BEST bits 2021

ealth h e World Hepatitis Day is every Get the Facts c Sun Safety: o n bserva July 28 to raise awareness about July this leading cause of death worldwide. When it comes to protecting yourself Nearly 300 million people have it and from sun damage, do you know fact don’t know it. Hepatitis viruses cause from fiction? Review the basics from the inflammation of the liver that leadsto American Cancer Society and CDC. serious illness. There are five primary forms of hepatitis. You can get involved Fiction: You don’t need to wear sunscreen at worldhepatitisday.org. And learn when outdoors on cloudy days. more about hepatitis at cdc.gov/ Fact: Up to 80% of the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) hepatitis. rays can penetrate clouds. Unless it’s raining Tip: Sunscreen products can only be labeled broad spectrum if they have been heavily, your skin can burn if overexposed ealth

h July is National Recreation e

c to UV rays. tested and shown to help screen both UVA o n bserva and Park Month, a time to and UVB rays. Tip: Remember that sunscreen is just recognize those people working to help a filter — it does not block all UV rays. Fiction: Sunscreens labeled as water-resistant protect and preserve our open only need to be applied once while sweating community sites across the U.S. With Fiction: One application of sunscreen will or swimming. their efforts, we can enjoy walking our provide several hours of protection outdoors. Fact: Water-resistant sunscreens must be trails, camping sites, taking fitness classes or swimming at community Fact: The best prescription is to apply one reapplied at least every two hours. These centers, along with reaping the benefits ounce of broad-spectrum sunscreen with sunscreens must state whether they protect of clean air and water. Learn more at a sun protective factor (SPF) 30 to your the skin for at least 40 or 80 minutes of nrpa.org/events/july. entire body and reapply every two hours, swimming or sweating. There’s no such especially after swimming or sweating. thing as a waterproof sunscreen — they ealth h e Anyone can suffer from all wash off eventually. c o n bserva mental disorders, which include Tip: Most sunscreen products are good depression, anxiety, bipolar and many for two to three years; check expiration dates. others. Too many people struggling with poor mental health don’t get or Fiction: Getting a base tan at an indoor seek help. During Minority Mental tanning salon is a good way to prevent sun Health Awareness Month, the focus damage when outdoors. is recognizing and improving care Fact: A base tan provides little protection for underrepresented communities. from sunburn — any tanning, indoors or out, Learn more about this annual event injures your skin. at nami.org. Mobile devices are providing new ways to access help, monitor progress and increase understanding of mental well-being; for example, anyone who can text can You may be especially sensitive to UV damage if you have: a family history of skin cancer; contact a crisis center. fair skin; or many moles, irregular moles, or freckles. Learn more at cancer.org. Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. For the most up-to-date pandemic information visit Don't go through life, grow through life. — Eric Butterworth coronavirus.gov.

The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s printable download, Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools. Did you know? When Adult Kids Move In Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can occur in the Grown children moving in with their parents summer. Though less common is no longer unusual. In fact, the number of young than the winter version, many adults living with one or more parents has surpassed people do develop summer the number living in multi-generational households depression. Symptoms include during the Great Depression, according to Pew Research. poor appetite, weight loss, insomnia, restlessness and There are numerous reasons why adult children return home, anxiety. Early, accurate diagnosis including a job loss, apartment woes or a relationship breakup. is important to ensure you get While the new living situation may be fine for a while, it can proper treatment. If you disrupt the parents’ home life and cause stress for all family members. suspect summer depression, Use these tips to help you and your adult kids adjust more consult a health care provider comfortably to your new living arrangement: familiar with this condition. • Set a mutually agreed-upon rent for room and board. Treatment may include If your grown child is unemployed, encourage them to look for medication, counseling and work and, in the meantime, to help with chores and errands. changing your sleep schedule. • Set limits. If you’re looking forward to retiring or downsizing, make it clear the living arrangement can’t last Lifestyle changes can also help: forever and work out a timetable. Maintain healthy eating, exercise • Respect each other as adults. Your grown kids shouldn’t treat your home like a dormitory or expect you to consistently and don’t overbook provide all their meals. And parents shouldn’t expect their adult children to have a curfew. — find time to relax and do • Don’t wait until there’s an argument to set some rules. For example, make it clear if you don’t allow smoking things you enjoy daily. in your home. Let them know your bedtime should be respected (no loud music or guests after a certain time). — Eric Endlich, PhD Chronic Pain and the Brain

Nearly 100 million Americans suffer from The good news is, effective therapies chronic, persistent pain, according to the can help improve your well-being: American Academy of Pain Medicine. Pain is Cognitive behavioral therapy is a well-established the most common symptom that sends us to our health treatment for anxiety and depression. It’s also a very effective way to treat care providers, yet it is hard to define. The sensation and control chronic pain. Therapists use it to help patients learn coping skills so of pain involves communication among your nerves, that they can actively manage, rather than be victimized by, their pain. For example, spinal cord and brain. Some of the most common types patients might try participating in activities to help improve physical function and of chronic pain are due to headache, arthritis, nerve distract themselves from focusing on the pain. damage, cancer, lower back pain, and pain after surgery Relaxation training techniques help people relax and reduce stress; techniques or trauma. include progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and meditation. If you suffer chronic pain, you Routine physical exercise, according to abundant research, is very helpful for may find that your daily boosting mood and reducing anxiety. Research suggests that aerobic exercise can be discomfort leads you to especially helpful for improving overall well-being and physical function in patients withdraw from socializing. with some types of chronic pain. Over time, pain can weaken Mindfulness meditation practice has recently been shown to reduce a person's your physical and mental pain experience. Some participants have been able to reduce or even eliminate pain strength and social medications through ongoing daily practice. relationships and further Consider support groups. Meeting with other people who have chronic pain offers a reduce your ability to cope. way to understand, share and explore other methods of coping with pain — and can As a result, many chronic pain help you feel less alone. To learn more, search for support groups at theacpa.org. sufferers also suffer depression.

PB4.U® 7.2021 : Live Well, Be Well dollars sense Food Waste No More Growing Net Worth 101 By Cara Rosenbloom, RD By Jamie Lynn Byram, PhD, AFC

In personal finance,net worth is a Ready for a shocking statistic? It’s estimated that common term. Net worth is equal between 30% to 40% of the U.S. food supply is to what you own (assets) minus what wasted — that’s more than $240 billion worth you owe (liabilities). Growing your of food. About a third of this food waste could net worth isn’t difficult; it just takes be rescued and sent to communities in need. focus and commitment. Take these While this problem includes waste at the farm, steps to grow your assets: factory, restaurant and grocery level, there’s also 1. Paying off debts will strengthen plenty of food wasted in homes across North America. your net worth. Focus on high- The average family wastes $1,866 worth of food each year. interest-bearing debt first; pay more Here are some tips to help you waste less food at home. than your minimum payment to • Plan ahead: Organize the week’s meals and shop speed up the process. with a grocery list of what you need. 2. Contribute as much as possible • Keep track: Watch how much you toss each week to your retirement accounts. These simple Many and adjust your shopping habits as needed. tips can help employers have matching programs • Stay organized: Keep similar foods together so you save that you should maximize. As your you can take a quick inventory of what you need money and accounts grow in value, so does before you shop. reduce waste. your net worth. • Use leftovers: Plan your next meal around leftovers so they don’t end up in the trash. 3. Build an emergency cash fund. • Rely on the freezer: Frozen food stays fresh longer. Store bread, Money set aside for emergencies meat, poultry, fish and certain vegetables and fruits in the freezer. will increase and protect your net • Learn about best if used by dates: Don’t toss food based on the date stamp. worth. And you can avoid using a It indicates when the nutritional value starts to decrease, not when the product expires. credit card and adding debt. • Strategize with freshness: Eat foods based on how quickly they spoil. Enjoy berries and leafy 4. Keep cash for savings and greens first, and store hardier apples and carrots until the end of the week. emergency funds in interest- • Give foods a second chance: Don’t toss bruised or day-old foods. Make bread into croutons, bearing accounts. Only hold what and freeze ripe fruit for baking, oatmeal or smoothies. is necessary for monthly expenses in • Compost: Peels from fruits and vegetables can be composted and used for personal gardening. your non-interest-bearing accounts. Move all other funds to a savings account that earns interest. Summer Salad with Blueberries easy recipe Compound interest is your friend. 6 cups baby spinach 5. Track your spending. Knowing 2 cups chopped red/purple cabbage where you spend money can help 2 cups blueberries or other berries you control overspending. And the ¼ cup + 1 tbsp feta cheese, crumbled less you spend, the greater your 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar net worth. 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 tbsp chopped shallot

In a large serving bowl, combine spinach, cabbage and blueberries. Using a blender or small food processor, blend together ¼ cup feta, vinegar, oil and shallot. Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat. Serve topped with 1 tbsp crumbled feta.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 152 calories | 4g protein | 9g total fat | 2g saturated fat 6g mono fat | 1g poly fat | 16g carbohydrate | 9g sugar | 4g fiber| 159mg sodium

PB4.U® 7.2021 : Live Well, Be Well Stay in Touch Keep those questions and  suggestions coming!

