


Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain Diploma IV Program of Tour and Travel Management Study Program Institute of Tourism







Supervisor I, Supervisor II,

Cucu Kurniati, Dra., MM.Par., CHE P Jessica J. Josary, Dra., M.Sc., CHE NIP: 19660317 199303 2 001 NIP: 19600429 199003 2 001

Bandung, July 2019 Head of Accademic and Student Affairs Section

Andar Danova L.Goeltom, S.Sos., M.Sc NIP: 19710506 199803 1 001



The best pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do



All praise and gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. I am also grateful for all the

prayers and support given by the people I love. I dedicate all this for:

Mom and Dad, Aunt, Brother, MPP 2015, Supervisor



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya : Nama : Brian Satrio Sumirat Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : / 04 Desember 1994 NIM : 201520531 Program Studi : Manajemen Pengaturan Perjalanan Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa: 1. Tugas Akhir/Proyek Akhir/Skripsi yang berjudul: Development of Industrial Tour Package in Bekasi Regency at CV. Reka Media Nusantara ini adalah merupakan hasil karya dan hasil penelitian saya sendiri, bukan merupakan hasil penjiplakan, pengutipan, penyusunan oleh orang atau pihak lain atau cara-cara lain yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan akademik yang berlaku di STP Bandung dan etika yang berlaku dalam masyarakat keilmuan kecuali arahan dari Tim Pembimbing. 2. Dalam Tugas Akhir/Proyek Akhir/Skripsi ini tidak terdapat karya atau pendapat yang telah ditulis atau dipublikasikan orang atau pihak lain kecuali secara tertulis dengan jelas dicantumkan sebagai acuan dalam naskah dengan disebutkan sumber, nama pengarang dan dicantumkan dalam daftar pustaka. 3. Surat Pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya, apabila dalam naskah Tugas Akhir/Proyek Akhir/Skripsi ini ditemukan adanya pelanggaran atas apa yang saya nyatakan di atas, atau pelanggaran atas etika keilmuan, dan/atau ada klaim terhadap keaslian naskah ini, maka saya bersedia menerima sanksi akademik berupa pencabutan gelar yang telah diperoleh karena karya tulis ini dan sanksi lainnya sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku di Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung ini serta peraturan-peraturan terkait lainnya. 4. Demikian Surat Pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya untuk dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Bandung, Agustus 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan,

Brian Satrio Sumirat NIM 201520531



Kabupaten Bekasi merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang unik karena memiliki banyak pabrik yang tersebar di beberapa kawasan industri. Selain sebagai kawasan industri, pabrik-pabrik tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai daya tarik wisata karena sebenarnya wisata mengunjungi pabrik sudah sejak lama dilakukan oleh orang-orang Eropa. Selain itu wisata mengunjungi pabrik dapat memberikan edukasi kepada para pelajar mengenai dunia industri. Namun perkembangan wisata industri di Kabupaten Bekasi masih belum maksimal karena masih sedikit pabrik yang terbuka untuk kegiatan wisata industri. Penelitian ini disusun sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengembangkan wisata industri di Kabupaten Bekasi.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan paket wisata yang ada agar menjadi lebih variatif dan menarik. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada komponen paket wisata berupa wisatawan, daya tarik wisata, fasilitas pendukung, dan waktu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Pemilihan sample dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.

Hasil penelitian yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa kondisi paket wisata industri di perusahaan ini sudah cukup baik. Fasilitas yang ada seperti fasilitas transportasi dan restoran sudah cukup baik. Wisatawan yang melakukan wisata industri kebanyakan adalah para pelajar yang berasal dari Jawa Barat. Selain itu Kabupaten Bekasi memiliki potensi wisata industri yang besar karena memiliki banyak pabrik sebagai daya tarik wista. Namun meskipun terdapat banyak pabrik, tidak semua pabrik terbuka untuk wisata industri.

Oleh sebab itu diperlukan paket wisata yang lebih variatif untuk para wisatawan agar wisatawan memiliki pilihan lebih banyak ketika akan melakukan wisata industri. Paket wisata yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan merupakan one-day industrial tour dan two-day industrial tour. Variasi paket wisata yang direkomendasikan berjumlah 5 paket.

Kata Kunci: Industrial Tour, Wisatawan, Atraksi Wisata, Fasilitas, Waktu



Bekasi Regency is one of the districts in Province which is unique because it has many factories spread across several industrial estates. Besides as industrial area, these factories have the potential to be used as a tourist attraction because actually industrial tour has been carried out in over last few decades. Besides, visiting a factory can provide education to students about the industrial world. But the development of industrial tour in Bekasi Regency is still not optimal because there are still few factories that are open for industrial tour activities. This research was compiled as an effort to develop industrial tour in Bekasi Regency.

The purpose of this study is to develop existing tour packages to become more varied and interesting. This research focuses on the components of tour packages in the form of tourists, tourist attractions, supporting facilities, and time. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview and documentation. The sample selection in this study used a purposive sampling technique.

The results of the research show that the conditions of industrial tour packages in this company are quite good. Existing facilities such as transportation and restaurant facilities are quite good. Tourists who do industrial tours are mostly students from West Java. In addition, Bekasi Regency has a large industrial touri potential because it has many factories as tourist attraction. But even though there are many factories, not all factories are open for industrial tour.

Therefore a more varied tour package is needed for tourists so that tourists have more choices when conducting industrial tours. The tour packages produced in this research is one-day industrial tour and two-day industrial tour. The recommended tour package variations are 5 packages.

Keywords: Industrial Tour, Tourists, Tourists Attraction, Facility, Time



Praise to Allah SWT for giving the writer the opportunity to complete The

Final Project of Semester VIII student of Tour and Travel Management Study

Program at Bandung Institute of Tourism. The research entitled "Development of

Industrial Tour Package in Bekasi Regency at CV. Reka Media Nusantara" was compiled as a requirement in fulfilling the final project.

The preparation of this research proposal cannot be separated from the guidance of many parties, for this reason the writer would like to express gratitude to:

1. Faisal, S.ST.Par., MM.Par., CHE as the head of Bandung Institute of Tourism.

2. Andar Danova L. Goeltom, S.Sos., M.Sc as the head of the Academic,

Administration and Student Affairs Department.

3. Endang Komesty Sinaga, MM.Par., CHE as the head of Travel Department.

4. Wisnu Prahadianto, SE., M.Sc. as the head of the Tour and Travel Management

Study Program.

5. Cucu Kurniati, MM.Par.. CHE as the fisrt supervisor in finishing this research.

6. P Jessica J. Josary, M.Sc., CHE as the second supervisor in finishing this


7. Faisal Fahdian Puksi, M.Sc., M. Hum. as the lecturer of the Final Project


8. Dody Fimansyah, S.IP as the director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara who has

given information.


9. Khoiruman as teacher of Vocational High School 1 Soreang and as the tourist

who has given information.

10. Nunung Nur’aeni S. Kom., M.Si as the Head of the Management and

Development Section of Natural and Maritim Tourism of Tourism Office of

Bekasi Regency who has given information.

11. Writer’s parents who have given support to the writer.

12. All students of Tour and Travel Management Study Program semester eight

who have given support to the writer.

Hopefully what has been presented in this research is useful especially for the

writer and generally for the readers.

Bandung, August 2019

The Writer



MOTTO ...... iii PAGE OF DEDICATION ...... iv PERNYATAAN MAHASISWA ...... v ABSTRAKSI ...... vi ABSTRACT ...... vii PREFACE ...... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... x LIST OF TABLES ...... xii TABLE OF FIGURES ...... xiii LIST OF APPENDICE ...... xiv INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of Research ...... 1 B. Focus of Research ...... 5 C. The Aims of Research ...... 5 D. Research Limitations ...... 6 E. Benefits of Research ...... 6 LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 7 A. Theoretical Review ...... 7 B. Conceptual Framework ...... 15 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 17 A. Research Design ...... 17 B. Informants and Research Site ...... 17 C. Data Collection ...... 19 D. Data Analysis ...... 21 E. Data Validity Test ...... 22 F. Research Schedule ...... 22 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...... 23 A. Findings ...... 23 B. Discussion...... 49 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...... 72 A. Conclusion ...... 72 B. Recommendation ...... 75


BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 94 APPENDICE ...... 97



1. Research Schedule ...... 22 2. Types of Vocatinal High School ...... 24 3. Tourist Attraction ...... 31 4. Hotels ...... 40 5. Restaurants ...... 42 6. Malls ...... 46 7. One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour ...... 77 8. One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour ...... 80 9. One-Day Beauty Industrial Tour ...... 83 10. Two-Day Food and Beverage Industrial Tour ...... 86 11. Two-Day Automotive Industrial Tour ...... 90



1. Conceptual Framework ...... 16 2. Map of One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour ...... 79 3. Map of One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour ...... 82 4. Map of One-Day Beauty Industrial Tour ...... 85 5. Map of Two-Day Food and Beverage industrial Tour ...... 89 6. Map of Two-Day Automotive Industrial Tour ...... 93



1. Interview Guidelines ...... 98 2. Interview Transcripts ...... 104 3. Process of Reducing Data ...... 139 4. Images ...... 146 5. Biodata ...... 148 6. Surat Keterangan Izin Penelitian ...... 149 7. Pernyataan Telah Melakukan Penelitian...... 150 8. Similarity Report ...... 151 9. Formulir Bimbingan Proyek Akhir ...... 152



A. Background of Research

Tourism is one of the industries in which has developed very fast. Foreign exchange growth from the tourism sector increases every year. In

2015 as much as USD 12.2 billion was generated from the tourism sector, in

2016 it was USD 13.6 billion, and in 2017 it was USD 15 billion. The growth of Indonesia's tourism was the fastest number 9 in the world (koran-jakarta.com,

2018). The Minister of Tourism also declared that the tourism industry in

Indonesia in 2019 was targeted to become the country's biggest foreign exchange earner. In 2018, tourism was still the second foreign exchange earner in Indonesia, which was USD 15 billion, below palm oil (nasional.kompas.com,


The tourism industry in Indonesia which is growing as time goes by is inseparable from the diversity of tourist destinations in Indonesia. The needs of tourists both domestic and international who do tourism activities are no longer just to fill vacation time but to add insight. According to UU No. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, tourism is a variety of tourism activities and is supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, entrepreneurs, the

Government, and the Regional Government. The tourism industry is a set of tourism businesses which are interrelated in order to produce goods and / or services to meet the need of tourists in the implementation of tourism. The growing tourism industry in Indonesia has a positive impact in various regions in Indonesia. This makes many regions in Indonesia compete to attract more



tourists in order to increase their economy sector. Bekasi Regency is one of the existing regency, known as an industrial area, the regional government of

Bekasi Regency realized that industrial estates have a great potential, not only as an industrial area, but also as a tourism and education area with various factory facilities and company in industrial estates in Bekasi Regency.

Boros, Martyin, and Pal (2013) stated that in over the last few decades, new types destinations appeared because of the ever growing competition.

Places that were previously considered unattractive began to be developed into tourist destinations. One example is factory. Former or still operating factory and other industrial facilities had become tourist destinations because of the competition.

Pendit (1990) stated that industrial tour is a journey carried out by a group of students or people to an area where there are many large factories or workshops with the aim of carrying out a review or research. Therefore the writer feels it needs to be studied more deeply to make industrial tour package so that the package can attract more tourists.

Pitana and Diarta stated (2009) that tourist destinations usually have their own uniqueness which makes them different from other regions, including regions or countries of origin of the tourists, both in terms of culture, history, nature, and so on.

Researches about industrial tour package need to be done because the development of industrial tour package is very useful to add insight and knowledge of tourists, especially for students. According to Nuriata (2014)

Tour package is a system consisting of tourists, tourist attractions, supporting


facilities, and time. While development is a method used in an effort to develop existing products or to create new products (Sugiyono: 2015). Yoeti stated

(2013) that in developing a product, modifications to the old product are needed to meet the market needs.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that development of tour package is an attempt to create new tourism products or modify old tourism products in order to meet market needs.

The potential of industrial tour in Bekasi Regency is not only a concern of the Regional Government of Bekasi Regency, but also received attention from the private sector. This can be seen from the launch of Bekasi Industrial

Tourism in January 2018. With the existence of Bekasi Industrial Tourism, the government and tourism players hope that industrial tour in Bekasi Regency can continue to grow and attract more tourists.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya also supports the development of industrial tour. He stated that industrial tour in Indonesia has a huge potential.

He also added that if the industrial tour is developed seriously it will definitely evolve. One example is Japan. The country is one of the countries that has successfully developed industrial tour, even industrial tour is one of the most desirable in that country (Venuemagz.com, 2018)

Based on the results of the pre-survey in the form of interviews with the director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara, actually industrial tour in Bekasi

Regency has existed since 2014. However, he added that its development was still considered slow because tourists do not come every month to do industrial tour. Even though Bekasi Regency has a unique potential as a tourist destination


because it has more than 4000 companies and is also the largest industrial area in (poskotanews, 2017), but unfortunately only a few companies are willing to cooperate with this industrial tour. Tourist attraction for industrial tour at CV. Reka Media Nusantara are PT. Coca Cola Amatil, PT Sari Roti,

Kampung Djamoe, PT. Suzuki Indomobil, PT. Unilever, PT Indofood, PT.

Kalbe Farma, and PT. Jababeka Infrastrukture.

The industrial tour package which has existed at CV. Reka Media

Nusantara at this time is one day industrial tour to two selected factories. The industrial tour package which has existed is tailor-made tour package. Tailor- made tour package is a tour package which is made when there is an offer from tourists. There is no ready-made tour package for industrial tour at this time at

CV. Reka Media Nusantara. The director of CV. Reka Media Nusntara also added that the most of tourist who do industrial tour are students, especially students from vocational high school in west java.

The amount of vocational high school in west java is around 2.950 schools

(datapokok.ditpsmk.net, 2018). With the number of vocational high schools in

West Java, industrial tour in Bekasi has a huge market and with more than 4000 companies spread across various industrial areas in Bekasi Regency, this area has its own characteristics and attractiveness as a tourist destination.

Therefore the writer feels it needs to study more deeply about the industrial tour package in Bekasi Regency at the CV. Reka Media Nusantara in order to adjust the current market needs. The title of this research is

"Development of Industrial Tour Package in Bekasi Regency at CV. Reka

Media Nusantara ".


B. Focus of Research

Based on the explanation above, the writer determined the focus in this

research is "How to develop industrial tour package in Bekasi Regency at

CV. Reka Media Nusantara?", Writer specifies the focus of research

becomes questions of research as follows:

1. What is the tourist profile who take part in the industrial tour in Bekasi

Regency at CV. Reka Media Nusantara like?

2. What are the tourist attractions like in Bekasi Regency industrial tour

package at CV. Reka Media Nusantara?

3. What are the tourism supporting facilities like in Bekasi Regency

industrial tour package at CV. Reka Media Nusantara?

4. How is the Distribution of Time in Bekasi Regency industrial tour

package at CV. Reka Media Nusantara?

C. The Aims of Research

The specific aims of the research are:

1. Formal

Formally this research aims to complete the requirements for Diploma

IV students in the VIII Semester of Tour and Travel Management Study

Program in Bandung Institute of Tourism.

2. Operational

Operationally this research aims to develop industrial tour packages in

Bekasi Regency at CV. Reka Media Nusantara.


D. Research Limitations

1. Tourist do not visit Bekasi Regency every month to do industrial tour.

The writer will do in-depth interview to a selected tourist to get

information needed.

2. The industrial estates which become the research sites are Jababeka

industrial estate, MM 2100 industrial estate, EJIP industrial estate, and

Delta Silicon industrial estate.

3. Factories used as tourist attractions in industrial tour are factories which

opened for industrial tour.

4. Supporting facilities are limited to accommodations, restaurants,

transportations and shopping places in Industrial Tour at CV. Reka

Media Nusantara.

E. Benefits of Research

The following are some of the benefits of this research to several parties:

1. For the companies examined, this research is expected to become an

advice to create a new industrial tour package for tourists.

2. For Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, this research is expected to be a

promotional material to promote industrial tour in Bekasi Regency.

3. For science, the writer hopes this research can add knowledge to the

reader to develop industrial tour package in Bekasi Regency.

4. For writer, this research can add knowledge to the writer about industrial

tour packages in Bekasi Regency and practice the mindset of the writer

in solving a problem based on relevant theories.


A. Theoretical Review

1. Product Concept

Products are everything that producers can offer consumers to use,

to buy or consume so that their needs are met. These products are

physical goods, services, people or individuals, organizations and ideas

(Tjiptono, 2008).

In general, products can be interpreted as an item or service offered

to the market to meet the desires or needs of consumers (Nuriata, 2014).

Tourism has products from tour package components that are interrelated

with each other.

Middleton (2001) stated that tourism products could be seen as a

bond of visible and invisible product components which are then

incorporated into a form of overall experience. Swantoro stated (2004)

Tourism product is a product which is not real or intangible, he added

that tourism product is a product consist of services that are economic,

natural, and social psychological.

Based on the explanation above, tourism product is an intangible

product which can’t be seen by the tourists. The tourism product is a

service which can be felt by tourists in an overall experience in order that

tourists get satisfaction after buying the tourism product.



2. Tour Package

Tour packages is a system in which there are interrelated tourism

components such as tourists, tourist attractions, facilities, and time.

a. Tourist

Tourists according to UU No.10 of 2009 concerning Tourism are

people who carry out tourism activities. In line with the statement,

Nuriata added (2014) Tour package products were arranged as a

product which was consumer-oriented so that tourists could be said

to be a very influential factor in a planned product. Therefore, in

making tour package products, knowledge of tourist profiles is

needed in order to know what products are needed. The profile of

tourists according to (Nuriata, 2014) consists of the following:

1) Physical Profile

Physical profiles can be identified based on demographic

elements which consist of:

a) Age / Date of Birth b) Gender c) Profession d) Place of Origin / Nationality

2) Non Physical Profile

Non-physical profiles are profiles that are viewed

psychologically. This profile can also affect tourists' preferences

for a tour package product. Motivation is a non-physical profile,

motivation is a desire to do an action to get satisfaction with

something he wants (Nuriata, 2014). Besides, Tourists in the

form of groups have different behaviors from individual tourists.


According to Nuriata (2014) there are three types of tour groups,


 Mass Tour with a large number of tourists such as cruise

participants or aircraft which number 350 or more.

 Group Tour with a large number of tourists but not as much

as the mass tour.

 Individual tour with a small amount of people.

b. Tourist Attraction

According to UU No. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, Tourist

attraction is anything that has a uniqueness, beauty, and value in the

form of natural wealth, culture and man-made product which become

an object or a tourist destination.

Tourist attraction can be interpreted as something that can attract

someone so that the person is interested in traveling to get satisfaction

with the activities carried out in the tourist attraction (Nuriata, 2014).

Based on Nuriata (2014), an attraction can be used as a tourist

attraction if the attraction has the following elements:

1) Uniqueness, things that are exotic from the place.

2) Meet the tastes of tourists

3) Being relaxed, can be enjoyed well.

4) Containing educational elements.

5) Having adequate land carrying capacity.

6) Accessibility, ease of reaching tourist attractions.


Sunaryo (2013) stated that tourist attraction is something which

can attract tourist with its beauty of nature, its uniqueness so it can

attract tourist to do something different, and its history or heritage or

human creation. Sunaryo (2013) divided tourist attractions as


1) Natural Tourist Attraction, tourist attractions which developed

with its natural beauty, such as beach, lake, mountain, river,

waterfall, and many more.

2) Cultural Tourist Attraction, tourist attractions which developed

with human creation, such as heritage, living culture, ceremony,

event, museum, and many more.

3) Special Interest Tourist Attraction, tourist attractions which

developed to meet the need or desire of tourist who have special

interest such as birds watching, fishing, shopping, sports, and

many more.

Based on the statement above, the writer classify tourist

attractions into 3 types, namely:

1) Natural Attractions 2) Cultural Tourist Attraction 3) Man-made Tourist Attraction

c. Supporting Facilities

When tourists want to do tourism activities, tourists need

facilities which support these tourism activities so that tourism

activities can run well and tourist satisfaction with tourism activities


can be achieved. Tourist facilities can be said to be complementary that need to be prepared at tourist destinations in accompanying the existence of tourist attractions. According to Nuriata (2014) tourist facilities include:

1) Accommodation

Accommodation is one of the most important tourist

facilities. If tourist do tourism activity with more than 24

hours, accommodation is needed by the tourist (Suyitno,

2001). Several factors in the accommodation facilities which

need to be considered in the preparation of tour packages


a) Form of accommodation (Stars or non-stars, block systems, cottages, bungalows) b) Room capacity and occupancy rate c) Price and condition of the accommodation facilities d) Facilities and services that support e) Location f) Accessibility g) Inventory h) Sanitation i) Uniqueness j) Seasonal

2) Restaurant

The restaurant is a place visited by someone to get a

service in the form of food, both morning, afternoon and

evening, according to the restaurant's opening hours, and

guests who enjoy the meal must pay according to the price

set by the restaurant (Sihite, 2000). According to Nuriata

(2014) Restaurant is a very important tourist facility in the


preparation of tour package programs because restaurants

prepare the needs of food and drink for tourists in their


According to Nuriata (2014), factors in restaurant

facilities that need to be considered in the preparation of

tour package programs include:

a) Form of restaurants, inside / outside of hotels, shops, cafes, restaurants, etc b) Capacity of visitors / tables available c) Prices, menus and conditions of the restaurant facilities d) Facilities and other services e) Location f) Accessibility g) Inventory h) Service i) Uniqueness j) Sanitation k) Seasonal l) Working hour

3) Souvenir Shop

Shopping is an activity which is generally desired

when people go travelling. According to Nuriata (2014)

shopping is something that is very favored by tourists.

Things that need to be considered in the preparation of

tour packages related to shopping places include:

a) Products offered should pay attention to the originality of local / national / international product processes. b) Packing and shipping system. c) Location d) Price, concerning the condition of the price, whether the price is negotiable or not negotiable.


4) Transportation

Transportation is one of the most important components

in a tour package. According to Nuriata (2014) factors that

need to be considered in the use of transportation facilities


a) The modes of transportation chosen include those from each mode. b) Conditions of existing facilities: (1) Seating capacity (2) Services on land (3) Services on vehicles (4) Form of transport (5) Speed (6) Load Factor c) Price / cost including class d) Time, concerning travel schedule and travel time e) Location and topography (1) Starting point and destination point (2) Mileage (3) Route f) Accessibility g) Inventory h) Uniqueness i) Seasonal d. Time

Time is one of the factors that really needs to be considered

in the preparation of tour packages. Time can be said as an

obstacle in the preparation of a tour package, because its use

must be able to be divided and adjusted to the purpose of travel,

facilities, motivation and profile of tourists (Nuriata, 2014).

Suyitno (2001) Time distribution needs to be done so that

time utilization for tourism activities can be maximized. The


aims of distribution of time is in order that the time utilization

can be adjusted to the activities and facilities available.

The use of time in tour packages can be described in the

distribution of time, namely the distribution of time in the tour

in the form of time when doing activities in tourist attractions,

time when travelling, and rest time. The distribution of time is

done in order to find out how long it will take in the tour

activities. Time distribution can be done with filling out the form

of checklist distribution of time where there are time to do

activities, time to transport, and rest time. In the distribution of

time, it is better to give more time to do activities than during the

trip. But if the trip from one object to another requires a lot of

time, the expertise of a tour guide needs to be considered so that

tourists still feel comfortable on the tour. Rest time is additional

time to do other activity such as to gather a group of tourits at a

point, or to go to rest room.

3. Product Development Concept

Development is a method used in an effort to develop existing

products or to create new products. (Sugiyono, 2015).

In line with this statement, Yoeti stated (2013) that in

developing a product, it needs to make a change in the old product in

order to meet market needs.


Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

development is a method to create a new product or to make a change

in the old product to meet market needs. Developing a tour package

can be applied to the components of tour package such as tourist

attractions, facilities, and time. The change is applied to the

components of a tour package.

B. Conceptual Framework

In this research the writer will examine the components of a tour

package consist of tourists, tourist attractions, supporting facilities, and

time. Tourists need to be studied because tour packages are a product that

will be offered to tourists, so that from the tourist profile, it can be seen what

products are currently needed by the market. Furthermore, tourist attraction

will be identified by the authors to the companies which have cooperation

for industrial tour. Then the existing facilities will also be identified based

on the need to support tourism activities. In addition, the distribution of time

in tourism activities also needs to be considered in order to create an

efficient tour package for tourists. Based on those components, a tour

package is obtained.







Source: Nuriata, 2014


A. Research Design

In conducting this research, the writer uses qualitative approaches. Data

collected is the result of in-depth interviews, and other documents that support

this research. Qualitative approach is an approach that emphasizes the meaning,

reasoning, definition of a particular situation which is generally related to

practical matters, Afifuddin (2012).

The purpose of using a qualitative approach is in order that the writer can

examine the problems more deeply that occur in the development of industrial

tour package in Bekasi Regency. There are several objects examined in this

study. Some of them are CV. Reka Media Nusantara, as well as condition in the

industrial estates in Bekasi Regency that support writer in obtaining valid data.

The type of research used is descriptive research. The kind of research is

a type of research by giving a systematic description of a condition, opinion, or

a system based on facts or characteristics of the population (Soewadji, 2012).

B. Informants and Research Site

1. Informants

In completing this research, informants are required to provide

information needed by the writer. In determining the participants, the writer

uses purposive sampling. Sugiyono (2012) stated that purposive sampling

was a sampling technique of data sources with certain considerations, for



example someone who had very good knowledge and could provide

information needed by the author in completing this research. The intended

participants are the Director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara, Head of the

Management and Development Section for Natural and Marine Torism

Destination of the Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, as well as tourist who

have joined the industrial tour activities in Bekasi Regency who is a teacher

of SMKN 1 Soreang. Writer chooses SMKN 1 Soreang based on

recommendation from the Director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara because

the school has joined industrial tour for several times.

