Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report

Semi-Annual Report 7

Loan Number: L3260 NEP Project Number: 49215-001 January 2020

NEP: Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project

Prepared by the Government of for the Asian Development Bank.

This Environmental Compliance monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Environmental Monitoring Report

Semi-Annual Report No. 7

Loan Number: 3260 NEP July– December 2019

Nepal: Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (Consolidated Report for District & Strategic Roads, Schools and Office Buildings)

Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank.

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December 2019

This environmental Compliance Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


Currency unit - Nepalese Rupee (NRs) NRs. 1.00 = $ 0.0087 US $ 1.00 = NRs. 113.81

Source: Nepal Rastra Bank, 31 December, 2019

NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Nepal and its agencies ends on 15 July. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY 2019 ends on 16 July 2020.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project ii Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December 2019

ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank BoQ Bill of Quantity BS Bikram Sambat (Nepali Calendar) CFUG Community Forest Users Group CISC Central Implementation Support Consultant CLPIU Central Level Project Implementation Unit DCC District Coordination Committee DDR Due Diligence Report DFO District Forest Officer DSC Design and Supervision Consultant DISC District Implementation Support Consultant DLPIU District Level Project Implementation Unit DOLI Department of Local Infrastructure DoR Department of Roads DUDBC Department of Urban Development and Building Construction DTO District Technical Office EEAP Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project EMP Environmental Management Plan FY Fiscal Year GoN Government of Nepal GRC Grievance Redress Committee GMaLI Grant Management and Local Infrastructure IEE Initial Environmental Examination MoE Ministry of Education MoFAGA Ministry of Federal Affairs & General Administration MoUD Ministry of Urban Development MoFE Ministry of Forest and Environment NRA National Reconstruction Authority NRs Nepali Rupees PD Project Directorate SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project iii Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December 2019

Table of Contents

1. Project Background 1 2. Impact and Outcome 1 3. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP 2 4. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status 2 5. Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report 2 Part 1: District Roads 3 Part 2: Strategic Roads 43 Part 3: School Buildings 58 Part 4: Government Buildings 98

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1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1. Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is a project being implemented by covenant loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal (GoN). The goal of the project is to support Government of Nepal to accelerate rehabilitation and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project will support the rebuilding of schools, roads, and district-level government buildings, and strengthen resilience to future disasters.

2. EEAP, Loan 3260 for $200 M was approved on 24 June 2015, signed on 21 August 2015 and became effective on 10 September 2015 with the objective of supporting the GoN.

2. IMPACT AND OUTCOME 3. The impact of the project is accelerated economic and social recovery in Nepal’s earthquake affected districts. The outcome will be critical economic and social services resumed with disaster-resilient infrastructure.

4. The project has following four outputs:

(i) Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded. At least 700 schools will be rebuilt or retrofitted in line with school reconstruction plans to disaster-resilient standards and equipped with water and sanitation facilities, including sex-disaggregated toilets. About five will be model schools built with information and communication technology equipment, science laboratories, and improved learning spaces. However, target has been reduced 154 school buildings (MTR, October 2017). (ii) Output 2: Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed. About 135 km of strategic roads and about 450 km of rural roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides will be rehabilitated. Target for strategic and district roads has been reduced to 123.9 km and 525 km respectively (MTR, October 2017). Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. Construction and maintenance equipment will also be procured. (iii) Output 3: District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt. About 300 district-level government buildings will be rebuilt or retrofitted to disaster resilient standards with basic utilities, and furnished. This target has been reduced to 123 buildings (MTR, October 2017). Transitional district-level government offices will also be established to enable services to continue throughout the reconstruction period. (iv) Output 4: Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened. All outputs are assured to be disaster risk resilient. Engineering divisions of all implementing agencies will be strengthened.

5. The district roads components has received technical assistance grant from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Also, the scope of output 1 was increased in December 2016 to include 15 additional schools to be rebuilt following the additional $ 10 million financing from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID – Grant 0529).

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 1 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

3. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS IN EEAP 6. An Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) was prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement 2009. Initial environmental examinations (IEEs) and environmental management plans (EMPs) were required for district and strategic roads where as due diligence report (DDR) with EMP were required for school and office building sub-projects along with incorporating EMP into bidding and contract documents to be implemented by contractors.

7. The Central Level Project Implementation Units (CLPIUs) have been assisted by Design and Supervision Consultants (DSCs) which will include Environment Specialists engaged during project implementation. CLPIUs prepare environmental safeguard documents for approved sub-projects which receive concurrence from ADB and approval from concerned agencies of GoN. CLPIUs obtain all clearances and fulfill government requirements. The District Level Project Implementation Units (DLPIUs) have a safeguards focal person who is responsible for data required for safeguards plan preparation, monitoring and progress reports, and coordination with relevant organizations like Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE) to consult and/or obtain endorsement if necessary. CLPIUs and DLPIUs are supported by DSCs/Central Implementation Support Consultant (CISC)/District Implementation Support Consultants (DISCs).

4. OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD STATUS 8. The overall environmental safeguard status of EEAP in reference to its output is listed below:

(i) Output 1- School Buildings: For school building sub-projects, DDRs with EMP preparation have been completed. (ii) Output 2a- District Roads: All IEE reports of 17 road sub-projects have been approved from the Government of Nepal (GoN) and concurrence has been given by ADB. (iii) Output 2b- Strategic Roads: IEE of all three roads sub-project namely, Dolakha-Singati Road, Dhading –Gorkha Road and Pachakhal-Melamchi Road has been approved by the GoN and ADB. (iv) Output 3- Office buildings: For government office buildings, DDRs with EMP for the sub-projects have been prepared.

5. SEMI-ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT 9. According to EARF, each CLPIUs with DSC support has to prepare and submit semi- annual monitoring reports (SMRs) to ADB, one from July-Decembere and other July- December of each year by the 15th of next month.

10. This semi-annual environmental monitoring report no. 7 (July-December 2019) for EEAP has been consolidated on the basis of SMR prepared by the concerned CLPIUs as given in Part 1 for GMaLI (District Roads), Part 2 for Project Directorate (Staretegic Roads), Part 3 for CLPIU (Schools), and Part 4 for CLPIU (Office Buildings).

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Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 3 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Table of Content

1. Background 5 2. Environmental safeguards in EEAP 7 3. Overall Environmental Safeguards Status 7 4. Construction Approach 7 5. Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants 8 6. Compliance Status with Environmental Safeguard Measures 8 7. Issues and Way Forward 16 8. Achievement on Major Items of Focus on Previous Report 16 9. Major Items of Focus for Next Report 17

List of Tables Table 1. List of Events on Orientation on Environmental Safeguard & Awareness 9 Table 2. List of Events on Orientation on Waste Management 10 Table 3. Estimated, Revised and Carried out Compensatory Plantation Activities 12 Table 4. Status of Revised Target and Achieved Plantation 13 Table 5. Detail of Roadside Plantation 14 Table 6. Date and Name of Districts Visited 16 Table 7. Issues and Way Forward 16 Table 8. Status of Items of Focus on Previous Report 17 Table 9. Items of Focus for Next Report 17

List of Figures Figure 1. Map of Nepal showing Districts of EEAP 6 Figure 2. Map showing Road subprojects in Districts of EEAP 6 Figure 3. Revised and Targeted Compensatory Plantation in Subprojects 12

List of Annexes Annex 1. Environmental Safeguard Planning Status Annex 2. Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status Annex 3. Status of Compliance with Relevant Covenants Annex 4. Environmental Management Cost Annex 5. Status of Environmental Safeguard Compliance Annex 6. Detail on Forestry Clearance Annex 7. Detail on Tree Loss, Targeted Plantation and Cost Annex 8. Spoil Management Disposal Format Annex 9. Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format Annex 10. Photographs

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 4 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

1. Background

11. Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is a project being implemented by loan assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), technical assistance from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal (GoN). EEAP has been supporting GoN to accelerate recovery and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project covers 12 affected districts in eastern, middle and western development region of Nepal1.

12. The Project will restore and strengthen the resiliency of critical public and social infrastructure and services and has four outputs; Output 1: Schools are rebuilt and upgraded, Output 2: Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed, Output 3: District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt, Output 4: Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened.

13. Under Output 2, strategic roads and district roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides are under rehabilitation. Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. The initial target of district roads component was rehabilitation and reconstruction of 450 km. A total of 25 potential road sub-projects (474.7 km) had been identified for rehabilitation and reconstruction in 12 sub-projects districts under EEAP2. However, 17 road sub-projects (325 km) has been prioritized for rehabilitation and reconstruction due to budget constraint (please refer Figure 1 and 2 for project location).

14. National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) is executing agency for EEAP. NRA has established Central Level Project Implementation Unit-Grant Management and Local Infrastructure (CLPIU-GMaLI) in Kathmandu, headed by a project director to coordinate all project activities. At the district level, project implementation will be the responsibility of the District Level Project Implementation Unit-Grant Management and Local Infrastructure (DLPIU-GMaLI) of each district. CLPIU/DLPIU (GMaLI) will be supported by District Implementation Support Consultants (DISC) which is headed by District Team Leader, technical and social staff. Overall back stopping support to the district will be provided by Central Implementation Support Consultants (CISC).

1Project districts are Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kavrepalanchok, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, Sindhuli, Gorkha, Lamjung, and Chitwan

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Source: DRILP-III Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing District of EEAP

District Road Sub-projects in EEAP

Source: DRILP-III Figure 2: Map showing Road Sub-projects in Districts of EEAP

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2. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP

15. EEAP falls in category B project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009. Also, the road sub-projects of EEAP belong to District Road Core Network (DRCN) according to Nepal Rural Road Standard (2055) first Revision, September 2012 of the Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR). Therefore, it is a legal requirement to carry out Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) according to Working Procedure relating with Environmental Impact Assessment for Reconstruction of the Earthquake Affected Structures 2016.

16. Environmental assessment is essential to integrate environmental considerations into development project in order to minimize negative environmental impacts. In this context, IEE reports have been prepared for road sub-projects under EEAP to satisfy legal provision of GoN and ADB’s environmental procedures.

17. During the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the road sub-projects, environmental monitoring is an important tool to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management plan (EMP). Monthly, Quarterly and Semi- annual Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Report have been prepared on the basis of report received from DISC team and environmental field visit made by Environmental Safeguard Unit of CISC, EEAP.

3. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status

18. IEE reports of all 17 road sub-projects have been approved by GoN and have been duly endorsed by ADB. 14 IEE reports are approved from NRA and 3 IEE reports Bysai- Jhaukhel-Changu-Telkot-Bhattedanda-Nagarkot Road, Bhaktapur; Godamchour-Godabari- Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road, Lalitpur and Khopasi-Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road, Kavrepalnchok) are approved by then Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development now Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration).

19. Total 3 IEE reports (Devitar-Phulasipokhari Section of Devitar-Doramba-Paseban- Kolibagar Road, Ramechhap; Okhaldunga-Rumjatar Road, Okhaldhunga and Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar-Netrakali Road, Sindhuli) were updated due to variation in forest area and trees to be removed from forest area and re-approved from NRA. The tree cutting approval from cabinet has been obtained for all required sub-projects except Kuntabesi-Nayagaun- Nagarkot Road Sub-project, Kavre. Simultaneously, implementation of environmental management plan and monitoring has been carried. Please refer Annex 1 and Annex 2 for status of environmental safeguards.

4. Construction Approach

20. EEAP applies National Competitive Bidding (NCB) approach for construction of road. Contractors have been using equipment and human resources to execute the contract within the stipulated deadline. Spoil disposal has been tried to balance with cutting and filling as far as possible. There will be use of bio-engineering techniques with integrated use of vegetation,

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 7 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019 simple civil engineering structures and proper water management systems for slope protection. Overall, construction activities will follow the environment friendly approach as much as possible.


21. Environmental safeguard related project activities are in compliance with loan covenants as regular follow up actions are being taken according to approved IEE report (Please refer Annex 3 for details).

6. Compliance with Environmental Safeguard Measures

22. Total 21 NCB contract packages have been awarded in 17 road sub-projects (301.53 km) in 12 different districts. For better environmental safeguard compliance of the project, implementation of EMP has been done.

6.1. EMP Implementation Budget in Districts 23. IEE reports suggest that NRs. 31,213,538 (of which NRs. 27,429,538 is for EMP implementation and NRs. 3,784,000 is for central level and third party monitoring) is required for 17 road sub-projects; in addition to environmental management cost has been covered under civil activities. NRA had allocated NRs. 8,680,000 under the heading “Environmental Management and Roadside Plantation in Upgrading and Reconstruction of Road” in current fiscal year (FY).

24. In addition, there is provisional sum of budget ranging from NRs. 300,000 to NRs. 350,000 in BoQ for environment mitigation. Please refer Annex 4 for details about budget estimated for the implementation of environmental management plan for all road sub-projects. Following is summary of environmental compliances and details are given in Annex 5.

6.2. Orientation Program a. Environmental Safeguard and Awareness 25. Environmental safeguard awareness training was conducted in different sub-project as recommended by IEE report to raise the environmental conservation and awareness amongst local people as well as to familiarize contractor, field staff and local community about implementation of environmental management plan and its compliance. The participants were CFUG members, members of women group, youth club, teacher, contractor and contractor’s staff & workers, field staff and local authorities etc. Till date, 26 events (1,421 participants) has been conducted in 14 road sub-project of 10 districts, please refer Table 1 for detail. The estimated budget (IEE) for conducting environment safeguard and awareness orientation is NRs. 3,085,000.

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Table 1: List of Events on Orientation on Environmental Safeguard and Awareness

S.N Name of District Sub-Project Events Participants (No.) Remarks (No.) Male Female Total 1 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari- 1 48 35 83 Nagarkot Road 2 Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel- - - Not Changu- Telkot- included Bhattedanda- Nagarkot in EMP Road 3 Lalitpur Thaiba-Godamchaur - - Road Godamchour-Godabari- 1 28 45 73 Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road 4 Kavrepalanchok Kuntabesi-Nayagaun- 1 38 Nagarkot Road Khopasi- Dhungakharka- Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road 5 Dolakha Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa 3 106 74 180 Section of Bhirkot- Sahare-Hawa-Jiri Road Sunkhani-Lamidanda- 3 89 91 180 Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road 6 Gorkha Ghympesal-Balkot- 1 118 Palkhu-Swara- -Barpak Road Luitel-Aappipal- 2 144 Harmibhanjyang- -Bhachek Road 7 Lamjung Belghari-Archalbot- 2 45 34 79 Lamabagar- Serabazaar-Lituere- Pachok Road 8 Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway)- 2 50 43 93 Samitar- Thakurivanjyang Road 9 Sindhuli Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar- 2 27 95 122 Netrakali Road 10 Ramechhap Haldebesi-Dhobi- 3 69 50 119 Dhandebesi Road

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 9 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

S.N Name of District Sub-Project Events Participants (No.) Remarks (No.) Male Female Total Devitar-Phulasipokhari 3 50 42 92 Section of Devitar- Doramba-Paseban- Kolibagar Road 11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga-Rumjatar 2 47 53 100 Road 12 Solukhumbu Garma-Nele-Bogal - - Road Total 26 559 562 1421

b. Waste Management and Awareness 26. Orientation on waste management and awareness has to be conducted in 5 road sub- projects (Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot Road, Thaiba-Godamchaur Road, Godamchour- Godabari-Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road, Khopasi-Dhungakharka-Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road, Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar-Thakurivanjyang Road) as per approved IEE with estimated budget of NRs. 950,000. Till date, 2 events (101 participants) have been conducted in road sub-project of Kathmandu and Lalitpur districts; please refer Table 2 for detail. The orientation had made awareness among the participants to reduce waste at source, segregate the waste, concept of 3R, making fertilizer from biodegradable waste and responsible waste disposal.

Table 2: List of Events on Orientation on Waste Management

S.N Name of Sub-Project Total Remarks District Participants (No.) 1 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot 41 2 Day Program with Road practical 2 Lalitpur Thaiba-Godamchaur Road 60 1 Day Program with practical Godamchour-Godabari- - Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Road Total 101

6.3. Forestry Clearance 27. According to Forest Act, 2049 BS (1993) and Government of Nepal: Working Procedure to Use National Forest Area for National Priority Projects, 2074 BS (2017), forestry clearance has to be obtained from the GoN (cabinet) through Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE), if the road sub-projects pass from the forest area.

28. Approved IEE reports of 17 road sub-projects show that total 15 road sub-projects pass through 53 Community Forests (CFs), 4 Government Managed Forests (GMFs), 5 Leasehold

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 10 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Forests (LHFs) and 2 Religious Forests (RFs). However, there is no tree loss from 3 CFs in Garma-Nele-Bogal Road of and 4 LHFs of Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar- Netrakali Road of . Field assessment by personnel of forest office shows that 13 road sub-projects passes through 49 CFs, 5 GMFs, 7 LHFs and 2 RFs with permanent loss of 30.97 ha of forest area. However, Divisional Forest Office (DFO’s) tree cutting plan report has sought for 40.38 ha land as forest (consideration of barren land as forest in Sunkhani- Lamidanda-Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road, Dolakha and overall agriculture, barren and build up area also in Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar-Thakurivanjyang Road of Chitwan). These road sub-projects need to clear 1,322 trees and poles; 1,664 saplings and 3,279 seedlings. Therefore, tree cutting approval had to be sought for 1,322 trees and poles only. However, tree cutting approval plan prepared by DFO specified to remove overall 5,960 vegetation (trees, poles, saplings & seedlings) from the forest. There is no tree loss from 2 CFs in Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa Section of Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa-Jiri Road of , 5 CFs in Haldebesi-Dhobi-Dhandebesi Road of Ramechhap and 4 LHFs of Pipal Bhanjyang- Haitar-Netrakali Road of Sindhuli District. More than 80% trees and poles will be lost from CF, with more than 80% of total affected forest land. Please refer Annex 6 and Figure 3 for detail.

29. Tree cutting approval from cabinet (cabinet decision dated on 5th August 2018) has been obtained for 12 out of 13 required road sub-projects of 10 districts (except Kavre- Kuntabesi-Nayagaun-Nagarkot Road Sub-project). On basis of cabinet decision, agreement had been signed by CLPIU and DoF on dated 4 September, 2018. The agreement has been forwarded to concerned forest offices at district level. Afterwards, tree marking with hammer seal was done before felling trees. Felled trees were sectioned, stacked and transported in allocated place.

6.4. Plantation a. Compensatory Plantation 30. According to approved IEE, 3,624 trees from forest area and 4,039 from private land have been identified to be felled. Therefore, compensatory plantation (CP) of 94,639 plants (90,600 in forest area and 4,039 in private land) has been targeted against the loss of total 7,663 tree at the ratio of 1:25 plants in forest area (CF/GMF/LHF/RF) and 1:1 plants in private land with total estimated cost of NRs. 16,014,538 in approved IEE (please refer Annex 7 for detail). However, the target in forest area has been revised as per DFO’s official report in tree cutting approval plan. There is overall 64.46 % increment in compensatory plantation target in forest area; 58,400 plants more than estimated in approved IEE report, please refer Figure 4 and Table 3 also. Area wise, approximately 93.12 ha of plantation has to be done in forest area according to the plantation norms of then Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC, 2070).