Phone: 800-871-9525 Fax: 205-437-3084 Email: [email protected] Website: www.personalbest.com Executive Editor: Susan Cottman • Advisers: Patricia C. Buchsel, RN, MSN, FAAN; Jamie Lynn Byram, MBA, AFC, MS; Eric Endlich, PhD; Mary P. Hollins, MS, JD, CSHM; Kenneth Holtyn, MS; Reed Humphrey, PhD; Gary B. Kushner, SPHR, CBP; Diane McReynolds, Executive Editor Emeritus; Zorba Paster, MD; Charles Stuart Platkin, PhD; Cara Rosenbloom, RD; Elizabeth Smoots, MD, FAAFP; Margaret Spencer, MD • Editor: Aimie Miller • Designer: Heather Burke

The content herein is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. Sources available on request. © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084. EXPERT advice — Elizabeth Smoots, MD Take the Sting Out Q: What is juvenile arthritis? of Outdoor Work

Juvenile arthritis, If you work outdoors, chances are you A: also known as will encounter a stinging insect. While pediatric rheumatic insect stings can hurt, sometimes they can disease, is the medical also cause severe reactions. Be prepared term for many different inflammatory and rheumatic and protect yourself with these tips: conditions that affect childrenage 15 years Wear clean, light-colored, smooth clothing. Long or younger. Most of these conditions are sleeves and long pants are strongly suggested. Carry an epinephrine auto-injector and wear a autoimmune. This means the body’s Tuck pants into socks or boots. medical ID bracelet stating your allergy if you immune system acts in abnormal ways have severe allergic reactions to insect stings. Avoid wearing cologne, perfume, scented lotions to attack and damage healthy cells in or scented deodorants. Take care when lifting things off the ground. the body. You could be disturbing ground bees or ant Look over your work area before you start for Juvenile arthritis may cause a variety of mounds. Caution: Never disturb ant mounds hives and ant mounds. symptoms. Common ones include joint (especially in a fire ant-infested area). Stay away from flowering plants, if possible. swelling, redness, pain and tenderness. Seek immediate medical attention if a sting Sometimes juvenile arthritis can affect the Keep your work area clean. Clean up especially causes severe chest pain, nausea, profuse skin, eyes or internal organs without any after lunch as insects are attracted to discarded sweating, breathlessness, serious swelling or joint symptoms. The cause usually involves food. slurred speech. environmental factors and heredity. Tests and a physical exam can help a Smartphone tendonitis is linked to primary care provider or rheumatologist excessive time typing, scrolling and diagnose juvenile arthritis. There is no cure. tapping, especially with thumbs. But early diagnosis and treatment can Symptoms include pain, swelling and sometimes decrease symptoms and minimize disease limited use of the hand or wrist. Irritation and swelling of the thumb’s flexor tendon can cause activity. It can also help avoid joint and organ damage and prevent progression trigger thumb, a painful locking of the thumb. If you have swelling, stiffness or pain in your hand, of juvenile arthritis. wrist or thumb, talk to your health care provider. Tendonitis can often be treated with rest, ice and anti-inflammatories, as well as a wrist brace, if necessary.

PB4.U® 7.2021 : Live Well, Be Well It’s difficult to think eatingsmart anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a Food Waste No More homegrown tomato. By Cara Rosenbloom, RD

— Lewis Grizzard Ready for a shocking statistic? It’s estimated that between 30% to 40% of the U.S. food supply is wasted — that’s more than $240 billion worth of food. About a third of this food waste could be rescued and sent to communities in need. While this problem includes waste at the farm, factory, restaurant and grocery level, there’s also plenty of food wasted in homes across North America. The average family wastes $1,866 worth of food each year. Here are some tips to help you waste less food at home. • Plan ahead: Organize the week’s meals and shop with a grocery list of what you need. • Keep track: Watch how much you toss each week and These simple adjust your shopping habits as needed. tips can help tip of the month • Stay organized: Keep similar foods together so you can you save take a quick inventory of what you need before you shop. money and reduce Weight Loss Aid? • Use leftovers: Plan your next meal around leftovers so waste. they don’t end up in the trash. If you’ve considered trying • Rely on the freezer: Frozen food stays fresh longer. Store bread, apple cider vinegar for meat, poultry, fish and certain vegetables and fruits in the freezer. weight loss or managing • Learn about best if used by dates: Don’t toss food based on the date stamp. type 2 diabetes, there’s It indicates when the nutritional value starts to decrease, not when the product expires. new research to consider. • Strategize with freshness: Eat foods based on how quickly they spoil. Enjoy berries and leafy greens first, A recent analysis of 16 studies and store hardier apples and carrots until the end of the week. on acetic acid (the main • Give foods a second chance: Don’t toss bruised or day-old foods. Make bread into croutons, and freeze component in vinegar), ripe fruit for baking, oatmeal or smoothies. found that it has a small but • Compost: Peels from fruits and vegetables can be composted and used for personal gardening. significant effect on lowering blood sugar levels, and has no effect on weight loss. easy recipe Bottom line: Don’t rely Summer Salad with Blueberries on vinegar as a weight loss 6 cups baby spinach aid or as the sole way to 2 cups chopped red/purple cabbage manage your diabetes. 2 cups blueberries or other berries More research is needed ¼ cup + 1 tbsp feta cheese, crumbled to better understand the 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar role of apple cider vinegar. 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1 tbsp chopped shallot Healthful eating, weight loss and more physical activity In a large serving bowl, combine spinach, cabbage and blueberries. Using a blender or small food result in far greater blood processor, blend together ¼ cup feta, vinegar, oil and shallot. Pour dressing over salad and toss glucose reductions and to coat. Serve topped with 1 tbsp crumbled feta. are backed by extensive research. Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 152 calories | 4g protein | 9g total fat | 2g saturated fat 6g mono fat | 1g poly fat | 16g carbohydrate | 9g sugar | 4g fiber| 159mg sodium

