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Uddannelse HF2

Fag og niveau Engelsk B

Lærer(e) Rikke Hundertmark Balle

Hold 1A

Oversigt over gennemførte undervisningsforløb

Titel 1 UK Citizenship

Titel 2 Growing Up

Titel 3 American Dream - Guns

Titel 4 American Dream - Prejudice

Titel 5 India

Titel 6 Skriftligt arbejde

Titel 7 Grammatik 1. år

Side 1 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb) Retur til forside Titel 1 UK – Citizenship

Indhold Kernestof:

Introduktion to topic  What does it mean to be a citizen, t. H. R., http://www.iasc- culture.org/THR/archives/Citizenship/10.3BLo_Intro.pdf

Being English… or British  Englishness vs Britishness, Through my eyes, Alex Betts, Albion Magazine, 2017  I don't want to be English if it represents poshness and football yobbery, Simon Hatenstone, 22. September 2014, The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/22/thanks-no-scotland-entrenched- little-england  But did they buy their own furniture?, The Economist, 10. August 2006, https://www.economist.com/node/7289005

The spirit of Britain – in musik  Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance - BBC Proms 2014, BBC, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2-43p3GVTQ  BBC Proms 2014 - Prom 72: Fantasia on Greensleeves – Williams, Henry Wood, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rllfAz1mCTg  Last night at the Proms-The Finale"Land of Hope & Glory" Live in Hyde Park 08.09.12 HD, Linds Weelington (privat YouTube video), 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21EjbP46yjE&spfreload=10

Immigration  A Cold Welcome, Kap. 3, Second Class Citizen, Buchi Emecheta, 1974  Cameron’s immigration hierarchy, Alana Lentin, 18. Februar, 2013, The Guardian.com, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/feb/18/cameron- immigration-indians-good  This is England, Shane Meadows, 2006 (film)  Breaking Point -Nigel Farage, Poster 2016 https://www.google.com/search?q=nigel+farage+poster&client=firefox- b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinnZP_wdraAhWwxKYKHXOhDNUQ_A UICigB&biw=1366&bih=631#imgrc=4EDjcf_fB4X6aM:

Supplerende stof:

Write Away, P. Tornøe & O. Juul Lund, 2008  Kap. 2 Genre,  Kap 3 Redegørelse og Argumentation

Side 2 af 13

Lærerforedrag:  The Summary  Articles

Omfang 26 lektioner á 90 minutter

Særlige  What does it mean to be a citizen? fokus-  What is the difference between Englishness and Britishness?" punkter  How do the opinions on Englishness differ in the two articles?  What were the consequences of being a second-class citizen?

 UK in the 1980s  Difference between English and British  Immigration  National identity  Social hierarchies  Class  Cinematic elements  Comaparative analysis  Toulmin’s Model of Argumentation  Argumentation  Article types  Expository / Persuasive

Væsentli  Gruppe- par- og individuelt arbejde. gste  Spil / Kahoot arbejdsf  Lærerpræsentationer ormer  Facebook  Fremlæggelser  Discussion Retur til forside

Side 3 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb) Retur til forside Titel 2 Growing Up

Indhold Kernestof:

A Chip off the Old Block  Tangerines, Beatrice Colin, in Flamingo Book of New Scottish Writing, The Scottish Arts Council, 1997 (novelle)  Reunion, John Cheever, 1962 (novelle)

Seize the Day  Dead Poets Society, /, screenplay, 1989(screenplay uddrag) o Carpe Diem, p. 17-21 o Rip out those pages; I Will Make Free Thinkers out of Them, p. 27-31 o Neil Wants to Act, 42 - 44 o You Will Quit this Ridiculous Play; Stay True to Yourself, p. 90 –- 97 o Poem Inside, 50 - 55 o Give Them Rules and Tradition; A Time and Place for Rebellion, 82 - 85 o Thank You Boys, p. 129 – 133  Death Poets Society, Peter Weir, 1989 (film), http://123hulu.com/watch/gdVK38vD-dead-poets-society.html  Washdays, Graham Lester George, UK, 2009, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkJGswZQmLo

Growing Up in Poetry  On children, Kahlil Gibran, 1923  The road Not Taken, Robert Frost, 1916 (digt)  She’s Leaving Home, Lennon and McCartney, 1967 (sangtekst)  When Somebody Loved Me, Randy Newman, 2000 (sangtekst)  97 Bonnie and Clyde, Eminem, 1997  The History Teacher, Billy Collins, 1999  Do not go gentle into that good night, Dylan Thomas,1951

Supplerende stof:  The Idea of Summerhill, A. S. Neill, 1960 (uddrag)  Nurtured by Love or Matured by Nature?, Edublox, https://www.edubloxtutor.com/nature-nurture-debate/

Lærerforedrag:  Nature vs. Nurture

Omfang 26 lektioner á 60 minutter

Side 4 af 13

Særlige fokus- Afdækning af hvorledes individet udvikler sig eller vokser med opgaven i forskellige punkter scenarier med et historisk og kulturelt perspektiv. I hvilken grad er individets valg og prioriteringer selvbestaltede eller prædeterminerede af arv og/eller miljø? Analyse af fiktion - tema, plot, karakteristik, særligt fokus på billedsprog og symbolik

 How is the Summerhill school form able to influence contemporary Danish students?  What to look for in poetry? AND How is growing up present in the lyrical texts?  How do the texts we have read so far match the schools of 'nature' and 'nurture' respectively?  How does the film Washdays make use of cinematic elements to support the sentiment of the characters?  What do the metaphors do to the understanding of the poem, "On Children" by Cahill Gibran?

Generelle temaer: o Independence o Rebellion o Conformity o School System o Carpe Diem o Nature vs. nurture

Væsentligste  Gruppe- par- og individuelt arbejde. arbejdsformer  Spil / Kahoot  Crossword puzzzles  Lærerpræsentationer  Facebook  Fremlæggelser  Thinglink Retur til forside

Side 5 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb) Retur til forside

Titel 3 American Dream – Guns

Indhold Kernestof:

Historical Background  The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, 1776,  The Constitution of the United States, The Bill of Rights & All Amendments,  The star spangle banner, Francis Scott Key, 1814, https://genius.com/Francis- scott-key-star-spangled-banner-annotated  The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus, 1883, http://www.libertystatepark.com/emma.htm

The Self-Made Man  How The Self-Made Man Myth Feeds the American Dream, 15. Maj 2016, https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201605/how-the-self-made- man-myth-feeds-the-american-dream  Selfmade man, sculpture, Bobbie Carlyle, http://www.bobbiecarlylesculpture.com/SelfMadeMan.php  Why I believe the American Dream just Died, Dan Primack April 22, 2016 Fortune, http://fortune.com/2016/04/22/why-i-believe-the-american-dream-just- died/  Loose Yourself, Eminem, 2002

The right to bear arms  Search Gun Laws by State, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, http://smartgunlaws.org/search-gun-law-by-state/  'It represents my liberty': America and the gun, then and now, Zed Nelson, The Guardian, 25. september 2016  Gun Nation, The Guardian, 2016, (documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUpCqBonOFw  Oregon college shooting is all the more reason to carry guns, say local residents, Rory Carroll, The Guardian, 3. oktober 2015  Gunned down: the teenager who dared to walk across his neighbour's prized lawn, The Guardian, Mach 22, 2006, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/mar/22/usgunviolence.usa  Jim Jefferies - Gun Control (Part 1) from BARE - Netflix Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rR9IaXH1M0  Jim Jefferies - Gun Control (Part 2) from BARE - Netflix Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9UFyNy-rw4

Supplerende stof:  Frontier Heritage, Edward N. Kearney, i Worlds of English  Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?, THE LEADING SOURCE FOR PROS & CONS OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES, ProCon.org, http://gun-control.procon.org/

Lærerforedrag  First American settlers Side 6 af 13

Omfang 16 lektioner á 90 minutter

Særlige fokus- Afdækning af hvorledes den amerikanske våbenlovgivning hænger sammen med den punkter amerikanske drøm.  What builds a nation?  What is the American frontier?  How much do the states differ when it comes to gun laws in the USA?  What is the real picture of gun accessibility in the USA?"  How may adjectives and verbs change the tone of a news article?  How protective are the Americans about their gun laws?  How does the text Oregon College Shooting... match the genre of the news article?  How is characterisation a useful instrument in analysing an article?  What does language tell you about the protagonist in Briefcase?  What is Eboics?

