M':A.TII. PATI. b .... , .., , ........ n , .....,. ZS ,ood 11I, ••,b S.pl. at: AI Ib,•• ,_ 11 ...Ut 1_ ...,1l I IOWA: Cloud.r wUb oecaslollal 001. 81: PI Ib,o •• _ KI .... Ib,..... ]If..... a.t LI Ih, ••• b QI vall' III'..... D••. It. SUOAR, ...... Ie raia ill ex&reme east porUon. .ond Ihro.,h De •. 81 'or 'In ••••••• '.01., .... It CeoIeJ' DOrtIlwest portion Ih ... alrplan•• Ia .... I, 2••••• , ar••••• 1.... 1 ••••• '. THE, DAILY IOWAN Wa,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~.1VE===C=EN==T=S=,============~-===:=~===~' T~.~I=A='~==M==TI=D==P.=I='s~~========~======~~I~O~W~A~C=ITY~,~I~O~W=A~==~S=A?TURD~~A~Y=,=S~~~~~~ER~1~5=, ~1~~5==~========~=========Ta==a=u=C~==~T~a==nw==u==~V~O~LUME~~XXl====~NUMB~~ER-30~ CPS,- urren er even ar ---------------- declared his belief "that the new forget Pearl Harbor?" he asked. dam declaration in an orderly and neu "will once more regain their * * * Japan which will emerge will be "We Japanese people will forget systematic fashion while maln­ original peaceful intentions." READY TO SURRENDER shorn of militarism and wlll be as the picture of devastation wrought tainJng general order and not Other points emphasized In the Turn Over to U. S. Nip Doctor 'Forget Pearl peace-loving as the United States." by the atomic bomb and wll,l start throwing the country into confu­ • • • entirely anew as a peace-loving sion. premier's letter were as follows: HI,uhl-Kuru pictured a 10Dl" nation. , • • • "We intend to build a com- and difficult period 01 Internal "America has won and Japan "Second: fOod, clothln.. and pletely new and peaceful Japan; ~ Who Experimented on POW's Harbor,' Begs readJUllnnenl befora tile emer- has lost. The war is ended. Let us shelter for the people. we intend to build a country of ..ence of "a tompletell new and now bury hate. This has been my "Third: unelllPloymen' whlcb high moral principles and culture. peaceful" Japan of "b"h moral policy since organization of the I wl"- tobll an estimated 15,"0- I Wnk it will require years for Eichelberger SaYI Occupation May End Nippon Prince princiPles and culture." present cabinet." I 000 persons." us to complete the task . .. • • • Higashi-Kunl was summoned by • • • "All our Internal in(:onsistencies~ Within Year But MacArthur Cracks Down The prince, cousin to Emperor the emperor to organize his cabi­ The attitude" of the american' will be brought to light as a re- Hirohito and the first member of net a few hours alter Hlrohito TO KYO (AP) - Premier army of occupation Is "really ad- suIt of Japan's defeat. The con YOKOHA~IA , stul'day {AP)-Captain Tokudn, Japanese the imperial household ever to broadcast the imperial rescript an­ mirable" and "very commend- flict between the old and the new , IIigllshi-Kuni, >m bcr of army doctor accused of experim nting on Allied pri ODl'rs of war, Prince m bold the premiership, recently so- nouncing Japan's capitulation and able," the premier said, observinll may take the form of a ItruUle . Bnd ix other persons on ~raeA rthur' •• want d' list of war cri­ Japan's royal family, yesterday Jiclted letters 01 criticism and sug- acceptance of the Allled Potsdam that he thought "strict observance among political parties or of .' asked America to "forget Pearl gestion to the people. It was an declaration. of military discipline is becoming strikes, but I do not think such ;. minal u pect were turned 0\'1'1" to tJ)e nited tat Eighth army Harbor" while Nippon limps unprecendented ,request. The As- The premier listed these major to a victorious army." conflicts should be avoided. .. by the Japane e government today. "step by step" into thc eircle of soclated PrellB sent him nine ques- problems needing immediate solu­ "Freed from the strongarm lead- "It Is my firm belle! that a new 'B ide Tokuda, they were: Paratap Mah ndra, 'P id nt of the democratic nations. tions, and in 114 hours received a Itioh: ership of the militarist," said the Japan, progressive and just, will "aryan army," an Indian "Qui ling" organization; .Japan The prince, in an exclusive nine-page reply. -- "First: how to carry out falth- prince, whose public life has here- be born as the result of these con­ Col. uzuki, commanding officer of the hin8"'8wR pri on camp, statement to The Associated Press, "People of America, won't you fully the proviSions of the Pots- tofore been in uniform, the Japa- fUcts." atleg d to be relIponsible for atrociti th r 'j J Bill Hakaki. chief , ----------------------------------~-------. ..