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Figure 3: Revised (DFO) and Targeted (IEE) Compensatory Plantation in Sub-projects

Table 3: Estimated, Revised and Carried out Compensatory Plantation Activities

Forest Type (by Compensatory Plantation Management)/ Estimated Target Revised Variation Carried Payment Made Private Land (Approved IEE) Target (%) Out (no.) for Plantation (no.) Community Forest 59,900 104,875 75.08  2,825 5,485 Government 29,200 22,525 22.86  Managed Forest Leasehold Forest 175 20,475 11,600.00  Religious Forest 1,325 1,125 15.09  Total (Forest) 90,600 149,000 64.46  Private Land 4,039 4,039 N/A 0 Total 94,639 153,039 61.71  8,310

31. CISC has been providing backstopping support to district teams for carrying out compensatory plantation works. Revised plantation plan had been sent to all districts. Despite the effort by DISC team, there is very less achievement in compensatory plantation. Total 8,310 numbers of plants in forest area, which is 5.57% against targeted plantation in forest area, has been planted so far. Please refer Table 3 and 4 for detail.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 12 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Table 4: Status on Revised Target and Achieved Plantation in Different Sub-projects

Districts Sub-project Targeted Achieved Remarks Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari-Nagarkot Road 1,800 2000 Planted through CFUG Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel-Changu-Telkot- - - N/A Bhattedanda-Nagarkot Road Lalitpur Thaiba-Godamchaur Road - - N/A Godamchour-Godabari-Badikhel- 5,200 825 Planted Lelebhanjyang Road through CFUG Kavre Kuntabesi-Nayagaun-Nagarkot Road 3,800 - Khopasi-Dhungakharka- - N/A Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road - Dolakha Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa Section of 1,650 Coordination Bhirkot-Sahare-Hawa-Jiri Road ongoing for plantation Sunkhani-Lamidanda-Kalinchowk 3,875 section of Sunkhani Sangwa Road Gorkha Ghympesal-Balkot-Palkhu-Swara- 9,100 Coordination Saurpani-Barpak Road ongoing for plantation Luitel-Aappipal-Harmibhanjyang- 34,000 Thalajung-Bhachek Road Lamjung Belghari-Archalbot-Lamabagar- 4,100 4,885 Payment made Serabazaar-Lituere-Pachok Road to DFO Chitwan Khurkhure (Highway)-Samitar- 75,500 Thakurivanjyang Road Sindhuli Pipal Bhanjyang-Haitar-Netrakali 3,225 Road Ramechhap Haldebesi-Dhobi-Dhandebesi Road Coordination ongoing for Devitar-Phulasipokhari Section of 4,800 plantation Devitar-Doramba-Paseban- Kolibagar Road Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga-Rumjatar Road 1,950 600 Solukhumbu Garma-Nele-Bogal Road - - N/A Total 149,000 8,310

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 13 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019 b. Roadside Plantation 32. Roadside plantation has been planned in approved IEE of every sub-project, with budget ranging from NRs. 100,000 to NRs. 300,000. Total estimated budget for roadside plantation is NRs. 4,150,000. Till date, only 6 road sub-projects of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Solukhumbu, Lalitpur (both) and Okhaldhunga has carried roadside plantation activities. Total 1,459 plants of different species have been planted along or nearby road section. The average height of plants is 5 feet in most of sub-project and they have been protected with bamboo/iron guards, please refer Table 5 for detail.

Table 5: Detail on Roadside Plantation

S.N Sub-project Plant Detail Remarks (No.)

1 Sankhu-Palubari- 195 Kapur, Asoka, In collaboration with Madhavnarayan Nagarkot Road Rudrakchhya, Lapsi, Mandir/Swosthanimata Mandir Dhupi Bewasthpan Samiti, Salinadi for plantation and protection

2 Bysai-Jhaukhel-Changu- 205 Kapur, Kaiyo, Lapsi, Plantation by Chamatkar Nirman Telkot-Bhattedanda- Dhupi-, Rudrakchhya, Sewa, provision of conservation of Nagarkot Road Kalki Bottle Brush trees for two years through school management committee

3 Thaiba-Godamchaur 55 Kapur, Kaiyo, Dhupi, In collaboration with Bisankhunarayan Road Rudrakchhya, Kalki Ma. Bi, Godamchaur for protection Bottle Brush

4 Godamchour-Godabari- 22 Kapur, Kaiyo, Dhupi, In collaboration with Bistachhap CF Badikhel-Lelebhanjyang Rudrakchhya, Kalki Road Bottle Brush

5 Garma-Nele-Bogal Road 775 Salla, Dhoopi, Bais Length men look after planted seedlings

6 Okhaldunga - Rumjatar 207 Dhupi, Gulmohar In collaboration with Maha Road Chandeswori Krishak Samuha for plantation and protection

Total 1,459

c. Plantation against Loss of Forest Area 33. According to section 10 (2) of Government of Nepal: Working Procedure to Use National Forest Area for National Priority Projects, 2074 BS (2017), project has to carry out plantation equivalent to forest area lost at the rate of 1600 plants/ha and protect it for five years. Therefore, 64,608 plants have to be planted for the loss of 40.38 ha forest area, with additional cost of NRs. 10,906,527.52, please refer Annex 4 for detail on sub-project wise.

6.5. Slope Stabilization and Bioengineering Activities

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 14 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

34. Unstable slopes area has been identified in IEE as well as detail design report and total NRs. 47,800,469 have been estimated for bioengineering activities on actual cost estimate basis. Total 1,290.00 m3 retaining wall, 2,143.00 m3 gabion breast walls, 2,554.56 m3 gabion/dry toe-wall 84.17 m3 masonry breast walls have been constructed to control landslide and erosion in road subprojects of Laitpur, Kavre, Dolakha, Gorkha, Chitwan, Sindhuli, Ramechhap and Solukhumbu districts. Similarly, under bioengineering program, 6,617.50 rm brush layer, 15,509.33 m2 grass slips have been planted for slope stabilization in road subprojects of Kathmandu, Laitpur, Dolakha, Sindhuli, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu districts.

6.6. Camp Site Management 35. Drinking water and sanitary facilities (toilets) are provided in the camps by contractor. Few contractors have rented local house for labours in camps. Workers use kerosene, LPG as well as firewood for cooking. Sanitation at camp sites have been maintained satisfactorily.

6.7. Occupational Health and Safety 36. Occupational health and safety measures have been partially followed. Workers have been provided with safety gears like helmet, facemasks, jackets etc. in most of the districts. However, these items are in limited quantity and not sufficient for all the workers in few districts. They need to be educated about the importance and use of safety gears. Group accidental insurance has been done for all the workers in all the project districts. Two injuries and 1 casualty (non-working hours) have been reported so far. Please refer Annex 5 for detail.

6.8. Signboard Placing 37. Total 68 signboards at various places along the road with project information and safety has been erected in 12 sub-projects. Number of signboards ranges from 1 to 8 per sub- project. NRs. 2,160,000 budget has been allocated for informative, safety and environmental awareness signboards.

6.9. Spoil Management 38. Spoil disposal sites have been identified and provision of toe walls are given in the detail project design report. Spoils are being managed in specified disposal sites as far as possible. Nearly, 1,482,537.66 m3 of spoil has been reported to be managed safely. So far, toe walls with volume of 2,463 m3 have been constructed to manage excess spoil in nine road subprojects. Template of spoil management plan has been prepared and circulated to all districts, please refer Annex 8.

6.10. Grievances Received and Addressed 39. GRM mechanism has been established in all sub-projects. So far, 1,540 grievances have been reported, 1,369 solved and 171 are under process. Most of the grievances are related to missing plots, mismatch in name, area etc.

6.11. EMP Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting and Field Visit

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 15 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

40. Environmental monitoring format has been sent to districts as given in Annex 9. Environmental monitoring is also done by the CISC team during field visits. A sum of NRs. 3,784,000 budget has been allocated for monitoring activities. Following Table 6 gives the list of sub-projects visited by CISC team with ADB mission. However, there was no Environmental Specialist in the team.

Table 6: Name of Districts Visited by CISC Environmental Team

SN District Road Subproject 1 Lamjug Belghari-Archalbot-Lamabagar-Serabazaar-Lituere-Pachok Road 2 Kavre Kuntabesi-Nagarkot Road and Khopasi-Dhungakharka- Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Road 3 Kathmandu Sankhu-Palubari road Kathmandu Road 4 Bhaktapur Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot-Bhattedanda -Nagarkot Road


41. Major issues and way forward for the effective implementation of environmental safeguard measures are discussed below in Table 7.

Table 7: Issues and Way Forward

S.N Issues Way forward

1 Plantation payment to DFO for Timely release of budget by NRA and r plantation activities is ongoing payment to DFO for compensatory plantation works

2 Initiating third party monitoring Coordination with concerned stakeholders for carrying out third party by CLPIU/DLPIU

3 Protection of road side plantation Maintenance of tree guard for the protection of plants


42. Items focused for this semi-annual period have been achieved partially. Detail on status and suggested corrective actions are presented in Table 8 below.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 16 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Table 8: Status on Items of Focus of Previous Report

S.N Item of Focus Status Description Corrective action plan, if any

1 Budget to carry Partially Coordination for Timely implementation out achieved carrying out of bio-engineering augmentation, bioengineering and activities and early mitigation and payment to DFO for coordination with DFO compensation carrying out for payment to carry activities of compensatory proposed activities of remaining plantation and IEE / tree cutting activities plantation against loss approval plan of forest

2 Environmental Not No initiation has been Consideration for third compliance achieved done yet party monitoring by monitoring and DLPIU/CLPIU as supervision mentioned in EMP is also required for overall environmental monitoring


43. As EEAP project is closing by 31 December, 2019, there will be no semiannual environmental monitoring report. Therefore, there are no major items of focus for next report.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 17 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019


Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 18 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 1: Environmental Safeguard Planning Status

SN District Name of Subproject Environm Environmen EARF is EIA/IEE/DDR ADB Government Safeguard GRC is Automated EMP cost in Remarks ental t category prepared with EMP is approved approved monitoring establishe safeguard approved screening of the (if prepared EIA/IEE with EIA/IEE with and d monitoring document is is project / applicable) (Yes/No) EMP EMP coordination (Yes/No) system included in carried subproject (Yes/No) (Yes / Under (Yes / Under mechanism customized BOQ as an out? (Yes (A/B/C/FI) Review / Not Review / Not established individual item or No) Yet Yet (Yes/No) (Yes/No) Due/Over Submitted) (Yes/No) 1 Kathmandu Sankhu -Palubari -Nagarkot RoadYes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda -Nagarkot Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road Thaiba - Godamchaur Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes * Approved Yes No yes (PS) Approved 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - Nagarkot Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road 4 Kavre Khopasi-Dhungakharka - Chyamranbesi-Milche-Borang Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved BhirkotRoad - Sahare- Hawa Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-LamidandaRoad - Kalinchowk section of Sunkhani Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Swara-Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - Thalajung – Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approval Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - Samitar - 8 Chitwan Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Approved (Updated IEE 9 Sindhuli Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Netrakali Road approved) Haldebesi -Dhobi- Dhandebesi Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Road Devitar – Phulasipokhari Section 10 Ramechhap Approved (Updated IEE of Devitar – Doramba – Paseban Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) approved) – Kolibagar Road Approved (Updated IEE 11 OkhaldhungaOkhaldunga - Rumjatar Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) approved) 12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road Yes B Yes Yes Yes Approved N/A Yes No Yes (PS) Approved Note: EIA-Environmental Impact Assessment; IEE-Initial Environmental Examination; DDR-Due Diligence Report; EMP-Environmental Management Plan, GRC-Grievance Redress Committee; BOQ- Bill of Quantity

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 19 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 2: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status

SN Districts Name of Subproject Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances Corrective Env Physical Biological Socio-economic Action Plans compliance Spoil Landslide Compensatory Plantation Firewood Other as Occupational Health and Safety Community structures are Other as Nos of No of No of are prepared reporting is Management protection is used for per EMP compensated/reconstructed per EMP grievances grievances grievances and maintained (compliance in with Bio- cooking (specify)* (Progress in % of tota (specify)* documented resolved under implemented (Y/N) %)** eng and estimated work )*** processing (Y/N) (compliance in Initial Actual Target Target Revised Planted heating Roadside Safety Labors Labor and work Community Community %)** Total Target (Private (Forest- Total (Nos.) (Y/N) Plantation Gears are are camps are structure 1 structure 2 Target ( (Pole and Land); DFO Target ; sufficient insured healthy and IEE- Tree loss (Nos.) Tippani); (Nos.) and used (Y/N) have sanitary Private + at Forest); (Nos.) (Y/N) facilities (Y/N) Forest) (Nos.) (Nos.) Sankhu -Palubari - Public Tap at 1 Kathmandu 90 90 1,922 1,800 122 1,800 1,922 2000 N 195 NYY N/A 118 118 - N Y Nagarkot Road 7+200

Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda - 50 10 115 - 115 - 115 0 N 205 Y Y Y N/A N/A 24 24 - N Y Nagarkot Road

Thaiba - Godamchaur Railing at Ch 90 90 - - - - 0 N 55 YYY N/A 55 55 - N Y Road 0+950 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang 90 90 5,501 5,200 76 5,200 5,276 825 N 22 Y Y Y N/A N/A 56 55 1 N Y Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 80 90 7,687 3,800 1,187 3,800 4,987 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 123 123 - N Y Nagarkot Road 4 Kavre Khopasi-Dhungakharka - Chyamranbesi-Milche- 50 80 600 - - - 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 23 23 - N Y Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- 90 70 2,544 1,650 69 1,650 1,719 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 22 22 - N Y Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 90 90 2,375 625 3,875 3,875 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 3 3 - N Y Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara-Saurpani- 40 20 5,563 475 188 9,100 9,288 0 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 23 23 - N Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 60 20 18,644 1,500 519 34,000 34,519 0 Y 0 N Y Y N/A N/A 159 159 - N Y Thalajung – Bhachek Road

Belghari – Archalbot - 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - 70 20 7,344 4,100 519 4,100 4,619 0 N 0 Y YY N/A N/A 110 110 - N Y Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - Thakurivanjyang 90 40 11,756 3,925 106 75,500 75,606 N 0 Y Y N/A N/A N/A 33 33 - N Y Road Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Irrigation Canal 9 Sindhuli 30 80 22,523 3,225 373 3,225 3,598 0 Y 0 N Y Y N/A 147 147 - N Y Netrakali Road at Ch 5+060 Haldebesi -Dhobi- 80 10 2,625 - - - 0 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 220 50 170 N Y Dhandebesi Road Devitar – Phulasipokhari 10 Ramechhap Section of Devitar – 80 50 3,142 4,800 417 4,800 5,217 Y 0 N YY N/A N/A 76 76 - Y Y Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - Rumjatar Community Tap Chautara at ch 11 Okhaldhunga 90 70 2,298 1,950 348 1,950 2,298 0 N 207 YYY 226 226 - NY Road ch 8+600 9+980 Tosing, ch Tosing, ch 12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road 80 80 - - - - 0 N 775 YYY 122 122 - NY 4+200 4+300 Total 94,639 33,050 4,039 149,000 153,039 2,825 1,459 1,540 1,369 171 Note: * Added field as guided by EMP in IEE/DDR, ** Written in percentage of compliance in a scale of 100%, *** type of community structures mentioned

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 20 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 3: Status of Compliance with Relevant Covenants

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) Schedule Conditions for Award of Contracts Environmental Yes 4-7 The Borrower shall not award any Works Safeguard contract for a Subproject which involves environmental impacts until the EA or the IAs has: (a) Obtained the final approval of the  IEE reports are prepared and EIA/IEE from the Ministry of Science, approved by concerned agencies Technology and Environment (for (NRA/MoFALD now MoFAGA). EIAs)/concerned sector agency (for IEEs) (b) Incorporated the relevant provisions  Provisional sum of money for from the EMP into the Works EMP is allocated in work contracts/ contract. GoN has allocated budget. Schedule Project is implemented in accordance with Administrative Yes Noted and considered. 5-1 PAM. Schedule Preparation, design, implementation, and Environmental Ongoing IEE prepared as per applicable law 5-4 operation of each sub-project comply with Safeguard and EARF. EMP of approved IEE applicable laws; the Environmental are under implementation. Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and EMP. Schedule Necessary budgetary and human resources Safeguard Ongoing  NRA has allocated NRs. 5-7 made available to fully implement the EMPs, 8,680,000 for EMP implementation and the RPs. in current FY. In addition, there is provisional sum of 300,000.00 to

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 21 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) 350,000.00 for EMP implementation in BoQ per subproject.  Focal persons for IEE and RP in CLPIU/DLPIUs have been assigned Schedule All bidding documents comply with IEE, Safeguard Ongoing Noted and considered. 5-8 EMP, and RP; budget is made available for environmental and social measures; any unanticipated environmental, resettlement or indigenous peoples risks notified by a written notice; and condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure recorded prior to construction. Schedule (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Yes Noted and being followed. Semi- 5-9 Reports submitted to ADB and disclose annual environmental safeguard relevant information; (b) any unanticipated monitoring report prepared and environmental and/or social risks and submitted along with quarterly impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) report any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule No proceeds of the Loan are used to finance Safeguard Yes No activities listed in Annex 5 of 5-10 any activity included in the list of prohibited SPS are carried under EEAP. investment activities provided in Annex 5 of the SPS.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 22 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Schedule Covenants Type Complied (Yes or Not Progress Status/Remarks Yet Due or On-going or Partially Complied or Not Applicable) Schedule The core labor standards and applicable Safeguard Yes Noted and considered. 5-11 laws are complied. Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association. Schedule Within 6 months after the Effective Date, the Safeguard Ongoing First level of GRM is active at field. 5-15 Borrower shall prepare a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee will (a) make public of the existence of this Grievance Redress Mechanism, (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively responding to them.

