SOMERTON, OXON. About midway between and Oxford.

particulars foitjr plains artb Conditions of

— OT — , I Four Capital Freehold Farms, i The Railway Inn, Wharf, Small Holdings and Cottages,

Which include Village Farm (475 Acres), Manor Farm (450 Acres), Troy Farm (634 Acres), /HIM Farm (9O Acres), The Railway Inn with Pastures and Wharf,

And numerous Cottages and Small Holdings.

The Somerton Estate extends to About 1 TOO Acres, And will be Sold FREE OF TITHE RENT CHARGE. FERRIS & PUCKRIDGE Hare been instructed by the St. Hon. the Earl of Jersey to offer the above desirable Freehold Properties for Sale by Auction, at The "Red Lion" Hotel, Banbury, On Thursday, June 19th, 1919, at 2.30 p.m.

Messrs. FRESHFIELDS & LEESE, Solicitors, 81, Old Jewry, London, B.C. 2. Mr. W. D. LITTLE, Estate Agent, Hiddleton Stoney, , Oxon. Messrs. FERRIS ^PUCKEIDGE, Surveyors and Auctioneers, Milton, Pewsey, Wilts; And 79, Queen Street, Lmten, E.G. 4. Sale at the "Red Lion Hotel" Banbury, Thursday, June 19th, 1919, at 2.30 p.m. THE SOMERTON ESTATE, Between Banbury and Oxford-


Tlie numbers aud areas are taken aa far as possible from the Ordnance Survey (1900 edition) and are believed to be correct, though they are iu no way guaranteed. The Sale Plana are given for reference and illustration, aud though believed to be correct, their accuracy is in no way guaranteed, and the Sale is not made on the eaid Plana,

Each Lot is Freehold and free of Tithe Rent Charge. There is a Land Tax, the last payment of -which was assessed at the rate of 6d. in the £. Attention is directed to Condition^ (III.) which deals with a small annual Kent Charge affecting the Somerton Estate.

The Property is sold subject to the eiisting tenancies, which are Michaelmaa ones, and to any rights of way or easements there may be.

The Timber and Underwood is to be paid for by valuation in the usual way, as set out in Condition 4.

Pumpiug plant has been installed and a line of pipes laid through the Estate by H.M. War Department, and any Lot affected by these will be sold subject to and with the benefit of such works as the case may be.

The Sale offers au excellent opportuuity of acquiring agricultural freeholds of a convenient size. The farms are particularly well served with hard roads, are in a good state of cultivation, and iu the Village ii a never failing supply of water.

Suminary of Lots, IP. "f 'kt'wtW Lot At Somerton A. —Village Farm 475 i : ;o, U ft 0 c 2—Manor Farm 448 0 ]\ ) * 8 T. 3—Troy Farm 676 36 # • a^U^w 4—Somerton Mill and Mill Farm 87 17 i, X 5—Kailway Inn, Wharf, and Pastures 39 19 », I « fi 11- —6—Two Cottages at the " Paddocks " 1 80 Vl <•» " 7—Two ditto adjoining ... 1 17 8—Two ditto adjoining ... 1 £8 —Pwelliug House, Butcher's Shop, &c. 38 ir e T.H 10— flfowt Cottages, opposite Village Farm .. 4 < »i ' C , /*J 1—Small Holding, above Railway Station .. few*. 9 fst 1111- 12—Three Cottages, near the Rectory try... . 36 i. if • T- )3—Allotment Gardens dwi*. If 6 H t II Jj 14—The Post Office, Dwelling House, and Two Cottages 31 15—Pair of Collages, opposite the Church ~- *• ">-••• 23 i 1 • ll 16—Pair of ditto, adjoining ti^M^vy-.ttt1 /3A-V1V**! 19 _s* 17—Two Cottages, by the Church (&*t**^t*t-*{ .{kx SO ~~ 18—Throe ditto, opposite the Post Office '( •• • 12 vy» 19—Garden Ground and Orchard adjoining >i i 80 20—Three Cottages in Sandpit Ground ,, Ht*v> 17 »..|..f. T i SoHcitors: Messrs. FRESHFIELDS & LEESE, 31, Old Jewry, London,E.C. 2. estate flgent : Mr. W. D. LITTLE, , Bicester, Oxon. Surveyors and Jfuctioncers : Messrs. FERRIS & PUCKRIDGE, Milton, Pewsey, Wilts ; And 79, Qjeen Slreel. London, E.G. 4. PRELIMINARY EDITION. By instruSiom of the Rt. Hon.- the Earl of Jersey. ; .

