Illusions of Preference Cont’d Seeing red Associated with romance, status, threat

Females rate males more attractive in red Clothes/background; via status perception, not personality Males rate females more attractive: sexual receptivity?

Threat-cue (literal perception or semantic processing) Increases strength of motor output; local vs. global thought Reduces complex skills (physical, cognitive) Non-conscious avoidance (lean away from test) Anger primes: more likely to perceive a color as red Music: Consumer behavior

• Attitude toward product: liking, congruence – Classical conditioning (music liking) -> + mood – Congruence of music with brand/product • Music/scent congruence (xmas, grapefruit vs. lavender) • French vs. German wine, music match: 5:1 vs. 1:2! Music: Consumer behavior

• Arousal-activity – Liking/purchasing á moderate complexity music – Tempo & loudness -> shopping/eating speed • Slow & soft = better for supermarkets, fine dining – More/faster drinking in bars, á eating~tempo • conversations minimized – Waiting time: satisfaction & duration estimates • Duration ~ processing & music liking; worse = better? Music: Consumer behavior • Style associations -> choice

• Classical vs pop – Spend more – More expensive products – Product/location = ‘sophisticated’ vs. ‘fun’ (vs. cheap) • Perception of cafeteria: classical vs. pop vs. easy-listening

• Happy vs sad – Sad sells more greeting cards (congruence) – Happy sells more in general (clothing stores)

• Romance study (romantic -> more dates vs. neutral)

Scent & Preference • Same scent, different labels Cheese vs. vomit, body odor Xmas tree vs. disinfectant Cucumber vs. mildew

• Subliminal odor presentation Cleanser: > cleaning plan & action Dreams (+/-): rose vs. rotten egg Faces (+/-): lemon vs. fear/sweat (only if not conscious of scent)

Consumer behavior: food

* green vs. red nutrition labels perceived healthier é trust & brand connection if mascot eye contact Consumer behavior: Restaurants • Menu: é $ & taste if descriptive, no ‘$’s

• Tipping é: touch, smily face, name, sunny out Estimated purchase power of $1 • Shown real or fake; no one ID’d fake, but:

• Average guess: 22 items (real) vs. 12 (fake) Random illustrations and belief

• Random trivia: • Smallest country in South America? (More convinced w/ pic)

• Research & brain porn? Similarity & Liking: Pets

The eyes have it! Similarity & Liking: Cars

Car-face! (Say hello to my…) Visual Cues

Flowers in room (priming -> increased # hit rate) Flower in hair (75% v. 50% bus fare received) Interpersonal effects cont’d • Liking é with synchronous walking – Happens even over the phone (no visual info) • Moral behaviors – é with presence of mirror, or picture of eyes – Less stealing, cheating, etc. ‘being watched’ • Prime: childhood vs high school happy memory – Donate more (activates morally simpler, clearer era) Pain Illusions • Seeing photo of loved one (vs. stranger) é reward center, ê pain-processing activation é ventro-medial prefrontal cortex (safety signal) • Enhancing brain’s body map -> reduces pain – Touching/ holding your injured area – Seeing injured area enlarged (vs. reduced) • Swearing (increased pain tolerance/endurance) Pain Illusions • Pain lessens guilt (self-inflicted) • Social exclusion – Pain processing (dorsal anterior cingulate, insula) – Reduced by taking pain-killers! • Pain (physical & social) reduced by counting $ - Hot water; 50% é rating counting paper Placebo effect: Mind -> body • Brain makes endogenous analgesics (opioids) • Additive effects with real drugs – Blocked by naloxone – Relieves pain, modulates heart rate, respiration – Can last for weeks Placebo effect: Mind -> body • Areas of activation: Pain, expectation, threat/reward anticipation • Placebo dopamine release improves: mood, motor control (Parkinson’s), digestion, cognitive function; insomnia & stess (cortisol) • Belief/ ‘therapeutic rituals’ Cultural variation; color matters (blue tranquilizers > red) • Nocebo effect (works both ways) Preference: coffee clip! Illusions of Causation, Self & Identity • Self perception & enhancement • Names • Causation • Self-control • Free will • Split brain • Unity/continuity Thought: Core Motivations • See the world accurately • See ourselves positively • Feel in control/ reduce uncertainty • Seek causal explanations • Attribute agency to self, others • Unified sense of self Self enhancement & Optimism • Better-than-average effect (BTAE) – Skills (e.g. driving); longevity; BTAE susceptibility : ) • Likelihood of +/- outcomes • Health • Impact – Imagined vs. real negative events • Choice & Effort Justification – Perceived value before vs. after (not) choosing – Endowment effect -> including love-is-blind bias? Implicit Egotism & NLE • Name-Letter-Effect (reading 8) – Purchases, partners, places, jobs, stocks – Grades, school’s rank, sports performance, longevity – Quick buy (alphabet) • Implicit egotism ≈ unconscious self-liking – Corr. w/ self-esteem – Increased w/ self- & positive-priming Self enhancement & Optimism