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 23 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 4: Environmental Management Cost (NRs) d. Estimated Budget in Approved IEE

Total Awareness Tourism Compensatory Road-side Solid Waste Skill Mitigation Cost Env. Bio- EMP with Bio- Name of Raising Signboards Development Total EMP S.N Sub-Project Plantation Plantation Management Enhancem (1= A +B+ C+ Monitoring engineering engineering District Training Cost (D) / Homestay Cost (1+2) Cost (A) Cost (B) Cost (E) ent (H) D+ E+ F+ G + Cost (2) Cost Cost Cost (C) Cost (F) H) Sankhu -Palubari - 1 Kathmandu 322,668 350,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 1,172,668 323,000 1,495,668 4,776,116 6,271,783.31 Nagarkot Road Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot- 2 Bhaktapur 775,000 50,000 825,000 323,000 1,148,000 1,148,000.00 Bhattedanda - Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur - 250,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 650,000 100,000 750,000 565,445 1,315,444.88 Road 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- 895,132 100,000 100,000 50,000 250,000 100,000 1,495,132 240,000 1,735,132 1,471,313 3,206,444.62 Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 1,057,002 250,000 150,000 100,000 1,557,002 150,000 1,707,002 2,576,114 4,283,115.91 Nagarkot Road Khopasi- 4 Kavrepalanchok Dhungakharka - 300,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 950,000 323,000 1,273,000 1,273,000.00 Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of 358,955 350,000 250,000 360,000 60,000 150,000 1,528,955 200,000 1,728,955 8,381,976 10,110,931.09 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 340,480 350,000 250,000 190,000 60,000 150,000 1,340,480 200,000 1,540,480 4,186,148 5,726,628.48 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara- 871,058 250,000 150,000 100,000 - - 1,371,058 150,000 1,521,058 863,911 2,384,968.11 Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 2,929,671 200,000 150,000 100,000 3,379,671 200,000 3,579,671 1,336,644 4,916,315.20 Thalajung – Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - Lamabagar- 7 Lamjung 1,124,609 250,000 250,000 150,000 1,774,609 250,000 2,024,609 1,214,627 3,239,236.36 Serabazaar - Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - 2,479,243 200,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 3,129,243 200,000 3,329,243 716,308 4,045,551.17 Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - 9 Sindhuli 3,370,788 450,000 350,000 100,000 4,270,788 325,000 4,595,788 5,827,260 10,423,048 Haitar - Netrakali Road Haldebesi -Dhobi- 412,519 200,000 250,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 1,262,519 200,000 1,462,519 5,188,739 6,651,257.37 Dhandebesi Road Devitar – 10 Ramechhap Phulasipokhari Section of Devitar – 455,448 200,000 250,000 160,000 150,000 1,215,448 200,000 1,415,448 3,583,155 4,998,602.80 Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - 11 Okhaldhunga 321,966 150,000 235,000 100,000 806,966 150,000 956,966 908,404 1,865,369.75 Rumjatar Road Garma - Nele -Bogal 12 Solukhumbu 350,000 250,000 100,000 700,000 250,000 950,000 6,204,310 7,154,309.55 Road Total 16,014,538 4,150,000 3,085,000 2,160,000 1,120,000 750,000 150,000 27,429,538 3,784,000 31,213,538 47,800,469 79,014,006.81

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 24 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019 e. Revised Budget Sheet

S.N Name of Sub-Project Compensatory Compensatory Tree Revised Revised Cost Tree Compensatory District Area Additional Additional Road-side Awareness Signboards Solid Waste Tourism Skill Total Env. Total EMP Revised Cost District Plantation Cost Plantation Loss Plantation (Forest) Loss Plantation Rate (Ha) Cost Plantation Raising Cost (D) Management Development Enhancem Mitigation Cost Monitoring Cost (1+2) (IEE); Private Cost No. No. (IEE); Cost Plantation Cost (B) Training Cost (E) / Homestay ent (H) (1= A +B+ C+ Cost (2) +Forest (IEE);Forest (Forest) Private (IEE);Private (No.) Cost (C) Cost (F) D+ E+ F+ G + H) Sankhu -Palubari - 1 Kathmandu 322,668 313,902.00 72 1,800 313,902.00 122 8,765.70 174.39 1.81 2,896 505,033.44 350,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 1,172,668 323,000 1,495,668 2,000,701 Nagarkot Road Bysai –Jhaukhel –Changu –Telkot- 2 Bhaktapur 775,000 115 775,000.00 50,000 825,000 323,000 1,148,000 1,148,000 Bhattedanda - Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur - 250,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 650,000 100,000 750,000 750,000 Road 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Badikhel- 895,132 889,971.25 208 5,200 853,060.00 76 5,160.40 164.05 2.18 3,488 572,206.40 100,000 100,000 50,000 250,000 100,000 1,495,132 240,000 1,735,132 2,270,427 Lelebhanjyang Road Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 1,057,002 982,280.00 152 3,800 574,256.00 1,187 74,721.65 151.12 0.52 832 125,731.84 250,000 150,000 100,000 1,557,002 150,000 1,707,002 1,424,709 Nagarkot Road Khopasi- 4 Kavrepalanchok Dhungakharka - 300,000 300,000.00 - 250,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 950,000 323,000 1,273,000 973,000 Chyamranbesi-Milche- Borang Road Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Section of 358,955 354,816.00 66 1,650 236,544.00 69 4,139.31 143.36 4.40 7,040 1,009,254.40 350,000 250,000 360,000 60,000 150,000 1,528,955 200,000 1,728,955 2,619,938 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Road 5 Dolkha Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Kalinchowk section of 340,480 340,480.00 155 3,875 555,520.00 143.36 5.20 8,320 1,192,755.20 350,000 250,000 190,000 60,000 150,000 1,340,480 200,000 1,540,480 2,948,275 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Swara- 871,058 858,602.50 364 9,100 1,453,634.00 188 12,455.00 159.74 2.47 3,952 631,292.48 250,000 150,000 100,000 - - 1,371,058 150,000 1,521,058 2,747,381 Saurpani- Barpak Road 6 Gorkha Luitel - Aappipal - Harmibhanjyang - 2,929,671 2,895,287.50 1,360 34,000 5,431,160.00 519 34,383.75 159.74 3.32 5,312 848,538.88 200,000 150,000 100,000 3,379,671 200,000 3,579,671 6,964,083 Thalajung – Bhachek Road Belghari – Archalbot - Lamabagar- 7 Lamjung 1,124,609 1,090,225.50 164 4,100 654,934.00 519 34,383.75 159.74 0.91 1,456 232,581.44 250,000 250,000 150,000 1,774,609 250,000 2,024,609 1,821,899 Serabazaar - Lituere - Pachok Road Khurkhure (Highway) - 8 Chitwan Samitar - 2,479,243 2,473,062.00 3,020 75,500 16,027,140.00 106 6,180.86 212.28 9.20 14,720 3,124,761.60 200,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 3,129,243 200,000 3,329,243 20,008,082 Thakurivanjyang Road Pipal Bhanjyang - 9 Sindhuli 3,370,788 3,347,308.00 129 3,225 487,362.00 373 23,480.35 151.12 4.50 7,192 1,086,855.04 450,000 350,000 100,000 4,270,788 325,000 4,595,788 2,822,697 Haitar - Netrakali Road Haldebesi -Dhobi- 412,519 412,518.75 157.15 1.63 2,608 409,847.20 200,000 250,000 200,000 50,000 150,000 1,262,519 200,000 1,462,519 1,459,847 Dhandebesi Road Devitar – 10 Ramechhap Phulasipokhari Section of Devitar – 455,448 428,233.75 192 4,800 832,944.00 417 27,213.42 173.53 3.90 6,240 1,082,827.20 200,000 250,000 160,000 150,000 1,215,448 200,000 1,415,448 2,902,985 Doramba – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Okhaldunga - 11 Okhaldhunga 321,966 299,715.00 78 1,950 299,715.00 348 22,251.12 153.70 0.345 552 84,842.40 150,000 235,000 100,000 806,966 150,000 956,966 1,041,809 Rumjatar Road Garma - Nele -Bogal 12 Solukhumbu - 350,000 250,000 100,000 700,000 250,000 950,000 950,000 Road Total 16,014,538 14,986,402.25 5,960 149,000 27,720,171.00 4,039 1,028,135.31 40.38 64,608 10,906,527.52 4,150,000 3,085,000 2,160,000 1,120,000 750,000 150,000 27,429,538 3,784,000 31,213,538 54,853,834

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 25 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 5: Status of Environmental Safeguard Compliances

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

1 Kathmandu Sankhu- Approved  GRM established Palubari-  12 sign board erected (environmental awareness, and informative) Nagarkot Road  15,954.22 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 3+ 250 to 3+300 Right Side, 3+800 along right side, 4+280 Right Side, 7+300 along left side, 7+600 along left side and 8+100 along left side  Quarry of 9405 m3 of stone bought from Roshi khola  Campsite established at Ch 5+500, Ch 6+800 and at rented house ( Ch 5+000)  Firewood is used for cooking at campsite  Safety gears are partially used (20 helmets, 20 masks and 20 boots distributed to 80 labours)  GPA insurance for 30 labours.  NRs. 60,000 compensated for affected tap along the road  Roadside plantation carried out (195 plants)  Compensatory plantation carried by both CF (2000 trees + 1000 amriso)  2 days waste management training for 41 participants conducted  Awareness training for 83 participants conducted  3384.50 rm brush layering to stabilize slope from Ch 0+450 to Ch 8+500

2 Bhaktapur Bysai-Jhaukhel- Approved  GRM established Changu-Telkot-  6000 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 1+400, Ch 1+900, Ch 2+650 and Ch 3+000 Bhattedanda-  Roadside plantation carried out (205 plants) Nagarkot Road  3178.3 m3 of stone bought by contractor from quarry site  Local house rented for labours at Ch 2+700 and 6+700  Sanitation at labour camp is maintained, LPG is used for cooking at campsite

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 26 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

 100 helmets, 100 masks provided to workers and GPA insurance of labour done

3 Lalitpur Thaiba- Approved  GRM established Godamchaur  6,018.44 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+950, Ch 0+120 and Ch 0+600 Road  95 m3 of gabion toe wall constructed for spoil management  Local house rented for labours at Ch 1+750  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 15 helmets and 15 jackets distributed to 15 labours  GPA insurance for 10 labours  Roadside plantation done (55 plants) carried out  Waste management training for 60 participants conducted  200 rm brush layering and 300 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope at Ch 0+950

Godamchour- Approved  GRM established Godabari-  40,206.1 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+810, 4+000, 0+760 & 7+000 Badikhel-  154 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management Lelebhanjyang  Local house rented for labours at Ch 4+100 and temporary campsite established in Road Ch 0+250  Total 2 temporary toilet constructed  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 70 helmets and 70 jackets distributed to 70 labours  GPA insurance for 15 labours  Roadside plantation done (22 plants) carried out  825 sapling planted as compensatory plantation  429 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope at Ch 2+800

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 27 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

4 Kavrepalanchok Kuntabesi- Approved  GRM established Nayagaun-  300,000 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 15+400-15+550, Ch 15+650-15+800 Nagarkot Road  Local house rented for labours at Ch 1 4+330  Total 2 temporary toilet constructed  Firewood, kerosene, LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 50 helmets, 50 masks, 50 boots and 6 jackets distributed to labours  GPA insurance for labours  Environmental Awareness Training conducted  400 rm brush layering and 4000 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope at Ch 15+770 (R)15+680 (R)15+689 (R)15+440 (R)15+100 (R)14+800 (R)14+810 (R)15+360 (L),15+382 (L),15+760 (R)16+500 (L),15+760 (R)15+900 (L),16+380 (L),15+600 (R)15+640 (R)15+650 (R)15+660( R)

Khopasi- Approved  GRM established Dhungakharka-  51,700 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 2+095, Ch 2+350 Chyamranbesi-  16.5 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management Milche-Borang  Contractor bought the material from private quarry for near to Ch 3+000 Road  Temporary campsite established in Ch 1+600, Ch 3+800, Ch 6+000 and Ch 9+000  Several landslides along the road, controlled at Ch 4+600 with gabion retaining wall  3 First aid kit provided to labour  Total 3 temporary toilet constructed  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Total 300 helmets, 300 masks, 300 boots and 10 jackets distributed to labours  1 accident occurred  GPA insurance for labours

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 28 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

 1897 rm brush layering and 2061.83 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope from Ch 4+300-6+774

5 Dolakha Bhirkot-Sahare- Approved  GRM established Hawa Section of  226,661.97m3 spoil disposed safely Bhirkot-Sahare-  3 sign board erected at Ch 0+000 and different working sites Hawa-Jiri Road  672.86 m3 of toe wall constructed for spoil management  LPG, Wood, Electricity is used for cooking at campsite  2 temporary toilets constructed  50 personal protective equipment (helmet, mask) provided to workers  Total 2 first aid kit given to labours  GPA insurance for 45 labours  3 Events of awareness training conducted for 180 participants  Bio-engineering activities has been planned

Sunkhani- Approved  GRM established Lamidanda-  93613.44 m3 spoil disposed safely Kalinchowk  8 sign board erected at Ch 0+000, Ch 8+200 (Lapilang), Ch 16+000 (Lamidanda), Ch section of 27+000 (Kalinchowk) Sunkhani  Protection of huge landslide at Ch 4+660-4+810 with 2 retaining wall of length 70 m Sangwa Road and volume 800 m3, 2 check wall of length 70 m and volume 265 m3 and 2 breast wall of length 20 m and volume 140 m3  Similarly, there is protection of landslide at Ch 2+630-2+730 with 2 retaining wall of Length 100m and volume 490 m3  LPG, Wood, Electricity is used for cooking at campsite  5 temporary toilets constructed

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 29 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

 400 personal protective equipment (helmet, mask) provided to workers  GPA insurance for 20 labours  Total 4 first aid kit given to labours  3 Events of awareness training conducted for 180 participants  736 rm brush layering and 840 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope

6 Gorkha Ghympesal- Approved  GRM established Bakot-Palkhu-  Local house rented for campsite Swara-Saurpani-  Firewood (collected from CF) for cooking at campsite Barpak Road  Awareness training for 118 participants  Bioengineering has been planned

Luitel-Aappipal- Approved  GRM established Harmibhanjyang  143000 m3 of spoil disposed safely different chainage (5+450, 7+500, 9+350,12+300, -Thalajung- 19+740,19+900, 17+920, 18+100 to 18+140, 18+770 to 18+820, 18+980 to 19+020, Bhachek Road 19+180 to 19+220, 19+720 to 19+760, 19+830 to 19+970, 20+680 to 20+740, 22+490 to 22+550, 24+080 to 24+140, 25+280 to 25+320, 27+780 to 27+820, 28+680 to 28+720, 30+430 to 30+480)  Quarry of 6,500 m3 of stone from Ch 5+690-5+730, Ch 20+900, Ch 25+500 and Ch 34+000  6 camps established (3 rented house and 3 temporary) with toilet facility  1 injury (finger) recorded  Firewood (collected from CF) for cooking at campsite  Awareness training for 144 participants  Bio-engineering has been planned

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 30 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

7 Lamjung Belghari- Approved  GRM established Archalbot-  92816 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch 0+920, Ch 0+980, Ch 0+000 Signboard Lamabagar- erected at Ch 0+000 and Ch 0+900 Serabazaar-  Private house rented for campsite Lituere-Pachok  50 helmets, 50 mask, 50 gloves and 50 jacket are provided to workers Road  LPG is used for cooking at campsite  Awareness training for 70 participants (2 events)  550 sapling planted in forest area under compensatory plantation

8 Chitwan Khurkhure Approved  GRM established (Highway)-  Spoil generated from cutting are taken by concerned local Samitar-  Contractor has employed local people as labour, therefore, there is no campsite Thakurivanjyang  70 boots and 70 jackets distributed to workers Road  GPA insurance of 25 labour , 1 casualty occurred (Sanchamaya Praja) while returning home  Environmental Training for 93 participants (2 events)

9 Sindhuli Pipal Approved  GRM established Bhanjyang-  6000 m3 of spoil disposed safely Haitar-Netrakali  29 m long and 2 m high toe wall constructed to manage spoil at Ch 15+880 Road  Temporary campsite established at Ch 16+600, 4+100, 14+600  20 helmets and 50 masks provided to 65 workers  4 signboard erected  2 awareness raising training conducted (122 participants)  1151.5 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope from Ch 4+000 - 4+200, 6+740, 7+760, 8+100, 15+558-15+594, 15+885-15+923

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 31 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

10 Ramechhap Haldebesi- Approved  GRM established Dhobi-  125000 m3 of spoil disposed at Ch 22+350,21+450,22+000 ,21+300 and Dhandebesi 27+300,28+400,28+700,29+250,29+400,29+750 Road  6 signboard erected  3 awareness raising training conducted (119 participants)  Safety gears provided partially  3000 rm brush layering and 3500 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope and bio- engineering activities is ongoing

Devitar- Approved  GRM established Phulasipokhari  181900 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch 15+430, 15+100, 12+540, 11+100, 10+590, Road 10+170, 9+480, 9+030 and 8+940  House rented for labour camp  3 awareness raising training conducted (92 participants)  1880 rm brush layering and 7136 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope  188.88 m 3 Gabion breast wall and 120 m 3 gabion toe wall constructed for controlling landslide and erosion

11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga- Approved  GRM established Rumjatar Road  4000 m3 of spoil disposed safely at Ch 1+640  600 m3 of toe wall constructed  Chetre landslide at Ch 3+620 and geologist visited the site. The slide area is stable but geologist has suggested for shifting 10 m towards hill side, for safety against any earthquake in future.  Houses rented for campsite at Ch 1+340, Ch 2+680, Ch 4+680 and Ch 6+000  LPG and firewood used for cooking

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 32 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Road Sub- IEE Environmental Compliances project Approval Status

 71 helmet and mask provided to workers  2 first aid kit provided  GPA insurance of labour  2 events of awareness training conducted  8 signboard erected  207 plants in roadside plantation  315 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope

12 Solukhumbu Garma-Nele- Approved  GRM established Bogal Road  123000 m3 spoil disposed safely at Ch 2+000,3+000, 4+200, 8+300, 13+000, 15+000, 17+000, 19+000  Quarry of 41,380 m3 of stone from Ch 5+400,7+500,7+700,19+000  Safety gears are partially supplied by contractor  83 helmets provided to 200 workers  Labours are insured, Sanitation at labours camp is maintained  900 m3 of breast wall constructed at Ch 3+400, 6+200, 8+300,10+600 to control land slide  Campsite established at Ch 2+000, Ch 4+000, Ch 6+000, Ch 8+000 (house rented)  Firewood is used in campsite for cooking  Roadside plantation carried out (775 plants)  6412 m2 grass slips planted to stabilize slope

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 33 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 6: Approval Seeking for Trees to be removed (As per DFO Report) S.N. Name of Road Sub-projName of Forest Actual Sapling Seedling Total (Reported by Remarks DFO for Tree Cutting Approval ) 1 Sankhu -Palubari - Kusum CF 37 Nagarkot Road Lambodanda CF 35 Sub-total 72 - - 72 2 Godamchour- Godabari- Godamchaur CF 2 Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Bistachhap CF 13 Road Jayabhadre CF 36 Golintaha CF 54 Kumari CF 8 Bandevi CF 22 Chandol CF 39 Mankamna RF 14 GMF 20 Sub-total 208 - - 208 3 Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - Dudepakha CF 76 135 Nagarkot Road Naulo Danda CF 9 24 Ratmate Chihandanda CF 40 85 Seti Devi CF 20 48 Gairidhara Manedanda 7 13 Chyanguhi CF Sub-total 152 305 - 152 4 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Chanaute Salghari CF 24 Section of Bhirkot - Pashupati CF 20 Sahare- Hawa -Jiri Seti Devi Muladyang CF 2 Road Khahare Bhirpakha CF 4 Kalikagidde CF 9 Salleshwari CF 2 Lamachaur CF 3 Jyamte Dobhan CF - Dandapari CF 2 Jukepani Kadeni CF - Sub-total 66 - - 66 5 Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Jana Ekata CF 17 34 Kalinchowk section of Ramche CF 2 47 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Hilepani CF 6 49 Sub-total 25 130 - 155 6 Ghympesal - Balkot- Dovandanda GMF 12 50 150 212 No. of seedling and sapling Palkhu- Swara-Saurpani- Thampakha CF 7 22 123 152 included in tree cutting approval Barpak Road Sub-total 19 72 273 364 report, requiring 1:25 plantation 7 Luitel - Aappipal - Sisneri CF 10 46 134 190 No. of seedling and sapling Harmibhanjyang - Aam Danda CF 17 10 500 527 included in tree cutting approval Thalajung – Bhachek Andheri CF 6 13 41 60 report, requiring 1:25 plantation Road GMF 5 1 6 GMF (proposed CF) 22 55 500 577 Sub-total 60 125 1,175 1,360 8 Belghari – Archalbot - Raniswara CF 33 Lamabagar- Kerabari CF 1 Serabazaar - Lituere - Sikhra CF 130 Pachok Road Sub-total 164 - - 164 9 Khurkhure (Highway) - Kalika CF 95 428 780 1,303 No. of seedling and sapling Samitar - Satya Devi CF 13 333 533 879 included in tree cutting approval Thakurivanjyang Road Parbat CFUG 19 2 - 21 report, requiring 1:25 plantation Ratamate LHF 28 269 518 815 Kharbari LHF 2 - - 2 Sub-total 157 1,032 1,831 3,020 10 Pipal Bhanjyang - Kalika CF 3 Haitar - Netrakali Road Jhalkane CF 19 Ranibas CF 19 Hariyali LHF - Pragatisil LHF - Lalupate LHF - Laliguras LHF - Manebhanjyang LHF 2 GMF 86 Sub-total 129 - - 129 11 Haldebesi -Dhobi- Bhringeshwor CF No tree loss along the road Dhandebesi Road Jhateswari CF Poku Salghari CF (Saipu CF) Taruke Salleri CF Sipu CF Sub-total - - - - 12 Devitar – Phulasi Shree Sheradevi CF 65 pokhari Section of Setidevi Saunepani CF 96 Devitar – Doramba – Shree Hari Siddhi RF 31 Paseban – Kolibagar Road Sub-total 192 - - 192 13 Okhaldunga - Rumjatar Megapatal CF 56 Road Simdhara Pakha CF 22 Sub-total 78 - - 78 Total 1,322 1,664 3,279 5,960

