Bachelor Thesis Lea Bachmann Product Design Summer Semester 2017 Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd

Supervisors Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert Prof. Matthias Held

In Cooperation with

supervised by Simon Baumgarten TABLE OF CONTENT OVERVIEW


Abstract 12 Exposé 18 Robotic 40 The Fraunhofer Institute 24 Demographic Change 74 Projects of the Institute 26 Ethics 76 Requirement Specification Motivation 86 for the Thesis Project 36 Visits at Nursing Homes 88 Problems, User Needs, Focus 104


The Scene 112 First Prototype 126 Concept 1 138 The Persona 114 Testing the Overal Height 128 Concept 2 139 Scenario 1 116 Testing the Handing Out Height 130 Concept 3 140 Scenario 2 118 Testing the Display Height 132 Final Concept 142 Scenario 3 120 Transported Objects 134


Form Finding 154 Scenario 1 190 Milling 204 Sketches 158 Scenario 2 194 Assembly 206 CAD Model Building 164 Scenario 3 198 Product Views and Features 168 Interface 182 Branding and Logo 186

10 FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 11 THANK YOU 12 INDEX Frauenhofer User Testing 210 Thank You 210 Index 228 Arm 212 Edition Notice 220 Image Directory 238 Modularity 214 Future Scenarios 218 Summary and Conclusion 220 01 INTRODUCTION


A brief introduction on my thesis Choosing a good bachelor topic was not easy. have potential to be topic for a bachelor thesis nurses with non-nursing tasks and discovered I was looking for something in the healthcare in industrial design. Dr. Birgit Graf, the head of that I could probably learn a lot by working on industry, in cooperation with a company or the group, informed me about their present a topic that seems to be highly relevant in an institute, a topic that would challenge me project series „SeRoDi“, a project that is looking tomorrow‘s society but at the same time being enough and push me to learn new things into easing nurses‘ workload in different areas harshly criticized by many. and at the same time interest me enough such as lifting patients, supporting the basic I saw it as a great challenge to design a to work on it for at least 4-6 months without nursing tasks as well as all the other non- service robot by aiming to create as much getting tired of it. I started by looking at all the nursing tasks, each solved within different acceptance as possible within the inhabitants, new technologies that are established in the smaller projects. Feyyaz Cakir, for example, the nurses as well as outsiders and maybe healthcare sector. One topic eventually caught another student from the Hochschule für even gaining consent from people interacting my attention the most: service robotic. I was Gestaltung in Schwäbisch Gmünd, has and working with it. looking at the rising numbers of service robots supported the Fraunhofer Institute to design To guide me through the thesis I set myself and started wondering if I could discover an the Personenlifter („the person lifter“) - „Elevon“ the following problems to be solved: interesting field to create great support for in 2013 to ease physical burdens such as humanity by establishing a new kind of lifting heavy people in need of care. Julian 1) How can we lighten the workload of the service robot into their everyday work Solisch, a student from another school, worked nurses and gain more time for actual progress and life. on the „Pflegewagen“ (“the nursing cart“), nursing tasks? After several weeks of research I discovered which is supporting the nurses by transpor- that the Fraunhofer Institute IPA in Stuttgart, ting all sorts of nursing equipment for the 2) How can we keep up and even raise the Germany, was currently working on creating basic care. Dr. Birgit Graf offered me to further life quality of the inhabitants of a nursing service robots as support and prevent rising look into the topic of supporting nurses with home? problems that are occurring due to the demo- non-nursing tasks by designing a new service graphic change. I approached the department robot, which is saving walks and time accom- 3) How can we raise the independance of of household and assistance robotics with the panying the same time accompanies the the inhabitants? question if they were working on a specific inhabitants of the nursing home. area in the health industry to support and I started by looking deeper into the problems lighten the nurses‘ workload, which would that I would be able to solve by supporting


I started off by visiting two different nursing 1) Regular drink and food reminder based homes to discover problems, observe the on the individual personal profiles as well as stressful time periods and the well-being of the handing and animating to drink. different parties as well as question the staff about what the biggest problems and most 2) Fulfilling individual, spontaneous wishes stressful tasks are throughout the day. and deliver them to the inhabitants. After my observation I evaluated all my findings and defined target areas that I wanted 3) Supporting the nurses by delivering to approach and solve. meals to the in the common lounge Beside that I decided to start supporting the and refilling drinks. staff in the common lounge, assuming that all the tasks possible in the common lounge During the last part of my thesis I planned the would be possible in the hallways and private technical details together with my supervisor rooms later on as well. Simon Baumgarten from the Fraunhofer Furthermore I looked at the different care level Institute, as well as the interaction with the of the people in need that are taken in at the service assistant. nursing home. Since overall carelevel 4 and 5 need the most attention and care of an actual The aim of the Fraunhofer Institute is it, to nurse I set my focus on assisting carelevel 2 build a prototype by the end of 2017 to run and 3 with the service assistant because most first user tests at the “Waldhof“ nursing home of them are still able to comment on what they in Mannheim, Germany to then modify the need as well as eat and drink themselves. service assistant based on the results. Finally after habing looked at the whole cont- ext and all the possibilities of where the service assistant could possibly support the nurses and assist the inhabitants I decided to focus on the three scenarios:

14 Introduction 15 02 EXPOSÉ


Brief I contacted the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart with „Which jobs make sick?“ nurses are an average take over some tasks such as getting a glass the great interest in doing a cooperation in the of 25 days a year sick, which is the third highest of water. Overall they are more mobile than the field of robotics in the medical sector. number within all tested job fields. I, as well as elderly inhabitants in a nursing home, who can Dr. Birgit Graf, group leader of the personal and the Fraunhofer Institute, believe, that service most of the time barely walk and do need more domestic robotics group at the Fraunhofer IPA, robotic has the potential to reduce the workload. support. Stuttgart, Germany approached me with the Here we have to differentiate between different proposal to design a service assistant for inha- kinds of lightening the workload: On one hand Challenge and Motivation bitants in nursing homes to lighten the workload you can lighten the physical workload by I see a great challenge in designing a service ro- of nurses. The aim was to provide a support for saving walking ways or improving current tools bot, that is accepted by the nurses as well as the all the non-nursing activities, such as support to be more efficient and ergonomic. On the other mostly elderly inhabitants of the nursing home. during meal times, regular drinking and eating hand you can lighten the stress by saving time in Besides that I hope to manage to create positive and the delivery of other requested objects, to areas such as non-nursing tasks and therefore approval, through the design and tasks fulfilled reduce ways and save time to gain more time gaining more time for the actual nursing tasks. by the service robot, to be supported by a ma- for actual nursing tasks. I believe that today‘s and tomorrow‘s technology chine. The goal is that there will be a smooth can be a great support and therefore reduce the and easy interaction with the service assistant, Problem risk of health damage and inability to work. which is suitable for young and old. The care industry is especially affected by the Besides the benefit for today‘s employees it demographic change, both in hospitals and might even make the nursing job more attractive Relevance nursing homes: While the number of people in for young people to take the decision to take on The topic of service robotics in the care industry need of care is rising drastically, there are less a job in the care industry. is a currently very frequently discussed and by and less young people, who decide to learn a For my thesis I decided to focus on designing many approached topic. nursing job. At the same time there are a lot of a service robot which provides a support in the My research within all the bachelor theses at older nurses that are forced to go into early area of “non-care“ tasks. Besides that I will for our university has shown that there are several retirement due to the physical and mental now focus on nursing homes since there are far bachelor theses that have dealt with robotics in burden they are exposed to in their everyday less restrictions than in hospitals when it comes general. work environment. According to a study of the to hygiene and privacy. Furthermore the pa- German magazine „Spiegel“, tients in hospitals get more visitors, who can


If you take a closer look at service robotic which is supporting regular vital body checks in of the bachelor thesis is to design a service projects related to the demographic change, nursing homes. assistant to supply the inhabitants service robotics in private households or the Carolin Lorenz‘s project “Gesta“ is supporting of the nursing home with snacks, drinks or public healthcare sector you can find the follow- nurses with the rearrangement of patients in other requested items, which are to be discov- ing theses that I included in my research: nursing beds. ered in my research. I will put my main focus Andrea Buhmann and Felix Schmidtchen Sabine Scherz‘s project “Famula“ is a Home on the delivery in the common lounge. In the worked together in cooperation with KUKA Care Robot, which is supporting private people future its to presume that everything that can Laboratories GmbH and designed a mobile in their home, handing them things as well as take place in the common lounge can also take two-armed service robot for the private house- carrying and delivering objects. place in the hallways and private rooms. hold, which mainly picks up, carries and If you take a look at the worldwide industry delivers things. you will soon notice that Japan is one of the Target group Judith Holzer and Steffen Weiß with their pro- leading countries when it comes to service Targetgroup is on one hand the nurses, which ject “VIA“ took a closer look at the demographic robotics with projects like “PARO“ or “Robear“. will be supported by the service assistant and change and autonomous food delivery to villa- In Germany you can find several studies but on the other hand the inhabitants of the nursing ges and small communities. not many that actually come into action. This home, who the service assistant will mainly Feyyaz Cakir with his project “Elevon“ has also is not due to the lack of technical knowledge or interact with and serve. done a cooperation with the same department technology but mainly put down to the lack of in the Fraunhofer institute as me withing the acceptance in our society compared to Japan Realization and Presentation same field but he put his focus on lightening for example. In Germany its mainly KUKA and Based on an analysis of the started problems, the workload by helping to lift people in and out the Fraunhofer Institute thats seriously trying the defined place, where it is supposed to take of the bed. to approach this industry. The purpose of my place and the target group I want to decide to Jonas Setzkorn has worked on an assistance thesis is to address the problem of staff over- focus on the realization of 2-3 scenarios at the robot for demented people to support them in strain and shortage by creating an effective end, which will be part of a bigger concept. Due everyday as well as in emergency situtations. support in activities which do not require per- to the complexity of the final concept I want to This project arose in a cooperation with the sonal supervision or nursing know-how, so that show the form of the service assistant in a scaled Fraunhofer‘s Instistute IPA in Stuttgart as well. the nurses have more time for the actual and physical model. Function and interaction in Florian Schäfer project “Vitacare“ is a robot, very responsible care activities. The objective context will be visualized digitally or printed.


Initial Timetable March April May June July

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Mid- Final Research Presentation Presentation

Concept Exhibition




Actual Timetable March April May June July

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Mid- Final Research Presentation Presentation

Concept Exhibition





The Cooperation Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing The Fraunhofer Institute was chosen as a Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart implemented in innovative service as well as consumer-robots for new, different areas. cooperation partner because the goal was not Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing industrial robots and intelligent machines. Another very popular area to have service robot just to design a robot but to create something Engineering and Automation (IPA) is just one of They already have around 40 years of experi- supporting people is the healthcare industry. that would actually work and was not just the institutes that are located in Germany. ence in robotics and automation. They work in Service robots are used to support old, a concept. The goal was to work closely They do research in fields like environment, multidisciplinary teams, have a unique net- disabled or sick people, and others in need. together with a department, that has years of health, safety, mobility, communication and work, and an extensive know-how as well as The biggest wish of those people is to stay experience in the field of service robotic as well energy. The Fraunhofer IPA - one of the well-equipped laboratories and workshops. All as independent as possible, stay in their own as exchange ideas with the engineers of the largest institutes of the Fraunhofer Institute of this together makes it possible for them to home and not having to live in some nursing department on a regular base. was founded in 1959 and currently employs provide the following range of services: facility. But service robots are not just for around 1.000 people. In the Institute you can Optimization of existing systems, system those people in need but also for those that are The Fraunhofer Institute, all over Germany find 14 departments, which are devided into six design, feasibility studies, simulation of robot taking care of them. In the care industry there is The Fraunhofer Institute is a big research insti- business segments: machine and plant const- systems, development of prototypes, compo- a great lack of staff which results in overbur- tute working closely together with businesses ruction, automotive, electronics and microsys- nents, material flow simulation, creation of spe- dened staff and lower quality of care.Those as well as with the government. They are the tem technology, energy, medicine and biotech- cifications and surveying of robots and plants. employees can be supported in different areas leading organization for applied research in the nology as well as the process industry. With this such as physical tasks and as services. The whole of Europe. Overall they have 69 research structure, they support their business partners Household and Assistance Robotic goal is to make tasks more efficient, ergono- facilities and institutes all over Germany. to improve their market position and accom- Department, Stuttgart mic, less time consuming and less of a phy- Currently they employ over 24.500 people. pany their entry into new application areas. Part of the “Robotic and Assistance System sical burden to rise the quality of work and They have many international collaborations Department“ is the “Personal and domestic therefore have a positive effect on the worker with excellent research partners and innovative The Robotic and Assistance System robotics group“. The group is mainly focussing itself as well as the people they are working companies worldwide, who provide direct Department, Stuttgart on service robots, which are appearing more with. access to the most important present and One part of the six business segments is the and more in our every day life. Most of us are future scientific and economic areas. robotic and assistance system department at familiar with lawn-mowers, vacuum cleaners, Contract partners and clients of the Fraunhofer the Fraunhofer IPA institute. They are mainly window or pool cleaners, which are the most Institute are for example industrial or service working on designing robots and automation common known and bought assisting companies as well has the public hand. solutions for industrial applications and services. products. But there is more to come, there is Key technologies are developed and a rising number of companies developing new


