HONG KONG CHRISTIAN COUNCIL Mission The Hong Kong Christian Council is the ecumenical body of Christian churches, organizations and institutions in Hong Kong. Founded in 1954, the Council promotes a united witness and outreach to the whole society. It is the visible sign of church unity in Hong Kong, promoting the spirit and work of the ecumenical movement. Address:9/F, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel : (852) 2368-7123 Fax : (852) 2724-2131 Email :
[email protected] Website : www.hkcc.org.hk Contents Chairman’s Remarks ..................................................................... 3 2015-2016 Committee Members ....................................................... 4 ˙Executive Committee ˙Finance Committee ˙Sharing and Church Witness Committee ˙Justice and Social Concern Committee ˙Mission and Ministerial Formation Committee ˙Communication and Message Committee ˙Church Unity and Relations Committee Representatives of Churches / Denominations .............................. 7 Representatives of Organizations ..................................................... 8 Affi liated Organizations ...................................................................... 9 Hong Kong Christian Council Staff .................................................. 11 General Secretary's Report ................................................................ 12 Committee Ministries .......................................................................... 17 ˙Resource Sharing and Church Witness Committee