भारत सरकार Government of India विद्युत मंत्रालय Ministry of Power कᴂद्रीय विद्युत प्राविकरण Central Electricity Authority दविण िेत्रीय विद्युत सवमवत SSoouutthheerrnn RReeggiioonnaall PPoowweerr CCoommmmiitttteeee

तकनीकी समꅍिय उप सवमवत एिं दविण िेत्रीय विद्युत सवमवत की अ蔼तीसिĂ बैठकⴂ की काययसूची

Agenda for 38th Meeting of TCC / SRPC

to be held on 22.12.200 (TCC) & 23.12.2020 (SRPC)

((TThhrroouugghh VViiddeeoo CCoonnffeerreenncciinngg)) Contents

I. Introduction II. Confirmation of the minutes III. Agenda items for Deliberation (i) Commercial C.1 NTECL Vallur TPS - Outstanding Dues more than 45 days ...... 3 C.2 NLCIL – Non-payment of dues by Discoms ...... 4 C.3 DSM - Payable increased on Post-facto due to variation in Nuclear generation ...... 4 C.4 Fifth Amendment in CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations ...... 5 C.5 DAE Tariff notification of KKNPP ...... 6 C.6 Transmission charges / sharing related issues ...... 6 C.7 Settlement of Wheeling Charges paid mutually with effect from July 2011 to March 2018 and Pending payments between PCKL and KSEBL ...... 7 C.8 NNTPP Unit-II: Drawal of startup power and injection of infirm power ...... 9 C.9 Recovery of transmission charges due from BHAVINI as per CERC order dated 29.04.2015 in Petition No.105/TT/2012 ...... 9 C.10 Southern Regional Power Committee (Transmission Planning) ...... 10 C.11 MoP Amendment in "Equity lock-in period" in the SBDs for selection of Transmission Service Provider (TSP) through TBCB ...... 11 C.12 Delay in hosting national net SCED benefits distribution statement by NLDC ...... 12 C.13 Deficit in DSM pool of a region to be met from the surplus of other regions ...... 12 C.14 Implementation of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) in SR ...... 13 (ii) Operation O.1. Establishment of Unified Network Management System (UNMS) for ISTS communication ...... 13 O.2. URTDSM (PMU) Project in Southern ...... 16 O.3. Up gradation / Replacement of SCADA/EMS Systems in SR ...... 18 O.4. Restoring of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS 400 kV (quad) D/c line at Tirunelveli to control loadings/un-balancing on Kudankulam – Tirunelveli 400 kV (quad) Lines ...... 19 O.5. Utilisation of Decommissioned Thermal units as Synchronous condensers ...... 21 O.6. Monitoring of schemes funded from PSDF ...... 23 O.7. Expedition of Transmission network Planned ...... 24 O.8. Review of System Protection Scheme (SPS) designed for NEW-SR interconnection ...... 25 O.9. Non- availability of proper SCADA data affecting system studies and state estimation ...... 26 O.10. SPS for +/- 500 kV Talcher-Kolar HVDC system & lines...... 26

IV. Agenda items for Update (Operation) Ou.1. High Voltage Issues in SR Grid ...... 27 Ou.2. Progress of bus/line reactors to be commissioned in SR ...... 30 Ou.3. Reactive Power Planning – STU/DISCOMs ...... 30 Ou.4. RE Forecasting and Scheduling ...... 30 Ou.5. Optimum harnessing of RE in Southern Region...... 32 Ou.6. Support of RE generators for reactive compensation ...... 33

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Ou.7. Operation of NPCIL Generating Stations in SR ...... 34 Ou.8. Outage Plan of Generating Units due to COVID-19/Status of DC/Generation of ISGS ...... 36 Ou.9. TTC/ATC/Transmission related issues ...... 38 Ou.10. New Projects of NTPC, NLCIL, NPCIL, Joint Venture & UMPP ...... 44 Ou.11. Upcoming Transmission System ...... 46 Ou.12. ULDC / SCADA/ Communication ...... 55 Ou.13. Status of Implementation of downstream by State utilities associated with ISTS SS of PGCIL ...... 57 Ou.14. New Projects of State Sector & IPP ...... 58 Ou.15. Upcoming Renewable Projects and their integration with transmission network ...... 59 Ou.16. Roadmap to operationalize reserves in the country ...... 59 Ou.17. Emergency Restoration System (ERS) ...... 63 Ou.18. Reserve Shutdown Issues ...... 63 V. Agenda items for Information (i) Commercial Ci.1 Pending payments between WR & SR Constituents ...... 64 Ci.2 Recovery of Relinquishment charges -CERC in order dated 08.03.2019 in Petition. No: 92/MP/2015 ...... 65 Ci.3 Commercial Settlement during onsite testing of generators for Primary Response ...... 66 Ci.4 RTDA disputes and pending dues thereof ...... 66 Ci.5 Assessment of ramping capability of thermal Inter-State Generating Stations (ISGS)...... 67 Ci.6 URS upto technical minimum at zero fixed cost ...... 67 Ci.7 Regular Interaction between CERC and RPCs ...... 68 Ci.8 Inclusion of all bilateral billing (including RE generators) in RTA ...... 68 Ci.9 Sharing of gains by the Generators as per Regulation 8(6) of 2014 Tariff Regulations ...... 69 Ci.10 High PAF of NTPC Simhadri STPS Stage-I ...... 69 Ci.11 Auxiliary Energy Consumption of HVDC Pugalur & Trissur SS ...... 69 Ci.12 Real Time Market (RTM) for Electricity–CERC Regulations ...... 70 (ii) Operation Oi.1 Revised environment norms as per Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2015 ...... 70 Oi.2 Restricted Governor Mode of Operation (RGMO)/FGMO of Generating Units...... 72 Oi.3 Talcher II Backup Transmission System ...... 73 Oi.4 IEGC related issues requiring attention/action ...... 73 Oi.5 Procedure on “Monthly Outage Planning of Communication System” ...... 81 Oi.6 Operational Feedback ...... 82 (iii) Protection Pi.1 Compliance status of Protection Audit Recommendations ...... 82 Pi.2 Implementation of Protection Suite / Protection Management System (PMS) for Southern Region ...... 83 Pi.3 Review meeting on compliance of PCSC recommendations ...... 84

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Southern Regional Power Committee Bengaluru Agenda for 38th meeting of TCC/SRPC (To be held on 22nd& 23rd December 2020 through VC) I. Introduction The 38th Meetings of the Technical Coordination Sub-Committee (TCC) is scheduled on 22nd December 2020 and Southern Regional Power Committee (SRPC) on 23rd December 2020 through Video Conferencing (VC). II. Confirmation of the Minutes a) 37th Meeting of SRPC held on 1st February 2020: The combined Minutes of 36th TCC (31.01.2020) &37th SRPC meetings was circulated vide letter dated 24th March 2020.

b) 37th Meeting of TCC held on 28th October 2020: The Minutes was circulated vide letter dated 27thNovember 2020. Minutes of the Meetings may be confirmed. III. Agenda items for Deliberation (i) Commercial

C.1 NTECL Vallur TPS - Outstanding Dues more than 45 days

1.1 Proposed by: NTECL vide letters dated 04.12.2020& 05.12.2020 (Annexure-C.1.1) Background: The huge outstanding payment of energy bills of NTECL has reached such levels that it has become difficult to sustain its operations and pay for the outstanding coal bills. As the ECR has improved to Rs 2.90/unit in November 2020 by using cheaper coal of MCL, Vallur TPS is getting higher schedule. The coal stock has depleted from 4.71 Lakh MT at the end of September 2020 to 2.88 Lakh MT (as on 05.12.2020). NTECL needs funds for sourcing coal for continuous running the units. With the current financial situation of NTECL Vallur STPS would find it difficult to increase the coal stock and meet the peak demand season coming ahead from February 2021 onwards. The issue of outstanding dues has been taken up with all beneficiaries at regular basis through letters, visits and telephonic communication at highest level, still the situation has not resolved. The situation has forced NTECL to delay pool account payments like RRAS, SCED etc. because of critical cash flow situation. NTECL is paying upfront before receiving any amount from the beneficiary's payments of all mechanism to the DSM pool & SCED pool account (Total Rs 30 Cr approx).

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Issue: (i). Beneficiaries of NTECL may be advised to clear at least the dues more than 45 days at the earliest. (ii). SRPC may discuss with the beneficiaries regarding adjustment of NTECL’s pool payments from the payables to the beneficiaries from the pool accounts. This may please be deliberated

C.2 NLCIL – Non-payment of dues by Discoms

2.1 Proposed by: NLCIL vide letter dated 07.12.2020 (Annexure-C.2.1) Background: The outstanding power bill dues to NLCIL as on 30.11.2020 is as below:

SEBs Power bill Dues (Rs. In Crores) >45 days Total TANGEDCO including RE 6003.64 6650.08 BESCOM 222.79 312.36 HESCOM 440.16 480.55 GESCOM 132.39 156.82 KSEBL 146.19 233.19 AP Discoms 350.39 403.53 Telangana Discoms 506.26 551.78 PED 357.72 416.89 Issue: The delay in settlement of dues is severely affecting the working capital fund of NLCIL and causes financial difficulties to meet operational repayment of schedule of borrowings by NLCIL, with a number of projects under implementation. Discoms may be requested to settle the outstanding dues at the earliest. This may please be deliberated

C.3 Deviation Settlement Mechanism - Payable increased on Post-facto due to variation in Nuclear generation

3.1 Proposed by: TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 07.12.2020(Annexure-C.3.1) Background: The weekly Deviation Settlement Mechanism statement includes the Deviation due to post- facto element. This is due to the deviation done by the non ABT stations i.e. Nuclear stations. Due to this, the deviation made by the nuclear stations has been borne by the beneficiaries based on share ratio adopted by the MoP. Nowadays, the payable on the deviation due to post- facto element by Tamil Nadu has been increased as the nuclear stations are deviating more/lesser in real time. As Tamil Nadu has more share i.e. 1709 MW from nuclear stations, Tamil Nadu has to pay more on the post-facto amount. For the year 2019-20, the net quantum of energy drawn by Tamil Nadu from the grid due to deviation made by nuclear stations in real time operation is around 43 MU whereas for the year 2020-21 up to 22.11.20 is around 67

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MU. Due to the non ABT category of nuclear stations the deviation made by the nuclear stations transported to beneficiary side. Due to renewable rich state Tamil Nadu has been impinged in the deviation settlement mechanism by losing in the under drawal more than 250 MW for the year 2019-20, the energy lost in the under drawal more than 250 MW is about 114 MU and year 2020-21(up to 22.11.2020) is about 135 MU. There is no compensation made by MNRE /wind generators to beneficiaries on the above head who involved in integrating renewable energy, instead there is an increase in the losses. Issue: Necessary method/modalities have to be made on adjusting the energy lost in the under drawal more than 250 MW by TN with the energy impounded on TN on account of postfacto. This may please be deliberated

C.4 Fifth Amendment in CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations

4.1 Proposed by: TANTRANSCO vide letter dated 07.12.2020(refer Annexure-C.3.1) Background: a) Fifth Amendment in CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2019, came into force with effect from 3rd June2019.As decided in the SRPC Meetings, Chairperson, SRPC vide letters dated 25.07.2019, 10.02.2020 & 13.05.2020 addressed to Chairperson, CERC had requested the following: i. To make effect the CERC (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations 2019 from 1st January 2019 (instead of 03.06.2019) and waive off the charges/additional charges levied during the period 01.01.2019 to 02.06.2019. ii. To withdraw the Regulation 7(10) (b) of DSM fifth amendment and to continue the applicability of provisions of Regulation 7(10)(a). b) CERC vide Order dated 29th May 2020 in Petition No.: 11/SM/2020 directed that the date of implementation of provisions as amended vide DSM Fifth Amendment Regulations, shall be rescheduled from 1.6.2020 to 1.12.2020. c) As recommended by TCC in its 37th Meeting held on 28.10.2020, Chairperson, SRPC had taken up with Hon’ble CERC vide letter dated 02.11.2020 (Annexure-C.4.1.c) requesting the following: i. Deletion of the Regulation 7(10)(b) of DSM fifth amendment and to continue the applicability of provisions of Regulation 7(10)(a) even after 30.11.2020. ii. To make effect the CERC (DSM and related matters) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2019 from 1st January 2019 (instead of 03.06.2019) and waive of the charges/additional charges levied during the period 01.01.2019 to 02.06.2019 under CERC DSM 4th Amendment.

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d) SRLDC vide letter dated 01.12.2020 (Annexure-C.4.1.d) had intimated to all entities that the provisions and applicability of Regulation 7(10)(b)of DSM fifth amendment along with related provisions is effective from 01.12.2020 00:00 Hrs. e) In 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee (03.12.2020), it was decided that TCC/SRPC may be requested to take up with CERC again in this regard. Issue: TANTRANSCO requested to address a letter from Chairperson, SRPC to Hon’ble CERC on behalf of SR beneficiaries requesting to restore the 6 time blocks to 12 time blocks on sign change clause. This may please be deliberated.

C.5 DAE Tariff notification of KKNPP

5.1 Proposed by: KSEBL vide letter dated 07.12.2020(Annexure-C.5.1) Issue: DAE has not released tariff notification of KKNPP of NPCIL. The bills are raised with provisional tariff as per clause 7.4 of the PPA. As a result, Supplementary bills such as tax on RoE due to revision of tax rate etc. could not be admitted. This may please be deliberated C.6 Transmission charges / sharing related issues

6.1 Proposed by: KSEBL vide letter dated 07.12.2020(refer Annexure-C.5.1) Background: a) CERC (Sharing of transmission charges & losses) Regulations 2020 came into effect form 01.11.2020. b) Subsequent to 37th Meeting of SRPC (01.02.2020), Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 02.06.2020 (Annexure-C.6.1.b) had taken up the issue with Secretary(P) to declare Raigarh (Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN) HVDC & Pugalur (TN) – Trissur (KER) HVDC system as national and strategic projects and the cost could be shared by all the DICs. c) In 37th meeting of TCC (28.10.2020), the forum had agreed in principlefor declaring the whole assets of Raigarh (Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN) HVDC & Pugalur (TN) – Trissur (KER) HVDC system as national and strategic projects/components and accordingly CERC may be approached. i. In 46th meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee (03.12.2020), the following had been noted:  TANGEDCO: expressed concern on beneficial utilization of the corridor HVDC Raigarh (Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN)-Trissur (KER) corridor (6000 MW) in view of present surplus scenario and optimistic RE capacity addition projections and tariff burden on SR entities after part commissioning of this system. CTU may come up with action plan for utilizing the corridor for exporting surplus RE power to WR so

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that CERC may be approached for considering this asset under National Component for sharing the transmission charges.  CTU: Raigarh –Pugalur-Trissur HVDC system was planned to facilitate for import of power to SR. Part commissioning /commercial operation of the system is being carried out in consultation with/approval of CEA and constituents for better utilization of the system. As per the joint study conducted considering the RE addition of 18.5 GW in SR at ISTS and state connectivity, there would be a surplus 29000MW in SR.As per the Minutes of the meeting (Annexure-C.6.1.c.i) taken by Secretary, MNRE on 22nd October 2020, LTA applications have not been received yet for Kurnool(AP)-2500 MW + 3000MW capacity, Anantapur (AP)- 2500 MW capacity, Bidadi (Karnataka)- 2500MW capacity and Karur (Tamil Nadu)- 2500MW capacity and it was decided that these cases may not be pursued further. In view of these developments, there is an uncertainty in the projected surplus in SR. Raigharh-Pugalur HVDC system can operate in the reverse mode by minor investment beyond the Raigarh by augmenting of ICTs. But going ahead with any investment for reverse mode operation, the capacity to be exported should be ascertained. Declaration of HVDC Raigarh (Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN)-Trissur (KER) system as national asset is under the purview of CERC.  Commercial Sub-Committee had recommended that the issue may be put up to TCC/SRPC for taking up with CERC. d) SRLDC vide mail dated 11.12.2020 (Annexure-C.6.1.d.): Timely submission of data for determining the transmission charges of the state under AC usage-based component. Issue: KSEBL: Stated in 37thmeeting of TCC, it was agreed in principle for declaring the whole assets of Raigarh(Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN) HVDC & Pugalur (TN)–Trissur (KER) HVDC system as national and strategic projects/components. SRPC may follow up with MoP/CERC in this regard. SRLDC: All the DICs are requested form timely submission of Basic Network data, Load Generation details along with transmission line outages for the peak-block, as the Load-flow analysis would determine the transmission charges of the state under AC usage based component. This may please be deliberated.

C.7 Settlement of Wheeling Charges paid mutually with effect from July 2011 to March 2018 and Pending payments between PCKL and KSEBL

7.1 Proposed by: KSEBL vide letter dated 07.12.2020(refer Annexure-C.5.1) Background: a) Wheeling Charges: i. CERC Orders (in KPTCL- Petition No.225/TT/2013, KSEB- Petition No. 232/TT/2013 and TNEB- Petition No.212/TT/2013), mention that the YTC for the interstate lines

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have been taken in line with Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses Regulations, 2010 and the charges reimbursable had been calculated from 1.7.2011. As these lines are to be covered under PoC mechanism from 1.7.2011, the Wheeling charges indicated at 3(b) of the REA issued from the month of July 2011 ceased to have any commercial implications. SRPC vide letter dated 17.3.2017 had requested the constituents to mutually settle wheeling charge payment effected from July, 2011 and circulated the final statements vide letter dated 06.11.2018. ii. The issue was under deliberation in various Sub-Committee meetings of SRPC and SRPC meetings. The status of payments noted in 46thmeeting of Commercial Sub- Committee (03.12.2020) is as below:

Payable by Payable to Amount Updates APPCC/ TANGEDCO Rs. 25 lakhs reconciliation under progress and would be APTRANSCO completed within two weeks TANGEDCO Rs.7.69 crores KSEBL Rs.12.76 crores (July 2011 to August KPTCL/ 2016) PCKL TSTRANSCO Rs. 9.33 crores TSPCC had stated that PCKL shall honour (July 2011 to the statement issued by SRPC Secretariat October 2016) and to settle the issue at the earliest b) Other pending payments between KSEBL & PCKL/KPTCL i. The following had been noted in the 37thMeetingof SRPC(01.02.2020):  Reactive energy Charges: Rs. 6.04 Lakhs with applicable interest for the period from 10.12.2018 to 22.9.2019.  Frequency linked compensation: Rs. 11.58 Crores with applicable interest from 2013.  Since the above payments are pending from PCKL the Reactive energy charges of Rs. 17,51,231 for the period from 30.5.2016 to 21.7.2019 payable to PCKL is not made by KSEBL  MD, KPTCL had stated that they would communicate directly to KSEBL. The issues are being looked into by the higher management and KSEBL would be informed in due course shortly. ii. In the 37thmeeting of TCC (28.10.2020), PCKL had informed that they would facilitate a high level meeting with KSEBL & KPTCL. KSEBL had requested PCKL/KPTCL to settle the pending payments at the earliest. TCC had suggested that PCKL may arrange a high level meeting with KPTCL and KSEBL through VC. Issue: KSEBL stated that each and every issue related to PCKL/KPTCL have been deliberated in various meeting and fora and the figures have already been reconciled. Hence repeated rewinding of the already settled facts and figures would only lead to inordinate delay in realising our claims involving considerable amount and human resource. Hence, it is requested to settle this long pending issue in this SRPC meeting itself. This may please be deliberated

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C.8 NNTPP Unit-II: Drawal of startup power and injection of infirm power

8.1 Proposed by: NLCIL vide letter dated 08.12.2020(Annexure-C.8.1) Background: Secretary, CERC had granted special permission vide letter dated 30.09.2020 for one month up to 31.10.2020 to draw startup power and inject infirm power into grid to facilitate commissioning test including full load test of Unit-2 of NNTPP. Permission to draw start up power from Grid helped NLCIL during October 2020 for successful commissioning of condenser ball cleaning system and trial operation of Mills & Lignite Feeders of the Boiler in Unit-2 of NNTPP. NLCIL have made all necessary arrangements for commissioning of Unit-2. The permission for drawal of startup power and injection of infirm power towards CoD of Unit-2 is essentially required. SRLDC have permitted to draw start up power through STOA, for which NLCIL is processing to procure through Power Exchange. During the hearing of Hon'ble Supreme court held on 07.12.2020 the matter was again posted to 20.01.2021, and extended stay on CERC operations till end of January 2021. Issue: NNTPP may please be permitted for drawal of start-up power and injection of infirm power under DSM Mechanism up to 31.01.2021 or actual date of commercial operation of Unit-2, whichever is earlier. This may please be deliberated C.9 Recovery of transmission charges due from BHAVINI as per CERC order dated 29.04.2015 in Petition No.105/TT/2012

9.1 The following had been noted in the 44th(29.05.2020)and 45th(28.08.2020) Meetings of Commercial Sub-Committee: a) TANGEDCO had intimated that Hon’ble CERC vide its order dated 29.04.2015 in petition No.105/TT/2012 had directed M/s BHAVINI to bear the transmission charges from the date of COD of the transmission assets I & II till COD of the first unit of the generating station. The issue of recovery of the transmission charges from BHAVINI was raised by TANGEDCO in the 40th and 41st Commercial Sub-Committee meetings. CTU had stated that there is an outstanding of Rs.113.7 Cr from BHAVINI and the provisional bills recovered through PoC pool from 01.04.2012 will be refunded upon receipt of payment from BHAVINI. b) PGCIL had informed that they had raised the bills amounting to Rs. 128 Cr on BHAVINI for the two transmission elements (230 kV D/C Kalpakkam PFBR-Sirucheri & Kalpakkam PFBR-Arani). CERC was yet to issue Order for third element (230 kV D/C Kalpakkam PFBR-Kanchipuram).Provisional bills of Rs. 54 Cr had been raised on the two elements. They had been taking up with BHAVINI for recovery of these payments; however no

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payments had been received yet. It was also informed that Department of Atomic Energy vide letter dated 18.10.2018had taken up with Ministry of Power to communicate the necessary instructions to concerned PGCIL officials on BHAVINI’s request to PGCIL to consider and accept the postponement of the payment of pending dues and the subsequent monthly transmission charges in the future till the commissioning of PFBR. c) TANGEDCO had stated that waiting till CoD of PFBR for payment of the transmission charges by BHAVINI is not appropriate since there are remote chances for commissioning the unit in near future. TANGEDCO had requested that the issue would be taken up by SRPC with MoP/DAE for resolution. d) It was decided that the issue would be put up to TCC/SRPC for deliberation. 9.2 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, the following had been noted: a) CTU had informed that they had been taking up with BHAVINI for recovery of payments due in respect of transmission charges, however no payments had been received. Secretary, DAE had taken up with Ministry of Power for postponement of the payment of pending dues till the commissioning of PFBR.CTU had stated that they would take up this issue at higher level if this forum recommends. b) TANGEDCO had stated that the non compliance of directions of Hon’ble CERC and APTEL by BHAVINI is a matter of serious concerns and to be escalated to the highest authority i.e. Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) for suitable instruction to BHAVINI to make immediate payment of the outstanding dues. c) TCC had recommended that CTU/PGCIL may take up the issue of recovery of transmission charges due from BHAVINI at higher authority (DAE/BHAVINI) for early settlement. This may please be deliberated. C.10 Southern Regional Power Committee (Transmission Planning)

10.1 In the 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020, TANGEDCO had raisedthat it is evident from the orders of MoP in respect of Regional Power Committee (Transmission Planning) [RPC (TP)] and National Committee on Transmission (NCT),the new committees do not have any representation from the State Discoms. The transmission schemes evolved by the committees are basically based on the demand requirements of the Discoms / States, power evacuation requirements of generators and operational constraints reported by POSOCO. The Discoms are the paymasters for the transmission service providers. So far, the Discoms have played active role in the process of planning and approval of the Inter State Transmission system where the entire investment costs of such schemes are recovered from the distribution companies through the PoC pool under Sharing Regulations. Some of the important roles of the Regional Planning Committees have been diluted / undermined. Those planning activities are having huge implications on the finances of the Discoms, the Terms of Reference (ToR) notified by the MoP needs to be suitably amended incorporating the vital aspects. As far as the planning activities are concerned, it has to be

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done at Regional level taking cognizant of Discoms incompliance with the mandate of the Act as is being done so far. Regional committees have no power to approve the transmission schemes evolved within the region / inter region which are going to have direct financial impact on the Discoms. The competent authority to approve all the inter-state /regional schemes is vested with NCT despite the fact that the transmission systems are planned and established to meet the requirements of States and the entire cost is recovered from the state utilities/ beneficiaries. The above concerns were raised by TANGEDCO during the 37th SRPC meeting (01.02.2020) and requested SRPC to take up the matter with MoP and Chairperson/NCT. SRPC had also written a letter to them. No response has been received from MoP. It was requested to take up the matter with MoP for protecting the interests of SR constituents. 10.2 The following had been noted in the 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020: i. APPCC, KPTCL, KSEBL & TSPCC had endorsed the views of TANGEDCO and requested that the issue may be taken up with MoP. ii. MS, SRPC had informed that the issue was deliberated in 37th meeting of SRPC held on 01.02.2020. As decided, Chairperson, SRPC vide letters dated 10.02.2020 (Annexure- C.10.2) had taken up the matter with Secretary, MoP and with Chairperson, NCT. iii. After deliberation, it was decided that the matter would be put up TCC/ SRPC. This may please be deliberated. C.11 MoP Amendment in "Equity lock-in period" in the SBDs for selection of Transmission Service Provider (TSP) through TBCB

11.1 In the 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020, TANGEDCO had informed that the Ministry of Power in its notification dated 06.11.20 had issued an amendment revising the equity lock in period of the bidders in the existing Standard Bidding Documents for selection of Transmission Service Provider (TSP) through TBCB route. As per the amendments, 51% of the equity lock-in period has been reduced from two years to one year after the COD of the project. Further, twenty six (26%) of equity lock-in period which was previously 3 years thereafter has been totally removed. This amendment will have serious repercussions on the TBCB projects, as the selected bidder is free to liquidate the equity after a period of one year and the beneficiaries will have no hold on the transactions. This will encourage gaming in the bidding process and will have adverse impact on the performance of the TSP. Moreover the TSA is an approved document of CERC and no consultative process was done before issue of amendment by MoP. It was requested to take up the concerns of TANGEDCO with MoP to withdraw the proposed amendment. 11.2 In the 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020, MS, SRPC had opined that since the issue being policy matter, the same would be put up to TCC/SRPC. This may please be deliberated.