The Somerton Estate,


*p - : - Banbury and Oxford.

For Sale June 19th, 1919.

solicitors: Messrs. FRESHFIELDS & LEESE, 31, Old Jewry, London.E.C. 2.

f state Mr. W. D. LITTLE, Middleton Stoney, Bicester, Oxon.

Surmpors and Huctlonews: Messrs. FERRIS & PUCKRIDGE, Milton, Pewsey, Wilts ; And 79, Queen Street, London, E.C, 4. Remarks,

The numbers and areas are taken as far as possible from the Ordnance Survey (1900 edition) and are believed to be correct, though they are in no way guaranteed. The Sale Plans are given for reference and illustration, and though believed to be correct, their accuracy is in no way guaranteed, and the Sale ia not made on the said Plans,

Each Lot is Freehold and free of Tithe Kent Charge. There is a Land Tax, the last payment of which way assessed at the rate* of 6d. in the <£.

The Property is aold subject to the existing tenancies, which ai-e Michaelmas ones, and to any rights of way or easements there may be.

. The Timber and Underwood is to be paid for by valuation in the usual way, as set out in Condition

Pumping plant has been installed and a line of pipes laid through the Estate by H.M. War Department, and any Lot affected by these will be sold subject to and with the benefit of such works as the case may be.

The Sale offers an eicellent opportunity of acquiring agricultural freeholds of a convenient size. The farms are particularly well served with hard roads, are ia a good state of cultivation, and in the Village U a never failing •upply of water.

Summary of Lots,

Lot At Somerton:— A. B. p. 1—Village Farm ...... 475 0 1 2—Manor Farm ...... 448 3 0 3—Troy Farm ...... 633 2 15 4—Somerton Mill and Mill Farm ...... 87 0 17 5—Eailway Inn, Wharf, and Pastures ...... 39 2 19 6—Two Cottages at the" Paddocks " ... I 0 80 7—Two ditto adjoining ...... ••"• 1 0 17 8—Two ditto adjoining ... -.. - .,. ... 10 28 9—Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop,

LOT 1. (Coloured Green on Plan No. 1.) Village Farm, Somerton, Oxon, With convenient Residence, Buildings, and Sii Cottages. Area: — 475a. Or. Ip. Of which about 15*5 acres are Pasture. THE HOUSE, which is stone built and slated, contains Dining Room, Drawing Eoom, Morning Room and Office, Seven Bedrooms, One Attic, Kitchens, and an excellent dry Cellar. There is a good Garden with Tennis Lawn, and a quaint old Dovecot. THE HOME BUILDINGS include Four-bay Waggon Shed with Granary over, Hag Stable, Eight-horse Stable, Double Barn, Fatting House, Hay House, Gig House, Yards, and Sheds. At " BONNER'S " is a Large Barn, aud a Waggon Shed with Engine House on the Fritwell Road. THE DAIEY BUILDINGS comprise accommodation for Twenty Cows with Yard, Sheds, and Piggeries. There is also a Set of Field Buildings at the further end of the Farm consisting of TWO STONE-BUILT COTTAGES, Barn, Yard, aud other accommodation. SCHEDULE. Ord. No. Description. State. A. a . P. 56 Long Meadow Pasture 27 3 26 Ft. 57 Long Common Ditto 29 0 39 87 The Brake Ditto 1 0 8 Pt. 88 Water — 1 1 16 Ft. -89 The Moor Pasture 82 2 25 Pt. 58 Big Common Ditto 24 1 80 Pt. 81 Cottage and Garden Ground — I 83 82 Orchard — 8 S9 85 Gray's Close — 5 3 29 99 Orchard — 1 25 Pt. 103 Farm House, Buildings, and Close — 1 1 30 107 Orchard —_ 1 2 4 Pt. 106 Close 1 2 28 104 Paddock and Cow House — 1 1 24 71 The Pits and Implement Shed Pasture 4 8 14 67 Ditto Ditto 5 1 3 105 Spring — 1 6 144 Glyde Hill and Well Groves Arable 16 0 17 146 The Stonepit Ground Ditto 13 2 5 142 Norman's Field Ditto 21 0 5 140 Glyde Hill and Well Groves Ditto 22 2 21 112 The Grass Ground Pasture 16 3 11 111 Shed and Yard 16 74 Buildings and Paddocks .— . 3 86 Pt. 65 Site of old Cottages 16 — 73 Two Cottages — 2 11 50 Two Cottages and Gardens 86 66 The Park Pasture 15 0 29 49 Park Wall Ground Ditto 11 0 88 68 Ground above Pits Arable 30 I 6 166 Short Ridges" Ditto 31 2 85 167 Burn Close Pasture 2 0 38 168 Two Cottages and Buildings — 2 25 169 Trackway 1 0 84 199 Barn Ground Arable 23 0 37 198 Sol's Hovel Ground Ditto 16 2 18 197 Rose's Field Ditto 21 1 19 170 Long Ground Ditto 29 3 82 146 Heath End Ground Ditto 21 0 22 165 Trackway — 1 28 148 Ditto 1 7 147 Spinnev Ground Arabl— e 1 3 26 149 Ditto Ditto 35 2 35 Ac. 475 0 1 £ s. a. Ft. 71 (the Implement Shed) is let to Mrs. Godwin at per annuDum 15 0 No. 66 (27a. Jr. 26p.) to Mr. T. E Emberlin 56 0 0 And the remainder of the Lot to Mr. Chas. Brown 435 0 0 £491 15 0 The stone and building material on Pt. 81 and Pt. 65 are reserved. LOT 2. (Coloured Blue on Plan No. 1.) Manor Farm, Somerton,