 The Can-do Spirit  The 2nd Amendment  Self-reliance  Manifest destiny  Exceptionalism  City upon a hill  Frontier  Opportunity  Individualism  Religion  Puritans  Gun control  Gun Lobby  NRA  Gun license  Gun shows  Concealed Carry on Campus  School shooting  Militias Væsentligste  Gruppe- par- og individuelt arbejde. arbejdsformer  Spil / Kahoot  Lærerpræsentationer  Fremlæggelser  Eleverne laver deres egen nation  Elevproduceret kampagnevideo/reportage  Lærerstyret undervisning Retur til forside

Side 7 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb) Retur til forside

Titel 4 The African American Dream – Prejudice

Indhold Kernestof

The Dream in rhetoric  I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King Jr., 1963 (tale)  The American Promise, Barack Obama, 2018

Prejudice  What Was Jim Crow?, David Pilgrim, Ferris State University, 2000 http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/what.htm  Briefcase, Walter Dean Meyers; in Twelve Shots, 1997 (novelle)  FOX NEWS AND BLACK ENGLISH – EBONICS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-pfcP3qg5A (film)  BROKEN ENGLISH? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_KKLkmIrDk (film)

Supplerende  The Rhetorical Triangle - Forms of appeal  Model of argumentation, Stephen Toulmin’s  Analytical Devices

Lærerforedrag  Prejudice and Discrimination - A theoretical approach

Omfang 16 lektioner á 90 minutter

Særlige fokus- Afdækning af hvorledes fordomme og sociale hierarkier stadig fastlåser punkter afroamerikanere og vanskeliggør social opstigning og realisering af den amerikanske drøm.  Why were lynchings deemed a necessary supplement to the criminal justice system by white people?  How does Martin Luther King Jr. try to persuade his audience in I Have a Dream?  What does Martin Luther King Jr. want to achieve with his speech?  What impact does the use of Ebonics have on African Americans?  Which type of prejudice is present in Briefcase?  How do we make sure we structure our presentation well and include the relevant analytical tools in Nonfiction?  What is a metaphor?  To what extent were the Jim Crow Laws prejudice?  How is prejudice a relevant theme in the short story Briefcase?  How does Obama use rhetoric to push his message in his speech 'The American Promise'?

Side 8 af 13

Keywords  13th Amendment  City upon a hill  Soul force  Segregation  Jim Crow Laws  Civil Rights  Social hierarchy  Ebonics  Prejudice  Discrimination  In-group  Out-group  Racism  Lynching  Affirmative action  Superior  Inferior  Forms of appeal  Actantial Model  Reliability

Væsentligste  Individuelt og gruppearbejde arbejdsformer  fremlæggelser  Spil / Kahoot  Facebook  Filmproduktion

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Side 9 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb)

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Titel 6 India

Indhold Indhold Kernestof: Introduction to the topic  Facts About India, (lærerproduceret tekst)  India Facts – 75 facts about India, Fact Slides http://www.factslides.com/s-India

History and independence  Gandhi - Amritsar massacre, Richard Attenborough, 1982 (Film uddrag) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x7HECUJ7VA  Gandhi – Salt March – Dhasasana Salt Works, Richard Attenborough, 1982 (film uddrag) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrHNig2aIjQ  10 Curious Controversies About Mahatma Gandhi, Jo Rodriguez October 31, 2014, https://listverse.com/2014/10/31/10-curious-controversies-about- mahatma-gandhi/  A Hundred Years of Rule, Rabindranath Tagore  Let my country awake, Rabindranath Tagore, 1910 (digt)  Commentary: India is raising its sights at last, Manjeet Kripalani, 8. December 2006, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2003-12- 07/commentary-india-is-raising-its-sights-at-last

