
VIDEO: A squad of getting ready for football hike as the is calling the signal. The football hike!

VIDEO: Showing a gold covered football of 50 CAPTION: The Super Bowl is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

VIDEO: Vintage video of football players with leather helmets piling together for the ball. A football team playing in snow (black/white video). A 1970’s green bay packer wide receiver running for the touchdown. CAPTION: But Deaf Gain has contributing to football for more than 120 years.

VIDEO: of is calling a timeout panicky as he is alarmed. CAPTION: WHAT?! TIMEOUT!!

IMAGE: Gallaudet University’s Tower Clock in late 1890’s; septic tone CAPTION: Yes, Gallaudet University!

VIDEO: Gallaudet – The Film, a video of deaf students with a teacher signing to them. CAPTION: In 1864, Gallaudet was created for deaf students.

IMAGE: 1892 Gallaudet University Football Team Photo (16 male players with a male coach) It zoom to Paul D. Hubbard (located in lower middle of the team). CAPTION: Gallaudet was the first football team to use the huddle.

IMAGE: Paul D. Hubbard, a white young male in a black suit with a thick tie as his shirt collar is up. CAPTION: Paul D. Hubbard was a quarterback for Gallaudet from 1892-1895.

VIDEO: Eagles’ offense team huddling together in snow at 1948 Football Championship Game. CAPTION: Hubbard set up a tight circle with his offense so they could discuss plays,

VIDEO: players huddling together at Super Bowl IX CAPTION: without the other team seeing what they were signing. CAPTION: Hence, the “huddle” was invented.

VIDEO: of , reacts as shocking.

VIDEO: players huddling together at Super Bowl IX CAPTION: This is another example of how the deaf experience is contributing to the world.

VIDEO: Two players are reacting as “oooh”

VIDEO: An fan is nodding and saying “YES!” VIDEO: fans, Dad and his daughter high-fiving each other.

VIDEO: Tom Brady runs backward, then throws the ball to his wide receiver at Super Bowl XLIX (New England Patriots vs Seattle Seahawks) CAPTION: Football wouldn’t be the same without Deaf Gain!

VIDEO: Pittsburgh Steelers fans standing up and waving around their yellow “terrible towels”.

VIDEO: Dez Bryant of Dallas Cowboy is nodding with a smile.

VIDEO: From ASLNOOK.COM, Dad is teaching “play” as sign language to his two young daughters. Then, he teaches “football” as his daughters copy his “football” sign.

VIDEO: of is nodding. Then, he gets himself ready to play football.

VIDEO: Quick slide is shown of G. Veditz a older-white male donning his black suit signing the word, “sign” followed by a colonial-looking older white male with a old- fashioned horn to his ear to indicate the listening device they used in the 19th century quickly followed by a black & white photo of a large crowd of people posing for the camera from the 1904 World’s Fair where they held the NAD Conference, quickly followed by a black-white photo of Missouri School for the Deaf in the early 1900’s with its usual institutional-style architecture of large brick buildings with one building sporting 6 large white pillars in front. The video ends with a white background of deaf [green font] and that [black font] with a line separating the two words and then transformed into DEAF, Inc.’s logo. Each letter has its own sign language letter representing both the respective English letter and the ASL letter into it and a small caption below the logo with the www.deafinc.org. The last slide says, “Follow us [green font]!”, next slide, “Facebook” but the F is in the ASL letter F along with the respective underline “facebook.com/DeafThat”. Then next slide shows YouTube with the Y and T in the ASL letter and “youtube.com/user/DeafInc. Next line shows “Twitter” but the T is in the ASL letter T along with the respective underline “twitter.com/deaf_that”. Next slide, “#deafthat”.