Primer On The Democrat Party Platform And Its Embrace Of Ideas From An Avowed Socialist ernie Sanders may have lost the Democrat Primary in 2016, but history will show he left B an indelible mark on the Democrat Party for decades to come. His longer-than-expected presence in the race provided a vessel for the restless and upstart Elizabeth Warren wing, and sent the Party lurching leftward at a torrid pace.

Over the weekend, the Democratic Party officially approved what Sanders proudly declared the most progressive platform in its history. Prominent Sanders backer Nina Turner went a step further and welcomed supporters of Secretary of State “to the new Democratic Party.” “THANKS TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ACROSS THE As the party’s soon-to-be-official nominee, Secretary Clinton now owns these radical policies and their COUNTRY, WE HAVE THE consequences on our country. She has no choice, as poll MOST PROGRESSIVE after poll have shown disgruntled Sanders supporters PLATFORM IN THE HISTORY are unwilling to support her without major concessions. OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. America Rising Squared is releasing the following THANK YOU!” primer to provide an in-depth look at just how extreme – the policies of “the new Democratic Party” really are: Tweet 7/10/16 ENERGY The Democrat Party Platform calls for a new National Tax on Energy. A new tax on energy use would devastate small businesses and families, taking more of their hard-earned money and giving it to the government. It would lower wage rates by 8.5 percent and could cost more than 20 million jobs over the next fifty years. The platform also institutes outright bans and limits on drilling that currently supports more than 9 million jobs. By comparison, the 2012 Democratic Platform endorsed an “all of the above” energy policy – a far different approach from this year’s platform – indicating how far the party has shifted to the left.

MINIMUM WAGE The Democrat Party Platform endorses a nationwide $15 minimum wage, including for tipped employees. This overreaching policy would hurt the very workers it’s intended to help, resulting in over 6 million job losses. As companies increasingly move to automation, a $15 minimum wage would be a knockout blow to workers who need jobs – a government mandate many businesses simply can’t comply with. HEALTH CARE Secretary Clinton came out early Saturday morning and backed an expansion of ObamaCare that includes a government-run “public option,” which was included in the platform and was commended by Bernie Sanders. The inclusion of a government-run insurance plan will simply exacerbate the many existing problems of ObamaCare, driving up costs and decreasing choices for millions of Americans. In 2012’s platform, there was no mention of a public insurance option or trying to expand upon ObamaCare’s failure.

EDUCATION After repeatedly mocking Bernie Sanders plan for free college, Clinton came out with a similar proposal last week that was lauded by Sanders and his supporters. Despite experts questioning her plan, Clinton now stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Sanders and his radical allies by backing free college programs. Secretary Clinton says college affordability will be near the top of her list of priorities if she becomes president. That’s welcome news for struggling students and their families. But in the long run, she will win over more of Mr. Sanders’s young supporters by heeding her own valid critique of his plan, and developing more realistic improvements instead of offering pie-in-the-sky proposals that even editorial board says are unrealistic. The 2012 platform, by comparison, did not include any language regarding free tuition and the language now shows how far to the left the party has moved in 4 short years. THE WASHINGTON POST Democrats Shift To The Left In Weekend Platform Fight “The Democratic Party shifted farther to the left in one election than perhaps since 1972, embracing once-unthinkable stances on carbon pricing, police reform, abortion rights, the minimum wage, and the war on drugs. It did so with very little ideological resistance, and a lot of comity between the supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.” “‘We have produced by far the most progressive platform that this party has seen in multiple generations,’ said Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D), the co-chairman of the platform committee.”

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Bernie Sanders Wins Policy Concessions as Democrats Seek Unity “Mrs. Clinton accepted changes Mr. Sanders wanted to the party’s platform, including calls for abolishing the death penalty, and rolled out new policy goals in recent days that nudged her to the left in hopes of wooing her primary opponent and his voting coalition.” “These steps have helped ease the path to a Sanders endorsement, which could come as early as Tuesday at a joint campaign appearance in New Hampshire. In the month since the final Democratic primary, Mr. Sanders has said he would vote for Mrs. Clinton but has stopped short of a formal endorsement.” CNN Bernie Sanders Poised To Endorse Hillary Clinton In New Hampshire “The move comes after the Democratic Platform Committee, meeting in Orlando, adopted some of the Vermont senator’s key positions. Climate change, health care and a minimum wage hike are among the issues that the Sanders campaign are calling victories.”