ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 Ministry of Defence Government of India Joint Army-Air Force Exercise ‘Vijayee Bhava’ Army-Air Force Exercise ‘Vijayee Joint Front Cover :- Contingent of the Para-Regiment at the Republic Day Parade-2012 (Clockwise) AGNI-IV Test IAF’s Mi-17 V5 Helicopter Coast Guard Interceptor Boat ICGS C-153 Annual Report 2011-12 Ministry of Defence Government of India CONTENTS 1. Security Environment 1 2. Organisation and Functions of the Ministry of Defence 9 3. Indian Army 17 4. Indian Navy 33 5. Indian Air Force 43 6. Coast Guard 49 7. Defence Production 57 8. Defence Research and Development 93 9. Inter Service Organizations 113 10. Recruitment and Training 131 11. Resettlement and Welfare of Ex-Servicemen 153 12. Cooperation between the Armed Forces and Civil Authorities 167 13. National Cadet Corps 177 14. Defence Relations with Foreign Countries 189 15. Ceremonial, Academic and Adventure Activities 199 16. Activities of Vigilance Units 213 17. Empowerment and Welfare of Women 219 Appendices I Matters dealt with by the Departments of the Ministry of Defence 227 II Ministers, Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries who were in 231 position from January 1, 2011 onwards III Summary of latest Comptroller & Auditor General 232 (C&AG) Report on the working of Ministry of Defence IV Position of Action Taken Notes (ATNs) as on 31.12.2011 in respect 245 of observations made in the C&AG Reports/PAC Reports 3 4 1 SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IAF SU-30s dominating the air space 1 The emergence of ideology linked terrorism, the spread of small arms and light weapons(SALW), the proliferation of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and globalisation of its economy are some of the factors which link India’s security directly with the extended neighbourhood 1.1 India has land frontiers extending Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The Andaman more than 15,500 kilometres and maritime & Nicobar Islands located 1300 km away from boundaries overlooking three major shipping the nearest point on our East Coast assume lanes. The country is strategically located vis- strategic predominance with respect to the à-vis both continental Asia and the Indian entrance to the Malacca Straits. In the Arabian Ocean Region. It has a landmass of 3.3 million Sea, the Lakshadweep and Minicoy islands, square kilometres and is home to over a billion situated on the sea-lanes of communication people with varying ethnic, linguistic, religious running eastwards from the Persian Gulf and and cultural backgrounds. the Red Sea are 450 km away from the nearest point on the West Coast. India is, thus, a 1.2 The topography of India is diverse, maritime as well as a continental entity. ranging from the snow clad Himalayas with peaks over 28,000 feet to deserts, thick jungles 1.3 The geographical and topographical and vast plains. The Siachen Glacier in the diversity, especially on the land borders which North is the world’s highest battle-field, with we share with seven neighbouring countries posts located as high as 21,000 feet. India’s (viz., Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Western border runs through deserts, fertile Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan) poses unique plains and thickly forested mountains. The challenges to our Armed Forces. India’s North-Eastern frontier also comprises steep, peninsular dimension places it adjacent to high ranges and dense tropical forests. To one of the most vital sea-lanes of the world the South, there are ranges close to the sea, stretching from the Suez Canal and the Persian inland plateaus interspersed with river valleys, Gulf to the Straits of Malacca through which coastal plains, and far-flung island territories 55,000 ships and much of the oil from the Gulf such as the Lakshadweep to the West and the region transit each year. Andaman and Nicobar Islands to the East. On 1.4 India’s location at the base of continental three sides, from Gujarat to West Bengal, the Asia and the top of the Indian Ocean gives country is bordered by the Arabian Sea, Indian it a vantage point in relation to both Central 2 Asia and the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). the unfolding dynamic transformations are Additionally, India’s size, strategic location, generating new strategic uncertainties. The trade links and exclusive economic zone (EEZ) continuing economic crisis in Europe and the links its security environment directly with the Western world is a major cause of worry for extended neighbourhood, particularly with the global economy. Simultaneously, the Asia neighbouring countries and the regions of Pacific region has been acquiring an increasing Central Asia, South-East Asia, the Gulf and the salience in the economic and strategic Indian Ocean. These strategic-economic factors balance of power. The rise of countries like impose an increasingly larger responsibility on India, China, Brazil and South Africa has also India. been an important development vis-à-vis the established global order. 