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C.12 Delay in hosting national net SCED benefits distribution statement by NLDC

12.1 The issue of delay in hosting national net SCED benefits distribution statement by NLDC was reported by NTPL and the same was deliberated in the 44th (29.05.2020) & 45th (28.08.2020) meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee of SRPC wherein it was noted that the SCED national benefit statement was prepared by NLDC on provisional basis as some of the RPCs were yet to publish the statement of compensation due to part load operation on account of SCED. In order to prepare the final SCED benefit statement, the compensation statement by RPCs is required. NLDC had requested WRPC/NRPC to publish the statement for part load compensation so that the sharing of SCED benefits can be passed on to the constituents. 12.2 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, the following had been noted: a) NTPL had informed that they had received the SCED benefit up to 31.03.2020. b) NLDC was requested to pass on the sharing of SCED benefits to the constituents in a time bound manner. 12.3 The issue was further deliberated in 46th meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020 wherein the following were noted: a) Provisional national net SCED benefits distribution statements for April 2020 and May 2020 were published by NLDC on 04.11.2020 by withholding 20% of net savings from SCED as caution money due to non-issuance of heat rate statements by ERPC and NRPC. It was mentioned in the statement that final national net SCED benefit distribution statement shall be published after receipt of all data from RPCs. b) After deliberation, SRLDC was requested to communicate the concerns of SR entities to NLDC and regarding the issuance of the national net SCED benefits distribution statements expeditiously. This may please be deliberated.

C.13 Deficit in DSM pool of a region to be met from the surplus of other regions

13.1 In the 2nd interaction meeting of CERC with RPCs held on 26.08.2020, the agenda item of ERPC “Deficit in DSM pool of a region to be met from the surplus of other regions” was included for deliberation. As in the case of deficit in one regional DSM pool for payment to RRAS providers, transfer of funds from surplus regional DSM pool to Deficit regional pool takes place, it is proposed that same could be extended to DSM settlements also. Chairperson, SRPC had communicated to CERC that the views of SRPC on the item would be intimated after discussion with the constituents of SRPC. 13.2 The issue was deliberated in the special meeting of commercial sub-committee held on 25.09.2020. 13.3 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, the following was recommended:

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a) ERPC proposal regarding the surplus DSM pool transfer of a region to another Deficit region before transferring it to PSDF would not be considered. b) Chairperson, SRPC may convey the decision of TCC to CERC. This may please be deliberated.

C.14 Implementation of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) in SR

14.1 In the 24th Meeting of SRPC held on 15th March 2014, SRPC had approved implementation of the AMR scheme by PGCIL. Subsequently, the implementation of AMR in SR had been discussed in various Sub-Committee meetings and SRPC meetings. 14.2 In the 37th meeting of SRPC held on 01.02.2020, SRPC had approved estimate cost of Rs. 36.86 Cr furnished by PGCIL for implementing AMR scheme in SR. 14.3 In the 45th meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 28.08.2020, PGCIL had informed that approval of the draft technical specifications of SR was still awaited from their corporate. Due to different views and opinion in the technical specification of WR and SR, a proposal of uniform technical specifications is under discussion at higher level. 14.4 In the 37thmeeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, the status of implementation of AMR scheme in SR has been deliberated. PGCIL was requested to expedite the finalization of the technical specifications and implement the AMR scheme at the earliest. 14.5 In 46th meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 03.12.2020, it was noted that a meeting on the issue of telemetry of real time active power (MW) to SLDCs through IEM was held on 19.11.2020 chaired by Chairperson, CEA wherein it was decided that the Technical Specifications(TS) of the 5/15 Minute Interface Energy Meters (IEMs) with Automatic Meter Reading(AMR) and Meter Data Processing (MDP) for interstate transmission system may be prepared at PAN India basis.It was decided to form a committee comprising members form RPCs, CEA, CTU/PGCIL and POSOCO for finalizing the technical specifications. 14.6 Subsequently, NPC Division, CEA vide letter dated 02.12.2020 (Annexure-C.14.6) had intimated that a joint committee comprising the members from each RPC, CEA, CTU/PGCIL & POSOCO had been constituted “to prepare the Technical Specifications (TS) of the 5/15 Minute Interface Energy Meters (IEMs) with Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Meter Data Processing (MDP) for interstate transmission system may be prepared at PAN India basis”. This may please be deliberated. (ii) Operation O.1. Establishment of Unified Network Management System (UNMS) for ISTS communication

1.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) The Unified Network Management System (UNMS) was discussed in the various Meetings of OCC (158th OCC, 159th OCC, 160thOCC), Special Meeting held on 07.11.2019 at SRPC, 36th TCC/37th SRPC and 37th TCC meetings.

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b) CTU had stated that state of the Art Unified Network Management System (U-NMS) in a Control Centre environment at National/Regional level is to be implemented as envisaged in CERC (Communication System for inter-State transmission of electricity) Regulations 2017 and CTU is the Nodal Agency for the centralised supervision and implementation of the UNMS Scheme. The proposed U-NMS will acquire information of communication network of ISTS, State Utility and Cross Border communication system. The U-NMS application shall facilitate for controlling, managing, operation, fault detection and restoration and maintenance of ISTS and State communication system. It will be possible to integrate different make NMS and Network Element with proposed U-NMS (In U-NMS adequate provision shall be made to integrate upcoming nodes by having sufficient capacity i.e. 200%). PGCIL had informed that CERC (Communication System for inter- State transmission of electricity) Regulations 2017 envisages to provide centralized supervision of Central and State level communication network. It was requested for approval of the scheme under tariff based implementation for early compliance of CERC Regulations. Implementation period of the scheme is 24 months after investment approval. PGCIL would take up for funding from PSDF but the project implementation should not be linked with PSDF funding. Scope will take care that there is no duplication. c) Following functions (Service Assurance, Service Fulfilment, Web Consoles and Ticketing etc) are considered in the proposed U-NMS (Applications / Functions may vary at NLDC/RLDCs/SLDCs – depending upon the Operational / Administrative Requirements): i) Control Centre in NLDC ii) Control Centre in RLDCs iii) Workstation based Control Centre in SLDCs d) The estimated cost is Rs 100 Crores for SR and Rs. 600 Crores for all regions including National level (excluding AMC cost and Civil Works). The estimated implementation schedule is 24 months from date of investment approval. The scheme shall be implemented by CTU/PGCIL on tariff route basis and investment to be recovered as per CERC notification. The scheme shall become part of existing commercial agreement signed for ULDC project. They would explore funding from PSDF also and if it is materialized, they would implement the scheme under PSDF. 1.2. 37th TCC Deliberation: a) It was noted that the draft Technical Specifications of UNMS furnished by PGCIL was circulated, vide SRPC letter dated 21.04.2020. Comments were to be furnished by 30.04.2020. However, comments were received only from SRLDC and KSEBL. b) ED SRLDC stated that requirement of UNMS is mandatory as per CEA Regulations and requested for a Special Meeting to discuss the UNMS so that it can be put up in next SRPC board for approval. c) Chairperson, TCC concluded that CTU may modify the presentation incorporating/considering all the comments/observations from states and may present in the special meeting to be convened for further deliberations. All the states were requested to furnish the comments on the Technical Specifications to CTU at the earliest.

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1.3. 37thTCC Decision/Recommendation: a) All the states to furnish the comments on the Technical Specifications to CTU at the earliest. b) A Special Meeting to discuss the UNMS would be convened by SRPC Secretariat and CTU may modify the Technical Specification incorporating/considering the comments/observations from states. c) The finalized specifications UNMS to be presented in next TCC meeting so that it can be put up in next SRPC for approval. 1.4. For the Information of the forum: a) As decided in the 37th TCC meeting a Special Meeting to discuss the UNMS was convened at SRPC on 07.12.2020. b) CERC Communication Regulations requires all users of CTU, NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs, STUs shall maintain the communication channel availability at 99.9% annually Provided that with back up communication system, the availability of communication system should be 100%. c) Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operations) Regulations notified in Feb 2020 stipulates that user shall keep evidence of compliance on availability for the previous two calendar years plus the current year for all the interfaces which are in operation. d) CEA, Communications regulation specifies network management system shall have features to store necessary information and facility to generate report on communication system availability of major equipment as well as the data channels on daily or weekly or monthly or annually basis. It also envisages centralised monitoring shall be in main and back-up control centre architecture with centralised database and twenty-four hours maintenance on all days. e) It was informed that there is no provision in the existing communication infrastructure for (i) data retention for a period 3 years (including current year), (ii) automatic report generation which is required for certification & monitoring and (iii) centralised supervision. f) CTU/PGCIL informed that Rs. 109 Cr has been estimated as project cost for Southern Region for the implementation of UNMS. AMC Maintenance Cost is estimated at Rs 5 Crores per Annum. The tariff will include AMC for 7 years Period. Also, project cost of National UNMS shall be shared by all constituents similar to PoC tariff. After getting approval in the SRPC forum they will prepare DPR. w.r t. the request of 100% PSDF funding for UNMS project by Members, it was informed that normally 50% funding only given for communication projects by PSDF Committee (and some projects up to 70%) and remaining project cost has to be borne by the constituents. The cost will be recovered in tariff mechanism g) It is informed that NRPC and NERPC already approved the UNMS Scheme. h) All state utilities to get approval from their competent authority and submit their comments to SRPC/SRLDC/PGCIL to have fruitful discussions in the forthcoming TCC/SRPC convened on 22nd /23rd December 2020.

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i) State utilities to furnish the details sought in the format (prepared by LD&C, PGCIL) to SRPC/SRLDC/PGCIL by the end of December, 2020. The details of all NMS/EMS/Standalone systems which need to be integrated with UNMS needs to be furnished. j) CTU/PGCIL requested to put up the scheme for approval of the forth coming 38th TCC/SRPC. 1.5. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i) CTU may present the Scheme after incorporating/ considering all the comments/observations from states/SRLDC. (ii) The apprehensions/queries expressed by states in the UNMS meeting held on 07.12.2020/furnished by states/SRLDC may be regarded by CTU. Technical Specifications also needed to be reviewed accordingly. (iii) CTU may give funding details & its recovery mechanism for the UNMS project. (iv) Members may recommend the scheme for approval by SRPC. This may please be deliberated.

O.2. URTDSM (PMU) Project in Southern

2.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) In the 36th Meeting of SRPC (12.07.2019), it was noted that the SLDCs to make use of the Analytical Applications in close co-ordination with SRLDC. Issues, if any, needed to be brought to the attention of PGCIL (Smart Grid) & IIT B. b) The following status update noted in the OCC meetings: (i). SR states had requested for Online Training on PMU based state estimator, assessment of angular, voltage and frequency stability and control through PSS, FACTS devices and HVDC controls, Development of improved restoration schemes, Network parameter validation, dynamic model validation etc. PGCIL to facilitate the training. (ii). All the states had furnished the requirement for Phase II. SRLDC had stated that once the OF availability is received from PGCIL, they would discuss with SR-I & SR-II (if required with states also) and finalize the PMU requirements for Phase-II for SR. RE pooling stations, LI SS, STATCOM locations, Phase Shifting Transformers etc would be considered while finalizing the PMU requirement. Communication availability would also to be looked into. (iii). SRLDC had furnished the list of new Analytics which could be covered in Phase II scope. 1. Real Time Automated Event Analysis Tool 2. Oscillation Source Location 3. Real time Inertia Estimation Tool 4. Big data analytics tool / engine (iv). Hon’ble CERC in ROP (Date of hearing 29.06.2020) in Petition No. 254/TT/2019, ‘For determination of transmission tariff from COD to31.3.2019 for URTDSM System (Control Center Equipment, PMUs and associated equipment) integrated and commissioned at SRLDC & SLDCs of Southern Region

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under Phase-I-Unified Real Time Dynamic State Measurement (URTDSM)’, had reserved the order in the matter. 2.2. 37thTCC deliberation: a) CTU/PGCIL informed that training had been provided in two stages for all the constituents. Further requirement if any may be put up to CTU and action will be taken accordingly. 6th Analytic Protocol was delayed due to COVID-19 Issues in Maharashtra and it would be taken up in December 2020. Requirements have been received from all the states for Phase II. Additional location for installation for PMUs furnished by SRLDC is not in line with already approved criteria for PMU implementation. b) APTRANSCO requested for training (refreshers) in all the applications to all the concerned officers. c) KPTCL desired for training in Phase I and informed that requirement for Phase II had been submitted. d) TANTRANSCO informed that Phase II requirement is being finalized and would be submitted to approval from higher management. Desired for exhaustive training to System operators (end users). He requested that in the up gradation of ULDC, server of URTDSM also may be considered for ICCP integration because they can exchange necessary data. e) TANTRANSCO desired training requirement on the following: 1. Maintenance of PDC, computer system hardware & software, historian and analytical software. 2. Training on NMS and cyber security. 3. Integration and Monitoring of new PMUs in substation configuration in database. 4. Power grid application software (PAS) for all modules. 5. Operator Training. f) TSTRANSCO had already requested for training and requirement of 34 PMUs had been furnished for considering in Phase II Project. g) KSEBL desired for training which will help system operators to make use of the analytics effectively. Additional requirement have already submitted. h) On the requirement of PMUs for phase II ,CTU/PGCIL informed that they had worked out requirements. CTU informed that there is a huge variation in the requirement and philosophy (which was adopted for Phase I). Joint study committee is studying on the philosophy to be adopted on all India basis. Final philosophy will be discussed in next NPC meeting. He requested RPC to apprise NPC regarding this. Quantum of PMUs can be assessed only after finalizing on the philosophy. i) Chairperson, TCC stated that people are having only limited knowledge about this and to make use of the data and analyze it, needs sufficient training to users so that everybody will be working in tandem. As desired by all the states, CTU is requested to arrange the training program with intimation to SRPC which was agreed by PGCIL. 2.3. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: (a) CTU/PGCIL to arrange the training program with intimation to SRPC.

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(b) CTU’s concern regarding the finalization of philosophy to be adopted in Phase II for assessing the PMU requirement may be communicated to SRPC/NPC/CEA. 2.4. 172nd OCC updates: (a) Training (i) AP, KAR, TS and KER had furnished the details of officials/modules for the online training. (ii) TANTRANSCO informed that they will nominate the officers. (iii) PGCIL was requested to arrange the training in coordination with Corporate Office. (b) URTDSM Phase – II Requirement It was noted that AP, TS, KER, KAR& TN had furnished the requirements. (c) Feed back of URTDSM Phase-I project (i) PGCIL, SR II (RTAMC) had requested to provide an operational feedback regarding Phase-1 project which shall be submitted with URTDSM Phase-II proposal. (ii) SRLDC, APTRANSCO & KPTCL had furnished the feedback. (iii) KSEBL informed that KSEBL is not able to utilize the provisions in URTDSM Phase I project till now. In view of that training was requested. In such a situation KSEBL cannot furnish the feedback. (iv) TSTRANSCO & TANTRANSCO were requested to furnish the comments. 2.5. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: a) CTU/PGCIL to arrange the training program with intimation to SRPC. Training dates may be finalised. b) CTU’s concern regarding the finalization of philosophy to be adopted in Phase II for assessing the PMU requirement may be communicated to SRPC/NPC/CEA. c) KSEB, TSTRANSCO & TANTRANSCO are requested to furnish the operational feedback/comments on Phase-I of URTDSM project. This may please be deliberated.

O.3. Up gradation / Replacement of SCADA/EMS Systems in SR

3.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) SRLDC vide letter dated 10.09.2020 (Annexure-O.3.1.a) had intimated that the existing SCADA/EMS system in SRLDC and SLDCs of SR were commissioned in 2015-16 and will be completing a tenure of five years. POSOCO had proposed to go ahead with upgradation/replacement of existing SCADA system at RLDCs with a commissioning time frame of early 2023.All SLDCs are invited to partner with POSOCO and together implement a unified upgradation/replacement of the existing SCADA/EMS system. b) In the 170th OCCM (11.09.2020), SRLDC had appraised the forum about the up- gradation/replacement of SCADA/EMS in SR. c) Subsequently, a VC with all stake holders was held on 21st September 2020. SRLDC had requested the states to revert back with observations/comments. 3.2. 37th TCC deliberation: a) SRLDC briefed that unified mode of up-gradation of the SCADA system at RLDC and SLDC was proposed. POSOCO would provide consultancy without any charges. Technical specification would be prepared by an expert committee comprising members for all

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stakeholders. Letter Of Intent (LOI) would be placed by POSOCO to the successful bidder. SLDC and RLDCs to award and execute the works and make payments directly. Necessary hand holding would be provided by POSOCO. b) APTRANSCO stated that they would go ahead with up-gradation on their own. APTRANSCO opined that it must be developed across India on a common architecture/platform. CMD, APTRANSCO had taken up the matter with MoP to develop a common in-house architecture (including proper specifications) taking views from CTU/PGCIL, MNRE, POSOCO, IITs/NITs, CDAC etc., which can be used by all states. c) PGCIL informed that MoP had constituted a committee, under the Chairmanship of Member (Planning), CEA, with members from CTU, POSOCO, CEA, AP, Gujarat &Maharashtra. The Committee have to submit the report within three months. Uniform approach may be taken by all the states once the report prepared is available. d) TSTRANSCO informed that they were going ahead with the RLDC proposal and in the process of getting management approval. Main SLDC as well as back SLDC was planned to bring under this new proposal. Specifications should be according to latest technology and should assure a long-term life time of at least 15 years. e) TANTRANSCO informed that the matter had been taken up with higher management for approval to join with POSOCO’s proposal. Draft memorandum and agreement would be submitted to the management for approval. TANTRANSCO requested that PSDF fund may be got granted for SCADA up gradation. f) KPTCL informed that it was under discussion with higher management and would revert. g) KSEBL stated that they agreed in principle. The matter was taken up with the management. Final decision would be taken, accordingly. h) Puducherry stated that they would take appropriate action in the matter. i) SRLDC suggested that the common architecture, being prepared by Committee constituted by MoP, may be adopted by all. j) Chairperson, TCC stated that decision, regarding common specification for all the states, may be taken based on the Report of the Committee constituted by MoP, which was awaited. 3.3. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i) CTU, POSOCO/SRLDC may present the case. (ii) States may give their plans for SCADA/EMS upgrade at SLDCs and whether agreeable to the proposal of SRLDC in this regard. This may please be deliberated.

O.4. Restoring of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS 400 kV (quad) D/c line at Tirunelveli to control loadings/un-balancing on Kudankulam – Tirunelveli 400 kV (quad) Lines

4.1. Agenda from 2nd SRPC(TP): (Agenda Item No: 25) a) In the 41st Southern Region constituents meeting regarding Connectivity/LTA applications held on 13.04.2020, SRLDC informed that in real time operation with full generation of

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Coastal Energen, Tuticorin JV and existing wind generation at Tuticorin-II GIS, the tendency of power flow is from Tuticorin PS to Kudankulam in place of Kudankulam to Tuticorin PS. Due to this, entire power of Kudankulam Unit 1&2 and power coming from Tuticorin PS is flowing through Kudankulam – Tirunelveli 400 kV (quad) D/c line and results in high loading in case of outage of one circuit of Kudankulam – Thirunelveli 400 kV (quad) D/c line. b) It was opined that restoration of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS 400 kV D/c line at Thirunelveli substation would provide one additional 400 kV quad circuit and shall address the high loading issues. System studies have been carried out for the proposed arrangement for March, 2020, time frame and the results of the load flow studies are given at Annex 25.1. From the study results, it is observed that the issue under N-1 contingency also gets addressed and no constraints are observed. c) With this re-arrangement (termination of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS 400 kV D/c line at Tirunelveli substation) the following evacuation system will be in place : (i) Three 400 kV (quad) circuits from Kudankulam to Tirunelveli (ii) One 400 kV (quad) circuit from Kudankulam to Tuticorin PS (iii) One 400 kV (quad) circuit from Tirunelveli to Tuticorin PS d) The diagram of the proposed re-arrangement is given below:

4.2. For the information of the forum: a) It was noted that SRLDC vide letter dated 02.11.2020 had expressed concern regarding the grid disturbance in Tamil Nadu system on 30th October 2020 initiated by high loading of 400 kV Kudankulam-Tirunelveli line II. b) A Special Meeting was convened on 04.11.2020 through VC to discuss on this issue with participation from KKNPP, PGCIL SR II, TANTRANSCO, SRLDC& SRPC. The minutes of the meeting is at Annexure. In the meeting Remedial Measures/Actionable Points were agreed upon . c) The status of action taken as per Remedial Measures/Actionable Points agreed upon in the special Meeting/Further action to be taken was assessed in the 172nd OCC Meeting.

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d) Due to prolonged outage of 400 kV KKNPP– Thirunelveli – I and heavy loading of connected lines, there are frequent grid incidents in 400 kV and 230 kV system. Since the outage of 400 kV KKNPP– Thirunelveli – I, there are 3 instances of tripping of the 400 kV Kudankulam– Thirunelveli – II and resulted in trippings in 230 kV system of TN. In one of the incident, generation loss at TTPS also observed. e) OCC forum requested SRTS II, PGCIL to accelerate the works of diverting KKNPP- Tuticorin line to Thirunelveli (LILO at Thirunelveli) after the receipt of approval from Standing Committee. f) In the 172ndOCC, SR II, PGCIL informed that the expenditure estimated for shifting the Tuticorin line to Thirunelveli is around Rs 82 Lakhs which may be booked under ongoing construction project cost. g) OCC forum approved in principle for carrying out LILO works based on operational point of view for ensuring security of Nuclear Units as well as grid security and the cost implications may be booked under ongoing projects of PGCIL. 4.3. Minutes of 2nd SCM of SRPC(TP): (Agenda Item No: 25) a) In the meeting SRLDC representative stated that major portion of the power from Kudankulam NPP is flowing through 400 kV KKNPP-Thirunelveli lines and outage of one of the circuit of 400 kV Kudankulam – Thirunelveli line results in over loading of the other circuit. In addition to this, there is power injection from Tuticorin to KKNPP bus, which further increases the line loadings. Thus, restoring of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS line at Thirunelveli would strengthen the 400 kV Kudankulam – Thirunelveli corridor. b) Representative of NPCIL also agreed to the proposal. c) After detailed deliberations, the proposal for re-arrangement of one circuit of Kudankulam – Tuticorin PS 400 kV D/c line via Thirunelveli S/s was agreed by the members. 4.4. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: a) SR II may appraise the forum regarding the project execution time schedule. b) SR II, PGCIL had informed that the expenditure estimated for shifting the Tuticorin line to Thirunelveli is around Rs 82 Lakhs which may be booked under ongoing construction project cost. PGCIL to take up the work on urgent basis. c) Members may agree for shifting the line immediately and related expenditure as proposed by SR-II, PGCIL. This may please be deliberated.

O.5. Utilisation of Decommissioned Thermal units as Synchronous condensers

5.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) POSOCO in its Operational Feedback (July 2020) has observed that shutting down of thermal units coupled with continuous increase in amount of renewable energy into the grid might impact the system

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inertia. Hence, it is proposed that Synchronous machines in decommissioned plants may be converted into synchronous condensers for providing inertia and reactive support. b) Considering the above issues, a study may be conducted on utilizing the decommissioned synchronous generating units as synchronous condenser for providing the grid inertia. In addition to inertia, these units can also be used for providing the reactive power support (injection/absorption) to the grid which would help the grid in maintaining better voltage profile. 5.2. The following was noted from 171st OCC meeting deliberations on the issue: a) The technical feasibility/willingness to go for the proposal/cost aspects/time envisaged for modification etc. needed to be explored. b) SRLDC stated that this is a requirement of the hour and requested all to take a positive approach towards this and commercial part can be taken up with higher bodies accordingly. c) A Special Meeting would be convened with Generators, SLDCs and GENCOs in this regard. d) Subsequently a presentation was made by GE on Applications and Use of Synchronous Condenser in Indian Grid as well as repurposing of Retired Coal Plants by Synchronous Condenser conversions. 5.3. 37th TCC Deliberations:

a) APTRANSCO informed that in AP grid 6,000 MW Solar is going to come. Another 10,000 MW connected to CTU is coming under Export Policy. There is a need of reactive power and inertia support and this proposal which provide these requirements may be seriously thought off. b) TANTRASCO informed regarding ETPS, which was decommissioned on 31.03.2017, the excitation system and the transformers have served beyond their life period and certain equipment’s / Protection systems / Voltage regulation systems have been diverted for the beneficial use of other Thermal Stations of TANGEDCO. Hence, fresh arrangement may require for water based / hydrogen-based cooling system for the Generators. Water based cooling system is not feasible with the available backwaters at ETPS which caused major breakdowns while the Units were in service. Also, the above arrangement may involve huge expenditure and hence not economical to run the machines as Synchronous condensers. c) KPTCL stated that in the present scenario synchronous condensers are very much required for inertia as well as reactive power report. KPCL is advised to explore the possibility in coordination with SRLDC. KPCL is taking up with higher management regarding this. d) KPCL informed that they have not yet decided on refurbishing the unit for FGD and will take up with the management and revert back. e) KSEBL informed that they are planning at Kozhikode Diesel Plant. f) SRLDC stated that CTU can factor in their studies and the benefits of STATCOM and synchronous condensers can be compared according to the area and location of the generator. Option may be explored by Generators/States as pilot project for getting funding from PSDF.