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 34 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 7: Detail on Tree Loss, Targeted Plantation and Cost (NRs.) with Forest Name

Compensatory Plantation (Government Compensatory Plantation (Religious Compensatory plantation Compensatory Plantation (Community Forest) Total (Forest Land) Total Managed Forest) Forest/Leasehold Forest) (Private Land) Name of SN Name of Sub-Project Name Remarks District Tree Trees for Estimated Tree Trees for Name of Tree Trees for Estimated Trees for Tree Trees for Estimated Tree Trees for Name of CF of Estimated Cost Tree Loss Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Loss Plantation Cost Loss Plantation RF/LHF Loss Plantation Cost Plantation Loss Plantation Cost Loss Plantation GMF Kusum CF 37 925 161,311 Sankhu -Palubari -Nagarkot 1 Kathmandu Lambodanda CF 35 875 152,591 72 1,800 313,902 122 122 8,766 194 1,922 322,668 Road Sub-total 72 1,800 313,902 Bysai –Jhaukhel – Changu 2 Bhaktapur –Telkot-Bhattedanda - 115 115 775,000 115 115 775,000 Nagarkot Road Thaiba - Godamchaur Road Godamchaur CF 2 50 8,203 Bistachhap CF 13 325 53,316 Jayabhadre CF 36 900 147,645 3 Lalitpur Godamchour- Godabari- Golintaha CF 63 1,575 258,379 Manakamana GF 20 500 82,025 14 350 57,418 217 5,425 889,971 76 76 5,160 293 5,501 895,132 Badikhel- Lelebhanjyang Road Kumari CF 8 200 32,810 RF Bandevi CF 22 550 90,228 Chandol CF 39 975 159,949 Sub-total 183 4,575 750,529 Dudhepakha CF 138 3,450 521,364 Dhami Chaur CF 23 575 86,894 Naulodanda CF 9 225 34,002 Ratmate Chihandanda Kuntabesi-Nayagaun - 63 1,575 238,014 CF 260 6,500 982,280 1,187 1,187 74,722 1,447 7,687 1,057,002 Nagarkot Road Gairidhara Chyankuti 7 175 26,446 4 Kavre CF Seti Devi CF 20 500 75,560 Sub-total 260 6,500 982,280 Patikhola Pakha Ban 19 475 CF Khopasi-Dhungakharka 24 600 300,000 24 600 300,000 Janajagriti CF 5 125 Sub-total 24 600 300,000 Chanaute Salghari CF 20 500 71,680 Pashupati CF 18 450 64,512 Seti Devi Muladyang CF 4 100 14,336 Khahare Bhirpakha CF 4 100 14,336 Bhirkot - Sahare- Hawa Pokharipakha CF 6 150 21,504 Section of Bhirkot - Sahare- Kalikagidde CF 9 225 32,256 99 2,475 354,816 69 69 4,139 168 2,544 358,955 Hawa -Jiri Road Salleshwari CF 8 200 28,672 5 Dolkha Lamachaur CF 5 125 17,920 Jyamte Dobhan CF 25 625 89,600 Sub-total 99 2,475 354,816 Jana Ekata CF 43 1,075 154,112 Sunkhani-Lamidanda - Ramche CF 42 1,050 150,528 Kalinchowk section of 95 2,375 340,480 95 2,375 340,480 Hilepani CF 10 250 35,840 Sunkhani Sangwa Road Sub-total 95 2,375 340,480

Ghympesal - Balkot- Palkhu- Thampakha CF 41 1,025 163,734 GF 174 4,350 694,869 215 5,375 858,603 188 188 12,455 403 5,563 871,058 Swara-Saurpani- Barpak Road

6 Gorkha Amdanda CF 18 450 71,883 Luitel - Aappipal - Andheri CF 19 475 75,877 Harmibhanjyang - Thalajung – GF 142 3,550 567,077 725 18,125 2,895,288 519 519 34,384 1,244 18,644 2,929,671 Tarkedanda CF 546 13,650 2,180,451 Bhachek Road Sub-total 583 14,575 2,328,211 Raniswara CF 143 3,575 571,071 Belghari – Archalbot - Kerabari CF 3 75 11,981 7 Lamjung Lamabagar- Serabazaar - 273 6,825 1,090,226 519 519 34,384 792 7,344 1,124,609 Lituere - Pachok Road Sikhra CF 127 3,175 507,175 Sub-total 273 6,825 1,090,226 Khurkhure (Highway) - Kalika CF 347 8,675 1,841,529 8 Chitwan Samitar - Thakurivanjyang Satya Devi CF 119 2,975 631,533 466 11,650 2,473,062 106 106 6,181 572 11,756 2,479,243 Road Sub-total 466 11,650 2,473,062 Kalika CF 3 75 11,334 Hariyali LHF Jhalkane CF 41 1,025 154,898 Pragatisil LHF Pipal Bhanjyang - Haitar - Ranibas CF 3 75 11,334 Lalupate LHF 9 Sindhuli GF 832 20,800 3,143,296 886 22,150 3,347,308 373 373 23,480 1,259 22,523 3,370,788 Netrakali Road Laliguras LHF Sub-total 47 1,175 177,566 Manebhanjyang 7 175 26,446 LHF Bhringeshwor CF 5 125 19,644 Jhateswari CF 8 200 31,430 Poku Salghari CF Haldebesi -Dhobi- 15 375 58,931 (Saipu CF) 105 2,625 412,519 105 2,625 412,519 Dhandebesi Road Taruke Salleri CF 30 750 117,863 10 Ramechhap Sipu CF 47 1,175 184,651 Sub-total 105 2,625 412,519 Devitar – Phulasipokhari Shree Sheradevi CF 20 500 78,575 Shree Hari Section of Devitar – Doramba Setidevi Saunepani CF 50 1,250 196,438 39 975 153,221 109 2,725 428,234 417 417 27,213 526 3,142 455,447 Siddhi RF – Paseban – Kolibagar Road Sub-total 70 1,750 275,013 Megapatal CF 56 1,400 215,180 11 Okhaldhunga Okhaldunga - Rumjatar Road Simdhara Pakha CF 22 550 84,535 78 1,950 299,715 348 348 22,251 426 2,298 321,966 Sub-total 78 1,950 299,715 Ghumnepani CF 12 Solukhumbu Garma - Nele -Bogal Road Mukle Maidel CF Kordap CF Total 2,396 59,900 10,262,051 1,168 29,200 4,487,267 60 1,500 237,085 3,624 90,600 14,986,402 4,039 4,039 1,028,135 7,663 94,639 16,014,538

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 35 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 8: Spoil management Disposal Format SN Road Section (Ch) Earthwork Earthwork Remaining Spoil to Disposal Site Toe-wall Provision Lead From To Cutting (m3) Filling (m3) be Managed (m3) Location Ch Volume (m3) Distance (m)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 36

Annex 9: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks

Monthly Cumulative

1 Forestry clearance Obtained/ongoing/not initiated for using forest area and tree cutting

2 Stock piling and Obtaining written permission spoil disposal for stockpiling (Y/N) management Preparation of spoil disposal management plan (Y/N)

Location of disposal site near the water courses (Y/N)

Location of spoil disposal site

Volume of spoil generated (m3)

Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3)

Spoil falling or being washed on to forest and farm land (Y/N)

Spoil disposal work affecting public interest, locals and their properties (Y/N)

3 Toe walls for safe Number and volume (m3) of disposal of toe wall constructed excavated materials

4 Bioengineering Location (chainage) works Area (Rm/m2)

Type of measures taken

Amount spent (NRs.)

5 Dust emission Covering of delivery vehicles during transportation (Y/N)

Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N) and time interval

6 Water quality Water quality observed near road

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 37

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks

Monthly Cumulative

7 Quarry site Location management Volume of aggregates/stones/other materials supplied (m3 )

Rehabilitation of site (Y/N)

8 Campsite Supply of safe drinking water management (Y/N)

Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (no.)

Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, LPG, electricity)

Proper management of waste disposal (Y/N)

Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non- biodegradable (Y/N)

9 Drainage Drain water discharged into management farm land/ risky areas (Y/N)

Cross drainage structure (no.) & volume (m3)

10 Bitumen Fuel wood being used for management bitumen heating (Y/N)

Bitumen drums stored in dedicated areas and not scattered along the road (Y/N)

Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N)

11 Land slide and Location (Ch) erosion control measures Type of measures taken

Number and volume of structure (m3)

12 Exact tree loss (No.)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 38

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks

Monthly Cumulative

Compensatory Establishment of nursery plantation in forest (number & location) area Plantation carried out (number of plants & area in ha)

Name & location of forest

Plantation survival rate (%)

Amount spent (NRs.)

13 Compensatory Number of plants felled plantation in private land Plantation carried out (number of plants)

Plantation survival rate (%)

Amount spent (NRs.)

14 Road side plantation Plantation carried out (number of plants)


Plantation survival rate (%)

Amount spent (NRs.)

15 Rehabilitation of 1. Name & Location public infrastructure, culturally & 2. Name & Location religiously sensitive spot

16 Occupational health Number of Personal Protective & safety Equipment (PPE) provided

Use of PPE by workers (%)

First aid kit provided with medicines (number)

Replacement of medicines (Y/N)

Accidental insurance (number of workers)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 39

SN Description Indicator Status Remarks

Monthly Cumulative

Type & number of accident occurred

Compensation provided

Number of workers fallen sick

Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N)

17 Informative/ safety Number /environmental awareness Location signboard erected

18 Training/campaign/e 1. Name of Event ( location, vent as per EMP of no. of participants) IEE report 2. Name of Event ( location, no. of participants)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 40

Annex 10: Photographs

Jute netting for bioengineering along Sankhu- Well grown Rudrakshya plant along Sankhu- Paluwari road, Kathmandu Paluwari road, Kathmandu

Construction of trail access for local people along Grievances by local people to ADB mission in road Lamjung to complete the road

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 41

Part 2: Strategic Roads

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 42

Table of Contents


List of Tables Table No. 1.1: List of Sub project Under EEAP 44 Table No. 1.2: Corrective action and Way Forward 48

List of Figure

Figure 1. Map of Nepal showing subprojects 45

List of Annexes Annex 1: Planning & Implementing Environmental Safeguards Activities Annex 2: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants Annex 3: Photographs

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 43 Semi Annual Environmental Monitoring July-December 2019

1. THE PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Background 44. The proposed loan (No. 3260-NEP) under Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is financing improvements of three feeder roads, a total of 99.741 km, in the central and western regions of Nepal. While the Project will contribute to development and expansion of the Strategic Road Network (SRN), it will include an institutional capacity assessment in the areas of road safety and road maintenance, which will form the basis for a capacity development program. Gender and social inclusion through a livelihood program will be targeting women involved in road construction activities in the project-affected area.

45. The project roads are: (i) Dolakha – Singati Road (34.49 Km), (ii) Dhading Gorkha Road (42.274 Km) excluding 25 km overlap with Mid-Hill highway in total of 87.274 km and (iii) Panchkhal – Melamchi Road (22.977 Km).The Department of Roads (DoR) intends to improve these roads to an all-weather bituminous Feeder Road Standard. Project roads have been selected based on environment, resettlement, social and economic impacts; and project readiness. The Project is relevant to achieving results of the Country Strategy and Program (2013- 2017), enhancing global-local connectivity to facilitate regionally balanced economic growth. The detail of sub project is listed below

Table No. 1.1: List of Sub project Under EEAP

Length Road Contract Completion S. No. Road (Km) Classification Date date

September Completed 1 Dolakha Singati 34.490 Feeder Road – 26, 2016

January 12, Completed 2 Dhading Gorkha 42.274 Feeder Road – 2017

Panchkhal October 08, 7 July 2020 3 – 22.977 Feeder road Melamchi 2017

99.741 Total (Revised) Source: Project data sheet, 2019

* Length of Dhading – Gorkha Road for upgrading has been shortened as 4.00 km has been already upgraded by DoR, Division Road Office.

* Length of previously planned Panchkhal - Melamchi – Tibmu Road Section has been revised by covering only Panchkhal – Melamchi Section due to budgetary Constraints. Thus scope of work for upgrading has been reduced to 99.741 km only as against of previously planned length of 122 km. 1.2 Sub-project and Physical Progress of the Project Activities 46. Up-to the reporting time, contract award for all the road sub projects has been completed and construction works in Dolakha - Singati Road, in and package No.1, 2, 3 and 4 for Dhading - Gorkha Road and in Panchkhal – Melamchi Road Section is in progress. 1.3 Objective, Approach and Scope of Semi-annual Monitoring

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 44 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing the sub-project

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 45 Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December 2019

1.1.1 Objective 47. The objective of this semi-annual monitoring is to assess the progress on safeguard implementation including; status of air quality, noise and vibration, quarry site operation, stockpiling of the materials, construction waste and well managed construction camp, labor camps and bioengineering work etc. 1.1.2 Approach of Semi-Annual Monitoring 48. This safeguard implementation monitoring report has been prepared through the approach of monthly progress report of contractor and field visit conducted during reporting period. 1.1.3 Scope of Semi-Annual Monitoring 49. This sem i- annual report is 6th semiannual report which includes the status of safeguard implementation activities in Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project covering the period from January - June 2019. 2. CHANGES IN THE PROJECT SCOPE AND ADJUSTED SAFEGUARD MEASURES 50. The scope of project has not changed from its original scope. In case of Dhading - Gorkha Road, and Panchkhal - Melamchi Road Project supplementary IEE have been prepared and approved from MoPIT to accommodate the variation in tree cutting numbers from earlier included in approved IEE report. The project has been categorized as “B” in terms of Environmental impact. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD IN EEAP 51. Environmental assessment is the primary administrative tool to integrate environmental considerations into decision making to ensure that proposed development intervention will have minimum environmental impacts. EEAP falls in category “B” project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) (2009). As per Environment Protection Act 1997 and Environment Protection Rule, 1997, IEE is mandatory before the implementation of the project. Accordingly IEE report has been prepared and approved by the concerned authority. Further, monitoring is being done to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of Environmental Management Plan. Planning and Implementation status of the sub-projects are presented in Annex 1. 4. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS 52. Environmental safeguard related project activities are in compliance with covenants as regular follow up actions are being taken according to the approved detail project report (refer Annex 2 for detail).

5. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT 53. The National Reconstruction Authority (NRA) is executive agency (EA) and Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport (MOPIT) the Project Management Unit (PMU) has authorized Department of Roads (DOR), Project Road Directorate (ADB) as key Implementing Agency (IA) & has formed Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The project Directorate on behalf of DOR, is monitoring safeguard compliance, deploying safeguard focal person. Besides, to administer the overall project construction activities including the monitoring of safeguard issues local level, Department of Roads has established the Project Manager’s office for each Road Sub Project. 54. The PIU has appointed Construction Supervision Consultant, which has the provision of Bio-Engineering/Environment Specialist for assisting & reporting of safeguard compliance as per provision in EMP. Assistant Resident Engineer (ARE) of supervising consultant in each Road

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Sub Project has been nominated as a focal person for safeguard related activities. Thus, the Government has sufficient capacity in implementing ADB safeguard requirements. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD MEASURES 55. Almost all contractors have appointed Environmental Focal person in all the sub-project roads. Grievance Redress Mechanisms have been established in all the sub-project roads. CSC Environmental Specialist has been visiting the project sites in intermittent basis. Adequate cautionary signboards have been placed in all the construction sites and working area has been barricaded with appropriate measures. Compliance with safeguard (based on the Annex 3) measures is presented. 6.1 Safety Management 56. In Dolakha - Singati Road and Dhading- Gorkha Road section, construction activities completed. The reinstation of the spoil disposal site has been completed and the reinstated locations are using for various purpose. So far no accident during construction has been reported.

57. In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road, camp is in operation at Ch 6+950 and 16+00, two different camps are in operation with LPG is being provided by purchasing from the market. In this camp all facilities like toilet, drinking water are available. Some of the labor working in this sub-projects are locals. Contractor has put fire safety measures at the camp site. 6.2 Management of Stockpile of Construction Materials 58. In Dolakha-Singati Road and Dhading- Gorkha Road the construction activities have been completed and the stockpile locations are well reinstated at all sides

59. In Panchkhal-Melamchi Road, at Ch. 3+950 required construction materials are being stockpiled. All the measures to keep the stocked material safe (fencing of the area) has been applied. Contractor has made agreement with land owner for stockpiling construction material. Once the construction work completes, the land used by the contractor shall be reinstated in its original condition.

6.3 Operation of Quarry site and Crusher Plant 60. In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road, one hillside quarry has been selected 1 km ahead from Gairibesi, Hinguwapati at 07+000 km and another at 16 km (1km far from 16+000 km). Restoration of Quarry Sites: 61. In Dolakha - Singati Road, Quarry site reinstation is done and construction activities completed. In Dhading-Gorkha Road, the quarry sites reinstation has been finally done. 6.4 Spoil Disposal Management 62. In Dolakha-Singati Road, extra earth materials by cutting have been disposed safely at Km. 6+620 (1200 m3), Km. 8+800 (1500 m3) and at Km. 19+200 (800 m3) with required protection measures as per the submitted EMAP by the contractor.

63. In Dhading-Gorkha Road, in all the packages, spoil materials has been disposed safely at the approved sites at various locations like Km. 10+530, Km. 13+500 Km. 12+625 Km. 12+750 Km 58+350-58+390, Km. 62+170-62+230, Ch: 61+210-61+230, Ch: 61+080-61+150.The tipping area are far from the settlement areas with no drainage problems. These all sites have been reinstated with full care of environmental aspects.

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64. In Panchkhal – Melamchi Road disposal sites has been identified at Km. 0+960, 3+040, 3+900, 7+350 , 7+950 , 11+210 , 12+740 , 12+830 , 13+400 , 17+650 . The identified sites are using with after the lease process with owners. 6.5 Bioengineering Works 65. In Dolakha –Singati and Dhading-Gorkhs road, identified locations bioengineering have been done. The Bioengineering for the Panchkhal- Melamchi road the sites have been identified and will be done on coming rainy season. 6.6 Removal of Trees 66. In Dolakha-Singati Road there is no issue of tree cutting. In case of Dhading-Gorkha Road, total number of 1200 trees required to be cut are identified and tagged and cleared. Panchkhal-Melamchi Riad also the 340 trees have cleared during this time. 67. The compensatory plantation will be done by the affected community forest user group. As per that provision the plantation will be done on both of the road section. The process is ongoing. 6.7 Community Infrastructure 68. In Dolakha-Singati and Dhading-Gorkha Road, Community infrastructures have been reinstated as per the impacts and the locals demand. In case of Panchkhal- Melamchi Timbu Road (Panchkhal- Melamchi section) activities have been started and are on progress regarding community infrastructure with the progress of construction. 6.8 EMP Implementation Monitoring and Reporting 69. Environmental monitoring have been carried out through environment specialist. Supervision staff at site for all these sites. Now the construction activities have been completed in two road sections, Dolakha- Singati and Dhading- Gorkha. In Panchkhal-Melamchi Road also monitoring activities is going on and the reporting of the EMP implementation is also ongoing. 6.9 Occupational Health and Safety 70. Proposed road upgrading requires a large numbers of labor forces for undertaking its activities of various natures. These activities amongst others include risk prone ones like quarry, rock breakup works, etc. When undertaken without safety measures, helmet, gloves, boots and ear guards, labors may get injured or even death. All the labours are provided the safety gears.