1.5 In the post cold war international scenario, the 9/11 terrorist attack against the 1.8 As rising nations and non-State actors USA and terrorist strikes in many other parts become more powerful, emerging risks require of the world have brought about greater greater attention. The security environment international convergence on security issues has become more complex, with asymmetric and challenges. The emergence of ideology threats from terrorism, piracy etc. Technology linked terrorism, the spread of small arms advances in telecommunications and other and light weapons(SALW), the proliferation areas have provided potent force multipliers of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and to boost the capabilities and impact of terrorist globalisation of its economy are some of the activities. Despite international efforts to deal factors which link India’s security directly with with terrorism, the threat from terrorism remains the extended neighbourhood. potent. There is continuing concern over the 1.6 South Asia hosts a diversity of political experiences and systems. The region also faces the menace of terrorism and problems by way of proliferation of arms and drugs. Against this background, India stands as a bulwark against fundamentalism and extremism. It is a centre of economic dynamism in the region and as a plural democracy, a bastion of stability and peaceful coexistence. The Global Security Environment 1.7 Over the last years, the global balance of power has witnessed new adjustments and Launch of BrahMos from INS Ranvir during the Exercise TROPEX 3 immediate neighbourhood remaining a hub for which India is an active member. India has international terrorist organisations. The threat supported efforts to establish an open and of piracy and terrorism to international trade inclusive security architecture for the region. and safety of the sea lanes of communication India’s policy is to encourage and participate in and the spread of piracy remain cause for cooperative approaches which would enable concern. all countries in the region to address traditional and non-traditional security challenges and to 1.9 The international security situation ensure that the critical sea lanes in the region continued to be adversely affected by continuing are kept open, secure and free for navigation conflict and violence. The political churning and trade. India’s continuing engagement with unleashed in West Asia and North Africa by the ASEAN led fora like the ADMM Plus and ASEAN ‘Arab Spring’ brought to the fore fresh concerns Regional Forum are a part of our progressive in the already complex security scenario in the and multifaceted bilateral and multilateral region. The complex and dynamic interplay of partnerships with the ASEAN community. At economic, diplomatic and military factors in the same time, India is mindful of the impact the Asia Pacific also continued to impact the that inter-State tensions may have on economic overall security assessment for the region as a relations and on the military balance in the whole. region and the manner in which these would 1.10 In view of the multifaceted security affect our national interests. concerns and the global dimensions of 1.12 The developments associated with the challenges, India has strengthened its the Arab Spring were seen as introducing participation in multilateral institutions and a democratic dynamic in West Asia and deepened its strategic partnerships with various North Africa. While these were welcomed countries so as to effectively contribute, as a universally, there are responsible stakeholder, to concerns about the impact regional and global peace India has strengthened its of these developments and stability. participation in multilateral on the security situation 1.11 The developments institutions and deepened its in the region and the in the Asia Pacific continue strategic partnerships with consequences for the to underline the need for various countries so as to flow of energy supplies. initiatives to build trust and India imports a significant effectively contribute, as a confidence in the region. proportion of its energy responsible stakeholder, to At the political level, a requirements from key development was the regional and global peace countries in the region and establishment of the East and stability. in addition, has to also Asia Summit forum, of take into consideration 4 the interests of the almost 6 million Indian through the India-Africa Forum Summits, a workforce in these countries. India has long strategic dimension has been added to India’s standing, warm and wide-ranging relations with relations with many African countries, in view all countries in the region and will continue of the emerging security challenges. The most to engage with them on the basis of mutuality important of these challenges is the continuing of respect and interests. India continues to threat of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean pursue defence and security engagements and the challenge that the activities of Somali with various countries in the region, including pirates continue to pose to the safety of the sea Oman, Qatar and the UAE, on the basis of lanes.