2. Research Site

a. Company Profile

The place of research to collect the data needed is CV. Reka Media

Nusantara which is located on Jl. Niaga Raya, Jababeka 2 Industrial

Estate , Bekasi Regency, and industrial areas in Bekasi

Regency. CV. Reka Media Nusantara is a company that was founded in

2014, the company is engaged in an event which organizes various

seminars and training. CV. Reka Media Nusantara then developed an

industrial tour program which until now has been attended by more than

50 educational institutions in West Java and other regions.

Company Name : CV. Reka Media Nusantara

Address : Jl. Niaga Raya, Komplek CBD KAV AA3 Blok B9

Lt.1 Kawasan Industri Jababeka 2 Cikarang, Kab.

Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17530


Contacts : Hp. 082122368468

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.wisataindustri.com

Business Field : Event, Printing, Food and Beverage

Found : 2014

b. Services

These are services provided by CV. Reka Media Nusantara:

1) Event Organizer, Seminar and Training

2) Industrial Tour Program

3) Restaurant and Catering

4) Printing

c. Organization Structure

Indah : Passive Director

Dody Firmansyah : Active Director

Dian Prasetyo : Staff

C. Data Collection

1. Technique of Data Collection

Data collection techniques used in completing this research are:

a. Interview

Interview is a method of retrieving data by asking

something to someone who is a resource person or informant


(Afifuddin, 2012). In completing this research, a type of in-

depth interview is used, which is an interview to find more open

answers, where the informants who are invited to interview are

asked for their opinions and ideas. b. Literature Review

Literature review is a way to solve problems in

research based on theories that are relevant and examine more

deeply through previous studies and reference books that have

relevance (Sarwono, 2006). c. Documentation

Documentation is a record made by someone in the

form of writing or drawing that is used as additional data beside

the primary data which is from interview (Sugiyono, 2008). d. Triangulation

Triangulation is a technique of checking the validity of

data by utilizing other data outside as a comparison of the data

obtained (Afifuddin, 2012). Sugiyono (2017) also added that

the purpose of triangulation is not to seek the truth of the data

obtained on a phenomenon which is being studied but to deepen

the understanding in answering research questions. Afifuddin

(2012) stated that Triangulation can be divided into:

1) Data Triangulation

Data triangulation is a technique by comparing data

obtained from various sources such as documents, archives,


interview results, observations or by interviewing more than

one subject that is considered to have a different perspective.

2) Method Triangulation

In collecting data, writer uses various methods to

examine one thing, such as interview methods and

observation methods.

2. Instrument

Interview Guidelines

In completing this study, interview guideline is used to obtain

the data needed. Writer will use in-depth interview for collecting

data needed. The interview guideline contains systematic and open

questions to be asked to the informants. The intended informants are

the director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara, Head of the Destination

Field of Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, and Tourists.

D. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process of collecting data in the form of interview,

field notes, and documentation which are then grouped to determine which

data will be studied further in order to produce a conclusion to solve

research problems which can be understood by writers and readers

(Sugiyono, 2017).


Sugiyono (2017) also added that the analysis of qualitative data is

an analysis carried out based on the obtained data which is then developed

to become a hypothesis.

Miles and Hubberman in Silalahi (2010) divided analysis activities

into three, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion.

E. Data Validity Test

To test the data validity, writer uses data triangulation method. Data

triangulation is a technique by comparing data obtained from various

sources such as documents, archives, interview results, observations or by

interviewing more than one subject that is considered to have a different

perspective. The data which will be collected will be reduced and compared

with other data in order that the writer can study the data more deeply to get

the conclusion.

F. Research Schedule

TABLE 1 RESEARCH SCHEDULE Timeline Activity Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 Preparation Pre-Survey Seminar of Research Proposal Survey Data Analysis Exam of Research




A. Findings

The results of this research were obtained from interviews with several

interviewees selected based on the purposive sampling technique. The

interviewees are the director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara and tourists who

have participated in industrial tour packages who is teacher at SMKN 1

Soreang. SMKN 1 Soreang was chosen based on the recommendation by the

director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara. In addition to these interviewees, the

Head of Management and Development of the Nature and Maritime Tourism of

the Bekasi Regency Tourism Office was also interviewed.

Coding is used to make it easier to write to the above interviewees as


DR : Director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara

TS : Teacher of SMKN 1 Soreang as Tourist in Industrial Tour

BO : Head of Management and Development of the Nature and Maritime

Tourism of the Bekasi Regency Tourism Office.

1. Tourist Profile

The results of the tourist profile were obtained from the results of the

interviews with several interviewees. In this research the author asked the

number of things related to tourist profiles such as age, work, area of origin



and motivation to join industrial tour activities in Bekasi Regency and its


According to DR, tourists who usually attend industrial tours are

students, both junior and senior high school students and also college level

students. DR also added that industrial tour is indeed needed in the world of

education to add students' knowledge.

In line with the statement, TS said that tour to factories or industries has

become mandatory programs from the government so that every students

visit to several factories to be introduced the real world of work.

Besides, BO stated that this industrial tour is carried out by junior high

school and vocational high school students. According to BO, students

usually do industrial tours before deciding a department at school so that

they get an idea of the industry related to the department they will take later.

Based on Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia,

there are several types of vocational high school regarding the expertise

which they learn.

TABEL 2 TYPES OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL No Expertise Study Program 1 Business and Finance Management Administration Commerce 2 Health Social Care Health




3 Tourism Cullinary Tourism Fashion Beauty 4 Fishery and Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology Cruise Fishing Technology 5 Show Arts Music Art Musical Instrument Puppetry Dance Theater 6 Fine Arts and Crafts Fine Arts Design and Crafts Production 7 Information and Computer and Informatics Communication Broadcasting Technology Telecommunication 8 Engineering Technology Mining Geology Geomatics Building Engineering Electronics Renewable Energy Engineering Furniture Graphics Industrial Engineering Industrial Instrumentation Engineering Chemical Mechanical Engineering Automotive Petroleum Plumbing and Sanitation Aircraft Technology Textile Technology Shipping Engineering 9 Agribusiness and Plants Production Agribusiness Agrotechnology Animal Production Agribusiness Forestry Animal Health Agricultural mechanization Processing of Agriculture and Fisheries Agribusiness Source: http://psmk.kemdikbud.go.id, 2019


According to DR, one of the motivations of the schools which take part in industrial tour is because they want to get a relation with the companies so they can send their students to have internships in the companies visited.

The statement was supported by TS who stated that one of the motivations for participating in industrial tour is in order that the school can get access to the companies to conduct an internship program which is a mandatory program from the government. TS hopes to be able to send students to have internship program both in services of sales, repair, or manufacturing itself.

Based on the origin of tourists, DR stated that most tourists who take part in industrial tour in Bekasi Regecy and surrounding areas are students from West Java.

In line with the statement, BO stated that tourists who usually take part in industrial tour are from West Java. They usually do industrial tours for one day, they depart in the morning and go home in the afternoon. BO also added that Bekasi Regency Tourism Office held an event about industrial tour which invited tourism ambassadors from Java-Bali. At the event the tourism ambassadors were invited to carry out industrial tour activities to several companies such as PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo, PT. Suzuki

Indomobil Motor and PT. Skyworth Indonesia. The event aims to introduce industrial tourism in Bekasi Regency to the public.

Concerning the number of tourists, DR stated that tourists who wanted to do industrial tour must be in the form of groups. DR also added that the


minimum number of group participating in industrial tour is usually around

40 people, besides DR also added that because those who take industrial

tours are students, usually the schools hold industrial tours for one batch.

The statement was supported by TS which explained that usually every

year the school held industrial tours at least once a year for one batch. TS

also added that one batch usually consists of 400 students divided into

several departments. One batch in one department usually is around 70 to

80 students. TS also added that when going to souvenir shop, students

usually like to buy t-shirts, watches, and food.

2. Tourist Attractions

Research result regarding the tourist attraction were obtained from the

results of interviews with several interviewees and also surveys and

literature riview.

Based on the statement of DR, even though there are many companies

in Bekasi and its surrounding districts in various industrial estates, not all

companies are willing to cooperate to become one of the objects in industrial

tour. This is because many of these companies consider that accepting

guests for visits to their company is not profitable in terms of business, so

that only a few companies welcome industrial tour in Bekasi and its


In addition, DR added that basically the company visited by tourists is

based on requests from the school, the school will choose companies related

to the needs of department they have, for example the automotive


department will choose Daihatsu so the students can observe the process of making cars at the factory. But TS also added that there are many schools visited companies that are not in line with the departments at the school, such as high school who visited food factories such as Sari Roti and Coca

Cola factories.

A similar matter was also expressed by BO, which stated that not all companies in industrial estates in Bekasi and surrounding districts welcomed industrial tour activities. According to BO, this is because the benefits of receiving guests are not big, besides the presence of industrial tour actually inhibits performance and production activities in most companies. This makes many companies do not want to cooperate to become tourist objects in industrial tour activities.

Activities carried out in factories visited by tourists based on the statement of the DR are observing the process of making a component of the product produced at the company. In addition, DR also added that in addition to observing the company, tourists will also get a seminar from the company regarding the products produced at the company, besides there is also motivation and question and answer sessions. DR also added that during observations in the companies visited, tourists were not allowed to try to make the products produced, tourists only observed the process of making those products.

Supporting this statement, BO believes that the companies visited usually only provide seminars to tourists and invite tourists to observe the process of making a product. The company does not allow tourists to try to


make products produced by the company because it can endanger tourists.

Besides BO also added that not all factory areas could be accessed by tourists, only certain areas of the factory were shown to tourists. This is because there are areas that are dangerous for tourists.

Supporting the two statements above, based on TS statement, when tourists come to the factory, the tourists will be immediately gathered into a certain area or room. Then the tourists will get a seminar on the condition of the factory, things that need to be considered for safety, as well as areas which are allowed and not allowed to be visited. In addition, the tourists will be given special aquipment when they will make observations inside the factory. When making observations, the guide only explaines the process of making a product. Tourists are not allowed to make those products. After observing, the tourists returned to gather in the room, then the company held a question and answer session and gave gifts and certificates.

TS added that during a visit to Daihatsu factory, tourists were not invited to observe the entire area. TS hopes that the next visit the tourists can observe all production areas such as the painting area for automotive companies so that tourists, especially students of automotive department of vocational high school can observe the process of making cars from the begining to become cars.

In addition, TS also added that facilities to support tour activities at the factory are also quite good. The existence of a special room for education makes students comfortable when visiting the factory. TS explained that the tourists are also provided a coffee break by the company. In addition, the


company also gives special gifts to students who are active in the question and answer session.

Based on the information from DR, the tourist attractions in industrial tour package are not only the factories, there are also other tourist attractions which are entertainment tourist attraction, such as Waterboom Lippo

Cikarang. This tourist attraction is usually requested by the school in addition to visiting the factory, students usually want to visit entertaining tourist attractions. DR added that in one day or in one package, there are usually only two tourist attractions, they are the factory as the main tourist attraction and the second is the additional tourist attraction which is entertainment tourist attraction, after visiting the entertainment tourist attraction the participants will return to their original place.

In line with the statement, TS explained that students only visit one factory when conducting industrial tour. TS also added that while doing industrial tours, tourists only visit one company, but TS hopes for the next visit, tourist can visit two to three companies so that students will get more knowledge and experience. In addition, TS also added that it is actually not a problem if travel agent does not add entertainment tourist attraction, as long as the factory visited is interesting and the activities carried out are fun, students will be happy with the experience of doing the industrial tour.

The following is a list of tourist attractions that can be visited in industrial tourism activities:



NO NAME ADDRESS FACTORY 1 PT. Coca Cola Amatil Jl. Teuku Umar Km 46, Cibitung, Bekasi 2 PT. Nippon Indosari Jl. Jababeka XVII B Blok U No. 33, Cikarang, Corpindo Bekasi 3 PT. Suzuki Indombil Kawasan GIIC Deltamas, Cikarng Pusat, Motor Bekasi 4 PT. Unilever Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Jl. Raya Jababeka Indonesia II Tahap I BI O/1-3, Cikarang, Bekasi 5 PT. Indofood Jl. Kampung Jarakosta No 1, Cikarang Barat Bekasi. 6 PT. Kalbe Farma Kawasan Industri Delta Silicon , Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi 7 PT. Yasulor Indonesia Jl. Jababeka IV Blok V 10-33 8 PT. Astra Honda Kawasan Industri MM 2100, Jl. Raya Motor Kalimantan Blok AA 1, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 9 PT. Mayora Indah Jl. Jawa Kawasan Industri MM 2100 BI H/10, Bekasi 10 PT. NSK Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Blok M-4, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 11 PT. Danone Indonesia Kawasan Industri Delta Silicone II Blik F-5 unit 2-A, Jl. Kranji, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 12 PT. Sinar Sosro Jl. Sultan Agung Km 28, Kel. Medan Satria, Bekasi 13 PT. Yamaha Musik Kawasan Industri MM 2100 Blok EE-3, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi NATURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION 1 Situ Rawa Binong Hegar Mukti, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kab. Bekasi 2 Kampoeng Djamoe Jl.Ciujung, Kawasan Ejip pintu II, Cikarang Organik Selatan, Bekasi 3 Eko Wisata Mangrove Segarajaya, Kec. Tarumajaya, Bekasi Tarumajaya MAN MADE TOURIST ATTRACTION 1 Waterboom Lippo Jl. Madiun Kav. 115, Lippo Cikarang, Cikarang Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 2 Go Wet Waterpark Grand Wisata Bekasi, Jl. Southern Boulevard Kav. 1, Jl. Lambang Jaya, Tambun Selatan Source: Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, 2019


a. Factory

1) PT. Coca Cola Amatil

Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia is a company that produces soft

drinks that are already prominent in Indonesia. The company

located at Jl. Teuku Umar Km 46, Cibitung has distributed its

products to various regions in Indonesia. Products produced at

this company have obtained licenses from The Coca Cola

Company. Tourists can see and learn about the process of

making Coca Cola in this company.

2) PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo

Nippon Indosari Corpindo is one of the largest bread

companies with the biggest brand of Sari Roti in Indonesia.

The company was founded in 1995 as a foreign investment

company under the name Nippon Sari Corporation. The

development of this company is increasing together with

increasing consumer demand, so the company began to

increase product capacity by adding production lines, namely

white bread and sweet bread in 2001. Tourists who visit this

company can learn about the already famous bakery process.

3) PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor

PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor is one of the leading automotive

manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This company is

engaged in the production and distribution of four-wheeled


and two-wheeled vehicles under the Suzuki brand. PT. Suzuki

Indomobil Motor is a subsidiary of the Suzuki Group based in

Japan. Until now the company is still centrally controlled by

the Suzuki Group. The company has employed around 5000

employees with a production capacity of 100,000 cars and 1.2

million motorcycle units per year. Tourists who visit this

company can observe more deeply the process of making cars

and motorbikes under the Suzuki brand.

4) PT. Unilever Indonesia

PT Unilever Indonesia is a company engaged in the production

of home care and body care such as soap, detergent, body

lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrush. In addition, the

company also produces cooking oil, ice cream, snacks, soft

drinks and cosmetic products. The company produces around

400 brands of various products. A visit to this company will

give insight to tourists about how the products are produced.

5) PT. Indofood

This company is a company that produces various types of

food and beverages. This company has not only distributed its

products in Indonesia but also exported its products to

Australia, Asia and Europe. Some of the brands which are

produced by this company are Indomie, Sambal Indofood, and

Bumbu Racik Indofood.


6) PT. Kalbe Farma

This company is a company that produces various kinds of

pharmaceutical ingredients, supplements, and nutrients. Some

brands of this company's products are Promag, Mixagrip,

Woods, Komix, Prenagen, and Extra Joss. Visitors who visit

this company can observe the process of making those


7) PT. Yasulor Indonesia

The L'Oreal group company has been established in Indonesia

since 1979 by distributing Lancome, one of the luxury brands.

Several other L’Oreal group brands in the luxurious category

in the following years also came to the Indonesian market such

as Laroche Gay, Cacharel and Ralph Lauren. In 1985, the

L’Oreal group collaborated with a local company and

established a manufacturing company under the name PT.

Yasulor Indonesia. In 1993, the L’Oreal Group took over all

operational oversight in Indonesia and starting in 2000 it

formed the entity PT. L’Oreal Indonesia. Until now, L’Oreal

Indonesia business activities have focused on the two entities,

namely PT L'Oreal Indonesia, which handles the marketing

and distribution activities of L’Oreal brands, while PT.

Yasulor Indonesia manufactures skin and hair care products.

Travelers visiting this company will get to know the products

and learn how to make cosmetic products from this company.


8) PT. Astra Honda Motor

PT Astra Honda Motor is a pioneer in the motorcycle industry

in Indonesia. The company has been established since June 11,

1971 with the crew name of PT. Federal Motor. This company

has assembled motorbikes and has distributed them to various

regions in Indonesia. Tourists visiting this company will be

notified of the process of making Honda motorbikes from

welding to motorcycle.

9) PT. Mayora Indah

The company engaged in the Food & Beverage sector is not

only known as a company that produces processed food and

beverages, it is also known as a market leader who has

successfully produced products that are pioneers in their

respective categories such as Mie Gelas, Bakmi Mewah, Super

Bubur and many more. Tourists who visit this company can

get to know more about the food and beverage products

produced by this company, besides tourists can also observe

the process of making these foods and drinks.

10) PT. NSK

PT. NSK Bearings Indonesia serves customers throughout

Indonesia with high quality products. The company is located

in the MM 2100 industrial area, this company produces

electronic and automotive components which are bearing as its


main production. Visitors who come will learn the bearing

manufacturing process which will then be distributed to other

automotive factories.

11) PT. Danone Indonesia

The Danone Group is a pioneer in the world of food industry

and operates in more than 120 countries and is one of the top

10 largest food and beverage producing companies in the

world. PT Danone Indonesia is a part of the Danone Group.

The company produces dairy products, such as milk and

yoghurt, in addition to producing mineral water, biscuits and

cereal products.

12) PT. Sinar Sosro

PT. Sinar Sosro is a company that produces ready-to-drink

packaging. The products produced by this company include

Tehbotol Sosro, Fuit Tea, Joy Tea, TEBS, and Prim-A mineral

water. This company has distributed its products to various

regions in Indonesia.

13) PT. Yamaha Music

The company located in the MM 2100 Industrial Zone Blok

EE-3 is in charge of distributing Yamaha musical instruments

such as Pianos, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Electronic

Keyboards, Acoustic and Electric Drums, Synthesizers,

Professional Audio and inflatable devices. The tourists visiting


this company will get to know various kinds of musical

instruments produced by the Yamaha Music Company.

b. Natural Tourist Attraction

1) Kampoeng Djamoe Organik

Kampoeng Djamoe Organik is a tourist attraction that is quite

unique because it is located in industrial area, but this tourist

attraction has a very beautiful atmosphere that makes this

tourist attraction like an oasis in the middle of industrial areas

that continue to dispose pollution. The tourists who visit this

tourist attraction can breathe fresh air even though they are in

the middle of an industrial area. Lots of green trees at this

tourist attraction. Here the tourists can learn various kinds of

plants that grow there starting from the name of the plants, how

to plant it, and its benefits for body. There are two plant areas,

the first is Aromatic Land, an area filled with plants that has a

distinctive aroma such as Pandanus, Jasmine, Cambodia, and

eucalyptus. The second is Beauty Land which is an area

overgrown with plants that has benefits for beauty of body and

skin such as Pineapple which is good for hair, Lavender is

good for the skin, and Teak Leaves to keep the body from

being obese. In addition, the visitors are also be given with

herbal concoctions which is made from plants that grow there.


2) Situ Rawa Binong

Situ Rawa Binong is a lake located in Deltamas, Hegar Mukti,

Cikarang. There are a lot of fish that people around are fishing

at the edge of this lake, furthermore the beautiful atmosphere

around the lake makes this tourist attraction visited by many


3) Eko Wisata Mangrove Tarumajaya

Named Kawasan Restorasi dan Pembelajaran Mangrove, this

ecotourism is located in Segarjaya, Tarumajaya, Bekasi

Regency. The tourists can enjoy the atmosphere of mangrove

forests which play an important role in maintaining the

environment and the balance of nature around it. One of the

most famous tourist attractions in this region is the Bridge of

Love Tarumajaya.

c. Man-made Tourist Attraction

1) Waterboom Lippo Cikarang

Lippo Cikarang Waterboom is a water park located in Lippo

Cikarang area. The location is quite strategic because it is close

to Cikarang toll gate. Here visitors can enjoy a variety of water

rides provided such as playing water volleyball, flowing pools,

and water slide.


2) Go Wet Waterpark

Go Wet is a water park located in Grand Wisata, Bekasi.

Access to the place is quite easy because the location is close

to the toll gate or KM 21 toll exit. Here visitors can enjoy a

variety of water rides such as flow pools, wave pools, and long

water slides. The Go Wet Waterpark is one of the biggest water

parks in Indonesia.

3. Supporting Facilities

Research result regarding supporting facilities are divided into

accommodations, restaurants, transportations, and souvenir shops. The data

were obtained from the results of interviews with the interviewees. The

research results are as follows:

a. Accommodation

Based on information from the DR, most tourists who take part

in industrial tour activities do not stay at accommodation because most

of the tourists come from West Java so they do not need to stay

overnight. If they come from outside the city like Bandung, the tourists

usually depart in the morning and go home in the afternoon. But DR also

added that if tourists are from outside West Java, the tourists will stay at

hotels. The hotels used generally are three-star hotels. DR also added

that hotels they chose for tourists from outside West Java are Santika

hotel and Primebiz Hotel. These hotels are usually used because of its

location are near Cikarang Barat toll gate.


According to BO, the available accommodation in Bekasi

Regency is quite a lot, ranging from non-star accommodation to 4-star

hotels. In addition, BO also added that accommodation locations around

the industrial area are also easily accessible both from the toll and from

the factory so that making it easier to the expatriates and tourists who

want to visit industrial estates.

While based on the information from TS, when doing industrial

tours, tourists mostly do not stay overnight because the school only

holds industrial tours for one day so that tourists or students do not need

to stay overnight. But TS also added that for the next visit it is expected

to be able to make industrial tour more than one day so that more

factories can be visited. Concerning the accommodation, TS hopes the

students can stay in three- or four-star hotels because when visiting other

areas that are quite far away, the students stay in a four-star hotel. As for

the facilities TS added that the students like hotels which have the

swimming pool and near the culinary area.

Here is a table of hotels in Bekasi Regency which are located

around industrial estates that can be chosen for industrial tour:


NO HOTEL ADDRESS CONTACT 1 Grandzuri Jababeka Jl. Niaga Raya Blok AA-2, 021-89842355 **** Kawasan Industri Jababeka II, Desa Pasir Sari Kec. Cikarang Selatan 2 Holiday Inn **** Jl. Jababeka Raya Kav. A2, 021-89842000 Desa Pasir Gombong, Kec. Cikarang Utara



3 Zuri Express *** Jl. Kemang Raya Kav. VI 021-29287368 Comercial Park Lippo Cikarang, Kec. Cikarang Selatan 4 Santika *** Jl. Raya Cikarang-Cibarusah 021-89835533 No. 11, Cikarang Selatan 5 Primebiz *** Jl. Raya Cikarang-Cibarusah 021-28085050 No. 18, Cikarang Selatan 6 Grand Cikarang ** Jl. Jababeka Raya, Cikarang 021-8934488 Industrial Area I, Cikarang Utara 7 Batiqa Hotel ** Jababeka II, Jl. Niaga Raya 021-28099000 Metro Boulevard, Cikarang Selatan Source: Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, 2019

b. Restaurant

Based on the statement of DR, restaurants chosen in

industrial tour are depend on the demand of tourists. DR added that

restaurants chosen are around industrial area in order to make it easy

to reach.

In line with the statement, BO explained that there have

already been many restaurants around the industrial area so that

tourists who take part in industrial tours do not need to worry about

finding a restaurant. BO also added that the restaurant locations are

close to factories so it does not take long to go to the restaurant. The

time needed to go to various restaurants in the industrial area can be

reached in less than 30 minutes.

According to TS one of the restaurants visited when

conducting industrial tours is Mc Donald. TS added that beside Mc


Donald, tourists also visit Padang restaurant. On the way back to

Bandung, the tourists have dinner at Lesehan in Purwakarta while

shopping for souvenirs. TS also added that the facilities found in

these restaurants are good, but only in Padang restaurant, they feel

that the level of cleanliness was lacking. As for breakfast, when

departing from Bandung, tourists are provided with box breakfast.

In addition TS also added that it should be better when eating in

restaurants, it is not distinguished between food and eating places

for teachers and students so that the teachers can also feel what the

students feel and to establish a close relationship between teachers

and students during meals.

The following are some restaurants that can be used for

industrial tour in Bekasi Regency and its surroundings:


NO RESTAURANT ADDRESS CONTACT 1 Saung Kuring Jl. Kemang Boulevard Kav. No. 021-89911369 Lippo Cikarang 5A Lippo Cikarang, Kab. Bekasi 2 RM. Saung Bakul Sunter Niaga, Jl. Tarum Barat, 021-8984- Centong Jababeka II pintu 11, Cikarang 2928 Pusat, Kab. Bekasi 3 RM. Alam Sari Jl. Delta Mas Boulevard, 0822-9898- Delta Mas Cikarang Pusat, Kab. Bekasi 8838 4 Lexis Resto Hollywood Plaza, Jl. Usmar 021-89843026 Ismal, Kav. 1-3 Cikarang Baru, Bekasi 5 RM. Riung Jl. Tegal Danas No. 5, Sertajaya, 021-70957736 Pasundan Cikarang Timur, Bekasi 6 Restoran Lesehan Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani No. 18, 026-48386923 Alam Sari Kec. Cikampek, Kab. Karawang Cikampek Source: tripadvisor.com, 2019


1. Saung Kuring Lippo Cikarang

This restaurant is located in Lippo Cikarang and provides

Sundanese food as the main menu in this restaurant. In addition

there is also seafood at this restaurant. This restaurant can

accommodate around 200 people.

