Cheiro's Language of the Hand
Hands'\c^^' , BERNHARDT. • fv" T • CH • f • •1 . AMBERLATO-;—^ 1 w ';.^ - H- . NORDICA L INGERSOlLjfc^2 ' :•:'' ' :';;>Lmark twaim ' I ' 'FTC' PTC,/'^^ ' « •' ~! , ">*• • . <« ' . .y 22102360823 From a photograph by Aim6 Dupont, New York. CHEIRO. ff Bs is tbe mitiD, so is tbc form CHEIRO’S LANGUAGE OF THE HAND COMPLETE PRACTICAL WORK ON THE SCIENCES OF CHEIROGNOMY AND CHEIROMANCY, CONTAINING THE SYSTEM, RULES. AND EXPERIENCE OF CHEIRO (Count de H among) Fifty-five Full-page Illustrations, and over Two Hundred Engravings of Lines, Mounts, and Marks DRAWINGS OF THE SEVEN TYPES BY THEO DOPE REPRODUCTIONS OF FAMOUS HANDS, ALSO NORMAL AND ABNORMAL HANDS TAKEN FROM LIFE, INCLUDING The hands of Madame Sarah Bernhardt, Mark Twain, Madame Nordica, Col, R. G. Ingersoll. Mrs. Frank Leslie, Mr. W. T. Stead, The Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., Austen Chamberlain, Esq., M.P., Mrs. Annie Besant, Sir Frederick Leighton, P.R.A., Sir John Lubbock, M.P., F.R.S., The Countess of Aberdeen, Sir Edwin Arnold, The Lord Chief Justice of England, The Swami Vivekananda, Rev. C. H. Parkhurst, D.D., Lady Lindsay, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Lady Henry Somerset, A Prominent Member of the House of Commons, Madame Melba, Lord Charles Beresford, Mr. William Whiteley, Gen, Sir Redvers Buller, V.C., K.C.B., Rev. Minot J. Savage, and H. N. Higinbotham, Esq. NINTH EDITION Containing Illustrations of the Wonderful Scientific Invention the Apparatus for “THOUGHT PHOTOGRAPHY AND REGISTER OF CEREBRAL FORCE” F. TENNYSON NEELY, jpUbUSbCCS I NICHOLS & CO., 114 Fifth Avenue, New York. 23 Oxford Street, London W, REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION. Copyright, 1897, By Leigh de Hamong.
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