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g) TSTRANSCO stated that if states are going for this proposal individually it will be burden for states. Since these synchronous condensers will provide inertial and reactive support at national level and improves stability of the grid, this requirement may be put up under Ancillary Services. POSOCO can approve this and Tariff can be firmed up. Common funds may be utilized. h) CTU stated that machines require certain modifications to use as synchronous condensers. Investment is involved varies on case to case basis depending on unit size, area located etc. CEA, POSOCO and CTU may carryout combined studies to evolve a techno – economical solution since it is a costly affair and falls on transmission charges. i) Chairperson, TCC stated that tariff needed to be fixed which will attract more generators. RE generators needed to provide reactive power support. All generators may come forward even though huge investment may be needed in the initial stage. PSDF funding may be requested under renovation scheme. 5.4. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: (a) Generators/State utilities may come forward to solve their grid issues like O/V issue/reactive power issues, by utilizing the decommissioned thermal units as synchronous condensers. (b) The possibility of funding through PSDF as innovation project also may be explored. 5.5. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i) Central sector utilities may give their view/plan. (ii) States may give their view/plan. This may please be deliberated.

O.6. Monitoring of schemes funded from PSDF

6.1. The following had been noted in the earlier Meeting of SRPC: a) CE(GM& NPC), CEA had informed that in the Monitoring Committee Meeting held on 30.01.2020, the following had been decided:  Tripartite agreement shall be signed within three months of issue of sanction order by MoP, else the sanction order would be cancelled.  Time schedule as per approved DPR shall be adhered; deviation would not be allowed and if the project is deviated it would be short closed. b) The progress of implementation of the schemes needed to be submitted to the Monitoring Group of PSDF regularly. c) The project entities were requested to expedite signing of the agreement. d) The project entities were advised to complete the sanctioned scheme as per the specified time line. In case any delay foreseen, time extension request needed to be submitted.

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6.2. Status of the schemes in SR as on 31.08.2020 furnished by NPC is as given below:

S.No State / Entity Number of Grant Grant Number of Schemes sanctioned (Rs. disbursed Schemes Sanctioned Crores) (Rs. Crores) Completed

1 Andhra 6 340.43 247.41 0 Pradesh 2 Karnataka 4 214.06 76.76 1 3 Kerala 6 581.80 486.88 1 4 Tamil Nadu 9 515.21 160.29 0 5 Telangana 5 247.73 152.39 2 6 Puducherry 2 13.19 4.40 0 7 PGCIL-SR 1 378.04 374.94 1 8 SRPC 2 30.59 19.84 1 9 Total 35 2321.05 1522.90 6

6.3. NPC vide mail dated 06.10.2020 have informed that the following Schemes of SR funded from PSDF are delayed and are not as per schedule completion date. These may be expedited:

Grant Proposed Date of Grant % of Name of Name of Scheme and Sanction Completion 1stInstalmen Disbur Grant S. No. Entity Unique ID No. ed (Rs. date as per t Released sed disbursed Cr) sanction (Rs. order Cr) 1 APTRA Implementation of 19.330 26.03.2021 27.03.2019 1.93 10 NSCO SAMAST (147) 2 TANTR R&U of the protection 167.480 26.03.2021 27.03.2018 24.234 14.47 ANSCO system. (084) 3 TSTRAN Implementation of SCO OPGW based reliable communication at 132 79.815 27.05.2021 28.05.2019 7.98 10 kV and above substations. (137) 4 TSGENC R&U of protection 6.54 14.05.2018 15.05.2017 3.45 52.77 O system (14) 5 Puducher R & U of protection & ry control system to rectify 9.50 17.05.2018 18.05.2017 4.4 46.3 protection related deficiencies (021) 6.4. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: Entities may give details about measures taken to address the concerns of Monitoring Committee/ NPC. This may please be deliberated.

O.7. Expedition of Transmission network Planned

7.1. Agenda proposed by SRLDC vide mail dated 11.12.2020(refer item No. 1 Annexure- C.6.1.d.). a) SRLDC informed that 400/220kV Kochi ICTs are already heavily loaded and violating N-1 security criteria in few of occasions. It is also a constraint for Import TTC of

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Kerala. With commissioning of VSC HVDC Pugalur-Trichur, the ICTs flow would further increase. The same was highlighted in special meeting held with SRPC, KSEBL, SRLDC on 15th September 2020 and 2nd SRPC (TP) held on 1st October 2020. Accordingly, an additional 500MVA ICT has been planned in 2nd SRPC (TP). Since VSC HVDC Pugalur-Trichur is in advanced stage of commissioning, commissioning of 400/220kV 500MVA ICT at Kochi may be expedited to enhance the import capability of Kerala. b) The following is approved regarding the 400kV Kolar-NP Kunta line in 2nd SRPC(TP): i. Cudappah – NP Kunta 400 kV S/c line and NP Kunta – Kolar 400 kV S/c line shall be temporarily bypassed with suitable arrangement at NP Kunta sub-station to form Cudappah – Kolar 400 kV S/c line. ii. Re-conductoring of the NP Kunta – Kolar 400 kV S/c line (twin Moose) section with high capacity conductors (like twin HTLS equivalent to Quad Moose). iii. Upgradation of 400 kV bays equipment at NP Kunta and Kolar for NP Kunta – Kolar 400 kV line section (if required). iv. Restoration of LILO arrangement to form Cuddapah – NP Kunta 400 kV S/c line and NP Kunta – Kolar 400 kV S/c line upon completion of re-conductoring works of NP Kunta – Kolar line.” 7.2. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: PGCIL, SR I: The work mentioned at SI.No.(b.i) may be expedited complete before SR peak season. This may please be deliberated

O.8. Review of System Protection Scheme (SPS) designed for NEW- SR interconnection

8.1. Agenda proposed by SRLDC vide mail dated 11.12.2020(refer item No. 2 of Annexure- C.6.1.d.). a) The existing Special Protection Scheme (SPS) on NEW-SR corridor (namely for 765kV Solapur-Raichur lines) were implemented after the synchronization of SR grid with NEW grid in the year 2014. Over the years, SR grid has been integrated with NEW grid through the many inter-regional lines apart from 765 kV Solapur-Raichur, which are given below: i. 765kV Angul-Srikakulam D/c ii. 765kV Wardha-Nizamabad D/C iii. 765kV Kolhapur-Kudgi D/c (presently charged at 400kV level) iv. HVDC Raigarh-Pugalur Pole-1 b) The newly commissioned HVDC Raigarh-Pugalur Bipole is very soon expected to be in operation which would further strengthen the network connecting Southern Region with other regions. With the commission of above transmission lines, TTC/ATC

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towards SR has also been increased gradually. The last revision in this SPS settings was carried out after assessment during Dec 2017. c) The existing SPS schemes for NEW-SR interconnection have been reviewed. Based on studies, it could be seen that these SPS schemes can be dispensed with and suggestions from NLDC and RLDCs are enclosed in the letter (Annexure-1 of SRLDC correspondence). d) It is requested that suggestions from NLDC/ RLDCs regarding the System Protection Schemes may please be deliberated and agreed by the appropriate Regional Power Committees (RPCs) expeditiously and implemented at the earliest accordingly. 8.2. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i) SRLDC may present the proposal of reviewing of NEW-SR SPS. (ii) States may agree for reviewing SPS as proposed by SRLDC. This may please be deliberated.

O.9. Non- availability of proper SCADA data affecting system studies and state estimation

9.1. Agenda proposed by SRLDC vide mail dated 11.12.2020 (refer item No. 6 of Annexure- C.6.1.d.). a) From the analysis of SCADA data at SRLDC end, it is observed that many of 400kV/230kV/220kV level data points are not reporting/data is suspect. b) Non availability of complete data is affecting system studies and state estimation. c) List of data points where bad data is reported/data is suspect is attached as excel Annexure-3 of SRLDC correspondence. 9.2. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i) The issue may be presented by SRLDC. (ii) All constituents are requested to take up this issue on priority and extend their cooperation to SRLDC in resolving the issues. (iii) Constituents may give their action plan for addressing the issues. This may please be deliberated.

O.10. SPS for +/- 500 kV Talcher-Kolar HVDC system & lines

10.1. NLDC vide letter dated 21.10.2020 (Annexure-O.10.1) had furnished the observations and the revisions proposed in the SPS of HVDC Talcher - Kolar HVDC lines At Talcher & Kolar end. The following were noted: a) The SPS associated with HVDC Talcher-Kolar Bipole was implemented long back in the year 2003 as per requirements at that time. The addition of high capacity AC lines in the corridor parallel to this HVDC link have strengthened the ER-SR & WR-SR corridors for exchange of power to/from Southern region (SR). The newly commissioned HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur Pole-I has also been commissioned recently.

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b) Presently, in cases of Talcher-Kolar Pole blocking, SPS as per design operates with load disconnection in SR and generation backing down/outage in ER. In view of strengthening of transmission system as stated above, the scheme has been reviewed in consultation with RLDCs. c) NLDC requested that proposed revisions in System Protection Scheme may please be deliberated and agreed by the appropriate Regional Power Committees (RPCs) expeditiously so that same may be implemented at the earliest. 10.2. The following were noted in the 173rd OCC Meeting: a) OCC forum agreed for the implementation of NLDC’s proposed revision of existing Talcher-Kolar SPS at Talcher end (ANDing of existing SPS logic with the flow of each of the 400 kV Talcher-Meramundali lines). b) W.r.t SPS at SR end, OCC forum in principle agreed for implementing the proposal. c) To implement the proposal (removal of load shedding post tripping of HVDC bipole) there is a necessity of load shedding of approx. 800 MW which could be achieved through Under Voltage Load Shedding based SPS for improving voltages around Bengaluru area. d) As requested by SRLDC all the constituents to update on the upcoming Generation/transmission elements especially at Kozhikode, Palakkad, Trichur and Udumalpet areas which can be considered in the study of UV relay review within 15 days. Comments if any regarding the proposals also may be submitted and the same would be deliberated in next OCC. e) The trip signals in SR (designed for existing Talcher-Kolar HVDC) for load shedding may be retained for gradually shifting to SPS scheme of HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur, as and when the same is ready. Once the shifting of loads is completed, HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur Poles are stabilized, load shedding for HVDC Kolar SPS may be disabled at an appropriate time. 10.3. Agenda for Discussion /Decision: (i). SRLDC may present the proposal. (ii). States may agree for the proposal. This may please be deliberated. IV. Agenda Items for Update (Operation) Ou.1. High Voltage Issues in SR Grid

1.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) Numbers of nodes in SR are facing high voltage problems. PGCIL had pointed out that these over voltages lead to over stress of substation equipment including ICTs, Reactors, CVTs, CTs etc. Life span of equipment was also affected adversely leading to early failures.

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b) As agreed in the 36th SRPC meeting, Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 16.07.2019 addressed to Secretary (Power) had taken up the issue of PSDF funding for reactors in view of the high voltage issues in SR grid. c) All entities had agreed to look into the MVAR injections (at V >103 %) at the identified nodes and take corrective action (short term and long term) to address the issues. d) SRLDC/NLDC had assured that lines would be taken out proactively considering N-1 reliability. Further, pro-active action would be considered in case of known trends of increase in voltages and lines would be opened at voltages less than 430 kV. In case of double circuit, one line would be taken out on sustained basis (7 days) to avoid frequent switching operations. e) SRLDC had stated that the SRLDC control room was issuing messages for voltage management to the state entities during night hours (around 21 hours) and had requested the states to take specific action and support in managing the reactive power. Drop off to pickup ratio of O/V relay shall be set at 98%. f) All the generators to absorb MVAR as per their capability. g) States to take measures to avoid MVAR injection into ISTS at high voltage nodes. Capacitor switching off by Discoms/Transcos needed to be ensured by SLDCs. Downstream generators also should absorb VARs and MVAR flow/injection from 220 kV & 132 kV to 400 kV should not be there. h) Any specific instances where improvements are possible may be brought to the notice of SRLDC at that time itself by PGCIL. i) Chairperson, SRPC may be requested to take up the issue of PSDF funding for reactors with MoP j) Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 10.02.2020 (Annexure-Ou.1.1.j) had taken up the issue of PSDF funding for reactors with MoP. k) Details of nodes of high voltage coupled with MVAR injection during February to November 2020 are given below:

S.NO Entity 400kV Nodes with MVAR injection during V > 103% 1 Andhra Cuddapah, Chittoor, Sattenapalli, Vemagiri, Hindupur, Pradesh Vijayawada, Kurnool, Gazuwaka, Maradam 2 Karnataka Nelamangala, Raichur, Hoody, Guttur, Munirabad, Hiriyur 3 Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli, Karaikudi, Pugalur, Alamathy, Arasur, S V Chatram, Kalavinthapattu 4 Telangana Maheshwaram, Dichipally, Warangal, Malkaram, Gajwel, Mehaboobnagar, Khammam, Hyderabad, Shankarpalli 5 Puducherry Karaikal(230 kV) 1.2. NLDC in its Operational Feedback October 2020 (for the period July to September 2020)

had highlighted the following nodes which were facing high voltages:

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High voltages throughout the year High voltages during off peak hours/off season 400 kV: 400 kV: Gooty, Kurnool, Sattenapalli, Chittoor, Nellore, Talarichervu, KV Chilakaluripeta, Jammalmadugu, Kota, Nunna, Talapalli, Cuddapah Uravakonda, Kalikiri, Podili, NP Kunta, (PG), Malkaram, Hassan, Mysore, Dindi, Tukkapur, Veltoor, Suryapet, Jindal, Tumkur, Raichur, Udupi, Mamidipally, Chandalapur, Asupaka, Narendra, Pavagada, Maheswaram, Srisailam LB, Ramadugu, HiriyurKaraikudi, Anaikaduvu, Jelurupadu, Tippapur, Medaram, Narsapur, Kamudi, Dharmapuri, Pugalur, Khammam, Shankrapalli Kayathar 765 kV: Chilakaluripeta, Kadapa&Nizamabad, Srikakulam, Vemagiri

a) POSOCO in the Operational Feedback October 2020 had observed that delay in commissioning of bus reactors, resulting in high voltages in the grid and warranting to open the transmission lines. Hence, all planned Bus reactors needed to be commissioned along with the first transmission line in that substation. b) It is suggested that SRLDC may give grid connection code/clearance for substation or lines only after installing the relevant bus & line reactors which were planned and approved by SRPC (TP)/Standing Committee. 1.3. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: a) The issue of high voltage and consideration of the request submitted by all the states for sanctioning PSDF fund for reactors will be taken up with NLDC through Chairperson SRPC. b) STUs are requested to initiate action to install reactors identified without waiting for PSDF fund. c) On the basis of discussions in the meetings planned (with TS carried out on 05.10.2020) with individual states, short term, medium term and long term measures to address the HV issue may be framed. Meanwhile available resources should be utilized optimally. d) MVAR interaction of generators is to be monitored and should advice generators accordingly and should assure that they are operating as per their capability curve. e) Capacitor switching may be monitored automatically (as in place in Telangana) and whenever in need may be disconnected from grid /connected to grid. f) Transformer tap positions are to be monitored and STUs/PGCIL may be advised to change the tap position accordingly. g) All the states are requested to take up with respective SERCs to implement commercial mechanism for reactive interaction. Intra-state reactive accounting to be considered by the states. RE generators should be instructed to give reactive support in line with grid conditions.

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h) Exploring the possibility of decommissioned generators as Synchronous Condensers may be explored by all concerned. i) Exploring the possibility of Dynamic Line loading can be explored. j) The suggestion that “RLDC/SLDCs to give grid connection code/clearance for substation or lines only after installing the relevant bus & line reactors which were planned and approved by SRPC (TP)/Standing Committee” may be implemented after taking regulatory permission.

1.4. Meetings with States on High Voltage issues: a) State Specific Over voltage meetings are taken by SRPC Secretariat. b) Meeting with utilities of TS and AP discussed on 05.10.2020 and 20.11.2020 respectively .The Minutes of the Meetings are available at SRPC website. c) Meeting with other state utilities are planned in the forth coming months. 1.5. Agenda for update: TS, AP to update the status of recommendations in High Voltage meetings.

Ou.2. Progress of bus/line reactors to be commissioned in SR

Status of implementation of Bus / Line Reactors approved in the Standing Committee / SRPC pending for commissioning by the SR constituents is at Annexure-Ou.2. States to update the status of implementation of Bus / Line Reactors approved in the Standing Committee.

Ou.3. Reactive Power Planning – STU/DISCOMs

Status of Capacitor installation in Transco/Discoms is at Annexure-Ou.3. States to update the status of capacitor installation in Transco / Discoms to SRPC Secretariat.

Ou.4. RE Forecasting and Scheduling

4.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) RE forecasting error is being submitted by SLDCs and being discussed in the OCC meetings. As a regular requirement, all states to furnish the implemented forecast, day ahead forecast &actual for Wind and Solar by 5th of each month in respect of the past month. b) The following had been noted in the 37th meeting of SRPC: (i) AP: APPCC had informed that RE DSM was being implemented and Rs 2.11 Cr were realized from QCAs. Three RE Developers had filed petition in Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh to repeal the APERC Regulations.

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(ii) KAR: KPTCL had informed that up to July 2019 DSM accounts have been prepared. Two to three RE developers challenged DSM Regulations before the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka. (iii)KER: KSEBL had informed that DSM has been partially implemented on day ahead basis. Amendment in Grid Code would likely to be notified shortly by SERC. (iv) TN: TANTRANSCO/TANGEDCO had informed that draft procedure for DSM Accounting had been submitted and the approval was awaited from TNERC. (v) TS: TSTRANSCO had informed that TSERC approval for accounting Procedure was awaited. c) SRLDC/POSOCO had informed that IMD had offered that if states provide required space for installing the weather monitoring equipment at substations they will provide weather forecast information location wise to SLDCs also. POSOCO was requested to revert back with formal proposal after discussion with IMD. d) After deliberations following was recommended/noted in the 36th TCC/37th SRPC: (i) SRLDC in consultation with IMD would finalize the communication links between IMD equipment at Substations and SLDC/SRLDC. (ii) Additional inputs for improved forecast at SRLDC/SLDC could be agreed with IMD in lieu of providing the spaces. (iii)NLDC had informed that all the works including communication would be taken up by IMD, only space and Aux Consumption would be required at substations. They would come up with detailed proposal in this regard. (iv) SRPC had noted that no other cost (except Aux Consumption) should be booked on constituents for setting up monitoring/measuring stations in utilities substations. (v) In the OCCM, SRLDC had informed that the scheme with IMD was not moving ahead. 4.2. 37thTCC deliberation: a) APTRANSCO/APSLDC: Pointed out that the formula used to calculate forecast error by NLDC is wrong. Error to be calculated based on actual and forecast, but as per NLDC formula, available capacity is being used. This formula is not helping the system operators. The error is coming around 35 % when APSLDC carried out sample calculation, whereas the requirement is 7%. APTRANSCO is planning to communicate to MoP & NLDC in this regard. The error is very much more than offered and the same needed to be reviewed. b) TANTRANSCO: Endorsed the views of APTRANSCO regarding the error computation by NLDC. Procedure for intra state DSM and RE forecasting and scheduling Regulations has been approved by TNERC in October 2020. Scheduling for conventional generators is under progress. Commercial date of operation of the Regulations is to be intimated by the TNERC.

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c) SRLDC clarified that the definition of the forecast error is adopted as per RE Framework [Error(%) = (Actual Generation – Scheduled Generation) / (Available Capacity)x100]. d) APTRANSCO: The Framework is meant for helping Grid Operator and they will be approaching CERC for change in the RE Framework. e) KPTCL: Expressed concern that huge error observed in the forecast furnished by REMC. Day ahead forecast is very much important for SLDC to decide on Unit Commitment/purchases etc. f) TSTRANSCO: REMC project is targeted to commission by March 2021. At present deviation is analyzed block-wise for individual generators and issues, if any, is being taken up with generators. Suggested that all the states jointly may take up with CERC. He requested that after further discussion SRPC may take up with CERC as a TCC recommendation. g) Chairperson, TCC stated that the issue would be taken up with NLDC regarding the RE forecasting issue. 4.3. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: SRPC Secretariat to take up the concern/issue raised by the states with NLDC regarding the forecast error calculation methodology.

4.4. SRLDC: Scheduling of the following RE developers are carried out by SRLDC: RE Pooling stations Installed Capacity(MW) (As on 30.11.2020) Pavagada- Solar 2050 NP KUNTA – Solar 1004 Tuticorin PS-II – Wind 812.3 4.5. Agenda for Update: SRPC Secretariat will be taking up the concern/issue raised by the states with NLDC shortly regarding the forecast error calculation methodology.

Ou.5. Optimum harnessing of RE in Southern Region

5.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) Follow up of MoP meeting – Implementation of SAMAST b) The following had been noted in earlier Meetings with regard to SAMAST: (i) APTRANSCO had informed that sanction of grant from PSDF has been received but funds were yet to be received. They were in the process of procurement of software package. (ii) KPTCL had informed that they put on hold the tendering process as the approval for sanction of PSDF was pending. Order for 15000 meters had been placed. (iii)KSEBL had informed that they had submitted DPR (Rs 53 crores) to NLDC for

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funding from PSDF and requested for expeditious approval of the scheme. (iv) TANTRANSCO had informed that the pilot project would commence in the first week of February 2020. The scheme expected to go live by April 2020. (v) TSTRANSCO had informed that DPR for Rs. 87 Crores had been submitted for funding from PSDF and the matter was being followed up. SEM data integration in SCADA would be included in DPR. The sanction of grant from PSDF is awaited. (vi) CE (GM& NPC), CEA had informed that 8 No. of SAMAST schemes were approved on 30.01.2020 in PSDF Monitoring Committee Meeting. States may place the award once the sanction order is issued by MoP. 5.2. 37thTCC deliberation: a) TSTRANSCO informed that SAMAST DPR (around Rs.50 Crores) was submitted to the Techno Economic Committee of PSDF long back. The DPR was revised multiple times. The amount was reduced to Rs. 45 Crores. It was understood that the number of meters would be restricted for funding. TSTRANSCO will not be in a position to go ahead with SAMAST implementation if funding for metering will be reduced. b) TANTRANSCO informed that out of 13 modules, 6 modules viz. Scheduling, DSM, Metering, Grid Connectivity, Entity User Management and RPO were completed/in progress. For remaining 7 modules development work was completed and testing is in progress. It will be implemented within two months. c) APTRANSCO informed that tender for SAMAST has been cancelled and fresh software requirement specification is under preparation for calling tenders. d) KPTCL informed that SAMAST project has been approved by PSDF and 9 Cr has been sanctioned from PSDF. Tendering process is under progress. 5.3. Pump Storage Plants (PSP) a) The status of upcoming Pump Storage Plants in SR is at Annexure-Ou.5.3.a. b) APGENCO informed that they are planning for Pumped Storage Plants (PSP) at Upper Sileru (9 x150 =1350MW). c) States to update the status of implementation of PSP to SRPC Secretariat.

Ou.6. Support of RE generators for reactive compensation

6.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) KSEBL: 170th OCCM (11.09.2020): Final grid Code to be notified by SERC. b) KPTCL: Review Committee on KEGC had suggested reactive power exchange by RE generators based on voltages with incentive or disincentive. The same has been submitted to KERC. 170th OCCM (11.09.2020): KERC had raised some specific queries. KEGC review panel had looked into the queries and reply would be submitted.

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c) TSTRANSCO had informed that charges are yet to be notified by TSERC. TSERC had started functioning. d) TANGEDCO was requested to address the reactive billing issues of RE generators. e) SRLDC/NLDC had stated that all RE generators may need to absorb MVAR during high voltages. f) SLDCs needed to be empowered regarding reactive interchange – Reactive charges to be suspended when instructed by SLDC. g) SRPC had informed that this issue was brought to the attention in meeting at CERC during the meeting held on 24th June 2019. POSOCO was requested to furnish suitable feedback to CERC in this regard. 6.2. 37th TCC deliberation: a) TANGEDCO informed that at present, the tariff for MVAR interchange for wind and solar generators in Tamil Nadu is as follows: (i). Wind Generators (as per Order No.3 dated 31-03-2016 for Wind tariff order): (a) For drawing reactive power up to 10% of the net energy generated, the generators have to pay at the rate of 25 paise/kVArh. (b) For drawing reactive power more than 10% of the net energy generated, the generators have to pay at the rate of 50 paise/kVArh for the entire reactive power drawal. (ii). Solar Generators: (a) For drawing reactive power Commission decides to adopt the reactive power charges as specified in its order on Open access charges issued from time to time. (b) As per TNERC Order No.2 of 2017 dated 11.08.17, the Reactive energy exchange for the applicable duration (injection or absorption) will be levied / compensated at the rate of 13.50 paise/kVArh for 2017-18 escalated at 0.5 paise/kVArh. 6.3. SRPC secretariat requested other states to update the tariff for MVAR interchange for wind and solar generators.

