ON LIBERTY November 2003 Vol. 53, No. 10 FEATURES 8 The Economics of Spam by Christopher Westley 10 Business Under German Inflation by Ludwig von Mises 14 Healers Under Siege by Doug Bandow 19 Understanding "Austrian" Economics, Part 2 by Henry Hazlitt 24 Rent-Seeking: A Primer by Sanford Ikeda 29 Grutter v. Bollinger: A Constitutional Embarrassment by George C. Leef 33 Global Warming: Extreme Weather or Extreme Prejudice? by Christopher Lingle 37 The Fallacies of Distributism by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. 4 FROM the PRESIDENT—-The Great German Inflation by Richard M. Ebeling «««« 17 THOUGHTS on FREEDOM—Oblivious to the Obvious by Donald J. Boudreaux 27 PERIPATETICS—Canute's Courtiers Were Wrong by Sheldon Richman 35 OUR ECONOMIC PAST— How the Federal Government Got into the Ocean-Shipping Business by Robert Higgs 47 THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS—-People Before Profits by Walter E. Williams DEPA RT/V\ E NTS 2 Perspective—Weighing In by Sheldon Richman 6 Massive Foreign Aid Is the Solution to Africa's Ills? It Just Ain't So! by William Thomas 42 Book Reviews Adam Smith's Marketplace of Life by James R. Otteson, reviewed by Robert Batemarco; The Great Tax Wars: Lincoln to Wilson—The Fierce Battles over Money and Power that Transformed the Nation by Steven R. Weisman, reviewed by Burton W. Folsom, Jr.; Pieces of Eight by Edwin Vieira, Jr., reviewed by George C. Leef; Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil by James Bovard, reviewed by Richard M. Ebeling. Published by The Foundation for Economic Education IDEAS Irvington-on-Hudson, NY 10533 Phone: (800) 960-4FEE; (914) 591-7230 PERSPECTIVE ON LIBERTY Fax: (914) 591-8910; E-mail:
[email protected] FEE Home Page: www.fee.org Weighing In President: Richard M.