Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-09-29
28, l~ F T , III EATS, BOoll I ... re. ,1& .. ,. VI ",.. ,II ZI ,Dud IlIrou.h lIopl. 39; AI Ihroa.b II .ood '.rou." 001. Sl; FI Ihr.a.h KI .ood Ihro.," Noy. H; LI lOWA: Clear iodaJ' with reaeral IlIrou," QI J ••• Ihr.u.h Do •• SI. SUG"., be•• I ••, lIamp 81 'DO. 'or 'Ive ,OUD" Ib ..a,b Dee. 81. Del, 8110E8, book Ib ..e airplane .I.mp. J, I ••••• , , ••• rn.t "meld. Ind.,lnllol,. THE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper == '!NE CENTS THI A.SOctATID PaUl IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1945 TID "aaOClATU r .... VOLUME XXD NUMBm 5 .. ----= • NEW STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT 400,000 (00.1 Miners May Strike Argentina Has Failed Plan to Ship 1490 000 Pacific Full Employment Bill Owners Shun Obligations to United . r . •r • . Gets Oyerwhelming Nations, Says8raden Veterans Home Within 7Month Approyal of Senate Showdown I I New Latin American TOKYO (AP)-The allied com- perial troops from abroad, placing Amendment Requires Secretary Irritated mand embarked yesterday on a first priority on ships to get food Tax Plan Accompany On Dispute At Lack of Democracy two-fold program to get 1,490,000 and raw materials to the hungry All Relief Measures Pacific veterans hom e within island empire. Lewis Threatens Big WASHINGTON (AP)-Ambas- seven months and to shield pros The Japanese government was WASHINGTON (AP) - The Walkout If Foremen sador Sprullle Braden charged last trate Japan from famine and dl directed to slamp out the rising much-disputed "full employment" night that the Argentine military sease.
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