U. PRAKASH Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow


Phytogeographically Guttiferae is an important TERTIARY tropical family with fossil records going baek to the Upper Cretaceous. It was widespread during The study of the Tertiary indicates that the Tertiary and was known even from Europe and Central United States, which are presently the Palaeogene differs in organic as well as devoid of Guttiferous . in physicogeographical assemblage from the Neogene. INTRODUCTION PALAEOGENE

During this period two phytogeographical Cretaceous the continental flora has DURING the early part of the Lower provinces were known. The first included the same composition as that of the Western Europe, the southern part of the Jurassic, i.e. it was a flora of cycads, Russian platform upto Stalin gracl and ginkgoes, conifers and ferns in which the southern Asia (in the tropical and subtro• Benettites developed to a considerable pical areas). In the new world Mexico extent. However, in the second half of is included in this province together with the Lower Cretaceous neW elements Were the adjoining temporary tropical and sub• added to this typical Mesozoic flora which tropical zones. The second phytogeogra• included few representatives of the angio• phical province covered the extra tropical sperms that appeared in the Barremian. part of Asia and North America, as well Since then the angiosperms started appear• as the present Arctic zone (Stral

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MAP 1 - Geographic distribution of guttiferous fossil plants (black dot) and palaeogeography of the Palaeogene (marked by dotted line). PRAKASH - PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF GUTTIFERAE 65 showing resemblance to those of Calophyl• temporary fragments of the Gondwana lum, Platonia and Kielmeyera have been and continued later on becoming stronger recorded from the Palana lignites of Lower during the Neogene. At that time South Eocene age in Rajasthan (Sah & Kar, 1974). American, African and the Indian platforms From the Middle Eocene beds of Fuller's were entirely continental and were only earth at Kapurdi in Western Rajasthan, covered by water along their narrow Lakhapal & Bose (1951) described leaf marginal areas (Strakhov, 1962). impressions comparable to Mesua and Continental and marine organisms gradu• Garcinia and fruits somewhat resembling ally attained characteristic features similar to those of Cal?phyllum trapezijolium, Gar• to those of present day forms. During this cinia an::l other gllttiferous plants. On era the family Guttiferae is known to have further examination, the leaf impressiolls occurred in Africa, Europe, India, Indonesia revealed a close resemblance to the and South America (Map 2; Table 1). mojern leaves of jldesua jerrea and Garcinia In ] 932 Bancroft descrited a fossil wood lanceaejvlia. Th03e resembling Mesua jerrea from the Miocene of Karungu in Kenya, have been described as jldesua tertiara and East Africa and named it as Dryoxylon the others resembling Garcinia lancea~jolia symph,mioides, the specific name indicat• are assigned to Garcinia bGrooahii (Lakhan• ing some relationship with the modern woods 1964). Of the three types of fruits reported of Symphonia. However, Chiarugi (1933) pal, earlier (Lakhapal & Boce, ] 951) from the thinking it to be a wood of Symphonia trans• same deposits, the one with a globose shape ferre"! it to Symphonioxylcn symphonioides. and thicker oJ-ter wall shows similarity On further detailed examination of this with the fruits of Garcinia and has been and a fossil wooJ from the Oligo-Miocene assigned to fossil species, G. borooahii of Egypt, Krausel (1939) described it again (Lakhapal, 1964). as Guttijeroxylon symphonioides, the name A fossil wooj somewhat re:embling that showing affinity with the guttiferou.s plants. of G~rcinia is also known from the He further described another fossil wood Palaeogene continental deposits of Algeria as Guttijeroxvlon jarcghense from the Lower in Africa (De1teil-Desneux, 1970). Miocene of Egypt showing resemblance to Leaves resembling those of Clusia are both Mes-ua and Calophylltu/t. From t.he known from the Lower Eocene of Wilcox Pontien (?) of Sudanese Algeria in Africa, groilp in Arkansas, U.S.A. These have been Boureau (1952) described a fossil wood as named as Clusiaphyllum eocenic1t11tby Berry Guttijeroxylon saharianU1tl. Two fossil wooels (1930). of Symphmia are also known from the, Some guttiferous leaves have also been ?Plio-Pleistocene of Somaliland in Africa. recorcl.ed from the Eocene nodular stones These are described as Svmphonioxylon of Mosel near Saxony in Germany (Fischer, stejaninii and S. sc::czureensis (Chiarugi, 1950). These have been named as Gutti• 1933). jeraephyll1t11t moselense resembling the Recently L~khanpal (1966) described a moJern leaves of Kielmeyera corymbosa leaf impression of Garcinia from the Middle (trop. South America), Clusia sellowiana Tertiary beds of South Kivu in Congo. (trop. South America) and Clusia peruviana This resembles closely the modern leaves (Andes); Guttijeraephyllum oblongum resem• of Garcinia kola growing at an altitude of bling Tavomita leucantha (trop. South about 500 metres in Cameroons and Congo. America) and Garcinia petiolaris (Malayan); Pollen grains resembling those of Platonia and Guttijeraephyllum sp. resembling are known from the Neogene of Burundi, some species of Clusia growing in tropical Rusizi Valley in Congo (Sah, 1967; Sah South America. & Kar, 1974). In 1952 Hofmann recorded a fossil wood GuUiferae was also represented in Eu.rope as Guttijeroxylon prambachense from the during the Neogene. Hofmann (1944) Upper Oligocene of Prambachkirchen in recorded a fossil wooel.. Guttijeroxylon Austria. garcinioides, from the Miocene beds of Prambackhirchen in Austria. This re• NEOGENE sembles the modern woods of Garcinia cowa and G. mannii. The uplifting processes at the end of the Guttiferous plants are also known from Palaeogene drove the sea from the con- the Late Tertiary of Colombia in South 0-• 0'- . eQ:;6,' . .-.-_ ... ~.~''1'~ ,,' JI ,\ .• ,_f:],. / , / / ,,'~ ~l\.~ A', ..._ ..• (j~"'Th,~:6:":' .-•