With House, Three Sets of Buildings, and Five Cottages. Area:— 448a. 3r. Op. As below: — A. H. F. Pasture ... 234 2 7 Arable ... 210 1 19 Buildings, etc. ... 8 3 14 Ac. 448 3 0

THE HOUSE, which is centrally placed, contains the following accommodation:—Dining Eoom, Drawing Boom, Office, Seven Bedrooms, Kitchens, Brew House, Dairy, Cellar, etc. There are convenient Outhouses adjoining. The HOME BUILDINGS include Large Covered Cattle Yard, and Piggeries, Barn, Mixing House, Tan-horse Stable, Nag Stable, Gig House, Motor House, Boiling House, Calf Pen, etc. The DAIBY BUILDINGS, in the Meadow above the House, afford accommodation for Forty Cows, with Bick Yard, and Two good Implement Sheds. The FIELD BUILDINGS include Implement Shed, Yards, and Cattle Sheds, Large Barn, Three Loose Bores, and Cart House, TWO STONE-BUILT COTTAGES with excellent water supply. By the Sand Pit Allotments are THEEE CAPITAL COTTAGES and Gardens.

SCHEDULE. Ord. No. Description. State. A. E. p. 69 Garner's Ground ... Pasture 18 8 9 79 Paddock ... Ditto 1 2 88 88 Ditto ... Ditto 1 9 84 Ditto ... Ditto 1 0 6 80 Orchard ... Ditto 208 61 Ditto ... Ditto 1 2 14 62 Manor Farm ... Homestead 1 2 18 54 Orchard ... Pasture 3 24 58 Paddock ... Ditto 1 2 14 5J Ditto ... Ditto 2 12 44 Buildings and Bick Yard on the Hill ... — 2 23 45 New Ground ... Pasture 18 1 22 48 Dairy Ground ... Ditto 27 1 24 41 Top Common ... Ditto 16 8 7 26 Trackway to Somerton Croising ... — 11 22 27 Close above Bailway ... Pasture 6 1 30 25 Eye Grass ... Ditto 29 8 0 24 Grass Sands ... Arable 909 12 Little Sands ... Ditto 5 1 12 11 Muginwell Piece ... Pasture 26 0 34 10 Shepherds' Hill ... Ditto 10 2 10 9 Middle Ground ... Ditto 24 8 16 8 Fern Hill ... Ditto 19 8 6 47 Allotments ... Arable 10 1 86 Pt. 20 Three Cottages and Gardens ... 1 20 19 Sand Pit Field ... Arabia 17 2 17 18 Ehindon and Eoadway ... Ditto 22 2 17 200 Stonepit Ground ... Ditto 18 1 6 21 Great Sands • ... Ditto 52 1 39 14 Two Cottages and Buildings ... — 10 86 17 Barn Ground ... Arable 14 8 19 13 Muginwell ... Pasture 39 2 27 16 Endmore ... Arable 14 1 27 15 Treadwell Elms ... Ditto 21 8 11 201 Great Ground ... Ditto 23 1 16 Ac. 448 3

