December 8th, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Wayne Scott, the board chairperson at 10:00 am in the Shebandowan Community Centre.

The Chairperson welcomed all who were in attendance, and reminded everyone that the tape recorder was turned on to assist in preparing the minutes of this meeting.

In attendance: Wayne Scott, Chairperson; David Harris, Board Member; Leonard (Butch) Cunningham, Board Member; David Bel, Board Member; Tracey Johnson, Fire Chief; Lynn Scott, Secretary/ Treasurer; and 3 inhabitants from the board area. Regrets: Kathy Moshonsky, Board Member.

Disclosures of Interest: None


Minutes of the budget meeting dated November 3rd, 2018 were reviewed by the board. No errors or omissions were noted. A motion was made that the minutes be accepted and passed on the 8th day of December 2018. Motioned by Leonard (Butch) Cunningham, and seconded by David Harris. All in favour, with none opposed. Carried.

Minutes of the previous general meeting dated November 3rd, 2018 were reviewed by the board. No errors or omissions were noted. A motion was made that the minutes be accepted and passed on the 8th day of December 2018. Motioned by Leonard (Butch) Cunningham, and seconded by David Harris. All in favour, with none opposed. Carried.


Up to the end of November, the following cheques have been issued: Bolt Media for the domain name and yearly website hosting for the prior year; Lynn Scott for an expense report for office supplies, postage, and Sage renewal; Area Zone One Mutual Aid Association for last years membership dues; Pepco for clear diesel; BMO Mastercard for an expense report for fuel; the monthly honorariums; and Tracey Johnson for an expense report for fire supplies. The PAP’s to Hydro One, Tbaytel, Bell Canada, and Superior Propane for the tank rental have been withdrawn. The current bank balance is $64,725.09.

To date in December, an invoice has been received from the of for our communications share. Propane was delivered, but this will be automatically withdrawn from the bank account on January 5th, 2019. A deposit has been made to the account consisting of: an amount received for 2 MTO call outs in September, the receivable for the MNR fire from May, and a donation from Rose and Al Jack.

Clear diesel has been delivered, and Lynn Scott recorded the amount received in the fuel log look. The fuel log is up to date.

The budget has been submitted to Linda Braun, our MENDM representative, and any questions she had have been answered.


Wayne Scott followed up with the MOHLTC in regards to the Helipad. This Helipad is vital to all in the area, not just the board area, but also for any highway calls. ORNGE has also stated that it is needed. This helipad was built by the MOHLTC so they will get a lease agreement in place with the MTO.

The signed agreement for the provision of 9-1-1 Primary Public Safety Answering Point has been received back from the OPP. We should be getting the mail-out from Bell next week (Dec 10-11).


Fire Chief Johnson provided an update on the fire department. The department has responded to a couple of calls, and Fire Chief Johnson will be completing some billing. The Zone has decided to change to “Who’s Responding” for dispatching. This will start in January.

Deputy Chief Baxter noted that the lights on the rescue may need to be changed. The bulbs are becoming obsolete. They may be able to get a used LED bar for $150.00. Wayne Scott asked the chief to get an installed price, so the board can make a decision.

David Harris provided a 911 update. All of the data uploading has been done. On December 12th, the testing will be done, and we will be live after that. The mailer will go out on December 14th.


David Harris and Lynn Scott attended a meeting at TD Canada Trust to apply for a new credit card for use by the Fire Chief, and also to open a couple of bank accounts to hold the funds held in reserve for maintenance (ie. Door/window replacement, furnace replacement, roof replacement, rescue replacement) as budgeted, with a separate account to hold the funds budgeted for a new support vehicle.

NEXT MEETING: General Meeting January 19th, 2019 at 10 am in the Shebandowan Community Centre.

General Meeting March 23rd, 2019 at 10 am in the Shebandowan Community Centre.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 am Motion by Leonard (Butch) Cunningham, seconded by David Harris.