No. 08/2019 AN INDIAN ARMY PUBLICATION August 2019 BATTLE OF HAJIPIR (INDO-PAK WAR 1965) MAJOR RANJIT SINGH DAYAL, PVSM, MVC akistan’s forcible attempt to annex Kashmir was defeated when India, even though surprised by the Pakistani offensive, responded with extraordinary zeal and turned the tide in a war, Pakistan thought it would win. Assuming discontent in Kashmir with India, Pakistan sent infiltrators to precipitate Pinsurgency against India under ‘OPERATION GIBRALTAR’, followed by the plan to capture Akhnoor under ‘OPERATION GRAND SLAM’. The Indian reaction was swift and concluded with the epic capture of the strategic Haji Pir Pass, located at a height of 2637 meters on the formidable PirPanjal Range, that divided the Kashmir Valley from Jammu. A company of 1 PARA led by Major (later Lieutenant General) Ranjit Singh Dayal wrested control of Haji Pir Pass in Jammu & Kashmir, which was under the Pakistani occupation. The initial victory came after a 37- hour pitched battle by the stubbornly brave and resilient troops. Major Dayal and his company accompanied by an Artillery officer started at 1400 hours on 27 August. As they descended into the valley, they were subjected to fire from the Western shoulder of the pass. There were minor skirmishes with the enemy, withdrawing from Sank. Towards the evening, torrential rains covered the mountain with thick mist. This made movement and direction keeping difficult. The men were exhausted after being in the thick of battle for almost two days. But Major Dayal urged them to move on. On reaching the base of the pass, he decided to leave the track and climb straight up to surprise the enemy.
June 2020 समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings A Daily service to keep DRDO Fraternity abreast with DRDO Technologies, Defence Technologies, Defence Policies, International Relations and Science & Technology Volume: 45 Issue: 1 1 June 2020 37 3 रक्षा िवज्ञान पुतकालय Defenceरक्षा िवज्ञान Science पुतकालय Library रक्षाDefence वैज्ञािनक सScienceूचना एवं प्रल Libraryेखन क द्र Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre रक्षा वैज्ञािनक सूचना एव ं प्रलेखन क द्र Defence Scientificमेटकॉफ Informationहाउस, िदली -& 110 Documentation 054 Centre Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054 मेटकॉफ हाउस, िदली - 110 054 Metcalfe House, Delhi- 110 054 CONTENT S.No. TITLE Page No. DRDO News 1-6 COVID-19: DRDO’s Contribution 1 1. डीआरडीओ ने पुिलस को दी वदीर् और सैिनटाइज मशीन 1 2. DRDO develops 'GermiKlean' to sanitise uniforms of police, security forces 2 DRDO Technology News 2-6 3. How the BrahMos missile has evolved since it was test fired for the first time on this 2 day in 2001 4. DRDO making plans to develop two jet engines? 4 5. Govt extends deadline for defence contracts for Indian vendors 5 Defence News 6-23 Defence Strategic National/International 6-23 6. Defence budget up by 11.9% amid tensions with India 6 7. Delayed Procurements will hurt India against China 7 8. Rajnath reviews situation in eastern Ladakh 8 9. India was alert to Chinese tactics, increased Army on Arunachal border, Army ready to 9 respond to every move of China 10.