6.10 Dust Control Measures 71. During the construction works in the site, various types of dusts are arising in and around the area. The dust control measures have been applied in all the sites. In Dolakha- Singati Road, Dhading-Gorkha and Panchkhal-Melamchi Roads, water sprinkling are doing wherever need. The school area, settlement area and the working area are regularly spraying the water to control the dust. The construction activities have been completed in Dhading- Gorkha and Dolakha- Singati Road and for the Panchkhal-Melamchi Road, this is ongoing. 7. ISSUES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 72. Since the forestry clearance in Panchkhal- Melamchi Road is completed. But the Bioengineering for the all roads may be the main issue for the upcoming days. The main issues and corrective actions required are presented below.

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Table No. 1.2: Corrective Actions and Way Forward

S.N. Issues Way Forward Spoil disposal at designated sites and provision of 1 Spoil disposal sufficient toe walls and preparation and strict enforcement of spoil disposal management plan Identification of bioengineering locations and Implementation of bioengineering carrying out bioengineering activities at 2 work for slope protection at land recommended sites in Dhading-Gorkha Road and slide areas Panchkhal- Melamchi Road. Use of safety gears like helmet, Enforce the workers at site for using the safety 3 boot, gloves and mask gears.

Environmental Management Monitor the activities as per approved EMAP 4 Action Plan Tree cutting in the Panchkhal- Tree cutting completed and coordination for 5 Melamchi Road compensatory plantaion

8. PROPOSED MAJOR ITEM OF FOCUS FOR NEXT REPORT 73. Progress on the bioengineering work in Pachkhal-Melamchi road will be the main item of focus for next report.

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Annex 01

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Annex No: 01

Planning and Implementing Safeguards Activities B. 1. Environmental Safeguards - IEE/EMP Preparation Reporting period July-Dec 2019 EMP cost ADB in approved Government Safeguard approved EIA/IEE approved Automated Environment EARF is monitoring document Environmental EIA/IEE/DDR with EMP EIA/IEE with safeguard category of prepared and GRC is is Name of screening is with EMP is (Yes / EMP monitoring SN the project / (if coordination established included Remarks Subproject carried out? prepared Under (Yes / Under system subproject applicable) mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Review / Review / Not customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) established as an Not Yet Yet (Yes/No) (Yes/No) individual Due/Over Submitted) item Due) (Yes/No) Dolakha - Singati Yes B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 Road Dhading - Gorkha Yes B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Road Panchkhal - Yes B Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Melamchi 3 Road Note: EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment; IEE- Initial Environmental Examination; DDR- Due Diligence Report; EMP- Environmental Management Plan; GRC- Grievance Redress Committee; BOQ- Bill of Quantity

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Annex 02

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Annex 2: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants

Covenants Status June 2019

Schedule 4-7 Conditions for Award of Contracts The Borrower shall not award any Works contract for a Subproject which involves environmental impacts until the EA or the IAs has: Complied Obtained the final approval of the EIA/IEE from the Ministry of

Population and Environment (for EIAs) / concerned sector agency (for IEEs incorporated the relevant provisions from the EMP into the Works contract Schedule 5-1. Project is implemented in accordance with PAM. Being complied with Schedule 5-3. Subprojects are selected and approved in accordance with the selection criteria set out in the PAM. Complied

Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and operation of each Subproject comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and Complied EMP.

Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources made available to fully implement the EMPs, and the RPs. Complied

Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with IEE and EMP, budget is made Complied available for environmental measures; any unanticipated environmental impacts,

Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Reports submitted to ADB and disclosed relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental risks and Complied impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported.

Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable laws are complied. Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor Complied law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor;

(c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association. Schedule 5-15. Within 6 months after the Effective Date, the Borrower shall prepare a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to Complied resettlement. The special committee will (a) make public of the existence of this

Grievance Redress Mechanism, (b) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (c) proactively and constructively responding to them.

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Annex 03

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Bioengineering site at Gorkha- Dhading Road Waiting shade at Road side at Dhading-Gorkha Road

Reinstate area after Spoil Disposal at Dhading-Gorkha Bioengineering at Dhading- Gorkha Road

Monitoring of Bio-Engineering site with MOFE Limited use of safety gears in Pachakhal-Melamchi Monitoring team at Panchkhal- Melamchi Road. Road

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Part 3: School Buildings

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LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants……………….……..63 Table 2: Monitoring Reporting and Field Visit………………………………….………65 Table 3: Issues and Way Forward …………………..…………………………….……66

LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing EEAP Districts…………………………………...…..61

LISTS OF ANNEXES Annex 1 Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning and Implementation Annex 2 Detail of Plantation Annex 3 Status of Grievances Related To Environmental Safeguard Annex 4 Monitoring Reporting Format Annex 5 Photographs Showing Environmental and Safeguards Issues

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1. BACKGROUND Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) is being implemented by covenant loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and counterpart funding from Government of Nepal. The goal of the project is to support the government to accelerate rehabilitation and reconstruction following the devastating earthquake of 25 April 2015 and the major aftershock of 12 May 2015. The project will support the rebuilding of schools, roads, and district-level government buildings, and strengthen resilience to future disasters. EEAP, Loan 3260 for $200 million was approved on 24 June 2015, signed on 21 August 2015 and became effective on 10 September 2015. A. Impact and Outcome

The impact of the project is accelerated economic and social recovery in earthquake affected districts. The outcome will be critical economic and social services resumed with disaster-resilient infrastructure. B. Outputs

The project has four outputs: (i) Output 1. Schools are rebuilt and upgraded. At least 700 schools will be rebuilt or retrofitted in line with school reconstruction plans to disaster-resilient standards and equipped with water and sanitation facilities, including sex-disaggregated toilets. About five will be model schools built with information and communication technology equipment, science laboratories, and improved learning spaces. This target has been reduced to 154 school buildings (MTR, October 2017). (ii) Output 2. Roads and bridges are rehabilitated and/or reconstructed. About 135 km of strategic roads and about 450 km of rural roads damaged by the earthquake and landslides will be rehabilitated. Target for strategic and district roads has been reduced to 123.9 km and 525 km respectively (MTR, October 2017). Project roads and bridges will have built back better features for road safety and climate resilience. Construction and maintenance equipment will also be procured. (iii) Output 3. District-level government facilities constructed and/or rebuilt. About 300 district-level government buildings will be rebuilt or retrofitted to disaster resilient standards with basic utilities, and furnished. This target has been reduced to 123 buildings (MTR, October 2017). Transitional district-level government offices will also be established to enable services to continue throughout the reconstruction period. (iv) Output 4. Disaster preparedness and management capacities strengthened. All outputs are assured to be disaster risk resilient. Schools in poorer and severely affected districts constructed or rebuilt as model disaster resilient schools under Disaster risk reduction and Livelihood Restoration for Earthquake Affected Communities Project funded by Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) Grant. This rebuilt or retrofits eight model schools with disaster resilient standard in line with

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government’s school reconstruction plans and to be equipped with science laboratories and improved learning space, furniture and amenities.

C. Project Locations The project is being implemented in 8 districts to rebuilt 154 schools: Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Kavreplanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, and Sindhuli.There are two model schools under reconstruction, one in each district, as Dolakha and Ramechhap financed by JFPR grant. Furthermore, 6 model schools are being reconstructed, one in each district, as Lalitpur, Rasuwa, Nuwakot, Gorkha, Dhading and Makawanpur also financed JFPR grant.

Additional Focused Districts: Districts: Gorkha, Kathmandu, Dhading, Bhaktapur, Makwanpur, Kavreplanchow Rasuwa, k, Nuwakot & Sindhupalchow Lalitpur k Sindhuli, Dolakha, Ramechap

Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing EEAP Districts D. Purpose of Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Report The purpose of this Environmental Compliance Monitoring Report is to fulfill the environmental safeguard requirements of the government and ADB. The main purpose of the Semiannual Monitoring Report is to assess the progress on environment and safeguard implementation at the construction sites which includes status of air quality, noise and vibration, quarry site management, spoil management, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), management of construction waste materials and camp site management covering from July to December 2019.

2. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD IN EEAP An Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) was prepared in accordance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS), 2009. Due diligence report (DDR) with EMP were required for school and office building sub-projects along with incorporating

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Environmental Management Plan (EMP) into bidding and contract documents to be implemented by contractors.

Environmental assessment is the primary administrative tool to integrate environmental considerations into decision making to ensure that proposed development intervention will have minimal environmental impacts. The project falls in category “C” on the basis of rapid environmental and social assessment check lists prepared as per SPS, 2009. Based on the SPS, 2009 DDRs were also prepared for each sub project.

3. OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARD STATUS The overall environmental safeguard status of EEAP in reference to output 1, DDRs reports of all 154 school sub-projects have been prepared and submitted to central Level project Implementation Unit- Education (CLPIU-E). The status of environmental safeguard planning and implementation of sub-projects is presented in Annex 1.

4. CONSTRUCTION APPROACH The project applies National Competitive Bidding (NCB) approach for reconstruction of schools. Contractors have been mobilizing equipment and human resources to execute the contract and complete it within the stipulated time. Spoil disposal has been planned to balance with cutting and filling as far as possible. The use of bio-engineering techniques with integrated use of vegetation, civil engineering structures and proper water management systems for slope protection such as retaining walls, breast walls. Overall construction activities follow the environment friendly approach as much as possible.

The school building blocks are designed and executed as per the motto “Built –Back –Better” formulated by the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA). The approach taken in design and construction includes the following features: (i) Design incorporates earthquake resistant features. (ii) Design foresees maximum use of local materials and manpower as far as possible. (iii) Design includes environmental friendly measures such as locations of building without risk of landslide, flood etc. It also includes energy saving design, environmental enhancement measures such as trees plantations, bio-engineering techniques, landscaping, rain water harvesting etc. where feasible. (iv) Most of the constructions are manual and labour intensive with occasional use of small equipment such as concrete mixture, small backhoe for excavation, tractors and small trucks for transportation of materials. (v) No child labour is permitted. (vi) Labour safeguard is focused.

5. COMPLIANCE STATUS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANTS The environment safeguards related project activities are generally in compliance with loan covenants. The detail of environment covenants is presented in Annex-3.

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Table 1: Status of Compliance with Environmental Covenants Covenants Status, Dec. 2019 Schedule 4-7 Conditions for Award of Contracts: The Borrower shall not Being complied award any works contract for a subproject which involves environmental impacts until the Executing Agency or the Implementing Agencies has: (c) obtained the final approval of the DDR from the concerned agency (d) Incorporated the relevant provisions from the EMP into the Works contract. Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and operation of each Being complied subproject comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; DDR and EMP. Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources made available to Being complied fully implement the EMPs. Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with DDR and EMP, budget is Being complied made available for environmental measures; any unanticipated environmental impacts, Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Reports submitted to Being complied ADB and disclose relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental risks and impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable laws are complied. Being complied Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association.

6. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENT SAFEGUARD MEASURES Contracts have been awarded for all sub-projects under the project and construction works have already been started in 154 sub-projects. Of 154, 84 schools: 22 schools in Kavreplanchowk and 19 schools in Ramechhap, 3 school in Kathmandu, 2 in Bhaktapur, 11 schools in Sindhuli, 6 schools in Okhalandhunga and 14 schools in Sindhupalchowk and 7 schools in Dolakha CLPIU-E handed over to the respective School Management Committees after completion.

For better environmental safeguard compliance of the project, implementation of EMP has been strictly carried out. The summary of environmental compliances is listed (Annex 1): (i) Awareness raising training. A training on social, environment, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and technical aspects for Engineers and Sub-engineers working in District Level Project Implementation Units was conducted to enhance the technical skills of personnel involved in implementation and supervision of earthquake resilience school building reconstruction works. The second regular two days training programme was organized by DSC in collaboration with CLPIU-E at different district headquarters of the project districts. (ii) Occupational health and safety. Occupation health and safety have been followed. PPE like, helmet, gloves, boots, and jackets have been provided by the contractors

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to workers. They were oriented to use PPE during site visits. The use of PPE is found satisfactory at each construction site. Insurance of each worker had been done. So far, no accident during construction had been reported. First aid kit with medicines has been maintained at each construction site. (iii) Tree loss and plantation work. Due to the space constraints in some schools, felling of trees was unavoidable. In completed 37 schools, plantation of 5,371 ornamental plants of Dhupi, Ashok, Cycas Kapur species have been done in the school premises with tree guards for the protection. However, in some schools, it was observed that plants were very small and appropriate protection was not provided like, Shankheswar Mahalaxmi High School at Shanku, Kavre. Similarly, in some schools like, Tribhuwan High School in Nuwakot and Kalika H. S. School at Telkot plantation have to be done within the school premises. The detail of plantation is presented in Annex-2. (iv) Camp site management. Drinking water and toilet facilities were provided to the workers. Temporary toilets were constructed for the workers, in some sites, workers were using the existing school toilets. Most of the workers are from outside the village. Therefore, contractors have built temporary camps for the workers near the construction sites as required by the labors. Some contractors have rented local house for workers in the vicinities. Workers use LPG as well as firewood for cooking at camp site. (v) Signboard placing. Contractors have placed sign boards for contract information and safety concerns at the construction sites. (vi) Grievance redress mechanism. GRM mechanism has been established in all sub- projects. So far, 3 grievances have been reported from Kathamndu district and one from Okhalandhunga district. The grievance, at Sitapaila SS, Package no-2 was about the safety concern due to deep excavation of foundation for school building and impact to adjacent local houses was resolved at local level. Similarly, another grievance was raised in Ratna Rajya School Package no-2, Kathmandu district where there is a historic temple on the east side of the school premises which is being worshiped by local community since long time and local devotees are opposing the construction work. Similarly another grievance was raised in August 2018. Okhalandhunga district at Rumjatar SS by Civil Aviation Authority for the construction of 3 storey building (CR-12 Block) adjacent to the Rumjatar airport, pursuing the building Bye law of Civil Aviation Authority. The grievance was addressed, the school building was redesigned to be 2 storey to comply with the Building Bye Law requirements of Civil Aviation Authority. Similarly grievance was raised by SMC at Sahayogi SS, Gokarna in Kathmandu district regarding the revised master plan of the erection of ‘5C8’ building block. A tripartite meeting was held on July 3 at CLPIU-E in presence of the representatives of CLPIU- E, SMC and DSC and agreed to revise the master plan as proposed by DSC. In February, grievance was raised at , Surya Kiran Primary school by a local due to the land cutting and dumping of soil. Addressing the

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grievance, gabion wall were proposed at the required site. Grievance detail is presented in Annex-3. (vii) Spoil management. Spoil disposal sites have been identified and are being managed in specified disposal sites as far as possible. The spoil is disposed at location where there is the requirement of the fill material as requested by community. (viii) Air and water qualities. Air quality within the reconstruction site has been maintained in tolerable level as the reconstruction works of schools generate insignificant amount of dust. Similarly, water quality is not degraded since spoils are managed within the site and stabilized by reinstating natural drainage system. (ix) Slope stability. The master planning of the school is prepared conserving natural land scape of the site. In some unavoidable cases, earthwork in excavation and filling were carried out considering self-slope stabilization of the soil in uphill and downhill of the site with least requirement of breast and retaining walls. Spoils were managed within the site by filling them on the area with gentle contour of the site as far as possible. Retaining wall and breast are provided as per the site conditions. (x) EMP implementation, monitoring, reporting and field visit. Environmental monitoring format has been sent to districts as given in Annex 4. Environmental monitoring is also done by the Environment Expert including other Expert Team during field visit. Table 2 gives the list of sub projects visited by environment expert. (xi) Strom water drainage. Drainage have been designed and constructed specially for the storm water management. In Schools as Chandeshwori PS Sindhupalchowk, and Sindhu Paurana Gaoun SS, Sindhupalchowk, Jansewa Kavre, Prakashodya SS Sindhuli, Yassam SS, Okhalandhunga strom water drainage management had been done as per the requirement. Table 2: Monitoring Reporting and Field Visit SN Date District Subproject Remarks 1 13 Jan 2019 Kathmandu Sarada SS, Patab, Naglebhare 2 30 Jan 2019 Kathmandu Jana Sewa SS and Narayan Jan SS 3 31 Jan 2019 Kathmandu Zanodya SS, Sita Pila SS, Nepal Yubak SS and Geetamata SS 4 15 March 2019 Kavre Palanchok Sanjivani SS, (Model School) 5 16 March 2019 Kavre Palanchok Shankheswor Mahalaxmi SS 6 2 June 2019 Kathmandu Gyanodya SS 7 3 June 2019 Kathmandu Nagarjun Thulo patel SS 8 17 Dec 2019 Kathmandu Kunchipyakal SS, Tarkeshwor

7. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMETS The executing agency is the NRA. The implementing agency is CLPIU-E. Each DLPIU-E has designated a focal person for environmental safeguards. The focal person has been assisted in conducting environmental assessment, and implementation of EMPs and compliance monitoring by projects consultants. Thus, the government has sufficient capacity in implementing ADB requirements and strengthening of capacity.

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8. ISSUES AND CORRECTIVE ACTION The contractors and DLPIUs should apply following corrective measures:

Table 3. Issues and Way Forward S.N. Issues Way Forward 1 Site clearance and plantation Focus on the clearance of the construction site and plantation of ornamental, medicinal and other plants in school premises before handover. 2 Implementation of bioengineering work Construction of drainage and plantation of for slope protection and promoting appropriate vegetation over the slope for plantation at land slide areas landslide and slope stability. 4 Implementation of Environmental Monitor the activities as per approved EMPs Management Plans

9. MAJOR ITEMS FOCUSED FOR NEXT REPORT DSC will monitor and supervise the handed over schools for drainage management, bioengineering work in the slope, site clearance and ornamental plantation work within school premises.