 | 7.2021 7.2021

July is UV Safety Month. Food Waste No More By Cara Rosenbloom, RD

Ready for a shocking statistic? It’s estimated that between 30% to 40% of the U.S. food supply is wasted — that’s more than $240 billion dollars’ worth of food. About a third of this food waste could be sent to communities in need. While this problem includes waste at the farm, factory, restaurant and grocery level, the average family wastes $1,866 worth of food each year. Here are some tips to help you reduce waste: Sun Safety: Get the Facts • Organize the week’s meals and shop with a grocery list of what you need. When it comes to protecting yourself from sun • Watch how much you toss each week and damage, do you know fact from fiction? adjust your shopping habits as needed. Fiction: You don’t need to wear sunscreen • Keep similar foods together so you can when outdoors on cloudy days. take a quick inventory of what you Fact: Up to 80% of the sun’s UV (ultraviolet) need before you shop. rays can penetrate clouds. Unless it’s raining heavily, • Plan your next meal around leftovers Save money and your skin can burn if overexposed to UV rays. so they don’t end up in the trash. reduce waste. Tip: Remember that sunscreen filters but doesn’t • Frozen food stays fresh longer. Store bread, meat, poultry, block all UV rays. fish and certain vegetables and fruits in the freezer. Fiction: One application of sunscreen will provide several • Don’t toss food based on the best if used by date. It indicates hours of protection outdoors. when the nutritional value starts to decrease, not when the Fact: Apply one ounce of broad-spectrum sunscreen with a product expires. sun protective factor (SPF) 30 to your entire body and reapply • Eat foods based on how quickly they spoil. Enjoy berries and every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. leafy greens first, and store hardier apples and carrots until the Fiction: Sunscreens labeled as water-resistant only need to be end of the week. applied once while sweating or swimming. • Don’t toss bruised or day-old foods. Make bread into croutons, Fact: Water-resistant sunscreens must be reapplied at least every and freeze ripe fruit for baking, oatmeal or smoothies. two hours. These sunscreens must state whether they protect • Compost peels from fruits and vegetables for gardening. the skin for at least 40 or 80 minutes of swimming or sweating. There’s no such thing as a waterproof sunscreen — they all wash off eventually. Did you know? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can occur in the summer. Though less common than the winter version, Tip: Most sunscreen products are good for two to three years; many people do develop summer depression. Symptoms include check expiration dates. poor appetite, weight loss, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety. Early, Fiction: Getting a base tan at an indoor tanning salon is a good accurate diagnosis is important to ensure you get proper treatment. way to prevent sun damage when outdoors. If you suspect summer depression, consult a health care Fact: A base tan provides little protection from sunburn — any provider familiar with this condition. Treatment may include tanning, indoors or out, injures your skin. medication, counseling and changing your sleep schedule. Lifestyle changes can also help: Maintain healthy eating, You may be especially sensitive to UV damage if you have a exercise consistently and don’t overbook — find time family history of skin cancer, fair skin, or many moles, irregular to relax and do things you enjoy daily. — Eric Endlich, PhD moles or freckles. Learn more at cancer.org. Chronic Pain and the Brain Pain is the most common symptom that sends us to our health care providers, yet it is hard to define. Some of the most common types of chronic pain are due to headache, arthritis, nerve damage, cancer, lower back pain, and pain after surgery or trauma. If you suffer chronic pain, you may find that your daily discomfort leads you to limit your normal activities, including work and socializing. Over time, pain can weaken your physical and mental strength and social relationships and further reduce your ability to cope. As a result, many chronic pain sufferers also suffer depression. The Depression- The good news is, effective therapies can Weight Gain Link help improve your well-being: Cognitive behavioral therapy helps patients learn coping skills so that they can actively Do extra pounds cause depression or manage their pain. Patients might try participating in activities to help improve physical could depression be a trigger for being function and distract themselves from focusing on the pain. significantly overweight? Studies show Relaxation training techniques help people relax and reduce stress; techniques include there’s a complicated connection. progressive muscle relaxation, yoga and meditation. For example, CDC researchers found about Routine physical exercise is very helpful for boosting mood and reducing anxiety. 43% of adults with depression were significantly Research suggests that aerobic exercise can be especially helpful for improving overall overweight. But that doesn’t necessarily mean well-being and physical function in patients with some types of chronic pain. depression causes weight gain. However, it can Mindfulness meditation practice has recently been shown to reduce a person’s pain raise the risk of being less active and indulging in experience. Some participants have been able to reduce or even eliminate pain medications emotional eating, which slows metabolism and through ongoing daily practice. increases calorie intake. Consider support groups. Meeting with other people who have chronic pain offers a way Chronic stress may play a role in triggering to understand, share and explore other methods of coping with pain — and can help you both depression and weight gain. When the feel less alone. To learn more, search for support groups at theacpa.org. stress hormone cortisol is released, it stimulates the buildup of fat in the abdominal area. Some antidepressants can contribute to weight Q: gain. But if you need medication, there are more What is juvenile arthritis? antidepressants available with A: Juvenile arthritis, also known as pediatric rheumatic disease, is the medical fewer side effects than in term for many different inflammatory and rheumatic conditions that affect children past years, and not all are age 15 years or younger. Most of these conditions are autoimmune. This means the associated with weight gain. body’s immune system acts in abnormal ways to attack and damage healthy cells in It’s important to break the the body. depression-weight gain Juvenile arthritis may cause a variety of symptoms. Common ones include joint cycle because both excess swelling, redness, pain and tenderness. Sometimes juvenile arthritis can affect the pounds and depression skin, eyes or internal organs without any joint symptoms. The cause usually are associated with involves environmental factors and heredity. health risks, including cardiovascular disease Tests and a physical exam can help a primary and type 2 diabetes. care provider or rheumatologist diagnose juvenile arthritis. There is no cure. But early Talk to your health care provider and work with diagnosis and treatment can decrease symptoms a therapist, if needed, to lower stress, stick to a and minimize disease activity. It can also help healthy diet and become more physically active. avoid joint and organ damage and prevent Remember, exercise boosts mood and helps with progression of juvenile arthritis. weight control, too. — Elizabeth Smoots, MD

Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. printable download, Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, For the most up-to-date information visit coronavirus.gov. is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools. 7.2021

TopHealth® is published to provide readers with the information and the motivation needed to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The content herein is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. Executive Editor: Susan Cottman. Medical Editor: Zorba Paster, M.D. Sources available on request. © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® is a registered trademark of Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.personalbest.com JULY 2021 MAKE A GREAT PLATE. Fresh and tangy flavors for the perfect summer salad. Burrata Peach Salad

INGREDIENTS 4 cups arugula or other leafy greens 1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 3 tomatoes, sliced into wedges 1 tbsp balsamic glaze 2 peaches, sliced into wedges ¼ tsp coarse salt 6 oz. burrata or fresh mozzarella cheese, cut into pieces

DIRECTIONS Arrange arugula on large serving platter. Layer tomatoes, peaches and cheese on top of arugula. Top with olive oil, then drizzle balsamic glaze over salad in a zigzag pattern. Sprinkle with coarse salt and serve.

Makes 4 servings. Each: 198 calories | 10g protein | 13g total fat | 11g carbohydrate | 4g sugar | 3g fiber | 287mg sodium EBAW © 2021 EBIX INC. Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple Skewers EASY RECIPE Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil, plus more for grilling 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice 1 tsp lime zest ½ tsp chili flakes (optional) 1 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined ½ cup pineapple chunks, cut to 1 inch ½ cup red pepper, cut to 1 inch 3 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro Method: If using wooden skewers, soak in water. Preheat grill to medium heat. In a medium bowl, combine oil, lime juice and zest (and chili flakes, if using). Add shrimp and toss to coat. Thread skewers, starting with one each of shrimp, pineapple and red pepper and repeating until each skewer is filled. Lightly brush the grill with olive oil. Place skewers on the grill and cook for three minutes. Turn and cook 2-3 more minutes until shrimp are cooked through. Place on serving plate and garnish with cilantro. Serve.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 199 calories | 24g protein | 9g total fat | 1g saturated fat | 3g mono fat | 6g poly fat | 5g carbohydrate | 3g sugar | 1g fiber | 168mg sodium Personal Best®. Copyright © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. 7.2021 No sigamos desperdiciando los alimentos Por Cara Rosenbloom, RD

