ANGUS BARGH on BEHALF of the CROWN PROPOSAL 7 (TRANSPORT) Integration of Proposal 7 with the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan 10 June 2015
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BEFORE THE CHRISTCHURCH REPLACEMENT DISTRICT PLAN HEARINGS PANEL IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Canterbury Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014 AND the Christchurch Replacement District Plan STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF ANGUS BARGH ON BEHALF OF THE CROWN PROPOSAL 7 (TRANSPORT) Integration of Proposal 7 with the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan 10 June 2015 Barristers and Solicitors Christchurch Solicitor Acting: David Allen / Julia White Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel 64 4 499 4242 Fax 64 4 499 4141 PO Box 2694 Wellington 6140 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 2. CODE OF CONDUCT ...................................................................................... 2 3. SCOPE ............................................................................................................ 3 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................. 4 5. CONTEXT OF THE PROPOSAL 7 (TRANSPORT) AND THE CENTRAL CITY PROPOSAL ..................................................................................................... 5 6. THE EFFECT OF THE CANTERBURY EARTHQUAKES ON TRAVEL PATTERNS WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY ...................................................... 6 7. THE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS ADOPTED IN DEVELOPING AN ACCESSIBLE CITY ......................................................................................... 8 8. THE PRINCIPLES BEHIND THE CCRP AND THE AAC ................................. 9 9. AN ACCESSIBLE CITY RESPONSE TO THE BLUEPRINT .......................... 10 10. THE AAC VISION FOR TRANSPORT WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY ........... 11 11. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TRANSPORT PROPOSAL OF THE REPLACEMENT PLAN .................................................................................. 12 BF\52991666\1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 My name is Angus Bargh. I am the Principal Transport Planner within the Christchurch Central Development Unit (" CCDU ") for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (" CERA "). I commenced employment with CERA in August 2014. 1.2 I hold a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Durham University, UK and a Master of Science in Remote Sensing and Image Processing from Edinburgh University, UK. I am a Certified Professional Engineer and a member of the Institute of Professional Engineers NZ. I am also a member of the Institute of Professional Engineers NZ Transportation Group. 1.3 In my role at CERA, I am responsible for all aspects of transport planning within the CCDU which includes all Crown-led anchor projects. 1 I also provide transport planning expertise for the An Accessible City - He Taone Wātea ("AAC ") street transformation projects which support the AAC chapter of the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan - Te Mahere Maraka Ōtautahi ("CCRP "). The projects (valued at $72m) that make up the first phase of the AAC projects are currently in various stages of design and construction. 1.4 In this role, I have undertaken or overseen the use and development of transport models, which include the Christchurch Transport Model and the Christchurch Assignment and Simulation Traffic Model. As a result I have a robust understanding of the application of transport models to achieving strategic outcomes. The geographic extent of the models extends to Greater Christchurch. These models are critical inputs to landuse transport planning in Christchurch because they are used to predict, as accurately as possible, the future demands on the transport network. They therefore help inform the understanding of the relationship between the redevelopment of the central city and the corresponding effect on the transport network, both within the central city, and also across the wider Christchurch area. 1.5 Prior to joining CERA, I was employed for two and a half years as the transportation planning manager for the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team (" SCIRT "). Previous to my role in SCIRT, I was employed as a Principal Transport Planner at Traffic Design Group NZ 1 As explained in section 8 below, anchor projects are included in the Blueprint which in turn is included in the CCRP. BF\52991666\1 Page 1 where I had a national role managing a transport planning and modelling team. 1.6 I have had a wide range of experience in various aspects of traffic planning and analysis including: (a) leading a number of studies in support of urban network optimisation, state highway optimisation in