BHU PUU 2014 The Editor Bhu Puu Journal Welfare Branch, Defence Wing, Embassy of India G.P.O. Post Box No. 292, Kathmandu, Nepal Journal of Indian Ex-Servicemen Tel: 00977–1–4412597; E–mail: Welfare Organisation in Nepal Design and Print by: Creative Press Pvt. Ltd. STRENgTHENINg BONDS INDIAN ARMY DAY CELEBRATIONS 2014 : AN RENDEZVOUS WITH OUR VETERANS Indian Army Day was celebrated by and professionalism. He acknowledged Defence Wing, Embassy of India, Nepal Indian Army as a reputed Institution of in Kathmandu on ... Jan 2014. Gen world repute. The highlight of the evening Gaurav SJB Rana, COAS, Nepalese was the presence of our gallantry award Army and Hony General of Indian Army winners. The event was also attended was the Chief Guest of the event. The by prominent dignitaries including senior proceedings commenced with inaugural officials of NA and various ministries of address by His Excellency Mr Ranjit GoN, representatives from diplomatic Rae, the Ambassador of India in Nepal. missions in Nepal, media personnel, Thereafter COAS, NA read out his artist community and heads of important message in which he appreciated Indian corporate houses including the Indian Army's rich history of selfless sacrifice joint ventures. COAS NA ADDRESSING THE GATHERING THE AMBASSADOR WITH OUR WAR HEROES COAS WITH THE OFFICERS OF DEFENCE WING CONTENTS Messages - 3 Visit of The Prime Minister of India - 6 COAS Visit - 8 Visits - 10 Defence Wing in Nepal - 11 Welfare Branch - 12 Medical Facilities - 14 Educational Assistance - 18 ECHS
July 2020 समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings A Daily service to keep DRDO Fraternity abreast with DRDO Technologies, Defence Technologies, Defence Policies, International Relations and Science & Technology Volume: 45 Issue: 1 July 2020 64 15 रक्षा िवज्ञान पुतकालय Defenceरक्षा िवज्ञान Science पुतकालय Library रक्षाDefence वैज्ञािनक सScienceूचना एवं प्रल Libraryेखन क द्र Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre रक्षा वैज्ञािनक सूचना एव ं प्रलेखन क द्र Defence Scientificमेटकॉफ Informationहाउस, िदली -& 110 Documentation 054 Centre Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054 मेटकॉफ हाउस, िदली - 110 054 Metcalfe House, Delhi- 110 054 CONTENT S. No. TITLE Page No. DRDO News 1-6 COVID-19: DRDO’s Contribution 1-2 1. DRDO develops software tool for tracking Covid patients in quarantine 1 2. DRDO develops software tool for enforcement of quarantine during Covid-19 2 3. Beds to spare at Covid-19 centres as cases decline in Delhi 3 DRDO Technology News 4-6 4. 15 HAL LCH deal by year end….? 4 5. Indian forces to acquire Heron drones, Spike anti-tank guided missiles from Israel 5 6. Army to place repeat order for Spike missiles from Israel 6 Defence News 7-25 Defence Strategic National/International 7-25 7. New ballistic helmets for the Army 7 8. Here's why India's Rafale fighter jet is a better choice for dogfight than Pakistan's 8 US-made F-16 9. Know the Indian Army | Army Air Defence: The 'Sentinel of the Sky' protect air 10 space from low flying enemy aerial attacks 10.