¿Está listo para una estadística impactante? Se estima que entre el 30% y el 40% del suministro de alimentos de los EE. UU. se desperdicia, lo que equivale a más de $240 mil millones de dólares en alimentos. Aproximadamente un tercio de este desperdicio de El mes de julio alimentos podría enviarse a comunidades necesitadas. es el Mes de Si bien este problema incluye el desperdicio en la granja, la fábrica, el la seguridad restaurante y el supermercado, la familia promedio desperdicia $1,866 en y la radiación alimentos cada año. ultravioleta. A continuación le ofrecemos algunas sugerencias para ayudarlo a reducir el desperdicio: Seguridad bajo el sol: • Organice las comidas de la semana con una lista Sepa cuál es la realidad de alimentos que va a necesitar. • Observe cuánto echa a la basura cada semana Cuando se trata de protegerse del daño solar, ¿sabe cuál y ajuste sus hábitos de compra según sea necesario. es la diferencia entre la realidad y la ficción? • Mantenga los alimentos similares juntos para que pueda hacer un inventario rápido de lo que Ficción: No es necesario usar protector solar cuando uno está al aire libre en necesita antes de ir de compras. días nublados. • Planifique su próxima comida alrededor de las Ahorre dinero y Realidad: Hasta el 80% de los rayos UV (ultravioleta) del sol pueden penetrar sobras para que no terminen en la basura. reduzca el desperdicio. las nubes. A menos que esté lloviendo mucho, la piel puede quemarse si se • Los alimentos congelados se mantienen frescos por más tiempo. sobreexpone a los rayos ultravioleta. Guarde el pan, la carne, la carne de ave, el pescado y ciertas verduras Sugerencia: Recuerde que solar filtra, pero no bloquea todos los y frutas en el congelador. rayos ultravioleta. • No eche a la basura los alimentos sobre la base de la fecha antes de la que es mejor usar o consumir un producto ("Best if used by date"). Ficción: Una aplicación de protector solar proporcionará varias horas de Esto indica cuándo el valor nutricional comienza a disminuir, no cuándo protección al aire libre. el producto se vence. Realidad: Aplique una onza de protector solar de amplio espectro con factor • Consuma los alimentos según la rapidez con la que se echen a perder. de protección solar (FPS) de 30 en todo el cuerpo y vuelva a aplicar protector Primero disfrute las bayas y las verduras de hoja frondosa, y almacene cada dos horas, especialmente después de nadar o sudar. las manzanas y zanahorias más resistentes hasta el final de la semana. Ficción: Los protectores solares etiquetados como resistentes al agua solo deben • No eche a la basura los alimentos magullados o que haya tenido por más aplicarse una vez si uno está sudando o nadando. de un día. Convierta el pan en crutones y congele la fruta madura para hornear, para comer con avena o para usarlas en batidos. Realidad: Los protectores solares resistentes al agua deben volver a aplicarse al menos cada dos horas. Estos protectores solares deben indicar si protegen la • Transforme las cáscaras de frutas y las verduras en abono para jardinería. piel durante al menos 40 u 80 minutos cuando uno está nadando o sudando. No existen los protectores solares a prueba de agua; todos se eliminan con El trastorno afectivo estacional (TAE) puede ocurrir el tiempo. ¿Sabía usted? en el verano. Aunque es menos común que la versión de invierno, muchas Sugerencia: La mayoría de los productos de protección solar son buenos personas desarrollan depresión de verano. Los síntomas incluyen falta de durante dos o tres años. Verifique las fechas de vencimiento. apetito, pérdida de peso, insomnio, inquietud y ansiedad. Un diagnóstico Ficción: El obtener un bronceado de base en un salón de bronceado en interior temprano y preciso es importante para garantizar que uno reciba el es una buena manera de prevenir el daño solar cuando se está al aire libre. tratamiento adecuado. Si sospecha que está sufriendo de depresión de verano, consulte a un profesional médico familiarizado con esta afección. Realidad: Un bronceado de base proporciona poca protección contra las El tratamiento puede incluir medicamentos, asesoramiento y cambio quemaduras solares: cualquier bronceado, en interiores o exteriores, daña la piel. del horario de sueño. Los cambios en el estilo de vida también pueden Uno puede ser especialmente sensible al daño causado por los rayos ultravioleta ayudar: mantenga una alimentación saludable, haga ejercicio de si tiene antecedentes familiares de cáncer de piel, piel clara o muchos lunares, manera constante y no se exceda: encuentre tiempo para relajarse y lunares irregulares o pecas. Obtenga más información en cancer.org. hacer las cosas de las que disfrute todos los días. — Eric Endlich, PhD El dolor crónico y el cerebro El dolor es el síntoma más común que nos hace ir a ver a nuestros profesionales médicos, pero es difícil de definir. Algunos de los tipos más comunes de dolor crónico se deben a dolores de cabeza, artritis, daño a los nervios, cáncer, dolor lumbar y dolor después de una cirugía o un traumatismo. Si sufre dolor crónico, es posible que su malestar diario lo lleve a limitar sus actividades normales, incluidos el trabajo y la socialización. Con el tiempo, el dolor puede debilitar su fuerza física y mental y sus relaciones sociales y reducir aún más su capacidad de afrontar las cosas. Como resultado, muchas personas que sufren de dolor crónico también sufren de depresión. La conexión entre Lo bueno es que las terapias efectivas pueden ayudar a la depresión y el mejorar el bienestar: La terapia cognitivo-conductual ayuda a los pacientes a aumento de peso aprender habilidades de adaptación para controlar activamente su dolor. Los pacientes pueden intentar participar en actividades para ayudar a mejorar ¿Las libras de más causan depresión o la la función física y distraerse de manera que no se concentren en el dolor. depresión podría ser un desencadenante de Las técnicas de entrenamiento en relajación ayudan a las personas a relajarse y reducir el estrés; un sobrepeso importante? Los estudios las técnicas incluyen relajación muscular progresiva, yoga y meditación. muestran que existe una conexión complicada. El ejercicio físico de rutina es muy útil para mejorar el estado de ánimo y reducir la ansiedad. Por ejemplo, los investigadores de los Centros Las investigaciones sugieren que el ejercicio aeróbico puede ser especialmente útil para mejorar para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades el bienestar general y la función física en pacientes con algunos tipos de dolor crónico. (CDC) encontraron que aproximadamente el 43% de los adultos con depresión tenían un sobrepeso Recientemente se ha demostrado que la práctica de la meditación de atención plena reduce importante. Pero eso no significa necesariamente que la experiencia del dolor de una persona. Algunos participantes han podido reducir o incluso la depresión cause aumento de peso. Sin embargo, eliminar los analgésicos mediante la práctica diaria continua. puede aumentar el riesgo de ser menos activo y permitirse Considere los grupos de apoyo. El reunirse con otras personas que padecen dolor crónico comer como consuelo emocional, lo que hace que ofrece una manera de comprender, compartir y explorar otros métodos para hacer frente al dolor, el metabolismo funcione más lentamente y aumenta y puede ayudarlo a sentirse menos solo. Para obtener más información, busque grupos de apoyo la ingesta de calorías. en theacpa.org. El estrés crónico puede desempeñar un papel en el desencadenamiento tanto de la depresión como del aumento de peso. Cuando se libera la hormona del estrés cortisol, ésta estimula la acumulación de grasa P: en el área abdominal. ¿Qué es la artritis juvenil? Algunos antidepresivos pueden R: La artritis juvenil, también conocida como enfermedad reumática pediátrica, contribuir al aumento de peso. es el término médico para muchas afecciones inflamatorias y reumáticas diferentes que Pero si necesita medicación, hay afectan a los niños de 15 años o menos. La mayoría de estas afecciones son autoinmunes. más antidepresivos disponibles Esto significa que el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo actúa de manera anormal para atacar con menos efectos secundarios y dañar las células sanas del cuerpo. que en años anteriores, y no todos están asociados con un La artritis juvenil puede causar una variedad de síntomas. Los más comunes incluyen aumento de peso. hinchazón, enrojecimiento, dolor y sensibilidad anormal en las articulaciones. A veces, la artritis juvenil puede afectar la piel, los ojos o los órganos internos sin síntomas articulares. Es importante romper La causa suele estar relacionada con factores el ciclo de depresión- ambientales y hereditarios. aumento de peso porque tanto el exceso de peso como la depresión están Las pruebas y un examen físico pueden ayudar al asociados con riesgos para la salud, incluidas las médico de cabecera o al reumatólogo a diagnosticar la enfermedades cardiovasculares y la diabetes tipo 2. artritis juvenil. No existe una cura. Pero el diagnóstico y el tratamiento tempranos pueden disminuir los Hable con su proveedor de atención médica y trabaje síntomas y minimizar la actividad de la enfermedad. con un terapeuta, si es necesario, para reducir el estrés, También pueden ayudar a evitar daños en las seguir una dieta saludable y ser más activo físicamente. articulaciones y órganos y prevenir la progresión de la Recuerde que el ejercicio mejora el estado de ánimo y también ayuda a controlar el peso. artritis juvenil. — Elizabeth Smoots, MD