2. RM. Saung Bakul Centong

Saung Bakul Centong Restaurant offers a various menu of

food. But the favorite food menu here is Sundanese food. The

capacity of this restaurant is around 150 visitors. Visitors can

enjoy food with entertaining live music.

3. RM. Alam Sari Delta Mas

This restaurant is close to Cikarang Pusat toll gate. This

restaurant has a traditional Sundanese concept. For the food menu

provided is Indonesian food and seafood. The capacity of this

restaurant reaches 250 people.

4. Lexis Resto

This restaurant has a unique concept with a combination of

modern and traditional style. The food menu served at this

restaurant is seafood and Chinese. This restaurant has mushola,

toilet, play ground, meeting room, and karaoke, for the capacity it

can accommodate 250 people.

5. RM. Riung Pasundan

The Riung Pasundan Restaurant is located in the middle of

the city. This restaurant has a rural view decorated with rice fields.


The food menu provided in this restaurant is Sundanese food. A

group of 150 people can eat here. There are mushola, toilet,

children play ground and outbond arena.

6. Restoran dan Lesehan Alam Sari Cikampek

This restaurant is located about one kilometer from the

Cikampek toll gate. This restaurant provides Indonesian food

menus. For its capacity, this restaurant can accommodate up to 150

people. c. Transportation

Based on information from DR, the transportation used for

industrial tourism activities is a large bus with a capacity of around

45 people. DR also added that the bus has been able to reach all

objects without problems because access to various objects in the

industrial area is easy.

The statement was supported by BO, which stated that

tourists who do industrial tour generally take a large bus or a coach

because they are mostly in groups. In addition, BO also added that

the objects in industrial estates can be reached by large bus because

the road in the industrial area are wide because they are designed to

be used by trucks to factories in industrial estates.

Based on TS, the bus used when doing industrial tours is

mostly a large bus. But there are also small buses used. According

to TS this is because the number of tour participants is too small if

one large bus is added so that the travel agent added one small bus


to be more efficient. For facilities that are available on buses such as

AC, WiFi, and Karaoke has been in a good condition, TS also

suggested that travel agent can provide the same facilities to all

tourists so that there is no jealousy among the students and the

teachers. d. Souvenir Shop

Based on the information from DR in Bekasi Regency there

is no souvenir shop yet. Tourists usually get souvenirs at the

companies they visit. One example is if tourists visit companies that

produce food they will get food products from the company. In

addition DR also added that there are also companies that provide

souvenirs such as key chains and stationery. In line with this

statement, BO explained that Bekasi Regency does not have a

souvenir shop so that tourists who do industrial tour in Bekasi

Regency only received souvenirs at the companies they visited.

Based on TS when doing industrial tours to PT. Daihatsu,

students got gifts if being active in seminar session. TS added that

tourists bought souvenirs in Purwakarta on the way back to

Bandung. TS also added that when shopping for souvenirs, students

mostly look for fashion items such as clothes or t-shirts and watches.

In addition, according to TS, students also like culinary shopping.

These are some malls in Bekasi Regency which can be




NO NAME ADDRESS 1 Mall Lippo Cikarang Jl. MH. Thamrin, Cibatu, Cikarang, Kab. Bekasi 2 Citywalk Lippo Cikarang Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 100, Cibatu, Cikarang, Kab. Bekasi 3 Mall Metropolitan Bekasi Jl. KH. Noer Ali, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Selatan, Kota Bekasi 4 Karawang Central Plaza Jl. Galuh Mas Raya No. 16, Sukaharja, Kec. Telukjambe, Kab. Karawang Source: Tripadvisor, 2019

4. Time

Time is one of the most important components in planning a tour

package. Time must be divided and adjusted according to needs. In the

distribution of time, time can be divided into time when on board, namely

time spent during a trip from one object to another object, time spent doing

activities at a tourist attraction, and time spent on other activities such as

going to the public toilet, going to mosque for praying on trips and others.

From the time sharing, it can be known the total time needed in a tour


Research result regarding time was obtained from the results of

interviews. According to DR in an industrial tour package, the time taken

from one object to another such as from a hotel to a tourist attraction or from

a tourist attraction to another tourist attraction is around 30-45 minutes. The

estimated time includes the possibility of traffic jam. He added that the

longest duration usually takes 45 minutes. Further, he also added that the

travel time could be even faster because the industrial estates in Bekasi


Regency are interconnected, for example to enter the MM 2100 industrial estate through the EJIP industrial estate, from the EJIP industrial area can enter Jababeka industrial estate.

In line with the statement, BO stated that to travel from one object to another such as from one factory to one restaurant takes about 30 minutes.

This is because industrial estates in Bekasi Regency are connected to each other so that the distance taken is getting shorter and the time needed is short so that it is easier for workers working in these industrial estates.

According to DR, the time spent for doing activities in the company visited by tourists is around 2 hours. This applies in almost all companies because the standard is around 2 hours. DR added that the time is used by participants to make observations at the factories visited. The activities carried out by tourists in the factories visited are to get a seminar about the condition of the factory and to see the process of making the products produced by the factory, but they did not practice making the product.

Meanwhile, based on TS information, from Bandung to Bekasi, it takes around 3 hours, and when doing industrial tours the time spent in one factory is about 3 hours. Tour activities at the factory start at 8.30 WIB until

11:30 WIB. For the activities carried out during these 3 hours, TS agreed with DR. TS explained that tourists get a seminar about the condition of the factory such as security equipment and areas that may and may not be entered by tourists. Besides tourists are also invited to make observations to observe the process of making a product, but they are only shown and not allowed to try to make the product.


In line with the statement, BO stated that the time spent by tourists at the factory visited is to get a seminar and observe the process of making a component or a product produced by the company, but they do not participate in making the product.

In addition to the time used in tourist attractions, DR also explained that the time usually spent in restaurants by tourists is around one hour. This time is used for lunch and running prayers for Muslims.

As for the overall time spent by tourists in one industrial visit based on the information from DR, it is around six hours. This time is used from the start of activities at the factory, lunch, and to conduct activities in the second tourist attraction which is usually an entertainment tourist attraction such as Waterboom.

In line with the statement, BO stated that industrial tour activities are mostly carried out for one day. The tourists usually leave in the morning and go home in the afternoon. This is due to tourists who do industrial tour in Bekasi are tourists from West Java.

Supporting to this statement, TS stated that when carrying out industrial tour, the tourists depart from the area of origin in the morning and go home in the evening. But TS hopes that for the next visit, the duration for doing industrial tour is not only one day, but two days so that there are more factories could be visited. Besides TS also added that the travel agent needs to be more disciplined in dividing the time so that the activities during the tour can be on time. According to TS, it needs to be done because according to him, Bekasi and its surrounding area are congested areas.


B. Discussion

1. Tourist Profile

The profile of tourists is very influential on products that will be planned

because tour packages are arranged as a consumer-oriented product. The

profile of tourists consists of:

a. Physical

The physical profile is identified based on the demographic element

which consists of:

1) Occupation

Based on the data collected regarding the tourist profile

which is described in the previous section, it can be seen that the

majority of tourists who do industrial tour are students. This is

because visiting industrial sites or factories is an education for

students to get to know the industrial world better.

The school program to visit the factory is one of the

programs required by the government. The school holds factory

visits or industrial tours at least once a year. But sometimes the

school organizes industrial tour programs more than once for their

students. This can happen because in one year there is a mandatory

program from the government that is required for schools and

additional programs held by the department at school. Even tought

students who conduct industrial tour are because of mandatory

program from government and school, but the students have

enthusiasm in joining the program.


Students certainly have high curiosity about real industry so

visiting a factory can give them insight and is very suitable for

students. Furthermore, industrial tour activities can also introduce

students to the real industry. By conducting industrial tours, students

can see directly and observe whether the lessons delivered at school

are in accordance with the industry or not.

2) Age / Date of Birth

Age of tourists can influence the tourist attraction that will

be visited. If someone is already in adulthood, the older the person

the fewer the stamina. This will certainly influence his choice of

tourist attraction. People at the young age certainly have good

endurance and stamina so they are more interested in visiting tourist

attractions that can drive adrenaline and can do many things in that


Based on information from the interviewees, there are junior

high school students who conduct industrial tours, but most of them

are vocational high school students, and there are also students of

university who do industrial tours. Usually vocational students do

industrial visits before deciding which department they will choose

in their school so that they know how the world of work is related to

their chosen department later. Based on this, it can be estimated that

the age range of the majority of tourists who take industrial tours is

around 14-20 years.


People in the age range of 14-20 years usually have high

curiosity. In addition, people with this age range mostly have good

stamina and endurance so they are very active and like challenges.

Therefore in addition to providing education to students by visiting

factories, it is also necessary to add other tourist attractions where

there are many things for students to do to make industrial tour more

enjoyable for students. Some examples of tourist attractions that can

drive adrenaline are Waterboom and Go Wet.

3) Gender

Gender of tourist may determine factory that will be visited.

The majority of tourist gender can be seen from school majors who

take industrial tours. Each department has more dominant students

with certain gender. For example, the number of male students are

very dominant in the automotive department. While the tourism

department is dominated by women.

Students who visit automotive factory mostly are man, and

the factories which can be visited are PT. NSK and PT. Suzuki

Indomobil Motor. Besides, woman mostly conduct industrial tour to

food and baverage factory such as PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo

and PT. Mayora.

4) Place of Origin

Place of origin also may influence tourists' decisions in

choosing tourist attractions to be visited. This is because, factors

such as culture and language may influence the decision of tourists


to visit the place. Because most of tourist who conduct industrial tour are students, the distance between the location of school and tourist attraction can influence the decision.

Based on data obtained from interviews, tourists who participated in industrial tour activities in Bekasi Regency mostly come from West Java. Although there are also tourists from outside the region such as from Central Java, East Java, and Bali, but there are small. The number of tourists from West Java is high, this is also because Bekasi Regency is located in West Java Province. Most of these tourists are students from Vocational High Schools in West

Java which annually hold industrial tourism programs, so there is no need to worry about cultural, language, and food differences

Based on the data described above, it can be seen that the majority of tourists who participate in industrial tour activities are tourists who are students. This is due to the existence of mandatory program from the government which requires the school to make visits to industries to introduce the industrial world to their students.

Conducting industrial tour to Bekasi Regency for schools in

West Java is appropriate because Bekasi Regency is located in West

Java too so that the students do not need to go too far to do industrial tour.

The majority of tourists who take industrial tours are students so that it can be seen that the age range of tourists who take industrial tours is 14-20 years. Conducting industrial tour in Bekasi Regency


is appropriate for them. It is because the tourists at that range age

have a curiosity and good stamina to do industrial tour and other


The gender of tourists who take industrial tours can be seen

from school majors who take part in the industry tour. For example,

if an automotive major in a school holds industrial tourism, of course

the dominant gender is male and the factories appropriate are like

PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor, PT. NSK and PT. Astra Honda Motor.

But if the school department that holds industrial tour is a tourism

department, female students are more dominant than men, the

factories that can be visited are like PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo

and PT. Coca Cola Amatil.

The location of industrial estates of Bekasi Regency is

reachable for students in West Java. Because Bekasi Regency is also

in West Java, it is easy to reach for most students in West Java. b. Non-Phisical Profil

Non-physical profiles are profiles that cannot be described.

Motivation and types of tourists such as groups or individuals are non-

physical profiles.

1) Motivation

Based on the information from TS, in addition to the

mandatory program from the government, one of the motivations of

the school to hold industrial tours is because they want to introduce

the industrial world to their students. This is also welcomed by the


students. Motivation of students to follow industrial tour programs is

not only because of compulsion from school but because they also

have enthusiasm and curiosity about the real world of work. This can

be seen if there is one department that does industrial tour first,

students in other departments also want to do industrial tours. Because

of this, each student can do industrial tours more than once in a year.

It is because there are two programs of visiting industries which are

mandatory programs from government and additional programs from

their respective department.

Each department at a school will visit a factory related to the

department to introduce the students about the condition at industry so

that students will know the real worl of industry. For example students

at automotive department will conduct industrial tour to an automotive

factory. The students can learn the process of making a vehicle at


The enthusiasm of students can be seen from the question and

answer session conducted by the factory visited. The students is active

to ask or to answer a question from factory.

Industrial tour in Bekasi Regency is good for students because

the factories will give them insight and knowledge about the factory,

the product, and the world of work so that students can be ready for

world of work when they graduate from their school.

2) Group and Individual


Based on data obtained from interviews, the minimum number of tour participants who want to do industrial tours is 40 participants.

The number of students participating in industrial tour programs usually depends on the number of students in the department because each department usually holds industrial tour activities with different objects. One example is the automotive department at a school visiting an automotive factory, at the same time the department of electronics at the same school also do industrial tour but visit different factories which is related to electronics. Therefore the number of tourists participating in industrial tour programs depends on the number of students in each department.

Based on data obtained, in one department in one batch there are around 80 students divided into two classes. The number of students is not small but not too big so it is quite easy to find facilities that can accommodate the number of students.

The factories in Bekasi Regency are big. The factories are appropriate for students because mostly the amount of students in one batch in one school department is around 80 so that the factories can accommodate them.

Overall the tourist who conduct industrial tour are mostly sudents from West Java. Students usually have big curiousity, so that industrial tour will be appropriate for them to be conducted. The range age of the tourist is 14-20 years old. Tourists at that range age generally have good stamina so that they like tourists attractions which


have many things to do and can drive adrenaline such as Waterboom

and Go Wet. This is in line with Nuriata (2014) who said that tourists

at young age generally have good stamina and endurance. Therefore,

adding recreational tourist attraction in industrial tour will be

appropriate for students.

2. Tourist Attraction

Based on the data obtained from interviews with DR, even there are a

lot of factories located in industrial estates spread across Bekasi Regency,

not all factories are opened for industrial tour. This is because for most

industries tourism activities are not profitable. Based on data obtained from

DR several companies that have been opened for industrial tour are: PT.

Coca Cola Amatil, PT. Sari Roti, PT. Suzuki Indomobil, PT. Unilever, PT.

Indofood, and PT. Kalbe Farma.

Based on BO's statement, not all companies that are in industrial estates

in Bekasi Regency welcome the industrial tour, but according to BO there

are several other companies that have also started to welcome industrial tour

such as PT Yasulor Indonesia, PT. Astra Honda Motor, PT. Mayora Indah,

PT. NSK, PT. Danone Indonesia, PT. Sinar Sosro, and PT. Yamaha Music.

a. Uniqueness

Based on the results of interviews, all factories that have been

opened for industrial tour have their own uniqueness. Each factory

certainly has a different product to produce and market. Each process of

making these products certainly has its own uniqueness which is able to


attract tourists, especially students to be able to observe how the process

of making these products.

One example is PT. NSK which produces bearings which is one

component in assembling vehicles. Tourists who visit this company can

observe the bearing manufacturing process from the start until it is ready

to be distributed to other automotive companies as one of the components

of the vehicle. After that, tourists can visit other automotive companies

that make ready-to-use vehicles like Suzuki company. In the company,

tourists can observe the process of making vehicles from the beginning

to being ready to use. Tourists can also observe how the bearings made

in the NSK company are used in making cars in Suzuki company.

Based on this, all companies in industrial estates in Bekasi Regency

have their own uniqueness because they produce different products.

Furthermore tourist attractions that are entertain tourists also have

their own uniqueness such as Kampoeng Djamoe which offers natural

beauty in the middle of industrial estates and also has education about

plants. There is also Waterboom that can drive tourist adrenaline with

water tourism activities for tourists, especially at the age of students.

Those tourist attractions are able to attract tourists with their own

uniqueness. b. Meet the tastes of tourists

Based on information from TS, the companies visited in

industrial tourism activities have fulfilled the tastes of tourists. These

companies are able to provide education expected by the school so that


after visiting these factories, students get new insights about the process

of making a product and conditions in the world of work. Tourists may

request the factory wanted to be visited to the travel agent so that tourists

get more satisfaction after visiting the factory.

In addition, other tourist attractions visited by tourists after

visiting the factory have also been able to satisfy tourists, especially

students, as the tourist attractions can stimulate the visitors' adrenaline

and have many things to do for tourists aged 14-20 years. One example

is Go Wet Waterpark. By visiting those tourist attractions, visitors can

enjoy a variety of water rides that stimulate adrenaline such as water

pipes, flow pools, and wave pools. c. Being relaxed, can be enjoyed well.

In visiting the factory as a tourist attraction in industrial tourism,

visitors can enjoy every activity carried out in the factory. Even though

there are employees working in the factory, there are special areas that

are used for industrial tour activities.

Tourists who visit these factories will be informed in advance

about which areas may or may not to be entered before conducting

exploration in the factory. In addition, the visitors who come will always

be accompanied by several factory employees who guide the tourists in

exploring the factory.

Besides, the relaxed element is also found in additional tourist

attractions that can be visited by tourists in industrial tour. One example

is Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. In this place tourists can relax by


breathing fresh air in the middle of the industrial area. Although its

location is in the middle of an industrial area, there are lots of plants,

large trees, flowers that have a distinctive aroma, and other plants that

are beneficial for the body. Visitors can also enjoy the herbs provided in

this place. d. Containing educational elements.

Factories that can be visited for industrial tourism certainly have

an educational element that can add insight to the visitors, especially

students. Based on data obtained from interviews, these factories provide

education to tourists by giving seminars and inviting tourists to see the

first hand process of making products produced in the company.

Students, especially Vocational High School students, can see

and compare between lessons learned at school and those in the industry.

Although tourists are not allowed to try to make these products, the

educational element provided by the factory is considered sufficient. This

was stated by TS who stated that the school was quite satisfied with the

education provided by the factory because it could add insight to the

students as expected.

Furthermore tourist attractions for industrial tour also have a

good educational element for tourists. For example, Kampoeng Djamoe

Organik offers tours by providing education on various types of plants

and their benefits. This place also provides organic herbs that can be

enjoyed by tourists. The herb is effective for maintaining stamina.


e. Capacity.

The factories also can accommodate many visitors. Because the

factory is basically a large place so that the factory is able to hold

industrial tour activities. On the other hand, both the travel and factory

parties do not want to accept visitors if the number is too small. Based on

information from DR, the minimum number of tourists who can take

industrial tours is 40 people. And based on TS information, in carrying

out industrial tours, the number of students visiting one factory is usually

around 80 people.

Additional tourist attractions that can be visited by tourists in

industrial tourism also have good capacity. Some examples such as Go

Wet Waterpark, Waterboom, Kampoeng Djamoe can accommodate up

to 200 people. f. Accessibility

Accessibility to visit each tourist attraction, both for main tourist

attraction and additional tourist attraction in industrial tour in Bekasi

Regency is very good because the tourist attraction is in a strategic place

and is located around the industrial area, making it easy to reach. The

roads around the industrial area are all paved and wide enough because

they are designed to be passed by large vehicles.

Roads around the industrial estate in Bekasi Regency also have

street sign. In addition, street lighting at night is adequate, making it

easier for road users to pass at night.


Even though the area is crowded but only during rush hours there can be congestion around the industrial area such as when the employees go to the office which is around seven in the morning and the time when the employees go home from work like around five in the afternoon.

Overall the tourist attractions in industrial tour package are good.

Each factory has its own uniqueness, each factory produces different products which can attract tourists to visit the factories. Besides, those factories can meet the taste of tourist because generally visitors want to know the process of making product, and the factory can give them the education wanted. Besides, tour inside the factory can be enjoyed well because there are special area for education and for visitors to observe.

The capacity of tourist attractions are also good because those tourists attraction can accommodate students who usually total 80 people. The accessibility of those tourist attraction is strategic because they are near toll gate and easy to reach because the road is good, paved, and wide so that bus can through easily. Furthermore there are some other factories that can be added to industrial tour package at CV. Reka Media Nusantara so that tourists can have more choices.

Those are in line with Nuriata (2014) who said tourists attraction should have uniqueness, can meet the taste of tourists, can be enjoyed well, containing education elements, can accommodate visitors and easy to reach.


3. Supporting Facilities

a. Accommodation

Tourists who take part in industrial tour activities in Bekasi

Regency usually only do industrial tours for one day because most of

the tourists come from West Java. Tourists usually depart from their

place of origin in the morning and return to their home in the afternoon

so they don't need accommodation.

Based on information from TS, for the next visit the school plans to

hold an industrial tourism program for two days. In addition, although

there are not many in number, there are also tourists from outside West

Java. Therefore accommodation facility needs to be prepared to support

tourism activities for more than one day.

1) Type of Accommodation

Based on data from interviews, the types of accommodation

found are non-star to four-star hotels already found in Bekasi


However, according to BO and DR, accommodations

commonly used by tourists for industrial tourism activities are three-

star hotels. Some three-star hotels that can be used by tourists who

take part in industry tours are Primebiz and Santika.

In addition, based on the data from the interview with TS, He

said that students like to stay at three stars hotels or four stars hotels

for tour activity. School usually offers four stars hotels to the travel

agent when the school wants to do a tour.


Four stars hotels and three stars hotels are available in Bekasi

Regency. Students have a lot of choise to determine the hotels that

will be used when conduct industrial tour for more than one day.

Some of the hotels are Primebiz, Santika, and Grandzuri.

2) Capacity and Number of Rooms

The capacity and number of rooms in various

accommodations in Bekasi Regency is quite diverse. However, these

accommodations have already had a large enough capacity because

in addition to industrial tourism activities, there are also many

expatriates who visit industrial estates and stay in these hotels. For

example, Primebiz Cikarang hotel which has 192 rooms with

various types such as Superior, Deluxe, Triple Deluxe, Deluxe

Balcony, Family Suite, Business Suite. Another example is the

Santika Hotel which has 120 rooms.

The capacity of hotels in Bekasi Regency is enough to

accommodate students from West Java who conduct industrial tour

because generally the amount of students in one visit is around 80


3) Facility

The facilities found in hotels in Bekasi Regency are quite

good. Because in addition to industrial tourism carried out by

students, these hotels are also commonly used by expatriates in

industrial estates in Bekasi Regency. The facilities in Santika and


Primebiz hotels include cable TV, WiFi, swimming pool, restaurant,

bar, meeting room, business center, and fitness center.

Those hotels are suitable for students because mostly

students like facilities such as swimming pool, cable TV, and WiFi.

4) Location

The location of hotels in Bekasi Regency is very strategic

because it is located close to toll gates, factories in the Industrial

area, and tourist attractions such as Waterboom. It makes it easier

for guests to go to various objects.

5) Accessibility

Accessibility of hotels is quite good. Since most of the hotels

are around the Industrial area, the roads around these hotels are quite

good and there are enough directions to make it easier for tourists to


Accommodations in Bekasi Regency are appropriate for

students in West Java because Bekasi Regency has three-star and

four-star hotels which are mostly used by students in West Java.

Furthermore the capacity of those hotels are big. The hotels can

accommodate the amount of students which are generally 80

students. Besides, those hotels also have swimming pool, cable TV,

and WiFi which are liked by most students. The location and

accessibility of those accommodation are also good and strategic

because most of the accommodation are located near toll gate and

factories. Those accommodations also meet the taste of students.


Students who want to conduct industrial tour more than one day will

have a lot of choices to choose the accommodation. b. Restaurant

Restaurants chosen by CV. Reka Media Nusantara in industrial tour

actually depend on request by the school. Overall tourists like the

facilities found in restaurants given to industrial tour activities such as

toilets and sinks that are clean and there is soap for hand washing, clean

floors, comfortable seating, and cool rooms.

1) Kind of Restaurant

The types of restaurants which are located around industrial

estates in Bekasi Regency are mostly Sundanese restaurants. In

addition there are also Chinese food restaurants, seafood restaurants

and fast food restaurants.

2) Visitors Capacity

Capacity of restaurants located around the industrial area of

Bekasi Regency can be considered quite large because most of these

restaurants can accommodate up to 150 visitors. Each restaurant also

has its own style, starting from the traditional lesehan style, to

modern style.

3) Menu

The food menu provided also varies from Nusantara food,

Sundanese food, Javanese food, Chinese food to seafood.


4) Facility

Facilities at restaurants around the industrial area are also quite good. Facilities such as clean toilets and sinks, availability of trash bins, ample parking space, and entertainment facilities such as television and music are available in these restaurants.

5) Location

The location of the restaurant is also very strategic. Because of its location around the industrial area and close to the toll gate, these restaurants are close to various objects in the Industrial area.

This certainly needs to be taken into consideration in making tour packages to be more effective and efficient.

6) Accessibility

Accessibility to restaurants located in Bekasi Regency is quite easy. This is due to the fact that Bekasi Regency is an industrial city so that the roads there are quite good, the roads that are there are paved and have sufficient lighting at night and there are traffic signs.

7) Service

The services provided by restaurants around the industrial area are quite good, such as welcoming guests when they come, delivering guests to the places provided, and responding quickly to fulfill visitor requests.

8) Operational Hours


Based on the results of the research, the operating hours of

the restaurants around the industrial area are from nine in the

morning to ten in the evening.

Students who conduct tour to industrial estates in Bekasi

Regency will have a lot of choice to choose the restaurant because

there are a lot of types of restaurant in Bekasi Regency such as

sundanese restaurant, ciheness and seafood. Futhermore the capacity

of most the restaurants are big so that students who are generally 80

students in one group will be comfortable in those restaurants.

Beside the facilities which are available at those restaurants are

good, most of those restaurants have parking area for bus, toilet, and

entertainment facilities such as TV and music. The operational hour

for most restaurants in Bekasi Regency generally are from 09.00 –

22.00 That is good for students because usually students will use

restaurants for lunch at around 12.30 and dinner at around 19.00 pm.

The location and the accessibility are also good because those

restaurants are easy to reach and near the factories.

c. Souvenir Shop

Based on the results of interviews, tourists who do industrial tour

usually get souvenirs from the factories visited. For example, when

visiting a food factory in Cikarang, tourists will get food products

produced by the factory. In addition there are also factories that provide

souvenirs like key chains, pens, or hats for visitors.


Furthermore, based on the data obtained from the results of

interviews, there is no Souvenir Shop for tourists who do industrial tours

in Bekasi Regency. But there are several malls with good facilities such

as Lippo Cikarang Mall and City Walk Lippo Cikarang.

