Indian Ministry of Defence Annual Report 2003

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Indian Ministry of Defence Annual Report 2003 AnnualAnnual ReportReport 2003-2004 Ministry of Defence Government of India ANNUAL REPORT 2003-04 Ministry of Defence Government of India Front Cover: ‘Tejas’ the world’s smallest light weight multi-role aircraft designed by DRDO to meet the demands of Indian Air Force, has sucessfully completed 200 flight tests. Back Cover: ‘INS Talwar’, the Stealth Frigate, inducted in the Indian Navy in July 2003 adds to Navy’s punch. CONTENTS 1. Security Environment 5 2. Organisation and Functions of the Ministry of Defence 15 3. Indian Army 25 4. Indian Navy 39 5. Indian Air Force 49 6. Coast Guard 59 7. Defence Production 71 8. Defence Research and Development 97 9. Inter-Service Organisations 115 10. Recruitment and Training 127 11. Resettlement and Welfare of Ex-Servicemen 147 12. Cooperation Between the Armed Forces & Civil Authorities 165 13. National Cadet Corps 173 14. Defence Relations With Foreign Countries 183 15. Ceremonial, Academic and Adventure Activities 201 16. Activities of Vigilance Units 211 17. Empowerment and Welfare of Women 213 Appendices I. Matters dealt with by the Departments of the Minstry of Defence 219 II. Ministers, Chiefs of Staff & Secretaries who were in position from April 1, 2003 onwards 223 III. Summary of latest C&AG Report on the working of Ministry of Defence 224 11 SECURITY ENVIRONMENT Security environment around India underlines the need for a high level of vigilance and defence preparedness Few countries face the range of security challenges, concerns and threats that India faces, from terrorism and low- intensity conflict to nuclear weapons and missiles, in its neighbourhood. 1.1 India’s security preoccupations are 1.2 Global events in recent years have determined by the dynamics of the global had a profound effect on the strategic and regional strategic and security environ- environment for India. The collapse of the ment. The post-Cold War international former Soviet Union has left the US as the situation and the terrorist attack against the pre-eminent world power. The US-led wars United States on 9/11 have brought about a in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq have dem- greater international convergence on global onstrated US military power and willingness security issues and challenges, though to use it unilaterally or in association with significant differences of perception and allies or coalition partners; and heralded a action on specifics remain. India’s location worldwide revolution in military affairs using at the centre of an arc of terrorism between new technologies, notably information and North Africa and South-east Asia, its close communication technologies, sensors and proximity to a key source of nuclear prolif- satellites, and precision-guided munitions. eration and the continuing acts of terrorism 1.3 Old confrontations have given way from across her western border require India to new equations and alignments. The to maintain a high level of vigilance and European Union is consolidating and ex- defence preparedness. The nature of new panding to include much of former East and threats has also reinforced the need for Central Europe. NATO too is enlarging and international cooperation to combat terror- has deployed forces in Afghanistan even as ism and proliferation of weapons of mass Europe has been trying to shape its own destruction, and underline the role that India common Foreign and Security Policy. Rela- could play in the global response against tions between major powers have been, by such forces. and large, stable and tension-free. Strains 6 FINAL 26.9.04 did appear in transatlantic relations over that India faces today. At one end of the Iraq, but they did not interfere with coop- spectrum, India has faced a series of low eration in areas of common approach such intensity conflicts such as a proxy war fanned as Afghanistan and the US-led Proliferation by radical jehadi outfits and supported by Security Initiative. Russia continued with its state institutions; insurgencies, in many structural reforms and deepening of ties with cases tolerated, aided or abetted by sources the US, Europe, China and Central Asia for from outside India; and spillovers of conflicts its security and economic revival. Frictions, in neighbouring states. At the other end, it characterizing an earlier phase of US-China inhabits an environment in which two of its relations, eased. China is modernizing neighbours have nuclear weapons and rapidly, building up its ‘Comprehensive missiles and its immediate neighbourhood National Power’. Global dependency for has been a source of nuclear proliferation. energy resources on the Gulf remains and is In between these poles, it has experienced, likely to increase, triggering rivalry and in the course of its 50-plus years of post- competition for access and control of the