• Relationships – ‘Love-is-blind’ bias – Partner idealization ~ satisfaction (reading #9)

• Placebo effects ~ optimism* – expectancy, suggestibility, context, motivation, ritual Causation & Attributions Attributions: explaining behavior

• Actor- – Fundamental Attribution Error – Salience, attention, awareness

• Self-serving attributions

• Defensive attributions – Just-World Hypothesis Error Management Theory • Objective probabilities x outcome value • Threat overperception – Noise, animals, allergy, illness, mean people • Sinister attribution error; F.A.E. – Agency/ Illusion of animacy Animacy/ agency bias

Animism (roombas survey) - Biomotion (superior temporal sulcus) -Theory of mind (medial prefrontal cortex) Error Management Theory

• Relationships – Sexual over-perception (males) – Commitment under-perception (females) – Interloper effect (mate guarding vigilance/ jealousy) • Positive illusions – Costs/benefits of trying -> success/failure – Optimism, self, control Control & Pattern Perception • Desire sense of control – Reduce uncertainty & unpredictability • Motivates illusory pattern perception Control & Pattern Perception • Superstitions/ rituals • Non-contingent reinforcement • • Benefits? (reading #12) – Efficacy, persistence, performance Control & Pattern Perception • Ritual ~ situational uncertainty & importance – Deep-sea vs. coastal fishers; baseball positions – 1st vs. 2nd year grad school; skydive timing – At national level ~ economic uncertainty – Experimental manipulations (reading #11) Essentialism & contagion • Pervasive magical thinking Things have an ‘essence’; contagious – Celebrity memorabilia / autographs -> big $ – Dirty sweater vs. clean axe-murderer’s sweater? – Sugar bottle label study – Backward contagion: give bad guy your memento Randomness • : seeing patterns in random data – Type 1 error/ false alarm – Right hemisphere activity; ~ dopamine levels • Bad at ID’ing & creating random patterns – Clustering illusions/ Texas Sharpshooter fallacy – iPod shuffle -> complaints -> adjusted! Choice, self-control, & free will

‘When we say that a man controls himself, we must specify who is controlling whom’

‘A mere survey of the techniques of self-control does not explain why the individual puts them into effect’ -Skinner, 1953

Self-control: limited resource model Depletes; build endurance over time ( ≈ muscles) Decreasing: • thought suppression -> laughter • emotional modulation -> handgrip stamina • Impression management -> stroop task • vegetables vs. chocolate/control -> - persistence • anticipatory conservation • blood glucose (sugar vs diet) self-control: limited resource model • Vicarious depletion – put in other’s shoes -> spend more $ on products – priming/goal-contagion boost (read vs. empathize) • Imagination – (3v30 m&m’s (eat/bowl), quarters, cheese) – habituation (stimulus specific), reduce craving • Belief in free will/determinism -> self-control Free will? • Libet, 1983: watch clock, move wrist/finger, report timing of Will (W) & movement (M) • EEG readiness potential (objective timing of brain & muscle activity) Free will? • W precedes M (intuitive), but pre-motor activity (RP) precedes W by 300-500 ms! – Free will vs. free won’t (conscious will not required, but room to inhibit actions?) • W delayed with delayed movement perception – Alternative: infer intention from perception? • Purpose? (efficacy, ethics, brain fx!) Free will? • TMS disrupts/delays movement & awareness at primary & supplementary motor areas • Electrical stimulation of SMA -> urge/anticipation of movement (more->actually move) • SMA lesions -> alien hand syndrome • Timing shift: perceive intention & action as closer together (temporally) when voluntary • Alternative: fMRI data: frontopolar cortex 1st; up to 10s delay! Unity of Consciousness

Lateralization of Function

Prosody = musicality of speech Unity of Consciousness

Corpus Callosum [Epilepsy & Split Brain] Unity of Consciousness

Laterization of Function • When a split-brain patient is asked to stare straight ahead while a photo of a fork is flashed to his left visual field, he cannot name it. Unity of Consciousness

Lateralization of Function Thoughts Split-brain patient: (readings 13 & 14) • 1 person? 2? Somewhere in between? – Remove 1 hemisphere – Place 1 hemisphere in different body – Both hemispheres in different body • Unity of consciousness – Teleportation – Cell swapping (1%, 49%, 51%, 99%) – Bundles of awareness? Continuity