Ou.7. Operation of NPCIL Generating Stations in SR

7.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) Part load operation/Reserve shutdown/frequent changes in revival of NPCIL units (i) Issue regarding flexibility from nuclear stations was taken up by Chairperson, SRPC with Secretary (Power), MoP vide letter dated 14th December 2018. (ii) CEA vide Order dated 29.01.2019 had constituted a Committee for ‘Optimum Utilization of Stations in view of High RE Sources penetration in Indian Electricity Grid’ under Chairmanship of Member (GO&D), CEA. The

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following had been noted in the 1stmeeting held on 19.02.2019: ‘After deliberations, NPCIL was requested to consider the proposal of varying the generation level on seasonal basis based on requirement of beneficiaries. NPCIL may also intimate the constraints and limitation to be kept in view by the beneficiaries while deciding on level of generation. JS, DAE and Director (O) and NPCIL agreed to revert back on this issue.” It was also decided that officer of TANGEDCO could be co-opted as a member to the Committee. (iii) NPCIL had informed that the report of the internal high level Committee on flexible operation of NPCIL units was under finalization and would be furnished. It was stated that except France, no country was agreeable for flexible operation of nuclear plants and allowing only variation of 2-3% of IC. (iv) CEA had stated that response from NPCIL to CEA letters/reminders regarding flexible operation was awaited to proceed further. (v) TANGEDCO had stated that constraints of the generator for flexible operation should be revealed to the beneficiaries so that LGB could be planned accordingly. Flexible operation from NPCIL units is inevitable as there were lot of grid difficulties due to large quantum of RE generation, weak/good monsoon etc. (vi) SRLDC had stated that the in view of the present grid scenario of high RE generation, concept of base load operation had changed. 0-15000 MW of generation changes was being observed in the Region daily. Almost all thermal plants were operating at technical minimum (55% of IC) most of the time and it is inevitable that all the generators needed to participate for grid security purpose. b) In the 36thTCC/37th SRPC meeting the following was noted: (i) NPCIL had stated that internal committee has been formed to study the part load operation and there were certain limitations. Draft report is ready and final report would be finalized in 2-3 months. (ii) Report on Flexible operation of Nuclear Stations may be expedited by NPCIL. (iii) All the beneficiaries requested that the part loading should be resorted to by NPCIL. (iv) CEA may call a review meeting with NPCIL in this regard.CEA had stated that after the receipt of the Report of the Committee on Flexible Operation of NPCIL units, the next meeting with NPCIL would be called. c) 37thTCC deliberation: (i) NPCIL informed that Internal Committee yet to finalize the study report regarding the Part Load Operation and opined that technically it is not feasible because part load operation may affect the thermal stability of reactor core. It is advisable to wait for high level committee to make any comment on this issue. (ii) APTRANSCO stated that the request of beneficiaries is to consider seasonal loading of the Units, and block-wise/day-wise revision. It is observed that NPCIL themselves are operating at part load if requirement is from their side.

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(iii)NPCIL representative agreed that the concerns of states would be approsed to Director (O), NPCIL who is also a member of the high level committee. (iv) SRPC requested NPCIL to revert back on the possibility of running the units at part load (seasonal). d) 37thDecision/Recommendation:

NPCIL to look into the issue of running the units at part load (seasonal) positively.

7.2. NPCIL may update on the issue of part load operation of units.

Ou.8. Outage Plan of Generating Units due to COVID-19/Status of DC/Generation of ISGS

8.1. Monthly Review of Maintenance schedules of ISGS

a) The list of maintenance schedules of ISGS and MPPs proposed to be availed during the current month and next month and postponed from these periods are mailed to OCC Google Group every month on 4th normally. b) All the Generators are requested not to revise their AMP frequently unless otherwise, required on emergency, depending on that time Grid condition. All the maintenance schedules of ISGS/MPP Generating Units, pertaining to the above said period (December / January, 2021), will be discussed in the OCC meeting. c) SRPC pointed out in various OCC and TCC meetings that there were many revisions in the outage schedules for the maintenance of various Generating Units and also multiple revisions in respect of the same Unit too, which are regularly monitored in all OCC meetings and requested the Generators to avoid frequent changes in the outage planning. The maintenance schedules of the following major Generating Units of ISGS have been frequently revised or shifted to Peak Demand period of SR :

SL Name of the Original Revised Revised Revised Revised Unit Maintenance Schedule in Schedule in Schedule in Schedule in Schedule 169 OCC 170 OCC 171 OCC 172 OCC 1 200 MW 20.07.20 – 15.01.21 – 09.09.20 – 09.09.20 – 09.09.20 – RSTPS Unit 2 01.11.20 31.03.21 18.10.20 05.11.20 14.11.20 2 200 MW 23.12.19 – 30.09.20 – 01.11.20 – 15.12.20 – 25.12.20 – RSTPS Unit 3 31.03.20 12.01.21 13.02.21 29.03.21 08.04.21 3 500 MW 27.10.20 – 27.10.20 – 27.10.20 – 25.11.20 – 15.12.20 – RSTPS Unit 5 23.11.20 23.11.20 05.12.20 03.01.21 23.01.21 4 500 MW 27.05.20 – Dec / Jan, Dec / Jan, 25.12.20 – 25.12.20 – Talcher TSTPS 25.06.20 2021 2021 28.01.20 28.01.20 Unit 5 5 500 MW 01.09.20 – 27.10.20 – 04.11.20 – 04.11.20 – 04.11.20 – Talcher TSTPS 15.10.20 10.12.20 18.12.20 18.12.20 18.12.20 Unit 6 6 800 MW Kudgi 01.07.20 – 01.10.20 – Postponed Postponed to Postponed to Unit 1 15.08.20 29.11.20 indefinitely avail during avail during June / July, 21 June/July, 21

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7 800 MW Kudgi ------01.12.20 – Unit 2 27.12.2020 8 500 MW Not planned 20.11.20 – 20.11.20 – 20.11.20 – 20.11.20 – Simhadri Unit 2 03.01.21 03.01.21 03.01.21 03.01.21 9 500 MW 25.07.20 – 09.01.21 – 09.01.21 – 09.01.21 – 09.01.21 – Simhadri Unit 4 07.09.20 17.02.21 17.02.21 17.02.21 17.02.21 10 500 MW 13.07.20 – 23.11.20 – 23.11.20 – 23.11.20 – 23.11.20 – NTECL Unit 1 31.08.20 11.01.21 11.01.21 11.01.21 11.01.21 11 500 MW NTPL 09.09.20 – 07.09.20 – Postponed to 01.12.20 – 01.12.20 – Unit 1 13.10.20 11.10.20 Dec / Jan, 04.01.21 04.01.21 2021 12 500 MW 06.12.20 – 05.12.20 – 05.12.20 – 07.12.20 – 25.12.20 – NNTPP Unit 1 31.12.20 31.12.20 31.12.20 12.12.20 31.12.20 13 1000 MW 18.01.20 – 18.01.20 – 18.01.20 – 10.01.21 – 22.01.21 – KKNPP Unit 2 18.04.21 18.04.21 18.04.21 31.03.21 12.04.21 8.2. Maintenance Schedule of NLC TS II Unit 5 & NNTPP Unit 1 a) NLCIL had informed in the 172nd OCC meeting that 4 Units of their TS II (Unit 1, 2, 4 & 7) were in service. They expressed with concern that Unit 3, 5 & 6were under shut down due to fire accident of Unit 5 & 6 happened on 01.07.2020 and 07.05.2020 respectively. b) Subsequently, they informed in the 172nd OCC meeting that Unit 3 was revived on 01.11.2020 and informed that Unit 5 & 6, which suffered fire accident were under maintenance work. They informed vide their mail dated 05.12.2020 that Unit 6 was revived on 13.11.2020 and Unit 5 would be revived as follows :  210 MW NLC TS II, Unit 5 : Expected during February, 2021 c) NNTPP informed vide their mail dated 05.12.2020 that the planned outage of Unit-1 for Boiler Licence renewal and other Maintenance work, which was scheduled during 26.12.2020 to 31.12.2020 has been preponed to avail from 15:00 hrs on 05.12.2020due to heavy rain in Neyveli as they could not transfer lignite to Boiler bunker of the Unit-1. 8.3. Postponement NPCIL Units(KKNPP, MAPS & KGS, Kaiga) a) NPCIL informed in the 172nd OCC meeting that the refuelling schedule of 1000 MW KKNPP Unit 2, initially planned to avail from 10.01.2021 has been postponed to 22.01.2021 for a period of 81 days. b) NPCIL also informed in the 172nd OCC meeting that 220 MW MAPS Unit 1, which is under prolonged outage since 2018, is expected to be off bar till September, 2021 due to nuclear reactor core issue. However, it was stated in the LGBR data for the year 2021-22 that there would not be any generation from this Unit 1 till March, 2022. MAPS informed vide their mail dated 25.11.2020 that technical problems are being analysed at various levels and likely date of starting the Unit will be communicated as and when the clearance from Regulators is obtained. c) They also informed in the 172nd OCC meeting that the maintenance shutdown of other Units of MAPS and KGS (NPCIL mail dated 13.11.2020) would be availed as per the following schedules : (i) 220 MW MAPS, Unit 2 : 01.11.2020 - 15.12.2020

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(ii) 220 MW KGS Stage I, Unit 1 : 15.02.2021 - 30.03.2021 (iii)220 MW KGS Stage II, Unit 3 : 22.11.2020 - 02.02.2021 (iv) 220 MW KGS Stage II, Unit 4 : 01.12.2020 - 15.12.2020 8.4. Postponement of NTECL Unit 1 & RSD of their Units a) Outage for availing COH in respect of NTECL, Vallur Unit 1 had been approved in the 172nd OCC to avail from 23.11.2020for a period of 50 days. Later, they informed vide their mail dated 20.11.2020that they would avail on 28.11.2020 for a period of 45 days instead of 50 days, as they could not mobilise manpower due to Covid-19 pandemic and associated quarantine norms. b) Further, All the Units of NTECL were taken off bar on 25.11.2020 due to bunkering issues faced by high wind speed. NTECL requested SRLDC on 26.11.2020, 20:41 hr to concur for bringing back the Unit 3 at 27.11.2020, 01:30 Hr. They also informed SRLDC on 26.11.2020, 23:44 hr that Unit 1 COH would be from 27.11.2020, 00:00 hr and sought concurrence to bring back the Unit 2 at 27.11.2020, 03:30 Hr. TANTRANSCO replied on 26.11.2020that they did not concur to bring back NTECL Units as there was no power requirement from NTECL and requested for 14 hours of advance intimation. They also requested not to consider the NTECL Units to be treated under RSD. c) NTECL informed vide their mail dated 27.11.2020, 9:54 hr that Unit 1 COH was advanced to 27.11.2020, 00:00 hr instead of availing from 28.11.1010, 00:00 hr, as their Unit 2 & 3 would be on RSD from 03:30 & 01:30 hr of 27.11.2020 respectively. Subsequently, they informed SRLDC on 27.11.2020, 12:44 hr that off bar DC for Unit 2,3 was declared from 03:30 & 01:30 hr of 27.11.2020 respectively. 8.5. Postponement of NTPC Simhadri Unit 2 a) Outage for availing COH in respect of NTPC, Simhadri Unit 2 had been approved in the 172nd OCC to avail from 20.11.2020for a period of 45 days. Later, they informed vide their mail dated 20.11.2020that they would avail from 28.11.2020 for a period of 45 days (28.11.2020 – 11.01.2021), as they could not mobilise manpower due to Covid-19 pandemic and associated quarantine norms for a period of one week. b) Subsequently, NTPC informed vide their letter dated 26.11.2020 that they would avail the revised outage from 28.11.2020, 00:00 hr, as scheduled. 8.6. To Update / for information : a) Generators and Beneficiaries may note the above. b) ISGS requested not to revise their schedules frequently. Ou.9. TTC/ATC/Transmission related issues

9.1. LC Oscillation/resonance during single phase Auto-reclosure in over-compensated Transmission lines a) NLDC vide letter dated 25.06.2020(Annexure-Ou.9.1.a) addressed to Member (Power System), CEA and COO (CTU), PGCIL had stated that LC resonance/oscillations have been observed in some of over compensated transmission lines. In some cases, tripping of

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lines on over voltage during transient faults has also been reported. Such outages affect or have the potential to affect the reliability and the security of the grid as in some incidents it causes outage of transmission lines whose availability is critical for the system. The likely hood of such outages getting prolonged is more probable in lines emanating from Gas Insulated Substations (GIS). b) The following had been noted in the OCCMs: (i) SR-II had informed that CTU is studying the issue and they would revert back with the study results and the long term and short term measures would be identified to be adopted / implemented to mitigate the issue. (ii) SR-I & SR-II were requested to inform CTU to discuss the issue in RPC (TP) meetings also. (iii) SRLDC had stated that they had carried out PSCAD study and suggested taking out of line reactor along with tripping of breakers to contain oscillation/resonance. They are also studying other options to damp the oscillations and resonance. In order to avoid over voltages during LC oscillations, it is proposed to trip line reactor prior to initiation of Single Phase Auto Reclose(SPAR) to detune the resonance. (iv) Sriperumbudur – Chittoor line of SR-I and NP Kunta – Hindupur line of SR-II are identified for implementation. 9.1.1. 37thTCC deliberation: a) SRLDC informed that in order to avoid over voltages during LC oscillations, it is proposed to trip line reactor prior to initiation of Single Phase Auto Reclose (SPAR) to detune the resonance. He suggested that CTU/PGCIL may study further on this issues and a permanent solution may be thought off, like implementation of proper NGR can solve the issues. b) CTU stated that: (i) They analysed the lines furnished by POSOCO. Most of the lines rectors are made switchable. The issues are noticed with lines which have compensation in the range of 80-120. Detailed system analysis is being carried out for three or four lines. W.r.t Ghanapur- Malkaram line, at Ghanapur 50 MVAR fixed reactor is available which cannot be converted to switchable reactor since there is no space for breaker erection. The compensation is going around 140 % which should not have any issues. (ii) Veltoor – Raichur line is compensated at 111 % and at Raichur end 50 MVAR fixed reactor is available. CTU suggested that generator may be approached for conversion of this reactor to switchable. W.r.t Somanahalli-Kolar, detailed analysis is going on. For all other lines which have less than 80 % compensation, CTU had requested data and status will be updated in the next Meeting. c) SRLDC suggested that the issue of proper sizing of NGR or any other equipment in series with NGR to contain these oscillation so that a successful SPAR may also be

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included in the CTU study. Reactor will trip along with line. When reactor goes there is a risk of secondary arc. Any other method to have a successful auto reclose without tripping the reactors may be thought off. Implementation of the proposal in the identified lines for pilot project (NP Kunta-Hindupur-SR I & Sriperumbudur-Chitoor- SR II) may be carried out for gaining experience and addressing the issues. CTU may study these cases and after that further actions may be taken. d) CTU stated that the resonance which is observed for SPAR is due to the capacitance at CB and natural reactance of the line. Case to case analysis required to be carried out for each line since many of the lines do not support for NGR bypass and also reactance varies with operating conditions. Data has been received from Asset Management and the same is being analyzed. In most of the lines (as in NLDC Report) it was observed that resonances are damped automatically. Only in few cases, line also trip with reactors which will be studied further. Report will be submitted. e) TSTRANSCO informed that on 21st October 2020 LC oscillations were observed at 400 kV Veltur- Raichur line (75 Km) and voltage at Veltoor touched 540 kV which stresses the station equipment. He requested for detailed study. f) On a query, SRLDC informed that Compensation %: NP Kunta- Hindupur -82 %, Veltoor-Raichr-111 % & Sriperumbudur-Chittoor-86 %. 9.1.2. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: CTU to come back with detailed study. 9.1.3. To Update/Information: CTU may present the detailed study. 9.2. Fluctuations observed in AC side voltage of HVDC Gazuwaka Back to Back station a) NLDC vide letter dated 20.06.2020 (Annexure-O.9.2.a) had addressed to CTU, HVDC regarding “Frequent fluctuations observed in AC side voltage of HVDC Gazuwaka Back to Back station”. NLDC had requested Powergrid to kindly carry out the detailed analysis at CTU end to identify the cause and remedial measures. b) ED, SR I, PGCIL vide letter dated 26.06.2020(Annexure-O.9.2.b) had replied stating that low frequency oscillation are not being generated by HVDC as such but getting initiated from external system and had suggested to keep Jeypore FSC in service only when power flow is more than 250 MW in each 400 kV Jeypore- Gazuwaka circuits (total power flow > 500 MW on both circuits) and to monitor the oscillation at East bus of Vizag. c) The following was noted in the 169th OCCM (07.08.2020) & 170th OCCM (11.09.2020): i) SRLDC had stated that the area was having two different make HVDC blocks, FSCs on Jeypore - Gazuwaka and Jeypore - Bolangir lines, STATCOM, reactors and other elements. POSOCO was studying the various combinations and interaction of different elements to identify the source of the oscillations/harmonics. However, the source of oscillation cannot be concluded at present. ii) SR-I had expressed concern over the external oscillations/harmonics affecting their HVDC equipment. Corporate had taken up this issue with M/s Siemens also and they

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are exploring the possibility of implementing Power Oscillation Damping in the STATCOM. After removing the FSC on Jeypore on 26.06.2020 there have been no tripping observed at Gazuwaka due to oscillations. PGCIL along with M/s Siemens are studying the issues. 9.2.1. 37thTCC deliberation: a. MS, SRPC informed that in M/s Tractable Report use of Power Oscillation Damping (POD) controllers in HVDC stations was not supported. b. SR-I informed that POD activation schedule was submitted by Siemens on 23.07.2020. M/s CC Engineering confirmation received on 27th July 2020 and Implemented on 14th August 2020. High oscillations were observed during the operation and Siemens was advised to study further and the inference from Siemens is expected by first week of November 2020. c. MS, SRPC suggested that POD with FSC or without FSC also needed to be noted since settings will be different in both the cases. SR I confirmed that the issue was referred to OEM (Siemens). 9.3. TTC/ATC enhancement – Operational Guidelines issued by NRCE a) Dynamic line rating was to be implemented within one month as per the order dated 05.08.2015 of Hon’ble CERC in Petition No.009/SM/2015 (CAC Sub Committee on Congestion in Transmission). b) The terminal equipment ratings furnished by SR entities had been forwarded to POSOCO/NRCE (National Reliability Council for Electricity). c) NLDC had informed that the terminal equipment rating data was received only from SR whereas the data from other regions was pending. They would request other RPCs to discuss in RPC sub-committee meetings and to furnish the requisite terminal equipment data. The changes, if any, in terminal equipment data also needed to be furnished to NLDC subsequently. NLDC requested CEA to discuss in NRCE meetings to make the terminal equipment data of other regions available to NLDC. d) In the 36th Meeting (31.01.2020), TCC had requested NLDC to take up with other RPCs for collecting terminal equipment data of the inter/intra-regional transmission system. 9.3.1. 37thTCC deliberation: SRLDC informed that terminal equipment rating data is awaited by NLDC from other regions. 9.3.2. To Update/Information: NLDC/SRLDC may present. 9.4. Dynamic line loading a) In the earlier meetings, the following had been noted: i) POSOCO may look into dynamic line loading aspects to optimize usage of existing corridors. The issue may also be taken up with CEA.

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ii) Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 13.09.2019 addressed to Chairperson, CEA had requested to look in to the matter of consideration of dynamic loading in respect of TTC/ATC computation and for implementation of operational guidelines for inter- regional corridor for import to SR on seasonal basis. iii) CTU had stated that it is an operational issue as the transmission system can be utilized based on the weather/temperature conditions which are dynamic whereas the transmission planning is based on the Round The Clock (RTC) basis and peak power flow basis. iv) KSEBL had requested NLDC to take up major corridors for Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), to obviate market splitting. It was suggested that pilot project could be taken up. v) MS, SRPC had suggested NLDC to take up DLR for most critical lines. b) In the OCC meetings, it was decided that SRPC may take up the matter with POSOCO/CTU to have a pilot project on any critical line in Southern Region. KSEBL vide letter dated 27.02.2020 had requested installation of the system for dynamic loadings on Udumalpet–Palakad 400 kV D/c line. SRPC vide letter dated 16.03.2020 (Annexure- Ou.9.4.b) had taken up the issue with CTU & POSOCO. 9.4.1. The issue has been deliberated in 2nd meeting of SRPC(TP) held on 01.10.2020. 9.4.2. 37thTCC Deliberation: a) CTU informed that the proposal from SRPC for exploring the possibility of implementing Dynamic Line Loading was deliberated in the second SRPC TP Meeting held on 01.10.2020. Presentation from M/s Amapacimon was also organized. CTU had suggested few more lines for study. The identification of the lines for pilot project will be discussed in the next SRPC TP Meeting. The line suggested by SRPC (Udumalpet- Thrissur) will not be a right candidate for the pilot since this line will become a lightly loaded line after commissioning of Pugalur-Thrissur HVDC line. b) MS, SRPC informed that first meeting of Sub-committee-8 on "Transmission Planning" was held on 27.10.2020 in which this proposal also had been noted. c) Chairperson, TCC suggested that an analysis may be carried out on the feasibility of implementing dynamic line loading and accordingly dynamic line loading may be recommended in the planning stage itself. All RE lines can be optimized using dynamic loading. 9.5. Review of AMP of Transmission Lines and Elements availed by PGCIL SR 1 & SR 2 It was observed with concern that PGCIL SR 2 had not availed their AMP schedules planned during the First quarter of 2020-21 (Apr –Jun) except few Transmission Lines and Elements including Reactors and ICTs. PGCIL SR 1 & 2 are requested to revise their maintenance schedule for their Transmission Lines and Elements by staggering them between September – December, 2020 and to ensure completion of all AMP works by December 2020.

9.5.1. 37thTCC Deliberation: a) PGCIL SR I: 60 % of outages are taken as per scheduled plan. Balance maintenance will be carried out within the scheduled time period.

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b) PGCIL SR II: Arranged man power for September-December 2020 schedules. c) SRPC requested SR I & SR II to furnish the revised schedule details at the earliest and also requested that maintenance may be carried out without deviating from schedule. 9.5.2. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: PGCIL SR-I & II to furnish the AMP schedules at the earliest. 9.6. Inter-trip scheme of Talcher II a) In the 169th OCC Meeting (07.08.2020), SRLDC had informed that a preliminary discussion on SPS for tripping/run back of Talcher Units when both Talcher- Kolar pole goes out was carried out among NLDC/ERLDC/SRLDC and most likely the intertrip was to stay. In recent meeting held to discuss on Talcher Stage II Transmission System this issue had been brought to the notice of CEA. ERLDC and NLDC had informed that there is some line loading issues. As the lines from Talcher to Meramadalli was straightened from Angul. Two lines are at different lengths and flow on one line is higher causing N-1 issue whenever there is a pole outage and flow crosses 800 MW dependent on antecedent condition. This was informed to SRLDC as well as CEA. However, further deliberation would be held between RLDCs and NLDC and subsequently it would be put up to ERPC/SRPC OCC. b) There was a need to review Inter-trip scheme at NTPC Talcher II during tripping of the Talcher-Kolar HVDC Pole(s). 9.6.1. 37thTCC deliberation: a) SRLDC informed the following: (i). NLDC have brought out modified Scheme. With modified logic which considers line loading also will reduce the number of trippings of Talcher Units. ‘AND’ing the SPS signal with loading of Talcher-Merramudali is suggested by NLDC. (ii). The trip signals in SR (designed for existing Talcher-Kolar HVDC) for load shedding may be retained for use in SPS scheme of HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur. The load shedding identified for HVDC Kolar (Trip Signals: TK-1, TK-2) SPS may be gradually shifted to the HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur SPS as and when the same is ready. (iii). Once the shifting of loads is completed, HVDC Raigarh – Pugalur Poles are stabilized, load shedding for HVDC Kolar SPS may be disabled at an appropriate time. (iv). The shedding of upto 800 MW could be achieved through Under Voltage Load Shedding based SPS for improving voltages around Bengaluru area. b) SRPC suggested that the new proposal will be discussed in the next OCC meeting scheduled on 11.11.2020. Implementation of the same will be decided accordingly. 9.6.2. 37thDecision/Recommendation: NLDC’s revised proposal will be discussed in the next OCC Meeting (172nd OCC) scheduled to be held on 11.11.2020. Implementation of the same will be decided accordingly.