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MAP 2 - Geographic distribution of guttiferous fossil plants (black dot) in the Neogene and palaeogeography of the Upper Pliocene (marked by dotted line). 67-68 ~_._~ .. .---- .•••.• _.~... '_'_nO' • __ - ... H. __ ...·• __ ...... _ TABLE 1 - GEOGRAPHICAL AND STRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF GUTTIFEROUS FOSSIL PLANTS

COUNTRIES FOSSIL SPECIES AGE MODERN COMPARABLE FORM ~---- ._------.., ~------~------"------_. ----. Cretaceous Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Calophyllum Mesua Tavomita Kayea Kielmeyera Clusia Mammea Platonia Rheedia Symphonia North America United States 1. ClusiaphyUum eocenicum x X Central America and West Indies West Indies 2. Clusia vera x X Trinidad 3. Calophyllum callabaformis X X 4. Rheedia sylyargillacea X x 5. Rheedia miocenica x X Cuba 6. Rheedia sylyargillacea x X South America Brazil 7. Calophyllum pliocenicum x C. calaba Colombia 8. Rheedia miocenica x X 9. Guttiferoxylon platanjoides Neogene ?Platonia 10. G. compactum Neogene Africa Algeria 11. G. saharianum ?Pliocene 12. G. barryi Palaeogene ?Garcinia Kenya 13. G. symphonioides ?Miocene ?Symphonia Egypt 14. G. fareghense x Calophyllum Mesua Somaliland 15. Symphonioxylon stefaninii ?Plio-PleistoceIle X 16. S. scec-gureensis ?Plio-Pleistocene X Congo 17. Platoniapo/linites kivuensis Neogene ?Platonia 18. Garcinia sp. X x Asia Ceylon 19. Mesua sp. X M. ferrea India 20. j'yfesua tertiara X M. ferrea 21. Mesuoxylon arcotense Neogene M. ferrea 22. Kayeoxylon assamicum x K. assamica 23. I ndocarpa intertrappca x 24. Garcinia borooahii X G. lanceaefolia 25. Platoniapo/linites iratus X ?Platonia 26. Kielmeyerapollenites cocmicus X ?Kielmeyera 27. Calophyllumpollmites rotundus X - ?Calophyllum iiiophyllum 28. Calophylloxylon eoinophy/lum Neogene - C.inophyllum 29. C. indicum Neogene - C.wightianum 30. C. cuddalorense Neogene -C .tomentosum Sumatra 31. Calophyllum nathorsti ?Pliocene 32. Garcinia sp. ?Miocene x Europe Austria 33. Guttiferoxylon prambachense X 34. G. garcinioides X ?Garcinia France 35. Mammaeites franchetis x ?Mammea Germany 36. Guttiferaephyllum moselense x ?Kielmeyera-Clusia 37. Guttiferaephyllum sp. x x 38. G. oblongum X ?Garcinia-Tavomita PRAKASH - PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF GUTTIFERAE 69