£ s. d. Nos. 47 and 19 (Allotment Land) are let to various tenants at Rentals amounting to 29 9 0 , NOB. 10, 11, and 27 (43a. Or. 31p.) are in hand, estimated rental ...... 86 0 0 The remainder of this Lot is let to Mr. T. E. Emberlin, apportioned Rental ... 482 0 0

£597 t 0 LOT 3- (Coloured Piuk on the Plan.) TROY FARM, In the Parish of Somerton, and near to Fritwell Village. Area:— 633a. 2r. ISp. With excellent Residence and Gardens, C°ttages, Buildings, Pasture and Arable Land. The Estate lies in a ring fence, aud is well served by hard roads. THE HOUSE, built of stone aod slated, has a handsome appearance, aud contains :—Three Reception Rooms, Office, Seven good Bedrooms, Four Attics, Bath Room and W.C. The Kitchen accommodation is ample, and there is a Cellar with Brewhouse, ™BAO m.'a*o THE GARDENS on the opposite side of the road, are very prettily laid out with Lawns, Shrubberiea,*and Orchard, and an uncommon feature of them is the Maze of 480 yards, which has more than a local reputation. THE BUILDINGS are mostly of recent erection, principally stone-built and slated, and include Twelve-horse Stable, Double Barn, Nag Stable, Five-bay Dutch Barn, Two Cattle Yards with Sheds and Loose Boxes, Range of Cow Houses to tie 16 (stone and timber-built and roofed with corrugated iron), and a Three-bay Implement ,'Shed. Adjoining is the Gig House, Eleren-bay Waggon Shed, Three smaller Yards, and Carpenter's Shop. N.B.—The Blacksmith's Shop and Sheep Dipping Shed are the property of the Tenant. Close by are TWO CAPITAL COTTAGES. The FIELD BUILDINGS comprise Barn and Yard with Loose Boies and TWO GOOD COTTAGES. SCHEDULE. Ord. No. Description. State. A, B, P. 150 CallasTree Pasture 25 2 12 151 Wheel Furlong Ditto 25 3 23 , ,„ ( Pt. Rushbed Arable 88 2 5 152a | Ditto Pasture 1 2 0 152b Ditto Ditto is 153a Pt. Long Ground Ditto 18 2 3 153b Ditto Ditto 3 2 37 Pt. 155 Pt. Trcncliy Moor Ditto 6 2 27 154 Wood Wood 1 19 156 Paddock Pasture 2 3! 157b Pt. Franklin's Moor Ditto 1 1 84 157a Ditto Ditto 6 0 24 158b Pt. Lime Kiln Ground Arable 1 31 158* Ditto Ditto 1 0 1 159a Ditto Ditto 159b Ditto 29 0 29 160 PiBstye Field Pasture 24 2 3 161 Troy Homestead — 2 2 26 162 Dairy Ground Pasture 19 0 32 163 Cottages — 1 10 171 Blacklands Arable 25 0 0 172 Troy Ground Ditto 29 1 10 173 Orchard, etc. 8 34 — 174 Garden — 1 5 175 Top Paddock Pasture 2 1 20 176 Pond Paddock Ditto 1 3 27 177 Pond — 21 178 Little Leys Pasture 11 0 10 179 Long Ground Arable 24 3 26 180 Great Leys Ditto 82 1 5 182 Kennel Copse — « 3 21 Pt. 188 Strip by Copse — 2 22 181 Crowfoot Pond — 17 185 Allotments Arable 4 3 89 187 Keunel Hill Ground Ditto 20 0 29 188 Far Cabins Ash East Ditto 85 3 32 189 Far Cabins Ash West Ditto 36 3 22 190 Trackway — 1 3 10 191 Earthpit Ground Arable 29 3 31 192 House Barn Ground Ditto 18 0 29 194 Troy Field Barn and Cottages 2 34 195 Little Barn Ground Arabl— e 12 3 21 196 Griffon's Ground Ditto 20 0 89 HOI! West Barn Ground Ditto 23 0 1 203 Stonepit Barn Ground Ditto 25 0 16 201 Oak Tree Ground Ditto 18 2 26 205 Canada Ditto 4 2 25 207 Ditto Ditto 19 2 5 208 Allotments Ditto 21 1 89 Ac. 633 2 15 The two Allotment Fields (Nos. 158 a & b, 159 a & b, 185i,. andd £ t. d. 208) are let to various Tenants at Rentals amountinng to (Tenants paying the rates) 81 6 3 The Farm is iu the occupation of Mrs. Godwin at the nominaimioal Rental of . ... 808 0 0 £889 6 3 LOT 4.