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Ou.10. New Projects of NTPC, NLCIL, NPCIL, Joint Venture & UMPP

Schedule of synchronizing/commissioning of the new projects of NTPC, NLCIL, NPCIL, BHAVINI& UMPP is furnished below: Installed Scheduled date of Station Unit Capacity synchronizing / Remarks MW commissioning NTPC Telangana 2 x 800 36thTCC/37th SRPC: * STPP Phase I U-I CoD: October 2020 U-2CoD:February 2021 *MoP vide letter dated 05.02.2019 has allocated 85 % to Telangana and balance 15% will remain earmarked as “unallocated power” and is placed at the disposal of Central Government for meeting urgent/continent requirement of States/UTs from time to time. 37thSRPC Deliberation:  CMD, TSRANSCO had stated that as per AP Reorganization Act, this project is fully intended for Telangana state. It is learnt that it is treated as ISGS project and 15% is left as unallocated and could be allocated to other states.  TSTRANSCO was requested to take up the issue directly with MoP.  CMD, TSTRANSCO had informed that at Government Level the issue has been taken up with MoP. Pudimadaka 4 x 1000 52 Months from Zero Zero date yet to be finalized. AP Date AP had requested NTPC to firm up the zero date at the earliest. NTPC had informed that MoP has allocated 50% to home state (AP) and balance allocation has to be made. 37th SRPC noted NTPC informed that as per Tariff Regulations 2019-2024, fresh consent shall be taken from the beneficiaries. This plant was planned through imported coal. They would go ahead only with fresh consent from beneficiaries. NLCIL New Thermal I 500 COD on 28.12.2019 Power Project II 500 36th TCC/37th SRPC: Expected by December 2020 (45th March 2020 CCM) OCC update: NNTPP-Ariyalur line was terminated with the LILO portion (at Ariyalur) of 400 kV Kalvindapattu -Pugalur line on 09.07.2020 Thus the scheme became NNTPP-Kalvindapattu& NNTPP-Pugalur (till the TANTRANSCO Ariyalur SS comes up). Ariyalur S/S (TANTRANSCO): CEA (Aug 2020) – Dec 2020 CERC Order dated 17.06.2020 in Petition No.527/MP/2020: ‘Keeping in view the difficulties being faced by the Petitioner on account of COVID-19 pandemic with effect from 25.3.2020 and in terms of the proviso to Regulation 8(7) of the Connectivity Regulations as quoted in Para 7 above, we

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allow the Petitioner to draw the start-up power and to inject the infirm power into the grid for commissioning tests including full load test of Unit-II up to 30.9.2020 or actual date of commercial operation, whichever is earlier.’ 37th TCC update:  Unit II expected by December 2020  CERC had granted provisional permission to draw the start-up power up to 31.10.2020.  SRLDC requested CTU to expedite the proposed rearrangement i.e connecting one ckt. of 400kV Neyveli TS-II – Salem DC line and 400kV Neyveli TS II – NNTPS SC line (bypassing Neyveli TS-II) to form NNTPS – Salem 400kV S/C line, so that the system would be in place before the next wind period.  CTU informed that there is a delay in NLC TS-II 2ndexp. and tentatively connectivity is required by 2025. A Joint study with TANTRANSCO, CEA, CTU & other constituents for the proposed rearrangement /connectivity at Manalmedu and Cuddalore substations of TANTRANSCO would be carried out. TPS-II 2ndExpn 1&2 2 x 660 2nd SRPC TP agenda 2nd SRPC TP agenda: U1: 2025-26 Connectivity required 2024-25 U1: 2025-26 NPCIL KKNPP 3& 4 2x 1000 U3: October 2023 2nd SRPC- TP agenda - LTA is U4: April 2024 sought by March 2023 37th TCC update: 37th TCC update: U3: September 2024 Connectivity by 2024 U4: March 2025 Kaiga GS 5&6 2x700 37th SRPC: i. NPCIL had informed that in the joint study meeting of SR held on 21st& 22nd November 2019, re-conductoring of existing evacuation lines and upgradation of KGS switchyard had been discussed. During reconductoring, KGS would be operated with lower reliability. A note in this regard was under approval. ii. CTU had stated that KGS may arrange the forest & environmental clearance for reconductoring the existing lines. CTU also informed that they had received LTA application from NPCIL and further action would be carried out after the grant of LTA. It was technically agreed for replacement of conductor of 230 kV lines of KPTCL. iii. NPCIL had stated that they would obtain necessary clearances from Forest Department for carrying out the work of reconductoring of the transmission line for enabling evacuation of power from Kaiga APP (2x700 MWe), as the establishment of Kaiga U 5,6 (2x700 MW) would not be possible without re- conductoring of the transmission line.

BHAVINI Kalpakkam (PFBR) 500 End of 2020 As per BHAVINI letter dated 30.01.2019.

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UMPP Krishnapatnam 3960 (6 x 660) 37thSRPC: APTRANSCO had informed that a letter dated 20.10.2019 was addressed by APSPDCL to TSSPDCL requesting to file petition on behalf of all procures as TSSPDCL is the lead procurer. Further M/s RPL/CAPL had filed WP(C) No.9062 of 2019 before Honorable High Court of New Delhi requesting of buy back of the project by PFC/Procurers or to allow M/s RPL to sell/utilize the land acquired for the project. In this regard a counter was filed to the above Petition on 14.11.2019. The matter was listed for hearing on 09.07.2020. 37th TCC: A counter was filed against the WP(C)No.9062 of 2019 on 14.11.2019. The matter was listed for hearing on 09.07.2020 but, no hearing was happened. Further, the case is not listed so far before the Honorable High Court of New Delhi. Cheyyur 4000 Request for Qualification (RfQ) and Request for Proposal (RfP) issued in 2013 were withdrawn. A fresh bid would be issued after finalization of SBDs. However, recently MoP is examining the possibility of setting up Cheyyur UMPP on domestic coal instead of imported coal. For setting up of this UMPP on domestic coal, additional land of about 767 acres for Ash Dyke area would be required. Power Finance Corporation has taken up the matter of identification of additional land for Cheyyur UMPP with the Govt. of Tamil Nadu. has been requested to identify the suitable coal blocks 37th SRPC Deliberation: CMD, TANGEDCO had informed that stakeholder discussions were held, and most of the utilities are not interested and have opted out. They were taking up with MoP for closure or downsizing of the project. This may please be updated. Ou.11. Upcoming Transmission System 11.1. Sothern Regional Power Committee(Transmission Planning) [SRPC(TP)] The first meeting was held on 16.09.2019 and MOM were issued on 12.02.2020 (available on CEA website). Second meeting was held on 01.10.2020 and MoM is issued on 03.12.2020(available on CEA website). 11.2. Solar & Wind Energy Zone Transmission schemes(18.5 GW) (a) Potential Solar Energy Zones (SEZ) and Wind Energy Zones (WEZ) in various districts of six RE rich states were identified by SECI/MNRE for 66.5 GW quantum. Subsequently, based on bidding timeline, SECI provided phasing details of prioritized SEZs (50,000 MW) and WEZs (16,500 MW) in two phases i.e. 2020 & 2021. The details of prioritized SEZs and WEZs in Southern region (totaling to 18,500 MW) are as under:

Solar Wind Total (GW) State/District Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-1 Phase-2 2020 2021 2020 2021 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool 2.5 2 1 5.5 Ananthapuram 2.5 2.5

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Karnataka Koppal 2.5 2.5 Gadag 2.5 2.5 Bidar 2.5 2.5 Tamil Nadu Karur 1.5 1 2.5 Tirunelveli 0.5 0.5 Total 2.5 7.5 6 2.5 18.5 (b) PGCIL Petition No. 200/MP/2019for grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of the Transmission system for 18.5 GW of Solar and Wind Energy Zones in Southern Region was heard on 15.10.2019. (c) In ROP (Date of hearing 06.082020) in PGCIL’s Petition No. 200/MP/2019, ‘For grant of Regulatory Approval for execution of Transmission System for 18.5 GW of Solar and Wind Energy Zones in Southern Region’ ‘8. After hearing the parties, the Commission observed that in view of availability of land at Koppal and Gadag, Transmission System for Koppal and Gadag can be considered, if these can be implemented independently without implementing the complete Transmission System. However, a decision in this regard can be taken only after following information is received from the parties. Accordingly, the Commission directed the Petitioner to file the following details/information after discussion/ consultation with SECI, on affidavit, by 26.8.2020: (a) Firm availability of land for each location; (b) Status of bidding by SECI for each of location; (c) Status of applications for LTA for each location; (d) Whether power can be evacuated from each location through existing transmission system or augmentation is required; and (e) Whether the proposed transmission system for evacuation of power from different locations can be taken up independently and in a phased manner and, if so, the priority of the system to be taken up and the system which may be deferred. Phasing should be keeping in view (a), (b) and (c) above.’ (d) The issue was deliberated in 2nd SRPC(TP) meeting held on 01.10.2020. MoM is awaited. 11.2.1. 37thTCC Deliberation:

a) TANGEDCO informed the following: (i). As per CERC hearing on 06.08.2020 in Petition.No:200/MP/2019, CERC directed PGCIL to file the following details in consultation with SECI: (a) Firm availability of land for each location (b) Status of bidding by SECI for each of location (c) Status of applications for LTA for each location (d) Whether power can be evacuated from each location through existing transmission system or augmentation is required and (e) Whether the proposed transmission system for evacuation of power from different locations can be taken up independently and in a phased manner and, if so, the

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priority of the system to be taken up and the system which may be deferred. Phasing should be keeping in view (a), (b) and (c) above.

(ii). Transmission proposal for evacuation of 18.5 GW from SR had not been approved by SRPC and Standing Committee so far. In the recent past, witnessed huge redundant transmission capacity created due to mismatch of generation-transmission projects resulting in huge financial burden to TANGEDCO and other beneficiaries. In order to avert such scenario, TANGEDCO requested the forum to disapprove the present proposal of CTU and evolve a new proposal based on the developable RE Potential and the LTA commitment given by the RE generators duly taking into consideration of the concerns, views and objections of TANGEDCO and other Discoms. b) APTRANSCO endorsed the views of TANGEDCO. c) CTU informed that they had a meeting on 08.08.2020 with SECI as per the directions of CERC. CTU Prioritized the transmission system based on the availability of land and based on the availability of generators and LTA. CTU stated in their affidavit that only Gadag (solar) and Koppal (wind) pooling station (i.e. 5 GW) is prioritized and balance system planned under 18.5GW was put on hold. d) KPTCL informed that Koppal was originally envisaged as Wind Energy Zone and transmission scheme was evolved based on the studies. SECI has now proposed to develop Koppal as a SEZ, which requires detailed study to ascertain the feasibility of the proposal along with 2500MW Solar generation at Gadag. Letter addressed to SECI for clarifying the same. 11.3. Upcoming inter-regional transmission schemes a) WR-SR 6000 MW HVDC Bipole Link [Raigarh (Chhatisgarh)-Pugalur (TN)-Trissur (KER)] The following is the status 37th TCC update: i) Raigarh-Pugalur: February 2021as per CEA Report for August 2020:  A meeting in regard to part commissioning of Raigarh-Pugalur HVDC transmission system was convened by CEA on 21.08.2020 (MoM at Annexure-Ou.11.3.a.i)  Pole-1 (1500 MW) along-with Pugalur HVDC- Pugalur&Pugalur HVDC – Arasur D/C declared on COD w.e.f 06.09.2020. Pole-2 expected by end of Oct 2020. As per Operational feedback (POSOCO) July 2020,important lines under construction from Transfer Capability and Reliability view point. 37th TCC: PGCIL SR-II informed thatPole-2 is ready for charging.  400 KV Pugalur HVDC – Edarapalyam-Udumalpet D/C November 2020as per CEA Report for August 2020 Dec 2020 as per 170th OCC (11.09.2020) 37th TCC:The line is scheduled for charging by January 2021.

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 400 KV Pugalur HVDC - Thiruvalam D/C February 2021 as per CEA Report for August 2020 Dec 2020- 170th OCC (11.09.2020) 37th TCC:Scheduled for charging by February 2021. The above lines are required to facilitate full utilization of HVDC Raigarh - Pugalur HVDC ii) Pugalur – Thrissur (2000 MW): December 2020 as per CEA Report for August 2020:  Progress affected due to severe ROW issue in Tamil Nadu and limited permission with regard to interstate movement of labour/ Quarantine compliance in view of COVID-19.  A special meeting was held on 15.09.2020 on transfer capability to S3 and minutes of the meeting (issued on 18.09.2020) is at Annexure-Ou.11.3.a.ii. 37th TCC: Ready for charging. Scheduled for charging along with terminals at Pugalur and Thrissur by January 2021. b) Additional inter-Regional AC link for import to Southern Region, i.e., Warora - Warangal - Hyderabad- Kurnool 765 kV link [TBCB, PFCCL-BPC, Transmission Licensee: Warora_Kurnool Transmission Limited (WKTL)] i) The following had been noted in the 36th/37th SRPC meetings:  M/s WKTL had stopped the execution of Warora- Warangal 765 kV line work based on the objections of Limited (WCL) and Singareni Collieries Company Limited(SCCL) due to crossing of the Warora –Warangal line in the proposed coal fields of these coal companies.  Chairperson, SRPC had agreed to take up the concern of SR constituents with MoP. ii) Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 10.02.2020 (Annexure-Ou.11.3.b.ii.) had taken up the concern of SR States with Secretary, MoP. iii) WKTL had filed detailed petition (dated 5th March 2020) with CERC for extension of Scheduled Commercial Operations Date along with consequential reliefs. The lenders of WKTL have filed Petition (71 /MP/2020) with CERC seeking approval of the Hon’ble Commission to transfer the shares and management control of WKTL in favour Adani Transmission Ltd. Adani Transmission Ltd has been declared successful bidder for acquisition of WKTL pursuant to public auction conducted by consortium lenders through an independent consultant. iv) WKTL vide letter dated 27.03.2020 (Annexure-Ou.11.3.b.iv.) had responded to TANGEDCO letter dated 20.03.2020 on WKTL commissioning related issues. v) Ministry of Power(MoP) vide their letter No. 7/1/2017-Trans dated 16.04.2020 conveyed the following:  MoP, GoI has decided that M/s WKTL, the developer of Warora-Warangal 765 kV D/C Transmission Line is required to complete the balance works in above line as

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per the original approved route in the coal bearing area of WCL involving 16 towers without any further delay and also to comply all other decisions of MoP conveyed as per above letter dated 16.04.2020. Further, WKTL is required to complete all the elements in the above Scheme within the framework of the contractual obligations. It is also requested that the latest status and implementation schedule of all the elements of above line may be conveyed to CEA at the earliest.  Lead Long Term Transmission Customer(LTTC), i.e., TANGENDCO Ltd, is requested to take necessary action as per TSA to ensure that there is no further delay in completion of the above project. M/s WKTL is also advised that in case of any constraints in completion of the above project as per established procedure, the developer may approach CERC for redressal of the issues if any, as MoP/CEA only facilitates the project implementation in a time bound manner. The Project was stalled due to force majeure issues including non resolution of issues pertaining to coal bearing areas associated with Western Coal Fields (WCL) and Singareni Coll. Co. Ltd. (SCCL). vi) In the CERC Order dated 15.06.2020 in Petition No. 71/MP/2020 along with IA No.30/2020, in ‘Petition seeking approval under Section 17(3) and 17(4) of the Electricity Act, 2003, read with Article 15.3 of the Transmission Service Agreement dated6.1.2016 and Regulation 12 of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission(Procedure, Terms and Conditions for grant of Transmission Licence and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 and in the matter of Lender`s right to substitute performance of the Borrower with the Nominee of the Lenders and consequent assignment of transmission licence and assignment of other financing documents and movable and immovable projects assets of Warora Kurnool Transmission Limited in favour of the Nominee of the Security Trustee/Lenders’ had directed ‘…..In the light of the above provision, amendment is allowed and IA No. 30/2020 is disposed of. Accordingly, the amended Petition be taken on record. The respondents are directed to file their reply on merit within 15 days of issue of this order and the Petitioners are directed to file rejoinder, if any, within 7 days thereafter. 36. The Petition shall be listed for hearing in due course for which separate notice shall be issued to the parties.’ vii) In the ROP (Date of hearing 29.06.2020) in Petition No.248/TT/2019,‘For approval of transmission tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 for transmission for one no. of asset covered under “Sub-station Works Associated with Additional Inter-regional AC Link for Import of Power into Southern Region i.e. Warora-Warangal and Chilakaluripeta- Hyderabad-Kurnool 765 kV Link'', the Commission directed the Petitioner(PGCIL) to submit the following information on affidavit with an advance copy to the Respondents by 16.7.2020:  SCM/RPC approval for 2 Nos. 765 kV line bays excluding PLCC, telecom equipment and line terminal equipment such as LA, CVT and Wave Trap.  The reasons for excluding the PLCC, telecom equipment and line terminal equipment such as LA, CVT and Wave Trap.

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The Commission had directed WKTCL to file its reply by 6.7.2020 and the Petitioner to file rejoinder, if any, by 14.7.2020.

b.1. 37thTCC deliberation: a) TANGEDCO informed the following: (i). M/s WKTL had stalled the work for more than a year. Requested all the SR constituents to decide further course of action as provided in the TSA and law. (ii). Hyderabad-Kurnool 765 kV DC line being executed by WKTL was stalled. The Scheduled COD of the line is 05.11.2019. However, PGCIL executing the line bays at Kurnool SS completed the bay work and proposed to commission the bay on 11.03.2019 and convert the line reactor into bus reactor which was concurred in 36th SRPC meeting. However, during the hearing of the Petition No.248/TT/2019, TANGEDCO raised objections for including the capital cost of assets in the PoC pool as the intended purpose of the line reactor and bays was to provide connectivity to 765 kV Hyderabad-Kurnool line which was delayed by WKTL. Since the Regulation mandates the entity attributing the delay to bear the transmission charges liability, WKTL is liable to pay the transmission charges at least from the scheduled COD till they commission the transmission line. c) Updated status of upcoming Inter Regional Transmission scheme is furnished at Annexure-Ou.11.3.c.). 11.4. Status of important associated transmission evacuation systems Transmission Elements

A Transmission evacuation system for HNPCL (1,040 MW) Power Plant APTRANSCO ; 400 kV TM D/C Kamavarapukota – Vemagiri; 185 ckm 37th TCC: Expected commissioning by 31/07/2021 (Foundations 237/268 ,Tower Erection 202/268, Stringing 91.92/186.72 km) B Transmission system of KPTCL for evacuation of power from Yermarus TPS (2 x 800 MW)  KPTCL: Gulbarga 400/220 kV substation- 2 x 500 MVA, 36thSRPC: DPR approved on 09.03.2018 (to be tendered). 37th TCC: LOI issued on 10.06.2020 for Substation & Block level & geo-tech Survey Completed. Check survey under progress for Transmission Line.  Yeramarus TPS - Gulbarga 400 kV D/C line (QM), 35th TCC: DPR approved on 09.03.2018 (to be tendered). 37th TCC: Check survey under progress  400 kV SS at Chikkanayakanahalli – 2 x 500 MVA (39th SC), 36thSRPC: Land identified acquisition of land under progress. 37th TCC:Land Acquisition under process - Gazette notification issued on 17.09.2020.  LILO of Nelamangala – Talaguppa 400 kV D/C at CN Halli, 36thSRPC: Land identified acquisition of land under progress.  Termination of 400 kV D/C of Hassan from Nelamangala – Talaguppa at CN Halli 400 kV, Bellary PS - C.N.Hally 400 kV D/C line QM : 36thSRPC: (a) line commissioned

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(b)400 kV line from Rampura limit to Jagalur : Line work completed.(c) 400 kV line from Jagalur to Chikkanayakanahalli : To be tendered.  400 kV BTPS-Guttur D/C (QM), 36thSRPC: Estimate under preparation. 37th TCC: Estimate submitted to Corporate office on 11.08.2020 for preparation of DPR. De-link 400 kV S/C RTPS-BTPS-JSW-Guttur with JSW Bus The matter was discussed in a meeting held on 22.11.2019 chaired by Chairperson/Member (PS), CEA, with representatives from KPTCL, SRLDC, JSW, CEA and CTU. Operational feedback (POSOCO) July 2020: 400 kV Jagalur PS Chikkanayakanahalli – Kadakola D/C line needs to be expedited. 37th TCC: Estimate under preparation. C 400 kV Mangalore (UPCL) – Kasargode-Kozhikode: NCT in its 1st meeting had approved the scheme through TBCB. CEA : Scheduled DOC 12.11.2022 (38 months from Effective Date) EPC Partner has been taken on board, Detail Survey is in process, Foundation work will be started by Sept’20, after receipt of Sec-164 approval andGazette Notification for Sec-164 has been published. RECTPCL is the BPC. Being developed by M/s Sterlite Grid Limited. UdupiKasargode Transmission Limited (UKTL) Petition No 336/AT/2019 (for adoption of transmission charges) was heard on 19.11.2019 and the Commission had reserved the Order. Hon’ble CERC had issued Order dated 27.12.2019 on Petition No 335/TL/2019 on ‘Grant of transmission license to UdupiKasargode Transmission Limited (UKTL)’. D 400 kV Hiriyur – Mysore line; 412 CkMalong with 2 x 80 MVAR Switchable line reactors at 400/220 kV Mysore S/S; PGCIL Declared on COD wef 01.05.2020 E 400 kV Pavagada – Devanahalli D/C line; (139.30 D/C and 13.20 M/C); PGCIL CEA: Nov 2020 Progress affected due to limited permission with regard to interstate movement of labours/ Quarantine compliance in view of COVID-19 and ROW issue especially in Bangalore area Long duration outage requirement on 400 kV Nelamangala –Hoody & Yelahanka –Hoody line A special meeting was held on 27.02.2020 to discuss the issues w.r.t. shutdown (MoM available on SRPC website) The following had been noted in the OCC Meetings:  The lines had been taken out from 05.03.2020.  SR-II had informed that they are regularly updating to KPTCL, SRLDC/SRPC about the progress. The manpower was severely affected due to COVID-19 and they were planning to restore the lines by 31.08.2020.  KAR SLDC had expressed serious concern over the delay and suggested that the lines should be restored by 30.06.2020 as communicated in MD KPTCL letter. A meeting was convened by CEA on 17.09.2020 to discuss the proposal of KPTCL regarding establishment of 3x500 MVA, 400/220 kV Devanahalli sub-station (MoM at Annexure- Ou.11.4.E.) wherein in principle approval may be agreed for the following: a) LILO of 400 kV Yelahanka (Singanayakanhalli) - Hoody and LILO of 400 kV Nelamanagala- Hoody line at 400/220 kV Devanahalli Sub-Station b) 3 x 500 MVA, 400/220 kV transformers c) 1 x 125 MVAR bus reactor

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KPTCL would initially charge the 400/220 kV Devanahalli substation from Hoody end with 2x500 MVA transformers at 400/220 kV Devanahalli substation. SRLDC was also requested to give the charging clearance to KPTCL for the above works. It was also decided that the matter would be put up in the forthcoming SRPC(TP) meeting for ratification. 37th TCC: 400 kV Pavagada – Devanahalli D/C lineis scheduled for charging by December 2020/January 2021. F 2x500 MVA SS at Devanahalli Hardware Park - KPTCL SS commissioned in September 2020 with 1x125 MVAR reactor 37th TCC: Substation with 400kV line from Hoody commissioned on 24.09.2020 with 1x125 MVAR reactor. 220kV BIAL Begur to Devanahalli Hardware Park 2nd circuit commissioned on 06.10.2020. G LILO of Somanahalli - Kolar S/C line to Mylasandra (New Electronic City) CEA : Dec 2020 Check survey approved on 23.07.19. The design documents of 400 kV towers had been approved. Foundation drawings submitted on to CEE, P&C by agency. H 3x500 MVA SS at Mylasandra - KPTCL CEA: Dec 2020 400kV side : GIS Module equipment testing, HV testing completed and C&R Panel testing completed. 220kV Side: 220kV module equipments and HV testing completed and C&R Panel testing under progress. TBs at Yaraandanahalli: minor works like dismantling of CTs and PTs from old Hosur bay to be taken up. 37th TCC: 3*500MVA Transformer and 125 MVAR reactor oil filtration work completed and testing to be taken up. 400kV side GIS Module equipment testing completed and HV testing completed and C&R Panel testing completed. 220kV Side 220kV module equipments and HV testing completed and C&R Panel testing under progress. Line: 400kV: Stub: 6/6. Due to the change of scope of the incoming source from Dc to MC, agenda for DWA amendment submitted to CPC on 23.01.2020. 220kV: Mylasandra-Yerrandanahalli: All works completed. 220kV: HSR LILO line: stub: 34/38 nos, tower erection 11/38 nos, Stringing: 0.5/8.696 kms completed. I 400 kV Madakkathara (Trichur) – Areakode (Kozhikode) - Kasaragode KSEBL had informed that line consist two stretches, 400 kV Madakkathara – Malaparamba and Malaparamba – Areakode. The works are to be carried out in the existing 220 kV circuits. Operational Feedback (POSOCO) July 2020: For S3 transfer capability/reliability 36thTCC/37th SRPC: The 1st stretch works completed. 2nd stretch scheduled to be completed by March 2020. J Telangana STPP - I (2 x 800 MW) Power Evacuation Scheme  400 kV NTPC Common Point - Sircilla (Schedule I) QM DC Line (91 kms): 36thTCC/37th SRPC: 223/223 Nos. Tower Foundations, 223/223 Tower Erection and Stringing77.425/77.569completed. 37th TCC:  400 kV NTPC Common Point - Sircilla Line: (77.569KM). 223/223 Foundations completed, 223/223 Tower Erection completed, 77.569/77.569 kMs completed.  400 kV Sircilla NTPC Common Point - Narsapur (Schedule II) QM D/C (95.898kMs): 36thTCC/37th SRPC: Tower Foundations: 269/269 completed, 269/269 Tower Erection and

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Stringing 95.898/95.898 completed. Programmed for charging in March 2020. 37th TCC:  Siricilla (common point) - Narsapur SS Line: (95.898kM): 269/269 Foundations completed, 269/269 Tower Erection completed, 95.898/95.898 kMs completed.  400 kV Gajwel - RamaduguCkt 1:  400 kV Telangana STPP (NTPC) - Ramadugu QM D/C Line: 36thTCC/37th SRPC: Tower Foundations: 161/161, Tower Erection 161/161 and Stringing 49.113/52.265 completed.Programmed for charging in March 2020 Ramadugu SS (2x500MVA ICT): 400 kV Bays charged on 12.06.2019, Testing of ICT-1 & 2 completed. 220kV Switchyard testing works under progress. Programmed for charging in January 2020. 37th TCC:  400 kV Telangana STPP (NTPC) - Ramadugu QM D/C Line: Foundations:163/163 completed;Tower Erection:163/163 completed; Stringing: 51.166/52.574 kMs completed. Line is programmed for charging in Nov'2020.  Ramadugu SS (2x500MVA):All works completed.400kV Bus & 2 Nos.400kV Feeder Bays charged on 12.06.2019 and ICT-1 & 2 charged on 29.01.2020. K 400/220 kV Kadakola S/s (KPTCL) Operational feedback (POSOCO): To address N-1 of 2x315 + 1x500 MVA ICTs at Mysore. 37th TCC: Estimate under preparation. L 400/200 kV Arasapadavu S/s (KPTCL) Operational feedback (POSOCO): To address N-1 of 2x315 MVA ICTs at UPCL 37th TCC: Land to be handed over by KIADB. This may please be updated. 11.5. Associated Transmission Evacuation Schemes in Tamil Nadu Status of the following stations, evacuation schemes finalized in the 37th SCPSPSR, which were modified in the subsequent Standing Committee Meetings, is given below:

Generating Station Likely COD Evacuation Status Ennore TPS Expansion – 1x660MW 36thTCC/37th SRPC: 2022-2023 Ennore SEZ (NCTPS Stage-IV) – 36thTCC/37th SRPC: 2x660MW 2020-2021 NCTPS Stage III – 1 x 800 MW * 36thTCC/37th SRPC: Project Synchronisation is expected by 2020-2021 June 2020 *1st SRSCT: Contingency measure: i) LILO of Manali – Alamathy 400 kV line at North 765/400 kV Pooling Station. ii) This LILO arrangement would be made by utilizing a portion of 765 kV North Chennai PS – Ariyalur D/C line Ennore TPS Replacement -1 x 660 36thTCC/37th SRPC: Work under progress MW 2022-2023 SEPC (1x525) 36thTCC/37th SRPC: 41st SCPSPSR: Require start up power 2020-2021 for its Auxiliaries by April 2018.