Problem Results Scenario 1 The problem the WiMi Care project is based on people to develop suitable scenarios for the The scenario was highly accepted by the is the demographic change. We face a conti- service robot to support and accompany the elderly. In the first user test round they mostly nuously improving medical treatment, longer nurses and elderly. Care-O-bot® 3 was the took the glass off the tray but they did not drink lifetimes and higher expectations on the quali- prototype the Fraunhofer Institute tested the water. In the second user test round the ty of life. At the same time the problem is that the first scenarios with. Two Scenarios were voice command was improved in order for the we are facing a low birth rate. Those facts in interesting for my thesis: service robot to motivate the elderly to drink, combination are a big challenge for our society.. Scenario 1 was “Handing out drinks“ and which convinced them more and made them The economist sees a big chance to integrate Scenario 2 was to “Entertain the elderly“. drink the water offered to them. Improvement microsystem technology systems to decrease In fact there are a few experiences with similar needed: Better interaction between the elderly those problems. Those systems could help to usability aspects but looking specifically into people and the service robot, better and easier integrate the elderly generation better by increa- the field of micro system technology in the usability and more safety when it comes to sing their independence and at the same time healthcare industry one realizes that this is a critical fields like the manipulation tasks. the nursing staffs overload could be decreased rather new field with little information. Results Scenario 2 by supporting them with a service robot. Since The entertainment scenario was very much all this technology is very new we are still facing Scenario 1 liked by the elderly even though many did not numerous problems and needs. We need a bet- In Scenario 1, where the service robot had understand some rules of the games. They ter network between researchers, development, the task to deliver drinks the robot drove to liked that something was moving on the screen. production and sales. Besides that there are no a water dispenser, filled the glass with water Overall improvement needed until next user test: norms yet to standardize service robots. Key and delivered it to people, who did not drink 1) Development and decrease of complexity, for the upcoming years is to work closely with enough that specific day. The elderly were better usability and easier steering, beside the anyone involved such as seniors and their recognized through facial recognition and the decease of the purchase price and the main- relatives, the nureses as well as the head of the consumed amount of water was saved in a tenance costs in order to make service robots nurses homes. data bank. more interesting for nursing facilities. Scenario 2 2) Increasing reliability and robustness, and less Aim of the Study The second scenario, was to entertain the mistakes occuring The aim of the WiMi Care Project was to work elderly people through a touchscreen which 3) Development of a business concept for the closely together with the nurses and elderly was installed at the arm of the Care-O-bot® 3. use and the maintenance of the service robot.

26 The Cooperation 27 Facial Recognition

Built Touch Screen CARE-O-BOT® 4 FEATURES Integrated high-quality Microphone and Sensor ring with Speakers kinect Camera Care-O-bot® 4 Single, rotatable low- Care-O-bot® 4 is the successor of Care-O-bot® 3, You can choose the modules based upon your cost 3D sensor which acts as a mobile robot assistant to support requirements. If you do not put a module on top humans in their every day life. It can be used in of the base you can use it as a transportation several fields such as: platform, if you choose the most complex version Torso Flexible 7 axes Arm Home Care-O-bot® 4 can turn into a gentlemen with two You can use Care-O-bot® 4 as a household arms. Integrated 3D Sensors assistant, supporting you with tasks such as for complete sensor Emergency Button delivery of food and drink. Besides that it can assist Agility coverage of the space you with cooking and cleaning tasks. Care-O-bot® 4 is equipped with two spherical in front of the robot, joints which provide up to 21 degrees of freedom supports collision-free Service and an exceptional workspace. To perfectly fulfill navigation and Care-O-bot® 4 can for example be used in: every task and ensure safety the robot is covered manipulation Spherical Joint The healthcare sector to support patients and staff, with sensors from head to toe. Care-O-bot® 4 Maximized workspace the food industry to deliver orders in restaurants, has spherical joints, that allow a roll-pitch-yaw with free movement the hotel industry to provide reception and room movement of torso and head. All these elements around all rotational axes service as well as in the entertainment industry. empower the robot to perform a wide range of body gestures, movements and tasks. Gripper Industry Fully programmable Care-O-bot® 4 can also be attractive for the Interaction RGB-LED Ring industry and fulfill tasks in manufacturing industry Care-O-bot® 4 is equipped with a multi-modal like shelf-picking, commissioning, loading and user input, which includes a touch screen, micro- Omnidirectional unloading machines. phones, and speakers. It has several cameras, can Kinematics recognize faces, gestures and therefore enables Free movements in all Floor Scanner Modularity human robot interaction solutions. The state, directions, moving for- Care-O-bot® 4 is a modular system it consists current actions or signals can be shown through wards, backwards as of 6 independent and configurable plug & play LEDs, text-to-speech, sound body gestures and well as sideways and modules. laser pointer. turning on the spot


In the Hospital as a medical Service Assistant

At Home as an everyday Task Assistant

In the Kitchen as a Cooking Assistant At home assisting with everyday tasks


The three Key Areas Scenario 2 - “The Multifunctional Person Lifter“ There are three key areas of the project Fraunhofer institute partnered up with the The two key elements were of interest were, The nurses can call the lifter and it travels series „SeRoDi“ that the Fraunhofer Institute nursing homes and hospitals in Mannheim to the nursing quality and productivity, as well autonomously to the place where it is needed and all its project partners want to analyse. test their first prototypes. After the user tests as usability to create new interactive service to then support them with physical tasks the results were analyzed, the prototypes scenarios. 1) Technological development based on the optimized and tested again. such as respositioning people with mobility requirements of the nursing practice. The Three Scenarios issues. A facial recognition feature is integrated 2) Investigation of the living conditions: Investigation of the Living Conditions: The project series includes three different in the lifter to identiry the patient and under- Acceptance of technology and working application scenarios: stand their needs. It can help by lifting and conditions Acceptance of Technology and Working turning the residents, as well as transporting 3) Analysis and design of the service processes Conditions Scenario 1 - “Intelligent Care Cart“ them in a sitting or lying position. in the nursing field Together with the many parties within the The “Intelligent Care Cart“ supports nurses hospital this new technology was tested and during the most important tasks in their Scenario 3 - “Service Assistance“ With these key areas in mind the project analyzed. The factors which were anaylze shift. It drives autonomously, follows the The „Service Assistant“ is a service robot, team created three scenarios: were the work environment, the work load nurse during their work and provides them which has the ability to perform regular 1) The “Intelligent Care Cart“ as well as the the target areas to gain a better with care products. Beside handing out the non-nursing tasks as well as respond to 2) The “Multifunctional Person Lifter“ understanding of the gaps in the system supplies it also tracks the inventory. Another residents individual requests. Its purpose is 3) The “Service Assistant“, which I have been where the staff needed more assistance. great feature is that the nurses also have the to ease the nurses workload and at the same working on during my thesis. The focus was simple usability for the staff, possibility to directly record their performed time increase the quality of life and indepen- the acceptance of technology of both young care activities on the screen of the service dence of the residents. Technological Development based on the and old residents as well as patients, always robot. The plan for the future is that the The first prototypes will be run in the common Requirements of Nursing Practice keeping the main aim in mind, to raise the Intelligent Care Cart will be part of an auto- lounge, with the task of supplying drinks, The aim was to create a different solution for quality of nursing. mated central warehouse, which electroni- snacks and meals. a service robots that would be implemented cally monitors inventories and reorders them in a stationary nursing homes. If possible, the Analysis and Design of the Service Proces- if necessary. project team wanted to make use of already ses in the Nursing Field existing products to create systems which The main focus here was to look at where aid in nursing. For this reason the the service robots could support the nurses.



Intelligent Care Cart Prototype I

The Multifunctional Person Lifter

34 The Cooperation The Base of “Care-O-bot® 4“


Aim Technology Height Tasks of the thesis was to create a new The prototype to be built is planned to be is only meant to be loaded and hand things There are no restrictions in height so far. This service robot, which so far has been decribed based on the technology of the “Care-O- over through linear movements. should, therefore, be tested within the frame- as the “Service Assistant“ within the context bot® 4“. This means, that my task was to A highly functional arm, that has multiple work of the thesis. of the “SeRoDi“ project series. design a new service robot that could be run degrees of freedom for different kinds of In the first meeting Dr. Birgit Graf and the with the already exisiting base of the “Care- movements would be too expensive and Interaction thesis‘ supervisor Simon Baumgarten gave O-bot® 4“. dangerous at this moment, because so far The service assistant is supposed to be a short introduction to the topic, previous The base starts at the bottom with a roun- there are no sensors and cameras that are equipped with a multi-modal user input, related projects and their expectations of the ded off triangle with 700 mm at its widest watching the arm‘s movement well enough which includes a touch screen, micropho- thesis work. diameter and forms a circle with a diameter to guarantee 100% security for people inter- nes, and speakers. It should have several They gave me the hint to look into how of 500mm at a height of 332 mm. acting or surrounding the service assistant. cameras and sensorsto be able to recognize nurses in nursing homes could be supported Beside the height of the base there is need In the future and for the second prototype, faces, gestures and therefore offer human by a service robot with non-nursing tasks of another 50 mm to be able to reach when technology improves and gets less robot interaction solutions. The status, such as the delivery of drinks, snacks, vases, the display installed within the base to turn expensive one arm will be part of the “Service current actions or signals can be shown magazines or other items that had yet to be on the device. The display is based in the Assistant to make actions like loading and through LEDs, text-to-speech, sound body discovered and defined over the time of the bottom since the “Care-O-bot® 4“ base is handing over easier as well as performing gestures and laser pointer. thesis. modular and can be used with different top tasks such as picking up, guiding people to Which type of the “Service Assistant“ the Tasks such as handing drinks to residents modules. places or reaching low or high areas. residents or nurses will request the “Service had already been tested in the context of the The user testing of the service assistant in Assistant“ is yet to be defined. “WiMi-Care“ project. practice will take place in several interactive Site of Operation. The goal of the Fraunhofer Institute is, to rounds, to each time optimize the prototype The first user tests will only be run inthe build a prototype of the “Service Assistant“ by until it is ready for final production. common lounges of nursing homes. In the the end of 2017 to run first user tests based future it is assumed that all the scenarios on our, i.e. the Fraunhofer IPA Institute’s and Arm that work out in the common lounge are also my own developed scenarios. The first round of user tests will be run with possible to be run in the hallways as well as prototype number one, which I am involved in the rooms of the residents. There will also in with the design. This first prototype is not be tests in the future whether the service supposed to have an arm yet and therefore assistant could be suitable for hospitals, too.

36 The Cooperation 37 03 RESEARCH


Robots are machines or mechanical devices, The term “robot“ has its origin from the inspired by the human body and its skills Czech word “robota“, which means forced to take over or support humans with mecha- labor. In 1920 there were two brothers nical tasks on command. They can either be named Josef and Karel Čapek, Josef, a writer, stationary or mobile and are steered through wrote a theatre play called “R.U.R.“, which had computer programs. Some work completely human-like creatures appearing in it, whose autonomously, others still need support from tasks it was to fulfil work for humans. When humans to run perfectly. his brother saw the creatures he first called Mel Siegel who wrote the article “What is them “labori“. Later on Josef called them the definition of a robot?“ and his team say “robot“ and therefore was one of the first to robots are machines that can “...sense, think, coin the word “robot“. act and communicate“.

Robotics is an interplay between mechanics, bioengineering, nanotechnology, computer science, artificial intelligence and electronics; all those fields play a key role in creating a robot.

According to the Robotic Industries Associ- ation „a robot is a reprogrammable, multi- functional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks“


Different robot kinds Playback Robots Humanoid robots Detecting robots There are different ways of defining and are robots to which a user is showing a cer- are highly complex machines, the construc- are for example used in areas after a natu- grouping different types of robots. If you look tain movement which will be recognized, tion of which is inspired by the human form. ral or chemical catastrophy has happened up the term “robot“ online or in the literature repeated and saved into the program. After to detect and analyze places that are too you will realize that it describes a wide variety saving the movement it can be repeated in- Cognitive robots are robots with an intel- dangerous for people to enter. of machines that can be divided in many dividually. ligent behaviour, by providing them with a different categories. processing architecture that allows them to Medical robots are used in different areas Numerical Control Robots work similar to learn how to behave and response in a com- of the healthcare sector such as diagnostics, During my research I found the following NC-steered machines. They move according plex environment. nursing, and during surgeries. definition by JARA - The Japanese Robot to the operation and input of numbers through Association, which is differentiating robots buttons, keyboards or carriers. Walking robots are robots with one or more Toy robots are robots produced as toys for kids by the their features: legs that can walk, run or jump. and adults. They are not only relevant for fun Manual Manipulators are devices that do Intelligent Robots It is the field of the most activities but also as a cheap form of a stan- not run themselves since they do not have a independent robots. They have many different Portal robots are an efficient variant for the dard platform for researchers and teachers. program. They need to be lead and directed sensors and can therefore adjust and adapt their automation of production processes. Due to by the user. own programming process according to the the loading from above the access to the ma- Transportation robots are platforms used to change of tools or the changing environment. chine remains. This is particularly important for transport things between warehouses or from Fixed Sequence Robots are robots that run setup procedures and monitoring activities. warehouse to household. repeatedly on a constant moving pattern. Beside the Definition by JARA you can also sub- Changing this pattern can turn out to be quite divide and define robots by their construction: Robots can also be defined by their purpose: Last but not least Industrial and Service difficult. Personal robots are robots that can both Robots are defined more detailed on the Autonomous mobile robots can move and act interfere with their environment as well as following pages. Variable Sequence Robots are similar to the autonomously in their environment. with people and communicate as well as previously described fixed sequence robot interact with networks. They are based on except that you can change the moving pat- Beam is a certain type of robot that primarily a mechatronic system with one or more tern quickly and without any problems. uses analogue circuits to copy the behavior of microcomputers and are steered and used a natural organism. BEAM stands for Biology, by an individual person. Electronics, Aesthetics and Mechanics


Kuka and IBM



Definition In 1990 the Union of German Engineers A few application examples for industrial ro- (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) published bots are jobs like arc welding, material hand- guidlines for assembly and handling techno- ling and assembly applications. logy so called (Guideline 2860). Following is They can be grouped and defined by different the abstract, which describes the term for features such as number of axes, speed, industrial robots. “Industrial robots are univer- structure type, payload capability and size of sally applicable multi-axis motion machines, work envelope. whose movements, regarding movement sequence and paths or angles, are freely programmable (i.e., without mechanical or human intervention) and possibly sensor- guided. They can be equipped with grippers, tools or other production equipment and can carry out handling and / or production tasks“.

