The Chemistry of Heterocycles

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The Chemistry of Heterocycles The Chemistry of Heterocycles Mohammad Jafarzadeh Faculty of Chemistry, Razi University The Chemistry of Heterocycles, (Second Edition). By Theophil Eicher and Siegfried Hauptmann, Wiley-VCH Veriag GmbH, 2003 1 80 5 Five-Membered Heterocycles 5.7 Benzo[A]thiophene 80 5 Five-Membered Heterocycles 5.7 Benzo[b]thiophene 5.7 [A]Benzo[A]thiophenBenzo[b]thiophene wase previously named thionaphthene. It has the following spectroscopic data: Benzo[6]thiophene was previously named thionaphthene. It has the following spectroscopic data: Benzo[6]thiophenUV (ethanol) e was previously name1H-NMd thionaphtheneR (CCU) . It has the followin13C-NMg spectroscopiR (CDCIsc) data: 1 13 UV (ethanol227(4.40) ) 289(3.22) H-NMR (CCUH-2) : 7.33 H-6: (7.23) C-NMR (CDCIs0-2:126.) 2 C-6: 124.2 249(3.83) 296(3.50) H-3: 7.23 H-7: (7.29) 0-3:123.8 C-7: 12 258(3.83) H-4: 7.72 0-4: 123.6 C-3a: 139.6 227(4.40) 289(3.22) H-2: 7.33 H-6: (7.23) 0-2:126.2 C-6: 124.2 265(3.63) H-5: 7.25 0-5: 124.1 C-7a: 139.7 249(3.83) 296(3.50) H-3: 7.23 H-7: (7.29) 0-3:123.8 C-7: 12 258(3.83) H-4: 7.72 0-4: 123.6 C-3a: 139.6 265(3.63TheTh) e NMRNMR chemicalchemical shifshiftt H-5valuevalues: 7.2s 5hardl hardlyy diffedifferr frofromm thosthosee o0-5fof benzo[£]furan: benzo[124.1 bC-7a]furan.: 139.. 7 The NMR chemicaBenzo[Z?]thiophenl shift values hardle yis diffe somewhar from tthos leses oreactivf benzo[£]furane in electrophili. c substitutions than thiophene, and also less reactive than benzo[£]furan. Moreover, regioselectivity is poor, giving rise to mixtures. 2 Benzo[Z?]thiophenFrequently, the e3-positio is somewhan ist lesattackes reactivd preferentialle in electrophiliy ovec substitutionr the 2-positions than, thiophenee.g. in halogenation, and , nitration alsano lesd sacylation reactive .tha Onln benzo[£]furany the reactio.n Moreover with n-butyllithiu, regioselectivitm yis isregioselective poor, giving ris, egivin to mixturesg 2-lithiate. d benzo[6]- Frequentlythiophene, the 3-positio. n is attacked preferentially over the 2-position, e.g. in halogenation, nitration and acylationBenzo[6]thiophene. Only the reactiosn undergwith n-butyllithiuo photochemicam is regioselectivel [2+2] cycloaddition, giving 2-lithiate, for instancd benzo[6]e wit- h 1,2-dichloro- thiopheneethen. e in the presence of benzophenone as sensitizer: Benzo[6]thiophenes undergo photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition, for instance with 1,2-dichloro- ethene in the presence of benzophenone as sensitizer: hv, hv, Oxidation of benzo[Z?]thiophene with peroxy acids leads to the 1,1-dioxide. Oxidation of benzo[Z?]thiophene with peroxy acids leads to the 1,1-dioxide. By analogy with benzo[Z?]furans, benzo[fr]thiophenes can be obtained from thiophenolates and By analoga-haly witoh ketones benzo[Z?]furans: , benzo[fr]thiophenes can be obtained from thiophenolates and a-halo ketones: w - N a X w - N a X SNa SNaX X 80 5 Five-Membered Heterocycles 80 5 Five-Membered Heterocycles 5.7 Benzo[A]thiophene 5.7 Benzo[A]thiophene Benzo[6]thiophene was previously named thionaphthene. It has the following spectroscopic Benzo[6]thiophendata: e was previously named thionaphthene. It has the following spectroscopic data: UV (ethanol) 1H-NMR (CCU) 13C-NMR (CDCIs) UV (ethanol) 1H-NMR (CCU) 13C-NMR (CDCIs) 227(4.40) 289(3.22) H-2: 7.33 H-6: (7.23) 0-2:126.2 C-6: 124.2 227(4.40) 289(3.22) H-2: 7.33 H-6: (7.23) 0-2:126.2 C-6: 124.2 249(3.83) 296(3.50) H-3: 7.23 H-7: (7.29) 0-3:123.8 C-7: 12 249(3.83) 296(3.50) H-3: 7.23 H-7: (7.29) 0-3:123.8 C-7: 12 258(3.83) H-4: 7.72 0-4: 123.6 C-3a: 139.6 258(3.83) H-4: 7.72 0-4: 123.6 C-3a: 139.6 265(3.63) H-5: 7.25 0-5: 124.1 C-7a: 139.7 265(3.63) H-5: 7.25 0-5: 124.1 C-7a: 139.7 ThThee NMNMRR chemica chemical lshif shift valuet values hardls hardly diffey differ fror mfro thosm those ofe benzo[£]furan of benzo[£]furan. [B] Benzo[b]thiophene is somewhat less reactive in electrophilic substitutions than thiophene, and also less reactive than benzo[b]furanBenzo[Z?]thiophenBenzo[Z?]thiophen. Moreover,e regioselectivityeis isomewhas somewhat lest sles reactiviss reactivpoor,e ine giving electrophiliin electrophilirisec tosubstitutioncmixtures substitutions .thans thiophenethan thiophene, and , and alsalsoo les less sreactiv reactive etha than benzo[£]furann benzo[£]furan. Moreover. Moreover, regioselectivit, regioselectivity is poory is ,poor givin, ggivin rise gt oris mixturese to mixtures. Frequently, the 3-positionFrequentlyFrequentlyis attacked, ,th the e3-positio 3-positiopreferentiallyn nis iattackes attackedover preferentialld preferentiallthe 2-yposition, ovey over ther 2-positionthee. g2-position. in ,halogenation, e.g., halogenation. in halogenationnitration, nitratio, nitration n and acylation. Only theanandd acylationreactionacylation. .Onl Onlwithy yth then e-reactiobutyllithium reaction nwit with n-butyllithiuhis n-butyllithiuregioselective,m ims regioselectiveis regioselectivegiving, givin2-lithiated, giving 2-lithiateg 2-lithiatebenzo[d benzo[6]db ]benzo[6]- - - thiophene. thiophenethiophene.. Benzo[6]thiopheneBenzo[6]thiophenes sunderg undergo ophotochemica photochemical [2+2l [2+2] cycloaddition] cycloaddition, for, instancfor instance witeh wit1,2-dichloroh 1,2-dichloro- - Benzo[b]thiophenes undergoethenethenee i ninphotochemical th thee presenc presence eo fo benzophenonf benzophenon[2+2] cycloaddition,e aes sensitizeras sensitizer:for:instance with 1,2-dichloroethene in the presence of benzophenone as sensitizer: hv, hv, Oxidation of benzo[Z?]thiophene with peroxy acids leads to the 1,1-dioxide. Oxidation of benzo[Z?]thiophene with peroxy acids leads to the 1,1-dioxide. Oxidation of benzo[b]thiophene with peroxy acids leads to the 1,1-dioxide. By analogy with benzo[Z?]furans, benzo[fr]thiophenes can be obtained from thiophenolates and a-halBy oanalog ketonesy wit: h benzo[Z?]furans, benzo[fr]thiophenes can be obtained from thiophenolates and [C] By analogy with benzo[ba-hal]furans,o ketonesbenzo[: b]thiophenes can be obtained from thiophenolates and �- halo ketones: w - N a X SNa X w - N a X SNa X 3 5.7 Benzo[b]thiophene 81 5.7 Benzo[b]thiophene 81 [D] Benzo[b]thiophene, Benzo[£]thiophenecolorless crystals,, colourlesmp 32s crystals°C, bp, mp221 32°C°C,, bphas 221°Ca , smellhas a smelsimilarl similato rthat to thaoft of naphthalene. It is presentnaphthaleneBenzo[£]thiophenein the .naphthalene It is presen, colourlest infraction sth crystalse naphthalen,of mpcoal 32°Ce fractiotar, bpand n221°C of cancoa, hal betas ra anpreparedsmeld