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SEPC-Thennampatty 400/230/110 36thTCC/37th SEPC- Ottapidaram 400kV (Regular kV SRPC2020-2021 evacuation) 37th TCC: Energized on 09.10.2020 765/400 kV, 2 x 1500 MVA CEA : Dec 2020 37th TCC: Ariyalur SS Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 31.03.2021 765/400 kV, 3x 1500 MVA North CEA : Dec 2020 37th TCC: Chennai PS (GIS) Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 31.03.2021 765/400 kV, 2 x 1500 MVA CEA : March 2023 Land registration is nearing Coimbatore SS completion. Survey work awarded to it's associated 765 KV line and it's 400 KV line work. Estimate is under preparation for floating Tender. 37th TCC: Land registration is nearing completion. 765 kV Ariyalur – Thiruvalam (PG) CEA : Dec 2020 37th TCC: All works completed. Will be energized on commissioning of Ariyalur 765KV SS. Probable date of commissioning: 31.03.2021 765 kV North Chennai PS - Ariyalur CEA : Nov 2020 37th TCC: Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 31.03.2021 765 kV NCTPS III- North Chennai CEA : Mar 2021 37th TCC: PS Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 31.03.2021 400 kV Ennore SEZ-North Chennai CEA : Mar 2021 37th TCC: PS Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 30.06.2021 400 kV Ennore SEZ- Ennore to CEA : Mar 2021 37th TCC: ETPS Expn Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 30.06.2021 400 kV ETPS Expn – North CEA :Mar 2021 37th TCC: Chennai PS Work under progress. Probable date of commissioning: 30.06.2021 Interconnection from common point 36thTCC/37th SRPC 37th TCC: of SEZ – ETPS Expn to NCTPS 2020-2021 Work under progress. Probable date of Stage-II and LILO of NCTPS-II – commissioning: 30.06.2021 SV Chatram 400 kV MC between location No.21 & 22 This may please be updated.

Ou.12. ULDC / SCADA/ Communication

Status of pending items is as follows: Issues Status update Backup Control Centre  PGCIL would be floating new combined Common specifications have been finalized by Open Tender for Backup SLDCs for AP PGCIL in consultation with AP & TS for Back (Tirupati), TS (Warangal) along-with few up SLDC. other states.

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36th TCC/37th SRPC: a) APTRANSCO had informed that they would take up the backup SLDC at Tirupatiby themselves.The same would be intimated toPGCIL. b) TSTRANSCO had informed that the Civil work contracts had been placed and was being taken up by them. Setting up of Control centre works were to be taken up by PGCIL. PGCIL informed that supplementary agreement was to be signed by TSTRANSCO. VC on 21st September 2020 AP & TS were suggested to review SCADA/EMS at Backup Control Centers.  Backup SCADA functionality testing Periodical testing was being carried out by frequency needs to be done once in 6 months SRLDC& KSEBL. to ensure high availability of 36th TCC/37th SRPC: data/preparedness to operate from Back up  TANTRANSCO had informed that back up CC in event of any contingency. Compliance SLDC Operation was taken up on 10th report may be furnished to SRLDC. September 2019. Next operation was planned in March 2020.  KPTCL had informed that the backup SLDC operation would be carried out in May 2020. Modification of EMS package TSTRANSCO had received estimate of Rs 47 TS informed that M/s Alstomnot responding. lakhs and the contract was being firmed up. VC Puducherry would take up VC requirement in 170th OCCM (11.09.2020): PED had informed the financial year 2020-21. that VCwould be installed in 2020-21 OPGW issues in KPTCL system EDC to HAL section Would be restored within 2 months. Drawal Computation Tamil Nadu had agreed to compute independent ISTS drawal which could be regularly verified with SRLDC drawal figures. Replacement of D20 RTU to D400 RTUs NLCIL TS II &TS I Expansion had given concurrence. In 170th OCCM (11.09.2020), KKNPP agreed for the replacement and concurrence would be given to PGCIL. MAPS and KGS) to give concurrence to PGCIL(else they needed to ensure the data availability themselves).It was agreed that the cost of the replaced RTUs & to be replaced would be booked by PGCIL in some ongoing project cost/O & M. 12.1 37thTCC deliberation:

a) NLCIL informed that replacement of D20 RTU to D400 RTUs at NLC TS I Expansion completed. b) PGCIL SR II informed that replacement of D20 RTU with D400 RTUs at NLC TS II St-I completed. Awaiting the confirmation from MAPS.

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c) APTRANSCO informed that civil infrastructure is ready. Technical specification is under preparation. d) TSTRANSCO informed that as per suggestions of POSOCO to hold the establishment of Back up SLDC and go for establishment of backup SLDC in unified upgradation/Replacement of SCADA/EMS system in SR region, management approval is sought. Once management approves M/s. PGCIL will be requested to stop the tendering process. e) TANTRANSCO informed that In respect of Backup SCADA functionality testing P&C aspects have been linked – up. Due to pandemic back up SLDC operations was not taken up. It will be programmed after summer.

Ou.13. Status of Implementation of downstream network by State utilities associated with ISTS substations of PGCIL

The following downstream network is to be expedited by the State entities:

Sl. Name of MVA 220kV Expected Remarks No Substation Capacity Bays Schedule of Substation 1 Tumkur 2 x 500 6 Commissioned Construction of downstream T/L for 2 (Vasantnarsapur) Nos 220 kV bays to be expedited by KPTCL. 2nd SRPC (TP):  2 nos. of 220 kV lines from 400 kV Tumkur was being planned for future loads of KIADB – March 2022 37th TCC: 220 kV Tumkur –KIADB Industrial D/C line by March 2022 2 Yelahanka 2 x 500 10 Commissioned Only 2 out of 10 (6 under ISTS) bays utilized 2nd SRPC (TP):  Proposal for strengthening of Bengaluru transmission network to utilize the remaining bays at Yelahanka is under planning. 3 Bidadi 2 x 500 6 Commissioned Construction of downstreamT/L for 4 Nos. 220 kV bays to be expedited by KPTCL. 37th TCC:  220 kV Magadi-Bidadi line: (Target – March 2021). Under Execution. Stub Concreted: 80/127 nos Tower erected: 70/127 nos. Stringing:5.4/32.189kms.  220 kV Bidadi-KumbalgoduCable:Forest clearance Stage 1 received on 02.06.2020 from GoI. 23/54 section cable laying completed. Cable jointing work completed for 09/19 joint bay. Target – depends on NHAI- CTT tower. 4 Hiriyur 2 x 315 6 Commissioned Construction of T/L for 2 Nos. 220 kV bays to be expedited by KPTCL. 37th TCC:  400 kV Hiriyur to 220 kV Hiriyur: Target – November 2020. Stub concrete: 23/28 nos. Tower erected: 18/28 nos. Stringing: 0/15.168 kms.  220 kV Hiriyur to Chitradurga: Target – October 2020.Stub concrete: 151/152 nos. Tower erected: 146/152 nos. stringing: 35.13/39.13kms

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5 Hassan 2 x 315 6 Commissioned Construction of downstreamT/L for 2 Nos. 220 kV bays tobe expedited by KPTCL. 2nd SRPC (TP): LILO of B4 circuit of Shimoga – Bangalore 220kV at Hassan – Mar’20. 37th TCC:LILO of B4 circuit of Shimoga – Bangalore 220kV at Hassan : Target – Dec 2020. Stub concrete: 34/34 nos. Tower erected: 32/34 nos. Stringing: 4.458/7.76kms 6 Kolar 2 x 500 6 Commissioned Construction of downstreamT/L for 2 Nos 220 kV bays tobe expedited by KPTCL. 36thTCC/37th SRPC:  220 kV Kolar- Gollahalli D/C line: Stub concreted:151/161 nos, Tower erected: 109/161 nos, Stringing: 33.67/54.538 Ckms. Work under progress. 37thTCC:Target – Nov-20 Stub concreted: 158/162 nos. Tower erected: 146/162 nos. Stringing: 20.773/27.269kms. 7 Kozhikode 2 × 315 + 4 Commissioned Construction of downstreamT/L 1 x 500 for 1 No 220 kV bay tobe expedited by KSEBL 2nd SRPC (TP): Award by March, 20. 36thSRPC: KSEBL informed that only 3 bays will be used and they were planning to use HTLS due to ROW issues. This may please be updated.

Ou.14. New Projects of State Sector & IPP

14.1. Status of new projects of State sector is furnished below: Sl Name of project Located Capacity Commissioning Schedule /Remarks No in in MW 1 Dr. NTTPS, AP 1 x 800 37th TCC: Vijayawada COD expected 30.04.2021 2 Krishnapatnam Stage II AP 1 x 800 37th TCC: (U3) Expected COD 31.03.2021 3 Polaki AP 4000 (5 x 36th TCC/37th SRPC: 800 MW) Kept in abeyance due to non-willingness by AP Discoms. 4 Edlapur KAR 1 x 800 The project dropped 5 North Chennai Stage III TN 1 x 800 37th TCC: 2020-21 6 Ennore SEZ STPP TN 2 x 660 37th TCC: (North Chennai Stage Both the units are expected to be IV) commissioned during 2022. 7 Ennore TPS Exp TN 1 x 660 37th TCC: 2023-24 8 Ennore replacement TN 1 x 660 37th TCC: Project's Environmental clearance yet to be obtained. 9 Udangudi Stage I TN 2 x 660 37thTCC: 2021-22

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10 Udangudi Stage II TN 2 x 660 37th TCC:2026-27 11 Udangudi Stage III TN 2 x 660 37th TCC: 2026-27 12 Uppur TPP (TBCB) TN 2 x 800 37th TCC: 2023-24 13 TPP TS 4 x 270 37th TCC: (Bhadradri) U2: COD November 2020 U3: COD December 2020 U4: COD March 2021 14 Kakatiya TPP Stage III TS 1 x 800 Not finalized 15 Damaracherla (Yadadri) TS 5x800 37thTCC: U1&2:Commisioning by 16.10.2021 U3 to 5: Commissioning by 16.10.2022

14.2. Status of new projects of IPPs is furnished below:

Sl Name of project Located Capacity Commissioning Schedule /Remarks No. in in MW 1 Meenakshi PH-II AP 2 x 350 Unit 3 →Full Load on 15.04.2018, Unit 4 → Full Load on 05.07.2018 Untied: 640 MW 2 East Coast Energy AP 2 x 660 Uncertain Thermal 3 Thermal Powertech AP 1 x 660 Under planning (TPCIL) Unit-III 4 Godhna TPP, Janjir – For 2 x 800 Sariya /Durgapur-II/ Taraimar coal mines ChampaDist, KAR allotted Chhattisgarh

This may please be updated.

Ou.15. Upcoming Renewable Projects and their integration with transmission network In earlier Meetings it was noted that RE schemes are getting modified at times while some are getting dropped also. TCC had suggested that the RE Projects/evacuation schemes may kindly be reviewed and updated status communicated. It was observed that timely progress on these schemes needs to be communicated to SRPC Secretariat, being a critical issue monitored by various bodies. 15.1 37th TCC meeting, AP had informed that they had provided data to SRPC (TP).

Ou.16. Roadmap to operationalize reserves in the country

16.1. In the 29th Meeting of SRPC it had been noted that Hon’ble CERC vide Order dated 13.10.2015 on Petition No. 11/SM/2015 in the matter of Roadmap to operationalize Reserves in the country had stated as follows:

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(b) (ii) The Central Commission advises the State Commissions to issue orders for intra-state generators in line with this timeline as AGC is essential for reliable operation of India’s large inter-connected grid. …………… (d) In the long term, however, a market based framework is required for efficient provision of secondary reserves from all generators across the country. For this, NLDC/POSOCO is directed to commission a detailed study through a consultant and suggest a proposal to the Commission for implementation by 1st April, 2017, giving due consideration to the experience gained in the implementation of Spinning Reserves w.e.f. 1st April, 2016. 16.2. In CERC Order 319/RC/2018 dated 28.08.2019- Hon’ble CERC the following was stated: In the interest of reliable and safe grid operation, the Commission directs that all the ISG Stations whose tariff is determined or adopted by CERC shall be AGC-enabled and the ancillary services including secondary control through AGC be implemented ……. 16.3. NLDC vide letter dated 17.09.2019 had communicated the minimum requirements for AGC connecting equipment at power plants based on the experience of the AGC Pilot Project. A Special Meeting was also held on 03.10.2019 at NLDC to discuss on the requirements for AGC to be implemented at generator ends by the generators and activities to be undertaken by them for prompt implementation of AGC. As requested by ED, NLDC vide letter dated 31.10.2019, ‘Communication availability for the AGC operation by NLDC for the applicable generating station as per CERC Order’, a meeting was held at SRPC, Bengaluru on 13.11.2019 (MoM available at SRPC website). 16.4. NLDC had stated that time extension till June, 2020 may be sought from CERC by duly stating the reasons after knowing the status of tendering of NTPC & NLCIL. 16.5. The following status update noted in the 170th OCC meeting (11.09.2020): a) NLCIL:Panels has been supplied on 21/22.07.2020. It will take one month for installation and another one month for commissioning. ABB had to come for commissioning. b) NTECL:Material supply will start from end of October 2020. c) NLC TS II - Exp: Testing of one channel done while other channel testing is pending. Testing would be done before commission of the equipment. d) NTPC: AGC was being taken at Organization level (jointly for all the stations).Order is placed on M/s ABB with completion schedule of December 2020. Individual stations were in touch with M/s ABB. Works are moving as per schedule. Talcher may be slightly delayed due to COVID-19 issues. e) NTPL: Material received on 22.06.2020 from vendor(ABB). Erection and commission would be completed before 30th September 2020. SR II informed that OPGW stringing of 20 km could not be taken up due to COVID-19 restrictions and works to be executed shortly.

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f) NNTPP: Optical Fiber connectivity completed. 16.6. 37thTCC Deliberation: a) NLCIL informed that ABB had given the work schedule for commissioning. Material have reached site. Works would be started by 12th October 2020 and they have ensured that works would be over by December 2020 end. b) NTECL informed that panel had been received from ABB. Works will be starting by mid November 2020. c) NTPC informed that AGC was being taken at Organization level (jointly for all the stations).Order is placed on M/s ABB with completion schedule of December 2020. Individual stations were in touch with M/s ABB. Works are moving as per schedule. At Kudgi & Simhadri, AGC will be implemented by end of November 2020. At Ramagundam and Talcher, AGC will be implemented by end of December 2020. d) NTPL informed that all the works completed. Commissioning would be carried out by 31st October 2020. PGCIL SR II informed that Optical Fiber connectivity completed and testing was over. AGC signal was received at NTPL from NLDC. e) NNTPP informed that Channel Communication is tested. Further information will be sent by mail. f) CTU informed that 12 stations have been identified for AGC implementation in the Southern Region. Dual communication path was available for 8 stations. For other 4 stations, OPGW would be required to be laid for the lines 400 kV Dharmapuri- Salem (59km), 400 kV Dharmapuri - Tuitcorin (around 359km) and 400 kV Kudgi-Narendra (New) (10km), with an estimated cost of Rs 13.26 crores (for total length of 428 kM) which was approved by 37th SRPC. The works will be started shortly and would be ready by November 2021. 16.7. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: All Generators to expedite the works for commissioning of AGC at the earliest as per CERC Order 319/RC/2018 dated 28.08.2019 16.8. AGC implementation in SR States a) A meeting on implementation of AGC in SR states/NLCIL was held on 14th March 2019 (MoM available on SRPC website) wherein the following had been noted: i) All SLDCs and respective generators were requested to kindly jointly finalize scope of work / technical specifications in an expeditious manner. The objective should be to complete the AGC project by end of December 2019. ii) It was suggested that SLDCs could have the AGC infrastructure keeping in view the perspective plan of integrating all the units (which would be wired for AGC) in their control area. If the SLDCs go for pilot project now, there may be a need for a full- fledged AGC system in near future. The AGC at balance generating units could be rolled out in a phased manner. iii) SLDCs / generators were requested to kindly keep their respective SERCs informed.

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b) The following status update noted in the 170th OCC meeting (11.09.2020): i) Andhra Pradesh (APGENCO: Krishnapatnam):In addition to Krishnapatnam they are planning for AGC at VTPS, RyTPP, Upper Sileru& Lower Sileru. They have approached APERC with the proposal. Concurrence from APERC is awaited. ii) Karnataka (KPCL: Sharavathy-100 MW / Varahi-80 MW):KPCL had informed that M/s ABB would be taking up the final works for Sharavathi from next week. After finishing the works in coordination with SLDC commissioning will be carried out. Varahi would be taken up subsequently. iii) Kerala (KSEBL: Kuttiadi -50 MW &Idukki):KSEBL had informed that Kuttiadi comes under must run unit, at present and AGC is disabled. SRPC requested KSEBL to put back the unit if it is not under Must Run status. At Idukki, dedicated communication channel is required (Optical Fiber to be laid) and it will take couple of months to complete the works. For AGC on regular basis Regulator has been approached. iv) Tamil Nadu (TANGEDCO: North Chennai Stage-II-60 MW and MTPS Stage II-60 MW each):.TANGEDCO informed that communication has to be established from NCTPS Stage II and MTPS to SLDC and once it is available trial run will be planned. Further clarification from KSEBL is required. v) Telangana (TSGENCO: Kothagudem E-132 MW downward): TSGENCO informed that the supply is expected by 25th September 2020. Communication availability had already been tested. vi) NP Kunta AGC: The work is entrusted to M/s ABB. After completion of registration (which will take one week), Order would be placed. Kick off Meeting with all the concerned would be starting by September end by NLDC. 16.8.1. 37thTCC deliberation: a) Andhra Pradesh(APGENCO: Krishnapatnam): Discussions are going with APGENCO along with SRLDC and plan will be formulated. b) Karnataka (KPCL: Sharavathy-100 MW / Varahi-80 MW): Work order was placed by M/s Deloitte on M/s ABB India Ltd., and M/s Andritz Hydro Pvt Ltd., for implementation of AGC in SGS and VUGPH respectively. At SGS, the works are at progress by M/s ABB. Expected to be completed by Dec 2020. At Varahi, the AGC materials are supplied as per PO. Commissioning works are planned to be taken up by the agency after successful commissioning of AGC at Sharavathy. c) Tamil Nadu (TANGEDCO: North Chennai Stage-II-60 MW and MTPS Stage II- 60 MW each): i. MTPS-II – The logic for implementation of AGC in DCS at MTPS-II end is developed and ready. The mode of communication to be established between MTPS-II switchyard and SLDC Chennai. Based on the above, procurement of hardware items such as Remote Terminal Unit, Fiber Optic convertor, Fiber Optic cable and other accessories will be made. ii. NCTPS-II – VC meeting with KSEBL was held on 30.09.20. Based on the discussion, feasibility of implementing AGC in KSEBL model is under study and based on that AGC will be implemented in NCTPS-II. d) Telangana (TSGENCO: Kothagudem E-132 MW downward): TSGENCO informed that one card is expected from ABB shortly. After receiving the card works will be expedited. Communication availability had already been tested.