Application Areas Industrial robots play a huge role in the future of the manufacturing industry. They are designed to move materials, parts and tools as well as perform a variety of program- med tasks. Industrial robots are probably the most developed ones in the field of robotics and are therefore often used to perform duties that require a high output and no errors. A lot of times they are used to perform duties that are too dangerous and therefore unsuitable for human workers.





48 Research 49 35 million Service Robots predicted to be sold by 2018 SERVICE ROBOTICS DEFINITION AND STATISTICS

Service robots Service robots are robots that support humans be domestic robots for private customers to ween female and male humanoid robots. The by providing services. support them with tasks such as vacuum female versions of humanoid robots are cal- According to the International Federation of cleaning, mowing the lawn or cleaning the led Gynoids. Generally talking about humanoid Robotics (IFR) Service robots are in an echo of windows. Another 9 million will be service robots, they are inspired by the features of the the ISO norm 8373:2012 defined as follows: robots for the entertainment and leisure sector. human body. As soon as those robots are also “A service robot is a robot which operates semior Beside the huge increase in the private sector inspired by the action of a human they are cal- fully autonomously to perform services useful the market for robots in the professional use is led Androids. to the well-being of humans and equipment, booming as well. The biggest markets expec- excluding manufacturing operations.” It is to be ted are sectors such as logistics, defence and Android Robots differentiated between personal/privat service agriculture. It is to be estimated that there will Androids are mainly known from science robots and professional service robots. be over 150,000 units sold by 2018. fiction movies but the past few years there Many parts of the world still struggle with low have also been a few companies that designed acceptance of using service robots but in Humanoid Robots the first realistic and functional android robots. Japan, however, they are somehwhat beco- Humanoid robots are highly complex service Asia and the United States have been the ming part of peoples everyday life. In Europe robots that are based on the human body in leading countries in developing and testing the most popular and well known service their overall appearance. If you take a look at androids. Robotics pioneer Ishiguro for example robots are vacuum-cleaning or lawn-mowing them you will soon notice that you can believes humanoid robots could replace humans robots. In the US they are even more popular presume that the majority of humanoide in various public roles; but many people are than in Europe and can be found in over one robots have a torso with a head, two arms and rather scared of this thought and hope that this million housholds. two legs. Many of them can walk, but not every will never be the case. The IFR (International Federation of Robotics) robot of such kind has all these features at a made a study called “World Robotics 2015“ on time. Some might only have all the features the predicted development of global sales of from the waist up and the rest of their “body“ service robots for private as well as professi- is more or less abstracted. It varies on how onal use by 2018. Service robots for personal detailed they are designed; they might have and domestic use are estimated to grow up to some sort of “face“ with one or more “eyes“ and around 35 million units. 25 million of those will a “mouth“. You also have to differentiate bet

50 Research 51 42 mio. Units of Service Robots to be sold for Personal Use between 2016 and 2019 SERVICE ROBOTS FOR PERSONAL AND DOMESTIC USE

Service robots for private use Health, Nursing and Monitoring Service robots can be separated into privately as well as reminds you to take your pills. Last but not least a very helpful and growing used robots and those for professional use. Here “Kuri“ the loyal little home robot with a cheer- market is the private use of service robots are a few examples of fields where robots are set ful personality keeping track of things around in the health sector. If you are looking at up to support private people. your house and for example notifies you when the background, the demographic change, The most popular sectors are the household something unsual appears. with an eye on the ageing population, many and the assistance sector. houshold and the “Zenbo“ can move around and assist you in your countries have taken the initiative to do more assistance sector. home. It can take photos, videos or make skype research projects on service robots assis- calls. It can remind, entertain, answer questions, ting elderly and disabled. Those robots can Household - Indoor and Outdoor connect and control all your smart home help seniors or other people in need to stay In the household service robots are often used to devices and much more. longer in their home without having to move assist with cleaning tasks such as: into any facilities. They can deliver and carry vacuum cleaner robots, window cleaner robots Cooking items for you, remind you to take your medi- or for the outdoor use the lawnmower robots. “Mykie“- Bosch‘s little robotic elf that assists you cine or remember your doctor‘s appointment Popular companies developing and producing in the kitchen. as well as track your well being or make a those service robots are Electrolux, Siemens, skype call with your loved ones to make sure Kärcher, Bosch and Honda or Husqvarna. Education everyone is doing okay. In 2014 around 4,416 Service robotics can also be used to educate units of those kind of service assistants have Fun, Entertainment and Assistance kids. One example is the kickstarter project been sold. It is a growing and very relevant For the last few years the market for service robots “Vortex“; it is a small robot, which kids can trend we will probably see more of in the that entertain and assist the whole family has been program themselves. They can learn program- years to come. growing a lot. Some popular examples are: ming due to a high abstraction of complicated “Jibo“ a cute little family robot. Every experience actions and a good visualization of the process. teaches Jibo something new: he keeps learning. The app teaches kids programming without any He can recognize faces and the voices of close coding. The children can also learn more about family and friends. He can snap a picture, tell robotics and play with it by steering it around the jokes or play games. “Pillo“ a little table robot who house using the app and play various games on takes care of your fitness and tracks your health their or tablet.



Vortex on Kickstarter

Mykie by BOSCH

54 Research 55 Prediction for the Years 2016-2019: About 333,200 new Service Robots for Professional Use installed SERVICE ROBOTS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE

Service robotic for professional use is one of An increase was found in the exoskeleton has therefore not really been a safe option. the most relevant sectors for this thesis since market, which had a growth of 80%. Those But Gordon Cheng, a professor at the Technical the result of my thesis will be part of this field. exoskeletons were initially developed for University in Munich, has been working on According to the executive summary of the military use but further research has been a sensitive skin for robots, which will enable “World Robotics 2016 Service Robots“ done and a growing market is the field of close contract between humans and robots. over 24,200 units of service robots for profes- rehabilitation or assistance of people with This tactile surface can also be used for sional applications were sold in 2014. Almost restricted mobility. other purposes such as for the exoskeletons, half of this amount is attributable to defence But one thing need to be take into conside- to give the person in the skeleton feedback. system robots such as unmanned air ration. Service robots for professional use Considering the demographic change it is systems which are the biggest field of defence might be used for the industry but they have assumed, that service robots for professio- systems. Another very big sector with around different requirements than industrial robots. nal use in the healthcare sector will be a fast 25% of all orders is the agriculture. They are They are very different in terms of their growing field. Looking back at the numbers taking over tasks like field work or milking specification, how they support, what tasks and the drop of sales figures in the medical cows. Beside those sectors a very successful they take over and how they are integrated field from 2013 to 2014 it is clear that the one is logistic systems, they have had a rate of into the overall system. Looking at traditio- price has to drop and the safety has to growth of 27% compared to the previous year. nal industrial robots you will notice that improve. A little over 90% of these are automatically their tasks are mainly in a really structured But since technology is continuously getting guided vehicles bought for the manufacturing environment and they collaborate directly cheaper and better, the field of service robotics sector. One field dropped in their sales rates with the human. They have features such for professional use looks really promising. from 2013 to 2014: the medical field. This is as stopping when someone comes close for probably due to the high price of one million safety reasons and they interact with people. US dollars that one of those robots would cost They are subjected to more rules since they a hospital. To increase those numbers manu- are working closely with humans and should facturers are working on some business in no circumstances harm them in any way. models to help hospitals finance or lease So far installing an arm onto a service robot models instead of buying them. has brought many safety issues with it and



Care - O - Bot 4 by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA



Service robots in professional healthcare Service robots in the healthcare sector have perform is very straining for their body, others up to 1,35 Mio. until 2050, which is impos- to be divided into different fields, those that are just very time and way consuming. sible, even if there is an increasing number are established in hospitals, those for nusing Robots such as the da vinci robot. Its a surgical of immigrants working in the nursing sector. tasks in nursing homes and those in private assistance robot that improves the work of a Nursing staff is not only low paid, but is also homes for disabled or elderly people. surgeon. The doctor does not have to stand a big physical burden due to the shift work; Medicial service robots describe a wide range at the operating table himself anymore illnesses occur such as back injuries caused of different kind of robots. instead he can sit and interact with the con- by heavy lifting or burn-out due to the A few examples are: sole that steers the robotsarms. The da vinci psychological strain. Those ahrd facts lead robot also improves surgery. It is not neces- to many sick days as well as inability to work. Service robots in laboratories sary anymore to widely cut open the patients’ Acoording to the OECD there are only 11 Simple laboratory automization robots that abdomen during surgery. Instead there are nurses for 100 patients over 80 years. Here take care of many parallel running laboratory only very small incisions needed. service robots in the healthcare sector tests. This is a tasks that needs to be very Besides complex tasks service robots can become involved to close the gap between precise and fast. These robots have the also take over more simple tasks that safe the growing elderly population and the rela- tireless abilities, which makes them in a way time and ways for the hospital or nursing tively low number of nurses employed. The more efficient than humans. staff. The robots can have reminding, delivering, service robots can remind the patients to guiding and other assisting functions. take medication, can offer drinks or support Service robots in hospitals as a intelligent prosthesis. They can increa- Service robots also support with the treat- Service robots in nursing homes se the indepencence and the lifequality of ment of cancer patients. Here they for example A trend is to establish service robots for disa- elderly and at the same time support and help with the tumor radiotherapy session bled and elderly people in need. take away the workload of the nurses. The and allow perfect patient positioning, which Looking at the demographic change there are goal is not to replace the nursing staff but to decreases the treatment time. more and more service robots to be found support them with physically straining tasks Service robots in hospitals are also establis- in the nursing sector, because the relatives such as lifting patients as well as take over hed to support nurses and doctors with simple and the currently employed nurses will not non-nursing tasks to create more time for common routines as well as complex tasks. manage the workload alone. The number of the actual nursing. A lot of the tasks that the hospital staff has to employed nurses would have to rise

60 Research 61 “I see potential on those technologies that increase the independence and mobility of the people in need.“[1] SERVICE ROBOTS IN NURSING HOMES A FUTURE SCENARIO

Many researchers or others involved in the then document to who it has been handed is one of the most time consuming tasks. time occuring deviations and oberservations nursing field are trying to predict and draw out to and to animate the person to drink Since there is not much time for the individual will be documented in detail. futures scenarios on what service robots or eat. The next step would be that it can resident eating is being rushed. The robot Looking at the lack of staff one should be will be capable of performing in the years to support the person with the drinking by could be programmed to move at an indivi- happy about this development and establish- come. Several scenarios are rather critical directing the glas to their mouth. Technology dual speed that avoids rushing and pressing ment of service robots in nursing homes. and try to warn people. Others are trying to is not as advanced yet but a straw in the glas the patient to eat faster. Besides the move- However, we have to decide and define where realistically look at the current development could help for a more sensitive way of assis- ment itself he can also animate to open the limits are, what is an actual support or of technology. ting the actual drinking process. the mouth, swallow or eat if he realizes the what is just unnecessary or a sign of poor Almost all scenarios try to analize the limits Researchers are working on glasses that are resident is not moving. nursing due to a lack of human interaction. of automization by still keeping up the neces- equipped with sensors that can measure No matter if its while eating, drinking or The autor also warns of a loss of culture if we sary human factors such as the regular and the amount that has been drunk. The exact other supporting tasks, the robot can always should ever come as far as having a serial sur- very important close interaction between amount will be documented in connection simultaneously document everything and veillance, serial care or satisfaction of the basic humans. with the profile of the resident and compared share it with the staff as well as other invol- needs only of the residents and their body. The aim is to strive for support at the right with the amount prescribed by the doctor. ved parties that should have access to the It is to agree that our society has to be very place and the right time and gain of more Derived from this documentation the robot data. This part of the support sounds very careful and needs to find the right amount, independence, self-determination and quality knows how many times a day he has to promising to most of the nurses since all the time and tasks to support humans with, of life. remind and hand out a drink. paperwork and bureaucracy is taking up a lot without losing the very important human But where are the limits? Besides handing out drinks the robots will of time thats missing for the actual nursing. interaction and shelter that a robot will never Adelheid von Stösser and professors from also help to consume food. It will start with If all this so far manly manual process could be able to give the same way. the University of Bremen, Germany descri- the more independent residents who are still be automized at the same time as suppor- bed possible scenarios. willing and able to open their mouth and know ting with another tasks this would be like Lets take a look at the scenarios that are when to swallow. Later on in the future he hitting two birds with one stone. related to the ingestion of food and drinks. will take on supporting food consumtion with To put it in a nutshell: In the near future ser- Adelheid von Stösser calles her scenario: The those, who have an increased need of vice robots will register, measure and in- way to a fully automized nursing. support with eating, also those that are much dividually assign everything to a resident‘s Right now technology has come so far that slower. Here a service robot can actually have profile. The amout and times of eating, drin- a service robot can hand a drink or snack, a positive effect because food consumption king and even excretion and all at the same




Care-O-Bot 3 by the Fraunhofer Institute IPA


Uncanny Valley The Uncanny Valley describes an effect on how robots should not look like if they want to inspire sympathy with their users. User tests and interviews have shown, that many people are repulsed and disturbed by automations, which try to mimic humans as closely as possible. As soon as something looks similar to a human being people re- spond with a more positive feelings. The less anthropomorphized an object, the less empathy. What does that mean for us as designers? Engineers in the robotic industry are beginning to create robots that appro- ximate human behavior so closely that the mind interprets the robot in human terms. This does not necessarly mean that the robots needs a human-like face if it already acts as such. The reaction of peopl interac- ting with human-like robots causes unsettling feelings that border on anxiety or revulsion. The moment when a robot inspires such emotions, it is said to have fallen into the Uncanny Valley.