The Caste System  The Caste System, (lærerproduceret tekst)  Caste is not past, LavanyaSankaran, Juni 2013, Opinion, New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/opinion/sunday/caste-is-not-past.html  The Indian Caste System, Ik Jagait, 2015 (uddrag kortfilm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF0oR8TRKHE  India Untouched – Stories of People Apart, Stalin K, 2011 (dokumentar uddrag) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM85zVt6xCU

Arranged Marriage  Escaping a Forced Marriage, BBC Home, Inside Out, 2004 (artikel)  Fatima’s Hand, Outlandish, 2002 (sangtekst)  Stench of Kerosene, Amrita Pritam  India’s Daughter, Leslee Udwin, 2015 (dokumentar)  Danny Boyle & Simon Beaufoy, 2008 (film)

Supplerende stof:  A Brief History of Mohandas Gandhi, Richard Attenborough, 1982  Cinematic elements

Lærerforedrag:  Indian Independence and Partition  Arranged Marriages

Side 10 af 13

Omfang 16 lektioner á 90 min Særlige Afdækning af Indiens selvforståelse i fiktion og samfund ud fra fokuspunkter historisk og samtidsperspektiv.  What may be the emotional consequences of a 'love marriage?  How may Indian women argue for an arranged marriage?  What should we include in a non-fiction text analysis?  How is the caste system still relevant in India today?  How is destiny the driving force in Slumdog Millionaire?  "How does Lavanya Sankaran organise her text to empower her message?"  How does the writer make use of genre, composition and voice to convey a message?  How does R. Tagore feel about being colonised?  What may be the truth about Gandhi?  How does the film Gandhi portrait the English and the Indians?

Keyword  Independence  Passive resistance  Sacrifice  Family  Honour  Traditions  Women  Marriage  Social hierarchies  Non-fiction (Articles / documentary)  Cinematic elements  Metaphors

Væsentligste  Gruppe- par- individuelt arbejde arbejdsformer  Mundtlig terminsprøve (24 timersprøve)  Spil  Kahoot  Facebook  Translation  Præsentation  Mundtlig terminsprøve

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Side 11 af 13

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Titel 6 Skriftligt arbejde

Indhold Kernestof:

Mindre skriftlige opgaver på Padlet, Facebook, Thinglink og TodayMeet samt div. fremlægningsposters og klassenoter.

Skriftlige afleveringer:  Summary af teksterne A Cold Welcome – Second Class Citizen, The Idea of Summerhill og filmen The Help

 Discussion på baggrund af gennemgået emne om Guns in the USA og filmen The Help

 Analytical essay på baggrund af filmen The Help

 Eksamensopgave

Omfang 8 lektioner á 45 minutter

Særlige fokuspunkter  Summary  Discussion  Five paragraph essay

Væsentligste  Gruppe- par- og individuelt arbejde. arbejdsformer  Lærerpræsentationer  Peer feedback

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Side 12 af 13

Beskrivelse af det enkelte undervisningsforløb (1 skema for hvert forløb) Retur til forside

Titel 7 Grammatik 1. år

Indhold Kernestof:

 Fejlstøvsugeren, J. Bøgh & J. Hovgaard, 1987

 Stifinderen - en differentieret engelsk grammatik, H. Wacher & K. Kjærgaard, 2012

 Min Læring, Engram, https://minlaering.dk/

 Eksamensgrammatikopgaver

 Intergrerede grammativøvelse i lektietekster

Emner:  Kongruens  Substantiver – flertal  Verber – bøjning i tid  Adjektiver  Genitiv  Nutid til datid  Adjektiver  Adverbier  Pronominer  Relativ pronominer  Do-omskriv; spørgsmål og negation  Formelt og uformelt  Amerikansk og britisk engelsk

Omfang 10 lektioner á 45 minutter

Særlige  Diverse grammatikopgaver samt grammatik i forbindelse med feedback i fokuspunkter individuelle retteark  Individuelle grammatikøvelser fra MinLæring, Engram.dk

Væsentligste  Gruppe- par- og individuelt arbejde. arbejdsformer  Lærerpræsentationer  Feedback Retur til forside

Side 13 af 13