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e) NP Kunta AGC: The work which was entrusted to M/s ABB is now taken collaboration with M/s Kalkitech. Works will be started soon. f) On a query from MS SRPC regarding the extension of date of implementation, SRLDC informed that NLDC have not approached CERC in this regard, however progress of works are regularly updated to CERC. 16.8.2. 37th TCC Decision/Recommendation: All the states to accelerate the implementation and to furnish the status of implementation along with expected date of commissioning on a regular basis. This may please be updated. Ou.17. Emergency Restoration System (ERS) Requirement of ERS had been outlined in MoP letter dated 05.12.2014. The status is being monitored at higher level. Status is given below:

Transmission Requirement Existing Status/Remarks as noted in Utility as per MoP 36thTCC/37th SRPC APTRANSCO 3 2 Under process KPTCL 2 2 KSEBL 1 Retendering under process. TANTRANSCO 2 Tender opened but not considered due to high cost. Retendered. TSTRANSCO 1 Tender floated. Procurement would be completed in 6 months. TS informed that highly cost effective Galvanized Iron ERS (in place of Aluminum alloy) are available in market. PED Nil Nil PGCIL 4 (2 Nos. 4(SR I & SR SR-I:765 kV ERS placed at Nellore. Additional) II is having 2 no. Each) Ou.18. Reserve Shutdown Issues

18.1. The following had been noted in earlier meetings: a) SRPC vide letter dated 25.02.2020 (Annexure-Ou.18.1.a) had requested Hon’ble CERC to consider the procedure recommended by SRPC forum. b) TSTRANSCO has been raising the issue compensation charges being borne by other beneficiaries even when unit is brought back on bar on specific request of some beneficiaries and of forceful scheduling. TSTRANSCO had pointed out that in the month of May 2020, there was compensation charges for TS of around Rs. 2.8 Cr for availing mere quantum of 30 MW though the unit was brought back on specific request of other beneficiary. c) SRPC vide letter dated 04.06.2020 had requested POSOCO to consider whether the entitlement computation during RSD of unit was in line with CERC Order dated 04.02.2020 in petition No 114/MP/2018. Copy of SRPC letter dated 04.06.2020 and POSOCO reply dated 30.06.2020 is at (Annexure-Ou.18.1.c) d) A special meeting was held on 19.08.2020 & 03.09.2020 (MoM available on SRPC website) wherein RSD procedure was finalized to be implemented in SR. Further a mock

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was planned for 2 months to create entitlements as per requisitions to address the compensation and various other issues raised by SR constituents. 18.2. OCC Update: a) In 172nd OCC meeting it is noted that TSSLDC, TN SLDC, KSEBL, Puducherry, Orissa, Goa& SR II had given the concurrence for Trial Operation. b) Subsequently SR I vide E-mail dated 17.11.2020(Annexure-Ou.18.2.b) had intimated their concurrence. c) KPTCL vide letter dated 18.11.2020 (Annexure-Ou.18.2.c) had informed that it is only for operational purpose for analysis for a trial period of two months and no financial settlement shall be done based on this procedure. d) AP vide Email dated 02.12.2020 (Annexure-Ou.18.2.d) given its consent for implementation of new RSD procedure for Trail basis for a period of two months. SRLDC may please update. V. Agenda Items for Information (i) Commercial

Ci.1 Pending payments between WR & SR Constituents

1.1 Outstanding dues between Southern & Western Regional Constituents were under deliberation in various sub-committee meetings of SRPC and meetings with WR constituents. 1.2 The status is as follows:

SR Constituents WR Constituents Receivable from Payable to MPPMCL* CSPDCL # CSPDCL # (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) APTRANSCO / 1,21,76,270 TSTRANSCO KPTCL/PCKL 13,27,208 KSEBL 1,21,47,260 7,05,279 TANTRANSCO 1,17,17,268 92,77,878 * Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited (MPPMCL) # Chhattisgarh State Power Generation Company Limited (CSPDCL) 1.3 In the 37th TCC meeting held on 28.08.2020, MS, SRPC had informed that as per the Minutes of 83rdCCM of WRPC (11.09.2020), WRPC had requested that the old issues should be consolidated and finalized among all the WR beneficiaries first and a meeting can be arranged with OPTCL & ERPC. He further informed that pending payments between WR & SR utilities would be taken up subsequently. 1.4 In the 46th meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee (03.12.2020), it was noted that MS, WRPC vide letter dated 29.10.2020 had requested the beneficiaries to approach OPTCL individually and resolve the matter regarding the payment of outstanding charges for wheeling of power through OPTCL system via Budhipadar and other applicable charges. Subsequently, GUVNL vide letter dated 04.11.2020 had stated that the issue may not be concluded as bilateral issue of

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individual WR beneficiary with OPTCL but needs to be settled jointly by all stake holders. GUVNL had requested WRPC to kindly convene a joint meeting of stakeholders for amicable resolution of the long pending issue. 1.5 KSEBL vide letter dated 07.12.2020(refer Annexure-C.5.1) requested thatSRPC may kindly facilitate a meeting with MPPMCL, CSPDCL and Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd. (Erstwhile GRIDCO) along with WRPC & ERPC for settling long pending issues. This may please be noted

Ci.2 Recovery of Relinquishment charges as per the direction of CERC in order dated 08.03.2019 in Petition. No: 92/MP/2015

2.1 In 44th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 29.05.2020,recovery of relinquishment charges as per the direction of CERC in order dated 08.03.2019 in Petition. No: 92/MP/2015had been deliberated. As per the computation of CTU (as on 20.05.2019), the total relinquishment charges payable by the generators/ LTA customers is Rs.7299.07 Crore to the PoC pool. 2.2 As decided in the 44thMeeting of Commercial Sub-Committee, MS (SRPC) had taken up with CTU and requested CTU to furnish the status in respect of recovery of relinquishment charges payable by the generators/LTA customer and the details of correspondence made with the generators/LTA customers. 2.3 CTU vide letter dated 03.08.2020had informed that the relinquishment charges for applicable generators/LTA customers have been computed and demand for the relinquishment charges have been raised on such generators/LTA customers and till date a payment of Rs.43 lacs paid by one generator. Majority of the generators/LTA customers have filed appeal in APTEL/CERC against the CERC order or in the demand raised by CTU. Awaiting the disposal of these appeals in APTEL/CERC to take further necessary action to pursue the relinquishment charges. 2.4 In 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 28.08.2020, CTU was requested to take further necessary actions to recover relinquishment charges payable by the generators/ LTA customers. 2.5 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, the following had been noted: a) TANGEDCO had informed that during the hearing before Hon’ble APTEL in IA 1314 of 2020 in appeal No.251 of 2019 seeking interim stay by the generator, PGCIL’s submission and APTEL’s direction vide order dated 08.10.2020is reproduced as below: PGCIL had to address a letter assessing the charges after revision of commencement of LTA relinquishment. However, she also submits that once invoice is raised, six months time would be granted to the generator to comply with the demand under the invoice. Therefore, the letter in question is not exactly an invoice.

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… Therefore, in the light of the above terms, we make it clear that the Respondent- PGCIL shall not raise invoices during pendency of similar Appeals before this Tribunal except where insolvency proceedings are faced by generators.” b) CTU had informed that they had not raised invoices on the relinquished generators/LTA customers due to applicability of GST. In view of the GST issues, a demand notice had been issued to all the relinquished generators/LTA customers for depositing the relinquishment charges as per the CERC Order. c) CTU was requested to take up with the relinquished generators/LTA customers for recovery of the relinquishment charges. This may please be noted

Ci.3 Commercial Settlement during onsite testing of generators for Primary Response

3.1 A meeting between SRPC secretariat and SRLDC was held on 14.09.2020 for firming up the scheduling procedure, commercial settlement etc. during the period of Frequency Response Testing of generating units as per IEGC as requested by NLDC in its letter dated 10.08.2020. Minutes of the meeting along with NLDC letter at Annexure- Ci.3.1. 3.2 Subsequently, the issue was deliberated in the special meeting of commercial sub-committee held on 25.09.2020, wherein the following had been agreed: a) All computation/commercial settlement other than part load compensation would be carried out as per the applicable regulations and guidelines/procedure in vogue. b) Part load compensation during the testing period would be suspended. The blocks of testing would not be considered for part load compensation both for generator and beneficiaries. This may please be noted

Ci.4 RTDA disputes and pending dues thereof

4.1 In the 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 28.08.2020, PGCIL had raised the outstanding dues against Bill-4 (deviation bills as per RTDA) on NLCIL( Rs. 2,41,73,360 & Rs 1,27,90,838), NTPL (Rs. 8,91,702 & Rs. 1,77,25,508) and NTECL (Rs. 2,29,13,518) towards infirm power for the period August 2014 to April 2015. In the meeting, NLCIL, NTPL and NTECL were requested to settle the transmission charges as per the RTDA for the period August 2014 to April 2015. 4.2 Subsequently, SRPC vide letter dated 06.10.2020 had requested NLCIL, NTPL and NTECL for settlement of the dues pertaining to RTDA for the period August 2014 to April 2015. 4.3 In the 37th TCC meeting held on 28.10.2020, NLCIL, NTPL & NTECL had agreed to make the payment in this regard. NLCIL, NTPL, NTECL were requested to expedite the payment of the dues pertaining to RTDA for the period August 2014 to April 2015.

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4.4 In the 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee (03.12.2020), PGCIL had confirmed the receipt of RTDA dues for the period August 2014 to April 2015 from NTECL, NLCIL & NTPL. This may please be noted

Ci.5 Assessment of ramping capability of thermal Inter-State Generating Stations (ISGS)

5.1 NLDC vide letter dated 28.02.2020 had issued the final detailed guidelines for assessment of ramping capability of thermal Interstate generating stations wherein it is stated that a statement of summary of calculations shall be prepared by respective RLDCs and certified by RPCs, at the end of each month of the financial year on cumulative basis, which shall indicate the ramping performance evaluation of each coal/lignite ISGS based on the metrics specified in these guidelines along with recommendation for change in rate of return of equity. The statement shall be posted on RPCs’ websites for information of all stakeholders. 5.2 SRPC vide letter dated 29.06.2020 had certified the statement of summary of calculations of ramping performance of thermal ISGS of Southern Region up to the month of April 2020 (for FY 2020-21) based on the data furnished by SRLDC vide letter dated 26.06.2020. 5.3 SRLDC vide e-mail dated 27.07.2020 had communicated that NTPC had raised concerns with CERC staff wrt Ramp scheduling and certification subsequent to April Month certification by RLDCs. A meeting in this regard was held between NTPC, CERC Staff and POSOCO on 15.07.2020 whereby CERC staff had suggested NTPC and POSOCO to mutually come out with a solution and inform CERC. It was also told to hold the certification till then. POSOCO and NTPC was under discussion and once the solution is finalized and intimated to CERC shortly the certification for remaining months would be done. 5.4 In the 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 28.08.2020, SRLDC had informed that the procedure for assessment of ramping capability of thermal Interstate generating stations is under modification by NLDC. The modified draft procedure would be published on NLDC website shortly for comments from stake holders. 5.5 The issue was further deliberated in the 37th TCC meeting held on 28.10.2020, wherein NLDC was requested to expedite the finalization of modified procedure for assessment of ramping capability of thermal ISGS. 5.6 Subsequently, NLDC vide letter dated 02.11.2020 had issued the proposed amendment to detailed guidelines for assessment of ramping capability of thermal Inter-state generating stations (ISGS) and requested to share the suggestions/feedback by 16th November, 2020. This may please be noted Ci.6 URS upto technical minimum at zero fixed cost 6.1 In 37th Meeting of SRPC held on 01.02.2020, it was decided that a special meeting may be convened to discuss the adoptability on the scheme of scheduling of URS power to the

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beneficiaries upto the technical minimum without fixed cost liability proposed by SRLDC and the recommendations of the Sub Committee would be put up to TCC/SRPC. 6.2 The issue had come up for deliberation in 44th (29.05.2020) and 45th (28.08.2020) Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee. In the special meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee held on 25.09.2020, ED, SRLDC had informed that they had an internal discussion with WRLDC in this regard and it was observed that entitlement recall and heat rate compensation are the real issues for implementing the scheme and the same needs to be addressed. He further informed that additional/new RSD procedure associated with scheduling and compensation issues was discussed in the special meetings held on 19.08.2020 & 03.09.2020 and it was agreed that new RSD procedure would be implemented on Trial basis for two months after receiving the consent from all the beneficiaries. Hence he suggested that the issue of implementation of the scheme of URS power up to technical minimum at zero fixed cost would be further deliberated after finalization of the new RSD procedure. 6.3 In the 37th Meeting of TCC held on 28.10.2020, ED (SRLDC) had informed that the scheme of URS power up to technical minimum at zero fixed cost would be deliberated after finalization of the new RSD procedure. This may please be noted

Ci.7 Regular Interaction between CERC and RPCs

7.1 CERC vide letters dated 16.04.2019 had communicated that CERC desires that there should be regular interaction between CERC and RPCs to understand perspectives of RPCs with respect to various Regulations of CERC. Commission had decided that a Meeting with Chairman & Member Secretaries of each RPC shall be held every quarter at CERC, New Delhi. First meeting was held on 24.06.2019. 7.2 In 36th TCC & 37th SRPC Meeting held on 30.01.2020 & 01.02.2020MS, SRPC had informed that CERC had agreed to hold this meeting quarterly and any CERC related regulatory issues could be communicated to SRPC Secretariat for putting up to CERC. 7.3 Second interaction meeting of CERC with RPCs was held on 26.08.2020 and Record Notes are awaited. This may please be noted. Ci.8 Inclusion of all bilateral billing (including RE generators) in RTA

8.1 The issue was deliberated in various Commercial Sub-Committee meetings. SRPC vide letter dated 11th November 2019 had requested NLDC and PGCIL to communicate details of all bilateral billings (including RE) for inclusion in RTA to comply with CERC Orders. 8.2 In the 37th meeting of SRPC, PGCIL was requested to expedite furnishing the bilateral billing details (including RE) for inclusion in RTA. Thereafter, the bilateral RE information should be furnished to SRPC Secretariat regularly for inclusion in the RTA along with other bilateral billing details.

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8.3 SRPC vide letter 30.04.2020 had requested NLDC/PGCIL to furnish the complete details including billing amount in order to incorporate in RTA for compliance of CERC Order. 8.4 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 29.10.2020, it was noted that CTU vide letter dated 28.05.2020 had furnished RE bilateral billing details including billing amount. It was also mentioned by CTU that the bilateral billing details including RE shall be continued to furnish in the monthly LTA/MTOA for PoC billing. Accordingly, the bilateral billing details furnished by CTU/NLDC are being incorporated in the RTA by SRPC Secretariat. SRPC may please note the above.

Ci.9 Sharing of gains by the Generators as per Regulation 8(6) of 2014 Tariff Regulations

9.1 CERC in its order dated 30.12.2019 in Petition No: 284/RC/2019 of TANGEDCO had directed NTPC to furnish the details of Month-wise Actual controllable operational parameters for SHR, Auxiliary Consumption and Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption for all the generating stations to the Petitioner for the period 2014-19. NTPC shall recalculate the gains for the entire tariff period 2014-19, and share the gains as per Regulation 8(6) of 2014 Tariff Regulations on monthly basis within a period of 2 months from the date of this order. Further, for the periods 2019-24, the Respondent NTPC is directed to share the financial gains based on Actual Energy Charge Rate which shall be computed based on actual SHR, actual Auxiliary Consumption and actual Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption for the month as per Regulation 60 of 2019 Tariff Regulations and the monthly details of actual SHR, Auxiliary Consumption and Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption parameters shall be shared with the Petitioner. 9.2 In 37th meeting of TCC held on 29.10.2020, it was noted that the issue was deliberated in 43rd(22.01.2020) &44th(29.05.2020) Commercial Sub-Committee meetings and NTPC had furnished the details to TANGEDCO in line with CERC Order. TANGEDCO had confirmed the receipt of the details from NTPC. SRPC may please note the above. Ci.10 High PAF of NTPC Simhadri STPS Stage-I 10.1 The high Plant Availability Factor (PAF) 104.191% for the month of November, 2019of Simhadri STPS Stage-I raised by TSSLDC was deliberated in the various sub-committee meetings. 10.2 In 36th TCC (30.01.2020)/37th SRPC (01.02.2020) Meetings, it was recommended that SRLDC may ask the ISGS to demonstrate the Declared Capability as per IEGC Regulations. 10.3 In the 37th meeting of TCC held on 29.10.2020, it was noted that NTPC Simhadri Stage-I had successfully demonstrated the generation as per the Declared Capability (DC) for 05.02.2020 from 00 Hrs to 24 Hrs. SRPC may please note the above. Ci.11 Auxiliary Energy Consumption of HVDC Pugalur & Trissur SS 11.1 MoP had allocated from unallocated quota of Simhadri STPS Stage-II (1000MW) One MW each for HVDC Pugalur substation &HVDC Trissur substation towards auxiliary energy

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consumption and the same was implemented w.e.f. 00 Hrs of 26.02.2020&w.e.f. 00 Hrs of 24.10.2020 respectively. 11.2 PGCIL had registered HVDC Pugalur substation &HVDC Trissur substation separate Users with SRLDC. Accordingly, the accounting of HVDC Pugalur Substation &HVDC Trissur substation is being carried out as separate entities. This may please be noted. Ci.12 Real Time Market (RTM) for Electricity–CERC Regulations 12.1 In the 43rdCommercial Sub-Committee(22.01.2020), it was recommended that TCC/SRPC may consider the issue for taking up with CERC to review the amendments made in IEGC (Sixth Amendment), Open Access in Inter State Transmission Regulation 2008(Sixth Amendment),Power Market Regulations ,2010(Second Amendment ) in respect RTM. 12.2 In the 36th meeting of TCC (31.01.2020), it was recommended that Chairperson SRPC may be requested to take up with Chairperson CERC highlighting the concerns raised by the states and the same was agreed in the 37th meeting of SRPC (01.02.2020).Accordingly, Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 10.02.2020 (Annexure-Ci.12.2) had taken up the issues in respect of RTM with Chairperson, CERC. 12.3 As requested by 167th OCC, Chairperson SRPC vide letter dated 15.06.2020(Annexure- Ci.12.3) had again taken up the issues in respect of RTM with Chairperson, CERC. 12.4 Real Time Market for Electricity was implemented from 1st June 2020. This may please be noted. (ii) Operation

Oi.1 Preparation for meeting revised environment norms as per Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2015

1.1 Revised water consumption and emission norms for existing as well as new thermal units (installed from 01.01.2017 onwards) as per Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2015 had been notified by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MOEF & CC) (Gazette Notification dated 07.12.2015). MOEF guidelines had classified thermal generators into three categories with different norms. The three classes were prior to 31st December 2003, 1st Jan 2004 to 31st December 2016 and beyond 1st January 2017. Existing as well as new plants were required to meet standards by the stipulated time lines. Preparedness and action plan in order to comply with revised norms had been discussed in SRPC as well as Subcommittee Meetings. 1.2 The following had been noted in earlier Meetings: i) The requirements for necessary compliance. ii) Units need to necessarily comply with norms, as per CPCB timelines and changes thereof.

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iii) This is a monitored activity by Hon’ble Supreme Court and also by Government. Hence regular updates needed to be communicated. 1.3 As decided in the 36th SRPC meeting, Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 13.09.2019 addressed to Secretary (Power) had taken up for financial support from Clean Energy Cess or any other grant, funding (soft loan), subsidy etc. for complying to new environmental norms. 1.4 As per directives of CEA/MoP, a meeting was convened by SRPC on 09.12.2019 to recommend the FGD schedule dates for the units under construction / commissioned after 31.8.2017 and the dates were recommended to CEA (vide letter dated 27.12.2019). 1.5 MoP has issued Minutes of the Conference of the Power Ministers of States and UTs held on 10th& 11th October, 2019 at Gujarat. In the MOM it was noted that Hon’ble MoS for Power had raised concerns over the slow progress in FGD installation plans and had stated that Ministry of Power would not support for any relaxation of CPCB timelines for FGD installation. There were many actionable points by States/UTs which needed to be complied by respective states/UTs. 1.6 MOP have forwarded CPCB letter to 15 TPPs where CPCB, under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, wherein CPCB has directed these plants to deposit Environmental Compensation of Rs. 18,00,000 (rupees eighteen lakhs) per month per non- compliant unit for non-compliance of emission norms since 01.01.2020, as they have failed to comply with the new emission norms by December 2019. Six units from SR (HNPCL Unit 2, Singareni TPP Unit 1 and Unit 2, Kothagudem TPS Unit 11-TSGENCO, NCTPS Stage-II Unit 1-TANGEDCO, SDSTPP Unit 2-APGENCO). 1.7 In Order dated 22.06.2020 in Petition No. 168/MP/2019 of CGPL, ‘Petition, under Section 79 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Article 13 of the Power Purchase Agreement dated 22.04.2007 and Clause 4.7 of the Competitive Bidding Guidelines and this Hon’ble Commission’s Order dated 17.09.2018 in Petition No.77/MP/2016’ had stated the following: Accordingly, the Commission vide order dated 23.4.2020 in Petition No. 446/MP/2019, has directed the staff of the Commission to float a staff paper at the earliest on the issue of compensation mechanism and tariff implications on account of the 2015 Notification in case of those thermal power plants where the PPA does not have explicit provision for compensation mechanism during the operation period and the PPA requires the Commission to devise such mechanism, inviting comments from all the stakeholders. The same has been noted in SEIL’s Petition No 10/MP/2019 in Commission’s Order dated 18.05.2020. ROP (Date of Hearing 27.02.2020) in Petition No. 467/MP/2019 of Simhadri STPP Stage-II (2X500 MW) & Petition No. 64/MP/2020 of Simhadri STPP Stage-I (2X500 MW) and ROP (Date of Hearing 21.08.2020) in Petition No. 520/MP/2020 of Talcher STPP Stage-II (4X500 MW) for approval of additional expenditure on installation of various Emission Control Systems at & in compliance of Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change, Government of India notification dated 7.12.2015was issued by Commission. ROP on NLCIL Petition 200/MP/2020 in this regard for date of hearing 21.07.2020 was issued by CERC.

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1.8 CERC had notified CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2020 on 25.08.2020 to incorporate emission related tariff points. 1.9 CERC vide notification dated 05.09.2020 had published a Staff Paper on the Mechanism for Compensation on account of change in law for compliance with Revised Emission Standards notified by MoEF & CC in respect of Competitively Bid Thermal generating thereof. This may please be noted.

Oi.2 Restricted Governor Mode of Operation (RGMO)/FGMO of Generating Units

2.1 RGMO response is being reviewed in Sub-Committee / TCC/ SRPC Meetings. The following had been noted in the Meetings: a) Inadequate response was needed to be taken up by SLDCs with respective SERCs in line with Hon’ble CERC Orders in respect of Petition No. 84/MP/2015 and 302/MP/2013. b) Non-performance of generators under SRLDC control should be taken up by SRLDC with the respective generators. c) It was noted that some of the generators were disabling RGMO without informing /concurrence from SLDC/SRLDC thus not complying with IEGC provisions. d) SLDCs had been suggested to ensure that schedules are restricted to normative ex-bus generation. Generators had been suggested not to resort to VWO and maintain generation as per the coal quality/ system/machine parameters and keep margins for RGMO / FGMO with MI at all instances. e) Need for testing of RGMO response at the field emerged since response was not meeting the requirements fully. f) As per 5th Amendment to IEGC, gas stations above 50 MW Installed Capacity were also to come under RGMO/FGMO Operation w.e.f. 1st October 2017. Generators/SLDCs had been requested to take necessary action to comply with this Amendment. g) FRC computations were also to be undertaken by the SLDCs in line with approved methodology of CERC. h) All the generators had been requested by SRPC/TCC to improve their primary response which was becoming more significant with high RE ingress. SLDCs needed to sincerely peruse the performance of their generators within their Control Area and take up nonperformance with SERC. 2.2 Performance of RGMO is being analyzed in the OCC forum. The details are at Annexure- Oi.2.2). 2.3 Testing of Primary frequency response of generators as per IEGC clause 5.2(g) a) In compliance of IEGC (5th Amendment) Regulations 2017, Clause 5.2(g), NLDC on behalf of RLDCs has formulated a procedure for carrying out the primary response test. The regulation is as quoted below: “Provided that periodic checkups by third party should be conducted at regular intervals once in two years through agencies selected by RLDCs or SLDCs as the case may be. The cost of such tests shall be recovered by the RLDCs or SLDCs from

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the generators. If deemed necessary by RLDCs or SLDCs the test may be conducted more than once in two years” b) In SR, total 48 Units (15 Stations) of 20028 MW Installed Capacity had been identified for the tests. Presently total 6 Units are allocated to M/s Siemens India Ltd and 27 Stations are allocated to M/s Solvina India Private Ltd. In respect of M/s Solvina(27 units), all the generators were in the final stage of placing the LoA. For M/s Siemens(6 units) the testing procedure and LoA was being finalized. c) A procedure has been approved in 171st OCC meeting. All SR generating plants to finalize the testing schedule and inform to the OCC forum for discussion &finalization of testing dates. This may please be noted.

Oi.3 Talcher II Backup Transmission System

3.1 In ROP (Date of hearing 11.06.2020), in Talcher II Transmission Co. Limited (TTCL) Petition Number 40/MP/2019, the Commission had directed the following ‘The Commission further directed CTU to submit on affidavit by 15.7.2020 as to whether, in the current circumstances, the said transmission Projects are required or not after carrying out the consultations with the concerned stakeholders, including CEA. In case, the CTU fails to file the said affidavit within the stipulated time frame, it shall be presumed that the said transmission Projects are required and the Commission shall proceed with the cases accordingly.’ 3.2 A meeting was convened by CEA on 29.07.2020 and the MOM (issued on 08.08.2020) are enclosed at Annexure-Oi.3.2. After deliberations, following was concluded: i) Due to inordinate delay and uncertainty in implementation of the scheme by M/s TTCL, the transmission scheme under the scope of TSP is presently not required on technical grounds only as either investment in alternate corridors development has already been made or alternate scheme has already been planned for implementation. ii) Decision taken in the meeting with regards to the technical requirement of transmission system to be developed by M/s TTCL shall be without prejudice to the rights of LTTCs under the TSA and the pending legal cases before various forums. iii) SPS at Talcher Stage-II generation may be reviewed at appropriate forum. iv) The matter regarding enhancement of fault level at Jeypore / Gazuwaka and operation of HVDC at rated capacity may be dealt separately in RPC-TP meetings. This may please be noted.

Oi.4 IEGC related issues requiring attention/action

4.1 Automatic Demand Management Schemes (ADMS) 4.1.1 In line with clause 5.4.2 (d) of IEGC, Automatic Demand Management Scheme has been implemented by all the States/UT. ADMS with proper logic should in place at all times. All states were requested to identify additional feeders which could be tripped through

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SCADA rotationally with load relief of (OD-Max dev limit). Any loads tripped under ADMS should be brought back only under the directions of SLDC keeping in view the frequency, overdrawal etc. 4.1.2 Number of incidents satisfying the existing logic for the period of February to November, 2020 is at Annexure-Oi.4.1.2. 4.2 UFR and df/dt reliefs 4.2.1 Details of recommended, implemented, SCADA monitorable and actual relief being realized for the period February 2020 to November 2020 is at Annexure-Oi.4.2.1. 4.2.2 In earlier Meetings, the following had been noted: a) Visible relief to be improved. b) Validation of mapping and reliefs is being taken up periodically and discussed in OCC. 4.3 Sudden Change in Demand/Frequency Excursion (Clause 5.2 (j) of the IEGC) a) There were instances of sudden load changeover and State SLDC (AP,TS& KAR) had been requested to take up with Discoms for staggering of load changeover. This phenomena is leading to dangerously high voltages at many of 400 kV and 765 kV substations It was noted that the changeover needs to be analyzed by SLDCs for corrective action. b) In the OCC meeting the following was noted: i) APTRANSCO had mentioned they are pursuing with DISCOMs for staggered load changeover. ii) TSTRANSCO had informed that the changeover starts at 16:45 and every 15 minutes small loads are taken out. DISCOMs have been advised accordingly. Capacitor banks are switched off, reactors are taken into service and many 400 kV & 220 kV lines are taken out. iii) KPTCL had mentioned that BESCOM and CESC changeover would be done at 18:15 hrs, while changeover at GESCOM, HESCOM and MESCOM will be done at 18:00 hrs. Other impact on ISTS grid would be managed with hydro ramping up and down. c) Necessary action was sought in respect of demand and generation management as well as power purchases, so that clause 5.2 (j) of IEGC Regulations is not violated. d) States/generators had been requested to kindly comply with IEGC provisions in this regard. 4.4 Arranging of interruptible loads in four groups a) As per IEGC, to maintain the frequency within stipulated band and also ensure network security, interruptible loads are to be arranged in four groups of loads. This was for the purpose of scheduled power cuts/load shedding, loads for unscheduled load shedding, loads to be shed through UF relays, df/dt relays and loads to be shed under any SPS Scheme. These loads are to be grouped in such a manner that there is no overlapping between different groups of loads. b) Existing schemes were not meeting Regulatory requirement fully and further action is required in this regard. Constituents had been requested to ensure necessary compliance. c) States are requested to kindly comply with IEGC provisions fully in this regard.