America. Two fossil woods somewhat re• the Upper Miocene of Tipam series sembling the extant genus Platonia were in Assam (Chowdhury and Tan don, 1949). described as Guttiferoxylon platonioides and From the same beds near Jaipur, a fossil G. eompaetum (Schonfeld, 1947). Guttife• wood of Calophyllum, Calophylloxylon eoino• roxylon eompaetum has again been described phyllum is also known in Assam (Prakash from Oligocene-Miocene and Pliocene & Awasthi, 1971). This fossil closely re• deposits of Colombia (Mirioni, 1965), dis• sembles the modern wood of Calophyllum covered in Amaga and Sineclej o-Ovej as inophyllum. The same fossil species is respectively. also known from the Namsang beds of Mio• Leaf impressions of Rheedia mioceniea Pliocene age in Arunachal Pradesh (Prakash are known from the Miocene of Trinidad, 1966) Map 5. In South India, Calophyllum is West Indies and De Mares Concession, known from the Mio-Pliocene beds of Cud• Colombia (Berry, 1936). A species of dalore series near Pondicherry. Lakhanpal Rheedia is also known from the Late and Awasthi (1965) described two species Tertiary of Eastern Colombia. Another of Calophylloxylon, C. indieum and C. species of Rheedia extends into the Pliocene cuddalorense resembling the modern woods . of Trinidad; a third in the Pliocene of of Calophyllum wightianum and C. tomen• Venezuela and another is found in the tosum or C. inophyllum respectively. Another Pliocene of Brazil (Berry, 1945) from where important guttiferous genus, Mesua has also Calophyllum plioeenicum has also been re• been recorded from the same beds. This is corded (Krasser, 1903). Leaf impressions based on a fossil wood, Mesuoxylon areotense of Rheedia sylyargillaeea are also recorded closely comparable to (Lak• from the Miocene of Cuba (Berry, 1939). hanpal & Awasthi, 1964), Map 5. Some In India, Guttiferae is also present in woody tissues comparable to Mesua and the Middle Tertiary. A fossil wood of Kayea Calophyllum are also known from Neyveli Kayeoxylon assamicum is known from lignites (Navale, 1972). Ramanujam (1960)

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Map 3 - Geographic distribution of fossil (black dot) and living (encircled area) Symphonia and fossil (black triangle) and living (encircled area with dotted line) Platonia. 70 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