Even Bekasi Regency does not have souvenir shop, there some malls

which can be visited if students want to go shopping. The products sold

at the mall are quite complete, fashion, electronic goods, to culinary can

be found in these malls. It is appropriate with the desire of students

because mostly students like to buy t-shirt and food when they go

shopping. Whereas the location of those malls are strategic because it is

located around an industrial area so that it has good access.

d. Transportation

Transportation facilities used in industrial touris activities are

buses. Based on DR information, the minimum number of tourists who

can participate in industrial tour activities is 40 people so the bus used

is a large bus. If there are more than 40 tourists but fewer for two large

buses, the travel agent will provide one large bus and one small bus.

The bus used for industrial tour activities is Nusantara. Based

on TS information, the bus has already got convenient facilitie such as

TV and karaoke facilities, comfortable chairs, clean floors, and air


The bus which is used for industrial tour is good and

comfortable for students. The bus can accommodate 40 students in one


group. Furthermore the facilities on the bus can satisfy the students’s

desire such as comfortable chairs, clean floors, television and air


4. Time

Time is one of the most important components in making a tour

package. Time must be adjusted to the activities carried out during the tour

and the number of tourist objects visited. Discipline in the use of time is

necessary to conduct a tour so that tourists can have satisfaying experience.

Therefore the use of time must be calculated properly so that the experience

when doing tours can be satisfying.

Based on data obtained from interviews with DR, the time spent by

tourists in the factory when doing industrial tours is around two hours.

According to TS, the time needed to take a tour within the factory is three


From the data, it can be concluded that basically the time for

observing tourists when inside a factory is around two to three hours. This

is influenced by the type of company visited and the size of the company.

Companies that have a wider education area certainly need more time to be

able to make observations.

In addition, even though the activities carried out in most factories

are the same like getting seminars and conducting observations. Besides,

there are some things that are a little different, such as welcoming with

welcome drinks and welcome food, coffee breaks, and special sessions for


giving gifts. Factories that have these activities for visitors certainly need more time. But based on the results of the interview, all informants stated that usually industrial tourism activities at the factory ended before lunchtime, which is around 11:30. If a factory takes longer to provide education, the travel agent can arrange a faster arrival schedule.

The time needed from Bandung to Bekasi is around three hours.

Time to reach each objects in industrial estates such as from one factory to the restaurant takes not more than 30 minutes. This is because the objects in the industrial area are well connected so that makes it easier for the workers who are there. Moreover, other facilities such as accommodation and malls are also in a strategic location so that achieving them does not require a long time, which is around 30 minutes.

Bekasi Regency is a crowded area where congestion or traffic jam occurs anytime. However, the roads around the industrial estate in Bekasi

Regency are quite large because they are designed to be used by buses and large trucks for factory workers so that the possibility of traffic jam only occurs rush hours.

In addition, in carrying out industrial tour activities, tourists usually need a rest time of around one to two hours. This time is usually used to visit mosques to pray for Muslims and go to public toilets in the streets.

Tourists who conduct industrial tours usually only do it in one day.

The tourists depart from the place of origin in the morning and go home in the afternoon. In addition, there are also tourists who do industrial tours for up to two days. Tourists who do industrial tours more than one day mostly


come from outside West Java Province, while tourists from West Java generally do industrial tours for one day.

The usage of time at the package is good, the time needed to reach

Bekasi from Bandung is around three until four hours, it is normal for trip from Bandung to Bekasi. The distribution of time at each attraction is around two until three hours. That is enough to explore the factory and to have fun to the additional tourist attraction. The time spent when tourists are on board is around six until seven hours. It is normal for a trip Bandung-

Bekasi-Bandung. The time spent for lunch is around one hour. That time is enough for students to have lunch and pray, and the time spent for other activity such as go to public toilet on the way and go to mosque is around one hour until two hours. The total of time spent in one day industrial visit is around 14 hours. If students depart from Bandung at 05.00 they will arrive in Bandung again at around 19.00. The duration of one day industrial tour is good because it is not too long so that students can enjoy the tour.




A. Conclusion

1. Tourist

Based on the results of the research and discussion presented in the

previous section, it can be concluded that the tourists who participate

industrial tours to Bekasi Regency were generally vocational high school

students. In addition, the majority of tourists are people with an age range

of 14-20 years old. Tourists with this age range have good stamina and

endurance as well as high curiosity so that making industrial visits to do

industrial tours fits perfectly with this tourist profile. Besides that, it is also

necessary to add a tourist attraction that is entertaining and can do many

things in places such as Go Wet Waterpark and Waterboom.

Tourists who do industrial tours to Bekasi Regency generally come

from West Java. This causes tourists who do industrial tours do not need to

stay overnight because the distance is not too far away. Tourists usually

leave in the morning from their place of origin and go back in the afternoon.

Although there are tourists from outside West Java such as from Central

Java, East Java, and Bali, the numbers is relatively small. But it is necessary

to make industrial tour package longer than one day in order that the tourists

can visit more factories in industrial tour.

The industrial tour program carried out by schools is a program that

is required by the government to these schools. Besides, one of the

motivations of students participating in industrial tour is because they have



high curiosity. The students were very enthusiastic to do industrial tour

because they could see the world of work directly in the factories visited.

2. Tourist Attraction

Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn

regarding tourist attractions, regarding the uniqueness, the factories that can

be visited in industrial tour have their own uniqueness because each factory

produces a different product which certainly has a different process. In

addition, the number of factories that can be visited for industrial tour is

quite numerous and there are various types of factories which can be visited.

These factories can also meet the tastes of tourists, such as students of

vocational high school automotive department can visit the automotive

factory and student of electronic department can visit electronic factory.

Additional tourist attractions found in Bekasi Regency such as Go Wet and

Waterboom have also been able to meet the tastes of tourists who are

generally students who have high adrenaline.

By visiting factories as tourist attractions in industrial tour, students

can add their insights. Students can know the real conditions of the real

world of work. Students can also compare whether the lessons they get at

school are in accordance with the conditions in the world of work or not, so

that after graduating students already know about the world of work. These

factories should be visited because in addition to providing education, the

facilities provided by the factory are also quite good, such as the existence

of a special area for educational facilities for visitors, as well as security

equipment such as jackets and helmets for visitors so it is safe for visitors.


3. Supporting Facilities

Supporting facilities such as accommodations, restaurants, and

transportation are good. Based on the data obtained as well as the results of

the analysis, it can be concluded that in Bekasi Regency there are a lot of

star hotels. The hotels also have facilities such as a business center, a

restaurant, a swimming pool, a fitness center and WiFi. Besides, access to

these hotels is also easy because of its location around the industrial area.

Those hotels can meet the taste of students.

Other supporting facilities such as restaurants are also easily found

in Bekasi Regency. Restaurants around the industrial area have a large

capacity that can accommodate students visiting Bekasi Regency for

industrial tour.

Bekasi Regency does not yet have a souvenir center intended

specifically for tourists. But in Bekasi Regency several malls are available

that can be found around industrial areas such as City Walk Lippo Cikarang

and Lippo Cikarang Mall.

4. Time

Based on the data from interviews, it can be concluded that the

duration of the visit when tourists are in the factory is around two to three

hours. Besides the time spent on the other tourist attraction is also around

two to three hours. The time needed to move from one object to another

such as from a factory to a restaurant around an industrial area in Bekasi

Regency is around 30 minutes. The time needed for conducting industrial

tour from Bandung is around 14 hours.


Most of tourist who conduct industrial tour are from West Java.

Because the location of Bekasi Regency is also located in West Java, tourists

generally only do industrial tours for one day. Tourists usually leave in the

morning from their place of origin and go back in the evening. In one day

the tourists usually only visit one factory. Therefore the duration to conduct

industrial tour needs to be added longer so that tourists, especially students,

can visit more than one factory in order to add more knowledge to students.

B. Recommendation

Based on the results of the analysis and conclusions that have been

described, there are several recommendations. The main tourist attraction which

is a factory in industrial tour provided by CV. Reka Media Nusantara can be

added so that tourists who want to visit Bekasi Regency for industrial tour have

more choices. In addition, it is also necessary to make ready-made tour packages

as promotional media so that more tourists are interested in doing industrial

tours to Bekasi Regency. Although there is no souvenir shop in Bekasi Regency,

if tourists want to go shopping, there are several malls such as Lippo Cikarang

Mall and Lippo Cikarang City Walk.

Moreover, it is also necessary to add the duration of time in carrying out

industrial tour activities. Tourists can do industrial tour for more than one day.

By increasing the duration of the visit to Bekasi Regency, more factories can be

visited by tourists, especially students, so that students are expected to get more

knowledge in one visit to Bekasi Regency.


Several recommendations are proposed for industrial tour packages for CV.

Reka Media Nusantara. These industrial tour packages can be used for student from West Java Province with an age range of 14-20 years. There are also packages for two days that can be used for students from West Java or from outside West Java Province. Below are some industrial tour packages.


Tour Package One : One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour

Market : Students of Automotive Vocational High School

Program : Observing PT. Astra Honda Motor and exploring


Total : 80 pax

TABEL 7 One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour

TIME ACTIVITY EXPLANATION 04.30-05.00 Tourists will be picked up at Gathering at meeting point and directly meeting point. go to the first factory. 05.00-08.030 Visiting PT. Astra Honda Motor. Going to the factory by bus. Tourist will get breakfast box on the bus. 08.30-11.00 Tourists do observation at PT. Conducting seminar and briefing before Astra Honda Motor. doing observation. Tourists will be told about the areas which is allowed and not allowed to be visited. Tourist also will get safety equipment before doing observation. Then tourist will do observation how to make the product which is vehicle. During the tour inside the factory, tourist will be accompanied by employee there. 11.00-11.30 Proceed to Saung Kuring After observing the company, tourists Restaurant for having lunch. will go to the local restaurant for having lunch. 11.30-13.00 Time for having lunch and Having lunch and praying time for praying. moslem. 13.00-14.00 After lunch proceed to After having lunch, tourists directly go Waterboom Lippo Cikarang. to Waterboom Lippo Cikarang wich is a waterpark in around industrial estates in Bekasi Regency. 14.00-16.30 Tourists doing activity at In Waterboom Lippo Cikarang, tourists Waterboom Lippo Cikarang. can do a lot of water activities. Here tourists can enjoy a variety of water rides provided such as playing water volleyball, flowing pools, and water slide.


TABEL 7 One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour (CONTINUED)

16.30-17.30 Proceed to Alam Sari Restaurant After having fun at Waterboom Lippo Cikampek to have dinner. Cikarang tourists will go back to their origin place. Tourist will have dinner at Cikampek. 17.30-18.30 Having dinner and praying at At this time the group can have dinner Alam Sari Restaurant and pray for moslem. Cikampek. 18.30 Continuing the trip to origin After having dinner, continue the trip to place. origin place.

Facilities Excluded

 Bus with AC  Personal Expenses

 Ticket for entering tourist attractions  Tipping

 Breakfast

 Lunch

 Dinner

 Snack Box

 Tour Leader and Driver

 Parking Fee


FIGURE 2 Map of One-Day Automotive Industrial Tour

Source: Writer’s map adapted from google map


Tour Package Two : One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour

Market : Students of music arts, university and music communities.

Program : Observing PT. Yamaha Music and exploring Waterboom.

Total : 80 pax

TABEL 8 One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour

TIME ACTIVITY EXPLANATION 04.30-05.00 Tourists gather at meeting point. Tourists will be picked up at meeting point and then directly go to the first factory. 05.00-08.30 Going to PT. Yamaha Music. Tourists will go to PT. Yamaha Musik by bus. Breakfast Box will be given on the bus. 08.30-11.00 Doing observation at PT. Conducting seminar before doing Yamaha Music. observation. The employee will welcome the tourists and gather them in an area before observing. After doing seminar, tourists observe the factory to learn Yamaha musical instruments such as Pianos, Acoustic and Electric Guitars, Electronic Keyboards, Acoustic and Electric Drums, Synthesizers, Professional Audio and inflatable devices. 11.00-12.00 Visiting Waterboom Lippo After observing the factory, proceed to Cikarang. Waterboom Lippo Cikarang wich is a waterpark in around industrial estates in Bekasi Regency. Lunch will be served inside Waterboom. 12.00-15.30 Explore the experience at In Waterboom Lippo Cikarang, tourists Waterboom Lippo Cikarang. can do a lot of water activities. Here visitors can enjoy a variety of water rides provided such as playing water volleyball, flowing pools, and water slide.

15.30-16.00 Shopping time at Lippo After having fun at Waterboom, Cikarang Mall. tourists will go to Mall Lippo Cikarang to go shopping.


TABEL 8 One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour (CONTINUED) 16.00-17.00 Tourists have free time for one At Mall Lipo Cikarang, tourists has free hour at Mall Lippo Cikarang. time to go shopping. Tourist can buy food or clothes as souvenir. 17.00-18.00 After shopping, proceed to RM. After free time at Mall Lippo Cikarang Alam Sari Cikampek for having tourists will go back to their origin dinner. place. On the way, visiting RM. Alam Sari in Cikampek. 18.00-19.00 Having dinner Having dinner and praying for moslem. 19.00 Continuing the trip to origin After having dinner directly continue place. the trip.

Facilities Excluded

 Bus with AC  Personal Expenses

 Ticket for entering tourist  Tipping attractions

 Breakfast Box

 Lunch

 Dinner

 Snack Box

 Tour Leader and Driver

 Parking Fee


FIGURE 3 Map of One-Day Musical Instrument Industrial Tour

Source: Writer’s map adapted from google map


Tour Package Three : One-Day Beauty Industrial Tour

Market : Students of beauty, health, tourism school and general.

Program : Observing PT. Yasulor and exploring Kampoeng Djamoe.

Total : 80 pax

TABEL 9 One-Day Beauty Industrial Tour

TIME ACTIVITY EXPLANATION 04.30-05.00 Tourists will be picked up at a Tourist gather at meting point and then meeting point. will be picked up by bus. 05.00-08.30 Visiting PT. Yasulor Indonesia Proceed to PT. Yasulor Indonesia which (L’Oreal). is located in Jababeka industrial estate by bus. Breakfast will be provided on bus. 08.30-11.00 Doing observation at PT. Conducting observation at the company, Yasulor Indonesia (L’Oreal). tourists will learn how to make cosmetic products with brand L’Oreal from this company. 11.00-11.30 Proceed to Saung Bakul After observing the company, tourists Centong restaurant for having will go to the local restaurant for having lunch. lunch. 11.30-13.00 Time for having lunch and Having lunch and praying for moslem. praying. 13.00-13.30 Tourists visit Kampoeng After having lunch, tourists directly go Djamoe Organik. to Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. Kampoeng Djamoe Organik is a natural tourist attraction with a lot of trees and fresh air in the middle of industrial estate in Bekasi Regency. 14.00-16.00 Tourists doing activity at In Kampoeng Djamoe Organik tourists Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. will learn regarding the plants there. There are two plant areas, the first is Aromatic Land, an area filled with plants that have a distinctive aroma. The second is Beauty Land which is an area overgrown with plants that are beneficial for the beauty of the body and skin. 16.00 Tourists go back to their origin. From Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, tourist will directly go back to their origin place.


Facilities Excluded

 Bus with AC  Personal Expenses

 Ticket for entering tourist  Tipping attractions

 Breakfast Box

 Lunch

 Snack Box

 Tour Leader and Driver

 Parking Fee



Map of One-Day Beauty Industrial Tour

Source: Writer’s map adapted from google map


Tour Package Four : Two-Day Food and Beverage Industrial Tour

Market : Students of Tourism School, Cullinary, Senior High School

Program : Observing PT. Mayora, PT. Unilever, exploring Go Wet

and Kampoeng Djamoe Organik.

Total : 80 pax

TABEL 10 Two-Day Food and Beverage Industrial Tour

TIME ACTIVITY EXPLANATION Day One 04.30-05.00 Meeting service Tourists will be picked up at meeting point and then proceed to the first factory which is PT. Mayora Indah 05.00-08.30 Visiting PT. Mayora Indah. Visiting PT. Mayora Indah by bus. Tourists will get breakfast box on the bus. 08.30-11.00 Doing observation at PT. Conducting seminar and observation at Mayora Indah PT. Mayora Indah. Tourists will get to know more about the food and beverage products produced by this company. The company engaged in the Food & Beverage sector is not only known as a company that produces food and beverages, but also known as a market leader which has successfully produced products that are pioneers in their respective categories. 11.00-11.30 Going to Lexis Resto for After observing the company, tourists having lunch. will go to the local restaurant for having lunch. 11.30-13.00 Time for having lunch and Having lunch and praying time for praying. moslem 13.00-14.00 After having lunch, proceed to From restaurant tourists will go to Go Go Wet. Wet which is one of the biggest waterpark in Indonesia located in Tambun. 14.00-17.00 Explore the experience at Go Tourists can play a lot of water rides Wet Waterpark. such as Go Splash, Go Wave, Go Speed, and many more. 17.00-18.00 Proceed to local restaurant From Go wet, go to local restaurant for dinner.


TABEL 10 Two-Day Food and Beverage Industrial Tour (CONTINUED)

18.00-19.00 Time for having dinner. Having dinner at Saung Bakul Centong. Here tourist will be served sundanese food. 19.00-19.30 Proceed to hotel. From the local restaurant, tourist will go to hotel to take a rest. 19.30-05.30 Free program and rest At this time tourists will be free to do any activity.Tourist will get morning call at 05.30 Day Two 06.00-07.30 Having Breakfast at hotel. Breakfast at hotel will be served from 06.00-07.30. 07.30-08.00 Meeting service in front of After having breakfast, tourists will hotel before visiting PT. prepare for tour and check out hotel. Unilever. 08.00-08.30 Proceed to PT. Unilever From hotel, tourists will directly go to the next factory which is PT. Unilever. 08.30-11.00 Observation at PT. Unilever Conducting seminar and observation at PT. Unilever which is a company engaged in the production of cooking oil, ice cream, snacks, soft drinks and cosmetic products. In addition the company also produces home care and body care such as soap, detergent, body lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrush. Tourists will learn how those products are produced. 11.00-11.30 Visiting Kampoeng Djamoe After visiting the factory, tourists will go Organik to Kampoeng Djamoe Organik as the next tourist attraction. Tourist will have lunch at Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. 11.30-13.00 Having lunch Tourists will have lunch at Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. Food will be served by Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. 13.00-15.00 Exploring Kampoeng Djamoe After Having lunch, tourist will explore Organik. Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, a tourist attraction which has a lot of types of plants inside. 15.00 Tourists go back to their origin From Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, place. tourists will go back to their origin place.


Facilites Excluded

 Bus with AC  Personal Expenses

 Ticket for entering tourist  Tipping attractions

 1 night Accommodation at Santika Hotel *** or equivalent

 Breakfast 2x

 Lunch 2x

 Dinner

 Snack Box 2x

 Tour Leader and Driver

 Parking Fee


FIGURE 5 Map of Two-Day Food and Beverage Industrial Tour

Source: Writer’s map adapted from google map


Tour Package Five : Two-Day Automotive Industrial Tour

Market : Students of Automotive Vocational High School

Program : Observing PT. NSK Bearing, PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor,

exploring Go Wet and Kampoeng Djamoe Organik.

Total : 80 pax

TABEL 11 Two Day Automotive Industrial Tour

TIME ACTIVITY EXPLANATION Day One 04.30-05.00 Tourists will be picked up at Meeting service and then go to the first meeting point. factory which is PT. NSK Bearing. 05.00-08.30 Visiting PT. NSK Bearing. Tourist directly go to the first factory. Breakfast will be provided on bus. 08.30-11.00 Observation at PT. NSK Tourists arrive and welcomed by the Bearing employee at PT. NSK Bearing and then tourists will get seminar before observing the company. This company produces electronic and automotive components which are bearing as its main production. At this company tourists will learn about the bearing manufacturing process which will then be distributed to other automotive factories. 11.00-11.30 Proceed to Lexis Resto for After observing the company, tourists having lunch. will go to the local restaurant for having lunch. 11.30-13.00 Time for having lunch. Having lunch at Lexis Resto. 13.00-14.00 Visiting Go Wet Waterpark From restaurant tourists will visit Go Wet which is one of the biggest waterpark in Indonesia located in Tambun. 14.00-17.00 Exploring Go Wet Waterpark. At Go Wet tourist can play a lot of water rides such as Go Splash, Go Wave, Go Speed, and many more. 17.00-18.00 Proceed to local restaurant for After having fun at Go Wet Waterpark, dinner. tourists will go to Saung Bakul Centong restaurant for having dinner. 18.00-19.00 Time for having dinner. Having dinner at Saung Bakul Centong restaurant. Menu served here is sundanese food.


TABEL 11 Two-Day Automotive Industrial Tour (CONTINUED) 19.00-19.30 Proceed to hotel. From the local restaurant, tourist will go to hotel to take a rest. 19.30-21.30 Free Time and rest Tourists will have free time before going to sleep. Morning call will be at 05.30. Day Two 06.00-07.30 Having Breakfast at hotel. Tourists will get breakfast at hotel before going tour. 07.30-08.00 Meeting service before going to After having breakfast, tourists prepare PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor for tour and then check out hotel. 08.00-08.30 Visiting PT. Suzuki Indomobil From hotel tourist will directly go to PT. Motor Suzuki Indomobil Motor as the first tourist attraction on the second day Industrial tour. 08.30-11.00 Tourists doing observation at Conducting seminar and observation at PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor which is one of the leading automotive manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This company is engaged in the production and distribution of four-wheeled and two- wheeled vehicles under the Suzuki brand. Tourists can observe more deeply the process of making cars and motorbikes under the Suzuki brand.

11.00-11.30 Proceed to local restaurant After observing the factory, tourists will go to local restaurant namely Alam Sari Deltamas restaurant. 11.30-13.00 Having lunch and praying time Tourist will have lunch and for moslem, they can pray at this time. 13.00-13.30 Visiting Kampoeng Djamoe From restaurant proceed to Kampoeng Organik. Djamoe Organik as the next tourist attraction. 13.30-15.30 Exploring Kampoeng Djamoe When arrive at Kampoeng Djamoe Organik. Organik, group will get a herbal welcome drink. Tourists can explore and learn various kinds of plants that grow there. 15.30 Tourists go back to their origin After exploring Kampoeng Djamoe place. Organik, tourist will go back to their origin place.


Facilities Excluded

 Bus with AC  Personal Expenses

 Ticket for entering tourist  Tipping attractions

 1 night Accommodation at Grandzuri Hotel **** or equivalent

 Breakfast 2x

 Lunch 2x

 Dinner

 Snack Box 2x

 Tour Leader and Driver

 Parking Fee


FIGURE 6 Map of Two-Day Automotive Industrial Tour

Source: Writer’s map adapted from google map



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UU No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kepariwisataan






Interviewee : Dody Firmansyah, S.IP Position : Director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara Date : April 29th 2019 Place : Keboen Tjengkeh Restaurant Time : 13.00 WIB

1. Tourist  What is the profile of tourists who usually join the industrial tour package in Bekasi Regency at CV. Reka Media Nusantara? (Age, origin, job, gender, motivation)  What institution usually take part in industrial tour packages?  How many tourists are usually in one group?  Are there specific market targets sought by CV. Reka Media Nusantara?  What is the trend of visiting tourists who take industrial tours?  Does CV. Reka Media Nusantara provide guest comments?

2. Tourist Attraction  What companies are the most popular or most visited by tourists in joining industrial tour package?  How is the activity at the company visited?  How is accessibility to these companies?  Are tourist attractions in industrial tourism only companies or are there natural and cultural attractions?  What is tourist’s perception and suggestion about the tourist attractions?

3. Supporting Facilities a) Accommodation  What kind of tourist accommodation is commonly used in industrial tour package on CV. Reka Media Nusantara? How about the capacity, the price, the location and the accessibility?  What accommodations do tourists like?  How are the facilities offered in accommodation that are usually used in industrial tour package at CV. Reka Media Nusantara?  How is the service provided by the accommodation?  What is tourist’s perception and suggestion about the accommodation?

b) Restaurant  What kind of restaurant is commonly used in industrial tour package on CV. Reka Media Nusantara? How about the capacity, the price, the location and the accessibility?  How is the service provided at the restaurant?  What kind of menu provided by the restaurant?


 What are the facilities provided at the restaurant? What is the condition of the facility?  What is tourist’s perception and suggestion about the restaurant?

c) Transportation  What transportation is commonly used in the Industrial Tourism package in Bekasi Regency? How about the capacity?  Is the transportation able to reach the places to be visited easily?  What are the facilities in the transportation? How is the condition of the facilities?  What is tourist’s perception and suggestion about the transportation?

d) Souvenir Shop  What kind of Souvenir Shops are commonly used for industrial tour? How about the location and the accessibility?  What products are sold at the shopping place?  What is the quality of the product? How about the price of the product?  What are the facilities in the shopping place?

4. Time  How much time does it take to travel from one place to another in industrial tour package?  How long do tourists spend at one attraction?  How long is the average time needed to do shopping activities?  How long does the rest time take for tourists in a tourist attraction for photos, toilet, and more?


Interviewee : Khoiruman Position : Teacher of SMKN 1 Soreang as Tourist Date : June 13th 2019 Place : SMKN 1 SOREANG Time : 13.00 WIB

1. Tourist  Tourists profile (Age, Occupation, Institution, Region, and Motivation in joining industrial tour).  What is the experience of following industrial tour?  Is the experience gained after joining industrial tour as expected?  What do tourists need now in industrial tour?

2. Tourist Attraction  What facilities exist at the company visited? How about the condition of the facilities?  What is the activity at the company visited?  Have the tourist attractions provided by CV. Reka Media Nusantara been able to meet the needs and desires of tourists?  What is the impression to the company visited?