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4.5 PSS Tuning a) 7th Meeting of PSS tuning was conducted on 14th November 2019 and MoM is available at SRPC website. Schedule of PSS / SRT was finalized and generators are requested to adhere to the schedule. PSS Study group had analyzed the Step Response Test Reports for the generators which had furnished the reports and recommendations had been finalized. It had been kindly requested that necessary action may be taken as finalized in the PSS Meetings. b) In the 170th OCC Meeting (11.09.2020), it was noted that that PSS reports from 22 Units have been received after the 7th PSS Meeting which will be analyzed in the 8th PSS Meeting. 4.6 SPS for Raigarh - Pugalur HVDC a) SPS loads of 4500 MW were to be identified for Raigarh-Pugalur SPS. Since the states pointed out that providing 4500 MW (3 x 1500 MW) would be difficult at a time it was agreed that presently 1500 MW loads would be additionally identified by the states as given below:


Relief to be provided on RP1 216 335 337 215 288 69

(1500 MW)

b) For balance 3000 MW, existing load reliefs for other SPS would be utilized for the interim period. c) All the states had identified (except Puduchery ED) had identified the loads. Load relief identified by TSTRANSCO was to be confirmed by SRPC/SRLDC. 4.7 Other Issues requiring attention of TCC / SRPC Following issues which are being followed up in the Meetings of Sub-Committees of SRPC also merit kind attention: (1) MoP vide Order dated 02.07.2020 had stated that all equipment, components, and parts imported for use in the power Supply System and Network shall be tested in the country to check for any kind of embedded malware/trojans/cyber threat and for adherence to Indian Standards. Further MoP vide communication dated 24.07.2020 had requested CEA to prepare the following in consultation with CPRI, NPTI and other stakeholders: (a) List of testing laboratories, where all equipment, components and parts imported for use in the Power Sector can be tested to check for any kind of embedded malware/Trojans/cyber threat and for adherence to Indian Standards. (b) Draft protocol for testing in certified and designated laboratories for equipment/ components/parts imported from “prior reference” countries, with special permission as per para 1 (iii) and (iv) above. Subsequently CEA vide letter dated 04.08.2020 had requested CMDs of PSUs, DG (NPTI, CPRI, BEE), Secretaries (Energy) of the States/UTs that the information regarding testing

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facilities and protocols in commensurate with the said Order may please be made available in the attached indicative format. (2) MoP vide Resolution dated 22.07.2020 had issued, ‘Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Round-The Clock Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects, complemented with Power from Coal Based Thermal Power Projects’. (3) MoP issued (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference (linked with local content) in respect of Power Sector for encouraging 'Make in India' and promoting manufacturing and production of goods and services in India with a view to enhance income and employments. (4) MoP vide Order dated 31.08.2020 had issued Order on Constitution of Committee for creation of manufacturing hub for indigenization of Power Sector Equipment which are not manufactured at all in the country or are manufactured in a limited number due to various limitations. CEA vide letter dated 07.09.2020 had requested to furnish certain information in the prescribed format. (5) With respect to Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Notification No.P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) on Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) to provide for Purchase Preference (linked with local content) in respect of Power Sector, CEA had issued Revised Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 dated 04th June, 2020. MoP had issued letters dated 28.07.2020 & 04.08.2020 in this regard. MoP vide letter dated 23.07.2020 had issued measures for contributing towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat' and ‘Make in India’ through phased indigenization in Power Sector. (6) CEA vide letter dated 21.08.2020 had informed about ‘Revised definition of Local Contents in regard to Public Procurement Preference to Make in India Order, 2017’. A meeting was held on 21.08.2020 under the chairmanship of Secretary (DPIIT), wherein one of the Agenda item was proposed definition of Local Content in regard to Public Procurement Preference to Make in India Order, 2017 (PPP-MII). The existing definition and the proposed definition are given. (7) In pursuance of DPIIT order dated 04.06.2020 regarding Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India), order 2017 and MoP Order dated 28.07.2020 ‘Clause 6’, a committee has been constituted for independent verification of self-declaration and auditor’s/accountant’s certificates on random basis and in case of complaints under Member Planning CEA(Chairperson). CEA (R & D) Division, vide letter dated 17.08.2020had requested for certain information in specific formats. (8) CEA vide letter dated 24.08.2019, 21.08.2020 & 24.08.2020 had requested the generators to furnish certain information regarding ‘Key Initiative under Five Year Vision of MoP – Flexible operation at 55% MTL’. It was requested to all concerned generators send the data of the plants in operation at the earliest. (9) CEA vide letter dated 31.08.2020 had requested for the requisite information in respect of the equipment/ components/ material to be included in Approved List of Model and

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Manufacturers (ALMM) for Development of a Web Portal and creation of required fields in the Portal. (10) As per MoP letter dated 4thFebruary, 2020, a Standardization Cell has been established in CEA under the Chairmanship CE (R&D). CEA vide letter dated 01.08.2020 had furnished the details regarding Creation of Standardization Cell in MoP/CEA and the responsibilities and Terms of Reference were mentioned. (11) KPTCL had expressed concern over the no. of instances of flow going beyond 20 MW on 110 kV Konaje - Manjeshwara line (sanctioned to draw only 20 MW. KSEBL assured that the flow on the existing line would be restricted to 20 MW and strict instructions have been issued to the field. (12) All the ISTS Transmission Licensees to furnish data to SRLDC for the calculation of Dependability Index (D), Security Index (S) and Reliability Index (R) in compliance of CERC SOP Regulations. (13) Non availability of OPGW on NTECL - North Chennai lines of TANTRANSCO was noted with concern as protection was being affected. (14) KPTCL had pointed out that due direction from forest authorities shutdown of 220 kV Kadakola - Kaniyambetta line was for providing intermediate tower. KSEBL had expressed concern over prolonged outage as Waynad area would be hanging on only on one link. KSEBL/KPTCL had been advised to optimize the outage duration. (15) CEA vide letter dated 25.06.2020 has requested all SLDCs to submit RE generation data in revised format. Further it had been requested that the RE generation data Category-wise (Solar, Biomass, Biogass , Small Hydro upto 25 MW , Waste to Energy etc,) may be furnished by 10th of every month to CEA. This information is required by CEA for planning purpose. (16) As per clause 42(3) CERC (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2019, the hours of Peak and Off-Peak periods during a day are being declared by the SRLDC at least a week in advance as per the agreed methodology in OCC. For defining peak and off peak hrs net demand (demand – RE) had been adopted. The Procedure for declaring High Demand Season was presented and deliberated in the 170th OCCM (11.09.2020). (17) Hon’ble Central Commission vide Order dated 18.04.2020 in Petition No.08/SM/2020 (Suo-Motu) in the matter of Extension and Expansion of Pilot on Security Constrained Economic Despatch (SCED) directed NLDC to expand the ambit of SCED by including more inter-state and intra-state generators. In accordance with the directions of the Hon’ble Commission, a revised detailed procedure has been issued by NLDC (available at NLDC website). A web meeting was held between NLDC, SRPC, SRLDC and Regional entities on 06.07.2020. State Sector generators inclusion in SCED will be considered subsequently after Regional IPPs. (18) CEA had sought daily Demand and Consumption pattern and the reasons for significant variations w.r.t last year and past few days. The format in this regard has been communicated to States and SRLDC by mail dated 21.04.2020 by SRPC.

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(19) CEA vide E-mail dated 17.03.2020 had sought category-wise consumption of electricity in the States/UTs. RPCs had been requested to discuss/collect the following in OCC meetings on a regular basis. Details are yet to be received from AP. (20) In the OCC meetings, SRPC secretariat had expressed concern that the submission of OCC data, including Outage Deviation Report, Monthly Progress Report for the ongoing projects of Generators, Transmission Lines & Elements and Sub-Stations etc are not being received in the prescribed format in time bound manner. (21) In the OCC Meeting. SRLDC had presented on schedule methodology adopted in SR and other regions. Subsequently a web based meeting was carried out on 15.05.2020(MoM available on SRPC website).Majority of SR states agreed to implement the methodology being followed in other regions. Schedule fixation during Ramp down from Technical Minimum to RSD was also finalized in the meeting. (22) Real Time Market (RTM) in power sector was launched by Power Exchanges from 1st June 2020. SRLDC also incorporated the required changes in its WBES. LTA, MTOA synchronization across RLDCs is completed in upgraded version of WBES. CERC had issued Order dated 28.05.2020 on Petition No. 10/SM/2020 (Suo-Motu) on Transmission corridor allocation in RTM. POSOCO vide letter dated 15.05.2020 had brought out Detailed Procedure for scheduling of collective transaction through Real Time Market (RTM). (23) For conducting the next Electric Power Survey of the country, the 20th Electric Power Survey Committee (EPSC) has been constituted as Chairperson Central Electricity Authority as Chairman vide CEA Notification dated 27.05.2020. Terms of reference of the Committee were to finalize the methodology of load forecast, to forecast the year wise electricity demand projection for each State, Union Territory, Region and All India in detail for the years 2021-22 to 2031-32 and to project the electricity demand for terminal year 2036-37 & 2041-42. The committee will submit its report in a period of 15 months. (24) CERC vide Order dated 29.05.2020 on Petition No. 11/SM/2020 (Suo-Motu) had extended the sign change deviations every 13th block till 30.11.2020. (25) POSOCO had brought out Consolidated first time charging procedure for New or Modified Power System Elements. (26) Forum of Regulators had brought out Report on Intra-State Reserves and Ancillary Services for Balancing called “SANTULAN”. The report emphasizes the need for Essential Reliability Services for functioning of the power system and electricity market. It provides a roadmap for assessment, creation, arrangement, dispatch and settlement of reserves in the grid. The report also includes a Model Regulation on intra-state Essential Reliability Services that could be adapted by the SERCs, while addressing the requirement in their respective States. (27) POSOCO had brought out report on ‘Flexibility Analysis of Thermal Generation for RE Integration in India’ in May 2020. (28) WBES additional features/ changes have been incorporated by STLDC for the following w.e f. 01.06.2020:

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a) Integration of Real Time Market (RTM) schedules. b) Integration of REMC and routing of ISTS connected renewable schedules through REMC leading to single point entry by RE generators. c) Single point entry (Applicant-Buyer) of inter-regional LTA / MTOA transactions. (29) Guidelines for the validity period of Type Tests conducted on major electrical equipment in Power Transmission system is made available on CEA website (May 2020). (30) MoP vide letter dated 28.04.2020 had stated that all best efforts should be made to replace import of coal for blending purpose with domestic coal. Shri Md Afzal,Director(Fuel Management), CEA (Mob: 9868061039, E-mail: [email protected]) is nominated as Nodal Officer from CEA to coordinate with GENCOs and all concerned agencies in this endeavor. (31) Order dated 4th March 2020 regarding mandatory use of treated sewage water by the thermal power plants as per provisions of Tariff Policy 2016 is available at MoP & CEA website. (32) Regarding categorization for insulator replacement in AC/ HVDC system, in the 165th OCCM (13.03.2020), it was noted with concern that sufficient time has lapsed for bulk insulator replacement in AC/HVDC system; April 2020 onwards default deemed availability for bulk insulator replacement may not be encouraged. (33) In the 164th OCCM (10.02.2020)/165th OCCM (13.03.2020), constituents pointed out that OLTC feature needed to be used for voltage management without disrupting the loads. It was noted that any shutdown for tap changing would be booked under transmission licensee account. (34) CEA has brought out a “Report of Long Term Demand Forecasting with Econometric Method” in association with KPMG in compliance with the decision taken in 19th Power Survey which is available at CEA website. (35) SR II vide E-mail dated 01.02.2020 had informed that around 90 substations from utilities like KPTCL/TNEB/KSEB/Puducherry are requesting NBFC for line/station maintenance works through telephonic messages which is causing delay in processing the request. In view of this a standard message has been prepared by RTAMC for requesting the NBFC was finalized in the 164th OCCM (11.02.2020). (36) In the 164th OCCM (11.02.2020), it was agreed that in case of grid disturbance from external source (leading to complete blackout of generating station / stage) deemed DC would be given upto 6 hours plus the status of the unit(hot/warm/cold) from the time external power is extended to the switchyard. Blackouts due to natural disasters would be discussed separately for deemed DC. In the interim period, the guideline for GD would be followed. (37) In order to elicit views of various experts in Power Sector in the work relating to the preparation of the National Electricity Plan for the next five years (2022-2027), a Committee for National Electricity Plan is constituted under Chairperson CEA on 16.06.2020.

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The National Electricity Plan would include i) Short term and long term demand forecast for different regions ii) Integration of proposed capacity addition in generation including renewable and integration thereof iii) Transmission system and development of National Grid iv) Technological options v) Key inputs viz. infrastructure requirement, fuel requirement, human resourcesand investment requirement etc. (38) CEA had brought out Report on Optimal Generation Capacity Mix for 2029-30 in January 2020. The following are the conclusions : . It is found that the energy requirement at every instance of time has been met with all the technical/operational constraints. It was observed that the RE generation which could not be absorbed in the system on a day-to-day basis is in the range of 0% (on minimum RE generation day) to 14.6% (on maximum RE generation day). The Non absorption of RE arises due to the nature of load curve and generation profile of solar and wind and operating constraints of thermal units i.e. minimum technical constraints, gas availability, minimum flow requirement of hydro plants etc. . A study has also been carried out by reducing the minimum technical load of coal based plants from 55% to 50%, 45% and 40% on maximum solar generation day. It has been found that the RE absorption gradually increases with decreasing the minimum technical load of operation. (39) In ROP (Date of hearing 29.06.2020) of Petition No.103/TT/2019 ‘For determination of transmission tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 for 2 x 1500 MVA 765/400 kV ICTs along with associated bays at Srikakulam Pooling Station under Common System associated with East Coast Energy Private Limited and NCC Power Projects Limited LTOA Generation Projects in Srikakulam Area -Part-C in Southern Region and Eastern Region’ the Commission had directed the Petitioner to submit the information on affidavit by 31.7.2020. (40) In ROP (Date of hearing 29.06.2020) of Petition No. 171/TT/2019‘For Determination of tariff from COD to 31.3.2019 of fourassets under “Transmission System for Ultra Mega Solar Park in Anantpur District, Andhra Pradesh- Part B (Phase-II)’ the Commission directed the respondents, including TANGEDCO, to file their reply by 30.7.2020 and the Petitioner to file rejoinder, if any, by 10.8.2020. (41) In Order dated 17.06.2020 in Petition No 05/SM/2020, for ‘Determination of Forbearance and Floor Price for the REC framework’ had stated 71.1. Floor and Forbearance price for Non-Solar RECs shall be as follows: Non-Solar REC (Rs./ MWh) Forbearance Price 1,000 Floor Price 0 71.2. Floor and Forbearance price for Solar RECs shall be as follows: Solar REC (Rs./ MWh) Forbearance Price 1,000 Floor Price 0

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71.3. The forbearance price and floor price as above shall be effective from 01.07.2020 and shall remain in force till 30.06.2021 or until further orders of the Commission. 71.4. The Commission directs the Staff to undertake review of REC mechanism in the light of the prevailing market developments, including inter alia review theneed for floor and forbearance price for REC mechanism and vintage or technology multiplier. 72. The forbearance price and floor price decided in this order for Non-solar RECs shall be applicable to Non-solar RECs issued on or after 01.04.2017. For Non- solar RECs issued prior to 01.04.2017, the trading shall take place in accordance with Commission’s letter dated 28.05.2018 and shall be subject to the final decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 4801/2018. (42) A draft of Electricity (Rights of Consumers), Rules, 2020 have been prepared by MoP and issued vide order dated 09.09.2020 for Rights of Consumers including the Rights of Prosumers. (43) 400 kV NCTPS StageII-Vallur-1 was taken on 19.03.2020, NTECL/ TANTRANSCO/TANGEDCO to expedite the revival. (44) CERC in Petition No. 25/MP/2019 had issued Order dated 17.08.2020 on introduction of the Green Term-Ahead Market (Renewable Energy) Contracts at Indian Energy Exchange Ltd. (45) CERC in Order dated 15.05.2020 in ReNew Solar Power Private Limited’s Petition No. 187/MP/2020 had stated , ‘A renewable power project is exempted from payment of transmission charges and losses for use of transmission system, only if it satisfies the conditions of waiver of transmission charges and losses. However, there is no exemption from payment of relinquishment charges either for a conventional generator or a renewable energy generator and the same shall be payable in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Connectivity Regulations and Order of the Commission dated 8.3.2019 in Petition No. 92/MP/2015.’ This may please be noted.

Oi.5 Procedure on “Monthly Outage Planning of Communication System”

5.1 As stated vide clause 10 of Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operations) Regulations, 2020, all the Users will abide by Procedure issued by RPC to plan and avail monthly outage and got approved by the owner of communication equipment in the concerned regional power committee, as per the detailed procedure finalized by the respective RPC. It is to ensure reliable speech and data communication systems on path diversified data links and data exchange / supervision / control of the grid by the NLDC, RLDC and SLDC in accordance with CERC (Communication System for Inter-State Transmission of Electricity) Regulations, 2017 and

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CEA (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operations) Regulations, 2020. 5.2 In line with the above Procedure on “Monthly Outage Planning of Communication System” was finalized in consultation with stakeholders. A meeting through VC / WebEx was also held on 18.06.2020 to finalize the procedure (MoM available on SRPC website). This may please be noted.

Oi.6 Operational Feedback

6.1 NLDC vide letter dated 25.07.2020 (available on NLDC website) had published the Operational Feedback for the quarter April–June 2020. 6.2 NLDC vide letter dated 23.10.2020 (available on NLDC website) had published the Operational Feedback for the quarter July–September 2020. (iii) Protection Pi.1 Compliance status of Protection Audit Recommendations Applicable regulation / Rules/Order - CERC, order dated 15.12.2016 in Petitions filed by KSEBL (88/MP/2016) and KPTCL (135/MP/2016)

1.1 Old Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR-Old)

1.1.1 CERC, vide order dated 15.12.2016 in Petitions filed by KSEBL (88/MP/2016) and KPTCL (135/MP/2016) while granting last-chance time extensions to the SR Constituents for completing their respective Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR), had directed SRPC to monitor the status of completion of PAR regularly in PCSC meetings and submit bi-monthly report to the Commission confirming the completion of Phase-I and Phase II of PAR by the Constituents of Southern Region. A summary table showing the compliance status of various SR Constituents as on 14.08.2020, based on the information furnished by various Constituents, is given below:

PAR (Phase-I) PAR (Phase- PAR (Ph-I Activities II) Activities Sl. & Ph-II) Constituent Remarks No. Stipulated Stipulated Compliance Completion Completion (%) Date Date Based on the status furnished, TSGENCO 1 31.03.2017 31.03.2017 96.87 TSGENCO has one pending (Hydel) recommendation. Based on the status furnished, works 2 KPTCL 31.05.2017 31.05.2017 98.55 to comply with the lone pending recommendation is under progress. Based on the status furnished, works to comply with the remaining pending 3 TANTRANSCO 31.12.2017 31.12.2017 89.65 recommendations (16) are under progress. Expected compliance date 31.12.2020.

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1.1.2 The total compliance percentage of SR Constituents including IPP’s in completing Protection Audit Works as on 14.10.2020 stands at 96.36%. 1.1.3 TSGENCO (Hydel), KPTCL and TANTRANSCO are requested to complete the pending PAR at the earliest. The IPPs for whom there are pending PAR [viz., Spectrum PGL, Konaseema GPL, APGPCL Vijjeswaram (Stage-I & Stage-II) & LANCO-Kondapalli PL] are also requested to complete them at the earliest. The constituents are requested to complete the pending PAR and update the status. 1.2 New Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR-New) 1.2.1 As part of GSC (Task-II) under Package-A, protection audit of 15 stations was carried out by M/s Tractebel Engineering (TE) in the southern region during the period, December, 2015– July, 2016. 1.2.2 Subsequently, protection audit of various stations in SR is also being regularly conducted by SRPC teams, albeit at a small scale, in line with CERC Order, dated 27.04.2015, in APTRANSCO’s Petition No.95/MP/2015 and CERC Order dated 14.05.2015 in TSTRANSCO’s Petition No.83/MP/2015 and Protection Audit of 19 stations have been carried out during the period December, 2016–July, 2019. 1.2.3 However, in view of the need to cover large no. of 220 kV & above Stations (Substations as well as Generation Switchyards), the modus operandi of conducting protection audit of all remaining stations in SR was discussed in detail by the Protection Coordination Sub- Committee (PCSC) of SRPC in the 80th meeting held on 20.12.2018, wherein it was decided to carry out the same by forming regional groups, each consisting of members from various SR utilities. This was also got approved in 35th SRPC meeting held on 02.02.2019. 1.2.4 Accordingly, conduction of comprehensive protection audit of SR-Stations by regional level groups comprising members from various utilities has been taken up from October, 2019. Under this, so far protection audit 81 stations has been completed during the period October, 2019 – March, 2020. From April, 2020, this exercise has been temporarily put on hold due to Covid-19, and will be resumed once the normalcy is restored. 1.2.5 The compliance of pending protection audit recommendations of above 114 stations is being monitored periodically by SRPC by circulating the consolidated status of the same to various SR-Constituents for compliance. 1.2.6 APTRANSCO, TSGENCO, TSTRANSCO, KPCL, KPTCL, KSEBL, TANGEDCO, TANTRANSCO, Puducherry ED, NTPC, NPCIL, NLCIL, PGCIL (SR-I & SR-II), JSWEL & UPCL are requested to take suitable action to comply with their respective pending remarks. The entities are requested to comply with the pending remarks and update the status. This may please be noted. Pi.2 Implementation of Protection Suite / Protection Management System (PMS) for Southern Region Past Reference- Approval of SRPC in the 26thmeeting held on 20thDecember, 2014. Based on the approval of SRPC in the 26thmeeting held on 20thDecember, 2014 at

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Visakhapatnam, implementation of Protection Management System in Southern Region [Web-based Management Software and Protection Setting Calculation Tool for Southern Region] has been undertaken through PSDF funding. The project has been awarded, through open bidding process, to M/s PRDC Pvt. Ltd. (PRDC) on 09.08.2017. The execution period for the Project is about 18 months from the date of placement of LoA (also called “Effective Date”), and is followed by an Extended Technical Services period of 5 years. The details of the project implementation including Milestone-wise status and the highlights of the project implemented so far are given at Annexure- Pi.2. This may please be noted. Pi.3 Review meeting on compliance of PCSC recommendations Past Reference: PCSC meetings held during Feb – Dec, 2020 [PCSC-89 to PCSC-93] 3.1 All trippings involving 220 kV & above system on account of mal-operation/ non-operation of protection systems in place are regularly discussed in the Meetings of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC) of SRPC with a view to identify their root cause and scrutinize correctness of operation of protection systems put in place by the concerned Constituents. In the process, appropriate measures required to be taken for system improvement are being suggested/ recommended for compliance by concerned Constituents. 3.2 PCSC had suggested / recommend appropriate measures, required to be taken for system improvement, for compliance by constituents concerned. The constituents were also requested to report the compliance/action taken on the suggestions/recommendations of the PCSC in the subsequent meetings. These PCSC recommendations, which are yet to be complied with, are circulated regularly, vide (i) Agenda & Minutes of PCSC meetings, and (ii) e-mails. In each PCSC meeting, brief discussion on status of Pending PCSC recommendations of previous meeting is discussed and updated by SRPC constituents. 3.3 The detailed status of pending implementation of PCSC recommendations had been compiled and available on SRPC web site (as Annexure to Minutes of the Meeting (MoM) of PCSC). It was requested that Utilities concerned may take concrete and definite action in complying with the pending PCSC recommendations. 3.4 In this regard, the following essential features, which ensure healthiness of protection systems put in place, are brought to the attention of all concerned for kind implementation: a. Provision of Numerical Relays for protecting transmission lines, transformers, line/bus reactors &busbar at 220 kV &above voltage level, and generating units at all voltage levels. b. Ensuring time-synchronization of various Protection Relays with GPS at all 220 kV & above stations. c. Configuring Disturbance Recorder (DR) and Event logger (EL) for all requisite/ mandated protections & signals. d. Ensuring multi-bus operation with zone-segregation at all 220 kV & above stations. e. Ensuring healthiness of DC system (Protection & Communication). f. Ensuring proper maintenance of transmission lines and adopting best O&M practices.

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g. Ensuring earth-mat integrity & removal of DC leakage in the switchyard. h. Adoption of stipulated Over-Voltage gradings for all 400 kV & above transmission lines. i. Ensuring protection philosophy followed is in line with the Ramakrishna Committee guidelines. j. Ensuring furnishing of tripping files (FIR/DR/EL/TR) within 24 hrs of the occurrence of a tripping event as per IEGC Regulation 5.2 (r) & regular attendance to PCSC meetings. This may please be noted.


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