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Annex-1; Attachment 1; Environmental Safeguards Planning Status

Safeguard monitoring and coordination Envir Gover EA mechanism established (Yes/No) onme nment Envir DD RF ADB EMP nt approv Con Automat onme R is approve cost is categ ed tract ed ntal with pre d DDR GR include ory of EIA/IE or safeguar scree EM par with C is d in the E with Contra mob d ning P is ed EMP esta BOQ as Package Name of Project projec EMP Safeg ctor ilize monitori is pre (if (Yes / blis individ Remarks no or Subproject t / (Yes / uarrd Safeg prepar d ng carrie par app Under hed ual subpr Under Safegu Unit uard ed safe system d ed lica Review / (Yes safegua oject Review arrd estab monit SEMP guar prepared out? (Ye ble) Not Yet /No) rd item appro / Not Unit at IA oring and d (Yes/Pla (Yes s/N (Ye Due/Over (Yes/No ved Yet estab at with checkl approv ass nned/NA) or No) o) s/N Due) ) (A/B/C Submitt EA with Focal ist ed by uran o) /FI) ed) Focal Perso prepa Engine ce Person n red er staff

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-1 Jaya Sarswati SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kalika Devi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Janta PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-2 Khadgeshwari SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Mahankal PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Raktkali PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Seti Devi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-3 Jansewa PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Jana jagriti PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Mahankal PS, Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Tukucha K-4 Arunodya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Saraswati SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Srinjansil janta Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bagdevi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-5

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Shankeshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Mahalaxmi

Satmul SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Baluwa SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-6

Mahakali SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Prakash HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Radha Krishna SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Setidevi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Prabha SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-7

Sanjivani HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kaliaka HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Srinjansil janta SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Dibya Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Sishushyhar PS S-1

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Jaya Ganesh PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Harisidhi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Stakanya PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bhimsen PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-2

Kalika PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Jalpaa Devi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Janajaagraran PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

B.P Smriti PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-3

Shivs Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Shankareshwar

Loktanta PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bal Shikha SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-4

Dakshinkali SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Kalika Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

BagBhairab SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-5

Krishna Ratna Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Ganga SS S-6

GolmaDevi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-7

SetiDevi Sharada Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

Krishna SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-8

Haibung Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Mahadevsthan SS

Sindhupuranogaon Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

Chhetrapaleshwori Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

Kalika Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-9

Koldaung Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-11

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Mahendraodaya Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

Siddhi Kamala Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Devi S-12

Kamala Devi Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Simpaleshwori SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Selang SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-13

Thangpaldhap SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-14

Jhatteshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted R-1

Nawadarsan SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Nag Kanya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Rudrakshyashowr Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS R-2

Bhimeshwor Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Prasun Kandel SS

Bhairavi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Siddheshwor HSS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted R-3

Siddheshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted R-4

Seti Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bishnu Janajyoti Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bhimeshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted R-5

Khakling SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Khadadevi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kharpanee SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Baljyoti SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-1

Chautara SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Manakamana SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-2

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Kuibhir SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Yasam SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Golma Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-3

Gyanjyoti SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bigutar HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-4

Punyamata SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Jantarkhani Ss Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Saraswati SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Gyanprakash SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-5

Sunkeshari SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Narmadeshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Prabuddha HSS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-6

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Shivaduti SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Baruneshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted O-7

Rumjatar SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Hirathumki SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-1

Prakasodya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Chandibhajyang Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS

kusheshwor Bidya Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Pith S-2

Shree SS, Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Kholagaun

Mahakali SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Baruneshwar SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-3

Janta Higher SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Jana Jagriti SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Sindhure SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kamala SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-4

Janajagriti, SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted Bhiman

Uchha SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Jana Sewa HSS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-1

Kunchipwakal SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Gyanodaya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Viswa Niketan,SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Geeta Mata SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-2

Padmodaya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Sitapilla SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Ratna Rajya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Nepal Yubak SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-3

Baiteshwori SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-1

Nilkantheswor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Sitapila SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Tribhuvan SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bhangeri SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-2

Dhungeswori SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Garjandhunga SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Birendra SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-3

Heem Bharati SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kallabari SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Surke SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Himalaya SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-4

Nikobhume SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Amar SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Golmashwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-5

Dad Kharkha SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Laxmi Uchha SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Bhumi Gumba SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted D-6

Haleshwor SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Mahendragram Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted SS B-1

USAID Schools

Kalika SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-1

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Janajagaran PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Ganga Devi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Mahaadev PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Chandeshwari PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted S-1

Jalpa Devi PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Namuna Sunkhani Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted PS

Panchakanya PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Shree PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Surya Kiran PS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Sharada Sanskrit Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted HS R-1

Chandeshwori HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Sitala Devi SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

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Prayageshwor HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted R-2

Gauri Shankar SS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Sahayogi HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted K-1

Nagarjun HS Yes C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No DDR submitted

Note: EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment; IEE- Initial Environmental Examination; DDR- Due Diligence Report; EMP- Environmental Management Plan; GRC- Grievance Redress Committee; BOQ- Bill of Quantity

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Annex-1; Attachment 2: Environmental Safeguards Implementation Status

Grievances Compliance to Environmental Management Plan*

Biological Socio-economic Physical Cor En Saf Spoil Lan Drain Other Plantation Fire Ot Occupational Health and Safety Ot Nos No N rect v egu Mana dsli age s as woo he he of of o ive co ard geme de Mana per d is rs rs grieva gri of Acti mpl orie nt prot geme EMP use as as nces eva gri on ian Safe Labor Sa Inci Labor ntat ecti nt d pe pe docu nce ev Pla ce compl ty s are fet den and ion Pac iance on for r r mente s an ns rep Name of Gea insur y ce work pro kage with coo E E d res ce are orti Remarks Subproject rs ed Pr of camps gra no. Bio- kin M M olv s pre ng are (Y/N) ot maj are m eng g P P ed un par is suffi oc otr health to g and (sp (s de ed mai cien ol inju y and sta hea r and ntai eci t fu ry have pe keh ting pr co ned fy) and nc of sanitar cif old oc mpl (Y/ (Y/N use tio fatal y y) ers ) d ni acci faciliti es ied N) (Y/N ng dent es si ) (Y/ (no (Y/N) ng N) and Tar Achie stat get ved us) Comp Com Compl K-1 Kalika SS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Yes Jaya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Sarswati SS lied plied ied Yes Comp Com Compl Kali Devi PS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 300 Yes Comp Com Compl K-2 Janta PS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 160 Yes

Comp Com Compl Khadgeshwa No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied ri SS Yes Mahankal Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over PS lied plied ied 40 Yes

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 81

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Comp Com Compl Raktkali PS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Yes Comp Com Compl Seti Devi PS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Yes Comp Com Compl K-3 Jansewa PS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Yes Jana jagriti Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over PS lied plied ied Yes Mahankal Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over PS, Tukucha lied plied ied Yes Arunodya Comp Com Compl K-4 No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied 100 Yes Saraswati Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied 150 Yes Srinjansil Comp Com Compl Ready for Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes janta lied plied ied 100 Yes handover Comp Com Compl K-5 Bagdevi SS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 100 Yes Shankeshwo Comp Com Compl Ready hand r SS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied over Mahalaxmi 100 Yes Comp Com Compl Satmul SS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 100 Yes Comp Com Compl K-6 Baluwa SS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 100 Yes Mahakali Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied 100 Yes Comp Com Compl Prakash HS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 150 Yes Radha Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Krishna SS lied plied ied 100 Yes Comp Com Compl Ready for Setidevi SS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied 100 Yes hand over Comp Com Compl K-7 Prabha Ss No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 150 Yes

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Comp Com Compl Sanjivani HS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 134 Yes Under Comp Com Compl construction Kaliaka HS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied under 75 Yes construction Dibya Comp Com Compl Sishushyhar Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied S-1 PS Yes Jaya Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Ganesh PS lied plied ied Yes Comp Com Compl Under Harisidhi PS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Yes Construction Comp Com Compl Under Stakanya PS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Yes Construction Comp Com Compl Bhimsen PS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over S-2 lied plied ied Yes Comp Com Compl Under Kalika PS Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Yes Construction Jalpaa Devi Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes PS lied plied ied Yes Construction

Comp Com Compl Under Janajaagrar Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Construction an PS Yes B.P Smriti Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes S-3 PS lied plied ied Yes Construction Shivs Comp Com Compl Under Shankaresh Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Construction war Yes Comp Com Compl Loktanta PS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Yes Bal Shikha Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Handed over S-4 SS lied plied ied Yes Dakshinkali Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Kalika Devi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes SS lied plied ied Yes Construction

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BagBhairab Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes S-5 SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Krishna Comp Com Compl Under Ratna No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes lied plied ied Construction S-6 Ganga SS Yes GolmaDevi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes S-7 SS lied plied ied Yes Construction SetiDevi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes Sharada SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Comp Com Compl Under Krishna SS Yes Yes Yes N0 Yes Yes S-8 lied plied ied Yes Construction Haibung Comp Com Compl Mahadevsth Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied an SS Yes

Comp Com Compl Chhetrapale No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied shwori SS Yes Kalika Devi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes No Yes Yes S-9 SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Koldaung Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes No Yes Yes S-11 Devi SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Comp Com Compl Under Kalika SS No Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied Yes Construction Mahendraod Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes No Yes Yes aya SS lied plied ied Yes Construction Siddhi Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes S-12 Kamala Devi lied plied ied Yes Construction Kamala Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Devi lied plied ied Yes Construction Simpaleshw Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes ori SS lied plied ied Construction Comp Com Compl Under Selang SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes S-13 lied plied ied Construction Thangpaldh Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over S-14 ap SS lied plied ied 60

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 84

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Jhatteshwor Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-1 SS lied plied ied 125

Comp Com Compl Nawadarsan No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied SS Nag Kanya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Rudrakshya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-2 showr SS lied plied ied 507 Bhimeshwor Comp Com Compl Prasun No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Kandel SS 202 Shree Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Bhairavi SS lied plied ied 102 Siddheshwor Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-3 HSS lied plied ied Siddheshwor Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-4 SS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Seti Devi SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Bishnu Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Janajyoti SS lied plied ied Construction Comp Com Compl Kalika SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Bhimeshwor Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-5 SS lied plied ied 202 Comp Com Compl Khakling SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Khadadevi Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Kharpanee Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Baljyoti SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over O-1 lied plied ied Chautara Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied

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Manakaman Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over a SS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Under Kalika SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-2 lied plied ied Construction Comp Com Compl Kuibhir SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Yasam SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Golma Devi Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-3 SS lied plied ied Construction Gyanjyoti Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied Construction Comp Com Compl Under Bigutar HS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-4 lied plied ied Construction Punyamata Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied Construction Jantarkhani Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Ss lied plied ied Construction Saraswati Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Gyanprakas Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-5 h SS lied plied ied Construction Sunkeshari Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied Construction Narmadesh Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes wor SS lied plied ied construction Prabuddha Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-6 HSS lied plied ied construction Shivaduti Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied construction Baruneshwo Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes O-7 r SS lied plied ied construction Res Comp Com Compl Under Rumjatar SS No Yes Yes Yes Yes lov Yes Yes lied plied ied construction ed

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 86

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Hirathumki Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over S-1 SS lied plied ied Prakasodya Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied construction Chandibhajy Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes ang SS lied plied ied construction Kusheshwor Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over S-2 Bidya Pith lied plied ied Shree SS, Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Kholagaun lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Mahakali SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Baruneshwa Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over S-3 r SS lied plied ied Janta Higher Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied 150 Jana Jagriti Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied 50 Shree SS, Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Sindhure lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Kamala SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Handed over S-4 lied plied ied 50 Janajagriti, Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS Bhiman lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Uchha SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 70 Jana Sewa Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes K-1 HSS lied plied ied 24 construction Sahayogi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes HS lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Nagarjun SS No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes lied plied ied construction Kunchipwak Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes al SS lied plied ied construction

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Gyanodaya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Viswa Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Niketan,SS lied plied ied construction Geeta Mata Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes K-2 SS lied plied ied construction Padmodaya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Res Comp Com Compl Under Sitapilla SS No Yes Yes Yes Yes olv Yes Yes lied plied ied construction ed Res Ratna Rajya Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes Yes olv Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied ed Nepal Yubak Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes K-3 SS lied plied ied construction Baiteshwori Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over D-1 SS lied plied ied Nilkanthesw Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over or SS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Sitapila SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Tribhuvan Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Bhangeri SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes D-2 lied plied ied construction Dhungeswor Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes i SS lied plied ied construction Garjandhung Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes a SS lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Kalika SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Birendra SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes D-3 lied plied ied construction Heem Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Bharati SS lied plied ied

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Comp Com Compl Under Kallabari SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Surke SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Himalaya Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes D-4 SS lied plied ied construction Nikobhume Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Amar SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied construction Golmashwor Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes SS lied plied ied construction Comp Com Compl Under Kalika SS Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes D-5 lied plied ied construction Dad Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Kharkha SS lied plied ied construction Laxmi Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Uchha SS lied plied ied construction Bhumi Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over D-6 Gumba SS lied plied ied Haleshwor Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over SS lied plied ied Mahendragr Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over B-1 am SS lied plied ied 60 Comp Com Compl Kalika SS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 45 USAID Schools Janjagaran Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over k-1 PS lied plied ied Gangadevi Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over PS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Mahadev PS No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied

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Comp Com Compl Chandeshw No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied S-1 ari PS Jalpa Devi Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over PS lied plied ied Namuna Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over Sunkhani PS lied plied ied Panchakany Comp Com Compl a PS, No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Tinghare Panchkanya Comp Com Compl PS, No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied Ghumthang Shree Comp Com Compl Under Primary Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied construction School Res Suryakiran Comp Com Compl Under Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes olv Yes Yes PS lied plied ied construction ed Sharada Comp Com Compl Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-1 Sanskrit HS lied plied ied 350 Chandeshw Comp Com Compl No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over ori HS lied plied ied Comp Com Compl Sitala Devi No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied 320 Prayageshw Comp Com Compl No Yes yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over R-2 or HS lied plied ied

Comp Com Compl Gaurishanka Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Handed over lied plied ied r HS 400 Res Sahayogi Comp Com Compl Under No Yes Yes Yes Yes olv Yes Yes HS lied plied ied construction K-1 ed Nagarjun Comp Com Compl Under Thulogaon No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes lied plied ied construction HS

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Annex-2: Plantation details

No of S.N Package District Sub-project Plant species Status plants 1 K-4 Kavre Saraswati SS 150 Handed over

2 K-1 Kavre Kali Devi PS, Naubise 300 Handed over 3 K-2 Kavre Janta PS, Mathurapti 160 Handed over 4 K-2 Kavre Arunodya SS 100 Handed over 5 K-2 Kavre Mahankal PS, Methinkot 40 Handed over 6 K-6 Kavre Mahakali SS 100 Handed over 7 K-2 Kavre Radhakrishna SS 100 Handed over 8 K-2 Kavre Seti Devi PS, Kanpur 100 Handed over 9 K-6 Kavre Radha Krishna SS 100 Handed over 10 K-6 Kavre Prakash SS 150 Handed over 11 Kavre Shankeshwor mahalaxmi Ready hand K-5 100 SS over 12 Kavre Cycas palm, Handed over K-7 Sanjiwani SS 134 Phenox palm 13 Kavre Ready for K-4 Srijansil janata SS 100 handover 14 K-5 Kavre Satmul SS 100 Handed over 15 K-7 Kavre Prabha SS 150 Handed over 16 K-7 Kavre Kalika SS 75 Handed over 17 K-6 Kavre Baluwa SS 100 Handed over 1 K-5 Kavre Bagdevi SS 100 Handed over 19 R-1 Ramechhap Nagkanya SS, Manthali 125 Handed over 20 Ramechhap Rudrakshyashowr SS, R-1 507 Handed over Bhatauli 21 Ramechhap Bhimeshowr Prasun R-1 202 Handed over Kadel SS, Pakabas 22 R-1 Ramechhap Bhairavi SS, Sunarpani 102 Handed over 23 R-1 Ramechhap Sarada Sanskrit HS, Dhupi, Tej Patta, 350 Handed over (USAID) Babiyakharka Kapur, Nil kada 24 R- Ramechhap Prayageshwor HS, Kapur, Dhupi, Nil 520 Handed over 2(USAID) Pakarbas Kada Kalki 25 R-2 Ramechhap Gauri Shankar HS, Rose, Chineya rose, Handed over 400 (USAID) Ramechhap Kapur, Kalaki 26 Ramechhap Jaiphal, Tej patta, R-1 Sitala Devi 320 Handed over Walnut, Kalki, 27 R-1 Ramechhap Jatteshwor SS, 125 Handed over 28 S-3 Sindhuli Janata SS, Sindhili 150 Handed over 29 Sindhuli Jan Jagriti, Viman Handed over S-3 50 Sindhuli 30 Sindhuli Kamala SS Coconut tree, Handed over S-4 50 Ashoka tree

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31 S-4 Sindhuli Uchha SS 70 Handed over 32 B-1 Bhaktapur Kalika SS, Nagarkot 42 Hedge Handed over 33 B-1 Bhaktapur Mahendrgram SS, Sudal 60 Hedge Handed over 34 S-14 Sindhupalchowk Thangpaldhang SS 60 Sallo, Dhupi Handed over 35 S-13 Sindhupalchowk Selang SS 45 Dhupi Handed over 36 Kathmandu Jan Sewa SS, Kritipur Dhupi, Palm, Cycus, Under K-1 34 Rose construction Total 5,371

Plants - Scientific Name Tej Patta - Cinnamomum tamala Jaiphal - Myristica frangrans Rose - Rosa alba Chinese rose – Hibiscus rosa Walnut - Juglans regia Coconut tree- Cocos nucifera Ashoka tree - Saraca indica Dhupi - Cryptomeria japonica Palm- Arecaceae Cycas - Cycas revoluta

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Annex-3: Status of Grievances related to Environmental Safeguard

Description of Grievance SN Package District Sub Project Action taken Status Received Shear wall has been Safety concern of two constructed and insurance of 1 K-2 Kathmandu Sitapaila Secondary School Resolved. houses by local residence both the houses have been done Temple management Rounds of meeting with CLPIU, committee not providing 2 Kathmandu Ratna Rajya Secondary School DLPIU, SMC and the local Resolved K-2 the area for construction devotees held (local devotee) Tripartite 3 K-1 Kathmandu Sahayogi Secondary School Revised master plan Resolved meeting(DSC,CLPIU,SMC) Comply the building bye 4 O-7 Okhalandhunga Rumjatar Secondary School Redesigned the building Resolved law Land cutting and dumping 5 S- Sindhupalchowk Surya Kiran PS Gabion wall proposed Resolved of spoil

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 94

Annex-4: Monitoring Reporting Format (Environment Safeguard) Reporting Period: ……………. District:…………………………. Name of Subproject (school) …………….…… Name of staff: ………………………………… Designation:………………………………………

Present status Remarks

SN Description Indicator Yes No

1 DDR Completed / ongoing / proposed Awareness raising 2 Number of events and participants orientation trainingi Spoil disposal management plan Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3) Stock piling and spoil 3a 3 disposal management Remaining excavated materials (m ) Spoil disposal work affecting public

interest, locals and their properties Toe walls for safe Number of toe walls/breast walls 3b disposal of constructed to manage spoil excavated/breast wall

Bioengineering works 4 If yes location (Y/N) Type of measures taken Type of vehicle 5 Dust emission Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N), if yes time interval Vehicles and equipment's used fitted 6 Noise pollution with silencer and maintained to keep noise at minimum levels(Y/N) Contamination of water supply or source 7 Water contamination (Y/N)

8 Strom water drainage Size / number management (Y/N)

Supply of safe drinking water (Y/N) Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (Y/N) Campsite management 9 Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, LPG, electricity) Proper management of sewerage and waste disposal(Y/N) Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non- 10 Construction wastes biodegradable(Y/N) Safe disposal of construction waste materials done (Y/N) Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N) 11 Storage management Provision for safety measures like fire extinguisher (Y/N) School premises / area nearby to school 12 Plantation No of plants

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Present status Remarks

SN Description Indicator Yes No

Interruption of services Protection/rehabilitation of services (water, electricity, 13 (Y/N), if yes give the name telephone etc.) Number of safety gears provided (helmet, jackets, facemasks, goggles, boots, ear plugs, gloves) Use of safety gears by workers (%)

14 Occupational health & First aid kit provided with medicines Y/N safety Accidental insurance (no. of workers) Type & number of accident occurred Compensation to affected workers Y/N Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N) Signboards erected Y/N, if yes no of Informative/safety sign boards, no of sign board 15 signboard & cautionary Location ribbons/barricades Cautionary ribbons/barricades placed (Y/N) Cleaning site after Site cleaning after the construction construction and 16 works completed (Y/N) disposing waste properly Grievances received and Received number 17 addressed Addressed number 18 Photographs Attached recent photographs


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Annex 5: Photographs

Kuncipakwal SS, Tarkeshwor Kathmandu district; Rumjatar SS, Okhalandhunga, 2 storey building retaining wall for drainage management constructed to comply Civil Aviation Authority Building Byelaw.

Sufficiect area for ornamental plantation at Tribhuwan HS Ornamental plantation at Shankheswar Mahalaxmi HS, School, Nuwakot Kavre

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Part 4: Office Buildings

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1 Background ...... 100 2 Environmental Safeguards in EEAP ...... 105 3 Overall Environmental Safeguard Status ...... 105 4 Construction Approach ...... 109 5 Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants ...... 109 6. Institutional Arrangement ...... 109 7. Corrective actions and way forward ...... 109 8. Major Items Focused for Next Report ...... 111

List of Tables

Table 1: Overall Construction Status of Sub-Projects ...... 101 Table 2 : Overall Compliance Status of Safeguard Issues ...... 106

List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP……….104 Figure 2: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP………..104

List of Appendices

Annex 1: Planning and implementing environmental safeguards activities Annex 1.A: Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning Status Annex 1.B: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status Annex 2: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format Annex 3: Compliances with Loan Covenants Annex 4: List of Tree Species proposed to be planted in the Building Premises Annex 5: Photographs

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1. Background

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake of shallow depth struck central Nepal with an epicenter approximately 77 km northwest of Kathmandu on April 25th causing widespread destruction. On May 12, a large aftershock of a magnitude 7.3 hit Nepal and caused further causalities and damage. As of 3 June 2015, the reported casualties include: 8,702 deaths and 22,493 people injured. According to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) undertaken jointly by the Government and its development partners, the earthquakes have caused damages in the order of $7 billion, equivalent to about 35% of the country’s gross domestic product. Considering the scale of the disaster, a major recovery effort is required.