has also described a Garcinia type of wood climatic requirements of the modern gutti• from the Curl.r!.aloreseries and named it as ferous taxa may be of great help in de• Guttiferoxylon indicum. However, on further ciphering the palaeoenvironments, especially investigation this has been found to re• climate of the region, where fossil Gutti• semble the modern woods of Ailanthus. ferae is known. Presence of fossil Gutti• (Awasthi, Ms). ferae comparable to the seeds of Mammea From the Neogene of South Sumatra in in the Cretaceous of France and the leaf Indonesia, leaf impressions of Calophyllum impressions resembling the leaves of the nathorsti and Garcinia are also known modern species of Kielmeyera, Clusia, (Krausel, 1929). Tavomita and Garcinia of Tropical South America and Malaysia in the Eocene of Germany and the fossil wooo.s like those QUARTERNARY of Garcinia and other taxa in the Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene of Austria Towards the end of the Neogene, a would indicate a tropical to subtropical physicochemical regime was established on climate in that part of Europe during the the earths surface which was extremely Cretaceous to Lower Miocene perioo. as against similar to that of the present day. The resemblance included in the outlines of the the temperate conditions prevalent there continents and of the seas, the climate, at the present time. This has been very well supported by the study of other orography and in the compsotion of the Palaeogene angiosperm floras from Europe. organic world. In fact, the processes which The genus Garcinia presently occurs in the occurred during the Quaternary were of tropics of the Old World, whereas Mammea great importance, and before the present is mostly tropical African with a species day geological conditions set-in, the crust native to the West Indies and Northern passed through a series of major processes South America (Record & Hess, 1943 ; known as Quaternary glaciation. Chowdhury & Ghosh, 1958). During this period the family Guttiferae The guttiferous and other fossil leaves is known by the leaf impressions in West comparable to ferns, palms, ficus, La~trus, Indies. Hollick (1924) described leaf Persea, Phoebe, Cinnamomum, Litsea, Bom• impressions of Clusia vera from the Pleist• Ocene of West Indies. From the Pleistocene bax, Sterculia, Diospyros discovered at Mosel in the Palaeogene of Germany and the of Trinidad Berry (1925, 1937) also re• contemporary geographical distribution of cognised the leaf impressions of Rheedia the analogous plants of our time indicate sylyargillacea and Calophyllum callabaformis. that the climate of this region was compar• Woods comparable to Mesua ferrea syn. able to a rain forest of tropical South M. thwaitsii are known from the Pleistocene America or Malaysia during that time deposits of gem pits in Sabargamuva Pro• (Fischer, 1950). vince of Ceylon (Chowdhury, 1964). The occurrence of fossil leaves resembling Clusia in the Eocene of Arkansas in United CLIMATIC AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL States of America would tell a different CONSIDERATIONS story about the past climate of that region which is having a warm temperate climate The family Guttiferae is almost exclu• at the present day. As the genus Clusia sively tropical in distribution and consists with about 145 modern species of and of about 40 genera and 1000 species widely , mostly epiphytic, is abundantly distributed in both the hemispheres but represented in tropical America, sparingly common in Asia and America. No species so in New Caledonia and Madagaskar, the is indigenous to the United States, but climate of Arkansas was definitely tropical species of Clusia, Calophyllum, Mammea, to subtropical du.ring the Eocene. and Rheedia extend from South and Central In Africa the fossil records of Guttiferae America into Mexico and West Indies are also not many (Table 1), although the (Lawrence, 1959; Willis, 1966; Hooker, 1872; family was somewhat better represented Pearson & Brown, 1932). As it is generally here than in Europe and America. A petri• assumed that vegetational complexes of fied guttiferous wood resembling Garcinia the past had environmental requirements has recently been found near Hassi Bel similar to their counterparts of today, the Geubbour in the continental deposits of PRAKASH - PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF GUTTIFERAE 71

Algeria in Central Sahara. From the same cipitation during the Palaeogene of Algeria deposits near Fort Flatters, a rich vegetation as against a xerophytic vegetation found has further been recorded consisting there at the present time. of a number of legumes and Combretaceae Another important area of the Sahara (Koeniguer, 1965; Louvet, 1964, 1965, 1972; desert is Egypt where a number of plant Boureau, 1951a, b). The Guttiferae along fossils are known in the Tertiary. Some with a rich variety of legumes indicate the fossil woods like those of Symphonia and presence of a humid forest with lot of pre- Calophyllum or Mesua were described from

