of work and business unit Organization: Hylte municipality [email protected]


Name: Elinor Forsberg Name: Emma Gröndahl Name: Engella Ameri Title: Project Manager Title: Project Manager Title: Project employee Organization: LLUH/LAG Organization: Integration Halland Organization: Integration [email protected] [email protected] Halland [email protected]

Name: Fabiola Kindblad Name: Elke Textor Title: Trainee Name: Emma Saarenpää Title: Volunteer Organization: Halmstad Title: Project employee Organization: Navet Organization: Integration [email protected] [email protected] Halland [email protected]

Name: Elias Aad Name: Emma Thor Title: Project employee, language Title: Deputy project manager Name: support Organization: Integration Henric Brückmann Title: Organization: Integration Halland Halland Project employee Organization [email protected] [email protected] : Integration Halland


Name: Konstantia Karagiannaki Name: Jenny Johansson Title: LLUH boardmember, Varberg Name: Ibrahim Baalbaki Title: Project Accountant youth worker, volunteer Title: Integration strategist Organization: Integration Halland Organization: LLUH/LAG Organization: Hylte [email protected] [email protected] municipality [email protected]

Name: Ingemar Andersson Title: Project employee Organization: Integration Halland Name: John Wilhelmsson [email protected] Title: Project employee Organization: Integration Halland Name: [email protected] Leonor Ingeborg Nyström Title: Volunteer Organization: Navet Varberg [email protected]

Name: Lisa Hansson Name: Karin Martinsson Name: Ingemar Lund Title: Integration coordinator Title: Director of integration Title: Integration coordinator Organization: Falkenberg Organization: Kungsbacka Organization: Swedish Church municipality municipality [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Name: Lizette Karlsson Title: Employment officer Name: Mari Bengtsson Organization: Swedish Title: Project employee employment service Organization: Integration lizette.karlsson@ Name: Mats Oljelund Halland Title: Integration strategist [email protected] Organization: Varberg municipality [email protected]

Name: Mohammad Abazeed Name: Marion Eckardt Title: Project manager Title: Leader Manager Organization: Team we dream Organization: LLUH/LAG Hylte [email protected] [email protected]

Name: Nina El-Hasan Title: Section Chief Organization: Swedish employment service nina.el-hasan@

Name: Niklas Olausson Title: Project coordinator Name: Per Stané-Persson Organization: Integration Title: LLUH boardmember / Halland Region Halland politician niklas.olausson@ Organization: LLUH/LAG per.stane- [email protected]


Name: Sahel Mohmand Title: Volunteer Name: Pär Petersson Organization: Together for Name: Sven-Anders Svensson Title: Deacon assistant Kungsbacka Title: Project Manager Organization: Swedish Church [email protected] Organization: LLUH/LAG par.petersson@ [email protected]

Name: Therese Franke Name: Thijs den Teuling Title: Project Manager Title: Organization: LLUH/LAG Organization: Länsstyrelsen [email protected] [email protected] Name: Victor Falk Title: photographer Organization: [email protected]

Name: Thomas Herrmann Title: Volunteer Name: Yasmin Atieh Organization: Together for Kungsbacka Title: Project employee, language [email protected] support Organization: Integration Halland Excursion: 3


Name: Christian Svensson Name: Claudio Mc Conell Title: Name: Ibrahim Tugrul working coordinator Cepeda Organization Title: Mr Deputy chairperson : Västervik Title: regional developer Organization: Development municipality Organization: Västra [email protected] Foundation of Turkey Götalandsregionen [email protected] [email protected]

Mikael Arevius Name: Josefin Heed Name: László Odor Name: Title: coordinator Title: Mayor of Local Organization: Gapminder Organization: Rural Workshop Government of [email protected] Foundation Zalamerenye [email protected]

Name: Sandor Koles Title: Organization: Rural Workshop Name: Olof Granström Foundation Organization: Gapminder [email protected] [email protected]


Name: Sara Nordling Title: Integration communicator Organization: Västervik municipality [email protected]

Name: Tina Wallin Title: AG Integration Organization : Landsbygdsnätverket [email protected]