Nota: Debido al tiempo de producción, es posible que este número no refleje la situación actual de COVID-19 en algunas o todas las regiones de los EE. UU. Para obtener la información más actualizada, visite coronavirus.gov. 7.2021

TopHealth® se publica para proporcionarles a los lectores la información y motivación que necesitan para lograr y mantener un estilo de vida más sano. El contenido no se ofrece como sustituto para los consejos profesionales. Editora: Susan Cottman, Editor médico: Dr. Zorba Paster. El contenido del presente no se ofrece como sustituto para los consejos profesionales. Las fuentes están disponibles cuando se solicitan. © 2021 Ebix Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. La reproducción no autorizada de cualquier parte de esta publicación es una violación de la ley de derechos de autor y está estrictamente prohibida. Personal Best® es una marca registrada de Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail [email protected] • sitio web www.personalbest.com

7.2021 Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. For the most up-to-date information visit coronavirus.gov. Q: How to use digital wallets? A: Digital wallets are electronic accounts that allow users to make transactions, store funds, Trip Giveaways: What You Need to Know and track payment Winning a free vacation sounds too good to be true, and as with activity through apps on anything that is sold as free, there are costs to consider. With trip smart devices. The ease, giveaways, it is imperative to read the fine print and ask questions. safety and convenience of digital wallets should not Possible costs you may have to pay include: override healthy financial ❖ Meals and drinks. habits. It is still essential to stay within your ❖ Tips for housekeeping, drivers or tour guides. budget. A nice feature ❖ of digital wallets is that Sightseeing expenses such as entrance fees or tours. if the card you link to ❖ Taxes. your wallet is also linked to a budgeting app, transactions will automatically post to the budgeting app, making spending easier ❖ Transportation to and from the hotel or airport. to track. ❖ Transportation around the area you are visiting. Choose your default card carefully. Select the card with the ❖ Trip insurance. lowest interest rate if you must carry a balance. If you pay off your balances in full each month, opt for a default card that offers the Other things to consider: highest rewards. Can you bring your spouse or a friend with you? If the hosting In addition to not carrying a physical wallet, there are other party allows for a plus one, what expenses do you have to cover for benefits to using a digital wallet. While there are no absolute the additional person? guarantees, digital wallets are incredibly safe. If someone steals Understand the timing of the trip. Is a time range available for your actual wallet, your cash, ID and cards are gone. But digital you to decide when to travel? Are trip dates flexible? Can you travel wallets are encrypted, making your information secure and less within the required time allowance? Do you have to pay extra to likely to be hacked. change dates? Typically, payments from digital wallets don’t use account The IRS requires winners to pay taxes on the prize value. The numbers; instead, a token only valid for the intended merchant amount or the taxable prize value is determined after you take the is used when you buy something. This adds another layer of trip. If the trip has amenities you don’t want, you can decline them protection: If the merchant experiences a cyberattack, your to lower the taxable value. financial information won’t be compromised.

TOP DOLLAR DICTIONARY: Mutual Funds A mutual fund is an investment company that pools funds by selling shares to investors and then makes diversified investments. A person diversifies their portfolio when they intentionally purchase securities with different types of securities that hold levels of risk. The process spreads risk among many types of securities and therefore lowers the overall risk of the portfolio. One of the main advantages of mutual funds is that they give small investors access to professionally managed, diversified portfolios of stocks, bonds and other securities. Each investor shares proportionally in the fund’s gains or losses. Some mutual funds pay dividends, and investors can choose to receive dividends by check or reinvest them. If owners reinvest the dividends, they pay taxes each year on the earnings. Taxes paid increase the fund’s basis, so when the fund is sold, the tax bill is less. Teach Your Teen Money Smarts TOP TIP: DOLLAR For children, the teenage years are the perfect time to learn about INVESTMENT ALTERNATIVES budgeting and living within An alternative investment is any asset class excluding stocks, their means. Education leads to bonds and cash. Examples are hedge funds*, commodities**, empowerment and confidence. In a few short years, your teen will be collectibles***, real estate and private debt. If you want to working and/or at school and will diversify your investment portfolio with an unconventional make financial decisions on their asset, alternative investments may be a good option. Returns own. Below are ideas to get them can fluctuate significantly over a short period of time, making started on a financially healthy life: it imperative to understand the risks associated with alternative investments. ✓ Establish a set allowance amount. ✓  *Hedge funds are risky investment pools for the extremely Determine if your teen will have to work to earn the allowance wealthy. Investors are known as partners and must qualify as and set parameters for chores. accredited investors and purchasers by having income higher ✓ Give the allowance on the same day of every week. than $200,000 and a net worth of more than $1 million as well as owning more than $5 million in investments. ✓ Use the allowance to teach money management, not to punish or reward. **Commodities are raw materials or primary agricultural ✓ Determine if they have to save a portion each week. products that can be bought and sold. Examples are coffee, corn, wheat, precious metals, livestock animals and cotton. ✓ Discuss past spending mistakes and what you learned from them. ***Collectibles are cultural artifacts that have value because of their beauty, age, scarcity or popularity. Examples include ✓ Determine expenses that the teen has to pay (e.g., gas, clothing, antiques, stamps, rare coins, art, comic books and wine. makeup, entertainment). ✓ Open a checking account to teach about daily spending and budgeting. ✓ Open a savings account for future goals and expenses. Teach how to use online services. ✓ Explain to your teen how credit works and what credit scores are. Explain how to read a credit card statement, and explain terms such as minimum payment, interest rates and total balance. This is also a great time to talk about paying more than the minimum payment or paying balances in full each month. Note: If your teen has a job, it’s even more important for them to learn money management now, especially if they’re saving for college or a big expense such as a car. Crash Course: Peer-to-Peer Payments Peer-to-peer payments (P2P) let you transfer money by using an online or a mobile app. Peer-to-peer payment accounts are simple to set up. You create an account, select a username and password or pin, and link your bank account, debit card or credit card to the platform. To send or receive a payment, you share your username, email or phone number with whomever you want to pay or receive money from. Making or receiving payments is quick and convenient; you don’t need to carry cash or have exact change. Most P2P payment services are free, although some charge a low fee. Most allow users to hold money in their account with the system or transfer money to a bank account. Transfers to bank accounts can take one to three days to complete. Before selecting a P2P payment service, check the type of fraud monitoring the system uses and research its customer support network’s quality. Also, before sending money, make sure you’ve selected the right person or account.

The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s printable download, Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools.

TopDollar® is published to provide readers with the information and the motivation needed to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The content herein is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. Executive Editor: Susan Cottman. Writer and Adviser: Jamie Lynn Byram, PhD, AFC. Sources available on request. © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® is a registered trademark of Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 Alabama 35243 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.personalbest.com. 7.2021 The Art of Relaxation Tips Conversation Every job comes with some stress, but you can learn to manage it successfully. For the best stress relief, incorporate these techniques into your routine: Progressive muscle relaxation: In today’s world, much of our communication is While lying down or sitting in a electronic and the art of conversation isn’t practiced as much comfortable chair, tighten each as in the past. Yet, when you are at a networking event or muscle group in your body one at a time; hold for ten seconds conference, socializing with colleagues or interviewing, in-person and then slowly release. Start with your feet and ankles, interaction can be crucial. move up to your lower legs and thighs, and then reach your abdominals, arms, shoulders and face. Brush up on your conversational skills: Visualization: Sit or lie down quietly, and picture a peaceful c Give the other people in the conversation a chance to speak. place in your mind. It might be a favorite vacation spot, a Listen actively, rather than thinking about what you will say beautiful outdoor scene or your childhood home you imagine. next, while others are speaking. Ask questions and make positive What do you see, feel, smell, hear and taste? Look at a comments to show you are engaged. photograph of your special place if it helps you focus. c Look the person speaking to you in the face, rather than Hobbies: Choose an activity you enjoy, and make time for letting your eyes wander or looking at your mobile device. it in your daily life. If your hobby is a physically active one, c Keep conversation topics general and non-controversial, it can help you meet your exercise goal; try gardening, tennis, particularly in a professional setting or with people you don’t kayaking or yoga. know well. Opening with a compliment, a question about Community building: Gathering with others at church, someone’s profession or a positive comment about the event or a book or supper club, a fraternal or volunteer organization, setting is usually a safe way to start. or a community group provides an outlet for creative energy c Speak well. When you talk, vary your sentence structure, use and connecting with people who share your passions and vocabulary suited to your audience (e.g., industry-specific terms) beliefs. Giving back to the community is also a proven way to and practice good grammar. increase your own happiness — a surefire antidote for stress.