(Coloured Purple on Plan No. 1.) JVlill Farm, Somerton,

With Water Mill, Dwelling House, Two Cottages, Store House, and excellent Meadow Land, in all 87a. Or. 17p,

The DWELLING HOUSE, brick built and slated, contains Dining Eoom, Parlour, Five Bedrooms, and Two Attics, and the Domestic Offices comprise Kitchens, Dairy, Pantry, &c.

The MILL is on four floors and served by windlass and chain, and the machinery is driven by a breast shot iron wheel, and there is a large boiler and powerful horizontal engine. There are three pairs of Stones, Corn Gristing Mill, Flower Dressing Machine, and Elevator.

There are Two substantially-built Brick and Slated Cottages and a Store House and Wharf on the Canal.


Ord. No. Description. State X. R. p. 35 Meadow Pasture 17 2 4 Pt. 86 Water — 1 1 35 37 Doseham Meadow Pasture 4 1 80 38 Lower Common Pasture 10 8 1 29 Two Cottages and Gardens 27 30 Meadow Pasture 1 80 31 Water — 1 11 32 Somerton Mill, House, and Premises — 2 4 83 Meadow Pasture 34 84 Meadow Ditto 27 1 Meadow Ditto 9 2 80 2 Gooseham Meadow Ditto 4 3 32 3 Plantation 1 18 4 Water — 2 25 Pt. 5 Meadow Pasture 1 1 25 •pi tj X 4 0 27 Pt 28 t Meadow between Canal and Eailway 1 0 11 Pt. 40 Meadow Pasture 10 0 35 55 Bayliss' Common Ditto 18 2 7

Ac. 87 0 17

£ a. d. No. 65 is in the occupation of Mr. C. Brown, apportioned rental 40 0 0 No. 40 „ „ Mr. T. B. Emberlin „ 20 0 0 The remainder with the Mill and Cottages is in hand, estimated rentaintal ... 175 0 0

,£285 0 0 LOT 5. (Coloured Yellow on the Plan.)

The fully-licensed' premises, being The Railway Inn, SOMEKTON,

Situate immediately opposite the Station, on the G.W.B., together with The WHARF and Premises, and About 4O acres of rich Pasture Land.

with convenient Dairy Buildings anil good water supply.

THE INN has a good frontage, is built of brick and slated and contains large Dining-Boom, with Club Boom over, Smoking-Room, Tap Bar, large Cellar, Kitchens, and 6 Bedrooms. Adjoining is the Brew House, Dairy, Coal House, Fowl House, etc. There is a small Lawn ami Summer-House and walled-in Garden. Adjoining tha Inn is a small Paddock, with Stable and Loft, 3-bay Cart Shed, Piggery, etc.

THE PASTURES are conveniently plaoed close to the Station, with frontage to the main road, they are well watered aud are provided with a convenient Yard and Cow House.

Included with this lot is the SOMERTON WHARF, oa the Oxford Canal, and Wharf House.

SCHEDULE. No. Description. State. A. B. p. 125 Par Ground ... Pasture 12 0 30 124 Brake ... Brake & Stream 2 6 113 Dairy Ground Pasture 17 0 34 120 Home Field Ditto 4 3 2 114 Yard and Cowhouse Ditto 31 116 Home Paddock Pasture a o 2 117 Paddock and Carthouse Ditto i 24 Pt. 95 The Railway Iiin, Yard and Premises i 15 118 Garden ... —— 19 Pt. 123 Below Railway Pasture i 30 119 Ditto Ditto i 33 92 Tae Wharf, and Land adjoining Ditto 2 22 91 Paddock Ditto I 8 Ac. 39 2 19 The Tenant is Mrs. M. A. Walton at the very moderate rental of .£110 per annum.

LOT 6. (Coloured Bed on Plan No. 2.) Two Modern-built Cottages,

With large Gardens and Carpenter's Shop, situate at the " Paddock," Somerton. Area:— la. • Or. - 30p. The Cottages are let to H. Mitchell and C. Brown respectively at a yearly rent of £& 4s.

LOT 7. (Coloured Blue on Plan No. 2.) The Two Middle Cottages, with good Gardens, adjoining the previous lot. Area:— la. Or. 17p. Let to T, Green and S. Danbury respectively at a yearly rent of £5 4s. LOT 8 (Coloured Brown on Plan No. 2.) Two Modern-built Cottages,

With large Gardens, adjoining the previous lot and situate afc the " Paddocks," Somerton. Area :— la. - Or. - 28p. The Cottages are let to G. Andrews and A. Plumb respectively at a yearly rent of ^9 2s.