3. Supporting Facilities a) Accommodation  What kind of tourist accommodation is used during industrial tour?  What accommodations do tourists like?  What are the facilities offered at the accommodation?  How is the service provided by the accommodation?  How about the price of the accommodation?  Where is the location of the accommodation? Is it close to tourist attractions?  What is the impression to the accommodation?

b) Restaurant  How is the service provided at the restaurant?  What food menu is provided?  What are the facilities provided at the restaurant? What are the condition of the facilities?  Where is the location of the restaurant?  How about the price at the restaurant?  What is the impression to the restaurant?

c) Transportation  What transportation is used when doing industrial tours?  Is the transportation able to reach the places to be visited easily?  What are the facilities on the transportation? What is the condition of the facilities?  What is the impression to the transportation?


d) Souvenir Shop  What products are sold at the shopping place?  What is the quality of the product? How about the price?  What are the facilities in the shopping place?  Where is the location of the shopping place?  What is the impression to the souvenir shop?

4. Time  How long do tourists spend at one attraction?  How long is the average time needed to do shopping activities?  How long is the rest time needed by tourists in a tourist attraction for photos, toilet, prayer and more?  Has the distribution of time in industrial tour package been appropriate with the needs of tourists?


Interviewee : Nunung Nur’aeni S.Kom., M.Si Position : Head of the Management and Development Section for Natural and Marine Tourism of Tourism Office of Bekasi Regency Date : May 27th 2019 Place : Tourism Office of Bekasi Regency Time : 11.00 WIB

1. Tourist  What is the profile of tourists who have joined in the Bekasi Regency industrial tourism package on the CV. Reka Media Nusantara? (Age, area of origin, work, gender, motivation)  What is the trend of tourists visiting industrial tour in Bekasi Regency?

2. Tourist Attraction  How many companies are open for industrial tour in Bekasi Regency?  What is the tourist attraction like in Bekasi Regency?  How is the accessibility to the tourist attractions?

3. Facility a) Accommodation  What kind of accommodations exist in Bekasi Regency?  How many accommodations are available in Bekasi Regency that can be used for industrial tour?  What accommodations are usually used by tourists?  What are the facilities offered at the accommodation?  How is the service provided by the accommodation?  Where is the location of accommodation? Is it close to tourist attractions?

b) Restaurant  What kind of restaurants exist in Bekasi Regency?  How is the service provided at a place to eat?  What food menu is provided?  What are the facilities provided at the restaurant? What is the condition of the facility?  How is the accessibility to the place to eat?  Where is the location of restaurant? Is it close to tourist attractions?  How about the price of food in the restaurant?

c) Souvenir Shop  What is the souvenir shop like around the industrial estate in Bekasi Regency?  What products are sold at the souvenir shop?  What is the quality of the product? How about the price?  What are the facilities in the shopping place?  Where is the location of the shopping place? Is it close to tourist attraction?


 How is the accessibility of the shopping place?

4. Time  How long do tourists usually take industrial tour in Bekasi Regency?



Interviewee : Dody Firmansyah, S.IP Position : Director of CV. Reka Media Nusantara Code : DR Date : April 29th 2019 Place : Keboen Tjengkeh Restaurant Time : 13.00 WIB

BR : Ini pak, jadikan penelitian ini tuh mengenai paket wisata industri. Komponen- komponennya tuh kayak ada wisatawan, terus ada tourist attraction nya, pokoknya ada sekitar 5 atau 6. Ini saya mau nanya satu persatu nih pak. Pertama ini mengena…mengenai turis, jadi wisatawannya itu sendiri. Kalo untuk profil wisatawan yang biasanya ikut di paket wisata indstri melalui CV. Reka Media tu dilihat dari usia, daerah asal, pekerjaan, jenis kelamin, motivasi tuh seperti apa tuh pak?

DR : oke jadi ee rata-rata yang sudah ee apa, pake kita yang wisata industri itu rata-rata dari sekolah SMK, jadi anak usia 16 sampai 20 tahun lah ya. Jadi ada, ada anak usia SMP, ada anak usia SMA, rata-rata SMA, kemudian juga mahasiswa ada, perempuan dan laki-laki ya variatif lah. Jadi nggak, nggak, nggak, nggak, bukan masalah jenis kelamin kalo disini. Jadi emang kebutuhan sekolah itu apa ya nanti kita sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mereka. Kemudian yang kedua ee sebenarnya kita itu ada dua skema ya. Dua skema dalam me… wisata industri ini. Yang pertama dulu di awal 2015 itu, 2014 sampai 2016 kita itu public, public wisata industri. Kita mengundang, kita mempromosikan lewat banner, stiker, apa kok stiker apa…. Flyer, brosur ya di beberapa kampus di Bekasi untuk ikut, dan kita nyiapin bis. Jadi kita memang murni EO, jadi bukan by order. Itu pertama dulu fase pertama itu kita begitu. Jadi… BR : itu tahun berapa pak? DR : 2014, 2014 samapai 2016 itu kita begitu karena kita mengenalkan wisata industri. Jadi kita masang poster di kampus, di universitas ee di kalimalang itu apa tuh namanya ee di kampus Borobudur, terus di kampus… BR : Gunadharma DR : Gunadharma he eh Gunadharma, terus di Nurul Fikri, di Nurul Fikri sekolah komputer Nurul Fikri, ee terus habis itu di beberapa sekolah kita pasangin poster, kita kerja sama dengan OSIS, dengan BEM iya kan, ya nanti kemudian yang, yang ikut ya daftar lewat sms waktu itu.


BR : Jadi baru di arrange ketika ada yang daftar bukan ready-made? DR : he eh bukan ready-made, awalnya begitu iya kan. Kita berjalan mungkin ada sekitar lima angkatan waktu itu dan dan memang kita ke… berat banget kalo begitu. Pertama beratnya itu tidak semua orang butuh itu. Ya jadi kita apa namanya… bener-bener edukasi bener, nih kunjungan ke Sari Roti ini ngapain aja disana gitu. Kita jual tiket itu waktu itu ee… waktu itu seratus ribu satu anak. BR : Tahun 2014 DR : Iya seratus ribu itu dapat makan siang, dapat sertifikat, sama ya bis lah, gitu. Nah baru 2016 ke atas karena itu berat kita artinya secara bisnis nggak menarik yaudah kita akhirnya by order aja, sekolah yang minta kita layanin. BR : o gitu, jadi awalnya promosinya tuh langsung ke instansinya. DR : langsung, iya langsung kita nyari nyari nyari pasar, jadi emang bener bener ini gitu. BR : Biasanya itu satu kelompok itu satu grup berapa orang pak yang ikut? DR : Kita biasanya minimal satu bis, berarti sekitar lima puluh… enam orang. BR : Berarti pake bis besar ya? DR : Pake bis besar, bis bis besar minimal. BR : Kalo untuk target marketya sendri tuh sebenernya lebih dikhususkan ke pelajar mahasiswa atau emang dari instansi instansi lainnya? DR : pendidikan jadi yang butuh ini biasanya pendidikan. Jadi walaupun toh nggak lewat kita, itu kita tau dari pabrik pabrik info dari informasinya memang ee semuanya itu dari dunia pendidikan kaya kampus perguruan tinggi, SMA, SMK, SMP. Kalo yang… yang di luar itu ee yang di luar itu kita belum pernah. BR : Jadi emang motivasinya itu emang biar sesuai dengan kurikulum, menambah wawasan mahasiswa gitu? DR : betul sesuai kurikulum, misinya itu sesuai kurikulum anak SMK. Tapi waktu pertama yang tadi saya bilang 2014 itu ya kita hanya ingin orang- orang tau Bekasi tuh punya wisata industri gitu. Jadi nggak ada pake kurikulum yang penting kita jualan… jualan pabrik gitu aja. BR : Kalo dari CV. Reka Media ini menyediakan guest comment nggak pak untuk wisatawan? DR : guest comment… BR : gust comment untuk ngisi misalkan ada kritik saran atau dia…


DR : Ada, jadi kita ee di apa di dulu di wisata industri itu kita apa ya, kita bikin oh sorry sorry belum belum ada. Jadi, jadi kita nggak ada. BR : maksudnya kaya form gitu, klo misalkan mereka kritik saran bisa ditulis di form atau langsung menyampaikan? DR : kita nggak membuka itu jadi udah langsung jalan udah gitu aja. Jadi kalo memang ada orang pengin nanya apa yaudah nanya gitu, tapi kita nggak ada formal gitu. BR : langsung aja ya… kalo untuk perusahaanya sendiri nih pak biasanya dari sekian banyak ada kalo nggak salah ada sekitar sepuluh atau sebelas gitu di web… DR : iya BR : nah itu… DR : de de de fotoin, dari situ ya. Gimana? BR : dari perusahaanya sendri biasaya yang paling diminati sama SMK SMK tuh perusahaan jenis apa pak? DR : yang paling diminati itu ee food and beverage, makanan. Jadi missal kaya Coca Cola, kaya Sari Roti, Indofood, ee terus kemudian apa lagi ya makan itu ya cuman itu aja. Yang lain, yang lain itu karena memang dia diatur sama sekolahan ya ikut aja he eh. BR : jadi meskipun nggak melihat, misalkan dia SMK emang basisnya SMK otomotif, dia nggak melulu ikut otomotif gitu. DR : gimana gimana? BR : misalkan ee si siswanya itu SMK dari SMK otomotif atau SMK kelistrikan, jadi emang kalo misalkan mau dateng ke food and beverage ya dateng aja gitu maksudnya nggak melulu ke SMK yang sesuai dengan jurusannya. DR : ya itu yang yang tadi yang 2014 tadi. Jadi 2014 itu acak kadut lah pokoknya. Jadi semua yang pengin tahu ikut, ikut gitu kan. Jadi yang pengin tahu Sari Roti ini jadi nggak berdasarkan jurusan. Tapi kalo yang by order tadi yang di sekolahan itu jurusan. Jadi kalo dia elektronik dia harus di perusahaan elektronik. Kaya Skyboard, kaya di Toshiba, kaya gitu. BR : kalo untuk kegiatannya sendiri yang dilakukan tuh biasanya ngapain aja sih pak di perusahaan itu? DR : Di Perusahaan pertama ee ini welcome drink iya kan, jadi akan masuk ke aula, ke aula di pabrik itu kemudian perkenalan, perkenalan singkat company profile nya perusahaan itu.


BR : itu modelnya kaya seminar gitu ya? DR : Seminar iya ada slide gitu presentasi lah presentasi tentang produk itu. Itu kurang lebih setengah jam.habis itu ee nanti apa namanya bergiliran diajak masuk ke plan area. Jadi di plan area itu ee biasanya bergiliran 20 orang terus ada yang nunggu di aula tadi, nanti kalo udah gentian. Tergantung kapasitas dari pabrik itu, kalo memang dia besar bisa langsung sekalian. Misalkan pake skyworld itu dia langsung, nggak perlu pake antri. Kalo di Sari Roti harus ngantri dulu karena di sempit apa ee apa namanya itu sempit. Terus habis itu habis kunjungan plan, plan tour namanya ya, istilahnya tuh habis plan tour balik lagi ee Tanya jawab dialog ya ee apa namanya apa sih gitu kan mengkaitkan antara pelajaran yang di sekolah itu dengan kebutuhan pabrik mesin itu seperti apa. Misal gini kalo kita di kuliah itu belajar kalkulus iya kan matematika dasar iya kan oh ternyata saya dulu bayangin waktu SMP tuh nggak kepake buat apa sih ngitungin apa akar akar segala macem. Oh ternyata ketika kita melihat mesinnya oh ternyata pake begitu itu. Jadi dunia kerja itu diter apa diterapkan matematika dasar itu. Jadi logika itu bener bener begitu dan itu menjadi bagian dari salah satu ee salah satu apa salah satu persyaratan untuk diterima dipekerjaan itu, matematika dasarnya gitu. BR : kalo untuk turnya sendiri pak itu biasanya ketika tur di dalam pabrik itu mereka hanya dibawa keliling kemudian dijelaskan mengenai alat-alat, cara pemakaiannya atau langsung bisa mempraktekannya juga? DR : kalo mempraktekan ee nggak jadi memang disana hanya proses observasi, mengamati jadi mengamati. BR : itu semua ya pak ya? DR : semuanya mengamati misalkan pabrik welding di PT kemarin itu di PT ee… di di PT nya pak Budi itu welding las, pabrik las, pabrik baja, jadi welding itu ya ngeliat orang ngelas, dia tidak megang sama sekali. Tapi cara megangnya diajari oh begini lho cara megangnya cara megang las situ. Tapi kalo di arumbikan kita… dari perusahaan nggak berani ambil resiko itu. Jadi hanya dikasih, dikasih itu ya. Nggak sampe praktek, observasi aja. BR : kalo untuk aksesnya sendiri ke pabrik-pabrik itu mudah ya pak? Maksudnya nggak jalan-jalan yang sulit gitu. DR : o akses di pabriknya? BR : Akses ke pabriknya, dari luar menuju ke pabriknya. DR : jadi di pabrik itu ee setiap perusahaan punya masing-masing SOP nya beda-beda tapi rata-rata sama ee dari sisi kedisiplinan. Jadi kita disana tuh ada jalur hijau. Misalnya kalo di Coca Cola itu harus pake jalur itu semua tamu iya kan. Terus plan tour nya harus lewat jalur ini. Kemudian ada


security juga. Jadi security itu maksudnya ee SOS jadi ketika misalnya terjadi gempa itu nanti larinya kemana dikasih tau sama orang pabrik. Jadi Standard Security keselamatan untuk tamu pun juga ada biasanya. Ada ada itu ada… BR : jadi emang bener-bener udah diatur ya? DR : diatur BR : tiap pabrik beda biasanya ya? DR : tiap pabrik beda. Ada yang begitu, ada yang nggak. Tapi relative jalan tadi ya mudah aja. Cuman yang agak sulit yang agak rumit itu kan kalo di prusahaan itu kan harus ada KTP. Meninggalkan KTP di di di pos security. Nah kalo tapi kalo kalo wisata industri ini mungkin hanya satu dua panitia. Tapi kalo kita masuk itu semuanya satu, umum kaya gitu. BR : kalo untuk objek wisatanya sendiri, daya tariknya itu perusahaan aja atau ada yang lain pak? DR : nah yang lama waktu kita yang era fase lama. Saya bagi dua ya fase lama ama fase baru. Fase lama itu kita jualan pabrik aja sama makanan makanan. Fase baru karena kita mulai belajar kita akhirnya jualan juga untuk wisata wisata rekreasi kaya kitake waterboom. Kemarin itu kita kan ke Waterboom. Jadi habis dari pabrik makan siang di Waterboom sambil renang udah jadi sehari satu pabrik. Dulu satu hari dua pabrik. Jadi apa… serius gitu. Jadi makan siangnya kadang di bis haha jadi kaya gitu. Nasi kotak gitu. Kalo sekarang udah nggak. BR : terus kalo dari wisatawannya ada yang pernah complain nggak pak mengenai wisata industri ini mungkin dari pabriknya atau… DR : Sebenernya ee kalo complain dari sisi penyelenggaraan acara relatif tidak ada. Karena mereka dari awal udah kita briefing nanti begini begini begini jadi di bayangannyaitu udah nyampe. Cuman harapan mereka ini penting ini harapan mereka itu sebenarnya tidak hanya reke.. ee wisata industri tapi anak-anaknya bisa magang di situ, kerja. Jadi lebih jauh ke arah sana. Jadi ketika misalnya habis wisata industri gurunya tuh kadang ngeloby untuk direkturnya untuk bisa apa magang atau apa itu di situ. BR : biar dapet akses lebih mudah buat siswanya ya? DR : akses iya BR : terus yang selanjutnya ini mengenai fasilitas nih pak ee akomodasi. Kalo biasanya dari ee wisatawan yang dari luar daerah tuh kalo mau ikut wisata industri biasanya nginep di hotel-hotel kaya gimana tuh pak? DR : ya jadi kemarin di hotel. Jadi misalkan kemarin duta duta wisata sekitar seratusan orang yang kita nginepin di hotel dua hari tiga malem, dua….


Tiga hari dua malem kita nginepin di hotel ee plus kegiatan-kegiatan di dalem hotel itu. BR : itu hotel bintang berapa pak? DR : hotel bintang tiga. Hotel santika waktu itu. Ee terus kita apa namanya kalo yang di Bandung atau yang bisa diakses PP gitu ya nggak nginep di hotel jadi langsung aja dia berangkat. Dia dari sana subuh terus sore pulang. BR : kalo yang dari misalkan siswa-siswa dari jawa tengah atau dari pulau sumatera gitu pernah ada pak? DR : ya yang dari luar Jawa Barat yang kemarin duta wisata itu jadi di hotel. BR : oh jadi duta wisata ini emag siswa juga gitu pak? DR : mahasiswa rata-rata mahasiswa jadi mahasiswa yang dikirim oleh daerah-daerah nah kemudian kita menginap, kita inepin gitu. Jadi kalo kalo di Jawa Tengah yang apa namanya dari dari bukan kita penyelenggaranya itu biasanya ya diatur sama ee biro wisata dia. Jadi kita ini hanya destinasi, mengelola dia nyampe di Cikarang untuk kunjungan aja. Bukan sampe kita ngurusin ke penginapan dia. Tapi kalo yang duta wisata kita semua yang urus. BR : kalo untuk pelayanannya ya sesuai sama bintang tiga gitu ya pak. DR : iya bintang tiga. BR : itu akomodasinya itu kapasitasnya berapa orang pak yang biasa dipake? Tadi apa yang biasa dipake? DR : hotel Santika, itu kapasit yang kemarin kita ya sekitar 120 orang. Nah kalo jumlah kamar ada 62 kamar. 62 kamar, satu kamar dua orang. BR : kalo untuk lokasinya sendiri tuh, lokasinya strategis kah atau… DR : dia strategis karena dia keluar toll. Langsung hotel Santika itu. Tinggal keluar toll Cikarang Barat kemudian puter balik. BR : deket sama pabrik-pabrik yang akan dikunjungi? DR : hotel Satika kita ya jadi yang kita kerja sama itu kalo hotel itu pertama Santika yang kedua Primebiz. BR : itu di lokasinya? DR : di Cikarang juga yang deket keluar toll itu Primebiz Cikarang. Jadi misalkan ada yang nginep ee kita di dua itu. Kita kerja samanya sama itu. Karena pertimbangan karena kedekatan, harga, sama parkir yang luas kalo di Primebiz itu. Bahkan Primebiz juga bantu kita untuk promosi di daerah


di daerah lain. Jadi klo ee apa kalo ada daerah lain pengin nginep di Santika kita nanti ya EO nya untuk kunjungan ke pabrik. BR : jadi harganya lebih murah, aksesnya lebih gampang, deket toll gitu. Kalo untuk restoran nih pak biasanya tuh restoran apa yang biasa digunakan untuk wisatawan? DR : Res restoran kita ee yang yang kita pake itu punya nya PT. Artamas. Jadi Artamas itu pak Budi. Pak Budi yang punya ini yang di apa Kebun Cengkeh juga disana di Cikarang. Jadi dia punya ruang meeting di lantai dua. Jadi dia ee restoran Kebun Cengkeh kaya gini kita undang dia di lantai, kita makan siang di lantai dua plus dapat motivasi dari dia. BR : itu dia lokasinya di Jababeka pak? DR : di anu… dimana bukan di kawasan, di mana tuh. Di Ejip sebelah sampingnya Ejip itu loh. Bukan di kawasan. He eh daerah situ, arah Cibarusah. BR : kalo pelayanannya sendiri biasanya tuh bentuknya buffet atau prasmanan gitu atau… DR : prasmanan prasmanan. Tergantung pak, tergantung paketnya jadi misalkan kalo dia ada paet paket yang agak mahal misalkan kalo yang wisata kemarin ya dia prasmanan. Tapi kalo yang kaya dia anak SMK kemarin di jadi apa tuh namanya kita kita kasih piring gitu. Jadi udah porsian, tinggal bagi. BR : ready on plate ya. DR : iya kemarin menunya nasi uduk, ya nasi uduk kita bagikan, bagi waktu pas di mejanya. BR : jadi tuh emang tergantung pesanan dari wisatawannya. DR : iya betul tergantung. BR : biasanya kalo dari SMK SMK gitu menu makanan yang disediakan apa pak? DR : kita nasi uduk nasi uduk nasi uduk nasi uduk karena khas Bekasi nasi uduk ya. Nasi uduk kemudian ee apa namanya buah air minum ya es the manis apa segala macem, terus kalo di hotel ya makanan hotel lah ayam daging tergantung. Tergantung yang dia pilih. BR : kalo fasilitasnya disana gimana pak? DR : yang mana? BR : yang tadi di restoran yang biasa digunakan itu.


DR : fasilitasnya dia ee sebenarnya kita nggak mencari fasilias disitu tapi memang pengin mengembangka Kebun Cengkeh juga disana. Yang peting dia ada… ada AC iya kana da ruangan meeting jadi cukup untuk sekitar ee 80 orang 80 anak, nah 80 anak itu ya sudah nanti ada sound system, AC, makanan, udah cukup. BR : nih maksudnya tadi 80 untuk ruangan meeting aja atau sama buat tempat makannya itu. DR : ya tempat makan ruang meetingnya tuh tuh tempat makan, meja makan, meja gitu lho he eh. Jadi jadi apa namanya sekalian sama motivasi. Jadi di situ tuh ada sesi motivasi dari bosnya Artamas pak Budi tentang ee bagaimana lulusan SMK itu bisa bekerja dengan baik. BR : jadi emang udah ada programnya juga ya disana. DR : iya kita programkan, jadi nggak hanya cuman kunjungan tapi pengin ada sesi motivasi. BR : biasanya berapa lama tuh pak? DR : satu jam BR : jadi ee include makan siang terus sambil motivasi juga? DR : iya sambil makan siang BR : terus kalo untuk lokasinya sendiri pak itu dia deket sama pabrik-pabrik yang akan dikunjungi kah? Atau beda jauh? DR : iya dia deket di… sampai lupa itu. Deket hotel Ibis itu lho. BR : kira-kira berapa menit pak dari situ ke pabrik? DR : kalo dari situ ke pabrik ya paling setengah jam-an. Iya paling jauh setengah jam. Kalo kita tujuan pabriknya ke Jababeka, Ejip itu setengah jam. BR : kalo untuk harganya sendiri? DR : harganya ee paling kita batesin untuk satu porsi 20.000 per anak. BR : terus dari wisatawan pernah ada complain, kritik gitu nggak pak? Restoran? DR : ee complain restoran iya pernah ada, pernah ada, complainnya begini jadi kita dianggepnya kok ini kok makannya kok di ruko gitu. Karena kan di komplek ruko ya. Jadi walaupun gede kompleknya ruko gitu. Ee apa tuh namanya jadi penginnya tuh di restoran kaya seperti ini gitu. Ya mungkin itu. Padahal kita sebenernya nggak cuman jualan itu tapi jualan tadi motivasi. BR : jadi lebih ke bentuk fisiknya ya pak ya?


DR : iya mereka melihat komplainnya karena bentuk fisiknya. Nih kok di ruko sih gitu kan, katanya di pabrik tapi kok di ruko. BR : padahal mah kalo dilihat dari segi harga, kemudian akses kesananya, kemudian deket juga. Terus untuk fasilitas yang selanjutnya nih pak transportasi pak. Biasanya klo ada wisatawan tuh pake transportasi bus itu bus besar atau kecil. DR : bus besar. BR : jadi meskipun banyak… DR : kaya yang anak anak ini bus besar BR : iya yang SMK SMK itu SMP juga bus besar ya? DR : iya bus besar. Jadi rata-rata itu anu mas sat… pokoknya satu sekolahan itu kalo bisa memang harus semua satu jurusan kunjungan ya jurusan lain ikut cemburu gitu harus ikut. BR : jadi satu angkatan ya DR : he eh satu angkatan bisa berapa bi situ. Bisa ada sepuluh bis itu. BR : tapi meskipun bus besar ini ee bisa menjangkau tempat, semua tempat kan? Maksudnya nggak ada pabrik yang harus bus kecil gitu. DR : bisa, nggak ada, nggak ada, bisa. Selama ini bisa semua. BR : terus untuk souvenir shop nih pak. Ee biasanya itu mereka kalo dateng ke pabrik, di pabrik itu emang udah ada souvenir shop untuk dibelanjain atau gimana pak? Souvenir shopnya atau keluar mungkin? DR : jadi di pabrik itu ee beda-beda kalo di Sari Roti itu dikasi souvenir ya roti, dikasih tentengan. BR : kalo motor nggak motor pak? Haha DR : haha nggak. Jadi biasanya apa ya mungkin tentengannya blok note pupen, gitu-gitu kalo yang non non makanan ya. BR : itu dari pabriknya yang ngasih atau dari kita? DR : dari pabriknya kita nggak minta, kita nggak minta. Jadi memang mereka sebagai apa sebagai apa sebagai anu sebagai service dia kana da tamu lah kan gitu ya, gitu. BR : tapi nggak, maksudnya nggak, setelah dari pabrik nggak dibawa ke souvenir souvenir shop yang lain gitu pak? DR : oh nggak ada, nggak ada. Di Cikarang belum ada central souvenir yang khas belum ada. Itu bedanya dengan Bandung, bedanya dengan daerah lain. Bekasi masih perlu ada central central itu


BR : jadi souvenir souvenir itu emang bener bener dari pabriknya, nggak ada jadwal untuk kemana belanja gitu? DR : iya nggak ada belum. Dinas Pariwisata mau mengadakan begitu tapi belum belum sukses sampai sekarang karena centralnya sampai sekarang juga belum ada. BR : terus yang terakhir nih pak tentang waktunya nih, waktu di paketnya. Kalo ee waktu yang diperlukan untuk menempuh dari satu tempat ke tempat lain itu biasanya berapa lama pak? DR : paling lama set… 45 menit lah. BR : itu udah termasuk macet itu lah ya? DR : iya termasuk macet. Karena gini di Cikarang, di Bekasi itu kan sebenernya sebenernya semua terintegrasi jadi MM juga bisa lewat Ejip, Ejip juga bisa ke Jababeka, jadi nggak nggak terlalu ini, nggak macet, nggak lama. BR : kalo di satu daya tarik itu biasanya berapa lama sih pak? Apa beda beda? Misalnya di pabrik A berapa lama, di pabrik B… DR : oh iya rata-rata semua dua jam total. BR : itu… oh iya keseluruhan ya berarti. Berarti nggak misalkan di pabrik food and beverage lebih lama dari otomotif. DR : nggak, biasanya standard dua jam. BR : itu emang ketentuan dari pabriknya atau dari… DR : ketentuan dari pabriknya. Jadi kita rata-rata aja misalkan kalo cuman presentasi sama tanya jawab sama foto-foto udah itu aja. BR : soalnya mereka emang cuman observasi rata-rata ya? DR : observasi betul iya. Jadi lihat proses. BR : terus kalo waktu untuk ishoma tadi cuman yang di restoran aja ya? DR : iya di restoran. BR : sekitar satu jam itu? DR : sekitar satu jam. BR : berarti kita-kira totalnya itu sekitar enam jam lah ya, lima sampai enam jam. DR : iya betul he eh. Ya paling ee jam 3 udah selesai semua. BR : mulai dari jam?