Savioke One by Relay - Has storage to transport and deliver sth.

When first approaching the topic the abilities of other service robots in the professional industry was analyzed. It was soon to realized that technology is still quite big and most concepts or products focus on only one or two main abilities. Here some examples: The Human Service Robot created by Toyota has one arm to pick up and hand things as its main function. Another company called Relay designed the service robot Savioke One which is mainly established in hotels. The robot‘s main func- tion is storage; it delivers drinks and snacks. Kuka Robotics created a service robot called Emma, which has “shoulder/ arm like“ areas The Human Service Robot by Toyota - Has a multiple axis arm to pick up and hand things where one can hook something on and transport things in boxes. RP-Vita has two displays, which make a communication and interaction between doctor and patient more efficient. As technology gets smaller and cheaper one can expect more combinations of features, than only one main feature, each.

68 Research RP-Vita - Has displays, for better communication between doctor and patient AUTONOMY AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF ROBOTICS

Autonomy Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving According to Dietrich Dörner there are several Artificial Intelligence, short AI, is one of the In order to solve a problem the machine has to the same or a similar situation. Computers are grades of autonomy. (Comparison. Dietrich most exciting fields in robotics. AI in robotics analyze its surrounding first and collect factos not as fas as that they can absorb any kind of Dörner in Christaller, 2003, Pp. 112 seqq): is a highly relevant and frequently studied and about the situation is facing. This happens th- information like a human being; they are still discussed topic. Everyone knows and agrees rough sensors or human input. very slow and limited in action. 1. If a system is taking not only the imme- that robots are able to work in the industry in an To start solving the problem one finds that it Another way of learning is to repeat what they diate benefit into consideration but also the assembly line but its not clear whether a robot is all based upon the comparison of new and see e.g. human actions. Japanese researchers secondary and future effects, before deciding can ever be intelligent and learn things. old data and results in possibilities on how have developed a robot that can mimick the on a particular behavior, it is defined to be more Defining artificial intelligence is just as hard as to act. Besides that the computer is trying to dancemoves of a person. autonomous than a system, thats only deci- defining the term of a robot, where does it start predict the most successful action based on ding on t its immediate benefit, because it takes and where are the limits. The ideal AI would be the collected data. So far the computer can Social Interaction benefit as well as damage into consideration. if one could create a machine thats recreating only solve problems it is programmed to solve. And last but not least there is social interaction. the human thought process, and our intellectual It will take a long time until this will change to The M.I.T created the robot „Kismet“ in their 2. A planning system, which only checks in abilities. generalized analytical abilities. One very com- Artificial Intelligence lab. It can regonize voice case there is no target oriented behaviors and These abilities would include the ability to mon example of a problem solving AI computer is and body language and respond accordingly to which can combine its known behaviour differ- speak and use language, to learn and reason a chess computer, which can compete against that. This robot is one of the first big steps and ently in order to get a new target oriented about things and even formulate original ideas. humans. is the basis for human-like learning systems. behavior is an autonomous system, which only So far there is no robot that can accomplish all To put it in a nutshell: there is a lot happening improvises and tries different things. these abilities and none of them really manages to Learning right now in the development of AI computing recreate the human look and thinking process, A rather new ability of robots is, that they also and more and more intelligent robots are being 3. A system, which includes its current success a fact which makes most concepts appear have te ability to learn, although in a very limi- created and we can expect a continuous into its behavioral decisions, and therefore uses unnatural. But nevertheless the last few years ted capacity only. The robots can recognize improvement in the years to come. great oportunities and possibly even interrupts there has been a lot of progress in developing if certain actions can lead to a desired result. actions if in that certain moment they cannot a limited AI. Today‘s AI robots are capable of An example would be its moving an arm in a expect success. This system takes more con- replicating some specific elements of intellec- certain way and check if it is managing to move ditions into consideration than a system which tual ability. You can split the abilities of an AI an object into a desired direction. The system is only making decisions based on benefit or machine into different areas such as problem saves its success and failures to make sure it damage. solving, learning or social interaction. knows what not to do and what to do if it faces


Soft Skills The three Laws are as follows: Considering that some people predict that 1) A robot is not supposed to harm a human an estimated 30% of the workforce in Europe being or allow that the human is being inflic- will be replaced within the next 20 years we ted by the robots inactivity. have to take a closer look at the integration of robots in our society and the way they are 2) The robot should listen to the humans or- interacting with humans. ders, which would automaticalle mean he Service robots are starting to interact would violate against the first law. closer and closer with human than ever before. They assist you, they document things for 3) A robot has to protect his own existence, you, they answer questions, they remind you as long as it is not violating against the first or to do things, serve food and drinks as well as second law. many other tasks. Just like humans robots need limits and laws Later on Issac Asimov extended the laws by for the way of their interaction in our society. another one, the nilth law, in his story „The One of the people who analyzed the interacti- galactic empire“ which is as follows: A robot on of robots with humans was Isaac Asimov is not allowed to harm the human race or a biochemist who stopped teaching at the allow by his inactivity that the human race is Boston university after 10 years to become harmed. This „last“ law is always supposed an author. to be superior to the other laws. In one of his short stories entitled „runaround“ he mentioned three robot laws that should be taken into consideration for the living together of humans with robots.


The demographic change has a large impact less and less young people decide to become perspectives. This could be done by emphasi- on the development in the nursing industry. a nurse, which is also to be put down to the zing the meaningful responsibility, challenges Due to constantly increasing life expectancy way the media is displaying the job. as well as the fact that it is a productive and and lower birthrates we will have more and Another fact that does not make the job very constantly growing industry with rising more elderly and less young people in our attractive is that current statistics, of which perspectives. future society. jobs make sick, you can see that nurses with Here its very important that if we manage to According to the professional association of an average of 26,7 sick days have one of the gain more young professionals for the jobs the health and welfare services and the research highest rate of all job areas taken into consi- employers also need to take better care of their Number of of the statistic federal office in 2010 the number deration. employees health and keep them motivated in Persons in Need of of people in need of nursing will rise up to 4-4,5 their job to avoid previously occurring problems. million people by 2050. The three factors: rising numbers of elderly in Another approach for the great workload and Nursing rises Right now around two third of todays elderly need of care, rising number of elderly nursing the physical burdens nurses have to bear as population is still taken care of by their own staff and lack of new, young employees will well as the shortage of staff would be to es- relatives at home but in the future we cannot lead to a lack of staff and a lower lifequality for tablish service robots. The establishment of count on this anymore. Housholds and family those in need. technical assisting system can help to reduce structures will change and the number of single There are several approaches on how to solve non-nursing tasks to therefore gain more time households is rising, as well as the number these problems. We will not be able to stop the for actually nursing tasks such as the basic of employed women working half or fulltime, demographic change and its effects but we care in the morning. Besides that the assisting which were mainly those who took care of can try to approach the different problems. systems can be used to reduce the physical their elderly relatives. One approach is to try and stop the seperate burdens such as lifting people and reduce he- All those facts and changes are leading to a forms of care such as stationary, ambulant or alth issues which could help to make the job major shift from home to professional care in homecare and start combining professional, more attractive for new employees. Creating facilities. In the future its expected that there private and voluntary care. new services and structures could help to Number of will be a need of over 600.000 employed Another approach that should be done is overcome the challenges that we will be facing nurses in the stationary care. to change the way the nursing job is being in the near future and it is also a great chance trained Nurses Looking at the currently employed nurses we displayed and start offering new attractive to create a higher lifequality and more indepen- drops can see that the age is increasing because carreer dence for the residents.


The question whether service robotics is a low. But time will tell and give us answers to all us to look at the ethical perspective of the and loving care is for them to relax and feel solution for the shortage of staff and burdens these unclear and open question. problem and says, that she sees high potential comfortable. The interpretation of this article that the nurses are facing right now is a It is definitely a long way to go and requires in technolgies that increase the independence, tells, that we should establish service robots frequently discussed and highly relevant ques- many usertests that still have to be performed mobility and lifequality of the residents rather to support with those regular tasks, where tions. Are service robots the perfect solution to to prove that service robots are a true benefit than those that safe money and replace staff. people do not have high expectations and do take over tasks and support nurses and there- for the industry and can be a helpful and effec- Many residents are craving for more indepen- not want to be so dependent on people coming fore solve problems the industry is facing right tive support. dence and the possibility to get help and support and helping or delivering something. The key now? There are still many unsolved questions without being dependent on always having to of a good care is to put human values first in that need to be answered, which is one of the Adelheid von Stösser is one of the many people call staff or relatives. One of the benefits of order to practice those values properly the staff reasons why many projects are yet only con- that looked at the question if service robots are establishing robots could be that expectations needs time and no rush. If establishing service cepts and research projects and need to be the solution for the shortage of nursing staff. on a robot are not as high as on a real person robotics into the care industry the goal should tested before actually being established in real She critically described her position and drew and could therefore lead to be less disappointed. be to create much more time for the actual life. Frequently asked questions are for example: up a provocative future scenario. In the article Robots do not find the right words or gestures, important nuring tasks such as the basic care Who will take responsibilty if the service robot that she wrote she said she wants to design a they do not know the feeling of disgust and the- in the morning. It is important, that we do not makes a mistake? future scenario which at the same time should refore do not judge the residents or their actions. aim for a similar look to the robots tasks role- Will the robots make residents angry or frus- be a warning to not end up in the development They just acomplish their tasks as program- model because this could only lead to higher trated due to their limited ability to speak? Are of an inhuman society. She looked at the so far med. But those advantages are rather deceptive expectations. We will not be able to replace the they still too complex to interact with, especially developed service robots in healthcare such because one thing the residents should not lack social and emotional connectedness a person for elderly? What if the robot is reducing social as Care-O-Bot 3 and CASERO, who are able to is the close contact with people. Therefore the feels when it is interacting with a person in real contact between residents because they start hand drinks or transport laundry and proclaims autor of the article emphasizes that service life. Looking at the future of nursing we should to only interact with the machine? that its a good start but that they have to achieve robots should only be established for tasks that ask ourselfs where the limits are and what kind How will the data collected be handeled, will it many more tasks to be of an actual support. are not part of the actual nursing where the staff of support really makes sense. Robots should be saved and analyzed and then stored long or So far there is no service robot that is a real gets in close contact with the people. She says never be a fulltime supervisors or aim to fully short term or should it be deleted? support, saves time, staff or money. Looking its really important that for example in the basic satisfy residents physical needs because that Society is still scared of the unknown and at todays fast developing technology we will care the staff touches and interacts with the would mean we are facing the end of our culture. therefore the acceptance in Germany as well as probably face completely new possibilities in residents closely. The more care a person needs in other European coutries up to now is rather the near future. Adelheit von Stösser encourages the more important a sensitive, understanding

76 Research 77 Great Benefit


The acceptance of elderly towards service who they don‘t necessarily have to interact with robots is really dependent if their desires, wishes all the time, that take over tasks such as, vacuu- and requests are fulfilled. They wish a good ming, cleaning windows or transporting things. adaption of the service robot to their environ- Nursing staff believes, that the love and care is ment and lifestyle. really important for elderly and therefore only A research study called „sentha“ shows, that routine tasks or physical heavy tasks such as the majority of the 1417 interviewed users think lifting the elderly should be supported by service The Key to that society needs a technological progress. robots. They think innovative technology is interesting A study by the government shows that 46% Acceptance as soon as it shows a great benefit for their of the questioned elderly are positive minded everyday life. towards support by robots, 40% are rather If seniors talk and think about service robots negative minded. they have certain expectation, that should be 66% of the those that are negative minded fulfilled concerning a positive interaction. think that robots are creepy and 88% are really The biggest concern is that they do not want a sceptical wether a support would actually work loss in privacy nor do they want to make a huge properly. The study also shows the older the Good effort to learn the interaction with the robot. This people the lower the acceptance. This aspect Security results in a great desire for transparency and a might change throughout a generation shift in Health very intuitive, easy interaction. For old people the next few years because those questioned its really important to keep up their everyday ri- between 65-74 years are much more convin- tuals, which means getting support by robots ced to be supported by robots than those that should not mean an adjustment in their daily are over 75 year. Another aspect thats shown in rituals. the study is that the acceptance is higher within One area that really stuck out during my rese- the male gender and within people with a higher Optimized arch was the support with simple household education. Communi- tasks. Elderly really appreciate a support with simple household tasks by autonomous robots, cation


Its also shown that people that are without a When it comes to the look if the robot should partner and therefore more alone can imagine rather look like a human or like a machine much more to be supported by a robot than researchers have mixed opinions. Some say those that still have a partner. they should look more like a human being for elderly to have a better association. Others say The study also shows that service robots are if they look like a human it seems like they are much more accepted than so called “emotional robots“ such as the therapeutic robot “Paro“ replacing a human and experctions are auto- Seniors could imagine a robot to help with tasks matically higher and to be disappointed easier. such as picking up something somewhere and Overall most results show that a robot should deliver it, pick things up from the floor that have rather look like a machine than like a human to been dropped or are lying around, get food from enable the elderly to better assess the expecta- e.g. the fridge and bring it to where they are tions in the robot. sitting or lying or a reminding function to remind If you would give a service robot a character them to fulfil tasks or take their medication. it should first of all be respectful towards the Most elderly are sceptic and prefera a robot that person he is interacting with and the persons is quietly supporting. If it is talking it needs a very private space. It should not force its way into cautious voice, more flexible reactions and they peoples privacy and be polite, inconspicious should only talk when you ask them to. and adapt to the persons lifestyle. 50% of the interviews would accept and enjoy The infographic shown on the right gives you a reminder for appointments, medication, their an idea on which support areas elderly and favorite TV series, regular eating and informal caregivers people have rated as positive drinking as well as moving. and negative (from -2 up to +2) based on the level of acceptance and respect as a support. When it comes to apperance of the robots elderly want them to seem light and they dont want them much heigher than their eye height.