Annual Report 2007-08 Ministry of Defence Government of India CONTENTS 1 The Security Environment 1 2 Organisation and Functions of The Ministry of Defence 7 3 Indian Army 15 4 Indian Navy 27 5 Indian Air Force 37 6 Coast Guard 45 7 Defence Production 51 8 Defence Research and Development 75 9 Inter-Service Organisations 101 10 Recruitment and Training 115 11 Resettlement and Welfare of Ex-Servicemen 139 12 Cooperation Between the Armed Forces and Civil Authorities 153 13 National Cadet Corps 159 14 Defence Cooperaton with Foreign Countries 171 15 Ceremonial and Other Activities 181 16 Activities of Vigilance Units 193 17. Empowerment and Welfare of Women 199 Appendices I Matters Dealt with by the Departments of the Ministry of Defence 205 II Ministers, Chiefs of Staff and Secretaries who were in position from April 1, 2007 onwards 209 III Summary of latest Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) Report on the working of Ministry of Defence 210 1 THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Troops deployed along the Line of Control 1 s the world continues to shrink and get more and more A interdependent due to globalisation and advent of modern day technologies, peace and development remain the central agenda for India.i 1.1 India’s security environment the deteriorating situation in Pakistan and continued to be infl uenced by developments the continued unrest in Afghanistan and in our immediate neighbourhood where Sri Lanka. Stability and peace in West Asia rising instability remains a matter of deep and the Gulf, which host several million concern. Global attention is shifting to the sub-continent for a variety of reasons, people of Indian origin and which is the ranging from fast track economic growth, primary source of India’s energy supplies, growing population and markets, the is of continuing importance to India.
UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110002 Approval of new skill based courses to institutions under NSQF for the academic year 2020-21 S.No State Name Name of the Address Details Institution 1 Andhra A M A L College Anakapalli, District Trade/Course Pradesh Visakhapatnam - 531 001 Certificate DAIRYING & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY B.VOC. Degree DAIRYING & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Certificate Agriculture B.VOC. Degree Agriculture 2 Tamil Nadu A Veeriya Vendayar Poondi, District Thanjavur Programme Trade/Course Memorial Sri Diploma Edible mushroom cultivation Technology Pushpam College Diploma Ornamental fish culture Diploma Bio fertilizer Diploma Handicrafts/Thanjavur Arts and Paintings 3 Tamil Nadu A.D.M. College for Nagapattinam, District Programme Trade/Course Women Quaide-E-Milleth B.VOC. Degree Management and Entrepreneurship/Modern Office Practices B.VOC. Degree Apparel/Fashion Technology B.VOC. Degree Healthcare/Nutrition and Dietetics B.VOC. Degree Banking & Financial Service/ Banking Finance and Insurance 4 Andhra A.N.R. College Gudivada, District Programme Trade/Course Pradesh Krishna - 521 301 Certificate IT/Ites/WEB TECHNOLOGIES Certificate Management and Entrepreneurship/ GOODS & SERVICES TAX (GST) Certificate Chemical and Petrochemicals/ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 5 Tamil Nadu A.P.C. Mahalaxmi Tuticorin, District Programme Trade/Course College for women Tuticorin - 628 016 Diploma IT/Ites/Data Science Diploma Media and Entertainment/Advertising and Public Relations Diploma Beauty & Wellness/Herbal Beauty Care 6 Maharashtra A.R. Burla Mahila City Survey No. Programme Trade/Course Varishtha 9705/9/A/2A, Raviwar B.VOC. Degree Theatre and Stage Craft 7 Maharashtra A.T.S.P.M. Arts & Ashti, District Beed Programme Trade/Course Commerce College Diploma Agriculture/Organic Farming Diploma IT/Ites/Computer Application and Information Technology Diploma IT/Ites/Web Page Designing & Web development 8 Telangana A.V.V.
REGISTERED NO. D-222 The Gazette of India PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 10] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1974 (VAISAKHA 21. 1896) Separate paging is given to this Part in order that it may be filed as a separate compilation. The undermentioned Gazettes of India Extraordinary were published up to the 28th February 1973:— Issue No. No. and Date Issued by Subject Copies of the Gazettes Extraordinary mentioned above will be supplied on indent to the Controller of Publi- cations, Civil Lines, Delhi. Indents should be submitted BO as to reach the Controller within ten days of the date of issue of these Gazettes. (501) 502 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, MAY 11, 1974 (VAISAKHA 21, 1896) [PART I—SEC. 1 CONTENTS PART I—SECTION 1.—Notifications relating to Non- PAGE PART H—SECTION 3.—SUB. SEC. (ii).—Statutory PAGE Statutory Rules. Regulations Orders and Orders and Notifications issued by the Resolutions issued by the Ministries of the Ministries of the Government of India Government of India (other than the (other than the Ministry of Defence) and Ministry of Defence) and by the Supreme by the Central Authorities (other than the Court .. .. .. ., joi Administrations of Union Territories) .. 1289 PART I—SECTION 2.—Notifications regarding Ap- PART II—SECTION 4.—Statutory Rules and Orders pointments, Promotions, Leave etc. of notified by the Ministry of Defence .. 191 Government Officers issued by the Minis- PART III—SECTION 1.—Notifications issued by the tries of the Government of India (other Auditor General, Union Public Service than the Ministry of Defence) and by the Commission, Railway Administration, High Supreme Court .