DR : ya mulai jam 10 iya jam 10. Jadi pabrik itu mau menerima biasanya jam sepuluh. Menerima tamu. Jam 10 sampai jam 12. Jam 12 istirahat. Jam satu sampai jam tiga ke tujuan yang lain. Gitu BR : udah sih pak untuk sementara itu dulu. DR : ini tadi naik apa? dari Bandung atau dari Cikarang? BR : tadi dari Bandung naik motor pak. DR : oh iya pas berarti kan. Kirain pas lagi pulang kampung. BR : nggak pak.


Interviewee : Khoiruman Position : Teacher of SMKN 1 Soreang as Tourist Code : TS Date : June 13th 2019 Place : SMKN 1 SOREANG Time : 13.00 WIB

BR : Sebelumnya nih saya terangin dulu nih pak eee… penelitian ini tuh jadi mengenai pengembangan paket wisata industri, jadi harapannya penelitian ini nantinya bisa mengembangkan paket wisata industri yang udah ada sekarang… kemudian wisata industri itu bisa menjadi lebih menarik dan menggaet wisatawan lebih banyak khususnya pelajar-pelajar SMK di Jawa Barat ini pak. Nah untuk yang pertama hin pak saya mau tanya profil bapak dulu nih. Mohon maaf namanya siapa pak? TS : Khoiruman… Khoiruman saja BR : Khoiruman… Kalo di SMK 1 Soreang ini bapak ngajar sebagai guru apa pak? TS : Sebagai guru productive otomitive. Ya jadi di sini tuh Alhamdulillah sekarang mungkin jadi amanahnya dikasih KAJUR di sini. BR : Mmm Teknik Kendaraan Ringan ya kalo nggak salah? TS : Iyah Otomotifnya Teknik Kendaraan Ringan. BR : Itu kalo boleh tahu udah berapa lama pak menjabat sebagai… TS : Kalo menjabat baru satu tahun tapi Alhamdulillah achieve untuk sekolah in syaa Allah dari beberapa perusahaan ketika kunjungan lebih baik sekarang gitu. BR : Mmm… kalo dari asalnya emang asal sini ya pak? Asal Soreang? TS : Asli Soreang BR : Terus… Motivasi untuk mengikuti wisata industri ini apa pak? TS : Motivasinya supaya siswa tahu bagaimana situasi di lapangan nanti ketika kalian… siswa-siswa kerja di manufacture atau bekerja di perusahaan- perusahaan yang berbidang jasa atau otomotive. Gitu BR : Brarti emang tiap tahun itu emang udah ada kurikulumnya setiap tahun berangkat atau gimana pak? TS : Itu udah ada program wajib dari pemerintah juga yang dianggarkan yang salah satunya adalah pemagangan dan itu salah satunya untuk menggaet supaya kita bisa ada akses masuk ke perusahaan apakah itu di bidang jasa penjualan atau perbaikan atau manufakturnya sendiri sebagai operator. BR : Jadi emang udah berjalan bertahun-tahun ya pak?


TS : Sudah berjalan eee… untuk dari sekarang yang saya selama yang saya mengajar di sini ada di Jogja, ada di Magelang, Malang, terus Bekasi, Cikarang, sama di kemaren waktu terakhir di perusahaan PT. Daihatsu di sunter Jaya Motor di sana. BR : Mmm… Terus saya mau tanya-tanya nih pak pengalamannya pak, coba bisa diceritain sedikit pengalaman bapak waktu ikut wisata industri, kunjungan industri waktu itu ke Daihatsu ya pak? TS : iya betul betul BR : Dari awal dari berangkat nih sampai pulang lagi. TS : Kalo perjalanan dari awal itu ya yang namanya kita membimbing sebagai guru membimbing anak-anak mengkondisikan dari mulai perjalanan dia pergi dari kota asal dari Bandung ke Jakarta itu tidak ada masalah. Bis yang difasilitasi oleh sekolah itu bisa dikatakan cukup memuaskan karena menggunakan beberapa bis yang modelnya yang terbaru itu mungkin yang jadi eee… apa namanya chip point nya. Lalu untuk ketika kita sampai di sana alhamdulilah si Driver juga ee… on time. On time sampai ke sana kita masih ada waktu 30 menit untuk prepare dan ketika kita datang kesana kitapun udah disambut dengan baik sampai-sampai dari depan kita sudah ada ee… yang men… apa yang menyambut seperti itu dan ketika kita di sana pun alhamdulillahpenerimaannya sangat baik lalu di sana anak-anak mungkin ya anak-anak khususnya dia lebih apa ya namanya lebih aktif lagi lalu pertanyaan-pertanyaan anak dengan ketidak tahuannya menjadi tahu di sana profil-profil yang awalnya bagaimana sih mobil dari mulai dirakit dari nol dari mulai besi sampai ke unit jadi itu anak-anak menjadi tahu wawasannya itu mungkin yang lebihnya, mungkin kaya gitu aja a atau apa lagi? BR : Kalo untuk pengalaman secara keseluruhan pak itu udah sesuai harapan belum pak? Maksudnya apakah setelah mengalami wisata industri itu apakah ekspektasi udah… melebihi ekspektasi atau mungkin ada yang masih kurang. TS : Kalau untuk sesuai dengan harapan… sesuai dengan darapan hanya sedikit kekurangan saja. Jadi ketika kita di objek wisata ee… apa namanya bukan objek wisata ya… kunjungan ke perusahaan itu harusnya kita gembanya itu ke semua lini. Nah kalo kita sebetulnya di otomotif hanya di bagian assembling nah kalo bisa mah jadi bagian… ada mungkin untuk tahun depan jangan sampai di lini itu saja tapi dari mulai weldingnya juga paintingnya juga semua dibabat abis gitu, jadi si anak-anak tuh tahu bagaimana cara menggam… apa namanya cara merakit dari nol itu bagaimana. Jadi kemarin masih ada yang diskipnya oleh perusahaan. Itu gimana negosiasi dari pihak travel biasanya gitu.


BR : Kalo yang dibutuhkan oleh wisatawan untuk wisata industri ini apa sih pak? TS : Yang dibutuhkan mungkin ee… pertama dari kita berangkat fasilitasnya harus enak dari mulai pengakmodasi yang kedua penerimaan di sana cukup baik lalu apa ya fasilitas yang lainnya kita bisa… selain dari pihak travel juga bisa meng apa yah meng-cover mulai dari sertifikat dari mulai apa namanya ee… akses untuk bisa masuk ke MOU ke perusahaan itu lebih mudah harusnya mah seperti itu gitu harapannya tuh tapi alhamdulilah kemarin itu kalo dari pihak travel masih memuaskan karena ada beberapa mungkin ada yang sebagian kecilnya mah hanya di sarapan paginya saja menggunakan nasi box gitu aja sih kalo sisanya kana da yang di McD ada yang di padang satu lagi ada yang apa namanya warung warung rumah makan kaya gitu lah lesehan gitu paling. BR : Emang waktu itu berangkat dari sekolah ini jam berapa pak? TS : Berangkat dari sekolah itu jam tiga sampai diperkirakan karena diterima di sana itu jam setengah Sembilan sampai sana jam delapan udah sampai. BR : Ooo gitu… kalo untuk pabriknya sendiri nih pak daya tariknya dalam kegiatan wisata fasilitas yang ada dalam perusahaan yang dikunjungi tuh khususnya fasilitas yang mendukung kegiatan kunjungan pak itu seperti apa pak? Apakah sudah bagus sesuai harapan atau mungkin ada fasilitas yang dirasakan karena ada di pabrik mungkin berbahaya karena ada alat berat atau seperti apa pak? TS : Oh nggak sih kalau untuk fasilitas di sana kita sebelum kita masuk udah dikasih kasih kita seperti di auditorium seperti kaya ruang meeting hotel udah enak lah pokoknya kalo untuk di Daihatsu yah mungkin saya ee… lebih fokusnya ke Daihatsu karena apa karena kemaren posisinya dijamu enak lah di sana karena kebetulan kepala kita juga salah satu sekolah yang binaan Daihatsu. Itu satu. Jadi di sana fasilitas pendidikannya edukasinya ee… alhamdulilah baik-baik aja kasarnya tidak ada yang ditakutkan kaya modalnya ada loncatan bunga api atau apa nggak karena di awal kita dateng meeting roomnya di ruang meeting room itu fasilitasnya sudah enak dikasih snack dan lain lain lalu kita genba, genba itu kita berkeliling dan sebelum kita berkeliling kita ada safety first jadi ada edukasi yang untuk ketika kita berjalan di jalur berbahaya trek kaya gimana itu udah dikasih tahu di awal. Jadi area berbahaya mana , harus menggunakan kaca mata , harus menggunakan jaket kulit atau pelindung yang lain kita udah dikasih sama dia dan untuk media komunikasi itu menggunakan HT jadi tiap orang mempunyai HT nya masing-masing disimpen langsung di bajunya gitu tapi untuk kaya area-area tertentu itu ada yang tidak boleh menggunakan safety jadi safetynya dibalik, awalnya tuh harus kuat safetynya dan yang terakhir badan kita harus soft semua harus menggunakan yang tidak tanpa metal


karena itu bagian-bagian yang tidak boleh ee… terkena lecet ataupun kotor itu aja sih. BR : Kalo untuk kegiatannya nih pak di sana itu model kegiatannya apakah para siswa dikumpulkan ke dalam satu ruangan kemudian hanya diberikan seminar penjelasan atau mereka dibawa keliling diberikan penjeleasan juga justru mereka dibawa keliling terus boleh ikutan praktek misalkan cara membuat satu kokmponen terus dipraktekan sama siswanya atau gimana tuh pak? TS : Oh jadi kalo disana ee… udah ada anak siswa itu harus harus di… apa ya kita masuk ada tulisan disana ada security yang me mengarahkan jadi handphone di awal harus dimatikan kalo tidak dimatikan disilent tapi kameranya harus disegel kamera nomer satu harus disegel lalu diajak ke ruang meeting disana, nah disana dikasih seminar dan dikasih arahan agar kita bisa masuk trek ee… jalur gitu ya jalur untuk ee… produksi ee… di sana dikasih tahu bahwasannya apa yang harus area berbahaya menggunakan apa kita harus berjalan dimana itu udah dikasih tahu jadi setelah beres itu kita genba genba tuh kita berjalan di jalur jalur produksi bener-bener apa namanya kita tuh sebagai siswa tuh sudah dikatakan seperti operator disana jadi harus tau trek mana ada towing mana ada forklift mana ada yang lain kita harus tahu dan disana pun kalau untuk praktek sendiri kita tidak diarahkan praktek disana tidak langsung terjun kita hanya observasi saja menganalisis bagaimana cara memproduksi satu kendaraan dan anak- anak pun pada tercengang karena satu unit kendaraan diciptakan hanya memerlukan waktu 62 detik saja itu untuk menciptakan satu kendaraan. Lalu juga ee… disana ada area edukasi jadi khusus anak-anak untuk anak- anak baru yang akan kerja disana ada edukasi untuk training training tersebutdan anak-anak bisa untuk memegang-megang untuk mensimuasikan tapi itu hanya area edukasi saja, ada khusus area edukasi yang memang itu disediakan oleh perusahaan. Mungkin itu sih a jadi nggak ada kita nggak diterjunkan langsung untuk membuat komponen karena itu kalau kita menerjunkan langsung satu menit satu mobil mungkin perusahaanpun akan rugi gitu. Mungkin itu a. BR : Terus mungkin juga karena berbahaya… kalau untuk perusahaan yang dikunjungi itu apa hanya satu itu aja atau ada yang lain sih pak waktu itu… TS : Waktu itu saya hanya satu dulu tapi next time kita akan dua sampai tiga karena waktu dulu programnya sekolah saja kalo sekarang di acc juga untuk ee… kita keluar kita ada program keluar kita rencana ada tiga perusahaan kalo waktu itu hanya satu sih jadi kalo untuk yang ke depannya akan tiga perusahaan untuk TCama Yudha, Suzuki, serta Daihatsu lagi kembali Daihatsu, Daihatsunya tidak yang di Karawang tapi yang di Sunter karena beliau ee… yang di Sunter itu langsung ke HO nya karena kana da hubungan yang harus kita jalin karena sekolah program ditekan oleh pemerintah juga


ada antara link and match dan juga industri ee… berbasis vokasi yang itu yang kemaren. BR : Kemaren ini yang ke Karawang ya? TS : Yang di Sukabumi itu peresmian jadi kita harus ke Karawang harus kemana itu diresmikan oleh pak Jokowi ama menteri-menterinya Jokowi itu untuk bisa me link and match kan antara sekolah dengan perusahaan itu sih. BR : Kalo untuk daya tariknya sendiri perusahaan ini dalam kegiatan kunjungan wisata industri ini udah memenuhi kebutuhan pak? TS : Yah sesuai dengan kebutuhan karena kita basic dari otomotif roda empat ketika kita dibawa ke manufaktur ya pasti itu tujuan utama kita kesana. BR : Kalo gitu jadi sekolah ini emang yang ee… minta dibuatkan untuk dateng ke perusahaan atau emang dari pihak yang penjual travel ini udah menyiapkan pak waktu itu? TS : Nah disini ada dua, ada dua opsi yang pertama difasilitasi sama travel ya yang kedua ee… by request kita jadi awalnya emang sama kita kesana Cuma kita ada ee… pihak travel menyanggupi it’s okay ternyata pas diakhir cerita kita pengin ke Daihatsu pihak travel hanya bisa ke Daihatsu yang ee… di Karawang. Karena objek sasaran kita penginnya di Daihatsu di ee… Sunter jadi mau tidak mau kita kerja sama dengan pihak travel untuk bisa tembus ke Sunter gitu jadi ee… apa ya kita kerja sama aja lah sama pihak travel kaya gitu. BR : Kalau untuk harapannya sendiri pak untuk mengembangkan wisata industri ini supaya kemudian lebih baik lagi gimana pak? TS : Kalau harapan saya jadi ketika wisata industri ini tidak hanya dilaksanakan di satu tingkat satu itu yang keduanya… BR : Maksudnya satu tingkat pak? TS : Satu tingkat itu contohnya kita kemaren ee… kunjungan industrinya hanya kelas satu saja gitu tapi kalo naik untuk yang program yang selanjutnya yang saya buat maksdunya di SMK Negeri 1 Soreang Alhamdulillah kita kerjasama sama perusahaan Daihatsu udah bisa menjadi kebetulan menjadi kordinator wilayah Jawa Barat sekarang SMK Soreang dengan Daihatsu bersama Suzuki Alhamdulillah sebagai pion mungkin ya karena di Suzuki belum ada ee… ee… apa edukasinya atau vokasi untuk khusus sekolah- sekolah binaan belum ada kita sebagai pion disitu lalu yang terakhir sekarang mau ngegarap Mitsubishi sama Wuling dan itu udah ada rambu- rambu kita tinggal register… BR : Itu yang ada di Karawang ya pak?


TS : Yang di Karawang itu daerah Karawang Cikarang mah Suzuki Suzuki tapi kalau untuk yang di Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi mah daerah apa itu yah Pulo Mas kalo nggak salah Jakarta. BR : Kalau kesan secara keseluruuhan gimana pak setelah mengikuti wisata industri? TS : Kesannya ya memuaskan karena apa ya dikarenakan saya sebagai staff pengajar di sekolah kita berbicara tentang teori tentang praktek yang ada di sekolah tentang apa yang ada di sekolah dipelajari dikasih ke anak tapi dengan adanya ee… tekno wisata ke industri itu namanya apa ya anak-anak tidak menerawang lagi menghayal lagi jadi tahu target sasaran anak itu ketika saya tuntas nih dari sekolah saya ingin jadi apa. Minimal inilah minimal kalo kita keluar dari SMK anak dia udah tahu untuk berwira usaha apa di bidang apa gitu berwis.. berwis… berwirausaha dulu. Nah minimal minimal aja tukang tambal ban aja. Kenapa tukang tambal ban kalau tukang tambal bannya udah ada sepuluh cabang ya gaji kita pun sebagai guru kalah ya itu buka usaha bengkel dan lain-lainnya. Nah untuk dia kerja dia wawasannya tahu dia kerja di manufaktur berarti merakit mobil kalo kerja di bidang jasanya dia memperbaiki mobil ada tempatnya dimana dan Alhamdulillah ketika kita kunjungan disana ada tempat untuk ee… simulasi sebagai jasa perbaikan ada untuk yang lagi memproduksi kendaraan jadi siswa menjadi tahu dan paham dan bersemangat ketika dia bailk lagi ke sekolah dan juga mungkin untuk sebagai guru disini ee… sistem manajemen yang ada di industri akan diaplikasikan di sekolah agar siswa-siswa tidak kaget ketika dia masuk ke industri oh habitnya seperti ini karena yang udah masuk ke industri mentalnya harus berbeda dengan anak-anak maaf ya mungkin anak SMA SMK disettingnya berbeda karena settingan anak SMK itu lebih keras harus lebih strong karena menghadapi dunia yang luar yah tau sendiri kalo di manufaktur kaya gitu. BR : Nah sekarang kalo untuk fasilitas restorannya nih pak waktu ke kunjungan industri itu kan ke restoran ya pak? TS : Iya iya BR : Nah itu ke restorannya restoran jenis apa pak? TS : Yang pertama kita tuh mungkin box dulu yah karena pake catering gitu, makan pagi pake catering dari dua kali. Itu yang pertama snack, snack ketika kita berangkat, kita ketika kita datang kita dikasih box lalu juga setelah beres dari kunjungan industri di Industri juga sebetulnya dikasih, dikasih snack sama ee… apa namanya minuman karena disana kalo di perusahaan wajib makan sama minum susu sama roti. BR : Itu jam berapa pak? TS : Itu sekitaran jam sembilan.


BR : Bisa dibilang kaya coffee break gitu ya? TS : Iya betul betul itu wajib itu karena semua perusahaan ketika ya itu yang makan seperti itu mugkin lalu beres itu makan lagi di restoran padang… ooo di McD dulu. Di McD setelah di McD kita ke restoran padang langsung beres itu ketika malem-malem kita di lesehan untuk belanja oleh-oleh di Purwakarta gitu. BR : Kalo untuk pelayanan yang diberikan di tempat makannya itu itu makan di McDnya di daerah mana pak? TS : McDnya di Dufan langsung di dalam. Iya jadi disana via apa ya, kalau dari pihak travel itu ngasih voucher ke kita gitu, jadi voucher tersebut bisa disobek mana untuk makan mana makan pagi dimana makan ini dimana jadi udah ada logo-logonya sendiri gitu. Jadi waktu pagi nih oh ada McD nih McDnya disobek terus ada warung padang, warung padangnya disobek gitu. BR : Jadi waktu makan siang itu udah posisinya udah selesai kunjungan industri? TS : Sudah sudah beres BR : Itu udah keluar udah nggak ke industri lagi? TS : Sudah nggak ke industri lagi karena kan tiap manajemen sekolah berbeda- beda keinginannya kalo keinginan kepala kan pengennya ee… ketika beres bada bada beres sholat lah ya kita udah makan langsung ke Dufan atau ee… yah atau iya udah beres sholat posisi sholat tuh kita udah ada di Dufan nak. Jadi karena objek wisata industrinya kita dekat hanya lima menitan ke Dufan lebih enak gitu jadi makan siang ama sholatnya kita di Dufan gitu. BR : Kalo untuk yang masakan padang itu makan dimana pak? TS : Makannya itu di daerah masih di seputaran area wisata rekreasi Dufan cuman kita agak jauh dari situ kalo nggak salah di timur yah di timurnya Dufan pantai timurnya disitu mungkin di rumah makan padangnya. BR : Kalo fasilitasnya bagus semuanya pak? TS : Fasilitas tempat makan yang namanya restoran padang yaa mungkin kurang yah jujur aja kurang karena ketika kita kesana ee… antara guru dan siswa itu dipisahkan gitu jadi ada makanan guru ada makanan siswa itu dipisahkan jadi apa yah beda lah kalo kita kita contohnya kita ke SR yang dimana itu tuh Tasik yah Ciamis itu udah antara guru dan siswa tidak ada kesenjangan mungkin itu yang di tehnik yang bedanya tehnik dengan jurusan yang lain itu di tehnik itu ee… posisinya di samakan semua antara guru dan siswa dan jadi tau makanan yang dimakan sama siswa dirasain sama gurunya berkualitas atau tidak gitu.


BR : Kalo yang di padang ini dibedain ya? TS : Dibedain kalo yang di padang kecuali yang waktu tahun lalu ada travel tertentu namanya siapa lupa lagi itu kita pake table maner. Pake table manner mungkin kekurangannya itu makannya jadi lama. BR : Oh iya table manner TS : Iya itu. BR : Lebih rapi lebih bersih. TS : Iya lebih rapi lebih bersih lebih ada etika etikanya lah disitu bisa untuk mengedukasi anak yang makan oleh tangan ama sendok seadanya disana ada aturan mainnya kalo ada table manner itu lebih asik. BR : Kalo kesan secara keseluruhan mengenai restoran selama kunjungan itu gimana pak? TS : Kesannya yang mines tuh cuman di resto padang saja sisanya untuk restoran di objek wisata, makan dan isinya ya itu nggak ada yang ngecewain hanya di rumah makan padang aja yang kurang. BR : Kalo lesehan itu dimana pak? TS : Di Purwakarta BR : Makan malam ya? TS : Iya BR : Terus kalo untuk transportasinya pak waktu itu pake bis kan ya… pake bis kecil atau bis besar dari sini pak? TS : Iya bis ini campuran jadi campurannya antara bis apa ya ¾ yah ¾ sama bis yang besar itu itu gabungan jadi ada yang besar ada yang kecil tapi dengan melihat fasilitasnya itu ee… sama sebetulnya cuman sedikit agak dibedakannya karena apa trek mungkin trek jauh, ada yang jauh ada yang dekat mungkin itu kalo yang trek jauh itu biasanya dikasih bisnya contohnya yang jurusan perhotelan perhotelan itu biasanya lebih ke bisnya lebih bagus dari pada anak-anak tehnik ya kayanya itu rada bagus biasanya kana da yang 48 seat atau 50 seat gitu kan nah itu dikasih lebih sedikit jadi ee… apa namanya lebih enak lah lebih nyaman tapi kalo kemaren disebut nyaman ya nyaman. BR : Kalo untuk bisnya sendiri karna ada kaya misalkan jalan jalan yang agak kecil tuh nggak bisa dilalui bis, tapi ini semuanya bisa pak dilalui bis makanya pake… maksudnya ada yang pake bis kecil apakah karena ada jalan yang nggak bisa dilalui bis besar atau gimana? TS : Oh nggak sih itu kebetulan jumlah rombongan kita jumlah siswa kita, jadi ee… kita mempunyai target ee… apa ya wisata industri itu berbeda-beda


sedangkan jumlah siswa itu ee… ada 70 nih contohnya ada 70 kan yang 30 bisa masuk ke bis mana yang 20 bisa masuk ke bis mana atau satukan… yang namanya bis ada 40, kan 15 siswa kan sedikit tuh kalo dua bis kan costnya lebih tinggi gitu kan nah ada untuk di diminim costnya pake yang kecil. BR : Oh jadi lebih ke karena masalah jumlah aja ya? TS : Iya jumlah aja. BR : Bukan aksesibilitas TS : Bukan bukan BR : Kalo kesan secara keseluruhan mengenai transportasi gimana pak? Bagus nggak? TS : Kalo disebut bagus bagus yah kalo bisa mah jangan ada yang dibedakan jadi pihak travel pun harus bisa apa ya ketika dia di sekolah pun ada berbeda beda jurusan ada berbeda beda kebutuhan nah kalo travel yang bagus itu bisa meratakan kalo kita pake Nusantara, Nusantara semua deh gitu kalo mau pake CTU, CTU semua yang jumlah seatnya sama, fasilitasnya sama. BR : Nggak kaya iri irian gitu… TS : Nah gitu jadi siswanya jadi bisa iri irian, terus guru pun sama gitu kana da fasilitas yang oh ini mah ada karaoke ada wifi ada apa ada wc oh say amah ga ada wc nah itu jadi harus turun segala di mobil tuh jadi pengen maaf ya pengen bersiul pengen izin bersiul harus nyari area apa namanya wc umum dulu tapi kalo udah ada fasilitas di dalam kita lebih enjoy di dalem. BR : Tapi kalo yang kemaren sama pak? TS : Sama nggak ada nggak ada fasilitas yang aneh aneh yah bisa meratakan cuman bedanya perhotelan saja. BR : Karena jumlah tadi? TS : Karena jumlah karena jauh mungkin karena cost yang berbeda. BR : Nah pak sekarang mengenai souvenir shop nih kalo dari pabrik yang dikunjungi itu mereka biasanya memberikan souvenir atau atau rombongannya ke tempat souvenir shop yang lain soalnya sebelumnya saya nanya juga ke salah satu direktur ini travel agent katanya jadi yang menyiapkan souvenir shop, souvenirnya itu sendiri dari pihak pabrik misalkan kunjungan ke pabrik makanan nanti ama mereka dikasih makanan. Kalo ini pengalaman bapak gimana? TS : Nah kalo pengalaman saya itu kita hanya dikasih makan aja disana kalo untuk souvenir itu hanya orang yang mau bertanya dan mau menjawab saja kalo bedanya tuh.