80 Research 81



Robot of the Project Robot-Era in Italy

Eric the Robo-dog by the Singapore Polytechnic Team

84 Research Possibilities

MOTIVATION Challenge Curiousity

The motivation for the thesis was to contri- efficient and can fulfill much more individual bute a solution for the already existing and tasks. Those features are very much calling Motivation continuously growing problems in nursing for replacement of humans, since sometimes homes, who amongst other things are robotic is getting much cheaping than hiring caused by the demographic change. a real person. But how far should we go with It is as great challenge to use todays innovative robotics, which tasks should they be allowed and fast developing technologies to support to take over, how close do we want them to Acceptance Lifequality a generation that did not grow up with the invade in our private space? technology that society is used to today. In the nursing field robotic is mainly used to Driven by curiousity to create a support support nurses with physical activities such through robotic, that was accepted by two as lifting patients and areas such as washing user groups, the elderly, who have a much and moving them. But more and more con- Support more sceptic attitude and little trust in cepts and tests are being made with service something they have never been confronted robots, who support nurses with many more with and are mainly those that will be inter- tasks that are also leading into the direction acting with the robot and the nurses who are of robots that are socializing with elderly. being supported in their tasks by the service Many people are asking the questions if nurses robot. will be replaced by robots in the future because Robotic is becoming a bigger part in peoples they are cheaper and more efficient? everyday life and the possibilities to establish After most of the research based on articles, The main motivation was to create a support, by during the important tasks such as the basic them in different situations are continously videos and other media the decision was made establishing a service robot, that created a real care. growing and their limits are decreasing. to put the focus on areas that support nur- benefit for nurses and the elderly as well as to To accomplish all these aspects the first step Looking back in history robotics were origi- ses in regular everyday non-nursing tasks to achieve a good acceptance. was to visiting nursing homes to compare nally established to support humans with make more time for the actual nursing tasks. The most benefit was seen in accomplishing the done research in libaries and online with physically heavy tasks but today they are get- Starting by trying to imagine how the situation a better lifequality, more independence and to real life facts. ting smarter, cheaper, faster and more in nursing homes will look like in a few years. make more time for real personal interaction

86 Research 87 “I did not study to be a nurse, to then stand in the kitchen, I did it to nurse and care of people.“ - Nurse wants to stay anonymous VISIT AT THE NURSING HOME OBSERVATION AND INTERVIEWS

Visit and interviews at the nursing homes To get started there were two visits done equipped, in the second one they were just and the meal times, especially when we are of documenting everything. Besides that they at two different nursing homes. The nurses about to renovate the whole facility in the too few people or if available the service said they need more time for the actual were joined for a whole morning shift, since upcoming year and the head of the facility personal is calling in sick or not showing up at all. nursing tasks because right now they are that was supposed to be the most stressful showed great interested in new technologies rushing from one resident to another. Generally shift of all. The plan was to observe every that could be included in the new equipment Q: Which are the least favorite tasks? they would like to spend more quality time move they do to get a good picture of the and premises. A: Having to document every step we do all with the residents and rely better on service situation. It was really important to differen- day long . This becomes very time consuming personal, who is supposed to help with a few ciate between what people tell and what is Interview with the nurses due to many new restrictions in the last few non nursing tasks. Most of the nursing homes actually observed, since sometimes people Q: Why did most of the nurses learn the years. A lot of it is still done manually, which do not have any employed service personal, are not aware of every problem, or they have nursing job? means later on it has to be transfered step which means the nurses have to take over a a different views on things due to some kind A: The majority answered to have learned by step manually into the computer. All the lot of the service tasks such as preparing and of influence. It was interesting to watch all the nursing job because of the actual time they spend documenting is lost time for serving food. the parties involved in the nursing home very nursing. They want to work closely together nursing. closely to understand everyone point of view with old people, help and take care of them. Another unpleasant tasks is when we have to Q: What do the nurses think about service and their feelings. take over tasks that are supposed to be done robotic? Starting with a quiet observation without Q: What is the most important aspect about by others. One of the visited nursing homes A: The majority seems to be skeptic if its a real telling people what the goal of the observa- their job? for example is supposed to have service benefit and if the service robots will work fast tion is the most neutral way of getting the A: The most important aspect about the job personal for most of their meals but they and efficient enough. Some critizied that they perfect observation results because no one is to have time and to provide good nursing often do not show up or call in sick, which do not have the same social skills as a person is influenced yet or acting according to the and to interact closely with the elderly. But means the nurses have to take care of tasks and they were wondering if the robot would “result“ that was looked for. Everything that most of this is neglected due to a lack of staff they are not really supposed to do and there- recognize if someone was lying on the floor could not be found out by observation was and therefore a lack of time. fore loose time for the actually nursing again. for example. asked in an interview after the shift. After visitin the first nursing home another Q: What are the most stressful moments Q: Where do they see potential for impro- visit at a second facility was planned to get during the day? vement? further perspectives on things. The first A: The most stressful and busy time during A: Most of them wish to have to document nursing home was very new and well the day is the basic nursing in the morning less or at least be provided with a better way


Interview with the mostly Elderly Residents Talking to the elderly people was not as easy meal times are a real rush hour and that the since most of them had dementia but it was basic nursing in the morning takes up a lot tried to find out as much as possible about of time during which no other tasks can be their desires and wishes concerning their fulfilled. The fact that there is a lack of staff lives in the nursing home was still there. and additionally many of the employees are Most residents mentioned that they were calling in sick is a problem. The problem of craving for more freedom, independence unreliability makes it hard to calculate and and a higher lifequality. They do not enjoy the count on a set number of employees every dependency on the staff whenever they have day. a small desire such as a drink. Many of them felt pressured to eat too fast due to a lack To put it in a nutshell for all parties it is very of time and then again others complained important to keep up a social interaction bet- that they were waiting too long until they got ween nurses and the residents and provide their lunch, since they saw that most peop- them with a good care. There is a great desire le around them already had food in front of for more time especially for the basic care in them. the morning and for less documentation. They None of them were familiar with service all wishes for more reliability on the different robotics and had a hard time to imagine how staff, of which some of them sometimes do a support and interaction would take place. not show up. They see potential in service robots as soon as they show a realy bene- Interview with the Head of the Nursing Homes fit such as way and time saving or rising the Q: Where do they see potential of improvement lifequality and independence. Though they through service robotic? emphasize the concerns that those systems A: Both heads of the visited nursing homes need to be fast and efficient enough to really see potential in saving ways and time by help them with regular tasks. establishing service robots to take over cer- tain regular tasks. They approved, that the


Drinks provided in the Rooms

Preparation of the Meals

Name tagging for individual Meals


There are several parties involved in the care of might not feel bad that they have to send their financial interest of saving money if possib- The qualified nurses are always assisted by a resident in a nursing home. First of all there loved ones into a facility because they do not le and justifiable, which means if a machine the supporting nurses, who are responsible to is the resident him or herself. In their case we have the time or the ability to take care of their is working more efficient and reliable it might fulfill all the tasks the qualified nurses cannot have to imagine how they feel like when having relatives themselves. Now all they care about is, be a better option than a real person, who can accomplish. They also have to take over the to leave their home and move into a facility, to get what they are paying for and not having possilbly get sick or work unreliable. tasks in case the service personal is not showing give up all their independence and freedom and to worry. They request a the good care they are Then there is different staff in different facilies. up. In general they have similar desires to the suddenly be dependent on several parties. paying for and reliability that their relatives are According to the law there always has to be a qualified nurses. As soon as they move into the nursing home in good hands and in the center of attention of certain number of qualified nurses during each Service personal is not available in every facility. all they are striving for is to keep up they inde- every nurse, which is not always possible. shift based on the number of peopl in care. Simply because most facilities cannot afford pendence as long as possible and maintain a Above all there is the management of the fa- They have the most responsibility, have to take to hire extra personal to take over meal tasks. high lifequality. cility. Their main interest is to rely on the staff over the important tasks and most of the basic Their main interest is to safe time and ways The relatives or in case there are no relatives, and their skills. They request a smooth comple- care. For them having enough time, little phy- during meal times, since most of the residents the responsible person is the one who is most tion of the nursing. Besides the good care and sical and mental stress is the key to why they wish to eat at the same time and feel left out if likely the person, that is paying for the nursing keeping up a good quality and therefore good are striving for less documentation and safving they have to wait for their meals. home stay. Some of them might and some reputation of their nursing home they have a ways to gain more time for the actual care.

Residents Relatives Management Qualified Nurses Supporting Nurse Service Person

Good care Good care Reliability Less workload Reliability on service person Good care

Independence Reliability Smooth completion More time for care More time for care Less workload

High lifequality Get what they pay for Money Less ways Less ways Less ways



Care Level 2: Mr. Fischer Care Level 3: Mrs. Müller Care Level 4: Mr. Stein Care Level 5: Mrs. Bach

People in care level 5 have a severe People in care level 2 have a considerable People in care level 3 have a serious People in care level 4 have a severe impairment with special requirements for impairment. impairment. impairment. nursing care

They are in need of: They are in need of: They are in need of: They are in need of: They need 24 – 279 min. basic care. They need 30 – 127 min. basic care. They need 131 – 278 min. basic care. They need 184 – 300 min. basic care. Psychosocial support needed 12 times Psychosocial support needed once Psychosocial support needed 2-6 times Psychosocial support needed 2-6 times a day. a day. a day. a day. They need at least 3 times help at night. They barely ever need help at night. They barely ever need help at night. They need 2-3 times help at night. They need presence of a person They barely need any presence of a They need less than 6 hours presence of a They need between 6 to 12 hours of around the clock. person during the day. person during the day. presence of a person during the day.

Stay in the common lounge most of the time Stay in their rooms most of the day 96 Research can grab handed things and drink/eat themselves cannot grab things and some need support during meals, while drinking 97 DAILY SCHEDULE AT A NURSING HOME HOW THE DIFFERENT PARTIES FEEL IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS

Shift Start Breakfast Offer Drinks and Snacks Offer Drinks Lunch Shift Handover

basic care, wash people, reposition residents, dress and guide some into common lounge,...

Prepare breakfast Take away breakfast Prepare lunch Documentation

Everyday caregivers present for support and entertainment Waking up the residents at individual desired times Hand out breakfast in the common Hand out lunch in the common lounge Exchange water bottles and glasses lounge and in the rooms and in the rooms

Make the bed, exchange towels and Support with eating and drinking for Support with eating and drinking for fill the stock of supplies in each room those, that cannot eat independently those, that cannot eat independently

06.00 07.00 08.00 09.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00

To be awoken in a rush can be rather Many residents need support with During the late morning and towards lunch Many residents need support with eating and uncomfortable, since the nurses do eating and drinking during break- time the residents are looked after by so drinking during lunch time, which means they not have much time for each resident fast time, which means they have called everyday caregivers. They either do have to eat fast, which causes unnecessary in the morning to eat fast, which causes unneces- group entertainment, which leaves out the pressure.Those eating in the common lounge Residents sary pressure ones that are in the rooms or they do indi- want to eat all of them at the same time and vidual entertainment, which leaves out the feel left out if they do not get their lunch at ones in the common lounge the same time as everyone else.

The morning until lunch is the most stressful time for the qualified as well as the During the meals the nurses rely on support with handing out the lunch, but a lot of time they assisting nurses. Its the time where everyone is getting up needs to get dressed face the fact, that (if the nursing home employs service personal) the staff is calling in sick or after getting their basic care. Besides that its breakfast time, which means those not showing up a lot of times, that means they have to take over tasks, which normaly is not that cannot go into the common lounge need assistance with eating and in their really their tasks. Lunch is a really busy time where everyone wants lunch preferably at the Nurses room others need to be guided into the common lounge, many ways are walked same time but the nurses can only carry 1-2 food trays at a time, which leads to them walking and time is always short. several times back and forth. DAILY SCHEDULE AT A NURSING HOME HOW THE DIFFERENT PARTIES FEEL IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS

Coffee/tea Break Dinner Offer Drinks Shift Handover

Prepare dinner Documentation

Prepare coffee/tea Everyday caregivers present for support and entertainment Take away dinner

Hand out coffee, tea and cake in the Hand out dinner in the common Bring the common lounge and in the rooms lounge and in the rooms residents to individual Support with eating and drinking for Support with eating and drinking for desired times to those, that cannot eat independently those, that cannot eat independently bed

14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00

The afternoon is more calm for the residents since not too many other things Many residents need support with eating and drinking during dinner time, since there are only are happening during that time. Some of the residents might see a doctor, have a few nurses per shift that have to take care of more than one resident during that time, that physiotherapy or other appointments. During and after the coffee break the means they have to eat fast in order for the nurse to be able to support the next resident, which residents have company of the everyday caregivers, who entertain them either causes unnecessary pressure. Those eating in the common lounge want to eat all of them at the Residents in groups or individually in their rooms depending on their needs. same time and feel left out if they do not get their lunch at the same time as everyone else. Bringing the residents to bed is not as rushed as the waking up and the times are more flexible since not much else is happening afterwards but sleeping.