Independence history, at least four major region and for alternatives sources of energy, conventional border wars besides an unde- notably in Central Asia. Terrorism and the clared war at Kargil on account of external prospect of the use of weapons of mass aggression. destruction (WMD) for terrorism, have 1.6 Terrorism is India’s primary and emerged as the new and most immediate most immediate security threat. India’s issues of global security concern. location at the centre of the arc of extremist 1.4 In response to these and other activism and terrorism and next to its perceived challenges, the US is redeploying epicenter in Pakistan, amplified by a history its posture, forces, defences and operational of Pakistan’s use of it to wage a low-intensity philosophy worldwide. As the pre-eminent proxy war against India; the prospect of world power with global influence and ability terrorists getting access to weapons of mass to project power, US policies and actions destruction; and the wanton disregard they shape the international security environment have for the lives of others and themselves, in many ways, directly or indirectly. There require that India be particularly on guard has been a stepped up US presence in against the phenomenon. Terrorism in and varying degrees in the Gulf, Afghanistan, against India has anticipated and mirrored Pakistan, Central Asia and South-east Asia terrorism worldwide. The original act of and reductions elsewhere. The US declared mass, synchronized terrorism, similar to the Pakistan a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) 9/11 attacks in the US, took place in Bom- as a partner in the war against terrorism. bay in 1992. Terrorist attacks in Iraq, Saudi 1.5 To an extent not often realized, few Arabia, Turkey and Spain during the year countries in the world face the range of have been echoed in attacks by terrorist security challenges, concerns and threats groups motivated by the same ideology in 7 FINAL 26.9.04 The fencing along the Line of Control and the international border helps check infiltration. India, notably the Mumbai bomb blast of and supported by quasi-government institu- August 2003 and frequent acts of terrorism tions in some parts of Asia. India has the in Jammu and Kashmir. size, population, intrinsic character, compo- 1.7 Though it is part of the same sition, and national strength to act as a international phenomenon of jehadi ideol- bulwark against the forces of extremism in ogy, terrorism faced by India has its this region. specificities. Unlike the non-state nature of 1.8 India’s response to these multiple most domestic and local manifestations of threats and challenges has always been terrorism, and the international terrorism of restrained, measured and moderate, consist- Al Qaeda or the Jemmah Islamiyah, the ent with its peaceful outlook and reputation terrorism faced by India is typically cross- as a peace-loving country. Diplomacy border and State-sponsored. Terrorism also remains India’s chosen means of dealing draws upon the radicalization of society. As with these challenges, but effective diplo- a country with a vital stake in preserving the macy has to be backed by credible military traditions of peaceful co-existence amongst power. India’s strategic and security interests its diverse and mixed religious communities, require a mix of land-based, maritime and India is deeply concerned about the intru- air capabilities, and a minimum credible sion of dogmatic, alien and extremist reli- deterrent to thwart the threat of use of gious tendencies funded by some charities nuclear weapons against it. 8 FINAL 26.9.04 1.9 Connected by land to west, central, desh, Myanmar, China, Bhutan and Nepal. continental, and south-east Asia, and by sea Few of them share borders amongst them- to the littoral states of the Indian Ocean selves, heightening the focus of their rela- from East Africa to the Indonesian archi- tions with their larger common neighbour. pelago, India is strategically located vis-à-vis 1.12 India’s peninsular shape provides both continental Asia as well as the Indian India a coastline of about 7600 kms and an Ocean Region. It has a landmass of 3.3 Exclusive Economic Zone of over two million sq. kms. and is home to over a million sq. kms. The island territories in the billion people with varying ethnic, religious East are 1,300 kms. away from the main- and cultural backgrounds. land, physically much closer to South-East 1.10 The topography of India is diverse Asia. Peninsular India is adjacent to one of ranging from the snow clad Himalayas with the most vital sea-lanes, stretching from the peaks over 28,000 feet to deserts, thick Suez Canal and the Persian Gulf to the jungles and vast plains. The Siachen Glacier Straits of Malacca through which much of in the North is the world’s highest battlefield the oil from the Gulf region transits. The with posts located as high as 21,000 feet.
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