SUMMERFORD ENGINEERING, INC. 175 Frost Road P. 0. Box 1005 Arkadelphia, Arkansas 71923 Charles R. Summerford, P.E Phone: (870)246-6011 David H. Holcomb, P.E. FAX: (870)246-9533 Consulting Engineers E-Mail:
[email protected] December 20, 2012 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 5301 Northshore Drive North Little Rock, AR 72118-5317 Attn: Lindsay Copenhaver, Enforcement Analyst Water Division, Enforcement Branch RE: NPDES Permit No. AR0044822 JAN 0 9 2013 Case No. CV 2010-32603 Higginson, Arkansas .... Dear Lindsay: Enclosed you will find the following items concerning the referenced project . 1. One (1) set of Plans and Specifications 2. Corrective Action Plan 3. Design Calculations 4. Construction Permit Application (Form 1 and Form 2A) 5. Notice of Intent for Discharges of Stormwater for Large Site with SWPPP. Please forward the enclosures to the proper person for review. At this point, we did not include a check for $200.00 for the large site storm water permit fee. We have proposed to apply the old sand from the sand filter beds to a six (6) acre adjacent grass site owned by the City. If we cannot do that, then we will. require the contractor to haul off and dispose of the old sand and the City will not need the large site storm water permit. Very truly yours, SUMMERFORD ENGINEERING, INC David H. Holcomb, P.E. DHH :ms Enclosures: As Stated cc: City of Higginson Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Construction Activity for Large Construction Sites National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit # ARR150000 Prepared for: Wastewater Treatment System Improvements City of Higginson, Arkansas ,-..- --__-- .- .- -- .