The afternoon shift is more calm than the morning shift. The evening is a bit more stressful again because at that time the everday caregivers already left, Before dinner the nurses reposition residents, prepare and hand out coffee, there is no service personal and the nurses have to prepare dinner for everyone. Dinner means a lot of tea and cake or other small snakcs for the coffee break. The biggest burden walking distance to hand out the meals to everyone in the common lounge and the corridors and twice during the meal times/ breaks are the many ways to hand out food in the in the evening the nurses are also reminding the residents to drink regularly as well as offer a snack just Nurses common lounge as well as the corridors and the heavy lifting of residents that before bed time. Besides that they have to document everything again, which is very time consuming cannot sit or stand themselves anymore. and lost time with the residents. Finally they bring the residents to bed, whcih is less rushed because all the daily activities are over and nothing but the shift handover for the nightshift happens. DAILY SCHEDULE AT A NURSING HOME HOW THE DIFFERENT PARTIES FEEL IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS

Check on sleeping Offer drinks if Check on sleeping Offer drinks if Check on sleeping Shift handover residents desired residents desired residents Offer drinks if desired


Some residents need to be checked on, repositioned, given sleeping pills or other medication,...

Hand out delivered mail and magazines

22.00 23.00 00.00 01.00 02.00 03.00 04.00 05.00 06.00

Part of the residents are peacefully sleeping others have trouble sleeping and need to be taken care of during the night. Some need to be repositioned every now and then others need drinks, sleeping pills or other medication. The residents themselves or in other cases the doctor decides if they need to be Residents reminded to drink even during the night or what other specific needs are to be taken into consideration during the night. Overall the nights can be quite restless and not very comfortable for some of the residents.

Generally said the night seems really calm looking at the schedule but there are less nurses employed during the night than there are during the day, which means each nurse has to take care of more residents. Tasks such as repositioning residents is a great physical burden. Checking on all the patients during the night Nurses takes time and is a lot of walking distance.

103 Long Walking Distances

Unreliable A lot of Staff Rushing


Lack of Much to Staff Document During the visits there was a great chance to The attention of the nurses is shared with all observe and interview staff and residents to the other residents and their everyday life is Hard keeping find out what the biggest problems are they very much based on a strict schedule that track of are facing every day. The general impressi- only allows certain individual variations. A lot everything on was really good, that the staff is taking of the problems differ from day to day and good care of the residents. Considering the from facility to facility. And as mentioned circumstances of lacking staff and staff cal- much depends on the well-being of the staff ling in sick due to physical or mental prob- as well as the residents. lems caused by the stress, everyone seemed to really give their best throughout the day Lack of to provide the best care possible and not to Lifequality let show that they are overworked most of compared the time. The problems listed on the right are to Living at Home based on the analysis of the daily schedule, the observation, the interviews and articles A lot of A lot of that have been read. Dependence Rushing on Others or Waiting Many problems of the nurses result in prob- Problems lems that the residents have. But a lot of the problems the residents have are also down to of the their mental state such as dementia or their Residents physical state that means that they have lost Sometimes their independency. Many drink and eat too Lack of It seems hard for a person to move from their little Attention home where they had all the freedom and inde- pendence they needed into a facility where it is not Most of the possible to provide them theexact same comfort. Residents are demented

104 Research 105 Support

Good Reliability Interfaces


Short Walking Easy Distances Usability The heart of the thesis is the user’s needs to For the staff it is important to find out what actually be able to properly solve the prob- every individual person desires and pay lems and create something with a real bene- attention to that. Does someone wish to be Time fit. Because a product that is not fulfilling the left alone, does she or he expect entertain- user’s needs is a waste, that will meet with ment, does she or he need something or disapproval. want to be reminded of something? What Therefore the aim of the visits at the nursing does the doctor or other involved parties say homes was not only to discover problems is important for the individual? but also the very important user needs. In some cases the residents are not aware of Based on the observed problems it was fairly what their needs are which is down to their easy to deduce what the different user mental state or unawareness. In this case Independence groups were striving for. it is part of the care to raise awareness or and Freedom All parties are striving for a good care but remind them, what they need and what is what does good care actually mean? good for them. Good care requires time, reliability, energy, a Animation lot of strength, mentally as well as physically, Life Quality and easy usability of tools, good interfaces and a Reminder good interaction. User Needs For elderly people it already has quite nega- tive side effects having to move to a nursing of the facility. To make this move and the future as Residents bearable as possible the key for their stay is comfort. They want to keep up what they are Attention Good Care used to from home, which includes everyday rituals, habits, their freedom and independence, overall said as much life quality as possible. Reliability


Under the given circumstances - a time pe- riod of 4 months - it was important to set a focus on what problems were aimed to be solved. Regular Since the task was to create a service Meal Times assistant, that would take over non-nursing tasks, a closer look at all the tasks besides the actual care was taken. Soon it got clear that one of the most time consuming activities during the day is taking care of the residents’ diet. This includes the regular meal times 3-4 times a day, the Individual continuous reminder to drink and eat enough as well as keeping track and documenting Drink and Food everything consumed. Wishes In nursing facilities the residents loose a bit of freedom to eat whenever they want because every nursing home has its rather strict schedule when the meals take place. It also varies from individual to individual how big their appetite is, if the doctor orders for Reminder to them to have in between meals due to their diabetes or if someone is just demented and eat and drink forgets to regularly drink. regularly Looking at the different situations three main scenarios were set up for the thesis.

108 Research 109



The scene today and in the future For the first prototype round and for this thesis the focus lies on the common lounge. Kitchen It offers a clear view over what is happening and the circumstances for making first user tests are more predictable. It is to assume that all the scenarios run in the common lounge will also be possible in the hallways and rooms of the residents. To have a real benefit in the long run and fulfill the aspect of saving walking distance Nurse office and efforts it is planned and will be neces- sary that the service robot leaves the com- mon area to deliver to and support those re- sidents further away in the rooms. Aspects that need to be optimized in order to establish robots in private rooms are such as privacy issues or opening doors. Focus of the thesis But nevertheless good first results are to be is the common lounge expected on the acceptance and function in the different scenarios by starting in the common area first to then expand the studies further.


User Profiles to fulfill individual Needs In order to fulfill individual user needs such as personal desires or prescription from the doctor, part of the concept is that after the new admission of a resident their profile is Personal being registered in a which is Desires synchronized with the service robot’s program. With the help of facial recognition the service robot knows who it is interacting with. Part of this profile could be allergies, favorite foods, reached level of intended amount to drink per day or just simply the favorite color of a person to provide a more personal approach through LEDs installed on the robot. Prescription The profile can help to emphasize a more from the personal interaction and service as well as Doctor Mr. Fischer - Care level 2 Mrs. Müller - Care level 3 provide a reliable care and regular reminders based on user needs. Suffers from diabetes and needs inbet Suffers from dementia and therefore ween snacks based on his bloodsugar forgets to drink regularly values

He enjoys a glas of coca cola once in a She is a sweet tooth and needs a cookie Individual while every now and then Reminder His intended amout to drink per day is 1.5 Her intended amout to drink per day is 2 liter liter

His favorite colour is green Her favorite colour is blue

114 Scenarios 115 10.00 am 11.00 am 07.30 pm 10.00 pm Nurse Office



Idea and Motivation The idea for the drink and snack reminder that need some animation to consume scenario arose due to the observation that something, in those cases voice command most of the residents have some level of or visual content can help to animate them to dementia and forget to drink or even eat choose something and then consume what 10 People regularly. they chose. The nurses try to cover the residents’ needs The service robot can serve an average of 10 as good as possible through the regular meal people sitting in the common lounge in one times but some residents do not have as run. much appetite and prefer to consume smaller meals throughout the day to reach their Benefits intended amount of nutrition. Establishing a service robot for tasks that Since the nurses are rather busy during the happen regularly and at certain defined times day with many different tasks it is hard to has the benefit, that it is a reliable way of keep track and constantly remind the resi- reminding, handing and animating people to dents to regularly drink more water. consume their intended amount of food and This is where the service robot comes into drinks. A programmed machine would never play. It approaches the residents at times forget a task due to other activities. that are individually set by the facility, reco- The robot also helps to document and imme- gnizes people and retrieves the saved data diately synchronize data of its actions with all from the residents. It also knows how much parties involved. the person has already been eating and drin- king that day, how much of the recommen- ded amount is left and then animates the resident to pick either a snack or a drink. It is important that nothing is forced onto the residents and that they can still choose what they would like to consume, based on their craving. Of course there are some residents

116 Scenarios 117 Anytime

Nurse Office



Idea and Motivation Benefits The scenario of fulfilling individual food or The benefit of establishing a service robot drink wishes arose from the aim to create for spontaneous, individual wishes is that the more independence for the residents. Most people have less inhibitions to call a robot of the residents are not mobile enough to get rather than a person. A robot has no emotion 1 Person themselves something to eat or drink from and is therefore not stressed or annoyed the kitchen. Some people are in too much and just serves what the person requests, pain to walk and therefore rather remain whenever and wherever the person is loca- seated. ted. A nurse, when called, might not be The observation at the nursing home revea- available immediately. led that some residents do not ask too often or wait until a nurse is passing by to request an individual wish. Only a few would immedi- ately call a nurse for a glass of orange juice. The idea is to establish a service robot that is available at call in case the residents need anything. In the future it is to be assumed that residents will wear some kind of bra- celet in case they walk away, as well as to constantly measure their vital parameters and to record all their data just in one scan. This bracelet or smart watch could also call the robot. The service robot approaches the person and offers the available picks of the week, which could be a range of juices and some sweet, salty and fresh snack they can choose from.

118 Scenarios 119 Breakfast Lunch Coffee/Tea

Dinner Nurse Time Office



Idea and Motivation Benefits The motivation for the third scenario arose The main benefit of establishing a robot from several aspects. The observations were to support delivering food trays during the that the situation during lunch time was very different meal times is that there is only 5 People busy and chaotic. The food was delivered in one person needed to put the food onto the at a Time a big wagon and had to be put on the plates plates and the trays, which all takes place per Run and trays, then one tray after the other was in the kitchen. No staff is needed to walk carried to the tables. Since the nurses only back and forth from the kitchen to the tables have two hands just 1-2 trays could be anymore because the service robot is taking carried at a time, which meant a lot of walking over transport and delivery. until all the 15-20 people had their food. People who were served last felt disadvantaged or even forgotten. The idea behind establishing a robot as a support during meals is that the robot can serve a table with up to 5 people sitting around it in one run. The nurse is loading the food onto the wall-mounted frame in the kitchen that can carry the food trays. The robot autonomously picks them up and transports them to the table. The benefit is that in the majority of visited facilities the residents had a fixed seating spot which makes it easier to deliver the right trays to the right person.


Offer drinks Offer Support with Support with serving breakfast and snacks drinks serving lunch

05.00 06.00 07.00 08.00 09.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00

Support with serving Bring Mr. Fischer a glas Support with Offer drinks Offer drinks coffee, tea and cake of orange juice serving dinner and snacks

14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00

122 Scenarios 123 05 PROTOTYPING


The first Prototype To get started on creating concepts a first prototype was built. The prototype was built on the basis of the technology of the Care-O-Bot 4 base, which starts at a diameter of around 700mm and forms to a circular shape of 500 mm at a height of 332mm. Since the only restric- tions were the base there was only a simple cylinder shape built on the top to get a feeling for the volume worked with.

Top diameter of Base at 500mm

Technology of the Care-O-Bot 4 Base at 332 mm

Bottom diameter of Base at 700mm

126 Prototyping 127 Overall Height 1100 mm

Top part Height 768 mm TEST NO. 1 TESTING THE OVERALL HEIGHT Base Height 332 mm

The Height The second step was to test the overall height of the service assistant, that should Overall Height not be exceeded with the design. The tech- 1250 mm nology of the base of the Care-O-Bot4 has a height of 332mm.

The person tested with is 1,70 meter tall, Top part Height sitting on a chair with a height of 460 mm. 918 mm

The first height of 1100 mm seemed abit too small with not enough capacity to carry a reasonable amount of drinks, snacks and Base Height meals. 332 mm

The second height of 1250 mm seemed good since it was on eye-level, when sitting. Overall Height Last but not least the third height with 1350 1350 mm mm with the most capacity was the last test made, since this was the maximum height before the robot seemed too overwhelming and superior to the person sitting as well as standing. Top part Height 1018 mm Therefore 1350 mm seemed to be the best height for the project to carry the maximum amount and not to seem superior. Base Height 332 mm 128 Prototyping 129 Table Height Handing out Height 610 mm


The Handing Out The third step was to find out at which height the best handing out area for all the objects that are being delivered is. Handing out / Starting off with a height of 610mm the Table Height person had to bend down to reach for the 760 mm objects handed.