Standing Committee on Defence (2016-17) (Sixteenth
26 STANDING COMMITTEE ON DEFENCE (2016-17) (SIXTEENTH LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF DEFENCE [Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Twenty First Report of the Standing Committee on Defence(16th Lok Sabha) on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17) of the Ministry on Defence on Ordnance Factory Board, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme, Directorate General of Quality Assurance and National Cadet Corps (Demand No. 20)'] TWENTY SIXTH REPORT LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI March, 2017/ Phalguna, 1938 (Saka) 1 TWENTY SIXTH REPORT STANDING COMMITTEE ON DEFENCE (2016-17) (SIXTEENTH LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF DEFENCE [Action Taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Twenty First Report of the Standing Committee on Defence(16th Lok Sabha) on 'Demands for Grants (2016-17) of the Ministry on Defence on Ordnance Factory Board, Defence Research and Development Organisation, Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme, Directorate General Quality Assurance and National Cadet Corps (Demand No. 20)'] Presented to Lok Sabha on 09.03.2017 Laid in Rajya Sabha on ………. LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI March, 2017/ Phalguna, 1938 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGE COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE (2016-17) ……………………………………. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………... CHAPTER I Report………………………………………………….……………..... CHAPTER II (A) Observations/Recommendations which have been accepted by the Government………………………………….......... (B) Observations/Recommendations which have been accepted by the Government and to be commented upon………........................... CHAPTER III Observations/Recommendations which the Committee do not desire to pursue in view of the replies of the Government …………………………………..................................... CHAPTER IV Observations/Recommendations in respect of which Replies of the Government have not been accepted by the Committee which require reiteration and commented upon........
Terrorism in the Name of Religion: with Special Reference to Islam
Terrorism in the Name of Religion: With Special Reference to Islam Supervisor Researcher Dr. Fr. Tapan C. De Rozario Shah Mohammad Jonayed Associate Professor Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Department of World Religions and Culture Registration No: 38 University of Dhaka Session: 2011-2012 Examination Roll Number: 2 Joining date: 17/07/2012 Department of World Religions and Culture University of Dhaka December,2018 Dhaka University Institutional Repository Terrorism in the Name of Religion: With Special Reference to Islam Thesis re-submitted to the Department of World Religions and Culture, University of Dhaka in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in World Religions and Culture. By Shah Mohammad Jonayed M.PhilResearcher Registration No: 38 Session: 2011-2012 Examination Roll Number: 2 Supervisor Dr. Fr. Tapan C. De Rozario Associate Professor Department of World Religions and Culture University of Dhaka Department of World Religions and Culture University of Dhaka December, 2018 Dhaka University Institutional Repository Terrorism in the Name of Religion: With Special Reference to Islam Dhaka University Institutional Repository Preface All religions preach the gospel of love and it is the foundation of human existence. Without peace, justice and love nations cannot develop, and man- kind can enjoy neither happiness nor tranquility. In order to achieve social stability and world peace, there must be impartiality and harmonious living among nations, among political factions, among ethnic groups, and among religions. It is clear that peace is a divine prize that may come by the way of justice not by the terrorism. If there is religious terrorism there isn’t peace.