 Helps your heart. According to the long-term Value of Framingham Heart Study, men who vacationed regularly were 32% less likely to die from a heart attack.

TheT imeyear is moreOff than half gone.  Provides social time and interaction. Taking a Have you taken any vacation days yet? vacation, even close to home, with family and friends Using time off to relax and play: strengthens relationships and social connections.  Improves energy and focus. Time away from work helps  Boosts productivity. Taking time you reverse the effects of chronic stress, rest your brain and away to have fun might translate to body, and return with renewed concentration. fewer sick days and more productive days at work.  Reduces worry and sadness. Research shows that women who skip vacations are up to three times more likely to be Despite all these reasons, many depressed and anxious — while time off can increase levels people do not use their full of chemicals in the body, such as endorphins, that make you allotment of paid time off. feel good emotionally. Why not plan a vacation today? The disappearing — and — changing vacation: Between 1978 and 2000, U.S. workers took more than 20 vacation days on average per year. Since 2000, however, the number of paid days off workers have taken has steadily declined. 2018, Americans took an average of 17.4 days. Annually, more Conquering than half of us don't use all of their vacation time, according Perfectionism to the U.S. Travel Association. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected how, where and when we can travel. Will you take all of your vacation time this year?

While being perfect is often held up as an ideal in the media and society, constantly striving for perfection can hinder you from reaching your goals. According to the American Psychological Association, perfectionism is also related to many mental health problems, including depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Efficient Email Perfectionism involves certain behaviors, such as excessively Refresher Course checking work to make sure it’s right, constantly redoing tasks and being unable to let them go, agonizing over tiny details, and avoiding new challenges for fear of making mistakes. The average person receives about 121 business email messages per day, according to a study by the Radicati Group, Take these steps to reduce perfectionism: a research firm. Make email more efficient and effective with this refresher. Be realistic. Replace self-criticism with statements such as: Keep your email messages short. Limit them to 150 words, Nobody is perfect, I’ll do my best, or It’s OK to make mistakes. and put the most important information in the first line. Know when not to use email. Broaden your view. If fear of making mistakes paralyzes you, ask: Don’t use email to convey What’s the worst that could happen? Could I survive that? Will complex, sensitive or this still matter in a year? emotionally charged information. Refrain from Ask for help. A friend or coworker can help you set realistic goals using email to avoid having a and develop new, reasonable standards. difficult conversation that is best conducted privately and There’s nothing wrong with having high standards. But when face-to-face. you can’t move forward because nothing is ever right, it may be time to change your perspective. Use good etiquette. Include a short, informative subject line. Keep your tone professional, and stick to your topic. Use the bcc function with discretion — don’t use it to hide a recipient “I’ve learned that people will forget in the email thread. what you said, people will forget Reduce clutter and improve security. Don’t copy people who have no need for the information you are sending. Avoid what you did, but people will never marking every message as urgent or asking for constant return receipts. Avoid using reply all or including large attachments forget how you made them feel.” unless it’s absolutely necessary. – Maya Angelou

Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s printable download, For the most up-to-date information visit coronavirus.gov. Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools. 7.2021 TopPerformance® is published to provide readers with the information and the motivation needed to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The content herein is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. Executive Editor: Susan Cottman. Medical Editor: Zorba Paster, M.D. Sources available on request. © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® is a registered trademark of Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.personalbest.com 7.2021 Hands-Down Protection Extend Your LADDER Hand injuries are second only to back injuries as the most common body part to be injured at work, according to the Bureau of Labor Knowledge Statistics. How can you protect your hands? Ladder safety is basic — place the ladder on stable, even ➻ Wear your PPE, including the appropriate protective gloves for the ground; inspect the ladder before use; keep three points of type of work you are performing. contact when ascending and descending the ladder; never carry tools or other objects in your hands while using a ladder and ➻ Make sure your desk setup is ergonomically correct. Keep wrists at wear shoes that grip. a 90-degree angle when typing. However, there are extra guidelines for extension ladders: ➻ Don’t grip, pinch or bear excessive weight on wrists for long periods of time. Read specific manufacturer’s instructions regarding extension ➻ Take frequent breaks when doing repetitive tasks with your hands. ladders — there are different ➻ Use a neutral grip with your wrist straight, switch hands regularly guidelines for special situations. and alternate finger usage when using electronic devices. Ensure that you don’t place an ➻ Make sure all machine guards are in place and avoid wearing extension ladder upside down. jewelry when working with moving equipment. Set the ladder at the proper angle. ➻ Don’t place your hands between a load and a fixed object when For example, when leaning a ladder handling or moving materials. against a wall, the bottom of the ➻ Wash your hands immediately after using ladder should be one-quarter of the chemicals, even if you wore gloves. ladder’s working/extended length away from the wall. Don’t step or stand higher than the step label that marks the highest ➻ Use power tools with caution, always standing level. follow instructions and never disable the safety device. Always extend the ladder three feet above the landing when accessing an elevated work surface. ➻ Take breaks when working with hand- held vibration tools, keep hands warm Use extra care when getting off and on the ladder. Avoid tipping and grip the tool lightly while using it to the ladder sideways or causing the base to slide off. not increase the vibration coupling and to Never use an extension ladder horizontally like a platform. prevent hand-arm vibration syndrome. Don’t exceed the load rating of your ladder. Remember to include the weight of tools, materials and equipment. Scam-free Vacations Don’t pay for prize vacations. Also, use caution when looking Ready to get away? Make sure you follow these FTC into timeshare or resort offers — watch for high-pressure sales and guidelines so you can truly relax on your next vacation: don’t sign anything if people try to rush you. Do your research. Ask friends and family for recommendations; Protect your identity. Take only the IDs, credit and debit cards check reviews and scam alerts; check cancellation and refund you need. Make a copy of your insurance card to take with you. Lock policies; beware of extra charges, fees and taxes; and bring copies of away the rest of confirmation details. your documents at home. Tip: Use a credit card. Paying with a credit card for travel spending make copies of offers you more protection. your documents Consider getting travel insurance. If you’re taking an expensive to leave at home trip, be sure to buy travel insurance, read the fine print to see what is — in case of covered and what isn’t, and be sure the travel insurance company is theft, you’ll know licensed by checking with ustia.org. what you lost.

Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. For the most up-to-date information visitcoronavirus.gov . SAFETY CORNER Take the Sting Out of Outdoor Work S-T-O-P Vehicle Theft If you work outdoors, chances are you will encounter a stinging More than three-quarters of a million insect. While insect stings can hurt, sometimes they can also vehicles were stolen in the United cause severe reactions. Be prepared and protect yourself with States in 2017 — and nearly half of these tips: those thefts were due to driver error, Wear clean, light-colored, smooth clothing. Long sleeves and long according to the National Highway pants are strongly suggested. Traffic Safety Administration. Tuck pants into socks or boots. Secure your vehicle by Avoid wearing cologne, perfume, scented lotions or scented deodorants. locking it. Look over your work area before you start for hives and ant mounds. Take your keys with you. Stay away from flowering plants, if possible. Keep your work area clean. Clean up especially after lunch as insects are attracted to discarded Obscure valuables or food. take them with you. Carry an epinephrine auto-injector and wear a medical ID bracelet stating your allergy if you have severe allergic reactions to insect stings. Park in Take care when lifting things off the ground. You could be disturbing ground bees or ant well-lit mounds. Caution: Never disturb ant mounds (especially in a fire ant-infested geographic area). areas. Seek immediate medical attention if a sting causes severe chest pain, nausea, profuse sweating, breathlessness, serious swelling or slurred speech.