BR : Hadiah? TS : Iya hadiah nah kalo untuk jurusan yang lain kaya jurusan elektro gitu kan kemaren ke ABC itu dikasih souvenir salah satunya mungkin ee… produknya sendiri. Batu batre nah itu. Kalo nggak salah itu di… Cikarang kalo nggak salah, kalo nggak salah di Ejip kalo nggak salah mah disitu. Nah kalo yang TKJ TKJ mah jurusan komputer itu nggak kemungkinannya cuman dikasih apa namanya link aja kalo nggak salah mah link gratis untuk edukasi pendidikan tapi In Syaa Allah kemaren kita juga sebagai sekolah binaan udah ketika kita akan kunjungan kemana pun sudah ada ee… apa namanya dengan kerja sama dengan pihak travel pihak travel pun akan memberikan souvenir-souvenir kecil jadi contohnya kan gantungan kunci kan nggak seberapa cuman ketika kita dibawa ama anak-anak satu mungkin anak-anak seneng punya kenang-kenangan terus nge-branding juga mungkin buat pihak travel kaya gitu mungkin. BR : Terus kalo souvenir shopnya yang di luar perusahaan kemana pak? TS : Di maksudnya oleh-oleh apa gimana? Oh iya oleh-oleh paling di Purwakarta saja, Purwakarta sama di Pasar malem Ancol kalo nggak salah disana ada pasar malem apa ada event apa kita kesana dulu. BR : Kalo untuk yang dijual itu produknya apa aja pak disana? TS : Yang pastinya adalah kuliner yah, yang pasti adalah kuliner yang kedua adalah fashion. Ya itu sih, yang dikejar sama anak-anak kalo nggak kaos, jam tangan, kaya kaya gitu lah. Kalo kualitas, kalo ngomongin kualitas kita beda lagi lah tiap toko kan kaya gitu kita gimana uang kalo ngomongin kualitas. Iya gitu. BR : Terus kalo untuk fasilitas yang ada di tempat makan itu eh di souvenir itu apakah contohnya ada tempat parkir untuk bus masuk, kadang karna ada yang suka nggak ada. TS : Alhamdulillah kemaren mah ee… dengan bawa berapa bis yah kurang lebih sembilan atau sepuluh gitu yah, sepuluh bis Alhamdulillah. Eh sori sori sori 14 yah 14 bis Alhamdulillah masuk semua fasilitas tempat makan karena kebetulan tempat makan pertama kedua dan ketiga itu posisinya lagi di Ancol itu fasilitas parkiran ya pasti luas, di Purwakarta pun iyah sama luas gitu. BR : Kalo lokasinya sendiri deket sama tempat wisatanya pak? TS : Kalo yang pertama kedua dan ketiga iya kalo yang ke terakhir di Purwakarta jauh. BR : Terus ee… kesan secara keseluruhan mengenai souvenir shop itu gimana pak? TS : Kesan keseluruhan…


BR : Mulai dari pelayanannya terus kelengkapan oleh-olehnya. TS : Kalo itu kalo kita mah maksudnya apa ya, kurang sih ya kurang karena posisinya kalo untuk guru sendiri kalo untuk guru sendiri seperti itu udah udah lumrah gitu tapi kalo untuk anak-anak mungkin ee… apa yaya bisa dikatakan mereka enjoygitu. Mungkin kaya gitu aja sih jadi kesimpulannya mah untuk kita pribadi mah sama saja seperti kita reTCeasi biasa wisata wisata kaya gitu terus pulangnya bawa souvenir nah untuk siswa mungkin masih dikatakan bagus lah. BR : Terus waktu di perusahaan itu bapak berapa jam sih pak? TS : Di perusahaan jam setengah sembilan sampai jam 11.30an itu udah termasuk keliling tiga jam-an lah tiga jam-an. BR : Abis itu udah langsung ke Dufan terus nggak ke perusahaan lagi ya? TS : Iya gitu langsung ke Dufan waktu kemaren. Tapi next ke depannya ee… kita SMK Soreang sudah punya target sasarannya jadi kita start dari mulai apa namanya itu tuh Karawang aka nada satu perusahaan yang kita kunjungi untuk tahun depan perkiraan di bulan apa ya ee… Februari-Maret an mungkin gitu kita akan kunjungan lagi pertama ke karawa… Daihatsu yang ada di Karawang lalu ee… mi… apa namanya yang di Pulo Gadung eh apa Pulo Gadung yang Suzuki itu e di Cakung setelah itu lalu terakhir di TCama Yudha di deket moi kalo nggak salah. Dalam satu kunjungan. Disitu rencananya kita akan di dua harikan. Gitu nginep ya pake hotel. BR : Kalo akmodasi itu biasanya pengeinnya tuh nginep di hotel mungkin hotel bintang berapa atau di melati atau gimana? TS : Harapannya itu intinya fasilitas untuk anak, intinya fasilitas untuk anak itu di kaya tempat renang lebih enak lebih nyaman terus tempat jajan kuliner itu lebih deket jadi pengen apa ya pokoknya anak-anak ketika datang pasti minta untuk jajan fasilitasnya enak, betah di kamar, tempat tidurnya enak kalo untuk ngomongin bintang kita kalo bisa minimal ee minimal di bintang empat karena kalo dari dulu kita minimal di bintang empat gitu kalo dari dulu. BR : Terus balik lagi ke masalah waktu nih pak biasanya dalam satu kali belanja oleh-oleh itu berapa lama sih pak anak-anak? TS : Kita dikasih waktu time keepernya kurang lebih di satu jam. Satu jam maksimal itu tu maksimal. Jadi ketika kita dari datang di obyek wisata itu 30 menit sampai nunggu bis yang paling belakang nah 30 menit itu untuk makan untuk apa untuk apa nah rata-rata kita molor molor ya 15 menitan jadi 45 eh apa namanya 45 menit ya 45 menit itu udah ada stand by di bis dan ketika udah ada di bis kita berangkat,maksimal itu satu jam maksimal satu jam.


BR : Terus kalo untuk rest time nih pak secara keseluruhan dalam kunjungan misalkan kaya untuk ada yang mau foto-foto atau mungkin ada yang mau ke toilet atau ada yang mau sholat dalam perjalanan itu kira-kira dalam satu kunjungan berapa lama pak dari total? TS : Kalo ditotal dari mulai pagi sampai ke itu. BR : Iya sampai selesai satu jam mungkin? TS : Lebih karena lebih karena 2 jam an mah ada, 2 jam an mah ada gitu BR : Terus terakhir nih pak masalah waktu ee… dari travel agentnya sendiri menurut bapak pemanfaatan waktunya itu udah bagus atau belum pak tepat waktu kah? TS : Kalo ngomongin tepat waktu kalo kita jalan ke daerah Karawang, Cikarang , Bekasi yang kaya gitu kalo ngomongin tepat waktu nggak, kenapa, situasi di jalan berbeda itu cuman kemaren saya kasih apa namanya ya ee… untuk satu jurusan mungkin ya tapi Alhamdulillah kemaren tidak digunakan juga ide kita tapi waktunya pas disana dengan pihak travel pun kesannya hanya molor molor 30 menitan gitu. Mungkin kalo kita perjalanannya ke daerah macet mendingan siasatnya ee… apa ya namanya kalo orang mah ee… drop seat ya, jadi nge drop dari sini pake kereta, dari sini ke stasiun terdekat, stasiun terdekat pake kereta, sampe sana yang namanya kereta kan tak kan kurang dari satu menit kan on time berarti gitu, lebih pasti dan ketika kita sampai disana udah ada yang jemput lagi itu lebih apa ya lebih asik gitu. BR : Itu pernah seperti itu atau baru harapan aja pak? TS : Itu baru harapan aja kalo untuk di sekolah ini kalo untuk di sekolah yang lain ya udah ada yang seperti itu yang saya pegang. BR : Intinya supaya jadwalnya lebih… TS : Lebih pas lebih pas lalu buat maen anak untuk kunjungan industri lebih leluasa waktunya. BR : Oh iya pak tadi bapak bilang ada yang ke ABC gitu kalo nggak salah pokoknya pabrik yang di Karawang itu apa tadi? TS : Ada banyak sih pabrik yang di Karawang itu yang kita kunjungi kesana tuh dari Karawang tuh ada Daihatsu satu yang Daihatsu yang di Karawang, terus teh yang di Karawang tuh apa ya itu the lupa lagi. BR : Kalo yang kemaren nih yang di Sunter ya pak? TS : Kemaren yang di Sunter, kalo yang di Karawang mah bagian assembling ee… mobilnya berbeda jenisnya gitu. Tapi kita juga tahun depan ini pasti ke Karawang. Pasti ke Karawang lagi langsung ke Cikarang, Cakung ya Cakung Cakung.


BR : Kalo untuk pengalamannya, waktu itu, waktu itu tahun berapa pak yang pas ke Daihatsu Karawang itu. TS : Saya tuh 2000 berapa ya 2008 eh 17 an kalo nggak salah. BR : Beararti belom lama lah ya. Nah itu pengalamannya gimana pak dari awal sampai akhir pas ke Karawang? TS : Sama aja sih pengalaman mah seperti yang di Daihatsu Sunter sama saja yang membedakan mungkin area kita genba itu lebih luas karena disana lebih dari 30 Hektar gitu lebih 30 lebih dari 30 hektar kalo nggak salah ada iya kurang lebih 30 hektar lah gitu eh sori sori bukan 30 hektar 30.000 hektar kalo nggak salah kalo nggak salah berapa sih pokoknya sih dia luas banget jadi kita genba tuh sekali puteran saja itu sampai memerlukan waktu tiga jam. Jadi fasilitas disana lebih lebih karena dekat dari Jawa Barat gitu deket dari Bandung kesana waktu lebih panjang anak-anak lebih enak disana cuman yang jadi permasalahan ketika beres dari wisata indsustri anak-anak main kemana itu doing paling ke wisata matahari matahari itu kalo nggak salah tempat renang. BR : Ooo kaya waterboom kalo nggak salah? TS : Iya ke waterboom kaya gitu. BR : Kalo yang di Sunter itu ke Dufan Cuma kalo yang di Karawang itu ke Waterboom. Mungkin karena bisa dibilang pilihannya nggak banyak ya pak ya. TS : Betul betul BR : Nah itu mungkin ada harapannya pak gimana pak untuk wisata industri yang di Karawang ini? TS : Kalo wisata industri yang di Karawang itu kalo harapan untuk indsutrinya sendiri mah nggak ada yak arena selain namanya perusahaan manufaktur SOP nya sama semua nggak ada yang dibedakan, safety pun sama semua. Paling ngekosing supaya merubah mind set anak itu menjadi balance antara dulu zaman dulu saya kecil gitu yah saya SMK kita lebih banyak mainnya lebih banyak apa namanya Dufannya. Cerita Dufan dibandingkan cerita industri. BR : Oh kalo sekarang lebih penginnya… TS : Balance minimal 50 50. Kalo dulu kan lebih berat, kalo industrinya sebentar nih satu jam udah beres terus yang di yang di datangin tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi biasanya masa otomotif ke pabrik ABC gitu. Ya ada juga otomotif ke manufaktur lagi minimal minimal ke alat berat. BR : Dulu ya tapi kalo sekarang udah sesuai. TS : Nah kalo sekarang Alhamdulillah udah sesuai.


BR : Kalo untuk fasilitasnya beda nggak sih pak. TS : Fasilitas apa? BR : Fasilitas fasilitas wisatanya yang di Daihatsu. TS : Oh yang di Daihatsu itu SOP nya sama semua, sama semua karena udah standardisasi perusahaan baik manu… apa yang membedakan cuman satu mungkin antara yang sama itu Daihatsu sama Toyota dia mempunyai edukasi buat siswa itu bedanya. Jadi ada training-training untuk siswa langsung live di tempat tapi kalau untuk ee… Suzuki itu belum ada bisa buat vokasinya. BR : Tapi untuk kegiatannya sama pak sama yang di Daihatsu Sunter pak? Maksudnya mereka itu dibawa keliling ditunjukan caranya sama semuanya pak? TS : Iya sama semua genba apa kalo bahasa bahasa jepangnya genba kan itu dikasih itu sebelum masuk ke lapangan kita kaya zen dulu zen itu ya intinya apa ya melakukan evaluasi untuk perbaikan nanti ketika kita ada di jalur tidak melakukan kesalahan jadi mengutamakan keselamatan kerja. BR : Kurang lebih 3 jam juga pak? TS : Itu hanya 30 menit durasi edukasi untuk wawasan ketika masuk jalur hanya 30 menit sebentar termasuk kuis termasuk profil. BR : Kalo totalnya total kunjungan wisata industrinya? TS : Rata-rata tiga jam rata-rata tiga jam kecuali yang ngasih yang ngasih waktu ketika beres jam delapan kita disuruh masuk itu lebih lama di perusahaan kecuali itu. Mungkin kaya gitu a. BR : Terus waktu kunjungan ke Karawang itu pak ee… waktu makan siang restorannya dimana pak? TS : Restorannya kalo dulu nggak sih kita makannya di rest area jadi iya makannya di rest area pakenya KFC langsung kalo dulu mah. BR : Jadi prosesnya tuh dari sini berangkat jam berapa pak waktu itu? TS : Waktu itu teh beres sholat subuh kalo dari sini mah kalo dari Karawang ke Karawang mah beres sholat subuh udah samp… ee… dari sini sholat subuh langsung berangkat sampai sana nggak ke kesiangan. BR : Sampai sana jam delapan? TS : Jam delapan kurang. BR : Jam delapan udah masuk? TS : Jam delapan udah masuk.


BR : Kira-kira selesai jam? BR : Sekitar jam 11an? TS : Ketika bel setelah beres bel istirahatnya coffee break nya karyawan kurang lebih 30 menit 40 menit kita keluar. BR : Setelah itu? TS : Ya main BR : Yang ke waterboom itu ya? TS : Iya he eh BR : Abis itu langsung… berarti makan siangnya di daerah itu pak? TS : Di tempat area wisata wisata apa namanya bukan wisata indsutri nya kata tempat main waterboomnya itu. BR : Tapi disitu di restoran apa pak makannya? TS : Yang pertama KFC yang kedua restoran apa ya lupa lagi dah ciri khas sunda kaya gitu nggak ngerti. BR : Tapi masih daerah-daerah situ ya daerah daerah kawasan industri soalnya waterboom itu juga kan di kawasan Jababeka pak? TS : Ooo ya saya nggak tahu kalo daerah situ. BR : Terus kalo waktu kunjungan Karawang kesan keseluruhannya gimana pak mengenai restoran? TS : Restoran kalo untuk restoran ya sama aja sih a ya tapi ya tidak mengecewakan seperti warung padang. BR : Yang warung padang… TS : Ya bukan warung padang ya restoran padang gitu jadi kalo itu kan agak mengecewakannya anak dan siswa dibedakan. BR : Kalo waktu ke Karawang itu naik bus nya bus besar atau bus kecil pak? TS : Pake CTU pake CTU the bis yang besar semua. BR : Ooo gitu itu juga satu angkatan kelas sepuluh semua ya? TS : Itu kelas 12 BR : Ooo kelas 12 TS : Eh kelas 12 kelas 2 tuh kelas berapa ya kelas 11. BR : Berarti tahun ini yang kelas 12 ya?


TS : Kalo untuk jurusan sendiri ngadain dua event semua tingkat mau dibawa. BR : Oh iya pak untuk souvenir shop nya yang di Karawang kalo souvenir shop yang waktu kunjungan di Karawang tuh kemana pak? TS : Nggak tau ya lupa lagi saya the daerah apa ya BR : Kalo dari pabriknya sendiri dibagiin nggak pak souvenir. TS : Cuman topi doang, tapi merah he eh topi merah doing. BR : Tapi kalo untuk yang itu nya lupa pak? TS : Lupa betul udah udah lama ya. BR : Yaudah pak mungkin untuk sekarang itu aja kali pak TS : Siap siap BR : Terimakasih banyak nih pa katas keterangannya TS : Iya siap siap


Interviewee : Nunung Nur’aeni S.Kom., M.Si Position : Head of the Management and Development Section for Natural and Marine Tourism of Tourism Office of Bekasi Regency Code : BO Date : May 27th 2019 Place : Tourism Office of Bekasi Regency Time : 11.00 WIB

BO : Aku ambil itunya dulu… (suara orang lain berbincang). Kalo perusahaan- perusahaan yang terbuka untuk wisata industri… Perasaan saya sudah kasih catetan catetan kecil belom yah? Yang ada coca cola kaya gitu-gitu udah belom sih? BR : Nah itu waktu itu sih kayanya udah… BO : Udah kan ilang lagi? BR : iya nyelip kemana… haha BO : (Suara orang lain, Kabid Destinasi : ada Sari Roti) (berbicara dengan orang lain, Kabid Destinasi: ada berapa ayo pak?) Sari Roti, Coca Cola, Astra Honda Motor, udah terus… Suzuki, Yamaha music ya… Yamaha music, Mitsubishi? Masuk? (Kabid Destinasi : iya masuk) Dia mau dikunjungi pak? (Kabid Destinasi: iya) Terus Coca Cola udah, ada lagi… ini yang welcome banget ya. Kalo yang lainnya belum ada. Nih Unilever nih. Ya berapa banyak perusahaan yang terbuka untuk wisata industri? Ditulis disini aja ya. Perusahaan yang siap dikunjungi. Ini udah bab berapa? BR : Sekarang lagi ngerjain bab 4 bu. Pas lagi puasa. BO : iya… BR : oh iya bu, kalo perusahaan-perusahaan ini tuh mereka terbuka untuk nerima siswa-siswa magang nggak sih bu? Atau Cuma tertentu aja? Atau hampir semua? BO : Semua nerima siswa magang. BR : Soalnya saya juga waktu itu nanya ke EO, CV. Reka Media kan… katanya sebenernya yang dibutuhin tuh, sebenernya sih kalo dari pihak CV. Reka Media itu bilang katanya sekolah-sekolah itu nyari perusahaan yang sebagai objek wisata industri ini yang juga nerima ini buat magang, jadi sekalian mereka kesana, jadi ada koneksi gitu.


BO : Mmmm… boleh boleh BR : Tapi kalo untuk ini semuanya nerima ya bu? BO : Kan kalo magang itu tidak digaji ya? Iya kan… jadi kaya kita nyari ilmu aja kan, kalo masalah dibayar atau tidaknya mah itu masalah nanti beda lagi. Yang namanya magang itu kan kaya kita lagi cari eee istilahnya mah bikin tulisan atau apa, he eh nggapapa. Kan suami saya kan kerja di Hitachi, itu nggak masalah. BR : jadi emang semuanya terbuka, welcome ya? BO : He em He em. Ini adalah data yang… ini sebenernya sih datanya ada sekitar 30an ya. 30an perusahaan lah. Cuman yang paling aktif, paling istilahnya mah paling welcome banget, itu perusahaan-perusahaan ini. Sisanya mereka pada menutup diri, bahkan kami minta data kunjungan pun susah banget. BR : Tapi mereka dalam prakteknya udah terbuka juga sama perusahaan- perusahaan lain? BO : Semua perusahaan yang ada di Kabupaten Bekasi memiliki jadwal kunjungan sendiri. Misalkan kaya PT. Coca Cola, ini pun mereka punya jadwal sendiri dari Januari sampai Desember nggak mungkin kayanya, sampai November. Karena Desember mah kan banyak libur ya. Banyak libur karena akhir tahun, mereka juga sibuk kayanya. Kalo yang saya tau sih begitu ya. Dari Januari sampai November itu ada jadwalnya sendiri. Mereka ngundang dari mana atau ada dari Kabupaten/Kota lain, daerah-daerah luar jawa, daerah mana pengen berkunjung itu mereka cari infonya ke PT itu sendiri. Jadi kita belom punya sistem sebenernya Dinas Pariwisata itu belum punya sistem yang harusnya perusahaan-perusahaan ini yang namanya kunjungan itu pasi, he em, yang namanya kunjungan ada orang yang mengunjungi kesitu berarti itu kan destinasi ya harusnya itu kan berhubungan dengan Dinas Pariwisata ya. Cuman karena pertama Dinas Pariwisata itu sendiri kan baru. Saya bilang 2017 itu baru. Ada wisata industri pun memang karena kita kebetulan di daerah wisata industri jadi kawasan industri, jadi kita pengennya itu pengen dimajuin gitu. Tahun 2017 kita pun ada kegiatan yang ingin, ayo dong bareng-bareng sama perusahaan itu susahnya setengah mati. Buat bikin MOU kesepakatan kerja sama biar kalo misalkan ada apa apa, ada pengunjung, lewat pariwisata. Itu pun susah banget. BR : Mungkin karena itu bukan karena… apa ya… BO : Karena apa… kalo perusahaan itu kan yang dilihat dari benefit. BR : iya betul


BO : Kalo sedangkan kita kan tidak itu iya kan. Jadi intinya mah itu. Kedua memang perlu kerja keras dari atau perlu kolaborasi namanya, inikan perusahaan banyak. Jadi mau nggak mau harusnya baik dari stakeholder dinas-dinas lain itu harusnya membantu gitu loh. Jadi mereka lebih takut dengan Disnaker hahaha. Kalo Dinaker kan Dinas Tenaga Kerja yah? Jadi kalo di Disnaker mah iyah mau. Misalkan minta apa aja, data apa aja dikasih gitu. BR : Oh gitu… BO : He em tapi kalo misalnya kita aduuh BR : soalnya bukan ini kali bukan core bisnis mereka. BO : iya itu intinya buka core bisnis mereka dan kedua tidak memberikan benefit buat mereka itu. Kaya gini loh kasarnya mah, ah ngerepotin aja. Padahal kami itu juga istilahnya mah dituntut gitu ya buat, karena kan disini ada atraksi wisata industri juga kan, kalo saya kebetulan wisata alam bahari, tapi karena kita belum jalan ininya eee… beberapa perusahaan juga belum ada yang welcome gitu ya, Cuma ada beb… ya Cuma segini ini nih. Kalo ada kegiatan apa apa kita ada event apa apa yaudah kita ajak perusahaan- perusahaan ini yang sudah mau memberikan eee istilahnya mah yaudah tuk kita bikin kesepakatan. Terus apa lagi ya pertanyaanya? Bagaimana kegiatan yang dilakukan di perusahaan yang dikunjungi? BR : Nah itu kalo misalkan disini wisata industri itu mereka yang dilakukan di pabriknya itu apakah mereka cuma dateng kemudian ngeliat seminar ditunjukin ini tuh fungsinya ini benda ini fungsinya ini atau mereka bisa langsung praktekin, mereka bisa langsung pake misalnya cara nge-las, mereka coba… BO : nggak nggak, apalagi yang cara nge-las ya, nge-las itu harus kursus dulu. BR : oh gitu jadi mereka sekedar seminar ya? BO : iya sekedar seminar cuman cara liat, ngeliatinya oh ngerakitnya kaya gitu ya, oh ternyata sejam aja bisa menghasilkan seribu berapa gitu, seribu unit atau apa gitu, atau seribu roti atau apa gitu aja sih. Cara dari yang bikinyya, apanya, sampai jadinya gitu. Dari awalnya, dicetaknya, sampai proses packingnya packagingnya. Itu aja kalo sampai kita kaya langsung praktek bikinnya nggak, kaya yang di Kidzania itu nggak ya. Kalo di Kidzania itu bikin kan hahaha.yah sebenernya ya sebenernya Dinas Pariwisata sendiri sebenernya punya cita-cita itu daripada keliling keliling ke semua kawasan, penginya ada satu lokalisasi khusus buat kaya ini, ini mah mimpi ya, ini buat misalkan perusahaan Coca Cola, jamu, ini cara bikinnya gimana, jadi satu kawasan itu… BR : Bisa dapet semua ya?