Looking at the scenarios including the meal scenario it made sense to look at the height of an average dining table, which is at 760 mm in order for the objects such as food Base Height trays to be able to directly be pushed on the 332 mm table.

The last test with a handing out height of 910mm showed that everything above Handing out around 800mm was not that comfortable to Height reach for objects especially considering that 910 mm old residents might not even be able to lift their arm up that high to grab something. Table height

Base Height 332 mm

130 Prototyping 131 Display Height 910 mm Handing out Height


The Display After the handing out height of 760mm was defined the display height was tested, the display which is needed to interact with the Display Height service robot. 1010 mm

Since all the scenarios are taking place when Handing out Height the residents are sitting the display had to be on a good height to be able to see it well enough as well as low enough to easily interact with the touch screen.

The first test was to place the display direc- Base Height tly over the handing out area which seemed 332 mm comfortable and the arm did not have to be raised more than 90 degree.

The second test was with the display 100mm Display Height higher than the handing out area at 1010mm. 1110 mm This height seemed to be good to look at but the arm already had to be raised too much to touch the screen. Handing out Height

Last but not least which was almost not necessary to test anymore was a test at a height of 1110mm. This height turned out to be too high to look or interact with. Base Height 332 mm

132 Prototyping 133 The Water Tank

Octagon shaped water tank 140 mm height 424x325 mm - width x depth TRANSPORTED OBJECTS ITEMS TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION

The Boxes

The next step was to look at what items The idea of loading the robot with similar needed to be transported and handed out in shaped and sized objects arose which is each scenario. why it was decided that the snack and drink glasses were transported and handed out of The easiest to define was the delivering boxes of the same shape as the food trays. meals scenario because here it was quite One box can carry up to 16 glasses. Octagon shaped boxes Glas for drinks and snacks clear that it will be food trays with the meals The different boxes can be loaded with diffe- 140 mm height 80 mm height x on it, what is being handed out. rent drinks and snacks to provide a variety to 424x325 mm - width x depth 65 mm diameter It made no sense to deliver the meal diffe- choose from. rently since not everyone got the same meal instead everyone got an individual ordered meal on a plate. If the whole meal was pre- The Food Trays pared on a tray it is easier to assign which meal is for who. Due to the size of technology and the robots body size a rather small and special shaped tray was chosen to safe space in order to be the least limited in the design later on.

The drink and snack reminder scenario and the individual wish scenarios both deliver the same objects, the only difference is that in once scenario they are handed out at a specific defined time in the other one they are delivered at individual desired time. For the matter Octagon shaped food trays Plates Bowl Glas for drinks and snacks of simplicity it was decided that drinks and 10 mm height 25 mm height 40 mm height 80 mm height x snacks both are delivered in glasses. 424x325 mm - width x depth 230 mm diameter 119 mm diameter 65 mm diameter

134 Prototyping 135



*Note: Space This concept is breaking the defined limits if we want for Design to keep up the handing out height of 760mm.

Handing out Area

Water tank Water tank

80mm to reach Technology + Care-O-Bot 4 Base

Meal delivery Drink & Snack Reminder Meal delivery Drink & Snack Reminder fulfilling individual Wishes fulfilling individual Wishes 138 Concept 139 CONCEPT 3 PRO AND CONTRA WATER TANK ON THE TOP THE THREE CONCEPTS IN COMPARISON

Space Concept 1 - No Water Tank and filled Glasses for Design

+ Room for one more box Water tank Water tank

No water output during all the scenarios - Way less than 20 liter water capacity since only handed out in filled glasses

Handing out Area Concept 2 - Water Tank on the Bottom

Watertank for permanent water availability during all scenarios + Up to 20 liter of water available, (just in case there is ever need for one more box the watertank could be replaced by one more box)

- Waterpump needed to pump water from the bottom up to the water output, glasses can only be handed out after all the foodtrays are outside of the robot

Concept 3 - Water Tank on the Top 80mm to reach Technology Watertank for permanent water availability during all scenarios, 20 liter of water + available, no water pump needed, (just in case there is ever need for one more + Care-O-Bot 4 box the watertank could be replaced by one more box), waterglasses are being Base placed on each food tray from the top before handing it out

- - Meal delivery Drink & Snack Reminder fulfilling individual Wishes 140 Concept 141 FINAL CONCEPT OVERALL STRUCTURE

The third concept was chosen as the final Space concept because it has the most beneficial for Design and not disatvantages.

Water tank Water tank It is possible to carry 5 food trays at a time to serve one whole table during the meal times.

Besides that residents can get a glas of water at any time due to the water tank that Handing is staying in the service robot at any time. out Area The service robot can carry two boxes of drinks and snacks including the water tank on top.

Optional if a facility requests the watertank can be replaced by another box to have more capacity for a variety of drinks and snacks.

80mm to reach Technology + Care-O-Bot 4 Base

Meal delivery Drink & Snack Reminder Optional no water tank fulfilling individual Wishes drink & snack reminder 142 Concept fulfilling individual wishes 143 SCENARIO 1 & 2 - STEP BY STEP DRINK AND SNACK REMINDER & INDIVIDUAL WISHES

Water tank Water tank Water tank Water tank



Service robot 1 Snack 2 Drinks 1 Snack Top view: loaded with two boxes is handed out are handed out is handed out How drinks and snacks 1x snacks, 1x drinks Boxes are lifted up Boxes are lowered down are handed out 145 SCENARIO 3 - STEP BY STEP MEAL DELIVERY

Water tank Water tank Water tank Water tank Water tank

Service robot is ready First glas is placed on top of Second glas is placed on top Third glas is placed on top of Fourth glas is place on top of the to serve the 5 meals he is the tray, which is then of the next tray, which is then the third tray, which is then fourth tray, which is then handed loaded with handed out handed out handed out out and the same with the fifth... TECHNICAL FEATURES UP AND DOWN TRANSPORT OF TRAYS AND BOXES

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Tray that is already on handing out height is Grippers installed on a belt drive move down- Second tray from a level below is lifted to Second tray is handed out. handed out. wards past the tray that is supposed to be handing out height. handed out next.


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Robot drives autonomously onto an on the As soon as the robot is in the right position The fully loaded robot drives away from the The frames elements are put back into the wall mounted frame that is carrying full food the load bearing elements are unlocked frame. right position to be ready for the next round. trays, boxes or the watertank. put down the load onto the braces installed inside the robot.

150 Concept 151



Top View Tested maximum Height Cut through top part of the service robot of 1350 mm Area around food tray and boxes needed for a belt drive mechanism to move ele- Facial Recognition ments inside up and down.

Tested Display Height Areas needed for of 910 mm Belt Drive Technology

Tested Handing out Height as well as average Table Height of 760 mm

Kinect Cameras and Areas needed for Sensors Belt Drive Technology

80 mm for Technology to reach the Display of the modular Base Circle with Diameter of 500 mm

Technology of the base of the “Care-O-bot® 4“ (Real technology inside cannot be shown due to confidentiality)

Rounded of Triangle Shape with a Diameter of 700 mm

154 Visualization of Final Draft 155 MOODBOARD INSPIRATION friendly symetric round

contrast organic integrated 156 Visualization of Final Draft 157 IDEATION SKETCHES

158 Research 159 FORM FINDING BODY

First Sketches After defining the limits due to technology, certain tested heights and the objects being transported the sketching and design phase began.

The main Body and the Base Different body shapes were tried as well as various connections between the base and the top part.

The Front Another important aspect of the design pro- cess was to set a focus on the front part where all the technology such as sensors, handing out area, display and other elements are. This is where most action is taking place.

160 Visualization of Final Draft Design Draft 1


Shape of the Service Robot Eventually there were two designs left as shown on the right.

Design two was chosen because of its inte- Design Draft 2 grated design, the simplicity and the great focus on the front part where all the action is taking place.

Colour of the Service Robot The service robot has three different colours. For the main body a matte white was chosen to make the body seem lighter and its whole appearance clean, hygienic and friendly. The dark grey was chosen to reset the focus on the dark handing out area as well as all the cameras and sensors to create a more united appearance in the front. The light blue was chosen to give the whole a more fresh and friendly appearance, which frames the dark front.

162 Visualization of Final Draft BUILDING THE MODEL IN CAD SOLID WORKS

164 Visualization of Final Draft 165 Facial Recognition

Tray for Transport


Fully programmable RGB- LED Frame Bens Features and key elements Ben, the service robot offers a variety of fea- Integrated high-quality tures. On the very top he has a tray to trans- Microphone and Built in Touch Screen port things. Speakers In the front you can find a touch screen to Kinect Camera interact with the robot. The display area also Emergency Button includes a facial recognition and a kinect ca- Water Outlet mera as well as a microphone and speakers. Below the display there is a water outlet to fill glasses with water at any time. Movable Tray In the middle there is there is the handing out area which can be opened completely as Integrated 3D Sensors well as just in the middle depending on the for complete sensor objects handed out. Just below the handing coverage of the space out area there is a tray, which has a movab- in front of the robot, le middle part to reach objects closer to the supports collision-free residents. navigation and In the lower part of the front Ben is equipped manipulation with further integrated 3D sensors for a com- plete sensor coverage of the space in front of the robot to support collision-free navigation and manipulation. On the very bottom there Omnidirectional are floor scanners on all three sides of the Kinematics base to be able to scan everything around Free movements in all Floor Scanner him. directions, moving for- Bens base is equipped with omnidirectional wards, backwards as kinematics technology which makes it pos- well as sideways and sible to move in all directions. turning on the spot


Front View Side View Back View

168 Visualization of Final Draft 169 TOP TRAY

Ben provides a tray on the very top where things such as magazines, vases or other objects that are relevant in the everyday life of a nursing home can be transported.


The Microphone Ben also provides a microphone in order for residents to be able to communicate with him through voice control.

The Speaker Ben can provide information or animate people trough verbal communication.

The Touch Screen If residents have inhibitions to talk to Ben they can also interact with him through the touch screen


Front closed Front open in the Middle Front completely open There can still be a glas placed in Snacks and Drinks can be handed Now that the front is completely front of the handing out area to fill out throught the boxes behind the open food trays can be handed out a glass with water handing out area. in the front.


Face Recognition

Safety In order for everyone surrounding Ben to be safe, the service robot provides various fea- tures for peoples safety and awareness. In case of an emergency Ben has two emer- gency buttons on his left and right side. Ben is equipped with various different sen- sors and cameras to scan his whole environ- ment and to recognize who he is interacting Kinect Camera with. He can detect objects as well as people no matter if they are lying, sitting or standing. He can even recognize if someone who fell is lying on the floor.

To show different states of activity Ben is Kinect Camera equipped with an LED frame around the front. During normal activities he is simply shining white, in an emergency the colour turns to red. The LED frame is also a great possibility to approach people with their favorite colour shining when interacting with them.

Emergency Button Floor Sensor LED Frame to shows Activity

176 Visualization of Final Draft 177 WATERTANK

The Water Tank The Water Outlet Filling the Glas with Water In the very top Ben is equipped with a 20 liter water tank, to The Water Outlet is placed directly under the display area. Glasses can be filled with water at any time even if the front constantly provide the residents with water. The water tank of the robot is closed. They just have to be placed on the is removable in order for the staff to be able to clean it at tray under the water outlet and select the option water, as least once a week. shown in the scenarios later on.


Closed Version Meal Delivery Drinks and Snacks Drinks and Snacks Ben has a door on the back, which During one run of the meal delivery If Ben carries the water tank in the If Ben carries no water tank in the can be opened to load the robot scenario Ben can transport a full wa- top he has the capacity to carry two top he has the capacity to carry with the water tank, boxes or trays. ter tank, a box full of glasses that will boxes full of drinks and snacks. The three boxes full of drinks and snacks. be placed on the trays before han- space above and below is needed ding them out as well as five trays to be able to move the boxes up and just below the handing out area. down to hand out different things. 180 Visualization of Final Draft 181 INTERFACE SCENARIO 1 INTERFACE SCNARIO 2 DRINK AND SNACK REMINDER MEAL DELIVERY

The interfaces created are just supposed to give an idea on how the interaction could look like. It would have needed more time and some user tests to create a fully working interaction between residents and Ben.

Ben is approaching Mrs. Müller to remind her to consume something to drink or eat a snack. Ben is approaching Mr. Fischer during a The Interface shows her how much of her meal time in this case the coffee break. He daily intended amount to drink or eat she is showing for who and what he is deliver- has already consumed. Based on that she ing. This time the facility serves blueberry can pick either both or one of them. cake for the residents.

Mrs. Müller chooses to eat a snack. In case she decides she still want to drink a glas of water she can always click on the bottom left at any time and any scenario.

In case there is an emergency or Mrs. Müller is unsatisfied with Bens service she can always call a nurse by pressing the bell on the bottom right.

182 Visualization of Final Draft 183 INTERFACE SCENARIO 3 INDIVIDUAL WISH

Mrs. Müller is calling ben because she is thirsty.

Ben is approaching her, greeting her with “Hello Mrs. Müller“.

Shortly after the screen switches to the offer section where Mrs. Müller can pick from the weekly offer whatever she wants to eat or drink.

Mrs. Müller chooses to eat just drink a glas of water.

Again this time it is also showing the reached amount of water consumed during that day.


The Font The font combination of the name and Comfortaa Light slogan was chosen based on two aspects. The name is written in the font Comfortaa LIGHT Light, which is a very round and friendly ap- pearing font that matches the character of the robot. For the slogan a more modern clean font was chosen, which underlines the innovative topic the thesis is about.

The Name ben The name was chosen because the robot ben THE FUTURE OF NURSING was supposed to have a short, memorable, internationally similar pronounced and friendly name.