cal nsimila be preparefromr to thasodiumdt ofrof m so- thiophenolate anddiubromoacetaldehydem thiophenolatnaphthalene. eIt anis dpresen bromoacetaldehyddiethylt in theacetal naphthalene. diethyBenzo[e fractiol acetalbn]thiophene o.f Benzo[&]thiophencoal tar anoccursd can bee inprepareoccurroasteds di nfro roastem coffeesod- coffee beans. diubeansm thiophenolat. e and bromoacetaldehyde diethyl acetal. Benzo[&]thiophene occurs in roasted coffee beansVariou. s Pharmaceuticals and biocides are derived from benzo[£]thiophene, and it is found to be b i o - Various Pharmaceuticals and biocides are derived from benzo[£]thiopheneL , and it is found to be b i o - Various Pharmaceuticalsisosteric witandh naphthalenbiocidese areand indolederived. Mobafromm 1benzo[ [4-(AL methylcarbamoyl)benzo[6]thiopheneb]thiophene, and it is found] tois aben in- bioisosteric with naphthaleneisosterisecticidce wit which naphthalenhand is asindole effective Mobam indoleas carbary. Moba1l 2[m4. -Bot1(N [4-(Ah-methylcarbamoyl compoundmethylcarbamoyl)benzo[6]thiophenes inhibit th)benzo[e enzymbe]thiophene] acetylcholinesterase] is an inis- an . secticide which is as effective as carbaryl 2. Both compounds inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. insecticide which is as effective as carbaryl 2. Both compounds inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. V ff O—C—NHCHV 3 ff O—C—NHCH3 O—C—NHCH3 O—C—NHCH3 Benzo[b]-3-thienylaceticBenzo[6]-3-thienylacetiacid 3 promotesc caci acid plant3d promote3 promotegrowth,s plans plant asgrowtht growthdoes, as ,doethe ass doe correspondingthes correspondin the corresponding indolindolege indol compoundcompounde compound. 3. - (2-Aminoethyl)benzo[3-(2-Aminoethyl)benzo[6]thiophenb]thiophene 4 has an evene e4 ha4stronger sha ans evean neve strongeactionn stronger actioonr actionthe on nthcentral oen centra the central nervousnervoul nervous systesystemsm syste thanmthan than tryptamin. tryptamin.. CH2—COOH CH2—CH2—NH2 CH2—COOH CH2—CH2—NH2 4 Several compounds which are known as thioindigo dyes are derived fromm benzo[Z?]thiophene. Thio- indigSeverao 6l compounditself is mads ewhic fromh 2-sulfanylbenzoi are known as thioindigc acid viao benzo[£]thiophen-3(2//)-on dyes are derived fromm benzo[Z?]thiophenee 5 (thioindoxyl) by. Thio- thindige followino 6 itselg stepf is smad (FRIEDLANDEe from 2-sulfanylbenzoiR 1905): c acid via benzo[£]thiophen-3(2//)-one 5 (thioindoxyl) by the following steps (FRIEDLANDER 1905): COOH CICH2COOH COOH CICH- HCI2COOH - HCI -2H2O -2H2O Thioindigo, a vat dye, f o r m s red needles and its vat is bright yellow. As a dye, i t has a blue-red colour. Thioindigo dyes were produced in large quantities until the fifties, but since then they have become lesThioindigos important, a. vat dye, f o r m s red needles and its vat is bright yellow. As a dye, i t has a blue-red colour. Thioindigo dyes were produced in large quantities until the fifties, but since then they have become less important. 5.7 Benzo[b]thiophene 81 Benzo[£]thiophene, colourless crystals, mp 32°C, bp 221°C, has a smell similar to that of naphthalene. It is present in the naphthalene fraction of coal tar and can be prepared from so- dium thiophenolate and bromoacetaldehyde diethyl acetal.
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