BO : Bisa dapet semua iya. Malah lebih aman kan. Memang peruntukannya kan istilahnya memang buat pengunjung. kalo kita langsung ke pabriknya itu kan lebih lebih riskan ya. Lebih riskan ya kenapa? Karena disana kan ada ya itu ada alat berat lah, ada mesin mesin… BR : resikonya ya… BO : iya resikonya terus mereka juga ada yang dirahasiakan gitu, makanya mereka tidak mau terbuka disitu. Kalo yang kegiatan itu udah bisa dijawab ya? BR : iya BO : he em, terus aksesibilitas menuju perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut, kita sih masih pake angkot ya itu aja. Kalo untuk aksesibilitas jalannya bagus. BR : Bisa dilalui sama bus besar semua ya? BO : Bisa bus bisa ho oh namanya juga pabrik, pokoknya mah bagus lah ya ini ya akses ya. Aksesibilitas bagus, jalan oke gitu ya. BR : soalnya kana da kaya yang di tempat tempat mana nggak bisa pake bus besar harus bus kecil. BO : Nggak kalo di kita bisa. BR : Soalnya emang kawasan sih ya? BO : Emang kawasan, bagus, jalan tidak rusak. Karena mereka sebenernya bertanggung jawab mas. Sebenernya mereka solidnya ya mungkin karena kebutuhan mereka, jadi giliran lubang sedikit nggapapa mereka mah bayarin karena buat mereka sendiri dan memang jalannya kan bukan jalan yang ecek ecek yang anggaplah yang dari pemerintah kan kadang kadang… karena kan mereka tau sendiri, bisnya aja gede gede, banya aja… sedangkan jalan itu kana da kekuatan berapa beratnya… jalan tidak rusak, bisa dilalui dua bus besar, dilalui bus, tronton ya… truk ho oh, dan lain lain. BO : apakah daya tarik wisata dalam suatu… hanya perusahaan saja… BR : Yang ini bu BO : Eh BR : Kurang lebih sama sih Cuma ini lebih sedikit. BO : Eh kamu BR : Sama kurang lebih bu Cuma ini lebih sedikit BO : Oh udah nih, ini sama. Bagaimana daya tarik wisata alam dan budaya yang terdapat di Kabupaten Bekasi… Eh tadi masih dua ya mas? Daya tarik wisata wisata alam dan budaya. Alam… ini aja ya satu satu ya…


BR : iya… BO : Satu… kan da di situ… iya di situ kana da. (Berbicara dengan orang lain: nggak pak belum terakomodir, apa kita bikin aja pak? Ya pak ya bikin database yang… jadi kita bisa, jadi kita bisa tau juga, kalo di situ kana da 6000 apa aja gitu… hah 2020? He em ada. BO : Alam terus apa lagi? Kalo kita lebih ke situ sama Ecowisatanya ya? BR : Itu akses kesananya sama bu? Maksudnya gampang dilalui bus besar atau… BO : Akses oke ya, akses oke, kalo kecamatan Muara Gembongnya akses oke. Ke Situ Abidin bisa tapi gitu loh tapi tau sendiri kan struktur tanah disini itu kan hidup ya jadi walaupun baru dibangun udah ini pecah lagi gitu berarti gimana? BR : Kalo dilalui bus besar bisa? BO : Udah lah oke aja lah ya, oke aja tapi kurang mulus gitu ya. BR : yang penting bis bisa masuk. BO : Bisa bisa. Terus kalo yang budaya ya. Kalo untuk budayanya itu kita ada di Saung Ranggon, terus kita ada di eee Saung Ranggon… budaya lebih ke Saug Ranggon... Oh iya ini kan dua ya tinggal balik aja ya… Bagaimana aksesibilitas ke atraksi budaya tersebut… oke ya ini aja ya, ini yang oke oke itu pokoknya akses ya. Nah akomodasi… akomodasi yang terdapat di Kabupaten Bekasi… mmm BR : Lebih banyak hotel ya bu biasanya? BO : iya soalnya kita kan lebih banyak ekspatriat ya, ekspatriat itu biasanya tinggal di hotel. BR : Kalo untuk harganya gimana bu? Maksudnya kan wisata indsutri ini yang ikut pelajar-pelajar apakah karena di kawasan industri harganya jadi tinggi atau…? BO : Nggak, nggak, relative standar. Kalo itu mereka tidak mempermainkan. Apa dong ini jawabannya? Banyak akomodasi mah tersedia aja yah. Nanti kamu kembangin ya. BR : iya nanti itu bisa dicari lagi. BO : akomodasi untuk wisata industri, kurang lebih 50 hotel, 50 hotel lah ya baik binta… bintang paling tinggi berapa sih? BR : Lima?


BO : Hah bintang lima? Kayanya nggak ada deh, bintang empat sampai melati ya, sampai losmen ada 50. Kalo untuk tersedia sih semua juga tersedia wisata industri mah. BR : Jadi nggak misalkan ini Cuma buat bisnis aja BO : Nggak… untuk wisata industri yah. BR : kalo untuk kapasitasnya rata-rata berapa sih bu? Biasanya kalo wisata industri itu kan satu angkatan dateng sekitar 200 orang. BO : iya sekitar 200, tapi itu ada jadwalnya mereka, misalkan satu hari ini ada berapa kali kunjungan kaya gitu. He eh dan itu harus jauh jauh hari ya. Buat tahun depan aja kalo bisa mah dari sekarang gitu. Itu kan kita masih ada data yang aku bilang kalo akomodasi tuh yang dari Dinas Pariwisata sendiri ya aman ya berarti kalo ini kan Dispar ya. BR : kalo biasanya yang dipake itu yang melati melati itu atau… BO : Nggak, bintang. Kalo Dispar yah ini ya. Kegiatan Dinas Pariwisata sendiri… hotel ya… itu hampir 250 itu… BR : Kalo yang ini sih yang pihak EO itu pake hotel bintang 3. BO : he eh bintang 3 kali ya… Bagaimana fasilitas yang ditawarkan… ini mah nanyanya ke hotelnya langsung. BR : Sesuai sama bintangnya ya… BO : He eh… Bagaimana pelayanan yang diberikan… Bagaimana lokasi akomodasi, apakah dekat dengan daya tarik wisata… ya. Kita disini kemana mana di setiap kawasan ada hotel. Jadi jawabannya ya dekat ya. Oke yah mudah terjangkau, ini aja ya, iya gitu aja ya. Nanti kamu kembangin. Makan… apa menu makanan yang disediakan… BR : Maksudnya ee restoran restoran di di kawasan industri itu sendiri ada restoran yang emang biasa digunakan untuk wisata industri atau mereka cenderung ke restoran yang di luar kawasan? Soalnya kawasan kan biasanya pabrik pabrik aja kaya gitu. Kalo di kawasan dalem kawasan sendiri ada restorannya atau… BO : Di dalem kawasannya ada ya ada jadi setiap kawasan kan ada hiburannya ada hiburan ee ya kalo untuk pelayanan dan makanan sih macem macem ya disana. Bagaimana lokasi tempat makan terserbut… BR : Dalam artian dia deket ke objek wisata industrinya atau… BO : Pokoknya semua deket, semua deket, memang kita dibuat senyaman mungkin buat para, buat kawasan, buat para para pekerja dengan harapan tidak bakal keluar dari sini, dari kawasan. Jadi makanya setiap kawasan mau di Jababeka mau dimana itu ada tempat buat ininya gitu buat nongkrong


kasarnya mah. Buat makan, tapi ya nggak jauh lah kalaupun keluar dari kawasan itu nggak jauh gitu. BR : Setengah jam bisa bu? BO : Bisa bisa banget. Kan kalo kita mau kesini aja kan kita lewatin kawasan dulu. Souvenir ini mah kita belum ada ya kalo ini ya. Ini mah pastinya kalo souvenir shop eee di sekitar kawasan industri itu belum ada. BR : Nah ini tentang Souvenir Shop nih bu… kalo biasanya kan orang kalo bepergian kan belanja belanja gitu bu… BO : Ho oh BR : Nah ini dia kalo wisata industri biasanya ke… dia dapat souvenir itu dari pabrik yang dia kunjungi atau dia ke tempat lain biasanya? BO : Dari pabrik yang dia kunjungi kaya misal Coca cola ya dapet… misalkan Coca Cola lagi nyediain gantungan kunci yaudah itu dari mereka. BR : Oh jadi emang murni pabrik itu yang mengkoordinir? BO : He em betul itu memang murni mereka. Souvenir Shop sih belum ada ya karena memang semuanya ke perusahaannya gitu ya. Berapa lama biasanya wisatawan melakukan wisata industri… BR : Biasanya mereka pulang pergi dalam satu hari itu atau mungkin mereka menginap satu malam. BO : Kalo dari kita ada kana da event yang nginep, tapi lebih seringnya eventnya itu pulang pergi. Karena kan kita ambil dari sini juga he em. Kalo yang nginep itu yang kemaren itu kita ngundang yang dari se Jawa dan Bali itu baru. BR : Yang duta wisata? BO : He eh yang duta wisata itu, itu baru tuh itu nginep he em, kalo itu… BR : Tapi kebanyakan pulang pergi ya bu? BO : Pulang pergi he em. Tergantung apa ini berarti yah… tergantung… BR : Wisatawannya ya… BO : Wisatawannya he eh BR : Kalo dari Jawa Barat BO : Ho oh asal wisatawannya. Terus apa lagi? Bagaimana… oh kita belum ada ya…


BR : Mungkin kalo dari gambaran ibu sendiri kecendrungannya itu yang dateng ke wisata industri itu dari siswa atau dari pabrik lain maksudnya karyawan pabrik lain ke pabrik lain? BO : Siswa BR : Kebanyakan siswa ya? BO : He em, kalo dari orang yang udah udah kerja mah nanti kan takutnya mau mencuri rumus atau ilmu atau… BR : Rentang usianya berarti bisa diperkirakan ya bu antara 15-20? BO : Betul he eh anak kuliah bisa he em dari kuliahan kuliahan. Pokoknya mah yang mengunjungi itu dari SMK, SMP, SMK… BR : Oh SMP udah ya? BO : iya barang kali kan mau penjurusan atau apa juga… sepertinya sih sudah coba tanya kalo misalkan itu… SMP, SMK, Universitas gitu aja, sama mungkin kalo komunitas karena kita nggak punya data ya jadi kita juga baru… nggak tau tuh kalo komunitas yah komunitas tiba tiba… komunitas kopi pengin dia tuh ke pabrik kopi Kapal Api ho oh misalnya nggak tau itu. BR : Jadi lebih banyak seperti... BO : Mahasiswa atau siswa he eh siswa kejuruan ya tapi kalo yang ini nggak tau ya. BR : Udah sih bu mungkin… BO : Itu aja? Ini apa? CV. Reka Media apa? BR : Ini buat dari... jadi saya wawancara ke direkturnya juga Event Organizer yang jual wisata industri BO : Oh iya itu dimana dia? BR : Dia di Jababeka juga. BO : Nah itu kayanya ini deh, tapi lupa ah namanya bukan CV. Reka BR : Kalo untuk EO yang arrange nya itu Proindo Communication bu. BO : Ada nomor teleponnya? He em nomor teleponnya si CV. Reka Media BR : Ada bu sebentar bu.



Component DR TS BO Conclusion Tourist Wisatawan yang melakukan Motivasi megunjungi industri Umumnya yang melakukan wisata Tourists who conduct industrial tour are wisata industri didominasi oleh karena ingin mengenalkan kepada industri adalah pelajar SMP dan generally students from West Java. The range age pelajar mulai dari SMP, SMK, siswa tentang dunia industri. SMK. Rentang usia berkisar antara is 14-20 years old. Universitas. 14 hingga 20 tahun. Kunjungan industri merupakan Students do industrial tours at least once per year Minimal jumlah wisatawan yang program dari pemerintah yang Pelajar yang mengunjungi pabrik because this is a mandatory program from the melakukan wisata industri wajib dilakukan oleh sekolah di Kabupaten Bekasi biasanya government. In addition to mandatory programs adalah sekitar 40 orang. minimal satu kali per tahun. berasal dari Jawa Barat. from the government, the school usually also organizes its own industrial tours so that students Wisatawan kebanyakan berasal Sekolah sudah pernah melakukan Pelajar yang datang umumya can do industrial tours up to two to three times dari daerah Jawa Barat. kunjungan industri ke Bekasi, melakukan wisata industri per year. Cikarang, Jogja, Magelang, sebelum menentukan jurusan Motivasi mengikuti wisata Malang. sekolah yang akan di pilih di The minimum number of students who conduct industri karena sekolah ingin sekolahnya. industrial tour is 40 people. The number of mengenalkan dunia kerja kepada Pelajar yang mengikuti wisata students doing industrial tours is usually around para siswa. Selain itu sekolah industri sangat antusias serta Komunitas-komunitas juga ada 80 people divided into two groups. juga ingin memiliki relasi memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang yang melakukan kunjungan dengan pabrik yang dikunjungi tinggi. Pada saat sesi tanya jawab industri, seperti pecinta kopi dapat In addition to the mandatory program of the agar dapat mengirim siswanya siswa aktif bertanya. mengunjungi pabrik pembuatan government, one of the motivations of the school untuk program magang. kopi. to hold industrial tours is because students have Dalam satu angkatan di satu enthusiasm and high curiosity to get to know the jurusan sekolah biasanya industry. berjumlah 80 orang yang terbagi dalam dua kelas. The school hopes to be able to establish relations with the factory in order to be able to send students to the internship program.


In addition to students, there are also communities conduct industrial tour such as the coffee community. Tourist Perusahaan yang dikunjungi Fasilitas perusahaan sudah cukup Tidak semua pabrik terbuka untuk There are several types of companies that can be Attraction beragam seusai pesanan baik. Pada saat tiba di pabrik, para wisata industri karena bagi industri visited for industrial tourism. Although the wisatawan. Perusahaan yang siswa dikumpulkan ke suatu hal tersebut tidak terlalu number of companies in the industrial estate is paling sering dikunjungi adalah ruangan untuk sesi sambutan dan menguntungkan dari segi bisnis. large but not all are open for industrial tours. perusahaan Food and Beverage. sesi edukasi, kemudian diperkenalkan profil perusahaan Semua pabrik yang terbuka untuk The most visited companies are food and Dulu biasanya para siswa dan diberikan peralatan khusus wisata industri menerima program beverage companies. mengunjungi pabrik tidak untuk observasi di dalam pabrik. magang siswa dari sekolah- berdasarkan jurusan di sekolah. Vocational students usually visit factories sekolahnya seperti siswa Sebelum obsevasi para siswa according to their school department . kelistrikan mengunjungi diberikan edukasi mengenai Semua pabrik yang dapat perusahaan makanan namun keselamatan dan hal hal yang dikunjungi memiliki jadwalnya The activities carried out in the factory are sekarang sudah mulai sesuai boleh da tidak boleh dilakukan. sendiri sehingga para pengunjung welcoming, seminars regarding company dengan jurusannya seperti siswa yang ingin datang harus profiles, products and the importance of safety, otomotif mengunjungi pabrik Siswa diberikan HT untuk melakukan reservasi terlebih observation in the factory, and finally the otomotif. berkomunikasi karena tidak dahulu. question and answer session and giving souvenir. diperbolehkan menggunakan Kegiatan yang dilakukan di handphone. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh While in the factory, students cannot try pabrik yang pertama adalah pengunjung di pabrik adalah equipment to make the product. disambut dengan welcome drink Pada saat di pabrik para siswa seminar, observasi dan tanya kemudian diberikan seminar dan diberikan snack oleh perusahaan. jawab. The observation process is usually carried out per penjelasan mengenai profil group of around 20 people, depend on the large perusahaan dan produk yang Pihak perusahaan memberikan Pengunjung tidak mempraktikan of visitor area inside the company. The dibuat, setelah itu melakukan souvenir kepada siswa berupa pembuatan produk karena terdapat observation takes around two to three hours. observasi di dalam pabrik, pulpen, buku, topi. alat-alat berat di dalam pabrik kemudian kembali ke aula untuk sehingga berbahaya. In one day, the students visited one factory, from sesi tanya jawab. eight o'clock to eleven o'clock.


Semua pabrik yang dikunjungi Kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa di Aksesibilitas menuju perushaan memiliki pola yang sama dalam pabrik adalah melakukan sudah baik. Jalan di sekitar The facilities in the company are good, there is a menyambut pengunjung yaitu observasi, siswa tidak mencoba kawasan industri sudah beraspal special room to provide education for students, sambutan, seminar pengenalan peralatan yang terdapat di pabrik, dan tidak rusak serta cukup lebar besides students are given security equipment profil perusahaan, observasi, dan selain karena dapat karena dirancang untuk dilalui such as jackets and helmets. In addition, visitors sesi tanya jawab di akhir membahayakan siswa, hal tersebut oleh kendaraan besar. are also given ht to communicate because they kunjungan. juga dapat merugikan pabrik. are not allowed to use handphone. Selain pabrik terdapat juga daya Selama di dalam pabrik siswa tarik wisata lain seperti daya tarik Visitors get a welcome drink and snack when tidak dapat mencoba membuat Tidak semua area produksi dapat wisata alam di Muara Gembong, they arrive at the factory. produk yang dihasilkan, siswa dikunjungi, harapan sekolah Situ Abidin. Akses menuju tempat hanya mengamati proses semua area paroduksi dapat tersebut cukup mudah dan dapat Not all areas of the factory can be visited by pembuatannya. dikunjungi agar siswa mendapat dilalui bus besar namun ada visitors. lebih banyak ilmu setelah beberapa area yang jalannya agak Proses observasi biasanya dibagi berkunjung ke pabrik. rusak. Selain itu ada juga daya There are special lane paths for visitors to go menjadi beberapa kelompok tarik wisata budaya Saung through while in the factory. dengan jumlah per kelompok 20 Pabrik yang dikunjungi sudah Ranggon yang juga cukup mudah orang. dapat memuaskan guru dan pelajar untuk dijangkau. In addition to visiting factories, students also visit yang datang karena sudah dapat recreational tourist attractions such as Pada saat di dalam pabrik, memberikan edukasi yang Waterboom. terdapat jalur-jalur khusus untuk diharapkan. para pengunjung yang datang. In addition there are also natural and cultural Di dalam pabrik terdapat jalu-jalur tourist attractions in Bekasi regencies such as Sebelum masuk biasanya yang khusus untuk berjalan dan Situ Abidin and Saung Rangon. pemimpin rombongan semua siswa harus mentaati SOP diwajibkan untuk menitipkan di pabrik tersebut. Access to the tourist attraction is quite good. The KTP sebelum masuk ke dalam road has been paved and not damaged, the road is pabrik. Selain pabrik ada juga atraksi wide so that big vehicles can traverse the road. wisata rekreasi yang dikunjungi Dalam satu hari wisatawan siswa. Before visiting, visitors must reserve to the mengunjungi satu pabrik, factory.


setelah dari pabrik wisatawan Dalam satu kunjungan industri makan siang di restoran setelah hanya mengunjungi satu pabrik. All factories are open for internship programs. itu mengunjungi daya tarik Harapannya di kunjungan wisata rekreasi seperti berikutnya dapat mengunjungi Waterboom. lebih banyak pabrik. Setiap tahun sekolah mengadakan kunjungan industri lebih dari satu kali. Satu program wajib dari pemerintah dan yang lainnya pihak sekolah sendiri yang mengadakan.

Supporting Wisatawan yang berasal dari Pada saat melakukan wisata Akomodasi yang terdapat di There are a lot of hotels in around industrial Facilities Bandung atau daerah lain di industri para siswa mendapat Kabupaten Bekasi ada penginapan estates. Jawa Barat tidak menginap di breakfast box di dalam bus dalam melati hingga hotel bintang empat. hotel. Mereka biasanya perjalanan dari Bandung menuju The hotels are usually used for tourists from berangkat pada pagi hari dan Pabrik. Jumlah hotel sudah cukup banyak, outside of West Java. pulang pada sore hari. ada sekitar lima puluh hotel. Setelah dari pabrik para siswa The capacity of hotels are big, it can Hotel yang digunakan untuk mendapat makanan dari restoran Hotel yang biasa digunakan oleh accommodate students who conduct industrial wisatawan dari luar Jawa Barat cepat saji. Fasilitas di restoran pelajar adalah hotel bintang tiga. tour. biasanya adalah hotel bintang tersebut sudah cukup baik. tiga. Terdapat wastafel dan toilet yang Hotel-hotel memiliki daya Students like hotels with swimming pool, WiFi, bersih serta terdapat air tampung yang besar. Umumnya television, and near culinary shops. Hotel yang biasa digunakan conditioner. mampu menampung hingga dua adalah hotel Santika dan hotel ratus orang. The facilities at hotels are good, besides the Primebiz Wisatawan makan siang di Lokasi hotel sudah strategis dan location of hotels are easy to reach because most restoran padang. Kondisi dekat dengan pabrik-pabrik yang of them are near toll gate. Kapasitas hotel sudah cukup kebersihan di restoran padang dapat dikunjungi. besar dan mampu menampung dirasa kurang oleh wisatawan. There are a lot of restaurants around the industrial pelajar yang datang. Restoran sudah banyak tersedia di area, besides the location is also strategic and sekitar kawasan industri. close to the factory so it is easy to reach.


Fasilitas di hotel sudah cukup Makan malam dilakukan di Restoran-restoran tersebut juga baik serta memiliki akses yang restoran lesehan di purwakarta. mudah dijangkau karena lokasinya Restaurants used by tourists depend on request. mudah karena lokasinya berada Fasilitas di tempat tersebut sudah dekat dengan pabrik. Selain itu But mostly students like restaurants that provide dekat dengan pintu toll Cikarang cukup baik. fasilitas yang ditawarkan juga Sundanese cuisine. Barat serta dekat dengan pabrik- sudah baik. pabrik yang dapat dikunjungi. Biasanya siswa menyukai restoran The facilities at the restaurant are quite good, the menu makanan sunda. Jarak antar objek di kawasan toilet is clean, the sink is clean, there are a Restoran yang dipakai industri tidak terlalu jauh karena television screen and a music player. tergantung pesanan wisatawan. Secara keseluruhan fasilitas setiap kawasan industri saling restoran sudah cukup baik. terhubung untuk memudahkan Students are usually given breakfast boxes on the Terkadang ada sesi motivasi para pekerja. Waktu yang bus. selama makan siang. Alat transportasi yang digunakan diperlukan untuk mencapai satu adalah bus besar dan bus kecil. objek sekitar tiga puluh menit. The facilities at the restaurants in the tour Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk package are good enough. makan siang selama sekitar satu Fasilitas di dalam bus sudah cukup Di Kabupaten Bekasi belum jam. baik, kursi nyaman, lantai bersih, terdapat souvenir shop. The bus used for industrial tourism activities is terdapat tv dan karaoke serta air big buses. The bus can reach all objects in the Menu yang disajikan biasanya conditioner. Wisatawan mendapat souvenir tour package. menu makanan sunda. dari pabrik yang dikunjungi. Secara keseluruhan fasilitas bus Terkadang pabrik memberikan The facilities on the bus are good enough, the Hidangan yang disajikan yang digunakan sudah cukup baik. gantungan kunci, tergantung floor is clean, the seats are comfortable, the air tergantung permintaan kebijakan pabrik. conditioner is functioning properly, there is a wisatawan, buffet atau ready on Para siswa mendapat souvenir television screen and karaoke. plate. pada dari pabrik yang dikunjungi. Souvenir yang diberikan berupa There is no souvenir shop in Bekasi Regency. Fasilitas di restoran sudah cukup alat tulis dan topi. Students mostly get souvenirs from the factories baik, terdapat pendingin udara, visited. layar televise, pemutar suara. Tidak ada souvenir shop di Bekasi. Wisatawan membeli oleh-oleh di Purwakarta. Yang dicari oleh para


Lokasi restoran yang dipilih pelajar biasanya adalah pakaian, dekat dengan pabrik-pabrik jam tangan serta makanan. sehingga mudah dijangkau. Untuk fasilitas di tempat belanja Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sudah cukup baik. mencapai restoran dari pabrik paling lama setengah jam. Pada saat melakukan wisata Pernah terdapat kompplain industri para pelajar tidak ketika makan siang diadakan di menginap di hotel karena hanya restoran yang berbentuk ruko. melakukan satu hari kunjungan. Wisatawan menanyakan kenapa makannya di ruko. Untuk kunjungan selanjutnya pihak sekolah berencana untuk Bus yang digunakan oleh melakukan wisata industri selama wisatawan adalah bus besar. lebih dari satu hari. Hotel yang diinginkan oleh pelajar adalah Bus dapat menjangkau semua hotel bintang tiga atau bintang objek di paket wisata. empat.

Fasilitas bus sudah baik dan Siswa menyukai hotel yang nyaman. memiliki fasilitas kolam renang, wifi, televisi, dan dekat dengan Belum terdapat souvenir shop di pusat kuliner. Kabupaten Bekasi.

Wisatawan biasanya mendapat souvenir shop di pabrik yang dikunjungi.

Jika pabrik yang dikunjungi adalah pabrik maknaan biasanya


wisatawan mendapat produk pabrik tersebut. Jika pabrik otomotif wisatawan mendapat pulpen atau buku tergantung kebijakan perusahaan. Time Waktu yang diperlukan untuk Waktu yang dihabiskan untuk Wisatawan biasanya melakukan The time needed to move from one object to mencapai suatu objek selama melakukan kegiatan di dalam wisata industri selama satu hari. another is around 30 minutes. wisata industri sekitar 30 menit. pabrik dan di atraksi wisata rekreasi masing-masing adalah Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten The time spent to observe inside the factory is Waktu yang dihabiskan pada sekitar 3 jam. Bekasi pernah mengadakan event around two to three hours. saat melakukan observasi di untuk para duta wisata dari Jawa- pabrik adalah sekitar dua jam. Waktu tempuh antar objek dalam Bali untuk mempromosikan wisata The time for lunch is around one hour. Waktu yang dihabiskan di paket wisata tidak lebih dari tiga industri. Event tersebut restoran adalah sekitar satu jam. puluh menit. berlangsung selama tiga hari. Para During the trip, tourists need about two hours to wisatawan menginap di hotel do other activities such as going to public toilets Total waktu di atraksi wisata dan Total waktu yang dihabiskan selama dua malam. and mosques to pray. restoran adalah sekitar enam untuk melakukan kegiatan lain jam. seperti pergi ke toilet umum dan Lama kunjungan tergantung The usage of time during tour is not good enough. mengunjungi masjid untuk sholat daerah asal wisatawan, namun selama perjalanan adalah sekitar wisatawan yang melakukan wisata Tourists generally do industrial tours for one day. dua jam. industri biasanya hanya satu hari Depart from the area of origin in the morning and karena umumnya berasal dari Jawa go back in the afternoon. But if tourists come Pemanfaatan waktu tur dirasa Barat. from outside West Java, tourists usually stay at kurang karena masih terdapat hotels. keterlambatan. The duration of industrial visits depend on the area of origin of tourists.


APPENDIX 4 IMAGES Industrial tour to PT. Coca Cola PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor

Source: Bekasibae.com, 2019 Source: Gallery.csr.id, 2015

Company Visit to PT. Nippon PT. Astra Honda Motor Indosari Corpindo

Source: Riauterkini.com, 2016

Source: Lp3i.ac.id, 2016 Binus University visiting PT. Sinar Sosro A visit to PT. Suzuki indomobil Motor

Source: Comp-eng.binus.ac.id, 2017

Source: Suzuki.co.id, 2018


PT. Yamaha Musik Kampoeng Djamoe Organik

Source: Kampoengdjamoemarthatilaar.com, 2014

Eko Wisata Mangrove Tarumajaya

Source: Kaskus.co.id, 2013

PT. Unilever

Source: Sindonews.com, 2016

Source: Marketeers.com, 2015 Go Wet Waterpark Waterboom Cikarang

Source: Hargatiketmasuk.info, 2019

Source: Travelling.maslatip.com, 2019