The BG News March 4, 1994

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The BG News March 4, 1994 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-4-1994 The BG News March 4, 1994 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 4, 1994" (1994). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5665. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ft The BG News »- "A Commitment to Excellence" Friday, March 4, 1994 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 77, Issue 111 Presidential candidates debate USG hopefuls discuss safety, evaluation system, programs by Lawrence Hannan evaluation system for profes- News staff writer sors and install a debit system which would allow students to The candidates for Under- use their University charges graduate Student Government off campus." president and vice president Senator Jen Mathe dis- debated the cussed issues involving cam- issues in pus safety and parking and West Hall traffic during the statement. Thursday "We have a problem with night. the safety on this campus," Mathe said. "Just last week we The de- IfI M.KK'.ttAtU ATt bate, which rtiifcvr i J > v, *\ M . s had another rape reported. was spon- USG also has to get involved sored by in improving the lighting on USG and Pi IJSG this campus. We also need to Sigma Al- work with the BG Police and pha, fea- encourage them to put more tured a wide range of issues cops on foot patrol around the and, occasionally, heated ar- campus." guments. The main thrust of Doug Each of the presidential Minton's statement was that candidates opened the he was the most competent proceedings with a five and professional of the presi- minute opening statement. dential candidates. Senator Matt Fair discussed a "A vote for Minton/Hess is number of programs, includ- a vote for dedication, diversity ing The Student Advocate, he and honesty," Minion said. hoped to start or improve upon "We are the most professional election to the presidency. and the most realistic candi- "This would be [a program dates. We have the best ties where] students, especially with people in the administra- new students unfamiliar with tion and the community and the University, could call and that makes it easier to get find out information they things done." The BG NcwiAil has W«]lac* need," Fair said. "I'd also like USG presidential candidate Doug Mlnton speaks to the audience in he is elected. Also speaking about similar Issues were (from left) to institute a University-wide See DEBATE, page four. 121 West Hall Thursday night about his plans for the University if Joe Woods, Matt Fair, Kim Hess, Jen Mathe and Bill Wilson. Travel reimbursements rise Council by Katie Simmons ing conferences within Ohio," proposes News staff writer Faculty gets increase for living expenses Finn said. "This policy will now pay the fees and help out the em- University faculty will be within the policy state that trav- immediately. previous policy. In-state costs for ployees attending the conferen- changes traveling with a higher reimbur- eling by air, rail, bus or any other "This plan is definitely a way meals were once at $3 for break- ces substantially." sement plan as of Tuesday. common carrier must be taken at for faculty to limit their personal fast and now stand at $4, what Reimbursements within each The Board of Trustees on ap- the lowest available rate at the expenses for traveling in most was once $5 for lunch has gone department vary depending on proved the increase for faculty traveler's convenience. These cases," Finn said. up to $7 and the previous $12 for the size of the budgets. in merits members' transportation, living expenses will be charged direct- In-state mileage reimburse- dinner is now $14, with certain by Leah Barnum expenses and mileage rates on ly to the University budget if ment increased from the pre- guidelines considered. News staff writer Feb. 11. The policy had been ap- they are arranged through a vious plan of 20 cents to 27 cents Out-of-state meals also in- proved by the Faculty Senate on travel agency. per mile with an automobile, and creased by $1.50 and $2 and now Travel Reimbursement Administrative Staff Council Jan. 18. "There are about three Uni- is now at 8.5 cents per mile by are set at $6 for breakfast, $9 for Policy members discussed standardiz- The travel reimbursement pol- versity vehicles used to help em- use of a motorcycle. For out-of- lunch and $20 for dinner. ing the criteria by which Univer- icy states that all travel must be ployee travel," said Gaylyn Finn, state travel by automobile the Receipts may be required. sity employees earn merit in- authorized and/or approved by treasurer. reimbursement will not exceed a Overall, the lodging for faculty S All travel must be authorized creases and the percentage of the budget administrator unless These vehicles include a Uni- round trip coach fare for all em- members has increased on the in- those increases. the budget administrator is also versity airline card in conduction ployees in the car. state level from the previous $55 and/or approved by the budget administrator unless this person is At the ASC meeting Thursday, among the individuals traveling with the four major travel agen- Other transportation expenses to $75 with the backing of a the Personnel Welfare Commit- also traveling. - then the travel needs the ap- cies in Bowling Green, enabling stated in the policy include the receipt. tee made the following proposals proval by the next level of super- the employee to directly charge possible reimbursement for Other reimbursements <r These appovals give the regarding possible changes in vision. the expense to the University and parking charges and highway covered in the policy touched certification that the expenses and the merit system: These necessary approvals an opportunity for employees to tolls with the backing of a receipt upon the subjects of conference allowances are required and under ■ Merit increases should be give the certification that the ex- have an American Express credit and the reimbursement of taxi fees and conference meals and official University budget. based on the previous year's per- penses and allowances listed in card with no annual fee. cab, subway, bus, boat, ferry and the non-reimbursements of trav- formance unless there is a fair, the travel reports are required The card is still used on a per- bridge and runnel fees will be el expenses in accordance of the </ Transportation expenses within objective mechanism in place for and under official University sonal basis but it is a way for reimbursed without receipts. employee's families. the policy state that travel must be awarding merit based on per- business. faculty to charge their expenses The living expenses mentioned "One of the main concerns was taken by the lowest available rate. formance since the last merit in- Transportation expenses and receive the reimbursements in the policy increased from the geared toward employees attend- crease. ■ The merit portion of the total increase should be reduced from 40 percent to 25 percent. The proposals were greeted Party selects commissioner with much concern. Council member Kenneth Ka- by John Gibney her husband Joel, who was un- ence - one person can make a vanagh, associate athletic direc- News staff writer able to attend the meeting difference," she said. "Joel tor at the University, voiced con- which took place at the Holley Hyatt has made a difference in cern that a standard percentage The Wood County Democrat- Lodge. Ohio already." would only enable "the rich to get ic Committee announced their The committee voted for She said her husband knows richer," and would not help em- formal endorsement of Mary Boyle even though a screening what it means to be a fighter. ployees wh" earn lower salaries. Boyle for board made up of 18 committee When he started his legal ser- "We have to be fair to the peo- U.S. Senate members recommended Hyatt vice, Hyatt Legal Services, in ple at the lower ends," he said. Thursday prior to the meeting. 1977, the bar association tried "If you're objective and con- night. The members voted 31 to 26 to close him down, she said. sistent, morale's going to be a lot Their rec- in favor of Boyle. "They didn't like the idea of better." ommenda- Hyatt, whose father is How- bringing low cost legal ser- Another concern was that it tion followed ard Metzenbaum, the retiring vices to middle income peo- would be difficult to base merit speeches Democratic Senator, spoke ple," Hyatt said. raises on more than one year, be- given by about the reasons her husband The people need someone to cause there is so much turnover. Tkt BC Ne»i«Mi WcInner Boyle and chose to run for the position. fight the insurance companies, Some people change supervi- Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Mary Boyle waltf to speak to a Susan Hyatt, "Joel's parents taught him sors several times within a few opacity audience In the Caucus Room at the Holley Lodge. representing that people can make a differ- See DEMOCRATS, page four. years, said Marcia Latta, council member. A luncheon Monday and Local singer Tom Gor- The men's and women's Mostly cloudy and be- INSIDE Tuesday featuring a guest man will perform selec- basketball teams end the coming breezy.
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