The Slogan The slogan „the future of nursing“ really gets THE FUTURE OF NURSING to the heart of what the thesis is about.

The Colour As an accent colour for the logo word mark the same light blue that was used for the product was chosen. It is a very cautious, neutral colour that matches the scenarios as well as the healthcare environment. As a contrast colour for the slogan I picked a dark anthracite, again the same colour as used for the product.

186 Visualization of Final Draft 187 08 PRODUCT IN



Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 It is 10:00 and drink and snack reminder time. Ben is approaching one person after another, that is sitting in Since she is still having her morning coffee and is playing the common lounge and offers them drinks and/or snacks some games with her friends she decides to go for a small based on their profile. Each residents get displayed how much snack. of their intended drinking or eating amount per day they have already reached.

Mrs. Müller has almost reached her intended amount of food her doctor recommended her to consume and a bit more than half of the drinking amount.

190 Product in Context 191


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Mrs. Müller is calling Ben because she is thirsty. Ben is approaching Mrs. Müller he recognizes her due to the Now Mrs. Müller get this weeks selection of drinks and snacks facial recognition camera and greets her. to choose from. NOTE: The best way to call Ben has not been analyzed too deeply within the time period of the thesis. Finally she decides to just have a glas of water. A wristband or a smart watch are one possible option, since it is very likely that even elderly will have some sort of healthcare or location tracking depending physical or mental state in that form in the future.

194 Product in Context 195


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Ben is approaching the table announcing who and what he is The Blueberry Cake on the tray is transported to the handing The tray is being pushed onto the table and the meal served. serving. out level.

198 Product in Context 199

200 Research 201 09 MODEL BUILDING


Top Tray

Top Part, Back Door and Body

First Assembly


Top Tray

Side view Details Emergency Button Gap

Base with Floor Sensors

206 Model Building 207 10 FUTURE PERSPECTIVES


It is hard to predict what will happen when One interesting aspect could be to observe, the first prototype of the service assistant will what kind of interaction the elderly prefer, if be run in the nursing homes. they enjoy talking to a robot or if they rather interact quietly with it by only making a It is to be expected that the first user tests Acceptance with the prototype will only be a part of an choice on the display. Based on these results iteration: further user tests have to be run to action should be taken and the focus should constantly improve and optimize the service be set for the next prototype. assistant until it is ready for the market.

One of the main aims of the design is to create acceptance. Therefore, a big focus of the user tests should be put on the analysis of the usability. If the residents as well as the staff feel the service robot is easy to use, Usability seems to be reliable and therefore provides a real benefit, the robot will stand its first tests of acceptance.

There are many assumptions and studies on the acceptance and successful interaction between robots and elderly residents but most of them are based on interviews. Up to now there are neither any actual user tests Benefit nor real life experiences of service robots in the public healthcare sector.


For the second prototype the Fraunhofer IPA Institute is planning on equipping the service robot with an arm.

This creates completely new possibilities. So far all scenarios are solved with linear movements.

Installing an arm makes completely different scenarios possible: more precise positioning of the delivered items in current scenarios.

Currently the first prototype technology for an arm is not advanced enough to guarantee full safety for the residents when interacting with the robot.

Besides that a flexible arm with at least 6 axes is currently simply too expensive for the first prototypes and user tests.


The future aim is to make the service robot even more modular than shown in the scena- rios. Up to now the service robot is modular in a way that you are able to load it with diffe- rent trays, boxes and a water tank.

In the future the complete inner workings in- cluding the lift that is transporting the trays and boxes up and down should be removable.

The Fraunhofer Institute IPA in Stuttgart wishes for their customers to choose how they want to equip the robot depending on their requirements.

It is not meant that the customer or the faci- lity themselves are able to change the whole inner workings but they should be able to order their individual robot. Other optional inner workings are yet to be defined and designed.


The plan for the future is to not only establish the service robot in the common lounge in nursing homes but to expand his supporting area to the hallways and rooms of the residents.

The second step would be to find other loca- tions, such as hospitals with similar condi- tions and needs, where the service robot can support staff and provide a more comfortable stay for patients as well as their visitors.


For the thesis the focus was only set on food about the weather and animate them to go out and drink scenarios. One can imagine that and get some fresh air on a nice day. the service robot is able to support other non- Deliver and nursing tasks. Another area it could cover related to food and replace drinks is delivering new water bottles and -glasses waterbottles, It should be kept in mind that the robot should to the rooms and replace and collect the old ones; -glasses not turn into a device that is supposed to know this scenario again would require an arm. and do everything. This could increase the expectations to a level that the robot´s (missing) A scenario tested with the Care-O-Bot 3 in the abilities could disappoint people. WIMI-Care project was the entertainment of re- sidents. Entertainment scenarios such as playing The service robot should act as a companion for games could contribute to the aspect of increa- the residents as well as a support for nurses with sing the quality of the residents´ lives. delivery tasks. Entertainment Pick things up A few ideas for further scenarios came up Another really helpful function could be that one from the floor during the research looking at the scenarios tes- day the robot is equipped with an arm with which ted with the Care-O-Bot 3 in the WIMI-Care pro- it could also pick up things that have been drop- ject. ped on the floor.

It would make sense that the service robot´s Last but not least talking about an arm, the robot abilities would expand to similar tasks it is already could also guide people to places such as from fulfilling. This could include further reminding fun- their room to the common lounge. Guidance ctions. One idea was that it could accompany the Dayplan to residents in the morning to make the waking-up To put it in a nutshell, all those scenarios are just reminder process more comfortable. In the morning it rough ideas on how to expand the robot’s abilities places could remind the residents of upcoming appoint- to make the purchase for a facility even more be- ments, the time schedule or even inform them neficial.


Working on this thesis was a very enriching During my visits to the nursing homes I respect that they never fully replace the very This thesis really taught me to question and experience. experienced sceptical behaviour towards important human to human interaction. reflect on things as well as to analyze the I had the aim to create a connection between the behaviour of robots. People feared the Another important factor is that a service possibilities of today´s innovative technology the latest innovative technology and a user unknown because they had to interact and robot can reduce mental and physical stress. and the limits that are necessary to set to group that can be resistant to or at least had no idea what to expect. It is necessary that the robot is reliable and maintain human to human interaction. unfamiliar with this type of technology. Taking a closer look at the interaction able to respond quickly. I really believe that robotics can help our I began the process with extensive research, between elderly residents and this new tech- society to ease or even solve problems in where I soon realized how quickly the field of nology I became aware, that the residents Taking all these factors into consideration various fields but we also have to be aware robotic and assistive technology is growing needed to be convinced of the benefits. I began to develop the service robot and that it cannot solve everything or might even and that due to this fact there are increasing The problems begin when a person needs how it could be implemented into the daily be of disadvantage in some instances. possibilities in this field. to leave their private home and give up his schedules; I especially chose the following Therefore, it is all a matter of the right place We will face a future where service robots or her everyday habits, forcing them to lose three scenarios to focus on for my thesis: and the right time, creating acceptance for will be part of our everyday life. their independence and freedom. Elderly 1) Reminding to eat and drink. technology by defining its benefits. Service robots offer a great opportunity to people strongly desire to regain this indepen- 2) Fulfilling individual wishes. ease or even solve some of the problems that dence. This is where service robots can be 3) Supporting regular meal delivery. have come up because of the demographic established to assist the residents in simple change. tasks that they would not be able to do on What I have learned in the past 4 months is their own without the help of a nurse. that the topic is more complex than I initially The given task by the Fraunhofer IPA institute Throughout my research I established that thought. was to create a service robot for nursing the important factors for the acceptance of To continue on this topic I would do more homes that supports and assists in non- technology are: easy usability, reliable func- extensive user tests and improve the interac- nursing tasks with the aim of increasing tions, good health and optimized communi- tion between residents, nurses and robot. efficiency and alleviating stress. cation. I was able to solve some of the problems The biggest challenge approaching this task It was also important to understand the discovered by enlightening three scenarios was to design a service robot which would be nurses´ perspective and what they desired as that I set my focus on. accepted by its users, both the staff and the well as the limits of the service robots. One of elderly residents. the limits should always be to recognize and

220 Summary and Conclusion 221 12 THANK YOU


I want to say thank you to all of you who My Family The Workshop supported me throughout the thesis. My mother Susanne Bachmann Nina Litty Johannes Binder My sister Aurelia Bachmann Mareike Klauss Thank you for helping my build my first A special thanks to: My father and his wife Christian Rose prototypes and giving me constant advice Jürgen Bachmann and Birgit Bachmann Tobias Waldörfer on how to build my final model. My Supervisors You all supported me mentally as well as by Dennis Molzberger Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert giving me feedback and spending hours on All of you five were great studio mates in The Modelbuilder Prof. Matthias Held proove reading my thesis. the bachelor house, a great support to brain Wolfgang Abele in Schwäbisch Gmünd For the weekly feedback on my project, storm and to get further when stuck. Thank Thank you for all the patience and helping solving problems, giving me good advice, My Boyfriend you for all the great moments, and breaks me realize my final 1:4 model. helping me when stuck and pushing me to Pascal Grangier we shared throughout the whole time. do even better every week. You really were the best support in good and in bad times. Thank you for calling me every The Nursing Homes My Cooperation Partner day, sharing my excitement and standing me WALDHOF nursing home in Mannheim, The Fraunhofer Institute IPA in Stuttgart in stressful times, listening to my ideas as well Germany Simon Baumgarten and Dr. Birgit Graf as helping me to calm down and take a break St. Ludiwg in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany You made this project more tangible and once in a while. You provided the necessary information, the supported me with great knowledge, experi- key information to my problems and ence, inspiration, time, a workspace and My Friends solutions. Without you I could have never materials. Laura Haas solved this problem. Dominikus Frank My Scholarship Lasse Creutzfeld The Companies Wohlgemuth Stiftung, Stuttgart Maximilian Schneider Cambro for sponsoring the food trays You were a great support financially to cover You were a great help brainstorming with me, under- Clara vita for advising me which drinking All of you were an amazing help and without all the extra costs the bachelorsemester had standing technology and production techniques, ta- cups to choose. you I would not have managed my thesis involved, such as trips, printing, prototyping king pictures of my process, and generally supporting You all were a great support by supplying the way I did. materials, modelbuilding and many other me with all those tasks, that could not have been done me with everything that is supposed to be things. with only one brain, two eyes and two hands. transported with the service assistant. Thank you all a lot.


Bachelor Thesis Contact Herewith I declare, that all the shown work Industrial Design E-Mail: is written independently without any help of Hochschule für Gestaltung others, except those that I stated in the Schwäbisch Gmünd sources. Summer semester 2017 LinkedIn: Particularly I declare, that those extracts that I used word-for-word or other reformu- Author lated extracts taken from another work are Lea Bachmann Xing: marked as such. This also applies to all the sketches, Supervised by mann12?sc_o=mxb_p portrayals and such like. Prof. Gabriele N. Reichert Prof. Matthias Held

Cooperation with Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart, Germany Household and assistance robotics department Lea Bachmann Head of department: Dr. Birgit Graf Supervisor: Simon Baumgarten Schwäbisch Gmünd, 05 July 2017

Course of Study Product design

Fonts Roboto thin, bold

Print & Bookbinder Müllerprints, Stuttgart, Germany Mende, Stuttgart, Germany

226 Edition Notice 227 INDEX PROOF

Pp. 24-25 URL: Projektschwerpunkte Roboter Zahlen und Fakten (Stand: Februar 2017): index.php URL: URL: URL: Access date: 18 May 2017 Access date: 25 May 2017 Access date: 27 May 2017 ueber-fraunhofer/profil-struktur/zah- len-und-fakten.html Access date: 17 May Pp. 28-29 Pp. 40-41 Serviceroboter 2017 Care-O-Bot 4 the new modular service robot robotics URL: generation URL: boter Institutsprofil: Wir produzieren Zukunft URL: on/robotics Access date: 27 May 2017 URL: Access date: 18 May 2017 Access date: 27 May 2017 ber_uns/institutsprofil.html Pp. 42-43 Access date: 17 May 2017 Pp. 32-33 Matthias Haun: Handbuch Robotik. robotics SeRoDi Programmieren und Einsatz intelligenter Ro- URL: Roboter- und Assistenzsysteme Servicerobotik zur Unterstützung bei perso- boter. on/robotics URL: nenbezogenen Dienstleistungen Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Publis- Access date: 27 May 2017 petenzen/roboter--und-assistenzsysteme. URL: hing house, 2007. Page 5 et seqq. html uploads/2015/07/SeRoDi-web.pdf Matthias Haun: Handbuch Robotik. Access date: 17 May 2017 Access date: 19 May 2017 What is the definition of a robot? Programmieren und Einsatz intelligenter Ro- URL: boter. Haushalts- und Assistenzrobotik Über SeRoDi definition-of-a-robot-3587 Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Publis- URL: URL:, Access date: 27 May 2017 hing house, 2007. Page 5 et seqq. petenzen/roboter--und-assistenzsysteme/ Access date: 19 May 2017 haushalts--und-assistenzrobotik.html What Is Robotics? What is the definition of a robot? Access date: 17 May 2017 Szenarien URL: URL: URL:, dents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/what_is_ro- definition-of-a-robot-3587 Pp. 26-27 (WIMI CARE) Access date: 19 May 2017 botics_k4.html Access date: 27 May 2017 Förderung des Wissenstransfers für eine ak- Access date: 27 May 2017 tive Mitgestaltung des Pflegesektors durch Mikrosystemtechnik (WiMi-Care)

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