LOT 9 (Coloured Yellow on Plan No. 2.) Dwelling House, Butcher's Shop and Cottage

Adjoining, situate on the Frjtwell Road, Somerton. Area Oa. - Or. • - 38p. The Dwelling House and Butcher's Sbop is let to T. Moore at £9 10s. per annum. The Cottage is let to C. Brown at a yearly rent of .£4.

LOT 10. (Coloured Pint ou the Plan.) Two Capital Stone-Built Cottages

Now occupied as one and let to Hra. Plumb. Area Oa- - Ir. - 4p. Annunl Eent, £3 10s.

LOT II (Coloured Blue on Plan No. 2.) fin /fttract/i/e Small Molding

Comprising Two Stone-built Dwelling Houses, which could easily be converted into a Private Residence, with good Gardens and Paddocks, served by a running stream of water, situate in a good position facing the Railway Station. Area 4a. - 3r. - 9p. As below Ord No. Description. A. B, p. Tenants. Rentals. 115 Two Dwelling Houses and Garden 0 2 10 Mrs. Walton, J. Bletsoe, & 8. Danbury 9 19 0 109 Paddock ... 2 0 11 J. Bletsoe ... 400 110 Ditto ... 1 3 27 T. Moore ... 500 Pt. 106 Garden 1 1 Ditto ... 100 Ac. 4 3 9 £19 12 0

LOT 12 (Coloured Brown on Plan No. 2.) Three Thatched Cottages

With Gardens and Outhouses, situate near the Rectory. Area Oa. - Or. - 36p. Let to Mrs. Walton, Mrs. B. Taylor, and W. Cross respectively at a yearly rent of £7 16s. LOT 13 (Coloured Bed on Plan No. 2.) fin Excellent Building Site Now let as allotment gardens. Area Oa. 2r. - Let to W. Cross, H. Stevens, and T. Walton respectively at an annual rent of 15s. 6d.

LOT 14. (Coloured Purple on Plan No. 2.) The Block of Freehold Property Opposite Somerton Church, comprising the Post Office, Dwelling House and Shop, Bake Hous> Two Cottages, and Large Garden. Area la. - IP. • 31p. Post Office, etc., with large garden let to Mrs. J. Baldwin at £17 Os. Od. per annum. One Cottage let to W. Andrews at £6 10s. Od. per annum. One Cottage let to T. Walton at £1 12s. Od. per annum.

LOT 15. (Coloured Yellow on Plan No. 2.) A Pair of Modern Built Cottages and Gardens Opposite the Church. Area Oa. - Or, - 23p. Let to J. Walton and Mrs. Godwin respectively at a yearly rent of £5 4s.

LOT 16. (Coloured Green on Plan No. 2.) A Pair of Similar Cottages Adjoining the preceding lot. Area Oa. - Or. - 19p. Let to Mrs. J. Bayliss aud Mr. J. Bletsoe respectively at an annual rent of £9 2s.

LOT 17 (Coloured Purple on Plan No. 2.) Two Thatched Cottages with Large Garden

Adjoining Somerton Church. Area Oa. - lr. 30p. Ooe Cottage is let to Miss Nash at a rental of £6 10§., the other is void. LOT 18

(Coloured Browu on Plan No. 2.)

Three Stone-built and Slated Cottages,

With Gardens, immediately opposite the Post Office in Somerton Village, together with Garden ground let to Mrs. J. Baylisa at 2s. 6d. per annum. Area :— Oa. - 3r. - 12p.

The cottages are let to Mr. T. E. Emberlin, Mrs. Cato, and Mrs. G-ibbard, at a yearly rent of £7 16s.

LOT 19

(Coloured Green on Plan No. 2.)

Plot of Garden Ground and Orchard,

Adjoining the preceding lot and close to the Manor Farm. Area :— Oa. - Ir. - 30p.

Let to T. Moore at £1 2s. 6d. per annum.

LOT 20.

(Coloured Yellow on Plan No. 2.)

Three Capital Stone=built Cottages

With Large Gardens, situate in Sandpit Ground, Somerton. Area Oa. - lr. - 17p,

Let to Mr. T. E. Emberlin, Mrs. G. Golder, and J. Andrews respectively, at £8 16s. per annum.