The Government of Nepal (GoN) has requested support from a number of development partners, including the ADB, to address the immediate and medium term impacts of the damage inflicted by the earthquake in Nepal. In response to this, ADB approved a $200 million loan to finance the Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) approved on 24 June 2015. The project will support for four outputs which are: a) Output 1: Rebuilding of schools, b) Output 2: Roads c) Output 3: District- Level Government Buildings, and d) Output 4: Strengthening Resilience to Future Disasters. The EAAP is to be completed by 23rd June, 2019.

The National Reconstruction Authority is the project’s executing agency (NRA) on an interim basis until the GON has established a new special purpose agency for the purpose of coordinating and implementing the post-disaster reconstruction program. For output 3, Ministry of Urban Development\Central Level Project Implementation Unit (MoUD \CLPIU) is designated as an implementing agency for rebuilding of district level government buildings.

To implement the output 3 component, the Ministry of Urban Development has established a Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU) based at Kathmandu and implementation units at district level (DLPIUs). The CLPIU will be responsible for guiding and monitoring the constructions of government building projects funded by ADB. The consultants will assist the CLPIU and the DLPIUs. The consultants’ support include, among others, overall project management, financial management, construction supervision and environmental monitoring.

CLPIU had engaged joint venture of TAEC-SILT-TSE to execute environmental monitoring of the construction of various government office building projects in 11 earthquake affected districts of Nepal namely Gorkha, Lamjung, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Kavrepalanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Dolakha, Sindhuli, Ramechap and Okhaldhunga. The overall construction status of Sub-projects is presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Overall Construction Status of Sub-Projects

Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 1. Sindhuli District 1.1 Construction of an integrated office building (District Attorney Office, District 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/202 28-Sep-16 Completed Postal Office, Division office of Department of Water Supply & Sanitation and 2-023/NCB-05 DUDBC Division Office) 1.2 Construction of two Office Buildings (District Forest Office and Irrigation Division 2 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Completed Office) 2-073/NCB-06 1.3 Maintenance of four Office Buildings (Agriculture Development Office, Tuber 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 11-Jun-17 Completed Vegetable Development Center, Land Revenue Office and Chief District 2-073/NCB-07 Officer's Quarter) 2. Ramechap District 2.1 Construction of three office Buildings (District Water Supply & Sanitation Office, 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 3-Oct-16 Completed DUDBC Division Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 2-073/NCB-08 2.2 Construction of One Office Building (Divisional Forest Office) 1 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 31-May-17 Completed 2-073/NCB-09 2.3 Maintenance of 11 Office Buildings (Soil Conservation Office, Post Office, 11 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Completed Treasury Comptroller Office, Agriculture Development Office, Irrigation Division 2-073/NCB-11 Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 3. 3.1 Construction of three office buildings (District Court Office, District Forest Office 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Sep-16 Completed and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 2-073/NCB-30 3.2 Construction of three Office Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, District Post 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 29-Dec-16 Completed Office and District Agriculture Development Office) 2-073/NCB-31 3.3 Construction of 2 Office Buildings (District Attorney Office and District Technical 2 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 25-May-17 Completed Office) 2-073/NCB-33 3.4 Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings (District Treasury Comptroller Office, 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 28-Apr-17 Completed Irrigation Division Office, District Small Cottage Office and CDO Office) 2-073/NCB-32 4. 4.1 Construction of Six Office Buildings (District Court Office, Department of Water 6 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 2-Dec-16 Completed Supply and Sanitation Division Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District 2-073/NCB-23 Post Office, District Agriculture Development and District Education Office)

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 4.2 Maintenance of 8 office Buildings (Subtropical Horticulture Development Centre, 8 Single MOUD/CLPIU/Works/20 27-Apr-17 Completed District Forest Office, DUDBC Division Office, Fish Investigation Centre, 72-073/NCB-24 Disaster Preventive Technical Centre, Road Division Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office) 5. 5.1 Construction of Four Office Buildings (DUDBC Division Office, Treasury 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 3-Dec-16 Completed Comptroller Office, Irrigation Division Office and National Investigation Office) 2-073/NCB-37 5.2 Maintenance of 5 Office Buildings (District Court Office, District Agriculture 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 19-Apr-17 Completed Office, District Administration Office, District Soil Conservation Office and 2-073/NCB-38 Department of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 6. Sindhupalchowk District 6.1 Construction of Three Office Building (Chief District Officer's Quarter, District 3 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 29-Dec-16 Completed Forest Office Annex Building and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 2-073/NCB-16 6.2 Construction of Four Office Buildings (District Soil Conservation Office, District 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Mar-17 Completed Agriculture Office, District Livestock Office and District Judge Quarter) 2-073/NCB-17 6.3 Maintenance of 8 Office Building (District Administration Office, Women 8 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 23-May-17 Completed Development, DEO, District Treasury Comptroller Office, District Agriculture 2-073/NCB-20 Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 6.4 Construction of Five Office Buildings (Irrigation Development Division Office, 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 30-June-17 Completed District Election Office, DUDBC Division Office including Annex, National 2-073/NCB-18 Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office) 7. Dolakha District 7.1 Construction of four Office Buildings (Irrigation Division Office, District Forest 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 26-Mar-17 Completed Office, Chief District Officer's Quarter with annex and Water Induced Disaster 2-073/NCB-12 Management Division Office) 8. Gorkha District 8.1 Construction of 5 Office Buildings (District Post Office, District Agriculture 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 21-May-17 Completed Development Office, National Investigation District Office, District Attorney 2-073/NCB-34 Office & District Soil Conservation Office) 8.2 Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings (Department of Water Supply and Sanitation 4 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 12-May-17 Completed Division Office, Women Development Office, DUDBC Division Office and 2-073/NCB-36 District Treasury Comptroller Office)

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Lot in Contract Id. No. , Contract SN Title of Contract No. Packa Remarks (Lot in package) Signed on ge 8.3 Construction of District Court Office Building 1 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 12-May-17 Nearly 2-073/NCB-35 completion 9. 9.1 Construction of 7 Office Buildings (Chief District Officer's Quarter, District Post 7 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 23-May-17 Completed Office, District Agriculture Development Office, Division Irrigation Office, District 2-073/NCB-27 Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 10. Kavrepalanchowk District 10.1 Maintenance of 7 Office Building (District Advocate Office, District Post Office, 7 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 30-Apr-17 Completed Irrigation Division Office, District Agriculture Development Office, DUDBC 2-073/NCB-22 Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 11. 11.1 Construction of five Office Buildings (District Soil Conservation Office, DWSS 5 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 13 Under Division Office, National Investigation Office, District Livestock Service Office 2-073/NCB-01 November, Construction and District Attorney office) 2017 11.2 Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Government Office Buildings (District Livestock Office, 8 Single MoUD/CLPIU/Works/207 - Completed Land Revenue Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Forest Office, Eastern 2-073/NCB-02 Region Climate Field Office, Higher Court Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

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Figure 1: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP

Figure 2: Map of Nepal showing the sub-projects in districts within EEAP

2. Environmental Safeguards in EEAP

Environmental assessment is essential to integrate environmental considerations into development project in order to minimize adverse environmental impacts. EEAP falls in category C project according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009. During the construction and rehabilitation of the building sub-projects, environmental monitoring is an important tool to ensure the compliance of mitigation measures and implementation of environmental management plan (EMP). Monthly, Quarterly and semi- annual Environmental safeguard monitoring report have to be prepared on the basis of report received from DSC (District Supervision Consultant) team and environmental field visit carried out by Environmental Safeguard Unit of CSE (Construction Supervision Consultant) recruited by EEAP. Moreover, due diligence report has been prepared for the sub-projects. Considering the progress status of construction of government buildings in 11 districts, the contract has been awarded to the government buildings and they have started the construction works. Generally, they have been implementing safeguard measures satisfactory. However, trainings need to be conducted to the workers and supervision staffs regarding implementation of safeguard measures. 3. Overall Environmental Safeguard Status The safeguard compliance status recorded during field observation (based on environmental safeguard compliance monitoring format as presented in Annex 2) and discussion with the employees of project and contractor are enlisted as under:

Table 2: Overall Compliance Status of Safeguard Issues

SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks 1 Awareness raising/ Complied . The construction workers as well as contactor's representatives at sites were instructed Orientation training regularly about the safety requirements in the sites . Both construction workers and representatives of contractors have been regularly provided with safety trainings and awareness on the benefit of applying safety measures in their works by Environmental and Social Safeguard Expert 2 Stockpiling and spoil Moderately complied . Majority of the generated spoil of excavated works was usually kept within the site but some disposal management amount of soil was still dumped nearby stream bank (DUBDC Building, Lamjung) in spite of regular instruction to the contractor during every site visit 3 Grievance redress Not complied . At none of the sites was a grievance redress committee established. However, the supervision mechanism engineers (Resident Engineer and Assistant Engineer) of CSC were instructed to address the grievances received if any. However, no grievances have been received in this period. 4 Dust emission Not complied . There has not been any provision of spraying water for suppressing dust emission. Moreover, management masks as well as other personal protective equipment (such as gloves, safety belt, boot, etc.) were not provided to construction workers in majority of the sites . Trucks transporting construction material were not covered with tarpaulin or plastic sheets in some of the sites 5 Noise Pollution Complied . The construction activities are carried out during day time only management . The noise generation is limited to use of small equipment and machinery generating low noise . However, there have not been any complaints received from the nearby community regarding construction noise 6 Camp site Moderately complied . In some sites (and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office and Department of Water management Supply and Sanitation Division Office), firewood was used for cooking instead of LPG and kerosene. However, LPG has been used by the construction workers in many sites . The labor residences have been haphazardly managed within the newly constructed buildings showing inhuman residential condition. The workers have not been provided with adequate provisions to resist cold (especially at the building sites of Rasuwa and Okhaldhunga). . The prevalence of communicable diseases was observed due to communal living condition of workers . Many of the construction camps and labor camps are deprived of safe drinking water facility. Filtration facility for drinking water has not practiced in many camp sites. . However, some construction workers have arranged their own residence in some of the construction sites (Lamjung District) . Mosquito nets have been used in most of the residential sites of labor during for summer . Toilet facility has been provided in most of the construction sites but some sites don't have proper sanitation facility (Pit latrine)

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks 7 Construction waste Partially complied . Many construction sites had not managed construction waste such as broken bricks, management reinforcement rod, timber, leftover sand & gravel, glass, nail, bamboo scaffoldings, etc., which was usually haphazardly kept within the available space of the construction site . Likewise, in the majority of construction sites, the left-over constructions materials have not been managed and were dispersed randomly 8 Quarry site Not applicable . The construction materials such as sand, boulder, gravel, etc have been obtained from management approved quarry sites 9 Storage Management Partially compiled . In many of the sites, the construction materials have been stored in the newly constructed buildings . In some sites, construction materials were stockpiled nearby public land or road sides disturbing traffic movement (District Court Office, Dhading District). 10 Plantation and Compiled . In many construction sites, space was allocated for tree planting. protection of trees . The list of plant species was provided to contractors as well as resident engineers of CSC in order to provide climate favorable tress for the plantation. . In many of the completed construction sites, tree planting was carried out. Moreover, there was a good effort of both contractors and resident engineers of CSC for the conservation of existing trees at the sites. . Vegetables had been grown instead of trees in available open space of some of the completed building premises of Lamjung district However, the representative officers of the respective office Building were convinced for planation of trees. Contractors were asked to provide them with saplings of tress through local nursery. 11 Cleanliness in and Partially complied . In most of the construction sites, the left out constructions materials have not been managed around construction and have been dispersed randomly sites . Dustbins or waste collecting containers were not provided. . The aesthetic of the building has been reduced due to unmanaged construction wastes and haphazard stockpiling of construction materials 12 Occupational Health Partially complied . In spite of regular training and safety instructions, the construction workers have partially and Safety followed the instructions management . The major reason behind is the frequent replacement of construction workers, which has caused difficulty in maintaining safety awareness . Moreover, in majority of construction sites, the construction workers were not provided with adequate numbers of personnel protective equipment (PPE) such as boot, helmet, helmet, gloves, mask, safety belt, etc. . Likewise, the construction workers did not use PPE although they were provided . One case of fatality was reported in the District Court Office, Gorkha district (One labor was trapped and killed when unloading heavy marble sheet from the truck) . Further, the construction sites were not barricaded in some of the construction sites

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SN Issue Compliance Status Remarks . However, all the workers were covered by accidental insurance policy . Fire extinguisher has been adequately installed in all completed buildings 13 Management of Not Applicable . Disruption of service and supply were not recorded due to construction activities in any of the interrupted service and construction sites supply 14 Water logging Complied . The water logging of the integrated office building site (Sindhuli District) has been delayed in Management spite of regular instruction. However, the problem has been recently managed through proper drainage management works along the periphery of building 15 Drainage Management Not complied . Likewise, the drainage management works needs to be properly addressed in the two competed building sites of Dhading district (District Forest office and District Agriculture office), that are located at low level from the road side by coordinating with the neighbors to avoid water logging during rain; as there has been no drainage link in the building site with the sewer line of the road to discharge rain water 16 Slope Protection and Compiled . The instable slopes nearby the construction site has been properly managed by construing Management retaining and breast wall to avoid falling down of nearby buildings as well as to prevent accidents (District Court Office, Gorkha District; 17 Tree felling for site Complied . Written consent was obtained for the clearing of trees from the concerned authority as required clearance 18 Tree felling for safety Partially complied . Three Chap trees (Michelia champaca) need to be felled from the premises of DUBDC Office, purpose Lamjung District for the safety of building as these trees might fall down during strong wind. However, the Division Forest Office did not give permission to remove these trees due to their conservation significance. DLPIU shall coordinate with Division Forest office for pruning brances of these trees for the safety of the buildings. It has been an unsolved crucial issue.

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4. Construction Approach

The Government Buildings are designed and executed as per the motto "Built-back-better" formulated by the National Reconstruction Authority. The approach taken in design and construction include the following features:

 Design incorporates earthquake resistant features  Design foresees maximum use of local materials and labour as far as possible  Design includes environment friendly measures such as location of building without risk of landslide, flood etc. It also includes energy saving designs, environmental enhancement measures such as tree plantation, landscaping, rain water harvesting etc.  Most of the construction is manual and labour intensive with occasional use of small equipment such as concrete mixtures, small back hoe for excavation, tractors and small truck for transportation of materials  Child labour is prohibited

5. Compliance Status with Environmental Covenants

The environmental safeguards related to project activities are generally in compliance with covenants. The detail of environmental covenants is presented in Annex 3.

6. Institutional Arrangement

The project has not established grievance redress committee so far. However, DLPIU has been instructed to form the grievance redress committee to the soonest, and is in the process of establishment in all project districts. However, an engineer is deployed by DLPIU in all 11 project districts to implement and monitor safeguard issues associated with environment and social aspects. But no grievance has been received so far in any sub-projects.

7. Corrective actions and way forward

The contractor and DLPIU should apply following corrective measures for the compliance of safeguard:

a. Spoil Management

. The haphazard disposal of generated waste within construction sites should be prevented and properly managed . Disposal of excess material immediately after filling and compaction of the trench is necessary . Dumping of spoil within construction sites and nearby riverside should be prohibited [for e.g. the leftover spoil needs to be adequately managed to avoid the movement of spoils into the stream (DUBDC Office, Lamjung District). The spoil of access road needs to DUDBC, Lamjung shall be properly managed as well.

b. Slope Protection and Management

. Necessary retaining and breast wall has been constructed to maintain slope stability (District Court office, Gorkha District))

c. Occupational health and Safety

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

. Arrangement of light, fencing by ribbon or bamboo barricades, warning signs, caution board in the construction sites . Adequate number of PPE along with first aid kit with medicines should be provided to workers by contractor at all work sites. In most of the sites, PPE has not been strictly implemented . Arrangement of safety belt to workers at a height of 2 meter or more above a lower level . PPE should be used by all the staffs involved in the project . The construction workers should be made aware of using PPE through awareness training . Coordination with nearby health institution or hospital in case of medical emergency or accidents . Regular safety training to construction workers

d. Campsite management

. Use of firewood in the construction camps still persist in some of the sites and should be prohibited . Provision of cooking gas or kerosene, electricity, water supply, clean drinking water, waste management and medical facilities . Use of proper toilet faculties in each camp . The workers should be provided with adequate warm living condition . The workers should be provided with mosquito nets . Regular Health check-up of all the construction workers . Provision of an Isolated living unit for the workers suffering from the communicable disease . Prohibition of alcohol consumption and gambling in the construction camps to avoid conflict with local people

e. Dust emission

. Sprinkling of water at spoil disposal sites as well as the construction sites consisting loose soil. The water sprinkling has not been carried out in majority of sites in spite of low dust emission . Open storage and spillage of loose soil in and around the construction site should not be allowed . Truck loads carrying spoils or construction material such as sand, gravel, etc should be properly covered during transportation to prevent blowing off loose construction materials

f. Water Logging

. Proper management of drainage in and around construction site to avoid water logging in construction sites as it can create breeding ground for vectors (mosquitos, flies, etc.) and create slippery condition of the sites

g. Construction Waste Management

. Prohibition of haphazard disposal of construction debris . Establishment of appropriate construction waste management system for collection, segregation and disposal of construction debris within construction site

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. Stockpiling of Construction Material along road side should be avoided as it can obstruct traffic as well as drainage system

h. Cleanliness in Construction Site

. Proper and systematic stockpiling of construction materials . Proper disposal of construction debris at designated site . Many construction sites needs to manage construction debris as well as proper stockpiling of construction materials

i. Tree Plantation and Conservation

. Felling of tree in the construction site should be avoided as far as possible . Proper space should be allocated for the plantation of the tree at building site . Tree within the construction sites should be conserved as far as possible . For greenery and landscape management, ornamental plants (>5ft tall) should be planted after the completion of construction works ( Refer Annex 4) . CLPIU should coordinate with all the offices for the planation of trees as some of the offices insist to plant vegetables instead of trees.

j. Tree Felling for safety and Site clearance

. CLPIU/DLPIU should coordinate with Division Forest Office, Lamjung for the felling of three Chap (Michelia Champaca) trees from the premises of DUDBC Building, which has caused threat to the building and safety of people within the premises

8. Major Items Focused for Next Report

The major work planned for the next report comprises of providing safety training for construction work force as well as contractors, plantation of trees within the premises of building and frequent field visit for the implementation of healthy and safe working environment.