addition to economic assessment of new transport infrastructure; (b) leading the economic assessment of the Western Belfast Bypass on behalf of the New Zealand Transport Agency ("Transport Agency "); (c) leading the modelling team on the assessment of climbing lanes and interchange design for the State Highway Waterview connection with State Highway 16; (d) acting as peer reviewer, on behalf of the Transport Agency, for the transport model of the Basin Reserve project, (items (b) to (d) form part of the Government’s Roads of National Significance Programme); and (e) acting as a key member of the team which developed the Christchurch Transport Model (on behalf of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy partners)2 which informed the strategy for integrated land-use and transport planning within Greater Christchurch following the 2010/2011 earthquakes. 2. CODE OF CONDUCT 2.1 I confirm that I have read the code of conduct for expert witnesses as contained in the Environment Court’s Practice Note 2014. I have complied with the practice note when preparing my written statement of evidence, and will do so when I give oral evidence before the hearings panel. 2.2 The data, information, facts and assumptions I have considered in forming my opinions are set out in my evidence to follow. The reasons for the opinions expressed are also set out in the evidence to follow. 2 BF\52991666\1 Page 2 2.3 Unless I state otherwise, this evidence is within my sphere of expertise and I have not omitted to consider material facts known to me that might alter or detract from the opinions that I express. 3. SCOPE 3.1 I have been asked by the Crown (through CERA) to provide evidence in relation to Proposal 7 (Transport) of the Christchurch Replacement District Plan (" Replacement Plan ") and its high level integration with the CCRP, in particular, the AAC chapter. 3.2 My evidence explains the objectives and purpose of the AAC (which is the replacement transport chapter of the CCRP) and the rationale behind the broad transport principles to support the Blueprint within the CCRP and central city recovery. 3.3 My evidence also provides my opinion with respect to the relationship between the recovery of the central city, the associated regional transport network and the Transport Proposal. 3.4 I acknowledge that the Central City Proposal will be notified as part of Stage 3 of the Replacement Plan process and therefore my evidence will be confined to a strategic overview of transport with respect to the central city. 3.5 In particular, my evidence will address: (a) the effect of the Canterbury earthquakes on travel patterns within Greater Christchurch and the central city; (b) the cross-agency collaboration between CERA, the Council, the Transport Agency, the Canterbury Regional Council ("Regional Council") with input from Te R ūnunga o Ng āi Tahu ("TRoNT ") in the development of the AAC chapter of the CCRP; (c) the principles and objectives behind the Blueprint in the CCRP and the role of the transport network to support growth, vibrancy and transport choice; (d) how the AAC has responded to the Blueprint; and (e) the objectives of the AAC and its relevance to the transport provisions in the proposals for the Replacement Plan. BF\52991666\1 Page 3 3.6 I have read the evidence of all of the Crown witnesses namely Mr Richards, Mr Clark, Ms McLeod and Ms Barker. 3.7 I have also read all the evidence filed by the Council on 26 May 2015, insofar as these statements of evidence relate to the AAC and the recovery of Christchurch central city. 3.8 The documents I have referred to in preparing my evidence include: (a) the Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch - Mahere Haumanutanga o Waitaha (" Recovery Strategy "); (b) the Christchurch City Recovery Plan; (c) the Land Use Recovery Plan - Te Mahere Whakahaumanu T āone; (d) the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement - Chapter 6; (e) the Stage 1 Proposals for the Replacement Plan; (f) the Canterbury Earthquake (Christchurch Replacement District Plan) Order 2014, particularly Schedule 4 - Statement of Expectations; (g) Canterbury Regional Land Transport Strategy 2012 - 2042; (h) Greater Christchurch Transport Statement; (i) the decision of the hearings panel on Strategic Directions and Strategic Outcomes (and Relevant Definitions) dated 26 February 2015; and (j) Statistics NZ: Commuting Patterns in Greater Christchurch (2015). 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4.1 The AAC was prepared in collaboration between CERA, the Council, the Transport Agency and the Regional Council with input from TRoNT. This close collaboration and input has continued through the design and construction of the first projects within the AAC programme. 4.2 The objective of the AAC is the development of a central city travel network to support travel choice and enable significant increase in the proportion of people