68 76 B4 92. 100




4 72 80 88 96

MAP 4 - Geographic distribution of Mesua ferrea-like fossil plants (black dot) and the modern Mesua ferrea (stippled area). 72 THE PALAEO BOTANIST the Miocene of Egypt. As Calophyll1~m, existed in Rajasthan during the Eocene Mesua and Symphonia do not grow now period when Mes1~a ferrea and other Gutti• in this part of the world, their presence ferae flourished in that area. during the Miocene of Egypt indicates The existence of an evergreen, moist some sort of climatic change, possibly the loving forest flora in the Eocene of prevalence of aridity, after the Miocene Rajasthan is further supported by the dis• due to which these plants became extinct. covery of pollen grains resembling those of Krausel (1939) further described a rich Calophyllum inophyllttm, Platonia and vegetation from Egypt during the Miocene Kielmeyera from the Pal ana lignites (Sah consisting of palms, legumes, sterculias & Kar, 1974). All these are evergreen and other mesophytic taxa, which are pre• taxa of Guttiferae and it is interesting to sently common in a humid climate. It note that both Platonia (Map 3) and is, however, interesting to note that most Kielmeyera are presently confined to tropical of this country is a desert now with South America, mostly in Brazil. If the xerophytic vegetation except the valley identification of these two forms is con• and delta of the Nile with fertile land. firmed, this would further substantiate the Fossil woods of Symphonia were also presence of tropical American elements known from the ? Plio-Pleistocene of in the Intertrappean flora of the Deccan. Somaliland along with a number of fossil Cyclanthodendron compared to the tropical palms, dipterocarps, legumes and sterculias American genera Cyclanthus and Carludovica, (Chiarugi, 1933, p. 159). However, Sym• and Simarou90xylon identified with the phonia is presently limited to Madagascar genus Simarouba of Brazil, Venezuela, British except for one species, S. globttlifera which Guiana and Cuba are known from the Early occurs in tropical West Africa, West Eocene beds of the Deccan Intertrappean Indies (Map 3), and in northern South series. Rodeites, a hydropteridean sporo• America (Oliver, 1868; Record & Hess, carp, also from the Intertrappean beds, 1943). Because Symphonia is a common has further been compared with Regnelli• in low humid regions, mixed with hard dium, a water fern of Brazil. All these woods and palm forests, it became extinct forms may provide a link between the from Somaliland as the desert conditions Eocene flora of the Deccan and Rajasthan prevailed there. Somaliland is now a part and the modern flora of tropical South of big Sahara desert mostly consisting of America. Although their origin in the waste or scrubland, inhabited by nomads Indian flora is quite obscure, it seems likely and all the rich, evergreen, moist loving that these groups, once enjoying a wider vegetation of the past (palms, legumes, and greater distribution in the tropics, c1ipterocarps etc.) has disappeared from seem to have been strongly reduced at the this region. present time. However, the occurrence of From the Tertiary of Western Rajasthan South American tropical elements during in Northern India although only a few the Eocene of India is quite enigmatic and fossil plants are so far known, they, how• needs a detailed reinvestigation and com• ever, represent a vegetation very different parison with the modern plants so as to from the existing xerophytic plants of get a true picture of their systematic Rajasthan. The presence of fossil gutti• position. ferous leaves and fruits closely comparable In South India the presence of fossil to Mesua ferrea and Garcinia lanceaefolia, Guttiferae comparable to Mesua ferrea, both evergreen taxa (Lakhanpal, 1964), Calophyllum wightianttm, C. tomentosum and in the Middle Eocene of Kapurdi in Western C. inophyllum along with a variety of other Rajasthan, indicate a much higher rainfall fossil forms around Pondicherry on the and a moist climate in this region during east coast during the Cuddalore times and the Eocene times in contrast to desert con• their absence in that region at the present ditions with a poor type of scrub forest day indicates a somewhat different climate found today. Since the area comprising there during the Mio-Pliocene times. These of eastern Bengal and Upper Burma is species (Maps 4, 5) along with a number most suitable for a natural growth of of other modern comparable forms of the Mesua ferrea, Garcinia and some other fossil flora at Pondicherry are presently Guttiferae at the present time, it may seem growing in the evergreen forests of the probable that conditions similar to these Western 'Ghats in South Malabar and also PRAKASH - PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF GUTTIFERAE 73

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4 72. 80 88 96

MAP 5 - Geographic distribution of Calophyllum inophyllum -like fossil plants (black dot) and the modern Calophyllum inophyllum (stippled area).

further South near Tinnevel1y, where there drier since the Cuddalore times. This is more atmospheric precipitation than on has also been amply supported by the ex• the eastern coast. This indicates that tin,ction of Dipterocarpus, Dryobalanops and similar vegetation was also present near Anisoptera from near Pondicherry. These Pondicherry during the Mio-Pliocene times were present there during the Cuddalore which died out from there due to further times (Awasthi, 1971, 1972; Navale, 1963). desiccation indicating thereby that the M esua ferrea is common in Tropical Asia eastern coast of South India has become and in the Indian region (Map 4) it is 74 THE PALAEOBOTANtST

presently found in the evergreen forests Thus it is apparent from the geological of Western Duars, Assam, Chittagong, Upper records that the family Guttiferae was Burma, Tenasserim, Andaman Islands, once more widely spread than the present Western ghats from North Kanara south• day and was known even from Europe and wards to Tinnevelly and in Ceylon, whereas Central United States which are presently Calaphyllum wightianum and C. tomentasum devoid of guttiferous plants. This is because grow in evergreen forests of Western ghats of a change in climate of these regions from North Kanara to Travancore (Gamble, due to which the guttiferous taxa moved 1902; Pearson & Brown, 1932; Maheshwari, down to more favourable warmer con• 1963). ditions.


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