10 Tips for Safely Celebrating the Fourth Fireworks Safety Month reminds us that setting off sparklers and other pyrotechnics requires caution. If you plan on lighting smaller fireworks, here are ten ways stay safe: u Check your state and local laws about fireworks and follow them. v Avoid purchasing fireworks that are wrapped in brown paper as they are usually for professional use only. w Never allow children to light fireworks. Note: Sparklers burn at 2,000˚F — hot enough to melt some metals. x Light fireworks a safe distance away from flammables, children and pets. y Keep body parts away when lighting a fuse and back up immediately after lighting it. Only light one firework at a time. fety sa z Never re-light or pick up fireworks that haven’t ignited. e c o n Bottom line: bserva  Keep a bucket of water or garden hose close by in case of fire. Leave fireworks  Never point or throw fireworks at another person. displays to the  Don’t carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them off in a metal or glass container. experts.  Douse spent fireworks with plenty of water before discarding them.

The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s printable download, Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools. 7.2021

TopSafety™ is published to provide employees, members of organizations and other readers with the information needed to achieve and maintain a safer lifestyle. The information and recommendations contained herein were obtained from sources believed to be reliable. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the sufficiency or completeness of the information and recommendations. Other or additional safety measures may be required under particular circumstances. Executive Editor: Susan Cottman Safety Adviser: Mary P. Hollins, MS, JD, CSHM © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® is a registered trademark of Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.personalbest.com 7.2021 Protección definitiva para las manos Amplíe sus conocimientos sobre las ESCALERAS Las lesiones en las manos ocupan el segundo lugar después de las lesiones en la espalda como la parte del cuerpo que se lesiona más comúnmente en el trabajo, La seguridad de la escalera es básica — coloque la escalera según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales. ¿Cómo puede protegerse las manos? en un suelo estable y nivelado; inspeccione la escalera antes ➻ Use su EPP (Equipo de Protección Personal), incluidos los guantes de de usarla; mantenga tres puntos de contacto al subir y bajar la protección adecuados para el tipo de trabajo que está realizando. escalera; nunca lleve herramientas u otros objetos en las manos mientras usa una escalera y use zapatos con agarre. ➻ Asegúrese de que la configuración de su escritorio sea ergonómicamente correcta. Mantenga las muñecas en un ángulo de 90 grados al escribir con Sin embargo, existen pautas adicionales para las escaleras de un teclado. extensión: ➻ No agarre, pellizque ni cargue un peso excesivo en las muñecas durante Lea las instrucciones específicas del largos períodos de tiempo. fabricante con respecto a las escaleras de extensión; existen diferentes pautas ➻ Tome descansos frecuentes cuando realice tareas repetitivas con las manos. para situaciones especiales. ➻ Use un agarre neutral con la muñeca recta, cambie de mano con regularidad y alterne el uso de los dedos cuando use dispositivos Asegúrese de no colocar una electrónicos. escalera de extensión al revés. ➻ Asegúrese de que todos los protectores de las máquinas estén en su lugar Coloque la escalera en el ángulo y evite usar joyas cuando trabaje con equipo en movimiento. correcto. Por ejemplo, al apoyar una ➻ escalera contra una pared, la parte No ponga las manos entre una carga y un objeto fijo cuando manipule o inferior de la escalera debe estar a mueva materiales. un cuarto de la longitud de trabajo/extendida de la escalera de ➻ Lávese las manos inmediatamente después de distancia de la pared. No pise ni se pare a un nivel más alto que la usar productos químicos, incluso si usó guantes. etiqueta de escalón que marca el nivel más alto para pararse. ➻ Utilice las herramientas eléctricas con cuidado, Siempre extienda la escalera tres pies por encima del área donde siga siempre las instrucciones y nunca desactive va a pararse cuando acceda a una superficie de trabajo elevada. el dispositivo de seguridad. Tenga especial cuidado al bajarse de la escalera y al subirse a ➻ Tome descansos cuando trabaje con ésta. Evite inclinar la escalera hacia los lados o hacer que la base herramientas manuales que causen vibración, se deslice. mantenga las manos calientes y agarre la herramienta ligeramente mientras la esté Nunca use una escalera extensible horizontalmente como una usando para no aumentar la transferencia de plataforma. vibración y prevenir el síndrome de vibración No exceda la capacidad de carga de su escalera. No se olvide de mano-brazo. incluir el peso de las herramientas, los materiales y el equipo.

Vacaciones sin estafas No pague por vacaciones que haya ganado. Además, tenga cuidado cuando busque ofertas de tiempo compartido o de complejos turísticos; ¿Listo para escaparse? Asegúrese de observar estas directrices esté atento a las ventas de alta presión y no firme nada si la gente intenta de la FTC para que pueda realmente relajarse en sus próximas apresurarlo. vacaciones: Proteja su identidad. Lleve solo las identificaciones, tarjetas de crédito y Investigue. Pida recomendaciones a sus amigos y familiares; verifique tarjetas de débito que necesite. Haga una copia de su tarjeta de seguro para los comentarios y las alertas de estafas; consulte las reglas de cancelación llevarla consigo. y reembolso; tenga cuidado con los cargos, tasas e impuestos adicionales; Guarde el resto de y traiga copias de los detalles de la confirmación. sus documentos bajo llave en casa. Use una tarjeta de crédito. El usar una tarjeta de crédito para gastos Consejo: haga de viaje le ofrece más protección. copias de sus Considere comprar un seguro de viaje. Si va a realizar un viaje documentos para costoso, asegúrese de comprar un seguro de viaje, lea la letra pequeña para dejar en casa; en ver qué está cubierto y qué no, y consulte ustia.org. para asegurarse de caso de robo, sabrá que la compañía de seguros de viaje tenga licencia. qué perdió.

Nota: Debido al tiempo de entrega de producción, es posible que este número no refleje la situación actual de la COVID-19 en algunas o todas las regiones de los Estados Unidos. Para obtener la información más actualizada, visite coronavirus.gov. LA ESQUINA DE LA SEGURIDAD Alivie el dolor del trabajo al aire libre Ponga fin al robo Si trabaja al aire libre, es probable que encuentre un insecto que pique. de vehículos Si bien las picaduras de insectos pueden doler, a veces también pueden causar reacciones graves. Esté preparado y protéjase con estos consejos: Más de tres cuartos de millón de vehículos fueron robados en los Estados Use ropa limpia, lisa y de colores claros. Se recomiendan Unidos en el año 2017 y, según la enfáticamente las mangas y los pantalones largos. Administración Nacional de Seguridad del Meta los pantalones dentro de los calcetines o botas. Tráfico en Carreteras, casi la mitad de esos robos se debieron a errores del conductor. Evite usar colonia, perfume, lociones o desodorantes perfumados. Utilice estas medidas para reducir su riesgo de robo: Mire su área de trabajo antes de comenzar a trabajar para detectar panales y hormigueros. Asegure su vehículo Manténgase alejado de las plantas con flores, de ser posible. cerrándolo con seguro. Mantenga limpia su área de trabajo. Limpie especialmente después del almuerzo, ya que los insectos se Llévese las llaves consigo. sienten atraídos por los alimentos desechados. Lleve un autoinyector de epinefrina y use una pulsera de identificación médica que indique su alergia si Oculte los objetos de valor tiene reacciones alérgicas graves a las picaduras de insectos. o lléveselos con usted. Tenga cuidado al levantar cosas del suelo. Podría estar perturbando abejas mineras u hormigueros. Estaciónese Advertencia: Nunca perturbe los hormigueros (especialmente en un área geográfica infestada de en áreas bien hormigas coloradas). iluminadas. Obtenga atención médica de inmediato si una picadura le causa dolor de pecho intenso, náusea, sudoración profusa, hinchazón grave o dificultad para hablar.