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Annex 1: Planning & implementing environmental safeguards activities

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Annex 1.A: Status of Environmental Safeguard Planning Status EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) 1 MoUD/CLPI Construction of an Sindhuli Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 integrated office building EMP has 22- (District Attorney Office, been 023/NCB- District Postal Office, prepared 05 Division office of Department of Water Supply & Sanitation and DUDBC Division Office) 2 MoUD/CLPI Construction of two Office Sindhuli Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Forest EMP has 72- Office and Irrigation been 073/NCB- Division Office) prepared 06 3 MoUD/CLP Maintenance of four Sindhuli ------IU/Works/2 Office Buildings 072- (Agriculture Development 073/NCB- Office, Tuber Vegetable 07 Development Center, Land Revenue Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 4 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Ramechap Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 office Buildings (District EMP has 72- Water Supply & Sanitation been 073/NCB- Office, DUDBC Division prepared 08 Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter

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EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) 5 MoUD/CLPI Construction of One Ramechap Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Building (District EMP has 72- Forest Office) been 073/NCB- prepared 09 6 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 11 Office Ramechap ------U/Works/20 Buildings (Soil 72- Conservation Office, Post 073/NCB- Office, Treasury 11 Comptroller Office, Agriculture Development Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 7 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 office buildings (District EMP has 72- Court Office, District been 073/NCB- Forest Office and Chief prepared 30 District Officer's Quarter) 8 MoUD/CLPI Construction of three Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (DUDBC EMP has 72- Division Office, District been 073/NCB- Post Office and District prepared 31 Agriculture Development Office) Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 115

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EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) 9 MoUD/CLPI Dhading Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Construction of 2 Office EMP has 72- Buildings (District been 073/NCB- Attorney Office and prepared 33 District Technical Office) 10 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Dhading ------U/Works/20 Buildings (District 72- Treasury Comptroller 073/NCB- Office, Irrigation Division 32 Office, District Small Cottage Office and CDO Office)

11 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Six Office Nuwakot Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Court EMP has 72- Office, Department of been 073/NCB- Water Supply and prepared 23 Sanitation Division Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office and District Education Office) 12 MOUD/CLP Maintenance of 8 office Nuwakot ------IU/Works/2 Buildings (Subtropical 072- Horticulture Development 073/NCB- Centre, District Forest 24 Office, DUDBC Division Office, Fish Investigation Centre, Disaster Preventive Technical Centre, Road Division Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 116

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office 13 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Lamjung Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (DUDBC EMP has 72- Division Office, Treasury been 073/NCB- Comptroller Office, prepared 37 Irrigation Division Office and National Investigation Office) 14 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 5 Office Lamjung ------U/Works/20 Buildings (District Court 72- Office, District Agriculture 073/NCB- Office, District 38 Administration Office, District Soil Conservation Office and Department of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 15 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Three Sindhupalchow Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Building (Chief k EMP has 72- District Officer's Quarter, been 073/NCB- District Forest Office prepared 16 Annex Building and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 16 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Four Sindhupalchow Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (District k EMP has 72- Soil Conservation Office, been 073/NCB- District Agriculture Office, prepared 17 District Livestock Office Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 117

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) and District Judge Quarter) 17 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 8 Office Sindhupalchow ------U/Works/20 Building (District k 72- Administration Office, 073/NCB- Women Development, 20 DEO, District Treasury Comptroller Office, District Agriculture Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 18 MoUD/CLPI Construction of Five Sindhupalchow Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Office Buildings (Irrigation k EMP has 72- Development Division been 073/NCB- Office, District Election prepared 18 Office, DUDBC Division Office including Annex, National Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office) 19 MoUD/CLPI Construction of four Office Dolakha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (Irrigation EMP has 72- Division Office, District been 073/NCB- Forest Office, Chief prepared 12 District Officer's Quarter with annex and Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 118

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) 20 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 5 Office Gorkha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Post EMP has 72- Office, District Agriculture been 073/NCB- Development Office, prepared 34 National Investigation District Office, District Attorney Office & District Soil Conservation Office) 21 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 4 Office Gorkha ------U/Works/20 Buildings (Department of 72- Water Supply and 073/NCB- Sanitation Division Office, 36 Women Development Office, DUDBC Division Office and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 22 MoUD/CLPI Construction of District Gorkha Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Court Office Building EMP has 72- been 073/NCB- prepared 35 23 MoUD/CLPI Construction of 7 Office Rasuwa Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (Chief District EMP has 72- Officer's Quarter, District been 073/NCB- Post Office, District prepared 27 Agriculture Development Office, Division Irrigation Office, District Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 119

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office)

24 MoUD/CLPI Maintenance of 7 Office Kavrepalancho ------U/Works/20 Building (District Advocate wk 72- Office, District Post Office, 073/NCB- Irrigation Division Office, 22 District Agriculture Development Office, DUDBC Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 25 MoUD/CLPI Construction of five Office Okhaldhunga Yes C DDR with Reviewed Yes No Yes No U/Works/20 Buildings (District Soil EMP has 72- Conservation Office, been 073/NCB- DWSS Division Office, prepared 01 National Investigation Office, District Livestock Service Office and District Attorney office) 26 MoUD/CLPI Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Okhaldhunga ------U/Works/20 Government Office 72- Buildings (District 073/NCB- Livestock Office, Land 02 Revenue Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Forest Office, Eastern Region Climate Field Office, Higher Court

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 120

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

EMP cost in ADB Safeguard approved Environme Automated Environment IEE/DDR approved monitoring document ntal safeguard category of the with EMP DDR (Yes / and GRC is is Contract screening monitoring SN Name of Subproject District project / is Under coordination established included No. is carried system subproject prepared Review / Not mechanism (Yes/No) in BOQ as out? customized (A/B/C/FI) (Yes/No) Yet Due/ established an (Yes or No) (Yes/No) Over Due) (Yes/No) individual item (Yes/No) Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 121

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 1.B: Environmental Safeguard Implementation Status

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are 1 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of an integrated office Sindhuli 95 95 100 90 25 Yes No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes /Works/2022 building (District Attorney Office, -023/NCB-05 District Postal Office, Division office of Department of Water Supply & Sanitation and DUDBC Division Office) 2 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of two Office Buildings Sindhuli 100 95 95 95 15 No No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Forest Office and Irrigation -073/NCB-06 Division Office) 3 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of four Office Buildings Sindhuli ------/Works/2072 (Agriculture Development Office, -073/NCB-07 Tuber Vegetable Development Center, Land Revenue Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 122

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are 4 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of three office Buildings Ramechap 100 100 100 100 25 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Water Supply & Sanitation -073/NCB-08 Office, DUDBC Division Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter 5 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of One Office Building Ramechap 95 95 90 90 7 No No Yes Yes No No - - - - Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Forest Office) -073/NCB-09 6 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 11 Office Buildings Ramechap ------No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Soil Conservation Office, Post Office, -073/NCB-11 Treasury Comptroller Office, Agriculture Development Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Education Office, District Court Office, District Livestock Office, District Administration Office, District

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 123

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Attorney Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 7 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of three office buildings Dhading 90 95 95 90 15 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Court Office, District Forest -073/NCB-30 Office and Chief District Officer's Quarter) 8 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of three Office Buildings Dhading 95 95 90 95 10 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (DUDBC Division Office, District Post -073/NCB-31 Office and District Agriculture Development Office) 9 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of 2 Office Buildings Dhading 95 95 90 90 12 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Attorney Office and District -073/NCB-33 Technical Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 124

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are 10 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings Dhading - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Treasury Comptroller Office, -073/NCB-32 Irrigation Division Office, District Small Cottage Office and CDO Office) 11 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of Six Office Buildings Nuwakot 95 90 95 95 32 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Court Office, Department of -073/NCB-23 Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office, District Soil Conservation Office, District Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office and District Education Office) 12 MOUD/CLPI Maintenance of 8 office Buildings Nuwakot - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes U/Works/20 (Subtropical Horticulture 72-073/NCB- Development Centre, District Forest 24 Office, DUDBC Division Office, Fish

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 125

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Investigation Centre, Disaster Preventive Technical Centre, Road Division Office, District Small & Cottage Industry Office and Division Irrigation Office 13 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of Four Office Buildings Lamjung 95 95 95 95 7 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (DUDBC Division Office, Treasury -073/NCB-37 Comptroller Office, Irrigation Division Office and National Investigation Office) 14 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 5 Office Buildings Lamjung - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Court Office, District -073/NCB-38 Agriculture Office, District Administration Office, District Soil Conservation Office and

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 126

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Department of Water supply and Sanitation Office) 15 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of Three Office Building Sindhupalchowk 95 95 95 95 27 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Chief District Officer's Quarter, -073/NCB-16 District Forest Office Annex Building and District Treasury Comptroller Office) 16 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of Four Office Buildings Sindhupalchowk 90 95 95 90 14 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Soil Conservation Office, -073/NCB-17 District Agriculture Office, District Livestock Office and District Judge Quarter) 17 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 8 Office Building Sindhupalchowk - - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Administration Office, -073/NCB-20 Women Development, DEO, District

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 127

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Treasury Comptroller Office, District Agriculture Development Office , District Attorney Office, DUDBC Division office & District Court) 18 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of Five Office Buildings Sindhupalchowk 95 90 95 90 16 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Irrigation Development Division -073/NCB-18 Office, District Election Office, DUDBC Division Office including Annex, National Investigation District Office and District Cottage & Small Industry Committee Office) 19 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of four Office Buildings Dolakha 100 100 100 100 20 No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Irrigation Division Office, District -073/NCB-12 Forest Office, Chief District Officer's Quarter with annex and Water

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 128

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Induced Disaster Management Division Office) 20 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of 5 Office Buildings Gorkha 95 95 95 95 17 Yes No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Post Office, District -073/NCB-34 Agriculture Development Office, National Investigation District Office, District Attorney Office & District Soil Conservation Office) 21 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 4 Office Buildings Gorkha - - - - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Department of Water Supply and -073/NCB-36 Sanitation Division Office, Women Development Office, DUDBC Division Office and District Treasury Comptroller Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 129

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are 22 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of District Court Office Gorkha 90 90 90 90 - No No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 Building -073/NCB-35 23 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of 7 Office Buildings Rasuwa 85 80 85 85 101 Yes - No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (Chief District Officer's Quarter, -073/NCB-27 District Post Office, District Agriculture Development Office, Division Irrigation Office, District Livestock Development Office and Integrated Building of DUDBC Division Office and Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office) 24 MoUD/CLPIU Maintenance of 7 Office Building Kavrepalanchowk ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Advocate Office, District Post -073/NCB-22 Office, Irrigation Division Office,

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 130

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are District Agriculture Development Office, DUDBC Division Office, District Treasury Comptroller Office & Land Revenue Office) 25 MoUD/CLPIU Construction of five Office Buildings Okhaldhunga 85 80 80 85 - Yes No Yes Yes ------Yes Yes /Works/2072 (District Soil Conservation Office, -073/NCB-01 DWSS Division Office, National Investigation Office, District Livestock Service Office and District Attorney office) 26 MoUD/CLPIU Repair/Retrofitting of 8 Government Okhaldhunga ------/Works/2072 Office Buildings (District Livestock -073/NCB-02 Office, Land Revenue Office, Irrigation Division Office, District Forest Office, Eastern Region Climate Field Office,

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 131

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Compliance to Environmental Management Plan* Grievances

Physical Biological Socio-economic Community

services are (Y/N)

compensated (Y/N)

Occupational /reconstructe


Health and Safety d (progress in % of total


Plantation for Plantation estimated


(specify) (specify)



SN Contract No. District %)** in compliance of Subproject

compliance incompliance %)**



(compliance in %)** in (compliance

Landslide protection protection Landslide (compliance in %)** in (compliance No of

No of grievances of resolved No

Plants OthersEMP as per EMPOthers as per

No of grievances of documentedNo

No of grievances of processing under No

Management of construction wasteManagement construction of

Spoil Management Spoil

Drainage ManagementDrainage (

Env compliance reporting is maintained maintained is reporting Env compliance

Community Structure 1 Structure Community 2 Structure Community

have sanitary facilities have facilities sanitary

Firewood is and is heating for cooking used Firewood

Corrective Action Plans are prepared and implemented Plans are implemented prepared and Corrective Action

Labors are insured are Labors insured

Labor and work camps are work healthycamps and and Labor

Safety Gears are sufficient and used and Safety Gears sufficient are Higher Court Office, District Court & DUDBC Division Office)

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 132

Annex 2: Environmental Safeguard Compliance Monitoring Format


S.N Description Indicator Present status 1 DDR Completed / ongoing / proposed Awareness raising 2 Number of events and participants orientation trainingii Spoil disposal management plan (Y/N) Stock piling and spoil Volume of safely disposed spoil (m3) 3a disposal management (if Remaining excavated materials (m3) required) Spoil disposal work affecting public

interest, locals and their properties (Y/N) Toe walls for safe Number and volume (m3) of toe walls 3b disposal of excavated constructed to manage spoil materials (if required) Location Bioengineering works (if 4 Area (m2) required) Type of measures taken Covering of delivery vehicles during transportation (Y/N) 5 Dust emission Spray of water for suppressing dust emission (Y/N), if yes time interval Vehicles and equipment's used fitted 6 Noise pollution with silencer and maintained to keep noise at minimum levels (Y/N) Contamination of water supply or source 7 Water contamination (Y/N) Location of quarry site 8 Quarry site management Volume of stones/aggregates collected (if required) (m3 ) Restoration of site done (Y/N) Supply of safe drinking water (Y/N) Temporary toilets constructed in camp sites (no.) Campsite management 9 Energy used for cooking (fuel wood, kerosene, LPG, electricity) Proper management of sewerage and waste disposal (Y/N) Separation of waste disposal in biodegradable and non-biodegradable 10 Construction wastes (Y/N) Safe disposal of construction waste materials done (Y/N) Provision for leakage and spills in storage & service yards (Y/N) 11 Storage management Provision for safety measures like fire extinguisher (Y/N) Plantation around Plantation carried out (number of plants) 12 buildings Plantation survival (%) Interruption of services Protection/rehabilitation of services (water, electricity, 13 (Y/N), if yes give the name telephone etc.) Number of safety gears provided 14 Occupational health & (helmet, jackets, facemasks, goggles, safety boots, ear plugs, gloves) Use of safety gears by workers (%)


Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

S.N Description Indicator Present status First aid kit provided with medicines (no.) Replacement of medicines (Y/N) Accidental insurance (no. of workers) Type & number of accident occurred Compensation to affected workers (no.) Coordination with nearby health center (Y/N) Signboards erected (no.) Informative/safety

15 signboard & cautionary Location ribbons/barricades Cautionary ribbons/barricades placed (Y/N) Cleaning site after Site cleaning after the construction construction and 16 works done (Y/N) disposing waste properly Grievances received and Received number 17 addressediii Addressed number 18 Photographs Attached photographs with caption

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 135

Annex 3: Compliances with Loan Covenants


Covenants Status as of 30 December 2017

Schedule 5-4. Preparation, design, implementation, and Being complied operation of each Subproject comply with applicable laws; the Environmental Safeguards; the EARF; and IEE and EMP. Schedule 5-5. Land acquisition and resettlement activities Does not apply – building subprojects comply with laws; the Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards; identified until now do not require land the RF; and the respective RP. acquisition/ resettlement Schedule 5-6. No physical or economic displacement takes Does not apply – building subprojects place until (a) compensation has been provided in identified until now do not involve accordance with the RP; and (b) income and livelihood displacement restoration program has been established in accordance with the RP. Schedule 5-7. Necessary budgetary and human resources Being complied – made available to fully implement the EMPs, and the RPs. (i) the building subprojects identified until now do not require RPs; (ii) the civil works contracts include EMPs but considering the nature of the works, implementing these EMPs require minimum interventions; the implementation of the EMPs by the contractors will be ensured through construction supervision Schedule 5-8. All bidding documents comply with IEE, EMP, Being complied – buildings subprojects and RP; budget is made available for environmental and identified until now are classified as social measures; any unanticipated environmental, Category C resettlement or indigenous peoples risks notified by a written notice; and condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure recorded prior to construction. Schedule 5-9. (a) A semi-annual Safeguards Monitoring Being complied Reports submitted to ADB and disclose relevant information; (b) any unanticipated environmental and/or social risks and impacts reported promptly to ADB; and (c) any actual or potential breach of compliance reported. Schedule 5-11. The core labor standards and applicable Being complied laws are complied. Bidding documents and contracts require that the contractors (a) comply with applicable labor law and incorporate workplace occupational safety norms; (b) do not use child labor; (c) do not discriminate workers; (d) do not use forced labor; (e) allow freedom of association.


Annex 4: List of Tree Species proposed to be planted in the Building Premises


SN District Headquarter Elevation Bio- Tree Species to be planted Climatic Zone 1 Kavre Dhulikhel 1500m Subtropical Kapoor Palanchowk Sunachamp Bakaino Ban paiyu Nepali Dalchini Okhar Gulab jamun Koiralo Lankuri Naspati Khurpani Alu Bakhara Aru Haluwaved

2 Sindhupalchowk Chautara 1600m Subtropical Asare phool Sunachamp Bakaino Ban paiyu Nepali Dalchini Okhar Gulab jamun Koiralo Kapoor Lankuri Naspati Khurpani Alu Bakhara Aru Haluwaved

3 Dolakha Charikot 1550m Subtropical Asare Phool Sunachamp Bakaino Ban paiyu Nepali Dalchini


Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Headquarter Elevation Bio- Tree Species to be planted Climatic Zone Okhar Gulab jamun Koiralo Kapoor Lankuri Naspati Khurpani Alu Bakhara Aru Haluwaved, Kadam

4 Nuwakot Bidur 500m Tropical Kadam Taanki Nimaro Rajbriksha Rudraksha Sahijan Ashok (False Ashok) Anar, Darim Aap Lichi Rukh Katahar Amala jamun Gulab jamun

5 Gorkha Gorkha 900m Upper Sunachamp Bazaar tropical Lankuri Rudraksha Rajbriksha Bel Kagati Nibuwa Suntala Bhogate

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 142

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Headquarter Elevation Bio- Tree Species to be planted Climatic Zone Mosam Anar, Darim Aap Rukh Katahar Amala jamun

6 Dhading Dhadingbesi 600m Tropical Kadam Taanki Nimaro Rajbriksha Rudraksha Sahijan Ashok (False Ashok) Anar, Darim Aap Lichi Rukh Katahar Amala jamun Gulab jamun Bel

7 Rasuwa (Dhunche) 1800 to Upper Salla 2000m Sub- tropical- Gobre Salla Lower Lali Guraans temperate Khurpani Alu Bakhara Aru Haluwaved Ban paiyu Nepali Dalchini Okhar Syau

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 143

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Headquarter Elevation Bio- Tree Species to be planted Climatic Zone 8 Okhaldhunga Okhaldhunga 1560m Subtropical Asare phool Bazaar Sunachamp Bakaino Ban paiyu Nepali Dalchini Okhar Gulab jamun Koiralo Kapoor Lankuri Naspati Khurpani Alu Bakhara Aap Haluwaved

9 Sindhuli Sindhulimadhi 400m Tropical Kadam Taanki Nimaro Rajbriksha Rudraksha Sahijan Ashok (False Ashok) Anar, Darim Aap Lichi Rukh Katahar Amala jamun Gulab jamun

10 Lamjung 760m Tropical Kadam Taanki Nimaro Rajbriksha Rudraksha Sahijan Ashok (False Ashok) Anar, Darim Anp Lichi

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Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

SN District Headquarter Elevation Bio- Tree Species to be planted Climatic Zone Rukh Katahar Amala jamun Gulab jamun Bel

11 Ramechhap Ramechap 1100m Subtropical Lankuri (Former) Kagati Nubuwa Rajbriksha Anar, Darim Amala jamun Bel Nariwal Kagaji Badam Amba Mayurpankhu Dhupi Dhupi Manthali 500m Tropical Anp (Current) Supari Rajbriksha Rudraksha Haluwabet Ashok Lichi Taki Kadam Amba

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Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Annex 5: Photographs

Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 146

Semiannual Environmental Monitoring Report July-December, 2019

Photograph 1: Unmanaged Construction waste, Photograph 2: Instruction for workers to use PPE, District Court Office, Dhading District Gorkha District

Photograph 3: Plantation of tree seedling by CEO Photograph 4: Plantation of tree seedling within the of NRA (Mr. Sushil Gyawali) at the premises of premises of CDO Office, Rasuwa District District Forest Office, Dolakha District

Photograph 5: Spoil to be managed along the Photograph 6: No safety gears including safety belt access road to DUDBC Building, Lamjung District provided to workers, District Court Office, Nuwakot District

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