------------------- ----------------------------~---------------- eivilian interpret r at the Ofuns camp, nccu. d of r spon, ibility .. for mistreatment of prisoners there; 'ergt. Tokio Tobota, 'hina­ gawa camp guard, aceu cd of mistreatm nt of pri ners j J ia..'1 Van Dienst, aceu cd of broadcw ting anti·AIIi d propaganda ill Russia 'Reque'sts Mediterranean Bases Dutch over Tokyo radio, and Dr. Thein ~fal\ng, pupp t Bunn ambassador to Japan. Japan was told today occupa­ tion may end within a year but In Gen. Masahara Homma the harsh realities of the present Asks Big Five' Dr. Harry G. Barnes Tru~an Recommends Final Hearing State Continues her only news agency was sus­ . • . • Cuffmg Navy Budget TOKYO, Saturday* * * (AP)-Lleut. pended, her suspected war crimi­ Gen. Masaharu Homma, held re­ nal were held or hunted, and two For Italian To Leave tJn,verslfYByNearly11Biliion OnGasTax I sponsible by General MacArthur Eldora Hearing more high mllitarlsts were dead by for the ghastly "death march of their own hand. Registrar Appointed Bataan," arrived In Tokyo today Lieut. Gen. Robert L. Eichel­ Possessions * * * Senate Naval Affairs Case Closes and told The Associated Press he Until Sept. 24 berger, who , e United Slales Executive Secretary Committee to Study was preparing to surrender him­ Eighth army led. th occupation Of Teachers' Group Postwar Fleet Size self. ELDORA (AP)- The prellmin­ Sovi ts Thought to Be Two Main Questions The curt general who had ac- ary hearing ot lour men charged POISON THIS TIME Dr. Harry G. Barnes, University WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl- Involved in Action ccptcd General Jonathan Waln- with murder In connection with Particularly Interested of Iowa registrar for .six years, re­ dent Truman recommended yes­ TOKYO, aturd.. y (AP)- wl"ight's surrender in the Phillp- the dealh of an Inmate at the EI­ In Dodecanese Isles signed yesterda3r, President Vir- terday that acongress take $16,- On Constitutionality Kunlhlko 'Iashlda, 'orm~r edu­ pines In the grim early days of dora state training school for boys gil M. Hancher announced. 824,553,927 out of the navy's cation minister In the ToJo cabi­ LONDON (AP)-Russla was re- Yesterday afternoon when aUor- 1042 said at a railroad station: yesterday was continued until Dr. Barnes wiJI remain here pocketbook. net, cotnmltted .welde with ney's arguments in the test case on "I am ready to take responsibil- Sept. 24. ported on good authority last night until Oct. 15 when he will become pol on yesterday wltJle Jaoanese to have entered a claim before the • • • the statEl gaSOline tax act were ity for any act of my subordinates" Justice of the Peace C. W. ~xecutive secretary of the Iowa Be was reported at tbe same police walled to arrest him In Big Five council of foreign minis­ completed, it appeared that two in the Philippines. Haase allowed the continuation, at State Teachers' allBociation. time to have told congressional compUance with General Mac­ ters lor a share of Italy's Mediter­ main questions were involved: Homma, earlier reported to have the request of the state, when the No immediate Successor and departmental offiCials in a ArthUl" order. ranean possessions-possibly the • • • fled to his ancestral home, said men appeared before him thIs A successor to Barnes will not Wblte House meeUng that the 1. Whether or not the Journals he learned from a friend that he morning and the defendents were strategic Dodecanese islands off e named until the. state board of su.ylce will have to take Its of house ancl lenate can be ad- was No. 11 on MacArthur's released on $5,000 boncls. torce. Into Japan, declared "11 the the Turkish coast. !ducation meets In mid-October, chances with other agencies In mUted as evidence In a court ae- "wanted" list. Darrell T. Brown, assistant su- Japs continue acting as they are • • • President Hancher said. the postwar budget. tlon attemptin, to impeach an He then came lrom his home on perlntendent of the school, was now within a year this thing This r rled Soviet action aet 01 lerlslature, aDd the island of Sado off the north- one of the men whom Chief R. W. should be washed up." Dr. Barnes was on the SUI • • • came as the council invited all 2. Wbether or not the contest- west Honshu coast. His wife and Nebergall 01 the state bureau o! General MacArthur in another 1peech department faculty for 11 He Was also said to have urged ed act, SF 229, Is unconstltutlon- daughter also were wHh him. crimjnal invesUcaUon said earlier tbe nations which had been at statement agreed with the view ot years before becoming registrar in Chairman Walsh (D., Mass.) or a1 on Its face I»ecause It cOlltalns had been charlled wlth murder in Japan's lhorouchly beaten posi­ war with Italy to submit their the senate naval affairs committee two separate and unrelated 8ub- connection with the death of Ron- 1939. He received his bachelor's B. O. BARNES tion, but laid nothing about such "views In wrltln," on the draft­ an early termination of the occu­ degree at Grinnell in 1923, and his to go ahead with hearings on a ke'" ••• aId J.
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