10 consejos para celebrar el 4 de julio de manera segura El Mes de la seguridad de los fuegos artificiales nos recuerda que encender bengalas y otra pirotecnia requiere tener cuidado. Si tiene pensado encender fuegos artificiales más pequeños, éstas son diez maneras de mantenerse seguro: u Consulte las leyes estatales y locales sobre fuegos artificiales y sígalas. v Evite comprar fuegos artificiales envueltos en papel marrón, ya que generalmente son solo para uso profesional. w Nunca permita que los niños enciendan fuegos artificiales. Nota: Las bengalas arden a 2000 ° F, lo suficientemente caliente como para derretir algunos metales. x Encienda los fuegos artificiales a una distancia segura de los materiales inflamables, los niños y las mascotas.

ncia y Mantenga las partes del cuerpo alejadas cuando encienda una mecha y retroceda inmediatamente después de rva se b

o d encenderla. Solo encienda un fuego artificial a la vez. a id d ur z Nunca vuelva a encender o recoger fuegos artificiales que no se hayan encendido. En pocas e seg  Tenga un balde de agua o una manguera cerca en caso de fuego. palabras: Deje los  Nunca apunte ni arroje fuegos artificiales a otra persona. fuegos artificiales  No lleve fuegos artificiales en el bolsillo ni los dispare en un recipiente de metal o vidrio. a los expertos.  Apague los fuegos artificiales usados con abundante agua antes de desecharlos. 7.2021 TopSafety® se publica para suministrar a empleados, miembros de organizaciones y otros lectores la información necesaria para lograr y mantener un estilo de vida más seguro. La información y las recomendaciones contenidas en el presente documento se obtuvieron de fuentes consideradas confiables. La Editora no asume responsabilidad alguna en lo pertinente a la suficiencia o integridad de la información y las recomendaciones. Se podrían requerir otras medidas de seguridad o medidas de seguridad adicionales en circunstancias particulares. © 2021 Ebix Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. La reproducción no autorizada de esta publicación de cualquier manera y en parte o su totalidad constituye una violación de los derechos federales de autor y está estrictamente prohibida. Personal Best® es una marca registrada de Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084. 7.2021

Note: Due to production lead time, this issue may not reflect the current COVID-19 situation in some or all regions of the U.S. For the most up-to-date information visit coronavirus.gov. Sleep Apnea: Risks Eating Plan for Life By Cara Rosenbloom, RD People who have sleep apnea stop breathing briefly and Before you try another fad diet repeatedly during sleep, sometimes hundreds of times per sleep that’s likely to fail, consider a session. Many people are not aware that they have sleep apnea better option: The best approach because they don’t fully wake up when their breathing stops. for improved health and weight The most common signs of sleep apnea are: control is to develop a personal plan — one you can stick with  Loud, persistent snoring. and enjoy. Diets that are too restrictive, unaffordable or boring  Dry mouth upon awakening. won’t work for you long term.  Headaches. The right eating plan for you should match your taste buds, daily schedule, finances and health needs. That’s a lot to think about.  Always feeling tired. Consider these five factors to help you find the best plan for you: Sleep apnea is a serious 1. Does it include foods you love? condition that can contribute Restricting your favorite foods may leave you unhappy and is not to health risks, including: sustainable for long. Make sure you love what you eat.  High blood pressure (BP): 2. Does it allow you to socialize? If you already have high blood Some diet plans are so limited that it’s difficult to travel or dine pressure, sleep apnea can make with friends and family. If your diet is keeping you isolated, you those BP numbers even higher. need to rethink it.  Heart attack and stroke: Sleep apnea puts stress on the heart 3. Is it simple and affordable? and circulatory system, so it raises heart attack and stroke risk. A sign of failure is spending too much time sourcing ingredients and too much money on them. The plan needs to fit your lifestyle.  Type 2 diabetes: Sleep apnea affects how the body uses insulin. Treating sleep apnea often helps get blood sugar levels under better 4. Does it support physical activity? control. Eating well is only part of the equation. Regular exercise is important for reducing disease risk, maintaining a healthy weight  Overweight: Obesity and sleep apnea are related. Being and improving your mood. overweight contributes to sleep apnea, and sleep apnea also makes it harder to lose weight. 5. Does it provide the nutrition that your body needs? It’s important that the food you choose is both enjoyable and  Having a large neck (17 inches or greater in men and 16 inches nourishing. Restricting food can lead to nutrient deficiencies. or greater in women), as well as large tonsils, a large tongue or a See a dietitian to ensure your nutrient needs are being met. small jawbone.  Accidents: People who have sleep apnea are sleep deprived and may fall asleep while driving, operating machinery or working — putting them at higher risk for accidents.  Being a male also increases your risk of sleep apnea. The best news about sleep apnea is that it can be treated.And once you are sleeping through the night or day again, you may find your overall health and well-being improve. Talk with a health care professional if snoring and constant tiredness are problems for you. Food For Your Thoughts Stay Awake, Caffeine-Free Mindless eating is when you consume food without Many shiftworkers rely on caffeine to thinking about what you are eating. The biggest risk of stay awake. While a moderate amount mindless eating is that you can take in more calories than you need of caffeine — about 400 milligrams, the without even realizing it. Turn mindless eating to mindful eating amount in four cups of coffee — is a safe with these strategies: daily intake for most people, caffeine can also have some bothersome side effects. ✒ N ever eat snacks out of the box If you are sensitive to caffeine, even a or package. Instead, measure out a small amount might make you jittery, serving and eat it from a plate or bowl. affect your heart rate or give you a headache. Caffeine also raises blood pressure and can disrupt sleep. ✒ Use a smaller plate. Feeling as though you need to finish everything Instead of caffeine, find other ways to wake up and feel more on your plate can make you eat energized. Try these ideas: mindlessly, past the point of hunger. Eat sensible portions on a smaller plate  Get more light exposure. Make sure all the lights are on at to trick yourself visually. work. Spend time outdoors while it’s still light out, perhaps after you wake up from daytime sleep. ✒ Put down your fork and take a breath between bites. Savor your food and enjoy it.  Try exercising before you leave for work or partway through your shift, so you’ll get a caffeine-free boost. ✒ Focus on eating. Avoid eating while you do other things, such as watching television, using a mobile device, working or driving.  Look around at your surroundings or out a window. Listen to peppy music or talk with someone. ✒ Write down or use an app to record all the food you  Drink lots of water instead of caffeinated beverages. consume. Include when you ate it, what you were doing or  Eat a snack that includes protein. Try baby carrots with feeling and how much you ate. hummus or low-fat cream cheese, nuts and dried fruit, or celery Doing this helps you recognize sticks and apple slices with peanut butter. when you eat mindlessly, so you If you simply must have caffeine, opt for green tea, which can begin to change your habits. contains much less caffeine than either black tea or coffee.

Give Your Immunity a Boost Sometimes your immune system needs a little help to ward off Sleep more. Rest is your body’s best defense against illness. illness. Try this: Make sleep a priority, and listen to your body’s signals. Don’t fight through tiredness to get more done. Instead, allow yourself to rest. If you use tobacco, quit. Smoking is bad for your overall health, and it also irritates your respiratory system and lowers your Important: Get all the vaccinations you need. If you haven't been body’s ability to fight airborne illnesses. vaccinated for COVID-19, do so as soon as possible. And get the flu shot this fall. Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water. Do it long enough to sing “Happy Birthday” twice through. Manage stress. A high stress level over the long-term wears down your immunity. Practice stress management techniques, avoid overreacting to situations and try to maintain a calm, positive attitude. Eat well. While no specific food has been found to increase immunity, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides many micronutrients that have been found to strengthen the immune system.

The Smart Moves Toolkit, including this issue’s printable download, Sunscreen: The Real Cover-Up, is at personalbest.com/extras/21V7tools. 7.2021 ShiftworkerTM is published to provide readers with the information and the motivation needed to achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle. The content herein is in no way intended to serve as a substitute for professional advice. Executive Editor: Susan Cottman. Sources available on request. © 2021 Ebix Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form of any part of this publication is a violation of federal copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Personal Best® is a registered trademark of Ebix Inc. 1 Ebix Way, Johns Creek, GA 30097 • 800-871-9525 • fax 205-437-3084 • e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.personalbest.com